The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 20, 1864, Image 3

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    (I,!Jr 61obt.
Wednesday inornin
the Crope:
The wheat and rye crops in this
county, is said to be good, much hen.
vier than %vas expeeled three weeks
ago. The grass will be light, but
still there will be a heavier, crop than
last year. The bats will be short in
straw and crop but the grain will be
heavier than last year. The corn is
suffering and unless we have rain .
very soon, the crop will be very light.
The local press of the counties of
the State, speak very favorably of the
crops. Indeed the crops now being
gathered, they say, will be much bet
ter than last year. Unless there is a
heavy foreign demand for wheat, and
it does not seem probable, it must soon
come down to a much lower price.
We would not advise farmers to hold
out for high prices, the consumption
cannot be greater than at present.
Patriotic Young Men
Some forty young men, recruited .
by T. B. Road, J. A. Willoughby and
W. F. Cunningham, for the hundred
days service, left this place for Har
risburg on Thursday last; and we un
derstand that the company numbered
seventy men on Saturday, some addi
tional men from here and other pla
ces having joined with the first squad
after it arrived in Camp Curtin. We
hare - no doubt the company will be
filled to the required number by 'boys'
of the right metal. Better leaders
than Read, Willoughby and Cunning
hard coul&not be found anywhere.
and,many of the men in the ranks
. have been well tried for three years
and have trot been found wanting.
We shall publish a roll of the compa
ny in our next. We hear of other
companies to leave this county this
week. .
The ""Goya"
fine company of hundred days
mon passed through this place on
Thursday night last, for
. Harrisburg.
from Bloody Bun and Hopewell, Bed
ford county.
On Friday, a company of young
men from the, Farmer's High School,
also passed east to be mustered in as
hundred days men.
On almost every train, for six days
Tian, there has been' companies or
7gquads, making their way to Camp
Curtin; bUt.theyesponse to the Gover
nor's appeal has not been as prompt
as it should have been.
120 Bounty.
Our ..County CommisgiOuers met
here on 'eines ay ast, an. or ered
c that, a bounty o'B2o should be paid
'every hundred days volunteer from
this eounty.
I . ,=m!i
The crowd of people in town on
Friday lust, :to see the show, was
great. We do not know that we ev
er saw a larger crowd in town on any
former show day. A. full regiment of
able bodied young men were on hand,
but the3•:could - not be persuaded to
volunteer for any= other purpose than
to see.the Elephant. The show was,
,in . our opinion, a poor affair—but it
was a show, and everybody must see
it, no matter how great the swindle.
We would advise the friends of the
candidates to keep as cool as possible
during the' hot days and nights yet re
maining of July. It is entirely too
'w.airin to think of anything else than
the war news and ice cold lemonade.
m. There will be preaching in the
Lutheran church in Huntingdon, by
the recently elected pastor, on the
24th, inst., at 103 o'clock, A. M. Al
to near Marklesburg on the 31st inst.,
sit 10.4 , o'clock.
Don't Forget the Soldiers
Those of our readers who have any
friends in the army should not forget
to write letters and send newspapers
to onr gallant soldiers. They are al
ways longing to bear news from home
and a letter or newspaper—their home
newspaper especially—is ever a most
Avelcome visitor. Just now there aro
hundreds of our brave boys prostra
ted on beds of pain in the hospitals at
Washington, Alexandria, Philadel
phia, and elsewhere, to whom the
time passes wearily, who would find
great solace in their home newspapers.
'Wbe'Junlata Steamboat Company.
An adjourned meeting of the stock
holders will be held at the Exchange
Hotel, in Huntingdon, on Thursday
the 4th day of August nest, for the
purpose of the taking of stock 'and
fully organizing the company.
A. it ehonld be
The city councils of Philadelphia,
refuse to pay bounty to recruits under
eighteen years of ago. The same rule
should be adopted in this and all other
counties in the State. The Govern
.mont wants able bodied young men—
not boys who can be of but little if
any service as soldiers. We have seen
many boys in the ranks who could he
more usefully employed at home.
IT is stated that we shall receive
0 from internal revenue, this- year, the
sum of three hundred millions of dole.
bus. Can men who read this believe•
that a country with such resources
can be overthroWn by a miserable re
bellion ?
Memorial:of Co. 1..51,11 - 14 — .4t., P: R. V. C.
Our request'Whieh we !nude of the
Reserves a few weeks ago has been
responded to by a member of Co. I,
the company recruited at Huntingdon
Furnace. We are under many obliga•
tions to the gentleman who has thus
cheerfully . and promptly fulfilled a
general requirement. We herewith
publish the names of the members of
the company and the place whore, and
when, thebe who were wounded 're
ceived their wounds, &e., .as they were
transmitted to us by the author, who
vouches for the correctness of his
statement. The names and deeds of .
the heroes should be held in -remem l
bronco by the patriotic masses thro'.
out all time. A.-memorial of Co. Cof
the same regiment would also bo ac
ceptable. ,
George Dare, Captain ;
promoted to
Major, June .20, 1861, lAeut Colonel
July 1862 ;,killed in the :Wilderness.
Robert 13. Frazer, Ist Lieutenant;
promoted to 'Captain,. July 1, 1862;
dismissed by order of the President and
enlisted as a private in Co A, 4th Cay.
Frank Zontmyer, 2nd Lieutenant;
promoted to Captain, June 28, 1861,
Major July 1, 1862 •'
wounded at Fred
ericksburg, died inßichmond,
James A. M.ePherran, Ist Sergeant;
promoted to 2nd Lieutenant Juno 28,
1861, Captain Co F, July 1862.
Israel K. Finch, 2nd Sergeant; ap
pointed Ist Sergeant July 1, 1861, 2nd
Lieutenant October 1, 1862; killed at
Fredericksburg December 13, 1862.
Jobu I. Patterson, 3rd Sergeant;
transferred to veteran Res. Corps, 1863
David Zentmyer, 4th Sergeant; ap
pointed Ist Sergeant Juno 28, 1861,
promoted to 2nd Lieutenant July 1,
1862, Ist Lieutenant October 1, 1862;
killed at Frederickslinrg.
James Porter, let Corporal; appoin
ted 4th Sergeant June 28, 1861, pro
moted to 2d Lieutenant July 1, 1862,
Captain October 1, 1862.
Samuel 'Spangler, 2d Corporal; dig.
charged at Harrisburg, August 3, 1861
George W. Speaker, 3d Corporal ;
appointed Sergeant October 1863.
Napoleon A. Lee, 4th Corporal ; dis
charged on acct of physical disability.
Wm Black, musician ; veteran 1864.
Gideon Ganoo, wagoner; home.
Thomas Hamilton, wagoner; home.
Edward Tate, wagoner; home
John Ayers, appointed Corpora“
wounded at South Mountain, dischar
ged 1863.
Jas I. Ayers, wounded at Antietam.
John A kely, deserted Sept. lii, 1862
Jonathan Aurandt, appointed Corp
oral October 1,1862.
James T. - Bathurst, appointed Corp
oral August 12, 1861, Sergeant Octo
-her 1, 1862 ; wounded, at Fredericks
burg. discharged 1863.
John Bartow, veteran 1864.
JOhn Bohen, transferred to veteran
reserve corps 1863.
Henry J. Cogan, appointed Corporal
Augustl2, - 1861; discharged -on ac
count of disability.
Alexander Campbell, borne.
Jacob. Chronister; home.
Ce_L__catrk, died .August 29
1861, at Cam pTennally, Md.
Daniel Chamberlain, home.
John Cornealy, hotne.
Christopher Cornealy, wounded at
Fredericksburg December 13, 1862.
James Crumb, killed at Fredericks.
burg Deceinber 13, 1862.
David Caldwell, recruit 1862.
Samuel Dickson,.disellarged on ac
count of wounds received at White Oak
Alex. Dickson - , appointed Corp. 1863
William Dickson, died October 7,
1861, at Camp Tennally, lid.
Richard A. Dare, home.
Martin W. Funk, appointed Sergt.
August 12,1861 ; missin'v in the battle
of the Wilderness.
Dauid Funk, appointed Corporal Oc
tober 1, 18112 ; discharged on account
of wounds received at Fredericksburg.
Jonathan Feltenberger, deserted '62
William T. Gilland, appointed Cor
poral June 28, 1861; died November
23, 1862, at Fort Monroe.
Martin Geist, borne.
Joseph Garland, home.
James E. Giles, home.
Thomas L Guyer, wounded at South
Mountain; appOinted Corporal October
1, 1862, 2d Lieutenant March 5, 1863.
George Gensamore, appointed Sorgt.
October 1, 1862.
Joseph Griffith, home.
Benjamin Griffith, recruit 1862.
John Gray, discharood Aug. 3, 1861
David D. Hampton? home.
Joseph Hastings, killed at Freder
icksburg, Va., December 13, 1862.
John Henry, discharged on account
Thomas Harpster, died at' Camp
Pierpont 1861.
Jacob Harpster, recruit 1863.
Samuel Householder, died from
wounds received at Mechanicsburg,
June 26, 1864.
William Huey, home.
Aaron Huyett, deserted 1862.
'Mahlon T. Holman, dischlrged ca
account of disability.
James H. Howard, reeruit 1862.
George W. Isenberg, wounded in the
Peter M. Isenberg, deserted.
Emingner S. Kineh, transferred to
signal corps U S A, October 1863.
John Klepper, discharged on sect
of disability.
David Knee, home.
Henry Knee, recruit 1863.
William Kelly, borne.
John Keith, home.
Milton Laird, home.
George Leaper, deserted 1862:
Marshall Lewis, veteran.
Samuel Laporte, discharged on sect
of disability.
John B McKean, hrme ; appointed
Corporal February 4, 1862, Orderly
Sergeant, October 1, 1862.
William Morrow, killed at Meehan
icksharg, Virginia, Juno 26, 1861.
Luke Maguire, home.
Miles Moore, veteran.
Leander Miller, home.
Joseph McCoy, recruit 1862.
John Nash. home.
Alexander Nash, veteran.
William H. Patterson, home.
Willi::m C Patterson, appointed
Sergeant October 1, 1862.
James Parks, home.
Jacob Rico, home.
John G Rice, borne.
George M. Rumberger, veteran.
Gotleib Raybold, home.
Daniel Reader, home.
Chas. Sholenberger, died of wounds
received at Mebhanicsburg.
Oliver Simpson, died of wounds re•
ceived at White Oak Swamp.
James M Smith,_ deserted.
Samuel Saylor, discharged.
Peter Sharrow, transferred to batte
ry C, sth U S A; killed at Gettysburg
Granville 1' Swope. appointed Corp
oral September 2, 1862, Sorgt Major
Sept 18, 1862, Ist Lieut March 5, 1863
William Stains, deserted. •
William Shannon, home.
William Stewart, deserted 1862.
David R P Stewart, home.
John P Thompson, drowned at For.
age Station, Virginia, 1862.
Jacob Trexter, deserted.
• J Cork Wilson, commissioned in the
2d Pennsylvania Artillery, 1862.
Thomas Werts, - transferred to batte
ry C. stlc, U S A.
James R Worts, veteran 1864.
Jeremiah Weston, discharged on ac
count of wounds received at White
Oak Swamp.
George Watson, honae.
George T White, died at Camp Pier
pont 1861. •
Samuel •Wills, discharged:
Abraham Wilson, recruit.
Martin Yingling. deserted.
Recruits.—James Ainsworth, died;
David Allbright„ George Allbright,
Henry' Swisher. ,
At a meeting of the members of Co.
B. 13th Pa Cavalry, held at camp
near City Point, Va., on the 7th of J u .
ly, 1864, G. McLane, M. G. Davis and
J. Morris, were appointed a committee
to prepare and submit resolutions ex
pressive of the sorro ,v of said compa
ny, at the death of their fellow soldier
Sergt. James R. Johnson, and of the
pride they fool in the bravo manner ho
met his death.
The committee report the following:
WIZEREAS, It has pleased almighty
God to take from our midst, our es
teemed friend and fellow soldier, Sergt
.Tames R Johnson, be it
Resolved, That while we bow to this
Almighty mandate in reverent submis
-sion, we feel deep and sincere sorrow
at the loss of so gallant and useful a
soldier, so warmhearted and beloved
Resolved, That we
with the
family and friends of the deceased,
but glory in the manner of his death.
.Resolved, That we will cherish the
memory, and emulate the gallant con
duct and manly virtue of our fallen
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions bo sent to the family of the de
ceased, and that they bo published in
the Hollidaysburg Register and Hunt
ingdon Journal.
M. G.- Davis, Corn.
At the Clearfield & Centre Hotel,
Tyrone City, on the 4th day of July,
by Rev. J. Stine, Ur. DAVIS MCAFEE,
of Centre co., Pa.
On the 4th inst., by Rev. John H.
Clark, at the residence of the brides
mother in Tyrone, Pa., Mr. A S. EN•
NIS, of Davis co., Mob, to Miss HARRI-
In Brookville, Jefferson county, Pa.,
regiment, Pa. Vol., aged 23 Jeers and
3 months. His disease was consump.
tion contracted while in the service.
Tie iests—his labor now is o'er,
no boors of war and strife no more. •
Ile toss his strength, his life, his all,
To serve his cooutry at her call.
'Twas thou the stalk tan soldier (Heil
Where is thy sting oh death
tie cite
d, Whore is thy victory grave to boast,` '
I soon will join the heavenly host.
In Coalmont, on the 16th inst., MA .
BY, infant daughter of Arthur and
Martha .Estep, aged 1 year 4 m and 25
Tnty 20
Fancy end Extra Fondly Flout. $11.00@11,50
Common and Superfine $9,00®9.50
Rye Flour 48,90
Corn Meal— le 61 lap
Ex Ira White Wheat $2,75®2,75
Fair and Prime Red $2,7502.84
Re $175
Co y rn, prime Yellow 41 , ,70
Oate 97
Parley Malt 1/1 bu $1,65 -
Clorersoed, ii 64 Re $9,50
Timothy 0,2503,30
Flaxseed, 43,60
Wool 100@l112
Elides 13
Extra Family Flour ',fhb! $9,60610, 1 10
Rxtn do vi con 5,00
White Wheat 2,10
Red Wheat 0 00
Rya 1 30
Corn ' 125
Oats 75
Dried Apples
Butter .........
On Thursday last from a pasture field
near this plum, a bright sorrel HORSE,
white face, and one ghoul eye, about four yrs. 1.4 .
old. Any person finding It will leave notice
at this office. A. A. C,OIAILL,
Huntingdon, DA, 3y20. Div. Supt. Canal.
As the county treasury is In great need of money to
pay relief end other demands of the county, you are here.
by notified and required to collect year duplicates and
pay the money Into the treasury In strict conformity to
the warrant thectunto attached, or snit will be brought
against yoU. JOHN 8. IMP,
P. D. DARN. •
IN the Court of Common Pleas of
ffuntingdon county.
o the. matter of the Petition 'of nary wibion, WM'
mittee of trench, Jackeon. a lunatic, for an order to tell
or mortgage the real tate% of the raid innatio.
Uth petition' read end It la considered by
the Court and ordered that a rule be, and the same is
hereby granted, upon the next of kin of the said lens.
tic to show came why a sale or mortgage of the real es
tate oftald lunatic should not be named. Returnable
to next term. _ the Court._...
W. C. WAdOggli,krothiy.
July 20,'64, it
A l o under:dried 11/010 arsorlated themselves together
In the practice of Owlet,. In Huntingdon, Pa. oMce fn
the one now, and formerly occupied by !J. Sewell Slow.
art, adjoining the Court House.
July 20, 186 f.
The subscriber would inform superintendents of
bath schools and the public generally of Blair and
Huntingdon counties that he 'is prepared to •supply Sab
bath eehoote with the publication. of the American Sun
day school as well as will all the publications of the Am
erican Tract Society at Cataloger, prim. Orders prompt.
ljattended to by addressing him at Williamsburg, Blair
county. Penn. (.107-3m) • J. H. FOCHT.
Ix You all want & CLOTHES WRINGER, in order
to set through your washing earl ler, spare your strength
and at the same time save enough In the wear of clothes
by using a Wringer, to pay for It In six months, at the
present price of cotton. Wringers that have taken the
PournuX OPER ALL OTREPS in the market, for sale at the
Hardware etsre of Ye3,lt 01 JAMES A. BROWN.
IiTIAJE is herdby Riveo,to all persons
int:•rew.i-tho ihu rnao,ing .IPfiTtorien of the
gouda and canticle sot to widow% nailer tvii.prirbilone of
the Act of 14tti of April, A. D lisl, hero leiif pled to the
office of the Clerk of the Orphan? cioirt or flnfrtlngnon
comity and will he proectited loy il t (lonete
on Wedneedey, the IQtli of Angnd, A:15.1584.
1. The Inventory and atinnisciornt of the good,. an'
chAttele which worn of 11111ri It. Crotriw.r. ilocraArti, let
apart to fib, widow.
2. The Inventory and appraidstnent of the , :nods 1.1.1
chattel. which arcro of Matthew Taylor, tlcea.uctl. Cot
apart to hia widow Rebecca Taylor.
3. The inventory and appraisement of the goods WA
chattel* 54 apart to Mary Gilleland, widow of James
deceased. •
4. The Inventory and appralsoment -of the goods and
chattels which were of Nicholee Graffus, late of Franklin
township. deceased, set apart to his widow Mary Graff..
6. The inventory and appraLsoment of the goods and
chattels which were of John Thampson, deceased, sat
'apart to his widow Sarah Thompson.
6. The inventory and appmisement of the goods and
chattels which wore of Jamie Gorsuch, deceased, Stet apart
to his widow Garnish M. Gorsuch.
. . .
7. The inventory end appraisement of the goods and
chattels which were of Joseph Edwison, deceased, taken
by his widow Elizabeth Edndson.
8. The inventory and appraisetnent of tho goods and
chattels which were of John riper, sr., deceased, taken by
his widow.
O. The Inventor); and appritleement of the goods and
chattels which were ofJohn Terruh deceased. taken by
his widow Hannah Tercel.
10. The inventory and appralsement of the goods and
chattels which were of Daniel Weight, deceased, token by
hie widow Elizabeth Weight. .
11. The Inventory and apprnlsoment of .the goods and
chattels which iveru of Samuel Grubb, deceased, taken by
his widow llanneh Grubb.
12. The luventery and appraleement of the goals and
.chattels which were of Charles S. Black, late of the bor
ough of Huntingdon, deceased, taken by LB widow Hen
rietta Bleck.
July, 131861. • Clark
Diseases of the Nervoue, Seminal, Urin-
ary and Sexual Systems,
New and reliable treatment—in reports by the HOWARD
ASSOCIATION—Sent by mall in sealed letter envelopes,
tree of charge.
Address, Mt. J. MULL& U GIVrON, Acting Bur
geon, coward Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street,Pbll
- Pa. ; (July 13, 1864-17.
The subscriber respectfully announces to hLs patrons
and the public generally that the second quarter of the
summer session of this Institution will be open for in
struction AUGUST 8, 1884, and continue eleven weeks.—
Also, that the winter session will begin October Slat and
continue twenty-two weeks.
Special attention will be given to those wishing to pre
pare themselves for teaching.
Florio music will he taught on reasonable terms.
Each student wishing to board at the boarding house
will be required to furnish a sheet and pair of p(Ilowyl(pe.
Terms—One half the pay In advance; the balance at the
expiration of half the term.
For further Information, address
No Thumb-Screws to get out of Order.
It took the FIRST FREIIIIIIkt at fifty-seven State and
County Fairs In 1803, and Is, without en tzteption, the bat
Wringer ever made.
Putonted In the United States, England. Canada, and
Auetraila. Agents wanted In every town, and In all putts
of the world.
Energetic agents tan make from 3 to 10 Dollars per day
No. 2, $6,50 No.l, $7,50. No. F, $3,50. No. A, $9,50
Manufacturod and sold, wholesale and retail, by
N 0.13, 'neat Street. Now York, and Cleyoland, Qhto
S. 0. NORTIIROP, Agent.
That Iron well galvanized will not rust;
That a simple Machine 13 better than a complicated one
That a wringer should he aelt-adluating, durable, and
That Thamb•Snews and Fastenings cause delay and
trouble to regulate and keep In order;
That wood soaked In hot water will swell, shrink nod
That wood bearings for tho aloft to run In will wear
• That the Putnam Wiluger, with or without cog wheels
will not tear the clothes;
That cog-wheel regulators are not essential ;
That the Putnam {Wri n ger has all the advantages, and
not one of the disadvantages above named:.
That all Who have tested It, pronounce It the best
Wringer over made;
That it will wring a Thread or a Bud Quilt without al•
We might fill the paper wig' testbnonials. but insert
euell a • hero be
and we any to all, teat Putnam's' Wringer. Test it thor
oughly with any and all others, and it not entirely BAtill
factory, return it. •
Putnam Manufacturing Co:
Occrantsx I know from pmctical experieneo that
Iron well galvanized with zino will*not oxidize or rust
one particle. The Putnam Wringer Is as near perfect as
possible, and I can cheerfully recommend it to, be the
best ist use.
Respectfully years,
JNO. W. WIIEiILEIR, Cleveland, Ohio.
Many years' experience In the galvanizing business
enable me to indorse the above statement in all partial.
.7110. C. LEFFERTS, No. 100 Beekman at.
New York, January, 18111.
We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by practi
cal wurking,itnd know that it will do. It Is cheap ;it le
simple; it require. , no room, whether at work or at rest;
a child can operate it; it does Its duty thoroughly; It
naves time and it anves wear and tear. We earnestly ad
vise all who have much washing lode,
with all Intelli
gent persons who have any, to buy Lids Wringer. It will
pay f ,r Itself Ina year at most.
July 13, 1101.
TO 131:1 MELO ON
TO arOINIE W. JOITNSVIN. Ilso., Ehertif of the county of
Wurttras: &joint resolution proposing certain Amend
ments to the Constitution of this Commonwealth, which
are as follows, have been agreed to by a majority of the
members elected to each (louse Of the Legislature, at two
successive sessions of the same:
There shall be . an additional section to the third Article
of the Countitutiou, to Lc cic4lgnated as /cation four, as
..Szeriox 4. Whenever any of the' qualified electors of
this Cotomonwealth shall be in any actual military ear
vice, under a requisition from the President of the United
States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such
electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections,
by the citizens, under such t ogulations as are, or shall be
proscribed by law, as fully miff they were present at their
usual place of election."
There shall be two additional aections to the eleventh
article of the Constitutien, to be designated as sections
eight, and nine, as follows. •
"Puma 9. No bill shaft lie passed by the Legislature
containing more than one subject, which shall be clearly
expressed In the title, except opproprlation
:'Secnott 9. No bill shall be passed by the Legislator.,
granting any powers, or privileges, In any cage. wh ore
the authority to grant such powers, nr tit..silage% seas
been, or may hereafter be, conferred. npoti tho Courts of
this Commonwealth."
And whcreas. It Is provl:',Critc dm tenth article of said
G`tr"..tution. thtit-,my amendments so agreed upon, shall
be submitted to the people in such manner, and at such
time, at least three months after being so agreed to by the
two houses, as the Legislature shall prescribe; such sub
mls:len to be in ouch manner and form, that the people
may vote for of against each amendment separately and
digtlnctly• '
And whereas, Dy an act of the General Assembly of the
Commonwealth, passed the twenty-third day of April,
Anne Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four,
it provided, "that for the purpose of ascertaining the
sense of the people of this Commonwealth in regard to
the adoption or rejection of Gild amendments, or either of
them, tho Governor of this Commonwealth shall issue a
writ of election, directed to each and every Sheriff of the
Commonwealth, commanding them to give notice in the
usual manner, in not lees than two newspapers in each
city and county Prodded, That no many ere published
therein, and by et least two printed handbills In each
election district, of every city and county wherein no
newspaper is published, that an election will be held in
each of the townships, boroughs, wards, precincts and
•dlst rich' therein, on the first Tuesday of August,
In the year of our Lord oat thousand eight hundred and
sixty four, for the purpose of deciding upon the approval
and ratification, or rejection, of the said amendments,
which said election ;hall be opened, held and closed upon
the day last aforesaid, at the places and within the hours,
at and within which. the general elections of this COM.
monwealtb are directed to be opened, held, and closed."
Nos, therefore, In obedience to the requirements of the
tenth article to the Constitution, and in accordance with
the true intent and meaning of the aid act of the General
Assembly of this Cornmenwelftn, I. ANDREW G. CUR
TIN, Governor of the aid Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
do issue We writ, commanding and requiring you, the
said George W. Johnston, thetill of the said county, to
glee notice la the usual manner and as by law required,
that an election will be hold according to the terms of the
Constitnthan, and provisions of the act of the General At.;
sembly aforesaid, in each of the townships, boroughs,
wards, precincts and districts therein, on the first Tuesday
of August In the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and slaty-fear, for the purpose of deciding upon
the approval sad ratification, or rejection, of • the said
.• . .
Given under my band and the great seal of the State, at
ilarrlsburg (tile twenty fleet day of Juno, In the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eiztyfour,
and of the Commonwealth the etghtyelghth.
By the Governor:.ELl SLIFER,
Secretary of the Commonwealth. .
In pureuancn of the above procioroation of the Governor
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I, GEORGE W.
JOHNSTON, High Sheriff of the county of Huntingdon,
Pennsyvisnla, do hereby wake known and give notice to
thn electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will
be held in the said county of Huntingdon. on Toes.
day, the Rd day of A - gust, 1664, for the
purpose of voting oirsaJolnt resolution proposing certain
amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth."
. .
In pursuance of said act,l also hereby make known and
Ore notice, that the places of holding the aforesaid ere
dal election in the nascent election districts within the said
county of Huntingdon. are as follows, to wit;
Ist district, reimposed of tho township of Henderson, at
the 'Union School house.
2d district, composed of Dublin township. at Pleasant
Rill School 'loose, near Joseph Nelson's, in said township.
3d district, composed of so much of Warrioramark town
ship, as Is not Inclotkal In the 19th district, At tho school
house adjoining the town of Warrioremark.
dth district, composed of the tos - nship of Irorevrell, at
Rough and Deady Furnace.
sth district, composed of the township of farces,at the
tanned tsfuSaMes Livingston, in the town of Banishng, in
said township. • • •
6th district, composed of the tuerough of Shlrlcejahung,
and all that part of the township of Shirley not included
within the limits of District No. 24, as hereinafter men
tioned and described, at tho houso of David Praker, dec'd,
in Shirloysburg.
7th district,composed of Porter and part of Walker town'
ship, and so much of West township es is included In the
following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at tho south-west
I corner of Tobias Canfman's Farm on the bank of the Little
Juniata river. to the lower end of Jackson's narrows,
thence in a northwesterly direction to the most southerly
part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north
40 degrees west to the owned.
of Tussey's mountain to inter
sect the line at Franklin township, thence along the sold
line to Little Juniata river, thence down the same to the
place of beginning, at the public school house opposite the
German Reformed Church, in the borough of Alexandria.
' Bth district, composed of the township of Franklin, at
the house of Geo. W. Matters, In said township. .
9th . district, composed of Tell township, at the Union
school house, near the Union Meeting bowie, In said twp.
10th district, composed of Springfield township at the
school house, near !lush Madden's, In said township.
11th distrilt, composed of Union township at the school
house, near Esokiel Corbin's, In said townshlp.
12th district, csnsposed of Brady township, at the Centre
School house, In said township.
, 13th district, composed of Morris township, at public
school hour) No. 2, in said township.
14th district, composed of that part of West township
not Included in Ith and 213th districts, at the public school
house on the farm now owned by Miles Lewis, (formerly
owned by James Ennis,) in acid township.
lath die trict, composed of Walker township, at the house
of Benjamin blagnhy, In M'Conneiletown.
16th district, composed of the township of Tod, at the
Green school house, in said township.
17th district, composed of Oneida township, at the Imam
of Wm. D. Rankin, Warm Springs.
18th district, composed of Cromwell township, at the
house now occupied by David Etuire, in Orldsonla.
19thAistrict, composed of the borough of Birmingham,
with the several tracts of land near to and attached to the
same, Host owned and occupied by Thomas M. Owens, John
K. McCehan, Andrew Robeson, John Gensimer and•Tha.
Gensimer, end the tract of land von' owned by George and
John Shoenberger, known as the Porter tract, situate' in
the township •51 Warrionsmark, at the public school house
in said borough.
20th district, composed of the township of Can, at the
public school house In Camille, in said township.
21et district, composed of the township of Jackson, at
the public house of Edward Utiles, 'at McAleavy'a Fort,
in said township.
22d district, composed of the township of Clay, at the
public school house in Scottsville.
234 district, composed of the triwneldp of Penn, at the
public school house in Merklesburg, In said township.
24th district, composed and created as follows. to wit:—
, flat all that part of Shirley township. Huntingdon coon
ty, lying and being within the following described bums
dories, namely: beginning nt the intersectloa of Union
and Shirley township lines with the Juniata river, on the
south side thereof; thence along said Union township line
for the distance of threo miles from said riser; thence
eastwardly, by a straight line, to the point where the main
from Eby's mill to Germany valley, crosses the summit of
Sandy ridge; thence uorthwardly along the summit of
Sandy ridge to the river Juniata. and thence up said river
to the place of beginning, shall hereafter form a separate
election district; that the qualified voters of said election
district shall hereafter hold their &moral and township
elections In the public school house in Mount Union, In
said district. •
25th district, composed of the borough of Huntingdon,
at the Court Month said borough. Those parts of Walk
er and Porter totneships, beginning at the southern end
of the bridge across the Juniata river at the foot of Monts
gomory street, thence by the Juniata township line to the
line of the Walker election district, thence by the lame
o the corner of Porter township at the Woodcock Valley
road near Ker's school house, thence by the line between
Walker and Porter townships, to the summit of the War.
nor ridge, thence along said ridge to the Juniata river so
as to include the dwelling-house ut Whittaker's, now Fish.
er'e old mill, and thence down said river to the place of
beginning. be annexed to the Huntingdon Borough elec
tion district, and that the Inhabitants thereof shall an
may vote at all general elections.
26th district, composed of the borough of Petersburg
and that part of Weet township, welt and north of a line
between Henderson and West townships, at or near the
Warm. Springs, to the Franklin township line on the top
of Tuners mountain, so as to include la the new district
the houses of David Weldsmlth, Jacob Longenecker, Thes,
tinnier, James Porter; nd John Wall, at the echool-house,
In the borough of Petersburg.
27th district, composed ofJuniata township, at the honed
of John Peightal, on the lands of Henry Isenberg.
28th district, composed of Colton township, recently
erected out of a part of the territory of Tod township, to
wit : commencing eta Chestnut Oak, on the summit Ter
race mountain, at tho Hopewell townehip lion opposite the
dividing ridge, In the Little Valley; thence south fifty-two
degrees, east three hundred and sixty perches, to a stone
heap on the Western Summit of Broad Top mountain;
thence north entpseven degrees, east three !tundra.' and
twelve perches, to a yellow pine; thence south fifty-two
degrees, nest seven hundred and seventy-two porches, to
Chestnut Oak; thence south fourteen degrees, east three
hundred and fifty one porches, ton Chestnut at the east
end of Henry S. Oreen's land; thence south thirty-one and
half degrees, east two hundred and ninety-four perches,
to a Chestnut Oak on the summit of a spur of Broad Top,
on the western side of John Terrel'e farm south, lbxlY
five degrees, east nine Lundred and thirty.four perches, to
a atone heap on the Clay township line, at the Broad Top
City Hotel, kept by C. Allmond, In said township.
I ales, for the Information of the electors of the county
of Huntingdon, publish the act, entitled no Act present,.
leg the time and manner of submitting to the people, for
their approval and ratification, or rejection, the proposed
amendment. to the Conetltutlon.
Mooresville, Hunt, co
Wlizases, A joint resolution, proposing certain emend
meets to the Constitution of this Commonwealth, ban
been agreed to by a majority of the membera elected to
each house of the legislature, et two successive sessions
of the same, the first session commencing on the first
Tuesday ofJanuary, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty three, and the second cession
commencing on the first Tuesday of January, In the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and elxty-four.
And whereas, It Is provided In the tenth 'article of the
constitution, that any amendment, to agreed upon, shall
Im .sobodsted to the people. to atten_menner,—stad- soots
times. at least three months after being so agreed to by
the two bongos, as the leglelature shall prescribe, each
submission to he in such manner, and form, that the
people may vote for, or agaiect. each amendment, sops
ratoly, end distinctly ; therefore,
Seaton 1. Bc it enacted try the Senate and House of
RepreSentalirea of the Commonwealth of Penntyloania fn
General As,embly end, and it is hereby enacted by the au
thority of the same, That for the purpose of ascertaining
"the sense of the people of this commonwealth, In regard
to the adoption, r rejection. of said amendments, or ei
ther of them, the governor of this common wealth shall
issue a writ of election, directed to each, at every, eller-
Wet tide contosonwealth, commanding them to glye no-
tice, in the usual manner, in not less than two newspa
pers in emit city, and county: Provided, That to many
aro published therein, lind by at . least two printed hand
bills, in each election district, of every city and county,
wherein no newspaper Is published, that an election will
ho hold, in each of the townships, boroughs, wards, pre
cincte. and districts, therein, on the first Tuesday of Au-'
gust. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred and sixty-four, for the purpose of deciding upon
the approval and ratification, or rejection, of the said
amendments; which mid election shall be opened, held,
and closed, upon . the day last aforesaid, at the places, and
within the hours at, and within. which the general elec.
I tions of this commonwealth ere directed to be opened,
held, and closed; and it shall be the duty of the judges,
inspectors, and clerks,pfeach of said townships, bor
oughs. wards, precincts, and districts, to receive, at the
said election. tickets, not exceeding the number of pro
posed amendments, either written or printed, or partly
written 'and partly printed. from each of the qualified
voters of this state, who may offer the .same, and to de
posit them Inn box, or boxes, to be for that purpose pro
vided by the proper officers; which tickets shall be, re
spectively, labelled, on the outside, "First Amendment,"
"Second Amendment," and "Third Amendment ;" and
those who are favorable to said amendments, or say of
them, may express their approval thereof by voting,
each, as many separate, written or printed, or pertly
written and printed, ballots, or tickets, as there are am-
endmenta not approvedby them, containing, en the in
side thereof, the words, "Against the Amendment;' the
electors, voting for '
or against, the first amendment.
.shall be considered on voting for, or again.t, the propo
sed fourth section to article three. of the conetitution,
' extending the right of suffrage to soldiers; electors, vo
, dog for, or against, the second amendment, shell be con.
sidered ea voting for, or againnt, the proposed eighth sec
don to article eleven of the constitution; and eleetn•-.
voting for, or against the third amendm'ent. basil
considered as voting for, or egainat, the - Proposed ninth
section to article eleven of the eir.latitutlon.
&CM:: 2. That the elect!liu. on the saidproposed em
endments, shall, in respects.; be conducted as the gen
oral election., at this eC:iimonwealthp are now conduc
ted it shall 'oe the duty of the return judges of
thecounties, and districts thereof. first having
carefully ascertained the number of votes given for, or
again!, each of sold amendments, in the manner afore.
said, to make out duplicate returns thereof, expresso] -in
wards, et Magda, and out in figures, only; one of which
returns, so made, shell be lodged in the prothonotary's
office, of the court of common pleas, of the proper coun
ty, abd the other sealed, and directed, to the secretary of
the commonwealth, and by one of said judges deposited
forthwith, in the most convenient post office,
upon which
postage shall be prepaid, at the espouse of the proper
&Mon 3. That it shall be the duty of the secretary
ofthe commonwealth, on tbo twenty-third day of 'Au
gust next, before four o'clock, post meridian ' to deliver
to the speaker of the Senate, or the speaker of the Homo
of Representatives, the returns of the said election, from
the several counties of the commonwealth ;and the same
shall. on the sauna day, and hour, be opened, end pub
lished, in the presence of the members of the Senate, and
House of Representatives, and the number of votes giv
en for, and against, odd amendments, respectively, shall
be carefully Bummed up, and uecertoinetl, and duplicate
certificates, of the result. shall be signed by the awaken
of the two houses. Ono of Paid certificates shall be de
livered to the secretary of the commonwealth, who shall
cause the same to be recorded and filed in his office, and
the other of said certificates shall be delivered to the
governor, who shall forthwith Immo bin proclamation, do
daring whether the said amendments, or either of them,
have been approved, and ratified; by a majority of the
qualified voters, of this state, voting thereon : Provided,
That if, for any cause, a quorum of either house of the
legislature, shall nothe present, at the day, and hour,
above mentioned, then the sold votes shell be opened, in
the presence °fetich members, of mid houses, as shall
be walnut ; and, in case of the:Amoco °Ma speaker, of
either of mid houses, the said certificates shell be signed
by the speaker present; or, in MO of the absence of
both speakers, by the chief clerks of both houses, or ei
ther of them, in case of the enema of one of saki clerks.
SCCTloti 4. • That the several duties required tee be per
formed by the sheriffs, commissioners, constables, judges,
inspectors, cud all other officers, whatever, in. and about
tho general elections of this commonwealth, Mall be
performed, by ouch - officers, in, and about, the election
herein provided for; end all persons, whether officers, or
others, shell boilable to the name punishment, for the
negleel of any duty, or the commission of any offence, at
in, or about, the said election, as they would, for the no
glect of like duty. or the commission of like offence, at,
In, or about, the general elections of this commonwealth.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Amon:in—The twenty-third day of April, Ani/0
ni one thousand eight hundred and sixty.forir.
• • • • •
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 2nd section
of the act aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid districts
respectively take charge of the certificate or return
of the election of their respective districts, end produce
them at a meeting of one of the judges from each district
at the Court House ' to the borough of Huntingdon, on the
third day after the day of *lotion, being for the present
year on Friday, the bth of August next, then and there
to do and perform the duties required bylaw of Fuld judges.
Also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable nod
dent, Is unable to attend said mooting of judges, then the
certificate or return aforesaid shalt be taken In charge by
one of the Inspectors or clerks of the election of said dia.;
WM, and shall do and perform the duties required of raid
judge unable to attend.
OWEN Under any hand, at Huntingdon, the 28th day of
June, Ai D. 1884, end of the independence of the IIrtl•
ted States, the eighty-eighth.
91E0. W. JOHNSTON, Sheriff.
Surmise °Mei,
Huntingdon, June 29,'64.}
It should on a very dry dat fro tied Id tiundlee, ddb Is
then ready for the mill. As a pistil thing toi much
eeed Is town on on acre. . Unless the4tound is rely rich
one Bushel per acre Is inffielent. If the grouna : te very
4 stsoa• oneand one numb bushel is aultlis
Cigars for Salo at Lewis' Book Storo . D„
'/~~ 1
T/109. IFISIIRR. H. 0. FISH P.R. T. C. F/80ER.
of all kindle, is now open for tho Inspection of tho
and We cordially Invite all onr Customers acid tho public
seminally, to call and be convinced that we are unequal
led to the quality, taste, style, and prices of our itfoOde.
We request the public to bear In mind that we pur
chase prluelp►lly from Grit band, In New York, pay
o►en for all we buy, and cannot be rivalled In our heft.
ties for opening for public use, a stock of General Ver.
chase all kWh of GRAIN. fur which we will psi the
hlgiteat cask prices, wad will ban for sale at all titan,
of PLASTER; an ample supply for tide and neighboring
countios I flaying a MITI exigent/ for grinding it, we
cam produce Ones and snore desirable steels than can sea. Lad.
ONONDILIOI SALT. nnequalle4 In quality aud peke.
0.41, Salt in sack 4 is also kept constantly ou kaiLd.
• -o--
10 ➢bb. No 1 111ACK01111L
10, ". No. 2,
10 " No. 3
10 Half /DIR. o. /
PO , II U 9 is
113 WNo.II "
Quaiter 'auras and Alta, of ali numb irs, ja.. of.
pared to buy SUMAC, elll pay crib, or trade, as desired
+ 11.,.+1e0w.--..
rui •
Cotton Goode bins compelled peddle attention to be more
especially directed to the culture of Flax. It can be made
by some attention, one of the meet Taltiable products a
farmer eon produce; an acre readily producing 50 to 66
Dollars worth of fibre and seed. Great care should be
taken by growers to hare their Flag spread linty thin
when rolling; when watered entliciently on ona aides, it •
should be turned, and subject to exposure until ,all the .
stalks get a grey color, and the lint readily operetta
from the wood by a gentle rah:
5 NTE undersigedd 'havin g piirchserl
from'T. Newell Ills Warta in the Aleten•
r a Brewery, the bil9lueS9 will hereafter be
carried on under the time of fl. O. OAI/fit:R.& .
c4.,ena old coitoutere and the public general .• • ;
ly are Informed that all Orders will mealy, -
prompt attention. 0..C01 DF.II & CO.
F I It M
J. M.:C114N.0011A31 & SON, successors to J.
noingliam. haVis, this day, entered into partnership lu
the, Foundry business and, are prepared to !trash Coal
inga, of All kinds, and repairs of short notice Stitt on tsar.
We Oro buying Old Melst st . d . urtllf Trio at ldgbrSt
market prices, •
Huntingdon, July 8,1804.
.x• .
301 IN 11. WESTBROOK Inform the public that Velma
just reselved a new stook of,BOOTE awl 8110 ES Of all si
res and kinds to suit everybody.
Also, Hate, Ilosiery..Shoe Findings, Morocco and Lha
tog Skins, all of which Will be sold at the lowest cash
. Don't forget tho old stand In the Diamond. - Old raga
mere and the publlOgenerally are Invited to cell.
ffuntlngdonoTunelb,lBo4. .
Copper, Tin and She Iron
Copt =v. 'ml'43l c314% :- sr
•, . .
HE eutseribers..,inform the pule
generally, that they haraleased from Mr. Benjamin
rains his tin shop, in the borough or Huntingdon,
where they Intend to keep constantly ou band a genera l
assortment of • . . •
Copper, .Tin and
.Sheet Iron Ware,
Schiele they will sell wholesle and rellil.
Spouting and Tin Roofing done on short.nottee. •
They will also. keep on bend a general ailsorlstillut . of
Pittsburg and Philadelphia
Gas Consuming Cook and ParloiGto'ves
Odd plates furnished for stores; Fire Brick, ne.,Copper,
Brass and Iron Kettles on hand.' Extra Store Pallet!,
Steve Brushes, ac.
.(e- Old Copper, Brass, Pewter,. Lead, and item taken
in exchange,
spring -6m,
ON . .
A few doors west of Lewis' Book &of*
Photographs and Ambrotypee Taken
the Best
At Philadelphia Wholesale Prices.
From their place of bueinese, oa ilia Street,
Oa RAILROAD STREET, nese the Jackson Dome,
Where they intend doing
Who buy goods by the Oise - Or ilis.ckage,
WILL FIND IT to their iffIii.NTAGF
-- TO - 6
WE itliEP A
General Assortment of GOODS,
MITISLIEX, 5.A.101 6 ;t
NOTIONS, &C., &C., &C.
Iluntingdon, ?doh 9,1864. ,
1864. ._ 1864.
N 8 W
.vo4 ,
irotqlentletnan's Clothing of Naked taittatial. arideiada
4 the but workmanlike manner, call at
11. ROMAS , S, ....,...
4pnnito Ike Franklin House In IVarkat Samara, itaatiap
dolt, Pa.
Linntlnwlen, Aptll27 'lll.
and every ogler article tuniany . foruld in a Grace7y Siore
ALSO— Drags, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs,
Palate, Temkin:at, OWL and Site. Turpentine,
Fluid, Alcohol, Ohms and Patty, •
BEST WINE and BRANDY. for rftedleatrooosee.t
and a large nureter of articlee.too autumnal Si
The public generally will please call and ekainine for
themselyer ad kern my pri;v4:
8. 5. aldrs,
Elnatingdort, April 27 lei:.
1.311(1EN§11 STOCI
ENDLESS ifAhißifi"