yrEAD _QIJ.AR'REAS "`"j!" YOR VIEW, GOODS. D. P. OWN INFOIIMSNT HE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS TII IT CAN'T BE BEAT CHnAPNESS AND QUALITY COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN, April 27,'64 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS H 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! SIMON' 'Co HN COFFEE RUN STATION, Would respectfully call the aftention" of his old patrons specially,. and the public to general, to his extensive stock of well selected new Goods, Just received from the Faders; cities, consisting, in part, of GOOdg, Clothing, Wool - - • en': Ware, Notions, Hats and Caps, Soots'and ShOes,'Bonnets, Shawls, Cirou lars, Hardware, Queensvrare, Gro ceries, Wood and Willow-waro;Tobaceo, sagars, Nails," Girt* •PioviaiOns, 011 Fish, 'Salt,' Tinware Cop per.. Ware, Drugs and Medicines, Clocks, Watches, &c., • and all other articles kept in a first elaos country store ; all selected with the greatest care and which were per ehidedlior cash only, and affords him to sell them at a vent levillgute. The public will And it to their advan tage to call and examine our unsurpassed stock; before purchasing elsewhere. - No pains will be spored in allow ing our Goods. Ladies aro specially ted to examine our large stock of fo.shionable dresa goods ; Shawls. enlace, r- Furs, and a great satiety of-Woolon Goods, Honk,- All kin& of predime taken in eichange'st• the highest market prices—Cash not refused. By strict Attention to the wants of customers, we hope to receive a continuation of oho liberal potronage with which we have been hereto fore favored. Come one and all, and MT. irD- New Goods received daily, ap18.1864 NEW GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER Win. MARCH & BROTHER, Respectfully inform their nnmeronocustomers, and the public, generally, that they hove just received a Jorge and splendid stork of Goods at their store In MARKLESBURG consisting in part of DRY GOODS, . • DRESS GOODS, SILKS, NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, bs, ' HARDWARE, . QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, WOOD & LOW WARE , • TOBACCO, SEGARS NAILS, GLASS, 'IJ OLD MEAT, CRACKERS, h4s • PROVISIONS, SALT, &c., &c. • .Also--BOIsTNETS and TINWARE • And in tact everything usually kept in a first class coun try store; which were bought low. for cash end will be sold at corresponding low prices for cash or ministry prod uce, and request the public to give us a call before per clundrigolsowhere, foaling satisfied wo can offer superior Indugoptents t/a cash Wens: Wo,repeCtfittliaikinest the patronage Of "All, and es peciallfont Trough Creek Valleylrionris. Everything taken in exchange for goods except promi- sat.- ARP...Cosh paid for all kinds Of grain, for which the highest market prices will be given. NVo have also ti stock of VASH,IONATILE EURNITURP, which Rill be solda reasonable prices. WILLIAM MA RCS & BRO Mailclesbnri, May 11,18642 ~~rito - ~ PaBOOTS AND SHOES:4W • (2EORGE • SHAEFFER respectfully kfi Informs his old customers and the public generally that ho has removed to opposite Brown's Hardware §tore, where ho ha.? Remed a . NEW: STOCK: , OF 3Etc:ooltial Eta:x.ol..lWlacoos, and is prepared to accommodate everybody with good ar ticles at reasonable prices. , Ho also continues to manufacture to order all kinds of boots and shoes. Ihintingdop April 131864. N EW 'CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. 'M. OUTMAN /lASI JUST OPENED A PINE STOCK OF NEW SPRIIfO 'AND SUMMER CLOTHING, Which he, offers, to all 7ho Nrcrat to be _ c.LOTSEID, IAT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Ins Stock consists of Roady-mndo Clothing for MEN OD BOYS, ALSO, S99L AND 5110 ) . 81 11ATS:AND, CAPS,. dd., &C. Idkotild gentlemen - deire any particular kind or ciut.Ot clptklWtot colonel in the stock on hand, by leafing thet moluiro.they Oat be accommodated at short nod & • _ • 19‘11 at tba ,east-ouner of the .Diamond, over Long'd • IdANP'AL GIITPIL&N. itilutinvien,)pril 27 !64. . INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN TFIE! G I WA R D Fire. and Marine Insurance Co,, PHILADELPHIA. Pik MARINE RISKS-FIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN Peipitad policies granted o n bric k and atone buildings", Lientted policien granted on frame or. log bedidings, Itmethinuthe and furniture. oZ‘'./To,prentsyst notes required , ennsoNent/Y no assess ments made. " • • It. ALLISON MILLER, Sepld,lBB3 Alt. for ifuntingdon & adjoining Cos PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LARGE AND SMALL, If FINE ASSORTMENT, FOR SALE AT- LEWIS' DOOR. AND STATIONERY STORE PAPER !'.PAPER! . ! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, • Imprecision Papal', Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, • Tissue Paper,. ; Bilk Paper for Flowers, 'Perforoted Bristol Board, lat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, • Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. COAL BUCKETS and Shovels, for solo by -JANIEB A. 1110_'WN YOU will find the Largest and Best; aviur(nter.: , Ludic!? Dress Goodl y P.OWINV. • "t* , * , )' 6, - Arr:ll4Cda pENNSYLVANIA RA TIME OF LEANING OF SUMMER ARRANG •- ;FT'S?' IVARD. - I EASTWARD :-.. 1 .4 .--7 , 1 I .i , 4 ..-_, 0 tr. 1 .', t. oEr 4 i ' - • ; ;,:,. .. r P., , 0 r °4 r. ' 0 STATION% ' 77 ° ' ~_- g D: VI F E g ..---, n . - -- 4 E - . . . ...: c M.l P. X. 6.51.1 A. 37.1 ' 1 9.x.1 A.it.l P. 3t 62 N.l.lrtrollton. 1 13 0 6 21 Mt. Union,.. .. 11 26 9 58 1 35 10 - Mapleton. .1 _.25 15 ' - Mill Oreek,... 9.43 .1 1 9 • .29 7 05 6 30 5 49 Iluntingrlon, 11 01 0 32 '1 07 441 ..... 003 Petersburg,... 10 47 9 18 12 62 52 I 'Barre° I I 112 44 50 I 617 SprucaCreel, 10 35 90512 35 13 Birmingham, l2 23 22 6'41 Tyrone, 10 13 8 43 12 15 51 Tipton 12 05 37 ...... Fostoria, 12 00 42!Ball's 611110, .. 940 1 1 0 11 5 43 00 , Altoona,. P.M. M. A. M. A. N. - -na at 1 20 A. 8 80 A. M. LIN bee a , t RAN A. I. 8 20 FAST darn EMIG to 30 M, a Th: tau a ITUAN E T A I IL N it G oA D D 0 N cu 11 12 P U L On and after Monday, May 23, 1M34, Passenger Trains will arrive and depart as follows: . _ I:Ton'g I Morifg P. M. I A. M. ~.___ nnin. 5 40 LE 7 30 Huntingdon,. An 10 45 An 6 20 600 60 51cConnellatown, 10 24 0 0 608 58 Pleasant Groye, 10 16 552 624 14 Marklesburg, 10 00 .5 40 6.38 20 Coffee, Hun, 942 . 526 6 - 45 35 ltougli& Ready, 9 35 666 46 Cove; 923 509 700 50 lintior'a Summit 020 5Pt 715 Art (Thi s .," 15z 005 is. 0 7 '25 Lr. 20 1 '", . lAR 850 AR 4 40 I 745 401Riddlegburg 833 419 - 763 40111opewell . 826 4:1 BEDFORD RAIL ROA \ 809 10 04 Piper's Run 834 10 29 Hamilton , 849 10 44 Bloody Run, 8 53 Ar.lo 46 Momit Dallas, ------ 9 25 1 Saxton, 40 Coalmont , 9 45 Crawford, 0 55 Dudley. !Broad Top City 0, May 22,1004. LE 7 25 LE 7 40 7 45 ea 7 55 AR ESE READING RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT REAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE kji - North And north-West for PHILADELPHIA, NEW- Yong, REAnme, PoLBIAILLE, LEDA.BO:4, ALLENTOWN; nAtiToN, Trains leareHAßßlsnuati for PHILADELPHIA, NEW-YOUR, READING, POTTSVILLE, and all Intermediate Stations, at A. M., and 2 P. M. . NEW-Yoan Express leaves HARRISBURG at R. 30 A. 11., ar riving at Nelr-176RE at 1.45 the same day. A spacial Accommodation Passenger train leaves READ INS at 7.13 A. 11-; and returns from Ilnrrisbnrg at 5 P. H. Fares front HARRISBURG : To New-Yong, $615; to PHIL ADELPHIA, $3 36 and $2 SO. Baggage checked through. Returning. leave NEW-YORE atl3 A. 51., 12 Noon, and 7 P. 51., (PITTSBURGH EXPRESS arriving at HAElusouno at 2A. 31.) Leave PHILADEtentA nt 8.15 A. 51., and 3.30 P.M Sleeping cars in the NEW-YORK EXPRESS TRAINS, through to and from Pirrsimnon, without change. Passengers by the CArAwISSA Bail 'load leave TAM AQUA nt 8.50 A. for PHILADELT.LHA and all Interme diate Stations; and at 2.10 P. 51., for PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, and all Way Points. Trains tear° Porrscil.t.a at 9.15 A. N.. and 2.30 P. 31., for PHILADELPHIA, HARRISBURG anti NEW-YORE. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves HEADING at 0.00 A. 11., and returns from PHILADELPHIA at 5,00 P. M. AS" - All the above trains run tinily, Buntlaya excepted. A Sunday train leaves POTTSVILLE at 7.30 A. 70.. and PHILADELPHIA at 3.15 P. 51. CONNOTATION, MILEAGE, SEATON, and Excnamon T• AEET , at reduced rates to and from all points. - • 50 pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger, G. 4.• SuperS Gene( intendent. EDSON COID.I 0 , 'Vlay. 2, 180 WAR FOR THE UNION NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NORFOLK, &c. TAKEN.—ASI4.I3Y SLAIN, AND THE RACK- BONE. VC "SECESII" BROKEN. Ent while yon 'Melee at the success of our gallant troops. and the prospect of the speedy downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forget to call at tho store of • WALLACE &T; CLEMENT, before purrhaqiug elsewhere; Fld' silo our now stock goods, Dry Goods, Groceries, ,_Boots and Shoes, - Queensware, Crockery ware, Tobacco, Segars, • llama, Flitch, Shoo:dere, Fish, Flour, Salt, and a general assortment of notions!. all of which Sri fee?, on reasonable terms for cash or produco. • linutingdonjuly4 • SATCHELS, • - • PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, • CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, &e., &c., A handsome assortment just received At - LEWIS' Book Store. G EORGE P. ELDREDGE WITH CHARLES DESILVER, Wholesale and Retail PUBLISHER:iIiid BOOKSELLER, 1229 CHESTNUT ST., PIIILADA .&T Your patronago is solicited. April 315, 10131-Iy. AT Tg[l . 3 PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, No. 920-Chestnut St., Philada. —NOW OP.N— Paris-made Mantillas. and Cloaks.. Also, SPRING and SUMMER GARMENTS, of our own Manufacture, of the-latest style, and in great variety. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., The Paris Mantilla Emporium, 920 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. April 13, MI. GIIIIS, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, FINE CUTLERY, And Sporting Apparatus generally. Rods, Lines, Reds, Baskets, Baits, Flies, Hooks, Nets, Foils, Gloves, Masks, Bil lies, Corkscrews; Dog Collars, &0., Constantly on hand, and for sale, Wholesale and retail at JOHN KRIDERS, Sportomen's Depot, 1re,t4,1154-4m.3 N. B. Col., AilnAt, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. ALL who may have any claims a gainst tho Government for Bounty, Back Pay and ona, can have their claims promptly collected by ap plying either iu maim or-by letter to • . August 12, 1863 New Furniture Establishment; J. M. WISE, Manufacturer, and Dealer in rurniture. Respectfully invitee the attention of the Public to his stand on 1.1111 at., Huntingdon, between Cunuingbaues Store and Dean's National Homo, whoro he manufactures and keeps all hinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a coil. Repairing of all hinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable: ' •Qair Also, Undertaking carried on, and COMMI M ado in any etylo doeirod, at short notice. ):IZ-Funerals atteiided at any place In town or coun ry, by J. DI. WIPE. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 186241.• ALBUMS ALBUMS. A. beautiftil assortment of MOTO dRAPIL ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. , • L ROAD TRAINS MEM 7 00 7 15 A. 51. Fag Uuntl TRA and ar ward leaves Altoont Ingdon at 2 26 A, AI. IN Westward leavet lives at Huntingdon, rarnll. AM a N, 11 , 11 25 I= STATIONS •15.Torn'g' tvon'g ®EM SIDINGS 81 7 42 7 29 LF. 7 2o LH OUP'S 'RUN BRANCH' 'An B 00!Au 6 30 7 45 0 15 7 35 6 05 10 7 30 10 6 00 OM MEM ACEPICY., W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa NEW WROL,ESALE STORE. At Philadelphia Wholesale Prices Tar, SUB. , CIIIITITS H A IT.E - 11 }IMO VED Frup their place of .buciness an Ilill Street, TO THEIR NEw,,BurpplNG On RAILROAD STREET, near tho aricksotrlfou,e, ll'hcre thell i?ilend doing A TUf O_t,'ESALE B UiSL.YESS. MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, Who buy goods by the piece or package, WILL FIND IT to their ADVANTAGE TO GIVE US A CALL WE BEEP A General Assortont of GOODS, . Such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, 37.1.51 X, NOTIONS, &C., &C., &C WE WILL SELL GOODS AT TIIE LOWEST PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRIM, A. B. CUNNINGHAM & CO Huntingdon, Melt 9,1844. F UTZ'S CELEBRATED i' . IOX,O,C And 01 alite Nowdero. ... ~:... •••• ,• •,, These Powders will strength , a' ! en the Stomach ~• :. . • .. ' •-. and Intestines, 1 9 , . '' cleanse them , • ' from offensive matter, and ~...... , J.. .v...2.. 2. .,,- - ,,..,..4` bring them to ir ..1--71-,.. - .ti.:".„.,._ i , - - -.4.' abealthv state. =-- - ------',' ' a '''' They are a aura preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, such as Glan ders, . . Yellow • %' 5,,,; ,- Watr, Dis- I ..- ql l .4,:•, , :\` 0 ' e tamper, 4,.4 . ; .. s , .l, Founder, .'"., , ,/ ' .4; Heaves, t t ‘:',i, , l k1,.,:k,',-. 4 Slavering, i i ,4'4:' ' - 'gc Coughs, Fe- yen, Loss of t Appetite and i„ t , , V . ~,,,. 4 Vital Eller- 4, , „.. , ,N 41t, :, -,, ' 4 4,4M4 gy, RM. In poor, low-spirited animals, it has the most beneficial effect. The use of them improves the wind, strength efis the Appetite, and gives to the horse a fine, smooth and glossy Skinttins imt,amY'• - ing the appearance, vigor , and•iAiait Of this noble animal. The property this Poweier possetses in in creasing the quantity of link in Cows, givts it an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual ex‘periment it has proven that - it will increase the quantity of Milk and eentj cent., and make the Butter CrUtte7itirives— them an appetite, loosens their hide nun makes them thrive u ucit faster. HOGS. In all Diseases of, the Szvine, such as bouglis, Ulcers in 'ht Lungs, Liver, SET.... By pulling from half a paps to a paper of these Powders iu a bar rel of Swill, the above Diseases ,can lie cured or gthrely pre vented. By using, thc.Sl Powders the Hog Cholera can b. prerent;:d. Price 25 ots.por Paper, or Li rapers for $l. PRY.? utr.l) BY S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., MEM WHOLESALE DEUS A,P.I) MENCHIE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Drugt:it.ts. and Storekeepers throughout the United .-:tates. For sale :wholesale and retail by John Head, Huntingdon, Pa: [ap2i-1 WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN .BUSINESS BY FRANK CROSBY, OF TUE PHILADELPHIA EAR It Tells You How to draw op PARTNERSIIIP PAPERS and gives general forms for ACREEMENTS Of all kinds. RILLS of SALE, LEASES end PETITIONS. It Tells Titu now to draw up DoNns and SIoRTGADES, Ar• • FIDAVITEI, POWERS of ATToRNEr, NOTES and BILLS Of EXCHANGE, Rl:mine and RELEASES. It Tells You The laws for the COLLECTION of Mars, with the STATUTES of LIAIELATILIN, and amount and kind of property EXEMPT from BIECK. • rims in every State. •• . • II Tells You loin Itow,to make nn AssiONNENT, property, with forms for 003IPOSIT/oN wItICREDITOU4, and ' the liisoLyENT LAWS Of every. State. It Tells You The legal relations existing betweon GUARD ; • • • DIAN and WARD, IILASTER and APPRENTICE, and LANDLORD and 'TENANT. , : .71 Tells ibu What Constitutes LIBEL and SLANDER, and the Law as tO MARRIAGE DOWER, the WIPE'S , i'.IIIOIIT IN PROPERTY, DIVORCE and Amge'. It Tells YouS2The:Law for IllionArdca l Lime in every State, • - the'NATURALIZATION LAME of this 001111- • ' , try, and how to comply with the same. TelliThviThe Ilaw'cOtleorning PENSIONS and how to ob '•-. (aid' We', and tlio PRE-EMPTION LAWS to I ; , ikllbio LANDS. Tells! Thu 'rho Law for PATENTS, With nlo‘.lo of proctl, , •°- duce in obtaining otw, with INTEREErtescrs t ... • . , ASSIONMENTS Roil TABLE Or FEES. TeDs Yoli" now . to make your WILL. and how to Awknx- ON AN L TATE, • with the law and the reUnirements thereof in evcry • State. Ii Tells You The meaning of LAW TEAMS in general use, • " and explains to you the LEGISLATIVE, LEE. WITTE and JUDICIAL Powers of both ON General and State GovEnNSENTS. It Tells You How To KEEP OUT Or LAW, by showing how ti do your business legally,. thus savingN • vast amnuot of property,, and voxatior . . . litigation, by its timely consultation.. .77Q— blvorybudy!s Lawyer is for sale at Lewis' Book Sto St:11100B BOOKS, F 0 S A.L E AT LKITIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC MAE, /111NT/NODON, PA OSGOOD'S SpeileY. 2d,8i1, dth and 6th ReadorS; M'GUFFEY'S Spoller.and Readers. • SANDER'S do do do • Town's Speller and Definer. (old and now editions.) Smith's, Bullion's and Brown's Grumman. Fitch's Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. illitchell's;.Monteith and McNally 's Geographies & Atlases. Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline Maps. Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackeabos' First l i cesons in Composition. Quackenlio's COmposition and Rhetoric. • • • Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Brooks' ArilEmetics. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleaf's and Stocidard's Keys to Arithmetics. . Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. • Parker's 3uecnile Philosophy. - Parker's First Lemons in Natural Philosophy. • Parker's Philosophy. Willard's History of the United States. Child's 0 Goodrich's " • Payson, Stanton and Scribner's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. • Potter & liammond's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Greenlears,Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Book-keeping. . Book Keeping by Single Entry, by lianaford & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Hanaford & Payson. Other books' will be added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. Huntingdon, Pa. • xl„Fine. Cigars wad Tobacco for sale al, Lewis' - Book Store 1)UBLIC NOTICE.. All persons interested will please take notice. that the undersigned deputy Collector of U. S. Internal Revs. nue for Huntingdon county, will attend on the let and 3d Tuesdays of each month, at the Jackson 110101, In the borongli of Huntingdon, to receive taxes, Ac., commenc ing on the 7th July July 7th, 1833. IV. A. STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lIPNTINGDON, PA. OFFICI?;::----In Treasurer's room in Court Ffoue—up stairs.. nuntingdon, Ice. IC, 1563. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY landsoute and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book. Store. RB LE YARD. The undersigned Lill would respectfully cell the attention of the citizens .1 linutingdon and the adjoining comities to the stock of beautiful:marble now on hand, Ito is prfpared to furnish at the shortesi notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired sire and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished,-and carved with appro. priato devices, or plain, as may suit. . Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, ,tc., will In. furnished to order: W. W. plcflges himself to furnish material and work man:44 equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Cull ud see, before you purchase elsewhere.. Shop oil flit treot, Huntingdon, Pe. WM. WILLIAMS. Huntingdon, - May 161855. • 1864: TH E 1864. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPE' Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now raady.for Inspection and sale RE LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the name article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & BorAering, FOR The 'Parlor, Sitting Room, Di Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., &p. Call at the "Globe" Building and examine our stock and prices. .21 "-; ": 1 Sri = 1 x '' - in r- t .. 4 m o[ , P, -4 u) = = V:i cl ~:. O o w Igi WINDOW CURTAIN PAPRIS, A _LARGE STOOK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF • Window Curtain Papers, . JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK "STORE. - . Fr. 101, ''.. . ..x. 0111 1... , :e r t . . 1 .1- Vi ''S :st V.. 3 .7- %,%. ''I tISO 1.' , . -....a " * A .' sO NN , ( 1-1 - - er.e. - 9AW -' " I • ' - ‘4. - ..! .. - - -. ----• DLANKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS ! 1-1 .CONSTABLES SALES, ATTACIPEEXECUTIONS. ATTACHMENTS, . EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPQINAS, MORTGAGES, tictwor, ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR ROUSES, - NATURALIZATION WKS, COMMON imps, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of tho $3OO Law. - JUDGMENT NOTES, With a waiver of the $3OO Low. ARTICLES OF ACIREEM ENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace 'nod Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, ataAtTeay. • FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Stale, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the OffiCe of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of avery description, printed to order, neatly, at short notice, and on goad Paper. • 50.000, • BEST QUALITY WHITE, DUFF, • ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Just received and for sale at LEWIS'• BOOK STORE. • THE BEST STOOK-OF FINE STATIONERY, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, EVER RECEIVEDLIIINTI - NGDO N 2 CAN NOW BE HAD ATLNWIS' BOOIT,STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE. BIRNBAUM'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ON HILL STREET, A few doors west of Lewis' Book Store, HUNTINGDON, PA. Photographs and Ambrotypes Taken in the Bost Style. • 10. 1 1,,CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS PROFESSIONAL ,Sr., EU,SIN BSS CARDS D. CAMPBELL, ' LATTORNEY AT LAW 'HUNTINGDON, PA. I= 011 lee In the Brick Bow•, nearly opposite the Court House. (April 15,1863. R ALLISON MILLER, D TIS T, as removed to the trick Row opposite the Court Home Apr1113:1.959. • WILLIAIII AFRICA HAS ACAIN COMMENCED THE. BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE; DOOR EAST OF If. ROMAN'S CLOTHING ,STOINi. His old customots and tho public generally,',iill give him a call. [Huntingdon, 0ct.•20, 1858.] THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. J. MORRISON, Proprietor jITM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationery and Musical balm meets, Huntingdon, Pa. GuTmAN & CO., Dealers - in Ready made Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa. -1)1t. JOHN MeCULLOCIT, offers his I services to tins citiieiss of Huntingdon an vicin i ty. (Mice on fill street. one door east of Reed's . Drug Store. Aug. 2S,' W. 1 S. SMITH, Dealer in -Drugs, Medi . °ince, Ponfuntery, Dye Stint,, Oil,, Ac. Alio—Ciro corks, Confectioneries, de. , Huntingdon, Pa. T M. CUNNINGHAM t./ • Founder, Huntingdon, Pa TAMES A. BROWN, fl Dealer in !Urdu-are, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &e., Run ingdon, Pai lI ROMAN, • lksaler in Heady Made Clothing, Hats and Cap: Boots and Shoes, &c. T\ P. GWIN, ware, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoos, Sc: 40au • BOOKS AND STATIONERY.- • A good assortment •of miscellaneous and School Books—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Nato Paper— Plain rind Fancy Envelopes—lied, Bine and Black Inka Blank Books of numerous sixes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket rind Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually tonal in n Book and Stationery Store, Can be had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY:4=SW STORE. _•• • ••-, . ... • pOCKET TEBVAtENTS • A LARGE 679.( 7 HAND AT LEWIS' OBE;• --'1 1)00K liiNDING. • Old Boobs.' Mugazlnes, or iul?liantlon's °Unbar kind bound to or.lor, If left at ' • '• • ' LEIVIS , BOOK tE STATIONERY STOhE. 110tUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! II you want your card many printed upon maid call at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. TIIE LADIES. . 1: A superior artMo of Noto Paper and Envelopes Foldable for confidential correspondence, fur sale at LEWIS' BOOK se STATIONERY STORE. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer. By tile:l;oxc P;clc,.or less quwttiiy, for sal° o f .Z.E1V.14",800K AND STATIONEIL SYORR. • • • W:I.tA,PPIINTG-PAPErt! Y A:koCicl Ftrtlcle for sale, at , TE' yo want OnTpots-nnd Clothg, call nt D. P:.GAVlN'S:ivliaka you will Ilnd thajaitat as- itd ic Lb) • • • cOI-lOOL BOOKS; • '•-• r' - • Generally in use In the Sehoode of the County, not on hand, will be furnished to order. no applicat ion . at LEWIS' BOOK, AND STATIONERY STORE. Py OP% „, TH Y E CTHARA,--The Presbyterian psalmodist—The Shawn—The J &dice—Mtn ten's and Partial's enlarged and improved instructors—Wejland's New and Improved Method for the nitar—Leland's Ace°, deom Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and Howe's Violin Instructors—Dell:Ms Melodeon Instructor—ltur mires' Piano-Forte Primer—do. Therongli-Daso Primer— Gewe's Drawing Room Dances—The Chorus Glee Book— Tarit's harp, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. STONE -WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro'- cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place In town. • T HE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. 0 WIN'S QLD BRASS AND COPPER takcn to exobange for goode at the Hardware Store opt. 3,1862. J AS. A. DROWN EADY RECKONER. A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and canto, to which are added forme of Notes, Bills, lie eeipte. Petitions, fie., together with is sot of useful tables, containing rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thou,- and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by tile week and day, published in 1809. For tale at LINVELOPES, wholesale and retail, _C4 for sale LEWIS' BOOK STORE. IF you want hnndsou e Goods, good Goode, cheap Goods, and nll kind of Goode, go to D. P. GWIY'S. - ROOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the j largest aseortmeni and cheapest to be found at D. I'. (TWIN'S G UN BARRELS AND. LOCKS.-A large lleerrale rlliß ra ClWN'S HARDWARE STORE. .0 . 111 SIIOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's kithan eau Lo had in town. Call And see them. I)ApER! PAPER!! Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good .eartment for sale by tho ream, half ream, quire , or oherh ac ARCHME NT DEED PAPER--- ruled, fur sale at • _ . _ . . MONTHLY For oalo a TllliE BOOKS, • LEIVIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORK J'OOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoops, at prices from 25 eta. to $2,00 nt the cheap store of D. P. GWIN.- n P. GWIN beeps the largest, best assortment and cheapest shoes in town. Calland examlue them. • TRACING MUSLIN, DRAPIING AND DRAWING' PAYER While and Colored 'Card Paper, - Tor salo nt LEWIS' BOOK ct STATIONERY STORE. J3OOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest aneortment in town, at CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at GWIN'S. T IQUORS, of the best, for Medieina I_4l purposes at 8. 8. SMITH'S. A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for salo cheap, at D. P. °WIN'S. T 1 P. GWIN'S is • the place to buy good and cheap Carpets. CALL at D. P. GIVIN'S if you want GOOD GOODS. T ADIES Collars, very cheap and beau jut tiful, at. D. P. OWIN'S. CALL at D. P. G WIN'S if you want m,biocablo Good' (VALI, at the new CLOTHING STOR V../ of GUTMAN & CO., if you want a gm? article Clothing. Store room in Long'o now ildico. in the Di mond, Iluntingdm. Sept 18, 1857 B LANK BOOKS, OF VARIOUS SIZES, IbrSlllo RI LEIYIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE Wgia COUNTRY DEALERS can buy OLOTHINCi from me In Huntingdon at RUUOLFISALE as cheap as they can in the Mica, as I hare a wholesalo store in Philadolplll.; Huntingdon, April H, 1868. • H. ROMAN. •LKWIS' BOOK STORE. LEWIS' NEW BOOK & STATIONERY STORE LEWIS' FOO% STORE. D. P. GWIN'S C QUICK SALES AND SMAT,T, PROFITSI" Anybody in win of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, HYMN AND PRAYER BOOK'S, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANT OILIER VALI:OLE AND INTERESTING BOOR, Fancy and School STATIONERY, 31IISICAL IN§TRTIMENTO, CHURCH, MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS SHEET MUSIC for the Plano, guitar, &0., &c., !Tour Dins, ?DAMON:UM AND PURSES, Fol. Ladles and Oantlomen,... GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD ,CARDS AND BOOKS, For Butiday and Common Schools, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPII4BET BLOCKS, &C., ALL KINDS 01' BOOKS Proper for Boys and Gino AMUSING GAMES For Yomlg. Folks WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, .I!.IARRIMIE CERTIFICATES, VISITXNU CARDS, CHECKER BOARDS, DOMINOES, .&C., CONVERSATION CARDS, BONG BOOKS, From 6 t0:75 BLANK 80085,46- Memorandum Books,of—fritrilima4Firel!rit; SCHOOL pook§oi*Fifik 4* . FOP. .I'B6B - . ; . Drawing and Blatqgg . WLIITE BONNWf , BOARD, . „ INDELIOLE, CARMINE, RED, iI4U6 AND DUCH INES, Arnold's frodgson i k: and.' rfart:ison'S WRITING FLUID Wrapping Paper of Different Sizes and Qualities, ElJlM:ffiMffMa MOULD CALL AT. LEWIS' STATIONERI7 . 2 D MUSIC STORE, In the "Globe" building, Market Square where rill who want to SAVE MONEY, go to make their ptirrhas6g iii-11 7 .;TITO'PrzsTrooE: - BboK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS MUNCHES. TI HISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefidly Revised by M. M ..J. S. Hale Fr TELLS You How to elsoose an hinds of Meats, Poultry, • . and Game, with all tho various and most approved anodes or dressing and cooking Beetand Pork; also the best and simplest way of saliing, pickling and curing the Same. . . . IT Trolls Lou All the various and mostopproveil modes of droning. coolting, . nail boning Mutton, Lamb, Vegil,.Pooltry, and porno of nil kinds with tbo'differont Vrooetoge,antries, and Stuffloga lippropriato to onoi. IT TELLS .You. How to choose. clean, and preservo.Fish of all kinds, end how', to siveeten it when taint . ed ; also alt various and moot ifiiprarod modes of cooking, with the digorent Dreee • ings, Sauces,and Flavorings appropriate to IT TELLS You All the.various and most approved inodeol , preparing over 00 kinds of Wayfish,rowt Game, and 'Vegetable Soups, 3roths, .an Stows, with tho Itelithes and Seasonings . • • appropriate to each. . • . m IT Taus YoU All the 'Various and most apyroved odes 'of -.... cooking Vegetables of every description, also how to prepare Pickles, Cataups and Curries of nil kinds, Potted Meats,' Flab, Onur, ARIBIVOOiIIe, &C. . IT TELLS You All 010 various and most approved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds. of 'Plain Omelettes, .'Fritters, Cakes , Confectionary,.Preserves, Jellies, and sweet pishes of every. descrip . IT Tour You All the various and most approved modes • ' • of making 13read, BunTts, Miiffine, and Bis cuit, and the, hest. method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea,. nod bow .to . moles Syriips, Cordials, and :Wines of vie rimes kinds. IT Taus You flow to set out and ornathenthYsbls, how Carvo nil kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, and in short, how to So simplify tho.wholo "Art of Cooking as to bring the s choicept luxurlos of the table within the very reach. . . • For Sale at Lewis' Book Store. . . STEW BOOKS ! • • ' FOR SALWAT BOOE STORE THE HOUSE: A 141117 PocKer MANUAL of Rural Architec t:lmi- or, How to Build Dwellings, Barne t Statilas, Arid Out Dwollium of Mild:ids, With U.Chapter on Churahre and School. Romes - 'Price; 50 cents.. - TIIR GARDEN: A NEIV POCKET *ANVIL of Practical 116 r.. or, how to Cultivate Vogetabla:, Fruits, end :Flowers. With. Chapter on . Ornamental Trace and Shrubs. Price, 50 conts. . THE FAR N M A ms POCKET MANCIAT, of Practical Agri culture; or, How to Cultivate all the Field Crepe. With • an EsLitt} , on Fartu Management, etc, Pricoi 60 cents.. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A NEW POCKET MANOAL of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry; or, How' to Brood 'and Rear the Various Tenants of the Darn-yard, eta.; etc Price, 50 cents. . 110 IV TO TALK: A Now PeskEr MAxustiOf Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Oraintnao - Style, !yid utoro than Fivi . l.ltuulred Corunion Mts . takes Corrected. Price, 60 cents. " - • HOW TO BEHAVE: A Nies Pocize 3/slum of Republi can Etiquette, and Guido "to "Correct Personal Habits; with Rules for Tebatink Societies and Deliberative Ae sembltes, etc. Price, 50 cents. ' • • 1101 V TO DO BUSINESS: A Now ' , c e nts Illserpse of. Practical Affnirs and Guide to amn es in Life With -Collection:of Business Foetus, and a Dlctlonary. of Com mercial Terms, etc. Price 50 cents. PIIOTOGRAPH ALBUMS; SMALL PORTRAITS ALL THE DISTINOUISIIED OFFICERS AND CIVII;TANS .• FOR SALE . . AT LEWIS' 1300 K AND STATIONERY STORE. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES • GILT GOLD SHADES, • MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S . FIXTURES, CORD 424 A FULL ABOORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE GRiAt ON THE n9ltsii ' THE HORSE HIS.DISEASES trz nthErvati , JEWNliiGS, Y.R., • PrgressOr of l'atiag 4 gl/ and Operative Surgery in' ::12ti.;Sinctry Fouv,of do. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, liistery and distinctive traits of the ydrious breedsilf.Unropeypi, ksintic;Xfilean hod Am-oriel-m-11*es, ; with ,tho phielCaii,fOrmatioh "and,pe onlititities of tho Animal„and bow to, : • • !:tiscerinin Ids; Ago .by this, ntimbet aind contlitfon of his teeth; illustrated with • : nruiserone. explanatory L•' TILE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feed. ingrOrooming, Shooing, and the gener al management of tiro .IMrse,Avilli tlm best modes of Administering medicitio, also, how to Arent Biting, Blotting, Rearing, Shying, s.tom4linsi cyjont. tug. Restlesness, Mid ..01.1er ~ vicpg to Nvllich be Is' subject; Mill tinnieicius ex plagnfoiy.cugravings. TDB. HORSE AND I#§I2.IBEASES - - - - - WILL TELL YOU Of The panieg,symptons,antlTroatment Stiangles,Sore.Throat, Distemper, ' Catarrh, letluenza, Branchitist.Pnan moida,'PlrereSy, Broken Wind, Chron ic Cough, Roaripg end Whistling.Lant pis, Sore Mouth awl Ulrer,e, (tad, De, rayed Teeth, with' Otheelliseases of the Month and Reseir4terY Organs. VIE HORSE AND lIIN DISEARES WILL TELL YOU Of the nausea; sjPmritiime,and Trnaitnen of 'Worms, R ate, eliolie, Strangulation Stony Coneiktions, Rupturen Palsy Inarrhea,Jaundice,llepatirthea,l3lOody , Urine, Stance in the Kidneys and Bind , 'der, Inflamation• and other ditleases of the .Stonnlc4,, itotrcte , I.l[er-laud'Urt ... nary Organs. . THE HORSE AND HIS THSEASb'S . . . WILL TELL YOU Of the catisei, symplonte, and Treat. !neat of Boar, illocal And ]log, Bassin', Ring Boun, Swermia, Strains, Brokers • • Knees; Wind flails,. Founder, Cracked Hoofs, Sold Bruise and Grant, Canker •. • • - Scratches, Thrush and 'Corns; died; a .a 3l . l .f r o im ther l . ' d e Ls ig Cs' l oV i t e tiViee `t t7t o e ra . and }lead. THE lI9RSH AND HIS px,ssp . . WILL TELL YOU Of the' eausee, synptona,nnf Treat- F elt l li i°II lfil GI ndera elreylrttPol'er Hug e , luifel , 'eniCrem 'gait • ISlV 'e4 at the Henri; &c: , . and Lon ,to niainigepen;triitiim„ Ino4l - Firjng, • . Hernia,. Anipuka tion, Tapping, and nth , er surg ical operations. , THE lIOItSE AND HIS DISEASES PILL YELL YOU Of Harey's" Method 'Of tontlngllorii4 how to Approach, Halter, or !Ruble 01 Colt; how to accustom a Ilon, to strange sounds enduiglitsond how to lilt, Saddle, Rido,nutli'areakAtiiii to . Llerness; , also the fornt and law of • • IVlnitAntP: being the re, • . Bull Of 15 years' careful study, of the . • , bahlta;pecullarittes, wants` and 'WSW mazes of ibis noble and uspfalartfum/ For tale at Lowls r ßook•Store. -- ' • . • ROHRER'S . • • ;' ''llollllRit'S' • • ; 12011,RER'S _ , •' • : - • • • • - ' liOlllll3R'S • • • .• ROHRER'S . ; • PRACTICAL CALCULATOR PRACTICAL. CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR.' PRACTICAL. CALCULATOR.- . • • ' PRACTICAVCALCULATOIC ,- '-' 110111tER'S . . PR/WT.I'OAL • C.4C11: „tA Book of Plain bidet and Calculations/0r Dusbzen „:; rrtlims, by. itailinJf.• Rohrer, .riicreticitioStii•veyni• mid .•,f- Conveyancer. New Edition, published, P. colt tt Co.; Phikdelphidi• • • • • •' •8.. 13tia,work.coatains 204 mei, and upwardsaf 1500.Enlea and Exatimlca, entirely and thoroughly, practical "elf ea arise everyday in the . common-pursuit's' pursuit-I'of 21tafiliess::, has already passed through a number of editions in rapid 'succession. and is: pronounced by. all 'clarseiior businese men to he the handiest book of reference, pertaining to ,caloblatious, that has over boob published': , Every example in the book is worked out In full and stated In a plain manner, so that'when A parallel ease sea. those referring to the work will find no difficulty is solving .it ; in a word,. the .general arniugeniSnrel .tho CALCULATOR is simple, that any one who knows how. to odd, subtract, multiply had divide, can caStly noire any or dinary example that arises in businses, or arrire.at al e true result' of any estia»ll6 ' •"' • Thli chief aim of the anther Ims been to sachets thssry and philosophy in figures, alining only at nets Mittrffripli; city, believing that business men core little ; sheaf spen ding. time , in ;discussing the 'philosophy 'of rides', or the science of. figures,,decming it sufficient for their intryoso to he able nt n moinont. by reference, to arrive n 1 the true result.. The CALCULATOR'diffrrs in Otis refried( from 'ell other Arithmetic's of the day . end kiiniied works—it is a key to practical.business caltalations,it is, , ln'thr hands of the business Mail, what the keY to matlieninOcal works in the bands of the teacher:in- ,thh scheol'iroorn 7 -It teeth tales tine and (moires correilliess., QIMEII=3 )ferisurernimt of Land; , i.f. Lumber:.of. Brick •'snd Work, of Stone tinq Steno work, of grain' and grain .bins of coal nod coal bins, t,T thmd, of solidi ; of tido "cir cular, square or irregular vessels, of cisterns.and_lnte....t , roofing, of plasterer's, painter's: glazier's, paver's, p um • or/s. paper hanger's and upholsterers' work. treats of eurreneystsd off reign and timitogtio . extlinoge, of 'flit, decimal system, of reduction and its extended: applicotion td tmshiess, of stint'', and' room Pound inti;resr,'And their entire sop/kat/on to . bnainosa trAll",(l , 2ap/1 " . I . ltll..,tlte.lans and usngcs tanne.lokother With nuincrous commercial forms--,of legal tender, of•paqinhpayment .on notes, of Clinking ind hank'dblcthint, of 'eqiutticiri'cif 'pay ment and of partnership tICCOII II IS, OrtISSOSSWeIIt grAIIXON, of weigh is and•lll(.o4llres, of square and cubic Measn tit: of the siptare root and ill application tolnisinessortnyfaccs, of excavation, 'and . of nia`tiy • other ionmriant practical mot tore not within the scope of ou,ntivottiseutout to thin'. • • Harmer, the merchant, the mechanic, the artiane j or the professional loon. It has 'moron a' valuable auxiliari to the lawyer. the justice of the peace, the conveyancer. and real estate broker, to the assestOr, the banker, the ckik, to the di it engineer and the aurveyer, to the catpoilter nod bricklayer, to the itonemdson and the plaiterer,to the paper hanger and apholstercr, to therpaver and the tiler, each nail all will lincrit adaiited to' tbeir Hotta WA. fa l: , better than any hee peblidtEd. • tai — • Price. 60 cents.- For sale nt Lowit' Book 11 un tingdon, Dec. 20, 1860., • , , • PENS'! 'PLNS .! .1 TIIE BEST IS '.PILL CHEAPEST ! C• BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugate,d Metal" Pens •.; Agent fop the couriti Pfac,Es-25 ets per doeo or i.pergroee, • T'• CORKEJGATED'II.IPRA.T., v , PENS, tondo..by C. BARNARD, are ,tha.yeat gf.pia•• mcretai hod 'School Pens, - excei,tion to any.— They era used byall the principal Banks and:Cover, nment Departthents, Public and Private' Scluicils;• oho, hj .most prominent Commercial pousea tliroogh.ont,tho.linl ted tates add Canada, " But a abort, time hal elapsed since • C. I}ARNARD'S .P;EN,S . • ; have been introduced into the United States still a mark ed preference is given:them, over all othorisffid the follow ing reasons : The " Corrugated Metal" R.EINS do, not nor ,Tade ; they .wilt not splatter Or cut throiigh.thd thilipeet taper; they have an easy gliding motion, a certainty, of equally diffusing the ink, softness of paint, , iiiid debit dii rability. The ; following test lawn leis, eeleeted• from , Annear/Ids others, are respectfully submitted: , -.l'-have used ithb.••illetallid Pens I of _Mi. C. diarnard end ,highly approve of thew. _ C. BARSTOW, , • PresitknE tf St. .IVicholed Balk; heft - riwk. We have used the kens o? hfr. BargliK therh to be an he y . represents, and , take pleasing, In 71, recom9e4d ing thorn to the public., 114L,TARGO k , A. DIULLW AN ,Caehier, C. Barnard's Pons. havo.beon triefl; and, are highly, sdp.. prOvial tet tbie ' • ' • •. OGDEN, , . Auditor U. S.' Castra 21quae, New, York. .11aviug.triedtbe corrugated reap made jlvr. Baer Lean recturiritohd thent'as excellent': TvPrtnEB • ' Contmandane Navy .rard; Re add ours to ithoi-e reCoratadadations. • •; ' . B. VROd(WiILI.IA CO., Mtn, : - I.inky,' nohonitation.in ever Romiard'a;POns are:dt., eideilly th e beatl have ever lised . . ' , H. HAY, • . Agent. United •Statet.prets, Co,ffeio Ydrk. , . We can. confidently recommend .fitr.ll . Corrosive Pons as tho best ever brought nodernur vottico without - exception. I • . r ' ~! Wo have been nsingthe Pons of. Mr. 0. psrnarq, and take gieht pleasure: in•reconstnending'th'Stn tuttid ae they are un excellent usticle, end , sll ; sepreSe4lts them to be.' • - • ' : A: J. CLINTO:4; Secretary. .S.cgte•liteurance Co., Nw York. ~Dpon trial Ivo' have found Mr. Drinftrini.Ponito bo ex cellent. FRED, PDOET .k CO., New York. . . . . I would recommend Mr. Ilarutul's Pens as a superior article to any I bare um]. _ .. . We add mire to the almco recommendations. IJNIOat MU, IIAVILAND &CO., Noss INrk, Of nll Pens I bare over used, Mr. Ilarnard's have g,iven me more satisilietion, - and I can .reconnueini titer to the public as being entirely an ti-corrosire. , „ • : . B. POIRER; New lark, • • After six' months' constant'uao•of 0:-BiirndrePa Anti- Corrosive Pen, we can corifidently l reconiimond.it beat metallic pail we he era', tised; finding Trioni' tLe above osperience that it does look actuplly corrode.. MeLgAN C., BARNARD . u.nuf.cturoi. or corruoted iretit John tree; Clerkenwell,, I.4itone, • June 18, 1802. IM WORK 7:121a/13 OF, Tfle yr Li:JUST THE ncKg, FOR, amp GET THEW BEST ARE FOR 84LE - AT LEWIS 'BOOK STORE, WILKINSON, TETON .L• ,CO„ i IPark PMci, New' rork T. B. I.IIIIOIIE Cashier. - : KrAtIII.A.Neur York