ZNSURE YOUR PROPERLY DI THE GIRARD Fire lad Marine Insurance Cu. 9 PHILADELPHIA. g€l 22A1112111 RISKS—VIBE RISKS ONLY TAKEN. Arportsalpai•Cos panted on brick !trill stone bulldlece, Vtalted pollelee grained oil frame or log building , and furniture. ligbiNeyreurrunt notes require. consequently nn assets. fAtnis Made. R. ALLIS) Sepl6.lBfil Aut. for Finntinnion Cloininc Cog BIRNBAUM'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ON SILL STREET, few doors west of Lewis' Book Store, 117JNTI1CGD 0 IV; PA Photographs and Ambrotypes Taken in the Best Style. r.OALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS FANCY FURS, FANCY FURS JMIN finnlßA, 18 ARCH Street Sole 7th., much lower proniton than at present, I am enabled to di6pogn of them of rare reasonable prices. and I would theeefo - e solicit a nail from my friend, of Huntingdon county nod ri,-inity. lir Remember the Name, Number mud Street I .TOON Ai:EIRA, 718 ARCII stroet : el bore 7th. South Bide. I , III . LAI.ELPPI itr I RAVE NO PARTNER. NOR CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER STORE VC k 1 Sept. 7, '64. bm. G E EORGE P. ELDRDGE WiTH CHARLES DESILVERi Wholesale and Retail PUBLISHER and BOOKSELLER, 1229 CHESTNUT ST., PIIILA:DA. .132. Your patronage is solicited. dpril IS. HOWARD Assoc,Lvri ON, • Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urin ary and Sexual Systems, New end:reliable treetnient—iii reperteby tho 11/IWicitl) ASSOCIATION—Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Mt. J. SKILIAN lIMPIIITON, Acting Par gene, Ilowurd Annociatiou, lio. 2 Soutb Ninth adelphia, I'u. rJuly 13, 1831-Iy. TTENRY HARPER, No 520 Arch btraet, PIIILAD. has a large stock or WATCIIES, _ FINE JEWELRY, FOLTD sILVER•WA E, itmktrtor platid TEA. SETS, bNONS, FJIIIiS, Lc Oct. 12.054. 4m. ALEXANDRIA - BREWERY. TIIIIHF undersigned having purchased I ftoni T. Newell his interest in i ho Ilrewery, tho husiness will hereafter he .gMil eairlerl on under the fi em of I.; o. CO-, and rUstonwra and the public general ly Oro Informed that all orders iecviv , %.•-4 E sp2T. , . I I fik e, ,) J. M. CU:MINI:hi Of. R. F. C1.NN1 , 0110.4 I `;O'T. ,nrc isnm 'nnningham. have tbi.e day eutez...l in parrnprela 1, in the Foundry boqio,4 and an , prep trod to 11;111101 1 • 114 , itiga. of ,d 1 Linde, and repairs at shalt notice noel on red!. enabi, terinx. ' - We are buying Old Metal And errap Iron nt higlicct market prices. Iluntiogrlon, July 6, 1564. SPECTACLES A fine and large aspoFtakent always or IBM AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WAR FOR THE UNION. FED' ORUA:CS, &e. TAICIIS.—ASHBY SLAIN, AN 'l'll AtAA BONI; OF ‘• Bet while you rejoice at the success of our troops and the prospect of the :riowdy downhill of the Rebel Army. do not forget to call at Sloe more of WALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing eleowhore, end asu our new stock goods, consisting of Dry Goods, rerocerics, Boots and Show, QuiNneware, Crockprpraro, • • Tobacco :egad, Hams. Flitch, Shoulders, Fish. Flour, Salt, and It portal as,ortrt,nt of notions. all of which er ferZon reasonable t-rots for coal or produce. Huntingdon, July 1, 1863. "HO US EK EEP EltS,' A TTFI NTT() N • Waal! want a cLoTtiEs WRINGER., in order to get through your witshinu entice... 13, 1 .0 your Sttenotb and et thesaine time 51100 enough in tint weatof clothes by using a - Wringer, to fay to it hi six mw'', on the. present prico of cotton. Wringers that bare Woo) tint- PREMIUM OVER ALL °Turns in the market, for sate at the Hardware Shiro of Fe3,ldiGt JAMES A. 111;OWN CHEAP PUMPS. TAMES A. BROWN, Huntingdon. el Pa., sells Potent Wooden Pumps for eisterni and Pella. from 4 toe) feet deep at almut one half the usual price fur old fashioned pumps. All pumps warranted. Avg. 3 '64. 3. TITECI YT AItA —T e gd,o4 Presbyte ri a n Psalmodist—The 6hawn—ThsJubnos—lionten's sod Berth:Ws enlarged and Improved instructors—Weil.d's Emend Improsed Method for the Arm , deon, 'Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and Hone, Instructors—Dellak l e Melodeon 'lnstructor—Bur rower' Piano-Forte Primer—do. Thorough-Bade Primer— Triowe's Drawing Room Dances—The Chorus Woe liecik— Taree Harp, for eats at LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. ENVELOPES, wholesale and rctaiL for sale LHWIS' BOOK .TOILE. fir'-; sy ..-. : ~ READING RAIL ROAD, WINTER ARRANGEMENT, NOVE31111:il 7, 1564. ei REAT TRUNK LINE F.IICOI THE 1,31, tivrth and North-Went for PinLADELeitu, z YORE, t.LDViG, roVISVILLE, EAbTON, to !cc. Trains leave Ilarrisburg for New Y 4114. as follows At 8 00 and 8 15 A. 51., and 145 V. M., tumult; at Now York at 10 On A, AL, and Z 45 nod lo l'. 51. The above connect with similar 're:tins on the Penne : y . l. Uinta Banton& and sleeping cats accompany the beet two trains. without change. Lime for Pealing. Potteyllic. Tamaqua. 311iterWille. Allentown and Philadelphia at :5 15 S. Al.. and 1 45 V. N.. !Stepping at Lebancu aunt priliCipal 04,0101.1, only. • Way Trains, stopping at nll p.nrits, at 7 2.5 1. DI., And 41) P. 11.1. Returning. leave NnW-Yonv at 0 A. n., 12 Noon. nod 7 P. M. PLiikufrlpitia at bA. 31-, allli 333 P. 31; Pottoville at 850 A. 51„ nod 2 35 P 31.; Tamaqua. at d 10 A. 31.. and 215 P. &I, and lteading at 12 nild.ogia, 7 35 anti 11) 45 A. 238 and 055 5.11. . An Accommodation Passenger Train learns timoma at 6.30 A. H., and raturna front PIIP•ADLII'OIA nt 1,30 P. NI. Columbia Railroad trans leave ~0.,,111,A- at ti di and 1. A. M.. for Ephrata. Littz. Colanthia. &e. . . On Pundat a. leave New Yuri, at 7 V. 31. , Pllllelelphi3, :115 P. 3/.. Pottsville 7 50 A. 31., 14,,,,,itvt 7 A. 31.. 11•er rl burg. 815 A. 31., and Ilea hog at fn. liar .tiaburg. C4411 , 111.5T103,5DT.E.V15. SZAON, and CACCiLSION at reduced rater to and front all I~oiu re. Baggage checked through: eu pounds Itagaagp allowed nob Pissanger. FT. 20 IESQ. 4_,At4-4, c0i5?„,,,e1r.F.pr07,70---.4-1 ~,,..,...„.„1.11_,......,„,..r.,.,.....,2_,..„_,_._:...0.,..._., PENNSYLVANIA Tit IT. ROAD Timt: OM LNAVINO 0 ~ .EltAiNs /DIVER AR RA A.Y.;17:3/E.Y.T. MMii= -= /TIUY K. P. M. lA. M.. T. `I A. M.! I P. M A. M P 4 6 1711, 4 07;12 10, IN. Hamiltun.l 8 2., I 2 43 521 4 112 20, ..... 131, Union.— S 14,10 01 1 2 -1.1 6 31, 421 12 84' ..... I mnomon, , 1 1 2 110 5 43; 4 ..1 12 11 ...... 131311 ri , ....1;..... 7 7.7; 9 10 2 2:: 5 1.1;. i 4'l 0 20111maingihm.; 7 401 9352 10 I 1 . 4 , :, 1 1 reterahnrkr.... 7 31 9 20 1 12 d_ 7 .; .....,: 1 :5, I liar PVC I I 31 44 43: S T. , 1 II Spructer,:., 7 17, 007 1 37 t, 3 . 21 ' 9 13 Birmingham, 1 ...... 1 20 t i,... 6 45; 2 24. 'rl, pone 071. 843 1 1a 705 A 53' '2 41 j 'Tiplnn 641 12 ns 7 14 I 2 49, , Fostmln.. ........... 1 12 02 7 19 6 09; 2 T , 7 ...... 1;,.11's 311111... 6 35 8 25 12 47 7 40 . 6 601 3 4•' 7 65 1 Altoona.. ..... 6 20 1 1 10 12 30 r.m.l A.M. P. M.' x.X.I The PIIILAPELPIIIA ENTRE-6 Ear.t,,,rd. leaven Altoona al . 4d I'. 31.. and arrivo4 at IlunimgdunAt 11 Ul P. 1/. The BA-T 1.1113 Enalsynid lea,a Alinnna at 240 A. 31. nod ~rrirra at Huntingdon at 4 03. 4;31. The 3'i111,01/1L1'111.4 EXl'nr.S4 Wk...twar./. lea , ea fluntinszdou at 7 2d A. 11., and arrives at 2110onot at 8 i 5 A. 31. 'the r A....1` LINE 11'e3trrItrd. leaven Huntingdon at I 2D 11. 31., nod arrivea at Altoona at S Za.) I'. 31. Btt I L'At L' N r r G A?) A N ''''4; l3 Iy ON: on .q . l after We,lowalay Nor. g, 18g4, Bill urrive and th . prli , : 801.1111 WARD T,:dlS:c I have now Jo efor, of ty own Importation and anufiletnre, one or O. A It (I I; .5 T and Mont HAIITTFUL ,lecti•ms of FAA - ('Y FURS I.ADYS'amiGENTI.E KN'S W VAIL to the ty. Alen. a fine tomort. tot of Gent's Fur imesnod Collars. A. nts. For.wes par. iiiillig Y. 11..1 A. flt LI 6 23;11 8 00: Flontingdoli. I.SM 12 47 an 0 20 G 001 IS 00)!Mc..00104114town , 0 1/1 0 ‘ - .0 a 131 h 424:Plemant Oro,. j 11 6I 6 1.2 0 431 8 1:,\!;:r1;1,101 g 1 II 15.1 .3 .3',1 li • 1 62: 7 071 0 00i;;;;44, IWO.. . ..... —t ., : . :, it :!: 6 ~,o 7 13 1 9 °Silt:moll& 1tt616. I 10 191 bO3 740 j 9 2111'..ve. I 10 Th 4 7 401 9.2slFiAirCet ,utount 1 10 251 4: 4 5 ,, Al SEIAR 9 40 5.,.. .. . '4.1 10 0214.1. 4 40 1 " 00 C' 411;1441e i I ' . .—.... EMM2=3:2 GEE _.:LTNI.V.E'RSA 1, • CLIF:JIS WRINGEI 1 / 42. No. 1. Large Pamily IVringer, No.l/ Medium, " " 12.00 No. 2. Medium. 10.00 No. 2 " " 0.00 No. 3. Small " 3,00 No. 8. Im/we HaeL 20.00 No. 18. 211 - edium.Laundry ~ ,n t )'201.111 nu No. 22, Lary 1,1';':d.r:;11.(11) Nos. 2/. and 3 have no C`ogA. All oth erst are warrapted. = *No. 2 is the Nizo generallt• olsetl in private families. ORANcit•..Tutm, of the "Atn, , ricati Ag riettltoriq,." say 4 of the UNIVELTISAL t;LOTETES 'WRINGER ••A child ran ((ling I'lll :1 toinnil ..f the: ntinot••••• It io in rt•alit a t71.; - rnr, 1• • •.1 - :It! A TIMN Svvr.!ll and a STkNII/11,1171`.! 'rho s•tving 4,r got nientr will sil, pal' n 4u;.:+ per Cerilngi. nil it. Ct.!. IV , think !lie 001v11 More ih.lo roc it-elf eve ry year' . in Ow ,tv•in, of garnirn m •••(•;,31 kin•l., ovally nlike in gent•lll ho! we con •i;ler it ;nl;t•rtant hot lint Wring', he fitt." l (` o ., ••• • 11 I .rwi••• fi.rnr• d. r eliig rollei, nll.l Ole 1,3 crant ,, l , n , .11,1nn.1 tvar the 01•1( or the rnblior 1•1•• in ••+. 11 , 111 th" ,11:111. 11111 . ON(li is no. of tin; 111.1 mak, out it i• n 0..) 3.3 ,IhNV after near') 'porn TrAlPs' conhi,N: One,, Every Wringer with Cos Whee!s is War ranted in every particular. INTo Wringer can Le Daralde ictlout Cog TVlteds. J. A'. Drown, is .Agent for Hunting don, P. July 27, IRCI4 PUTNAM CLOTHES ViE/170.72. Ni (=\ , t. ,e -:,,--;-x-m,:-.:„.. - : al 1 rib r_____________ SELF - ADJUSTING WRINGER. NO WOODWORK TO SWELL OR SPLIT. No Thurnb-Screws to et out of Order. ivAintANTho w wirrliotyr COU.I,IIIE,A,S. Tt took thr• 1 , I:P:4!UN1 nt ill'tv-spv,o Pt:.to not ; !5t13, 0 ,,i i, wil;mlgt on ex,ptiqn. the 1,4 t Wring, er-r mad, I'sstslssrsl its Ilse ltnits.sl '-i41(0.. Frigl3-.1 Causal., as; Au•lt . u. Ag. • iit3 its ssystry lowa. and In all parts at Sun itss.s Isl. 1.•1149 . g ,,, is sl!.;l,otg c. n mike from ti to 10 1).,th,r8 per day No, N 0.1,50. 10, F. !1 , .50. No. A. Sn.fd., Manufactured and cold. hi,h and retail. by TUE I'NAM MANUFACTURING CO., lie. 13, Platt Street. New Yolk, ).11.1 Clevel,l,d. Ohi o E. C. NORT7IIO,I, Agent. WHAT EVERY): . 11Y r.. - Now: , . viz =I That a ,itoplo h , 10•:to. Iheu o emtipticotNl Thnt n wringer Nolf , llijU,tilig. 311.1 That Tharab. , c,, , w , and IW-tonin , .., ec (I , lay troubles ta re_abito awl • II o, der; That WIJOiI hU , 11,1.1 to 1101 IVIlt.ll . will Ahl ink ni,nl split; That wood beat ins' fat Ow shaft to run fit will woo but; ' That the W lager. with or without cog whorl, will not tear Ito. adla,t 'I lot cog-is boei tesnaltat'S tun not e. ,, elttial; That the. Putnam lVrioaor the .olvant - and not on , o f ,h.. abate 'That nil who harp t,stel it. pronoun, it t?to Vrintp•r err.. mall tit will wring EiThon.l out Quilt 'without nt . teratian. are natritt till the tetpor with testimnial, hot insert onl, n f.w to ronriuco iiii• 10..111 lest, if rush 1111.1 e it. say to all, lett Intrifion'A Irrowee. Tr.ot it im,1113 wills nit, nod nil (allots, and if nut ctctorp r. turn it: Piitnain '3lininfacturltic frfitn prn.ct tealfin. tlt itoll well St lilt tie W ft: 110 i otv retencit•. The Wan Wril%••l' I oar and I. can din rflitiv best In one. n esp.. nt I ly gout: . . Ntl. W. aril e.F.l.ll:tt. ttlevelaa I. t 4.1., 'tinny year"' experiefice in the I.finvanizing huTte ooablo me to ind-rso the att , re statetnnnt la all p a-timu MSI .TNO. I.e.FFEETS, No.loo Dericnl.ln at. New York. Jaithary. lon I. . . e )taro test.si , lothd4 %fling, by practi cal w Lnow that it avid du. It is ebtaie :it is simple: it rrguire r , 1.1‘7 , ..1, .n . at re, n chill can i•p•t ate it: it dose t tls duty tleuutteldy ; it 1•11Ceill time nil it FaVeg to. ar and tear. \Ye elittestly •all isle. Imee to do. with all inn - dn. goutroan/ alto bureau:. to buy thiA )Gauger. It will pay for itself in a year at most. July fluN. 11011ACI:GILEF.LEY. 1804. I'elV J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture. Ittntreettollv iitvite:, the artent too of pap, trt Ida 01l ntintitnnit'lt• befwveti ruuninghnms tit. , rota lieiw'r Nation.) lionise. where lie 111$1111/111q1111, mtd kerp+nil Mills or Filiiiiituro nr lieductiil prices. l'cr• cons to nitielnote do well to give Min a call. It •gtmirinc of all Wield attcnilml to prowl tly and Charges ref :able. it- Al:et titeli.ttattin t s rarriect on. not! Collin, akin lb any ~ 71::1-41,1. :in slo.rt tarn or 001111 ry, by .1. 31. WISP,. huctingqou, b pi 21 , af.2-t1• G. A. NIC /LLF. Oteteral.ls..iprinte..r-2•70. EAST IKet if L 1 t P Y , • 0.1 I) TOP tiCIIEDTJUS. Paseaugur Tral no YARD IR/INS STATIONS Mern'e ETou' g riESI2I2 EMICIMI 10 151 0 01. ,1001 i 10 2:1:11op. , r11 I:u 0. 01;11:00,1t,01 li V:01100.11 00 0. ....... i.iNicptlit D.111:0. 811 , }UP'S 131:A !LS 10 00!:,xxtost EKE 10 Li, Cottlniclit 10 ~I 't, ford, Alt 19 ;A?!1 , 1id1...). 'rop City 1111 MEM ogdon, Nov. 9. ISO 4. I== TT 1, ulll °NIX PIII,TARLF: ACENCY 9 . FOR COLLECTING EOLDIERB CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. A LL who may have any claims a gnitnq the Government (or Bounty. Pock Pop and Pen-lona can have th eir claim. promptly collected by ap plying cilhor in or by letter to W. 11. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, P. August 1563. AT THU PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, No. 920 Chestnut St., Philada -NON OPEN Paris-made Mantillas and Cloaks. Also. SPIIINO and SUMMER G A 1111EN'I'S, of our cm., Mama:a:tom of (ho latent styles and 3. W. PROCTOR & CO., The Paris Mantilla Emporium, 920 Chantnat St., Philadelphia. Artll 13, 18E4. SATCHELS, POHT-MONNAIES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, SEGA R CASES, &e., A Invnirlome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store. Co 13 rrz , s CEL E.BR ED giarge anti &Mr pittiltro, 'I l ie Powders will strength / '1 ea the Stomack 11. and Intcatines, cleanse them from otifensiNo matter, and ; bring them to _ healthystate, - — '" 47 " -- They are a sure preventiwo of Lung Fewer. and a certain remedy fin. all Discazta incident to the litrce, such ns Glan ders, Yellow Water, tamper Di s rrktste t , e es, Slavering, 1) -- I.4n:' Coughs, Pe- • WKS. DDSs or V Appetite and ivrava..a„w ot, Vital Eller- -N gy, poor, low-sttiritrd animals, it lull the moot belief: efrect. Tile lOC (Willem improves the wind. et rni , Cll9 the Appetite, and vices to the lb.lrr a fine, smooth and g1033c skin—thus inTrcy init the appearance, rigor and spirit of Iht3 noble animal. FOR TicTILCII COWS l'tt, l ?;.,_ ''..-: :,;--N li ,- 3: - ,:, ,- ' / . W', . ) ,_.--4 3 / 1,t,,..-..-.,,,-_,'_-•., i f 1 ( _ V ' : ii. -- - - *(,,i - - -- ' - 1-f- The property thin Por..• , . in,toutee. in h: oren.iim4 the quantity it an importanc.• oil rtthl:`, vd; it 11 4, place it in the hooch.; is wire j n-c. -I:, ;•;.;:t:t; COM% 13 1 . ni:11:11 ; that it will incr.:n:3 thc ow.utity Cream twenty per ctu:.. t!, firm aml sweet. Ta l . ,ttc.r:l;;l i; gi t - •:; them in ap;,o:itc, th,:e 1: 1 0, 4 1,1 malte3 them '..inl;r_t much f•ste7. IT 0 0- D . Ito all DisCaFTli of the Swine. such .=.l 'otuflt.i. Ulcer.: in - k , ... Be puttin r, frmn hall' a pilfer to a paper of the.r! Powders in a 1;,-,r-• r; rel of Swill, the above D;sea3e.; a i Curt i t ^.'/ t, r ; vented. 13y 1.15111'.! 111 , p: PU\N Cholera et 6 ht. pt . noe:l 1. PrirJo 23 cl - . 2. per 7 , 7.1)-r, Cr 5 y .!:.;:.: 1 P. ;:T S. A. POUT 7, Tr.r' • AT _ WiiCIESALF. GFU:I fl No. 116:Eraralin 841 e tbrctlyhfrat tiw!, tni;ta For sale xvholesale anal retail by J 0111) rit'afi, Ilantingdon. Pa. [ap27-1 Alli Vli I'D WY WANTS I= 1(1 , COUNSELLOR IN BUSINES. BY FRANK (B) BY, I=l If Tell, Tea Ilow to dram lip PAr.TSERSIIIP PAPEER and gives general forms for AORYIINIENTS of alt hind, Mats of $Ol.O. and PoIITIONO, II Tolls This litre to If ea ,. lip 110000 and 711011TOSOKT, FIOAVITS. I'o Ern of ATloaNer. NOTE, and 141.1. i of EXCIIAMGII. ft re, II PLEASES If Trite You The laws for the I'OLLECTION Of 1)0003. With the hi i i 1.111T.V11.3. AM] Moonlit and proj.orly Eeo,trr !riot Exoru. TioN iir every It Tens fiot How make till . o “,,nroir.:yr rwitiorly, with forme Ire COMI,OTIoN with 17 :Morrell& lino the soTVIINT I.Alv,or every Shit, II Tel:s You The h • gal relations oxis,hor 1.4 DIAN end i ooir. MANTILIIt and A PPII:INIZCK, TitMANT. II Tollt rou What 01 •1 111 Illtr A I.IDEL and NLANDra. Ihn 10:Av es to 1.414111.tri1: lII.tVLa. the WIVE'S It OUT IN l'Itorl:111 Y. MIVOIIeY. nun ALIMONY. It Tel!, you The I rue for Mr.cnAatc , ' I.IENs in every Ntate. and the NATUSALIZATION I.Alrfloif this Coale try. and how to eOllll l ll With the saute. It Tells You The law concerning . Pr.rmiox4 and how to I/I • hlll one, and lii, PRE-EMPTION GAITS PIIIMIC LANDS. it Tens You The litre for PATf.TTS, With :Iloilo of proo: d , ,,,inohtaining,n,r, Willi INTREPEAF.NcE-, .I,IosIIENTA nrlyd Tuft,: Ire Vera. Ii 741 s you hr WILL uud raw to ADMIN. INTER rro AN • E,TATE. with ii, rout 1111:1 the reliliirefoon Is thereof hr r,cry You 'Vl,meeui or I. AM TIMINI, ill geoevit flirt esoia n, jw. (.1 yon (lie I.I,ONIATIVE. EXC. rivr. and Powers or both th, and State thiVERNMENTe. o ut OF I,Aw by girosvimr bow t. tie your Intsine, ler.Ally, thus saving vo-t amount of irroperty. nod rexatiot ihigatirn. by its timely ronslll tatiOn. f.:70- erylwily's Lawyer is for:4ole Mt. Louth Book Sto jr;it to!, BOOKS, v if FOR SALE T BOON, STATIONERY k MUSIC vfOt E, =MM!! 4th and sth 'leaders. , Iriiji , TEY'S Spoiler end It.vuh•l•x. do do do T 41,1 1 .14 Sp,llPr nud Definer, (old and nese editions.) Itailion'a and Itrown'A 'Jr:mantra.' Yirch's Physical (leogiraphy. IV.irr,aCe Physical neagraphy. Cs. ?lantei t and iileNally's earreaphiex Abases Carny's riaagrajdiy. nith Key to 'Mitchell's Outline 31npu Welarer'm nmi IVorceater's Dictionaries. 'in First !wagons in Coinpaitiort, einarradtion and ,isssidoaf a. Stoddard's and Brooks' Arithmetic's. Prterson's Familiar , iseuisat's and sto.idard's lisp to Arithinsties. iirsvoitaf's and Visviss' Mgatras. • thrssolsat'sKey' to Algebra. Patter's Juvenile Philosophy.. Pstker's FirAt Lessons in Nettural Philosophy. Porker's Philosophy, Willard's Ilistory of tho United States. • " Payson. Mutton and Scribnor's Penmanship, in sloven onnib.ne, Potter & I:011111011 , VA I'Clllll.O it) In twelve numberii. leileinicel. Controllers' and other Copy Elentent:try Geometry awl TrigUnonnary. Ilaciv I,egenilrC.loeonietry. Gr 'e Geometry. Fulton 3 Engtinitti's Book-looping: Keeping by Single Entry. liv Ifitonford & Ripen nook ICeeplog by Single and Dontile Entry. by Iliitinford • ntymon. nther hook, will tin added and curniNlwil to order. A hill Atock Uf School StationerS always on hood ri- - ;),„Fine Cigars and Tobacco for sale at Lewis' Book Store ' l 44' firt,,A•J HOOKS AND STATIONERY.-- A good assortment of mt.cullunamio and School itooke—roolacap. Letter. Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and "Fancy Envolopes—Red. Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous sl■M—Pena. Pencils. Pocket and Desk. Inkstands, and every other article usually found to Book and Stationery :Moro.. can ho had at fair prices at . I,I , ICIS' 1300 K. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY Handsome and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Store A IiBLE YARD, The undersigned would rovectfully rail the attention of the citir.n, Huntingdon and the htljuining counties to the stock 0 , ..enutiful marble now on hand. Ito I/ prepared to Menial. at the ,ltortnat notice. Monumental Marble, Tont"). 'Pablo' and Stones of every 'desired nice and loom of ItAIS.II I.:,Wtril Marble. highly finished, And awed with optima priate deViCrS, or plain, no MS suit. Iluibling Marble, Door and Window Sills, .to., will be fornimhed to order. - - - W. W. pledge:. Itituerlt to funds'. material And wort:- tnAntdeip equal to any In the cpuntry. nt a fair price. tali and ape. before you punting. eliomberia. Sivp on Nil) t I eet,.lllllltillgtloll, ,11.3. y 1G 1t55 1884 'r H E 1864. LARGEST AND BEST WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Ie now ready for inspection and sale, AT LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEVI AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRgCE.S Than the game article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittgberg. OUR STOCK Congigts of upwa.;,i. of Ono Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, FOR The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dwing Boom, Bed Boom, Hall, Kitchen, Orfiee, Store., Shop, &c., Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. (-) -21 - m cr. ri ,D ViINDOIAT CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK SRL END] D ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST itEcrivED AT LEWIS' nooK. STORE. ==1:1 - - os- • ,2 II LANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! IitINSTABLF.T SALES, .ATTACIET EXECUTIONS. YTTACIIMEXTS, j F.X ECUTIONS. ~ U NIMONs, lENEMS. suBINENAS. IMoRTOAOES. OEDER.S. . IJUDEMENT NOTEII. L EASES 1:01; HOUSES, NATURA LIZATION lERs, MINION PENES. J Ul01)I ENT BONDS, lEEE LLS. NOTES. mill, a waiver of 010 Sa I,*nr. drIKIM !XT NoTtis. with or the $3OO Lan. ARTICLES OF An Traeltere. NIA It IU AG ti CERTIFICATES. to, JoAlees a rho re., Inflicter.; or the • 'OMPI,; INT. WARR N NT. and COSI Ntvrm ENT, in casi. 0 r A.mnit and Rat IPry. rind Atiray. CI KR li FACIAS. to recover moonlit of Judgment. It ECM PTS, for State. Comity, &hoot. 110.00z11 nod TONVIIShip TAN,. oo RT., and for role at the °Mee of ILUNTiNGDON GLOBE. BLANEs. of o wrry desociptiun printed to ardor. neatly, at 01001 notice, and on good Paper. ;)0.000 5 BEST QUALITY BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY • ENVELOPES, Jnet receirod mat for sato tit • LEWIS' BOOK STORM. THE 'BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOR. LADIES AHD GEATTLEMEAT, EVER RECEIVED IN EIUNTINGDON, CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS , ROOK. STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE. .I)APER ! PAPER!! PAPER!!! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper Car Vloteerit, • Perroroted Pap,, Bristol Board, let Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper. Ladiea' (lilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Percy Note Paper. White and Colored Card Paper, in Party.. and Sheets. For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationers and Mosic Store. A 1 )13 UM A I ti S • ) A beautiful assortment of PHOTO 4RAPB. ALBUMS just received and For ;sale AT LEWIS' BOOR STORE. I= STOOK OF cfla ( ( 04 kr 4 • KEE " PROFESSIONAL &. BUSINESS CARDS e j D. CAMPBELL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW 111.1NT/ZsTOIDON, PA. Office Is the Erick Row, nearly opposite the , Court idouee. [April 15,160 • AV. A STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE.—in Treasurer's room in Court House—up stairs. Huntingdon. Dec. 16, 1863. .1 - 1 ALLISON MILLER, DE VTIST, Its. removed to the Erick Row opposite the Court Holies. April IS, It T q E. GREENE, ti • DENTIST. Ofllee removed to oppoeito the More of D. P. flvrin. to the mquare,,llill street, Huntingdon, Pa. April 13,11584. H. K. NEFF, 111. D. I r AT 22 return ed from the n r i Z , wiil,th‘pirnflDlCiNE ad lel'. 01 his 016 rorldrnoe on 11111 street. II au 1111.00 n. Aug.. 24, '64. WILLIAM AFRICA RAS AGAIN CORtIRKEISD THE BOOT AND SlfoE-MA Ner, ONE DOOR DART OF 11. ROMAN'S CLOTIIINti STORE. Hie old customers and the public generally. will give him a Coll. [Huntingdon, Oct. 20,18a] THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. S. IiORRISON, Proprietor LFWIS NV 1‘1 11 : elaler houk:, Stationory and Ml.ical Isistra means. Huntingdon, Pa. .O , I7TN I AN i & CO,.De t alerx in Ready FIR...JOHN )IeffITI.LOCII. offers his 1 / prafesmionnl :+ervires Li• the eitizrne of liiiiitingdon Ind vicinity. Other on 11111 ntroot. ono door elteit of iteed'n Urug Storo. Aug. 23. '65. L S. Ssll'lll, Dealer in Drugs, Medi 1. eines. Pkrininery. Lyn Stuffs. ORB, kc. Aleo (Ito Conketiounriesi. ac.. Huntingdon. Pa. I M. GUNN - INGRAM q. 7 • Founder, Huntingdon, Pa TAMES A. BROWN, Pral, iu IlArilware, Cutlery, l'sicits, Oils, &s., Mint ingdon. 5, 1110.31 AN, a Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Irate and Cape lioots and Shoes, Ac. - DP. 0 itIN, . healer to Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Queens Were. lints and Caps, Boots and Shoes, U. POCKET TESTAMENTS, A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT LEWIS' 1300 E STORE I)00K BENDING. ) Uld honky. Magozinco, or public:Afloat' of any kind, bound to order, if left lit LEWIS' BOOK STAZIONEBY SI'ORE. - DIMNESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! "up It you waut your card neatly printed upou EHTOI - rail Kt LEWIS' BOOK AND ,STATIONERY STORE. 1 Olt THE LADLES.' A superior article of Note Paper and Envelops., snilable for coofidrnlitit correspondence. fix sale at ROOK d• STATIOXERY STORE. M. Nl' 11,1A.A..)18, Plain and Ornamental Marble Mnnlifacturer. NYELOPIS i3y/li'Fbia;leklk°4=TCW/t57/tl'.'L„... witAi , pi Nu pA p E ! A gnud nrticle fur male at LEWIS' HOOK STORE IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call •t 0. P WIN'S where you will find the 11..0 tt .- 110:11110.3t in town. QCBOOL BOOKS. Generally in use in the Schonht of the County, not an hand. %yin be faro HIM to order:* a amine:loou at LEWIS' IMOK.A.A'D 710...VElirSIVR.M. CI:TONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro t:t carp, 20 per cant. cheaper than any other place in town. T in, beat 'Tobacco in town, at D. E'. owl MB j r I LD BRASS AND COT>PER taken in exchange for goods at the Banhenre Store Sept, 3, 7fio O. JAS. A. BItOWN I A])l liONEITt E a l, A complete Pocket Ready Recholinr, in donate out cent, to which aro added forma of Notea. Petitions, &c., together with a get of useful tables. containing rata Or in h•reot front to dollar to t waive thaw and. by thu ningla day, with a table of wage, nod board by the week and day, 'ttbliNhed in IPM). for nate at = IT you want liandson e Goods, good (ok cheap Ooodx, gild all Ida I of (tooth.. got D, 1 3 . 3./ WI! 'B. IBOOTS SHOES, flats ezipB, the largest amsortment and cheapest to Le found at D. P. GWIN'S I UN BA It lt 1%, LS AND LO OK S.-A vA large arrurtulent at IIItOWN'S HARDWARE STORE. el U3l SHOES, cheaper at D. P. G win's to had in town. Call and nen thew. - 11kA It !PA l' ! Not, fart. Commercial. loolarap and Flatrap—a wortniee I fur .110 by the ream, half ream, quire or sheet. at LEWIS' NEW BOOK Lt.. STATIONERY STORE I ) N DEED PAPER-- =ll A r °NTH LY TIM: BOOR'S, For MA, flt - LEWIS' BOOK AND STA TIONER Y &TORN 1100 P SKIRTS with front 4 to 30 hoop, at iitiree from 25 ctn. to VON , at the cheap Mon. of D. P. GRIN. P. GWIN keeps the largest, best s. assortment and cheapest shoes in town. Call and OMNI inn them. r r EACING MUSLIN, DRAFTIM AND DIZAWINa PAM: White and Colored Card Taper, For mho ut LKWIA ^ ROOK It ,NTATIOXERY STORE. I)_OUTS and SHOES,• the largest anti clnainent aseortniont in town, at CARPET Sacks and Faucy Baskets at LIQUORS. of the best, for Medieina purposes xt S. S. SMITH'S. • A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets fot /A L anle cheap, at D. 0. C7WIN'S. P. GAIN'S is the 'place to, buy good and cheap Carnets. fIALL at D. P. UWIN'S if you want 1,,,) noon Goons LA DIES Collars, very cheap and beau ttful, at L. p. (TALL at D. P C WIN'S if you want fashioa able Good' • ("NATAL at the new CLOTHING STOR )of GUTMAN ff. CO., if y on .. wont 'vet' urticle Clothing. Store room +n Long w now inn DI mond. Ilun nowt , 0. Sept 10;IS:i: T) LANK BOOKS, .0 OP VARIOUS 810E9, for calo Rt LEWIS' BOOR AND STATIONERY STU . . . COUNTRY DEALERS can M, CLOTHING from mu In Huntingdon ot WHOLESALE its cheap :I, Hwy ran in Hy cities. mg I liner a wholesale store in Plailadolplii 4 wanting - 47n, April 11, 1148. H. 11031.10 i. "QUICK SALES AND Anybody in want of /AMY AND POCKET RIMS, HYMN AND PRAYER BOORS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANT mugs TALVAOI.6 AND INTRRISTIND NOON, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS. BIIEET MUSIC for the Pinup, Guitar, &c., kc., POCKS, DOOlll, r'ORTMONNAIDI AND POOOOB, For Udiea and gentlemen, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common School', SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS ALPHABET BLOCKS, &C., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for Itoy and Girl,. AMUSING GAMES WEDDING .ENVELOPY.S AND CARD!, ISA(tItIAUE CERTIFICATES, Cl/ECKER IWANDS, DOMINOES, £O., CONY KM AVON CA r.DS, BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum BookS of Various Sizes, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL FUNDS, Drawing and Blotting Paper, Ihiatal and awd /Ward. Wil ITlti BONNET BOARD, INDELIBLE, CARMINE, RED, BLUE ADD BLACK MBE,. Arnold's Ilodgson's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID Wrapping Paper of DiParent. Sizes and Qnatitie be. hc. ie. ie. ac. dm is CUEAP MAY, STATIONCRT AND MUSIC Sronr, In the "Globe" building, Market Square, where all who want to go to mrke their purehase9 THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCH:ES. MSS ELIZA ACTOR Carefidly Revised by lb. J. S. Hale • Ir TELLS YOl7 now to choo4o all kioda of Meath. Poultry, and Game, with all Elio various and moat approved modem or dreeming and cooking Beef Alld Pork; Mao thu beat and ainipleat way of milting, pickling and coring the Ent.. IT TILL. Votr-A,ll. the ertelotte and mont approved moth. of dressing. cooking, and boning Mottos, Lamb. Yeal. Poultry...anti game of all kind. with the different Wearing, Gravid!, and Stuffing , ' oppropriato to each. IT TELL, You How to chooNH, clean, and. preserve Fish of all kirolo.,lnil how to awyetan it when taint ed : alto all the radian+ and most approved miles of cooking. with the different OrFns inge. Sauces, and Flavorinpa appropriate to each. IT TELLS You All the various and meet approved mod.' preparing over :A/ Moths of Ment,FiAla.Fon Gatne, and Vegetabla Soups, Broths. an. Stow, nit', the Itelishca and Seasoningb appropriate to each. Ix TELIS You All the VilriOtllland most apyroyed modes of cooking Vego.tnbled nt •very description. also how to prepare Males. Catsup nad orrisn of all kinds, Petted Meats, Yinh t Game. Mushrooms, &c. • IT TIMIS TOW MI the Autrions and most ?Approved ?mike of preparing and cooking. all kinds of Plain end Fancy Poetry. Puddinge, Omelettes, Fritters. Cakes. Confectionary. Preserree. Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every descrip• time. IT TOLLS You All the various and roost stporoved modes of making Bread. Rusks. Muffins, and Bin. colt. anti the hest Method of iweintring Coffeo. Chocolate. and Tea. awl how to make Syrup, Cordials, and Mites of lin. kinds. fr natal You How turn out and ornament n Table, how Curve all kituir of Firb. Flesh or Fowl, and in abort. bow to so aimplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the chnirost loonriro of tho Mble within the everybody'S reach. For Sale of Lewis' Book Store. • NEW BOOKS! FOR SALE AT LEvrts• BOOK IiTOR THE HOUSE: A NEW POLAP.7 MANUAL of Hurd Architec ture; or. How to Bond Dwellings, Itarns, Stables, and Out Dwellings of all Moen. With a Chapter on Churches and School-houses.. Nrico. 00 cents. • TOE OAIt•DEN: A NEw POCEET MANUAL, of PioCtiCal line. ticultore; or, flow to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruit 4, and Flowers. With n Chapter on Ornamental Trees And .shrults. Prim, 50 cents. . . THE FA 11)1: A Now POCKET MANUAL of Practical Agri culture; or. How to Cultirate all the Field Crept With an Essay on Farm Management, etc. Price, SL) cents. DOMEMC ANIMALS: A Sow POCKET MeNtt..a. of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry; or, How to Ill'eed mid near the Various Tenants of the Darn-yard, etc., etc Price. SO cents. littli,"rO TA LK: A New Poexcr MANUAL of Conversation and Debate. with Directions for Acquiring a Orioninati , cal Style. and more than Fire Hundred Common Mis takes Corrected. Price, 50 cent. I= HOW TO BEIIA I: : ANEW POCKET MANAUL of Bepnbii• Ceti Ptiquette, and °nide to Correct Personal Ifni:ilex; with Motto tar Debating 80eICIIUS Mail Deliberative Age senibliee, etc. Price, 5. Cento. ItOir TO DO BUSINESS: A New Pocrzer MOIUAL at Practical AlLUre and Otailo to 1111Cee91 in Lifir; with a Collection of Ittininess Farms. and 11 Dictionary of Com mercial Terms, etc. Price, 50 cents. PHOTOGRAPH ALBIJAIS AND SMALL PORTRAITS ALL THE DINTINattISLIED OPFICEILI AND CIVILIiNsi, AT LEWIS' ROOK AND STATIONERY STORE. OIL cLorrii WINDOIV SHADES, GILT GOLD SIIADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE, CORE AND . TASSALS. A FULL ASSORTMENT SMA T.T PROFITS I" Fancy And School STATIONERY, For Young Fol ks VISITING CARDS, BONd HOOKS, Front 6 to 75 cents DIARIES FOlt 1863 ETIOULD CALL AT LEWIS' SAVE MONEY, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE PENS'! PENS ! GET THE BEST! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST C. BARNARD'S . Celebrated "Corrugated Mcital" Pens 133:11=3 AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Agent for the county Plums-25 as. per dozen or $2 per gross eThE ti CORRUGATED METAL" PENS, made by C. BARNARD, are the best Com• ntercial and School Pena, without exception '.to any.— They are used by all the principal lianbe and Goiteruitunit Department.. Public and Private 'Schools; also, by the most prominent Commercial Roma throughout the Cats tvd tatty and Canada. But a abort time has elapsed since C. BARNARD'S PENS have been Introduced into the United States, still a mark ed preference is given them over all ethers for the follow ing reasons: The Corrugated Metal " PENS de not cor rode; they will net splatter or cut through the thinnest paper they have an easy gliding oration, a certainty of elven.) diffasing the ink, softness of point, aunt great du rability. The following testimonials. selected from numerous othere. are respectfully submitted: I have used the Metallic Pens of Mr. o.l3arnard and highly approve of them. • • • Cr. BARF4T3W, President qf St. Nicholas Bank, New York, We ,, nve used the Pens of Mr. Barnard, and find thew to be as he represents, nod [eke plenitire In recOinmeitt lug them to the publia. • • WELL, FARGO & A. MULLIOAN, Ctultem C. tornard's Pens bee., been tried, and are highly app proved in Ole office. S.U.OUDEN, Auditor V: S. Cullom House, New 17:wk. liming tried the eyrrageted Pens Exude by 3fr. Itartterd, I can recommend Bled' no excellent. - AMU EL MIRES Cbmniwithttit Naos/ Yard, Brooklyn. We add ours to above recommendations. H. B. GROB WEI.:1;& CO.. Now York I have no hesitation in taxying Parnard'e Pens ate dos eidodly tha best i have over used.. .0. HAY. Agent United States Express Co., New York We can confidently recommend Mr. C. Bernard's Anti Corrosive Nue nn thu best over brought under our notice without exception. WILKINSON, TETON & CO., Park Place, New Terk T. B. LICIGLIE, ettshicr. • We Lase been using the Pens of Mr. C. itarmtrd, end take great pleusuro in recommending them to the nubile, as they aro nu excellent article, end MI he represents them to Lo. A. CLINTON; Secretary Bole. Insurance Co., Nov York. Upon trial we have found Mr Barnnrd'e Pane to be ei celleut. FRED. pitouT & co., New York.• . . 1 would recounnend M. linrnord's Pens as a superior article to au) , .1 have used. GOUVIt. KEMPLE, New Took. - We add onra to the above recommendations. UNDERHILL, HAVILAND ,h CO., New York Or all lone I !vivo ever used, Mr. Darnurd's have given ale more eatiefiletlan. and I can recommend them to the public no being entirely antl-corrusivo. • POIRER. New York. After al: months' conatoot use of C. Barnard's Anti. Corrosive Pen. we can confidently recommend It as the best metallic pen we have ever wed, ll:plink front the abort, expericaco that it does slut actually corrode. . McL CAN C 0.,. New Yeti. • C. BARNARD, Manufacturer of Corrugated Met it Pen, John treat, Clerkenwcll, Loutton. dune 15,1.562. GREAT WORK ON .THE HORSE THE HORSE &HIS DISEASES IIY HOBERT JIINNINGS, V. S., Profrua• nj l'athningy and Operative ,Yargery its itte Veterinary College qf Paitadelphia, etc., cle. WILL, TELL YOU Of the Origin. Iliatory and distinctive traits oftlio Tarim. breeds of European, , Asiatic. African and American llones, with the 'physical formation and pa culiarit:es of the animal. and how to ascertain his age by the number and condition of his teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory edirracimrs.- TILE 11ORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling . , Yook• lug, grooming, iilioeing, and the gennr• al management of Cho home, with Ch• beat QUA. or .1(11111110,1in medicine, alto; how to treat Biting, Kicking, Shying, Sinful,ling, Urlb•Bib log. itestleasnera, and other vice. to which Ito ix .mhieet; with uumorono •o plauatory engrariligo. THIS DORSD AND IllS DISEASH9 ivILL TELL YOU O( the caimei,symptoms.eind Treatment of :Arm%lee, Sure l'ilroat, Distemper, Catarrh. Indnenza. Bronchitis, Blum snonin, Plenrasy, Broken Wind, Chron• is Cough, Roaring and Whistihm.l.nnt pm, Sore Month and Ulcers, and De. toyed Teeth. with other diseases of the Month and Respiratory Organs. Tllll NORSE AND 1118 DISHAIN3 WILL Tr: LL YOU ()rifle CllllBo4,sympteme,and Trentham of Worm., Bute. Cliolic, Strangulation Stony Court-lion», Ruptures, Palsy Tharrlien,Jantullice,lleptitirrhm,gl.../1y • Urine, Stollen in the Eidney• an,lllind der. Inannl.dloo nod other dieeues o the Stonnlel., Bowel., Llrvr and Uri nary Organs. TRY HOUSE: AND 1118 D/BkIA3US WILL TELL YOU Of the mows, oymproms, and Treat meta of BOHN Blued and Bog, :I!paein, Ring Bone. Sweonle. Straitly, Broken K110..111;111 thdis, Founder, Cracked hoof. Sole. Brittle and Wave I, Canker Scratches, Thrush owl Corns; also,. Megrinm Vertigo, lipilepay. Staggers and tabor diseases Of the leot. Lola and Heed. THE !LOUSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TULL YOU Of the eons,. ay mptoma, and Treat% moot of Fistula,. roll Evil, Ulandets, Furey. Scarlet fever. Mange, Surfeit. Lucked JIM, Ithetiinallentdirantpdiallo, --Dinutera of the Ey“ and Heart, dc, de., and how to iiiiiiiiigo.4l4uttion. Bleed ing, Trephining', Itoweliiii: — Firing, Hernia. Amputation, Tapping, andth er aursical operations, THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TE1.1,1•01.1 Of Itarey's Method of taming florae. how to Approach, Miter,. or Stable a Colt; hour to accustom a horse to %trona° tonna and sights, and bow to Int. Saddle,Rid, and areak him to Maness; k° the form and .law of Wauktsrr. The whole being tho re. cult of 15 years' careful woody of the habits. pronliaritise, wants and weak. newton of this noble and useful animal. For sale at Lewla' Hook Store. ROIIREIC3 nournt , s Roo RER'S R 0111; PR'S • ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CA LCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR T . ) OIIR ER'S PRACTICAL CALCL hAT(IR. • A Hook of Plain. Rules and Calculations fn• Buena* Opo• rattans, by Martin M. Rohrer. Practical Surveyor and Con veypecer. ./V eta Edilion,publithed by J. B. Lippin• Cott Cb., Thin work contains 004 pages. and npwards of too Rules and Examples. entirely and thoroughly practical arise entry day In the common pursuits of Boehm,. It lion ',trendy passed through n number of editions in rapid succession. and is pronounced by all classes of brininess men to be the handiest book of reference, pertaining to calcolations. that has ever been published. • hsery example in the book in worked out in full and stated in a plain manner, no that when a parallel case girt ees those referring to the work will Mid no , difficulty In solving it; in a word. the general armament of the ixt:s.vroli: is nimPle.,that any one who knows how to 0,1.1, subtract multiply and divide, can easily solve any or. dinary example that arises In business ' or arrive at 11 o true•result /irony regulate required. 4 1 The thief aim of the author has been to eschow theory and philosophy in figures. ndmiing nniy at facts and simpli city. believing that Liminess Men care little about spen ding time in disc.:dug the philosophy of rules,. Of the science, of figures. deeming it siglicient for their purpose to be able at a Moment. by reference. to arrive et the true result. IIiegALCULAToIt differs in this respect . from all other Aritlunetics of the day and kindred works—it is a key to practical business calculations—it le, In tlw bonds of the bled [less twin, what the key to mathematical 'works in the hands of the lonelier in the school room—itlacill tales time and insures correctness. TUE SYOIIK TIWATS OF TUB Measurement of Land, of Lumber. of Mick and , Itrlok Work. cf Stone and Stone work, of grain and grain bine °recoil and cool bins. of wood. of sonde, of liquids of • car. color. square or Irregular vessels, of cisterns end MS, of tooling, of hinderers, painter's. glazier's, paver's, plunib. er's. paper hanger's a n d upholsterers' work, ft treats of currency not of foreign Mid domestic exchange, of the &chisel system. of reduction and IN extended application' to htlf•intle. of simple. and compound Interest, and their' emir, application to business transactions, with the law: find tnsages governing the same, together with nomerohi, commercial forms—of legal tender, of partial . ImYinent on notes, of banking and hank ilbleouril, of equation of poi wilt and of partnership accounts , of lisses.inent of. tame of weights anil fileileaue9. of &pare and cubic inensilio, the square root and i to application to business of eurfkieer, of exc.:atom and of ninny • other important .practicnt tanners not within the scope of. an advertisement to parti tion, IT IS JUST TILE nook FOR TILE former. t h e merchant, the mechanic; tho artizan, or prof...Mould wan. It has inure,' a valuable a Xilin the lawyer. the Justice or the pence, the convey a nee, real estate broker. to the anise/oar. the banker the t. to the ctt it engineer nod the surveyor. tin the mrio and bricklayer, to the stoneutesen and the phtSteret t h e 'leper hanger and upholsterer. to the paver tiler, fe.c..dtc.• each and all will fie;'. it adapted to Chair tc lions antni.etter than any book published. o Price. 50 cents. For sale at Leak' 4iook stope. lluatittivion, Dec. 20,15,01...