HEAD• -QUARTERS IV] AVICr tj'::° 'SEW' GOODS ` A.t.").l;J D . PI.CWIN iNoßms THE" ußuc' ,;•,:,•,.: : ::,;......-,;:7 ... .: . : T. - 7:i :77. , -; 7. 4i.', (;' IrifAtlEtt:OElS..!, i. ....... 1 - lifi zz.. --,,,,,,....;.,.,LeY.N 4 •,--•.., - ~ . ...f.,. -,,JUST,DPELIEV:- :, , ,,i . : , - ,•'5 . • . v•;4.:.,...., SPliiifilSi'Oolt 14W;G0013§ ; ; :.....ifCANT , BE. BEAT. CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY,, COME AND SEE =II April 27, '6l NEW GOODS . ! NEW GOODS ! 25 PER C.EiNt. ERRA:PER TELAI3 Tg.caPAPEPTI SIMON. COHN, t 4T 00FFEE RIJN STATION, Would respectfully call the attention of hie old patrons specially,. and the• public th general, to'hili extensile stock of well selected now Goode, just received from the Easterco cltice, consisting, in part, of f • f f. • Dry.Ooods, ,• ' • Clothing, Wool- en Ware,. — Notions, ,, Bate and daps, Boots and •'. Shbee, Viarrbi, Cirau. . Jars, Nordware,•. Queensware, , .Gro-, caries ; Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, • Set Nails, '.'Glaser, - Provielone Oil, 'Tieh, Salt; Tinware, Cop- • per Ware, DrmAs `and"" Medicines, Illedibinaer'Clooks' Watchec. , &a.; and all' f othCr rirticlea kept In a first - clus country store; all selected with rbo, 'greatest Bare and. which were pur chased for wish only, and him to soli them at,a very fon; figure, 'The,'. publicwill And it to,their advan tage to call examine ou r unsurpassed stock; before purchasing,cleewhero, -Ncrpaihs will be sparod in show ing our Goode. Ladies are specially invited to examine our large stock .offasbionable dress goods; Shawls, Cir culare,,.Fare, and a greet f vurletj of II °pion Goode, hosts. All Waal& producb taken in exchange at the Itlgliest sitarkit „prlcert,- , Cash,upt rernsed. My, strict aMontion to the wants of cpstomors,vto hope to receive Etcontinunt lon of perrobngs yvkli, which ire hayeleon hereto fore Wired. Come one and'all, and rat.. . • la _New Goode received dully. ap16.1864 ' ' ' ' FIMON CORN. N EW GCI PPP FOR` 'SPRING AND SUMMER EMU MARCIIITROTHER Respiettbily'infOrin iheir'nritn . erand hstomers, and the public generally, that they havejust xeccived a larco and eslendld stook efOople at ibefratero ttIiIaIIICLESBUnG consisting Iti . kortUf , DRY GOODS, DRESS.4IOODS - ,.% SILKS;. , - :NOTIONS, • MATS & CAPS,' -; BOOTS &'SOES;....' , .H , an , HARDWARE' • • ;;:;,:,.QTJEENSWARE, • • • GROCERIES, ' ' 'WOOD & IVIL LOW' WARE , • TOBACCO, • • NAILS, .• • I :GLASS; opmEAT, thAoKERS, - •,.. : PROVISIONS; SALT;"&.,"&c. • . AIso—BONNETS and TINWARE And in fact everything uisuallg kept iiifeArss cinencocf,,, try,store, biughv - low•for rcash sold at cothepondlag low prides-for each or country NSA• uce, and re s reattha , public to give us a Call before pun. chasing el whcfrE_V feellng satisfied we eon offer superior inducemfobts tuca!klinyere. , - Wo re'pOutruitywsqueSt - the patronage of all, and eg, peclidly our Trough CreeW.Talley friends. ' I Everything:l,4Sn tit.Sithange for goods eiceoptpronii,' tXI 4. ki . p : „. t arr. E(8-CPsh paid .fo'n !kinds of grata; for svhich the highest market" prices will he given. We have also a stools of FASIIION ABLE FURNITUREwhich will b,isolilat'keakorisble prices. WILLIAM MA RCII & BRO. 7 Markleebnrg, May . , , flitioOTsAnth'SHOEt.4 4ll ti fZEORGE SHAEFFER respectfully informs by uld'enstomere eed the'peblie geekrally that he has removed to opposite Brown'ellardwara Store, vrlsere he pm opened a ' •S'.lOdii. , . OF • 3230 - 0140.4xL4 - Sti,it= o og 3 , and is prepare - dr& iaoiiiirkiite everybody-with iood ar ticles at rosaiaiblb - prlcds. - • • /le also anti:rues to manufacture to order all kinds of boots and shoes. Huntingdon, April 13,1864 : • NET9P°T-HlNG'''• .` • AT LOW PRICES. • -7 , Tl 5 .Zl7, , GU TMAN HAS-JUST- OPENED .A FINE STOCK OF NEW SPRING Alki3iATl 2 M2lflll? . CLOTHING,' Which he offers{ td all who want,to be "" . .1 , ULOTHUD, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ihs Stec consists of Beady-lade Clothipg for • ' • MEN , AND ItOYS,r , ,5 ALS°, - IT • DOOTIi AN}T;cirs, kO. Should -gentlemen desire any partintiar kind 'or cut of clothing not found in thalamic on baud, gy leaving their measure tharean be accommodated at short notice. Call at the , mat corner of 'the Diamond, over Longs. - I • MANUAL GUTMAN. Huntingdon, April 7'6}, , INSUItEr TOUR PROPERTY IN TILE • R Fire and Marine Insurance Co,, PEUZADPLPECIA. NO mAnprz , !rasx.§ 4't'lltE - RISKS olivy'l l .4.3iiix , Perpeltial iolietes giarded on bridk and stone bpildliig4. Limited policies granted on frame or log building., merchandise and furniture. •Ogtee No premaum notes reguirol, consequently 'no aSEGSS maIts ntasie, ‘ 314. ALLIBONALILLER, • • Hes6,l6o' ,; ifuntingdoit ,Va4Jolnlbipos.• PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES;' i , FINE ASSORTMENT, AT LENTS' lIOOS AN STATIONERY STORE P AYER'! PAPER !.! PAPER !!! , _ Tracing Paper; r . • Inapreselon Paper, Drawing paper, • / ?10 P‘T r ? Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Flower', Perforoted Paper, , , . Bristol 80a,r4, . . ~ . . lat Cap Paper, ~ • • • , • Fgolscap Paper, Letter Ppper, . . • Coerclal Note Paper, ' • i_l ith Ladica' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, ,•.'Ladies` Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Beek, Stationery end Muria Store. . . nOAI4)3IWIKETS and Shovels,. V) for eghall,r,f , :: JAM,EB A. BROWN YOU 'will find 'the' Largest', and. Best ...orb - 44.4;4 t Ladles' Dress Goods D. P. GIVINSI."' ,;gv: KV- 1011ENNSYII ,TIME summ lITSTWAR,D. ' I EASTIV..4R./I . ' 4.. . ' td 4.' 4. 0 g : '„ '' ',l r ' :" ' a t-. k 1g; g' z . ‘ 1 ' 4 . .. 1 i-. ... ~ ..STATIONS, -4 gi •H. g g of .- tt . to . c• 6; —. ~,,' ..., 0- tl, '>.' P. MI P. 11.1 A.M. A.,m.i , 0'41.1 5.14.1 P.m 4 52 1N.11nnii1f00,,.... t ... ,1 43 5 Oo . ' •= 6'21 511. troton;.... 11 2 . 6 .0 '5B `.l 25 :5 10 Maplotori.....: '.. ...... 1 25 .. 45 15 " Mill Creek,. .... :.. 943 1 18 5 20 .7 05 6 39 549 Huntingdon, 11 01 9 32 '1 07 5 44 - ... . 6 031Potoroburg,... 10.47 918 12 52 5 52 ' . I inarrce. I. I 112 44 15 88 I 6 1718prucebreolt, 10 351 005 12.38 .6 13 .' Birmingham, • ...... 12' 622 " • 641 Tyrono, 10 13 84312 15 022 ... 651 Tipton 12 05 '.6.37 ' . 1 . ..IFoatorin. •...“. 12 00' /i 6,42, '.' UAW. me,.. 954821 11 66 6 001 870 .1 1AH00nn,...... 940 8.10 11 40, ,P:m.14.11. I. , P.M. A.M. A. M. Tho s iAST , 111 tword loaves Altoona at 120 A. s.l: t arKarrl tinr - .. A ' M. . ' •Gi '!030 The ton at D: Gwilsli; I‘.; TIFUNTINGDO,N TRO4DtTOP RAILIioAII.LbIIANGEN:II' SC fIRIAILE. (n and AflcT , slgncliky, May`;23, 1804, rpsiotiget Trail iirrpro.nriA.lepAq qpl!c.we OP TRAINS. .... • I.!! 0 DOWN TRAINS. • Sven'g Morng AND li , lorn'g _Eve n'g P. M. r 4 ' SIDINGS. 'La 5 40 LE 7 30 Iluntingdon,. AR 10 45 AR 6 20 600 750 5100onnellelpsv4,..t., 10 24 4 0 6QB .7 58 Pleaunt..(rove , 10 10 551 24 814 MitrlclostAtig, 00 5.'40 " 6.36 • 28 Coffeeltun, • " • ; 9.42 , 524 :• 6 - 41 8,35 Rough& Redly, ••• 935 5.20 , 656 646 Gore, 9'23 SOS 700 850 Fiasnr'oButrimit 020 565 'AR. 715 AR 9 US I~Sitonlo1 ~Siton 10 9051 a 13 ill 7,25 Lc. 9 , 110 8 50 an. 4 40 745 9:4oiTtiddieshingB 33 4.19 753 . 0 . 4 S Hopevroll J , 8 lB_, .4 11 - ' 7 ' • iitlpronD.ll4lli'llOil I S 09 . 10 04 Piper's nun ~ 8,34.10 29 Ilan - IRON 549 10.44 Bloody non An 8:63 sulo 48 Mount Dollen, • I.x 7 2.5 , xx 0 95 Saxton , I 40 940 Continent ' • ' ' 740 - 945 Crawford, " '' •' AR 7 55 AR 9 65 Dudley. ~. : , • ' I .• - . • • .:IDennd Tdf, Oity, - Huntingdon, ',guy ^_3,,1604.. IA READING RAIL ROAD. • ' - Sl.lplErt AITRAIs.:GEMENT. • „r? 7 J" . ; ItEAVtitTjl4l4lANi: FP-tq till?. "A - Korth and North-West NErn: YORE. I(EADING, I'OrTSVILLE, Lr.OANON, ALLENTOWN, BAOTON, &c., &c. Trains leave ITAHRtsPum for T'iii".Ap6l.lollA. Nnu•- • Xonn. ItisAnnl. Porrsvium, mitt all' Tilierinciliato, Stations, '4B nav-Yort Express leaven 6.30 A. 11., ar: *riving at NEW-YORK at 1.-15 the one tiny. .A Rpecinl Acconuumlation Pirsonger train leaves REAL ISM .t 7.15 A. M retarnaSrom Marrichuvg at SP: M. • Fares front IlAnnistanto ' To Nets , Yonic, 55.16; to Pak ADELPHIA, SS 35 and 5 1 1180. DaSgrtio checked thionsh. • 'Returning, leavi,New-Yonn at 6A. M., 12`.Noon, and 7 P. 14., '(PITTSPTIVIR EXPHEPS nisi-lying' 'at ITAHHISDURG at 2A. )1,) .I.OtIOO PHILADELPHIA at 8.15 A. X, nod 3.30 P.M Sleeping cars in the NEW-YORE 'Ex IMESB TRAINS, throagh to and from Prti:Snunon, without change. . , c • Passengers by .the CidenalBB4... 'fload .leave . TAM AIWA at 8.50 A. M., for Pfiti,ADELP . IIIS and all • Iliterntec Stations,;, and' at 2.10 P, 11, for PLILLADELPTLIA,MEtr- Ypna. mid all Way • Points. • ;;Trains leave POTTSVITLEia 9.15 IC M., and 2.30 P. )1„ for PHILADELPHIA, 11ARRI9BURI1 and 'New-Font. 'An AcCOmmodation Plis'sensCr Train losives READITig at 6.00 A. IL, slid rchirns from. PHILADELPHIA At 0.00 P. 61. la- All tho' abOvd tinins run daily, Sundays ancestor]. I 'A. Sunday train leaves POTTSVILLE at 7.30 A:M.. and ,PHILADELPHIA at 3.15 P. NI. OE COMMUTATUV,,, 1%1)d E'4CtrION t reduced rittrts.tirtiid frrair ',obits. • {rounds Baggage gllowed,encli E.‘ssenger. . i S. ! tF..4. - NICOLL% !May. 2, :186,11 . .. General Superinkndent. ITVATRToR THE'UNION NEW ORLEANS, ST; LOUIS, MEMPITIS, NORFOLK, Ai.' TAKEN.—ASUBY SLAIN, ANDTIIE 'I3AICK. 2 BONE OF 't SP.UESIL " BROKEN ,But Nrlitte 'yonronico at the miCcers of, en;,Rellant IroOya. and' tIM' ifroenert 'or eneMi &menial; „of tie Itebal Army, do not forgot to cull at tyro More of 'ALLACE *62:CLEMENT -* '5l/ C) ' before pfirchnelag elsewhere, and see our now stook:. gdods, consisting of . , . . 9rivgrlos...„ = . • _Boot/ and bdoes,• - Queenswaro, , - : Crookerywaro, , • , Tobacco. Sagnrs, . . • llama. " r • t • kliou:dore,. " •1, ' Flour. Sang :and a general assortment of notions, nll of whichari fee., an reasonable taw for rash or produce. ifuntingdatt; Jul2alrlB6l. • . SATCHELS, PORT-ItiONNAIES, •;, `, PURSES, ' 1 POCKET-BOOKS, , . PORTFOLIOS, • ; CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES; • A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book StoVe: ' • ' ' GEORGE P. EIJDREDGE "'"Whole.ealer .4rtA'reetii PUBLISHER and BOOKSELLER, ,1239tHESTNiiT .tSz- ; Sour patromigo is solicited April 11, 1661-4 p., PARIS MANTILLA / EMPORIUM, No. 920 chestritiCkiFidida. Alan, SPEDIG and SUITMEICGAVATEgV,' of our ossn Manufacture,' of thelatostatylds end' , in great ,varlaty.t. wPpRocTOW.A*..9O:',:' . • ,; ' The Pavia , Mantilla Emporium, 920 Chestnut " Aprli 13, 1391. - • •; .-;,, ~ uns Pfirols, - Fishing -Tackie ; ;7! • • . ; EINE CITTLMRY, And Sporting' Apparatus generally. Rods, Nets,Folls, - Gle . rps, 'Masks, - • lies, Corkscrews,, Constantly'on hand, and for siile; l l , 7holesale and retail at JOIIN .KRIDERS, "' s t iort,,iriews ' M'9112 7 1.864-6n 1 .3 N.. E COr:;21,& , FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK. PAY ANEO PENSIONS. , ALL NN:lio' may have any elalins gainst the Goverementidylkents, Ifetlari3; hurt one, Can have their cbtlma promptly collected by ap edt:herillpers,., er,by Att. , t o, ~, • , IT. WOODS, Attorney at Law., . A Huntingdon,' Pd.' . August 12,1863:; New — Furniture Establishment, Manufactureranii , Dealer in Furniture, Reppectibllf ins;ltes 'tiM - attention. Or the Public to blis stand on 1.1111 et:, :TiantinVon, between .Cunaingleiqs fibrifiymd Penn's Nationbt Rodeo, wharf, he manufactures and keeps all triads, et Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing till tifiebase, wilt do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. ' Q - Alao, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins tnade in nay etylo - desired, at short notice. 435-Funerals attended at any, placen .: o . m wti .l o s r l, rll9 :ry, by _ Jr Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1962-tr , . ALBUMS ALBUMS. A. beautiful assortment of PIIOtO - AldnlS just received and for sale AT LEWIEP . itOOK STORE. L ROAD VANIA. RA. OF LEAVING; OF, R. AR/MX..O:Z TIIAINS , 11E.217 Tan 7 15 A. H. Fat, Ifunti TRAI nnd nr3 I 8 PIL I A. M. ' LINT , Iros at IRANT A. 31 a Igdon at 2 36 N, Westuard Urea at Ituntit leaves 14. 11 ngdon, IX 25 MIM MIME 7 28.:•.548 Le, 7 25 Lg.• . 5 45 .61A"8 RUN BRAN IAR, 80Q,Alt 7 , 45 o'ls 1, .7'35 605 is 7 30 us .6'oo SEEM NEW WROLESALE STORE. GOODS. SOLD At Philadelphia'Wholeale Prices, TUE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE REMOVED From their placo of business, en Hill Street, TO THEIR NEW BUILDING On RAILROAD STREET, near tht, Jackson Douro, .11 7 here they intend doing A WHOLESALE B USINESk,4. MERCHANTS 'AND. OTHERS, Who buy goods by the piece er package, WILL FIND 'IT to their ADVANTAGE. TO GIVE . US CALL. Generlil Mgotimonti(if Such as DRY GOODS, .GROCERIES, Tamil. A \ L BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & OAPS, TOBACCO, SEGAHS, .SLEIAT-01 1 , NOTIONS, &0., &0., &O. t•• : , GOODS. I • AT TIIR'LOTVEST PIIILADELPHIAViIOUSALt EL. B. CUNNINGS/1M &' CO Ilantingdon, ,51h 0,1861.. Foirj r i 4 Z'S cELEBRATED *Of Mil Otte PlitattO. ThesePoirdors will strength.. .„ t en theStoreach • 1 . and Intestims i cleanse them . from offensive matter, and -...0, ; bring them to -4f=-- - - , - 1 , 5 15 ";=. cr ‘......, • v - '`.7z. - -,-- , "--z - . ,- .e: - .. - ahea thystate. They~c.are ,a sure preventive of hung Fever, and a certain remedy for all Diseases i ncidentto the forge, ~such as Glen ;dors, Yellow 4 f Water Dis- 1A temper, t,l - ,1 , ,! rounder, ~ , ,, r ; t V'. 11. 0avC 3 , t'' ``O U ,t' ",,,," Slavering, i'A t ..',,,. '' ' I ; 4 Codghs Fe- ' ~ e ,f 7,,,, vers, LOss of (1 C ' ' Appetite and I A i , .. . •• , ~,., Vital Ener- .,"YAr ',)% 1.. , ' ,7, , -1 :- 4.; 11 ,- 20ttk In poor, low-spirited animals, it has the most beneficial effect. The use of them hnpro res the , iri el, strength ens the Appetite, and giros to the horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus, humor ing the appearance, vigor and spirit, of this noble animal. Supt, ( , . The property this Powder - poMcsses in ' in -- creasing' the quantify of Milk in Cowey'givts 'lt an importance and relies ,it Melt shduld "place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow: By actual • experintont• it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Create twenty per' cent. and teak° the Bailer firm and sweet. In fat!tening.Cattic. it gis-..a. thorn an appetite, loosens their. bide and makes them thrive. mi,.:11 rioter. ". • In all Diseases, of The Swine, such, an '„ -. - S- . cg4 .4 vq. : -.7= . . 'ought, , Ulcora in ' A re.,`L.,! . ,.....1.,_.Vcg e1,...t. erte , Lungs, Liver, '.' 'z ~ . .v.1:.7-_,-,..17_,‘ , . ! 5p...„.......„, &c., lly' ,puttittg- . , ''' ' , ''' -- - - - - .T,'` 'T. from half it ;paper . I / , 1 to a paper of these -- - 4 ' ' 7 - 2 .-7 - .4;fi , Powders in a bar- r.. 2.)., - - : - . .,....,..„4 ... , ,, -- --- r. ot of . Swill, the -',.',./-.:--- .'.•:.----.= " '- above Diseases can. Le cured or vittirply pro 'vented. By using these Powders . the flog „cholera can be pre'vettted. ' ' ' ' trioa 25 cts: per Paper, 'or 5 P6ners for ,Sl. ". . r R r.? A RED Bl' ' S. A. .FOU'I'Z Sr. FRO., 11331013 WHOLESALE, DRUG AND NIEDICINE DEPcT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Hd. i 7 or Sale bf.Druggisis apd StOel:cepers prougliqut the United. States. hale wholesale and retail by ;191p Read;lluntingdon, Pa. Tap 2 7-1 : WiIiT.BVERYBODY . I\r4JTS .“E4Nnovy , s LAwyr4 COUNS.EL NIE SS OP' THE PHILADELPHIA DAR it TrAA You; • How. to draw np PARTNERSHIP PAPERS and , ,• :.• gives gdneral forma for AOREEMENTEI of all - ; ! kinds, lliun of SALE. LEASES and Prriroinci.! AMU: Yett llqw to draw. up Donis and MORInAGIS, AP m• ' AIDAVITS, POWERs of'.ATToRNEY,'NOTES and. • •. Burs of Emmen, RIMEIMB and Itrixtets. It Tells Thu The laws for tho COLLECTION of DEMI; with' the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and .amount , : • 1 end , kind of property - I:arum. from ESECU• . . . . It Tat Yoe .llow to nitte:no Assmarstrrproporly, with • forms for COUFOSITION Witll CREDITORS, mid . . . • . the INSOLVENT Twice Of every State: ! I Tilts T hu The legal relations' exiAting- Lawson . dorm= eIAN and WOOD, Itltunn and iiPPItENTICIIi• • and Ldtibtonn - and i TENANT. .•: .1 ' • It rats You What, constitutes ILInEL and- 9Lumnt, and • . tlin Law as to IttnnarAhn DOWER, t Ito Wirs's • Wow.ItoPROPERTY, Dlvolice anti Mallen. Te.ls You:' The Law for .I.lantwans'.ldnas In every State. :: and the .NATOIistinATION LAWS of this coon- ••. try; and how:to coniply 'with the semi It Tells You The law concerning. Parisian and how to et :tain one, and - tiro rIIIt.EMPTION to PIMLICIANDS.' '.• ' ' .WY'city. Ton Tho Law for l'AtmiTs,. kith 111040 of proctl "' • Anne ill obtaining one, withINTEaPEAENCE.T, r rr AOSIONMEN7B.IIIIII TAME 00 FESS, • Lt . 944 MO • DM to woke your WILL, rind how to Anirrs ,.., 107 ER ON AN ESTATE; Vali: the low al:0'2110 1 •. , : requiremente thereof in oirory Stato.. /I :nil: Tog Tho alumina. of LAW TEIIIIO .gonoral'imo, ,and explains to you ;the ISOWILATIIIII,' BID CUTIVE Mid JUDICIAL Powers of 4h3th tit(' Goneral nod Sbtte GOVERNMENTS, it fells Tdu How TO KEEP owe or LAw, , by showing bow ti do, youe• Lushness legally,- thus•earing. :, Vast Amount of property, •and Tax - calor litigation, by Its timely consultation. • • .I:3"Everybady's Lawyer is for solo at Leads' Book - Stu SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' WOK, STATIONERS & MUSIC.STORi p . MITINGDON, P.A. • •!;• :!, •, , 6 - OSG OD S Speller. let, od. 4th and fdli•Readers. • prqtrFfEY'S Speller and Readers.. •: • . : . • SANDER'S do do do Tovin's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.). • • Smith's, Million's and Brown's Grammars. • . pitch's Physical. Geography.. • : • , 'Warren's Physical Geography. ':• . • • .. . Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Geographies k Atlases, Camp's 'Geography, with Hoy, to. Mitchell's Outline Maps: ,Webster's and Worcester'. Dictionaries. •• • Onackenhos' First Lessons in Composition. • Quackenbo's.Campositlon andithetoric.. : • a Gretpleaf 's. Stoddard's and Brooks' Arithmetks. Peterson's Familiar Science. •. . Greeblears and Stoddard's Keys to ,Arithmetics. • • Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. • Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile. Philosophy. , . • • Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Porkilr's Philosophy. • . • . •Willard's History of the United States. • • • Child's .• • Geodrieles " • " • • Payson, Stanton and Scribner's Penmanship, In eleven 'numbers. Pottor Lltammond's Ponmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Doak.. . 'Davies' tenementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Greenleaf'. Geometry. ' . „ Miltbn & Eastman's Book.keeping. , Book Keeping by Single'Entry, by'llanaford & Payson Book Steeping by Single and Double Entry, by Hanafotd & 'Payson. Other books will bo added rinirfarnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. ' Huntingdon. Pa. Cigars and Tobacco for Side at Lewis' Book Store ptiUBLIC NOTICE.' -'. ' - . All parsons Interested will please take notice. that, he nderkigned deputy Collector of V. B:lnternal Reve nue i for linntingdon county, will attend on tho ist'and 3d Tuesdays of ,each month, at the Jackson "rote!, in the borough. of nunttriiden, to receive taxi's, Ac., c:ommene leg on. . the 7th Ms. July 7th, 1803, IV. A STEPHENS, ! -A T RNE AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, , '•Treagitrer's 'roora iu Court Haase—up stairs. nuutin g don, Dec. 10,1803: POE TEM GREATEST , VARIETY. Handsome and ',Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Store. • .. NIARBLE The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens at Iluntingden and the adjoining counties to the stock . of beantibil),,narbirrinsr on hand. Ho le pieparedio furnish at the shorteetnotioe, Monumental Morblo..Tomb, Tables :and . Stories ofr Tory deemed size and•forrti of 'ltalian or 'Eastern Morble, highly , Ilnished, and carved with emir*. pante doelccs, or Plain, as may suit. • Minding. Marble,-Doer and Windom Sille, — .4c.; 'will be furnished to order., W. IV: pledger hiniiialf to' Punish Material and work menship equal. to coy in the country, at a fair prier Call , 'and pee. before you pur,chase elsewhere. Shop on ilia treotOluntingilon, Pa. • • 711ilt!tigdoti, 16 1666 1864, 1864. LARGEST; AND ,'BEST STOCK OF " • . MUM Ever Brought' to Htultingdop, Is now ready for inspection and sale, AT LEWIS' Book, Stati9ery, and 148ic, NEW AND . ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One n 'lliindreci 33iirerent'Styles OF, Wall &Ceiling Paper & 'Bordering, ,FOR The Parlor, Sitting Booin, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall; Kitchen, Office,' Store; • s Storey Shop, (to., &e. '"' • Calf"at, , ",61olm" Building, and examine our stock and priaeS. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID . Window: Curtnin Papers, Jost ntotivinx • AT LE'SrIS', 13001 c STORE., ~ . irmAts • '..,01,Cv.0•••;it.; ". ~.;.„- J . .. . . , • • ! , 'i''.4. - - 0.1. •,' ,-,.. • •1 1 :•i:? ! . 'l. • : • , . 1,.v,i 4. 14 - •-',.; ... ~I . ' ,', ./ '.,c , 0 ...0 .4, ' .. , 1 , . ,-- .. , , k;:-.-. ,,, , t.: , I , 'l4;ari.-fti., - „,, , 4 , ,. ,1,.,;,1•i.; .: :. . " ,, v, -k.., / , ,.,,,,,y.A.,,,• • • K e , --• . . . - .., , • -------f , " ,,. . - - - *--* - 0' - . ' . WANKS I: BLANKS 1 BLANKSI CMSTABLE'S "SOF.% ATTACHMENTS, •, ' •, :" EXECUTIONS; ' ' • '' !, SUMMONS,• . . DEERS, -; '. ,-; . • ! SCIIFaINAS. :, ' I. " P'' • MOIFICI AGES, " knout,. IsilalßS.' • ,i•Un,illiNT NMI:8: '', ' ' ' 1 LEASES FOR R , OUSES, NATURAL] zA,TroN IVICS, , I'OMMON BONDS; - : ' ',' lUDGMSNT'BONDS, ' WARRANTS,.:. ; , NOTES. with a waiver of, the WO Law_ ! JUDGMENT NOTES; with!. wai , "ti ! q ilia : 3 " T. '" ... ; • ARTICLES OE AGACKII ENT. With Teitchern: • :'. ' 'SIAERIAGECERTIFIGATES, fir Justices of tho Peace and Ministeri of the Goepel. " COMPL4INT.IWARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and - glittery, fiiiit A Vey.', ! ''iTIONE:FACIAs, to recover aniohint or Judgment: ' ''' ,COLLEcToRS . RECEU'TS, ,fur;StMs, County, &hop]. Durong,h awl Township Taxes: • .. Printed on superlbr paper. and rm.:cola at the 0111c0 of the:HUNTINGDON C,4bODE• :.; .. .., . .' BLANKS,' of aiiii deicription,•prlated to 'Order, neStlyi at iffiest notice,'ud of good Pair, ' ;. - • ',, . • . . 50.000, ITLS' II QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, h ENVELOPES', AND FANCY Juet received itila fdr LEWIS' pooK STORE THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, LADIES AND . ' GENTkEMEAT; E R,R F. CP,I D.I 11,11.N.T IN D 0 N., CAN . NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY AND MUSIO STORE• ButmtAtfM'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ON HILL STREET, A few doors west of _Lewis' Book Store, HUNTINGDON, PA Photographs and Ambrotypes Taken in the Best Style, IIk.CALL'AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS PROFESSIONAL 'eV j - p:041)1L!::f:'•,- , f a -', *,(':*404*,.&. ;iT i , i!' '' i HtiNTIpIi3DQX, • OftleO in t . he. prick Row,. nearly oppositn • the Cored Howie. ' TA:prl . l 15, 1803. • = p ALLISON, MILER,.,, , ~. •georias. . • 1 1 .1 ,-• •i• •: !! Iles removed to the Brick now opposite the Cetiri Tfott4e. April 13.1859. I; WI4LIAII . I"I 7 I,LICA , . • . BOOT :.4.NIY;SHOff7LAKINGI ONE . D 001; EAST OF 1)11114% STORE Ills old customers iwl. - thi , publlc . kenerall3lorlll! sire him a call, , THE JACKSON HOTEL;', .131:71,TTINGD01'P, rt,F , W ±.•• •Dealer Books, Statlenoiy and Mtialenflinittii Huntingdon, Pa: " ir Yn.; a 11:: - 1/1 - GUTMAN CO., Re . a' leis in Ready ma!ut Cloqapg,liimptingli ? n, Pa. ; , TIM :JOHN AIcCULLOCHT , off!irs- his I_s profeesionnl Nerricon to the clthtess of Houtingdou and'vithalkt. 'iticeit,' One do'oreaet Of Reed's' Drug Store. . , , „ Aug. 28, '66. WILI4IAN . S S. SMITH, Dealer;ini‘Dnigs,i Li • eines, Pnrfnmery,pys Stuffs, 01Is, ,Ste.., Alse—Gre 'caries, Confeetionarient Ilenititisdoii, ' M NI,NGRM. A 0 . Pollndor, liuntmpdon, Pa. : TAMES 'A. BROWN; ' ti Dedlerio Ita'rdwitie, Cutlery, PAliil, Uli, &c, Aunt: ingan, bk• ; ~, . Dealer In• Made tin ' thlng, fa t e XnelCap:, .Thxda and Shone, &o. . . , . . . In Dry Coods t Orocerles, Tfardware, (Ecene 'ware. Ilata ind• Caps, Itootcquid &hoes, &C. • " ' 1!t .lit , • at iur STATIONERY. A ;gool, Innoetrtiont pf Inlocallanoons and ?choot ooks—Foolscap, totter, Cattiinercial and : Note ; Paper—, Plain and Ftnly Enielopeo—Red, Bineand Black Ettko- - - Blank-Hooke ot'nunteraus oiaek—Foos;Peneilin Pockii and Beak lakatands, and every other article nonally:fonnd my e Book and Station'o'ry kora. can be had : at fair prim at: , LEWIS' BOOK,BTATIONERY h MUM STOIOI3. • , A IT, AR G..?:;06 :HAND -AT LEWlS'''B(loit. KOOK JILNDINO.! • Old Bnolo.; kind, bound to order,lf left, ; ; BETTIS' BOOK orarroirnriOn4. . 3INVT:k . Krali - 6TtClr, J It yowvrant your, Cud neatly printed, uPOu earl opod, call at ; LEiv . ,w,i739oK 4ND'STATIONERY STORE. • IVOR' • • A auporlor articlo' or Note Papar''aiul 'Enielopra, au - table for confulantiut corresporulamo, for, wale at ..1. LEWIS' BOOK cE STA TIONERT R. :IVILLIA.MS., Y Plain and grnainental 3furLlo 3lanufactinr. E . • . Ilio' ' i - . pbs— . .. .. . .. .. . Nv , .13y the box, pock; or lobs quentiti, for 'tell, et •.' • LEIVIS' 'BOOK ANli STATIONERYSTORk. WWRAPPING PAPER;!.' • •:,,L good ithfcle for aide . • 1. LEWIS , BOOK STOW" . . IF you want,CaTpets,and Oil Cloths, call at D. P whore you will find,jbe largebt surtment IOWn: `; ' '" • m (*) ''" • • QM:TOOL BOOKS • Gicnerolly Ih Ilse in the Schools alba COunty, not . on bend, will bo furnished to order, an application at • LEWIS' BOOK, .AND S7'ATIBNERY STOR.B. M IC •,; TE H OYTHARAThe -• fe,,Al Pre sb tort Pal di t Sho rti-The Jobllee,rlTun ten's and Bertint's enlarged-and ltioprovod Inetritchirsellands Now andimprored Method for thoGuilsr—Leland's Aecor ticon, Violin and Icluta Inetructors—Winner's and Howe's Violin Imitructont---Bellik's •Idelocloon Ifildrtictor—Bur rowes' Blanc- o -Forte Briner—do, Thorough-Base Primer— Rowe's Drawing Room Dances—Tito chorws• Glee Boolt—• Tara's Beni, for solo at ' ;' , LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY' AIIIISIaSTORIL S , TOE-Wkall at' S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 .pet cent: cheapar than any pthar' placo,in T HE best TobaCco in town i at' , D 1 P. OWiN'S c),LII BRASS AND COPPEB taken y In explittngp tor goode 'et; tha ifor6ortro Store opt. 3, 1862.' LADY RECKONER. . A completo Pocket Ready Reelconey', ip dollars And canto , . to . vihibli 'are lidded Corm of Nolo,a 131118,•Re. ceipbt, Patitlinia;'46., tbgatliar , with a Wee tor Mnifol tables, containing, rata O,L in tarmit'from One dollar.to twolia them and; by the altigle tiny, with a., table of MignSi::ll.ll2 . ll.l , boEird by the week tad ilay,,M4bliehda In 1850. Por sale at ' , ' :-.- .' ;, , ' , Z.EIVISI BOOK :STORE: ENVELOPES, wholesale ind„,retail, for ealo LEWIS' BOOK STORE, TF you :want handsome GOodO ) gOod Goode, choaii GoOtle, and all kind of Oodde, go , • , - D. 1 , , CIWIPS. . pool's &SHOES;;;II g ts 4, .005 - s; the li !argot atijoitniiint and ctliapeet to bo'fotind,at ; . . , L ; . • D.:P.- GWIN'S ' UN ,BARRELS AND DOCKSIL-A litege-nitaprtment Ater.; ' •- ;' 'IIRcIVN'S HAITIVAIit; Übi SHQ4B cheaper ap`D.P'ONTIRs I, L A than can be hactin'tOwn. Call dud eeo them: lock — AP' ! ' Note, i'dk'dornirierclal, 'Foolse'sip and' latcap—a goad assortment for, sale py the roans, Milt; reap, q my?, or she at, at • " - ' ' • ' ' prEls , BOOK STATIOpiEItyATQIig.; I) Ai II C II BI E N T DEED PAPER=:- j_ I ruled, for sale at,; , •,, „ ' .) ,'; !; '' ' '. LEWIS"BOOK STORE. ONTHLY . TIME ! BOOKS;,- ; • LE ! KIFBOOK ANI? STAl:lo.iy#lq: S:TORA;i , 'T_TOOP SKIRTS...with frbm' , 4 toy 80 hoops [ at prices frau? ',25 obi., to g?.,00 at the cheap 'store of D. P. 0 WIN. GWIN k,ceßs i beat ' De aVaortineitianA cltenpeet shoes Intown. Ca!land oxnualnolbein, , t i.l , 1 1.1 qiRACING ' Dspirrn ! ra AND DRAWING,PAPER White , and, Cplored Card Paper,'..• For Bate at ' • ...LEWIS' ROOK. if STUTIONERY STORE; ' 110111tOOTS , and 'SHOIIIB I the laigOt 'Ltd' Ifi cheapest assortment in town, at - • D. P. °WIN'S. CARPET.Saaks'and Fancy Bdsk&s : lit GIVIN'S. LIQUORS; of the best, for Medicine purposod at 8. 8. '6IITWS. A behudfyl lop of Shaker Bonnets for. IX_ sale Omit), 1 - 1 .GWIN'S is the place ; :to! buy . _LI. good and Cheap Carpets. . - CALL at D. P. WIN,'S, if yort want ,C r GOOD GbODS. T AWES Collars very cheap, and beau tiful, at D. I'. (}WIN'S. GALL at D. P. 0 WIN'S if you vant ) fashionable Goode fIALL at the new CLOTHING STOW 11„ . of OUTMAN & CO., If you wont a noel article Clothing; Storo.room In Long's now the IM mond, Huntingdon. , Sept 18,18.51„ 13LANK BOOKS, or vsmous smu t for .ale nt. LEWIS' BOOK AND STA2II6NXItY42"ORK rrcf , COUNTRY DEALERS .can CLOTHING froin mein litintingfon t 4 cities, as I have a l rhol ' esale r et as ore d 'Zgl u der44 " llnuthigdon, April 14, 1808. 11. ROMAN. ' ILO mirniN"coiiiisNazDrifis‘ J. 31.013,R150N, Proprietor , I ■ : • kr; l• ogitIALL PROFITS!" 49YiPdY in ant of (.. Fi.ouvr A*D roMr BiBLESs 1. FiY►iNdNA PIY , TEAA IO O I Kg,. .ALBU S AND ANNUALS, I ) kTrriz iltvfnie Lim ii4sitarmiti .' ;w; ' I.II79XCAL INSTRUAISKTB, :: Cll/1801111.1/1110 ANBINSTBi!CTION 800K% A. „ . ifIEBT,MIiSiO for the Piano; Guitar &q,, &c, POOKZT 5100ES,PORTM91!NAIMII rasa% For Indies and gentlemen, ; • ; ; • • , AOLD PENS . PBNCILB • I q. • • • i ,, ';;"1 0 erl; ,;;,,••• ,4*•4l3.P . ,!cmtps, AND; BOOKS; /or simady And,opramon schoola, 813NDAY - sempqr.oro*A:o . py.,I49OII%•Af f P,I4IIXT BLOCK% 404, ; •'• ; ALA, .KINDS OF , BOOK'S :." ' - l•Propei kir Boys' 'And : '4l/1681fii3 bAiVit'al .!; • ; 1 . • • .•;, :: •: Young WEISDING ANA CARDS, 31181h/A E p.ERTIFIC4TES, _ yrormq__ckuPs,_ i'c6IIICCENIVI3OiNDS, -..).• ' aims, -!' BLANK BOOKS, Books or ntrimis Skits, . ACROOL BOOKS OC ALL KINDS„ • !1 DIARIES FOR 188.4 Drawing and Mailing _Paper, 13)1riaVarni Claret Beards, • • warps BONNET BOARD; INDELIBEE, CARMINE, RED,RIMP, AND BLACK lEEE, ti; 1!`•,:i 1., : Arlold'p ,itadppre,l;; and FLUID" . , Wrapping PaPerof DifTdieht, iinab and QuaMina', &CC: -,• ao • i f 'sump° . cAi.4 AT • , . •,' . • • e;,,,:i4t00k: • f; • ••.., •• In the`"thobe'" Mark : et Square, phereall who want to SAVE MONEY, • . g i. cd mr t ko thefiptirchaseß THE 'PEOPLFS COOIC I BOQIc.. MODE N cookniti., INr ALL:IT§,IIISANCIIES. r• : 'MISS ELIZA: ACTOJ/. - • ' Cdrefiilly I?eirisecl b;1 Sa Ha le: Ix Tells You lioer to chooseall kinds of Meat; Poultry, and Clomp, ;tvitl, all thayttritnp nod moat • ' tiOtdored medee 'dniising and Oohing idled:and Pork; aleo:tho :beet:ma ,choking way,. of ealtiogr pickling iaad curing the , .. . . IT Tzus You All the vartons and mostapprovod modes of dressing; cooklagi — and bonlag "Midton, Lamli,XeSl,Poultry,andlame"of all‘kinds ' vita tho difforent - Dresslnmi, Gravies, and , Stalling,' opproprinte to ouch. IT ULU Yon Flow choose, end preserve Fish of • all kihda, and ho*to sweeten it when taint !! r ed.; also all the.verious epil most eppreved, , . • "niodea of 'cOoking,' ivith ihe different Diem. ; ; ' Ipis 3 SatlMS,B,tlYieTeriege apprepriate'to each ' • .;;I, .:;, ,t . • Iv Tams You All the varions and moat Approved modsolv IPrePaTillitPiir 40 kiiidief Onme, and 'Vegetable Soups, Broths. . • the `Rblisbns and Seasonings' • .;. •• ; . AT TimA;TOU 'Au the Various and ineitapyroved.niedeeeqf cooking Vegetables of every description, also how to prepare Pickles, Catsupe 'arid ,curries or, alf kinds; Patted Bleats, Fish, Game, 'Mushrooms, Sze. Ir Tans yew All the yorfoneand moshspprcived at preparing end cooking all kinds of Plato • ! and Siine.9lßitilry,i,Puddingif, Oriudiittelq• ; Fritters, Cakes, Confectionery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every descrip tion. • Pr Taw, OulAll the. variods dad nioet approved me iee pf making Bread, Rusks, Marlins, nod ; ; cult; andl WOE best method' af• Coffee, Chocolate. and Ten, nod ,Gpvir to • i ; ; make and 'Mimi Aims kinds. IT Tar.ce ion How to set out and ornament a Table, hew, , Carve all kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in short, - how to so-simplify the mind!, Art ' .• ; , of Cooking p.S, to bring the cholciik ' of the table within the everybody's reach. SAL; 'at 'Leitille' NTEW)3OOKpS.I :1:7/ , , LEWIS' ROOK STORE. THE HOUSE r A Nevi Poe ET M ANUAL or Rural Arrliffec• f titre; or, How to Build Dwellings, Dnrrof,; Dtf‘Dlori,„ and : Out.Dwellinge of elf kinds. With Cliapteron' Chijrphes ' • 'andIEVAINI-lloyetop, Price , 5f cents:;- TIIB GARDEN: A Naar POCKPT, ;slaii af hacticalgiv , Mai tyke 016* td thate Vegatablha,'Nrnits, mid Flower& 'With, a Chapter . on,. Ornetnonta Trees and Shrabi.". sl.rici; ' `• • ' TILE FARM: A NOW Pocße'r MANUAL of Practical Agri, culture; or, rigs. , to Cultivate all the Field : Crops.. With au Nesaron FRrm'Alatipgimort MC. Pricry6o Conic; AI , 4I4ALS: A NowyocAsr•SlANomeof,Gattlai llorisa, dna Sheep' Monandry; or, How to -ltioed and Boar the .Variouo.,Tananto?( p!a . Dorn-yard/ etc: coots. • • UOW TO. T4.14C: ; A . l4syrl'oextr AttxuAL of Convetsidon - • • • - • . and Debata,with Directing!! for Acgaiting a Getimmat,b l cal Stylpi,and • racireiitbanlFlve Ilundead Commoif taken Corrected. Price 50 cents. 1; , HOW TO BEHAVE: A New POCKET Atattart.pf Repnblb can Etiggetts, , , and figide to.lCorreot Personal Habitat settle Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberatise As• somblies, etc. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO DO BUSINESS: A NEW' rocas; ,MANUAL of Practical Affairs and Outdo to success in' 'Life ;".iiltlvit Collectlon,of llusinass, Porno{ and Dictionary of:Cobio thesCial Tonna, ei6; b 0 bents. PHOTOGRAPH ALBERS 'SMALL' PORTRAITS ALL TDZ DiIIpfOUISHID prflCfab AND. eprquar . s, • • FOR! SALE , nr 1 • • iT BoOICANVSTAtiONEhY OIL CLOTH wiNppyti,ElADES, GILT GOLD .SHADES, PaiStlN. SEAD.I3I3; • : BAILEY'S -Fl i lTVi?ES ;'-' 'TAPE; CORD:AND TASSAIS, 4 V.ULL SSORTSIENT A'l' BOOK sroBE , THE'HORSEA pitpisEAsEs:?" •,,,, _ EY AGREE'S JENNINGS WS' dDimatO6 and' Oibvttke"Avei;i7i thi ••,, Veterinary College of .Pholdilig i i a ; el c. ip et h . .•! If 1;1 , • *TILE! TEAL ;YOG.Off the Grighl,'lltstiir,finid• ' ''tATllatZlef Aileriv olgTh s d kr l: l :ll r attoTe l , 1 ..ritAtt,lll,2,e?. Il i yel i al.;forzotitiotif and pai ' „• • '• • lecertai fel.' of i t 4eVy n t l' iirceb l eP r ailg i ' condition of hie teeth; ilustratid mith• ptitnerous expjausitory ellgravilw. r ; r ,;.: •; Tfl D4RA§Es. , • tog; the ~, , , , L l2. 2 2::plsiltlvisepiVith.tbil cri g medicine , alecq•h•ott.ltzi ; .rgtrg,;;Lbelit,t3'PritNirG4l93.lt: au other vlcea ; to • •111 ,!1!- .• '„•1 4' 4 l 4l_,hele.sultlecq4.l planatory enpag t ngp•• ,• •i ,„, ,•,, 11019p"uimzi4 w44sBnB7ti,,t. ,iiiI4:I4IIL,',INIII tki7cu4eileymp,topi”,knd Trglulepce: bY . . • of Etttrigled, Sore, Thioat, :Dieteirgier t a . • :;• ; Itttli 7a rl i vi tol l ikriiTign Y atrelm n :' r aj o so rp,4,,gtht..q.Aticervf,s , Anctai,.., , cayed,Teeth, 3vlth othei cltemsee it the • •• ••Id Du tb, audileaptiln4Yoiitin's."' ' . . •• • •: • 'illElithßSE' 'AND ili9r.D4Siqiir •WIL!,TEIifritOII Of ,3214I1'ne011Br y 'llti2 .. °1,11 t e llp,17 93 mr i . .1 - . .114,1 " y 6 ; 1 . ; • ' nary 1.1i1.11 • `.• • t ~ 7 ./ T I T I , { I 3 A 4P,P.M.P.E10 i •!.. =II EOM BM WILL ,FML1.;,70,14 lirglpAityliejrivnitomt,.axtd)rreit:. Rin g ,le oliVgirtel a itlteNt a ittg ; 7' '• , „ 5 111 4 Pidlenfourelesy Orgeked Hoofs, Soli' gi ridge eed'a Tri; Conker' - Megrims, Irsrtiget,Epliepey.,,Otaggereivi and other dliesitzed of MTh Wit; Le ir L Tf.!? WILL'3IS)IOI. theeoeee,;eyntapt me, and' Treeit , ' ; • '; • ;Merit' '.Plattiia,' Foil Lilt all milers ; .; • . ..; : ' ; Mer e , , iBl•Stle i t 'B u m f! : oa t 7 aret t it i nfe ra rl3 l 2,ll 4 .: 3 • . er eargiai epiresteue, • ••;.; .; j • • Tll5l WORSk •ANthlllfl'Dl9kA4A t t: - • , WILL TiPJP, T 011•05 Razl.o ilgollthil aft thrhing;lifeidollOt • ' • "how Co Approach, }kkaltOr,,pr, 'Stable COR rhtONT" eta's ei hors& 'to' - • ,4tra° 4°.iTuds•ll l 4 8 1 01Arfii•Wwthow me.) lilt Stufdle, 4 llldo„ana Bunk him„tp • t/latncals: also 4 1b. , : fai t h:aim:li,, ir e! WARRANTY. The whole helnp,the.-.r05, suit of 15 years' careful ,atu_sly. O n r it , ,110,1tti i pgculf ar ant eil a nd • ' 'josses oflhis nM3lo,aul useful animal. : For wsle Lowla' s .l3dek'Storsl . • • c• •• J i ROIIREWS R011R1;11'S ; 2 i ' ill ' Ifollll2ritlB, , , • i • 1 Itoflllllß'S r .I.TiRACX IO 4Ii.CALO'fitATOII • • PitAcT/c4.1.1.-CALcuLN4Olit r.. . : PIIACT/OAL OALCULdiTORt' PRACTICAL 2,ClALtt..tirp ; 2;21 .- • OHREti ' B -P A,TiCAL • 4 Rook of Main Rules and Culnlations /be lhaineisio;;4 rati° l 4 . , by, - *rtin M- l E ol Pr.'i Rracecalt OurrlyW and it aoiireySiicre• Arcid Atim bP,o l l . 4.4 l OY , •f . 40 ", eottk•CD:,' - • - • !This ivorli,containa 104qmges:iitd,nnwieds'nft00 Rule* and .icemales, entirekt t;,n and thoroughly practicaali ; arlee every day: tilt he' conithon'aitretlite 'at Bueine,e‘, Ise already , neaseit throughnurnber of,edltlondin succession, And is 'pronounced by all a.iliqnis biilineank " men to Leib& handiest bookl'ot reference, pertairilfig tm ' "Calculations, that has aver besu • tf , l,l`!'l !::l livery exam* . 'in Ito Wok' is worked out in full an g ' sibted, Ina 0 14 1 Plitnrme:so scs,' those referring to the work will lind.na ,ditticnitjin • noising it ;" in 'a %void/ the: CALCULATOtkis simabh;hatany One.who kuciiee edd, subtract mUltiply and divide, cnn easily Solve any or-, 1 . .dinary ozninplo that arises to luislmack or airty'i tt'a' true resultorany,esthnnte required:: ' and hrhichlef alni Of the nittheeths been e escht theory . nbilasophy.fit , flioree`i aiming only at i facts et ' city, believing that bapiness, men care tittle About: open ding •time"th diechssinie tire' pbilonophy of rules, Of th,e; scionsoot.fignrcs, deeming, it.sufficient foe thbrn:purtou: , to be able'Sva moment, by reibrebee, to aerie A at the trbee2, result, CA LC ULATOIL'a i Refit in thin' respect tient 12111' other Arlthmefics of, the day.end kindred tvorks--dt is ail key to nivictical businesi Colctilations—it to , In 1111 handle , of the ,INsineps Sinn ; glint key fikinitilierontimit workei in the hands of the toneher, tbaspocik-rotintv4lfacilk ; tato; tune and lueitrra corretunCed. • Tills WORK WItEAT S OP • m e ,,,,,ies noon t or I,nod, Of milliner ' of nook .a on .hrtua. Work. q Stone anti Stone Work,l4.grak, ightt of coal orid . cont bins , of wood, uf solids, of Runkle or,cin, squanior :Irregular vesaShi, briblateine fig‘i anti:l4 roofing, or ,pl4ltyroes, non teev,, glager'4:PPY.er'N V/Ottdl-; paper hanger's, and tipludstrera'work., ct treat!q or, currency noffi of foraigrentol'illmielitio"eic/ifingo;: , brc decimal systons, of rtdbction andlits, extondad application to busineui,'Ut Simple) nifd'comiesmid futorest. nod their ontira applicationtohnsinenstransactrons, with tho lows. and•usoges goveinlog the same; togdther numcronss ; . coinntercial forme,tender, of Pailful toWtititil'Ore , notes ' of banking and honk discount, of equation. of parry . Moutiuld oftatktusiCalt is', ofrassekimedi 'of 'fauns, wolghtsand tneasures;nf sanate awtcutdc measure, 6E'. the square niat outfits Applicatfonlonsinmernf surfaces,. of ,excavatlon; nod of 'rnitnyi Othir! initiorhint I,ilietitik matters not within the scopuof, nu adtartfrometatopira ilT,l9.JUST•2llg ;1300t ;FOR: TIIS. ' • ' 'l. Farmer, thelneichnntfthe , mecliniiKthe . "Nrirmii, or tliiv'" l . profenaional man. a lt hoe prnTen.e, ' - the iniryer,• the inatice of tlie peitOe; the - Cohriiimider. mad real condo broke!, to the7e.3Beqsor,'tlio: banker,lheilerk,;',' to 'the civ it . engineer and the sot:Taxer. to the, carpenter,; and bricklaker, to'thii , etbnanntsim end the' dditerer,t) - the paper hanger . Al! d ,uphuleterer, to the,Parer;. andihp tiler, kc.;&c.; each rind'allnill MI6 It adapted M ,their ie rioee!rants;better,tbnb.any book 'pliblial44. - " ' 11.1 - Price, 50 cents. Formals at Lewis' Do' ok Stem • Huntingdon, Dec. 20, 1860. „PENS ! GET THE ,8E5?".1,4'.3- TAE Btk' ;Tiih ;44` 1 ~(Aki t ' d b t eere a "Corrugated Metal"feita - • ; , , .• „ARE roa RALE,I AT ,LEWIS BOOK STODB " " , Agent/Dr the PounlYo I( Pracßl3-25 eti. per dozen' or $2 'Per /roe. I ;if 1, 711•, THE , . " .r.stce, made, by, C. BARNARD, are/abet:l,4e martial and School . Pens,t without, euoeptlon to any e —r; They. are used by all the principid Ranks gnd Government Department., Public and ,Private •Schools mem by:the. / most prominent Commercial house. Ihrorghout the ted.tates and Canada. BM a short time hm elapsed sinis , TOl C. BARNARD'S -PENS have been Introduced into !he, United etatv'sjedillienigrk.. . ed preference is given them over all othenvy or thafollogc., y ing reastnit : The I 6 Corrugated Mehl" DONA do 'nob for ; they gill snot splatter or cut throne)" the thinnest; ,riper;'they have an' easy gliding motion, a certainty, QC equally diffusing the ink, softness of point, WI ffieat dtp. rabllity, The , following 'soleciedlrent nuiseeert other., Igo:resin...M(oly sfibmitted: I 4?) I: I I I have used tho Metallic Pena of v, o,;Banntrel, glop, highly approve of them ' CAARSTRNV; Presictml4 f St. IVlWzdas ,firea,Astt York: lie have used the Peas at blr: Bandied, and find ttieril to be as he represente, pod take pleasure in ,regolntrkeld- , log them to the ' WELL: , FARGO , A. MULLIGAN; Whiero ' C. Barnard'a Pena have been' tri4d;alld 'are'blibry 'proved in this office. i t B. p; QGB.I3NO a. ) , .Audde‘.r' It S. cusam A-e. Raving tried the cofrngutcd POn s Matle,h7 ll .pq Bernardi I can recommend them es:excellebt. AfflUBL L.IIIMERB • Cbmmandant /Wry } ard, Dr0#1.971,- . ,I. Ws addonrs above rocommanditione..-: I) 12.. 1.. • II:13:C11.0311eXEL CO., .If.siToqc. r I hove no he:Hatton Jo saying .Barnard'S Peas,orsddy." "eideilly.thebest hays ever , ..cuat 4 894 UnW.4efates .Elpret! 014.Weio We can confidently eecom end. 3 Itireard'ir /tit , Corrosiedr,Thos fLe.:*ebest,frdr,broaghik`updled,ondlist.tca Iv:qr.:et - exception. ~ t • ' WIGNINSON,;TBTON k. I 'o4 l ' i ;. Patk T. .l, • ; 'We have tieen along the ,rOOB of Mr, O.,,ltarnod, and,. take grunt pliesure in rallaidn'endiig'theas petite, as 'they ATI on easylhp4 urgFle„ pud;rdlrlie; - xerprestrited'l Sheen to bd. .., A. J. C1JNT94 , 4,, • • SteretarrEagle inlaradde Cti,'lrew , york. • . . . • • • Upon Irlalrso have }bun 'Mr. Barnard's NUS to be ex collent. ' : C0.,/Neir York. I ivouldrecommen Af arn r. ard' ens s' super o. . as..r r • article to any I have used. •-• ' • •,• • . : ;•r -• ,• • 000Y11:NE.SIBLB,Nendrark. We add oars to the shore recomotendatjoha. t'! MSDERIIILL,IIAVILAND A C0.,..1.44 York. all Pace liave ever „ need, Mr. Barnsird's• have &ram me more satisfaction, and I Can • recorndiend theire to pier public as being Sparely anti-corroeive: ; fit E. POLREA, Nal! Tea. After six months' .constrintlma or,e. ',garnard'a ,• , Corrostre Pen, No am 'OMlldently recomm'end, it en thee beef metallic -Pen 110 bare tone .used, frtinl 'the • above or.perlence that It doos.not actually corrodes . Mer.EATI CO.iNsio"Yark.: C lIARN4C) • Mannfacturer or 'Corrugated Metal Pee„ , John treat,. Clerkenwell, Londnii— ,Juae• it4l£(B2. UM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers