~l~e Zabe. AIINTINGDON, PA. Wedtte§ ay morning, Sep. 21, 1864, The ikli4l:l rlag Ticket. The ticket of tho Opposition, or tho White flag Party, for the October election, is now complete, and it is as follows: Congress, L:inietbn, Ebensburg. Senate, IL .7: Waters. Lewistown, R. W. Christy, lloilidaysbttrg. Assembly, ',I. W. Kearns, Mifflin co. J. Simpson Africa, Huntingdon. District Attorney, Wm. A. Stephens, Huntingdon. Commissioner, U. L. Hervey, Spruce Creek. Directors of Poor, Andrew Simmer, West tp. John Enleart, Cromwell tp. Auditor, R. 31. Alexandria, Shirley. County • Surveyor, W.NF.Greenland. Huntingdon The Monitor hopes through the uni ted efforts of the "D-e-m-o-c-r-a-t•i-c party," their election may bo carried. We can't see the point of their suc cess. Several of the candidates are very clever gentlemen, but they are in very bad company, and not one of them voted for t►;o amendment giving the soldier the 'right to vote for or against them. If any soldier, or friend of a soldier, votes for any one man on this ticket, we had better not be cal led upon to pass sentence for so gross an outrage upon the .loyalty of the Bounty. A Hens- Failure. The "unterrified Democracy" had advertised for a grand ratification meeting to be held here on Thursday last. Well, the day came, and with it, all told, not over three hundred of the faithful-responded to the call. Five thousand were expected, and why that number did not report is not for us to say. The thing was a complete. failure, wanting in everything but the : email leader; to give it even the ehai :. acter of a respectable sized gathering.; . The speakers announced on the pro;' gramme were not here—the most prom inent was the "Morris coanty" ballot= box staffer, ILL. Johnston,. the par ty's candidate for Congress. We could not attend the meeting, and do not know what was said. The pro cession in the afternoon numbered less than three hundred. The display of transparencies was respectable, but the whole thing lacked enthusiasm—it was not the "unterrified" of former Presidential campaigns. The truth is •°the dog is dead"—"Demeeracy" of to-day is not what it used to was. We were pleased to see a large num ber of Union men in town en that day —they cam:, to hear what he j.” favor of the white flag party— they went:home stronger in the faith, determined to work more earnestly for the success of Lincoln anti John• eton and all thecandidates of the Union party. • "Three cheers for Jeff. Davis and the Southern Confederacy." This insult to loyal men wasproposed in the meet ing at the Court Eousc, and was en thusiastically responded to by several of McOlellans political friends. itlare Soldiers Assessed Our brave soldiers cannot fight reb els in the field and at the samo time attend to having themselves assessed at-home, so as to secure their votes at the next election. Every soldier who has not been assessed must be assessed in the district where he resides when at home, and must paY a county tax of ten cents to give him the right to Vote.. Commissioned officers must pay the same taxes imposed upon citi zens. Any citizen can present the names of soldiers to the Assessor of the pro. per district, and he must assess them, and collectors are required to receive the tax and give a certificate of pay ment when the assessment is made. Assessors who refuse to assess names ofsoldiers presented to: him by any citizen, are liable to a severe penalty. We entreat the Union men of ev ery district to see that every soldier in the service from their respective bor oughs or townships is properly asses sed. The "Democrats" will not assess the soldiers; and the Union men should do the work, thorbughly. Exclude no soldier because he may have been or still is a "Democrat"—let all our sol- Aliers in the field have the privilege of voting for such rulers as they deem best: • Where are few who will vote to bring , dishenorupon the war to which They bare devoted their lives, by de claring it but "four years of failure,'• .end endorsing a platform and candi date in favor of an "immediate cessa tion of hostilities." No matter how they will vote—let the Union men see . that all of them have the privilege. • We are willing to trust the destiny of 'the Republic to the suffrages of those who peril everything to defend it. D. S. Henderson. of Alexandria, has been appointed Deputy Marshal for this county. 7. We have received the muster roll of Co. lc, 202 d Regiment, but too late for this issue. Also, the muster roll of Co. D.2osth Regt. and a letter from, Co. li, 10th Pa. Cay., and also one from Co. G-, 181 th Regt. All will be published if we can make room. m k .. Don't:forget to come to the Un jon Mass Meeting. UMOIII The County Committee have ap pointed Township Meetings, at the following times and places : Hawn's School House, Juniata tp., Friday evening, Sept. 23. Warm Springs, Oneida tp., Satur day, Sept. 24. Cassvillo, Monday, Sept. 26. Shade Gap, Tuesday, Sept. 27. Shirleysburg, Wednesday, Sept. 28. Huntingdon, Mass Meeting, Fri days Sept. 30. McConnellstown, Saturday, Oct. 1. Saulsburg, Monay, Sept. 26. Green Tree, Tuesday, Sept. 27. Mill Creek, Wednesday, Sept. 28. MeAlea.vey's Fort., Monday after noon, Oct. 3. Steffey's Tavern, Monday evening, Oct. 3., Iluntingdon Furnace, Monday even ing, Oct. 3. - Spruce Creek, Tuesday, Oct. 4. Dudley, Wednesday, Oct. 5. Trough Creek Church, Todd, tp., Thursday, Oct. 6. Marklesburg, Friday, Oct. 7. Scottsville, Wednesday, Oct. 8. Orbisonia, Thursday, Oct. 6. Mt. Union, Friday, Oct. 7. Mapleton, Saturday evening, Oet. 8. Petersburg, Saturday, Oct. 8. A large attendance at all the meet ings, is expected. Prominent speakers will be present, at each meeting to address the peo ple. _ HENRY GRAFFIUS, Chairman Sept. 20, 18G4, =I The Shirleysburg Herald of the 15th inst. says:—"Last week we noticed in the Herald that David D. Eshelman, of Germany "Valley, bad his left hand badly crushed the previous Thursday, by being caught in the gearing of a large thrashing machine. The fingers were amputated by Dr. Baird, and the patient seemed to be doing well enough, until last Sunday, when lockjaw set in, which terminated fatally last night. He leaves a wife and three small chil dren to mourn his untimely death." air. Eshelman was "the Union candi . . . date for County .. aurveyer. The VB.- Ati4-"on the ticket has been filled by Ontiti6,-eninbalttee. MARRIED, 'App Thursday, 15th inst., by Rex. S. -Utoid, Mr. D. GIBBONY CANTNER Of 00::, to Miss LETTIE M. JOHN. E4TON, oUHuntingdon co., Pa. On-the 13th•` inSt., by Rev. 8. 11. Reid, Mr. 510s118 HAMER. tO, Miss MAR THA J. Ottov.E, both of IVnikey town ship. At the residence of A. C. Hutchison, Esq , Warrior's Mark, on the 131,11 inst by Rev. J. A. DoMoyer, Capt. Wm. P. Dim:, of Piue Grove Mills, to Miss I:Unarm , E. GRAY, of Patton tp., Cen tre co., Pa. DIED, Suddenly, on the evening of Friday the oth inst., at the residence of her uncle, Henry Glazier, LAURA RosEr.rn daughter , of - -tbiHatc - lcih 3 ar riet R. limes, of Hollidaysburg ; Pa., aged 10 yrs. 3 days. Laura is dead! She has gone from the temptations of this sinful world, to join her youthful voice, with those near an dear ones, who had gone be fore, in the praises of that Redeemer, "who died that all might livo." Sho has left the world of sorrow and pain and "has gone, where the tear of sor row never falls, and . the groan of pain is never heard; where sweet music continually swells upon the air, and happy voices always resound along the golden streets. She has gone to reap the reward of her virtuous and christian life, for although young in years, she had lived those few years of .probation in the service of her Sa viour. Her life was one worthy of iniita tion by all, at home she was a kind and affectionate sister and relative, obedience accompanied with respect and love was always burning bright ly in her bosom. At school oho • en joyed the entire confidence of her tea cher, and the unbounded esteem of her classmates, by her straightforward and honest conduct. She had been Confined to 4 her home, for some months, by a paralysis of part of her body. Suddenly she became much worse, and in less than two days from that time, she called her rela tives and friends around the bed side, and told them "she would soon be in Heaven." Frorp each one assembled she requested a promise to seek the Saviour, to live a holy and Christian life, and to meet her at last in that bettor land above. Just as the parting day expired, her pure spirit left the frail body of earth, and was borne by angel hande, to a happy greeting of parents and friends, there waiting to receive it. Sorrow fully the body was carried to the si lent tomb, and forevermore hid from view. But the memory of her pure and spotless life will live, and guide many of her relatives, associates, and friends, in the way of holiness and truth. S. *** Hollidaysburg and Altoona pa pers please copy. At her residence, near Marklesburg, this county, Sept. 10th, NANCY, wife of Rev. Theobald Fens°, in the GOth year of her age. Mrs. Fouse was an affectionate wife and mother, and a kind and much es teemed neighbor and friend. She was also a firm believer in the Gospel, and died in the confidence and hope which it inspires. She leaves behind her a largo family and many friends to mourn her loss. In this borough, on the Bth inst., Jottuutu, infant son of John and Eli za Hazzard, aged one year, 6 months, and seven days. THIS WAY ! THIS WAY ! A NEW ARRIVAL OF . • BOOTS & SHOES,. HATS, etc It JOHN H. WESTBROOK informs the public that he has must reseived a new stock of BOOTS and SHOES of all sb zes and kinds to suit everybody. Also. Hats, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Morocco and Lin tog Skins, all of which will bu sold at the lowest cash prices. Don't forget the old stand in the Diamond. Old custo mers and the public generally Iwo insited to call. Ilanlitigdoa, &pt. 9t, 15ff. FXECUTORS' NOTICE. t [Estate of Pleasant Green, deed.] • Letters testamentary upon the estate of Pleasant Green, late of Oneida tp., deed., boring been granted to the undersigned. AA persons having claims agldnist the said estate, aro requested to present them for settlement, and those owing the some. will make !torment. II EN ItY 111a0N, Executor, Sept. 14, '64. St TRIMMINGS WROLESALE AND RETAIL. WM: MENCKE & BROTHER No. 804 Arch Street. Philadelphia. A fine assortment of Ladies Dress nod Cloak Trim mi ngsoDuglo Gimps, Shawl Bardars, &c. Importers of real Berlin Zephyrs, Embroideries, Saco ny Yarns, Knit Roods, Fancy Goods, 80., at the lowest prices, Sept. 14,'G4. am. GOD SAVE VIP. GOMIONWEALTD. 13. 0 C LAMATION.-NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1864 Pursnant to-an act of the Oeneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act rein• ting to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, 1830, I, GEOItO1•) W. JOHN. STON, High Sheriff of lien county of Huntingdon, Pennsyvlania, do hereby woke known nod give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will be held in the said county of Huntingdon, on the 2nd Tuesday, (and 11th day) of October, 1864, nt which time District end County Officers ns follows, will be elected, to wit: Ono person to represent the counties of Ifitntingolon, Blair. Mifflin, and Cambria, in the House of Representa tives. Two persons to represent the counties of Ihmtlngdon, Centro. Blair, Mifflin, Juniata, nod Perry, in the. Otto Senate, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Two persons to represent the counties of Huntingdon, and Juniata, in the House of Representatives, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Ono person to fill the office of county Commissioner of Huntingdon county. Two persons to till the attics of Director sof Poor of Huntingdon county. One Ninon to fill tho offlco of District Attorney of Huntingdon connty. Ono person to fill the office of county Surveyor of Huntingdon county. One person to fill the office of Auditor of Huntingdon county. In pursuance of said act, I also hereby make known nod give notice, that the places of-holding the aforesaid spe- cial election In the several election districts within the said comity of Huntingdon. are as follows, to wit : Ist district, composed of the township of Henderson, at the Union School House. 3d district, composed of Dublin township, at Pleasant Hill &hoot lionso,near .1.1.01 Nelson's, in said township. 3d district, composed of so much of Warriorsmark town. ship, as is not included to the 19111 district, at the school house adjoining the town of Warrlorsmark. 4th district, composed of the township of gopewell, at Rough and Ready Furnace. oth district, composed of the township of Dame, at the house of James Licing-ston, in the town of Savisburg, in said township. 6th district, composed of the borough of Shirleysiburg, and all that part of the township of Shirley not included within the limits of District No. 24, as hereinafter men tioned-and described, at the house of David Fmk - or, dcn'd, in Shirleyeburg. 7th dismiet,composed of Porter and port of Walker town ship, and so much of West township as is included in the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the south-west corner of Tobias CauTmenfa Farm on the bank of the Littlo Juniata river. to the 10r,r,end or Jackson's narrows, thence la a northwesterly direction to the most southerly part of the farm owned by Michael Maguhes, thenco north 40 degrees west to the • ' cutsaybi mountain to inter sect the line ot Frank , fp, thence along the said line to Little JuntatAC co dOwn the same to ties place, of beiginolug n . 0 school house opposite the German'BeforMeetkehi ho borough of Alexandria. Bth district, composed of the townshilsof Franklin, et the house of Geo. We Matters, in said township. Otp • district:, composed of Tell township, at the Union school house. near the Union Meeting house, in said twp. 10th diatrieti'composed of Springfield township, at the school hone% near Hugh Madden's, in said township. 11th district, composed of Union township, at the school home, near Fe2ehiel-COrldn's, in said township. 12th district, composed of Brady township, at the Centre school house, in said township. 13th district, composed of Morris township, at public school home No. 2, in said township. 11th district, composed of that part of West township not Included in 7th and 26th districts, at the public school honso on the farm now owned' by Milos Lewis, (formerly owned by James 01115120 In said township. loth district, composed of Walker township, at the house of Benjamin Man tiny, in 111Tonnellstown. - lath district, composed of the township of Tod, at the Oreen school house, in saki township. 17th district, composed of Oneida township, at the house of Wm. D. Rankin, Warm Springs, 18th district, composed of Cromwell toMaship,'at tho home now occupied by David Etnire, in Orbhsonia. • 10th district, composed of the .borough of.Birmingbam, with the several tracts of land near to and attached to the same, now owned and occutried,by Tlionuti kl.Oweria, Joh u K. DlcCalmn, Andrew Itobesob, John Cieusliner and Wm. .Cionelmer, and the tract of toed now owned by Gocirge and John Shdenberger, known my the Porter tract; Situate in the township of Wavriorstuarjr...slh - 0 POW school house In said borouglO . •, • :.es, 00th district, composed of the township , of Caw at the public school house in Carmine, In mid township. 21st district, comptised of the township - of Jackson, at the public house of Petard Macs, at McAlcavy's Fort, in said township. ' ;- • ..T.2.d district, composed of tho township of Clay, at the public school house in Scottsville. 2.141 district, composed of the township of Penn, at II o public school house in Ilarklesburg, in said township. 24th district, composed al created aa follows. to wit:— That all mud that part of Shirley township. ifuntingcicei coon lying end beteg within the- - following described b sun. stories, namely: beginning at ,the - intersection of Union and Shirley township Mies with the Juniata river. on the south side thereof; thence along said Union township lino for the dist:moo of three miles from said river; thence outwardly, by a straight line, to the point where the moon from F.by's mill to Germany sod ley, crosses the summit of Sandy ridge; theism northwardly along the summit of Sandy ridge to the river Juniata, and theoco up said river to oho place of beginning, shall horeaftor "form a separate election - district; that the qualified voters afield election district shall hereafter held their general and township elections in the public school house in Mount Union, lu said district. 25th district. °unloosed of lire borough of Huntingdon, at the Court 'louse In said borough. Those ports of Walk er and Porter townships, beginning et the southern end of the bridge across the Juniata river at the foot of Mont gomery street, thence by the Jainism township lino to the line of the Walker election district. thence by the same to the corner of Porter township at the Woodcock Talley road near Ker's school house, thence by the line between Walkerton! Porter townships, to the summit of the War rior ridge. thence along said ridge to the Juniata river so as to include the du'e'ling-house nt Whittaker's. now Fish er's slit mill, and thence down said river to the ohm, of beginning, be annexed to the Huntingdon Borough elec tion district, and that the inhabitants thereof shall an I may rote at all general elections. 'kith district, composed of the borough of Petersburg and that part of West township, west and north of a line between Henderson and West townships, tat or near the Warm Springs. to the Franklin township lino on the top of Tiassoy's mountain, so as to include in the new district the houses of David Walalsinith. Jacob Longenecker, Tiros, Hamer, James Porter, and John Wall, at the school-house in the borongli of Petersburg. illth district, composed ofJuniata township, at the house of John Peightal„ on the lands of Henry Isenberg. "_tills district, composed of Carbon township, recently erected out of a part of the territory of Tod township, to wit : commencing nt n Chestnut. Oak, on the summit Ter race mountain, at the Hopewell township line opposite the dividing ridge, in tho Little Valley; thence south fifty-two degrees, east three hundred nual'sixty perches, ton 00110 heap on the Western Summit of Broad 'Pop mountain; thence north sixty-seven degrees, cast three hundred anal twelve perches, ton yellow pine; thence south fifty-two degrees, east ROVOU hundred and seventy-two porches, to a Chestnut Oak; thence south fourteen degrees, east three hundred and fifty otto perches, ton Chestnut at the east end of Henry S. careen's laud ; thence south thirty-one anal a half degrees, east two hundred and ninety-four perches, ton CheSIIIIIt Oak on the summit via spur of Broad Top, en the western side of John 'PerrePs farm ; south, axty five degrees, east nine hundred and thirty-four perches. to a stone heap on the Clay township lino. at the Broad Top City . Hotel, kept by C. Allmotsd, in said township. I also make known and glee notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I are directed, that "or eiy person, exceptingjustices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the governtnent of the United Slates. or of tine State, or of any city or corporate,' district, whether a conunissfun eat officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of any city or incOrpo. rated district, and also, that every member of Congress, and of tine State Legislature., and of the select or com mon council of any city, conimissioners of any Incorpora ted district, isby law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the office or nppointment of judge, in spector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector or judge, or other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office to be then vo ted for." Also, that in the ith section of the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to executions and for other purposes." approved April 1611,, 1610, it is enacbol that the aforesaid 13th section "shall not ho to construed as to prevent ally militia or borough officer front serving as Judge, or inspector or clerk of any general or special electiou in this Commonwealth." Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 67th section of the act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the certificate or return of the election of their respective districts, and produce them at n meeting of ono of the Judges from each district at the Court House, In the borough of Ifuntingdon, on the third day otter the day of election, being for the present year on Friday, the bth of August next, then and there to do and perform the duties required by lower said judges. Also, that where a Judge by sickness or unavoidable acci dent, is unable to attend said meeting of Judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken In charge by ono of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said die. trict, and sheikh, and perform the duties required of said Judge unable to attend. Aloe, that in the filet section of said Oct It is enacted that "every general and special election shall bo opened between the hours of eight end ten in the forenoon, cud shall continue without Interruption or adjournment un til seven o'clk. in the evening, when the polls shall he cloned." - - GIVEN under my band, at Ifuntingdon, Um ]et day of Sept., A, 0.1664, and of the independence of tho ted States, tleo eighty-eighth. GEO. W. JOtINSTOif, Sherllf. &MIFF'S OFFICE, 1 Huntingdon, Supt. 14, '64.f !UST RECEIVED AT LLOYD & IIIeNRY'S,. a lar g o stock: of ladies' Dress Goods of latest styles. LLOYD Fe lIEND.Y. Sept. 7, '64. 4t. CE, GREENE, C a DENTIST. 0111 co rsmored to oppnsito the store or D. P. Gels, in the sluice, 11111 street, Huntingdon, Pa. April 13,1664. H :J ORSE HAY FORKS, for unload lug Hay. J. A. DROWN, Huntingdon, is agent for the - beat Fork in too United States. Coil soon. maUttl Pocket Mayes. A new stock just received at Lewis Book Store. For neat JOB PRINTING,- call nt the "GLonn Jun PRINTINC OFFICE," {a Him tingdon, Pa PHILADELPHIA RtA.RIEETdi Sept. 20 • Friiirit and Extra Family Flout.. Common sod Superfine $1.1,60(412,00 $1.0,74410 Rye Flour 49.00 tlorn Meal . ? bl $O.OO - Extra White Wlleal $2.75(F42.86 Fair and Priam Led 02.75( - 42,84 - " • Rye $1,83 Cub. prinie Yellow c $1.70 Oak 97 Earley is laf $1.25 Cloversred, ?6.1 lha tl 4 Timothy $6.50 Flaxreed $3.70 Wool 100@112 Hides - 13 . . HUNTINGDON MARKETS. Extra Family Flour Vbbl $11,50 Extra (WO cart 5,76 White Wheat 2,20 Bed Wheat • ^a) Eyel ' Bs . ... Corn 160 Oats . 75 . Clovereeed . 1500 Flaxseed " • -. ' 2 ' 50 Dried Apples, . . .... a ......... a ..... ••••••••••••••• ...... — 2 . o ° Butter . .. • CO Eggs 2O Lard • 25 Ilan, • , 25 Shoulder e` . 20 Mee 20 Tallow 12 H. K. NEFF, M. D. AVING returned from the army, will resume the practice of MF.DICIN and WlC hit nt his old residence on 11111 street. • IlutAingdon, Aug., 21, 'O4. VALUABLE FARM PRIVATE SALE. THE undersigned offers at, Private , Sale, Ids.farin and Umber-laud adjolutug, upon ho rasidaß, in Juniata tp., Huntingdon county, containing in all about 500 ACRES, about 140 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. 90 acres thereof being.. rich bottom land, and the remaining cleared part being good mil shale up land, with two good apple orchards, and two sots of farm buildings on different parts of the tract. The, building on one part of the said tract consists of a stone house, good spring helm enclosing an excellent spring of water near the house, other necessary outbuildings and a large frame bank barn. The buildings on the Other part of the tract are a log house and log barn. It is sCproductive grad', raising farm and is well located, for raising stock. 'no land not improved is well timbered, a considerable portion of which is good productive land if cleared and cultivated. It con be divided Into two or three tracts and will be sold either In separate parcels or as a whole, R 3 may be desired. A utasr title will be given and the pap - gouts made to Ilia the purchasers. Any inorrmation will bo given by calling ou the nu dersigned on the premises. A. 11. SIIENEFELT Juniata tp., Aug. 31, '6l. TEACHER'S EXAMINATIONS, The annual examination .of Teach era for the present year will bo hell In the several Districts 0 .1 fellows: West, Thursday. Sept. 8, at S. C. Bridge. Brady, &third:9., Sept. 10, at Mill Creek. Tuesday, Sept. 11, at It, It. St. Sob. A. Barre°, on Thursday, Sept.,ls, nt. Manor Hill. • Jeckeon, on Friday, Sept., 16. at McAleyy's Fort. Shirley tp., Tuesday, Sept. 20th, at aft. Union. Union 'Wednesday, 21st, of Mapleton. Juniata; Thursday, a 22nd, Bell Crown Sch. It. Henderson, Friday, .e 23 Union Sch. 11. Oneida, Saturday," 24, Centro Union S. 11. Penn, Tuesday, 27, 51arklemburgi Hopewell, " Wednesday, 28, Coffee Simi, Todd, " Thursday . ; 29, Howbeit. Carbon, " Friday, 80, C/nlmont. ' • Sitirleysburg .k Shirley tp. Tueeday, Oct. 4, Shirloybeg. Cromwell," Wednesday. - 5,, Orblsonin. • Dublin,. " Thursday, 6, Shade Gap. Tell. " Friday. 7. Solllngertown. Coos & Cmsvillo, Friday, Oct. 24, Camille. Clay, " Saturday, 15. Scottsville.. Springfield, " Monday, IL iilintdow Gap. As the note form of certificate differs, In one respect at least. from that of the the county Superintendent would call the attention nrappllcante. to the following portion of the instructions recently issued by the State Department, in regard to the coming examinations. I. Mellor, Cro.axerca.—By the new form of certificate the Superintendent certifies to the good moral character of the holder. Good moral charactet is ono of the most important requisites, and no person should be licensed to teach whose character hi even questionable. If superintendents aro not personally acquainted with the applicant, or are In doubt as to their clitneter, they should demand testimony from some responsible individ uals who are known in the community, before certifi cates are issued. 11. 31cDIVITT, Co. Supt August 10, 1804 Ori.I. 3 .IIANS' COURT SALE. iln Pnranance of orders of the Orphanm' Conn .of linnln g don county. the tracts or land :hereinafter de scribed. aitua e chiefly in Welker township, in said court ty, will be exposed to Public Palo no thepremlace, On Wednesday, 28th day of BepterOber, ]9IO. on