The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 04, 1865, Image 1

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Your squares 10 00 15 00 25 00
Violin column, 16 00 20 00 .30 00
One column 20 00 • 25 00.... 60 00
_ Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines,
One rain', - ' $l5 00
Administrators! and Executors' Notices $2 60
.Auditors' Notices, 2 00
'Estmy, or other shOrt Noticee 1 50
,15y7Ten Duds of nonpareil make a square. About
night words minstitute a tine, en that any person can ea.
sily calculate nem:tare in manuscript.
.Adrertisemints not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid mid - charged or
'ordin g to these terms.
, Our pr•ces for the printing of Blanks, Ilandhill s, etc.,
are also increased.
'Z._ -
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E4e 614,bt.
Cent. foe use vs John Barr,
We. W.B D. C. Faxtrokin vs Michael tons.
Suns vs Same,
ID. P. Shoenbarger's Ex. 'lll Wilson it Loran.
12huiss Trimble ♦a John Dewey.
...Michael J. Grove vs Edward Y. Hodges. '
henry C. Robinson vs Goorgo Sipes.
J. alliam for Liao vs Wm. Rotbrook.
Morris, Troikas A Co, ve Garrison and 'Slattern.
lLeas and MeVltty vs LT.:coing Int. Co.
.11. P. Anderson's Ex. vs henry Grimly.
Joseph Guttman va John Kprfman et al.
ii.itoMager et al vs P. Bridenbaugh's Er.
Jonah Margot vs Wm. Morgan.
Hooch Dom vs M. Cliileoat's Ailmr,
' W. C. WAGONER, Prot'y
Prety's Office,
„Huntingdon, Dee. 14, 1864. • }
Ehraim Tlaker,
, ,` - rmer, Springfield.
Shirley. John Cresswell,
James Clark, shoemaker, .2
Gilbert Chaney, farmer, 13 serf:w.
John Crownover, miller, "
Clymans, farmer, Dublin.
Levi Dell, carpenter, Union.
Levi Evans, Esq. carpenter, Carbon.
Austin Green, carpenter, Cassville.
Joseph Heffner, farmer, Clay.
Joseph Hannah, farmer, Porter.
Adam Hoffman, oha.irmaker, Walker
George Hallman, blacksmith, West.
Joseph Isenberg,- farmer, Morris.
Samuel Kreiger, mason, Hopewell.
C. Long, gentleman, Huntingdon.
G. Miller, (river) farmer, Henderson.
James McClure, " Porter.
William Orr, " Tell.•
Levi Piper, carpenter, Tell.
William Reed, farmer, Walker.
William Riley, mill•wright, Franklin
Robert Wilson, " Jackson.
Lee Wilson, farmer, Barren.
-Jacob Anspatch, farmer, Jackson.
Washington Baker, " Tod.
.John Beaver, " Hopewell.
laeyarolds Bickets, Jackson.
Henry Bare, " Springfield.
B. Briggs, " Tell.
milfor, _Franklin.
:Henry Owewater, gentleman, Shirley.
XianielCudanan, farmer, Clay.
Abraham Crane, " Franklin.
Anthony Cook, laborer, Carbon.
o n. . Donaldson, farmer, Hopewell
John 'Eberts, -.farmer ' Franklin.
Fetterboof, merchant, Huntingdon
Michael Flesher, farmer, Jackson.
Robert Fleming, -" Dublin.
Caleb Greenland, -" Clay.
.2lautinGrissinger, •" it
3 . 01rn HeTneane, -" Shirley.
Daniel Hilernan, -" Morris.
Jacob P. Hoover, Penn.
Jacob Hunter, ' ." Jackson.
.Joseph Henderson, -" Dublin.
. Hoffman, jr. painter, Huntingdon.
ueorge Jeffries, farmer, Dublin.
-J. 11. E;enedy, - post master Alexandria
'George H. Lang, farmer., Walker.
- . Robert Lang, " Porter.
:Samuel McClain,• " Carbon.
'John Miller, " Tell.
-'Wm. V. Miller, " Oneida.
Abraham Megaban, J. P. Penn.
-John Nelson, farmer,
George W. Porter, farmer, Jackson.
Samuel H. Pheasant, farmer, Union.
Samuel Peightal, cooper, Henderson.
'ThOmpson Stevens, farmer, Springfield
Samuel Snare, laberer, Penn.
Alex. States, watchmaker, Walker.
-Sohn'M. Stonebralter; clerk, Brady.
Martin Shank;
farmer, Warrioramark
,C. Shontz 4 sr. laborer, Hopewell.
John•L. Travis, machinist, Franklin.
Enoch Walls, farmer, Porter.
John Weight, farmer, Tod:
Elias Wilson, Esq. farmer, Cassville.
Marshall Yocum, watchman, Union.
Samuel Yocum, blacksmith, Jackson.
Jacob E. Bare, farmer, Springfield.
Caleb Brown, farmer, Clay.
John Brumbaugh, farmer, Penn.
•RYIIII Booth, farmer, Springfield.
William Bice, carpenter, Franklin.
John Barr, farmer, Jackson.
Samuel Bickets, farmer, Jackson.
John Chilcote, farmer, Tod.
~Ifoattn-gox, fanner, Barree.
-. 'Oliver Colegate, farmer, Cromwell.
• J. Chamberlain,inn keeper,Warriors'k
W. Drake, coacb•maker, Sbirleysburg
let= Bnyeart, farmer, Cromwell.
Abraham Funk, minister, Shirley.
• Daniel Fetterhoof, farmer. Morris.
John Gifford, jr. farmer, Shirley.
Noblo Gregory, farmer, Berme.
r • George_Hawn, farmer, Brady.
William Hughes, farmer,' Oneida.
,tr George W. Hnyett, -M..D. Alexandria
Jacob Hoffman, miller, Alexandria.
Jackson Kelley, farmer, Cromwell.
David Lutz, laborer, Shirleysburg.
John Lee farmer, enn.
Robert McNeal, farmer, Clay. .
Alexander Oaks, farmer, Barree.
George Russell, J. P. Hopewell.
Alex. Ramsey, farmer, Springfield.
Peter Sechrist, farmer, Cromwell.
Samuel Schell, farmer, Hopewell.
J. Summers, brickmaker, Huntingdon
Adarp Warfel, blacksmith, Brady.
'lmuel Wilson, carpenter, Cromwell.
'Chard Wells, farmer, Warriorsmark.
6bn P. Watson, farmer, Walker,
":„.,:4 6 1Valls, farmer, Cass.
, No, 415 Market Street, Philada,,
Between 4th and sth, North Side.
I, 0v23-2m.
buy CLOTIIINGI from me in }flint'neon at
WHOLESALE as cheap es they can in tho
; An tilles, as I have a wholesale store in Ehiladelphi
IL RO3lA2f.
$2 CO
. 1 00
Cruelty of Rebel Authorities to Pris
oners of War.
There are some things spoken of as
sufficient to open the oyes of the blind
and to unstop the ears of the deaf.
They are overwhelming, FACTS, before
which the most inveterate prejudices
and the most cherished judgments must
go down, and which no amount of in
fluence can keep from passing into the
body of history and the settled convic
tions of mankind. Such is the story
of the massacre of St. Bartholome N,
the persecution of the Huguenots, Al
bigenses and Waldenses, of. Spanish
Protestants by Philip, and of Dutch
Protestants by Alva. No amount of
white washing can hide the true tint
of the scarlet whore, can make a mer
ciful man out of Noro, or Herod the
Great, a good man out of Judas, a just
man out of Pilate, or a martyr out of
Pharaoh. Certain developments are
being made during this war which will_
set a brand as ineffaceable and as it:l 7
famous as any of these, upon the char
acter of the rebellion. An example of
j o i:manity as conspicuous as any the
wor ld ht ;,9 elver seen will pass into his-
;pa with its name. It
tory in connet,
will stand beside .i . 12 .0 Inquisition and
the Sepoy rebellion, aad l ';!2e page on
which its barbarities aro wrii:e:!' will
be hurried over, like theirs, with
It is indeed possible, by subtle rea
soning, to shake somewhat the grounds
of belief in some of the enormities re
ferred to as recorded in history; and
in the absence of the specific testimony
of eye-witnesses, we are obliged to de
pend upon the general verdict of co
temporaries. But the Commissions of
Inquiry appointed by the Government
and by the Sanitary Commission, have
put the whole matter of rebel barbari
ty,-: n t? A k ..l...C99.rek.s,,l„satisfactory as
any court of justice woulr Ferifurcrfn
a case of life or death. _While the
documents which they have issued en
dure, no mind capable of receiving
testimony will be able to hesitate a mo
ment as to the reality of the lamenta
ble and shameful facts.
We have before us the thick pamph
let, issued from
.the living Age , office,
which contains the narrative and
sworn testimony collected by the
agents of the Sanitary Commission
upon the privations and suffering of
the U. S. officers and soldier's, while
prisoners of war in the hands of the
rebel authorities. We ii - dp - a - cifir coun
trymen will road it. They ought to
know the diabolical intensity And ma
lignity of the spirit with which they
aro contending. They ought to bo in
structed into.what depths of inhuman.
ify an unjustifiable rebellion—a pro
slaVery mania stimulated to open war
plunge their former fellowciti
zens,how it can unman and brutalize
the most chivalric and polished of peo
ple. They ought to understand the
measure of suffering, worse than
wounding,,maiming and death, which
their noble citizen soldiers are endur
ing for their sake. They should have
deeply wrought into their souls a sense
of duty laid upon them, as ministers
of justice and of God, bearing not the
sword in vain, to crush such iniquities,
and to make the punishment as broad,
as signal and • as conspicuous as the
crime. It would indeed be a fresh
crime, to be, in the slightest degree,
indifferent to such crimes or lukeWarm
as to their punishment. The deepest
perils must environ a people who can
calmly frame their policy to conciliate
the authors of such enormities. The
very . foundations of morality and of
justice must beundermined where this
can occur.
We cannot even epitomize details Of
these harrowing recitals. Every par
agraph of the harrowing . Narrative
seems burdened with some fresh hor
ror. First, the captives are systemat
ically robbed, even of necessary--arti
cles of plothing. They are packed
away in their prison houses like the
miserable cargo of a slave-ship amid
indescribable accumulations of unclean
ness. They are wantonly shot down
in their defenceless and pitiable condi
tion, for the sport of their brutal guards.
They are deliberately starved and
suffered -to pine away with hunger and
eold--:a slow torture which even the
Indians, with all their refinements of
cruelty, did not inflict on their victims.
The succour sent by their friends in
the North is plundered from them, or
piled up in the sight, but beyond the
reach of the famished men, thus put
ting them in the hell of the ancient
mythology, and inflicting on them the
pangs of Tantalus. Dogs, rats, bones,
castaway refuse were eagerly seized
by these faminetstricken men for food.
Some WerP thrilstinto groom and slimy
dungeons, so fqll that all were obliged;
to stluld all night. Loathsomeness,
vermin, cold and hunger, hospitals
scarcely equal to good hog-pens, swept
NnLLIAX LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
them away by hundreds. Even the
bodies of those who fell victims to
these cruelties, were suffered to be
partly devoured by bogs, dogs and ruts.
And preparations wore actually made
to blow up the Richmond prisons, with
all their inmates, in the event of the
capture of the city by our forces. And
as for those who escaped alive and
were returned exchanged to the North,
language fails to deSeribe their pitia
ble, emaciated, loathsome condition;
some idiotic, some imbecile, many dy
ing, many requiring months of clean
' sing to restore the functions of the skin,
some partially blind, deaf and dumb,
some maimed from frost, and all rav
enous beyond expression for food. They
were not the victims of disease, but of
systematiestarvation, of overcrowding,
of confinement in foul:abodes, and of ex
posure like beasts to all the changes of
the seasons and the atmosphere.
And all these- - sufferings befel them
'at the hands of an enemy who was
able to feed, clothe, nurse-and give ad
equate medical attention to his own
army, and who could plead no act of
our Government towards his own men
in our hands, as a justification. Thus
far every statement is proved beyond
possibility of doubt. "Tens of thou
sands of helpless men have been and
are now being disabled and destroyed
by a process as certain as poison, and
ae et .,:zp! as the torture or burning at
the stake, i;ed:tuse nearly as agonizing
and more prolonrd. This spectacle
is daily beheld and aliOWed by the reb
el government." And wlt2t is the
crushing and inevitable infevcano ?
That these sufferings "were designediy
inflicted upon them by the authority
Of the rebel government." The com
mission see no possible alternative,
much' as they desired to avoid the con
- The race, of mon who under the de- I
basing inflibire - ritir - snrvery-n
come capable of such unspeakable cru
elties, and who are so naconcions of
their criminality as to appeal to Heav
en and to mankind in justification of
their cause, cannot be tolerated by the
advancing civilization of the world,
any more than the cruel and crafty
red man of the forest. Thoy will not
reform ; they will not accept offers of
peace. God in Ins justice will suffer
them to harden their hearts, like Pha
raoh and will consign them to Pharoles
doom. The South_Avill-persist,
again aud - apin rally and fill up the
ranks of her shattered armies, will be
suffered to gather courage &Ora partial
defeats and repulses of the North, will
in fine prolong the war sufficiently to.
secure the sweeping of her cruel and
relentless population from the face of
the earth.*
*Just as we lift our pop from the
paper, we hear of our Government pur
chasing flour for the rebel prisoners at
Fort Delaware, of a quality command
ing the price by the thousand barrels
of X 12.50 per barrel. That will do as
a specimen of our mode of , treatment
of our captured enemies.
DlNlttort for Wllkea' flpirit.l
Feeding of Poultry,
It is difficult to assign any portion
of food as a sufficient quantity for . a
given number of fowle,beeause so much
depends on the nature of their run,
and the quantity and quality of sod to
bo found. For instance: in a farm
yard where the barn door is always
open, and husking or threshing eon'.
tinually going on, adult birds require
little or no feeding; but if the supply
bo stopped, then they must be fed by
A geed healthy growing fowl will
consume, weekly, two-thirds of a gal
lon of corn or wheat ; and if the bird
come from a yard where it has been
but poorly fed, it will, for a limo, oat
more than this , but after it has got up
in flesh and condition; it gradually oats
less, and two-thirds, or oven half the
quantity, Will keep it in good condition.
Again : the weather must be consul
ted ; in mild, damP weather, they
prowl about and. pick up many things
—as insects, worms, young herbage.
Those all assist; but in frost—and,
above all, in snow—they require gen
erous feeding.
Do not spare good food for chick
ens; they require plenty while they
aro growing, and they will nvdee , a
good return in health and•vigor when
arrived at maturity. Those who are
obliged to keep fowls in confinement
should have large - soap of grass oat,
and Jot tho earth bo heavy enough to
enable them to tear off the grass, with
out being obliged to drag tho sod about
with them. Where there is a family,
and consequent consumption, there are
many atptilinries—such as breadcrunibs,
groats.tbat have been
,usetl for. gruel,
etc. But it must be borne in mind
that these: are in the place of other
food, and not in addition to it. When
this can be had, other food should be
diminished. lAm not An advocate for
cooked vegetables, except potatoes.
Boiled cabbage is worse than nothing.
In fact, it must be borne in mind, corn,
Dither whole or cracked, is the staple
food, and the others are helps. Do not
give fowls meat; but always have the
bones thrown out to thorn after dinner;
they enjoy picking them, and perform
the operation perfectly. Do.not feed
on raw Meat. It makes fowls quarrel.
some, and gives thorn a propensity to
pick each other—especially in moult-
Ing time, if the accustomed meat be:
withheld. Hundreds have purchased
birds—above all Cochin Chinason
account of their great weight, which,
being the result of meat-feeding, has
proved a real disease,
them from breeding. When- proper
food is provided, all is not accomplish
ed; it must be' properly given. No
plan is so extravagant or so injurious
as to throw down heaps once or twice
a day. They should have it scattered
as far and wide as possible, that the
birds may be long and healthily em
ployed in finding it, and may not ac
complish in a few minutes that which
should occupy them for hours. For
this reason, every sort of feeder 'or
hopper is bad. It is the nature of
fowls to take a grain at a time, and to
pick grass and dirt with it, which as
sist digestion ; but if, contrary to this,
they are enabled to eat corn by mouth
fuls, their crops are soon overfilled,
and they seek relief in excessive
draughts of water. Nothing is more
injurious than this; and the inactivity
that attends the discomfort caused by
it lays the foundation for many disor
ders. While speaking of food, it may
bo observed, that when, from traveling
or other cause, a fowl has fasted a long
time—say thirly or forty-eight hours—
it should not bo any bard food
—neither should it have water at dis
cretion. For the first three hours it
..ahnatiLlta.vo tar lo.rl--3a
a teacupful of sopped bread, very wot;
so much so as to serve for food midi
dri:.k. If the bird appear to -suffer
much from the journey, instead of
bread and water give bread and ale.
But, the food given them by hand is
not all that is essential. There'. is the
natural food, 'sought out and divided
by the hen to her progeny—such as
insects of all kinds, peculiar herbage
etc. And it is here well to remark,
that where fowls a-e bred for exhibi
tion or other special purposes- as cocks
'for fighting—a hen should not be al
lowed to rear more than six chickens,
as she cannot find this food fora great
er number; and if they aro intended to
be superior to all others, they must
have greater, or at least equal, advan•
tages with those they will have to
compete against..
In most poultry yards more than
half ' the food 'is Wasted. The same
quantity is thrown down day after day,
without reference to the time of year,
alteration of numbers, or variation of
appetite; and that which is not eaten
is trodden about, or taken by small
birds. Many a poultry yard is coated
with corn and meal. And it is essen
tial fowls should have fresh Mixed
food ; a careful poultry feeder wilt
ways rather mix twice than have any
left; and it is often beneficial for the
birds to have a scanty meal. They can
find numerous things wherewith to
eke out, and things that aro beneficial
to them ; but if they are kept con
stantly full they will not seek them.
The advantage of scattering the food
is, that all then get their share ; while
if it is thrown only on a small space ::
the master birds get the greater part,
while the others wait round. :
Many have been discouraged and
some deterred froM keeping fowls, by
the expense of feeding. they - will
themselves attend to the consumption
for a week, and follow the method I
have pointed out, they may arrive at
a fair average ; and they will bo. sur- .
prised to find how much greater the
cost has been than was necessary. It
is most essential not to invent ,or to
supply imaginary wants in fowls. They
do not require coaxing to eat; and
wherever food can be seen lying on
'the ground in the yard there is waste
and mismanagement. The economy
is not in the food alone. They are large
gainers in health, and the pleasure of
keeping is much increased. The ten
dency of overfeeding is to make them
squat about under sheds and cart hou
ses; and instead of spreading over a
meadow or stubble in little active par
ties, searching hedges and banks, and
basking on their, sides in the dust; with
opened feathers and ono wing raised
to get all the glorious sun's heat they
can, they stand about—a listless, pam
pored group. To lay .much batter, to
breed better chickens, and to lastion-I
gar, are the results of diminished, not
increased, expense; and all that is re- -
quired is a little personal superinten•
denco at first, till the new system is
understood and apprehended. In most,
:_1.f.„..i:,,eff4 . _ - .
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yards the birds aro overfed, and there'
is waste in all.
It is common with those who under
take to be poultry correspondents to
be asked What is the food to make
fowls lay:? High-feeding of any sort
will do it, but particularly' hempseed
and tallow chandler's .greeLves. The
former is given wbele,; the: latter
should be chopped fine, and then put
in a bucket and covered with boiling
water. The mouth of the bucket
should be covered with a double sack,
or other cloth, so completely as to ex
clude air, and confine the steam till the
greave's aro thoroughly softened.
When they are nearly cold they may
be given. These will make them lay,
but it is' only for a time; promatuts,
decrepitude comes on, and disease in
many forms appears.
The most common is dropsy, and
of an incurable character. Thee fowl
that would have laidfor years, in the
common course of nature, being forced
to produce in two that which should
have been of several, loses
all beauty:lnd usefulness ; and yet it is
often considered matter of wonder ,
that the most prolific hen in the yard
should suddenly become barren. .
s. N.. s.
Inoidents of Gen. Sherman's March
to Savannah.
A correspondent of the New York
Times gives a detailed account of Sher
man's march'frorn Atlanta to §ava'n
nah. It tells but little we did not know
before, but we select a few incidents
that will prove interesting:
Foraging on the country was provi
ded for by the organization of a regu
lar foraging party for each brigade,
and commanders wore instructed to
keep, in their wagoni, at least a ten
days' supply of provisions and three
days' forage; Another )•: •
• rtfliftrusted to corps
commanders the destruction of mills,
houses, cotton gins, &o. It .vas
tiler providect that in districts
neighborhoods where the army was
unmolested, there should be no de
atriietion'of property,: but where .th 9
roads were Obstructed, bridges burned,
or the urtny annoyed by bushwhackers
and guerillas, corps commanders wore
instructed to "enforce a degree of de
vaStation more or less relentless,' accord
inglo the measure of such hostility." It
will be seen from the incidents of the
march which will follow, that this or
der was no idle threat, and it will also
be seen that its chief effect was not in
causing a severe degree of devastation,
but in preventing the causes which
would have rendered the enforcement
of the order necessary.
A party from one of the ln:igades of
the -Twentieth Corps, while out fora
ging some distance north of the rail'
road, at Oxford, wore fired upon by
bushwhackers, and one of their num.
her killed. Horo the Order for relent:
less devastation of the country was
carried out, with a degree of severity
which resulted in the destruction of
Emory College, at OXford. It was the
property of the Methodist Church., had
several fine libraries, a mineralogical
cabinet, a fine chemical app:xratns; and
cost nearly half a million.dollara h9fore
the war. The plantations .in this
(Newton) county Were . thoroughly ,
stripped, and our troop's - lived on the
fat of the land. They were much stir-;
prised at the richness of the country,
they passed through;
This was the only instance in which
the order to devastate was carried oat;
: except in the utter destruction . of the
railroads. .
Our army occupied
three days, from _Nov: 21 to Nov. 24,
when the rear guard left.' Gen. Sher
man occupied the Executive M.ansion
for his headquarters. Very little prop
orty, either public or private, Was de
str oycd. The Stn_ to house was left
standing, - though the rebels declare
that it was much mutilated. The sud
den absquatulation of the rebel Legis
lature disgusted our troops. The mem
bers, with. Gov. Brown, left in great
haste on the 18th; some for Macon,
some for Augusta, and many on foot,
there not being Confederate currency
enough in Milledgeville to hire a, con
veyance. Two members paid $l,OOO
to be carried adistance of eight miles.
Grov.3rown took the public funds,the
public archives, his private ,carriage
and his "garden sass," (so said the Sa
vannah Republican,) and fled to Moon,
whore he, opened headquarters in. the
City Hall, and issued a proclamation.
He left three thousand. muskets and
Several thousand pounds of.
. powder,
belonging to the..State L , - of_ GeOrglit;
which our troops destroyed:- "Setne'of
our troops perpetrated a very hand
some travestio upon the proceedings of
the fleeing Legislature. They met at
PEWITS, $2,00 a year in advance.
:the State House; elected a Siioaker and
a'Clerk, and were introducing billS and
resolutions at a furious 'rate, when a
courier rushed in, breatbles's with
haste, and shouted " the Yankees are
coming!" whereupon the members dis
persed in the most•panic stricken, caus
ing an immense deal of amusement.
The lines : were stretched across the
peninsula in the rear of Savannah, -the
left .resting firmly: on the - SaVannah
river, about 'three miles ahaVo the city;
and the extreme right On Abe .ogechee
river at Ningsbridge.. This :the.
situation on the 13th. Having cut off
all the railroads leading to. Savannah,
ii.cluding that to Charleston; which,
-crosses the:river fifteen miles above the
city, and approaches - it froni the north.
—having complete Control Of tho'
Ogeechee, an'dhis batteries bloCkading,
the SaVannah, preventing the.- rebel
guuboats (which had gone up to. pre
vent his crossing into South Carolina)
from coming doWn, General Sherman's
conclusion that Savannah, With its
garrison of fifteen thousand itep r fts
strong forts on the river, : and its facto
ries,: public buildings; &F.,: "as' Already
gained," is certainly not to hopeful.
Presentation of Sword and Revolver.
Po Captain A. Wilson Decker, by his
Company-Co. S, 202 d Regt, P. Y.
Fanr,Np I.Ewas :—Thie company is
composed mainly of Huntingdon coun
ty boys; and that the readers Of the
Globe in our native "county may see
how highly We respect our Captain,'
would state that whilo we laid At
Broad Run a short time ago, we pre
sented him with a beautiful 'sWord,
sash, belt, and revolVOr, costing nearly
two hundred dollars." The honor of
Presentation was conferred upon Rev.
A. K. Miller, Chaplain of the Regt.;
who appeared in front of the company
the Captain as follows: •
"It is a time honored custom to pre
sent testimonials of regard to . those
whose patriotism has-won the confi
dence and esteem of their fellow-men.
It will not be Presumed, I. trust, that
wo adhere to this custom for the-sake
of personal.pride, or mere formal dis-'
play , this action is inspired, sir, by
the growing a ttachinent that should
ever exist between comrades in arras
and their commanders. Discarding
the dogma that men are to be - honored
alone in virtue of their position, we
1 come to pay this tribute of respect, on
no other basis than that of merit. Sir,
the high 'patriotic impulse which
prompted you*to bid adieu to the pul
pit, and buckle On the 'sword in holy
obedience to the call of your bleeding'
country; the promptness With which
I that call was mot; and the kiiiiinces
which you have so freely and impar-,
Bally manifested towards Cornpany
K, which, we arc aSsured, it .is year
pride and pleasure to command,—all
Have a special Claim to our admiration
and esteem. In view of.these
orations, I have the honor, sir, to pre
sent to you, in the name of your corn
pany.these testimonials of their regard.
"You will allow us to hOpe that these
implements of 'warfare will not only
servo you as a body guard, hut be
successfully employed in the crushing
of this cruel.rebellion,- and in paip
tabling the, supremacy of law and the
.integrity of the Union which is dearer
to us - than life. We can assure :you.
that Company Kill nevoibotraktlie
trust which you have ropOised'in'her,
nor prove recreant to. the fair- fame.
which the gallant 202 d, has. already
achieved. In future days, as you lead
forth your command to battle you can
justly congratulate yourself that you
are the representative of the most mo
rid and religious company of the ton
with which_ it is connected. I speak
not derogato_ry of other companies,
when I Say that the manly conduct and
'military. bearing of CoMpany 1 hare
won from our, gallant COlonel the
proud, appellation of the 'Star Corapa
ny of the Regiment.' ,
Turning to the Company, the Chap
lain continued : "It is noble as well as
patriotic to wield` thesword in defense
of liberty and laW: but this becomes
doubly apparent; When we coneider
the nature of the contest in which we
aro now engaged. The aspirations of
the old world, - the hopes of
.the new,
and the 'destinies ,of unborn million* i
are all involved in it. • It' is no mere
.political issue that is at stake, but the
nation's' life. There is a grandeur
about this warfare; before unknown
to ancient or modern times. It is l the
World's last grand struggle., • Slavery
and froodoin haie met in tnortalconi.
_hat,. *The history of that, cotabat'
;being Written in the beat - blOod Of the
RePublie: tor cian'We doubt the issue:
it faithful to our trust. The sublime
result already draws near. • Its dawn.
ings are seen in every achievement
won by the onward 'and irresistible'
NO, 27,
/ \t4,-11-,C,'I"F
..14 • tr , ,
. •
': ( ii.l-1-M=YCAT:IO33IO
JOB PRINTIN G or_nolg.
THE : ." °LOBO: JOB!' OFFIC E" -
the metteeigete atiilii:thie.4tetnhtt
seises the most gimple Tet , ti_rbittigtrexeetitt
the but aty.le o evee7xerletrpf ;eh, Tile.t ot,lt ; !!!11.1
_ .
BALL i100,4*,,
, LABELS:B4O f , & C, 10
.march of 'oar . victorious ariniell,
rebellion is in its fits!, agonies T.ti:4:l**
hard • but its death is inevitable— Tit
home .
croakers at and abrond,-blAilift)
by the cuil3P:.orE4Y ol 7..-and.;e*Pg
with treason, are still rsiiaireg the pith ,
ful cry, 'the government-is destttoyed,
'the country ruined' When-the limit
'Westward the Star oittaplre talcye Its
. The- first Cour auto alroapact,. ,
, Thu fifth tehall.cloea tha drama tt:ith tha&r t .
'Man's nalesfofrepring hi the jaitt,'
he uttered a grand
that predicti6n, 'so' late, piefi -
Shall a Government fonnded . iii friutlJy
and justice, and matured
leeted wisdom of ages
by the prayers and tears of our witii.-
ers, and baptized is the Illood. of' kal`i•
fathers, perish in the hands of - their.
sons? . Shall an arm ' eh rehelllou in,lllo
- of tho, raigftiost Repubiia.
earth be a success, and ito2,;world's Isetr
Imps forever extinguished? eerie ;
the thought! Tho starry emblem 9P
our nationality mast not, 7 -ononot 7 r,„.
cease to ,
(S'er!the larillif the froie
And the bOilie of tie brai.O.o!::!!) ';
• Liberty, fairest Offspring Of ireivienil
cannot diel She will tie as *sacredly!
guarded by her gallant 50n5,7 , 146, hi,'
early times; - was the sacred firelly:'
the Vestal Virgins. •ThOugb
trate for a time, yet like Truth, citish. , •
ed to earth, she will
in all her majesty and glory, drippitrg
with the blood of the mighty strugz
gle, and soar in lofty triumph; rid' tbe:
proud Eagle takes his flight in , granit'
defiande of all above and betieatlilimp - •
and the four millions of a s dowil
den race, whose wail: of wee • hali•AKi
long been going up to the skim, Asa
throw off their shackles and rise =in-
lthe dignity of their manhood, ti
foamed and - redeemed people: li t hen''
shall our swords be beaten into
There and our spears into pruning.:
hooks, and theVaifbint - d—powera or
civil and religious liberty conduct the
world:to a glorious. triumph..". '
Captain Decker then roplyed
"It is with feelings of pride and
Rude that I receive these tokenssOf:: .
your regard. Permit me to assure yon
that they Shall not be borne in vain,
and so long as reason is active and
memory retains' her seat, th0thin,64.9,, , ,
of a gift so valudble, shall net` bi„tai,
gotten. But I prize it not co much cia,
account of its intrinsic value!, as 'tcif .
the affectionate regard Of the .nohle
and generond 'hearts whiA:ProinitOd: r ;',
you, my companions in 'aime;
your Captain so highly:, - It gives Me : ,
pleasure to know that Co. K. occupies .
such a proud position in the' estithationi
of the rogimoni, to' :which it belongi—ai
position, too, so well merited. tAbod;
not exhort you. o fidelity. , Your Wholli:
deportment in camp; and.gallOnfijiiW_
the field, give the clearest 'Oiden - C0.4
devotion to the . rigkeoits cause
your country: -
i leis
I shall now take the liborty tol a nt
sure you that you will alWayi land
your Captain ready toJead•yotuto. bat
tie and to viet,ory,,untikthe last9lKpiny
to liberty and laW and. the
grand old Union thorOuglile festiiedPl
- have submitted•the ; aiii.da4 4 4:lll)* ,
request of the. Caminiiix,: thk
honer to be. • ' '
Your Obedlen.tikikakti.'
Fairfax Station, Dee. 1804.. "
In his last speeebi , before' the'-'Nbiir
York Port Society, ComirtAcirii•WiriL"
slow. Bald a.. good-wordi t '
lack : "Now, human. Mature is' so eon-':
etituted that there is 6.,Eicift sPot in
heart of -everybody, and '
particularly exein-Plified Sir& Wed
in any othor constitution I liaVO - 6VOi '
seen. assure you if you only tOnelt.'''''
it in the right place yon EMU a respona"
that will t more than :pay you:Alit
anything you can dOqur hint. [Aril
ple.use]. The first: thing'With llies'aif-s:
or is to make hini feel that:,3•Ote - WilViii''
an interest in hie w4jlfait):skri ' ltun °'
believe you are his 'friiindianii*i,'"
are sure of his gratitide and' i s 3
donee. I am aura that; dabnafitilii; : " -
Iloarearge there is not a man wholott;
not fool that I am not only tt , • frierat;
but (to use their own : exprOision)iiii 11 '
father to them, and wore '44 .
part of the' world, and'• to' 'call
these men,l am sure they would fioalo - - " f
to me Jost exactly like.ohildieni[nr- , 1
planes], for without being egotietibafpc.i ,
I may say they have that'confidealosi
in me, that whether in thestempeat.iii
under fire,' in action,,or o nywbere &soy=
as long as ; the captain is on;deckther
feel the shin is right."
• , 1 - 0 :
letter. ip.lllo 41 101 1 t 31
bet do you ' like beilt?" "Wei); X
like to say, Mr. Snobbi." "1 1 00ii,uoa.
sense) saysight out. Which -do ioo
like . best? " "Well," drape% be
eyes," "I, like- V bctit,"
.) 0 4 0,
-,f~~ :
Orf .