The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 20, 1864, Image 2
(Olobt. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, July 20, 1864. W. Latvia; Editor and Proprietor. Our Flag Forever " / know of no mode in teltich a loyal citi zen may so well demonstrate his devotion to his country as by sustaining the Flag the Constitution and the Union, wider all circum stances, and UNDER * EVERT ADNIN/ETRATION REGARDLESS OF PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALL ASSAILANTS, AT DORE AND ABROAD."-STEPHEN . DOUGLAS NATIONAL UNION • TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON, • OF TENNESSEE, • For the Constitutional Amendment Giving Pennsylvania Soldiers in the Service THE RIGHT . TO VOTE. SPECIAL ELECTION, AEG. 203, 3.864. • • • 4112.. Friends of our gallsut Soldiers fa the Bald, don't Yerget the.dey, and don't fall to cote "FOR THE AMENDMENT." • • r • Jr Prosecuting Attorney, JAS. D. CAMPBELL, of Huntingdon 'County Commissioner, JACOB 11..LLLElt, of Oneida • Dirctors of Poor, HENRY DANIS, of West, 3 years. HENRY A. MARKS, of Juniata, 2 yrs County Surveyor, - D. D..ESHELMAN, of Shirley. Auditor, LIVINGSTON ROBB, of Walker Union State Electoral Ticket MEM! Morton M2Michael, Philadelphia Thos. Cunningham, Beaver co. REPRESENTATIVE. 1 nobt. P Ring s 13 Elias W. Hall, 2 Geo. Morrison 14 Chs. li. Shriner, Coates, 15 3 - no. Wister, 8 Henry Bumm, 16 D. M'Conaughy 4 Wm. H. Kern, 17 D. W. Woods, 58. IL Jocks, 18 rsaao Benson; 6 Chas. M. Runk, 19 John Patton, 7 Rota,. Parke, 20 S. B. Dick, 8 Aaron Mull, - 21 Ev. Bierer, 9 3. A. Hiestand, 22 Sno. P. Penne:7 , la R. H. Coryell, 23 'Eb. APJunkin, 11 Ed. Halliday,- 24 J. W. Blaneh'rd 12 Chas. F. Reed. The Amendments to the Constitution. The Legislature of Pennsylvania, at two successive sessions, has agreed upon certain amendments to the Con stitution of the State, and they are to be submitted to a vote of the people at a special election to be held on the,2d of August. The amendments are as follows : [ARTICLE SECTION 4. "Whenever any of the quell. fled electors of this commonwealth shall be in any actual military service, under a re quisition from the President of the United States, or by authority of this Commonwealth such electors may exercise the right of ,suf frage in all elections by the citizens, under such . regulations as are or shall be prescri bed by law, as fully as if they were present at their usual places of elections. [ARTICLE IL] SECTION B.—No bill shall be passed by the Legislature containing more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the . Otte; except appropriation bills. SECTION 9.—No bill shall be passed by The LegislatUro granting any powers or priv ileges in any case where the authority to grant tomb powers, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be cotgerred upon the Courts of the CommonweSith. Every gobd citizen will approve of ' these amendments. The soldiers, above all others, are entitled to every • privilege - of citizenship, and it is an outrage to deprive these brave defen ders of our nationality of the right to vote, while it is allowed to traitors - and eoWards, who stay at home. The other amendments Will be some cheek upon wrong and tricky legislation, of which, unhappily, we have had so much of late years. In two weeks the election which is to decide upon these amendments will be held. Measures should be adopted at once for getting out a full vote of the people. We do not observe that the Wenfocratie organs, and the lead ers of the party, who profess to be - each friends of the soldiers and the people, are doing anything to-excitean interest in favor of the amend ..ments. It ss, therefore, all the more important that the Union men in ev ery county should exert themselves, and we hope that the State and coun— ty comniittees will go to work ener getically. While the Copperhead lea ders do not dare to oppose the amend ments openly, there is reason to fear "that they will secretly endeavor to have them defeated. All such plans must be foiled by the Union men, and every voter should bo eshorted to go to the polls and deposit a ticket "For the Amendment." The Legislature will meet in special session on the 23d of Aegust to count the votes, and if the amendments are adopted, as we believe they will be, the soldiers will be able to vote at the October and No- . vernber elections. The Recent Rebel Raid. Rota the . .. Ar. Y. Tribune July 15. The first that was publicly known of a Rebel raid into Maryland was last Monday week, when the approach of a force toward Martinsburg .was an nounced. The bond of the Shenando ah Valley was then held by Gen. Sigle, who seems not to have. apprehended the possibility of a Rebel advance, and who accepted the news of it as a sig nal for retreat upon Harper's Ferry. It does not appear that the Rebels were at first in any considerable force. They made : Various demonStrations, :Pushing cavalry: across the PotoMac at Falling Waters, and at Shepherds town, and threatening simultaneous. ly an inroad into Pennsylvania 'end a movementupon Baltimore. With their accustomed audacity, they had Shown• their heads of colums'days before.the main body was within supporting dis temhe, and although they might easily have been driven back in confusion had they been' resolutely met, were suffered to establish themselves north of the Potomac without serious oppo sition. They occupied both Hagers town and Frederick, and did not did sively indicate. their line of advance till the whole Pennsylvania border, had retreated' in panic—then turned . scornfully toward Baltimore. The evidenceof what we have sta. tot' above as to the slow arrival of the Rebel column ale, found in the fact that from the time when the crossing of the Potomac was ascertained down to,the time when the battle at Honocacy was fought, nothing was known of the Rebels movements. Their force was simply concentrating. Gen. Wal. lace, with what troops he could gath er, went up from Baltimore to Freder ick, and on Friday discovered the presence of the enemy in force advan cing on the Hagerstown turnpike. Falling back to the I , lonocacy as the best defensive line, he fought a battle on Saturday, and was defeated. His force was about 7,000; that of the ene my at least twice as many. But his stand had served to develop the num ber and something of the intentions of the Rebels—was, in fact, a reconnois. - sauce in-force, and as such successful. After the battle the movements of the Rebels were rapid and well-direct ed. A cavalry force were sent east to cut the Northern Central and Phil adelphia and Baltimore Railroads, and did their work pretty thoroughly;Con sidering the time and means granted them. They succeeded in creating the impression that a dash on Wash ington was contemplated—the suppos ed danger 'to Baltimore disappearing when it became known that Wallace was not pursued, and that no infantry force had crossed the Itionocacy. The bridges on the Philadelphia road, .be ing protected by gunboats. were not . seriously injured, excepting that oyez Gunpowder Creek, but the telegraph was cut, two passenger trains from Baltimore were captured, and time was gained for the safe movement of the main body on the Rockville road to ward Washington. South of Baltimore the Rebels. fol lowed the same. tactics. Their col umswero massed, and their cavalry cut the Washington road with' the . . same -purpose and result as they had previously cut tb ePh iladelpbia. From the cessasion of telegraphie_and_r • way communication sprung the wild' est rumors of attack upon Washing ton by a force estimated to comprise . two-thirds of Lee's army. The origin al invaders were nearly the whole of Early's corps, and were said to have been joined at Edward's Ferry by A. P. Hill with more than men enough to make up the traditional forty thous. and which.used to follow at Stonewall Jackson's heels. Tuesday and Wed nesday it was scarcely .doubted that these combined forces had assailed the defencesof the Capital. But news now comes that both railway and tel egraph are restored, and that near this Interrupted line .but a single Reb el, and beialfstarved, can be found. It seems to have been presumed that this Rebel demonstration has oc. casioned a panic among the civil and military authorities in Washington. Wo fail to find any evidence of it. The raid was known to Gen. Grant a fort-might since, and its purpose com municated, of coarse, to the Govern. meat. From the Phila. Press of ,Saturday. What was the real significance of the recent raid? When Washington was isolated from the rest of the ua... tion, and popular apprehension was gravest, there were not wanting men, who :Armed . the - administration and 'its generals for the danger threatening the National Capital. -There were plenty of men who took this imperil. tial view of the matter : We had been at war over three years for more than three years we had vainly endeavored to capture Richmond, and at length, atter these years of battles and marches and bloodshed, it was our own . Capital that was assailed, beleaguered, and threatened with cap ture. The injustice of this desponding view is now fully manifest. The as pect of the military situation has com pletely changed within a few days, and dawn has succeeded the darkness. If the apprehensions which the Ad ministration has alwaye entertained respecting the safety of Washington seemed to gain confirmation from the boldness of this last rebel advance, so also has the confidence which General- GRANT has felt in the antfety of the Cap ital been fully justified by the precip itateness of the rebel retreat. The "invasion" has dwindled down. to a "raid," and the raid has really prbved a failure. • ACCording to 'the best esti =tea there wore //boat fifteen thous and rebel infantry in Maryland; yet, with the exception of the plunder they carried off, the fifteen thousand infan try accomplished very little more than }LARRY GILMORE'S two or three him-', dred cavalry. They gained some ad vantage over WALLACE, it is true, and it is also true that this advantage was more than counterbalanced by their repulse at Fort ,Stevens. In fact, all they did was to alarm and mystify the North for a couple of days, capture two generals, who subsequently es caped, and carryon' a lot of horses and cows, Yet one other thing they did: they exhibited the terrible weakness of their cause and the desperate na ture of their situation. They never before had so promising a chance to take Washington, and can never have such a chance again, and they could not take it. They could not even sae- coed- in impressing General GRANT with the idea that there was a possi bility of such a disaster. Nor would any of us in the North have been de- luded into such n belief, had they not . taken the precaution to sever railroad and telegraphic communication, and so leave us at the mercy of exaggera ted rumors as to their strength. It is clear enough now that they dreaded lest we should be undeceived in this particular before they had secured their booty and departed. So far as substantial military! advantage .goes the enterprise was fruitless, and its failure amounts simply to a confess - - ion of Southern weakness and a con- . cession to Northern strength. The strength and confidence of the North have never been more plainly or more gratifyingly exhibited than during the past two weeks. While a rebel force, believed to be numerically formidable, was advancing with rapid strides against the Capital, GRANT, with his indomitable legions, lay calmly and: imperturbably confronting the grim fortresses of Petersburg. And later still, when the safety of_ Baltimore. seemed only assured by the imminent peril of the National Metropolis, what was the temper of. the public mind throughout the Nath ? Except in Maryland, wo have seen no evidence that any scare existed ;land except in the lower counties ofthis State, so very inviting to rebel incursions, no undue excitement prevailed. It was not ape. thy, us somoof the Copperhead papers asserted. Enthusiastic meetings were held in this city and elsewhere, and the call made upon PennsylVania was responded to with a hearty promptness sufficient to indicate that the patriotic spirit of the people is un flagging. The people were calm, be cause they placed reliance in their Government; because they had faith in the fortifications of Washington, and in the sagacity and resources of GRANT. The sequel has shown that this confidence was not misplaced. The reflection ought to be agratilying one, but we cannot regard it us un qualifiedly auspicious. There was a time of doubt and gloom, when we 'had too little faith in the power of the Government; now, it is to bo fared, we have too much for our own. welfare. Great Haul of Cattle by the Raiders, WASHINGTON, July 16.—A farmer who came in this afternoon . from the neighborhood of Poolesville, states .that the rebels stole over 5,000 head of cattle from the farmers of M.ontgom ery county, besides 1,000 horses, and a large number of sheep anti hogs, to say nothing of poultry, which they cleaned out completely. From the first day they crossed the river they have been driving immense droves of live stock into :Virginia across the numerous fords of the upper river. The forces operating under Bradley Johnson in the vicinity of Frederick and Baltimore constantly sent herds of cattle and hories across the river. The rebels did little damage to the growing crops, but took all the .bay they could find. Several hundred conscripts, collect ed between Frederick and. Rockville, were marched into PoolesVille.en Sun day undet-guard. -Thts-+rtah. t+rerrer4n47l-crrnm • . at, , Edward's . Ferry on Wednesday morning; the-rest-at Muddy Branch, Nolan's and. White's Ferries, later -in the day. • They did not have much ar. tillery with them. While their main infantry force was lying in front of fortifications on the north side of Washington, the cav alry; officered or guided principally by Marylanders, was scouring every nook and corner of the country in search of live stock, which they.covet ed more than any other property. Our informant, who is a very care. ful man, thinks that not loss than ten thousand head of oxen, cows, horses, mules, besides large droves of sheep and hogs, were'driven across the Po. tomac by the rebels; within the three or four days they were threatening Washington. Their infantry was mounted as quickly as the stolen hor ses were brought in. The rebels, to use his own language, came into Maryland a ragged and barefooted band and went out looking like gentlethen. • The Retreat and the Damage. BALTIMORE, July 15.—Some know ing secessionists hero assert that the entire recent rebel invasion was mere ly a reconnoissance' to ascertain the Goveu,nment's position and strength at Washington and in Maryland. Dis covering this they merely retired on the other side of the Potomac, to await large reinforcements, which when ob tained, they will invade again' with an immense army, with Lee in command. This may be mere braggadocia, but from what has been already done it may contain more truth than fiction. It is well to be'on the alert, and not again be taken unawares. If is believed that the recent dam age done in Western Maryland, and Other parts of the State, in plunder, destruction of property, &c., and in Baltimore, Correll, Howard, Anna Ar undel, and Harford counties will reach four million of dollars. From Oen. Grant's Army. • WASIJINGTON, July 15.—Advices from the Army of the Potomac to day indicate that the rebels are meditating an assault upon General Grant's works, as they have been cautiously feeling his lines by skirmishes the past few days. The rebels seem to imagine that Grant has been so much weaken ed by sending treops to Washington that they can't risk an attack. Our army is much in hopes that the rebels will come out to make an attack: under that impression.. The rebels have taken advantage of the withdrw al of some of our.. gunboats from the James river, and - yesterday morning they fired upon the steamers George Weems and United States from a field battery stationed near Wilson's Land ing. A. COPPERHEAD orator states that fie prefers "Liberty to Union." Row ma ny months is .it :Since the utterance of snob a statement would hare stamped a man as a, disunion Abolitionist? A REBEL writer speaks of Vallan digham's reception in Ohio as favora ble to the "Confederate cause." This is what waS intended. The Amendatory Enrollment Aot. Commutation Cause of the Old DAD Repealed. The following aro the provisions of the act further to regulate and pro vide for.the enrolling and calling out of a NatiOnalforee, • and for other pur poses, which has passed" both houses of Congress : . .` 1. The President of the United Staten may, at his discretion, at any time hereafter, call for any number of men as Volunteers for the respective terms of one, two and three years, for militarY . serdce; and any such volun teer, or in case ofdraft, as hereinafter prodded, any substitute, ,shall be ac credited to the town, township, ward, Or - eity . precinct, or election district, or of a county, towards the qUota of which he May have volunteered - in: 'engaged as a substitute; and every volunteer who is accepted And mastered into.the "service for a term of one year, unless seener'disobarved, shall receive, and be paid by the United States, a boun ty of one 'hundred dollars; and if for term of two years, unless sooner dis charged, a bounty of two hundred dol. lars; and - if for a term of three years, unless sooner discharged, a bounty of three hundred dollars; one-third of which bounty shall be paid to the sol dier. at the time of his being muster. ed into the service, one-third at the expiration of , one half of his term of service, 'and one-third, at the expi• ration of his term of service. And in case of his death while in service, the residue of his bounty unpaid shall be paid to • hie widow, if lie shall have left a widow, if dot, to his Childreajor if there be none, to his; mother, if she be dwidoW. 2. In ease the quota or any part thereof, of any town, township, ward of a city precinct, or election district, or of any county not so subdivided, Shall not be filled within the space of fifty days after such call, then' the President shalt immediately order .a draft for ono year to fill such quota; or any part 'thereof which may be. unfilled; and in Case of any snob draft no payment of money shall be accept. ed or received by the Government as commutations to release any enrolled or drafted man from personal obliga tion to perform military service. • 3. It shall be lawful for the execu tive of any of the States to send recruit ing agents into any of the States de clared to be in rebellion, except the States of Arkansas, Tennes:see and Louisiana, to. recruit volunteers under any call. under the provisions of this act, who shall be credited to the res-• pective sub-divisions thereof, whieh may procure the enlistment: 4. Drafted- men, substitutes and volunteers, When mustered in, shall be Organized in, or assigned to regiments, batteries or other organizations of their own Stittes,and, as far its practi cable, shall, when assigned, bp permit ted to. select their own regiments, bat teries. or other organizations from amongthosc,of their respective States, which at thelhne assignment may not be filled to their maximum number. 5. Tbo twentieth section Ofthe act,. entitled an . aett,o• amend tin . act entit • led an act for enrolling and calling 'out the national forces. and for other purposes, approved F.ohuary 14; 1864,- t moan that the . Secretary of - ,War shall discharge nor Under - the ago •of eighteen , years under the circumstances and on the conditions pr . escribed in said section. and hereafter . it any officer of the United States ehall .knowingly enlist or muster into the military • eel-rice any person ander tho age of Sixteen' years, with or without the.consent of hie parent-o*:guardian,.snch person so enlisted or recruited shall be immedi ately and . unconditionally .di'Seharged upon paymeot of all bounty. received; and such reoruiting or mustering offi cer who Shell knowingly enlist a per son under sixteen years of ago, shall be dismissed the service, • with tire of alt pay and allowances, 'and shall be subject to each further punish ment as a court, martial may direct. 6. Section three of an act, en titled "An aetto amend an act, entitled 'An act for enrolling apd calling out the National fortes, -and for •Other'purpos es,' " approved Fehr - nary twenty-four, eighteen hundreda . nd• sixty-fonr, and • the same is hereby, amended SO as to authorite and - direct Provost Marshals, under the direction of the. Provost Marshal General, ,to make a draft forono hundred per contain in addition to the number required to fill the quota of. any district as provided by saidiectiorr: , • • • 7. Instead oftraveling pay, all draft ed personsj , eperting. at the place of rendezvous shall` be allowed transpor tation fromtheir - places of residence; and persone'diseharged'at the place of rendezvous Shall be allowed transpor tation to their. places of residence.. 8. All persons in the naval service of the United States who have enter ed the said service during the present rebellion, who have not been credited , to the quota of any. town, district, ward or State, by reason of their be ing in said service - and . not enrolled prior to February 24, 1864, shall, on satisfactory proof of their residence made to the Secretary of War, be en-. 1 rolled and credited to the quotas of the town, ward, district, or State, in ' which they respectively reside. 9. If any person duly drafted shall be absent from home in prosecution of his usual business, the Provost Mar -1 shal of the district shall cause :him to be duly notified as soon as may .be, ' and he shall not he.deented a deserter nor liable as; such,-until• notice has been given - Jo '-bitn,.,and reasonable time [Wowed:for to'return and're .port, to thellreynaelititishal.of hie die: trict, but Sfiele . 7 abseaenhall . not other wise affect hisliabilitYundor this act, 10 and 11. Nothing contained in .this act shall be construed to alter or in anyway affect the 17th section of the Enrollment act, relative to those conscientiously . opposed to bearing arms, or to affect the rights of per sons to procure substitutes. t .IVE trAvE glciomy accounts from the crops in the' great Northwestern coun. try There has been a great drought, and grains and grasses suffergreatly, There will be a small crop .of wheat, and other samples in limited quanti ties. There is some hope for corn, par ticularly if we, have favorable _weather in the late summer - months. This meagre harvest in the Northwest is unfortunate at this time, when there aro so many embarrassments in the country, PiciolamatiOn 14 the *Piesident:.. CALL FOR 500,000 MEN. The Draft to Commence on the sth ofleptember t Where Quotas are not - Filled. Term of Service, One, Two or Three Years WasniNGTON, July 18 By the President-4 Proclamation WnEnEAs, By the act approved Ju: ly 4th, 1864, entitled An act further to regulate and provide for the enrol: ling and, calling out the national for. ces, and for other purposes, it is pro vided that the President of thl3 Uni ted States may, at., his discretion,' at any tine 'hereafter, c; II for any 'num her of men as . Volnntders for the re 'ilipootive terms of one,' two or three Yeilts . fOr - ,militiiry service, and that in ease 66'411mm of any part thereof, of any' town, township, Ward of a city, precinct Or election. district, or of a county not so' sub-divided shall not be Ailed within the,space of. 50 days after 'such call, ..then the President shall immediately. order, a. draft for one year to 'fill suet] quota, or any part thereof which may be unfilled : An whereas, The new enrollment heretofore ordered' is so far completed as that the aforesaid act of Congress may now be put in operation for re cruiting and keeping up the strength Of the armies in the field, for garrison and such military operations as may be required for the purpose of supress ing the rebellion and restoring the authority of the United States Govern ment in the insurgent States; now, therefore, I. Abrabani Lincoln, Pres ident of the United. States, do issue this my call for five hundred thousand volunteers for the military service ; provided, nevertheless, that this call shall be reduced by all credits which may be established under section Bth of the aforesaid act, on account of per sons who have entered the naval set , ' vice during the present rebellion, and bY'Credits for men furnished to the military service in excess of calls here tofore made. Volunteers will be ac cepted under the call for one, two or three years, as they may elect, and will be entitled to the bounty. provided by the law for the period of service for which they enlist. And-I hereby proclaim, order and di root, that immediately after the sth day of September 1864, being 50 days from the date of this call, a draft for troops to serve for ono year shall be had in every town, township, ward of a city, precinct or election district, or county not so subdivided, to fill the quota which shall be assigned to it un der this call, or any part thereof' which . may be unfilled by volunteers on the . said sth day of September, 1864. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band, and caused the seal of the : United States to be affixed. Done, at the city of Washington,- this. eighteenth day of July, one thodsand eight hundred and sixty. four, and of the independence of the United States'the eighty-ninth. ABRAHASI LINCOLN, [a. s-] BY.THE PRESIDENT WM H. SEWARD, • STeFeT iy Gold is Watling Provisions are (idling ;. The speeu- , !etas are in misery. They have ru led the country long enough, and their time has home. Many a scamp who has been !nuking money out of the necessities of the Government— pork gamblers, gold gamblers, whis ky gamblera', gamblers in copper and oil—witreee in this crash a just and terrible retribution. This is what the Tribune says, and we endorse it: "Rejoice with us, fellow-citizens, that the bloated, hollow fabric of spec ulation and exorbitant prices, conjur ed up by . the joint efforts of avarice and treason, plainly totters to its full The premium on gold took a heavy lurch yesterday, and the prices of pork, flour, and most other necessa7 ries oflife, tumbled with it. There never was a tolerable reason, a plausi ble excuse for carrying gold above 150 or pork above 825, or flour at whole sale above $8 per barrel, and other staples in proportion. All beyond these rates was a gigantic bubble, blown by treason and rapacity, favor ed by cowardice. Had our great banks and leading bankers chosen to feed the market with gold, even at the rate of one million per week, for the last ten or twelve weeks, the above prices need not have been ex ceeded. With ten million's deducted from their gold and twenty millions added thereby to their greenbacks, the banks would have stood stronger than they do to-day, and been better able to resume specie payments -whenever the waste of war shall be arrested." A. Wager Won, A correspondent from the front re lates the following :—'"One of the 14th New York artillery—a Seoeila Indian I believe, from the Western part of the State—undertook on a wager to bring in alive a rebel sharpshooter, who was perched in a tree in front of our lines, considerably in advance of his own. His manner of accomplish ing this was as ingenious as success ful., and rivals the 'deviltry' of any of the Leather-stocking redskins. Pro curing eoluantity.of pine boughs, he enveloped himself with thorn from bead .to: &tot; iifttithing them Securely to a braneh,; whiehhe lashed lengthwise of his body: When edmpletied, be was indistinguishable to a casual observer froth the'suaroatidiag foliage, and re .sembled a tree as closely as was pos sible for his really - artiqic efforts to render him. Thus prepared, and with musket in hand, concealed likewise, be' stole by almost imperceptible movements to beneath the tree where the sharpshooter was lodged. Here he patiently waited until his prey had emptied his piece at one of our mon, when he suddenly brought his musket to boar upon the 'rob,' giving him no time to reload. The sharpshooter was taken at a disadvantage. To the demand to come down he readily as sented, when the Indian triumphantly marched him a prisoner into camp, and won his wager.' AF- The. draft takes place on the 6th of September. - 011ERTFP'S' 'SALES.L—BY"trirtild of sundrf Brit! of Vend. Exp. Le. Fad Pt, Pa. to We rested, I will exposeto public sole or outcry, at did &lift House, In the boroiigh of fluntingdon, on hfo.,daY, tee has dor of August. A. 1)1884, at two o'clock P. hf., the following described property to wit r All that certain two atoll frame house or building. situate In West tovenskii,,lfttrititigrfon county, and adjoining the village of Mooreerville on the north tide of the road lending to Ballefonte. 'adjoining tends of William Moore and the Yilloge of Mooresville •, aforesaid, being thirty feet on Bald road or towards said reed, and extending back forty four feet, and the lot of yl tee of ground and cartilage appnrtetratt thereto. lamed, taken In execution. and to be odd as the prof:L ally of finery Ned, Wnt. Moore and it. M. Ctinnbigharn, building committee for the subscribers to the Stooreg , Mlle High School, Also—All the following tract of land situate in Tod township, in the county of finntlniarlarl, adjoining, lands of t.n' Corbin. •on the entt, Petsey Chambers, on the south, Polly Chambers, oa the West and llugh Morrison on the north ; containing one bird dred soil thirty two acres, mere °slags. Seized, taken In • xecutfon. and to be sold as the prop. en, of Alex. Stockman & Augustus. Baud°. Also—A tract of land situate in Brady toorn,hlo, Hun ingdon county, bounded by lands ofJacob Goodman, John and James Utley, Thomas °pr imal, Charfos McCarthy, Samuel Secriet and others, coo tnining about one hundred and tea acres, about forty acres cleared, and under cultivation, with a log home, barn and stable thereon erected. Setted; taken lice:remittal, and to be sold as the prop erty of Thomas Steil. • Also--A part of a lot of ground, sit uate in the borough of Alexandria, fronting forty feet on the turnyike.road running through the .said borough, and running back, at" right angles—pet, to o n alley o r o ld road, adjoining lot of Abraham Piper on the met, and lot of Stench KIItIR on the west, liming thereon erected shop twenty feet by thirty feet, with a shed attached. Selvtl. taken in execution, and bobs sold as the pror. arty of Joseph Piper. • Also-Defendant's right, title and Interest In and to s lot of ground situate in the village of Manor Hill, Barrer, township, Huntingdon county, fronting on the road Or street, leading through said vil lage,. and adjoining lands of 3lrs. termini Myton andfleo. Platt, and hoe thereon erected one two story frame house, stable and out buildings. • • . Oohed. taken•ln execution, and to be sold no the prop erty of Hamilton McAllister. • • ' Also—Defondant'e right; title and intaresf(being the undivided one half part) in iand to all that certain lot of ground situate In the borough of Hunt ingdon, containing 7500 equare feet, neat measure, bounded by the Penna.. Canal on the north, lot of Jas, Port on the east, Turnpike road on the south, and cot tage farm on the west, having thereon a steam grist and flouring min, and a large frame storehouse, ac. &dud, taken in execution, and to:bo sold as the prop. arty of A. 8. Harrison, and Alex. Port whu'r, of Catha rine Cloubaugh, dec'd. Also—Three acres of land, more or less. situate In Worrlorsmark township, Huntingdon county, bounded on the south and west by land et Sam uel Myers.' on the Rant by land of George Rose and on the north by . land of Henry Grazier; having thereon erected a one and ahalf story log house. Seized, token in execution, and to ho sold as the prop erty of Andrew P. Kinney and the widow and holm of Sausuel Kinney doc'd. Notieeto Purehusers.—lllddere at Sherifffssales will talc. notice that immediately upon. the property being knocked down, fifty per cent. of all bids under $lOO, and twenty See per cent, of all bids aver that none, must be paid to the Sheriror the property will be net up again and sold to other bidders who will comply with the above terms. Sheriff'. Eaten will hereafter ho mado on Monday, et the Bret week or COnrt, and the Deed,' ecknowiedgsd on the following Saturday. . GEO. 4y. JOIINSTOff; Sheriff. BILIZYIItB Orrice, . I Iftintingdon, July 20,1&64. COURT AFFAIRS d • . - VROGLADIATION.--WITEAREAS, by a precept to me directed , dated at Huntingdon, the TO, ay of April. A. D. 4864, under the hands and scale of the lion. George Taylor, Preeident. of tho Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deny. Ory'Or the Sith•Judicial District of Peunsylaania, tempo- Bed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties: and the 'Hons. Benjamin b. Patton and William B. Leas his associ ate', Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as signed, appointed to hear, try and determine all and every indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the lows of the State are made capital, or felon ies of death, and other offences ' crimes and misdemeanors, which hare been °reboil hereafter be committed or perpe trated, for minim aforesaid—l am cmnmanded to make • public proclamation thrOughout my whole bailiwick, that a. Court of Oyer and Terntiner, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sesklems, will be held at the Court house in the borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (nod oth day) of August next, and those who will prosecute the maid prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them so it ehall ho jest, and that nil Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within mid county, be then and, there in their proper persons. at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, with their records. Inquisitions. exanduations and remembran ces. to do those things which to their Oleos respectively apportam. Dated at Huntingdon, the 12th of July, in the year ,of oar Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. - andthe 88th year of American Independence. . . . . GEO. W. JOGNSTO:sI. Bhiriff. 'TRIAL LIST- AUGUST-TERM, 11304 Zane Ann Speer tr. Wm Bennett. Mary J. Ashman. Aemmlll A Crogswell Samuel Fleming ye John Stewart'a Ezra. W. W.. 4 D. Sntrekin ye Wallet stone. 'Sams vs Same. 3.llmighorty for uss , vs W. 9. PM rekln. gor Ti. Nntrekin vs Katmai,' & Stone. Henry 1 1 :11.obison vs Orman Sipes. Jas. Milani and wife vs William ItothFock. . J. It. Anflorxon's rg Henry (Wady. $. and j 11. Peterson vs Samuel Bolinger. Joseph Herrman vs J, Kuriman's ex, h. &e. Leal; & :ifeYittr vs liyconiffiglns. Co. D. Sievons for use TB i i. N. Glieiguw, 1). R. neck vs S. 1,. °Wow and wife. Samna Bolinger . ' vs William MeNltn. W3l. C. WAGONER. Proihnnotary's Oince.) Prot'y Huntingdon, July 13;1334. .1 - GRAND Jl7llOllB. John Bonher, farmer, Shirley John G.'Boyer, " Penn John D, Boring, innkeeper, Cassvillo Abraham Baker, carpenter, Walker G. W. Chileole, farmer, Cass Lemuel Cornelius, laborer, Clay Ephraim Chilcote, farmer, Union Bazil Devor, merchant, Shirleysburg Jesse Dieffenbach, merchant, Brady Archibald',Dell, farmer, UniiM John Green, laborer, Alexandria Wm.' Geissinger, laborer, Union Henry Hudson, farmer, Clay E.,D. Heck, plasterer, Clay - Thomas Keith, farmer, Hopewell James Lei, fhrmer, Penn George E. Little, innkeeper, Jackson D. Porter Moore, farmer, West John Price,, (Rev'd.) farmer, Shirley J. Morrison Stevens, farmer, Tod , Levi Smith, farmer, Union J. W. Scott, shoemaker, Dublin James Stitt, farmer, Dublin J. A. Shade, M. D., Dublin. TRAVERSE JURORS—mu wzmr. Alex. Appleby, farmer, Dublin Paul Ammerman, agent, Carbon Jonathan Barnet, farmer, Union John Booth, - " Springfield James Barnes, " Henderson Wm: Bricker, " Oneida Abraham Carothers, " -Shirley Abraham Crain, " Franklin Adol. Cunningham, farmer, Hopewell Abraham. Creswell, gentleman West Geo. W. Cornelius, farmer, Cromwell Thomas Duff, plasterer, Jackson Andrew Docker, farmer, Oneida Joseph Deaver; farmer, Springfield T. - Fisher, jr. merchant, Huntingdon Israel Grazier, farmer, Warriormark Daniel H. Grove, " Penn Benjamin Glasgow, farmer, Union M. Garner, of Michael, " Penn John Geissinger, farmer, Penn John Hutchison, " Warriormark Wm. F. Hutchison, " John Huyett, it West Win. Heren, " Henderson Geo. Heaton, merchant, Cassville John Hagan, shoemaker, Barree John R. Hunter, merchant, West Joseph Isenberg, carpenter, Walker David Keller, farmer, Jackson D. McCabe, silversmith, Huntingdon Adams McPherren, M. D. Franklin John McClain, farmer, Carbon • Samuel MuVety, " Clay Win. A. Oaks, " Jackson John Piper, " Tod Samuel Pheasant, " Cass Decatur Roe, " Porter Adam Rupert, " Henderson Jonah J. Read, " Hopewell Wash. Reynolds, " Franklin Jacob Stever, shoemaker, Cass; Henry Shaffer, farmer, Cass W. Stonebrakor, carpenter, Franklin Wm. Vawn, farmer, Tell Win. Whittaker, farmer, Snniitte, Levi Westbrook, shoemaker Hunt. G. P. Wakefield, farmer, Shirley John Weight, farmer, Warriormark. - r E. GREENE, ty • DENTIST. '—'--..4 tonce removed to opposite the afore of D.inAllnin, In tho square, Hill atreot, HuntlNplon, - Pa. April 13,1E64, ILIEGISTER'S NO + ,-.- .Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested/ t at the following named persons have settled their no. Oonfile In the Resistor's Mho, at Huntingdon, and that the said acconuts will bo presented for contirmatlon•and an Orphans' Court, to be heidat Huntingdon, In and for the county of Bunting, n, Monday the Bth day of August next, 0804,1 to wit t- • - 7. Tbe administration account of John B. Weaver, ad. rainlntrlttor of the estate of Emmet Smith, late of Hope well township, deed, 2. Trust accouut ofjacob Walter. trustee render the will of 3. 0 Jhn Wltor, hate of Morrie deed. Admin a htriation aecount of Ilays townshi Ha p, milton, adminis traturolJOhn Diollciti, late of Franklin township, dee'd. 4. Admiral tratiotv account of Wee. Shock, administrator of Benosille Shock, late of West township, deed. 5. appointed d distribution accounts of David Black, Ttustee by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to sell tiro real estate of (horse' Black, deed. 8. The account of David Etnler, eseentor . of Elizabeth etrtieraateof the borough of ithirloysburg.. deed. 7. Admiiristration account of ,Cyrus Cbroarister, surd. ying Administrator of Moses Chronister, late of. Warriors. murk township, deed. • 8. Administrationacconnt of It L. 31c0a, rthy and &MI It. McCoy, executors of the last iiill and testament of Jno -Brown, Into of Brady township, dee'd. 10. The administration and [malt accounts of Hon, Jas. Quin. who. in his lifetime, woe tho executor end trustee under the wilt of John Armitage, lute of the borough of Huntingdon, deed., Sled by David P.lhrin,ssalmialstrator of said demo], Owinideed. 11. The administration account of Batenel Ralston, Esq. and John Wrye, administrators of Henry Spanogle, late of Warrioramark township; deed:" 12. The account of Benedict Stevens, Erg.. adadnistra ter of Hob/. Madden, late of (day township, deed. 13. The adEllinktratlOClACCOMit of Frederick Harman. administrator orGeorgo if,:afileland, late of Cicanwell township; deed. 14. The administration account of Sanibel Liteffey,ad - an in is traitor of is obt Wilson. Into otJacksou township, deed. 15. The administration account or Gird Dell, executor of Henry Dell, tate of Case township-deed, ILB. The final adaninistratitin account of Livingston Robb, acting executer of the- lest will 'fa/Jambs Porter, deed. 17. The administration account of Jo h n 17 Smith and Wm. A. Oaks, administrators of the estate of 'WWI= B. Smith, late of Jackson township, deo'd. Is. The administration amain of George Jackson and Robert Flaming, administrators cans tatarnenta annexe/ ofJames Stewart, late ofJacksen township, deed. 19. Acconnt of Michael Flusher ? executor of the last will and testament of 31aryAnn Memo, into ofJackeen town , gap, deed: • . 20. The account of George Itaxxard and Joseph P. Curt man, administrators of the estate of Philip Coffman, late of Case township, dec'd.. • 21. The, odminietration account of James Keith, arinda istrotor of the goods and chattels which ware of Robert Duncan, late of Hopewell township, decM. 22. The partial - administratlim account of. Wilson P. ts, administrator of the estate of.Jautee K. Itampson, lute of Brady township, deceased, . 7.3. The Recount of William ilutchiaon, executor of the last will 1111(1 testament of Areliihald IlutehLson, /ate of Warriorernark township, deed. 24. The account of Dr. J. M. Gemrolll, executor of the last will and testament of Mre. Mary M. Wallace, late of Morris township, deciwL 22. The account of George Gencimore and Cyrus Chron icier, adininiatrators of Moses Chronicler, late of Warn% orsmark township dec'd. DAME/. W. WOMELSDORP, Register's Office, 1 ' Register. Mut., July lb, 11i54. J JENstle. THE undersigned offer the Farm on whteli they reside, lri West township, llmatingdon county, at prirate sale. It le eftuuted three miles from Petersburg, and the same distauce from Railroad arld , Ca. nal. It Contains three .hundred sod forty-nlae acres and allowance; good balldlngl, and about one hundred and flay acres cleared, and well adapted for n stock farm. J. S. MAGUIRE, epritl9,lB.ll-tf. • RAMIE!, MAGUIRE. TOTS FOR SALE.--.-The subscriber offers for sale number of town lots in the Tilingo iroo Run, Hopewell township, and lionnedlate/y on the Railroad. 'rho tots are. sittings on ouch side of the Road, and persons wishing to liorchaeo can have their choice deny lot for sale. Coffee Ron Is one of the bent located towns on the Railroad and is hound to become one among the thriving villages in the county. Lots sold low, and terms made easy, so that all may get a home Without difficulty. Call noon, as choice lots may yet be bad; tieing located in the heart of Woodcock valley, and be eides the abundance of Iron ore. and the redlines for get ting coal and needful supplies In that neighborhood, of ford reason to believe that Iron works will be erected-M. that vicinity._ •-• • . 8131011 Coffee Run, Jun(115.11364. 3P(3.713- . SELACJEaM THEDWELILING HOUSE & LOT aground IStely occupied by MS. Eliza Foster, 83 , 1. ;atmt in the borough of lluntingdon Said lot being tlfOY feet on Church target; and extending in depth at right an gle,' eighty fdet towards Mifflin street, and adjoining Int of John Moyer on the east and Anthony White on the The aliortt nientioned property wilt bo eohl eta reason• able price. For further Information Inquire of . JAMES Ltvris, Supt., Muu & . 1 - Huntingdon, fl-4tl TRACT OE' LAND AT PUBLIC 911IfthEY TOWNEfif The subscribers offer at i'rieate Sale, n Tract of 360 acres of Land. more or less,lPo of which are cheered and under cultivation, situate in the old line of flUntingdon county, Shirley township, (nteMlffiiu canny,) ndjoirp log the I.3lwerd Furnace property on 'all eider. There le good ore batik, and betwoolilo and au arena of on apple maned on the premises. The principal pert is well tint bored, and a stream of waturrnos through the property, thle.peopertj , In not sold at PrivatenalL_bepre the secend 3lonelny - irrimgerstrit — witton thardal ne offired at public lode in the Court douse In the'borough of Hun tidadou. . 'TE/1.113 OF SALF—Ono half tho'plirchttee . mgney to be mia on confirmation of sale; the halftime barible to suit the purchaser, to he oceanic.' by bowls met mortgege. LETICHAVI.IN, NANCY IIOLDNIt: Iluntl!lgdon, np2l C 9 LA. ?: of LW 8 1.4 . cc cm°l•X , = 4 bt: • Itt Et F. §sg/ 0 4 ) Lai • t ZAA 4 Tho above Forks aro forsalo by Its. A. BROWN, Huntingdon. fjels'64 U. S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOR - STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. i' llllk - O 'T I• C E -! The auhtcriber having sold his to and quit Moi nes'', calla upon nil who aro indebted to him in any way, to call and make sottlement immediately. . Huntingdon, July 0,1864. BER.T. JACOBS. A-DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . [Estate of thigh N. Parker, deed.) ...otters of admit] filtration upon the estate of Hugh ht. Parker, late of Jackson tp., Huntingdon county, deed.. haring been granted to tho undersigned, sit persona In debted to the estate will make payment and those holdup claims will present than fur settlement. . LIBERTY J. PAMIR% jea,1864-430 Administrator. ......---.......---- . . .----. SPECTACLES: . . A. fine and large assortment always on . •- hand . . AT LEWIS' 13001 STORE. SUMAIEU RESORT .- BROAD - TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE, BROAD TOP 'DITY, 40NTINGDON COUNTY, PENNA Thiel Hotel, one of the finest In the Intertor of PenoVl - la now open for the reeept)On of grzette. The TABLE will always bo supriteil with 'the choicest and moat wholesome Provisions the medal afforda. The ST.9iIANG belonging to thin lioneot lis , gouel end extenafre. and will be supplied with the best provender, etpi attended by cArebil hollers: The pttrunage of the public la regpectrully solicited. • • CHAS. M. /11.4040 ND & Matrigem CIIAS. M. ALLSIOND. EG LEY Y. 1:67 - All other county papers Insert oue inootb and send bill to Broad Top for collection.' - • Liatli,lm 9L• IF 1 ./26.ELTVCIMMILM. rpuh WALKER. • 11()ItSE RAKE is acknowledged to be the - Neatest, Simplest; Cheapest, and »lost .4eicient Rake now in use. Any buy of ten years old can ,work it; will not get out of order. and given tlniVerßal satisfaction. 'Warranted in every. particular, and it Can be had six to eight dollars lower than any spring tooth Horan Hake now in tise, For further information apply to tins manufacturer, D. D. F.8114i.51AN. Shirleyaburg. Iluntingdonco., pa. np2o-3m ORS E lIAY FORKS, for • uriload it_ Inn nay, J. A. ;MOWN, Ilitntingdon; Is agent for the bent rorlt In the United Staten. Cnlr noon. renVe4