The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 25, 1865, Image 2

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    nu 0510 h
Wednesday morning, Jan. 25, 1865.
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor.
Hugh Lindsay, Associate Editor.
Our Flag Forayer
"I knew of no mode in which a loyal citi
zen may so teen demonstrate his devotion to
his counfry as by sustaining. the Flay. , the
Constitution and the Union, under an eireitm
1. Dotrowia.
Fort Fisher Falls,
This stronghold of theConfederaey,
situated about thirty miles below the
city of Wilmington, in North Carolina,
and located at the entrance of Cape.
Fear river, his fallen into of r hands.
Since the first attack . upon the fort,
Admiral Porter was busily employed
in filling the vessels with ammunition
and coal. This, together with the
tenacity with which ho,.with his fleet,
held on to the bombardment of Fort
Fisher, after General Butler had sailed
away, evidences that it was the. Aduri.
ral's great desire to capture the cita
del, and, if means failed, afterreplen
ishing, to renew the assault. In an
oordance with this manifest determin
ation on the, part of : Admiral. Porter
(and all credit to him for it,) the War
Department, fitted out another
dition,having„as before, Admiral Por
ter to command themano3uyres of the
fleet, while Brevet Major General
Alfred 11. Terry was ordered to direct
the movements of the army.,
We give the details of the assault
and capture into to-day's columns.—
Every loyal Mau can truly rejoice that
-the goddess of victory is leading our
heroes of the land and sea to greater,
conquests. Our fleet and army will
not reethere ; but Wilmington will yet
be ours, and its name follow. in the
long line of noted captures next to
Savannah, to be quickly followed by
that of Charleston—the first hope,
Petersburg—the Gibraltar, and Rich
mond--the "last ditch,' of the toppling
Confederacy. •
"More Truth than- Poetr
"It has been found out in these lat
ter years that intelligence' breeds.' ptr
triotism, and that ignorance breed's
treason: [Applause.] With afewshame,
ful exceptions the
,great mass of those
who have been . in sympathy with the
rebellion haVe been ignorant men, and
the niost - oflhoSe 'who have been pa
triotic. have been intelligent men. [Re
newed. applause.] • .
The:above extract we find in a re
port of a lecture by Rev. Henry Ward.
Beecher at the Academy of ,linsie,
Philadelphia, on. the evening of Thurs
day List. They .are words of. truth;
and express groat significance. Any
reasonable man, who has made himself
acqbainted with the progress of events
during the present war, will justify the,
assertion of the speaker, and uphold
him in it, True it is, that from out
of the intelligent people of the North
we have seen thousands springing to
the call of our, country who Were; actu
ated by the spirit of patriotism. Op
posed to them we see hosts of the ig.
norant class of the. south, who . haye
been led by the, hypocritical cries and
pleadings of unprincipled men, to war
against right and against themselves.
And again, in our own midst, whom do
we hoar assailing the administration
in bitter terms, whom do we see rais
ing the dagger to the heart of the Gov
ornment,—in other words,whorn de we
find treasonable,—but the ignorant, or
those who have been blindly led by
treasonable leaders. 'Perhaps, it is
norance - makes them blind, and crush
es whatever patriotic feelings 'may
arise, -Passion rules their :eVer,y ac
tion, and they readily follow the
. . • ..
tatea,of impassionate men, who,. upon
treason videavor . to talk with reason.
No intelligent - man can talk treason,
unless base ingratitude actuates him - to
do so and no-man will follow a treas
onableman's advice unless he is an ig
noramus or a fool; but so it is through
.out mankind, they aro prone . to "pin
themselves unto their idols." The
great calamity now is that those who
have reason nse it not aright.
4umons.--It is rumored that Lee
_contemplates another raid on Mary
land and Peonsylvania,as the last blow
for tho rebel cause.
The city of Richmond is said to be in
process of mining as Davis has doter=
mined it 413411 not fall into:2, our hands
except in fi.b . eaP of rains.
It was cnrreat reported in New
York on Sunday, and believed that.
Leo had been made dictator.
GOLD COMING DOWN.—The. late 21;tc
cossee of the Union arms have had
the effect of knocking gold down sev
eral pegs. Oa Saturday last, it fell
sl.9B—a decline sinoo the lgth of
twenty-three cents. Flour is also on
ttio deolino in the eastern pities—and
everything else mast soon fall in mice.
All kinds of rumors aro afloat on
the subject of peace. It appears that
Francis P. Blair, Sr., after being clos
eted with President. Lincoln for sever
al hours, returned to - Richmond on
Friday last. It is said thathe returns
to Richmond withfree autlierity_from'
the President to give safe conduct to
Washington for Peace Commissioners
from Jefferson Davis. While the door
is left open for th'e'rebels . to ask for
i peace, Our tirtnia drill moving onward
•to victory. There is no doubt the
robs are getting very sick of the con
test. A very few months and the re
bellion rauet go under.
..,The Secessionists of Washing- .
ton are in distress over the news, and
the more intelligent :care confessing
that the days of the rebellion are num
bered. The capture of s hort. Fisher
settles the thing—that the -Constitu
tional amendment, abolishing slavery
will pass; our Successes will give the
administration strength to carry- its
measures through Congrsss, and it will
carry this one, now that the cause of
the rebels totters to. the ground.
IN A Taar.--Somothing like a; doz
en blockade' runners are belieyed to
be on the ocean, bound forWilmjngton,
.freighted with all kind of supplies,
for the Rebels by our British neutral
cousins. They Will'be received With
open arms, as usual, at Wilmington,
but the profits are likely tO be less.—
Five have already beau captured by
our fleet:
OlL—The-oil fever still •ragos, and
large strikes are made almost daily
in several counties in this State, and
in Ohio and Virginia. Large fortunes
are being.mide•and many small ones
will be lost. •
appears from a communication of the
Secretary of War, that the entire sub.
ject of exchanging prisoners is placed
in the hands of General Grant; aock.
that although but a partial exchange
is thus far made, there is reason to be
lieve a full exchange will soon bo of
"My Country will be the Gainer,"
. .Pcnding the hist ettack'on Fort Fish;
- er, General Butler ie reported to have
said in Washington : "If the attack
is repulsed I shall bo justified in nut
having made the assault with my hand
ful of troops. • if the attack is success.
ful, my country will be -the gainer,
which will 'snit me quite as well. . No
one can doubt the patriotism of Gen.
Butler. Few men havo'furnished bet
ter proof of it. At the outset - of
: the
war he went to the bottom of the whole
buei doss, Comprehended the stupendous
bharacter of the . crime meditated, and
has never been without n
_ olicy-a
policy which, hada it - been infused into
the measures of the GovorriMent,
would, iu our opinion, have saved the
country many a costly error, and pre-.
vented many a lesson . of bitter eperi
Much that has fallen front his lips
and flowed from his pen; concerning
this -Rebellion, and the means to be
employed to crush it out, has passed
into permanent history, and when the
actors in the drama haVe passed away,.
it will be read' with pride by his coun
trymen, who will award him a place
among the most conspicumis for pene
tration, breadth of intellect and resour
ces, .While - they Wonder that in the
management of tho War his counsels
did not More prevail. -
Did General Butler's military. equal
his civil abilities, the nation would long
since haire had a loader in all respems
equal to the great occasion. As it is,
few men have so strong`it hold on the
ptipular heart.. Although not success -
fill in all things, ho stands in little
danger of having injustice done him.
Posterity; if not the mon Of to day,
will be impartial. No true friend will
wish to see him make a mistake in the
position in which, in the courser of
events, he is placed. It is the moment
for wisdom, when perfect self control
will demonstrate his capacity to coin
triand others; for there are times when
the real soldier will best prove his fit.
noes for.responsible positions:by the
discipline ho has_orer himself.
The man .who seized rebellious : No s
Orleans by thdthroat, and hold it firm
ly until it was subinissive - stands in no
danger from a transitory wave,. oven
thougii some act of his own produced
it. Though not great in everything, a.
'than may still stand formaost among .
the Men of . his time. If while striving
to transcend in one respect; ho achieve
but partial success, be still is eafe with
posterity and, honored in.his day fdr
'WS eminence, in another. Gen. Butler
is not more . worthy of condemnation
because he has not excelled as a mili
tary leader, than our recognized mili
tary loaders are because they are . not
his equal in statesmanship.
It would be well - for the .Nation if in
civil affairs, failure to achieve success, 1
glaring mistakesand downrightiricapa
city were recognized as theyaro in mil-
itary affairs. Under the operations of
such a rule, those. who were not relie
ved, but; held their places, would •be
conspictious exceptions, and the corm
try - would have abundant reasons to re
joice in the results of its rigid 'enforce
nient. .".
General Butler has uttered a senti•
ment that does him honor, ono that
affords' new proof 'of his patriotism,
under circumstancespeculiarly trying.
"My country will be the gainer.'lf
such a sentiment could come to be the
standard of all men, whether in civil
or military life, the country would be
immensely better oE--Pittsburg Com
litir General Butler has had a loug
interview with tho President, who
received him very pleaSatitly. A strong
delegation willsee the President With
in a week, and ask ;that, he may be
assigned to some command commen
surate With his elFegutive and
istratil'T ty
TN THISAMte on the 12th, Itic . :ll - all
from this district.' introduced the fol•
lowing resolution which was adopted
unanimously : .
Resolved : That the committee on the
Miltia bo requested to report a bill to
Senate sol.modifying our state laws
a5 . .16 extend the benefits of. our vari
ous Statutes to Pennsylvanians muster
ed 'into - Har.coclt's Corps.
This is said to be a very important
matter, and will have the effect of
assisting to do . ..justice to our bravo
people. We are gratified .that Mr.
Hall has , taken such an active inter.
est in the affairs that most interest
the loyal-people- of the State. Ho is
one of the most able and aetive of the .
Senators. He is on three of the most.
important .Standing Committees of
that honorable body.
Mr. Blair's Mission.
.• A:letter has been reoeived in Phila
delphia, from a prominent gentleman
in Washington, who says that Fran
cis P. Blair, Sr., returns to Richmond
with full authority from _President
Lincoln to give safe .eopduct to Wash.
ington for Pence Commissioners from .
Jefferson . Davis. Mr. Blair is . epec- .
ted to.he in 'Richmond ovening.
WAsumuTos, Jan. 20. - (Special to
the. New York Times.) Francis P.
Blair, Sr, left this afternoon on the,
Government steamor. Don for. City
.Point. Thence ho will go ou the ',flag
of truce boat to Marina Landing, on
the James river where a permit is wait
ing him to return to the rebel capital.
The Cabinet were in session several
hours to day, and it is understood that
their conference related to .the move
ments• of this gentleman. Nothing,
however, is known of, the powers, if
any, with which ho is clothed, or the .
precise objects which it is expected
ho will accomplish; but the fact of his
return a second time to Richmond
would seem to authorize. the conclu
sion that the present visit has, if not
a more serious, at least a different aim
from that which prompted his first
mission, ,
In New York, up to Saturday,. about
$15,000 had been subscribed and col
lections were being made. .A -large
quantity of provisions for the destitute
people of SaVannah have' been pur
chitsed, and will be forwardod by
steamer Rebecca Clyde in a day or
two. They consist of flour, Indian
Meal, salt, pork, pickles, vinegar, po
tatoes, turnips j c r l d tt ,
o curets,
beaus, b ee o t a nion n e d ,
bacon, a
mutton. In addition to these' stores,
Col. Julian Allen, the Savannah agent,
has purchased forty thousand dollars'
worth of provisions. on his own ac
count, which will be immediately. for ,
warded by the. steamer Daniel Web
etor,.which,tho government has- gen
erously placed at his disposal for that .
purpose: A large quantity of,provis
ions is also being Boston,
Philadelphia and other cities, for this
praiseworthy purpose._ In Philadel
phia the aid fund is large, but Boston
appears to bo going ahead of all com
Death of Edward Everott,
EdWard . Everett died at Boston, at
4 o'clock on Sunday morning last; the
15th inst., of apoplexy.. :His ago was
Seventy years and about nine months.
Mr. Everett midres.sed his fellow citi
iierni at Fanenil llall on Monday last
,in aid of sending provisions to &van . -
nah,.and•dueing the .afternoon of that
day was present in court, in reference
to claim of damages against the 'city
of Charleeitovi , n, for .overflowing a
portion of his estate in Niedfbrd by
constructing a-dam in Mystic River.
On Tuesday he became affected with
'quite a severe cold, but neither .his
friends nor himself deemed it serious.
Saturday ovenoning he appeared as
well' as usual, and ;retired to bed,
declining to troubleany one to remain
with him. •
At Si o'clock in the morning his house
keeper entered his .room and found
him sleeping 'naturally. An hour later
she was alarmed by hearing heavy
fall in his room, arid found him lying
on the floor, breathing heayily.
physician was promptly, summoned,
but before his arrival Mr. Everett died.
The event was announced in nearly .
all the churches at tho commence
ment of morning service, and created
profound feeling of sadness. Short- .
ly after noon tho churCh bells tho
city_ and suburbs wore tolled. Mr.
Everett's fnnoral Wilislo take place at
noon on Thursday; in tho irst
tho.. Rev. Rufus Ellis, pastor. It ie
prosamed the State and city authori•
ties wolld . take part in the obscipies
of this groat and good eitiken
WASHINGTON, January 15, 1865.. f
The President directs the undersign , :
ed to perform the painful duty of an
nOuncing to the, people of the United
States; that Edward Everett, disting
uished not more by learning and elo
quence than by unsurpassed and die•
interested labors of patriotism, at a
period of. political disorder, departed
this life at four o'clock this morning.
The several : Executive Departments of
the Government will Cause appropriate
honors to be rendered to the memory,.
of the deceased at home- and abroad
wherever the National name. and au
thority are acknowledged.
- WIGLIA3I 11, 84WARD:
The exodus from Leo's army is al
most incredible. Since the first of
December over twelve hundred rebel
deserters have arrived from irhfront
of Grant's army, most of whom have
gone North. At the existing rat!), of
desertion, one month will deplete the
rehol army" eonfronting Grant almost
as niuoh as thiesav'erage Casualties of a
general- battle.
01", Paper titill.going up, and noun
try prfritera going down;'
wa NEWS summktY.
On Tuesday last,:tho teitia . bi>and to
Fairfax was firod,into bra party, "of
guerillas,hotweOnSpringihild - imd /Leo-
Link bridge.. conduetor was in
formed by the captain toriffnahlifig at
Springfield that - thefewcirotorne guar
illas in the vicinitY, and' be was - on
his guard. When first seen they'Vere ,
putting timber on the track i- mid the'
engineer at once reversed , the engine.
and saved the train. Somk shot struck
the smoke-stack, bdt Ater damage
was done. •
The - Herakb- has-further particulars
of the rebel 'attack - at 'V irgtmu. On
Wednetiday morning an attacking
force commanded; by'-General Wick
ham; of - .Resser's 'division of Union
'troops, at that- post,-eonsisting:Of the
84th Ohio infantry, en& Bth Ohio.cav
alry, under Col. Forney, wore • corn• d
pletely taken by surprise and out- .
numbered, by the rebels rushing sad-
denly at daybreak.- COls. Forney and-
Yount, and about four hundred of
their men wore taken. prisoners, -but
two Colonels and about two hundred
men auceeeded in escaping, and regain
ing the Union lines. The rebels made
a short stand and -then retreated to
wards. Lewisburg.,
General Thomas' army is woll fur
nished, with supplies, to which acces
sions are constantly'- being. Made by
transports moving 'lip the river; but
it is said that we need look for no ac
tive operationsiby.itfor some_days,the.
roads boing in..wery:bal4ondition. it .
is believed - that .I.Tood'e disorganised
tbreas 'are' still flying :SodthWard bo
yond Corinth, MiSsissippi:
Forty guerillas under :command of
Pratt and McGregor, a consolidation
of several bands, at
,3 o'clock, on, the
nth, made a delt into Bardstown
fur the ptirpoao of recovering one of
their men, John Robinson, confined in
the jail of that place. Bardstown is
garrisoned by a detachment of Feder
al soldiers under Capt. G. W. Nichols.
The - guerillas set the depot on fire and
it was burned. to the ground, and the
body . of Mr. Sunberry was consumed
in it. The guerillas, arid .our _troops
had a heavy fight: Captain Pratt and
Pat Bull were: killed and Lieutenants.
Mundayand Mason :and.. several oth•
ers Wounded. The, guerillas were
routed and - :drivetilrom the town.
The pursuit was continued 1111: dark.
ness put a atop to Author proceedings.
It is reported that)Sherman.
marches Om Chtifitiow-freM:snrannati,
Vice Admiral Parragnt wilt himself
.superintend the operations of the fleet
in the harbor. BetsVberi the hero of
Atlanta and Savannah on-one.side and:
the hero of Mobile:on., the othor, the
cradle of treason -wilLbe likely to fare
A detachment ofth.o 'Eighth Illinois'
Cavalry,on Monday last the 16th,while
returning from an exped -ton in search
of the wounded Mosoby, who was sup
posed to be concealed in a house near
Beaker', were attacked when near
Salem, Fairfax county, by a superior
.forei3..ofainchlowls.-guerrillas., , After
an obstinate tight the rebels were put
to flight, with a loss of eight killed, a
number wounded - and thirty-three`:
prisoners. The party discovered .that
Moseby, on Thursday last, was romo
.ved tolynehtthrg, and that he is slow
ly recovering from his wounds. Only
two of ourrbors wei:cr vOuncled.':
`Gen. Thenilte 13 . 14; written a- letter
to the War Department, giving a very
encouraging view of military Affairs-,
in the Southwest. He says Hood
cannot gntheritn army of 20,000 men,
and that the Southwest is practically
a . conquered erantry,
The United States transport Fulton
from Port-Royal on the,ll3th, has nr-.
rived. The monitor Patrip4tth was .do
streyed elf Charleston - at two jo'cleek
on the 17th, While doing piokot duty,
by a rebel torpedo: • Ferty'or fifty of
her crew :went
,down With.her. Their.
names aro not ascertained. .
On the niuht of the . 14th the' 17th
Corps, conimanUed by Gene' nl Hatch,
advanced rn Podetaligo Bridge i .on tho
Charleston and. Savannah: rtailroad,
and captured it together. With ho .for,
tificritions and twelve guns, losing in
the 'charge • forty, :,neon, killed and
wounded.. The:gtiO,were spiked. The
'enothy evitenatectiluailfglhenight and
fell back towards Charleston.
Admiral Porter: . thAriodetailed re
port of the attack on 1 I'ish4r, giveS
,the total numberof nafal-offieers
ed and woundedAttnent.ppae, and of
others killed, missing and wounded at
two hundred and nine-,'"' Ho' states that
the rebels have.• blown up Fort Cue-.
well and the rebel steamers `Tallahassee
and Chickamauga, and. that wo 'will
be in Wilmington before long. !
The cavalry expedition Or fiN*43 . hun
dred men, consisting of the Bth Illinois,
under the command of Colonel Clen
denin, and the-
.13th and 10th New .
York, under colonel 04ezevoort, which
started froth Prospeet Tlill haS.retur
nad, having fiCoiited :through Fairfax
and Loudoun counties, as far up aa -
Warrenton. . They _found no large
body of rebels in atins;fmthrougutin
fifty-two horses afieeloveti,priSoners,
During- Friday, - 'eolenal Clerdenin,
.into Lees
burg and eripture&d ribel mail- carrier
with letters - from the Men' in 4oussetas
division of rebel eityatry; - now atatiened..
in the Shenandoah . , to portion iii Lou, :
doith county. la*This.eiperlition the
Union' troops . did; net . lose , a single
man. - •
Tin 'llichniond Riantiner . says':
"Froar - the . statietios of the Clerk of
the Libby Prison, Mr. Ross, we 'learn
that from . the Ist of January, 1861, to
the 10th :of :December. of the same
Year, 31,630 Yankee prisoners, of all
grades, nations, tongues, complexions
and k indreds;paseed the."doors of the
Libby, as prisoners - - of War. Whia
number is independent . of about -twos-
ty thonsandeaptured!"at Spottsylvania.
and elsewhere in Virginia,- who were
sent South without touching .
mond. Since the: war began, 125,000-
men have passed 'the `door of the Lib,
by and departed as prisoners of war."
The Tenne . ssee;goovention has pass
ed resolution!thOre stringent than
the ono in force" iri-lifarjriand Aeoltir-`
ing that-no liersoirshall be'a qualified
voter is that State„ unless. sworn that .
be is itpquesiquably-).11 fhvor of -the
Union and of all laws passed by Con-
greys, and proelainatiolis issued by the
President, since the war begitn.
Afar Net up to time this eek=
cause, .plenty of wcriclul Short 'days.
Air Stook in sleighs wins up to-day
140 per cont..-
'WAR FOR THE [l.l\llON
The I `,Btat-Hole" to Wilmington and
tb.e"Baok-door" to the Confed
eracy Closed.
The following particulars of itic en
gagement is from Admiral Porter and
General Terry , .
' The' troops , arrived off Fort Fisher
on Thursday night the 12th, and. on
Friday they were all landed under
eovee•of a heavy fire froM the squa
dron. A reconnoissance was made by
General Terry on Saturday. A strong
defensive line against any of the one
my's forces coming from Wilmington
was established and held by 4,000 men,
principally colored troops, and an as
uirk was determined on. The assault
was made on Sunday afternoon at 3:30
°clock. The sea-front of the fort had
been.greatly damaged and broken by
the continuous and terrible fire of the
fleet for three days. Tho front was'
assaulted at the hour - mentioned by a
coluninof seamen and marines, 1,800
Strong, .under command of Captain.
Breoze.' They reached the parapet,
but after a short conflict they ' wore
checked and driven back in disorder,
and were afterwards.placed on the de
fensivo line, taking- the place 9f a bri
gade that was brought up to reinforce
the assaulting column of troops. Al
though the assault on the front failed,
it effectually served in diverting the
attention of the enemy and weakening
their resistance to -the attack of the
troops on the other side. The assault
on the other and most difficalt side of
the fort Wag made by 'a dolUmn of
troops of the old Tenth Corps, led by
Colonel Curtis, under the immediate
supervision of General Terry...
" .
,the enemy's force in - the Eort was
over'3;ooo. The conflict lasted for sev
en hOurs. The works were so con ,
structed that every traverse afforded ,
the enemy a, new defensive position
from which they bad to he driven.
They were seven in nember, and the
fight was carried on from traverse to
traverse for seven hours, by a skillful
ly directed fire thrown into the travel'•
ses, as ono after another they wore cm.
eupied by the enemy. Admiral Porter
contributed to the success of the as
saulting column by signals between
himself and General, Terry at brief' in
*vela.. This signal, was so well man
aged, as to damage the enemy without
injury to our own troops.
At about 9 o'clock the enemy were
entirely driven from: the fort and for
ced down towards Federal Point, fol
lowed by it brigade of our troops, and
about twelve o'clock at night General
Whiting 'surrendered himself and his -
Command to Gen..Terry,--unconaitithio
as'prisoners: of war, numbering
over 2,800, the remainder of the force
killed and wounded. Our loss
accurately ascertained Mon
ernoon, .but was estimated at
bo =en 700 and 800 in killed and
wounded,besidos the naval losses which
were slight, not exceeding Ono hundred
killed . and wounded . Not a ship or
'transport Was lost. 'COIN Curtis was
severely hdt not mortally iyoUnded.
Col. Bell died of his wounds on Mon•
day morning, , Col. J. W'.. Moore and
_Lieut. Col. Lyman were killed. Col.
Pen nypticker was badly wounded; also,
Lieut. Col: Goer.. A complete' list of
the killed and wounded will be tonvard
ns soon_ns it can bo prepared. Gen.
Leroy reported to Surgeon General
Barnes that bo.had ample provision of
surgeons, nurses and hospital supplies
for all the wounded. They will be sent
North to their respective States as fast
as they can be placed . on trausports,
of which there is an ample supply.
Early on Monday morning, between
Six and seven O'clock the magazines of
Port Fisher exploded; killing :and
wounding between 200 and-300 per
sons. Alter the capture of the'fort all
the troops, wet() withdrawn except one,
.prigado, ' left in charge of, the
.• works. j
:flow the explosion occurred Was not i
known, but General Terry believed it
:Was occasioned by accident or neglect.
Hoke's division, reported at 500, was
at Wilmington. A portion of it was .
tbrown : into the fort not long' before
the assault, and while that was going
- on, a demonstration was made by Hoke
against our defensive line, bat it was
folind too strong for anything, more
than a skirmishing, attack. At 11
o'clock Monday morning, a heavy cloud'
of smoke was observed Over Fort
Smith,.on the south side of New Inlet.
The naval officer commanding that sta
tion reported that the enemy had fired
their barrackS and evacuated that
,work. .
Perfect harmony and concert of ac
:tion existed between the land and na
val forces, and their respective com-.
manders,./t.dmiral Porter and General
Terry vied n tLeir courtesies. Each
seemed More anxious to do justice to
the other than to' gain anything for
limself.and.they united in the highest
Commendation of the naval and mill.
ttiry - officers, and .the.forcos engaged..
To this harmney, of feeling aild,the,,
•donfide 13C0 Of the ttoeps l
,'may, - poinips,
be attributed in a groat degree thecae , '
case of oar attack, With • nearly equal
numbers, against a resolute eLemyin
a work unsurpassed, if .ever equalled.
in strength, and. which 'General . Beau•
regard, a fevi days before, pronounced
impregnalfle.' The armament of the
fort was seventy.two guns, some of
large ealibre- and ritied,.and ono Arm-
Strong gun. The troops in the fort had
rations for sixteen days. Their losa in
killed and wounded was tietween 400
and 500. Gen. Whitin g had three
wounds in the thigh. .Col. Lamb also,
who bad pee into the fort with Foie-,
forma - tents to relieve Gen. Whiting on
Sunday, is' wounded. • On -Monday
everything was quiet; the dead 'wero
being buried, and the wounded placed
on transports and, in field hospitals.
The Military Preparations of
Toßo:iriq, Tan.. 21
The Leader of to-day says the Brit
tiai Government has ordered thirty
gunboats, carrying 3,500 trained
inen, tp be sent out from England, to
the lakes, and they will.. proliahly
heio as scion as navigation opens,
Evacuation 'of Richmond.
Dissatisfaction and Mutiny among the
Bank and .Filc-of theßebel Army.
The Tottering State ofthe:Cthafederacy
A special cerrospoliciOni - Of the Press
witing,.unoer date of;;Jan:hary 20th,
from :BorModa , 4undied, Virginia,
says :
I see no'reason to change my opin
ion in reference to the evacuation of
Rierninni. Corroborating testimony
is'daily arrivingfran_the rebel-strong
hold. The machinery is being remo
ved to Danville. The bankers have
already sent their deposits to - that
place, and it is generally believed by
the people that the rebel chiefs will
soon pack up their 'traps and start.
South. Danville is'distant about one
hundred miles from Richmond.
The greatest dissatisfaction now ex
ists in the rebel army. The feeling is
very intenseagainst tl3eadministration
of Jeff Davis, and if Gen. Grant; doei
not soon capture him, it is asserted
the rebels will be certain to hang him.
It is further asserted that even. now
he dare not walk the streets of. Rich
mond without a strong guard, froni
fear of assassination by some felloW
rebels, who charge upon him the dis
asters to their God forsaken cause.
If you have not been, informed, I
would mention a very unpleasant state
of affairs in the rebel eamps'iti 'our
front. The Georgia troops .refused to
remain any longer in Virginia and
North Carolina soldiers wore drawn up
to bring them to . terms, but without
effeet. The mutiny fora timer Mares,
oned terrible consequences, and the
way in which the rebel authorities
deemed best to suppress it was to al
low the. Georgia troops to return to.
their State. It is more than likely that
this feeling has boon stimulated by a
realization of the inevitable defeat of
their entire armies. These soldiers
will return not only to their homes,
but to their allegiance.
Deserters . ' who Came in yeaterday
report that they had not learimd•that
Fort Fisher had fallen. The tottering
stato,of the Confederacy will note bear
the shock of such disastrous neWs. - •
Reported Evaeuittiotrof
...Yews front Admiral Porter at Hand.
ANNAV - OLIB, Jan. 21
General Grant arrived here to-day,
in his tlag-boat the M. Martin,• and
left at 11 o'clock for Washington, by
the express train. He is reported to
have said that, a deserter had come
into, the lines of General Terry
: and
reported that the rebels were evacua
ting Wilmington, after having set fire
to some $30,000,000 worth of cotton,
but that the Federal troops were so
near at hand as to prevent the destruc
of it.
A bearer of dispatches Ims also ar
rived itx Oho "glinboat, Queen from Ad
miral Porter's fleet, and has proceed
od to Washington.
Tho Army Going into Winter Quarters.
Canto. Jan. 21
Present indications are that Gen
Thomas' army Will not now move
from its present position on the Ten
nessee river, As .the. troops are con
structing winter quarters.
The Herwof Fort Fisher.
.Brevetitiajor•General Alfred 11. Ter
ry was born in Hartford, Conn., Nov.
10th, 1827. He was educated in New
Haven, where ho was admitted to the
bar in 1838. He became clerk of the
'county courts, bUt resigned in 1860
and made a short visit to Europe. He
bad long inclined to military studies,
and took an active part in the militia
of his State. fie was Colonel of the
2d or New Haven county regiment,
when Fort Sumpter war fired on, and
immediately offered his services to the.
Governor and was commissioned' to
.command the 2d Corfnecticat regiment
'of three menthe' men,.whieh was one
of the few that behaved well "at Bull
Run. He afterwards raised another
regiment, the 7th. Connecticut, which
did excellent service in Gem. T. W. Shor 7
man's [afterward; " Gilmore's] corn
mend, at Hilton Head, and'at the cap.
pure of Fort Pulaski, for which it had
the honor of being selected as the gar
In March, 1862, Terry was . promo
ted to be,ri Brigadier General of Vol.
unteers ' and for his subsequent servi
ces in Florida,F • Virginia and North
Carolina, which we have no Mime -to
partiCularizo, he was made n Brevet
Major General.
. d froth iopiqy of allkinda of anobadros,
at . LLOYD &
Tito subscribers are now selling out thetniVinter Stock or
- at feducad rdcas. • -
Ja2stnat LLOYD & LIMON.
A L A .11,•.:11: N
• 1:a • TotY Icivr'prleietlial . GOODS OF ALV KINDS can
ba bouglit - pr. at . LLOYD RF.LiftrB.:
Now it the time to get . BARGAINS. before re go Es*
to•buy °lir lipr log abort. • • k
a 0 T• 0,
L, I, 9 Y P E N R, Y',S
• If Ton trout to eye it plat for Goods.
[Estate of Joidati Minn, deed.] . . .
- % - lters teitamentary Uponfho estate of Jolsiah Bean,
late of Franklin Mrp:, 'deed, baring been - granted to' the
undersigned, all .persons hnving claims - against the said
Saha% are requested to present them for eittlemerit, and
Ueda tiering the 'mufti, will make immediate 'payment.
grow .4.crEitAN;
J 425 / 1865 4 0 - .
lIIINT/ZiliDON A BROAD 't 31. R. CO: •
• Philadelphia, January 16111.1883.
The Annual meeting of the Stock holdere of this COITi4
pany will be hold at their office Nq. 238 South lid street
Philadelphia, on Tuesday thelith day of February, 1865",
at 11 o'clock, A. 'Thera au election:will- be hold for a'
Prealdent and TwelvoDlrectore for the ensuing year.
v.x.Ecurows NOTIOg..
(Estate of Sarnue: Ilooher, deed.)
Care testainegtary, on the estate of Smoot Ilooher,.
late of Cromwell toVenehlp, - Iluntlngdon county,.dced.
beefing been granted to the undersigned, all' persons In
debted to the estate ere requested, to make inunedieto
payment, and thnio haying chileda to' proient thorn s (ply
authenticated. . • t • •
• Am.]; 1880. w : El,CtitOr.
. .
Amongother features of the 'pineal:it nuMber velll 6.
A chronicle of the Great RebelidOn cengnitettfrent thi
Old Frenitlin Almanac for 1861, containing tt fdll nod car
red digested record of tho' eimuts of the war, adlitary e
naval and politlial, from Octoher 16 th," 11 68,althAcitintriti "."
of Banta's, Sieges, Ileitis, Ben.lightsi and all the operations • •
of the War.-•
The United Stiles -Army List. Major General' end
Brigadiers, regulars and volirnittere, to.. Novemberls4
The Rebel Army • Liet,• • lAialtenant. Genera*, Major
Qenerale andßrlgadlere, MUM/ date. •
Losses to battle and by *oath, of Linton oilcans; to No=:;.*ember Ist, 1664. . •• 7
Lamm or cancers In Rebel - Aral to . eaniedida: • '
• The 'Rebel Goverument, Rebel Cortgrasao Rebel-Roble
A fall digeet of the - United' fitatei Stahirfregalittlontt..ev
A fulPillfgeet of tip United Stelae Gicense:roiralationso- "•",.
Governments' of the world' to ridiernber
• Gorernors of the States and Territorips, Untoncest'-.
Rebel, to November let; 1844: - • • --• •
Ilierarchr of. the..omp Catholic Cjittr#t to .Npleirt.,..
her 15t,1864. ' • '; -•
Biehops at the Protestant Episcopal Chareh"-toNOVIlles•-•
bar let, 1864.-
Bishops of•the Methodist Epiecopal tharch.--to - Ko t nia, -
Battling QUesnenf the world to Novietber let, 1114.;
Reigning 10110 of. the wOld ; tirStivernbielst 1861: -
lleire-Appararir kb- Enrepeantiird'ollter 'AßC .
Monarchies. . . .
.Besidee.other miscellaneous mattter,. astroannilaal
formation,VAlendara, Ac., &c.; the whole eompiliittig
liable manual for ore And tyferento Ihrotliqu'ltlllbrft‘F•'
Price 20 cents Per copy:• • -
Copies nulled (post-paid)
For male at LH ISIS' BOOK STOBE." • -
wricroxel 313,C1‘2105311. - -;",
FOR LpiTt.:SobiCsratiz. 4
HOWE'S SONGS OF IRNIAND, containing ai1:40759i
the Gems of Hibeinia's Songs and Bilhalegnelltdlng .
O. of Moors's !Ash Muladies, Bongs qtbit,offscliont 7 .
Septhnental,l'atrlotio,llistorical:.uwarys , ratung. ,, ,
Comic and Miscellaneous Songs, Arranged
Pianoforte t .' !
110WE'S SONGS • OF 3COTL'AND,:pintlinlng sibonV ITC
of the Gems of Caledonia's gongs, and PlallideOncln'y — •
ding Songs of the affections; Sentimentall:Pandatl9o
. • ilisterical, Military, 1MM:tool, Comic and, Aftacellonta
'otis Songs, artanged the'llantrfelte. '
. • _
TI31.8; etnitalnft the (Menai Wards and rdr er
of the Songs -and: Ballade. Bung by tb.e firmakkra9"...-
- obi of the present generatian... damaged - for Near
Volum, - • • "
1101913'S TRIOS: Quadrilles Contra and Fancy,Dineet,
with Calla and Figurei; Waltzer, railcar, °part 11 . 06.'
• dle3, Scotch and Irish Piro, ~19„ tor .tha 11 . 19 . 44':
Flute, Cornet, Butw'Flol, .Itd: '" • '•
MUSICIAN'S OHNIBUS, NO,. 1, Mmitatnini
Camp Duty, Calla And Signal, need In thd Army and
Navy ; 40 tetra of Quadrilloi; [Moluiting Mahn' pal'
ka and Schottische] with Calls; and in inunense cc%
loftier' of Polka,, SchOttisehea: Waits,,' DiarohNi
Qedokstepe, Hornpipes,' Carlin, - and . Taney: Donau;
Songs, &c, for the 'Violin, Vint., Cornet; ClariOnett.
tic., Containing over 700 pieces of Music. • '• ; :
ItUBICIAL'S OMNIBUS; No. 2, containing BN plan
- of Music, consisting of 100 Duets ter two dates two
. Violins, AO., 200 Scotch A1ri,.202 Irlsh !Mit
rilles, Fancy end- COritri Danees,"teltbitre'dalls anti
Figuers. - Polka, pchottlechea, - Wallaeae4Mckallplee
Marches, Hornpipes, 800z0. 4c., fog tho
_Ti r olle, Mune,
Clerionett, Pita; Carnet, Flageolet, &a: , .
T - lIS YOUNG MEN'S SINGING BOOK;, a ailloetjaq,9r)
Music for male Voices,. conehtiqg of afeal Ali Part
Bongs, Choir - and *congr6gitional Muse, 4athenii, ,
Choicest Melodies from the. Gorman,,P . roach, 4al•
inn, English addAinericius Cotonou'. ' - '
books suitable to the tithes. . ' .
TlLE:HOSTO:YaLtit'BOOK;:conifithieet'ini - liteitettit
collection of Olooa, lalatlOgalikand Bounds, sigoopd
. from Me works of the Rost *Matted Contimienl,
gothor many new pieces from the Getman,- '
, . . .
INSTRUCTION ROOKS Yip.; TI.IN. PIA/10,..kte10d004,
Atcordebu, Violin, Banjo, l 3tiltar, Colicertizili, Dram;
Fife and Ningqolet. - - -..,
Ilutitlngdon, - Jari. 24; 486,i..ti
VOR RltiNT.—The undersigned '6f-.
Teri for rent that well kuoirn chap In go4xlloc.a.
Mai for bminceq, together with a complete set °twigs's"
makers tools. Or the shopmill berensed with orwitliont
the tools as may best suit any making application.
.; :Spruce OreA, Jon. 14. 'AS-31. . 310813 PAN AN,
Q TRAY HORSE.— Ca me - to. the prem.
K.) iseitr.of the undersigned in Portor`to*
'umber Met a whys gray • force,' abeut.fouilsonisapde,- , .
high, supposedlo be twelve-years olif,ihisoW tier is' iK
quested to come forward, prove property, pay chargesaud -
take hint away, otherwise he will be disposed of accord.
iog to law. • •• dASIVEL IitTPULLD.
January, 14, 11/66-3t. .
: :
E.. O. &G. W COLDER ....-:. • .
RAYING enteric! into .eo•partpenldp. la the: : :',.! ~ :r -: r, r:
Alexandria brewery, the public 'are Inforiaint . .',. - •
that they will be prepared. at all Mx* t 0; Ill...:: - .;.;
orders Oil the shortest notice. , :.. • .i
:: • '''• • .'...
.t.elece,p4rtei 4Pb.14,1895-tf., . ~ ,:, , ' 7 :- ' 7 le..k.c,
; II
' -We the Board of PoorDirectori, at& tiniethishelit
at the Poor lirmso,January 3d ISO. hare ado.stedthe
lowiogrulea and regulatloneiTor the fituri':goveriatient
of said lustitotlon, and hereby g ire We ..norlceyn the .
public accortlindly; AVer thio drat . dai or:April mime i.
relief will be afforded to any out -dour Ifaupers,".inceepf in
a few extreme Sheri It would ba.lawsible;'or haw'
practicable to remove thein to the Llouie. Also 141411,
bills for the aupport, Lc, of IiMUI42I, andli - ARA'
all demands cedinet said Board, =tomb, preamited bring*
the expirotlow of-One 'year from the' date of seminal. oten.:
dozed. .Otherwise they will be mieetrd. :
Jan; 18, 1805-3 i
. , ,
To the Creditor's 'of the kruntirigdo,
Cambria and Indiana Turnpike Rotu:ICW.-
:The court of , tinntingen coupt at the , "Jannary , terian ,-,
1E66, directed to ho paid to said Creditors onaand onahalf -
per cent; On their claims on:which fernier-dividend bue ,
heen declared, which 1 will pay on the presentation of
their certificates of deposit by thansielvet or thetrailentsi;•
• . ' • 3011 N 8.188,7 T, Beiluertiatr, ,
Spruce, Creels Jan 18, 1885* , ?
_.*,oan, La, ACOVax•
dollidayablirg '•3taudard." Indians papyri- liNglabur t ir
“Alleghtini an," puldhh St and - chime' this : '
$4OO . - 80 - LINTY! •'''
The Burgesees and Centicil jiuntligdart
have appropriated and now oiler a .$3OO (hI ad=
dition tolhe GOvertimenibountyof sloo,)ro . each pereoa.
who shall : volunteer, or furnish subaltute; for one 7e 4 ri
payable as scion as mustered into the uervice orthe [Junta
dtotea, to the credit Of-the - borough of -
Stibatitutes, not liable toritHltary
such additiudal sous as tbey'may agree for with - Of pea
'sons employing them. , • , •
Portions desiring to go .eit herds TOillatellrViiit
totes, can apply to the undersigned Committee. at. Han
tingdon, or to H. A. Lovell, atthwPrevoir matehar.
Office, at Hollidays burg.
O. Wit,lllll4,
I:8113 SL, • i
„ • , „ Committee
Jan. 9,1895-3 t.
Fa rm Miczoar
gins. • •. • • .•
undersigned offer th6 . ;'Farin on
Li which they, reside, In West townslalpi;Anntilsgden
&minty, at. private sale; It le slineted:ithreeinlles frail
Yeteraburg, and the - sante distance-Irons liailfiunisuid;tee
nal.' It contains three hundred aid forty-nine _
allowance; good buildings; end about one- bundled& an;
acreacleared, and well adapted for a stock faro.
1141.01181a1AGUIP.1. .
The 'subscriber often at priTate eaie,tha find np,
which he now reeidec;lnlitopewell horn:ship, Hunting
county, containing oTer,TWO HtniiDll./M.Acakita,ab . 9 . o
IGO cleared and under cultliationiind
Tlte'improTomente are a log house, logbarniWunipktk
shop and other oui-bulldinge. . There ix aido'il goads (iii
power ands largo orchard of goorftnitlFice.mttikelgt_li*,
lees. The property feeonThillenf To:a goodzoarke4 mai -
about four wiles froth We Bread.T4 '
Aiso,‘On hutidied and thirtyioien and tiliAf aoiicrof
good timber land lying near diarkleabufg:l- -
gum, alot lying in hiarkleaburg.
Tlieteyina will be made eo enit ttie pun : hue:l'; ,:
thorlaforniation invaire of the etibseriber.
.• Jan: emtig,st. , :JACIC9OR,SNYIILIM.
. .
.Liberty.itreek 12014' .0114::
Cotton Fadtory,s
B.IkRRISMTRG:, Pf 3 TNAts ft-:;
'TIHE undersigned t a,.
'trait° that be continues to manufacture i . od Import
affect from tho most celebrated gairtercia •YreaCl, Ileabest qualities of..
whieb he °Hera at reasonable rates, ittd•glialinitee • aarls. •
faction to the purchaser. Also, irrery number In pe e at
. Orders by mall promptly attended td,.andrprds for
ded by railroad; chant, or aaPresa If ' • ' - •• • ,
• • • ' • •..'4 KEPNAR,,.
No 10 ; % West' Sado sit,' Ilaiiiibeirg; , n 4; •..V.
• .....4, .r•Jt
it -111, KINDS of Grooqriet--4niati as
ill_Syrop Notation, Cott k &d, it low vial* G I - •
13, • LLOYD tt /PqjtitT:a.,
..I.2"'sminbts;Cvskiiiirekthitti,' La4r4 0 / O U , C
Deb ' ' B4- tt • LUND* EiBNRYI
T. ADiEs 'Pith Cir4l lard, gbitwße
_Li EnntnineValtitbk 144 ar , • ' •
wee. '6I-tr. LLOYD k ILL,NIt74.