ti 1,9111: OF THE GLOBE. Per annum . 41. s etIvance., Six mouths Thje, POPtligl; 3 4 . - • tailttrecto notify ; , n, the term Wm-abed ta. .. • • ISINO. • ntinnance at the expiration of he considered a new engage, TEMP OF •a.,. foiir lines or $ , Jne square, (12 line.") ' 60% wo squares 1 00 three equaree, I'6o Oyer three week and lees than three .. Ter equate for each insertion. • ' • ' 3 month,. 6 menthe. konths. ilx lines or 50 93'00 _ kl 0000 Joe square ' 300 . 600 rwo 5 AO 8 00.......—..10 Oo three squares, 7 00 10 00..... ..... 15 00 " 9 . 00 13 00..4 20 00 ttalf a column,. 12 00 16 ....... 00 3ne 00 "30 00.... .. . ... 60 00 Professional and Eusinese Cards not exceeding four lines, Oae' 93 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, Rl 76 Advertlerments so t marked with the number of inser tions desired, will be eautinued till forbid and charged ac cording to these terms.. . „ 6111 . 1).t. HUNTINGDON, PA. l'iom our Hutdred Days' Boys. CAMP AT MONOGAOT r sTIINOTION, Mommy,,Artg, 29, 1864. THE 195TH P. 3i tbnis. th,ong::---After another inter , vid'• ott7o prepare to giyi your readers a brief summary of events that, have occurred since. my: last 7 the fink, place, however; be it known to '&11.-whother to the con cerned or unconcerned, to the. anxious or indifferenithai,* notwithstanding our. close proximity to the, field of etrife, no engagement of whatever magnitude h.s been participated in by. us, add nothing of any exciting moment has transpired to mar the usu al monotony, of camp life. No doubt, wild and -distraetingrumors have rea ched your citliens: c of the fancied ac tion of, this regiment in some, fancied hattle T —that, following the belief of the self-wise with respect to raw re• crofts, we broke and fled, or else were surprised by'the enemy, and out to pie ces ;'but allOw me to inform - you, in this as Perhaps'you. have been inform ed,bY'others, that the regiment, as a body, ts still in existence, having; Su& fared no decimation or annihilation from 'rebel 'bullets . nor' . demoralized from rebel 'sdrprise. We can still bpast,,of ,our originsl strength and numbers to cope with the rebel foe; and as to "flying" before the enemy, I trust—yea, I feel confident—l shall never record such an event. Other regiments from our Commonwealth which embraced no veterans, have en tered and participated in the mortal fray at a much earlier period after en listment than wii,can now do, and yet they have.come out having accom plished mighty deeds of valor which redoundedAo the honor of both State and Nation. It is reasonable to sup-. pose that this regiment from the same ~• Common Wealth, composed of veterans and others who have-seen and-f i elt,ser- Nice, wl talso r when-tho time iarrivol , for a displayy. of its proiVeSs,- give full and s t atisfactOrY proof of the . ,saine. I am. n o t eiotistic,,and Lam confident I do not exaggerate the truth.. I have been led to write thus from the fact that many are possessed with the be lid that We' cannot stand fire nor smell gunpowder. A STORM On Sunday the 14th inst., a terrific tbnnder shower visited us, and almost inimediately torrents of water were coursing over the camp. ground, and, passing underneath the shelters of our boys, perpetrated damages to a con siderable extent upon things valuable and invaluable, .Since then black clouds and, heavy rains have been with low exceptions the alternate order of the days j'Aiid as. I write I am sur roonded;with ths disagreeable eviden .ce's eta perfect night storm. We have all experienced what it is to sleep un der shelters in a thunder-storm, and all agreel in saying, notwithstanding the subject for fun that it sometimes affords", it, is not very pleasant. "CHANGE OF BASE." Qn Monday morning the 150 inst, it was -doerpLed, advisable, on{ account 4af the swamping•of tents, by the rain, •of the day previous,lliat we motto to the. north-western side of the railread, lliCre the gronnd iknOt so low, being •on„a bill. This was accordingly done; •and hero we have since remained. ENLISTING A subject of some importance and %ono:which _received serious attention from some of the `boys' ''was broached in camp on Saturday, the 20th inst. In. the morning cf this day and •while assembled forbattallion drill, the Col . -onel,addredied his men on the policy •of enlisting for the one year period. Headvised all to, enlist, signified his willingness to give all information and •counsel with respect to the same, but stated that no transforments could take , place until the expiration of ,40 -days after muster. ''hese forty days having aS yet unexpired, no transfer. men'te have occurred, Judging from the . tone cifthe remarks of the • boys at pre , sent,.many will go for one Year and, thereby, escape the draft, receive a reasonable bounty, and take advan tage Of a abort furlough. It is the COlbnel's expressed desire, to credit OR' pep to, gistricts where the largest bounties aro. offer,ed. THE 71NiF0n.31.8 Could I foretell events, or had I thought of the same, most assuredly - would' your readers have been inform od,at the first of the . textureOf our uni forms; bnt.now facts disclose to a cu rious gaze that the cloth which com poses them is exceedingly poor, mean frail; or-whatever term you may yap ply. Before we were in 'the service MI 2 do. 3 do. 3 7% 50 / 00 • 3 PO \25 cents WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. .XX, one third our time the pantaloons of some of the boys were unfit, to wear, outrivalling in "rips" and "tears" those. of the first three month's men. We know not whom to censure for the distribution of such articles of apparel, but we, do think that the Inspector examined them blindfolded. Luckily, however, steps have been taken to have these condemnable concerns re moved from sight,; the boys have had the libeity to draw now clothing, and the "dark" will soon be substituted by the light blues. Then, it is to be ho ped, cause for uncomfort and grumb ling will be displaced. I stated above that we were in close proximity to the field of strife. Such is the fact, if our ears and eyes do not betray int. Ever and anon the rumb ling of artillery is hoard it the distance and volumes of misty smoke ascend to the clouds; beyond the western hills, to disclose the fact that beneath a bloody strife is raging. As this scene presents itself and, us the roar continues various thoughts possess the boys; Sonic dread a defeat, others rejoice in victory; and speculation is rapid and changeable :LB to what will be done with us; some thinking from the nearness of the conflict, that a re bel force might be detached to sur prise and capture us, while others, of a more composed temperament, judge that we are safe, and, if we see them at all, we will be led against them. Of course, it is interesting to listen to such opinions from our comrades, who each knows as much as his brother what movements are taking place; and the conversation occasi%s a plea sant, if not instructive, pastime. All have confidence in the leader of the Union army •in the Shenandoah valley and believe that everything will re , suit favorably to the success of our cause. On Friday evening last, the 26th inst., ti now and beautiful flag, given us by the Government, was brought mi.dress parade for the first : time. No,- thirig,wae said-on-the-occasion in the way of speeches and nothing was done' in the way of presentation, but the emblem was unfurled to the breeze and each man felt that. was his to de fend and preserve, and that under it, if need be, be would die. Immediately after inspection on yes terday (Sunday) morning, the boys were•thrown into a considerable state of excitement by the manufactured reports of the advance of rebel caval ry and the driving in of our pickets, together with other canards which have a tendency to excite and arouse if not to surprise. A train of armed Union soldiers was standing on the rnilroad bridge, at the time, and from them repeated firing could , be heard, occasioned by some of the more impatient, boisterous and unruly. It was,the reports of the guns belonging to these men that produced the re ports of the rebel advance, and caus ed the issuing of tho order to "fall in." Immediately the companies fell in, with minimum numbers, (some of the boys having unintentionally strayed) and were in line, when the Colonel or-' dewed the right flank to move forward, upon thO railroad, a few rods distant. This was done, and the flank halted a few feet from the same. The loft flank crossed the railroad and halted a few feet on the other side, and faced toward the railroad. This may seem a mysterious movement to an advan cing enemy, but one which resulted most favorably. While these movements were taking place, the train which contained the soldiers was backed to a position op posite the right flank of our regiment, and there stopped. Here were the promoters of the disturbance already in our hands, and taken without the ,firing of a gum. The carbines of the cavalrymen (for they were Union ca valrymen going to join their regiments under Sheridan, but not rebels) were then examined• by orders of Gen. Ty ler, who was then at this , post, and I those who had discharged their pieces were placed under arrest. There were about throe hundred of them on the train. The train moved on, and we are ordered to our quarters. This was glory enough for ono day. I can again repeat that the health of our regiment is excellent; but ono death has occurred from sickness. The boys, notwithstanding their prox imity to war in earnest, and notwith standing the rumors of capture, &c.. that you have heard at home, are in good spirits, and ready to do their du t ". , "JUNTO." Its„Many thistles grow upon Farnassus.—That must be the reason why so many donkeys brows there. . . , „ ... ~. .. .. ~?... ..,,, .....'i,'„ ::.,'-....; • . :::',. •.... : .. ..., . ~... 1 41 1 (..........___ FIGHTING OUR FLAG A CAPTUIIE HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1864. Bounty Aot. A Supplement to an 'act relating to the payment oftiounties.to volunteers, ap proved the twenty fifth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty four. WHERE" Doubts have arisen as to the authoyity of township, borough . and ward v }mthorities, respectively, to make, or contract, loans, for payment of bounties to volunteers, or to, levy and collect taxes, for the payment of loans made, for paying bounties to vol unteers, under the provisions of the act to which this is a sppplemont, therefore. SECTION • I. Be it enacted by the Senate and .House ,of Representatives of the CQM. nionivealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That in all cases, when by Virtue of the Provisions of said act, the county commissioners aro authorized . to contract' loans, for paying bounties to volunteers, and to levy taxes for the re-payment of such loans' but neglect, or refuse so to do, the respective cities, townships, wards and boroughs, of such county, by their authorities, or board of election offi cers, in said act named, shall have full , powerto contract loans, to paY boun ties to vOlunteers, and to levy taxes for the re-payment of such loans, as fully, toall• intents and purposes, as the said county commissioners Might, or could, have done, under the provis ions of • said act; and proceedings ta ken, or bad, by any township officers, or authorities, or board of election officers, as in said act named, for the purpose of contracting loans, and all loans contracted by them, to pay boun ties to volunteers, ar.d all taxes levied by Ahem to re-pay such loans, under the provisions of the act to which this is a supplement, are hereby legalized and mado valid, as fully, as if said act . had clearly conferred authority upon, said offieers for the purpose ; and that in case commissioners of any county shall neglect, or refuSe, to raise the full airmuut of bobrity, , authoriied by ;tip sixth section of the act to which this is a suppletheat, then, and in that case,, it shall and may be lawful for the au thorities of any city, borough, town ship, and ward afore-mentioned ; to borrow such sum, or sums, of money, and levy and assess taxes for the pay:- ment thereof, as will be sufficient, when added to the amount raised by the said county commissioners, to pay a bounty, not exceeding three hundred dollars, to each non-commissioned offi cer and private soldier, who may havo volunteered, or may hereafter volun teer and , enter the service of thu United• States, for said several sub-dis tricts, and be zredited to the, respee tivo quotas thereof, in pursuance of the existing, or.any futuro requisition of the : President of the United States, now of any law of the United States hereafter to be made. SEC. 2. That whenever a majority of.the citizens of any ward, borough, or•'townsbip, have borrowed, money, to procure volunteers, under the late req, uisition of the President of the United States, with the understanding, or agreement, that it should be re-payed by taxes, the constituted authorities, or board pf election officers thereof, as the,case may be, are hereby required to assess such amount of taxes, under tho provisions of the act, to which this is a supplement, as will cover the same: , Provided, That the sum paid, as a boun ty to each volunteer, shall not exceed three hundred dollars. SEC. 3. If any person liable to draft, in any ward. township, or district, shall furnish, and have mustered into tbo service of the United States, for the term of ono year, or longer, a...suitable . substitute, credited to the ward,. town ship, or district; and if said substitute has received the full consideration, agreed to be paid by the person, who made the contract with him, such per son, so furnishing the substitute, as aforesaid, shall ho entitled to receive the amount of bounty from the coun ty, city, Ward, township, or district, to which the substitute may be ac credited : Provided, That if the amount offered by such ward, township, or district, shall exceed the amount paid by the person thus procuring the sub stitute,. then, and in that case, the difference between the sum paid and the amount of bounty, shall be paid to said substitute. Ste. 4. That the county commission ers, town council, school directors, sur pervisors, or board of election officers, of any county, borough; ward, school district, or township,,shall not be au thorized to levy and collect, in any one year, a greater tax than two per cent., on the last adjusted valuation for state and county purposes, in said counties respectively for the payment of bona tio as aforesaid. -PERSEVERE.- SEC. 5. That it eball'be lawful for the county commissioners, school di rectors, supervisors or rp ; ta commiss ioners, city, borough o' ward 'authori ties, or board of election officers, as the case may be, to let , and collect a per capita tax on all made taxible in habitants in said'eountY; city, borough, ward or district, respectively, not ex eoeding-five dollars each in any one year : Provided, That non-commission ed officers and privates in the actual service in the army. and navy of the United States, from this COMPIOO - or who were permanently dis , shied in such service, and the property of widows and minor children,' and widowed mothers, of non-commission ed officers or privates, who died in such service, shall be exempted from taxation, tinder the provisions of this act: Provided, That the counties of Westmoreland and Fayette shall be exempted from the operations of this section : Provided further, That the provisions of this act shall not ex tend to the counties of Butler, Venan. go, Borks, Bucks, Erie or Tioga. lIENRY C. JOHNSON, Speaker House of Representatives, JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED—The twenty-fifth day of August, Anno Domini ono thousand' eight hundred and sixty-four A. G CURTIN The Democratic Principle. It has all along been maintained by the friends of the Union that the in surrection got up at the South was not alone to protect slavery from agi tation at the North, or from restric_ tions by Congress upon its universal extension, but to get rid forever of the democratic principle that the ma jority shall rule; that, consequently, northern democrats, who have most to lose by the, abandonment of this, ought to set their faces the most stron uously against the rebellion. Those who 'have been uceastomed.r. peruse southern papers for a number, of years, will not need to ho mph:clod of the truth of this position. Dr. Russell, in his interview with the glum and sul len Governor Pettus of Mississippi in 1861, learned how the programme of I disfranchising poor, foreigners, as the first step toward disfranchising, poor native whites, had been arranged and adopted. Jefferson Davis said to Mes srs. Gilmore and Jaques, in their re cent interview with him at 'Richmond "We seceded to get rid of the rule of the majority; for which reason ho old not bear to have propositions looking to the re-establishment of poem and union submitted to the people. To the incidental remark that the majori ty must rule finally, be further re plied : "I am not so sure .of that." Neither events nor history shows that the majority rules or ever did rule. The contrary, I think. is true. Why, sir, the man who should go before the southern people with such a proposi tion—with any proposition which im plied that the North was to have a voice in determining the relations • of the South—could not live a day. He' would be hanged to the first tree with-' out judge or Jury." It may be thought that these doe: trines are but the momentary ebulli tions created in the minds of a few lenders at the South by the passion ate r heats of the war, bUt that is not the case. During the dark ages in our country's history, while the love, of liberty was gradually weakening from a passion to a sentiment, from a sentiment to an abstraction, and frfn' an abstraction to a mere "glittering generality," the master minds, of .se cession were busily engaged in devi sing some plan by which, under the forms of universal suffrage, the will of the majority could Yet be sot aside. In the September number of Ifaryerls Magazine appears a letter written by the Rev. Aaron Foster, who was for Many years pastor of a Presbyterian church in. South Carolina, in the neigh boyhoodof Mr. Calhoun's residence, and who enjoyed a close intimacy with thatdistinguished man: We • quote; "I will saggestand I think my pe- . culiar opportunities for judging must guide me ,right in the opinion—that the mind of Mr. Calhoun, during those years between 1824 and 1835, was la boring on the certainty that freedom must out-vote slavery; and that, i the progress of the race, freedom must be united against it politically. He either honestly believed in slavery, or saw that his lot and political hopes were cast out of freedom into sla very Fer many years he labored with. the problem how Minorities could be macho to govern majorities. This was the harden of his conversation with MO betwe6n ws and the end of 1832,. in clUding state rights and.. nullification and the insufficiency of the 'United States constitution to protest • I i .t. 7 • :; Yil, '' :I:: '::' -,,. • ,',.!•• 'l:' " . '; ' : " , ".. '.' -•• • \ •..: •;" i.' 'I , T '...', •:, :i7; ~..' t•Y 0 : .) x ir • ( v't : 4, '7 `V • • ' `O.. ' '-' s': . ' • [ties.: My opinion is; that. finding no relief in these theories so long as a ma• jority of the state votes controlled the Policy of the nation, he turned, with hope for the institution of slavery, :to secession, thinking to live long enough to be its head and glory." Thus, a generation ago, the active ftno:ll,onaciouB - mind : of John C. Cal houn *as omploying itself for yearEi succession to work out the •prob llem of , malcing minorities govern ma-' joritces under: the constitution. That failing,.secession• or civil war were to follow: .Davis is but the outgrowth of Calhoun's speculations.. South Car olindforged the bolt;the Mississippi. , an only shot it off. ' in viewof this evidence it is utter ly abSurd to suppose that any conces shins granted to slavery and the sou thern states in the beginning of 1361 would have prevented the outburst of disunion feeling. That hudacious and powerful faction, which had arrogated to itself the title of "the South," was determined not to be conciliated by any sacrifice Which the North could Make, short or utterly and forever ' abandoning the principle that the ma jority shall rule--of course accepting, With the honors- and emoluments, the responsibilities of government. As lung as this war regarded as funda mental in tho free states the slavery oligarchs felt insecure; and indeed, had they carried this great lino of Popular defences, they would have again felt insecure until other and in ner lines had also been carried ; for it is of the nature of wrong to be ag gressive, and after one success to be- come insane for further conquests, generations will point to the stand. Against southern aggression • made by national men of all parties in 1861 as ono of the groat glories 'of the age, the Whole loyal People being more willing to sacrifice debts, business, I property, aye, life itself, than give up `the great majority prinelpio. This.rule of the majority,:it is true, may not be ebsolute•perfeetion Weis. litr. Sohn SteWartMllf' has de veloped .a plan by tvhiell, ilethinks, he has 6uccoed64 of minorities with the rule and respon sibility Ofrnajoliiies.. Wo are not sure that it is entirely practicable; but in Case it is ono thing to go forward and upward from one plane to a higher and a more equitable ono ;•it is anoth er and a very different matter to de scend' from majorities to' professed minorities—that is, from the whole people to a mere order, which, if follow ed up to its legitimate consequences, would proceed further from an order to an individual; thus concentrating all authority in the hands of abso late monarch, "te Which eoraplexion" the anti-majority principle, "must come at last". It is essentially retrograde, feudal', European ; not American; en lightonedand progressive. Washing ton represents the one principle, Rich mond the other; Abrahani Lincoln is the standard-bearer of the one, Soifer 'son Davis of the other; the l‘rmies.un del; Grant rind Sherman aro the armies. of democracy, those under :Lee and 1 Hood the armies of aristocracy or des potism. Our whole contest hinges on these differmices, and until these are settled, until the glorious truths of free dom and equal rights are accepted by the whole nation, there will bo no end to the war. It involves the essential, the distinctive, the single principle on which our political societies aro built; and if we fail to Maintain . it now, de mocracy fails L--not only on this conti nent, but over the world.—N. Y Peg. How to make Beautiful Homes. The' greater part of our population are waiting till they can afford to have pleasant homes, forgetting, that they can at no time afford to have any, oth er. We take the color of our daily surroundings, and are happier, more amiable, stronger to labor and firmer to endure, when those surroundings aro pleasing and in good, taste. - To possess these important qualities they need not be expensive.. Time beauty is cheaper than we. think.. The first charm of a home, within and without, is thorough neatnessond' this • is . the result of habit, not outlay. It is often cheaper than filth. - Paint the house if you can; if not, whitewashTbut in any case let it be' in thorough,repair . . Let be no loose shingles or dangling clapboards or gates banging by a bro kim hinge. • These hints 'favor thrift as well as taste. Let the house be sufficiently shaded. This will pay in comfort, wear of furniture and lack of flies. If you cannot • afford green blinds; you can always afford a green tree or two, that costs nothing but la bor and patience, and will shelter you from the sun in summer aml.the wind in winter. tsa, A gentleman walking with two , Mice stepped on a hogshead hoop that flew up and struck him in the face: "Mercy?" 'said he, "which of you diropped that?"' Plant vines, of soma-kind about youri. Subscribe for the Globe. lIZ TERMS, $1,50' a year in advance. premises; they are indispensable to grace; they show that nature takes kindly to Year home and'htts'• thrown her arm around it. , Yell need 'not re sort to costly climbers;, woodbine :and' clematis may bo had for the ,gather brig; and grapes and hop-vinee.marbe so trained as to :combine -'beauty. , and profit.. Let your turf be smooth . and firm as velvet; and enforce the: death penalty upon weeds with an unspa ring hand. : No man,:riCh or poor, can afford to raise Weeds. They choose the richest spots, , whore flowers; or fruit, or vegetables Might grow, and send abroad their seeds as missiona ries of eVitinto every nook and cor ner. 111-kept places always have their vegetable Five Points, where sin and misery aro mimicked in pig -weed, burdock and nettles. A very few flowers will suffice; a monthly rose in the - window, a morning-glory over the door-way, a bright border between your-kitchen garden and the street; these add,to the picture just those touches of color that make it pleasant to the eye. With half a dozen cheap , and common kinds, your wife will take' care that something is always in bloom. But flowers aro gross feeders, and if you keep no domestic animals, you fancy, perhaps,' that you have no nu me.' , You were never more mists: ken. Every human 'dwelling is.tt; cen tre of fertilizing agents, mostly was ted as times go, rich enough to make the whole plot around it blossom like the rose. Tell the soil that you have nothing to give it give it what you have and it will laugh in your face. The suds from the, laundry is a store of liquid wealth. Never waste a drop of it in drains or sewers. It is a floa ting currency promising to pay round-. ly in grass and vegetables • and fruit. Invest . it in your home bank, which never, suspends payment. Those gras sy slopes aro greenbacks whose issue is:as good as gold. Carpet sweepings are manure in a concentrated form. Dug into your flower borders they weave aricher pattern than the one from wkioh they were worn. These old -bones that deform the premises, if buried beneath the grape vino, will he "health to, the bones" of all your friends. Old boots and shoes, those most unsightly wrecks, are the timer ite food of the raspberry and all its palatable kin. Tainted brine, if such unhappily is yours, .is a treasure for the plum trees and the asparagus bed; slacken limo with it, and it will make a rich dressing for any. garden soil. Every household should have its com: post bed, be it only an old packing box where woolen rags, bits of panel), ap, plo parings, refuse of vegetables, slops front the kitchen, chips and saw dust are storing up the elements of a glori ous growth. Let not yours be one of the homes where all these bright pos sibilities arrive only at . "burning in- stead of beauty." We • : have named but a part of the fertilizers of.. every household. Generally speaking what ever is offensive to sight or smell is urging the appeal to our revolted tastes.---Bury me, and I'll' do you. good.—Springfield 4:neighbor, whose "statements are entitled to implicit confidence," relates the story of the cunning and inteli geriee of a rat which is truly remarka ble. Being plagued with the depreda tions of the rodent mammels, - ho made various attempts to .secure the repre sentative of this small race of quadru peds. • The trap . used was a' wire one, and so constructed that on arat entering and nibbling •at the bait, the trap would spring and cage the intruder. Our neighbor when lie went to examine hiS trap always found it sprung bnt no rat, and what was the strangest of all; the bait was gone. So he resolved to watch the trap. His patience, was Presently 'rewarded by beholding a half doyen rats making their appear ance, and at their head one who appear ed to be a leader. This rat advanced slowly and cautiously towards the trap, and when the others would make a move as if intending to rash at the bait, the old fellow would wag his tail and they would fall behind • him. After viewing the trap closely;•• the old fellow approached the back, part Of it, and getting on it shook the raised part until the trap gprung,. and then put a paw through (motor the openings between the wires, and taking the bit off, made good his retreat with his booty. A WORD TO BOYS.— Begin in early Moto collect libraries . of your own.. Begin with a single book; and when you find or hear of any first-rate book, obtain it, if you can. After awhile get anot4er, as you aro able; and be sure to read it-Take the beat pare .of your books ;and in thili way when you are men you will have good libraries in your head as well as on your • shelves. NO, 11, A Rat Story. G.M.;b r Ejh' JOB PRINTING OFFICE. rrHE "GLOBE' JOB ;13iFFICE" the moat complete otf`emy in tNi'Aimtry; - adirpile seem the most ample fecillftes for Ocialttly fez pttngx;' the Dee style, every vartety of.Jolirrintlug, such's' g g HAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES; • ' " TJLANKS, , , • • • , „ ;;: POSTERS, BILL' itEADS, CARDS, • CIROUL ' ARS, '• • :- BALL 'IICKETS, • • • LABELS, GALL AND ZZAIIUNZ'OPLOTICINII OP was . • ' • AT LEWIS• BOOK, BTAtIONBRY & 31 : USIO SWAB Gen. Grait. — The;Onnfidtiiicio of the - An army„ correspondent since the seizure of the foad,,speaks , df Gen. 'Grantli feili4S ) l. It is wonderful to Eleo the celerity , . with which Gen. Grant move§„fkom • point to point of the line. He , passes, here at•all hours of night - and — dar Surely, ever human lieing:Sietted, all his energies in any.eause,be is ex-. erring his 'inthe cause of 14 countg- The qUalities,thatare daily,develcipidg themielves demonstiate frilly that, if. there, is a man on the Axnerican•conti nont: calculattid to bring-this-wan to • a successful issue. Gen. Grant is 'that man. Ho goes about his work in work, .ing style, devoid that foolish ostenta- / tion that characterizes many of .the minor generals, I do - wish that some: of the croakers and Copperheads of the North could .but follow him in his career for one week, and they would ] forever after hold their peace and hang,, their heads in. shame. Gen., Grant, , has the unsha k en confidence of every,, soldier, from the •highest in , nffice.:io' the humblest priyate, as he justly merits, the wartoi;Cmani- c gestations of their esteem i vitrArer goes. Not a single ; seep sof liffrinilitary: career is ca*atect, to becloud a single • star in the bright „diadetn that iB heing • wreathed ter crown his brow at the, close of this 3var, when the , States in; rebellion shall reacknowleige their, fealty to the Union, and we, from Maine . to the Gulf, (forgetting the past,) Shalt, become as united at home move were,, and shall be respected abroad. Dreadful Case dlYeriavity. A recent occurrence 0,„ Patterson', N. J., shows a horrible state 'of MOll4 among a certain neglected ;elass,ofthe , community. It seems thxit ,a' girl, aged thirteen years belonging". to a vagabond, poverty stricken picked up from the street alitt4ciiiiht , of two years, that had ‘ watiOored . from . the house of_ its _mother, , -- earrteil; it home, and lafter`stripPltiklifo.444thes: front the infant, threw4lnto . A,younger sister Ot the murdeamsfkitAii tified that the clothes atrippa4, from the baby fbr their own ' (Mean-f, ing the murderess' sister's baby.) That she (this girl, of nine years) looked in to the well and saw the babi kicking in the water, and tan away into thee house. The heartlessness of the , " two girls shows either a greater degree of' natural depraVity thitiC'.usualty be longs to children, or that they had boon schooled in vice' and crime early infancy by brutalparents. Prod;. the accounts published n., the Patter,,-.;son papers, this last would seam to have been' tbe case, as whenthe. mur deress was arrested the - -tabthei "`itV tempted to rescue her from the offietire: ofjustice, and fought and.tore the officers, cursing . and swearing at a • , fearful rate. Themother at that, time, had to he arrested and sent te jail, on-. ly coming out yesterday'at 10 'o'oldock', a few hours befbre her daughter: was re-arrested for murder. • ' The ,destitu 7 i Lion of this family may be understood when our readerslearn that the. chil.. dren have been entirely nakeda ter part of the day when thisfr clothine , h was being washed and'driec. , h, Two of the girls had previously,4f3 , 4ll/.' arrested for stealing,shoes from ,better, clad children in the street. Coporcmci PEftsprTitailificA Mer chant, in "lending eland" on •beard of ono of his ships, on sr:windy - day, foam]: himself, at the end , of an. hour, arida• half, pretty well exhausted, find' 1130113: piring freely. lid -sat down to rest:. The cool wind from the sea -was delight ful, and, engaging in conversationi,titne past faster than be was aware of , attempting to rise, foal* heWannfra-, ble to do so withoutafisistanae: '.116 was taken home and put; to bed, *here he remained for 'two.years,: arid fora long time sfferwards could only hobble about with the aid of a crutch. 14ess exposure than this Ids,'in pinatitiitions; not so vigorous, resulted in inflahriticiri, of the lungs ' pneumonia, ending:in death in less than , a Week ; or causing tedious rheumatism, to.bn-a source of • torture fbr life time, At k 4i4t4 l l3, of lives would bosaveil every y,ea.r,, and. an inchiculabk amount' of htim'an , suffering wouldhe prevented;iflntrents would begin to, explain to their chil dren, at the,ago threnor four; years: the danger Tilicla 'attends ,the, cooling off too quickly oter exercise, and , the importance of not standing; still. aftei exereine, or work or'play, or ofremairf ing exposeditna:wiad, of sitting at a• window or, door, orof,pulling off any garment even the hat, or bonnet, while in a heat. lit should be remernbered. by all that 'al cob:11104'8:C comes withont • ai cause; andithat, in foul , times out •of five, it in th cv result oDleaving off exer cise too suddenly, or 011, remairriuesfill in the wind, or in a cooler•atmosphere• than that in whiehtthe , aznrcimi, ban been taken.---Rdinburg Paper. ser ARGUMENTUM AD FEMINADL-4 Seotoh.paper tells the.story farmer, who, after the buriali a his , wife, drove st• hard bargaih with. the' grave-diggerovho, bringing his band! down on tlio• shovel, said : "Down' wi' anither shillingror upelie comes!"' Tar, Persians, as ancient writers form us, used to teach their:ions these. three things: to ride, to , pay their. I,debts, and to tell the truth, El !MI