t' - ti , ' 14- 10 - 13`V '7' N 0N , A Wednesday Jai. .26, 1866. tObA.E.6O.PER,SONAL Sew Terms forldvertising and Job The publishers-of newspapers, in this 'county; owing tcr thelniheaisint prices of , psperilval -- all , articlek , connected with the busmeet, hive'adapted the -folio-Sting rates' Thatih'd rates of Advertising be, from this date, for one square, of 12 lines or less, ,Mie cents; three times $1,50.:, and, s.o.eents foreach sub. 'aeqaent insertions Administratoirs and Executor's No tices $2,50; and Auditor's Notices $2,00. The cash to.accompany all these notices. 2: Thatl4.-Worls, from this date be, 'forany nun:le-ea Bills less than two , iy, one-eighthskeet, $1,25; one-fourth sheet, $2,54; ene.half sheet, $4.,00 ; and :additional , - . :k4 . 44* WE-price. -Blanks 42,00 er iquir6. • -2. All Advertising 'inif Job 'Work mix* d'ue 'to% itilt4llll3g unpaid on the Ist day of: February, 1865, will be 4eharged :the „aboie rates. All adverti sing and job work payable on contract. N.A.-631T; & WHITTA.KER, , • -Eds. Jour. and Amer: i IRVIN STEEL, Bd. and Pub. Monitor, • 'W f. LEW IS, Ed. and Pub Globe. Least Sorst;eitaltigr.•!.. , 3 , , The ordei'•Of ihe. day—Soar kraut and buckwheat; cakes. • Disappeaidd::---One of the main pit— /ars of the late "Denfoe'ratie" organita— tion of this'plaee: Will soon foPow—"anothcr of like import"--oply -a little more so. —A Methodist revival is in progress at Marklesimr&t y ls.cOunty. —The coOrtfor this COUnty closed its proceed . ipgs last Week.. The atten dance was Comparitively large. —There ars now only a few cases of small pox in'iOhnstown. Most of the old cases aro.becouskug•convalescent: —There Will fie 'preaching in the German Reformed CliUreh of this place, on SAfiday morning next. - —Mr. Peter,Snyder has our thanks fora Couple-of gallons of cider. Mr. S has our word that it-was prime. A InitiasVina', Prikritr--the : pair of prairie 'f,>;;rePrcsoated usby ' Mrs. Dr. She'*ill' accept our thanks. Sold out—Mr. Birnbaum, to ,a lady from'Altooha. ...Phetographing will be continued old stead until the let of April Excellent.-I or some time past the sleighing and slcdding.iathis locality has been excellent. Good use is made of it. —daptaia.T...l3ealon Read has been I made Inspinfifr s oral of the 201st Regi , . . good position to be filled by a good officer. =The 't&Wn '6l COalmont, formerly in Carbod!kOvi i nship,' this county, has beekiicorlhOr464l4o - a borough. It is ofEcered - ngchisively by Union men. Removed.,-,--34y,i,,5,.. letter , received from one of the boys of the deta.ch- - meat of the 19th Penna. Cavalry, it has been discovered they #re. at Cin cinnati, en route for their Regiment. —llon. A. A. Barker; member of Congress elect-from this. district, has been re-cletted President.of the Rbens-. burg and . 6riiceon :Railroad Company. —Through an oversight we omitted last week . kiiing credit to the Altoona Tribuine for.the article in our local col umn headed "A. Qfteek - Case." —Railroad 'accidents this year are almost as numerous and - destructive as they were at the beginning of last year:,' Several 8111 ash ups have occurred in this neighborhood. —The Auditors were bUsily employ ed for two-weelie past in- auditing the accounts o`ttGis County for the past year. Weivill,piiblish the statement next. Month. -- • —lnines . A. Brown is making prop aratiens to erect in the coming summer a large brick dwelling and store room on the lot wegt dad adjoining the resi donee of pr _Dorsey. - ' The following compliment is paid to ,Tames Steivart;.the newly elected. teacher of tlic-pyincipal; public school of this place, 'bY-Cue ITOuidaysburg Standard: "Mr: S is ono of the - very best teachere, in the State, and. our neighbors are to be congratulated on sgwabis sgrvices.- ;Alia needbd in this bor. pugb.-A .irOlatiag library. Will some of oXiEcitiziM:s' iicinsider the flab ject, and dVtlfia : ixtsolf;gOod'"tor those who dwell fh - thelirr Tuddet and. Whole means for:_p_cocuring literary knowl edge 'are —The quota of this place is gradu ally beiniplessened by the number of substitutes accepted at the hands of ;hose Waite : to duty,. and also from I_.Jaose who are exempt from stated "'causes. A few—a precious few, hovi ever, of tlid latter elan have mai - life!. ted such 's. self sacrificing.interest in the welfare L of their fellows.: John Scott, Esq„....an exempt, has p4t in a man for r three years: eke Best And 'moat Oxtenolya vt!riO,y, of Pock et Books & Wallets, Purses_ id Torte IlLonnaiefte;c 4 er offered • in the ponntry, for sale at Lewis' Rook afore. Py ste * * * Fresh Oyet,opshy , the can can be had at allitiino,7AtAbe rei!idence of Sarni. IL Shoemakii-, Witte rear of the Cbort A good supply :pow on band and for sale at Lowis'Book Store. tf. Lost, On the 23d of Deoenibeijnst, in this place, a sett of furs. The!..finder will be rewarded by leaiing . the same at this office. ER Ate' Any person. wanting, broakfot abawle or gloves knit r onn bo`aocommo dated by inquiring at ~ tl:re Globe 9ffico. • tf!Ak.. "Slavery viowedfroin the Biblo Stand PointP Adair, for sale at .Tiewhi' Bock 'gtore; price 10 tf. cents. I= A pair of black and white' rabbits for sale at this office. The purchaser can have thorn by paying the small sum 0r52.50. tf. =! An umbrella was. atOon from the livery stable of Sunday lionigal, 'in this place, on Sunday morning last. The person who eorathitted• the theft will bo greatly relieVed by bringing or,sending the same to this office. A. wise set done in time saves trouble. =I A new stock of. musical instruments have just been received at Lewis' Book Store..: Violins, drom.l 3 to. 8 50, Guitars from 8 12-to .8 35; Banjos $ 8 and 8 9 50; A.ccordeons $ 6 to $l5 ; Fifes, Bows, Strings, Rosin,, Tail Boards,' Bridges, Mouth Organs, and Jews Harps. • tf. 13=31 At tbo Depot in this place, on Sat .., urday last., a pocket book containing about sixty dollars in notes, several Valuable papers 'and 'railroad tickets. The finder will please leave the book and contents at this office. The own er is a wounded soldier. • ler Postmasters are ,of:),liged to re. ceive all Treasury notes for . stamps and postages, if clearly genuine, no matter liOw torn or defaced they maybe, pro vided one•twentieth part thereof be not missing—and fractional currency, if not ,tine:tenth part be missing. Such notes and Currency- received . are • unfit for reissue should be kept sep arately and distinct, and returned, as occasion requires, to the Treasurer of the United States, Washington, in sums of not less than three dollars, to be exchanged. - • THREE•CENT NOTES.—The now three eon t fractiOnal currency just issued is very handsome. In the centre there is a fine medallion of Washington, and, in each of the upper corners, a shield with the figure "3" upon it, and .the words"T4 Pluribus Unure undorLeath. On the reverse side "III" appears on each of the corners, and in the centre there is a largo "3" upon a green field, The note has the usual inscription of the fractional-'currency. on-Illoth;sidus The engraving is beautifully executed, and it will be almost an impossibility to counterfeit the notes. ••• TUE Cositso is stated that it has been determined not to publish the names of the lucky indi viduals who draw prizes in the com ing draft, and that the first intimation they will rce r eive of their good fortune will be a visit &Om the Provost Guard. This course; it is argued, will prevent "skedadling," and have the effect of filling the ranks of the army much doner.- We do not know whether any such order has- emanated from ProVeist Marshal General Fry, and on ly give the rumor for what it is worth. Should•it turn out te . be' true; :these' Who contemplated Migrating - to Can: ads in the event of being drafted will be at a loss what course to pursue; and whilst halting bet Ween two employ may find themselvei in the of Uncle Sam for a specified number of • . months. • . Mr. Detvrifer , 4 ELemarlcs: Ott Thursday evening last, after Mr. Detwiler, who was to deliver . a lecture in the Court House, upon the subject of Temperance, had waited Patiently for a full house, which, alas,. was. not -to be seen, he addresSed the auditory of some twenty, three-fourths of whom were boys, upon the subject of "a dying calf," and referred to the comparison between . that and the case of his lec ture, stating that as the "gol darned calf had gin ont," - , SO had hia leettiro. Ho closed his brief and pithy remarks with the following comforting and com plimentary notice to the appreciative citizens . of Huntingdon. "Tell them" said ho, "that when I call to addiess them again, I will bring two. monkeys and a piece of burnt cork, acd then I'll be sure to - get it. full turnaut." . A jocund individual proSeut `hereupon 'remarked "You'll be one of the • mon• keys," "Yes," replied the lecturer,"and I'll have you for the other.'!" Thus passed another favdrable:OpPortunity for the redemption of a certain class of our people from : the,evil practice of intemperance. 'We aro Safe-that kr. Detwiler would have 80c - ceded admi rably ; but we - eappbie that, tiipe - OPie either did not wish to hear'the lecture or that they were otherwise, ppgagoci that evening. ,4celitelat; Mr. Fxll'nkfin Shade; one of tho dents •of the Juniata , Seminary, : of. Shirlsyshurg, Wad hattly injtire'd, on Thuriday, the 121.11, by' falling frcim a swing. He fell a distance of about twenty feet, upon icy ground. Two teeth were knocked out, and his undei: jaw badly, fractured. Ho .is recover jug. Local Oorrespondence.• HUNTINGDON: Jan. 23d, 1865 MESSRS. EDITQRS.—T am ttlmost:sorry to be ob:iged, to take, up the precious room:in your columns again; but. in youi last issue an excitable represen. tativo of the . faire ones . of our town, comes forth in all the majesty of fem inine beauty, to express the feelings of that. "oppressed sex," upon the matri- . mohial - question . . Audvery strangely does this excitable representative "use: her sarcastic pen. . .. ; .I.fethinks a feeling of indeciSion; crept through.her hoart,as the peritra cod those few lines. After exhausting the "vials of wrath" Upon your humble correspondent's defenceless head,'and lamenting over the "seeming misfortunes of certain or.es'-',; she very deliberately acynowl 7 edges the correctness of my sions in my former note. Then after declaring in: emphatic terms that "liberty and freedore are boons not to be surrendered," •and-hailing.wjth de , light the appelation "ancient virgins' alias "old maids," she concludes with the "hope that your correspondent will retract his assertions." • . • Fie! Be! Minerva, thou stately (laugh. ter of Jove, thee allowest thy fiery . spirit to 9WCr,eap:e thy ',Mighty!, wiS- < dom Why have a retraction of the thing admitted and gloried in by.• yourself.? No! no! there nocd be no retraction; but, taking your own st.tin, we should erect a monument hero to the living, and inscribe upon its pure and glistening su'rfnee the follo*ing: "liero dwell In peace, upon the lap dearth, Three hundred "ancient virgins," periMps unknown; maids" dentinal front their very birth t• And 'Matrimony, marked (out) then her own." %V lin WOOD. Cpunty. The following statement shows the valuation of Real and Personal. Estate in this county, and taxable for state purposes; the assessment of tax there- on for the year 1864, as axed by the Revenue Commissioners at their-last triennial meuting,and the taxable inhab itants thereic for the year 1864 c Val uation $4,750,651, assessment of Tax 612,276 10, Taxables, 6,770. RECEIPTS OF INTERNAL REVENUE IN TUE SEVENTEENTH- DISTRICT.---Through, the courtesy of Robert H. Orman, Eaq., clerk for Samuel J. Royer, Esq., Col lector of Internal Revenue for this dis trict., we have been furnishe'd with the following titbular statement of the com 7 parative receipts of revenue from all - sourcesAlerir,b-Al k ey_pars 1863 and 1864 . . The receipts dulling tho,Yr;aeru so trifling that it was not deemed nee. essary to embrace them in the state- : merit. - • • 1863. 1361. .$ 2,5;:116 Janu ry ENIZI I= mum LEM 8,116 sa 11,600 45 7,199 20 ' 19,071 66' 7,772 33 11,801 70 Apri1.:....: Jun • 0,30050 52,5r.3 30 5,335 85 20,15581 8.552 27 1304.27 503 . 00 27,445 33 July. A ut,u September October... 3033 61 • 3035 43 10,4.03 66 30.071 69 Neventb r DLembLr $11i,i396 37 • 270,606 62 128.901 25 Total locreaso -1n1864 er..miutitatiuu money colhicted to 1503 238,800 00 Du.. do. do. 1004 200,100 .09 Total amount of commutation Intordßevento = .It will be'soon that, under the ope rations-of the Internal Revenue as amended Juno 30, 1864, the collec tions of revenue ; from July 1,1864, to June 30, 1865,11 approximate half a million of dollars in this district. 'nor'° aro not many districts in the State that pay a heavier tax for the support of the Government,or pay, it more prompt: , ty.:—Je/tusteton Tribune. Army Correspondence. CAMP 9TII. PENNA.. CAVALRY, near. Savannah, Georgia, Doc. 19th 1865. EDITOE HUNTINGDON GLOBE :—Dcar Sin- 7 1. wrote thinking a detailed ac count of Gen. Sherman's successful march from Marietta,Ga., to Savannah would be interesting. On the fourteenth of November he cut his communications by destroying tho Atlanta and Cnattanooga Railroad. Our regiment belongs to Gen. Kilpat rick's division of cavalry; we broke camp on the above date,and made a rapid movement on Jonesboro, where we fought and defeated a division of rebel troops under the invincible Whet> ler,but our dashing Kill fell on him with such a swoop that ho came to the _60 2 : elusion' tlis,t- 'the' bettorpart ot - valor was to got away as fast as possib:e. At Lovejoy station -we captured two pieces of "artillery; we travelled 'four days without opposition. On themorn-i ing of the twentieth we reached .and drove in the outposts at Macon—the same night moving around on . the Ma con and Savannah Railroad at Grisii ville and destroyed it so. that it was entirely useless. On. the morning of the twenty•first our Company, M.,' and by the - way Capt. T. L. MeGahan's old "Company, being the:outposts, the ()po mp charged the,. position, killed one, and wounded two, and captured twen; ty-four of the aen,' but some of .the boys give the . Wohnies the dodge and Carne in; they still hold nineteen as prisoners.. • Tht name Of the killed was Michael H. Wolf of Fra'nkstown Town .ship Blair county; the wounded, Chris topher and - Jacob Noffsker ;- both I believe will-recover. We then. moved in direction of Milledgeville, the, capitol of Georgia; and entered the city. on the twenty-third-; from thence we marched . :in ..the.direction.of the Au gust 4: and Millen. Railroad. On the night' of the: twentpseyenth, the one y being r - chitereed,qtacked out camp; we repulsed thole with a heavy loss. They were iri our rear all next day. At dark_We reached the road and.com. !fleeced '.destroying it; we fought all night an equal feree, beside destroying three .milos' 'th'e road. We broke - camp at four o'clock and'mOved.in the direetion•of Main''bOdy; Which we reached on this morning ottliktyienty ninth, .laying fought, two pitched bat-. llos, and kipt lip' a ruP.pirlg.-4gbk for. five days. , • . - At Louisville we weer reinforced by ono' division of InfantU f pld again made dash for , the same road ;.. At, Thomas's station, .and deStroyed it:ef fectually, driving the enemy all LIM way. On the •morninwof PseeMber fourth, 'Gen. Kiipa,trick.detormined - to punish the onetny severely Who show ed fight., charged their ,Works and scat tered them in all directions;capturing. over olio hundrtd prisoners:4Jß move; ments`at this place shows k him to not be second . -th.alt,:-C4l,llrydglo/411: the Unite'd States servico. From thence wo moved on the Sa'vanuah Road, and have not diverged from it up to this time, although the enemy has - kept up a continual skirmish with our rear. On the ninth of December, we'reached-tha Savannah river ; and , •had-the extrema plcaisuro of looking on the sacred Boil of South Carolina. Wo unto ye sccesh, if over .the army .of the Mississippi roaches the soil of South Carolina. I will just remark here that our one division of cavalry has destroyed on this marcih,cotton to theramount—well, Just cipher until figures Phil and then you will fall short a-fe4 hundred. We are now lyi ng , :on 114 isonth -side - of Sa vannah and in full communication with our flect,ron . the: big -Ogeechce-river, about fifteen miles from its mouth. I:cannot clode without Saying a feW words in favirr of our first Lieut." Dr. A. Phelp; lie hae commanded Company M. on this march., and we•must . say for him that 41' braver officer never drew a sabre in.defence of our 'cotiritry.'slon , or ; and also must coniplinient our old Captain McCuliari. Indeed, his friends may well be proud of -him aS•the core high in . command acknowledge on his resignation the leSs of One of the regimen is-bravest anti most generous . officers. With this I lefive you by promising more anon. H. 0. BEATTY. Spectal Income Taz—Enforoement of the At present scarcely anything is en listing so much interest .among the business, community,- as the Income Tax and the 'edforeenieht of the law. This interest promises many advents gusto the country, and looks diroetly to a more diligent' administration`.-of the law, and an increased revenue. It lit not too much to say - .that it has re sulted principally Akira the publication of the .tax list§ in some'of the princi pal cities of the iiountrylittireby op portunities were afforded . for a more perfect scrutiny 'of: the . operation of the law : and the faithfulness of intr. viduals in making their returns.— Among the results of .the discussion "thus provoked and'the -facts t elicited, ls'an important circular by Commis sioner Lewis, which sets-forth and en forces in plain language Abe duty not only of oflicerecourti3eted 'with .the ad. ministration of the law, but of every citizen. It is as follows: TREASURY DEP-U:6IEN; ) OFFICE OF iNTERNA CREVEN CR, • WASHINGTON, JII11: , 9, 1865. J Complaints continue - to .be receive a- lis nin'oe taint many perdons liable. to income tax . fail to make full returns. These complaints have become, so general that I deem .it a duty I'owe to the public isrvice to I.lllthe:attn. tion of assessors te.The subject, chat they may exert the necessary' . diligence to' remove:, if possible, the cause. „Any tax paycr.whoreuders.untiale reform; commits a.tripls 'offence : • Trta, ,, igtiitit• the country, which he defrauds; secondly, against ;AIM neighbor, whom he injures by casting up en a larger share of the public burden than leought to bear • and, .thirtily, against the law, which is violated lioth civilly and criminally, and which deineridsX.iillM, act a doubliiag of the debt as a .recompense, and . punishment for the crime as a'retribution. ECM ]0,107.84 Lrroneou,s.returns are due . ig: noratx, sometimes to carelessness and in advertence, and sometimes,. also,. to a delib 'orate purpop :to defraud the ,Gover'nMeat. %V hen their eUrreetness is suspected, aSsistant assessors ought hut to . hesitate . to make the inquiries, in order .toase,ertain the truth. Otherwise their duty iii notperform ed. .¢5:9,400 00 412,2 )6 99 Pi ,I9G 09 Delicacy under such• circumstances 'must be laid aside, and respect for 'wealth, inflm oleo, or secial position nius.ityield.to the high. er'obligittious of official responsibility. Hon• est men when properly interrogated. will not general refuse to afford satisfaction to government officers, and tho dishonest should not be suffered to escape under prottmse of sensibili,ties toe nicti.to ohdurel,ao-'dierepruta• hie imputation without. offerice.: ,- A cheerful submission ton proceeding Which st due exe cution of the law requires, is &minded in times like these equally by' tottrietiSm and good sense, and un appeal to tlioso possessed &such qualities will seldom fail to produce the desired response. If any errois are be lieved to exist, it . is not necessary to assume, in the first place, that they have - been com mitted ; but, on the centrary, it may be well to advise the tax-payee to amend his return, and to accept it if lie dvails liifiself of the opportunity. _lf he refuses to do so, section 14th of the late act authorizes a mode of proceeding, whieh, if vigorouAy pursued, will enunciate the truth. . Tax payerswho are nut cognizant of their responsibilities ought td b.:informed of them, ants those who aro unable to Make out their rettirns, ought to he . kindly initrtMed and as sisted by the assistant assessors; but wilful and incorigiblo offenders should. be made to recognize toe powerof the law.in the prompt And sure visitation of its-penalties. Let as sistant assessors understand that is their bueitiess nut merely ,to take returns, but tu• ascertain whether they are correct, and when .tay have reason to believe that'll ineorract, - to ...sW4t as already indicated: When an. increrte 'ed asSessritent is sworn down.tiArulY, the 'ease should be reported to. tlio.aesessur, who should, when probable **tip - pears, insti -1 tote on investigation,' and make it search ing aril through. A false return, even though .accopted without alteration and the tax paid, 'has no binding effect on the • Goterinnetit. ;-When' the fraud ia discovered,., the AllSSigtimt Ae sessur may make the proer inefe#, aad ifs the tax payer shall swear 'down iltet assess ment on the increased return,'. he may be proceeded against fur perjury: or, js the dotter way, instead of the'inereSse Undo; on investigation may behalf under section 14, the just ainount 'of the 'dittj'ascartained" and an hundred per cent; added twit by the way of penalty. • • if an Assistant Assessor is destitute of the needed intelligence or.idger,.bis.^plaie.ought, to he .supplied by ontrbetterattedlor it, and if- the number - of Assistant %sseseors. poioted IS not sufficient to.work 'district, itha fact should be communicated at °rico to this office. The special income tax i .if asSessed and collected, will produce mord than thirty five millions Of dollars": .Itl depifilithi.. on the assessors and their assistants :,mainly, ly, whe ther the expeetationof . the assistants, and the country, .on the subject, shall be realized, disappointed. Vary re'SPeetrdllY, - JOSEPLI J. LEWIS, Cotrtmtssioner.. A follow adVortisce,iti :ail 41a . barna paper, and offers totraTe'Lincoln, Seward and Andy johnsion',niurdcred by the let cof March for sl,ogo,ooolin `On tho sth' itisti;by the Rev. jobb. Anderson, Mr. IlLeicrru ORLADY, to Mrs. Grass, bbth of 13arree twernship. On. December_ 29th, by the ,eamo, Major J . T. HAMILTDIi, of Blair county, and Mies Isszkiiiß, HEWITT, Of 141001'08- i/11e, this counts: On the' 21. st of December, by. T. Chetteworth Gessford, 'Minister of t,he Gospel, Mr. ROBERT Curisnis,,and Miss linxot Mittnit,'buth of - this plebe, On tho26th orDeOembor, by 'the sant°, Xr. GEORGE R. CORBIN of..juni ata township,' Huntingdon- co., Ps., and Miss MAST HEINEy of Imams, ter, Pa. On the same date, by the same, Mr. \A.NDREW Gaovm, .ot Marklestiurg, Coanix,OfJu. 'nista township: Huntingdon co:, P. Oe the 27th of December, by the same ;. Mr. JOSEPH. 'GOODMAN and Miss JEMIMA ,LoNo,' both of this place. On theist of January. by the same, Mr. JOHN MILLER and Miss MINERVA. DEAN,.ball . Of. .this borough. . On Tuesday evening, - 17th inst., by Rev. S. 11. Reid,Mr. - T, FRAl:ifil WATT- EiONtO 1if139 SAr.T,Ie A. BARTQL, both of this' place. Tiniontovinshiii; on the 27th of December, 1864, , jANE, • wife of M. P. CA.3II!BELL, Esq,,-aged 55 years and 8 montbs. - .. ' ' • • On the 15th ' at his-Tesideneein Ile- Counelstown, Siotum. WATSON, in the 28th year of his age. • The decease . d,. though as Tet young, fell a victim to consumption, of which he died. Ile was a peaceable end worthy citizen, and in his death was quiet and resigned. .11 - e leaves a wife and two children to . mourn his del*. Lure. Law IVIARRIED, . DIED; On the 27th inst., at his home in Woodcock Valley, SAmuzr, HENRY, son of John and Mary GROVE, in the I-jib year of his - age. There was a good degree of interest connected with lit tle Sanamy. He was naturally possess ed of ail activo mind, and a good' dis position. For the. last two years of his young life, ho was much afflicted. But this fact only served to ripen him for eternity. He read his Bible dai lyEand prayed much. No doubt be is now at cost in the Saviors' arms. On Wednesday, 'the 11th instant, iu. Mooresville, HARRY T. McCLArN, son of S. (7. and D. J. McClain, aged 4 months and 13 days., "Sleep on, char ono, and take thy rest; Ood called then home—h• thought It best" "Death should coma Gently to ono of gentle mould, like thee; As Ai light winds wandering through groves of bloom Detach tho delicate blossoms from the tree. • Close thy sweet eyes calmly, and without pain, And we will trust in Gad to coo thee yet'again.' DR. STRICKLAND..--The valuable rem odic offered yekularly, aduaatod WIRIPMR9IOSIMPIRMIn.nnesseo, highly . .recommended, will he found_ ndver deed in'our cOlunme. is . No.. East Fottrtliefreot, Cincinnati, 0. We would advise any-one suffering from a distressing cough:* any affliction of the throat Ur. tung€l, - to try:-D'. Strickland's Mel : . 11fltioit's".Cough • r • drug stores... PRILADELPRIA MARKETS • - Jan. 21. Fancy and Entre Family Flout.. ... 59,60@t2,99 Corn:rion mad Superfine 59,75@i10,00 Rye Flour ' 49.23 Corn Meal . Il bl :MOO tit ra White Wheat - 52,856.12.90 Fair 'and l'ruttu Rua 42.70g,2,65 Rye 31,73 Corn, prime Yellow 41,75 Oats ' 92 - vi bu $2,00 Barley Cloyorieetl, 11113 The " 31.13,60 timothy $3,25 Fletseed, . $3,80 Wool 10040112 !lidos 13 EtIINTINGD ON XLIAKEITS. Extra Family Flour 111.44 ', . $12,60 Extra cloVcrrt ' - ' - 6.25 White Wheat 2:44 . . Red Moat .> 40 . , . Eye ' - 1 80 Corn VS • Oats SO Cloyersoml -18.00 ME= Dried Apples Butter. Egg RI les Tallow lEMMMS:3 Look to. Your Interest. THE PLACE TO BUY GOOD TOBACCO AND SEGARS CHEAP. IS AT D. H. Kooker's New Whole Sale and Retail Store, - foot. doors below Dean's Rubel. AliMealers in segari will Lind it to their interest to examine before purchasing else vrhere. All segars ore my own manufacturing. Huntingdon, Jan. 5, 1565-3n1.4. T HIS WAY 1 THIS WAY ! A NEW ARRIVAL OF BOOTS kt SHOES, HATS, etc. - X JOHN IL WESTBROOK informs the public that he lies lust resolved a now stock 1,1 BOOTS and SHOES Of all ei• zee and kinds to suit everybody, • Also. Hate, Ilesiery, Shoe Finding's . , Morocco nod ing Skins, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices.'- Don't forget the old eland in the Diamond. old mato. mere and she public generelly are invited to cell. Huntingdon, Jan. 3, 1965. • 1=1.31111WCY17.44.Z.i. • • lIIBOOTS AND SHOES...id* ,v FORGE. SIIAEFFER . re'spectfully . kfi informs his old custotners and the public generally tbaatte hae removed to opposite Brow lea Hardware Store, where Le has opened a NEW STOCK 'OF 3Ela:3ot:otos paadi. Mho ®IS, and Is prepared to accommodate everybody with good ar. Moles at reasonable prices. • . • Ile also continues to manufacture to order all kinds of boots and shoes. fluntingdon, April 13 1864.. Tie so 'REVENUE STAMPS • FOR S-ALE AT _LEWIS' 'BOOK: ,STORE. • lIUNTLNGDON,•PENNA. • : CHEAP PUMPS. • A. BROWitir,.. lluutingdon, fty Pa., Belle Patent Wooden Vamps. for detente and from 4to 60 fent deep, 'at shunt one half the usual lidos for old fashioned ptinips. Alt pumps warranted. (14.13,PET5, Oil Cloths, Ratr,s ko., at A..) Dec. I.V6l—if. " LLotti'm xtriltrs. ALT tho barrol, sack and bushel at LLOYD& MINRY'II EIT' CLOT f I`;t fulllll 9- 0111R ' J,."..ctfirnilAps :; 'TiIOS. SISTIER. IL 0. SISIIIiR . . . ' Li u -A. .... t .:•., ,- :. ' :4 - 6 , •• HUNT. (D. N T ~.. . - . . ..• ~.,- , ----:—.71-::4 tr. , - -----,•- . • ii,,,if.,.....„ ...;,,,,. ;_.7, '.! I. STAPLE BL.'IANCTEI . -G IDS , 'Nw s'eoc" ",' r 00,) 5..: . •• 'ETC' ' - '.- •-. • • EVERYBODY IS INVITM) TO - GALL'Ist • -s. ".•- s , .• S. • Sili iiii';N ,-, i ORE, ..., . • .• . ~ . • . . .- :.,„ oN.,,,iTi , Tit F.F. .N'i i, H C INGIi li.A. iN, 1 , 8.1 . .. _ . . J. lIANDSWIE Sl:OpK 0' 'S 1 . i s M SSE and OLAS: • • ' ; . ••, "-• pf .T1 0 .,1 and CIInCOLATD, •. . of all kind., In now open for the inspectio I the Ire, . f/t , 1. 40 1; furl", 'I.,ALT and Vit.:MAT; •-• ' . ' r ; o t: CON ~;CTIONtiiIE:, . . T.:AItS end TODACet);. and we cordially invite all our Cuatomera a dtyp public ; • jp SPICBS 01 , 111 il DEST, AND 'ALL KINDS. ' ! . .. . . ... generally, to calf and ba convinced that We era unequal- 1 and.4v".Y oily: " 141 '..(nuil.Y runt in a 'Grocery'. ! , ii•:i led In the quality tnate,style,luitipricCe of 016 Good 1 ) 1,20 .Drugs, iral., Dye Stun, ;,. Paints- '•• isk,c3.ods and Suta..Torpentine, ,•: We imptest the public to boor in Mind that'‘ 'pit ,l .." •'... Fluid, Paints ; hot. Glass and Itt•t;,, • • -- --'•• ... . ' l's nEST Wli•IE mu 'it N•DY Mr ramileal purposes.' '1 chase principally front first hands in Now Y pay' I- . •ALI,CIE BEsT 1 'NT '3IIIDICIN.gS,. ts TOOT: 3r, SIIOES, Coen for all ive buy and cannot be rivalled in o 111- i - . am , y • i n ,„„„,,,-,,,, r z r imit t,, 3 ~,,,,,,,..,, to montion ties for oponl»g for . pabtlo uao, a stook of General lber- ! The puglie.e.cnernily 1111 Vence call aral examine for • i the — e MiUn.,N0i...23 'GI: • ' '4l • ' .-:•'-*-------' - -r • - •;- 1 1 -- --- - :.---'--- . • - . . , . .. . ; ; - ...; , . / ' ...1% 0 0 OODS ! . NATV. - GOODS.II 1 25 FEE CENT. CHEAFEE T . lAN;. I THE CHEAPEST I lEEE =I HUNTINGDON MILLS I= GRAIN, FLOUR, AND FEED. =I ,WE ARE PREPARE]) TO. PUlt chase ell kinds of GRAIN, for schieh we wili pay the prices..timt.will hare for ealo l ,o Intl tiirtes, F1.0118,11319D, rite. ---.... , •".,,41 , 41,,,,Awm.......-. PLASTER I PLASTER r! I=2=l WE.,IIA.V.E an IMMENSE STOCK of PLAI3TY.tt; au ample supply for thiv and neiglawrlng cautalue: !laving a 11111 expresHly for grinding it, we. can prodacii Awn end morn deiirablo...stock iltnti can nan nlly ba gad. , SALT ! SALT'! =I WE OFFER 56,0 1.3J31..5. of SPLE'N tkp OXON DAM A SA Lt uunnalled in putt Ity and p c n..? Q. A. Snft In mks 19 nlecl kept oonotantly ou nand I= FISH. FISH. I=s 10 1301.. No 1 11ACIICERR.1, =WM QM ET=l2ll MIIMZIMII DEMIZMI 'Quarter - Barrels and Gitq of .all numbers, are also• of. =MEE= SUMAC. SUMAC. -v-=- WE' ;ARE AT ALL TIMES YRI •Pared to buy SUMAC; will pay cash, or trade, :adesirod. FIC=II FLAX. FLAX. = • • lln HIGH PRICES RULI : NGIOR Cotton Cootie 'line compelled poking rittentlian to .Ittemtiro .especially directed to tlieeid!arn °Max. It cad he made ; by ectrue at ten Lion', ode 016 meet salvable productea farmer can preducti; ad acct . toadily•ProdUclng 50 to fiJ Dollars worth:of. . fibre and seed. - -Great care ehottld be taken by growers hare their Flax vety thin when rolling; when watered etifficiently on one aide, it • sheath] be turned, andeubject to exposure until _ell the stalks get a grey color, and the lint re!dily seporates ' front the good by a gentle , rub. It should on a very dry day bo liedhs:bundles, and is thou ready for the mill. As a general thjog too much mead lei emu on an acre. Unless the ground is very rich one Bushel per acre Is sufficient. If the ground IS very , . strong one and one Fourth bushel to ample ; Dee llt. 1663. ' ; JUST orENED &FINE . syocitt97 HI M\ , I 1 9LL Ayo ..Iyl NTER CIL 0 PilIN Which ho offers to all-• Who want to bo o • CLOT El - AT..i ) SIOES TO. SUIT TIIE TIMES •His - Stock•coniizti i c R.l;Lifsmade dint hig to e DIEEMS! MEN AND BOYS, • • • 1 1. "•if00 4 :. : S . 'AND ';'.110•11L , , fIAT 'kCl)-L'AP:4, be., &0.._ • Bhol4ll nny plrticyllar•kir..l, or ojibin, Fo , ;” .1 11 the E;011,,:0n:n11.1.: ,r , 37 larrch o ui OT%CIg - • • 4 SIMON- AT COFFEE II,UNSTATION, Would respectfully call 11i attention of Ills olclpaltonn specially, and Um puhlio to general, to lits,Atenstre. stock of well selected new Goods, jest Im:sired from -tit* gaitPrn ettiee, con,i,Ling - , in part, of Dry G oode, Clothing,, W nol o n War,e, Notions, Hats nnrl ClTs..Boots and: Shoes, Donnefs,.Shaw . ls, lars, HArdwit - re, • Qupensisiire; 9t0.!. aeries, - Woottand Willow-ware, Tobacco; F.legrirs ' Nails, Glass, ProvisiOns, Oil, Fish, Salt„Tinware, bop, ,• per Ware, Drugs and ' • ll:mite-ices, Clocks, • Watches, &c., • and all oilier arlieles , kept in a first,elmis - cointfri:slore; all Eeleafed Al ith the: grenfest rare and which were: phr chssed for cash only.tmd affords hint to sell them at a' very low litmus. Tito Antlilo will find .it to their:advan tage to call find examine •nur , ttitsnrpassed stock.; before, pureltating,•elSowhere. , No painsxrill - belspared lkshow-, log oar (fonds. ' Ynulirs arks-specially invited to Moratitto our large Stocl: of fashiattable , dress goods; 21.1alv9ai Ciro colas, Fars, and a great vecboty Of Wtioldn thSods, Eloshf.; All lOrel, or produce bites .inO.xchin„e at Om highest _ atarket Iriee4—fliell. not, reftt;ed.• -33 y striefattentiou the wants of cm toaterff, we 1101/0 to receive a continnatimi of llto literal patronag‘e. with ft Ith'itlyet Mare been boreto, fore fitrord. Conte boo and all: and 'rxr:' • • New Got - ghrlec,ivcd•daily .7`.:pv.18(14. • HEAD QUARTERS ran. D. P. OWIN TNFOT6IS THE PTI.BLIC THAT HE HAS FIJI?, 'SPE. OCfi of NEW OOD CANT B} .13EA:T. CHEAPNESS AND QUAIAITY" COME AND SEE. D. P. IMMIEU 1864. El. ROMAN. PALL AND wircrna., CHEAP CLOTIIIIN ,'3-TORE t'or Oen[lemon's Clothing of the bust matorial,sad mad. a the best workmanlike manner, cn6 At i opposite 1.1,0 Franklin House in-Marl:at Square, Malting. dun; Pa. 11 un ingdco Nov. '23, 'ill. New FUrniture Establishment.. ~1.• WISE, • • • • Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invites Me intention of the Public -co W. stand on 11111- 01.. Iluntiniplon, between Cunninglaatalt Store and Denn i s National !louse, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Parr simri.ivishing to pun:nil:se!, will do well to glrolim a asll, .11er:tiring of kinds attended to prauptly arid chargolo reasonable. • Fib` Alen. liniertahing; carried on, and Coffins m ado in ; anyntyle rleai red,' nt slant notice. • - nil' Funerals attend:4l At any place in tonic or Conn,- S?pt I I. K. STA UFFE R, • WATClinli AEE AND JED - ELDR, at No. I.IS North SECOND Stroet, corner of,. Quarry, fo.,,ortmeot of \Vale .lowelrY, Silver k Plated; Ware conituntly. SEITABLE FOR lIOLIDA PRESENT& • Repairing of Waicliirs nod Juwelry ;promptly • • - attended to. . . AW ASSOCIATION. - . . Tho underoigned hove misociated themselves together thu practice of the law In ..liuntiadon, Pa. Office in, the one now, and formerly. occopiod by T. SoweJt Stow•, art, adjOinin4 (ho Court /Ion.: July 2). 1,61, 4 .'>4.Lo* - 1. COU.N . TRY DEALERS can p ig I . mg.o , ll l l(. , l4tr o i np lun ,,,, ln ti ll y nn e tln n gi i l n on t g . third, as 1 hale a wholenalo atore in PlkillcicritxiAN, 1; Tine Ciyii and Tobacco fcir sale at Lewis' Book Store 1 - 1 N V OT'ES, wholesale and f6r [Lilo I.EWIS , ROOK STORE. " •tIORSE ;TAY FOIIKS, for unload-, ing Huy. A. Hon ting.lon, is agent for tho best Fork In the [Thin,' States. Can soon. ma4!24. • - ... ILIOUSEKEEPERS.ATTENTIOYI 1 - : ' yon al want a CLOTHES WlrlicOliit, in %Hie' waetthreaati.YeiwwiiihOgt'aM ,,, , , T.a.Y.iit , emnal hod et thetanni tibia eaye enengh in the wearet clothes'- hy iNi l!g . 1 Wringer, to it Ser it in eix reonilis, at the present price of cotton. Wringer. that• have token ae nt:Mine! ern ALL (IVIIERS in the. market,fn-satearale at_thei tiordaere'Stete or. .Ye:ktsC4 JaWtia eV. IntoWii: - •... Ql.i.A'rES.---A Sp lot of th..e la-. ),.,_) te.4t:Noiv_ York stvlo. 1111 Latlin and Geutlyba`o . iir, 11 elzme, ju.t receiv. d st:nd f, F•a!,. i.f .. . . .., Rec. 13. tr.. , I. jAnll. A. 1ii;919.N . . - • ,... . EMEEMIE OEM MALitiAL 4-L'VNIAIk M= COHN.; IMON 001 IN NEW GOODS JUST - 0 - PIOTE 0. THA r 1864. CLOTHING. Eitil CL 0 T I N = 11. 0)I A ' IT. ROMAN'S, =I A. W. BENl:bier. - sTEWART