The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 25, 1865, Image 1

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    ms s ' 1 bP rao: i.?.-.
Te•—••• 0, s;••••
ter Minute in tavitrice.:
Siz months -
idttit:- •
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Bat 9- 7 linettless.6 91 25 9 1 50
Twoosquarsa a ..... ;•3;•••••••33. .1 50 2 - 00 3GO
Three squares 2 . 25 300 " 4 50
t: • - - 73 months. 8 mettle. 12 ',Maths !
Joe actual - 00as ..... 44,00 $6 00 $lO 00
rwo squares, 6 00 9 00 15 00
Phroaiqukreit, • • • 8.00 ••1200 • • 20 00.
Four squares 10 ,00 • 15 00 75 00
Ilalfskotrnni37: .• . .t 3.; ... 13.15 00,3 .... -00.•,, ....30.00
One column ^0 00 75 00.— .... 40 00
Professional andliusiness Cards notexceeding clx linos,
One rear;..44:La. " ' $5 OD
Administrators' dud executors' Notices,so
Andlixtra'•37o4Ccsi •-• • • ' • " •'62 2
estrearisoMothstrabottlii4Mats " • .1 , 00
—Tens lines , Oft•nortpareil :make. a lquere. About
eight word4.oonstitate s litte,ao that any person can ea
elly calculate aequate in manuscript.,
Adreresisments not' Marked with the number of loser-
Hone desired, will be continued till forbid and charged sic,
cording to &base terms: . • • •
• Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc.,
ire also lueressed. -
k 'Pouching Incident,
The - -following touching lines, con
tributed to the Philadelphia Evening
Bullecin frornsomc unknown pen, were
suggested by an affecting scene in one
of thiiii4ihospitals. - A braye lad of
aixteon icars, belonging to a New
Englandregiment, mortally wounded
at Prederickabit'ig, and sont to the Pat
'ent'Offteellospita.l in Washington, was
'anxiously. lookineor : tho coming of
his Mother. As his last hour approach
ed,:andaightigreur dim, he mistook a
. lady who was wiping the
' 6l / 1 1 / 1 4 ilikillir4ttion from hiafonehead
p*Oeted one, and, with a smile
of joy lighting tip his pale face, Whis
pered tenderly, "Is that mother ?"
"Then," says the writer, " drawing
boy toward him with all his feeble
strongth;'he rested his head in her
arms-like , 'sleeping infant, and thus
died i: irith,the sweet word "rnother"-on
his ipiiiering.
lattiat mother bonding o'er me,
da she. sang my cradle hgturl,
Kneeling Kiorii In testa before me,
ilea Is growler
Chirus.Sailoar, breath° on me thy bleasing!
`Angels waft
the to thy rest s
'Where no more the din of battle
Shall disturb th. patrlot's breast!
, .
'Corninitanifiona.„theohl home lowly,
Out among the 'Northern httla,
b.S . ipet boy; dying - slowly
Of wort battle, 'round. and Me?
'";hfUtiferl uli, iibhirrely
Itattted till the any — was done;
While the leaden hell-edora rattled,
3.1 . n . .ri to rain and Gun to' gun I
llnt we failed, and I BM dying—
_— „Dying In niy loyliood's.rears:
Them no weeping T solf-deny .
'Noble death's demand nci tears I
raid your arm,. again around me;
Prees a,T,alri,mynebinkhead;
Siuß.tlWe lullaby you tang ma—
_ Kim me mother, ere Pm dead
trcilirxfo ..zaorm 38,snr.
IC was„trkidnight ; a P l ata. Tennesset,
not the'riight of naturC, but the . Mid:
dle of that dark ;rind deiestible night
duringwhich-that prosecuted region
wasternalfed:under the Davie despot.
ism.s political midnight-in East
nnessee. It was nearly twilight,
when.ayoung man anJ a young girl
sat at s .the . Open WindoW of a find man
aion'ACar: a .pleasant little village—a
villagO'now:almost 'swept out of ex
istende:by the Sirocco breath of war.
Tha, Basham, an or
phan, who with her- brother Richard,
had inherited the splendid property of
her parents, consisting mostly of land
and slaves. The greater.. ; part of the
slaves jtd,beouleft to ber brother ; but
the m:an4ignbelongecl . to,them in corn-.
mon,- and she - also owned a good sum
in Louisville bank shares. Her broth
er had 'taken up-arms to protect his
property; as he said, and he probably
thoutht, and..was then a Captain of
Confederate guerillas.
,Mary Basham
was Oottmic4cro4 a "great catcti,'-' and it
was certainly strange, , , if not improper,
in Mrs. Grundy's eyes, that, she should
love that fair-4aired young man who
sat by her side at the open window,
for Ernest 'Felder had no riches, ex
cept 'a fair'siire,of talent and a true,
honest heart. He was only a music
teschei; find a Gerinah at that. Con
sequeotly.he. was warm than a Yan•
kee, and a' marriage, with him would
be as.bada Misalliance as Mary Bash
= couidmak.k:.; - _ -
"You ; are foolish, Ernest," saidthe
girl, as 8130 iiinclted a flower from the
wine and pulled it to pieces; "What is
the Union 'to you, that you are so anx
ious to Make yourself a martyr for
its sake? Besides, what can you do
for the Union:by
.hiding out inr the
woods and monnlairis, and 'being hun
ted down atiasi','and' hung, - or shot,'Or
imprigoned7: SO far, although you
nave been_eutject'to annoyance, you
escapekhat'in; and now, if you will
simplysubmit - to , the new order of
things, all will be well, and you will
not be troubled."
"The Union is everything to rne,
Mary Bashairi," , said the young man,
for it . sheltered me, and its flag pro
tecte&me*lienl carne to - this country
an exile.; .end under the Union I have
enjoyed the fruit. of my _labor, and
have been happy and,s - contented. It
would be worse than ingratitude to
deseit'it POW; because I happen'to bo
among:its enemies." •
"Thenyou will letlye pa," said the
girl, as she tore,the flower,passionate-
"linisi;.Mary, unless you can be
convinced that it is politic as well as
right to seek peace and safetyon
on grolind. But.that,is not to" bees
pectediand I. do not wonder at you,
owrier." .
r the alavesp broke in
the impetuous girl: "They are more
trouble .than. they Are .worth, and al
ways werti.:,.. pick Basliani is welcome
to In dr.f4ki,ici; if 1
. 36 rr4ntn thorn, ex
'DBUiS, Eclitoi: Prolirletor.
eept Ilersy and, little Jim. always.
felt its if I belong to them more .
than they belong to me, - Amid' the
feeling is: irksome.
,But a4fOr those
guerilla bandi, 'like; that of brother
Dick's, they:are . a disgrace to. the
country, and . ought.not:lo be 'permit
ted.- Dick said he 'Meant to bring . .hiS
gang of : ruffians here senie - night,.rind
give them a supper,—as, if would
stay, in the hollt3o Milord these wretch
es are' holding'their:drutrkeh orgies.—
I dared' him .to" do - SO.
talks so 'pitch 'lthotit the blood of the
Bashainsfot try,to ,
coM mit such
an outtage . oft comtrion',tlecenoy,;, and
he find that there is as mach'blOod
of the Bashams iti m 3% veins as in his.
I will let master officer know that I
am not to,he frightened by him."
The conversation was hero inter
rupted by a rough looking man, dress
ed in brown honieSPun, badly tattered,
- • .
and•Carryhi , g-along rifle on his shout
der; who .came hurriedly over the
lawn' toward the house. Hardly stop.;
ping to knock -he entered the front
door, and pushed into the .room where
.Mary . l4sham and Ernest,Felder were
talking." • :
'Beg pardon; Miss," said lie, pulling
a sloutehed• het from an 'uncombed
head,-and.resting the : butt of-- . his rifle
upon the carpet: "sorry to come
sudden like; but I hevn't no time for
perliteness. Mr.• Felder - the guerillas
has been liuntin' you . in the village,
andtheykon trot. So.there ain't no
time for tradin'. bosses, of you want
to git off." • • • •
"It has 'come 'sooner than I eXpeo;
, .
ted,"aary," said Fruest, as he started.
'up. "I must bid., you farewell now,
and perhaps - . forever. if I can reach.
the Federal finesse:My, try, to
get a word to you." - •
"No use talkin' 'bout the Federal
lines now, Atr. - Feltler,:LisaisLAl \
looking man, "for hero's the guerillits."
• A. he spoke about twenty horse
me», dressed, in, homespun imitation
of the Confederate uniform, rode up
iho street, and halted in front of the
mansion: They were avillanous sot
to look at, and were armed . with all
kotts-sfostonpopit,fNm. -a- hunting rifle
to a flint-lock pistol. •At their - head
rode a young man , in the gay Uniforin
of a Con federate offieM:, whos,e seat in
the saddle 'was 'quite Unsteady:
"They arei-a part of-Dick Basham's
gang," said Mary, as She*cooly survey-
ed them from the window, "and' lio is
with theM, and he is drunk again,
be bound. is,•nnough to destroy
any man's , respect for himself to asso 7
elate with such wretches, and I should
think nothing could induce - a gentle . -
man, as. Pick,Basham, used to bo, to
do it." : -
"Come, Ben 'Sterling," said Felder,
who had basti:Y seized his hat, "WO elm
yet escape by tbe back way."
"No!" exclaimed the, girl as her eye
shot fire. "You can do no such thing,
for they have already surrounded the
house.' Come, now, you two, you are
men and have arms, and . if it comes
to the worst, you know how. to sell
your lives dearly; But let me do my
part first, for I tell you that not a man
of that gang shall cross my threshold
whilo ha
Mary Bsin lives ! Feld
er, give me one of your pistols."
Quite overborne by the intrepidity
and energy of the high-spirited girl,
Ernest Felder almost mechanically
handed .her a :pistol. quioc . - as
thought, she brought out from an ad
joining closet a large tin can filled with
powder, carried it into the ball, threw
open the'door, and stood there with
pistol in hand, proud and defiant, and
beautiful in her pride and defiance.
Captain Basham, with four of, his
. -
rough troopers, dismotinted, and walk
ed toward the house. The path was
hardly wide enough- for the 'gallant
Captain, whom a commission as a-lieu
tenant-general could not have induced
to walk in .a straight line, But he
staggered on, until he was brought to
• •
a sudden pa by the ringing, voice of
his sister.
"Halt, there, Dick Bashain!" ex
claimed the indignant girl. , "W"hat eio
you want here, with that 'ick of dirty
hounds at your heels ? None of your
ragmuffin cut-throats shall . enter, this
house; nor you until you are sober."
"Don't he foolish, Mary," hiccoughed
the officer. We only want that gol
darned Dutch Tory Abolition piano
tuner, it he is in the house. lie must
fight for the South now, or,hang."
.."Ernest Folder is here'," ;answered.
Mary, "and he is no Dutch Tory Abol
ition piano tuner, but a gentleman, and
that is more than you are now, Dick
13ashatn. Ho has harmed neither you
nor any ono else, and has not meddled
with your niggers, or any othei-man's
and you shatl not.. touch. him when ho
is, under my roof.: .
"It is my roof as much as it, is yours;
Mary," persisted : Dick, who was in
olinod to temporize, won he saw that
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the '‘‘bldocl of the Bashairis" was fttiiir
tip in' his sister.
!It is not; for you said the house
was tobe all mine while the war last,
ed, if I would let you hate Jake and
Henry. If it was not, mine, none of
your : thieving gang should ever enter
if, nor shall yon, as I , told you, until
you aresober.". *• '
"Come on, boys," said Basbam, as he
commenced. to stagger toward the
hbuso. "My-sister is carrying tho joke
too far. We are not to be turned from
our duty by a: girl. Make way there,
Mary, for.wo must search the hotise."
"lialt,„there,for your life!" his.sister
. almost shouted, in a tone that caused
the young Mae to stop instantly. "Do
you - know this can of powder, Dick
i;asharn ?" said she pointed to it with
her pistol.. "And this," thrusting the
muzzle deep among' the shining black
grains. "Now I' warn you, sir, that if
you orany.of yofir thiptes approach a
step nearer, I will blow house and all
to utoms, as far as this .powder can do
it.". •
”Ilold, Mary I" exclaimed her broth
er, whom her desperate resolution had
almost sobered. "For God's sake take
your pistol out of that powder ! You
are excited dud . the least slip of your
finger would send yoti, and perhaps all
of de, into eternity."
"I am as cool as ice, Dick Basham,"
answered the girl, "and my nerves are
as firm as iron. • Now mark me;: I
give you until I count twenty to mount
your horses and ride away from here.
If you -do not leave in that time,
swear to you by the blood of•the Bash.
ams; that I will fire the pistol into, the
powder. (The—two- 7 "
• "I'll be bouod she'd. do it, Captain,"
said:one of the men; "I can see it in
her :eye,-and I reckon we'd better be
• "Of courso she would," said Bashatn,
ahriartridig,rrantir----..ti •
own her fora sister of taint), if the
hadn't spunk enough for that. Ws:
she meet have her way this titue,
vo willhavo chances -to catch
hWelire , goitig now, Mary," he con
ydd for thiij,`
and if, you havo so far lorgotten'your
position . and • your duty as to fall in
love , with that piano' tuner, both you
and ho Shall Pay dearly for it."
"Npver fear but that lean take care
of my position Arid my duty, Dick
Basham," said the girl, as the guerillas
mounted their horses and rode away.
When it was fairly night, Felder bade
Mary' Bashani good ; by:, and wont to
the hills with Bon Sterling. Mary
'seat her boy Jim with them, to bring
her word if they got off ilifelY ; and
when the .boy.retureed she sent hiM
back to theirtemporary hiding-place,
.with two horses and a supply of pra,
Ernest Felder after much ' hardship
and some narrow escape's, reached the
Federal. lines in safety. Finding a
number of his old friends in the caval
ryforce, some of them in high rank,
he joined that arm of the service; and
as had a thorough military education,
and was Ss bravo as a man may well
be, his promotion was quite rapid; so
that •in the course of time' he was
known as Major Felder, and was spo
ken of as a very promising officer..
It was, many long-: months after the
Midnight of -East-Tennessee, before
the glearn of Union• bay . onets and the
'flash of Union sabres began to make a
Very pleasant sort.of
,snurise in that
region. .In the .advance of the grand
army, which at lust carried relief and
protection to that persecuted people,
was a fine an . toldrori of cavOlty,which
`occupied, 'OlO a slight resistance, the
village near. which Mary Basham liv
ed. This squadron. was commanded
by Major Ernest Folder. • , -
Dick Basham had been killed while
making a brave but desperate defence
against the overwhelming force of. the
Federals when 'they entered the vil
lage and his'iiSter, although she did
not love liim as she forrndrly had, was
indignant at bis death, and resolved to
revenge it, if she could find a shadow
of - excuse for so doidg. So, with the
"blood of the Bash:tine boiling . in her
veins, she seated herself at the same
window whore she and Ernest had sat
so many' months before. '
More troons came pouring into thd
village, among them - an infantry regi
ment, all tired and hungry. An army
on the march seldom treats very ten
derly the country through which it
passes, nor is discipline always preser
ved as it should be. Sonic of those
men wore exclted . by liquer,andOthers
were foraging about as they chose.
A number of them made their ap
pearance at Mary Bashain's fine man-
Blurt, and commenced 4 raid tvpn.the
pigs and poultry - . Mary, warned them
off;'hut . they :.laughed at her, "and or
dered her to open the deo . r, threatening
to break it open if sbe ref Used. Q,l3f>
url;cl.pri t. 44.;
again warned thezia and - leveled'her
rifle at the foremost man. The. seldier
laughed and advanced towaid the dOor
with, a.rail to burst it in.. Mary Bash
am coolly sighted her piece, but as she
drew the trigger a fine-looking, fair
haired officer rode up in. front of the'
disorderly Soldiers, just in time to. re•
ceive the bullet in his shoulder. Ho
fell from his horse,
, and Wad •only
Strength enough to order the, men to'
protect, that house, and to carry him
in. • It was Ernest Felder.
When,Mary Basham saw who it was
that she - -had shot, she 'quite forgot the
death of her .brothet h this n'eli'es:;'
!amity, and her coolness, and firmness
forsook her entirely. She did her best,
however, to cure the wound she had
inflicted, and the presence of the
Wounded officer in the beim was the
best protection she could have h<td.
It was two months before Ernest
fully recovered, and when ho was able
to return to duty, Mary Basbam felt
that she istis net forgetting her posi
tion in marrying the brave and talented
officer. •
How to Fall Asleep,
: -The groat point to be gained in or
der to - secure . sleep is' to escape from
thought, especially .from clinging, te
nacious; imperious: thought, which in
most eases of wakeftiluess has posses
sion of the mind.: I always effect this
by the following Simple process " I
turn my eyeballs as far to the right or
loft, or upwards, as Lean - without pain,
and then commence rolling them slow
ly, with that divergence froin a direct
lino of vision, aronnd in their sockets,
and continue doing this until I . fall
asleep, which occurs generally within
three Minutes—always within five at
the - most. The itriinediate effect of
this precodure differs from that of any
other that I have ever heard to pro
nsprely diverts
hought into a now c a — nne at tictu
suspend's it. Since I became.
re of. this I have endeavored,: in.
• I umerable times, while thus rolling my
eyes, to think upon 'a partieular
ject, and ovet,up . 2n' th4 . , , WhichhefoFe,
kept me, awake, but Ima not. As
long as they were moving around, my
mind . Was blank. If any one doubts
,this, lot him try , the experiment for
himself. ; I wish he would ; let him
pause just ,here and make it. I ven
ture to assure him that, if he makes it
in good faith, in the manner described,
the promise of "a, penny for -hiS
thoughts," 'or for each of them, while
the Operation is in . progress will add
very little to his wealth. , Such being
its °fleet, we cannot wonder that it
should bring sleep to a nervous and
wakeful man at night. The philoso
phy of the matterliS•very simple. A
suspension of thought is to the mind
what a suspension of travel or labor
tois . a weary body. Itehjoys the lux'
ury Of rest y ti facul
ties is removed; it falls' asleep as nat
urally as the farmer in his chair after
toiling all day in his fields, .
The Way of the World.
There goes a : virtuous and honest
man. Who cares I Nobody looks at
him or cares a fig how, ho looks or
Here passes a marof wealth. The
old ladies run to the window. "Who V
"Where ?" "How does he dress ?" He
is a groat object of attraction. "How
in the world did he rnake so much ?"
"He doson't look azif ho.was worth a
Thia is the way of the world. Every;
'Jody 'gazes with admiration upon the
rich, wLilo they turn away from vir
tuous poverty.
Lot a man, make ten I:housitnd dol_
Ws, and ho is a gentleman every inch
of him. Everybodyhas a kind' word
and a smile fel'
Be poor and honest and no one knows
you. Men and women have heard of
such a name as yours; and you may
live at their elbow, but they are not
certain about it
. Possess a fortune and live at a mile
post, and your neighbors and friondi
would line'the heart of the city. All
would know where you. liyed and point
a stranger to the very door. ,
We repeat—such is the, world. Gol
den vice' is caressed, 'while 'humble
virtue is unobserved; I
Will the time never cOmeriever ?
when mon shall be lira:fared for 'their
virtues, and despised , for,their,siees,l
lather than be caressehor theirriolies
and C•ondemned for ttioir — Vovorty ?
Everybody, in woras,conSures t i he idea
of honoring, the rich hecause they are
rich, and yet, such are• regufat,lons of
society, that 'everybody dove humblo
in his manners and feelings when in the
presence of the "upper ton thousand.";
As long as ladies will associate with,
the voluptuous rich,` and shun the 'vir
tuous poor, so long. will vice be conski- ,
ered tie disgrace,. and Wealth wilt 'pay
ickr the e3aeriffoo of virtue.
. .
1 1 1011:111. KtiONVMG . AND RiM.Valill.l
iNo.=llow to' act when the clothes
take fire is an important piece
formation. . The American
Says, three persons out. of four would
'rush right up to the burning individ: .
ual; and • begin to' TRW- . With'
their handi without 'any deflnite
aim. -Itis useless to toll the victim to
do thiaor that; or Call'fbr ' Water. In ,
fact,•it is generally best to ynot
word, but seize a blanket from-a bed,
or a cloak,' or any .Woolen
none is at hand, take any Woolen 'ma
terial-'-hold the corners as -far apart
as At tali;'''"stretch them 'Out higher
than your head, and, running boldly.
to the person, make a motion of clasp
ing in the arms, most about the
This instantly smothers the fire
and saves the face. r -The next instant
throw the unfortunate person on the .
floor. This 'is an additional safety - to
face- and breath, and any rel .- anent of
flame can be put out more leisurely-.—•
The next instant, immerse the burnt
part in cold water,- and all pain Will
cease with rapidity of lightning:-:-- -
Next, get some COMMOllflour, remove
from the Witter; and cover the burnt
parts with an inch thickness of 'flour;
if possible, put the patient' to bed, and
do all that is- possible' to soothe until
the physician arrives. Let 'the flour
remain until it falls .off itself, when
a beautiful new skin will be found.
Unless the burns are deep, no other
application is needed. - The dry flour
for burns is the most admirable reme
dy over.propOsed, and the information
ought to be imparted to all." The
principal of its action is that, like the
water, it causes instant and Perfect
relief from pain, by totally excluding
~the air from' the injured parts. Span- .
' ish *biting and cold water, of a mushy
consistency, are preferred by Some.—
Dredge on the flour until no more
Pittsburgh Chronicle, speculatingt on'
the formation of petroleum says : •
"Wo may set it down as an axiom
that nature is not nnly-capable 'nf pro
'clueing noir * all articles -that'sise has
over produced, but that she • is: and
will continue . to - produce them until
she . substitnee something• better.—;
Perhaps our meaning- will be better
understOod by :applying to - a single
article. Suppose, for instance, we'
take the one in -which we all have -so
deep an interest—petroleum. This is
known to boa hydrocarbon, comps
ed of two gases: These gases are-pri
mary elements, indestructible and ex
haustless in'quantity. One of thoun=
hydrogen—is a' constituent--of water,
and, of cou:se; is 33 exhaustible as
the ocean. The other is a-constituent,
in all vogetabh3.formit and in many of
our rocks. One. hundred ; pounds 'of
limestone, when burned, will weigh
but sixty pounds.— The-part - driven .
off by burning is carbonic acid.
"derlying the "oil rock", is a stratum
of limestone of unknown thickness,
bUt kncisvn -to be upwards of one
thousand_ feet in depth. The water
falling on the surface and percolating
through the porous sandstone that
'underlies the oil rock,• becomes charg
ed with salt, potash, saltpetre, 'and
other chernical ingredients, and, final
ly, reaches ~the limestone rock :and
decomposes it—the carbon in-the rock
and the hydrog,on 'of the rock uniting
to form oil,. While the oxygen is' set
free to ascend to the atmosphere
unite 'with minerals and form oxygen;.
The reverse of this process is seen in`
burning the oil in a lamp=--the oxygen,
in the atmosphere uniting vrith' , the
'carbon in the oil, 'forming carbonic.
acid and with•tho .-hydrogen. forming
waterthus completing; the
The question is. frequently asked,-
"When will the oil bocoine exhausted?"
'We may answer, When the ocean is,
and 'not before." .
Shortly allot. leaving Milledgeville,
General Davis detected two Soldiers
stealing ladies' clothing froin A bowie
!Isar the road. Turning them over to
the Provost. Marshal, they were-dress.
ed in the stolen crinoline and petti
coats, tied to the rear o£ the wagons,
and for six days Marched. through
muddy fords and. swamps As au exaM
ple to the men of their command.
They came out from the' ordeal:with
mightily discolored skirts and 'dirty
Tiirules„ of Libby prison allowed
but sixJines, to the,letters of our eel
diers confined theretolheirfriends at
home. Here 'is a specimen; 'Written
h'n the lim' • .14 Dear Wife'
WiP , t .
Yoursreceived 7 -,•no bopee of exchange`
,--send.corn ,starch,--wantk ,socks-,-no
money—rheumatism in loft shoulder—
pickles very good--sond• -- sapsarist,-
00 bless you—,ltiss, ..the
calm - able, ..---Tour devoted husband.
T MU, $2,00 na year in advance.
A TRU', "LINCOLN- .-•"—Por-
PapiCtho•ophiion Of the" Presideat on
General gretiti' Viptory be
fore Nashville iTIAT 'be 'cif interest.
"Mr President,": said a friend 'to
him, "there isn't -much- left• of Rood's
there•" .
31.4i1; I -tl4.nk
'my About in. fii Bill- Syktierii
dog,:dtiwn'in Sunkiniiin countY. Did
you ever hedr it?" ''`.;
Of coiirfse the titlßWer Nias l'neva."
' "Well, Bill Sykes' had a long,
dog, that was forever getting:into the,_
ncighbore:,ment-housee,,pno 194 i±9l;gn
coops. They had tried to kill it a
'hundred times, but the dog was. sl.l ,
ways too smart for them. Finally*
of them got a bladder of a coon, and
-filled it up.with powder, tying the
neck around- a piece , of panic. When
he saw the ;dog coming he, fired, this.
punk, split open a hot biscuit andput .
the bladder in, then buttered all nicely
and threw it out. The dog swallowed
it at at gulp. Pretty loon there was
an explosion.- .The head' ofthe dog
lit on ,the -porch; the fore legs caught
astraddle the fence, the hind logs fell
in the ditch, and the rest of the dog
lay around loose. - 'Pretty soon Bill.
Sykes came along, and the - neighbor
Said : I guess there ain't much of
that 'dog of yours left? Well, no,'
said Rill:; See - plenty of pieces, but,
guess that dog, as a dog, ain't of much
more account.' Just so, Medil; there
may bo fragments of Hood's army ar
ound, but I guess tt - at: dog, as a dog,
ain't of much more account."
lixmoron.—l.wonder any man can
be content to live without the joyous
consciousness of God ; without-. this
how any one can .bear the griefs of
time, I 'know not, nor cannot even
dream. I would be certain that,my
little venture is insured at the' Provi
dent offiee of the Infinite God . ; then
shall I fear no shipwreck, but, steer ,
my personal craft, as hest I may, cer
tisin of a harbor, und though it be at
the bottom of the sea, I am safe fended
in heaven. If I litive 'Well done my
port;- f.l-d• 10:rfayT Lunn
sure the voyage, will turnout fortunate.
0 young men and young. women ;
men and . women' nolonger - you'ng
It is not enough to be brave and
thoughtful : not enough to be moral
also, and friendly each to each. You
have a Faculty which makes another
World for you, the World of God.
There is joy which is not lir wisdom
with all its science and its art of beau
ty of use ;_nor; yet in Morality, with:
its grand, works of justicei nay, nor
yet oven in the sweet felicity - of loving
men and being loveclin tarn by thorn ;
there is a life within the, Veil of the
Temple,; it is the Life with-God, the'
.Innermost Delight of human Conaious•
ness. Animated by that your Wisdom
shall ,be greater, more your, Sci
once, and more fair your Art; 'your
Morality more. firm and sure, your
Love to men more joyous and abiding,
your whole Character made useful,
and beautiful exceedingly.
How A SOLDIER DIED.-.--The f011OW;.
ing incident occurred'. at City Point'
Hospital, a few ;days since
A chaplain of tho.christian Commis- . ;
sion, While 'moving threugh 'the . :long
line of sufferers, administeringthe 'on.
solation of the gospel, approached the
bedside of a 'gallant fellow who was
severely wounded. His earthly march:
was nearly ended; ;Wit when - the chap
lain asked. him if he was prepared to
die, lie nietioriedfor pencil and paper,
and' with a . trentplouS hand ; wrote,
am: prepared to go-'to heaven; my
trust in Jesus -Christ is. perfect"----and
immediately. under 'these- words 'of ail
eared victory over, the grave; "Come,
rally !rOund the flag, 'hoys,"- - The
;chaplain took the paper, and
up, read it withrtfloud..voice.ilust
as he COnchided,:a: - who . had
;lost a hand" sprung frOM;his
waving : - . .theiiiiitilated stump :in, the
air, burst fortb.,with :the-glorious song
hig. dying comrade , -had auggeitedi
The effect was eloetric., • A . ' thoirsaild
vbices took up the • cherna, ana the.
. • , •
place of suffering was made to, fairly'
rock with the thunder of melody,, As
, that -vast soldier choir ceased singing,'
. the . chaplain . , turned .to look: upot'the.
,dying brave. ;He was, justirr.tinae to
catch the lust taint smile; that 'flieltraH
(Ai across the sunburnt 'face; as the
soul was vrafted on the Strains of itint . l
Union music to 'the' throne . Of liberty:.l
Quilp reports that a party of
-ladies were discussing the question :of,
the draft wlien'aYounoladi Some
what ignorant of; What a eaitricige . is,
inquired', the reason why men
. wort,
exempt, wlio lost.twO or three
93eeause, they could not bite the 'end,
of a cartridge '"tliere replied .tl 4 O
• , )
tpiestioner, .'wby don k they soak it in
their coffee?"
,fr,l ( (cl,l
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sOa pithst antes facialea far,promptly executing., „,...
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is to;LJue
C/RCI 7 LARS;;.- v -:
7:A.1),Er,5, - ,Ap., rte., 3,0
NO. 80.
Ali! how much-may= be - done bf
.persevering: hive often heard
school boys When' to' study a.
bard lesson exelaim, I can't; there's, no
I_ll3opf_ I.lVing, and carelessly throw ,
their ,hooks aside, baying come to the
qouclusion that the lesson was far, be
.yend their comprehension. Nen, bave
become' great byliersevering'lsorliy
g ivin g up. DidlibtroUr mostinfluen
tial ministers hovel° ,perpevere with
untiring skill to aedomplish - what
they hav4. .
Had George Washington ii,ot - heen
persevering he nover. would have - be
dome the great •and much loved fa- -
tiler of his country. In the
: life of
Audubon' the great naturalest, we have
!Mather example of perseverance life:
"Thus;we !3cie in these 'and in - many dtb'-
ers,'if we wish tie. -- great WO Must'
persevere, not only when great difiii -
cuities arise, but also when little cues.
meet us in our path through life. We'
cannot expect that: our 'path' will be
always:a flowery path. Ali! not we
must look for thorns, for 'they will -be'
growing amid the • brightest flOwers.
Now;' my young friends, while, you
are yet young and joyous school boys,
I urge upon you to be ambitious; per;
severe; dent - boa drone in yOur . sehool,'
dou't have
,your teacher to correct '
you for being idle. Look Yopder at
that boy behind the stove with thin
patched clothes, see hoyv - deeply he
is absorbed 'in - his lessMi; he will
make a mark Mthe World; poor as ho
is; be may some day rank among
our most distinguished men. Dont be
dlikouraged - my boy, because you are
poor; per Severe. Although the present
seems very dark, the future may be
bright. There is a beautiful proverb
which says, "behind every Sable cloud
there is a'ailver lining." Some of our
greatest men Ivere . but poor boys, but
by persevering they have obtained an
edubation. - L. Y,
• - •
season fiir bnekwheat cakes ha
arrive - a, A Writer the . . American
. , .
.4grfcultyolist. recommends toilew4
ingMethod.A'6r,tuakini - Sakes
finest, enderest cakes t be
' 'made,kirnddine,' -a little:unbOlted•Wheat.
(or (3ralunt) flour to the buck Wheat .- -;
Lase than . a quarter
Sold soar. anilk, ..or fresh ,(not
buttermilk, Which is best. ; The
- (seaptyini4" , are dispensed •••kith - ,)' l
when pia in•cold 'batter; will not- act::
satisfactorily: 'Bake at once.
heat will start. the effervescomM,•'.'ainVi
as the paste rises it will - .bake, tbui
proventingitfroin filling,- Bence the
oulndnating , •of lightness • ii:as - -•-:-
tained: -- - The batter:rises - Snowy-and:;
-beautiful, and'. the • pancake Will 4*OW --
to alm - oat .undue dimensions, .absoltii&''
. .
,ly the - lighteit. and
,ten derest 'that eau ;'
be baked, : with not.•- - a - touch •of•
More salt; •howeer; must be - - ridded
more - than usnal, countoraet the' UM:
fresh taste ,-- whon 'soda alone:l used:"
thus the bOthei • of emtyinis'is'alLitiii , '"
peLsed With. Paneakes"in thfir' tStay
can hi' baked any time and% our the•
shortest We • 'keeps 'Shr• flour
Mixed, the - Grahain. -Withk: the -
whoati ready. fOrtfit.""
. .
WIIONi To Mannv... 7 --When a young.
woman behaves to her parents in a.
manner particularly, affectionata:and
respectfully, from principtc,as- well as,
nature, there is nothing good and gen.-..
tle that may not, be expected !rout .
•ber, in WhatnVer condition she may,
be placed. , 'Where I to adVise nfrienit ,
as to his choice of a wife; my Os.
counsel would be "look out for a pions'
girl, diStinguished for hot' attention
and love to her parents. The fund of;.
worth, and affection
,indicated by snolk
behavior, joined to the habits of dilty
and consideration thereby oantineteci
being transfeired to the married itatek
will not fail, as a rule, to render 'lo,r
a mild, obliging, hand invaluable" pont.•
puma tor ltfe. • . ,
Johnny, a youngster of some eleiert
Years, was one da ; y-diacussing proba
'Whiles with his little brother, a six-r
year-older. IrVirhen larn grown 140
said Johnny, shall be mairied,' and
my children will'callyod Sell;
era! And you'll say, 'Comellere, my .
dear, and see what Uncle peneca's ; got'
for yon." latimi)l.l.l h ejitenlated . the•
little one, "I guess I shall have s.:11 .1
can do to take care ; of my own yOnitg
ter' A traveliar says there is a race.
Of men at the extremity of South Amex; :
ica of snob enoriiidueproPOrtiona that.:
they mix their lather in it' iviaitttila.
and ahaio ivlth a scythe
ool•itheir hair with a cistern pole:
Whf4 , i B L swell 7 A .Profv3ior of,
inn'go' who pretends, tg know every . ..
tiino iebotAt t ,the;noionoe, while be oan 7
noti cobeent him own ipornnet,
. :