The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 01, 1864, Image 1
- TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Per annum in adranco ..... ,months three moudm A failtire to. notify a diacontintanne at the expiration of tbe corm mobecribed for will be cobeblered a new engage• sent. TERMS or AorritTxsnga • . . 1 i nsertion. 2 do. 3 do. Pour iluee or less, $25 $ 37X $ 60 Jne square, (12 lines,) ...... .... 50 75 100 two squares, 1 00 1 60 2 00 three squares 1 50 2 25 3 00 Oyer three track and less than three months, 25 scuts per square for each insertion. " . " 3 months. 6 months. 12 months. 50 $1 00 e 5 00 3 OD 6 OD 7 00 e x linds or tiro, JUG equare . - . . . .. . rwo squares 6 00 8 00 10 00 Phres squares, 7 00 10 00 15 00 Four squareir, 900 • 13 00 '0 00 Ilstf a column, 12 00 10 00 21 00 Ono column, • '0 00 10 00..........50 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines, One year • - $3OO Adminietratois' and Executors' Notices, $1 75 . . . Advertisements not marked with the number of inser lions dented, will be continued till forbid and charged ac Cording tg these terms. jr 61frbt. HUNTINGDON, ,PA. Letter from the Battle-Field On the banks of .Po river, Ten miles) south of Frederick city, Mayl7, 1864 f '.DEAR UNCLE. is With the great est pleaSuro I seat myself to-day to give you a detailed account of my ad ventures since I loft Huntingdon.— When :I left Yon it - Was my intention to visit. Uncle James at Northumber land. When I arrived at Newport I feitild that I could not get across to the . 4,usquehanna until the next day I arrived at Drummonds on Sunday p m and found I was too late to get to Northumberland, so staid there un til Monday, when I left for Washing toiii arrived at the regiment on the ultnind on the 28th was on duty. On the .?.,9th .. we left our camp (which was near Bristoo) and marched to'Cat lett; the sun was very hot, and we were'•all , verY much _fatigued. Next morning wo started before day and crossed the _Rappahannock about noon on a pontoon bridge. We arrived near Culmper in the evening and went;in to camp, where we lay until the MM..- ning of the 4th inst_ when the. whole army started on the present terrible ' campaign.. ' I - We crossed the Rapidan about three P M and Marched to near the Wilder ness Inn, where we camped for the night. Next morning (May sth) we marched to Lacey's farm, where we formed a line of battle. I never saw men in better spirits than they Were that Morning; men who were confirm ed stragglers heretofore appeared as jovial as if they were going to a ball. There was, some skirmishing by the buektails in the forenoon, but it was light. About 1P Ai the skirmishers notifiedys• that' the - enemy weread vanCing.''N6-ehanged our line of hat.- tie to the right, and prepared for a charge. I was given command of fifty men ofmy oWn company, and ordered to deploy thern:at intervals of ten pa ces and skirmish on the left of the bri gade, which I did, ordering my men to advance. They soon became eng aged. I then closed the intervals - to five pa ces and connected with the left of the battalion. Col 11.1eCtindless then or dered a charge of the 7th, 11th, and 2d Reserves, which was obeyed with a will. I kept on the flank with my skirmishers till . the regiments charged clear through the rebel line, when the enemy throw a liro of-battle throlvx the right of My skirmishers, and around the left of the regiments. The 11th and 2d seeing the predicament they were in charge to the year, and, breaking the - surrounding party, got out; the 7th fought long and well, but could not got out. I tried to rally on the battalion, but it was no use. About 11 of my men were lost before I got out of the Wilderness, which piece of strategy I accomplished about 4 P DI after some of the gayest manmuvering ever heard of in this army. I'wont into camp in rear of the rifle pits, and reported to Col McCandless for duty:',With ;44, men. Ile ordered rue to take my place in line as a regi ment and to sign all reports us com manding officer of the 7th regiment.— That night we rested, and if ever men needed it we did. May 6th: We arose early in the mor ning and moved in lino of battle about three hundred yards in advance of the rifle pits, the 2d brigade driving the enemy befero them. We lay under fire, i o, a skirmish fire, about three hours, when our brigade (Ist) with drew to . the pits. The enemy then advanced on the 3d brigade, but were repulsed. In that affair we suffered the loss.ofTel Dare of the t.b. and Col Ayres of the 10th—both gallant offi cers'and:patriets. During the night we lay in rifle pits with the exception of about two hours that - we - were'o . n ' the .double quick reinforcing .Sedg-. Wick's line. May 7th. We were manceuvering around all day, from ono point to ;an other, as a kind of flying division of infantry, and during the evening were under a very heavy artillery fire. Gen Hancock fighting all day on the left That night we started on the plank road in rear of Hanedek's men, and after one of the hardest marches On record arrived about six miles south of Chancellors Ville where,ivefound Sher idan's cavalry had had an engagement and held' .the .enenay Our division was thrown immediately on the rebel pits, when two thirds of the men were in the rear, and of course we were repulsed with some loss. I lost 1 man of my little party, wound ed badly . . We charged again and were again repulsed. I lost two more men. Then the order came to rest until the main army came up, and rest we did. In the evening we charged again and drove the enemy, so that we got a good position and hold it.— On the oth we threw up a rifle pit and lay behind it all day. Sharpshooters firing all day. May 10th. In the morning we were saluted by a couple of rebel shells be ing thrown over our heads. We lay quiet till about the middle of the after noon when' we charged and were re pulsed, charged again and held our ground. I' lost four more of my littlo party, wounded; and had the horrors myself.:' We laid in the woods among the dead and !dying all night. Next morning (11th) I thanked the Almighty for preserving mo so far, for I do think Providence had something to do with my getting safely through. We laid' all day on the 11th in a rifle pit which we built ourselves. A rebel sharpshooter got on a tree and done some sad work in our line till ono of the Bucks got range of him, and his shooting was over. We laid in .that m WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XIX, pit under fire till night when we Mov ed farther to the left, and laid down in the mud and rain to sleep. May 12th. In the morning when I awoke there was a terrible musketry fire going on. I jumped up and at one glance I saw the enemy (thinking to surprise us) had charged the pits, but the boys were not as sound asleep as I was and gave them several volleys that sent them reeling back to their own works, perfectly satisfied that Yanks could fight as well in rifle pits as they could. tile laid under a pretty heavy .fire all the rest of that day; changed our position in the evening and slept in a mud hole all night. Next morning (13th) the Johnny Reba opened on us pretty sharply.— Warren ran out the Berdan sharp shooters and they soon made the robs haul in their horns. They next open ed on us with artillery and made the pines jingle for a short time around our heads but hurt no person. During the night we started on a march and it rained hard and the mud was knee deep. We marched till eight in the morning when we halted near here; I reported ten men with myself for du ty in the 7th Regt. Plt C. For ten days we had been under fire during the day, and either under fire or march ing at night. I had lost eight gallant boys wounded out of the low I brought out of the first engagement, and as for myself I was completely "played out." Since then We have laid pretty quiet and I have recruited my little band up to forty seven men, musicians and all. We lost heavily in general officers and some of the best ones at that.— Tho whole army mourn the loss of the gallant Sedgwick. Col McCandless, commanding our brigade, was wound ed; he was a good man. Col Sam Jackson of the 11th is com manding our brigade at present; ho is an excellent man. Better men than Generals Warren Meade, Grant, Han cook and Burnside do not livo in our day. The two latter have done some of the best work on record in this cam paign. I (1.3 not know who Sedgwick's successor will be; some. say: Wright, and others say Crittenden ; either are good men, and will win laurels in com mand of the Sixth Corps. Eleven. days I was commander of the regiment. Yesterday there was a Captain (King) who holne recruit. ing, came and relieved mo of my com mand, and I tell you I was pleased to see him come, for I am really tired of being Colonel, Quarter Master, Doctor and everything else myself. Carit'Robinson and Limit Robinson (brothers) came to me yesterday, and was glad to see them, as they were among the prisoners the first day and made their escape that same night.— They passed in rear of the whole rebel army and after a day and night tramp through wildernesses and swamps and swimming rivers, they swam the Rap pahannock ten miles oast of Freder icksburg, and made the Potomac to their great joy in time to see the Fort Monroe boat, and get aboard of it.— They say the robs were very good to them, but they could not see it to go to Libby without making an effort to escape. They made the fort and aro safe. Captain Robinson is before the Generals to day giving them an ac.; count of his escape. I have more company now, and al most as much to do as before, as Capt. King has appointed me his acting Ad jutant. Since we have been laying hero I have' been looking around a little, and the only Huntingdon man' I haVe heard of being killed was Merritts Hawn. I saw Bill Ambrose, Cyrus Swoop°, Bill S -Decker, and Co . G of the. Fifth yesterday. They wore all well. Co G had several wounded but none that I knew killed. It'is bard to tell if there will - bo any more fighting for,a few days;for my part lam tired, and want rest. I ap prove of Genl Grant quelling the re bellion this summer, but he has been quelling it entirely too fast for me du ring the last two weeks. I would ra ther he would make several bites at the cherry than to try to swallow it whole.. We have lost heavily, but wo have severely punished the enemy; he is laying at rest, but •it is an old say ing that "a stag at Imy is a dangerous foe ;" so we have to be wary. If the Lord is on our side, as I am sure He is, the victory will yet be ours, not saying it is not already ours, for we have gained every point we struck for, and baffled the wily Lee in all his manceuvres. I have not been well for a couple of days, and you must pardon this dis. connected rigmarole, as it is the best description of the campaign I can give you at present. We have not received a mail since we started, but expect that correspondence will be allowed before long. I remain, very respectfully your obt. nephew, W. 11. DIEFFENBACIL Immense Strawberry Crop. The Rochester Democrat says : "A single fact which has come to our knowledge relating to the strawberry crop of the past season will doubtless astonish many of our readers. A prominent fruit grower in Western New York, from a single patch of six teen acres, sent to market sixteen bun. dred bushels srawborries of the Wil son Seedling and Triomphe de Gand varieties. The entire crop sold at an average price of ono shilling per quart realizing the snug sum of five thous and dollars as the product of sixteen acres of ground. We doubt whether any other sixteen acres in Western New York have yielded the like sum as the result of a single crop. This may be taken as an instance of the profitableness of thoroughly scientific frtiit growing. For the Globe. THE CHILD'S PRAYER Softly sunset's crimson ray, Faded in the glowing weet, As a fair child knelt to pray, Ero she passed to peaceful rest; With her meek eyes raised above, Filled with innocence and love. Fair and lovely was her face, Shaded by her golden hair, Beaming with a quiet grace, As she lisped her evening prayer In a low and reverent tone, • To the High and Holy Ono. "Father, Thou who reigu'st in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy. holy name; Let our sins' be all forgiven,-L Cleanse our souls from guilt and shame; Let Thy blessed kingdom come, And Thy holy will be done." • Broad Top, May 14, 1864. Gen, Grant in Camp. ASketch of his Personal Habits, &o A letter writer has been furnished by a military friend, who had just pas sed some days at the : headquarters in Culpepper, with an account of his vis it and of tho habits of the Lieutenant General. The details which he giveS relate to the personal habits of Gen!. Grant. They mark and individualize the man with whom rests much of the power to affect for weal or woo the future of this country. Gen. Grant, says the writer, messes with his staff in a house in the village; and at his table sits familiarly every member of his military family. The expenses of the mess aro divided among the ten, not equal proportions exactly, but in a manner that is satisfactory to all. There is not the slightest attempt at shovi or parade in the furniture and equipage; everything is for use and economy of trouble and space. The crockery is scanty and of the plainest, and the fare, though sufficient in quantity, is just as homely as that of any thrifty and careful mechanic , :in your city. A chop with a cup of cof fee for breakfast; a bit of roast beef with potatoes and "hard tack," con fronting a dish of pork and "greens," served fo r . tild=flVo o ' clock dinner, which was concluded wit or dessert; a cup of tea Ind a bit of bread and butter at half past eight o', clock, finished up the day. The beds were simply camp cots, some with and others without mattresses; and all the toilet apparatus anywhere visible were a low tin wash basins; a moder ato supply of towels, a bit of looking glass, and a horn comb. At the table neither distilled liquor nor wino is per mated. The General will not have either about him, for his own or oth- era' use The inventory of the General's bag gage when ho Made his brilliant cam paign in the rear of Vicksburg is, I take it, well remembered—a briar wood telescope and a tooth brush. In what relates to personal adornment, and outside of the necessity of eating and drinking, personal comfort, he has not greatly enlarged his .possessions. His three stars indicate his exalted rank, but to say nothing of the charm which, in soldiers' eyes, these glitter ing marks of rank possess, I doubt if there is a commissariat officer in his army who is as plainly clad as he. His clothes are worn threadbare, and despite the steady brushing of his ser vant, they will have an untidy' look, due, no' doubt, to the •General's habit of going everywhere and seeing ev erything for himself. The General understands the relation between cleanliness, and godliness; but in his opinion, practically evinced, there, is as much of either in a flannel shirt as in 'one, of linen of drawing room im maculateness. Your readers aro not to suppose that lam describing a careless or indolent man, or one who does not know the difference between the garb of a gen tleman and that of a sloven. The facts are pointed out only as proof that this man's mind is•so intent upon the great problem before him, that be has neither the time nor the inclination to consider miserable frivolities. He holds a great nation's fate in the palm of his hands; and it is an encourage ment to know that every faculty of his mind is calmly but profoundly ex pressed for the National welfare. All his thought of carriage centres in the carriages which boar his field pieces ; his discussion of the question of eat ing extends no further than to the ra tions of his men ; and lie would hate himself if ho could spend a minute over the fit or fashion of his coat. General Grant never swears. No man in his camp has ever hoard him give utterance to profanity in any of its many forms. He rarely laughs, ei ther; but ho has a sort of grim humor which is not without its effect. It is related as a part of the gossip of "the HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1864. MEE= -PERSEVERE.- front," that an officer attached to the Quartermaster's Department of his ar my wanted ono wet day to consult with the General-inChiet. He is a believer in the old regime, and practi sed what, under McClellan, he was taught. Ile had half a dozen - miles to go, more or less, so ho ordered out his close carriage, and ,as it was likely that night would corn° before he could return, the lamps were trimmed and hung out on each side 'of the driver's seat. Then, with an escort of twelve dragoons, he started, happy, no doubt, in the belief that he was proof against the descending rain. Approaching Culpepper, he met an ordinary looking nu in on horseback, attended' only by an orderly. . As ho passed, he recognized the Lt. General, who, in spite of the rain, was making his usual round, in his usual modest way. To descend from his carriage and salute his chief was but the work of a moment; but. Grant, ir ritated by the style and pretension of his officer, was in no hurry to see him gain the shelter of his carriage roof again. 'Walk along with me a little' said the General, want to talk with you.' With polished boots and unex ceptionable kids, Mr. Quartermaster did as he was bidden; and with a touch of that grimness to which I have re ferred, the General led him through the muddiest parts of the road, and did not release him Lillie was wet to the skin—as wet as the General him self. lle was then dismissed with an admonition that will be remembered, though it was interlarded with no oaths. Incidents of the Battles - in Virginia. (Correspondence of the IT Y. Tribune.) GEN. HANCOCK AT TIIE WILDERNESS. —Always at the front when danger most threatened, übiquitous, at one time leaning upon the breech . ofa black ened and hell-vomiting gun, inStruct ing the gunners where to direct their fire, at another, along the .infantry lines, encouraging the men, now or dering up reinforcements or making changes in tho lines, and always ex posed to the murderous fire of sharp shooters and the steeping, storm of shot and shell. 'At, one time,.when he was directing tke 6 .fire:of a. battery in the captured works,-and when ean noneers and gunners NNiere falling torn and mangled around him," said an offi cer to the writer yesterday, "I felt an almost irresistible impulse to approach him and say, 'General, for God's sake, retire to a less dangerous position !' Tall and portly, ho must have made an excellent target for the enemy, but; fortunately for the country, to which his services are so invaluable, he escap ed unscathed." WE'LL RALLY ROUND TUE FLAG, BOYEL—During one of these eventful nights, when ,the troops lay in lino of battle behind their temporary fortifi cations of dirt, logs, and rails, and the continuous crack of the sharpshooter's rifle rolled along our front, a solitary voice struck up the patriotic song, "Rally round the flag, boys," and al most instantly thousands of men, who seemed to have been waiting for some thing to dissipate the gloom which thoughts of the day's carnage had en gendered, were shouting in a chorus which "shook the depth of the forest's gloom:" "The Union forever, hurrah, boye, hurrah! Down with the traitors and up with the eters," As down the lino it went, the refrain swelled into one vast roar, .exultant, trumphant, and breathing defiance to the wary enemy, whose only reply was the spiteful whiz of extra bullets from their skirmish line whistling harmlessly by. This little episode tended greatly to inspire our troops, and could not but have equally irrita ted " Johnny Bob." A BELLIGERENT CANINE.—A singu lar instance of doggish-hatred to "gray backs" is found in the case of the slut Sally, belongmg to the 10th Massa-. chusetts Volunteers. She has partici, pitted in every battle in which her regiments has boon engaged, and seems to take great interest hi the success of the bluejackets, to whom she is invar iably kind and affectionate. But a, 'grayback' is her especial detestatiim, which she always exhibits by biting at them whenever they are brought with in the reach of her chin. She accom panies the regiment on picket, but is always sufficiently discreet to keep within our lines, whore she vents her rage by growling and snapping at the enemy's skirmishers. At the battle of Fredericksburg her leg was broken, and, after the wound .was dressed by some kindhearted surgeon, Sally re tared to the field on three legs, and doggedly refused to leave until the conclusion of the battle; This time she escaped unharnied mid is ready at any moment to participate in . the next engagement. BARBER POLE.—Two girls were talk ing about balmoral stockings, when ono asked the other how slio liked the style. "0, very well," she replied. "Well, I don't," said the first; "and I'm not going to wear them, either; they don't catch mo making a barber pole of my leg, just for the sake of be ing fashionable." uel, Rents aro 'enormous, as the poor fellow said when ho looked at his coat. ' . 4 '...„ ' f •-•lty , ~,.... •:::7. ' ' • a :-..:; ..:,::::-. . -.-;: ~ ..,. ~ ;'''':';' g'', .1., :i . • '•:',';' ... , ~ „ ..,,, , e 1 1 „.. 4 . (,_ , ._ ,f," : ~ ~ . . , .. - '4, '''' r Much Attached to the Marriage State. It is usually considered a noteworthy circumstance for a man or woman to have been married three times; but of old this number would have been thought little of. St. Jerome mentions , a widow that married her twenty-see, and husband, who in his turn had . been married to twenty wives-surely an experienced couple. ~ A woman named Elizabeth Mazi, who died at Florence, 1763, had been married to seven' husbands, all whom she outlived: She married the last ,of the seven at the age of seventy. When on her death bed she recalled the good and had points in each of her husbands, and - hating impartially weighed them in the balanco r she singled out her fifth spouse as: her favorite, and desir ed that her remains be interred near his. _The • death of a soldier is recorded in 1784, who had five wives; and hiS widow, aged 90, wept over the grave of her fourth husband. The writer who mentioned these facts naively ad: ded, "The said soldier was Much at tached to the marriage stage." There is an account of a gentleman who had been married to four wives, and who lived to ho 115 years old. When ho died ho left twenty-three "children" alive and well, some'of said children being from three to fourscore yoars.pld. • A gentleman died at Bordeaux in 1772, who bad been married sixteen times. In July, 1768, a couple wore living in Essex who had been married 81 years, the husband being 167 and the wife 103 years of . ago. At the Church of St. Clement Danes in 1772, a woman of 85 was Married to her sixth husband. For the Globe SOME INFLUENCE How many parents aro there who strive to exert an influence over their homOs sons to make it attractivo and pleasant to their children. Oh ! how pleasant it is to see a family assembled around the fireside entertaining them selves by interesting and social con versation or. by the perusal of - - some useful book. Oh ! how many happy and profitable moments may be thus. spent around the home fireside! But let us reverse the picture and we will find that children for want of amuse ment at home will go elsewhere to find it; perhaps their inclination may lead them to some public house, or, in plain words, the tavern. Thoro are many persons who have ended.their lives in prison or perhaps on the gibbet who had nothing to attract them to their homes in youth, and in conse quence Wont from bad . to worse until they became what we now picture them to be. But is there not some ono to blame? Who is it? Parents, or children. Did you, pnreets, strive to adorn your home with attractions for your children that they might love and reverence it? We do not mean . that you should have it adorned, with rich furniture. Ah, no 1 We moan a cheerful, contented and happy face, cheerful and pleasant words. Parents,. leave your sons go to the billiard sa- I loons and other places of vice a ,fow times and you will soon see that they become tired of home society. It is almost heartrending to see the wickedness of the rising generation.— There is not a town to he found but I there aro a number of young men and boys who aro regular visitors at drink ing saloons. Parents, you would do well to train your sons in the path" of duty and rectitude; for it is they who aro to be our future philosophers and statesmen. G. T. The Fruit Crop. Too much vigilance, cannot bo exer cised in ridding fruit trees of the ene mies that are so destructive to both fruit and trees. Wo call the attention of the fruit growers of thiS 43ection to the fact. that in many places . myriads of insects aro making their appear,. ante on the boughs and buds . of apple trees, bidding fair to destroy the crop entirely, unless something The devised to destroy them. The insect is. pro- . vided with wings, and is of a reddish color, but so small that the head of a pin would completely cover one •of thorn. We see by some of our central Now York exchanges, that many or.; chards aro completely covered with them. We have not hoard of their appearance as yet, and ,gardeners and fruit growers would do well to take stops to prevent it if possible by strong washes. Does it follow that because a babe is born rich it can at that partic ular moment stand a loan ? Why is the scalp like a yoke for a steer? Because there is an oxyput (occiput) inside it, TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance. For the Mae. MR. Emma :—I observe that nearly every feminine who makes any pre-, tention whatever towards belonging' to the ton, wears the celebrated skirt,. which bears the euphonious name of Bnintoral I They aro decidedly an in, stitution with the feminines. flew extremely anxious and solicitous the ladies are, (God. bless their dear little. souls) to show 'em to the impudent arid' vulgar gaze of the sterner sex! They float along the street as graceful as some passing zephyr, occasionally glancing downward to ascertain whe ther their dresii is sufficiently elevated to give all beholders an opportunity to see the "stripes." I would respectful ly recommend festoons to avoid the disagreeable necessity of holding up the dross. •A servant might be useful ly employed with a wand to remain at a respectable distance to, point out Missy'4 new Balmoral. I .never .see ono of the "critters" Without experien cing a smile about the corners of our phi; at the simplicity of the,tWg.— Vic . ° In Balmoral I MAGNET. : Saxton, May 10, 1864. SUNDAY SCHOOL COLUMN. Jesus said seer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of ,Heaven. • I* Little Children. In children are centred the hope of the church and the hope of the world. Those who are now the prattling in fants of but a few years, will soon be the staid men and matrons Who will be the most distinguished personages and fill tho most important Positions in both church and State. What then is of so much moment as to "train up a child in the way in which he shOuld go." And where a better place to do this than in the sunday school? Teachers, on you devolve great re sponsibilities. Into your bands are committed in a groat measure the con_ trol of the future. It is yours to' melt, to mould into form,.to shape and to diroct the youngr,and plastic „mind, ''The: impressions you make. may nev er be effaced) tho'words Ybitutter will be remeMberedj the principles you in- - culcato will remain either to Woes or to curse those of whom you now hayo the charge. See to it then that yours is a work that will bear the scrutiny of the great Judgo Eternal, for his scrutiny it must undergo, Ask • his aid and assistance, remembering that he has said, "if any man lack wisdom lot him ask of God who giveth liber ally unto all, and upbraideth not." Ask him to make you a blessing to the children that - they . may be a bles sing to future generationp. And that the church and tho world may be the better for your having lived in them, bring the children to J 031.19., QUESTIONS YON S. S. SCIIOLAES Where do we find the first mention of Jerusalem in the bible? Answers to this and other qnestions and all communications addressed to M., and left at Lewis' Book Store, will be attended to. Lotus hear from scholars and teachers. lam fond of children (says a cele brated author:) I think them the po etry of the woAd--theiresh flowers 'pf our hearths and homes—little conju rors, with their natural magic; evo king by their spells what delights and enriches all ranks, and equalizes: the different classes of society... Often as they bring with them anxieties and cares, and live to occasion sorrow and grief,.-wo should get on very badly without them. Only think—if there was never anything anywhere to be seen but great grown-up men and.wo men f flow we should long for the sight of a little child! Every infant comes into tho world like a delegated prophet, the, harbinger and herald'of good tidings, whose office it is "to turn the hearts of the, fathers to , the children," and, to draw "the disobedi ent to the wisdom of the just."..A. child softens and purifies rho heart,, warm ing and. melting it by its gentle'prea once ; it enriches the' soul by new inks, and awakens within it . what - is favorable to virtue. It is a beam of light, a fountain of love, a teacher whose lessons few can resist. Infants, recall us from much that engenders and encourages selfishness, that free zes the affections, roughens the man ners, induratos the heart; they brigh. ten the home, deepen love, invigorate exertion, infuse courage, and vivify and sustain the charities of life. It I would be a terrible world, I do think, if not embellished by little children. Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. NO. 49. BALMORAL S M. EDITOR. Little Children. JOB RBllstililNG QABIOB. ruHE a GbOBE JOB OFP.T.CE"-ie— j_ the moot cordpiete'ef , ohyln the ponptryieriq pp, genes the meet ninple carllitlee tot piezehtly oxecuttogt the bt( t style, every variety of aeb Boob - HAND :BILLS • - BlioonAm3ltS, . • ;. . .IlLtl tea• ,• POSTERSI., iSILL HEADS; CARDS, OIR001411S; . BALL LABELS„&C., &C., .k 6 CALL Axv =Maxi lIPSCribIITH , pi Avoiori AT - Lf:IVIB' BOOK, STATIONBRit sTo Muscle and Brain;') Nature is a strict 'aeacuentant • and if you demand of her in one direeti4t more than she is prepared to layout, , , she, balances the acconn.t-by deduction elsewhati3. ff you,insial,Ctrr l premature or under-growth of any 0p(?... part, she will, with more ,or test, concede the point; but that 'she ! . may do yoUr extra work, she , rntisf ldave some of - hdr . iinWryttir work undone. In primitive thhefq when aggression and defense were the leading social activities,' thodilyvigpr, With its accompanying., courage,' ,vras the great desideratim; and than edn; Cation was .ahnost wholly., physical; r mental education' was little cared foitC. and, indeed was often treated With contempt. But now that musenlila. ‘ „, power is of no use for little "else 1 141; 1 manual labor, while social MOMS r - 064 nearly every kind depend vet.. inntlh'7 on mental power, our ,ediieatien'';shitsg become almost exclusively I - rental:44 l i stead of respecting the hody.,and,-,igi noring the mind, we now respeettithel mind - and - ignore — the - bedy:7 - Betli - .T these , attitudes "afro ,wrizing. We r3 da not sufficiently realize the,trut,h, ; ,tbat, , . in this life of ours, thephysicalnn 4 er-,. t0 lies the mental, furiq the mental „rill/A rt not be developed ,at the, expense i: tyK if the physical. The, ancient ,and::mod,-„ i n ern conceptiomust be combined,- G REAT d TIAI FAIR 10 For the S'ernita in, Philadelphia, in the first week ,o • • June next PlilLuilLPFUQSlnrcli,l2;b l ; Restaurant :Departraentj , The co-operation of benevolent and Patitiotte,ditisonirolia Pennsylvania; Now . Jersey and Delaware, anchelsAvfbaye; is Invited, in else efforts to mako this inorivielinineritlire than any Fair that hoe preceded it. ,l'heso raffi a / a s:Tel in sorted to as practical mermetoffered to every one to nke part in a great and humane work. Let no one; theiall4 allow this opportunity to pays; of contributing ionietlifinfli for tho benefit of tho National, Soldier Instlie;tieldr t and, ) though the gift may seem small when mono, it son ho, comes ofilcient when combined vi Eh 'umbers;' *o ask for donations orally and every artislo, the, prollitett of thq, Farm, Lake, Elver, and Ocean, and of foreign importatiorni, of Fruits, fresh, dried, and' presiiVedi• of l Veiettati4 Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Ecef,fresh and smalred,T9ugp9t, Hams and Pork, Lobsters, Crabs, Oysters, Claims, Elsb.. fresh and salt. In truth,"thiro le nothing which — day contributo to the well being pf our appetites,' nittelMtitr. not bo entrusted to our cam GEORGE I'. LElTlS,'Cliitrmrih, 'Rastaufrint Debnettnartil T444.,49,1.4 place, having accepted.tho.„Agerkopin Huntingdon . and, neighborhood-for the ,RestanrantDepartment''Ofllid‘'.een tral Fair, donatigns , of provisions of all kinds from. the Giyiia zone of town and country. • I Let all aid in this groat 44(.1.•,,gpgd . : work— send a contribution.:" howover., small—having the' donor's: nanio ?fittr, taehed. If left with Mrs. WMAV; : r Murtrie or ,Mrs: E. Orbiion,'will by forwarded by the pcieiety. If any prefer forwarding, - their ownrl contributiOns—sond by railroad .or exwi press—freight will be paid in"Plilliedre.fl Please direct all•dunniions ' For . GEORGE T:LEWlS,..nortatirant Dopiirtiiiene!.'"•ll Care of A. A. AfeLIENRY, Reception Committee rifi Great,Contral Fair, F4e 3lch 290804. ' ' , 1864.. . • '• .1864. - 2 CLOTHING. H. ROMArt. - -'''-' N 39 C L T:II FOR SPRING ANI!.SIINLIbIEft, JUST RECEIVED • - • • - - II R O,M ASt ;. cs ' • CHEAP CLOTHING - STORE. . For Gentleman's Clatffrig of Hui boat material, and in dda n the boot workmanlikk manntr, • 1 -*;H RO'MAN'.S, opposite the Franklin House iu Harket sT i are, don, Pa. Huntingdan, April' 61 '64. : i NEW AVE.OLESALE.WECiEt:a • GOODS SOLDI At Philadelptlia WlioJ9l‘alePtipe„ THE SEBSORIDERS' •• • H.A . NE Front their place of huebtose,- on Hill Stietiti) . TO. THEIR' lariV Qp RAILROAD STREET, veto! the Zadont. /kale; Where they:intend dfitny '• TfgaLESAMI IitiSLYESS:•-= MERCHANTS AND ; OTHERS..., Who buy goods by the piece or package, b WILL Ce In!DIY arrirprrsoys• TO GIVE US' :4 o:a.Lirs..- General Assortment of.GoGus Such as DRY GOODS, GROCEIR,I) BOOTS .& SHOES, HATS & TOBACCO, , SEGABg, 35 -B .IO O FX, NOTIONS, 46c0., WE WILL SELL GOODS`;' AT TEE LOWEST , PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PHICEF.'I ~ek. a CUNNINGHAM . 6e CO. litnattugdon, l'lch e, 3.864.. ME MEM