The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 14, 1864, Image 2

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    - Eljt Cob t.
Wednesday morning, Dec. 14, 1864.
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Our Flag Forever
," Ileum of no mode in which a loyal cla
m may so add demonstrate his devotion to
las country as by sustaining the Flag the
C'enstitation and the Union, under all circum
to our readers the comparatively brief
and comprehensive message of Presi•
dent Lincoln. The state of the coun
try is will delineated in the document,
and a better or plainer message was
never issued to the American—people.
The character of Mr. Lincoln is fully
evinced in his production, and his con
cluding remarks, which we particular
ly commend, evidence his inflexible
and indomitable energy in upholding
the right, and strongly intimate that
the war policy he has inaugurated will
not be deviated from in the least par
ticular. Slavery has received his un.
mistakable verdict of disapprobation,
and he now asserts that "in presenting
the abandonment of armed - resistance
to the national authority on the part
of the insurgents, as the only indis
pensable condition to ending the war
on the part of the Government, I re•
tract nothing heretofore said as to sla.
very. I repeat the declaration made
a year ago, that while I remain in my
present position I shall not attempt to
retract or modify the Emancipation
Proclamation; nor shall I return to
slavery any person who is free by the
terms of that proclamation, or by any
of the acts of Congress. If the peo
ple should,by whatever word or means,
make it an Executive duty to re•en-
Blave such persons, another, and not I,
mast be their instrument to perform
it." These are Mr. Lincoln's own
words, but we are positivo that. the
President will have no cause to "re
enslave" any persimeas the people have
Openly declared that slavery is a sin,
and emigres& will mako-an amendment
to the Constitution, in accordance with
the people's desire, forever prohibiting
and abolishing slavery from our land.
. Mr. Lincoln gives the people every
assurance that the war will go on and
shalt not cease on the part of the Gov
ernment until it shall have ceased on
the part of those who began it. He
has the people's confidence, and that
confidence he will not betray by op- -
cepting propositions for peace from a
rebel ruler, who has declared he will
accept nothing short of severance of
the Union, nor from rebel sympathi
zers in the north, who caress and ca
jole the Government only-to-sting•and
2 . 11112 It. a
nation can rejoice that we
new have the right man in the 'right
place at tho right - time, and his
control all will go well. We again
commend the perusal of his message
by all our readers as they will learn
things in relation to oar country and
to the manly character of our Presi•
dent that they did not dream of before,
_Pr, THINS with the able editor of
the West Chester Republican & Demo•
crat,.tbat there are thousands and
thoniands of, men who voted for Gen.
McClellan, who now that the contest
is over, will fall into the support of
thie Government in its efforts to sup
press rebellion. Without criticising
their conduct in voting for McClellan
we wish to say of them that we believe
they earnestly and sincerely desire the
restoration of the authority of the gov
ernment over all parts of the country.
Then why should they not unite with
, dis in the support of the Administration
in'its efforts to accomplish this ? They
Will again find, themselves in compan
ionship with a vast number of those
with whom they have harmoniously
acted for years. They will find no
want of cordiality in those, with whom,.
during the same years, they have been
contending. They will not be called
upon to help a whig party, a Republi
can party, nor indeed a Democratic
party; but will bo united with Whigs,
with Republicans, with Democrats, in
a Union whose main pillars is One.
COUNTRY above party, and above ev
ery thing else that is human. This, if
we understand it, is the essence of the
democracy of Washington, olJackson,
of Douglas, of that democracy that
Bea -at the basis of, our Government,
whatever may be the name of the par
ty as such,. whose candidate occupies
the Presidential chair.
THE Richmond papers are jolly over
"reduced prices" of provisions. The
Whig goes into ecstacies of delight
over the prospect of a good dinner at
cheap rates. "Corn meal," it says,
"went off freely at $4O per bushel;
dreSsed turkeys sold at $l5 apiece;
and chickens, with the feathers on,
brought $lO a- pair; pullets, full size,
sold at $5 and $6 each; and eggs wore
only $7 per dozen.'
I oil I i
The city papers are filled with oil
land advertisements, and hundreds of
companies announce great openings
for immense speculations. In the
'great rush for oil stooks, men lose their
shirts and thousands will lose their
money. Some of the companies aro
good, while Thine out of ten will turn
out to be bogus. But money is plenty,
and as everybody wants to make a
fortune in the shortest possible time,
the bogus as well as the good corn,
'Junius throw their stocks into market
and the fortune seekers gobble up all,
good and bad. We may be mistaken,
but we think the great majority of
those who will hold stock on the first
of April next will wish they had never
been afflicted with the oil fever.
Look Out For Them 1
The Chicago Journal, speaking of the
conspiracy to burn New York, says :
Being forwarned, lot us be forearmed.
A desperate foe will not scruple to re
sort to desperate means. No would
not create unnecessary alarm ; but it
is a fitct that our principal cities are at
the present time infested by an ele
ment that is actuslly plotting the do.
traction of our homes, our property
and our lives. There aro hundreds of
new, strange and cutthroat looking
faces to be seen every day in this city
of Chicago, whose owners we would
not trust out of sight—and wo are as
sured that such is also the fact in De
troit, Cincinnati Pit6bUrg, Buffalo,
Rochester, Philadelphia, New York.
Boston and other cities. That many
o: these suspicious looking strangers
are rebel spies and emissaries, whoaro
plotting against the public peace and
safety, wo have no doubt. They must
bo watched, The municipal authori
ties will have to strengthen--their po
lice and private detective systems, and
the local militury should be placed on
a war: footing in every city or exposed
town in the North, especially in the
West, on the Southern and the Cana
-1 da frontiers, and on or near the 13014-
, coast.
Official Vote of Pennsylvania,
The full oBic•ial vote of Penr.sylra•
nia for Presidential electors, taking
the first name on each ticket is Rd
follows :
Lincoln (Horton McMichael) 296,380
➢loClellau (B. L. .Johnston) 276,308
Lincoln's majority - - 20,081
Total voto 18G4, - - - 572,697
Total vote 1860, - 476.442
Increase in four roars, - 96,255
Woon must be scarce at Macon,
Georgia. The Telegraph published at
that place, dated the ::lBth, says: "We
noticed on the streets yesterday, a
wagon containing just six sticks of
pine wood, for which $3O was de
11S:Col. John W. Forney han boon
presented by Philadelphia merchants
as the candidate of Pennsylvanic for a
position in the Cabinet, in the event
of a reconstruction. Tho services of
this gentleman in promoting the best
interests of the nation deserve the
highest appreciation and reward.
tm,The Electoral College of Penn
sylvania met at Harrisburg on Wed
uresday last, and east their unanimous
vote for Lincoln and Johnson. __
.Attempted Escape of Union Prisoners
The rebel papers have the follow
ing: On Thursday last a serious
attempt was made by the Federal
prisoners confined at Salisbury, N. C.,
to make their escape, wh:ch was rap
idly and effectually quelled at the ex
pense of considerable Yankee blood.
It appears that a plot had been formed
among the prisoners, of whom there
aro at Salisbury some 13,000, to over
power the interior guard of the en
campment, then break through the
lino of the parapet guard, and, after
securing all the arms they could, to
march through Western North Caroli
na into Tennessee, and make good
their escape. In the first part of their
programme they succeeded, The in
terior guards wore soon overpowered,
and two of the unfortunate men were
killed while resisting. They then at
tacked the parapet guard, who fought
bravely against the terrible odds, until
the alarm had been fully communica
ted to the garrison, and two pieces of
artillery were thrown into position
bearing upon the encampment. Two
of the parapet guard were killed in
their gallant defence. In good time
the artillery opened, and, after a few
raging discharges of grape and c•:,:;k
ter, the insurrectionists cried out. i;sr
mercy, and declared that•they would
make no further effort to get, away.—
By this time they were completely
surrounded with artillery and infan
try, and it is well for them that they
ceased their demonstration and sued
for mercy. In ten minutes more the
whole camp would have been one
scene of slaughter. As it was, about
forty were killed, and a large number
wounded. Thus a very foolish attempt
to escape from Confbderate durance
has ended. It will prove, ro doubt, a
lesson to prisoners in the South. But
for the coolness, and it may be added,
the consideration, of the officers com
manding the garrison, the punishment
inflicted upon these misguided captives
would have been far more serious, if,
indeed, it had not amounted to the
annihilation of the entire body.
Par News Sannlry.
It is stated by rebel prisoners that
Brigadier Generals Gest, Stahle,Gram
berry and Brown, of the rebel army,
were killed at the battle near Franklin
Gen Cheatham, rebel, lost every Brig
adier in his corps.
Information has been received at
Detroit that a band of rebel refugees
in Canada were threatening a raid on
that city. Efficient preparations were
making by the civil and military au
thorities to receive them.
Positive orders were issued by Gen.
Grant against any intercourse with
the enemy, on any pretext whatever,
and particularly against exchanging
On Tuesday a body of rebels at
tacked block houses Nos. 6 and 7. near
Murfreesboro. They 'were gallantly
fought by the garrison, and soon a bo
dy of troops, sent by Gen Milroy from
Murfreesboro, arrived, who attacked
the rebels with such effect that they
were driven off in confusion, leaving
six guns and a number of prisoners.
The rebel General Taylor in in Sa•
varnish, and has been ordered to take
temporary command of all the Confed
erate reserves in Alabama and Geor
gia. It is stated that the Georgia mi•
litia has been weed over to the Con
federate service.
Our loss in the battle of Franklin
will not full short of 2,000 non,
wounded and missing. The rebel lose
could not have bean loss than 6,000.
Intelligence has been received of
General Foster's expedition into South
Carolina. The troops landed at Boyd's
Point and wont inland several miles,
meeting with rebel pickets only, until
met by the *enemy in force on the road
leading to Gralminsville. Wo advan
ced and drove them gradually back to
a battery and intrencliment, where
they made a stand. A hot engage
meat of seven hours ensued, during
which there were charges and counter
charges on side with cansiderable
force. Night put a stop to the fight
ing'. Our casualties are estimated at
from 600 to 1000. Durirg the night
we fell buck a short diiitance and
since then an advance was made in
other directions.
an,. Press has a special from City
Point, stating that the sp ecial
sth corps
massed on Tuesday afternoon and 11
o'clock at night, near Jerusalem plank
road, and on Wednesday forenoon
marched towards Stony Creek Station.
Our troops are very enthusiastic.
Our main army having been fully re
inforced recently, the advance of the
corps dons not weaken it.
Considerable excitement existed at Mom
phis, on the thli inst.. in C 01,8, ' , 1a 0 . , 0e al a
report that Beaoregard woo marching, on Ft.
Pillow, with a strong force and heavy guns.
A party of about 25 rebels recently appear
ed on the river bank optsisi to Memphis, Wa
ving their hats, and hurrahing lustily for Jell
Davis. A force of about 150 negroes were
sent on board a steamer, which landed about
a mile lower down the river, and when they
filed out on shore the rebels broke and ran,
apparently in the greatest consternation, pur
sued by the negroea, until they Came to a
thick, bushy place, where the rebels had a
large force secreted, who suddenly rose and
fired on the negroe... The latter flea, hotly
pursued and slaughtered at a dreadful rate
A number rushed into the river and were
drowned. One report says rhat only seven
negrues returned, while another says that
note got back.
The latest news contained in the Richmond
papers of the 10th, from Sherman, says that
on die 7th inst. he was east of the Ogeehee,
twenty-five inil6 from Savannah, moving on
that place. On the Bth he had marched his
army eighteen miles.
Our Soldiers in Audersonville.
The following correspondence we
clip from the. Shirleysburg Herald,
sent to that paper from a returned
prisoner, who has seen what he says.
It is an interesting epistle, and gives
a brief, but sufficient description of
the borriblo-affairs in. the Anderson,
ville and other prisons in which he
sis of the list of mortalities that have
occurred amongst Union prisoners in .
rebel hands. We commend its persu
al to our readers:
NOVOMbOr 28, 1861.
DEAR HERALD :—Some time has
passed since I had an opportunity to
write a line for you, and now I have
nothing very pleasant to tell, as this
durance vile has no very pleasant points
connected .with it, especially in the
Southern Confederacy.
I was one of the unlucky captures
of Drury's Bluff on the 16th May last;
was taken to Petersburg in company
with 245 more "unfortunate fellows be
sides the wounded, which numbered
On our Arrival in Petersburg, Gen.
Pickett directed that six of us [the
writer one of them] should be selec
ted and placed in the rear of two
negro soldiers, marched us through
the streets with a strong guard, with
all the little boys pointing their fin
gers at us and crying "Oh, how do
you like your negro brethren for sob
diem" "how do you like to soldier
wid them, ha, ha, ha." They marched
us to their slave-pen and put us in
with the negroes. Sonic were sot-.
diets, while others were "runaways"
as they called them. We sent to the
Provost-Marshal word that we wished
to see him. He came, and after con
siderable prevailing on him, we were
taken out and placed in the McHenry
Prison with the rest of the boys.—
This was done for pure ugliness, and
A sorrowful time it will bo for General
Pickett if we ever get hold of him.—
After ten days imprisonment we were
sent to Andersonville, Geo., that Hell
upon F,artlt. We arrived in Anderson
vale on the Ist of June, from which
day misery dates. No blanket, no
shelter, a hot sun over-head and a
burning sand under-foot, with but half
enough to eat. Many starving, oth
ors burning through the day, and
through weakness chilled to death at
When we arrived there, there were
15,000 prisoners, but by the middle of
August, the number was swelled to
32,00 u, all eonfitied in a' space oceupy
ing about 18 acres, with a swamp of
some 3 acres in the center, which could
not be used only as a place of filth
and excrement. The average number
of deathafrom the let of June to the
last of July, was'loo per day, making
about 6,000 during the month of Au
gust; and up to the 13th September,
the number of deaths amounted to
the enormous sum of 5,587 ; from the
13th Sept. to the 29th Oct., 1,801;
making a sum total of 13,388 poor hu
man souls, that perished in that mis•
erable prison at Andersonville.
The _Macon Telegraph of the 15th
' inst., sums up the deaths of Federal
prisoners, up to the 29th day of Octo
ber, comineueing on the let of July,
1863, or since the Gettysburg Battle,
and was summed up as follows:
In Virginia, 13,858
At Andersonville., Geo. 13,388
Charleston, S. C. - 4,082
" Mobile, Ala. 1,352
" Savannah, Geo. 1,822
" Kahoblur, Ala. 1,590
" Millen, Geo. 615
" Florence, S. C. 1,122
" Sundry places, 1,600
From correct information, I learn
that 368 died in Andersonville and
439 at Millen, making a sum total of
BU7 at the two prisons, from the 29th
Oct. to the 17th Nov., making the
number of deaths in the Confederacy,
from the Gettysburg Battle to the
17th Nov., to sum up to 39,636, Uni
ted States soldiers, who sacrificed their
lives - on the altar of their country,
not in the front nor heat of the battle,
but in Southern prisons.
C:1111) Sumter, as the Rebel author
ities seen tit to call the stockade at
Andersonville, was filled with desper
ate men, and the longer they stayed
the more desperate they got. Some
became so unfeeling that they organ
ized bands of what we called raiders,
whose object was to rob the now pris
oners when they came in, and even
did not slop short of taking life. This
led to the organization of a vigilance
committee, afterward called "Police
Force," which were not long in ferret
it n , out some of them. They wore
taken out, tried by a jury of twelve
mem and six were found guilty of
murdPr, for which crime they suffered
death, by hanging by the neck until
' dead, on the I El of July last. It was
truly a sorrowful sight to see six fel
low-beings sw lug from one scaffold at
the same moment. But few sympa
thetic faces were to be seen in the
crowd. All were satisfied that they I
deserved the just punishment of death
as a reward for their crime, After
these fellows were hung, things in
camp took a change for the better.
Almost every person has heard of
Capt. Wertz,llie coaftnandent of the
Andersonville Prison. his deeds of
darkness and cruelty during the past
Summer ~ -rould till a good sized vol
ume. For the least offense in camp
he would deprive the whole camp for
24 and 48 hours of our scanty morsel
of rations. For instance, one man
was out on parole working at shoema
king. He came into camp. was ta
king a list of shoemakers, stating that
he wanted fill men ; but he proposed
the enlistment to some loyal men, who
had not quite starved, ;mil n a bbed tb t .
Boy, shaved his head, and sent him
out. For ibis oftkinse we was depriv
ed of rations for 48
dred like cases took place during my,
stay at Andersonville.
The following persons died at An—
dersonville Pririon, :
Sergt. Samuel Peast , 149th Penna.
Arnold Gorsueli, 110th Penna.
Appleby, 140th Penna.
--Hall, (Shade Gap)l49th Penna.
John B. Smith, l49th Penna.
Geo: Taylor, 110th Penna.
Kesler, . 84th Penna.
T. Wilson, 22d Pa. Cnv.
Tho above aro all that have come to
my knowledge.
sow, Mr. Editor, if you will publish
the above, after excusing the length,
you will oblige yours.
Our Army Correspondence
NEwroi, VA., No• 1804.
I.D. GLOBE—Sir :—To_ day our mail
arrived at team, bringing welcome
letters from home to friends in the ar—
my, and also bringing those ever wel—
come visitors, our Country Papers.
In the columns of the Monitor of the
10th inst., is one column con taini ng the
summary of news for the past week,
but most of our soldiers' here call it
the summary of fiilsetioods, for in its
news trout this valley it gives an ac
count of a retreat not known to the
soldiers of this army ; as it appears in
the columns of that paper it might be
called an inglorious- retreat, or a de
moralized army on It run. It says
that on election day, Gen. Sheridan
was at Winchester and had been very
sick, and that news was brought to
him that a large three of the enemy
had passed around our flank and was
moving on Winchester and that Gen.
Sheridan rode down to Cedar Creek
arid ordered a retreat, and that on
Wednesday morning at daylight the
retreat began, amidst falling torrents
of rain, and the roads were in such a
condition that our artillery and trains
could hardly be brought along, and
that many wagons broke down and
had to be abandoned. It is true that
on that day Gen. Sheridan's army did
fall back some nine miles. hut as to
Gem Sheridan being at Winchester
sick, and coining to us scared and giv
ing us so short notice is altogether a
mistake, Jim we were given dud notice
to be ready to move at 10 o'clock,
which is far from being„just ut day—
light; and in place of leaving amid
torrents pf rain, and muddy roads,
we left Under it shiningiiiitn, With stilen
did dry roads fot our artillery
and - ivagons.. .And
_as *to the number
of wagons abandoned . , we can tell,
for-our Brigade was in the rear of the
moving column, and the only broken
down wugon we. passed' was a Sutler
waspn : with a broken wheel, and it
was soon put in running order, and
fell in s.l' the rear of the train, and
that evening we did go into camp and
are still lying in it. But the news in
that same column goes on to say that
the next day amid the rain we again
resumed our retreat through Winches—
ter towards Harper's Ferry, being at—
tacked on the way by tfir , enemy, and
finally by coming to a halt on the
i.eastern bank of the Opequan where
it now lays, leaving the valley in the
hands of the enemy; but the next
day we did not move, did: not go
through Winchester, did not see the
Oprquan, nor was not attacked by the
enemy, nor did not leave the valley in
the hands of the enemy, unless it calls
Sheridan's Union army Robs. fur—
ther says that Guerillas are so numer—
ous along the route ofour supply trains,
and attack our trains so frequently
that the route will have to be abandon
ed. Our rations come regularly, they
have not been once behind since we
came in the valley, and we do not of
ten hear of au attack on the train,
and if it we - c the case, we would
know, for our Brigade is ono of the
train guards, from Lem to Martins
burg. And for the inforMation of
those of your readers having friends
in this army, you can tell them that
their friends still belong to Shcridans
victorious army, and not to a demor
alized fleeing army spoken of in the
Yours Respectfully,
Co. B, 49th Regt., Penna. Vole,
HEADQUATITEMI, lnt BRIG., 3d Dlr.. tat OMB,'
Decewber ad, WA.
DEAR GLOBE :—The army of the
Potomac, though inactive, is not idle.
Reilifbrcements lately received are
being vigorously drilled, and mingled
with veterans, they rapidly acquire
veteran precision of movement.
All former architectural etforti have
been eclipsed in' the construction of
our present quarters, and the camps
have an air of genuine neatness, su
peradead to real comfort.
Thera- h-no boon somo shifting or
troops lately, probably with a view
to equalize the burdens of the service
It is no more Luan fair that those who
have been for a long time under con
stant fire, should have a season of
rest. An o th e r object of these move
ments may be to puzzle and occupy
the enemy.
Deserters, singly, or in, squads of
two or three; come in, daily. Their
dress exhibits considerable variety,
but they are, for the most part, chili
fortahly clad. We get rebel papers
occasionally. I saw the Richmond
Examiner for Nov. 29th, on Nw. 30th..
It is a smutty-looking half sheet,
reeking with venom, and evidently
owing its peculiar animus to a convic
tion of the moribund condition of the
Nicholas Holmes, a New York
sharpshooter, has reported, by letter,
•to his company.. Nick was captured,
in this vicinity, on the 19th of August,
or hie
countrymen, partners in distress, was
taken to Salisbury, North Carolina,
and remained there for some time in
durance vile. ills quarters not being
to his taste, he vacated them, without
warning. He was accompanied by
another "yank,'.' who had twice before
unsuccessfully attempted to change
his base. Atter a month's travel and
many escapes. they reached the Union
lines, and arrived at Knoxville, Tenn.
They acknowledge the friendly aid of
the negroes, who fed and directed
them, and never deceived them.
John Early, of our company, has
written to Jimmie McKinstry, (rein
Annapolis, announcing his arrival at
that pitme,___fr_ota_A, prision, or,
more properly, pen. • His letter con
tains the sad intelligence that a num
ber of our boys have perished, at Au
dersonville. The officers have kindly
furnished inc with a list of those men
tioned in the letter, and the counties
in which they belong,
members of our
company who died at Andersonville.
Ot Huntingdon county, Samuel L:
Foust, died Nov.. 14th, and Thomas
M. Appleby, Sept. 22d. Of Mifflin
county, James Cowden and John
Hartley died, dates not given. Of
Perry county, John Burtnet died, Sept.
2d. Of Bedthrd county, Ephraim. F
Barnet died in August.
The disease to which the death of
these poor boys is attributed, is scu:—
vy of the bowls, produced, evidently.
by ivant of proper tood. The'atroui—
ty of such treatment renders it hard
for us to cherish any feeling, of lenien
cy towards its authors. It might be
wrong, but if oar regiment could
march into Andersonville this morning,
no grayi:aelt who stands guard there,
would ever stand guard again. Early
advises the boys not to be taken, as it
is better to be killed decently than to
fall into the hands of such wretches.
Since I began, to write, three rebel
deserters have passed our camp. Ono
was dressed well enough, another had
a blanket in lieu of a coat, and the
third wore some kind of cape, which
had evidently been diverted Irmo the
use contemplated in its original con
struction. • Two mom papers have
come in. th 3, Richmond Despatch, and
the Sentinel, both of Nov. Both.. They
have no information of Sherman's
movements. Probably the news from
him is suppressed.
The weather for some time has been
the most pleasant that could be desir
ed. - To-day is smoky, and we look
for a storm. If we are .to have bad
weather; we wish it to firld'us in camp,
and not to come on us during a move
ment. Therefore, many wish for im
mediate foul weather, so as to put a
quietus on active operations.
J. S. B.
Roe% VA., Dec. 2,1, 1864.
FRIEND LEWIS :—Wo have just re
ceived that very welcome visitor, the
Globe, and after giving it a careful
perusal, we haVe concluded to write
you a few lineS, to let you know that
company K. [from Huntingdon co.,]
of the 202 d Regiment, P V., still lives.
On the Bth of November last, oM
company K. With two other compa
ny's of the Regiment, were encamped
near Akxandria, Va , and marched
into town to cast our votes The vote
of company K, stood as follows; Hur-
tingdoti 01114, 'L ineoln
10; other counties, Lincoln 6, McClel
lan I. Lincoln's majority 40. This
is tho only company in this Regtment
from Huntirigdon -county, There is
DO news here of interest. We are
guarding the Rail Road here. The
citizens this section, are all Rebel
sympathizers and were :in favor of
McClellan. Large quantities of wood is
being hauled to. this Road, and 13hiii ,
ped'to Alexandria by the Queer nment.
The' land through this (Fairfax)
county, is of a very poor quality,
imperior to any in. Ilun , ingdon coun
ty, the soil being yery'thin. Timber,
principally pine , and chestnut. We
have conversed with a number of no
groes here, on the subject, of their lib- .
erty, they all rejoice that they have
gotten out of the bonds of slavery;
but say they don't want to go North,
if they can have freedom in the South
It' some -of our friends [pardon me
thr saying friends,] from Huntingdon
county, that are preaching the doe
trine, that if slavery is abolished, the
North would be overrun by the nq
groes were here, and would venture
to stoop so low, as to speak to a few
of them, they would soon find out
that the North is hrabout as much
danger of being over-run by the ne
grOeti, as the army is of being filled
up by those nogro fearing, home-stay
ing, country-lovers.
Yours Sze.,
QKA'PES.—A splendid lot of the In
lost New York styles tor Ladies and Gentlemen of
nil sizes, pest received nod fur sule by
Dec. 11 had. JAMES A. BROWN.
pROVISIONS—sueIi thinis, Dried
Oaf, Dried leaches, Citron. 94idiu,, Curraute.
uleese. &c.. at •
Dec. 13,'64-If. LLOYD & lIENRY'S
FLANNELS. Miners PlitilH,Lingii.ys,
Satinute, CA.sitourus, Clotha, Cio.A.lmig Clothe,
Dec . . 13. 'lll—tf. LLOYD it HEN ItY;S
LA DIES Furs, Gircnlurt, Stttl..4lB,
Newbtas, Sontogliu'al3l4,vol. /cc.. &co, nt
13,'64—ff. LIAM) S Illi.NltY'S
DWAE, Queen ware, Cedar
ware lints 3: Caps, Boots & Shoes of nll kinds at
(IARPETS, Oil Cloths, Rugs &u., at
V Dec. 13, 's4—tt. LLOYD & HENRY'S.
ALT by the barrel, sack and bushel
I. Dpe . a
I t 3, '6l-11-. LLOYD & DENBY'S
1.,„J0 I3uahels of Wheat,
2,00 u " Rye,
4,000 . Curu,
4,000 " Oats,
For xhich the highest c. ,h prim will pc, paid at
Um. 13,N01—ff. LI. iVI,..t. IlliNo.Y,?
RE AT arri val Of Cheap GUUdB,:IIO %V
k_.A open owl for sale at
ALL KINDS of - Ladies Dress Goods
“thi Gentleman's Wear of tho fittest style 3 nt
A LL KINDS of Groceries—Stleb HS
. ja..Syrup Molasses, Sugars, Coffees. Se, at low or ices at
Dec. il, 'O4-tf. • LLOYD dr HENRY'S.
Estate of William Myron. deceased'
undereigued auditor appointed by the Orphans'
Court of to disti iblve the balance iu the
hands of David Derrick surviving Executor of William
Myton late of West tuwinhip deceased, will attend for
that purpose at his ollico in iluntingdun, on Saturday ti:e
:fist of December ISO! at ten o'clock in the foreti,ten. when
cud where all parsen interested will veleta their cla into
or be debarred train coming iu on Said fund.
. J. SEIY.ELL :aI.:WART, Auditor.
Doe. 11, 1864.
Christmas and Bridal Presents,
ztreet, PIILLAD-LPIIIA, has a largo stock of
Superior plated TEA PETS, SPLPONS, EuICHS, Sc
Oct. t 2, '64, Stu.
OTICE is hereby given to all per
-17 301111 is ierested that the following fa ...mock. of
the goods and Chattels set to widows unto Wird—
ions of the act of Istli of April. 185 t. have boon filed in
the Wilco of the Clerk of the Orphans` Court
of iluhiiag
don county and will be preserved for '.a• privet by the
emir:" on Monday the 9th day of January next. (I 865,):
fah° Inventory and apprakeinent of the goo& and Chat
tels which were Of Chariot Iteinh.,rt. late of Clay township,
decea,d net apart to his widow Mary Iteinh art.
2; Thu Inventory and apprainninent of the good. - and
chattels which were of damage arks Into of Birmingham
Borough &ceased, elected to be retained by children and
heira of amid deceased.
3. The Inventory and oppreilement of the goods and
chettel4 which wore of Alvin&ler Perk, &comed elected
to be retained by Pholm.l. Park the widow of raid dec'd.
4. The Inventory nod apprniw.ment of the geode nod
chattel, which were or Jacob Booker, of Springfilld town
ship deceased, elected to be retained by the children of'
.aid deceased.
REcrisTEit's NoTicm.—
Notice in hereby given, to Ail persons tnterested
that the following named portions have settled their Nn
counts inn tho Itegiontves Unice, at Huntingdon ; and th,.t
theanni,l accounts will be prreented for continuation and
allowance. at no Orphans' Court. to be held al llontitigol.,
in and for the venally of lltlittiniciluo, on Monday tho Olin
day of January next, (INnis.) to wit:
1: 'I be Administration acconot alt Tame Taylor. Admin
istrator of Jacob Itnetn,•tv, late of Come tosemiliiii. deed
• 2. The Adminiegration account of Newton Madden. Ad.
minimtrator. with this will amused, of A 11133 Keinterluto
of Springfield town4fip dec'd.
3 The Admitting ration Recount of Nary C. Ker, one on
the Adm inlet mums of the Mu. Jolnit Her, into of Walker
townaltip, dee - d.
4. The Administration account of Con. Wm. B. Leas.
Administrator of John bhaver, lute of tihirley towmthip,
5. The Adirtinhat,tion account of Thema. Stewart, sur
viving Executor of the Dun. John Stewart, late of Barren
townahip, deed.
O. The partial. and alto the supplemental w.d final so
count of Daniel Africa. Esq., Executor of 31artinUratlins,
late of !Underact] township. dyed,
7. The necount of John Wry°. Trustee to pall the. real
entitle of Henry hpanugle, lute of Warriurstuark town
ship. deed.
8. Administration account of Win. McClure. Admlnbt
trator of t.lizabeth Malone, late of Franklin township.
9, The account of Charlex Reinhart. who in hie life time
NV/t8 Executor of Jahn epilzer, deed., as filled by John
Kesseiring. Adininietrator of .aid 4:llarlas Reinhart.'
licgDter's Office,
Runt., Dec..l4, 1849. f
i tor,: of Cliff 1 , 101. (MR WIGTON. late of kritoklill
townildj) emanty. dee'd.. by virtu., of Um
pow, and lubbordy vest.•d iii them by the o ill of said
deceased wtil olli•v at Public, Salo. oo tho premised, ou
DECEMBER 1..'2d, 1001,
at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Franklin township. Ifuntingdon county. containing 160
acres, 140 of which are cleared and improved. • The build
ings consist of a good two story double frame dwelling
bonne. and neco....sary outbuildings. and a framo bank barn
76 X6O foot. A good young orchard. bearing fruit, and
sec.., flue springs, both elate and limesteue are on
the property.
It is situated on the turnpike front Spruce Creek to
Centro county, and is four miles from Spruce Creek, a
Station cm the Poonsplvati in Railroad. The creek' parses
through tine farm. and there aro two good water powers,
at out of which there is a darn already built, ready for
The farm Is in good order and cultivation. and its con
venience to schools, churches,fitoren, and the large iron
manufacturing establishments of linutingdon county,
makes tints One of the most desirable Barnes ill the interior
of the State.. Possession will be delivered on the that of
April. The Executors will at sumo time offer at public
sale 320 acres of land in --- county, lowa.
None of the Heirs desire to 'nimbus°. the property
wit! ho sold to the tzficleont and bet bidder.
OF SALti tne third in hand :11111 the re,.filito
in 0110 and ta•o years front Auto of sale. with interest from
the first of April, 1b65, secured by thy bond., :unl mono
gaga of the purcha-er. SA 51D 'WIGTON,
Dant., Dec. 13, , 64, It. D. WIIITON.
The ilarrisburg Tr. ' , graph. Phliwielhhia l'ras. , and
Lancaster Expi est, publish 3 Minos and send WI to this
fille titoelt of Spectacles just•ro•
calved und for sale at Lewis' Book
Hon. Jollies S. Speed, of Kentucky, has
been made United States Apurney Penoral.
y, in the beat medicine over otfe.ed to the public,
bee the of cure of neap:imbue. lima: Neuralgia. o
Dyspepsia, sod us a Blood' Purifier it bag no equal, for all'
disease. arising from an impure slat. of the blood, etch'
as •:.'crofula or King's Hail , :call 11.;ad.. Wag'
Worm, Female Complaints, and ail breakOme on . the . face
or body. - The vast number of nib-Up — medicines uhleft
formerly have been used' for those dist/wee:were merely .,
temporary In their .ff eta and of doubtful virtue, but .
roaches the source of all trouble, and effectually banishes
the M... from the eSstent by its immediate action ,
the blood. We Avis° ono and all to give it atrial, and
become eatialhat of Ito wonderful power.
till- Read the , following testimoniala .of matt
of 111/fil.Bllo/7441, chAracter: • _
IV4te. Jollnsov : 18
to cOlify that wan badly crippled with Chronic ithea.
mat out for eighteen or twenty years ; part of that that
I was not able td go. about. I tried all - , thotheumatic
v•ttledirs that I could hear of hut fouord no relief until I
tried your liheunnit le Compound and Brood Purifier. I
Wird bat three-fouelhe of n bottle of It and it cured roe
would nod well. Ily wife also was afflicted with the
panic di.e.we. and a mail portion of it cured her._ I ant
warty seventy years of age. and it fanner four yeais stride
I ode cured, and 1 have not been troubled with it elate.
It offords me west pleasure to furnish you with this cer ,
tilicote, so that you can refer others who are emitted
with rheumatism to me. •
N 0.19 Jamas Street,"Alleghony
ALLEGnEsr, May 3d, 1661.
MR. A. JOHNSON : —Dear eitr : • My
wife was taken bad with Inflammatory Rbeematisna to
Starch hut. She was very ninell swollen and the pain she
en gored won severe • elm eves confined to liar bed. 1 was
tidvised to try year Rheumatic Comp: Omit rind Blood Puri
fier, so 1 got a bottle of it, and before the half of it
Wai nscil she wee entirely well. The cure ten perfect
one: I never saw- fuels medicine. Shnbod only taken
three doses of it till the swelling and pain began to abate.
All your niedicins wants is to Is known in order to giie
it success. Yours affectionately,
. . - • - -
My reeitleisco is No. Cherry alley; where my wife
can bo noon by nuy person doubting the truth of the
Prrhinurto, April 19th, 18e4.
Ma. A. JOHNSON :—Dear Sir :
wish to Will 0. word or two in favor of your' Ithenmatlc
compeund mid Mood Verifier. I have!, een afflicted with
rheumy ism. more Or need, for over twenty years: jA great
part of that Hate I woo very both I tried a great many
rheumatic undivi two but received very little benefit from
them. 00 the first of lest January I .was so: hod that I
Wild entirely helpless. I could not write my own name,
awl I could only lie on one side. IVldlo rending in the
United Preshyh:rien paper I sawn notice of your Rhea
in tie Compound and Blood Purifier. I woe afraid At first
that it might he like other remedies that I have fried,
het -a it was in 41 religious Vapor I concluded to glee it a
trial. So I gut 0 bottle wood it, and found niyself o litho
better. I used three bottles more, and I am:happy loony
that I have neither Pain or ache. I Ate eiztpelglit year/
of age. I eon lie on either side, travel for abaft day - at a
time and not be fatigued. I believe your Rheumatic
Compound owl Blood Parhhir to be the best medlcini, over
offered to the public fur the curs of Rheumatism If
you think- title no,. with my name to it, will be of nay
use to you or a onfrethog public; you are at liberty to
050 11. Wm. Yours with respect.
AfR. SOUN SON :—Dear Sir :
win, late been afflicted with neuralgia for a long-time. It
commenced 011 her in 1859. She was so bad with it that
she wits obliged to lay in bed about four days in the
week. She tried everything that we heard of that was
recommended for that disease but she got no relict ; thole
we (Heed medical advice hot it done no gavel. At lan I
11101111 W /3110 Mist die:1111 thought 11101,1 woo 110 core.
Pat let the spriog 1.1 Val. 1 believe in March, a daughter
of sir. hickey's, wile lives in the "court with inn. raid,
"itiliy don't you got Johnson's Illietimatic Compopta
end mead Sunnier. It cured me father. of the Ilhettinti-:
risen when he WlOl a cripple and the doctor could do
nothing for hint." So I got at bottle of your medicine
end before toy wife had ti e r half of it used she ws
contd. It is term 111010 11130 a year since rind she his
Loco troubled with it since. This I can testify to on oath.
Yours truly,
PITTSBURG, April 11th. 1E44.
H. Fl. SELLERS & C. 0., Sole Proprietore, Dittsbuy&to
whom all ostlers eh••nl.l b. sent. ' ' . •
JOUN DEED, Agent, Iluntinplon, rep.
Dec. 7, Om
r:llity - TtaWaßjE;
gw.-he ~4.4., ;Iv ••.•,--;:_,..-„,-.:
1- --, - • .:,,.. 4 . ......' ...-1
, 4,14W'',• 7. c1A
.:k-ZYS•I4.', - KAit,Witp.p.,p.;,..F., ,,- --zr.:: - ....-,, •
;4',..: , ~, j iro,. • I t " ::W. 4. 4.M.
47 P.
Dr. Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam's rrarrintcd,
to cure Coughs. Colds. Iloanteness, Asthma, Whooping
Cough. Soto Thrust • Consumption. and all affections of
the Throat and Longs. . . . . .
For Gala by Druggists. nerieral likot, No.. , halt
Fourth Strout, Cincinnati. Ohio. • . • -
All the \hottest non and the Presses recommend' Dr:
Ftrichland s Anthelodern Nature. no the only. curtain
rein,* fof Diarrioen :del Dysectery. It is n combination
of Astrinvotq, Aloorbonti. Etimulents and Carminatives;
and is warranted to effect a cure after tall other means
• foiled. •
r sale by Prpggists. General Depot,. Emt
•th Street, Clnetenati, 011ie.
'l 7 oCla Nl)7s
r, .1!
Dr. iitricklitilirs Pilo 'Remedy has cured thouinnits of
the worst cases or Blittil and liteeiliug riles. It gives itri•
Mediato relief and efli•ctg a pert/VIM:a CUM Try it db
redly. tis warranted to ell te.
For rain p all Druggists. Stenoral Depot, No. 6, ]tut
Fourth gtre, thio.
Dr. STRIVKLAND'S TONIC.—Ire tan 'recommend
those buffering with loss of Appetite, Indigestion, or
N..rvtoll+l3vsa or Nervous Debility,. to use
Strickland's Tonic. It is n vegetable preparation. tree
from alcoholic liquors; It strengthens tho whole nervenii
t..) Melt); it Groat. a good appetite. and- is warranted to
cure Dyapepsin and Nervous Debility. .
For sale by DruggiKrs generally, at kl per bottle. 'Pre
pared by Dr A. Strickland. No. 6, East Fourth Street,
eineion.ui, Ohio.
JulIN REED, Agent. Huntingdon Pa.
Nu. 148 North SECOND Street, currier of Quarry,
Au assortment of Watches. Jewelry, Silver & Plated
Ware constantly on hand,
11)-• Repairing of Watches and • Jewelry - promptly
attended to. . •
STRAY.—Came -to the premises t.'
the :-.:lll.p.criber in Walker township, in June lob,
ono steer. Sli p poße. to be two years old inat 4pring, of
brown and black color. and one heifer about the sant%
age, and of sante color. The owner
is requested to corn,
forward,- prove property. pay charges and take they
away, or they will be disposed of according to law. .
Dec. 7, ISM
LTRAY CALF.—Come to the prem-
I 4,- of the subieriher in WerriersTeark twp..
'about the 2 .th ..f S.phimber lust light RE
~uppo•ect to be on early .Trinfx. Coif . 0,
The owner rt...nemed to Cl/1110 1011Vard. prove propeety,
pay ell'lllo4. and take him away • Otilt,Vil3o be. wilt W
bold ,c.raing to Into. JOIN'
Warrierknuork tg., Nov. 30-3* , . • •
No. 415 Market Street, Philada.,
Between 4th and 51/1, North Side.
Nov 23-210
Manufactory, Liberty Street, near 140
Cotton Factory,
undersignefi announces' to tifii•
irado filet he continues to manufbetute and import.
t seem Irani the must celobritted quarters
beet rprillties . or
Id he offM, at reasonable Mfrs:and guarimmed sett
'bettor, to the purchaser Ateo,'every number in Use., f.
the celebrated OLD UKED BRAND th ,LTING CLOP
Orders hyMmil promptly attended ta; and goods fore.g
dud by railroad, canal, or express it desired. •
Nov23-Sot No. 1 0 , West State slYre3ell, a 4
a •
IPW-1-Coad our new lidvertisemontgri!.
I tun yours truly,
11y: um' Court
.. ~~a