* EAD QUARTERS FOB NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS, THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A PLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. • . _ D. F. (TWIN, ER' GOODS ! NEW GOODS I as PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! SIMION COHN,. . AT. C OFFEE. RUN STATION,. wouldieLaettully, efill the 'attelitloh of bG old pairoue peclally, and the nubile to general, to' hie extenelre Mock pf vf ell selected new Goode, Just received from the N*4=olll°l4 roulette& in part, or . , . . Dry Goode, • • • . .. Clothing, Wool- . en Were, Notions, - Hate and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Shawls, Cirou . lars Hardware, Qucenewaro, Oro-. caries, Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, " 'Suers, :;Nails, Glass, Provisions,' Oil, fish, Salt, Tinware, Cop per Ware, Drugs" and Medicines, Clocks, . . • - Watches, - &c., ilad all other articles kept in a first class country store; Isolated . with the _greatest care and which were mis timed for cash only, nd affords him to soil them at a tuery low figure. Tba_publis will find. Ikto their °drea mt to Can and examino our unsurpassed stock, before urchasing elsewhere. No pains will ho *sited in show. as nue,Goode. Ladles are specially invited Co examine r lafga stock of fashionable dross. goods; Shawls, CI, Wars, gure, and a great variety of ll'oolon Goode, !bale. Sy, lac. iAll kinds of products taken In exchange at the highest arket prices—Cash riot refused. Ati strict attention to be wants at customers, we hope to receive a continuation f she liberal patronage with which we bare bun hereto ortslitiored. Come ono and all, and Tar. IM. New Goods received daily. t ap16.1384 SIMON COHN. FEN GOODS OE SPRING AND SUMMER. Win. MARCH & BROTHER, lispkilt:My infortnt,heir ntuneroni elastomers, and the üblic generally, that they haveJuot received a large and plendhl stock of Goods at their store in mAnttLusnuite nelaiinkilimkti of ' ; • , - -' , f• • - EY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, ' SILKS, NOTIONS, ' - HATS.& CAPS, zil BOOTS & SHOES, - : HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, 0 . GROCERIES, WOOD & WIL. LOW WARE , • . TOBACCO, SEGARS, NAILS, . GLASS, hAzI OLD MEAT, 0 CRACKERS, tly PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT,. &0., &0., . . 'AIso—,BONNETS and TINWARE; 1 u nd ., l . n .. .i fae: everything Usually kept in a first class cana ry store, which, were bought low for cash and will be id at oettesponding low prices for cash or country 'nad a', and . request the public to giro us a call before put , &where. feclirmaatlsiled_warum-offer superior no: mints to cash buyers. We repectfully request the patronage of an, and as iwetatly cutr Trough 'Creek Talley friends. I Everything taken in exchange for goods except pronti . fifili•Csulh Paid for all kinds of grain, for which the highest market prices will be given. 1 Wa hark also a stock of EASUIONATLE FEENITURE 'whisb,Will besold at reasonable prime. . ~ WZGLIAX MARCH. & BRO. :'' gaildesburg,,May 11, Ittel. ~, . , 1 XIL:I39III4CCoIiTACLLif. IMBOOTS -- AND SHOES. ICAEORGE 'SITAEFFER respectfully ,A informs him old customers and the public generally 'that holm 'removed to opposite Brown's liardwara Store, 'where ha has_opetied a ' NEW STOCK OF l'Boots astaaci SEidlicoomis„ laud is prepared to accommodate everybody with good ar- Holes at reasonabio prima Re also continues to mannfacture to ordor kinds of ;boots and shoes. Huntingdon, April 11, 1864. ;NEW CLOTHING AT .LOIN' PRICES. OUTMAN HAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OP NEW SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, 'Which he offers to all who want to be • . CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ms Stock catmints of Ready.made Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, BOOTS AND 5110 ES, RATS AND CAPS, AO, AC: Ehould - gentlemen desire toy particular kind or cut ot lolatlahig not found in the stook on hand, by leaving their measure they can be accommodated at short notice. Call at ' -easkotorner of , the: Diamond, over :Long's YSTAHHAL GUTMAN. sunniiiaiin. Abet 27'64. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY LW THE G UR A R D 'Fire and Marine Insurance Co,; PRILADEILPELTA. 'KO MAINE itraris FIRE mice, ONLY TAKEN. .ftrpoluatpoliefer granted on brick and atone buildings. LinEted 'policies granted on frame or log buildings, raerebandlie end furniture. • . • • 115-,r2remium note regi r eLcOeggtitilP,7" 3- 841)16,1808 Agt. for Iftuatingdod& adjoining Coo THOTOGRAPI -- FRAMES: LARGE AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT. FOR SIZE • . AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE p APER PAPER ! ! PAPER !I ! !Prating Paper, Impression Paper, • Drawing Paper, • Deed Paper, Tisane Paper, 811 k Paper for Flower', Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, Rat Cap Paper, - Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladles' Gllt Edged Letter and Note Pager, Ladles' Plain and Fancy Note'Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheet", For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. 00AL BUCKETS and Shovels, vv for gale by , JAMES A. BROWN Yl./ will find the Largest and Best 'anortntemnit hadies` Dross ecaxte at • ' - D. P. Wink rt;ot, PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD T/3111 OF LEAVING OF TRAINS SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. =ffM c r2 tsl gw> STATIONS 1113 ME N. Ilaniilton, Union,... Stapleton MIN Creek,— ittiritingdon, Petersburg,... 8arren,......... Spruce Creek, Birmingham, Tyrone, Tipton, Fostoria, Dell's t Mills, 7 00 I 7 15 Mull TRA and at 8 I'.'3 P. N. YAB ar 10 30 840 I A. Y. LIN ' vas at IRAN d. IL svard leaves ingsou at 2 34) IN Westward lives at Nand 'rho 31., The ton at HUNTINGDON' 8.-; .- 131tOAD TOP RAILROAD.—CIIAZ , ZGH OF SCIIRUITLE, On and niter Monday, May 23, 1S 1, Passenger Trains will arrive and depart as follows UP TRAIN'S. STATIONS Moveg Evo n'g Zron'g 3roneg BERME SIDINGS to 6.40 4.0 7 30 Huntingdon, 4a.10 45 ar. 0 2D 800 . 750 McConnelletown , 10 34 0- 0 608 768 Pleaeaut Grove, 10 16 5-52 624 814 Markloaburg, 10 OD 540 638 . 8.28 Cotieo Ron, 942 526 045 835 RougII& Ready, . 935 520 060 8 461C0r0, 923 6OS 700 860 Pleher's Summit 930 509 Aft 7 15 AR. 0 05 q ~,,,., lug BOh LS 0 LA 7 25 1.6 9 20I ` " - '"'' , 149. 8 60 so 4 40 745 340 Riddlesburg 1 833 419 753 945 Hopewell, I 8 211 421 BEDFORD RAIL ROAD. 8 0210 04 Piper's Run, 1 812 622 834 10 20 Hamilton, 7 421 602 849 10 44 Moody Stun 7RS 540 AL 8 5 3 astlo 45 51ouut Dalian me 7 25,00 5 45 eirours RUN DRANCIL;.. Le 7 25't8 9 25 1 8axton 1 or. 8 001nr. 6 30 7409 40 Ceaimont 7410 15 745 045 Crawford, 735 605 Is 7 55 49 9 55 Dudley, Ir. 7 30 me 0 00 I 'Bread Top City,..1..1 . Huntingdon, bray 23 1804. 4.18.L1:11 - 18, Supt. READING RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. (ZREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE ' , LA North and North-Weak for PHILADELPHLA, NEW. YoRK, READUSCI, POTTSVELLE, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, Maros; Ac j , Arc. " Trains leave IlsnitiSoooo for PHILADELPHIA, NOW-YORK, RILADING, POTTSVILLE, and all Intermediato Stations, ut 8 A. M., and 2 P. 31. Nam.Yomt Express loaves Ininnisamtn at 6.30 A. M., ar riving at Nan'-Yong at 1.45 the same day. A special Accommodation Passenger train leaves READ ma at 7.15 A. 31 , and "returns from Harrisburg at 6 P. It. Parse from Ilsatustamo To Nato-YORE, $5 15; to Pam. snatamts, $3 35 and $2 80. 13aggago checked through. Returning, leaco Nr.w.Yong at 6 A. In., 12 Noon, and 7 P.'51., (PITTSBURGH CIPHERS arriving at ilmtaisulmo at 2A. M.) Leave PRILADELEMIA at 8.15 A. M. and 3.30 P.M Sleeping cars In the Now•Yona EOOOOOO Tient.% through to and from Parenunon, wlthoutchange. Passengers by the CAT:Mien Rail Road leavo iGuA at 8.50 A. 31., for PHILADELPHIA and nil Interme diato Stations; and at 2.10 I'. M., for PriIIADELPHIA, NEW roar, and all Way Points. Trains lcavo POTTSVILLE al 9.16 A. 31., and 2.30 P. 31., for PHILADELPHIA, Ilse-ammo and Naw-Yens. Au. Accommodation Passenger Train leaves Bisorm at 8.00 A. 31., and returns from PHILATELPVIA. at 5,00 P. 31, • silir All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Po7o6olnx at 7.30 A. 31.. and Pliztanstrina at 3.15 P. M. COMMUTATION, MILEAGE, SEASON, and EXCUISSIoN TIMMS at reduced rates to and from all potato. 80 pounds Baggage allowed each Passongor. G. A. NICOLL% May. 2, 1864. - General Superintendent. WAR FOR THE UNION. NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NORFOLK, ac. TAKEN.—ASIIEY SLAIN, AND THE 'lna - - BONE OF '!SECESII" BROKEN But while you rejoice at the success of our gallant troops, and the prospect of the speedy downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the store of 'WALLACE & CLEMENT, before parchasing elaowhore, and see our now stock goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Queousware, Crockeryware, Tobacco, legate, -• , • Shoulders, • Fhb, Flour, Salt, and a general assortment of notions, all of whichar ferT, on reasonable terms for cash or produce. Huntingdon, July 1, 1603. , SATCHELS, .PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, - POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, . SEGAR CASES, &c., &c., A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS'. Book Storo. Gi FORGE P. ELDREDGE r WITH CHARLES DESIL VEIL, Wholesale and Retail PUBLISHER and BOOKSELLER, 1229 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADA. AO. Your patronage to solicited. April P!1, 1804-17. AT TlEal PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, No. 920 Chestnut St., Philada. —NOW OPEN— Paris-made Mantillas and 'Cloaks. Also, SPRING and SUMMER GARMENTS, of oar olvn Manufacture, or tho latest styles and - in great variety. J. W. PROCTOR 8c CO., The Paris Mantilla Emporium, 920 Chestnut Bt., April 13, 1904. Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, FINE CUTLERY, And Sporting Apparatuti . gperally, Rods, Lines, Reels, Baskets, Baits, Flies, Hooks, Nets, Foils, Gloves, Masks, Bil lies, Corjcserevvs, Dog Collars, &c., Constantly on hand, and for sale, Wholesale and retail nt JOHN KRIDERS, i3portarnen's Depot, likh2,lBG4-Gml N. E. Cor. 2d & Walnut, Pld ACE CY O FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS . . CLAIMS, 31017/41"2","8ACK PAY AND PENSIONS. AensrLL who may have any claims a . gahast the government for Bounty, Pack Pay and one, can lutvo.tlieir claims promptly collected by ap plying either In perm, or by letter to W. IL WOODS, Attorney at Law, Hailtingdon, August 12,1863. New Furniture Establishment. J. M. WISE, Idanufaoturer and Dealer in Furniture. Respectfully Invites the attention of the Public to his stand on Hill et., Huntingdon, between Cunningham's Store and Dean's National House, whore lie manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sona wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. 41 Also, Undertaking carried on, Atli b r ains m ado in any style desired, at abort notice. Kir•Punerals attended at any place in town or coins ry, by . J. H. WISH. Huntingdon, Eopt. 21, 1682—tf. ALBUMS ALBUMS. A beautiful assortment of PAOTO 4RAPIEL ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. A JOINT RESOLUTION PR OPO SING CERTAIN AMEND MENTS TO THE CONSTITU TION. BEBE it resolved by the senate and House of gel:reset:tatty. of the Commonwealth of it In Genornl Assembly :not, That the follow ing amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the enth article thereof: EASTWARD' re gi l V ac • Ffi V el, r. 5 ;T., There shall bean Additional section to tho third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as follows: ''Sscnost 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be In any actual military ser vice, under a requisition front the President of tho United States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise tho right of sunup in all elections, by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall ho proscribed by law, as fully as if they were present at their Usual place of election." '- There shall be two additicTnal sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections sight, and nine, as follows. "Premix 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature containing tutors than one subject, which shall le clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation '.Baerrox 9.- No bill shall ha passed by the Legislature granting any potters, or privileges, lu any case,' where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter. le, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth." 13E1 11 01 10 47 Mt 8 4 4 , 8 10 at / 0 0 40 U4Oll. A, M. leave HENRY C. JOHNSON, Speaker of the House of Repreoentatlres. • JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Senate. • OFFICE OF ELIE SECRETARY Or THE COMMONWEALTH, ' Harrisburg, April 25,1804. • PENKSTL 217 A • • I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a toll, trne and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of L. c.., the General Assembly, entitled "A Joint Resole tfon prop, sing certain Amendments to the Con stitution," no the same remains on file in this office. lit testimony whereof, I bare hereunto set toy bend and caused the seal of the Secretary's office to be taxed, the day and year above written. SLIFRE f Secretary of tile Commonwealth; ,1120 tonll - Iqj DOWN TRAINS EMU@ - The above Resolution having been agreed to by a ma jority of the members of each Rome, at 'two . successive sessions of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, the pro Posed amendments wilt be submitted to the people, for their adoption or rejection, on the FIRST TUESDAY OF AUGUST, in the year (Attar bordello thousand eight hundred and sixty-fone, In accordance with the provisions . of the tenth article of the Constitution. 1111(i the net, onti. trod "An Act prescribing the time and manner of sub mitting to the people, for their approval and ratification or rejection, 'Um proposed amendments to the. Constitu tion," appreved the t won ty-third yor April, one thous and eight hundred and elstpfaur. ELT SLIV.Mi, atay4,1864 Secretary of the Comoro wealth. TJ rie Z CELEBRATED Nor 4.( and it Mite Nolvdvo. N ......,. _.. ..,: . ..„, These Powders ' will strength . 4 5 en thCStomath _;., 2...._. ~ ...: and Intestines, -ie . 7 1.1 '. cleanse them ..? • from otrenaive '‘. , matter, - and .., ~.,j , ,,:, ....„..,.. 4 _,,, bring them to Imo! s 4 “ -- jr-;.,- - , ' 7 •': allealthystate, t ---- --=:" - - "'''• They are a acre preventive 4 Lung. Fever, and a certain remedy for all MEMEL'S incident to the /Torso, such as Glan ders, Yellow Water, Dis- „, O4 4 4 , 4 tamper- ~t•,ti, • ,,, 4, Founder, , ty ,: . ;. .\;` , 4.1, % , H eave s , 4i, ,`" , .i.,V , A ; ,I' • :f Slavering-, 4. ''',,'••• - ' .'- e ?T Coughs Fe - , 3 , : ~,te A N vors, L o ss of tV s ? ' t tti Appetite and_ ,%, ' t , .‘ Vital finer_• ttA-4,* c >;,'1.1- ''i '‘. ft:6l,4k, ',-• !-- - --5. ,- - • 1. , - -1 . ^tzt r . gy,.Sce. -.-. _ In poor, lon ' -spirited funeral, it has the most beneficial effect. The use of din' improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and - gives to the linrie fine, smooth and glossy shin—thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal, The property this Powder passes-sea in in. creasing the quantity of litlk iu COWF, fins it an importance and value utich should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it hes prawn that it will increlie the quantity of Bilk cud Cream twenty per cent., and wake the Butter firm and Sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives thra_an_appetitc.,—.lo.escus Bair hide west iliakes them thavo moan Inster. HOGS. In all Dilenze..l of the Swine. such 31 e77,77:-. 1 4'7 . 1: 6 0 'oughs. Ulcers tn. .d Lungs, Llrer, An. By putting from half a ptp:r to a paper of the, 'C eel Powders iu a Uric of Swill, the above Ditemen eat I , i cured or vented. 13,- using, Vita:. Pon (hr.; nog Cholera can Ic tirercii teak Price 25 ots, per Paper, or 5 Palnr,s for =';',l rn7eAr.nr, S. A. FOUTM & TEO., g AT T/CTU WHOLESALE DFUG AND ractc:u 11" PFT No. 1.1.8 Franklin Et; Faltinlre‘, Ed, For Sale by Vrtiggictg A , ; , 1 throughout the Uniud For sale wholesale and retail by John Road, Huntingdon, Pa. [ap27-1 WT HA EVERYBODY- WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CROgYj Or TUE PHILADELPHIA DAE It Tdls rou flow to dram up PARTNERSHIP PAPERS and gives general forme for AGREESIENTS Of utl kindß,lnws of SALE. LEASES and PETITIONS. It TO: Feu How to draw up Doting nod MORTGAGES, AP- FinAviTs, POWERS Of ATTORNEY, NOTES and DOLLS Of ENCHANGE, RECEIPTS and RELEASES. It Tells Tote Tile taws for the COLLECTION Of DEBTS, with the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and atnount • nod kind of property EXEMPT from EXECS:- 110 r in every State. It Tag rise MoW to make an ASSIGNMENT properly, with forme for COMPOSITIoN with CREDIToRIT, and the INSOLVENT LAWS Of every State. It Ms You Plea legal relations existing between Gun, DIAN and WARD, MASTER and APPRENTICE, • aid EANDLono and TENANT. It Tells You What constitutes Lnum. and Stamm, and the Law as to MARRIAGE DOWER, the Wirs's RteuT to PROPERTY, DIVORCE and AtIMONT. It Toils You The Law for Slrottamcs' fAmmin every State, and the NATIMALIZATION.LAWS or Oft COUII. • • try, and how to comply with the same, It Tells You The law concerning P.mtsroxs nod hoer to or. lain one, and the ltuadttmrtos Low: to PROM L ANDS. It Tale Tote The Law for PATENTS, with made or prat*: dure in obtaining one, with INTERTERENCV, ASSIONMENTS and TABLE Or PEES. It Wile You flow to make your WILL, and how to ADMIN. MEE ON AN ESTATE, with the law and the requirements thereof In every State. It Tells You The meaning of LAW TERIvB in general use, and explains to you the LGOISLATIVR, En. CUTIVE and JUDICIAL Powers of both the General and State Govxmorcurs, It Tills Tote MOW TO SEEP OUT OP LAW, by allowing hew It do your business legally, time saving, vast amount of property, and voxatior litigation, by its timely consultation. zap. Eyerybody'sLawyer is for sale at Lewis' Book BM. SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOON, STATIONERY a /II:ISIC STORM, OSGOOD'S Spoiler, lot, 2d, 3d, 4th and ith Readers. bI'OUFFEY'S Speller and Reader,. SANDER'S do do do Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Smith's, Bullion's and Brown's Grammars. Fitclea Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Geographies & Atlases. Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline Mope. Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Onackenbee First Lessons In Composition. Quackanbo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleara, Stoddard% and Brooke Arithmetic,. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleaf'. and Staiderd's Keys to Arithmetic.. Greenleaf% and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Kay to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Willard's History of the United State.. Child's te 4 it Goodyfetes a a Payson, Dunton and Scribner's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Patter & Hammond's Penmanehip In twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Davies' Momentary Geometry and Trigonometry. Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Greenleaf% Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Book-keeping. Rook Keeping by Single Entry, by Hanalbrd & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Hanaford & Payson. Other books will be added and furnished to order. 'A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. Huntingdon, Ps. II lINTINODON, Pl. ÜBLIC NOTICE. Ali poisons Interested will pioaso take notice, that t le undersigned deputy CoMeter of U. S. Itzternat Reve nue for Huntingdon county, Win attend on the Ist and 3d Tuesdays of each month, et the Jackson Hotel, to tho borough of Huntingdon, to receive taxes, &c., commenc ing on the 7th 417. July 7th, 1503. W. A STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ITUNTINGDON,'PA. OFFICE.—In Treasurer'H room in Court House—up *Stairs. ITuutlugdon, Dec. 16, 1863. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, MANUFACTURER OP SILVER WARE and NoORTEA OP WATCHES," No. /48 North Second it, Corner Quarry, PIIILADELI'UI& 170 has constantly on hand an assortment of Gold and 1.. • Silver Patent Levers, - Loplue and'Plain Watches, Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys. Breast Pies, ... .:S Ear' Rings, Finger Ilings,.Bracelots,,MinintUre s' Cases, Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles. Srectrudes, Silver Table,:fhisert, Ten, Salt and Mustard Spoons: Sugar- Spoons, Cops, Napkin Rings. Fruit and Button Knives, Shields.-Combs, Diamond' Pointed Pests, etn,--al of which will be sold tote for (kali I At.l TOBIAS & CO'S best quality full jewelled Patent' Lover Movements constantly ou hand; also other Makers of superior quality. N.B.—Old Cold and Sao' bought for Cask Sept. 0,-1883-Iy. FOR THE GREATEST VARHITY Handsome and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Storo. tyi A 11 . BLE YARD. The unilersig,ned 11 would respectfully call the attention of tho citizent t Huntingdon and the adjoining countiesto the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ito is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every destruct size and farm of Italian et Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro. priate devices, or plain, an may nott„,, Building Marble, Door and WhTdow Silts, he., will be furnNhed to ardor. ' • W. W. fledges himself to furnish material and work ninnship equal to any In the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Hill treat, Huntingdon, I'a. Hunt Ingdon 161866 1864. THE 1.864. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, AT LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the same article man be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsbnrg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One, Hundred Different Styles OF Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering) WE The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining • Room, Bed Boom, Hall, Kitchen, Office si,Zro; Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. O 4"" .F.l 1•••••1 co en 4; , .. M ce) 0:1 121 • stri Igi WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT - Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE s ili ) 4,...8.>" 6: - .FffiZA`d , r, s . , , , ,, : 111 GIS' IP; .* i' - ,•-• - '''',:•i 10,1 • o . s ( 0. - :. , • - v -- - , • ~-'. • !.. 4 .,•.. : -,..,-;...: ----. • - RLANKS! BLANKS ! BLANKS! MSTABLET SAMI, ATTAOIISIENTS, SUMMONS, - • ATTACII'T EXECUTIONS EXECUTIONS, DEEDS, SURKENAS, .MORTGAGES, . • • • SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR MOUSES, NATURALIZATION D'10. 4 , COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, IVARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ' JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for 'Justices of the peace ondßlinietere of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in calla of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIERE PACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. . Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Office of tho EITJNTINGDON CLOSE. • BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good Paper. ' 50.000, • BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, dad received and for ante at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, EVER ItECEIVED.IN CAN NOW BE HAD AT LfilS'lS' BOOK, STATIONZRY AND 1010810 STORE• I'ItUFESSIONAL & lIVSIN ESS CAICOS t ir D. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 11.1RiTINGDON, rA. - Office in the Brick Row, nearly - opposite the Court Howe. [April 15;1883, JAMEB CLA11.6.11 p ALLISON MILLER; ALLISON_ 'Alimaao DE ?%r TIE T, lino removed to tho Brick stow opposite the Court Holm. April 13. 1859. ' WILLIAM AFRICA TIAS AGAIN COMMENCED TITS , . BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST cF . Jr. ROMAN'S CLciliiNG•SToltlt. • custamere_mil the public generally,-will him Amin. [Huntingdon, Oct. 20,1858.] THE JACKSON ICOTEL, HUNTINGDON, • J. UORRISON, Proprietor • - Yi Dealer in Books, Stationery and 3Sualcal Tnitru manta, Ituntingdon, Po. lur GUTMAN SCCO., Dealers in Ready made Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa. , TAR. JOHN McCULtOCH, 'offers his professional services to the cations of Ituntingdon and vicinity. Mee on Hill strect„ono door east of Keed'a Drug Slore. . . ' S. SMITH, Dealer. in Drugs;' Medi L. 3. dace, Porfinnery, Dio',Stittre,'olll; kc. Ago—tir o ceries, Confectionerlog, &c., Iluptiugdon, Pn. , t,M. CUNNINGHAM:: • Founder,,Tuntingdon, Pa JAMES A. 131tOWN, Dealer In liardware,'Cutlery, Palate, Olia, &e., Uuat ingdon, Da.. . , . Ti ROMAN, •d. S h o e,,D.silcr i 2o. ltoady ?dada Clothing, mats and Caps 11 P. GWIN, • . • • Dealer In Dry Goals, GrecoHes, Ilardware, Clneens ware, Hats and Caps, Boots , and Shoes, &c. • • =I --tad/• • ei • ,SEI 4_Fio. Pit -BOOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of inlicellaneohe and' Scheel hooks—Foolacap. Letter, etaninorcill land 'Note Paper-- Main and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous vises — Pens, Pencil's, Pocket, and Peek Inkstands, and every : other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, chit be had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY to MUSIC STOKE, pOOKET TESTAMENTS, A LARGE' STOCK ON EAND AT ROOK BINDING. • Old nooks. Mato:inep t or pUblisatlosto of any kind bound to order, if left at . LEWIS' BOOK sf SZATIO.NIERY STORE. - MOUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE 1 _LI it you mut Yam , mini neatly tirlitied übon atm' opus, cull at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. TOR THE LADIES:' ' • • A superior artielo of *ate Paper 'nail ,EnYelitpas suitable for confidential correspondence; fur aale 800.67 4 , STATIO 4 VeIIY STORE. V(TM., WILLIAMS, T Fiala and Ornamental.3larbla Mannfacturae. • ENVELOI4]S By tho box, pock, or lobs gliontity, for Bala at LBWIIS' BOOK AND STATIONARY STORE. 'itA.PPING s PAPER ! A LEWIS' BODK STORY: IF, you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call at P. P .GWIN'S where yen will find the largett se nortmentin town. QCHOOL BOOKS, k . ) Generally in nee in the Schools of tho County, not on hand, will be furnfelied to order. an application at LEWLY BOOK, AND STA 770101/t1" STORE: THE CYTHARA-LTht l" Presbyterian PsaintodietTbs 4 " r. = Shawn—TheJubilee—llunten'esucr berth-11's enlarged and improved instrnstorsWellend's New and Improved Method for the GI utterL-Letand's Meer.. deon, .05 Vlnte"lnstnietar..AVlrmiresamillswm: . Tuvcrupturb—uolsuss , bleiudeon lustructor—riut rower' Piano-Ports Primer—do. Thorough.liase Howe's Droning Room Dances—The Chorus . Gies .Book,- Tera's Harp, for sale at • • • IXWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY'a MOW STOIIB. STONE -WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 par . cent. cheaper than any other place in 0 k --P c ( 4'44 \ t 'e ( ( - 5 2 Ilais ( 41 ) 0 rylHl; best Tobacco in town, at D. P. ar1N.7.9 QLD BRAES AND COPPER takeii in exchange for goods at the Hardware Store -'= opt. 3, 3802. LIEAD ItECKONIIII. it A complete rocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which are added forme of Notee—Bille, Ile celiac, Petitions, drc. ' together with a set of [metal table., containing rate of interest from ono &Mar to twelve Mom,- and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by tho week and day, published In 1859. For sale at LB IF/S' BOOK. STORE. ENVELOPES, wholesale and retail for sale 1.111618'13001: STOKE., IF you want hands e Goods, good = Goods., cheap Goods, and all IGE I of Goods. got° D. P. G WI: 'S. "ROOT ' S & STIOES, Hats Caps, the largest aseorttnatit and cheapost to be found at t"ZI UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A k.A • large assortment at ' BROWN'S HARDWARBITOBB. r X 4 UM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Griin's tbrtu can be had in town. Call and epee them. DARER !. PAPER !I Note Post, Coriunorclal, Foolscap anti IlstoUrs good assor tment for side by the resin, half , roam, quire or sheot, at LEWIS' NEW )1061C & STATIONERY STORE. DARCIIMENPDEEI3PAPER rulcd, fur anlo at ,z,Erris , BOOK STORE. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS,• .f - LEWIS liOO.K AND.STATIONEIFY STORE; HHOOP SKIRTS ivah 'from 4 '.t . 6 - 30 hoops, at prices Wow . 25 eta. to $2,00 at tloi cheap gore of ' - D. P. GWIN. P. GWIN keeps the, largest, best _L.,. assortment and cheapest shoos in toad: Call and examine them. 91RACINGr MUSLIN, dd DiAPTINO AND DRAWING PAPA!' White and Colored Card Paper, Foreale LEWIS' BOOK ~.cE STATIOARI" sroßz. BOOTS and SHOTS, °the largest and cheapest assortment In town, at D. P. (TWIN'S. CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets a LIQUORS, of the best, for Medieiria purposes at S. S. 8111T111. A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for zi_salo cheap, at D. P. (AVID'S. T 1 P. GWIN'S is the prace to buy I_7. good and cboop Corpoto. CALL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want GOOD GOODS T ADZES Collars, very cheap and beau x./ tlful, at D. P. (MINS riALL at D. P. G WIN'S if you want fashionable Goodt VAIL at the new CLOTHING STOR vv of OUTMAN It CO., if you wont a gond article Clothing. Store room in Long'a newbulldita, In the Di mood, Iluntingdrn. • Sent 18,1857 BLANK BOOKS; OP VARIOIIB emu, tor sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE COUNTRY DEALERS can 9 , buy CLOTHING from me hi llmitingclon at WHOLESALE as cheap no thoy can in the cltbis, ea I bare a wholesale store In rhiladelobl Huoltegdony April 14, INIbS. IL IZOHAN. LEWIS'BOOK STORE ‘CtTICK;SALES UM SMA T.L - Pit4ITSI" Anybody . wisnt of, PA3IILY AND POOKET - DAMLND," 1111.111. AND PIIATER. Mpg.% „ •,. •., , ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, 011181,r113111949. *ND DipI99EITIN . 9 nook, Fahey, .ind School STATIONERY,r • " MosTatii ibrwrietrilgtiTA, 811/ ET nitrslc rorii4 Inario, adit;r; A.; POOTXII I OOXS, - PoRTMONNAILW/iD . PIIIBL9' For Ladle! arid Goutlemon, GOLD.PEN9 AND PENCILS„ AWARD CARDS AI D`BOOIC3, For Olinda) . and Common SUNDAY SCHOOL 33904 CS OF ALL.SINDS, TOT BOOKS, ALPIptAET BLOCKS; &C., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS, Piope fOrßois and Cllrle AMUSING GAMES , „ *or Young WBDDING KNVEL6P.I3}I AND-JCARDS: MARICrAGEI • •v . riol,llL;S j 7tliiiriu.6% . 19; CONV.ERSrAlifogfaiths;...:“ l . • solia ziociics to 75 cents BL4NIr. BOOKS, Memorandtint Books 'of Varibter Saes, ' SOIEOOD BOOKS OF ALL ' DIARLYS Fox OraTiiisr a!sd ilitOtting Payer, 13nolcd and .trili.;23.lirda. WHITE EONHET BOARD, INDSLIBLI, CARMINE, RID, BLUE AND AA= IRIS, Arnold's llodgso,o's . and llsrz:ison's WRITING FLUID Wrapplog Peper orDifferowt Shies aml Qxalldet,, Am. ; .ko. kr. Ac.: -Are. 44. . = L !1 W. I:$ ' STAiItiNXITOiL, In tbe "Globe" building, 3lntkit Squire;' whore ail who want to SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases HE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY. IN ALL ITS BRINCIIEB MISS ELIZA ACTOR, Carefial,y Reviser( by Mr. Hale IT Tabs Tou, Prow to abeam WI kinds or.i.feate, • and Game, with all ilia' TWIIOI39' kid mast approved, modes 'Or "dremilug .11.11 d. cooking Beamed l'ork Mao the' beat mad 'Bll4leat way of aalting, - Ock;ing and,anring,The same. IT Titus Yo All the varloits and inostap'prOreil Otodea of ,lresslog. cookingi . ands hoping Mutton', Lamb. Veal. Poultry, and game of all landn with the different Dreeelnga, Grolier, and Studinga appropriate to each: • , . . . . how to chOnse. clean, and prisorrei Ptah of all kinds, and how to sweeten It whim U411;- 4341; oleo all iho Tartans and moat anpreived modes of cooking; vritlitha difforont Dron ing, flaucea, And ilarciflakaap'propriata to IT TSUJI YO . • • • Al! the varionsand mneE ithriroved inodioP preparing over 50 kinds of lifeat,Fish,Volvt Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, au Blows, with the Relishes and .13assoattes appropriate to each. . CE=ES All the various and moat apyrovedmodes at cooking Vegidablei every • del - m.loton, also how to prepare Pickles, Catsups and Conies of all kinds,Pattodlieats, ,Pleb, Genie, Ilushriatims, An." • 13323111 . Al! the variant tied moat opprond modem of preparing nod ranking all . kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry, Pnddlngs, elmOotto'd, Tram.. Cakes. Conrectlonary,Preounieiii Jellies, and Sweet Mans of overy.dosorip• non. kr Mum Toe Is Taus Ton All the wariene and meet appiywedmodaa of making Breed, }Casks, Mattlne, and cute. and the beet method of preparing Coffee ' Chocolate , and Tea, nod how to make Syrups, Cordinlo, and. , Wine, of TO. riotte kinda. " . •, 1r Tula You flow to wont and - ornarnent &TOM', bew . Carve all kinds of nib, Pleat or Fowl, ilia la short, bow to to emptily tbit whole Art • of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuriee of the table wltltiu,Ofuteiel:ybodyl,r4acti. For Sale at Lewis . ' Book Store. : ATM . .WOKS I . . 1 : 1- '; • FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOolt , srifln TILE' DOUSE: A Now Pocori3lArrireidf Aural A7Chita: 7 "- w.; _or, Ilow to Build Dwellings, Berne, Stables, and Outof all kind.. With a Chapter on - churehea and Schoiddlouses. Price, 10 cents4l -, TUE OA RDEN: , A Now Pomo.: Norma, of Practical Her.: ticulturo; or, Bow to Cultivate Vegetables„ Fruit*, and "YleiVere,.--- With a Chapter oil: .CrziedientaL.Treet and Shroii. Pilte,.glecßts. TILE FARM: ABosS Pociutr, 3laxtrat of Practical Agri• culture; or, HOW to' ultivate all the reldCrolie.' With ou Essay on Furonlianageruentiletc. 'Price,,Eo clots. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A Now Pocorc 'Neitoat of Cattle, ' Horse, and Sleep Husbandry; or, Row to Breed and .11ear. the Various Truants of the Bans-yard, etc., etc Price, SO cents. ' • , . - BOW TO TALK: A Now ParricsiltfAßlTAL oiConiekkaifon .end Deloctoorith-Directions for Acquirinre. Crammed cal Style. nod Move than'Tive'llundted Col:rite - 6d idle. .takes Corrected. Price, SO cents. 7 HOW TO BEHAVE: A Wan roomy Mitten of Repubi• can-.Eticiuutto, and Outdo' to Correct Persontd Habiti; with Hulas for Debating. Societies and Dellberatles 454 , semblles, etc. Price, 60 cents. ' - IIOW TO DO BUSINESS: A Nair - Poorrr •of Practical Affairs and Outdo to lIIICCtatI in Llfe• Collection of Dusiners Porno. andn Dictionary . of COM marcial Terme, etc. Price, 50 cents. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND • SMALL PORTRAITS !I DISTINQUIOIIIID omens AND ervtrzuro, FOR SALE. AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN sazams, BATLEY'S FIXTURES; TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, A FULL ASSORTUENT AT LEllr;s.' BOOK STORE Mill