INSURE YOUR PROPER:LY IN THE V - AR - D • Fife : and Marine Insurance Co., I.ItILADELP,EirIA.. NO iiiisr.*H RISKS FIRE RISKS ONLT TAKEN. Perpdualpolidee granted on brick and etono bnildiuge. LiraitM poliefea granted on fraMo or log buildings, merchandise and furniture. ca. No,premaom notes required. tonsequenity no assen made: It.A.I.LISON 'MILLER, SeplG,lBB3:. aeadinlßill¢ traNBAUM'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ON SELL' S RIIE T , A few doors west of Lewis' Book Store, " HUNTINGDON, Pd., Photographs and Ambrotypes Taken in the Beat Style, sti...CALT, AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS FANCY FURS, FANCY FURS JOHN FAREIRA, ARCS Street love 7th., Pairanimmiwa.. bare noif in itore of own Importation and winfaCtrire one of the A B E S'T and most TAUTIFUL aclectinnsof FANTY.FGRS' c and OENTIE INN'S WEAR,. in the ity. /leo, a find aaiorb Int of Gen't'a Yur Mien and Collar,. " An my Pure was par vaned when Gold wan at much lower premium cabled to dispose or them at vary reasonalile pric . ta, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Huntingdon county and vicinity. /Eat Remember the NAM% Number and Street I • JOUR. FAIOHRA, • 1 718" ARCH Street; above - 7th, South aide. PHILADELPHIA. )4- .1 HAVE NO PARTNER, NOR CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER STORE IN I.III;ADELPIILA I Sept. 7, 'B4. 6m.. . rI_,EORGE P. ELDREDGE WITH. CHARLES DESILVER, _ 'Wholesaie and Retail PUBLISHER and BOOKSELLER, 1229 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADA.. .Your patronage is solicited. April 13, 1064-Iy. • ri - owAnp• ASSOCIATION;• Disdasee'of the Nervous, Seminal, Min• ary and Sexual Systems, ropnrta by — th co- HOWARD 4 SOCIATION—ffeIit bS rnOil in. oenied - letter, envelopes, i...e of chargt. • -•-- • • Address, DR. J. MULLIN 110IIGIITON, Acting Sur llontnrd*Aesocintion, No; 2 South Ninth Streut,Phib , [July 13, 1164-Iy. -- - . "IT S ENEY HARPER, No' 520 Arch 1 .. :, ink, FLULAJ)ELPUIA,•hge ix Imp stock . ot . ~ L. _„...t --,.. e. .. kW ;WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, ,L' - ,- . SOLID SILVER•LWAIE, peiior plated SETS, SPOONS, FORKS, Ac. 0ck.12., 'pc 349.. - ALEXANDRIA - , BgEWERY. r puß, 'Undersi g ned- puroliaspd. fyom T. NeWeil hie interest Mille Alexan- Orewery, the bwsinesa will hereafter be r.: riaduu uudorthe farm of R. O. COLD En. • a-, )- I 1.. and old mistoiners and the public genefal , , are. informed that all orders will receive ' -ompt attention. - E. 0. COLD.CII & CO. ; '27,1464 • Ala►, . • - :111A , 41.9111Z • - . oc:lttiNcnam. Tr. P. tITNINGULX • E W FIR M . J. M. CUNNINGHAM & Ettid,'succeesors to J. M. have this day entered into partnership , Foundry business sod are prepared to furnish Cast ;a.kinds, and repairs ntshort notice sod on Pees-. ..a.tWe terms. . We ern btiiing Old Mita' 'and iciap ,IrOn at'hlgtest Ifuntiugdon, July 4, 1861. SPECTACLES. NVOrr' • A fine and largo assortment always on - • hand AT LEWIS' Boor STORE. WAR FOR . THE UNION NRW rAYWCW,Wirai Pis le, 14 OttFOLK, TAKEN.—AREIBY SLAIN, AND THE BACK BONE OF " BROESII" BROKEN - . But while you rejoice at the eroccoes of our gallant troops, and the prospect of the speedy downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the store of WALLACE & CLEMENT, before purcbsesickg elsewhere, and see our new stock goodi, consisting of Dry Goods, arocerieS, Boots and Shoes, Gueenswsre, crockerywars, . • - Mune,' • - • • Ohouldere, Flour and a genoral assortment of notions, allot forl 'on - rensonsble terms for Cash or produce. Guntingdon, July 1, 1163. . • . ,301 • ' ItrATBIG . - RAIL 'ROAD, BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Gill2A T TRUNK:LINE FROM-TILE North .•.. and. North-Wesk for PnILADLLPHIA, Now- Yong, ILUDlMl,Piirreiiiii, - LfixsNON, Ed510:1, &d. Trains letiv - e " ..eigittminio for ParttMettlix4,l4Ew-Yottit, Itsinitilf,l'Otrivrixikedid 'All Intermediate' BtatiOntif at 8 A. M., andi P, DI, .r• • • Nme-Yonk•Expreae leitves Hanidentrno at 6.30 A. 11., ar riving at If -Yong at 1.45 the same day. speaial Accommodation Passenger train leave. READ- Tao at 7.15 A. Ai and returns from - Harrisburg at SP. M. Fares from lionruentaio ; To Yaw-Yens, $515; to Part. ADELPLCIA,SS 35 and $2 80. Baggage checked through: • Returning, learn NEIT-Tiong at 0 A. 51.,12 Noon, and 7 P. M.. (PITTEIBLI33II EXMLXBEI arriving at lIARRISBURGI at 2A. M.) Leave PiinAnEfrrtit: at 8.15 A. 11., and 1.30 P.M Sleeping care fn the Now-Pons ExrexsoTaarxe, through to and from Firrtencianni aithoutelargige...., , Pamengere by, the Ratljtoad leave Mot- Anna at 8.50 A.• •M., , for Pima:nztantle:- and all Interme diate Stations t• and at 2.10 P.. 11., pr,-.F.11441,4E41, NEST- YcaLatui all 31'V Pointe. • • • Trains leive Porrtivitixtit 9.15 A. - 16; and 2 * .30 P:11., for Et3I , II9BORG hilt! An Accommodation l'araPenger. Train leovailluntrict at 6.00 A. N., and returns fillip PilltiaMS6ll at 5,00 P.M. Aar Ali the above tritinexuallillij; Sundays excepted. A Sunday train : leaves l'oyrevii.s4 at , 7.30 A. M., and Pananstrina at 3.15 Y. M. ColfhtIIT1110:?,Aar; SEA6O6, - and EXCLTZION TICICLIS attedncad Vitae to and from All paint. . - • -.. . 60 pOnndapagtaiso allowed. ea liP ir7l:7l robus„ GemeratSuperin(endent. COMM 033S.EKEEPER,. ATTENTION! juL, You spirant tr CLOT.IIES WRINGER, In . Order to gas through' your treabing earlier, spare - your strength and at thesamo time save enough In the near Of clothes by using a:Wringer, to pay. for it in elx months, at the preAent price cotton. Wringers that bare taken the pgamivAt Dna 44 moms In the market, for sale at the Thirdsvarn .Itere of . e,3,18e4 JAMES A. BROWN. . . . CHEAP PUMPS. , • TAMES A, 13ROAM jiuntingdon, Ur, solle:Potent 'WoodenPumps for cisterns And welte,from 4 toed feetoteep, ibOut half the usual price for old faehiourd pomp. All pumps warrauted. THE OYTHARA—TIie :--;.zs* Pr oaby terian Palimediat—Thn Marti . ul'a ettlaioatial b i a n7p u ba — Todln u o b t f ru lD :t — o than Z:n al d ' ' d a Sew and Improsod Method for the Onitar—Loland'e Ancor boon, 'Violin and Pluto Inetrtintors—Winneta and Ilown's Instructorsollak's Melodeon Instructor—Bur• rotten' Plano-Forte Primer—do. Thorough-Noe Primer— lipwe'o Drawing Room Panne•—•Tho Chomp alto E,•ok— Tared liarp. for aide i t - • . - LENVIS'IIOOE, STATIONDRII k lett3lr STOPX, ENVELOPES, wholesale and retail for exile LEWIS! Bool{ STORE. 4%1; PENNSYLVANIA Rl` IL ROAD . TIME OF LEAVING 0 ?TRAINS WINTER ARRANG ENEMA' WESTWARD. .E.4srir.peli K in ''... ,?..' ' 7 l ~ -.J 9 - .0. g ~.,P Ito' 14 , i r ,. - 4 r r"'"' Y. -...- sTATtoNE. ict•l .., 0 Fr,›4g . . .01 '.. 'i 0 . m ' 4 ~ g . I. m e - a 4 .x.l A. 01.1 P.lll I 8. 51. I P. x.l L. m• I P.M 17.4 07 12 HP lton 222 249 -22 '4 lb 12 20 3 Nli ! l U mn l ion',.:. .8 14 1 . 0 01 2'40 25 -4.25 12 84 ' 1."... 210P1eton, .... :7 57 ~ .0 46 . 2i 2 3 3 0 43 4 34 12 44 31111 Creek,. 59 4 49 1 05 620 Huntingdon, 746; „o 9 ar, 1 2 , 10 ., 15 5051 2: 'Petersburg,. 7 311 0 ... 1 . 4 1. 23 11 Vi (H arm ". ,- 007 I 'l 37 31 5 21.1 51 •12pruceCreel,„ 171' p 12 , 49 213 ' Birmingham . , 55 5 45 2 24 Tyrone, 6 64 8 44 1 10 -708515 2 41 . Tipton, . 644 12 18 7 14 2 49 Fostoria, 12 52 7 19 GOO 2 57 1 "1" "I"'.. 033 8 25 12 47 6 20 8 10 12 30 7 40 6 30 241 7 55 Altoona,. . p.5t....5.11r. : P.Y. "L . A'W. T. ." '''' '.. ‘i .*: . 'twird, leiveb Thi-linit " °)il'4l4ii.- EXPnE°Yets .11unti„gdon at. Altoona at 9 no P. .51, nod atiirrivoi , 11 01 P. 31. ' 240 1E Enatvvarti leave! Altoona at at Huntingdon at 4 . 05 A. 31. LPIIIA EXPIIKSS Westward, ' ' 20 A. 31., and arrives at .4.110, LIN risen n AMA a 7 The FAS A. M., and n The PM Hunting to. 8 55 A. AL E Wegtsvord, leaven llvntifSd Ivo. at Altoona at 8 80 P. M. TV ad ar " he F AST 7 29 P. M., a I H uN ß T A i ii N jt o :. D_ON . ___- . ..k,_ : .8 OAP — UP 11OP OF On and after Wednesday 'Nov. 9,186.1 will arrive and depart as foliose: SOUTIIWAIID TRAINS. NORTR STATIONS I 3forn'g I Brati,g Eve I 3forwg Mail LI 6 8 00111untingdon, An 12 47 • 600 . 820 McConnelletown I''l I . 12 6 14 8 28 Plemtant prove, 11 50 843 •8 44 Morklesburg 11 32 707 900 Coffee Run, LE II ao An 11 01 719 OOS Rough& Ready,...... 30 49' 7 40 9 21 Cove, 10 31 1 T 46 025 Fislier'4 Summit 1.10 25 An 8 10 An 9 40 is , o lSexten, in 10 00 10 121111ddleAhurg i 10 231110p0vve11.... ......... ... 10 33 Piper's line, 10 OD Hamilton, 11 12 Bloody 1100, Anll 12 31o0it BallaB, 1 I SHOUP'S RUN BRANCII. 'Lg 10 00!Saiton, !AR 9 40! 10 15 Coinimont, ; 9'22 10 20 Crawford, 9 15 AR 10 20 Dudley. ,Li 9 10 !Brood Top City, Huntingdon, Noy.-5, ISM, ' - JAL LEWIS ,I.TNIV,E:RSA.L CLOTHS =CM No. 1, Large,Fainfly Wringer, .$14,00 No. is Medflint ", ‘i . ' 12,00 No. 2. Medium " f: 10,00 No. 2§ " " ' " 0,00 No. 3. Small ," " 8,00 No. 8. Large Hotel, I: 20,00 No. 18. Medium. Laundry .- tf t , r In 1 . 20,00 No. 22. Large t' tor band.) 30,00 Nos. 2i. and 3 have no Cogs. All oth ers are warranted.. 'qq . o. 2 is the size generally used in private families, ORANGE JUDD, of the "American Ag riculturist," says of the lINTVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER "A child can readily wring eat a tubrull of clothes in a few minutes. It is in reality a CLOTIRES EATER! A TIAIE SAVER I and a STETOTIT SAVER I The saving of gar anents will alone pay a largo per ceiling', on its cost. Wo think the machine much more than •pays for limit ere. ry year" in the saving of garments! There are several kinds, nearly alike in general construction, but we con sider it important that the Wringer ha fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of,garments may clog the rollers, and the rollers upon the crank-shaft slip and tear the dollies, or the rubber break loose (Com the Wirt. Onr own is one of the first make, and it Is as anon As NOW error nearly Jolla YEARS' CONSTANT USE- Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is War ranted in every particular. No Wringer can be Durable without Cog ,11 7 1teel,s. J. A. Brown, is Agent for Hunting don, Pa. July 27, 1864. PU I NAM :i • Oar IT IS Tuh ONLY RELIATILII SELF - ADJUSTING WRINGER. NO WOODWORK TO SWILL OR SPLIT. No Thumb-Screws to get out of Order, WARRANTED WITH OR WITHOUT COG-WHREIS. it took the FIRST PREMIUM at tiftpeeventtnte and County inks In 1883, and Is, without' an exception, Me Nit Wringer ever made. Patented In the United States, England, Canada, sista Australia. Agents wanted In every town, and in all ports alb° world. Energetic agents can runke from S to 10 Dollars per day No, 2, $0,60 No.l, $7,60. N 0... r, $5,60. No. A, $9,60 Manufactured and Bold, wholesale and rota, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., N 0.12, Platt Street. Now York, and Cleveland, Ohio 8, 0. NORTHROP, Agent. WIIAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, viz:— That Iron wail galvanized will 110trt150,, That a simple niacldpe to better than a co!nplieat ad one That a wringer should lid aelf-adjtuiting, durable, and efficient: That Thumb-Screws and Fastenings cause delay and trouble to regulate and keep In order; That wood soaked In bot water will swell, shrink and split; That wood bearings for tba abaft to run in frill wear out; , That the:Putnam Wangerovith ar githopt cog wheeli will not tear the clethrei . That cog-wheel regulators aro not ceeentiol ; That the Putnam Wringer ham all thia advantagea. and 'not one of the diondrantageo above named; That all who have tested it, pronouneo it tha beat Wringer over made; That it will wring a Thread or a Bed Quilt without al teration. . - We might nil time paper with testimonials, but Insert only a few to convince the skeptical, if such there be; and we say to all, test Putnam's Wringer. Test it thor oughly with any and all others, and if not entirely untie factory, return it, - • . . . Putnam Manufdelniiiit -,; • GENTLEMEN T :1 tr.OONT from practical experience that Iron Wan galvanized with zinc will not oxidize or rest one particle. The Putnam Wringer le as near perfect as possible, and I can cheerfully recommend it to be the best in use. Respectfully yours, JNO..I4:II 7 IIEkILtit, Cleveland, 'Ohio. Many year? experience in the galvanizing business enable me to Indorse the above statement fp all particu lars. ;NO/ C. LEFFERTS, No. 100 Beekman at. • , New. York, January, 1884. We bard tested Putuabeir Clothes IYringer by practi cal working, and know that it, will do. It is cheap; it is efalpiat it requires no room; trhether at work or at rest; &child can operate It; It does its duty thoroughly; it .saves lime and it tares wear and tear. Wo earnestly ad vise all who harp much washing to do, with all intent• gontporsons who ham pay, to buy this Wringer. It will pay for Wolf in a year at moat. • - , Bon. umucr, onEmar. July 13,1361. New Farniture - Establishment J.:M: WISE., .. Manufacturer and Dealer In Furniture, Reepectfully inyitos the attention of the Public to hie "stand on Thu "et":; ItuntingdOn, betWecil Cuithingbain's Store and Donnie National Rouse, where he manufactures and keeps tilt Made of Furniture At rednced prices. • Per sons .wishing to purchase-will do well to give him a call. 7F:spatting of all kinde attended to promptly and ehargis . . 4rir AN., Undertaking parried on, and Comm made in tiny style d.b.a. at short notice. " - • Funerals attended at any place -in town or coon ry, by .1. M. WISE. Unotlngdon, 5ept.:3,1802-ff. A. ENVY FOR COLLECTING siotniErns - ciaams,.I3OU.NTY i ,BACE PAY. LI, who may have any claims a enmi. , t , rt I n ca s n t j o t cgeeri r %fl in t . fo p r ro ilo m tl p lgpAi l l e l e Pa y azi! plying either In perm, or by bitter to W. IT. WOODS, Attorney at Law; Huntingdon, Pa. 12, Auaust 1863. c. • AT THE 'PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM No, 920 Chestnut St.; Philada. —NOW OPEN— Paris-infide Mantillas - and • Cloaks. Alen, SPRING and 5171115 . 1E11 O ARMENTS, of our own Mannfaclore t of no West styles and In great satiety: J. W. PROCTOR & CO., The . Parts kantilla Emporinit, " 920 Chestnut 8t; Philadelphln: • • April 13, 1904, leave. .ona at SATCHELS, PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS,, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, &0., A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store. EMI OAD TOP SCJIEDUIAL Passenger Trains MIME !MEM AR r, 20 6 00 is 6 40 2' - 5 20 F' 0 TJ I`Z 'S CELEBRATED 5 a cr. 4 50 nn 4 40 4 19 4 :1 3 56 3 35 8 24 te 320 gout and Clittle routto. These Powders , W i ll strength ''., en the Stomach - . s , and Intestines, cleanse them ‘ from offensive I matter, and ...i.. , .; ...' .I . bring them to _, t .,- . ..,,. : „.i ..,--..;;- -- - - • ahealthystate. -- - 4- - , - -‘,_,.-•;=- , ;...--ic.-..:4:_.% - ec.f,....,, , s- r> - - -- They are a sure preventive of Lung . Fever,' and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to tho Horse, such se Glan- dere, Fellow • , ~.,..' Water, Dis- ', r ' temper, ~ , ,,,c,,N , i i • lirt re" Founder, ni f d S . Heaves, A, ....i,t,yr; „. Slavering, ... , 07.;:- .1,, , , Terri, - 11 T I; aeL e ; - 1 . Appetite and ~ . 4 in Vital Ener- . .'‘)",, -. A..;., 7, ,-4 --• ; . '.;,''''', _. , ,- In poor, low-spirit:3d animals, It has the most beneficial effect. _ _ = . , The use of them improves the wind, strength env the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth And glossy. skin;--thas improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal, - - , The property this Powder posseries in in ereasing the quantity of hill.- in Ciiws, gives It an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will,increme the quantity of Wilk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the flutter firm and sweet. In. fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, 100FC1111' their bide and makes them thrice much fistar. 23 0 G S. In all Diseases of . ....., 4 the Swine, such ss " .'.,.,„" - Ze' - .4.5 - ai - '. 'oughs, Ulcers in - 7,- -- t,. 'elgsqV(• tho Lungs,• Liver, 4 , ' - -v71 4 11,.-1 ,- ,.?..e. - hc. By ,putting .. ''''N .5.... i .,ea4).Y. , ,gi . from half a .r.inper •'-: li IVO* too paper bf these ' _-- d r .',., - ;o- f „, Powders iu a bar- reT.;-„,e3. - -- - i f " , rel of Swill, the •''SGP....r •' • --'t•-: i...: , , above Diseases can be cured or entire pre vented. By using these Powders the flog Cholera can be prevented. Price 25 ots. per Pepor,' or 6 PIT ere for $l. S. A. FOUTZ & BED., WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, lEd For SAle by Druggist!! and Storclamperi throughout the. rnit.a For sale wholesale and retail by John Bead, Ittuitingdon, Pa. [ap27-1 WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER ♦RD COUNSELLOR IN BUSINE SS :BY FRAN 4 CROSBY, 07 TUX PHILADILPUIA DAR • -• - , , B Tells `Brow to Aran up Panvemetienne:Pivaii and ' aline general forme for Anntiatsaye Of all kinds, Dicta of SALE, LEASES and Pommies. It Till: YOU llow to draw up Boons and Moseiriaora,' Ar nnevixe, POWERS of ATTOBNEV, NOTICE and • - Deus of Fixcirainox, Itr.onons and Itxxxsvta: It Yens You The law the Cotnacrrotruf 'Darns, with the SiilvITES of Ll:tetanus:l, and amount . • ••• and kind of property Emmet from Exult- VON in diary State.. - It VI, You now to make em Assicussrmor properly, with " • . forms for Courosnriox with CREDITOIS, and INSOLVENT Laws of every State, Tt Tens You The legal rotations sainting between Gualt .. •' DIAN and WAnD, MAME% and ATBEENTICE, and lestereann and -TENANT.- It nth You . What cOnSlitnteS LIBIN. and PLANDInt,' and the Lawns to MATUlLtill Donna, the Wera's MOUT IN PfIOPIATT,'DIvOROS and ALIMONY. It Tells, You Th. Law for ElscliAttlea' Imam in every State, and the NATENIALISATTON LAWS Of thiscoun• • try, and how to comply with the keitue. Telt, You The lair concerning PENsioNaand how to oh. lain one, and the Pas-Eurixont Laws to • PUBLIC LANDS. • it Tons You The Law for PATENTS, - wlth mode of prose: in obtainfpg one, with Iterzaratmems, and TABLE oz Pus. : - le Tent. You- Slow teinnake your WnlL, and how to Anxitc. toles ox AN ESTATE, with the law and the requirements thereof In every State. II Tens you The meaning of LAW TERMS iu genoral use, and explains to you filo LEGISLATIVE, corn's and jamas', Powers of both the eneraLand "State GoVERNNENTS. Tells You flow To acre oor.or Law, by showing how to do your business legally, thus savingt • vast amount U of property, and vexation litigation, by its timely consultation. Everybodyls Lawyer Is forst:4e at Lewis' Book Sten SCIIOOL BOOKS, FOR S.ALB AT LEWIS' 1300IC, STATIONERY A DIUSIO STOitE, 111.12121N011021, Pa. OSGOOD'S Speiler.le, 24„ ild; 4th and Ith•fisedini; Spellor and Readers. SANDER'S do .do . do Town's Speller and Definer; told unclnew editions.) .Smith's, and BrOTTII'I3 Grainmars. Fitch's Physical Geography. . . • Warren's PhyalcalGaOgraphy. •l• • Mitchell's, Montettb and McNally's Geographies & Atlases. Camp's Peography,•withlley , to Mitchell's Gatlin* Maps. Wobstfirrii and,WorOwitler's ',Dictionaries. • QuankenboeFirsMissionsin Quackenbo's Composition and iikotoric. Greenleaee, Stoddard'. and Brooke' ArDM:setae. Peterson's Familiar Science, Greenlearennd Stoddard'. Arnim,Dea, Greenleaf's and Device-Algebras. • • - - Greenleaf'. Key to Algebra. Parker'. Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessone In Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy.. ol thelittliairlitates. - : Child'. OPO.llOCh ' . " 1111 Pakibti; minoicsao . Bcritirketf f numbers. " Potter A: Hammond's pantnanship in twelve number.. Austemical, entrain? andutlisr. Copy Boob, Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Legendrea Geometry. Greenleaf's Geometry. . . _ Fulton & Eaatmen'a Book-keeping.. Book Betting by Slagle Entryi by 'Mansard & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Doublet nary, by Ilenaford & fitbertineks Will be Added aridturnished to'order.• • - - A full stuck of School Stationary always on hand. Huntingdon, It ea„ Fine Cigars and Tobacco for sale at Lewis' Tioolz Store = ' • Wt , ' - • Fe—FOFa—ORS AND STATIONERY.- .!•4 1 : good iutiortnient of raisdallancons and School RS Litter, Commercial and Note PAP.I- Plitill and Fancy En'telopee—Red, Blue and Black Take— , Clank Books of numerous sises Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk laketands, and every other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, can be had at fair price. at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY k MISR) STORE. FOR THE - GREATEST VARIETY Handsome and Useful Articles, Call. at LEWIS' Book Store 14ARBLE YARD. The undersigned . would respectfully call the attention of the citizens • istitingdon end the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful . marble now on band. .11e ie prepared to furnish at the shortest notice(Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stonei of every desired size and form of Italian 01 -Eastern . Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro. prlati devices, or plain, as may suit.: Staldhsg Marble, Door and Window Sills, &a., will be furnished to.order. W. 19. pledgee himself to, furnish material and work. manoltip equal to any . In the country, at a fair pries. Call and see, before you mamba. elsewhere. Shop on Alii trot,fluntingdon, Pa. • • Militingdon , May 16 106 1864.. T.-1 - 1 Et 1864. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, 1M LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store, NEW AND 'ELEGANT STYLES BB LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR ,'STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles -Wall-tcs-o*)4l,filz4 l ,!qer-&-Bordering, FOR The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Of Store, Shop, &a., &e. Call at the "Globe" Building, and exainine our stock and prices. .11 i-, *Ey n r W x 4='' ~...- r) i- , ,--3 .11 ,I›. rr, tn CI) 4.1 • WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS LARGE STOCK AND - SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT '11" IF'67TRi 11601 r. sTortim. 'e.. ck , 6 :o TALANKS! BLANKS ! BLANKS! MSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACIVT EXECUTIONS EXECUTIONS, • ' ' ' ' `'= IMMO . . . SIMMOBNAS, ' MORTGAGES, SCLIOOL ORDERS, . • . JUDGMENT , NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION WKS, • COMMON BONDS, • JUDGMENTBOIVDS, WARRANTS, . TEE BILLS, .... • • . NOTES, with a waiver of-the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES'with a waiver of tfis $3OO Law. ARTICLES OP•AGRIINSIENT, with Teacher.. . MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and 311nIster. of the Gospel. • •. . COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. • • SCIERE FACLAS,•to•reover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for:State, County, School,. Borough and Township Taies. ' :. Printed nu superior paper. and .for isle it the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of eery'description, printed to order, . neatly, at short notice, andon good raper. .. '. 50.000 .• BEST QUALITY WHITE, - BUFF, 'ORANGE, • • YELLO\V, AND FANCY • ENVELOPES Just recolved.and for ig;l6st . • •LEWIS' . I3OOK.,'STOIIE. . THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, • ! iron LAD7ESAND GENTLEAW, EVER - RECIS.IVED IN lIIINYING.DON, _CAN NOW 43E HA]) AT LEWIS' nobrz, STATIONERY AND lIUSIO STORE pApER ! PAPER!! PAPER !!! Tracing Forst., ' Titipreesiots pnpot Drawing Par;r:, : Deed Paper, 'Plieue Paper, Silk Paper for Blowers, Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, fat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladles' Gilt Edged Lotter and Note Paper, Lantos' Plain and Fancy Neter Paper,. White and Colored Card Piper, in Packs and Sheer, For sale ei LEWIS' Book, Stationary and Music Store. ALBUMS Atßums. A beautiful assortment of PHOTO ki-RAPR ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' BOON STORE. PnOVE.SSIeSNAL and 111031NESS. D. QAMPBELL, AT TOR N AT LAW, iIIThITINGDON, PA. • Oftlce in the Btick new, nearly opposite the Conti Home: • • [Ate11150.863. W. A STEPHENS, ATTORNEY ..kT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE.—In Treasurer's room. in Court House—up stairg." HonUngdon, Dec. 18, 1883. R. ALLISON MILLER, .0- - - ia; - - -.. - DEN'TIST, Ilse removed to the Brick Row opposite the'6l3l4, Apr 1113,1889. j E. GREENE, 4 ,-- -z==.% 001ce to oppenita the store of D. P. Gain, la the vinare, Hill street, litiiiiingdon, April 13,1863. WM. WILLIAMS H. K.-NEFF,'M.: D. Kr AVING returned the' army; the praCtice of MEDICINE and Y, at Me old residence on 11111 greet. Huntingdon, Ang., 24,'64. WILLTAM BOOT AND SHOE-MANIo , ONE DOOR EAU OF It ROMAN'S CLOTIIINCI STORE. His Old cuetomere and the public - generally, will gly. him a sail. [Huntingdon, Oet. 20, 1115q.] THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. J. MORRISON, Prisprietor NyM. LEWIS, ' Denier In Booby, Stationoiy and Ditialeni inatrn menta, liuntingdon, Ra. Ar GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready 131_ • made ILiantingdpi, , , „ DR. JOHN 31eCULLOC, , offers his IT professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office on Hill'itreet, one dtiereastufliteQ's Drug Moro. Aug. 25, '56; S. SMITH, Dealer-in Drum, Medi . rißes, Perfumery, Dye Stan, ON, as. Aleo—Gre corks, Confmtionerles, *c., Ifuntingdou, PS.' , Ye TAMES A. BROWN, Dealer le hardware, Cihreiy, Pilate, 01Ili, isa, hint Ingdoet, Pa. TT ROMAN, Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Hate and lloote and ;hoot, &e. 1 - 1 . Y. Prilrilf, _t_f . Dealer In Dry Goods,Groesries,liardesare,Queene ware, Hats and Caps; Roots and Shoes, da: . . • „ . - DOCKET. TESTAMENTS, • . . _ll. • . . ... . . . . A LARGE STOCK ON RAND AT BOOK BINDING. . • Old Books. Arsgazinos, or publisations of any kind, bound to order, if left et LEWIS' Boos IS' STATIONERY STORE. st 4 \416) BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE It you Went your card neatly printed upon envel opes, call at Zaffe/3' Booir AND STATIONEICTSTORS. FOR. THE LADIES. . Asupertor article or Not* Paper 'and Envelopes, euitable for con fidential. correspondence, for ealeut LEWIS' BOOK d- STATIONERY...STORE:. WM. WILLIAMS, . • Plain and Ornarhental Marble Manatacturm. E NVELOPES . By tin box; pack, or lea quantity, far tan at • ' LKIVIS' BOOK AND S2ATIONERI "STOMA'. ' WRAPPING PAPER! . A good artfcla for ode at LEWIS' BOON nolo IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call at D. P where you will Had the largest u eortment fa lowa. Li Q . CHOOL BOOKS,- Generally in use In the &hoele of the County, net on bend, will be (twiddled to order, en application et • • zEnus• BOON; AND STATIONERY" STORE. . ATONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Gra cery, 20 per cent. cheapet than any other place in town. THE best Tobacco in town, at JL D, P. GAIN'S QLD BRASS AND COPPER taken In exchange for gib& at "thelfardware Store pt. 3, 11162. JAS. A. BROWN EADY RECKONER... . .• .- ~ - - A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars an ante, to which' are added forms of Notes, 131110:11e ceiptg,,PotitIons, he., together with a eet of useful tables, contaToing rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table.of stages, and board by the week and day, published in 1850. For sale at Ii you want handsorr o Goods, ,good Goods, chomp Goods, and all kind of Goode, go to D. P. 6VV1V,13. TOOTS SHOES , . Hata Sc Caps; the _..D largest aseortment Aral shosiest to to foinal at D. P. OWIN'S GUN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A" tiesortmebt at • BROWN'S .HARDWARE STORE. 1 - 1 UM SHOES, cheaper at IX P. Gwin's kJ thancan be had In town. Call and &On thein: T)APER ! PATER!! , , • Note; Poet, ComnerciO, lilittoupa good assortment for sale by the ream, half ream, quire or, sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK A STATIONERY STORE. DARCHME NT bEED. ruled, for sole At ItTONTHLY TIME BOOKS, For BBle LEWIS. BOOK-AND. . STATIONERY STORIS. T{OOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 heap", at prices from 25 cti. tp $2,00 at the cheap store of • . D, P.6WTN. DG -WIN keeps the largest, 'heSt assoriment end cheapeat Aim in town. Maud examine them.; rr RACING' MUSLIN, DILLIPTING AND INURING PAPEJI White and Colored Card aper, Yor sale at - LEWIS' BOOS & , STATIONE.42r STORE. BOOTS and SHOES, thalatgest and cheapest assortment In town, at . D.P. (MINS . _ C ARPET Sacks and Fancy. Baskets at • OWIN'B. T.lQUplt§, of the, best, for Medieina, . purposes et 8.'9. SMITH'S. A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for .ale amp, at ' D. P. OWII.PB. 1 - 1 P. (TWIN'S' is the place 1..../• good and cheap Corpote. PALL at D. P. GNSTIN'S if you want (100 D 000DS. - T ADIES Collars, very cheap and beau tiful, at , D. D.:DIVIN'I3. CULL at D. P. G WIN'S if you*lint • fashionable Good, OALL at' the new CLOTHING STOR J of OUTMAN 4. 00,, If yau.irant a goat iirttote • Clothing. store roots Is Long'n now . IWirB,, in ttin'n! mond, iluatitsmlcia• • . • BLADTK BOOKS, : • OP VARIOUS U.% for late , LEWIS' BOOK AND M STATIONERY - STORF.. OVNTRY buy ciorat*a from me In Huntingdon et • , 'WHOLESALE as cheap as they can In the onion, nal hive a wkieleseler eters in rhieadelplal TlOntiltiziAll, APO .1.41, IM. 11. ROMAN. EAU AGAIN, 9011gElicEp THZ. LEWIS' BOOK STORE LEWIS' BOOK STORE. LEWIS' Boox•srozor. 66 (111LICK SALES --iv AND SMALL PitOPITS 1"; Anybody in want'of . FAMILY AND POCKET. DIANA . , But ANDPR4YEA poops, , ALBUMS AND AIiNUAL% ANT ONUS. VALUABIX AXD O:ISIUSITINCe 300 i; .1 -; • 2. !!i!,7 8 j ,4' . 3 4°9). - STATIONERY, MU CAL INS'Tlltratk,NTO, extritcu MUSIC AS ID iitstattroTzenf SOCKS, ". ' SliSiT MUSIC for thoPitino, Culkikr, AL, 'Sta. roein 'Ooze, naTMONN/INI IND4OIIIIk /or Wive 'and Gerttlemen, GOLD PENS exp n rationa, AWARD CARDS AND ROOKS, For StuadiyArid Common 903.010, SUNDAY SCHOOL 800 Ks pa 'ALL .MNDS, .TOT BAOFJ!1, ALL KINDS OF BOOKS, Proper foeliejirtild AMUSING ':GAMES WEDDING NIELOPEB AND £ARU, iitAtiltrAcua ctaiiTi9epui, •.• • CAD.I)9,' :011.80HBR BOARDS, nouthoY6, 4d, CONURBATION . cArtni SONG BOOKS, From 6 to 75 Cente., ~, ' , BLANK: rBOOV3, - Memorandum - Booki of Tat'ichti Satz, SCHOOL 800%8 OF ALL HINDS, D/ARTEF ➢vojt 1863 -'Oros:yin) old itoliimg 11441 , , Ites;t4 .64 airi.Cl WIIIIB /30ZiNfit BOARD, INDIC/51LN, OklUclifd, Im p BLua AND BLACK ISM, # Arnold's, Hodgson's and Ilarrisores WRITING FLUID tfr►ttlig POpor of Diffoieht Sink aid 41114.111 k-o, be.. Sm. : . Mr, koi AIIOOLD GALL AT LBWIB" CMS , Doer, SiATIONIIAT 'AND 14Vil0 1144P21, In the "Globe" building, Markot'Sgeiute, where all who wane Ire SAYE MONEY, go to make their purgliasei HE PEOPLE'S"COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS•BRANCIIBIL 2tU& EI42A ACTON. Carefully /terisici by Mr. T. S. Hale tact Mr Now to choose all kinds of Wats, Ponitt7, and Game, with ali. the various and most approved modes or droning and cooking Beef and Pork; oleo the best and .simplest • • way of salting, pickling and curing the Iv Tar= Toe All the exams and moatapproved nodes of dressing, cooking, and bonlit ...... Laron,...vesi,-Penitry, and game of all kinds with the different Draining., Gravies, and -Stuffings' appropriate to each.: IT Taus Tel Row to choese, clean, sod preserve Fish et allkinds, and bow to sweeten It When table• ed; also all the various, and'Most approve 4. :cedes of molting, with the different Dress. Inge, Banos, and Flavorings.apprepriatete each. If Tuts To All the yariono and roast approved rneoloof preparing over 50 kinds of Oleat,rieh,rowl Game, and Vegetable Soupp, Brotho,. an Stews, with the Rellehee and Seasonings • . appropriate toeach. IzTaF.B slaw. All the:various and most ipyroved modes of cooking Vegetables of every descriptfea, • .also hove toy prepare •Plcklee, Catnaps and. . Curries of, kinds, Petted Mote, EA, Game, Idnahroonie,-&e. Ir.trilis Toy All lb; rationsand naostapproved•noden . . preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain • • and Fancy Pastry, .Puddings, Onledittos; Witten/ Cake. aontectioloarn Preserve', Jalllea, and Sweet Mixes of .asei& descrip• IS TX= TQU An the varlente end moot :Tonne(' modes • .of making Bread,'ltuake, Muffins, end Ille• °MN and -.the :beet method of proparing Coffee ' Cbhcolete, • add • 'Tea,' sod bow to • . make. Elf rope, Co r diale, -and YOnes of ya,.. to ILts You NOW to set Oaf and ornatoonterabli, hew ' cam all kinds of nth, Flesh'or:rowl, end • in short, how to soOlmpllfythelthole Art .6f Cooking , as to bring the cholcvet lo.terlot of lbeit/VW within the everybody's rota. For Sale'lit teitite-Book Store. NEW BOOKS ;1 TOR SALE AT LEWIS' COOK STODE TILE HOUSE: A Nine Poorer Stamm of Karat - Ambito - 0. torev or, How to Calla . Dneilinge, Therm,. StaPles, and 'Oa Dietitians. of all Ithid. /Chapter do Churches and Sehenl.lionees: Price, 50 cents— • • . . • , . • THE GARDEN: A Nrvi - PooEsr Manual, of Practical for - ticulturo;- or, How to Cultivate Vegatables, Prulta,; and Flowers. With a .Chapter era Ornamental Tres! , and Sbrubi. Price, 50 conts: , THE FARM: 'A Navr,Pocur ,51ANCIAL of Practical Agri. culture; - or, Hew to Cultliate'r,ll ihs Field Crops. With Eigy OtvEartallantigemet!t, etc.f...PricarpO ceata, DOMESTIC ANISIALS: A Nate pocaci Mertnsl,ofCattle, litirseAtid Sbeinr , Hisboxtdry; :or, :Horv'ito' Breed 'and Rear the Various . Tenant/ of the Darn-yard , etc., ate rrke, 60 'tante. : 110 W TO TALK: A New Pomurr MANUAL cf COllVlllattop and Debate, with Directions for treituiHng Grammar .. cal Styloomd more than lelvy llnudroo Cptga!tir.Blio-- taken Corrected. Pilaf; 60 cents :.. !lOW TO'BEIIAVE: A NEW Pocicrideliatttiof ilepitbli• can Xttquetto, aim/ Guide to. Correct ,Peraonal Habit.; with'Eures for 'Debating Bocieties'and Deliberatire sembliss, eta, Pr 1.0,09 cent,. f:. DOW TO DO' BUSINESS Msnvii of Practical Affairs and Outdo to' ancr.esa in Ude with . * Collection of Business Fortria,,and a Dictionary of Com. incrcial Terms; etc. Price,!adcenta. • . • PHOTOGIIAPII ALBUMS SMALL' -PORTRAITS • ALL 1 Tnr. rintratzsuca OFFIOHRS AIW eirrtaANl, , ATALEIVILV,BO,OI; AN. ST*TIQNEItIr:IITORIL OIL CLOT WINDOW:SHAIItS. GOLD • SitADES,i • • • • • . • . . ~,•• • ' A-4/7 , 4 t00 , 4TT4b): 4 , • • 'TAPE, .`Caltiir AND ALA% A . . PULL ABBORTMSNT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE !• GET _THE._ k iE f t l __ BEST IS' • t• BiRNARWS" Celebrated ffOorrugarad-IletanPene ; 134)1 '• At'LEWIS BOQic-fSTORA: Agentylo'iik d pitips---25: ate. per dozen pr, 42,,per, grow , , T." CORRUGATVD METAL"`'' PENS, pads by .0,-BAltfiAßß, are the" limit Com. marital . ind' School:Polmirtvithout , szeeptiop ;So mly;tt. -They are need by all the principal Banks and Croverament neptdeinards,Triblie - and. Privalg !Schools p••slethly Most prominent Commercial, ffonses,throughout.the ted tatadand Canaan.; ;Iv ;11 L . Bata shart,finse has fiyip!i,e4slace • • y C. tA. 4 OA4Dt • have beenhiltadtieed intoiiMlThlted ed preference Is given then over, all othershe the (alloy, ing real:one :- The 4. Coringeted Metal "1%118 do 'riot cot.' rode; they will - not splatter or cut through the thin-met, • paper ; ' they have an easy alidinginotion, 'a certainty ngually diffusing the Ink, softness of point, and great dn., rabllity. " The following testtaonfelv selected from numerals Others, are respectfully subniitted:, .f I have need the Metallic Pena" of . air, O. Barnard{ and highly aPprive of theni. • • •0! BARBTOT4- - IttticgePt of .S, Nicholas BankolViro York., Wl> hem steed tbo Nteket MF.,)laniard,sniffind there to be ad hi represents, and take pleasure id 'reitemmixd; ing tbipsa to tbd . yvELL, FAw CO., A. MULLIGAN, Ciliates. C. Beraeri'i Pone have been tried, and are Welly proved in tide office. ' • " 8. G. OODEN, .audito,r. zugoo,l7.4k i ,inie YbraY • • Having triad the corrugated Polio Pride bike. Barhark I can recommend them es. excellent.: . - , ' -Ctmoodndant-Navy rarg i .qrooklynt. . Yr° g.Gli73nt;rat.l,° 1 8., Now York . I bail) eo lieeitation in saying Keinieed's Pane are e• eldedly the Jiestl . bnye:eyer teded: •i - . .; Aggtt United Skits Co., AVow York. We eau . confldently reignamerid kr. C. Karnaid'iAnti Corrosive Pens as the best ever:brooght underour netloe! Without exception. WILKINSON, TETON & CO., • Park York-'? T. B. „ •-• . , • We.heve been titatietbe Pine of ;31r,Cilliani . "" m osOowd, take great pleasure in ricommending them to the publici ax - they ere excellent Mticiej And Mt: he, remresemti • them to be.' . , A, 7; CLDITON, . • ; -Irferdary Eagle/n=ls:mM 04 Nett ref*: I trponlirl4 we have found Elfr. - Barriad'e-1 , 66 te onset. .ItRED, P.ROBT Sc CO. ; Neve YpOc. . I would recommend Mr. Barnard's Pens as a superior , article to any I have need. . . GOMM.. KEMBLE, Now Tusk We addentre to the aboeo -reoommendatlone._ , • - HAMAN', ccr.; sercurie. Or all Pane I haVe ever need, dr. Barnard'e Oran ma, moo satiataction, and I can 'recommend . thenz „to 1361 public as being entirely antkorronive. "" - • X POIRXR, Haw York. After 'NIX monthrd f conatantmee of 0. Berroird'il Jadti, Corroeive 'Pen, we can' confidently recominend'l4,ai-the beet .tnetaille pen we have *tor Ted, thilingillgonx..the BbOYO experience that it iioos not notnatty aorrgdo. .•' rerk, • • C. BARNARD, Manufacturer of Corrygotod John troti3Olorkenwold,-London.; JBito 18,1882 n GREAT. WORK ON Tr THE HORSE & HIS BY ROBERT If'refater of Pathology and ,Operalfl.., Veterinary CoUegeof Philf*lphl STILL TELL YOU Of tha Origin, History •• " AVRIe f , Alter ybreww Amert Hari; • c w Si h arlP:a P o h l a t i g i gt r ;ni n 3;"rind", • , ascertain his Alga 'tby the eileeheuei•— ionilition aka teeth; illuairatecrerikle • PareeFinla P!lP.laP.o9l:Yffil/griqi.ngc.. .TILE HORSE AND M13,D1P4429 WILL TELL TOII Of Breeding, Breaking, Stablingi.geld . lug; grohollog, Shoeing, *nd the gener-'- . • al management or the, horaNyritli • ' beat modes of idininletering medicine, . • , hen - to Arent. Biting,t Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, CribTlto lug, .Ileatleeinese; and ogler vices, to, which beta itibjec4Wltlruudidrirtithet: . • ::: planatory cagily/lugs., . ;".! . THE HORSE AND.DISEASES: • . . • WILL TRILL YOU Of the causpe,eympteme,and Treatment . . • of Strangles, Sure Throat, Dietempor,) Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchltte, Peen ' . MonlailiennieljßrokehlHad, Chri3V• .is Cough, Roaring end Whtetlanit,Lom .• • • I Pa, Sore &Louth end Ulcers i and , Dv , caged Teeth with other diseases glebe Mouthand ' lleardratery Organe. ' • Tint uonsn AND His INSDAsia9 ~ . , WILL TELT; TOIJ Of the ceases symptomsd Treattriod of Wormy, Vote, cholla, SStrangulation - . Stony Concretions; Rdpturee, • Paley . Diarrhoa,Jaundice,ilepatirrhea,Bleody IJriae, Stones to the lUdearce44,Bledz der, Inflamation and other Minim a . . . ~ the Stomach, Ilowels;.Llver. 'and 'Uri nary O rgans... . THE HORSE AND HIE DISEASES . WILL TALL TOIT Of the museo, ayroproma, and Treat mint of Bone, Blood and - Itogi Bpavini Ring Boner, Gweanle, Straina, Brokaw Knees,'Veind Galls, Hounder Cracked Hoofs, Bole Bruise and Gravel, Canker . : • 'Scratches, And& andTornsi 6leojo Megrims, yerGgd, Fpilepsy, Staggers and other .dissatei+ tha...Baer, Lekii , . 'and Head. THA MESE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL TOO Of eta mum, symptoms, and Treat. • moat of. Fistula, Et% Olandorit, Farcy,'Scarlet - .Fever, Efange, Ourfeit, . . Locked Jaw,ltheninatlem:Crarap,ilialls, 'Minima of the Rye end • , end how to manage Castration, Blood . fug, Trephlnlng„ Roweling: - Rotolo, Amputation, Topplngiond nth. or 'surgical operations. • MID BORON AND .11y1D113ASES WILL Tau, YOU Of Ranee Method of taming Homes h'ow, to Approacl4.llaltnr;.or , litabli3t •; )171g!truil I d s a "rt;l n algTt's,ltn i atin ° l4; Bit, Ilndd ( q Ride, and - ~_Br . m, n i akll.:4 . t o o f WAn o ß t7s T ieaT i e!_ "l 2l b l e igiVal ilia • i dela ts a . C& C gi l l i tn i raUrct i elhl n txt7itt. Par gala at yawl"' Rook 6 Pirt; ; ; . •," ZEN ROHIHCR'S ROHRER'S notatitals ,••t PRACTICAL CALCULATOR PRACTICAL 0M,0171..1.491t. _ _ _______ PRACTICAL, OALCuLATOR. - PRACTICAL CALCULATOR.._ • PRAOTICAL r OALCULATOX• • , . . R O L I TO IitER'S . PRAQTICAL 4 Rook of Plain Ruks and adculationsfai.That, ncta Opt. iations, 'Martin - M. 'Barb.; .746:tied' Su s nityer 400. amoeyancer. New Ectition.poblisheli tqf 'colt Cb.,TAaidelphia. ' • • " • T is work 'contains 204 pages, and upwards 01'500 /Wee amt. l'aartkples, entirely . and thorougbly practical, 'ltch ffn Mina every day In the common partmite of Runnette: • it has already passed through a number of editions In ,raphl sikeesaltn, Mid is • prontameed bY all ;daises bf business men to be the bandleet book of' reference, pertaining to calculations,' that hate over been published.: - r Every example. in the - book Is worked ont, In full and stated Ia d plain manner, so that 'Whenaparellbl catitrari. eye, theca referring. to the4fork will-1:1nd no. difficult, in solving At p In a word,- thb; general!iinangedient bl-the CALCULATOR. is simple, that any one wbb knowebotyte add, wabtract, , timltiply end dPiide;mui , eaillyeolea inyol. dinary example that -- arfeeh frelausinesarer - . eusrive at tt true result of any estimate required. • ' " The chief aim of the author. hasbeen. to eschew theory and'plillonophy. in "flgured,ainaing only afro:eta and clty r belleylng. that buslume)men,mwel/mlet ;theistic/Ml ding'time In "distaissing the' philoirephj'Orratis,'of the of figures, deeming it stulkient for,their, ,purpoea to be able'at a mordent, by referencb, to airTve at tide reeult.• The CALCULATOR =era int* reaped from an other Arithmetic/let the 'day Mid' kitidted berkii-11 Irby to prettiest! busitmea , le, in;thefhenge of the lumina. mail, whet thd key'tothatheinktical'erofke .113.0,i-hands of the:leacher In the Selkno) , Aasat--4t;likal)l tetee time end insures oorteetrubm. • • j • '; TII II IIfORFLTREATki'O7I TIM ), .EfeesprenienC of Land, of tatmbefof Alrick, end YHA Work, Of Stone" and Stone work, of grain - aid grain bine OCcoal and scathing, of wood, of efollde; , of f li . ottide 'oir color, alleare or irrogultir vessels, of Materna and yeti of .roofing,: of. Plasterer's, ref utrea: Elaziaelfiliarrr*PluAit er'a, paperhanger's and upholsterers' work: ft treateOf .currency and of foreign and ,dgmesaleclehange;.` of the decimal system, of reduction and its extended. application to businesa, of simple and. compound - . tutotestf andlhalr entire application hi - bush:tato transactions, with the law. and usagea governing the `safrii, together with numcrops commercial forms—of legal tender, of partialvsYnterit - en !notes, oftbankhtgand bank.disconnt e of ; tmation,o4 pay. ment and of Pa'rttiershipacCennte,'"of rimessmonrof taxes, of weighta and intnautsa, Of agnere ind,oubfosneasura.rof the square root'rind application Min:mines! Of infriMne, 'of excavatien,rgud 'of ; many other impettmss phytltigal matters not within the scope of an adrertizeniont to pima, -tkat: IT IS al - IST - THE - BQOIF:10ft THIS 'larmer, the'un daunt, the e -P .tifechan c, the arthean;or e ' . professional;man. tiomprovenaAraltakiiimstuAllaty,to the lawyer, the jintke theaps:the conveytaaciti, and 'xis' estate breker,to_the -assessor,- the !Winker, peclesk, to the civil engineer and the surveyor, 'to the eirOtites • end' brickleYeri to the •atontakgien Pt Plag the pallor limner and pnholsterer; to the paver maths tlla4' ,10.1 eachnnd all will:find. it ade'Pled ' 4 4 •4 ' times wants hotter than any book , published. Price; 50 cents. For silo at Letile Bp% Agfa. Huntingdon, Dec. 26, 1860. l, J . I ORSE ISEASES .4 ,4 rVnt in 44: ml diathiettie Lot Europdan, Zut fora., Vta;