•ITNAD-,QUAR. I I I ERS,• - • • 2 NEW- . GOODS. INFCRMS - THE PHBLI.p THAT lIE lIAS • • JUST t OPENED • ~ A _ • - ;;, ; ; • - , • SPLENDID •STOC . K of NEIV GOODS THAT C 1N 'T BE - BEAT - • CHEAPNESS_ AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. 4,1-4 D. P. GNPITLIF,I c,,t4Pri/ 27..!6‘. - ) I, NEWO,PGDS 1 NEW ''GOOD 1! Pl , l .: 4: 0 PFER' CENT. tqiII:IIPEIR TH/i/T rz ric : Is•TElE cspArmp.A. • SI iiiiiiA)ft ' . 6 00.1.1111 Wo4PPreSpensinEi'eat the ntiontion I:rild patrons e i tV l ßrv a ele 'l t - e P l i c lee -snow Eastern cittesXnsitfilNin Did 4.0f,71, Goods, .. lathina t ,; Wool-it •,` 1 .811: Ware, 'Mate 800 • •,-,,Shoes, Ilapiaos, Shawls, Circp- _ tirslgint,dware' - Queb,nestarp, ceries„XV,Qo'4'tiiii4 ce.Segiiis -: Nails; : Glass, PrOvisionft;t Oil, Fish, Salt, Tityciare;; -"''' RSV 0 -7 Z, mpisn'AVAn;a o Viuge ,ter,qc3, e+, ) Modieines .,, Clocks, ontalltpthreartielet kept in% &stale-se gonatry -atom; all seliciod with the greatest ears and which ware, paw eloasaferattah enty, lad:afford. him to goll.tbeiri:at, a Xery.low.fignre—The public. will find. it Co their-advan tage to cell and examine per .apeurpasseil stock, before 'purchasing elsewhere . {No latex W.lit,he spared in show. leg our goods. Tidies era specially Invited to QICIIIIIDO our large stock of fashionable dress goods; Shawls, Cir 19re! We* gat ttE Ifi;oblot. Cfitat.„ If.beht All kinds of produce taken in exchange nt the highest market prices—Cash not refused. By strict attention to the wentact anstomerel we hope to receive a continuation of the liberattuitidango with Whlchlvalowcibeen hereto fore favored. Come one and all, and Tar. Gpods.received EntoN cons. , • N EW Goopa FOR SPRING AND SV.MMRR. " Mk'`MA U ll ea'BROTH.gR, Respectfully IntMm their nitmerous auslomero, and the 4011, q generally, that th'oychavehrt,received a large anti aple — ndldatoct ofGoodeai ltadreterain SIARKLBSEUROk mji__nhitAmla _pact ef _ . DRESS . e c:=Ci ••-= NOTIONS, eivridplobE , !ii - F4P , gQoT,s,_&,.sgoEs, e'• O Qt.TEENSWAR-m, DRKi • WOO)) qc.intaalua P 2,11 nc+PAL • SEGARS I •f , • • • • Fac," rA. Ott' IiiEGLASS? • A ( -• • Al• •ORWCKDRSt.. . " T " •!`^ and ,TINWARE; and in fact everything usually kept in a first elms court. try store, which were:Magi:it low: for cash and will be sold at corresponding low prices for cash or country prod• eh ga7l l :23r: u de n arli t attg e d inducementapc.cash buysrs :. - - 0 117.11•Prti= fiat IV/77. 1 " , "" Everything talon 4aexeltapp for goc7deexcept,fromi• gay:Cash itahl for all kinds of grain, for which the highest market:, piicge vilt hfigifeu, : • t We have alio a stock of FASISIONAILE FURNITURE Z 4# blob wtiheseldahreetable•Erteav,,, :: , WILLYAi ROVACE(II2 BRO. kaiassbttig)luitY 1,1,184, r) animacc•NrAcrth:. otif§, 7 oti'6 Ito ES altole Bo 3.11 Q.11 , 0 - 4.-sjwy,pEn espectfally fotnuAlelia •ditticane'realid`thit - pubtfo generally that ho has removed to opposite Ilrovet'ailardyrara Stare, whore-he-bee opened a -4) NEW STOCK OF t• 0 .0 -“ 3113cacotEvvonxia vet , and is prepared to accommonato everybody with good ar ticles at reasonable pricesr---- {soots aleo rm4. !!) . _ll:tr7 , ,,p r n , p.t t !ttre. , lo order all kinds of 9/Vw may Ifuntingdon, April 3,2.863, NEW cumum_ _ 1 ri AT .LOW,,PRICES. HAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW SPRING AND SUiIpIER CLOTHING, Whioh ho offers to:,,all,,wilp want to bo (~ -c EA: ) ,• • c •- AT rßicts'irb''strlit THE MMES. His Stock consiets of Reedy.rnide ClOthlng ' tl>i. MEN AND BOYS,- : ALSO, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS inn oiri, , r4hotdd gentlecesm, epiro any-particule{Aiqd o{ carol eltethibg ifotlound in Sbe'etotkron 'ben cby leaving lbeir measure they can be accommodated at short notice. Call arlli jimsr e9nr t? 1 Tlassondj,;ovezonles 0r00ec7,.1110 ituntlngdoo 27,'154. : INSURE YOUR _,FRO.I'EI?Ti" ..... • I - ft Alt D Insutatit&Co., P No-KtraNE. , zmnar. itrpeinatpt;iieie3 granted on brick and atone • bnildings. Llmited -policies granted .on .framo or log buildings, merchandise and furnituro - - I M-IYO,Presssum notes required, consequisay nsiastaest auntslt. ALLISON MILLER, Seple,lBs3 • Agt. for Huntingdon 8p adjoining Cos. 40TO.GRAI'll la L 4 A FINE A§gOETMENT, AT IMIS' noo; AND STATIONERY STORE. pAPER I pAPER !I ,PAPER I!! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, '' • riralling,Paper, _ • Deed4'aper, •!• • ' Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Flowers, Perforoted Paper, 1 ' 'l l3 F ißtl/1 "V I O Mat Gip Paistit: z -• . Foolscap Paper, . Letter Paper,- , CommerelatNilicePapetci • Ladies' Gilt Edged Lotter and Note Paper, _LaZdea' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and °Bored Card-Paper, in•PaOke and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and 3luele Store. coikorddati'Sand'Shoielsi N,_/ for sale by JAMB A. DRO WN YOU will find the Largest and 13est avvorltaniVlLlmeprcomiooomut , D. P. OWIlsi,T. A''"r'~i. udl~nll3 ~zf~}r Y'z--t pEgNSY TIM SUJIM WESTWARD. EASTWARD '..; ~...,t.: . ..4 t - 1 Nkr" . 1 F' '••-' "J '. . . BTATION6, ' O, - I 'l ' -- t-. m i: ,m .... ti o 1 2 i Pi 2 V 4 c" r.. 1 cal .57. , i : rn ... --- --A;C- :W- 4 - P. ...•.'.: ----- ---•-•--- -- -4.---1 - P._ a - ? P. M. A . . m. 1 .P. M 4 52 N.llannton, 5 00 5 21 Mt. Union,— 11 20 9 58 1 35 6 10 Maploton, ..... 1 25 515 - - i..• . Mill Crgolci - ..: - 4: - ..i 9d3 kl 5 =5 29 7 , 95 '!iiii:9 5;49 lliintingdsn, 11',01 . 9 02 >1,07 - 644 - ..... .. . . 6 - 031PoCeriburk,.. 10-47 -9.18 12,51 5 , 52 Iltarree ' " I 12 44 5 58 C. 17 SprucoCreoL, 10 35 9 05 12 36 6 13 Birmingham, 12 23 622 ,',. ' '631 Tyrone; -•-;• 10 .1.3 643 12 15 632 • • ..4.. `6 51 Milton?, ' .1. ••• ,t 1 12 05 • 6 37 Fostoria, 12 00 642 7 00 Bell'a Mills,. 9 61 8 21 11 56 600 8 20 13-801.1.15 - Altoona, . . ... 9 411 8 10 11 40 Tho FAST LINE Eastward loaves Ai - at 1 20 A. M.eflld arEises Ayl44lol . dpn lit,2 30„ „., , .....„.. 6tHkiArifiltirm ittlo y? 'asVitri; as-xf* u- 10 - 30'A. 11: ,Ina arrlies at llnntii id, ''' ' ton at 'TUN & ].ROAD TOP; RAILROAD.-CIIANGE OF SCILEDULE. • On and idler Monday, May 23, 1864, Passengor Traino will auk,' and depart an follows: UP TI{AIN9 STATIONS 'A v A ° Tgg,rsKg4, l o ' ) ' 4„; , ):M:Cfe. ', 3 P. 1 1'....q I Fv A t if . g. ~F!-?1 4 , 4 , ,N3Lt i , , 3,4lenpfte i ftso , ~A . '... fS, ,! 1' t 5 . ,1 !. S' 5 40 1.1.-7•30 - 71iniffitilon;." • • , ' , ; t 114045 WV. 8 , 60' - it - 2 • .4.•`51 ttaTiltall,°,r ,. , - 13 ,2 A -.14 9, ' .16-24 .::r '! - .8 14 MAt1f.tv4b1ktg,........1., ,u,10 , 00 I 0/ o.o‘ 638 828 Cabo Bun, . It 42 7 62' , - ~ 6,45 6.3.: 6 , 35 RoughAlk Rends,',..,. . d, '41 , 0 , c.. - 4 5 , 6 56 8 46 Cove, 9 23 7 33; !i`q 7 1 00 , ,8 ' ,60 11519 fide Funinilt '' :• -, 19. 20 : ' 7 , 30: An.,,7' 15 0, .9 05I q , to .... , ~. „ . 1L)3..17.05 i 6 7.15 1 t, , i, 725 L ie v 21 , ...a). n, .......... ". .. ',' AA' 8' 50 na7 - 00, ~.1, 7:45 ,14 9,40i11idd1pgninr.::,,,. 4 ...,, -, 1 ,,•,8 33 ~- 1 6 43 763 9 1011fopewcu I, - 8 26 6 30 ...- 1111DF01.03 RAIL lIOAD. 809 10 04 Piper's Bun, 812 622 831 10 29 liamilton, 742 602 849 'lO 44 Bloody lltin 7 26 5 48 AR 8 63 Anlo 48 Mount Dallas, LE 7 25 re 5 46 • I ", -8110111`10‘RUN.BILANCII. 16 9 25 1 Sn:don , lail 7 401 9 401Coalmont , 7 45 9 45 Crawford, AR 7 55 An 9 55 Dudley ß , 'road Top ky 23, 1864. JAI MEI2III ,gdon, MI QM REARM qatti l SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. CIREAT TRUNK LINE FRO - bI THE vA North nud North-West for PIIILADELPHIA, Now- Yofttli.ll6l ; Bo,Rp76.77lx.r.,Witair,'AMxiirCeßtainron, ti Trains leave PIARRISBURG for PHILADELPII/A, NEIVNORE J READING, POTTSVILLE, and all Intermediate Stations, at 8 A. 51., and 2 P. M. Nxn , Yong Express liaVes - Minitienuna at 4.30 A. 11., ar. riving at New-Yong at 1.45 the same day. A special Accommodation Passenger train leaves Ran. Eta at 7.15 A. M , and, returns front ilarnisburg Bt 5 P... 14. - Weiree•freiri Ilsaminnans To!iirm-You.U; $5 15; to PHA.- ADIXrIrrA, 1105 arid $2 80. Baggage checked through. ~R oturning;leavo NEviNorat at Si`KM:, 14 , Nook,and . 7 P. M o ~ (Ptpruncus Exrarus arriving, at Ilmmustnnin at Ea'AvU PnitSaixt.viiii at '8:15•A: lif.; and 3.30 1.:3r Sleeping cars in the NEW-YORK EXPIIESEMILIPItIi through to and from Prrrsounon, withoutchange. Passengers by the CATAWISSA Rail Road leave TAM AQUA at 8.50 A. M., for PHILADELPHIA and all intorrno diate Stations; and at 2.10 P. M., for Pnudlom.rain, Yona, and all Way Pointe. Trains ICILY° POTTSVILLEat 0.15 A. M., and 2.301'.51., for PHILADEL'2HIA, HARRISBURG and NEw-Yonit. An Accommodation -Passenger Train leaves READING at 6.00 A. M., and returns from PHILADELPHIA at 5,00 P.M. AZ- All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Porisvulx at 7.30 A. DI., and PHILADELPHIA at 3.15 P. M. COMMUTATION, MILEAGE, SEASON, and EXCURSION TICKETS at reduced rates to and from all points. :7 El 80 pounds Baggago allowed each - P 4 5 11,760n5, wy.1241 4 114:" . !: 7 -4 aaff4Aiwke44:me. WAR FOR THE UNION. NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NORFOLK, Ac. TAKEN.--ASHBY SLAIN, AND TILE BACIS7 „DONE _oy"43ppEsn" BROKEN, A • r' - e -you 'molt° ot -Success 4"0 one gJldnt troops, cod the, prospect of the speedy downfall, of, the Gebel :01'14', do 'not forget to dill at 'the stole of 'IVALLICE -& - CLEMENT;' . '- - beforo , finralitisingnisowiteroi . and'. ise 'stir new. elobk '- goods, consisting of Dry Gooas, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ctiteensware, Crockery ware, Tobacco, Scgare, Shoniders, Nish, hlour, Salt, and a general assortment of notions, all of %Italian flirt on reasonable terms for cash or produce. Huntingdon,. July 1, 1863. 4 •• • . ••: !:‘• SATCHELS,`""` PORT-N.Cq,NAIES, PURSES, 'f `;f, ;• • P9Q IC -E T ". )O,O J IS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES SEGAR CASES, S;c., A handsome assortment just received ALLENV„Ig.Apek Store. GEORGE P. ELDREDGE CIIARLE.SITI'SILVER, Wholesale and Retail PUBLISHEIViiid ntitiItSELLER, 1229 CHESTNUT ST., PIIILADA. frri.ll7,l7ltlrg,B""°""' PARIS MANTILLA- EMPORIUM, No. 920 Chestnut 9i., Ph . oada. • Paris-made Mantillas and'''Cloaks. also SPRING and SUMMVAVGARMENTS, of our own Manufacture,.of the latest styles and in great variety. 3. W. PROCTOR & CO., Tho' Paris Mantilla Emporium, Aprll 13,1564. Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, FINE CUTLERY, And Spithit i4.l3parg*gciperally. Rods, Lines, Reels, Baskets, Baits, Flies, Hooks, Nets, Foils, Gloves, Masks, Bil lies, Corksereirs, tog 'Collars, &0., Constantly on hand, and for sale, Wholesale and at„ KRIBERS, — 1 ; •i. Mbo tinien'a Devote Itici:2,l6ol—dm.] N. M. Cor.2d .°4lValnut, Philada! AGENCY , FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMG, - DOVNTY;EQ.CE PAY AND PENSIONS 7 tArLL who may have any claims a gainst the aci T orpment. foejleunty, Back Pay and ens Ins, can hull Weir claims pspittgycollected by ap plying either in ieriai or letter o W. 11. WOODS, Attorney at Law, " — ltuntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1863. New _Furniture .Establishment .J. M. WISE • Manufacturer and:Dealer...in:-Furniture, Respecttatly.invlics attentlon.,of ,Paplibto his eland On . Ifni st., Ituntilig&in,"Letween eunblngluini's Store as Dean'a nalleballiousetwliere:be ranufaetarea and keeps all kiwis of Pyrnituro at reduced prices. Per tont' viskirig to'pairbase,"Nriltido iecil tb.gPoilint a call. Repairing of all loads atteadaS Io pFonvtl . y. and charges . Aarz AltiO,Untletaking carried on, and.CP(Puo.Auodo to any style , desired, at short.notico. 'AM-Funerals attended at'Uny'Tdace in town or eoun ry, by . , , J. M. NylsE. Huntingdon; Sept. 24, 180241'; i ' ALBIDIS ALBUMS: '''A beautiful assortment of 'PHOTO' ALBUMS just reeeilied'afic foi sale -• . • AT LEWIS' BOOK STOIC. ==nll L ROAD TRAINS • ',.2IIENT. AVANI.A: E OF LEAVING OF ARRANG Utooni A. D[. meant A M' • t, 11 25 I= 8 00 1 An 7 45 7 35 7 30 to EMI TEE EISEI A .10 INT.It!ESOLUTTO.N.I'I2O.PO - N lIIENTS' penE; resolved the Senate . : Anil no* iteOredetitit of the binctoonwcalth of 'n , ylvanin in Generid Anianwhly,mat,".That the follow. log glumulitionls I,,q . prfirOietl to the, Coliititution of the C,onnuonweelth, in neeerdendo ,wlth"the I,oylsion4 of, the 'mall Article thereof:: . , . . . Thero shall La nn additional Bretton to the third ern* ,ofillo Constitution, to Lo designated.ns section four, as • .• ."Stcuoirl. Whenever any of the .quelificil • electors of this "Connonwealth shall he in any retool military sot , vice, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by thonutherity of this .Comiuonwealth, such electors may..exercise the. right of suffrage In nll elections, ..by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall be prescribed .by law,•as folly calf they were present at theft usual place of election." , ' • • ••• • • • • There shall be two. additional sections to the olovoptli article:of -the Constitution, to "ho designated as sections eight, and nine, na.follows., ~•: • , • .. "Section S. No bill shaft .be pnesedby the , Legislature containing leers than ono subject, which shall Lo clearly expressed in the title ' except , appropriation bills." . • "Sectiox No hill shall hot passed by t h e , ,Legislature granting any powers, or privileges, in nay case; where the. authority to grant such, nowers, or privileges,. has been, or may hereafter be, conferred upon, the courts of thiSCOMMOulsealtii." ;' !! • ."- Speaker thetlonio of flopretchtatlvos: ' - • 3011 N P. , PENNEY;' , Speaker of ti, Sdinite. 'r • Ounce pe cue SicuArtt OP sni•Coustetlivrabvit • , ' • Itatrishurg, , Appi 25, ; .;"AW N5.17.17.1_ IViA . „ , • iffy putt the fircgoing . bili failj.truo#all riii•rei,f,ppy.or;the'original Joint atSiphition.hf the. fieneval'Asseiribry; entithd lA:Joint itesiiits• .titui . pepeeiug;Cititttiu Ailielitrornti(to.ttid: Con. :#ipition," tlloba:fild '154, (Wei!, this. sales:." . • Inl-tyStlionny'wyereer; Il,uro lieKoMo sottl.or tho SOorct!Are . 3 Office, to hOtiffbeed, the day and ownyear'nbov ft on • ' ; • .. •:. , - E•ocrotgra':9l.3l.o CononlonwOolth,, .f1py4,3,56:1 ,„ ;. ,_ Qccrrtary of the Courtin) weidtli:. Thenbever React talon having bean ogyead to by . tCnin.i , Jority of the members of each Hon. atlmieuccesciro' inc.sions•of tlic,GeneralAsfiembly of Oils Commonwealth,' - the proposed filuendments will be submitted to the people,. for their adoptionfor, • raJaction, mi • the* FIRST TUIISUffiY OF AUGUST, in Rho' year of °lir Lord ono ihoustual eight hundred and sixty-four, in accordance with the provialons' 'of the tenth articlo of the Coastitution, autl.the:act; cull tred "An Act preset iblng the •time •and-rnanner. Of sob-. ;flitting to.tho ;maple, for 'their epproval and ratification .or.rejectioit; the proposed amendments to the Constitm, tion," approved the twenty-thir,Vri y of April,•one , thons.: and eight hundred:and sixty-four.' -,.! • TNr:v,F.,I),:,sAL : : ..LO'fill_ll.S''':'lVßlN.GEß.l =ME= No.• 1. Large Family 'Wringer,. 810,00 No. 2. Medium " ," ' 7,00 No. 2i " " " 0,00 No. 3. Small " . ," 5,00 No. 8. Large Hotel, " 14,00 No 4 18: Medium Laundry, f "in 18,00 No. 22. Larye :10 4 A.M.'130,00 Nos. 2/. and 3 have no Cogs All oth ors nra wafrali - ifid.`, , *No. 2 is the sizo tondrallY used in private families. • , • -.ORANGEToPo, of tlid "Am'oricab Ag riculturist," says of tho • • UNIVERSAL - CLOTHES • WRINGER. . 4 A child calf readily wring out a tulifoll of clothe o In a 114 minute's. It Is in reality a • Crarn s s &ohm! A TIDIC S .. AVER! rind a 's:mcerri Sver.s.t The saring.of 'gnr wilt alone pay a largo, per contagaen'ife cost.. ,110 think:the Joachim, much more than itself owe ty.year" . in the 'saving of , garments! . There are several kinds, nearly 'alike general constraction, but we' con eitio'r it 4nporttnit that CIO Wringer be - fitted' with Cogs, 0tii 6 0 , 119 0 1 019 of prmonta may Clog. the •rollers, and the VefflOra upon the crank-shaft slip and tear the or Cid rubber breakloose from the shaft. Out 01.111,18 ono of the fireinit k o, and it on noon Ali NEW alter' nearly . . . . E v ery ringer With Cbg Wheels is War, • ranted' in every particular. . • •'• No Wringer ean. be Durable without Cog .good gANVASSER wantodln evOry town. , re-On receipt of Cho price from pla: ces whore no ono is sollibg, we will send. the`Wringer free of expense. For particulars and ; circulars ' ad dress . • R. C. BROWNING, : 847 Broadway, 'N. Y. Aug. 12, '63. - . . E i 1 Z ) . U[ T Z 9 S - Nitkitix Milt -Non* .-.! These Powders .. will strength- - •., ~ ./ . entheStornach l' '.. and hltegill& i : cleanse them , : . • 1- from oftinsitO . , • . : . matter,: 'and • • I , s • ,:s. 41 tiring {hemto . ! ..e- . 4 - ~. • ..,,..,,,,, alieslthylitate.i! - • - ..-=it•- , n--ii-s. -- .. - . - V-t-. • suie proventivo of Lung . Fever, a eertnin remedy, for all Disennes Int:idea - CM the..norso, such as Glatt-Water . . !,.. ,' : ,• • ',,,,, , ! dent Yellow ! -1. ' • - • , t 6 : , 1,' Dis t oart p o r, ' „„. .. , ~.. F0und.,..,,, k. ~v , ii ti avo s, ,•ii, ~,,,,,,,.. yk, 0,..,,,. 4 4 4- slaverin g , ikt , ..t. ~zu ~1 Coughs, re- t y , 0," :: vers, Loss of . f f' . t Appetite and. A . t ,T, . 0 :,,,,,,.,, 4 Vital Thief- g. ,- A , A,-, -, '? - .=..;, 4 - , ,Z1: ID', Sre , ------,---;----.=-..2.t.----'''' • In poor, low-spirited-animals ; it has the most, beneficial effect The use of.there improves the wind, strength -ens the Appetite, and.. gives to the LTorse a fine, smooth. and. glossy skin --zthus improT ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble, animal. • , • . • . - The . . , . propertyy this , POwder ,p9ssceses . in •in- . • creasing --the quantity of Milk in Cows, gives it an;importance . ..and. -Talus •which should , place' it in the hands, of every yersop. 'keeping , ' a Cow. By actual “experinicnt it has proven_. ..that it ,wlll increase the quantity of. Milk and;,.,C ream twenty per centil and.make•the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening.Cattle,-it gives theln'an ' 2- appetite,'Theseus their. hide. and makes them thrive much,,gt*e.., - - - - • HOGS -Itiiiat'DlSCeses of ,:-.,,•,,...,:', -;.- * 11-oii afritiei:such.na 4 . „..„,„„ --.. z„,„,-,,;„trlcora in •!: -= - : - .: - I-Xt.,Vt -- : Atio Limik, Liver, - • - .1 `..,4 -- --X''?''.l ~Are .:By.': putting ‘ - '41 11 . 0a.1, 4 i- '- from half ; . paper '.l literiallt ..„..< ' 1 10.4 paper of those. _ - • ~ .i. - —_-•,i±- 11 ,-...- . Powders -in a bar-- ;••.---,•,-;..„-- z;:, - , - ..--.,__ -:•,', :''. rel of.. Swill,- the :•••;:;70.....itea • • -4- -' 7, - --.."'“•- - ' ' above - Disc:l:sea • can be cured or , entirely: pro-_! ~,vented. .By using these ,Toxders.' - ,,tlie 'Hog' . ~. . Cholera can be prevented. ' • :., .• , . . Prioo 25 ots, por Papdi; of S=PnpUs for St = 4: l'OltrTP* == 'WHOLESALE DRUGAND MEDICINE DEPOT No. 116 Franklin 6t.,:Baltimore,, Md. Sale Druggista 60, `Stoicki:rpers thioughout the United States.. ~`, For sale, wholesale and retail by John Road; l'a. Eap27•l . . . . LooKiNg gAn at fl itanhar6 two of . JAMB'S A. 9,10 V . . IJB IS IC NOTICF ilortana intcicouc I trill plenae take notfcc,lbat t undoralgned deputy Collector of U. 9. Inteennlatneo• to for Huntingdon county, will attend on the lat and l'uoilaya.of each month, nt the Jnektion Rotel, in the. borough of Huntingdon, to receive tax on, 8:0,.; commend tog on tlioltb • • '•''' • • JAMBS CLARICE. July 7th, STEPIIENS, -• ATTORNEY AT • ./liINTINGDON, Treas*9es,',,r9ouli,iii Cotirtlrpiisb 7 , --up stairs • llntitlogilon, :" : ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCH-MAKER; AND AntitVpiAnt Mkffill'AbTPßkrt'PE f.SILVER WARE and boonna or WATCHES, No. 148 North Secona st., Corner_Qharry, I'IIILADIILPIIIA ~ '-' Kirtutirctinstantlintrband an tissortnierit.of Kola' and , g ....)t Silver Patent Lovors, Loplibt and Plain WitteVeii; ' * Vino Gold•Chalits, Seals and Kays, Breast Pins, ' -A Ear Ringo ; Tinier. Rings, 'llraeolefs, Maid - Cirri ` . ..0. 7 enaca,„ atedallions, •Loekrits, Pendia, Thliiibles, SpoetaCitit; ' Silver Waldo, Desert;" Tea, Salt and' btristard Sprint at•Sitzir Spoon's,' CnPs,' Napkin, R idge, FtbiCand Bitttor Knives, Shiolds„ Combs, blarriond 'Pointed Pons, - ote.,--al. of . 10hiCti: thin be sold lose fol - Cllsh l':•.' ', • - At . I. rop.tcy ,t , C . Ce.S . beat quality 'full Jairollad Patent toner fri tibtretiniti cthistautly on hand; illsontbar,Malritis , or snperior quality. N. 11:—=Cisiold and:S*4Oct. Idnighl for Cash. • •Bopt. 9, 1863-Iy. . FOR THE pFLEATEST VARIETY ti 4 7. 7 " 1- ‘` r= Ifailifsonl6 u - sem - - Articles, Call at 'LEWIS' Book fitoro. ARBLE . undersigned worild,reapoetfolly.eall•Slits:atteatlon7of tbobityatie ntinkdOn aiwt tho ailholidng comities to Hm stocli of heantithilriarblo now on hand.. Halo prepared la' thrnifidi at flat Illiortaienotled,'Montnenial MArble,"romb; Tables and Stones of