TIED QUARTERS TOR NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS - JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. SEE. .' April V, '64. NEW. GOODS! . NEW GOODS !! 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN ---THE CHEAPEST ! SIMON COHN, AT 'COFFEE RUNSTATION, respectfully-call Would the attention : 4 ills old patrons specially, and the public .tn general, to his extensive stock of well Selected new Goods;Just received from the Eastern Cities, consisting, in part, of' • • Dry. Goods, Clothing, Wool- .. .en Ware, Notions, Hats and Ceps; Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Shawls, Cirpu lars,-Hardware, Queensware, Gro ceries, Wood and Willow-ware,T P obaceo, . Segare,• Nails, - Glass, rovisions, -.- Oil, ;Fish; Salt, Tinware, Cop . per Ware, Drugs and • -• Medicines, Clocks, • Watches, &c., and all other articles kept in a fired elms country store; all selected with the greatest care and which were pun chased for cash only, and affords him to - sell theta at a very low figure. The public will find it to their advan tage to call and examine our unsurpassed stock, before purchasing elsewhere. No pains wHi be spared in show ing, our. Anode: Ladies are specially invited to examine our large sleek of fashionable dross goods; Sharels, Cir culars, Furs, and a great variety of Woolen Goode, Bole- All kinds of prodnee falcon. in exchange at tile highest market prices—Cash not refused. By strict attention to the wants of customers, we hope to receive a continuation of sho liberal patronage with whiCh we have been hereto pro fevered. Como ono and all, and cur. • gm_ New Goods received daily. ap16.1864 • SIMON COHN. "NTLW GOODS FOR - SPRING AND SUMMER Win. MARCH & BROTHER, llespectfolly inform their numerous customers, and the public generally, that they have Just received a large end eplenditistmk of Goods at their store in DIARKLESBURG consisting in part of _ DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, • NOTIONS, • 0 HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, " 'as HARDWARE, QUEEN &WARE, • - GROCERIES, WOOD & WIL LOW WARE, TOBACCO, SEGARS, NAILS ; GLASS, OLD MEAT, , CRACKERS, PROVISIONS, FISH AIso—BONNETS and TINWARE; And in fact everything usually kept in a first class cone try store,whlch, were bought low for cash and will be eold at correeponding low prices for cash or Country prod uce, and request the public to give us a call before pur chasing ,eleewhere, feeling satisfied we oan Vier superior inducements-to cash buyers. — - " Wo repectfullyxequest , the patronage of all, and es pecially our Trough Creek Valley friends. Everything taken in exchange for goods except Freest- • 43-Cash 'paid for all kinds of grain, for which the highest market prices will be given. We have also a stock of FASHIONABLE FURNITURE which will beeold at reasonable prices. . •• • WILLIAM MA RCEL & .8110. Idaskiesburg, !Say 11,1664, • • • -IEILMIVICCVNTALT-a. 111 BOOTS AND SHOES ,CIEORGE SHAEFFER respectfully Nil informs his old customers and the public generally that he has removed to opposite Brown's Hardware Store, where ho has opened a NEW STOCK OF , "Mtcocetei atat2..cl.- SILC)O3SI, and is prepared to accommodate everybody with good ar ticles at reasonable prima. • ' Ile also continuad to manufacture M order all kinds of boots and elms. Huntingdon, April 13, 1864. NEW • CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. M. OUTMAN TEAS JUST OPENED 'A FINE STOCK OF NEW SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTBING, Which he offers to all who' want to be CL OM' HIS-D , AT PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES MI Stock consists of Ready-made Clothtne for LIEN AND BOYS, ALSO, $C:= AND SMS, HATS AND CAPS, &C., &O ' Should - gentlemen desire any particular kind .er cut of 'clothing not found in the stock on hand, by lea Ting their measure they can be accommodated at Abort notice. Call at,the cast corner .of the Diamond, over. Long's MANUAL MANI7AL GUTMAN. Huntingdon./ yel 27 '64, . INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN - THE . • G LIVA R D • . • Fire aid Marine Insurance Co., PHILADELPAIA.. NO MARINE RISKS—FIRS RISKS ONLY TAKEN. . . Perpetualpolieies granted on brick and stone buildings. - Limited policies granted on frame or log buildings, inorchandiso and furniture. - -. • . • iktl.../Vo premium notes required, consequently 00.444U1- meats made. IL ALLISON MILLER, 5ep16;1863 Agt. for Huntingdon le adjoining Cos PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, IATCG r E AND skim A FINE ASSORTMENT, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE PAPER ! PAPER ! 1 PAPER ! ! ! Traria:Paper, Impression Paper, " Drawing Paper) Deed-Paper;:' Tissue Paper, 231:Paper for Flowers, Perforoted*Paper, • Bunn!, . . . Flat, Cap Paper , : . - - , . ~. , .' -; '.. -i.: I , Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, . Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladle,' Plain and Fancy Noto Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. _ 1 OAIL - BrUCKETS-agil Shbvels, for sate by JAMES A. BReWN VOU will find the Largest and Best AucomewrLadiee Dras Cjoolttp. 1K49. DENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS SUN:ITER ARRANGEMENT. WESTWARD. g .Nt Pv WI HI ~NI 0 t 3. .. ~9 ; , < t a 9 i P F ^t l r. , STATIONS. "J 0 '-' e, 2 V wg a," . >(A ... • g 2'r P. i 1 , • r 4 • P. G - . . 9 5_ ..?: :. P. M.l P. M. A.M.) A.M. I P. M.I A.M. P.M 4 52 N. Iliun ilton, 1 43 6 00 6 21 Mt. Union,... 11 20 9 58 1 35 610 ' - Mapleton,- ' - 1.25 6 15 -' .7.. .. , 1/lill.Cfnei,..7 .... ... 3 ~ .0 43 1 18 6 29 7 05 11 39 5 49 Huntingdon, 11 01 0 32 1 - 07 544 ...... 6 031Peteraburg,... 10 47 0 18 12 52 62' Barren ' I 12 44 58 6 171SprneeCreek, 10.351 9 95 12 38 13 . BiKnaingharn, .. ',- . . ........ 23 6 41 Tyrone, 10 13 8 43 12 15 32 6 51 Tipton,..l2 05 37 .. . • Fostoria, ...... 1 12 00 42 7 00 Bell's Mills,. ' 8 24 11 56 001 7 15 Altoona,. 8 10 11 40 4 A. 2. 1 i A. 91. A. 1". 'E .Enstlinrd leaven. A, in it 120 . A 4 - . - 8 001 LINE Ins at ;RANT A. M t 820 FAST arrt DMIG 10 30 EE ingdoh at 2 36 aN 'Westward . rttes at 'Vintll Hunt: TRA7 Iho ton at and ar HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD.—VIANGE OF SCIIEDULE. On and after Monday, May 23, 1864, Passenger Trains will arrive and depart as follows lIF TRAINS, IMMO hven'ic I Morn`g •P. M. A. M. I SIDINGS_ Le 6 40 u 7 30 Ilantlngdon, 6 00 7 60 51cConnellstown, 6 . 08 7 69 Pleasant Grove,.. 6 24 8 14 Marklesburg, 6 38 • 8 28 Coffoo Run, 6 45 - ,8 35 Rough& Ready,. 6 56 6 46 Cove, 7 00 0 50 Fishor'a Summit. Au 7 15 AR 9 LE 7 25 LE -9 201 7 45 0 401RIddlesburg ..... T 57 9 43111opowell BEDFORD RAIL ROA 6 0:11 10 04 \ Piper's RIM, 831 10 29 Munllton, 849 10 44 Bloody Run, Aft 8 53 ARID 48 Mount SHOWS RUN BRAN( LE 7 25'LE 9 25 1 9.azt0n , 7 40 0 40 Conlmonf 7 45 9 45 Crawford, An 7 55 kit 9 55 Dudley. 1 !Broad Top City, I Hunt.; ty 29,1801. . .., JAI gdon, Ma READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT fIBEAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE I L A North, and ' NOith-Wefit for PHILADELPHIA, Alm- Yonir, Rums°, Ponsime, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, IlaaroN, &c. Trains learo Nanmsnuna for PHILADELPHIA, NEW-YORK, READING, POTTSVILLE, and all Interinediato Stations, at 8 A. DI., and 2 P. 31. NEIT-YORK Express leaves 11AT:nista= at 6.30 A. 31., ar riving at New-YORE at 1.45 the same day. A special Accommodation Passenger train leaves READ. IRO at 7.15 A. 51 , and returns team llarrisburg at 5 P. M. Fare, from IlAumsourto To Nl:iv-YORK, $5 15; to PHIL ADELPHIA, $3" 35 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave MN-I'mm at 6 A. M., 12 .Noon, and 7 P. U., (PITTSBURGH ESPRLM3 arriving at HARRISBURG at 2A. M.) teavo PHILADELPHIA at 8.15 A. M., and 3.30 P.M Sleeping cars in the Saw-Yoas Esmutss Thaws, through to and from PITTSBURGH, without change. • • Passengers by tho Carawiss& lIsII Itozul learn TAM AQUA at 8.50 A. - DI., for PHILADELPHIA and all Interme- diate Stations; and at 2.1. P. AL, fur PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, and all Way Points. Trains lams POTTSVILLE 111.9.15. A. 51., and 130 P. 31., for PHILADELPHIA, HARRISBURG and NMI-YORK'. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves READING at 6.00 A. 31., and returns from PHILADELPHIA at 5,00 P.M. .tiRY - All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leave, POTTSVILLE at 7.10 A. Al. : and PHILADELPHIA at 3.15 P. 31. COMMUTATION, MILEAGE, SEASON, and EXCURSION TICKETS at reduced rates to and froth all points. 80 pounds Daggago allowed each Passenger. . G. A. NICOLL% General Superinkndcat. May 2, 1664 WAR FOR THE UNION NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPIIIS, NORFOLK, Ac, TAKEN.--ASIIBY SLAIN, AND TIIE BACK BONE OF " SEOESII" BROKEN But while you reJoico at the 'success of our gallant troops, and ,the prospect of the speedy downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the store of IVALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewhere, and see our now stook goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoos, Queensware, Crockeryware, Tobacco, &gars, Rama, Shoulders, Fish, Flour, Salt, and a general assortment of notions, all of n•htcbsri fell on reasonable terms for cash or produce. Huntingdon, 'July 1, Het. . . SATCHELS, • PORT-MONNAIES, PURSES, • , POCKET-BOOKS; _PORTFOLIOS, . CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, &c., &c., A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store. . G _E ORGE P. ELDREDGE WhTit CII.A.RLES DESILVER, Wholesale and Retail PUBLISHER 60 BOOKSELLER, 1229 CHESTNUT ST., PIIILADA. .44) Tour patrousio Is solicited. April 11,18U-Iy. AT THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, No. 920 Chestnut St., Philada. —NOSY OPEN— Paris-made Mantillas and Cloaks. Also, SPRING and SUMMER GARMENTS, of our own Manufacture, of the latest styles and iu great variety. 3. W. PROCTOR & CO., The Paris Mantilla Emporium, 020 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. April 13, 1564. Gans, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, FMB CIITLVRY, And Sporting, Apparatus generally, Rods, Lines, Reels, Baskets, Baits, Flies, Hooks, Nets, Foils, Gloves, Masks, Bil lies, Corkscrews, Dog Collars, &c., Constantly on hand, and for sale, 'Wholesale and retail at JOHN KRIDERS, Sportsmen's Depot, Atch2,lBo4-6m.] N. E. Cor. 2d & Walnut, PMMda. AGENCY, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. LL who may have any claims a gainst the Government forallounty, Back Pay and onclone can bore claims proMptly collected by ap plying either In perEG.e or by letter to' W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1863. New Furniture Establishment, `J. M. WISE, Manufacturer. and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on Hill st., Huntingdon, between Cunningham's Store and Dean's National House, where ho manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per- sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him it call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. .4fir Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins madein Any style desired, at short notice. • . AM-Funerals attended at any place in town or coon ry, by J. M. WISH. Huntingdon; Sept. 2.10.862.-ig I ALBUMS ALBUMS, A• beautiful assortment of • PHOTO ORAPH. ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. Al JOINT RESOLUTION PROPO SING CERTAIN AMEN .1)- .itIENTS TO THE CONS TITU- B it resolved by .the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of 'ennsylvanin In General Assembly met, That tho follow ing amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, In accordance with the provisions of the enth article thereof: There shell he an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to ho designated as section four, as follows t ''SECTION 4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military ser iice, under a requisition from the President of the United Stator,-or by the authority of t h is Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections, by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall be proscribed by law, us fully es if they were present at theft usual place of election." There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to bo designated as sections eight, and nine, as follows. ‘lSr.crtorr 8. No bill shell be passed by the Legislature containing niece than ono subject, which shall be clearly expressed in tiro title, except appropriation bills." •"SEenox O. No bill shall bo passed by the LegiAature granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts - of this Common wealth." 9 541 9 0 P. Y. II toonn A 11. 1 lenve Ingdon, HENRY C. JOHNSON, Spathes' of the House of Representativoe JOHN P. PENNEY, - Speaker of the Senate OPPIOZ OP TUC &CRIMPY Or lIIE COIDIONWEALTIP, Harrisburg, April 25, 1861. Lunn- A M. N. ,1125 = I do hereby certify that the foregoing is • full, true and correct copy of the original Joint , Resolution of L. B. tho General Assembly, entitled "A Joint lion propeaing certain A mundmente to rho Con stitution," as the same remains on Ile in this Mike. - In testimony whereof, I have hereunto out my hand and caused the seal of the Pecretery's omen to be allied, the day and year above written. 11 ' Morn'g Evo n'g ENE P. 34 • Secretary of the Commonwealth. The abova Resolution having been agreed to by a ma. jority of the members of each Home, at two successive sessions of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will bo submitted to the people, for their adoption or rejection, on the FIRST TUESDAY OF AUGUtST, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, in accordance with the provisions of the teeth eolith, of the Constitution, cool the act. mai trod "An Act prescribing the time and manner of sub mitting to the people, for their approval and ratification or rejection, the proposed amendments to the Constitu tion," approved the twenty-third d - y of April, one thous andeight hundred and sixty-four. Alt TO 46 41 8 60 - 10 24 830 10 16 8 22 10 00 8 06 0 42 7 62 9 35 7 45 923 '7 33 R2O -730 ILE 0 05 LE 7 15 811. 850 AR 7 00 8 33 6 43 8 26 6 36 may-4,1561 742 602 728 548 LE 7 25 LE 5 45 anzi :„ ME 13 15 7 35 6 05 LE 7 3UILE 0 00 = MEM I UNIVERSAL CLEES NRaGEI No. 1. large Family Wringer, $lO,OO No. 2. Medium. 4( " 7,00 No. 21 " " 6,00 No. 3. Small " " 5,00 No. 8. Large Hotel, •". 14,00 No. 18: lifediumLaundryf o ro llB,oo ''No. 22; Large /orhan43o,oo Nos. 21. and 3 have no Cogs. All oth ers are warranted. *No. 2 is the size. generally. used iu private families. ORANGE JUDD, of the "American Ag riculturist," says of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. "A child can readily wring out a tubfull of clothes in a few UllaUtea It to in reality a CLOTHES &mat! A TIME SAVER! and a STENO7II SAM! Tho saving of gar ments will Mono pay a large per mango on its coot. Wo think the machine much more than •pays for itself eve ry year" in the saving of garments! There are Emeriti kinds, nearly alike in general construction, but we con eider it important that the Wringer ho fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the rollers, and the rollers upon the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. Our own is ono of the first make, and it is as Goon AR NEW after nearly FOUR vases' 00.740149 eat— . Every Wringer with.Cng Wheels is War x anted in every particular. No Wringer can be Durable without Cog Wheels. A good CANVASSER wanted in every town. 11"—Oril0eceipt of the price from pla ces whore no ono is selling, we will send the Wringer free of expense. For particulars and. 'circulars ad dress R. C. BROWNING-, Aug. 12, '63 _To Ot. rJr -Z 'S CELEBRATED gam and 6atM Nonteteo. These Powders . ' C will strength . en the Stomach . ,„. , . . •-' " '4' , , and Intestines, 1 cleanse them t from offensive , matter, and . . . .. , .....:4:1,t . _ . _ bring them to . ":-,..- - -- - _,--,--,......_= - F-gt.: 0,43 '..,: - a healthy state. , They are a sure preventive of Lung . Fever, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident.to the Horse, such as Glan ders, Yellow - . Water, Die- -.( O tt ' o\\ tamper, 41., 11'" i Founder, .;t';:,' . .V,/,. .. -i. Heave s, '',. - A\ {tl . l* . /... - ; - Slavering, 3 •,. 0 . • - i t o Coughs,Fe- #' ~.,(.? : , ,t , vets, Loss of - es ' 1 ~, y Appetite and ;a, .y' .ti:- ... Vital Ener- 4,40.',1 4 . ',":'," . T . -. 4 A . \ "Vt, l , te, gy, &c., ___,:-.„::.;,-.-- --- ''c.- In poor, low-spirited animals, it has the most beneficial effect. ' The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. . FOR MILCH caws. ~_) 1:77-71A;671-F• • : - t''',',3 -1 102`)- - 1.1 ,- •.:4 , 4 _,..,, , wiv / lii‘ s A k .,,- 115 ...---„,-,...,., ___.------_:-_! ...„.. ,44 ,_ ._,.... - The property this PoWder pOssenes in in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, giy(s it ,an importance and value which should :Place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. 13y actual experiment it has proven that it wilt increase the quantity. of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm aad sweet. In fattening Cidtle, it gives them, an appetite, loOsens . their bide ttud makes them thrive- nmeh Easter, HOGS. In all Diseases of the Swine, such as 7 " ~ e f i.t-, ; 775 ; -, -- :- ; , - - -j 4 `oughs, Ulcers in ...6o Lungs, Liver, ** a :7; Sm. By putting from half a paper ly to a paper of these , • Powders in ri bar rel of Swill, the above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using - these Powders the Beg Cholera can be prevented. Price 25 etc, per Paper, or 5 Papers for $l, iituAnEz) S. A. FOITTZ & BRO., AT 1111:111 WHOLESALE MG AID MEDICINE DENT, No. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, I.IA. For FllO by Druggists nod. Storekeepers throughout the United States. . • For sale wholesale and retail by John Road, Huntingdon, Pa. [ap27-1 lOOKING GLASSES.- fFor solo itt the ifardwat e store of ch. 3 , 1801 .3 AMES 1, BROW 11:A SLIFHIT, . ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Comma wealth 0 E I=l 347 Broadway, N. Y pUBLIC NOTICE.. All persons Interested , will please take notice, that the undersigned deputy Collector of U. S. Internal Reve nue for Huntingdon county, will attend on the Ist and Oil Tuesdays of each month, nt the Jackson Hotel, in the borough of Huntingdon; to receive taxes, 7te., corinnenc log ou tho ith July. • • JAMBS CLARKE. • July 7th, 1863. • W. A STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. OFFICE.—In Treasurer's room in Court House—up stain. • Duntingdon, Dec. 16,1563. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, • WATCB-MAKER• AND JEWELER, MANITPACTIMEit OP • - smi..r.p. WARE and imvoirrxx op No. 148 North Second et., Corner Quarry, =! Ile has constantly on hand an assortment of Gold nod - Silver Patent Levers, Wino and Plain Watches , . . Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Mlniatitre s' Cases, Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons: Sugar Spoons, Cups, Naplcin Rings, .Fruit and' Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, etc.,—at of which wilt to mid low for Cash ! M. I. TOBIAS & CD'Sbest quality full Jewelled Patent Loser Movements constantly on hand; also other Makers of superior quality. • N. B.—Old Gold and Silver bought. for Cash. Sept. 9, 1863-Iy. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY Handsome and Useful Articles, • Call at LEWIS' Book Store. /[ AR. he t l entio u n n o d f e th r e si cce e n d s lihmtin g tlon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ile is prepared to furnish nt the shortest notice,'lnomunen - tal Marble, Tomb, 'Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian , or Eastern Marble, highly' finished,' and carved Avail appro priate devices, or plain, as may snit. • Building Marble, Door and Window . Sills, itc., will be furnished to order. IV. W. pledges himself to faintish material and work manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Hill treat, Huntingdon, Pn. • Wlt. WILLIAMS. Huntingdon 161855. • 1864. THE 1864. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspeetfon and sale, IE E LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW . AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles OF Wall d 6 Ceiling Paper & Bordering ) FOR The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stools and prices.. "I ,-, No c-2 P =I -n o°' P" ,- i .-q tn p1: 0 c 0 f , . t /;;N Igi WINDOW CURTAIN - PAPERS, A _LARGE STOCK AND. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. s:ta.L,„ . 0 ~<®ƒ - s ov , 93 , 1zAWYlitn . r . . A;Y PLANKS ! BLANKS 1 BLANKS ! • STABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, . . EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBINENAS, MORTGAGES, • 1011001, ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION WKS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, • FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with n. waiver of the $3OO Low. • ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, - with Teachers. hIARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of tho Peace and Ministem of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. . • . ECIERE FACIAS,.to recover amount of Judgment. • COLLECTORT• RECEIPTS, for State,. County, School, Borbugh and Township Taxes. .- • • Printed on superior paper. and for 'solo at :the. Mho of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE.' BLANKS, of every description, printed:to Order, neatly, at short notice, and on 'kola Paper.. - . 50.000, BEST QUALITY. BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Just received and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. TIIE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOR ' IaDIES Ait.l) GENTLEHEN, EVER RECEIVED iN 11IINTINGDON, CAN NOW. BE HAD • AT HMIS' 0000,' , TATTONERY AWD MUSIC STORE. PROFESSIONAL dr...RUSIN ESS CARDS JD. CAMPBELL; 'ATTORNEY..ATLAW. lIUNITN. PA. • • Offico in tho Bad:l6w, neurli opposite .the Court Rouse. • • • • , - ALLISON MILLER, gifia - i; D.E.YTIST, Ifas removed to tho Drickßow opiositothu Court house. WILLIAM AFRICA: HAS AGAIN COHMENCED THE BOOT AND stroPATAKrim ONE DOOR EAST OF IL ROIR.AN'S: CLOTHING STORE, , , His old customors and Hui public gencralliorill give him a call.: ~• [Huntingdon, Oct: 20, 1818.] THE JACKSON. HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. 1. MORRISON, Proprietor M. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationary and Mumlcal Thant manta, Huntingdon, Pa. e l a a lers in Ready M.maajjaelcii\oldlAiaNg DR. JOHN'NeCULLOCH, offers his professional services to_ tho citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Omen on Rill street, one door east of Reed's Drug Store. " Aug: 28, i 6.5. Q S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, ,Medi ki. cines, lierfurnery, Dye Stiffs, Oils, kx. Also—Lfiro cedes, Confectioneries, &c., IluntingdonfPd. 1 - M. CUNNINGHAM . Pounder, Huntingdon, Po TAMES. A. BROWN", • • •J Denier In Iluttlwaro, Cutlery, Paiute, Oils, liunt ingdon, Pa. • Tl -- ROMAN, „ti - ,„ Realor in Ready Made. Clothing, Mite And Capa, Boots and Shoea, ko. 11 - 1 P. GWIN, Dealer in Dry (bale, Groeeries,llardwaro, Queens ware, tints and Cape, Boots And Shoes, Fec. "Km ‘1.4n91, -110k•? • , 27' "••' • • ' ook)300KS AND STATIONERY.— 'A good assortment of miscellaneous and School s—Teolacap, Lotter, Cominercial and froth Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blatt and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous sines—Pens, Pencils; Pocket and Desk Tilestands, and 'every other article banally found in a Book nod Stationery Store, can dm had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY & 5111510 STORE. • _.• • • DOCKET, TESTAMENTS . . . A LARGE STOCK ON ILAND AT BOOKBINDING. Old Books, Magazines, or publications of nny . kind, bound to order, If left at ' LEWIS' 800.6.7 4 STATIONERY STORE. I),USINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! _Ly it 7011 want your card neatly , printed upon envel opes, cull et LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. 1 -1 4 OR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note raper end Tinv,elopes, safari° for confidontiat correspondence, fur Nilo at LEWIS' BOOK c 6 STArroNEEr sroizz. T Or L na i n A lcu l\ fa l l S illarble Slnnxtracturer NVELOPES ff ',UV the box, peck, or ins quantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK Ala" S2'A TIONEft Y STORE. WRAPPING PAPER! A good rirticlo for solo at LEWIS' .IiOUK STOlti" F you want Carpets and Oil Cloths; call I P DWIN'S where you will find the largeht es eortment in kown. QCTIOOL BOOICS, , Generally in use in the Schools of the County, not Co hand, will ho furnished to order, on application at • LEWIS' BOOK, AND STATIONERY STORE, U SI G I THE CI rliAltA- -2 rlit -- - Pr o it orlon rialmodist-Thii ' , Po" C , Sluvom-TheJabilee--llntiteu'simil Bortinfx enlarged and improved instructors—Weilamße New and Improved Mothod for Om 0 altar—leland'a Aecor. deon, Violin and Flute Instructora—Winner's and Howe'e Violin Inetructors—BellalCe Melodeon Instructor—Bar rowen' Piano:Porto Prliner—do. Thorough-Ease Pittner— Draiving Boom Duncon—The Chorus Gloo Book— Tara'n Harp, for solo at LEIITB' BOON, STATIOIVERY'b MUSIC STORE. - QTONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro cory, 20 per cent. cheaper than .any other place in town. ~l T HE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. OWLN'S OLD BRASS AND COPPER taken in exchange for goods at the Hardware Store Sept. 3, 1862. JAS. A. BROWN READY It ECKONER. . . . . A complete rocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars owl cents, to which aro added forms • of. Notes, Bills, Re ceipts, Potitions, &c.,together with a sot of metal tables, containing rate of in terest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by tho single dny, with a table of wages, and board by ale weok.and day, published in MD, For sale at ... , LBIVISI BOOK STORE. ]' NVELOPES, wholesale and retail, for solo LEWIS' BOOK STORE. TlTyou want hands= e Goods, good Goode, cheap Goode, and all kia of Goode, gala D. P. %VW'S. BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the largest assortment and cheapest to bolound nt D. D. °WIN'S ("Z_UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A \_A large assortment nt BROWOCS HARDWARE STORE. fIUM SHE'S, cheaper at D. P. twin's than can be bad in town. Call end 800 them. • PAPER ! PAPER I! . Tote, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and ,Flatcap—a good assortment for solo by the ream, haff,ream, quire or sheet, at • LEWIS' NEW BOOK & STATIONERY. STORE. 11) A It 0 II MENT DEED PAPER- - ruled, for etdo nt 'LEWIS' BOOK STORE. NIONTITLY TIME BOOKS, • For gale of • LEWIS' 1)00K ANB STATIONERY. STORE. J'OOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoopn, at price. from 25 ate. to $2,00 et the cheap store of . D. P. 7.41V.1N. 1 - 1 ,- P. G-WIN keeps the largest, best e assortment and cheapest shoes In town. Call and examine them. TRACING MUSLIN, DRAYTINGI AND WADING PAPER TV7iiic and Colored Card Paper, For snle at LEWIS' ROOK STATIONERY STORE. 'FDOTS and SHOES, tho largest and cheapeats,ssortment In town, at D. P. OWIN'S. CARPET Sabka' and Fancy. Basleti at IQUO.RS, of the best, for INledieina purposes at S. S. SMITIFS. A beautif4l. Jot of- Shaker Bonnets for ealo cheap; at . D. P. (MIN'S. T 1 P. GWIN'S is the place to buy I_l good and cheap Carpota. CALL at D. P: GIVIN'S if you want 000 D 000D9. T AM and ES Collars, very cheap beau J I taw, at D. P. OWIN'S. CULL at D. P. G WIN'S if you want )tasltionablo Ooodr, CALL at the new CLOTHING STOR of GUTMAN & CO:, a you want a got , / article Clothing. Store room in lantg'e nowbn Bait g, in the Di mond, Ilyntingdm. Sept 18, 1857 VtLANK BOOKS, Jur OF VARIOUS SIZES, for sale - LEWIS'DOOI[AVD STA TIONERY STORE ker.c.: - .- COUNTRY DEALERS can bny.dLOTlllK . o:frolntne in,lluntitigdon nt WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, as I have a wh9lesale store in Philadelphi 4 Iplitiniirlon, April 14,'isps. . itom'AN. LEWIS'. BOOK STORE r E :PEOPLEBOOOK BOOK. MODERN COOKERY IN! ALL AG!TON.. Carefiilly Revised bly *Mr: J. - S. Hale: Ix • TELX You llow - to ctooso te.l kinds of Bleats, Poultry, • : ••. • antithuno, ;Clio various. and' iiioat nppr n ord f e l! " l a" l cook rg• IV lao tocs t„d sinplti way of salting, pickling and curing. Cho Yoit All the Tertous and niostapproved ti - iddus of dressing, .cooking, and - ' game al l l u lNn o 2 with tho.tliffeout pressings,atravies . , and - Stiitlingi appropriate to each. ' - . . Ii TELI.O You Il44l6'claooiso, clean: and Prase b• • kinds, and hol a v ii t o o, n 7 a ee n t ( e i l l i o til a len tnlut ed; also tell the's modes of cooking, with the differeaPtirrevseal , l Snores, and Illaroringe appropriate to • . , . .. tr TRW •YOU All tho cartons and most approved Medea! , :preparing over 00 kinds of Illeat,Fish,FOWl :- •• 'thane, and Negetablo Scalps, 'Broths, nn Stowe, with the Relishes and . Seasonings ' appropriate to each. • - - . • Pr Tuna You All 11th various nod most apyroved modes of cooking :Vegetables of every , description, also how to prepare Piekirs, • Catenps and Curries of l nll_ kinds, Potted 3leats, • Fish, Game, Mushrooms, do. Ir TOLLS YOII. All tbevarious and most tipproved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Fancy. Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary, Preserves, • ' Jellies, and Sweet Djelacs of every doacrip• It TrILS You MI the various and most approved modes of malting Bread, Rusks, Itlidlins, and Big ' cult, end the best method of propttring Coffee,. Chocolate, - and Ten, nod bow to make. Syrups . , Cordials : and.. Niles a Ye ' lions kinds. ' IT THUS Yott How to getout and ornamenta Table, hew - Cairo all kinds of Fish, Mesh or Fowl, and in short, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking"as to bring the choicest luantlea • of the table within the everybody's reach. For Sale at Lewis'Book•Store; • ROHRER'S • ROHRER'S • nonnEnis ROHRER'S . - ROHRER'S' PRACTICAL CALCULATOR P}tACTICA I, CA LCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR PRACTICAL CALCULATOR R OHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU . Book of Plain Edelen& Caieulations fbn Business 'Gym • rations; by Marlin M.lliolirer, Practical'SurVeyor acid Conveyancer. New. Edition, published by J. B. Lippirp colt Et Cb., Philadelphia. • • .• ' This work contains'2o4.pagos, and uPwaids of 500 Pores and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical •tch as arise every day In the common pursuits of BuilneSs, rt his already passed through a number of editions in -rapid succession, and is pronounced by all classes of business men to •be the handicAt book . of reference, pertaining to calculations, that hits ever heen published.: • - Every example in the book le . worked out in full. and stated in a plaiwmannei, 'Co that when aparallel case ari• see, thosgreferring to the work will find no difficulty in seising It; In a weft?, the .general arrangement of the OALCULATOR,is simple,;that anynne who knows how to add, subtract, nittltiply and divide, can easily solve any or. dinary example that arises in business; or arrive at tt e true result of any.estimate required. The chief aim of - the author hag been to esChon theory and philosophy in 'figures, aiming only at facts and simpli city, believing that business teen core little about spen ding time in discussing the philosophy of rules, Of the science of figures, deeming it sufficient for their mitres° to be able at a moment, by reference, to arrive 411, the true result/ Thu CALCULATOR differs in this respect .from all other Arithmetica of the day and kindred works—il is a key to practical business calculntions—it is, in fli. hands of the itusineSs man, 'what the key to mathematical Works iti the hands of the teacher in tbo school. room—it faeili taloa limo and insures,cdrrectness. . • 'TEE WOK - TREATS Or TUE, '• Measurement of Land, of lumber, - of Brick pad Beak Work, of Steno and Steno Work, of grain.and grain bills of coal and coal Ling,' of wood; of solids, of liquids of dr. cular, stplaro or irregular vessels, of cisterns and wan, of roofing, of 'pla.sterer's; pain ter's. glazier's, paror's, plumb or's, paper Imager's and upholsterers' work. -ft .treats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, , of the decimal system, of redaction and its extended. application to business, of simple and _compound interest, and ;their entire application hobnob..ss transactions, with the laws and usages governing the same, together with numerous commercial forms—of legal tender. -of partial payment on notes, of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay znont and of partnorthhip accounts, of assessment of taxes, of weights and measures, of square and cubic measure, of the sgnaro root and its application to isnstness of snifaces, of excavation, and of many ether 'important practical) matters not within the ocopo of an sdrertigerneut to men tion. . IT IS JUST TUB BOOK. FOR TIIi Farmer the merchant, the mechanic, tho, artitino or the —nroKemintwl the lawyer, the . Justice of tne pram the conveyancer, and real estate broker, td. tho ,assesser, the banker - the clerk, to the eh' it engineer and the surveyor, to the rarpCntot and bricklayer, to the stonemason awl the ,pinstcrer,t) the paper hanger and upholsterer, to • the paver , and the Uteri &c., &c,; each and'all will find it adapted to the:r va rious' wants better than any beak published. . 44. Price. 50 Cents.' . Fur sale 'at - Lewis' Book Store. Bun Bogdan, Dec. 25, 5500. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES Y. BY ROBERT JENNINGS, Y.S.; •'• • Professor of Tailtology and OperoUro Uttrgory in the Veterinary College of 'Philadelphia. etc., etc. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, llistory and distinctive traits of the various breeds of European, Asiatic, African and American Horses, • with the physical Palliation atal pa - culinritica the - anithal, and bow to • ascertain his age by the number and condition of bis teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory ongrnvings. THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breedin g,e, Brenking, Stabling, Feed leg, Grooming, Shoeing, and the goner- . . . . .. . ' ' •' • •dl management of the horse; With the - ' • - • best modes of administering medicine, . also, how to trout Biting,. Kicking, , . . . • Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Bit. ing, Restlessness, and other vices to • which hole subject; with umneroue ex planatory engravings. • . . THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TAL YOU Of the causes,symptoms,and Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat, Distemper, ' Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneu monia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chron ic Cough, Roaring and Whistling.Lam pas, Sore , Mouth and Ulcers, nod Do yed Tooth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, sympterns,and Treatmen •of Warms, B ots, Cholid, Strangulation • • • Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy. •• Diarrhea; Jatindice,Flepati rrliea,Bloody • Urine, Stones in the kidneys And Bled • - der, Infatuation and other diseases of • the Stomach, Bowels, Liver add- Uri nary Organs. • THE 'HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Treat. - mentof Bone, Blood nod Bog, Spaeth, . Ring Bone, Sweanie: Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Gallo; Founder, Cracked . Hoofs, Solo Bruise and Gravel, Canker " Stretches, Thrush and Corns; also, a • Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers and other diseases of Um Feet, Lego diul Head, . THE. HORSE AND HIS DISEASES MILL TELL YOU Or the causes, eymptorne, and Treat moot of•Fisfula, Poll Evil, Glanders, - • ' Furey, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, - . Locked Jaw,ltheuinatiern.Cramp,Galls, Diseases or the Eye end Mart, he and how to manage Ceetration, Bleed ' • ' ing, Trephining, Roweling. Firing. Hernia, Amputation, Topping, and Olt • er surgical operations. TILE HORSE AND ISIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Storey's Method of taming 'Horses how to Approach, holler, or Stable a Colt; how, to accustom a horse to .. strange sounds and sights, and how to Saddle, Side, and Break him to • 'Harness; 'also. 'tho form and late et WARTIANTT. The whole being the re. milt of 10 years' careful study of the • habite, peculiarities, wants. and weak . nesses of this noble and useful Animal.. For sale at Lewis' Book Store. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE:HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE. BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER,.. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S . LAWYER, A. VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store:- THE FAMILY. DOCTOR, THE FAMLLY DOCTOR, , , THE FAMILY DOCTOR, .. A VALIJABLE,BOOK, "FOr sale at LEWIS' Book• Store.:. LONGSTRETII ON=TIIRIIONEY 'BEE, LONOSTRETH ON •TIIE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETILON THE 11.0NEY - .BE : A .VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book:Store. DOWNING on FRUIT andERUIT TREES DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES •'''' • A VALUABLE BOOK For sale tit LEIWIS'Book Bte.re'. PENS . PENS ! GET THE BEST THE BEST IS, THE s ;CHEAPEST f _ C ; I3ARNARD'S , Celebrafsd "Corrugated Metal'? Pend Ala tOR . SALE LEWIS. BOOK-STORE ; • Agent for the - county:- '.;' -" Pntcl —O5 , , . CtS. ,pdt doion or $2 per'grotie; CORRUG-ATIM.; METAL!? PENS, main by C. BARNARD, are the best Cons- merchal• And' School. -Peas, 'without tilOblitiratr to anY.--a: They are used by all the principal Banks and Government Departments,' Public and Private Schmid; ' also, By the most prominent Commercial.flousemthroughout the yur tell tatesnudCanada. • • • • • But a short time bas elapsed since . . . C. BARNARD'S PENS have iieenintroclactal into the United States, etill a mark/ ed preference Is given - them - over all others for the follow ing reasons ; The "Corrugated Metal "TENS do not cor rode; they Will Oat aplattor.orcut. through the, thinnest paper; they have ma easy gliding Motion, a cartnintP Of equally diffusing the ink, softness of point, 'owl greatits. rability. The - .following 'testimonials, selected tram namerona others, are respectfully, submitted - - • 1 Lave nebd the Metallic Pens of Mr. C. Barnard and highly approve of them. 0. - BARSTOW, Pre.sidnit of Se. ArYcliolas 7funk irmo Perk: We bare used the hens of Mr. Barnard; and find r therif to be as tin represents, and take- pleasure in recommend ing them to too public. . . ' WELL, FARGO .1 Co., A. MULLION, CaShier. - C. Ilarnard's Pens Lam been tried, and are highly app proved in this office. • • S. (1. - OODY.N, ' a Auditor U. S. Ca ntons Mine New York._ , . !laving tried the corrugated Pens made by Mr. Barnard, I can recommend them ea excellent... - -• r ASIVEt Cbmmandant Navy. 144, Broaktyrs. Wo add our to abovb recomnioudatioUß: • . . 11. D CROMWELL &CO Now York I have no litaltation In say.ing . ltarnord'tt Pens are do. chredly tlic Licit i hov e . cior used. , .A.gent Lliaited States Express Co., Nqe York.. We can confidently recommend Me. C. Bartutrd'a„Antl Corrosive Pons as the boat oier - brOughCniularhitehotiob without exception. . . . r . . . . WILIIINSON,'TP.TON CO.; Park Race, New Tark. T. B. 1111G1111, 'Cashier. . . . Wo have been using tho Pens of - Mr. C. Barnard; and take great pleasure in recommending them to the publio, es.they urn an excellent article, 'and all'he'iepreiMits them to be.. • • ..A...7:CLINTON, Secraary * Eagle insaranoe Cb., heie York: • Upon trial Ivo ba . ro found Mr Dirnard's Pans t 5 bo ox cellont. • 'FRED; PROLIX & CO., riow:YoFki: , I ivould 'recommend Mr. Barnardi Twig : As a epperlor arttclo to auy 1 hare used. aouvn. KB3II3LE, New. York. Wo add onre to the abowt,recordmendatlone. UNDERIII.4L, HAVILAND & CO., New Tort . . . Of nil Pons I have ever used, 'Mr. Barnard's have given Ma litoro satisfaction, and I can Socoinniond thesis to the public as being entirely anti-corrosive. , ' ' ' ' POIRIB.,.New After six months' constant nsa: f a Barnard's Anti- Corrosive Pen, c o o can confidently recommend it as the best , mitallic -pun wo have offer osed, , findlng Irons the above ounerlouct, that it does not actually corrode. . McLEAN & Now. Tort.' C. BARNARD, • Blnnufaeturor of Coringated Metal; Pen, John treot, Clotkerma% London. Juno.l.B, 1802, oaool, BOOKS, ; . :, • FOR SALE' AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY .2.31051 C STORE., llue+:iseuox; re . OSGOOD'S SPell.rr.let, 2d.. 3d. 4th and. sth Readers. APOUFFEY'S Speller and Benders... SANDER'S do do do • ; 'Pawn's Speller and Definer, (old and now editions.) 1 Smith's, Bullion's and Brown's Grammars. .Pitch's Physical Geography. . ;: Warren's Physical Geography. • Mitchell's:Monteith and McNally's GoogrephletekAtio* Camp's . Orogrhphy, with boy to Mitchell's Outline Maks,. . Webster's and It'orceSters Dictionaries. • ' Quaekonbos',First Lessons in Composition. • . , -Quockenbo's Celaihoxittao soil Ithetorie. :" Greenleaf 's,,Stoililard's and Brooks' Arithmotics. Peterson'il Familiar Science: _ Greenleaf's and Stoddard's Heys to Arithmetiee. Greenleaf's and Dories' Algabrai... • - Greenleaf's Key to .4 Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons iu Natural Philosophy. Pnrkor's Philos° hy . - Goodrich's " , , . .Payson, Bunton and' Scrlbiter's rountatislifp, .iri 'elorilo numbers. •Pottir Si IlaramonirePonmanlibip In !weird nniriberse' Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. - • : Davies' I.egendro'o Geometry. . .. Greenleaf's Gebmetry. Fulton Si Eastman's Book-keeping.. ~, Book itcoliing br:lngle _Entry, by lialinforrl & ninon Book Keeping by Single sad Double Entry, by Ilsnaford is Other hooka gill hB added and furnished toorder. A full stock "of.S.ohOol Stationery always on hood: Iltuttiugdon, Pa. . NEW BOOKS! FOR SALE-AT LFATIT BOOK STORM TII .1.IORS11: A Nr.W.Pnorxr %moan of Rural Arniatec• .ture . ar, May to feud: BarnaiStablee; sat Out Dwellings of all kinds. 'With a Chaplefou Churches and Scheol-Ilonses . : Price, 50 cents, . - THE GAIIDEN: A Now Pecs*? 31Ammv, of Yr:legion! Mr tieultnre ; or, Ilovr•to Cultivate VegotablUi, Yrnits;and Flowers, 'With a Chapter on Ornamental,Trots and Shrubs. Price; 50 cents. THE FAR3I: A:Nsw roan! MANUAL of Pioctical.Agri• culturo; or, How to Cultivato oil the Field Crop.. With Ail Essay on Form Slanakentent, otcc Price, 450 cents., DOMESTIC ANIMALS:a- New POCBET MANIA'. of Cottle, Horse, and Sheep 'Husbandry; or, How. ,to 113reed_altd Hear the -Various Tenants of the Born -yard,. et a ., etc. Price, 50 cents. . HOW TO TALK:" ,A Now Foggia MiniAL or Conversation and Debate, with Directions for"Acquirieg a Gesniniati col Style, and more than Fire Llondred Common Mis takes Corrected. " Price, 50 cents. lIOW TO - BEHAVE I A Now Num 3IANAITL Ot Repnblb can Etiquette, and. 011i110 to Correct Personal Habit*: with Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberative AN semblies, etc Price, 60 cente. • - , . . , 110 W TO DO BUSINESS:. A Now Pocor. MANUAL of Practical Affairs and Guide . to success In Lilo; with a Collection of Business Forms. and a Dlctionaxf of Coal. niercial Terms, etc. Price, 50 cents., MILITARY BOOKS .REVISED ARMY R.GIJLATIONI3. BY AUTHORITY OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT. The hook is nn octavo of 560 pages, is elegantly printed on Onopiper, with now bold type, and has an admirable exhauslitv index, for which °Tory officer Will be - grateful, the moment hie eye rests upon it, as 'no former edition lins over had an index, and the want of one has boon long felt in the ArmY., -• • ; • • •• • The Appendix embraces the Articles of W&r. Contain ing many imporiant correctlens,• alsorselectione from The s.lilitary Acts of Congress, including these passed at the last session. • ' . - • ... ' - • . PRICE $2, 00, FOR SALE -AT LEWIS', ROOK !STORY CAVALRY TACTICS, [AUTHORIZED EDITIONJ • • - • By . Gil 6111,;" 11. S..A Jost.Roblielrd. and for sale at LEWIS', Boos STORA.— Complete in ono volume.- Price $1:00.' , • • ",. TTKITED, STATES IN F A.N TR Y _ TACTICS. For the instruction, exercise, and manoeuvres .•• '; • of the United States Infantry, including In- (entry of the Line, Light Infantry, anintifie• men, prepared under the direction of the War Department, and authorized and adopted by the Secretary of. Woe, May let; 1801,•cettfaim ing.tho school of the soldier; the achool of the edinminy; instruction for skirmishers; and tho • general calls; the calls for skirmishers, and the • school Of the battalion ; including the articles of war and a dictionary of military terms. • Complete in one column:Price $1.25. 'Tor ' 1 sale at Lewis' Book Store. • • • . THE RANDY: - . . FOR TILE UNITED. STATES SOLDIER, Oa coming into service: containing P. complete system of instruction in the School of the .9oldier, with a prelimina ry explanation of the formation of a Battalion on Paiade, the Position of the officers, &c., &o.,,being a.first hook or introduction to authorized U.S. Infantry Tactics, just pub tithe . Price 25 cents. !For sale at • • • • ' LEIVIS'.I3OO4 STORK. , . • • . ,I; Hardee's Rifle`' and Light Infantry TACTICS, Complete Iu B roll. "'Price $1.60. i For MU At " •- LEWIS BOOK STORE. 83i-'l'he Books sent Moll to envy itibirets oti the te• cipt of the price. - - • - . • lluittinqdori May 28, 1861. . • ' - FOR. PRESENTS" TO. PLEA .SE AND INSTRUCT YOUR CHILDREN, • .. , AT LEWIS' 1101)11'AND. :TATIONPAY,9TbAD