Ektlle. 11l 1 , HUOT INGO so 4 1 YM..... 44 A ' • ^ • raW+.l` _ Y Inoptulogi; ;..VC - '/:. _4 , *-7.if I:: -'- *Ol -....1'1 0 CAL - &PE,S 0 NAL. ,--- . ' ' 'l A' t, '...z . :_ ~.--.- . 4, ' . r- ,, :. , , , ott "ktlio rigi ', tiiest is over, • ' - 6.4 afer*e'' ; . °P 4 t', .'-' '*, t 4ti l W - mtiel.tk - leiniiiri_diii g n . 4:8,4 y t:' - ;!...: ': min la):4Dr end for. the eqii* - -'-' --:,. '' ,l-- "' "' f nis ' - 'i r ii ,- lil '' r - - i'' ~,:z .. - ...,-, t . e ur ~ , ur Feu et:! A ~.r . ,,,.. "11- I , s4v I uilishing ano i t p e Globe,with‘4ll6l - 0:':" 4 . ~ .roo( 1 1!ng matter, fer):4o,ofi ,:. r ulki bueinese,,a:lanC.n4s l : :',l tt e wire Of for,guitici;f. M - Ptaffs, .111 ;"tias docilea 4ttlielete . el eel rice - kad a c ol iti4 7,- . - -- TO OUR PATRONS, 11 0 E OR, TERIO, mr,SUBSPIg.PTIOIC t - Ai - Oysters. - Fresh Oysters by the-eal can be bad. at aittirees,,at the residendet.of Saint. t.heo4ithe'Court 0118 e s Par-No'carrier's acSdress was issued from this office this year. Reason best known to our carrier.- A. Navy Store, David II: Kooker has opened a store four qoqrs east of Dean's hotel, at the upper end of town. If% keeps on hand a large iupply of tobacco and segars,l6 whteli-theoi‘teiatkon of the - - ' Qiditei _ • Over, edito . rofti fpnvid eßedford ati°'el°sahgConnecjonvith ~that Paper,°h'ee°nbci2lst. He diBP°Bo °flisetablislmenttoß. C. f the uirer. Over in -I.l,endp.roiaoYing,'°. East, where ha h n e 'says,he make it pay bettor t , 4 ed f 0 . 7 1. d n . • %Y'e trust his expeeta wifilly:ll6realized. Z 3 'iB,B Lootit kon_tlia ! ;make settlement as soon as possible, `and those having claims against us present their bills immediately,-- (Ye must close our old books, The Draft. .A meeting was held at, the Court - . Mies,. on Saturda3r• ovi3nin,g last, at ifii,oll..tho Enrollment list of-tbiTThar bagh .51'as : corrected as well as they nossibljr could. The Board of Enroll , # Mont will visit this place ou the 7th inet t Meastutqa are in progress to re • Hove our citizens from the dread. of the draft, the quot3of the borough be. ing . approximated at :qty. The coot; of4,ledisrict is 2,319. •. !I*.kij--‘--, • . t' a first class totoil3er of the.publjc, etll , o- 1 :-Lu_ilaisjhatp_pAtt i ro- ..gibed his position: During the peii -44.-Fhieh: ho has conducted the ,Las .performed his mission better evidence of which can in the fact that his test tlil ,4 5 'tents ,Etits for eachisub, :training spealth - one of theni bare we het:o 4 censuring 14r. Chaney for lack in, atton-Ziing to their mental culture, but all praio3 Nin 'for his persistent attention to their In • Jhrestil, and a general regret is mani 7 lested :It his departitre. We trust that -his successor will do as much for the Obolars as has Ain .Chaney. • - keie. - eutot'i No ;Or's Nditi4ejit2,oo. ,- att *i t o.,(itcomt ~ i t d v),,,i,1 1 i.te be, _ --,„ %weri,-, ,i•turth 1 .......Mipand,l - ,7lllankii 1 4 .:' , ',. 1 '- ig ittk_gl...leff. VOili" 1 ling-41'4 , ' n•:tb.e., -JBQS,. , It% be 1 ..ateti. 1, 41 . 1 ly verti -1 tyablct p)i tfaet. 1 1 4 1 .-7 1.8 . . 1' ' , . - ,Toungn?,/ mer. ~ . T .- I N l' - 01 ; II itor. . - Wilt ti•A s, -...- . .arq.P4b:,, 7 iil6-4,„:„.-. Vse/ess Custom. , EXperience has too plainly proven hat the custom, of late- very habitual -*if - naming children after distinguish! d.men of the present day; who have IltiOt run the race set before them, nor 1 " -ended their career,ln life, a very poor :and ridiculous Tolley. We have 'known as *an'instance, of many chil• (iron haying been named after the .once idolized military hero, Gen. Geo. ) I _49,Plellan. Now, since the Gener ?,..,..414,-.149)ya at leastY.an uncertain associating with traitors WAilur;'o9antry, and shown to the. Irld,th - at bin Mature; like human na li in•general; was riot infallible, son parents -ibok with contempt up Mcithe day that they were foolishly constrained to name their child after :One'viho "was, and yet is not"—after one who had , but just begun to live, and-who .only lived to die. Naming children after the patriots and patri. 'areita of past ages, who have lived • and Shown their. virtuous character, is . , a eastern we can in nowise' find fault with; but we" have not•heard of any sensible indiviiluals surnaming their children with the names of Tom Pa*, Aaron Burr- or others, who lived in the worldonly to curse it, and *hose :,vices were their. distinguishing traits. 'How' ridiculous would- it appear, should parents adopt`such names for their children ! But yet not leas ab .eiurd".is the custom now prevalent of lionoring--if it is 'an honor- 7 eminent -persons by calling children by their names. No matter how good, emi nent or distinguished a person on life's stage may be, ere he has finish ',his coarse a change for the worse 18(10, and he or she become ex- nroparatapni ea btedniss .4...:-% --- 147:. ..:o..iit'.-...;.; . 66 7 , :P:l;:::Aifli' . . *i. ir.iiiiiik:', '.--..:1'...,',',',7.C'i: "Prt -Noir tittniiii;lB - .44 rd at iknvelation'to la ~ .well- • - -, ftfew i iis Ihir.lot3:4:- ,AP*3 EN __..their name a stigma. Aefs'and tnotice - r, , hroad•think. of 4iii,:and )3y .no means name (whose fertune Might' be lost by;111t ;very name) after those who bav& not acted to tho end tbeiypart on . pbe - stage Of life. O - of , n: l!',,.l,nie.ri .!) . 044:' **4:o4i.-o'. r'..gfE9e - . . 1:,0 • . :Qo Satnrda,y e.v . eniri* lip . ro. 3 t l o s n t i a /I n t d „ - - - '"rtli . nklin between lya.3 t!ri,,, ~H- .-1 i:::: . I t ,i a . _i1 . :° 111 : 14. . p 5 t . 13 ,0 6 f i s o : 4 a ,2t b'ilc r is b §k iii i l i) , ");;;;c l o ; l- - , ,_ 1 .katrupg k f ?u, ~ ,: . • .•, ' n o . some WYLY- 1 ) Of z,fifey cent turret4ey ci ; ~.... . t n e eprv..6.toetzlo444,§ba,gia.,,irt...il. 1 side. 5 ... i Yi. ~spew two - 094 - .P*6 lEs , :- t . f !—,, il vo i. 4 ,o6l c4::.' l . ll H 3 : o !i di str'n=; l6 . i)w , v . tali- on i 4 - poor wOrOlitY edviPg- ~,,,.„. 0 "-- 4 :: ---:.... ad cop t9ll tE;40411 i p (5Tp,?,.- ,,,, ~,_, -7, ....'-',:.:tt-,itt'V.l:isr-ii-!...it.r9r, ,I, ~..,,-.K.,A1,,,.446:-.,;:...,..,.,,,.. ,;*,,,...,,,:g,,,i,,,i-,.:-.ft,-2--ii.,-,*,,xv,,,,-:,,,.•,,,,:., ' '' -- ;•-..:4-2411.45' ~,',-.,=7,1;'.-7,--4.-:.A..,4;74.16..X.--% -..4-?:::;:-. . ;,?:42 ' ,4 cWil" ,- Z",i:','-', 1 - - ''. - • • ~.-5-12..,; 1 0:4 1-^ - , - .4 e.P,v. - -;- - .- . _,-.`•-= :,-.. ,k,",%-v. tcolvre,r4,-..4,-....,..-,44,,,4;t0g.„........1 - • -4,:,-:.'w.,12-1 ~ ,,,q , ; , . ..., -- 4.t.-.:L.‘tlyw. '7 , ' -,-..-.. ~ ._:;, , .„...„..!„-,45.,, , ,..,,,, . . ,-.. r ;~:... y .. ; _.- ~:•~- - 0 =ECM . . . . .. '- ,4 oiiiiears were saluted -on Monday . ~ 4ning,-Dee. 26, by strains of music, , Iginating From a band of minstrels, 'i': formed in this borough. Con -' ' • ilk• _ ng the.first public attempt of the - ~• ‘ul musicians the music was ad ,i; ae. We hope to hear from the ; • • again. ltig. Our particular friend, Rev. A. Miller, ChaPlain of 202 d P. V. Reg ent gate tus a call a few days ago. e yere pleased to see him look so and to hear he bad gained con ,etablp,weight since he has been in _vice.-- I Success and health be :, • ,Arew'reai. wish altliho aro indebted to us bdoks, stationery, subscriptions, 'erasing, job work, etc., etc.; to 33. - obaney, who Jens boon to - 4:ka,...1.1. iiigUli , c h r#B , 4 „,: beW I t :tins Observed: - I 'The.' holikvs„of 1864 have passed awap, -, 10P:' , -!Tentine of merriment ,in rtiris'p'42Ay:'4;‘...not as vivid as on for: ini4 4 )4WA :;:11fo: boys, whose . .1111 ri at& cu - Sterif it into 'visit every store and fartiiiifikAiMir 'Christmas or • New Year's gift, were preVented from so do ''fiiii,,Y the recurrence of the day, on the Sabbath. 'Port' few of theni took occasion - on the preceding or succeed• ing day to ask for their presents in the usual manner; but wo feel confident tli% enjoyed themselves, as, wall in other pursuits. As usual, however, t ' older folks gratified theMselves in hestowino fts and- were gratified, in turn, by 'reeeivi ng?1,.. G. : , ---_, 4 lillt3 Z e !! made, and returned, and the nuinhog' -upon our streets gave - indication that • the calls were numerous. Many of our citizens, thinking that the city pre sented far greater attractions, left us to pass their holidays in the "Quaker." Donations in money and subStantials woro liberally given to the- ministers in our midst by Members of the differ ent deriominntions, and by others—a proper manner fora ,grateful people to show their esteem for the divines; and their ,appreciatoin of their labors in behalf of religion. In a word, we consider that the holidays just past were properly observed by our citizens, and we aro sure that the loyal portion of them Were highly elated during the day by the news from Sharman that Savannah had been surrendered, and from Thomas, that Hood was still fur ther worsted. This neWs was the Christmas gift from the two Union Generals to the American people, at large. . Ono fact in relation to the obser vance of the holidays we aro pleased to mention. That is, thut the cases of drunkenness and boisterousness were very " few and far between." Perhaps those who wore raised on corn felt better contented to remain in•doors, and not make themselVes notorious by the full swoop of their tumbling corporeals. We can bid the holidays farewell; and as they were the recipients of news that portended the down-fall of 7t1.4.-nursed rebellion, we can hope that ere the suns of another year shall have ceased to roll, and ere another laPse of holidays shall have ,returnedl49war:l will be effectually' dispensing--rfc'rrejuvenating panacea to cure the evils that war, in 'its dire ness, has produced. A. Seidler Gone. Amongst the many soldiers who lately perished while confined in ono of tho.rebel dimmeons, was Robt. Bev- ens, a native of Philadelphia, but, trio WU' to — sorrre — or'oni--,44411. a Was eapthred by guerillas shortly of SlieridtiO's victory - at Winehester, and by them ba was taken to one Of the,Souliterix-nrisonsJt- is thougb tAt - Anuersomvino, ano then, cc/1.11410u' til deprivation, perhaps, ended his youthful career. Wo sympathize with the parents and friends of the downs j.d, and trust that ho has received the hi g h Toward above that his patriotism merite,:!• Tito Old Teak As usual, the pld year was ushered out by the firing of gans and pistols, but the noise consequeut'oi: .":/le occa sion was not as loud nor repeay.:d aP . on former occasions, Perhaps those who can shoot are having full share of the sport Under their different com manders on the field of battle. The celebration of theLnew ,year was ap propriately observed. Rev. 8.- 11. Reid, pastor of the German Reformed received on now year's eve a commen dable donation from his friends. YORK, Dee. 16th, 186-1 . irt.E.V• .T. WPAuttA.n..—ar:—Please express our thanks to the Ennisville congrtgation, for a contribution of five dollars and fifty cents for the benefit of our wounded and sick soldier's.-- While grateful to them, And . to you, for your continued efforts in behalf of this Hospital, we alsodesire to express the assurance, that we will endeavor, to expend all money entrusted to us in such a Manner aS'Avill best promote to the comfort of those suffering men for vrholn designed: 1. beg that you will excuse this tardy' deknoNo - Absence from home is my Apology. Very Respectfully, LOUISA. DARKEE TtIE LUNGS.—The cold and changeable weather' tells terribly ou those who have weak and diseased lungs. Many are suffering at this time with affections of the throat and lungs. Bronchitis is becoming a very com mon, willictio. Those who are predisposed to Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, &e., should avoid the night air. There are many pre parations recommended' fdr 'these diseases, but there is not a doubt but that,Dr. Btrick laud's Mellifluous COult Balsain is the - best remedy. We hero known it to effect cures . in the worst cases of Coughs, Colds,' Bron chitis, Asthma, and primary cases of sumption. . • -Railroad Appoint mont ThosnitsVestbrook: has been made 11 ; 1 1 1 . 1 r . h,t4ti:ei'r 'at tllie:place, in place of. Robert — tt.p4, removed to Altoona,. Wm. DeArmitt:ms been niade assis— tant Despatcher, and*C.,4l.vin Alexandria, Baggage Agent.; F9nud On tile ,eorner at Lewis' Book Store, themorning Of the 27th, a buckskin purve,containi.ng-a ; Amall. aunt of money. Tho (miner can have it by calling at this Ace and provingyroperty. oall s attontion to advertleo moot in IP/4 11 er o°loino'of SoNr.loll . • _ On the 22cl tilt., du Huntingdon, by Rev. J. A. Prioe,_l4.lx. W. E. Sre:No, • WaShington, D. C.; and Miss itiAnTliA. G. BEAVER, of .Marldesburt , Pa: On December' 29. at the Prosbyte , Tian Parsonage, 11.untingdok, Ret% G.. W. Zahnizer, Mr. SAmum, D: Wit SON to Hies Al..toum both of Orbisonia. At too residence of Jas.W. Stevens Esq., on Saturday, the 22d inst, Rev: James C. Clarke,, Mr. Win, P. Mc- GLAl:Films', of Mt. Union, to. Miss Morads CUNNINOLIAM i Of Petersbnrg:. On Tuesday"the .29th of NoveMber, in Diamond Valley, by John. Thom pson,. Esq., Mr. D.A.NrEti:BoAlVr.r.r to Miss NANCY J. STULL all of West town= 'ship. On Thursday ,the2Qth day of Do• tte . ditrre liooresville COM 101' i 0.f. , or . , Mr. DANIEL M. 415 NAII Cameral, all Of Barre° township. On the 26th inst., -- btyir $. 31 Moore, Capt. D. Itoss MrTT.nn. and Mis ELLEN HAMEE, both of limitingclo county. „ After faithfully serving his eountr the field as long as his health soul permit, the gallant Captain returns home, and like all sensible young me' voluntarily joined the "Union hem guards," an army with more influene over the patriot soldie'r than the brigh, est prospebts of; promotion tIC highest position .under Grant coul have. "In Union there is strongth fl . and we feel assured our young ,friend will never secede from the Kapp choice he has made. FOr his,kindato membrane° of us, ho haS our warmest thanks, and best wishes that ho . and his happy partner may 'move on lei one through_ a, leag „life hoaltbi prosperity, and happiness. • DIED At his residence in Saulsbury, Barroci township, on Sunday, the 26th ult., SAMUEL COEN, at an advanced age. • Jan. 8. Fancy and Extra Family Flora.. ' ' n000@9,00 Common nud eurerline . ' . $10,10(g)10,16 Rye rivar 49,00 ' Corn Meal It bl $B,OO Extra White Whrat. v,E.O/Z12,52 Fair and Prime tied ' $2,6542,63 Rye $1.72 Corn, prlinolielloir - - • $1,75 Oats . . 90 Barley • ' ' ll bu1.?„122, CloYersed, 'f 04 Ms Timothy Flaxseed , Wool Hide. .... ....4.,40 •-... '‘1 0 (4 11.3 ............ ; a:. . kitilsrW Orga White IVnort----- 62k nod IYheat . ! 2 , 40 ltys .2,00. Corn 1 2 Oats ' 6: • i - 30' Cloyerored L'hoosrs,l . ".1,115- V. 141r6 APplen Butter - - • 2,00. Eggo - . - .10 Lord - -^` Ham • Shooldei Rd. ' . • Tallow ..... TTEAD QUARTERS . ' INFO R MS T - Ul4l PUBLIC SPT.I DI ;O'TOCIC of NEW GOODS 0111 APNESS AND QUALITY E=fl „ A R DIV E , AND CUTLERY !' AN .I.3IMENSt STOCK AND • ,1".11ND1.4 • W: .V . A • I4ETY OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ttc, NOW OPEN .AND FOR - SALE Br JAS.. A. BROWN HUNTINGDON, PDNNA. GALL AND EXAMINE OUR siiimt Nor. V, 1864 ' • • 1864. • 1864. CLOTHING. H. ROMAPI.' NEW L OTI W C-I I N G FALL AND *INTNN, , • JUST 1113CEITED IL ROMAN'S • CIIE4P CLOTHING STORE. • For entleraen's Clothing of the best material, and med. the beet yrerkneenlike manner, GUI etl ROMAN"' opponito the Franklin You., In Market Square,. liniiting don, Pa. Iliunthigden N0v.23, Wt. • riaBOOTS AIltD SHOES. ;• • respectfully I,A Informs his old . emstouiera end 111'91)011e generally that ho has 1C13101.4 to opposite Browtee.ilardsvora whe lie has opened a- - . • . ' . . F • ::NKW STOCK- OF • . _ 3E3CjeCitti :1313aet . IEClaeolaai • and is prepored.to acconirmidato everybody with good ar tidos at reasonable prices... - ' Ile olio cpittiones to, npartitacturo to order all Wry. of bsots'afid , sboes: - :yttiitpgdori. A' ram's ,7 e4ll , sWrilla:l o ß,4 B ;- for ------1711."1, 1, 1 , 14 i_ f 4. , ~ Si)ii itiv‘ ',L .A.. meoveti,'ltuplingaon> ago f t g• h. -MIRO 9lntes. Con Haim. , #'o , vl , ~,.0 c jll9l .l ‘ IP .I 'ft • , .-.., , .‘ ; ''' .' ! ..,, ~ 4; ' '-' 0 , ' ',- -': • . , ~..,.."'"." . 2 ,''''n , ,.., C,,1. A7J 7 ,:];, - ;',V:':'r,,t7, - ,q,;:;]•Va..AK . ,ZlW,tii_; -~'' MARRIED, PiIIbADELPI/14 RIA4IC-ET6. ME NEW GOODS. IrE HAS JUST OPENED THAT CAN'T Mt MAT COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN, MIME =MEE • - o:oir: - Alnag::ATI.,).: - :-‘,4.10'9: 6 :4 ',r , ' 1 ,iA AltY. -1..---4- ,..— ------_-•-•-:--_:_--=--- _..---.-----------AL IA 'TUNE. 1 - A OUST, — 1 ....,------ - • - • „ _ _ , ' , SPII-TVI I TIFIS SIMITIW T'FIS SINI IP -eir• Th- W 1 . 1 . ,- 11 , - 1 - 1 21 - 7311 7 1 - 6 - 6 - 71 - .71: - .71 - .7. 1- .7. --- 1 1 X8 7 :C 1 701 -3 qt 5 ' l'8) 911'4,12 13 14 . 4 5 1 6 7 8 ,9 R I , 61 7 'Bl 91011 12 1511611711M9120 21 1 11 12 - 13 14 15 16 1711311; 1 . 15116 17118 19 221231241426127 28 1819,20, 21 22 23 1 241201211221 . 2,7`; 24 1 25 1 26 29130t311.41...i... ... 25 26,27,28 29 301...1271281291301311, `:•.. -- 41 FEBRiiARY. --." I - i Boox_s SEPTEMBER. , S M T W T P P. I _____[. -.-. 1 ._, AND ------- - ' . " n 34 ,g zr ._ MI TLW __ ___ I_ , S ___. ONERY - ~.......... 1 2 - 616 ..71 8: 9 10111 r -ATI '1 3 ~.41t GT. . . 1 L 9 d . 1 .. .4175116'17 1.,j - Or Ald , KiXiNi" _ 11011'1 12 13 14115116 ,19 1 ' - ' ? i. ',.,_AT - -i, - T_Tms, 11 1 7 18 19 20 21122123 : 26 27 28 ... ... ...1... 24 1 25126 27 28129130 WALL-PAPER - 4 4 11 , MARCH. OCTOBER. Window Shades &Fixtures, ___ ._____ ___ SIM T WITIFIS S M T IT IF ' S 1 1 1 23 4 SEGARS AND TOBACCO,' - 1 1-- 2 - --- 8 -1- 4 - 5 - 6 - , 7 . ... ... 5 6 71 8 910 11 &c- , B tc- , az a-, 1 81 9,10 11112113114 12 13 14115 16 17 18 1 1 E 0 R 8 ik L E , 15 16117 18119120121 19120121122123 24 25 1 AT 22 23124 25 2627128 26127128129130 31 ... 1 29 30 31 ... 1 i LEWIS' ' '''''" - APRIL. NOVEMBER. IBOOK &MUSIC STORE, S 'M . T 'WIT F S Huntingdon, Pa, SIM T WITIF 8 —— - 1 — -- - 1 --- 11 -- . - gT -- -- -- 1- - Ein 01 I) 1 - **** 2 2 3 4 51 6 71 8 ~, - `-. 0 e,51 61 71 8 910 11 9110 11 12113 14115 $2,00 a year in advance. 1121.1311411.5 16 17 18 . 116 17 18 1920'211221 JOB PRINTING 19120121122123 241251 123 24 25 26 27 28129 2627128129130 ...1...1' 1 1 Ofalrkindo neatlyexeouted. 1-1 MAY. JULY. I DECEMBER• .S M T lIV T F S S M T lArl TTPT:t I IS IN F -ri___ --1 11 -T l l l - $ 7 l 1---- -- i - - 72 5 -,- ; -- --,, 1 1:7. - 1 ill. . 1. 1.-.1.- 17 Z 7 8 . 1 . ( j ) 17 1 t 2 ' _, ,1 u R - 2, " - 61 1- 6 71 811 . 3) 41 . 61 61.'71 81 9 1 1.4 15 16 1 - 7 - ii isliO 610 11 12113,14111011111211311116 16 121122;23 24 25 26121 1611 7 18119120121122 17118119120121 22 1 23 28129130 311... ...,... 23124 25 26127 28P91124125126j27128.29 30 1 i ! ... .. 130 1 ... ... 1 .--1-11 3 11...!...1...1...i...,..1 .......... i. , i . ,___, • . . givon to all per interested that the following Inventories of the and Chattels set to widows, under the previa • iotiaof the act of 14th of April, 1251,• have been filed in • the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court Of lluhifbg ;don .county and will, be presented for "approval by (the Court" on Monday the 9th day of January noxt, (1.865,)11 ,l.The Inventory and appraisentent of the goOds and chat tels which were of Charles Reininirt, late of Clay township, deceased act apart to his widovrAtary Reinhart. 2. The. Inventory and appralsoment of the goods and chattels which wore of JainoiCiarke. late of Birtnlngliam Borough deceased, elected to be retained by children and heirs of said deceased. . . • - . . „.. . . 3. Theluventeri and anpraieetnetit or the good, and chattels which were of Alexander Park, deceased elected to be retained by Pliant J. Pork the widow afield dee'd. 4. The Inventory rind appraisement of the goods end chattels which were of ,Titcohlteeher, of SpringGehl town debeatted,efected to be retained by the children of Dec. 14, 156 STAUFFER, r- • • VATCIIIIAKER AND JEWELED, No: 1 148 North SECOND Street, corner of Quarry, -- ritrr ~ nr~~h:=! An assortment of 'Pata6ce, Jowolry, Silvor & Plated AVaro conetantly on hand, BUIT.IBLE Fali! HOLIDAY PRE§EXTSI Jfirdtepalring of Watches and Jowolry promptly attended to. Tr C ILE Copartnership horotoforo exit Ling between the Subscribers ender the firm of A .unnlngham.A: Co. has been dissolved. A. lb Cun • ningham and John•SAlleim, retiring. All ;minus Indebted to llig Faid firm trill IlleaPe and settle their account. A. M •CIINYINQ HAM, • • , lt. M. CUNNINGIIAM, • JOHN S. GLUM. The undersigned have this day astioelated together un der the item of S. hi Cunningham Er, Co.. and will acan thim the business of the late firm of A. D. Cunningham & Co., at the old stand. R. M. CUNNINGHAM, Loc. 7, 1804. 11.8. SHAFFER'. A DIINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. Potato of Alexander Park, dec'd, Letters Of administration, on the Mato of Alexander Ptak, late of Clay Cup., Huntingdon county uo d ; ring boon granted to the. ondersigned. nl t per/one Indebt ed to the estate aro requested to maim payment, those haring claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. .. PLUME J.'PAHIC, Adm'x. Nov. 23, ;t14.-Ct* AW ASSOCIATION. • 11le undersi g ned have associated themselves to g ether In the practice of the law In- Ituntln g don, Pa. Office in the one now, and formerly occupied by J. Sewell-Staw. art, adjoinin g the Court lioneo. July 20, ISO 4 FRENCH BURR MILL-STONES. Manufactory, Liberty Street, near the Cotton Factory, HARRISBURG, PENNA.. TsLEE ultdorsigned announces to tho irade that he continues to manufacture and impqrt t from the most celebrated quarters to France, the 'bast qualities of . . FREN,OI.I BURR MILL .STONES which hiroffers at reasonable rates, and guarantees Nadi• faction to the purchaser. Ake, every uumbor in use, of the celebrated• OLD AIGIER BRAND BOLTING CLOTU - Orders by mall promptly attonded ta, and goods forwer•. dod by railroad, canal, or express if desired. • • , WM. IL KEPNER, ov22—Em No.lo, West State street, Harrisburg, Pa. KATES.--A splendid lot of the ht test Now. York style., fur Lodi.% and Gentlemen of 0,1 s izes, Just received And for sale by Dee. 13, 1864. JAMBS A. BnowN, DROVISIONS—such as Itanis, Dried 3. Bra, Driod Peachoe, Citron, Itaidua, Currant., &c., kc., at Deril3, LANNELS, Minors Plads,Liuseys," Sattimtx, Casaitrtores, Clothe, Ladles Cloaking ClOdle, &c., h., at Doc. /4. '64-tr. 11 DIES Furs, Circulara,. Shawls • Ifooda, Newbila, Boutoglit'sflloyea, k 0.., at . LLoyn& itRZI [era J'ARD WARE, Queensivare, Cedar ware hats 8 Caps, Boots & Shoes or all kinds at Deo. 13, LLOYD k I.IIVRY.I. ( - I.A.RPETS, Oil Clothe, Rugs &e., ut x_.) Dec. 13, 'll-tr. LLOYD k HENRY'S. QALT by the barrel, saels.and bushel at LLOYD . DN. 13, • WANTED, • • V V , IS,OOO Bushels of Wheat, • • 2,000 Rye, 4,000 " Corn, 4,000 " OW, For which the blgheet 'cute price will pc palti et Pea. 12,'01-tf. LLOYD &.11ENDY'fi ( 4 .llEAT opend a r rriv i ta t of Cheap Goods,:aow M ' C0.1.3, I,LOYD & A LL KINDS of Ladies Dross Goods and Gentleman's Wear of the latest styles at Dee. 13, '64-tt LLOYD& 1114.111r3. ALL of Groceries—suet us Zifolassoi, Sugtirk Coffees, &c, at low prices at .l),e t 12, . • ,LLOYD S 11ENItr8: Chrishaas and Bridal 1),11 ITENU Y HARP, Etr4o, PLIILAD., 11- IVATOILES, ••FINE JEWELRY, • . ' ' soup WILTRIIMARE,, Errs, srpq.N_B, , :i.,,:i'::,.i.':,;a4:::'..,', - i.., -- i , , : ..,, ~,, . . ~..,;.:4 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! 25 PER CENT., CUSAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! - AT - COFFEE STATION, 'Would respectfully cull the often - alma Lin old pairoos specially," end ths• patio to' woeful, to Ids eXt6nehli stock of well selected nod Goode, most roeolrod from the Enstorn titles, comildiug, lupe, of • Dry Goods,. Clothing, Wool on Wore, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoos, , Bonnots, Shawls, Dim _ lars, Hardware; Quoeuswaro, Gro ceries,. Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, , Sugars, Nails, Glatts, Proriiions Oil, Fish Salt, TinWaie, Cop •por liars; Drugs' and 111ediet nes Clocks, • • Watches, and all other articles kept in a Bret clone cOantry atom: all selected with the greateat rare and which were par doned for each ouly, and affords him to' mil them at a very low figure. The public will find It to their advert , tags to call and nzumine ur arreyncs 13: - ...I7rora:gral=d;'.7. ,,,-. " 1 S uede; -Shawle, ciders, Furs, and d'Stvnt variety Of Woolen Goode, Male. ry, 3c. . _ All kinds of prodnei taken In exeliango nt the highest market prides—CAA not refused. By rider attention to: the wants of cuetontere, we hope to tccetvu a continuglon. of rho libeial patronage with width wcildrie been hereto fore favored. Genre one and all, and les. WV—New Goods received daily. Nov. 1504, DANIEL WOHELSDORY, lieglitor JOHNSON'S RHEUMATIC. COMPOUND THIS GREAT INTERNAL REALE dy, Is the beat medicine ever offered to the public, For the effectual cure of Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, and as a Blood Purifier it has no equal, for all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, such no Scrofula or Ring's Evil, Scald Read, Tettbr, Ring Worm, Female Complaints, and all breakouts on the face or body. The cast 'number - of rub , on medicines which formerly have boon used for Canes Waives, were merely temporary fu their effects and of doubtful virtue, but THE RIIEUMA.TIC COMPOUND Teaches tho gonna of all tvouble, and effectually banfolooo tho discos° from tho eyotom by ite immediate action OD Oa blood. Wo advise ono and all td giro It a trial, and become satialiod of Its wdoderful power. A. W. Ift DICT, J. SEWELL STEWART. Bond ilia following t.w3timonials of men Of unquestionable char:TV:a: • Jout.sort . ..---.Dectr Sir This is to certify that I was badly crippled with Chronic nheu matism for eighteen or twenty years ; part of that time I was not able to go about. I tried all the rheumatic remedies that I could hoar of but found no relief until I tried your - ltheuinatic Compound and Blood Purifier.- I used but. three fourths ora bottle of It and It cured me sound' and Illy wife also was afflicted with the SAM fliscase; and a small portion oC it cared .her. I am 'nearly seventy years of age, and It 'sorer foaryeare since I Was cured, and I hero not been troubled with : it ainee. It affords' me peat pleasure to futulah yea with'this cer tificate; Bo that you can ,refor others who' are afflicted with rheumatism to me... .• I um yours truly, ' • ANDREW ARMSTRONG, N 0.19 James Street, Allegheny City. ArAnanimr, 311ay 3d , 186.1. c . _ . _ • Mrt.• A. JOHNSON :=--Dear A. fir My wife was taken bail with Inflernroatory Ithenmatiam M March last. She was very much swollen and the tala she suffered was severe; she was coelloed to her bed. I wail advised to try your Shrum:We Compound and Blood Puri. ilex, ao I got a bottle of 11, and bofore the half of it was need she was entirety well. The - care Is a perfect one; I never saw such , medicine. She had only taken three dome of It till the melting andimiu began to abate. All your medicine Wants Is to ha known In order to give iC encomia. Yawn afrettionatelY• LLOYD .4 HENRY'S JAMES Di'ALISTZR. • 1y rosidouso is No. I'JS Cherry alley, where my wife can .bo soon by ally person doubting the truth of the above. - - - LLOYD ' , mono, April IDth, 1064. Clfigosseutc, Wssinaevolt Co.,•April 1/,1564. MR. A. JOHNSON :—.Dear Sir : • I •“•101, to say a wordor two in favor of your Rhlumatlo Compound and Bleed Purifier. I have t °anal/iota:l with rheumatism, more or lees, for over twenty yoars. , ,A great part of that time I was very bad. I tried a 'great many, rhoumatie medicines but received story little bandit from them. On the that of last January I was so bad that I was entirely helpless. I could not write my own name, and I could only Ito on ono side. • While reading in'the• United Presbyterian paper „I saw a . notico of your Ithett, mantic Compound and Blood Purifier. I was afraid at first. that it might be like other romediee that I have tried, but ns it was in a religious paper I Conelnded to gift) it a trial. So I got a bottle. mod it, and found myself a little bettor. I used three bottles more, and lam kfppy Many that I hum neither pain or ache. lam sixty•eight years of age, I can Ito on either side; travel for &half day at a' time and not •be fatigued.. I believe Your Rheumatic Compound and Blood Purifinr to be the best medicine ever offered to the public:for the cure of Rheumatism. If you think this note, with my name to it, will be '.of any, Me to you or a suffering •public; you are at liberty see them. Yours with respect. - - DI . _ R. JOHNSON :—Dear i wife has been afflicted with neuralgia Air a lons.lb 4 : It commenced on her in 1859. Sho.was actbia'with it that she wan obliged to lay in bed hboat'igur dupe In the week. Sloe tried every thing,tlide wo heard of that was recommended for thot dioloso but . she got no then we Merl medical allateeeout it dono no good. At last I thought die, mi thought there woo no cure., Leittn Iretoring of 1901, I heliavo in March, a daughter k' t filekey'e, who lives 'in' the• court with". ale, said; env* don't you get Johnson's, Alieumativedmpound and Blood Pltritior. It cured my father of the Rheumit tient when . ho. Was a cripAlg and-the doctor. could do nothing for him." . o I got .4 bottlo of your medicine and borer° my wife Lad the 1111" of it •used- oho was cured. It Is now more thou a year, Once and the has not -been troubled with' it since. nth I can testify:to oa oath. , . r; .626 Arell A.,,hssei,larie stock of olAt, PITTUITAG, April 11th, 1861. SELLERS 'pito Rropoabirr;Tßteliurg, ti IThom all ordere'sbould be smut. RFRD,.AgerlL'it ptl •. • Pg 01 , 6 1 1 1 • 1 s V _a :.l f::k l;~~ BM , 11 , • SIMON CCIHIN, AND BLOOD PURIFIER JOHN I. LOCKHART. MMZM BEEN= , : 1151ERS' COOL ~'~• :~~~~ --;.: - , TTIOS. PISIIRR. 713°; c'nill6L FISMER & ONS 31 , 13: - N:Tiii.o:6X-i,,'f . ' , - • tury.DatioOgrit ETC., ETC:. - A HANDSOME- STOCK of GOODS - '• elan klida, to now open foi the luipictiofi Alt ittipiblla, acd we 9.?rdieOly invltO (!ixeCieitoatets .aa ;secretly, to coil andbe convinoed t h at we e.t.a naier4 leitn the oeallty, taste, atile,tustt prtata of oar CHia.c.. We reiireet the public to hear In' =lna 'that w. lent , . 'hue DrineinallY !tom grit hanili In Iter-I0:11. pay Caen far all we buy, and cannot be riraped fa irir.lbriil : - tire for opostingior, public a's, 'tack • • . • etiandlso:. . . '• HUNTINGDON-MILLS. GRAIN, FLOUR, AND FEEIL WE ARE., - .PREPARED , TO FUR chase All kinds of GRAIN, hi wizieli WW lAk 4 bashes!. cis6 prises; Awt will Uwe kW — PAU 1* t 1.14, • ; • RAS:II 't .P.VAraltEl3 • • . WE ibfkENSE STOCK of PL.LSTER;. an Anglia supply for t iby and wkibbgliwr , , , counties! Having a Mill wo. ssa prodwo !lasi wad woo dwilrold• wookilkit - ifa: ally Bs . 7EZ=E'I fIIfON COIIN. SALT I SALT t ~ • ; WE, OFFER 590 BELS: ,- of SPLIItt• did ONCiii),AIILL 114 T, iiiidtddllsd in v11 . '11464 prin. GF...4, kit liilddokt *sled 30 MIL Nor leACerjagr, 1D XL.; 30 o xo. a 13 Hallßby: Xs. 1. • 0 2 0 . • a Xo.i. ft - No,i .1; Runes L9tarreppltdll4l/N# IM!s#4.,iinti:Dre,Xllll;l4 =I M. WE ARE AT AL TIMES PRE , parOd to buy pay** or frii•, ,e d « tei4 FLAX. FLAX. THE „Hid lI ^ PRICES WILING %Ault - dcgrig' Goods hse compelled public attoottea to, bOitilero especially directed to rheculfure of Thsx. by eonw atteOtlon, one of the moat to pica44* A farmer, Can produce; an acre teridgi Dollare 'ot:Atire and' se'ell;!,Bl;eat' tare itgiultilo":: taken by growers Flew iigre0t . 11.:147113411 when rolling ; whecOviOgrieil . should be turned, IP4eeNte.t to exps44°'!illgt,t4tll4:''7';: eitanie get a grey color, mid' iholl4:4lroidll7 - lioparliii4: from tho wood by a gentle rub. It oh odd pr!a Tory otry day b4tttod In toongtto k 4* then reedy for the kill!, As "a 'genetel:thisg:t.eh seed is sown on en acre. . Unlearn thoilmtilitt:O : Ties:o4 4 `,, , , ,: ono Bustle) pii• acre to strong ono and onotheirth • - :a r j r s ~Y,+r" =in EZIN = = --- -0 -I - r r-``~f ~'~~~ N =I = -r:s I= EMU ---_O-.~ FISH. FISH. -a.-~; EMI - : , ,:•, ,, •: - ,,,•,,,, , ii. -•ir'..::?"-.-,..*7:-:!;:f, -~.~: ..... . .. ~ . .. . .;t4;..., BEI f ME BE Mill EMI . .