E=MM V. : s; -:;~; NEw GOODS FOirivA-Eii: AND WINTER in. TORCH & BROTIIER, lien Wittily inform their nitmortnis cristatners, and the Public generally, that they haveinst received a large and splendidatock of Goods at thciy store in MAIIKLES BURG consisting in part of • • DRY GOODS, . • DRESS GOODS, • NRYI I IONS HATSA CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, tzt HARDWARE, . QUEENSWARE, ki • GROCERIES, ff • WOOD & LOW WARE, •T.Ol Ac CO' ' 'SEGA LS....,megan= OLD MEAT, CRACKERS, , PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT,' &c. - &c. s . ..Also--,BONNETS and TINWARE ; Andii fact everything usually kept In.► first class coun try atoiro,' which were bought low for cash' rind will be sold at corresponding low prices for cash or country prod uce; and request the .public to gll5 11S a call before par chasing, elsewhere feeling satisfied wo can offer.tuperior Inducements to cash buyers. ..,IYo,repoctfully request the patronago of all, and es pecially our Trough Creek Valley (Ilona.. t . v..rvarythlng taken In exeliange for goods excoPtprcani- Cia for alt klida of grain, for which the Meted, market prima will be giren. • • Lave oleo o stook of FASIIIONADLE FURNITURE which will besold at reasonable prices. RCS & 813.0. Elasklesbnre. Nor.lB, 1864. TAY HIS W ______ ! THIS WAY ! A ICETiAftIIA'AL OF BOOTS L. SHOES, HATS, etc. 14j, 103 N H. WZSTBROOK Informs the public that he ha. .just reeetredk new stock cfDOOTS and - 8110118- of all ei. zee and kinds tcisaleeierybodt. ' ' - ' Also. Mats, Mallory, Phoe 'Findings, Morocco and Lin Mg Skins, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. Don't forget the old stand In the - Diamond. Old oust,- mere and the public, generally are Invited to-call. liontingdon, Sept. 21, 1864. 11V5713.4' YOUR PIOPEIe .1' 11V THE, LIRA_ RD Fire and Marine Insurance Co., lcO .MARINE Flit ISILS ONLY HEN: ''rerpdualialicies gianted on brick and stone buildings. Limited policies granted oa frame or log • buildings, reerchandiee and furniture. M. IVO premium swim required, consequently no arum 'nada made. It. ALLISON all LLEIt, SepI6,ISCA Age. for 'ituntingdon adjoining Cos BIRNBAUM'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ON SILL STREET, A few doors west of Lewis' Book Store, . 1 377k21ND ON, P.A. photographs and Ambrotypes Taken in the Best Style; m.vA.I4, I AN.Ii...EIAMINE SPECIMENS FANCY , FURS; FANCY FURS ty own Importation and tanufactnre, one of the A RGEST and most - 6kIITIEUL nelectiousof FANCY FURS' r LAPIS' and GENTLE LEN'S WEAR, in the ty.Aleo, a fine assort wit-of Clout's Fur tidy o 1 and Colton. As my Pure was per med when Gold was at much lower premium , _ -oabled to dispose of them at Tory reasoaaile prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Iluntingdon county and vicinity. Nemember the NameiNumber and Stmet 718 ARCH Street, aboye 7th, South side. ' • -- PHILADELPHIA. MP- 1 RAPE ,NO PARTNER. NOR- CONNECTION WITH ANY OTIIER STORE IN Pll - I;ADELPI-116 t Sept. 7, '64. Sm. • GEORGE P. EI:DREDGE iv i OHARtE§ DESILVER, • Wholesale and Retail PUBLISHER and BOOKSELLER, 1229 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADA. /M. Your patronaki.is solicited. April 16, 1864-Ip, • - ]T OWARD ASSOCIATION, PEaLADELPHIA. Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urin ary and Selnml. Systems, Now - and:reliable treatment:-in reports by the 'TOWARD ASSOCIATION—Soot by mall in sealed letter envelopes, tree otcharge. • • . Address, Dit. J. MULLIN I.IOIIOnTON, Acting Ber gson, timvaril Association, No. 2 South Ninth 'etreot,PLll• adelphls, Pa. quly 13, ISG4-]y.• ALEXANDRIA 'BREWERY, jmsinsiE undersigned : having m purchasedsed from T. Nowell his interest in the &Ia- Brewery, the business will hereafter be carried on under the firm of E. 0. COLDER & 1 . -111 1 001 and old customers aud the public general. • ly are Wormed that all orders will receive prompt attention. . S. 0. COLDER & CO. ap27,104' • • • J. 31. arnmiltaium. . ,:.. .. -, y ' R, T. CVIC . NINCIIIAX Nn. J. E V"- . . 1' ' I It - - .11 . M. OtibiliINGMAM & EON, successors to J. 11. ingbam, bare this day entered into partnership in the Foundry business end are prepared to furnish Cant ing., of all kinds, and repairs at short notice and on rear. enable term'. We are buying 0141.1cial and scrap Iron at highest , market prices. Huntingdon, July . 8, 18e4 WAR FOR THE UNION. HER' ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NORFOLK, AL TAKEN.—ASHEY SLAIN, AND THE DAM- . BONE - O.V.fyIIEVESI.P! BROKEN • Bat while yoit rejoice at the meccas of our gallant troops, and the prospect of the speedy downfall of the Babel Army, do not - forgot to call at the store of • . WALLACE & CLEMENT, „ before purchasing otoenlieia,,arid see our:new stock goods, connoting of , ''...— .- r .. •• ~ •' . Dry Goods, „, . Groceries, 'tooth and Roos, Queonsrrare,, •.- , GrocterTirare, Tobacco, Segura, - - Ramo, . _ Tilteit, bheulders, Ih h• • -If and a general aneortroent of notione,elrof ninet ;- fag on reaeonablo terms for rneb or produce; t - ...- .Knotlngdon, July I, 16 , 62, SPECTACLES. " AL fine and largo assortnient always Xon • hand . 4r, tyWre ,psoalr STOiw. , . sarlikot7ifeat 'JOB' PRIN'PING; etill at the i%4Lotat dog. Pattptitta Oirtde, at rititi best Tobacco 14 town, at P. alnX.B • . . = e - 1M FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. • - . LL wlio may have any claims a gainst the Goiicttnnont for Bounty, Back Pay and Wmoon, can lava cleir claims promptly. collected by sp. vlying tither in perm, or by letter to ; W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, _ . - Huntingdon, Pa. August 12,-1863. PARIS MANTILLA EIIIPORIEJIVA No. 920 Chestnut St., Pliiiado.. —NOW OPEN: -- , 7. 4oade Manilidiand Cloaks. .150. SPRIIT and SUTMTtGARME NTS, rziffri aims own Manufacture, of tile Ooost etylea and in great Tarioty, • ' S. W. PROCTOR & CO., The Paris Mantilla Emporium, ozo Chestnut Bt., Kfladolphla. Apr 1113,1361. -11 fAs' READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, NOVEMBER 7, 16e4. aMEAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE k_A North nod NorthATent for PnaLouortiA, Now. Yons, Ite.irooo, l'orr3ruxo, Lnexoa, ALuctiromr, EAorod, Trains kayo Ilarrisburr, for ?law York, as follows A t 3 00 and 8 15 A. 111, and 145 I'. 51., arriving at New York at 10 00 A, 51., end 2 45 end 10 00 P. 51. . - • • The above connect with similar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and steeping can accompany the first two trains, without change. DA. for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Mineral - 1110, Allentown and Philadelphia at 8 18 A. 51., and .I. 45 P. it., stopping at Lebaocn and principal notions only. Way Trains, stopping at all point; at 7 25 A. DI., and 4 40 P. 51. Itoturning. leave NYAT-Tors at 9 A. 11., 12 Noon, and 7 P. IL • Itiladelphirt at S A: 31-; and .3 30 P. M; Pothimilla at 8 60 A. IL, and 2 35 P. Al.; Tamaqua at 8 10 A. M., and 2 15 I'. 51., and.lteading at 12 midnight, 735 and 10 45 A. 1 38 and 6 05 P. 31. An ACC.olllMo4atiah Passenger Train leaves limn.. at 6.33 A. U. and returns front PIIIIADLLPIIIA at 4,30 P. M. Columbia Itallroad Trains leave Heading at 6 40 and 11 A. ;U.. for Ephrata. Ulf; Columbia, On Sundays, bays No w Ybrk at 7 P. SI., Philadelphia, 3 Is P. M., Pottsville 7 30 A. N. Tamaqua 7 A., N., Har d burg S 15 A. 11.1., and Iteadtas at 12nildmight, far Har risburg. COMXOTAT/OX, 3111,81.,1E, SEASON. nhd HSCL'ISSION TICSSCS at reduced rates to and from all points. Baggage checked through : Su pound., Baggage allowed each P.:eget:ger. SEEM We' Sbw , _ T)ENNSYLVANIA R2' , IL ROAD TIME OF LEAVING 0 Q TRAINS WINTER AI?I?ANG k'NENT. WEST YARD. EA ST WARD -Th ' I , ,r- 4 w ;T• I p .. ~, ..,..71 t .. 4 I ~ P ' ' 1 i i LI ~,, ~...,•,,;,,.- STATIOSIII. IFa r.2 : t, ,.., i , p . VF" ~ b , 2 1 VI I-1 17... V. 5.1 t 4t : P. 11.1 A.M.' P.M I A.M. • P. 51.1 A. M.l P.M 5 17 1 40712 10 151, Hamilton, 8 211 249 525 41512 20 Mt. Union,— 8 14110 01 "40 5 35 4 25 12 34 Mapleton, 2 30 1 43 4 34 12 44 Mill Creek,— 7 67 1 9 46 2 23 5 59 4 49 105 6 20 nuntingdon, 7 461 915 210 6 15 5 05 1 2' Petersburg„.. 7 31 0 20 1 52 623 11 7 1 91 llarree I 1 44 6Si 621 1 61 gpruee'Creel., 7 17 907 1 37 6 45 2 13 'Birmingham, 1 20 688 5 49 2 24 Tyrone, 6 54 8 44 1 10 7 OS 5 68 241 Tipton, 644 ...... 12 56 7 14.... . 240 Podolia 12 62 7 19 609 2 17 Belle Alla,. 635 8 25 12 47 7406 20 3 4.!1 755 Altoona,. 620810 12 30 PALI .6. 10. P. M. A. M. The PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS Eadward, learee Altoona at .9 40 P. 31., and arrives at Umntingdon at. 11 01 P. 31. The .1 , A1'.. istrrarcl team Altoona at 2 40 A. M., and , atln . F . dnaal .. 4 05 A. M. Tho PHI Ithatiogdo 5 55 .A. cons ranratu, 8 ARCH Street ova itb., MUM , • RAILROAD.—CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. On and after Wednesday Nov. 0,1861, Passenger Trains will arrivo and depart as folloWl SOUTIIWARD TRAINS. NORTIIWARD TRAINS. glima NEE Lr. 8 001Hunlingdon, 8 24 McConnellstown , 8 28 Pleasant Grose, 8 44 Markleabarg,., 7 07 9 00 Coffee Ron 7 10 9 OS Rough & Ready 7 40 0 21 Cosa, 1 7 48 9 25 Fisher'll Summit An 8 10 KR 0 40 a - 0 00 10exten,' 10 15trtIddleabarg I 10 23 llopowell 1 10 39 Piper'a Run, 10 . 00 Hamilton 11 12 Bloody Ito _ at... 11.15 Mount Dallas. I 11 - 0 - B - P8 RIJN BltA NC: to 10 00 1 Ettiton 110 1510oalmont, 10.20 Cremford, AR 10 70 Dudley. r !Broad Top . City,.....1 ogdoe, Nov. 9,1854.. JAI to 5 25 6 CO Gl4 6 43 IMEM UN IVE RSA L CLOTHES No. 1.- Large Family Wringer, $14,00 No.l/ Medium " " 12,00 No. 2. Medium " 4: 10,00 N o. 2i .4( - -(c (4 0,00 No. 3.. Small " " 8,00 No. 8. Large Hotel, IC 20,00 To. 18. Ilfeclitim Laundry { toea run ~ stm 120,00 No. 22. Large °shawl. 30,00 Nos. 21. and 3 have no Cogs. ' All oth ers are warranted. *No. 2 is the size generally used in private fumille t % ORANGE JUDD, of the "American Ag rieultarist,": says of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER "A child can readily 'Suing out a tubfull of clothes In a 10n , minutes. It Is in reality a CLOTUT.3' SAVrItl A TIME SAM! Cid a STENOTIA SAVER I Thocariug of gar ments will alone pay a large per mintage on its cost. We think the machine much more than "pays for itself +eve ry year" in the saving of garments! There ore several kinds, nearly alike in general construction, but we con sider it important that tho Wringer be Stied with Cogs, otherwise a mass of 'garments may clog the rollers, and the rollers upon the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loon from the shaft. Our own is one of the first make, and It is as GOOD AEI NEW after nearly rovo. *am' CONSTANT M. Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is War ranted in every particular. wrover can be _Durable without Cog Wheels. J. A. BkOitratAlA gent for lluntino -0 don, ' July 27,1.864. ICIOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION jui_ You all went a CLOTHES 'WRINGER, in order to ger through your washing earlier, spare your strength nod at thesorno Mule save enough in rho wear or clothes by using a Wringer, to pay for it in six months, at the present price of cotton. Wringers that have taken the Paramus: ovon ALL OrEMR9 in the market, for Bole at the hardwire Etere Of Fe 3,1861 JAMES A. DROWN. , TAXIES:44 ..BROWN, Huntingdon, .ur .Pa., Rolle Patent Wooden Pampa for cistern. and welly froni.4 to 60 feet deep, at about one half On usual Nice for old fuebloned pumps, All rumps intirasitel . . . • AGENCY, AT THE 0. A. NICOLLS, General ,tercrintendene. T LINE Ein trrites nt Run. LADELPIIIA .n at 7 20 A.. EXPRESS Westward. leaves $l., and arrives' at Altoona at Ward, hares Huntingdon at MEM Morn's Even'g 111121 EM! STRINGS TAR 12 47 fl 12 11 69 11 :10 L 11 00 lull 01 10 49 EU 10 25 LE 10 00 An. 9 401 9 25 915 ,Lz 0 10 MEM = CHEAP PUMPS,. " PUTNAM CLOTHES VVRINCip. 1 I - 2 1 .0 t IT IS Tilt ONLY:IILTABLD SELF -ADJUSTING WRINGER. NO WOODWORK TO SWE' LL OR SPLIT. No Thumb..Sorews to i et out of Order. WARRANTED WITH OIL WITHOUT COG.WHEELS. It tool; the FIRST PREMIUM at fiftpseven State And Ceunty Fairs In 1803, nod le, without an exception, the bat Wringer over ;undo. Patented in tho; - 13nitell:States, Zugland, Canada, and Austral!. Agentsivputpd !never) , town, and 10 all par the world. n , ean - ninko front 3Fr 10 Do lore per day. 2,1,6,ati No.l, $7,00. • ` r, $1,50. No. A. $ O O BO . 'anufactured and sold, and retail, by • THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13, Platt Street. New York, and Cleveland, Ohio. 8. C. NORTHROP, Agent. IrflAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, viz:— • That Imo woll gallant-sod will not rust; That a gamic, machine In better than n complicated ono That a wringer should bo aelf•adJusting, durable, and efficient ; That Thmub•Scrows and Fastenings canoe delay and trouble to regulate and keep in order; That wood soaked in hot water will swell, shrink and split; That wood bearings rot the shaft to run hi trill wear out; That the Putnam Wiinger, with or without cog wheels will not tear the clothes; That cog-wheel regulators are not essential ; That rho Putnam Wringer has alt the advantages, and .not one of too disadvantages above named; That all who have tested It, pronounce it the best Wringer over made; - That It will wring a Thread or a Bed Quilt without al. terntion. Wo might fill the papbr with taithnoitinis, but insert only a few to convince the skeptical, it suck there ha; end we any to all, test Putnam's Wringer. Test it thor oughly with oily and all others, and if not entirely calla factory, return It. Putnam Manufacturing Co: GOITLEX.N I know from practical export.eo that iron well galvanized with zinc will not oxidise or rust ono particle. The Damon Wringer le as near perfect as possible, and I can chetrfully rccommend it to be the beat In WO. Respectfully your., JNO. Tr. Wlll6lll,Elt, Cleveland. Ohio. Many years' experience in the gntranteing business enable too to indorse the above statement lu all partlc. tars. JNO. C. LETPERTS, No.loo Beckman. et Nom York, January, 1864. We kayo tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by practl. cal working,and know that It will do. It to cheap; It la simple; it require. no room, whether at work or nt rest; child can operate It; It does its duty thoroughly; It eaves time and ft eaves wear and tear. Wo earnostly ad. ylse all who bare much washing to do, With all !atoll!. gent ptrtops who hare any, to buy thin Wringer. It will pay ter Itself In a year at moot. Hoy. IIOIIACH GREELEY. . Julyl3 16c.t. New Furniture-,&i Ftablshment, J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to hie stand on 11111 et., Huntingdon, between Cuuninghant's Store and Dean's National House, where ho manufactures' and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons 'wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. 11Niy. Also. Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made in any style desired, at short notice. 43Ponemls attended at any place in town or coon ry,. by J. M. WISE. Huntingdon, arpt.2l, 1862—tf F®YTTZ'S CELEBRATED giotov mut tattle Non**. These Powders Will strength - r en thaStomach t and Intestines, cleanse them from offensive , matter, and bring them to Altruttitratme. They are a sure preventive of Lung Parer, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Ilene, such as Glan ders, Yellow Watel Die- e PsPaLm:deiry~r,)_ H a alr 3 Slavering, , t-1 rT" Coughs, Fe vans, Loss of • Appetite and n y Vital Ener- EY, &C. In- poor, loW-spirited animal'', it has 'the most beneficial effect. The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the llotre fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, rigor and spirit of this noble animal. AR 6 20 6 C 0 5 40 5 27 5 20 5 c LE 450 AA 1 40 3 24 L 3 3 20 MO: The property this Powder possesses in in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, gives it an importance end. value whielt shold place it in the ban 4 of every perscn keeping a Cow. By actual evperintent it has , proven that it will increase. thc'quantity of Milk And Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, :t gives them an appetite, loosons their hide and makes them thrive touch f;atar. HOGS. 3292 In all Diseases of . the Swine, such as ''''''''Z...-4-441:4.r?r• 'oughs, Ulcers in 4V.2-ii.,ft: 'to Lungs,. Liver, ''' - %-:,--cr- - - , -, 1 ,--.... , •74.2, R. tke. By putting , - ?t , t, • from half ft purer / -- to a paper , of those .:-... '—_ -- 44.-, „. • Powders in o. bar- ri3".;,-,,... - „,;;,..7- - IVZ:-,.: rel of 'Swill, the .; nt5g:..3 . 1.6. 1 3 above Diseases can to cured or cutiply pro vented. By using titeso Pau dem the Log Cholera. can be prevented. Price 25 ots, por Papor, or 5 Papers for $l, I=l S. A. FOUTZ PRO., AT WHOLESALE DEUG AP.D MEDICINE DUCT, No. 116 Franklin St., l'altimoro, I.ld F o r Salo by Druggi:tz nod Storthcepera throughout the gaited Stztv.t. For sale wholesalo and retail by John Bead, Huntingdon, Pa. [ap27.l SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC sroltn, irummono; PA OSGOOD'S Speller.lst, 2d.3d, 4th and sth Ruder.. APOUFFIiT'S Speller and Readers. SANDER'S- do do de Town's Speller and Definer, (old and now editions.) Smith'e, Utillion's and Drown's Grammars. Fitch's Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's. Monteith and McNally'. Geographies &Atlases. Camp's Geography, with Key to 'Mitchell's Outline Maps. Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. - Quackenbos' First Lemons In Composition. Quackedbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Brooke' Arithmetics. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleat's and Stoddard's Keys to Aritinnotics. Greenleaf, rind Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons la Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Willard's History of the United States. Child's • Goodrich's " . Payson, Dunton and Soribner's Penmanship, In eleven numbore. Potter & Hammond's Penmanship In twelve numbers. Am , a.mleel Controllers' and other Copy,Books. • entary Geometry and Trigonometry. Le enured Geometry. • " • Greenleaf's Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Book-Iteeplfig... . " Book. Keeping by Single Entry, by. freggpor& & Doman . Zook Eeeping by Single and Double gut., b y & Stral Payson. Other books will be added and furnished to ortker. A roll stock of School Stationery always on hand. I Huntingdon, Pa. ttorW THE . CYTHARA-Tho i e- 1 - 1 , 41 A Presbyterss la Peelemeilet-Ale Bertineeee,6,...ece.eek triworeu thstroetore--Weileticre, Now and noknee4 Met hal foi the Gut ter--hetantre Acme, neon, \Uhl ea Flute Inetructore--Wfunee's ned-thilee's TRAIN ingttuctors--alleltak's Meledoeii . Iheetructoe=.llut, route' Plane-Forte'Prlnter—ilo. Thorough-Diem Pelmet-- v-4zE.. Moue ' s Drilifug Doom - Dances — Tire Chorus Oleo Book,- `sale net„ Pine Cigars and Tobacco for sale at Lewis' - QQlc Moro • Win ESI 'NIAABLE YARD.. The undersigned wont ! ' knpec Malty call the attention of the eitisisaa of Huntingdon and dm adjoining obuntles to the stdek of beautiful marble now on hand. He is Prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of retry denirad- size and form of Italian or ',Pastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro priate darken, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door. and Window Sills, de.; will be furnirbodro order. W. W. pledgee himself to thrfiltil matdrial and work umnship equal to any in tho country,'at a talc price. Call and see, beforo you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Hill trout, Ilmitingdon, Pa. Huntingdon Olay 161815 1864. THE 1864. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OP ~nLli ~iil~N Ever *Brought to Huntingdon, s now ready for inspection and salo, LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. EW AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES pail the saline article can bo bouglt, in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwatds of Dne Hundred Different Styles • OF iWell & Ceiling. Paper & Bordering, FOR The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, • Kitchen, Office, - Store, Shop, &c., Call at the '"Globe" .Building, and examine our stock and prices. e. ..i -,1 ) e 0: p, =f • ow,e, e , , ~ ,r , „, • = - ' ‘, l ; • ' v cliks) = ) 0 • , I = MI ' `,?; cp s liffiti. -,- / 7 &, -- • ,c MFullre '''14 675R0 . ° ..cf • - 4. • , WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A _LARGE STOCK SPLENDID ASSORTMENT AT LEIVIS' BOOK STORE V ° l l V ll. S° . "714 x "; " PcBLANKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS': UNSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS. ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, sunrcr,NAs, MOP.TGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOE HOUSES, NATURALIZATION BIZS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, . FEN BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, with Teacher,. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peaco and Minister, of the Compel. COMPLAINT, 'WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, iu cm* Of Attenult and Battery, and Affray. :CIERE FACIAL to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township 'ranee. Printed nu superior paper. and for solo at tile Office of tho HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good Paper. Mil FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY Handsome- and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Storo. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS OF THE PUILADELPHIABAR II Tell: You How to drat, np PARTNEREIIIP PAPERS and give. general forms for AGREEMENTS of all • kinds, BILLS of SALE, LRAM and PETITIONS. It ma Too Ifow to draw up Bones and MOnToxaos, Ar. rinATITS, PORERs of ATIDRNET, NOM and lima of ExenANGE, REeturTS and Rotuma. It Tells You The lows for tho Cootocrion of Dears, with the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and amount nod kind of property Exeter front Bxr.ct , von in every State. It Tells You How to make nu Assionmeere properly, with forma for Cogrosreion with -REDITORS, and tho INSoLVENT LAWS of every State. It Tells Thu Tha legal relations existing between Om. DIAN and 117sitn, Moans. and AppRENTICE, and LANDLORD and TENANT. • II Tells You What ConStitutee Inn and SLANDER, and the Law as to MARRIAGE DOWER, the Wits'S MOUT IN Pimento, DIVORCE and ALIMO.TT. It HIM You Tho Law for Idocnstitcs' Lions In every State, and the DlATonalszAlioN L..ova of this coun try, nod how to comply with tha same. It Tells no The law concerning PENSIONS and how to ob tain one, and tho PRE-ERPTION LAWS to PUBLIC LANDS. It Tells Tau The Law:for PATENTS, with mode of prose; done in obtaining one, with INTORMENCES, ASSIGNMENTS and TABLE Op PUS. Ii Tells Yoe( 110 w to make your WILL, and how to ADMIN MEE ON AN ESTATE, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tell: You The meaning of LAW TEE3IB in general nee, and explaius to you tho LEGISLATIVE; Ex* CISME and JUDICIAL Powers of both Chi General and State CIOVERNSIENTS. If Tell. Ibis How To Rasp our OF LAW, by showing bow ti do your business legally, thee ravings last amount of property, nod s'exatior litigation, by Its timely consultation. • Mr Everybody's Lawyer Is for sale at Lew is' Book Ste SATCHELS, PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES; . POCKET-BOOKS, • PORTFOLIOS, . CARD CASFR, SEGAR CASES, &c., A handsome assortment just recroived `. At LEWIS' Book Store. EEO ; . - ~~ {TM. WILLIAMS IM CM Rom JUST RECEIVED BY FRANK CROSBY, L & DU tax moored to tits Erick now opposite the Court House etprlll2, 1859. e j E. GREENE, 10/I•Aasir °Mee removed to opposite the store of D. P. Groin, in the square, Hill street, Huntingdon, P. April 13,1864. H. K. NEFF, M. A trAVING returned from the Army, will resume tho practice of MEDICINE end BIM U . , at his old residence on 11111 street. Huntingdon, dug., 2.4 'GI. ' . WILLIAM AFRICA. RAS AGAIN COMMENCED THE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, • ONE DOOR BAST OF 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE, Me old cuatomere and the public generally, will giro him a call. (Huntingdon, Odt. 20, ISM) THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. J. MORRISON, Prolirotor WM. LEWIS, Dealer In nooks, Stationery and Ilneital Inatra menu, nuntingdon, Pa. NI" GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready A_ .mulo Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa. VIII. JOHN McCULLOCH., offers his professional serviced to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office on 11111 streot, ono door east of Reed's Drug Store. Aug.'23, '55. Q. S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi 4. dues, Perfumery, Asa Stuffs, 011 s, Lc. Also—Oro cartes, Confectioneries, &c., Huntingdon, Pa. TAMES A. BROWN, el Denier in Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, £6., hunt Ingdon, Pa. . tDOea!ri‘nNlteady Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, goots and Shoos, ac. TA P. GNVIN, j. Dealer In Dry Goodo,drocericw,llerdware,Queene ware, Hata and Caro, Beata and Shore, an. ROOK BINDING. Old. Books, Magazines, or publications of any klad, bound to ordor, If loft at LEWIS' BOOK LE STATIONERY STORE. TIVLSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! it you 'nava sour cars neatly printed, watt anTel• :LE rig"/ItiE* V 1 i OR THE LADIES. A suporlor article of Note Paper and Envelopes, su table for confidential correspondence. fur ante at LEIVLS' ROOK & STATIONERY STORE. WM: IVILLIAMS, V Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer. ENV ELOPES-. fly the box, pack, or lees quantity, for aale M • LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONER I 'STORE. .401_1 aLIDO-4- : 33001 - ta — , Generally in nee in the Scheele of the Courtty,tiot on hand, will be furnithed to order. en application at LEWIS' BOOK, AZW STATIONERY STORE. oLD BRASS AND COPPER taken in exchange geode at the hardware Store Sant. 3,1862. .3./$4,-)era* / t A consoles Pocket Ready Reckoner; in and cents, to which nre added forme of Notes Billes,Re coipte, Petitions, &c., togethor n set of uet:ful'bablea, containing rnto of interest from one dullnr to twelve thou,- and, by tho single day, wills a table of wngoa, and board by the week and day, published in 1859. For onto at • LEW IS' ROOK (1 BARRELS. AND LOCKS.-A large asaortment at BROWN'S 71AltDIVA sTORS. ~DAPFIt! PAPER!! YY Noto, Post, Commercial, -Foolscap and Platcap—a good assortment for into by tbdream, half roam, ginire or shoot, at LEWIS' NEVI BOOK & STATIONERY STORE - 1 - 3 A It C II MENT DEED PAPER ruled, for solo at , . LRIVIS' BO OX SrORE. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, • For nalo at zEirls' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. TRACING MUSLIN, DRUMM AND DRAWING PAM IVhile and Colored Card Paper, Por sal. at LBWIS' BOOK it STATIONERY STORE. -ROOTS and SHOES, the largest and dampest assortment In town, at D. P. GIVIWS. LIQUORS, of the hut ) for Medicina purponen nt 8. 8. 8311TIVS. CALL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want GOOD GOODS. 13LANK BOOKS, OF Y6lllOOB MU, for Info At LEWIS' 1100 K AND STA TIONBRT STOS F. ALBUMS ALBUMS. A beautiful assortment of THOTO dRAPD. ALBUMS just received and for sale .AT LEWIS' BOOR STORM PAPER : PAPER!! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, • • Impression Paper, • Drawing Paper, Deed Peper, Tisane Paper, • Silk Paper for Flowers, Porforoted Paper, Bristol Board, lat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper,. • Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, - Ladlan' Gilt Edged hotter end Note Pepor, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, In Packs and Sheets, For eale at LF.WIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOR • LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, MYER, RECEIVED IN lIIINTINGDON, CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY ANDAUSIO STOREt 50.000, . BEer Q uAUTY - 13U.V.; ORANGE, YELLOW, AND YANCY ENVSLOPES, Just received and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. ~.. ifft.l:, -- • iflB;, , . z stA, 'Mr, . . 1""n ,'" , • . ~. * ", "'‘' • pools AND. STATION 41 7 C-- - ; • ._. . .A- rood assortment,' of Istisollinews_rktkd"Sohool, looks—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial Bud" Nate Pain's— Plain and Fancy - Envelopes—Red Blue ima Black Ink.= Blank Boelcs of numerous ekes' — ' --- "'"""' . ^ "r -via • Desk Inkstand • . *. , BOOK; can es had It : tair p_rto r ea M & MO STOOL' Mil fi.K~.c j'. ~ d.✓'.l!+ =2M:D= ' ME MI SALES AND Anybody k want of PA3IILY AND POCKP.T DRUM, HYMN AND PRAM BOOKS,- ALBUMS AND ANNUAL, ctr own vnerenut AND txra4rmia nor, • ' MUSICAL' INSTRUMENTS, CHURCH MUSIC AEU ittern taw own, SIIERT MUSIC for the Nebo, Guitar, ke., kit; POOUT BOOKS, POIITUONNAIEB AND NIUE% GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND WOKS, For Buntla7 and COmmon Meals, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABST BLOCKS, kO., ALL. KINDS OF BOOKS WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, , CIIECKER BOARDS, DOMINOBS,N4O., Memorandum Books of Various Sizes; SCHOOL BOOKS OP ALL KINDS, Drawing and Molting Payer, Bridal and Owed iktirie, Rey:STORE. nortnn.x,CAMIINS, ran, suriexn LAC =sit; An;told's llOdgson's and llanlson's Wrapping Paper of Different 21zee Arid Quatitle:lL_ rrimmlirmmeiN2ll CIIG.II. BMS 7 STATIOXIIRS" AtiD Mlll . llO 31031 X, Ja the "Globe" Market Square, go to make their porcitanoß TIIE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN- COOKERY IN ALL ITS DRANCIIES. • 11T MISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefidly Revised by Mr. J. S. Hale IT TELL% Yen now to choose all kinds . of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all the various and .most approved modes or dressing and cooking Beef and Pork; also the best and simplest way of salting, pickling .and curing the IT Taus You All the various and moat approsecl modes of dressing, cooking, end boning 3lntton, Lamb, Yeah Poultry.ond game of all kinds with the different pressings ' .Graries, and Stuffings appropriate to each. Ix TZIIS Yoe How to choose, clean, and preserve Fhb at all hinds, and how to sweeten It when Mint. ed; also all !lie Yoriotho and'rnont approved snedez of cooking, with tho Migrant Drawl. Inge : Sauces . , and Flavorings appropriate to and. IT TILLS You MI tho venous and most opprosed remand' . . froparing over RO kinds of Meat,i'ish.Roset Ramo, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, an Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings • appropriate to each. - . , . . IT TELLS Yon All the lariolll and most ariyroved mode. of cooking Yogetablee of every deacilpthip,, , • also how to inept Pickle. ,. Catarina and Curtin, of all kind., Pkt Ig 4 Z eats, ylsb,, Game, Ittpitrooms, dc. " - - ,_. Ir nun Yon All the various and most approrod nodes et preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, 'Ounslottes, Fritters, Cakes, .Confoctionary, Presence, Jeillos, and Sweet Dishes of crory dourly- • Hon, IT True You All the various :Mil moot eppro'ved modes of making Dread, Ranks, MuMne, and bis cuit, and the beat method of preparing. Coffee, Chocolate, dud Tee; and 'bow to make Syrups, Cordials, end Wince of Tu. Hone Untie, ' IT Tam You flow to enfant and ornament a Table, hen Carve all kind/ of Fisb, Flesh or Fowl, and In short, bow to so simplify the wholo Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxnrins of the table within the everybody'/ reach. For Sale at Lewis' Book. Store. • • • NEW BOOKS . FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE TIM HOUSE: A Now Poor m ST --MIAS of limed Archltee lure; or, Itow.to Build' Dwellings, Berne,' Stables, - and Out Dwellings of all binds. Witha Chapter On Churches and School-Houses. Price, 60 cents.. THE GARDEN: A Now Poexer MANUAL of - Practical Ifor ticulturo; or, How to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruits, and Flowers. With a Chapter on Ornamental Tree:: and, Shrubs. Price, 60 cents. THE FARM: A NOW POCHST MANUA of PractientAgri. culture: or, How to Cultivate all the Field Crops. With an Bseay ou Form Managemeet, etc; Price, 60 . centa. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A New ; POCEsT SaNtlst. of Cattle, Horne and Sheep Husbandry; or, -How to Breed and Rear Le. Various Tenants of, the Barn-yard,-.etc., etc Price, 60 cents. HOW TO TALK: A Now POSSES MMUS Or COSVSTIatiorl and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Graminati cat Style, and , more than Five. Hundred Common MIS babes Corrected. Price, 50 cents. 110 W TO BEHAVE: A Now POCKET Marmot of Rennbli , cau Etiquette, and Guide to -Correct Personal Irabitil with Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberative At comblies, etc. Price, 60 acute. ROW TO DO . BIEISINRSS: A Now cpp,tion- q oroo T.i 3 L„ m centar,:- 1 11- 110TdUliAPH: ALBUMS SMALL PORTRAITS ALL MS DISTINDOISHXD einem AND oIT IUAN AT LEWIS' 1300 k AND STATIONERY .BTqltE OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES; GILT GOLD SHADES, vanimail sEtaims, ILE! B 4; = =BM MIA LT; PROFITS!" Fancy and School STATIONERY, Yor Ladies rood Gentlonian, Proper for Boys and Girls. AMUSING GAMES ror Young Folke MARRIAGE CERTIYICATEB, VISITING CA;DS, CONVERSATION cAnos, BONG 3300K8, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK 1309K5, DIARIES ron 1563 WHITE BONNET BOARD, WRITING FLUID Vir I 8' • here all who want t.) FOR SALE MEI fit. rYN.S'R:- .. ._'~, i 1 , 1 p,'67: PENS ~_~ BEsic , i - s' Tit • • Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pew • : h r_%b c 7ret ° '. gnraij - ottesenor ml ilit67l o vr. -7Z rowan Vhe tilde, ..they ... pa, Per; th *r eln~iefitoz, Th 4 foliovripg:i ottuiri, are .relapeptt beeillho.l ely appro.° cif tbe. We bare aged th to be al he repress ing theit tkithoi4it Bernard's Pen pieved in thieeffic .du • I octn rocou3men, NM add aura! I bail, not e ldedly'theyesfi -, 'Agent We can made IdorreSive Pius ai withi4 excel:4o, n. - Sccrda, Upon trlat we . ,,Ctife collont. X wout, article to Initdd o UN Of all Pei me more eat ! public as bai l . , . , Attar it.iiiiontlye. cos, Corrosive Yen, re catt best' 'nietellie pea wilievoi"*ii above experlinee.thst It C. BARY - . ::/fanurnauyit er,Cofrus. • , •••-, lolar!reot;'olerlfenwol Juiio .18, 1802. _ GREAT Tir.ORK ij-~' ; THE GORSE higb lIY ROBEllT (licfrasorof Patliftltgy,”• - • Vettriganic4)oe#4l EOM • fluviei TIIN HORS b,x .rdvg_,pr, - ' . • - Last nioaea 1611. •••• also, how•• to; ire4t. T • ; Roaring; 9liylat;.•4l log, iteetleastana,: wbleh laractb.jaat, tyi-y.-e!igrayo) WILL VI/L Too Of tiie - of Strangles; 2o l t , is Cv,g11;11. '~ Pa~~Sore~..Dl~ ,•• and• • It[LS itonsz'Ariri RILL T• O 4 YOUOrthe , of' Worms,' liesti v t - • 14 Diarrhea, JaundiceBtOneiliVa • , .•i . der, Infidrantiod-a) Barry) • . -. 46 etlinacP, - ---. i - n '" :3 ' I r g!" s .*' - .:' -- .4! 211 k IloicSXANlr ..' lilills4l WILL TZLLWOTI Of lbotierTc#4.l: : . I n tr:g r 'lo - nis t -114eiWir : ' . - . . -.,.,c . .• -: . ~:......,...Ineea Wil - ntGal ( r ' I t,Sctallatio , $.L4..., 2 # l4 # WOMB,VorilgS , ,andVoth°Fstm4 !1g!. , ,' • TIM. 1191tS8:iiiD4# WILL i*I,L yOll4 . pOtttp", , ) I r n l t Y;lfetilki ' Drkod4h9Lll e.taes-Ori hart Wild, mat of habit', Lessee_ R, - LA. 1:113;k4t: ratio4.riPy! Mar, • - Cbnveyancer. vitt - ceCb; Philadeli . . • Tlde work-coriplmi and Exaaiplei, dual:di r t .artse'erory day In'the -Co. has 'already paased thrinkl aucceeston, 'and l prOnom moil to. by Ma' handiest:At *dalculattone, 'lll4ll4k* Ever-y °mange in tha.#l •od in a Igo^ naticnoF:, cley,7 In,the tato time 044 2111t.Willth. Winlc, et Otona brafnuti&itt of coal nartcinitbinOV*4o; , ajar, Knarside tirantuF , 7 480, esefin,' o$ tdintarolinirriter , ,4, spaper banger's! pitiluitgti; currairefrind Otto rind decimal qqtlmvPf to business, of aleirildisom34* •ontiro applientiOntoblielnewSirsu .and irsageei gorerislog taw. pammerebil.foemer—.or.teita teio .notes, of banking monk and ocpasintinbipanecali of ,welkbts end reeribilrunint the square roe* senttq rqfpitr of oxoratlon; and 'sit iuhnj '• - •41 Farmer,. thei teqrchiur ,profeselohit kne ug - 41 the hirqi th"e . 2 1 4 9". - ? the xtlibhil . h hipit I,Tiler;' ' t,; at4;114 clone wantrlctlti ::' , :aePrit#: 6 4 4 •,, 4P 3 fith i g l° . S-1 'DV ~, 4 Mi