The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 29, 1864, Image 1
TERMS OF THE GLOBE; liar nihilism in advance - Six months ihrse months .... • 6 0 o talklce to notify a discontinimuce at tII ertiliatiost Cul dm term subscribed for will be couaidercd a new engage. amt. . , TERMS OF ADVERTISING , / insertion. 2 do. 3 do. lons Unit o r ke" '• §25 $ - 3734 $ ,60 Jae square, (12 lines,) 60 75 1 . 00 rwo pcilwea s • 1 00 1 50 , 2 00 three Squarer ' ' 150 " 225 ' ' 300 Over three week and less than three email's, 25 cents ?Is square for each insertion. . - 3 months: 6 months: 12 months. Aix lines or less, $1 50 $3 00 $6 00 Jne square, 3 00 5 00 7 00 Vyto• squares ' - 500 • SOO 10 DO rbree squares, 700 10 00 • ' 15 00 Your squares, ' 9 00 13 00 '2O 00 ifalf a column, 12 00 16 00 "4 00 One column ' • .20 00 .30 00....,.....50 00 Professionatund Business Cards not exceeding Nur lines One pear '. $3 Oil Administrators' and Bxecutor4 . Notices, $1 75 Advertisements not mrirked with the number of inser tions desired, Will be continued till, forbid and charged se. bottling to these terms. giltrbe. ITUNTINp-DON, PA. They Tell Me YII Forget .They tell me I'll forget thee when . 'Mid other scenes I stray, That .thoughts of thee will vanish ns The dew rif break of day, tutsh! I do not heed their words— I know it cannot be; That one enshrined within thiS heaft — tan be forgot by me. They tell me I will soon' forgot, Thy kind and gentle smile. That did so many weary days , And hours to me beguile ; Ah, no ! I never shall forgot, "know it cannot be, That ono enshrined within my heart Can be forgot by me. They tell me I'll forget the betas • Of mirth and joyous glee, The many pleasures unalloyed That I have shared with thee. But nh i they need not tell me this, . , I know my heart the best ; I'll not forgot till in the tomb They lay me down to rest. They tell me I'll forget tby songs, Thy kind and loving words,! Thy tones that .al ways iu my. breast Some deep . emotion 'stirred. It cannot bel it cannot be I Thy smiles, I love them yet ; And while I live,.oh ! I Would not E'en if I could, forget. . Notes of a Visit to the Army of .the Potomac. tVroiu the Itarrlsburg Tclegrapb.l In company with several, of the del egates of the - Christian COmmission, left Ilarrishurg on the morning of Hay 14th, to,spend a few weeks in minis tering to the wants of the sick _and %rounded of our army. At Washington we found so large a ,number of delegates from all parts of the country pressing forward, that we were delayed for a day or two, and we ,seized the opportunity to go into the hospitals of that city. Probably 25,2' 000 of our noble defenders are gathered these instittltions, whose order, cleanliness and comfort reflect so grout honor : upon the-Government., Belle Plana , • • To ibis point, d'.snriill landin opt the Potomac ; the - wottnere ro t from Fredevieksburg, he .Shipped thence to.. Washington. :Here .we tar ried for a couple of. days and assisted ideuliplying the Wounded men, after a painful jthirriey over thorough roads of Virginia in 'ambulances and army 'wakens, with milk punch, coffee, lem onade, bread; crackers,- oranges and such other delicacies as would attract and nourish enfeebled men. Here too beheld several thousand of the Johnnies taken prisoner in the bril liant-charge of Hancock's 2nd corps. Some of them talked'boldly and defi: antly, while others anxiously sought the oppditunityte take the oath of al legiance. Fredericksburg Wo reached this city of wounded :and dying ,men, after a wearisome 'day's ride through a country utterly laid waste by war. The city has been too often described to need any now description. Its grass gtown streets, its deserted homes, its ruined buildings .Whose burnt walls bear witness to nu mortals conflagrations, its temples of worship and public buildings perfora tee by shot and shell, the absence of Women hnd of playing children in the itreets, and instead the presence every where of wounded men, sitting on the ,door Eteps and curb stones, limping on crutches or leaning on the shoulder-of . troogor, the hurrying hero and there of : tile messengers of mercy with :their harden of sti m uht n ts, • banddges, Re., the slow moving' death wagon .bearing brave men to their last sleep, the . bbary-laden atmosphere tainted with death, all, all reminded us we were surrounded by a vast hospital.— Tn this city of originally s,ooo•inbabi -tants there are new probably between 'eight and ten thousand wounded men, Ailing - the churches, public buildings, warehouses, storerooms, and •private dwellings everywhere. The Christian and Sanitary commissions The - value of these two great benev olent agenCies was here most abund• antly illustrated: At the headquarters of the .Christian Commission, (which - were in the large mansion of a Doctor Hart, now said to be on the staff of G - en R E Lee, of the rebel army,) two hundred men were congregated,. most of thern ministers of the Gospel, men of learning and of ability, who heroin deeds of . merey bore witness to the pa triotic wards s they had:Often spoken in their pulpits at home. Hero cheer filly accepting the roughest fare, they . gave themselves to weeks of toil. Each morning, having divided the entire city into districts among them, they went forth, their haversacks filled 'with stimulants, soft crackers, lemons, oranges, bandages, writin g materials, reading :matter; bearing buckets of Coffee, punch, lemonade; carrying bun dles of clothing, crutches, bandages &e, and spent the day . among the wounded - men, dreSsing their wounds, attending 0 their wants, writing letters for them "te - their friendS, cheering them by kind Christian words, praying . with them, pointing them to the Saviour of men, whispering in the ears of the dying 'words of hope and forgiveness, and burying the dead with the blessed rites Of Christian burial. Such in briefest words is the work of the Christian Commission in such a place as Frede ricksburg. . . . , . . , . • , • ~ • . . . , . ' .: - • . ', . . 1 !! ,-, . ~, -4.. _v.;,..":::',F..-t11:,;Z,:41:.::-..i.-.. Z - 7 ,-- , : _ . ~,„; ,: ,i .. . , : . - ::-, . 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' The value of the two commissions in each a field as that of . Fredericks burg cannot be estimated. Groat suf fering is alleviated and prevented and numerous lives are saved through their instruntentality. . The Afard.h of the Grand Army. , Lenving : Fredericksburg, in compa T •ny few delogatesof the thin ',Commission; and: running the ganntlet-ofguerillos,,after a hard day's walk. I,:rettebed Spottsylvania court honse, only to find that , our cornice lion with Tashiogton, by way of Fre dericksburg was severed, the grand army was in motion southward, and .we must, willing or no, accompany it. A. night of broken sleep:upon the box es and hales of our supply wagon was followed by : an early order to pack up. .There is something , in the, movement of a great army that partakes of the sublime, especially under ; eirennastan cee like those under which the army of Gens Grant and Meade has moved, mighty and wily foe close in front and watching every Movement_ No more hazardous inoveinents have ever been attempted in 'Warfare than • those by Which daYAfter daY.llie'Vaet, 'artily of the Patentee has beeWsWung aredrid its on a pivot hi the very lace of its oneniy.• Silently, to corps, divisione, brigades and regiments, to hospitale and supply trains came the orders for a movement—no one, knew whither. With a stiblime, unquestioning fiiith, the tents were quietly struck, ambit- knees filled with remaining. sick and Wouridcd,knapsacks buckled 'on and muskets shouldered, horses monnted, and soon '.caValry, infantry,. artillery, Hospitals and supply trains and rear guard WOUld all be on their way to some unkneWn point. • Accompanying the sth corps, commanded by_ Major General Warren; my observations ing the iiibsequent ten days were:li t-eked 'alnecist wholly to this•eorps bmarching or i e, leaving-my coat behind, and carrying only a canteen and fi stout Walking stick cut near the terrible field of - the 'Wilderness," I took my place along with the rank•and file of the army and learned by experience a little of their life. Under the shade of some noble trees in front of Massapo nak church, I was permitted to look upon a number of our generals in council, consulting some maps of the 'region through which we were mov ing. • A crowd of curious eyes gather end around to look upon the noted faces for a • moment, while from the gallery windows of the church I ob served a photographic, lostrament sei zing the rare chance. I quietly stu died the'faces of those men, whom the generations will delight to honor; and having photographed them for private use, passed - on, leaving the chiefs in MiSsing the brilliant dash at the Po, in which our cavalry scattered in wild retreat the env:lll'3/a the enemy, and seized; : uninjured, tho bridge at the crossing, I contented myself with a bi vouac under an , army wagon for the night, hoping that when . next "John Gilpin chanced to ridejbe 0 there to see." • Steadily 1111 . day, Sunday, 22d, wo moved forward, and.eteadily all day to our right we libiu4 the - eannonadirig of one of our corp 4 (dealing its way. The Battle of the Horth, Anna. . . . Otillondity:evening about 5 o'clock the At division ,of the sth coil* . ivith which a friend — and' Myself 'had' been inarehing from . early dawn, reached the bank of the North Anna. The 2d and 3d divisions came up, and while the pontoons were being laid .the divi- Sions of Griffin : and CraWford, the Pa. Reserves, forded tho stream, The N. Anna is is muddY'river, from two to four feet in depth "and about ono hun dred yards in width at Jericho Mills, .the place where the sth corps crossed. Both banks of the stream rise Bohm .50 or 100 feet in high relling ground, skir ted by woods. In consequence of the three day's rapid marching, our troops gained the ground, forded the river and took position on the south bank Without any resistance by the enemy at this point. They soon; hoWever, found a foe in front. Standing near the General's headquarters on the north bank, my companion and my self watched our troops as they cross ed; filed up the bills and formed in lino of battle in somo open fields on south .bank. A single - battery was taken across the river, while the remaining ones, were posted-On the crown of the 'hills along the north bank on either side of headquarters. Off to our right as we lay in the clover beneath the shade of an oak, and nearly a mile away, sat a rebel horseman as immov able us a statue, Watching our opera tions, and ready at.the slightest warn ing to fly across the river and join his friends. When the skirmishing open ed he vanished and was seen no more. Soon a lino of skirmishers was formed, and now opened a,seene very exciting to one who had. never yOt seen an en gagement Of any kind. The skirmish ers boldly, yet cautiously advanced to the edge of the• woods. While we watched with painful eagerness they enter the woods. Then came the first single shot; then another and another, HUNTINGDON, PA,, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1864. lan enemy •was there—then two or three shots in rapid succession; when suddenly tiler rebel yell burst upon oar ears, followed by the rattle of 'quick volleys of musketry, mid our skirmish ers came flying out of the woods on a double 'quick and fell back upon the lino of battle for support. The object was gained—the presence of the ene my discovered, and now came the marshaling for conflict. Generals and their aids-were busy forming our for ces into line of battle preparatory to a movement in force into the Woods.— An' hour passed away. Ono line of battle has entered the woods, the sun is sinking in the West, the prospect of a battle for the evening seems to have passed, and passing to the rear a few hundred yar,ds I lay down by the road side, (being exceedingly weary) and was about falling asleep, when I was brought:to my feet by such a roaring and screaming of shells and terrific rattle of Musketry as surpassed, infin itely, all my conceptions of battle. • A little stretchlof Woods lay between me and the field of conflict, which conceal ed the combatants from sight. I. only heard the roar of cannon and explo sion of shells that shook the earth un der my feet and filled the benvens Over my head. A body of surgeons, who had . incautiously advanced too far,' came hurrying past to get beyond the scene ofdanger. The enemy had sud denly:opened with musketry and ar tillery upon our advancing troops. On a high hill, to our left front, a body Of rebel cavalry dashed furiously across I a-ploughed field on the brow of the bill. Their object was almost imme diately manifest. when, beneath the I cloud of dust they raised, a battery of 'artillery opened upon our headquar ters. The fight thus began lasted for whom., when the enemy, finding all attempts to :dislodge us and drive us across the river futtle,•fell back, and our army, giving three rousing cheers that made both banks of the river the ' fields, the woods and the . sky resound, advanced and held new positions, The day was ours. The rebel dead were left on the field to be dared for by the hands of the ".inhuman" Yankees.— Several hundred prisoners were cap tared. The battle of Jericho Bridge ceased : as the twilight of oyeningWas .deepening into :darkness. It was at this engagement I heard, for the first thne,`the famous rebel yell. , It is but .% single, confused, fierce scream and stands in marked contrast with the eimers Of our own mon. The two can not,:bo•naistaken for each other by any .ono who:has• ever - -heardL-bottir one js,a fierce, mobbish yell of voices screaming without concert; the other usually three--open, manly, rousing cheers, given in concert. As far away on a battle field as the sound can be heard, a listerior may tell bow the tide of battle wavers and turns by the al ternate rebel yells and Union cheers. The Hospital after a Battle; The ambulances had already been sent across the river. Tho stretcher bearers had been picking up the woun ded. Wounds Were hastily dressed, bandages applied to stop the flowing Of blood, the ambulances were filled and the sad procession wended its way back to the hospitals. The scene pas ses all description. Darkness had now set in; steep roads deeply cut by ,the heavy artillery wagons led up from the river on each side ; there was but a single pontoon bridge. Every yard of the way from the field to the rear Where the hospitals were placed was filled; for the oth corps, under Burn side, was moving up with infantry and artillery to the support of War- I then. Wounded soldiers, pale and wea ry, some limping upon one fbot, some Carrying a bandaged arm, some with boimd and swollen heads, some lean ing on the shotilder of a" companion, were hunting their way back to the hospital, while the more seriously Wounded wore borne in ambulances. The cheers arid sOngs of the men who were hurrying to the front, the shouts of drivers whose wagons had stalled in some deep rut, the hurrying here and there of horsemen, the blaze of fire along the road flung out into the darkness of the forest, all Conspired to make a scene which can never pass from memory. About two hundred wounded men were brought in: Here was Werk enodgh for Surgeons and the delegates of the Christian Com mission. The mon bad gone intolhe conflict after a weary day's march. IStithulants and nourishing food was . needed. The members of the commis sion distributed of their stores. The amputating tables were occupied and candles gleamed upon the dreadful but necessary work. Before twelve o'clock came the wounds of two hun dred their Were - dressed, themselves Washed and fed'and laid under the shelter of tents on beds of pine bOughs and blankets, and the camp was quiet save for the tramp of passing men and the rumble of artillery wagons, and the slioutino of drivers, all moving on to the front. - In 'the morning pt few fresh graves were seen. In 'the after noon the wounded were sent to Port Royal,.and we moved forward again a mile or so and awaited a decisive battle. Another Grand Flank 21-ovement As wo wore awaiting anxiously the expected battle between the North and South Anna, and just at dusk, ono evening, came the quiet order: "Pre pare to move immediately. The hos pital train will fall into the roar of the 3d division!' In a half hour we wore ready; bad moved out to the road, and halted to let the army pass —rather the sth corps of it. From 8 o'clock p. m., till 3 a. m., we waited by the road-side, while the .steady tramp of men, cheerful, joking and full of spirit, and the heavy rumble of artillery reminded us an army was near us. Two days of heavy and con- -PERSEVERE.- tinned marching brought us across the Pamunkey, in front of Lee's army and within ten miles of Richmond. I shall regard it as ono of. the .great ' est privileges of my life that I have been permitted to be with the grand Army of the Potomac during the splendid movements that took it from SpottsylVania Court House tothe im mediate front of Richmond. I have seen something of armies before; have read and heard of battles and of mar ches before, but my experience and my conceptions have all been surpas sed by the' events in which I have mingled. It has boon worth ton years of peaceful life to go amid those stir ring scenes; to follow and accompa ny that bolt of men in their : glorious movements; to look day after day up on their bronzed fades; to march with them; tent by them ; to sleep as they, under the . quiet stars; to fare as they fared; . to grow weary as they; :and, like item, to fall bY_the road=side for an hour's sleep; It has .been worth more than can measure to study their unflinching patriotism; to be a witness of that calm endurance which could march ,V night and fight by day for weeks together; to look upon the men who so cheerfully stand be- tween us and. ruin, walking bravely up to the great sacrifice of home and life as dear to them as ours to us. It has been worth more than I can name to look upon their chiefs in council on the march and in the field; to See the calm deliberation; the high resolve; the confident .hope. that rested on the countenances of the men whom wo de. light to honOrL--Warren and Burnside and Hancock; and Meade and Grant. There may be, aspirit of oleSpondency and o£ repining here and among those who have never put their hands to this great work—it cannot be found in the army. There the spirits of men rise to somothing,of the. greatness of the :occasion: .I'slo repulses; no losses dampen 'the artier or shake the confi dence of the army. From the general down to the lowest private in . the ranks, I marked a unity of spirit, confidence of each in each, a strong faith in ultimate success, a, persistence against all obstacles, and a patience under all sufferings that proPhesied the best things: I saw mon manfully bearing during : those days of heavy marching, who had lost all regular sleep for weeks, and had been living on part nations for days. It has been said by the enemy thatjhe 4elds and the woods in the - rear ief Grant's ar my were full .of.. stragglers..,:They were invisible to MO. By nothing was I more astonished than the spirit and discipline of this - great "ar my, which prevented it from becom ing disorganized by forty days of al most unexampled toil. Drunkenness in the Army. Another fact pleased me. I spent two weeks with the army, with its of ficers and men every day. The only drunken men I saw from the. time I left Fredericksburg till I reached Bal timore, was an officer on the boat from Fortress Monroe. Profanity and Wickedness of the Army. It has frequently been said that the great peril of the country will be, when the army returns home and scatters its wi ,, kedness, profanity and reckless ness through society. Tho country will suffer an hundred fold more by the men who stay at home to support drinking and gambling saloons on all the streets of our cities, than it ever will from tho rough and sun-burnt men of the army. There is profanity- in the army. There is profanity here, on every corner of our streets, more Of it, and less excusable, than in the army. Mere it breaks over all re straints of society and decency. In the army you will find' thousands of serious men, of noble and gentleman ly bearing, among whom ono may 1110V0 from day to day without behol ding an, act or hearing a word that need cans() a blush on the cheek of virtue. There is no mercenary and mean spirit. The army is lifted up to a broad, American and patriotic feel ing such as does not characterize all Who stay at home. lam happy to be able to speak from my own observa tion of these citizen soldiers. I have seen them in camp, on the march, on the brink of battle, "storming the lin mineat breach," borne wounded' froM the field, lingering in the hoSpital; and gasping in death, and I can Say that I believe a nobler band never went forth to war, a band inspired' by a Ligher impulse than the "Army of the Union." There may be still faint hearted men hoine„ . or worse than faint.bearted men, who'are repeating yet, in this fourth year of the conflict, the question, IS this war right or wrong? The army entertains no doubt on that matter. Time arm of the soldier pauses not to strike'at any man who would trample under foot the-banner of the country. Ile loves his Government and is willing to die for it. It is no spirit of adventure, nor loVe of blood,•that has sustained these mon in the fearful conflicts of the Wilderness and led them up ,into the Very face of death. The spirit that animates the ranks animates, the leaders. Like Wadsworth, many of them have left fortune, family, high social pOsition, chances of distinCtion in civil lift), and gone ont to tho priva tions of the camp and the perils of the field, Moved by ono great absorbing love of country. The Soldier in the Hospital. Now hero has the endurance of our bravo men been more severely tested, and more successfully proved than in the hospital. With wonder ar.d amazement I have looked upon the courage of these men, who, with bullet holes through leg 'or arm; with ghastly wounds in shoulder or face; with shattered hand or broken thigh; lay in tho tont or were carried to the amputating table, with never a mut.: neur of complaint or dissatisfaction breaking from their lips. I felt lost in speechless admiration, and almost questioned whether they had not be: come insensible to pain, they were so cheerful and so Uncomplaining. I have seen them walk coolly up to the sur gical table where they were to lose a right arm, or carried there to lose a foot or a limb, without a moan. I have heard them sing, "Rally round the flog, boys," when suffering deep. est pain or lay with beaded sweat gathering on the brows, and with fists and teeth clenched as they suppressed every groan. On the floor of the town hall of Predericksburo t' lay a young soldier from Brooklyn, N. Y., by the name of Morris. Tlis face was as gen tle as a girl's. He had, just been brought in from the battle-field, over a rough road of fifteen or twenty miles. lie had fallen on the field pierced at. nearly the same instant in three ces. Tho right arm was torn entirely off near the shoulder by a shell; the left band was terribly shattered. and it ball bad passed through ;the body, piercing the lungs; his wounds had been undressed a for nearly two days; his calm face worn an aspect Of pain, but not a murmur escaped his lips. It soems 7 to me I shall . never erase from my vision the things I have seen; the ghastly men that asked a cup of water; the wounded menf.tiggeringup to seek a bite to eat; the exhausted men, who, amid all the din and noise, were sleeping soundly as a tired infant on a mother's knee--the grateful men, whose thanks made me, ashamed of myself. Nell at home may walk Mil• streets sauntering along at their ease, pass their - criticisms on the conduct of the war, wonder why the army does not move more rapidly—,may charge regiments, brigades, divisions and corps with cowardice, but for myself, every recollection of what I have seen shall silence my tonguo.if it ever be gins to utter a reproach against the men who, in my place and for me, have gone to meet the terrible onset of a war that has no parallel in histo. What can me doi' I answer this practical question by saying, life can be saved by us. A computation has been made, that of all who die by war only one-fifth [l-5] die on the field, the other four-fifths [4.51 die after .the battle—from neg. lected wounds, from exhaustion, from thirst and-hunger, from the u astaanch ad I.l.lltiYing - cf - Uftio , act 61 stimulants, from unalleviated anguish andT_pain.: _Here lies the. sphere of Christian charity—to save these four fifths, to secure: . for them immediate attention, skillful help and full sup plies. In the Crimean war. the pro. portion of deaths to tho thousand rose from 190 to 913 I Tho • proportion of deaths in our American army is 53 to 1,000, a grand triumph for the Hepub• lie; for our charities, for the Christian religion. Yet thousands of-lives still are lost that might be saved. Suffer in.., too, can be greatly diminished. The two hundred •delegates of the Christian Commission at Fredericks burg; wore well nigh. appalled by the magnitude of the work. The stores almost failed. Calls came for articles that could not be had. Men died dai ly because what was needed was not at haul. Painful sufferings were wit nessed that could not be relieved, be cause the supply of necessaries was so scant to moot the wants of ten thous and men. No human Government over made such a noble provision for wounded men as our own. Her re• cord will astonish the world, but emer gencies will ariso in all 'great wars liko this, when all the preparations of Government and all tho help of public and of individual _charities will be put to the test.. Our Government has se lected thetwo great commissions, the Christian and the Sanitary, as its hel pers. Their agents are , the only civil ians allowed to accompany the army, save a few correspondents of the press. They are permitted to go everywhere throughout the lines of the army in their work of mercy. : • The groat principle of the Christian Commission is the personal distribution of hospital stores, .accompained by the personal ministrations of men who have gone into it without any remuneration, often at great sacrifice and exposure —moved only by a pity and love for the suffering. Their hands should be kept full of supplies.. :The economy of this system; is remarkable. The services of an • able man for six weeks in this way, costs the commission often no more than two, three or five dol lars for incidental expense. Nearly 'everything, contributed to the Chris tian Commission is expended directly upon the needy and suffering men of the army. Urgent calls from every department come .for an extension of the work.— Scores of men have been offering to go unpaid, men of high standing, who were declined, because the supplies of the commission would not warrant the use of a larger number of: men. The great want of the commission is not men—but money, to fill the hands of Our delegates with all the needed sup plies. The day will come when we and our children will be proud that we have had some hand in bringing about the sublime issues of :this great con flict, though it be only the giving of a cup of water in the name of patriotism and religion to the men who bear the heat and burden of it. Hot burns Ma* fire where!the giant wrongs. expire:— Godls Ireeitsting.and moulding anew the mitioMarWwe. are enduring the pan oft.: tbe'great -.transformation.— The sages .-of an earlier age. saw and , the' hand:breadth cloud that, filling now. the whole heaven, is drop ring its bloody rain upon us. There TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance. are hard , lessons on every page of the book that God's mighty hand has open ed for us to read; • But they Who trust in Him and in the age of peace and righteousness has promised, need not complain : of present loss, or pain. Before the joys of peace must come the pains of purifying; "first pure,.then peaceable.' . Our righteous cause cannot suffer harm, since Ile has taken its part. Behind the Auk clouds of to day lie will surely, show us . the calm sky. of tomorrow, and after the storms have passed away, will .lay anew, with a wiser hand than man's the corner stones of Liberty. Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee A Sketch of We Life and Servlcee Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, Dec.: 29, 1808. :When ho was four years of ago he lost his father, who died from the effects of exertions to save a friend from.drOWning. At the age of ten he was apprenticed to a tailor in his native Pity, with whom he sciVed sev en years. His Mother was unable to afford him any 'educational advanta ges, and he never attended school a day in his life. • While learning his trade, however, he resolved to make an effort to edit; eate himself. His anxiety to be able to read was particularly excited by an incident which is worthy of Men tion. 'A gentleman llaleigh was in the habit of 'going into' the tailor's shop and reading while the appren tice and journeymen were at work. - He was an excellent reader, and his favorite bOok was a voluine of speech es, prineipally of British statesmen. Johnson became interested, and his firstambition was to equal him as a reader, and become familiar with those speeches. He took up' the alPhabet without an instructor, but by apply-' ing to the journey 'men With whom • he worked he obtained a little assistance. Having acquired a knowledge of the letters, ho npplied for the loan of the book which he had so often heard read Tho owner made him a present of it, and gave him some instructions on the use ofjetters in the forMation of words. Thus ,'hiS first exercises in spelling were'iu that book. By pet-: severance ho soon learned to read, and: the honrs which he devoted to his etl ucation were at night after iII3 . NYEIA through his daily labor upon the shop board. „Tie now applied hinjself to • • tiVre-ierthree hor!';;'Frevery: night, after working from ten' to 12 hoard 'at his trade. ":- . HaVi ng eted _Ms apprentice ship in the autumn - of 1824, ho wont to Latirens Court frouSe,'S. C., Where ho worked for nearly two years. There heibpeame engaged to be married, but tho match was broken otT by the vio lent opposition of the "girl's mother and friends, the :ground ef objection being Mr. Johnson's yr/nib and want of pecuniary Means. In Mey, 1824, he returned to Raleigh, where ho pro cured journey •work, and remained until September, lie then set out to seek: his-fortune in the Vest, carrying with him his mother,' who was depen dent* on hith for support. .11e stopped at Greenville, Tenn., and coinnieneed Work as a journeyman. Ile remained there about twelve months, married, and soon afterward went still further westward; but failittg to find a mina ble -place to settle, he returned to Greenville, and commenced business there. Up to this time his education was limited to reading, as ho had never had an opportunity of learning• to ci pher or write • but under the instruc tions of' his wife ho learned these and other branches. The only time, how •ever be could devote to them was in ho dead of night. The first office 3vhich he over held was that of alder man pf the village, to whieh he was elected in 1828.. lie was re 7 elected to tho same poSition in 1820, and . . itgain in 'lB3O. In that year he was chosen mayor, which position he held for 3 years. • In 1835 he was elected to the legis lature. In the session of that year he took decided ground against a scheme of internal improvements, which lie contended Would not only prove a fai lure but entail upon' the State a bur densome debt. The pleasure Was po pular; however, and at the next elec tion (1837) ho was defeated.' He be came a candidate again in 1839. By this time many of the evils he had pre dicted from the internal itriprovcinent• policy which he had opposed four years previous Were fully demonstra ted, and he Was elected 17 4.larr,oe majority, In 1840 he served as , . Presidential elector for the. State at.,large ,on the Democratic ticket. Ho-canvassed a large.portion of the State, : meeting on the stump several of the leading,Whig orators.. 111,1841 he was elected to the ,State Senate. In 1843 he was elec ted te'Congrese,, whore, by successive eleetioas, be served:until 1853. .Dur ing this period of service 41e.. was e - - on., spicuous and active in advocating, re spectively, the bill for refunding 'the fine, in 1846, jiliposed upon Geri'Jack son at New' Orleans, the war -meas ures of Mr. Polk's administration, ,and a homestead bill. In 1853 he was . elected Governor of Tennessee, after an exciting canvass, in which lie was opposed by Gustavus A. Henry. Ho wa re-elected in 185.5, after another active contest, his com petitor being Meredith P Gentry. At the expiration of his second period as Governor, in 1857, he" as elected U Senator - fora full term, - ending March 3, 1863; Ever since the outbreak of there - bd. lion, Gov Sohnson has been the stern and uncompromising enemy of the slave oligarchies. As Senator of the United states, as a public speaker in PRINTING "OFITIVE. THPy " GLOB.E OFFICE-Q, the oat cduiplete Hitt taunt*,4l,o*, salmi the most stsphilliclltliell foe fremPtlY etoolichig the bat style, every valet,' ltV bolt 1 - Ineag, suelts# BAND BILLS,• - r PROGRAMtrtg. . NA- 1 - - WARDS, cinotiauts, BALL TICKNI'Se LABELi • &Cl., &C., KO. I, Cuc Arco mums sPicaras.4 'Rut. AT LEWIS' BOOK, OATIONFIRY R XlOBlO behalf of the Union, and for thoWn ny months pastas Governot of his own State, he hati vigilantly and, efficiently wrought in oar hely:4lll3bl and scored his name high ainoirg , the earnest. Wnrlters on behalf` of if:whiff perilled - Ropublic. • • - Co. D 6th Cavalry, U. g. Ai.- Cal 4. Wm. S. Abeirt IstDiedt. AlbWiti.Coatd let Sergt. G. W. M. Merryman Q. M. Sergt. Reed MoOlellair.,,, Com. Sergt: John Marshal. Ist Duty do. Snail. Shipley 2nd ' do ' P. Fulton 3d do J. 111. Applqb*tit let Corporal R. Boyd 2nd do *D. Fulton 3d do A. Shustoi 4th do ' J. R. geisingar sth do Geo. Penni Bugler J. Sullivan do IL Cook Farrier D. Cowhon Artificer C. W. Leafroa PRIVATEd. ' • .. Alton Littell Ames A S Lucas h, Applebaugh C E Luce W'N' Bailey D Maurer D , Barnard Wrii McCrackeil - Beckert Geo *McClellan J Berbriek F McMichael Bird .1' Monday C - • Brown J, Morton ,D' Bfo'sfn G Morrison it Blair T - McNair A: Chapman P - 3dcNiteS Clark .1 S Nicholson T Cokely P F Oldham D Donn J Paul A Duncan S Pcirrny Dunn PennyT S Fatkine T 13,etran C • *Fire Geo Proper J. M Fisher D • .Proper Gairteld W . Purdy a Gebhart F • .Rollerj Goultsch D Rothrock k Randlon J Roth J . _Hannah W Bh:wrier , Smith TDB: Ililand S Smith Joel Ilomen Wm Smith Sod *Jaes D Smith 1 1 '*James Jones R •Walks:Si' A , King F 'Wachter C. • - Keenan . *Wi3ktunli 6 lialvderififolt AJ . Wise G` '' Laughlin B Within ton W W Lewis L 'Wood A B. Lind! 45se-hav-illgiristur-trffiziltrto their names, are prisoners in the hands of the.rehels. r- Tnt , TALE DARER.--Iftke'relit arid individual who deserves the keg& of contempt and disdain from est and, civilized coMmunitr, 41,a the tale bearer—he or she Why ,baitles the words or actions of. ono.twh# ;is made an: associate, to ancithei, "and make it the subject of ft: string:of idles gossip , - A tale bearer not 1944 in a community before hn is known,-and when known ho'flitess thought of than formerly; and if he has any goOd`qual. Wes, tl ii are all lost sight , of , id this one loV,• vile, despicable habit.; ;Mu cannot see fife propriety , hi the nein duct of the tale bOtekei , . boos befit late . the notions of others in' orthir to have the listener •repose' more confidence in himself or grant more fa vor? If be cloiik then he is mistaken for when it is seen that he canna the sayings and doings of othoiii, it is certain that no one *fit'plinio confidence. in him, and the' &for' he seeks to find is entirely to'it.- tling spirit is akin to that of staridely: The tale bearer dons riot &il l y &rug curse upon himself, but he cord and dissension in 'a peaoefal society or family. Any one pods'elised of this habit need only tobk to the'ptci: verbs of Solomon and see conduct iv: condemned. "He thafgenth aboai d's a tale bearer revealetheinte44 theiefore meddle not. with hira .- tha:t enticiitlr with his lips." • - THE pErvATE SOLDIER.-If there id a being in the worrd who much serving of private affection and public griititude, i'6, is the soldier who mar= elms /tea pKviate in the ranks of the army, to'fight for his country, .and Of fers his blood and life as a sacrifieS for the maintenance of the Union anittho constitutiod. And,yet,,how soldon, it is that they get the honor and reward their services entitle thein to ! fa the private who carries. the gun', it is the private Whu marches on foot thrn! mud, frost and snow, it is the.:...ptivatf) who erects bridges over swift EmE.9,ln, and rearethe lofty fortificati6o, and it is thd priiate'who, with . the Set, Aeries the deadly r 'pith and against the squared.cohimmoilif the enerny t i and ; yet; how ,e6,ldow is ( it that he receives the .honors rewards of his nnble conduct! AD I IM Trituu.—A wounded V:in ginian rebel and a wOunded Pennsyl vanian: occupying adjoining beds, had a good.humorecl Verbal tilt, as follows , : "Say, reb, where . areyou from?" '`l i uu from Virginia, the best State" in kniq ica." '"That's whore old Floyd'-etinib from, the• old tbiof." "Where ttiolorit frond, Yank?" "Pm from Pennuyiettr pia" you need'rit 'talk - about, old; Floyd coming frOm irginra; 's long as old Buchanan carodrosii. sylvanio..—Don't you wish you back% said any thing, Yank!" ...,11." rifir chuTch some clasp Aheir bands so tight, at prayer time; that, - they r bannot get them opon whWthe contributhin her comes round; : BILL lißikDS, ENE I