The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 30, 1864, Image 4
23V,SeliE Y 01 7 .11 PEOPtIIiY TILE GIRARD Fire and Marine Insurance Co.; —YIRIi RISKS ONLY TAKEN. Pitrprigaitalcies granted on brick awl cl ono boll.:ing, Llnelt •d policteß granted on frame or log twildlngo, rnerthandi6o and furnitaro. eM.....V0 premium twit . : requirol, consequently no C 5 3 ,43. runts mode. • R. ALLISON NIT t.141:1t. Sepl6,lBo Agt. fer Huntingdon &adjoining Cu; BIRNBAUM'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, oz SILL STREET, A few doors west of Lewis' Boa; Store, HUNT/NOD ON; PA. Photographs and Ambrotypes Taken in the Best Style. M.CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS FANCY FURS, FANCY FURS JIM;Itl'UltA, 'lB ARCH Street lora 7th, PniLADELMA. I liar° now in 'store of iy own Importation anti lanoinctnyy, one of Ma ..1 II GEST and moat 1:A1;1'11111, Relections of P.. 41170 - FURS• yr LADYS'amIGENTLIS IEN'S WEAR, it, the GT. Also. a ruin wort -I,llt of Gent's :of • loved and Collars. a much hexer premium than at Y.reai , nt, r ant enabled to dispose of them at very reasonable paces, and I would therefore solicit a pall from my friends of Huntingdon enmity and vicinity. .Cw Remember the Name, Nntriber and Street I JOHN VAltlatt A, 718 ARCH Street, above 7th, South side. • PHILADELPHIA. 1 HATE NO PARTNER, NOR CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER STORE IN PILL,APELPHI A Sept. 7, 'CI. Ste. G EORGE P. EIAMEDGE WITET CHARLES DESILVER, Wholesale and Retail PUBLISHER and BOOKSELLER, HD CHESTNUT ST., PHILADA. Xii-Yonr patronage is saticitea Aprll-113,153134-Iy. OTITAB,D ASSOCIATION, ,Timu. Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, tfrin . ary and Sexual Systems, New anirrel riblo treatment—in repolto by the now Ala) AssocLiTies—Sent by omit in scaled letter corelopes, free of charge. Address, OR. .T. SNILLTN ITOUGHTON, Acting Sur goon, Howard Association, No.: South Ninth Strert,l'iiil adolphis, Pa. Puly 13, ISGl—ly. TT.ENRY 1 1%111 PE No hu 2 5 . 0 ° 1 17 h FINI -. JEWE hay. • • •• •- 501,111 bILY SiipSrlor plated au;.% SETS, SPOONS, JAMES ; 0ct.42. 4m. • ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, uudersi g uea h,aving purchased friim2.lVai‘'ell hie interest it, lbe ria_Browery, bite business will hereafter be ousted oil under. the fine of E. O. COLDER Lt•tiM CO-, old Oustaniers and Oho public gcneral. .V. ly two informed that. all ostlers will receireEsit4l.lN prompt alto:Woo. . E. 0.031.100: A CO. np2T,1,164 - ;_.» . Q=! „ . ZY F. I -R- . . _LI J. 31.-etnetxTterr2t X.terit succ - ,E,ors to J. M. Cuuninaltstat, have this: thy entered Into past itereldp in the Foundry Iht,iness and are prepared to. uritish emit iegs, of all kinds, and ropdirs at anon notice and on real. enable farina. . • Ka ani : lntyfno; Old Metal and scrap Iron at I.lgllcet ranrket prices. Huritingdob, July 6, 1564. . SPECTACLES . - • - v:w-r A fine and large assortment always on Land AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WAR FOR THE UNION NEW OULEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NOSPQLEAD. AlUNN,THrtirm . .rum rim/NEN yon rt.joiee st %be 811er,S, of °lir gallant troops, and the pro:poet of (Ito Eprerly downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forgrt_to_cll ' - IVALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewhere, and see our now stock goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Rocs, Queenswaro, - Crookery ware, Tobacco, Eicgars, Hems, Fhb. and a general assortment or notions, all of svbicliar fort on reasonable terms for cash or produce. Huntingdon, July 1, 1563. OUSEXP,EPERS ATTENTION You al) want a CLATIISS 1912INCIER, in order o got through your washing,spnre your strength and at the canto Halo save enough in the wear of clothes by using a Wringer, to pay , fur it in six mouths ' nt the present prico of cotton. 11 ringers that have token the Pitratrust onn ALL mints in the market, for sale at the hardware Store of Fe 3,166 - JAMES A. EIIOWN . CHEAP PUMPS. TAMES A. BROWN, Huntingdon, nulls Patent Wooden Pnoeps for cistern, nod wells, from 4 to 60 feet deep, at about ono half the usual price for old fashioned pumps. All pumps warranted. Aug. '6O, U 6 tcA . . THE CYTHA 4—Tho h Pr esbyt er i n Psalmorlist—Tho Shewn—TheJubilee—llun ten's and Borth:We 'enlarged 'and Improved instructors—Weiland's New and Improved Method for Cho 0 ointr—Leland's Aecor aeon, 'Violin and Flute Instructora—Winner's and lien ea Violin Inetructore—Dellak'si 'Melodeon Instructor—Bur rowes' Piauo-Forte Printer—do. Thorough-ltaae Primer— Ilowe's Drawing Room Dauces—The Chorus Glee Book— Tara's Harp, for sale at BOON, 2 5,TATIONTERY & MUSIC STORE ENVELOPES,wholesale and retail, Ll 4 Gic sale I,KIVIS' 1300 K STDRU. • te.)...7,41, READING RAIL ROAD, WINTER ARRANGEMENT, NOTTAITEit L€6l. , irIKEKT TRUNK LINE FROM THE VA North and North-West for PHILADELPHIA, NEls , Yosa 11811,1rto, LEBLIION, ALLiIPIOITN, -EASTON, ite., ie. • Trains leave ilarrisburg for Now York, as f u nows At 300 and 815 A. Id., and 145 P. M., arriving at Now York at 10 00 A, IL, and 245 and 15 00 P. 31. The aloes connect with similar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and sleeping cars accompany the first two trains, without change. Leave for Beading, Pottsville, Tamaqua,•ni n ersm s , Allentown and Philadelphia at 8 15 A. 31., 004 145 P. 31., stopping at Lebrincn and principal stations only. Way Trains, stopping, at all points, at 7 25 A. It., and 4 40 P. 31. Refuming, taco Ilt3v.Yult3 at 9 A. M., 12 Noon, and 7 Y. ilf. PLitadelphia at 8 A. 31, and 3130 P. NI; Pottsville at 8 00 A. 12., and 2 35 P. AL; Tamaqua at 8 10 A. 21., and 215 P. It., and Reading at 12 midnight, 7 33 and /0 45 A. 138 and 6 05 P. M. An Accommodation Pussonger Train leave!, REAMNO nt 0,80 A. M., and returns from Pnittnnt.rom at 4,20 P. M. Columbia Railroad Traius leave heading at 6 40 and 11 A. 51 . .. for Ephrata, Litio, Columbia, &c: On Sundays. leave Now 'Voris at 7 P. M., Philadelpbia, 315 P. M„ Pottsville 7 20 A. M., Tamaqua 7 A. M., Bar ri burg 8 15 A. lit., and Roadmg at 12miduight, for Har risburg. Co..lliCrrkS/ON, MiLLAGL, SEASON, and EXCURZIoN Dotal's at roducod rates to and from all points. liaggsge checked through SO pounds Baggage allowed each l'amenger. G. A. NICOLL% NOV. 2$ 1884. Centro/ Superintendent -"" • ' - „ orr^.ll .I)ENNSYLYA NIA R. IL ROAD TEIIE LMAVI NO 0 , STRAINS IUIY2!ER ARRA 6 lf;',VEAr2; IPT.Y7'II',III.I) . 1 -- -1 I „ • ••••i '4l,;valuNT 1%..-- - Vi--: P. g.j n. n. I r. 1.1; A. t. 0 171 4 (J 711.2 10( 5 251 4 15112 201 MI. Union,... 0 301 4 25.12 1141 11np1.4011, 4 84',E3 441 31111 (leek,— fi 59! 4 49', 1 r. 51 2a,fllinting.lon, I 15'. 5 05; 12 I ' Iretcrsburg,... 241 / 1 :19j 113arrec 0:1 1 2li 1 511 ISplncolircel.., '2 1•', Illrminngbam, tf 511.0 'IO 6 2 11 !Tyrol.., 7 0S 5 551 2 111 Tipton,.. , 7 il l , 5 1 '2 49i 1140,arici.. 7 19; 6 09, '' .2, 7 4O; 6 441 7 P. M.l 44., 4 A. 4.1 - • -• Tho PIM riAbIiI.PIIIA Altoona at 9 40 P.. 31., nod arrives 11 21 I. A. The PAST TANI; rd,twa'ra leaves A. M., and anis. al Hundowlen at 1: , The PHILADELPHIA IluritilLgtlen at 7 20 A. 31., and an 8 55 A. M. The FAST LINE Wraltrard, leave 7 29 P.M., MI acetate at Attiama at 8 IF"TINGDON & 1311.0.A.D TOP AILROAD.-CI E OF SCIIEDULIi. On and rifler Wed nescla Nov. P, 1861, Vassengor Trains Will arrive and depart on follows: SOLITIII1"A [WTI:AIN& NOItTLITVARD AINB. STATIONS gvoiig linrlig P. M. I A. M, . . . _ rr. s 2s;re. s so ; ihmth,lvicm, 1 u. 12 47,, , ,t A SO 6ow 8 •;29,21,,C0nn0l lslow 0 • 4 1; 22 600 6 141 8 28jAlemant Grove,, r 11 51 5 556 48• 641 Martle;bp.r.g, 1 11 0 540 7 07 0 0 , 7 , CoIT, I;un, /1 06 5 27 La 11 01 b2O 7 101 0 00111,0gli& Brady i 70 401 SOS . 7 401 0 1211(,vo. 10 31, 5 7 iii A 25;risher'r Fitonait I 10 25i i , 450 1 ke 10 00 nn 4 .10 4 1 , A'a 8 1U ikx.B 111 ' 44 1 ' 1 ' I S I ' i x 8 t 1 ' 8 1 .. ' ; 1trg 1 1 10 2,110pm,11 I I ~: 50 21 . 1.) :12; Piper 11110, 10 00111:0011100 I 3 33 • As iny Fors lons pnr ,ed wilott Gold wai nt ' 1I 1 . 2 111. , , 1t1y Ilan, I ~ R 11 15 'Mount Dalla Sllolll' . I(U IMANCII , t r.,: 10 00 ' ',`Fax.ton I AR 0 401 I 10 1, Clonloloo, 25 ' I 30 20 (slls ford,' . ; ... : ... .... ,9 15 lAr. 10 20 1011ey Ir, 9 10 Plrond Top City,...l 1 - 1001 . 00,100, Nor. 9,1025. 3.19. LEWIS, Supt. UNITERSA L CL ~":11 , S WRINGEI 1 „.•”- i 881' ,-. _ .N., '1... jINWERSAL°4I--k —io d a . . -'-'",.... L , .. - ,-- ' 0, , •'°b ..."'": -- '"' tl'i, 5 -----' SIM-HES WRINGER ' ...."-'l'. .-'-L1 ' t-f tll \:''il.F. . k -, . ! • :----(' - '' i l ,-- 2 ,j--- - - - --; un ~ -- -P:_----- 0 .....„ 0 _v-------- •- x -_ No. 1. L u-' Family Trri»ger, SI-1,00 No. 1j Medium " " 12,00 No. 2. - lifediunt " I: 10,00 No. 2i " " if 0,00 No. 3. Small " lt 8,00 No. 8. Large Jiol 1, " 20,00 No. 18. .Alecliam Laundry ( i s o to ‘ , ‘ , .: 120,00 No. 22. .barge " 1.,,1.,,,1.J 30,00 Nos. 9 1. and 3 have no Co D .s. Al) oth ers are Nr ur ran ted . (p.t7,N 2 is the size generally used in private fmilies. - °HANOI: JUDD, of the "American Ag riculturist," says of the =I ONIVERSAT, CLOTHES WRINGER - "A child eau readily wring out it tubfull ,if clothes inn a few minutes. It is to reality r. Ct.nsucs I . _ , .scr.nt A T0n.E.19.,m1.1 alai a STENGT.II loves.! The saving , of gar ays - ill I'h oe papa per contsge on its Oust. We think iLe unclitoo mueli mono 1 Imo for itself eve ry year"' in tin. saying of gamut - nisi Thur., Ore t,,veral kinds, neatly alike in general sonstinetion, Ina we Con sider it important that the Wringer be fitted ivith Coo, otherwise n Erais of muments zinc ping the , - oilers. and the wilera upon tin conk:shaft slip and leer the clothes, or the mu bb,r bre,tlt .s.l from the shaft. Oar ennui is Otis Of the find make, and it is as GOOD as NEW after nearly rem, YEA as' 000,1'050 USE. -- MR Every Wringer with Cog Wheels Is War anted in every particular. No Wringer can be Durable without Cog 117/eels. J. A. Brown, is Agent for Hunting don, Pa. July 27, 1861. PUTNAM CLOTHES WRINGER. SELF - ADJUSTING WRINGER. 110 WOODWORK TO SWELL OMELET. No Thumb-Serewsto G etout of Order, 111 A NTIfl \vim OR WITHOUT COG-Witur, It took the FIRST PREMIUM at . filly•seven at .1 County Pairs iu I FO3, and willmnt an tsctption, the blot AV ring, ever mad, Placinvd in the United States, England. Canada, ant Australia. A vnts wanted in every town, and in all parts of the world. Energetic age.n ts can make from 3 to 10 Dollars per toy. 2, $7,50. Eo. I', !$3.10. 'No. A. $1,50 Manufactured and sold, whoivsalo nod ret,i), by N 0.13, Plan Street. New Yorh, and Cleveland, Ohio. S. C. NORTHROP, Agnt. WHAT 11 , :y.H1:11011Y ViZ That Iron w..:11 galvanized will nut rust; . That a Amplotn“cliimi, is bett,r thou a complicated one That a wring - or should be self-adjusting, , thtioblu, and cificient ; 111111111)-Fei ONVAand l'i.tenin,s causo delay and trouble to regulate and keep in ordar ; That wood eoaked in lint orator will swell, sin ink and split; That wooil.boaringii for the shaft to run in will wean• ont; That rho Patti= 11% Luger, with or wittioy cols whezla trill not tear the clvtllvs; - • That rog•wle.el regulaters are not essential ; That the Putnam Wringer ha , all. the ad VII II toges, and not one of 1116 diflolvantagei above named; That all who hare tested it, pl.c.nonnce it the beet Wringer ever incite; Tlrit It will wring a Thread or a Bed Quilt without al teration. • Ire might fill the paper avith testimonials, but insert only a few to convince the skeptical. if such there be; and we say to all, test..lhunani's Writwee. Test it th o p. onghlY kith and end all other, cod if het cztlrely balls factpry. mann, it. Putnam Munufaciuritrg Co: Gearmimmy I know from practical eijierienee that iron well gArani,',.l with - zluc will mint MOdimi or riot one rwticle. The Putnam IVringor is an ne:u•perfect as possible, and I can elte,fully recommend it to be the bast in use. Respectfully 3 - onrs, JNO, W. WO tailt. - Cleveland. Ohio. Many years experience in the galvanizing litt,incas ennbla Me to indorse the above statement in all particw Into. - .IND. C. LEFFERTS, No. 100 Beekman at. Now York, .liinuary,loo4. We have tested Plitininee Clothes Wrinizor by practi cal working, and know that it will do. It is cheap ;it 19 simple; it regain, no room, whether at work or at rest; a child can operate it; it does its duty thoroughly; it anrrea time and it.e.avna wear and tear. We earnestly 'ad vise all who here lintel washing to do, with all tritelli- Ernt persons o2n buVe any, to hay this Wring 6 .. It will pay fur itself is a year at most. lIORS:CE GREELEY. July 1864. New Furniture EFtublishment, J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, • Recpectfully inritee rho attention of tbe Public to Lis stand on 11111 sr, Iluntingdou, between Cunningham'. Store and Dean's National House, where be manufacturos and keeps all kluils,or Furniture at reduced pricer. Per- Wishing to purchase, Will do well to give him a coil. Repairfog of Atli:tads attended to promptly and charges reasonable. • • aloo, Undertaking. carried on, and Cufli us an ,du in any style desired, at short notion. ArtP•Fuutrala attended at any p la ce in burn or cum, ry, by ce J, M. Ilatuttogdon, Sept. 21, 1162-t6 S T EV r- • v.;.~ n.O F 'l9l ...... 14 10 911 s 9 4 7 let 0 ^.l! U 2J' 7 171 D 07 G 64j 8 44 G 43 u^, S 10 S 10 l'astmud, I t liunttngd Alt,atat at t: 10 :07. A. M. ,rard. le:tves 1 rem Ut Al LOolla at 1 Iltattiaggloa at LO P. M. MEE= RENEE! I=l =1 AGENCY, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY . AND PENSIONS. ALL who may have any claims a gflillg GOVOVIIIIMItt. for BOUnly, Thick Pay end ons, eon have their claims promptly collected by rip 'dying either In pore,/ or by letter to W. U. WOODS, Attorney at Law,. Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1863. AT TEM PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 52 1 as 1a; 1 )..0 1 10 20 1 12 " 112 40 No. 920 Chestnut St., Philada - . NOW OPEN Puisaittle Mantillas and Cloaks. Also, SPRING aria SUMMER GARMENTS, oY cur oun Nnonfacturo, of No latest styles and Su great variety. 3. W. PROCTOR & CO., TIM Paris Mantilla Emporium, 020 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. April 13,1364. • lenwn on at SATCHELS, PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, SE :GAR CASES, &c., &c., 4 handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Stare. IF (3) ILT rr Z ' S CELEBRATED goror and(t)vattle ... , - ..L. . : -,.., These Powders ~ , . • .---:•. will strength ix '", . en theStonutch . - ••, • •-:. - - ..: and Intestines, 4 r 1, '• cleanse Them 1 - from offensive matter, and •••• ..• f.e• l• bring them to t - - . Ea. - '.. .... 4. L ....4 O.; .j . r 1::435, abealthy state. - " ---1--- ' - - They ttre s. sure preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all Discuses incident to the Horse, such as Glen ders Yellow Water, Dis- -, „,......_. ':-•'-- s''';''' S. temper, ..- 0 .4.1 4,f rounder, li• t5 , .,. : ,.t . ~ ik ~,, tl ea v e s, ‘. ll, v1: .„.. !ti1l . ',.,..,i• „a . - 0 81avering, )- - i . N., ~,r - is, 4 - Coughs, Pe- . 4...,;' y vors, Loss of VI q \ t t 4 , 0 :Appetite and - 1 - 1, : . ,Z 'A ~.. Vital =ler- :. -, t.5..-'.% ,4 -... , :••.* -. 'tit- , ...,.•,y-.: - .r0;4. gy, &C. In poor, low-spirited animals, it has the most beneficial effect. The use of them improves the wind, ens the Appetite, nod gives to the ( h is, a fine, smooth and glossy shin—thus ijor rov ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. FOR MILCU COWS. I 3"I 1 -•1 1 ;Ord , * CZ-.A 41-140 '4 11 / . 1 - 6 1 YX:,.. 6 V:t . " . ' ,-. e / t, )410'..,.‹, ,, , v t'Z '74 416:7/ .Lrts l ~.5.....:-:24-.1-- --,- ;-- -.- - -- The ' , report:, 1 1 1:3 Pow , ' '•- pr -, cL,Te^ in ,V -creasins, the quatttlt of Milk In c 0,:., 5 c 1 it an importance and value 'IN bleb shnrid place it in the loin d; of every p,o,n 1 c , 1,-- a Cow. 13) at Mal opetiznent it h I ... N.' that it will increnen the go 01tits of '.. •, I Cream twenty per cent., and male 11, Litt cr firm and ovieet, la fatlEn mg' .fr Bit ' gii - them en appetite, looser s their' 1 oc r.aakes them thrive tench fetter. FOGS. In all Di , Lert-^s of the Slline such at V , li ~..-.:,... -, : , 'ongirs, L'ker, in /A L f/; .7` 4, Lt . :_, ,\ L e Lunr, la ~ e r, C . ' - .td , .....t.c-i,-1 .5 , - l',l kr. By Puffin: 1, ,,,- i.% 1 from half a paper _ .... )1 - k ''''r r to a paper of these .._.. - , - . : , 3--Ltr,„, - ,..-, Powders in a bar- r:.... ~j- ,L, 3 -...,= 4 ~ - : ,,z,....:4 rel of Sw1;1, the 1:;; ; --.: - . 7 :;.'re. , La'", above cvi I e cured is tnti , cl: 1 , t.- vented. By using thew Bel. &is t' ,, : J.,,,.; Cholera cm be pro \ en te I. Price 25 cts,pn.P:gs.r, cr 5 F2:' , .:,:f -:;',1, S. A. FOUTZ AT TrIZZ:I WHOLESALE DFUG 1.^.0 MICICINE FUT, No. 116 Franklin Si., Baltinnre, For Sale hp Druvvir! ,9•1,1 Stcrt.': - .teDtrs throughout the truitrA Str.t,,.. For sale wholesale and retail by John Read, Iluntingclon, Pa. [ap2T-1. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER XND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS FRANIC CROSBY, OP THL PHILADELPHIA DAR It RR, Thu nom to dram op PARTNERSHIP PAPERS and gives general forme for ANREEMENTS or all Idiots, BILLS of SALE. LEAVES and PETITIONS. Ii tolls Thu hose to draw op Banos and Mnrnaors, AF FIDAVITS. Potugs of ATToRNEr, NOTEI and This,S of F,Xcusan E. RECEIPTS and ItELEAses. R 7).11s You The laws for the Cott.rooroy of DE.IITS, with tho , STATUTES of LIMITATION, Rod amount nod triad of property EXEMPT from Emu- Elsa in every Stale. It.T Its Thu now to moire'. AFiSIGNMENT properly, will] forms for COMPOSITION With llneurrons, and the INSOL \ 'ENT LAWS of Every State. // .7E/Ts nil The legal relations existing between Goo: DIAN and WARD, MASTER and APPRENTICE, Rod LANDLORD nod TRI4ANT. It Tells nu • eOneltitutes Lien and SLANDER, and the law RS to MARRIAGE DOWIR, the WIPI . :8 EIGHT IN Pnoruarr, Mennen and ALIMONY, 71 Tells You The Law for 31Letinznon' Litton in every State, and the NATURALIZATION Lebo of this coon try. and how to comply with the same. 71 Tells You The law concerning Prxitoss mid how to ot lain nor, anti t h e Pnr-EmertoN Lows to Pronto ',Nos. /t Tells You The Lim for PATENTS, With cloth , of (WON.: a ore in obtaining one, With INTeRFEEENCET, ASSIGNMENTS and TAME OF FEES. It Tells Situ flow to make yarn. `Wm, and bow to Anstrst tarEll ON AN ESTATE, with the lush and the requirements thereof in every State. Il Tells You The meaning of LASS TERMS in general use, and explain, to you tho LEOISLATIVE, EXE. atirlVE and .Itnncut. Powers of both the General and Stole Goverts,sinyrs. It Tells .Ibu Hour TO KEEP OUT or LAIV, by showing how 1, do your breduess legally, thus saving, vast =Mot of property, and vexation litigation, by its timely consultation. • 4y- L'verybudy'a Lawyer in for sale at Lewis , Book Ste SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK, ETATIONENV k MUVIC E]' {E, IitNTISODON, GSGOOD'S Speller. Ist, 2d. 3.1.4111 and sth Readers. • MVUFFErS Speller nod Readers. SANDED'S do do do . Town's Speller and Definer, (old and now editions.) Smith's. Bullion's and Brown's Grammars. Fitch's Physical .(leognsphy. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's. Monteith and McNally's Geographies Atlases. Camp's Geography, With Key to Mitchell's Outline Maps, Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Onacketibbs' First Leeso»s in Composition. Quitclienho's Composition and.lthetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Brooks' Arithmetics. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleaf 's and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmetic's. Greeuledf 's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy.. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Ilistory of the United States. • Goodrieles " SI Payson; Dutton rind Scribing's Penmanship, in oloroo numbers. Pallor 4, llammond's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' nod other Copy Books. Davies' Momentary Geometry nail TrigonolfietrY• Davies' Logendro's Geometry. Cr.'s Wear's Geometry. Fulton Eastman's Bookkeeping. Dunk Ke.mitig by Single Clary, by Ilenarord r Vaysen Book Keeping, by Single and Bookie Entry, by Lfunalbril Papon.• Oilier 'Molts will bn added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. tiugdou, Pa. vear,Fine Cigars and Tobacco foi eale uL Lewis' Book Store .. Aef_.,.941#3. • ot - rvWk Wit, , al.4lW . Ave.,i• pOOKS AND STATIONERY. ) A good' assortment of adsruilaneous and School Itoolts—Fooleeap, Letter. Commercial and Note Papor— Plain and Fancy Iltrrclopes—Red, Bina and Black Thlie-, Blank Book.t of neater°. sizes—Pens, Pencils, rocket and Beta Ink,tonds, and every other article madly found in a Book mod Stationery Store, can - he had at fair prices at LIII,VIS' BOOK, STATIONERY it MUSIC STORE. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY Handsome -- and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Store ? t ,,r . ARBLE YARD. The undersigned. X would respectfully call the attention of the citi7.oll4 I II oitlugduu and the adjoining counties to the stock oi beautiful marble now on t o ted. lie In prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monowntal .Marble, !Comb, 'tulles nod Stones of every .dealred Rine and form of Italian or Vae , 'rn Marble, highly ilniched, and carved with appro. priato devices, or plain, as may mitt. Beilding Marble, Door nod Wisdom' Sills, Aic.,•will be forolthed to Urdu. : W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in tho country, at a fair price. Coll and sou before you purchase' elsewhere. Steep on LIM treot, fluntinOun, PA. WM. WILLIAMS. Huntingdon, May 16 1955. 1864. T E 1864. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is 7101 V ready for inspection and sale, EH LEIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsbnyg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different StyIBS •nr• • & Ceiling Paper dr, bordering, FOR The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., &o. Cali at the "Globe" Building, and examiM3 our stock and prices. 21 P-0 f-1 -,•_.•J. c-). r- -I •-1 (f) trl 105) C. MiOrtr4 rr.l F. MI 41-01 4tY 1 4 , 4:anwai" ° WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Witßiow Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LE Doom .10.11111 ,p., -,,„.6-• c,,,--•---'--Ap...- , n.,' c" ..,,,,... '.4ts-ti-';. •.::. *-0'34-.3.2A ' t--- =-o.:'.±-4, 'iill - --_- .. ; •i , lit , WANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! CONSTA Wt ;S SALES, ATTACTI"r EXECUTIONS. • ATTACHMENTS, . EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, suBwENAs.. MOlt']'GAO ES, SCHOOL ORDERS. JUD(tMENT NOTES, - LEASES FOR noveEs, NATURALIZATION IP Ef 4 , RON DS, DOM n'T BONDS, • WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES. with a waiver of the 53)0 Law. • .11i DOM ENT NOTES, with a waiver of the 0300 Law. At:1'10(.1;S OF ACM EEM ENT, Vith Tearho . n. MA :MIMI E 01MTInCATES, for Jo.tticem of the Peace nod Mutate', of the depot. COMPLAINT, WARRANT. and COMMITMENT, ill case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. E FA CLAS, to recover amount- of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Stole, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Priotett nn oopnrior paper, gaol for gale at the Moe of the HUNTINGDON ca.ortv.: BLANKS. of every daaoription, printed to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good Paper. 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY • ENVELOPES, Just rewired and far tale fit LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, LADIES AND GRATTLEMEN, EVER RECEIVED IN lIUNTINNDON, CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' DOOR, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORI pAPp, I PAPER! ! PAPER .1! ! Tracing Paper, • ampronslon Paper; Drawing Paper, Dood Paper, Tismn, Paper, Silk Paper for Flowere, Porforotod Paper, • fat Cap Paper, Bristol Board, Foolscap Paper, Loner Po la ,r, Commercial Noig,Paper, • Ladies' hilt 11,kwsl Leant. and Note Paper, Ladios' Plain and Fancy Not° Paper, While and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Shoats, Fur anio at LEWIS' Cook, Stationery and Music Store. . 1 ,I 3 UMS A. I _,B U MS. A beautiful assortraeut of PHOTO dRAPII ALI3UMS just received and for SII IC AT LEWIS' BOON. STORE L. HOF`ESS lON Al. & BUSINESS CARDS JD. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HUNTINGDON, PA. Oillce in the Brick Bow, nearly oppoxlto the .Court Baum [April 18,1883, W. A STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW I . HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE.—In Treasurer's room in Court House---up Iluntiugdon, Dec. Id, 18C3, T 1 ALLISON MILLER, Ds. Ms removed to the trick Rom oppoßito too Court lions°. April 13;1:359. T GREENS, ei • • DENTIST. Office removed to opposite the etoro of • 1). I'. Crain, in the gritiare, Hill street, Huntingdon, Po. April 13,1804. H. K. NEFF, N. D. IT-1-1-AVING returned from the army, will resume the practice of MEDICINE and SUR • E ,at lits old-residence ou 11111 street. 11flutimplori, Aug., 24, 'AL WILLIAM AFRICA TIAS AGAIN COMMENCED THE MOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOll EAST OF 11. HOMAN'S CLOTHING STORE, Ills old customers and tho publib genorally, will him a call. (Ifuntingtou, Ott. _0,1058.] THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. , J. MORRISON, Proprietor lAT M. LEWIS, beater in Books, Stationary and Musical Install meats, Huntingdon, Pa. AT GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready mad° Clothing, M 110110074 I>n. D i li. JOHN McCULLOCH, offers his professional so/I'l.s to the citizens of Huntingdon and Vicinity. omen on Hill street, one door east of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 28, '55. Q S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi a cinee, Porfmnory, Dye Stuffe, 011 e, do. Aleo--Gro cerise, Cent ectioneries, Huntingdon, Pa. T . M. CUNNINGHAM Founder, Iluutingdou, Pa • TAMES A. BROWN,. ey Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery,Talnte, Oils, Lo., Mark ingdon, Pa. ROIVIAN, • .lor in Ready Made Clothing, Unto and Caps Boots andlihoes, &c. rH T. ()WIN, • Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware. Hats and Cape, Boots and Shoes, &e. LOCKET TESTAMENTS, A LARGE STOCK OH RAND AT BOOK BINDING. Old 11.4:14. Magazines, or publications of any kind bound to order, if left at LEWIS' 1300 K if STArIONERY STORE. ~~ ,~ ''~~~ IUSTNESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE II you want your card neatly printed upon onto open, call at . _ LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. FOR TILE LADIES. A superior nrtlclo of Noto raper and Envelope suitable for confiden(ial correspondence, for sale at LEIS IS' 11001 cE STATIONEIZIWORE. * IXTM. 'WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer. ENVELOPES- By the box, pack, or Ica mom tity, for Hale at LEWIS' 1300 K AND STATIONER WIT RATPING PAPER! A good article for nate at LICIYIS. HOOK FTORF Iyou want Carpets and Oil Cloths; call nt D. t' .GR'IN'S whore you will find tho largeet 08- sortIIIQUI QC 1100 L BOOKS, Gcnorally in nee in the Schools of the County, not o hand, will bo furnished to order. no application at LEWIS' BOOK, AND ST A I7ONER 1 STORK. QCONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Oro cory, 20 per cont. cheaper than any other Once in grill?, best Tobacco in town, at D. P. GATIN'S i fILD BRASS ANT) (10PPli:12. taken 'V/ in otellange for goodi At: the liarclwArci - Stotif Sept. 3,1562. JAS. A. BROWS )EADY RECKONER. nt, A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, In dollars nod cents. to which are added fora's of Notes, Rills, Re ceipts, Petitions, &c., together with a sat of useful tables, containing - rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of rages, and board by the week and day, published in 1650. For sale at ,LEWIS' BOOK STORE. IF you want handsone Goods, good Goode, cheap Goode, and all kia. - 1 of Goode, sot° D. P.1:111'12,9. TIOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the 2 .. ) , largest ustortineut and cheapest to ho found at Is. I'. (3111. N'S i n UN BARRELS AND LOOKS. -A uf - large asorlment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. ("4 UM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's vjthan ca❑ be bad in Lona. WI and Ron then,. PEli, I PAPE,R I ! I Note Post, Commercial, Fonlamp and Flatcap—a good msortmen t for bade by the ream, half ream, quire or eheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOIC a STATIONERY ~STORE. DARCHMENT DEED PAPER j_ ruled, for et& at MONTIILy TIME BOOKS, LEWIS 1300 E: AND STATIONERY STORE. TI001) SKIRTS with from 4 to 80 hoops, at prices from 25 cts, to $2,00 at the cheap store of D.' r. ()WIN. n P. GWIN keeps the largest, best _Ey. assortment and cheapest shoes In town. Call and examine them. TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING Dann White and Colored Card Paper, For Gala at LEWIS' BOOK ct STATIONERY STORE. pOOTS and SHOES, the largest and Cheapest itesOrtuient ia. town, at D. P. °WIN'S. CIARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at WIN .s. TIQUORS, of the best, for Medicine I purposes at. • S. S. SMITIFS. A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for Li 9 ale cheap, at D. I'. °WIN'S. TA P. GWIN'S is the place to buy Li. good and cheap Carpets- CALL at D. P. GAVIN'S if you want GOOD GOODS T ADIES Collars, very cheap and beau tiful, D. P. GWIN'S. CIALL at D. P.. WIN'S if you want fashiottable Goody (ALL at the new CLOTHING- STOR ..„/ of OUTMAN lt CO„ If you Wont a good 'article Clothing: Store room in Longli new Ildictt, in•the Di mood, Iluntingricm SeptlB,lB;s7 B LANK BOOKS, OP VARIOUS SIZE% for solo at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERT STOR COUNTRY. DEALERS can Vi v atign i r tis i g n enr e ln luvr?etal n in the cities. an I have a wholesale stern in Philndulphi 4 . nu u tirrgil.on 2 April 14, INS, 11. ROMAN. E LEWIS' BOOK STORE LI:1m" BOOK STORE. G QUICK SALES SMA LL PROFITS 1" Anybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET DII3LBS, HYMN AND PRAYER noon, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, Any °Twin SALVABLE Axn urnstrzrxa Booty Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUI.IENTS, CHUM MUSIC AND IIiSTRUCTioN ROOKS, 911Etra MIMIC for the Piano, Guitar, ?OM= Dooturp PonnioNNAIES AND p 01.9-69, For Ladles nod Gentlemen, COLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS . AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common &boots, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOISS OF ALL HINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPIIABST BLOCKS, hi", ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for Boyo and Okla AMUSING GAMES For Young Follo, WEDDING ENVELOPES ANT) CARDS, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, VISITING CAZDS, CHECKER BOARDS, DOMINOES, &0., CONVERSATION CARDS, 80N0 1100E0, From 6 to 75 cents 33LANIS. DOOKS, Memorandum Books of Various Sizes, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL RINDS, DIARIES FOIL 1863 Drawing and Blotting raper, Brutal and iterd Baa WHITE BONNET BOARD, CAVJISE, RED, 2ILUE . AND DLACIC INKS, Arnold's Hodgson',B WRITING FLUID. Wrapping Papor of Different Sizes and Qualities, Ake. &O. Ira. &e. SCOULD CALI, AT LEWIS' CnrAP Boos, STATIONERT AND MV6XO STORK. In the "Globe" building, Market. Square, where all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to rnalte their purchases THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. EY MISS ELIZA ACTON. CareficUy Raised, by Mr. T. S. Hale PS TELLS You Flow to oboe:lean hinds of Bleats, Poultry, and Gantt', with all the various and most approved modes or dressing and . cooking Deef and• Pork; also the host nod simplest way of salting, pickling and curing the some. Ix naLa You All the various and most ripprored modes of dreastne. cookinz. and boning Mutton, Lamb..Vord, Poultry. and game oral( kinds Nvith the different 'Droning% Gravies, and Stuffings appropriate to each. Ir Taus Yee low to choose. clean, and preserve Fteh of ail kinds, and how to sweeten it when taint ed; also ell the various and moat approod modes of cooking, with the different Dress logs' Sauces, and PlaToringe appropriate to each. Iv Tana YOU MI the various and most approved modsoi. preparing over SO kinds of ISleat,rists.Fewi Game, and tiogetablo Soups, Broths, an Stows, with the !tensile, and Seasonings appropriate to each, Zr Taus You All tho varione and most gpyroved modes of cooking Vegetables of every description, also how to prepare Pickles, Caelltipa and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Mushrooms, Ac. Ic TELLEI You All the various and most approved modes el preparing and cooking nil kinds of Plain nod Fancy- Pastry, Puddings, thuelettee, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary. Preserves, • dollies, aad Sweet /Waken of every.doscrip• tfon. - Ix Trots You MI the vniipm and most approved modes of making Bread, Rooks, Molllns, and Bis cuit. and the hest method of preparing Coffee. Chocolate. and Tea, and how to make Syrup, Cordials, and Wines of va rious kinds. • IT T 51.1.9 You How to Oct out and ornamentaTablo,havi Carve all kinds of PIA, Fleah or Fowl, and In abort, Low to to simplify the wholo Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuriNt of the table within the everybody's reach. For Salo at Lewis' Book Store. NEW BOOKS ! FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOR STORE THE HOUSE: A Now POCKET MANUAL of Rural Architec tore; or, How to Build Dwellings, Barns, Stables, and Out Dwellings of all kinds. With *Chapter on Churches and School.lfouses. Price, 50 cents. THE GARDEN: A New Pocarr Marcum, of Practical Hor ticulture; or, How to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruits, and •Flowers. • With a Chapter on Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Price, 50 cents. THE - FARM: A NEW POCKET Stones,. of Practical Agri culture; or, How to Cultivate all the Field Crops. With nn Essay ou Earns Management, etc. Price, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A Now POCKET MANUAL of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry; or, How to Breed and Rear the Various !tenants of the Barn-yard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. HOW TO TALE: A New Pinny Ms.Nost. of Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Grammati cal Style, and more than Five Hundred Common bits takes Corrected. Price, 50 cents. 100 W TO BEHAVE: A Now POCKET Marcum of Republi can Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal Habits; with Rules for• Debating Societies and Deliberative As• . seuiblies, etc. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO DO BUSINESS: A Now Amur MANUAL of Practical Affairs and Guide to success in Life; with Collection of Business Forms, and a Dictionary of Com mercial Terms, etc. Price, 50 cents. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS Or ALL WS MiIt:GOMM MIMS /ND CIVILIAIia, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' DOOM AND STATIONERY sTop.I. OIL CLOTH.WINDOW SHADES, GILT .GOLD SHOES, - MUSLIN BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAE, CORD AND TASSALS, A FULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE PENS 1 PENS ! t GET THE BEST S THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST C• BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Meter Pens AT LEWIS BOOK STORE; PRICES-25 oni..por dozen or $2 per gr'oirie T" CORRUGATED - METAL " PENS, made by 0. BARNARD, are the x bent Com- - mereial and School Pens, without exception to They are used by all the principal Banks and Gorerinmontr Departmenta, Public aud. Private Sehoois,.• also, by thr most prominent Commercial Bounce throngliobl the - VA ted totes and Canada.. . . ". But a short time has elapsed since C. BARNARD'S PENS here been introduced into the United States, still a ;nark , . ed preference ie given them over all others for the follow- s ' ing reasons: The "Corrugated Metal" PENS do not cot , rode; they will not imitator or ent'throngh the thinnest .. paper; they have an easy gliding motion,. a certainty: of wally diffusing the ink, softness of point, and great du- - rubility. Tim following testiondniala, aelecteff front riumerOlii' others, aro tospeettully submitted: horn used the Metallic Pens .of Mr. 0. Barriurd'aud . , highly approve of them. .. C. BARSTOW,: Praident of St. .Affaholni tank, Arm' Fork; We bayo used the Pons of Mr. Barnard,andilhd Co:ta to be as ho represents, and take plerieuro in secants:tad ing them to the public. IVELL,TARGO4 CO., A.-MULLIGAN, Citthic-r.- C. Baniard'a Pens have been tried, and era hiOly proved In this office. • • 001115 N , Auditor If. S.. Custom Houtej Itcw rork.. Haring tried the corrugated Pone meth by Alr. Ilunard, I con recommend dam as excellent. ' • • AMUBL L. DRESS B, Cbmtnandapt !limy Yard, Brooklyn. • too add aura to above recommendations. B. CROMWELL & CO., New. York I hare no hesitation in paying Parnartre rene.itre dilodly the beet I have over need. .0. HAY, Agent United Slates Exprees C0.,-/ireto Tod; • - . _ We can confldautly recommend Ziro.•C, Barnard's dna corrootve Pone an the best mr brought under our nothio without ekceptiou. 4 • We have been using the Pens of Eine. Canard, and take great pleasure in recommending them to tho public, as they aro an excellent article, and ell - he represents them to be. . A. J. CLINTON; Secretary Eagle Insurance (b., New rink. Upon trial we have fauna Mr. Barilard's Pethito FRIA PROM: & CO., New York. I would recommend Mr. Barnard'a Peng an a Pavii.far article to any 1 lutvo used. CIOUVR. KEILBLE, Now York. We add was to the eboye recotamentlettone. UNDERIIILL, HAVILAND & Nap York Of all Pens I have ever used, Mr. Ilarnard'a IrAre givers me more satisfaction, and I can recommend them to the public as being entirely anti-corrosive. - POIII.VR,..New After six months' constant use or C. , Barnard's Anti corrosive Pon, we can confidently recommend it as the beet metallic pen we liars ever used, finding croft, the oboes experienco that it door net actually corrode.' . fitcLICAN k CO., Now York. C. BARNARD, Manufacturer of Corrugated Met it Peti, - John treot, Clerkouwell, Lon :6 June 18;1862. : h GREAT WORIC 0.1) . T THE .110.16E5. BY ROBERT JENNINGS, T, /Winter of Pathology and Operative ,Sta : gery in the Veterinary College of Philadelphia, etc., etc. • • , . WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, Ilistory and distinctive traits albs various breeds of European, Asiatic, African and American Horses, with the physical formation and: pa. cullaritlcs of the animal, and bow to ascertain hie age by the nut - atter' and condition Obis teeth; lilustrated with numerous explanatory engravings. &c. &o. Ac . . WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling; Food. Togo CWOOtiltbg, Shoeing, and tho giner;- al management of the bowie, with the beet modes of administering niodicloo. 0100, how to treat ulting,Js2citing; caring, Shying; St u lug, Restlessness, and other vices-to which ho to subject; with luttierous to, placatory engravings.. , , _ WILL TELL YOU or the cauteammptains,ond Treatment Of Strangles, Sore Throat, Distompor, Catarrh, Influence, Bronchitis, Bnan morila, Pleuraay, Woken Wind, Ohm ic Cough, Roaring and Whistling,Lant• • pas, Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and De , cayed Troth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. WILL TELL YOU Of tho causes, symptoms,and Troatmen of Worms, Dots, Cholla, StrangOlation Stony Contentions; Ruptures, Yalu Diarrhea, Jaundice,lfopatirrhos,Dlestly Delos, Stones ha tho Eldnoys and Blad • der, Inflomation and other diseases o the Stomach, Dowola, Lim and Urt nary Organs. • . • WILL TELL YOB Of the causes, symptom., and Weal: resist of Bono, Blood and Bog, kelvin, • Ring Bonn, Stresnie, Strains, Broken • Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Cracked Moors, Sole Bruise and Gravel, Canker Scratch es, •Thrualt and Gurus; also, is Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers and other diseases of the. Feet,: Legs and Read, WILL TELL you Of the causes, symptoms, and . Treat. Inent . of Tletnla, Poll Evil, Olandere, ' — 'l,,Parcy, Scarlet Fever Mange, Suifilt, bad Jaw,lthentnntlent.Cretnp,Gells s I;ll.eee of the Eye and 'feint,. ,he ; he., • and hey to manage Castration, 81eed... , V eungtg.,,,,,k r alm n Hernia, t mputatlon, appingould,oth. or nurglenf operations. . r WILL TELL YOU Of Itarey's Method of tamtnetiomen how to Approach,..llaltor, or Stable a . Colt; how to accustom - a home: atrouga aouuda and eights, and how to 1311, Saddle, IWO ; and Srcak .:hint- to ; Harems; also tho form and law of, Waraiarisy. The whole; Wing tite snit of 15 years' careful study ortha habits, peculiarities, wants and woe*. emus of thin noblo and useful'aortnitt; For sale at Lewis' Book 51010. . - ROBBER'S PRACTICAL C.A.LCIT . . LATOR, A Book of Flail' Baas and CilkillaCiOtt3Pr'r rations, by drarlin M. Rohrer, .Practicai Surveyor: and Conveyancer. New Edition, published' by J. Lihoin= colt cE Co., Philadelphia, This work contains 204 Pages, and npwards of Safi Rules and Examples, entirely and thormighly practice!. - ffichsa arise every day In the common pursuits of Enginess. It lino already passed through a-number of editions In ripla• succession, and le pronounced by all chines of business. men to he the handiest book of,refedence, Pfiffailling too, calculations, that has over Weil published: • Every example In the book la worked put Its fultiftuf stated in a plain manner, eo that when a parallel case arl. ses, those referring to the Alain difficulty In, solving it; in a word, the general arrangement of rho, CALCULATOR ia Simple, that any use who isofori Ifouf 10;, add, subtract, multiply and divide, can easily,aolve any or. dinnry example that arises in busloads, or arrive at It s, true result orally eetimato required. . The chief sins of the author : as been to °adage theory and philosophy in figures, aiming onlyet fuels sod simpli city, believing that business men care little about span.? ding time in discussing the philosophy of roles, pi the science of figures, deeming it sufficient for theft purpose; to bo able at a moment, by reference, to arrive at the true' result. The CALCULATOR Maga in this teepee/1 0 ,h $ll other Arithmeties of the day and kindred works- 7 1i le a key to practical imainesa ;calculations—lt fa, froths .bands, of the businessman, what the key to, athematical works in the Muffle of the teacher in the school room—if EMU , tares time and Referee correctness, , • - THE WORK TREATSOF THE ' • • Measurement of Land, of Lumberof 'Oak and: Work, of Stone and Stone work, of grain and grain Woo of coal and coal bine, of wood, of solids, of liquids of. cirr, color, square or irregular vessels, 9r, cisterns and vats, of roufing„of plea toter* painter's, glacier's, paver's, pliainb.. ar's, paper hanger's and upholsterend. work. .15 .treats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, Of the decimal system, of reduction and its extended application to business, of simple and compound interest, and. their- entire application to business transactions, with the lowa and usage's governing tho • same, together with numerous commercial forms—of legal binder, of _partial payment on notes; of banking end bank discount, of equation of pay ment and of partnership accounts, of ase.stuent of taxes, of weights and measures, of square and cubic meashreh.of the square root and its application to business of aurfaces, of excavation, and of ninny other important practical matters not within the ocopo of an advertisement to Cirp, . Hon. IT IS JUST TILE BOOK FOX TUE Farmer, tho reliant, the mechanic, the tirdeitu 'or the t the oeo . ,es ,proventi valuable auxiliary to the lawyer, the Jo:Mawr the peace, the convoyander, and real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, , the clerk, to the civil engineer and the eurvoyer, to the , carpentot and bricklayer, to the stonemason and the plastereiX a eke paper banger and unholaterer, to the paver, and tit tiler,fte.,.ke.; each and all will find It adapted to their V does wants better thou any book published: 416 P-Price, 60 cents. For Cole at Lowrie Book Store r Ituntingdon, Dec. 20, 1800. ARE FOR BALE Agent- for the county. 19/LISINSONi TETON & CO, Park 17ace, .ffeta .11,7* T. B, HIIQUE, Cashier. '• • • iMg HORSE & HIS DISEASES TUB DONNE AND IdsDISEASDS TIM HORSE AND IRS Dismisns THE 110118E1 AND EIS DISEAFES DORSD AND MS DISE/LUIS TIIE 110IISE AND HIS DISEASES 1101198 AND IDS DISEASES ROIIRER'S . ItOURER'S • ROHRER'S ' ROIIRER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR IE4