6lobe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, June 22, 1864. W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor NATIONAL UNION TICKET, FOR PRESIDENT, AI3RAHAN. LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON, OF TENNESSEE. For the Constitutional Amendment Giving Pennsylvania Soldiers in the Service TITI RIGHT 'PO VOTE. SPECIAL ELECTION, AUG. 2d, 1864. Sii-Friends of our gallant Soldiers In the field, don't forget the day, and don't fail to vote "FOR THE AMENDMENT." • UNION DISTRICT TICKETS FOR CONGRESS, SENATE, AND ASSEMBLY THE NOMINEES • of the Union Conferences of the Districts UNION COUNTY TICKET. Prosecuting Attorney, JAS. D CAMPBELL, of Huntingdon County Commissioner, JACOB MILLER, of Oneida. Directors of Poor, FTFINRY DAVIS, of West, 3 years. ITENRY A. MARKS, of Juniata, 2 yrs County Surveyor, D. D. ESIIELMAN, of Shirley: . Auditor, LIVINGSTON E,OBB, of Walker Our Flag Forever "I know of no MCcle in which a loyal citi 08n may" so . well demaiisirate his devotion to his country as by - sustaining the Flag, the constitutivin and the Union, under all circum stances, and UNDER EVERY ADMINISTRATION REGARDLESS OT PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALL ASSAILANTS, AT HOUR AND ABROAD." A. DOUGLAS. Union ; State Electoral Ticket SENATORIAL Morton Mldiebael, Philadelphia. 'flips. 11. Cunningham, Beaver co _ ;PRESENTATIVE. 1 Robt. P King, 13 2 Geo. Morrison 'I4 Clio: n: - sbrinor, Coates, ..: 15 Tao. Wister, Hebry.Bunim, 16 D. M'Conaughy 4 Wm. H...liern, 17 D. W. Woods, 58. H. Jenks, 18 Isaac Benson, 6 Chas. M. Runk,. 19 John Patton, 7 Robt. Parke, 20 S. B. Dick, S Aaron Mull, 21 Ev. Bierer, 9 J. A. Hiestand, 22 Jno. P. Penney 10 R. H. Corycll,' 23 Eb. M'Junkin, 11 Ed. Halliday, 24 J. W. Blanch'rd 12 Chas. F. Reed. • LATEST NEWS,--OFFICIAL, The attack on Petersburg. Part of the defences carried. The hardest fighting done by the black troops. Pe tersburg still occupied by the Rebels. Rebel report of a victory over Sheri dan false. Sheridan's victory over Lee—capturing twenty' officers, five hundred men and three hundred hor ses. An engagement between our forts at Charleston and the Rebel bat teries—a rebel steamer with supplies destroyed. Congress, Senate and Assemtly, The Congressional District is com posed of the counties of Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon and Mifflin. The Union party of Huntingdon county, in Convention, nominated Col. Wm. Dorris,—Blair nominated Lewis A. Hall, Esq., Cambria nominated Mr. A. A. Barker, and Mifflin nominates to day, Tuesday: Tho Conferee meeting will be held at Tyrone on Tuesday the 28th. • Tho Senatorial District is composed of the counties of Centre, Blair, Hunt- ingdon, Mifflin, Juniata and Perry, with two Senators. The Union party of Huntingdon county has nominated Capt. Brico X. Blair—Blair county has nominated Seth McCune, Esq.,— the other counties have not yet made nominations. The Conference for Senators we suppose will meet at this place or Lewistown some time in Ju- Ty. The Representative District is com posed.of Huntingdon, Mifflin and.Ja niata, with two Representatives. Hunt ingdon county' will certainly get one Of the candidates, and the Union par ty has . nominated John N. Swoope, Esq. The Conference will meet at Lewistown some time in July. We earnestly hope Dorris, Blair and Swoope may receive the Conference nominations, and we shall do all in our power for their success, but should any other gentlemen be successful, they shall have our cordial support. 165 — The.A.imstrong.1Yentocrat, the old:Democratic organ in that county, has hoisted the ticket.of Lincoln and Johnson. A- Dinner for Co. 0, sth Itesory es. ` 'We are requested to announce that M. Sohtt D'ean will give the "boys" of Co G. sth •Reserves, a (linnet' on Saturday next. The Nominees of the Union Party, We don't know that we over saw a more respectable body of mon assem bled fur a purpose than the - Union Con vention which met in this place on Tuesday of last week—and the dele gates all appeared anxious to put up a good ticket, and we think they suc ceeded in their object. Of course a few good men were disappointed, but, it could not result otherwise. Some body must be disappointed. The county ticket nominated is a good ono —as good perhaps as it would have been had any of the othe' gentlemen named for nomination been successful. For District nominations, the gentle. men named by the Convention, • will not be found wanting in strength when their claims aro presented in Conference. Dorris for Congress, Blair for the Senate, and Swoop° for the Legislature, if all should be suc cessful in Conference, and wo hope they May be, would make a full team .and would be triumphantly elected. THE TRAITOR VALLANDIGHAM.—We see by our city exchanges that Vallan digham has returned to Ohio, and has been chosen a delegate to the Chicago Convention. We hope he may receive the nomination _for Vice President, and that Fremont's bid for the seccsh nomination for President may bo ta ken. Such a ticket would be just the thing to receive the 'unanimous sup port of the rebel sympathisers and soreheads. Vallandigharn may not bo re-arrested—he cannot now do the Union cause any harm. Give him rope. The New York World thus treats in a late issue upon the two can didates nominated by the Baltimore Union National Convention for the next Presidency "In a crisis of the most appalling magnitude, requiring statesmanship of tho highest order, the country is asked to consider the claims of two ig norant, boorish, third-rate, bgekwoods lawyers, for the highest stations in the Government. Such nominations, in such ,a conjuncture, are an insult to the common sense of the people. God save the Republic!" This kind of talk is a sure (7) way of displacing confidence in the nation's most prominent and tried Union men. Y' Several of the traitor shoots openly advocate the nomination of .Fremont by the Chicago Convention. If they could defeat Lincoln & John son by ruining Fred Douglas, we can didly believe they, would accept of him as their candidate. With them it is office and spoils,—any thing to "get in," that they may be able to help their "Southern brethren." -STEPHEN The Pennsylvania Reserves. - -The shattered-columns-of' the Penn sylvania Reserves returned to the State last week, after three - years of most heroic service in the cause of the country, and they were formally welcomed at the capitol by Governor Curtin and Mayor Roumfort, and by the grateful hearts of a loyal people. Tho Reserve Corps was originated and - organized by Governor Curtin.— kwas in obedience to his earnest ap peal to a committee of the legislature that the measure was adopted; and the bill was =dully drawn under his immediate direction. This was in May 1861. Few men in the North then apprehended a protracted and bloody war; but Governor Curtin, ever alive to the interests of his great State and faithful to the cause of an imper: filled Nationality, was ceaseless in his efforts to effect the organization of a Reserve, to secure the protection of our borders, and to aid the National arms in case of disaster. Many reluc tant votes were cast for the bill. in the legislature, as the conviction was gen eral that the movement. upon Bull Run would practically end the rebel lion, and the large expenditure neces sary to recruit, organize, arm and equip such a corps, made even some faithful men slow to assent to the mea sure. The result, however, more than vindicated the foresight of Gov Curtin. Before the organization was comple-• ted, a call was made upon him for aid in Western Virginia,and the regiments of Colonel Simmons (killed on the Pe ninsula) and Colonel Biddle (since turned malignant copperhead) with .2 companies of artillery under Captain (now General) Campbell, were march ed to Cumberland and did good serv ice on the line of - the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Soon after the -disaster at Bull Run dashed the high hopes of the nation to the earth, and the stoutest hearts did tremble lot' the safety of the national Capital. - McDowell's army was utter ly routed, and retreated panic-stricken upon Washington—thousands pressing into the eity, while the rude fortifca tions on the Virginia side.were but im perfectly manned. So grave were the fears for the safety of Washington for several days, that Commodore Dupont and other eminent naval and military men went into the fortifications to bring order out of chaos and aid in serVing the guns in case of an attack. In this fearful extremity, there Was no State but Pennsylvania that could af ford succor; and to its faithful Execu tive and legislature, and the brave men who responded to their call, was the nation indebted for the safety of the Capital, and also for the nucleus of the Army of the Potomac, which has won a fame as wide as the World and en during as Time itself. The Pennsyl vania Reserves commenced their march to Washington on the 22d day of July 1861—the very day after the defeat of MeDowell, and in a few days they were all in the field, 15,856 men strong. Last week the survivors re turned, and scarcely 3,000 of the orig inal number bore arms the day they. were discharged. Such is their record of heroism. Of the original fifteen Colonels, but one returns with his command—Col II G Sickles, of York. Col Simmons, of the sth, was killed at Charles City Cross Roads; Col Jackson, of the 9th, -- 7 - vas promoted to be a Wigadier, and was killed at Fredericksburg, and Col Bayard, of the 15th, was killed at the same place. Col Campbell was trans ferred and promoted, and was severely wounded in several battles. He is now a Brigadier in the West. Colonel Woolworth, who succeeded to the command of the 4th was killed recent ly in West Virginia; Col McNeil who succeeded to the command of the 13th," vas killed at Antietam; and Col Tay lor, his successor, was killed at Gettys burg. Of the Colonels in service when the corps was discharged, Fisher and McCandless commanded brigades at Gettysburg, and in the recent battles under Gen .Grant, and Col Sickles was at one time left as commander of the whole division. The Reserve Corps Was organized under Gon McCall, who was a fine dis ciplinarian; but ho failed as a com mander in the field, and was mustered out of service. He had under him Gens. Reynolds, Meade and Ord. God McCall commanded in the Peninsula campaign, Reynolds in the Popo cam paigni .Meade in the Antietam and Fredericksburg campaigns, and Craw ford in the Gettysburg and Grant,eani paigns. Of its three original brigade commanders, Reynolds became com mander of the First Army Corps, and fell gallantly at Gettysburg; Meade is now in command of the frdiy of the Potomac; and Gen Ord was promoted .to the command of the 13th Army Corps, and served with distinction in several campaigns about Vicks burg. Of the other brigade comman ders!Gen Jackson was killed, and Gen Seymour is a prisoner. Col. McCand less is at home in Philadelphia, woun ded, Col Fisher returns with his men, and Gen Crawford is still in the field, after having led them with great skill and gallantry in seine of the most san guinary battles of the war. The first triumph gained by the U nion arips in Eastern Virginia was won by the Reserves at Drainesville under ; Ord; and every battle since fought by the . Army of the Potomac was partici . paled in by this brave corps. In no instance was its fame blotted in battle —its record is one of perpetual heroism, and bloody sacrifice to maintain the life of the Republic. As instances of its gallantry, its losses in the "Seven ' days' Battles" were 3,074; Freder icksburg 1,760 out of 4500 taken into ! action; at Antietam 1,118, and in the ! battles of the Wilderness and the Po over 2,200, including however some 800 captured. Such is the history in brief of the battle scarred Pennsylva nia Reserves. After three years of service in which they have enriched the groymd of every eastern battle field With their blood, they return with scarcely Ondfifth their original number The living come to meet the grateful plaudits of a loyal people; the dead sleep in their nameless tombs, but their memory is enshrined in the heart of every patriot.— Chang. Repos. of 15th. WAR FOl 1 1 -- - 3 1 UNION The War -in the Southwest, LEXINGTON,. KY., nine 13. Capt. Dickson telegraphs to Gen. Carrington: Gon. Burbridge gave the rebels a total defeat at Cynthiana yes ol,cl ay mr.e.” leg The rebel loss was 300 killed and 400 prisoners, besides wounded. Their force exceeded ours. Diorgan's command is divided and ut terly demoralized trying to get off in small squads, Cols. Hanson. and Gan ard aro pursuing Morgan himself, with a few hundred men, northeast from Cynthiana. General Burbridge, with part of his force, has returned here. A telegraph from Gov. Bramlette to Gen. Carrington dated, at FRANKFORT, Juno 13th r. nt., says: There is no fobel force moving towards Louisville. A gentleman from Gerystown reports that a few hours after Hobson's sur render at Cynthiana, nurbridge at: tacked the enemy, killing and captur ing half of theirforces. The remain der fled in great confusion, crossing the Railroad yesterday at Painesville. We had repulsed the enemy before our reinforcements arrived, but- felt inse cure until their arrival. LEXINGTON : June, P.—atpt. Dick son to Gen. Carrington: Gen. Llurbridge is now here, and reports the rebel force were out of ammunition, scattered and utterly demoralized in the light at Cynthiana. A diSpatch from Falmouth, Ky., this afternoon says: After the Cynthi ana defeat, General lkobson and part of his staff were sent under guard to Falmouth, but the whole party were recaptured by a scouting party, and are now at Falmouth. The Late Defeat of General Sturgis. Mr.mrms, Juno 14, via. Cincinnati, Junel6.—The following detailed infor mation in regard to the late . defeat of Gen. Sturgis is gathered mostly from officers accompanying the expedition, and is mainly correct : Nothing of intereA occured until the expedition passed Salem, Mississ ippi, on the sth, when three hundred men were sent in advance, paSsing through Ripley,, capturing small par ties of the enemy, and moving upon Rienzi and Danville, destroying the railroad, burning the depot at the for mer place,"and'constantly skirmishing with a considerable body of the enemy. They, rejoined the main column on the Bth inst. with 25 prisoners. On the 9th the main column passed through Ripley, moving southwest. On the morning of the 10th the caval ry moved in the direction of Guntown, leaving the infantry in camp. After proceeding a few miles they eneeun• toyed the enemy's pickets, and soon came upon a large body of the enemy in position, and the battle became gen eral. The cavalry dismounted and drove the enemy some distance. when the latter were reinforced, and our men fought four hours against groat odds, when the infantry came up and the cavalry returned. At 3 P. M. another large body of the enemy arrived on the railroad in sight of the battle, which'was raging furiously. All our force being engag ed, it was soon evident wo could not withstand such attacks as worn being made by such superior numbers. and our men began to fall back, contest ing every inch of ground. Tho color ed troops fought with desperation, and were the last to give way. The col umn retreated to Ripley, a distance of 25 miles, that night,, after burning, a large portion of their supply train and destroying ten pieces of artillery, which they were unable to move through the swamps, On the 11th the enemy made a des perate attack on the infantry, which was repulsed; but the attack was re newed, and considerable portions of the infantry were cut ofr and captur ed. kfter the ammunition bad be come exhaused, it is stated that many of the negro troops boarded the am munition train as it was being destroy ed, filling their pockets and bosoms with cartridges. Others gathered the ammunition from the cast-of accou trements of the, white troops, and thus were enabled to keep upthe fight until they reached Memphis. It is stated that, one body of 1,300 infantry, which was cut off and sup posed to have been captured, was de fended by 200 negroes from repeated assaults of tho rebel cavalry, and ar rived at Collierville soon after the main coluinn. Another body of 300 nogroes arrived this morning, having escaped by by-roads, all inging in their arms. The loss is now estimated at 125 ne groes, 14 pieces of artillery, and about 1,500 men. All of the 57th United States Colored have come in except 200 mon and six officers; 300 of the 55th United States colored aro miss ing. Offioial Despatches. WASHINGTON, Juno 8-3 P. Dix, New. York.—Gen. Hunter's victo ry and occupation of Staunton is confirmed by the foll Owing dispatch just received from General Butler: "All quiet on my lines. "Richmond papers of June 7th give intelligence of a fight at Mt. Crawford, between Gen. Hunter and Gen. Jones, in which Hunter was victoriouS, and Jones, rebel commander was killed. "Staunton was afterward occupied by'tho Union forces. The fight was on Su nd ay." A dispatch from Gen. Sherman da ted at Ack worth, yesterday evening, 3:30 P. n., says : "1 have been to Alatoona pass and find it admirable for our purpose. It is the gate through.the last or most eastern spur of the Alleghanies. lf"It now becomes as useful to us as it was to the enemy, being easily de fended from either direction. The roads hence from Ackworth into Geor gia are largo and good and the coun try open. Details of the position of our troops and contemplated movements aro giv on, but aro not needed for public in formation. The dispatch further states that the enemy is not in our immediate front, but his signals are seen on Last Moun tain and Kenesaw. Dispatches from General Canby, da ted June 3rd, have been received, whlch report satisfactory progress in the organization of his command. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. The Army of the Potomac All Across the James. The Movement Effected without Loss. Gen. Grant at Bermuda Hundred. WASIIINGTON, June 15, 7 A. M.—To Major Gen. Dix, New York : The movement of the Army of the Poto mac to the south side of - Richmond,- across the ehickahominy and James rivers, has progressed far enough to admit of the publication of some gen eral facts without danger of a prema ture disclosure. After several days' preliminary pre parationS, the movement commenced on Sunday night. The 18th Army Corps, under command of General Smith, marched to , the White House, and then embarked on transporth for Bermuda Landing, Gen. Wright's corps and Burnside's moved to Jones's Bridge, where they crossed the Chickahommy and mar ched thence to Charles city, on the James river. Hancock's and War ren's corps crossed the Chiekahominy at Long Bridge, and marched thence to Wilcox's, on the James river. The James river was crossed by the army at Powhattan Point. A despatch from Gen. Grant, dated Monday evening, 51 o'clock, Head quarters, Wilcox's Landing, states that the advance of our troops had reached that place, and would com mence crossing the James river to morrow, Tuesday, and that Smith's corps would commence crossinn• at City Point that night; that no fight ing was reported damn , * the move ment, except a little cavalry skirmish ing. Yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon at 1 o'clock, Gen. Grant was at Ber muda Landing. In a dispatch from him dated there, of that date he says, "our forces will commence crossing the James river to day. The enemy show no • signs of yet having brought troops . to the south side of Richmond. Our move ment from Cold Harhoi to the James river has been made with great celer ity, and so far without loss Or acci dent. A despatch from General Shermah's headquarters, dated at 3 P. M., yes terday, near Kenesaw, states that tho General is in front, advancing his lines on Kenesaw. Another unofficial despatch dated at - 0 P. M , yesterday, reports - some advance to day; that Thomas has gained ground, and that ono rebel bri ade is nearly surrounded. It further reports that the rebel General Polk was.killed to day; His body was sent to Marietta. In another part of General Sher man's gast Mississippi division, our force,s have not met with the success which has attended competent com, manders. Gen. Wpshhurne, at Memphis, re ports that the expedition, consisting of 3,000 cavalry and 5,000 infantry, and 16 pieces of artillery, sent out from there a few days ago, under command of Gon. Sturgis, encountered a large rebel force on the 10th. inst., under command of Forrest, at Guntown, on the railroad running south from Cor inth, and after a severe, fight, in which our loss in killed and wounded was heavy, our forces were worsted; that at the last accounts Sturgis was at Colliersville, retreating towards Mem phis. He further states that; 'with the troops that had lately arrived, Memphis is safe. General Sherman, having received the news of Sturgis's defeat, reports that ho has already made arrange ments to repair the disaster, and has placed General A. J. Smith - 10 com mand, who will resume the offensive immediately. • No other military intelligence. has been received by this Department since my last telegram. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War WAR DEPARTMENT, WAsuncornN, Jan 3 18, 10 r. To .211 of. Gen. Dix, Area; York : The following dispatch from Gen. Grant, dated yesterday at o'clock a. m., at City Point has been received by this department. The Ninth corps this morning car ried two redoubts forming a part of the defences of Petersburg, capturing 40 prisoners and four guns. Our successes are being followed up —our forces drew out from within 50 yards of the entrenchmenfs . at Cold Harbor. made a flank movement, av erage of about fifty miles march, cros sing tho Chickahominy and James river, the latter being 2,000 feet wide and 84 feet deep at the'point of cros sing and surprised the enemy's rear at Petersburg. , This liras done without the loss of a wagon or piece of artillery, .and only about one hundred and fifty stragglers were picked up by the enemy. • In covering this move, Warren's Corps and Wilson's cavalry had fre quent skirmishinr , b with the enemy each having from fifty to sixty - killed and wounded, but inflicting an equal if not greater loss on the enemy. The - Eighteenth .corps, Smith's, wore transferred from White House to Ber muda Hundred by water. It moved out near to Petersburg in the night, and captured the very strong works northeast of Petersburg before suffi cient force could be got in them by the enemy to hold them. - He was joined the night following this capture by the second corps, which in turn captured more of the enemy's redoubts further south, and this corps was followed by the Ninth with the result above stated. All the troops are now up except two divisions covering the wagon trains, and they will be up to night. The enemy in their endeavors to re inforce Petersburg, abandoned their intrenehments in front of 'Bermuda Hundred. They no doubt expected troops from the north .side of James river to take their places before they were discovered. Butler took advantage of this and Moved a fore at once upon the rail road and plank road between Rich mond and Petersburg, which I hope to retain possession of: Too much credit cannot be ,g ‘ iven the troops and their commander for the energy and fortitude displayed du ring the last five days. Day and night has been all the same, no delays being allowed on any account. Later unofficial dispatches show that at 8 o'- clock this morning the enemy still oc cupied Petersburg. Major Morton was killed in an assault yesterday. Nothing has been received to day from Sherman or Hunter. (Signed) EDWIN M. STANTON Secretary of War. SECOND DISTATCIII. Washington, June 18-11 p. In. Dispatches from Gen. Sheridan have just been received. He reports a vic tory over the enemy at Trevillian sta tion on the Virginia Central Railroad a -few- miles- south of Gordonsville, where Gen. Leo a few days ago repor ted a rebel victory. The official report is as follows "I have the honor to report to you the arrival of my command at this point, and also to report its operations since leaving New Castle Ferry. I crossed the Pamunkey river on the 7th inst., marching via •Aylett's and encamping on Ironing Creek. On the morning of the Bth I rcsu mod the march via Polecat Station, and encamped three miles west of the station. On the 9th I marched through Chi lesburg and near Matchett, encamping on E. N. E. Creek, • near Young's bricign. On the 10th 1 marched via Andrews Tavern and Teviman's Store, crossing both branches of the North Anna and encamped at Burehchilds, about three miles north of Trevilian Station. My intention was to break the railroad at this station, march through Mechan icsville, cut the Gordonsville and Char lottsville road near Lindsay's House and then to march on Charlottsville. But on our arrival at Burchehild's House I found the enemy's cavalry in • my immediate front. On the morning-of the 11th, Gener al Torbet with his division and Colo nel Gregg's Brigade of General Gea ry's division attacked the. enemy and after an obstinate contest drove him from the successive lines of breast works through an almost impassable forest back on Trevilian Station. In the mean time General Custer was ordered with his brigade to pre coed by a country road so as to reach the station in the rear of the enemy's cavalry. On their arrival at this point the enemy brokeinto a complete rout; leaving twenty officers, five hundred men and three hundred horses. These operations occupied the whole of the day—at night 'I 'etwarhped at Trovillian Station and on the morning of the 12th commenced destroying the railroad from this point to Lobisa court house. This has thoroughly been executed, the ties burned and the rails rendered unservicable. The des truction of the railroad occupied until 3 o'clock of this day. I directed. General Torbert to ad vance with 'his division and General Davis' brigade to Gordonsville, and at tack the enemy, who bad concentra ted and been reinforced by infantry during the. niglit, and had also con structed rifle-pits at a point five miles from Gordonsville. Tho advance was made, but as the enemy's position was too strong to assault no general attack was made. On the extreme right of our lines portion of trio Reserve brigade carried the enemy's forts twice, and was twice driven therefrom by infantry. Night closed the contest. I found on the examination of the command that there was not a suffi ciency of ammunition left to continuo the engagement, next day. Trains of cars also carne down to where we were engaged with the enemy. The reports of prisoners and citi zens wore that Pickotts' old division, or a portion of it, were coming to pre vent the taking of Gordonsville. I therefore, during the night and next morning withdrew my command over die North Anna, via Carpenters Ford ; near Miners Bridge. In midi thin, the animals Were for the entire days in which we wero engaged with out forage. The surrounding country afforded nothing but grazing of a very inferior quality, and generally at such points as were inaccessible to usr. The cavalry engagement of the 12th was by far the most brilliant ono of the present campaign The enemy's loss is very heavy. My loss in killed and wounded will be about five hundred and seventy five; of this number four hundred and ninety were wounded. I captured, and have now with me three hundred and seventy prisoners of war, including twenty commission ed OfficerS. My loss in captured will not exceed ono hundred and sixty; they were principly from the fifth Michigan cav alry. • A more detailed report hereafter," [Signed] EDWIN lIS. STANTON Secretary of War.• CLASSIFICATION of MERCHANTS Ac. in Huntingdon county, by the Appretner of 31er• cactile Yaks, for the year 1864. , CLAM LIMB; Aloxanpirla borodgli. E P. WalkeY, . 14 $ 7 00 J. It. aregory, - - • 14 TOO William Moor°, 14 7 00 William 11. Phillips, 14 7 00 Barren township. • S. W. 3lyton, 14 7 00 J. C. 11'alker, • 14 7 00 • Berlin Green, 14 7 00 A. Crownovor, . 14 7 00 K J. Myton & Co. 14 f 00 •Brady township. IT. Jamison,l4 7 00 George Eby, - . 13 10 00 J. DeitTenbaeli, 14 7 00 S. SecriSt, 14 7 00 Casaville. . . . J. P. Ileaten, 14 • 7 00 . J. Henderson, 14 7 00 Carbon township. W. A. Orbison, 14 - 7 00 Brown A Roberts; 14 . 7 OD 11. B. Wigton, 10 20 00 Illnir & Port, 14 7 00 G. A. Heaton, 14 7 00 J. S. Berkstresser, l4 7 00 James 11. Mitchell, 14 7 00 Powelton Coal 51Ine Co. 10 20'00 iiintthew Dunn, 14 7 00 James Gleason, l3 10 00 Blair k Port,l2 12 50 . , David Minn, 14 7 00 George Mears, 14 7 00 Clay township. T. 11. Adams, 14 7 00 11. Ashman,l4 " 7 00 Cromwell township. . D. Ender, 14 7 00 J. E. Orbison, 14 7 00 William Harper, . 14 7 00 Dublin township. James Crea, 14 7 00 George Sipes, l4 • • 7. 00 W. C. Swan ' i 14 7 00 • • Franklin township. Jplin Q. Adams, 14 7 00 Stork Stewart Si Co. 13 10 00 J. W. •Mattern, 14 7 00 It. A. Bathurst k Co. 14 7 700 G. &J. 11l Shoenberger, . 10 20 00 Hopewell township. Simon Cohn, - 14 7 00 ,David Weaver, 'l4 7 00 William I'. Orbison, 14 • 7OO Huntingdon. Fisher A Son, 12 12 50 D. P 0 win, 13 10 00 Cunningham 4 }Ruler, . • 13 10 00 •M. Gutman, " 11 10 00 . S. S. Smith, . 13 10 00 J. A. Brown, 13 10 00 11. Boman, 14 7 00 William Colon, , 14 7 00 Joseph lteiggur, 14 7 00 Swartz .t, MeCabo,l4 7 00 ' D. Africa, 14 7 00 7'. Barnes, • . 14 7 00 William Lewis, 14 • 700 W. A. Saxton, 14 . 7 00 Wallace Si Clement, 14 7 00 Z. Yetiter,l4 - 7 00 31. Vet terlioor, • 14 7 00 iNitt Ilan Corbin, 14 7 00 Lloyd Si Henry, 12 12 50 11. Jacobs. - 14 7 00 A. B. Cunningham A Co. 13 - 10 00 Jackson township. Freedom Iron C 0.12 12 50 S. W. Mytitti, 14 7 00 W. II Harper, •• 14 7 00 it. Mellurney, 14 7 03 Joseph McElroy, . 14 . - '7 00 - Morris township. . It. A. Dorsey, 13 10 00 William Davis, • 14 7 00 D. G. Owens, 13 10 00 :Penn township. William March, • 14 7 00 . J. Sling, " 14 7 00 James Ilyle, 14 7 03 Cantner & Boyer, 14 7 0) - Porter township. G. D. Green, 14 7 00 0. Hatfield, 14 7 00 Shirley township. litnicr, Foust & Co., Mt. Union, 12 12 50 0. McLaughlin, 13 10 00 w • I'. M. Bare, • 13 . 10 00 W. A. Fraker, Shirleysburg, 14 7 00 W it. Brewster, " • 14 7.00 Leas k Dovor, " 14 7 00 Springfield township., Cleorge 31eLnughlln, 14 7 00 N. E. covert, 14 7 00 D Locke, . 14 . 7 00 Tull township. D. A. Morrison, 14 • 7 00 Union township. Santee' Miller, . . 14 7 00 J. Itatmmu, . 13 10 00 Walker township. ~. J. Douglass, J. Brewste 14 7 00 r, 14 • 7 00 Warriorsrwark township. W. C. Votaries. 10 7 00 D. F. Panel), ' 14 700 D. 61. OWCIIS & Brother, 14 7 00 J. E. Thompson, 14 7 00 West township. Mr, It. Myton .0 Son, • 14 _7 00 B. Hartman. 14 • 7'oo J. C. Walker, 14 7 00 John Cresswell & Son, 13 10 00 William Moore & Son, 13 /9 00 Walker & Bollinger, 14 • 7 00 PATENT MEDICINES, John 11,1 d, 20 00 Joseph Johnston,. . 5 00 • William P. MeNO.• 5 09 BREWERIES AND DISTILLERIES. G. Miller, Peter Kooltan, P. Schneider, • George Nolte. Colder & !tonight., D. IL Scooter, BILUARD SALOONS V. Crouse, Huntingdon, Philip U. Piper, Alexitritlrin, ' EATING HOUSES amber,. S. Winerancher, Richard Owens, Mrs. Sarah Wilson, l'efersburg.' J. A. 'Wilson, • R. Teti, Norris. James Kelley,' Hufngdon. Henry • ICA, O. Witer ey, 1 John Free, V. Crouse., V. Brown, Sommers Mnrray, Alexandria. P. Robinson, = Thomas Fisher,l4 7 00 • An appeal will bo hold by tho undersigned at tho Treasf; seer's Unice to tho borough of Huntingdon, on Saturday, the 18th day of Juno next. Persons wishing to appeal will apply ou or before that day, an nano will be granted thereafter, E. McDIVITT, Mercantile Appraiser. NOTICE.—Ity an net of Assembly passed tho 11th day of April, 111ii2, it is made tho duty of the County Treviso.- er to sue out all licenses not lifted on or before the first day of July. Persons having licenses to lift, will save costs by calling and lifting the same previous to- that time, ns those not lifted within the time prescribed. by law, will positively be placed In the bands of a proper of ficer fur collection. . DAVID BLACK, Co. Toon, Huntingdon, Jun'o 1, 1864. WIC ..V"..eVELIVJOMEILM. THE WALKER HORSE RAKE is acknowledged to bo the Neatest, Simplest, Cheapest, and most _Efficient Rake now in use. Any boy of ten years old can work it; will not get out of order, and gives universal satisfaction. Warranted in every particular, and it can be had nix to eight dollars lower than any spring tooth Horse Rake now in use. For further luforthatlon apply to the manufacturer, • , D. D. ESHELMAN, 020-3 m • • Shlrleyeburg, Huntingdon co., Pa. 1300.1.C.5. BOOKS. _ Tho subscriber would inform superintendents of banbatli schools and the public generally of Blair and Huntingdon counties that ho is'prepared to supply Sab bath schools with the publications of the American Sum. day school no well ns with all the pnblicatione of the Am erican Tract Society at Catalogue prices. Orders prompt ly attended to by addressing hint at Williamsburg, Blair comity. Senna. [je7-slm] J. 11. FOCHT. 1864. 1864• CLOTHING. : .. • H H. ROMAN. NEW CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, • JUST RECEIVED 11. ROMAN'S • - CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For gentlemen'. Clothing of the best material, and made n the beat workmanlike manner, call at - 11. ROMAN'S,- opposite the Franklin Roue. in 'Market Square, Iluntintei don, Pa. Iluntingtlcn, April 27 '64. NEW WHOLESALE STORE. 1~iR~)t~.... At Philadelphia THE SUBSCRIBERS , HAVE REMOVED Fr . = their place of business, on rid Street,. TO THEIR NEW BUILDING On RAILROAD STREET, seer the Jae-Rion Rouse, Where they intend doing . • A. -WHOLESALE B USINESS. MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, Who buy goods by the piece or package, WILL FIA D IT to their ADVANTAGE TO GIVE US A CALL. WE KEEP A: - General Assortment of GOODS, Such as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, TOBACCO, SEGARS; .IP3CiFLIE3r, rEkaCiper, NOTIONS, &C., &0., •&O. WE WILL SELL GOODS AT THE LOWEST PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE 'PRICE:. A. B. CUNNINGHAM & CO Ifuntingdon, Mel, 0, 18Gi. T • E. GREENE, DENTIST. 18 4 . = • Office removed to opposite the store of D. P. Dish], in the square, Hill etretit,.thintingdon, Pa. April 13,1864. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. TILE undersigaed having .purchased from T. Newell his interest id the Alexan dria Brewery, the business will hereafter be %tt t.b carried on under the firm of_ B. 0. COLDER. & ' real C, and old customers and the plibliegenomb ly ore informed that all orders will receive - prompt ottootion. - IL 0. COLDEB & CO. ap27,1564 WM. MANN'S AXES, at old prices, at the Hardware store of JAS. A.DRQIVN.. Huntingdon, Fe 10,64 ORSE lIAY FORKS, for unfo - ad- LA jog Hoy. a. A. BROWN, Huntingdon, is agent for the best Fork in the Unittitl.Statro. Call soon. Imi4'64 TTOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION! 11 You all want n CLOTHES Wit ING order to get through your washing earlier, spare your strength and nt filename time save enough in the Yrenrof clothes by nming a Wringer, to pay for it in nix months, at the present price of cotton. Wringern that hare taken the PREMIUM OVER ALL OTIIEITS in the market, for sale at the Hardware Store of Fe 3,1804 JASIES A. BROWN. • AD MINIS'fRATOR'S NOTICE; - [Estate of Jesse Gorsuch, deed.] Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned. no the estate orJeaseGorsuch..lato of °how:. township, deceased. All pet - sons knowing flimflam, indebted to raid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims, to present them prop. erly authenticated, for settlement. - • May 25-Gt AUDITOR'S NOTICR Estato of William Hays, doc'd . • The undersigned, Auditor, appointed .by the Orphans• Wort to distrihnto the holism , ' in the bands of Robert Johnston. administrator do bonis non; sr.c., of William Hays, deed.. u•it I attend to the duties of his appointment, nt his °Mao in the borough of llnntingden on Tuesday, the 21st day of Juno, next, at one o'clock, 1' 21., When and sobers those who Imre claims will present theni, or they Will he forever dobarrod from coining in upon the sold food. _ Huntingdon, Mny 18,1364 • WAGONS & HARNESS for SALE: Ono 4 horse wagon sod ono 2 hon. wagon4hr sale. Alan, n lot alma, gears. W. B. ZHIGLISH. Huntingdon, Juno 8-4 t • • • • • NOTICE I—By order of the Board of Commissioners of :the. Petersburg As Reedsrflie Turnpike Company books will be opened to receive sob scriptions to tho, amital stock of the said company, on Wednesday, June 29111, 1884, at Greenwood. Furnace in Jackson township, thin tingdoli county. [JeB;-.3t \T CZ) 'l' I C:1 3EI I • . yugullE following- _ promissoryory mates were -placed in the hands of A. Lenin, dec'd., on the 14th • "5t,1862. for collection, viz: John Bares note, dated August 13, 1862, for $lOO 00. Win: If. Briges note, . 13, " IT 81 James Barnes' .. . 11, .10 44 Jacob Flasher's '. • October 18, " - 63 36 The said notes are lost, mislaid or stolen, and payment has'b en stopped." The public are notified not to nogotls ate for the same. - • SAML.DIBFFENDERFiIIt. Mount Union, Juno 8-It SPECTACLES. 25 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 25 00 15 00 A find and largo assoiltment always'on hand • 'AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 30 00 30 00 BIRNBAUM'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ON HILL STREET. . . A few doors west of. Lewis' Book Store, . HUNTINGDON, PA. - Photographs and Ambrotypes Taken • in the Best Style. Ite—CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS U.S. . . . REVENUE STAMPS F 0 R L AT LEWIS' BOOR . STORE. . HUNTINGDON, PENNA. AGENTS WANTED EIVERYWEDREL Elegant Full Length Steel Plate Engraving PRESIDENT LINCOLN, Signing the . Emancipation Proclamation.: The boat and only correct likeness of this great man in existence..,_ Igor For particulars, address, . JOHN DAINTY, Punta - mina, No 17 S. 6th St. , Phihzda mayll-2m Cigars for SalO at Lewis' Book Siciro: GOODS SOLD pins NATILAN GORSITOIT, • Actin uiseator J. D. CA3IPBELL. Auditor; El=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers