The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 25, 1864, Image 1
TERMS OF TEE GLOBE Per annum In advance Sixmoutha •' months • .• 60 A failure to no tify a dlr- tir.nance at the expiration of (by tern) subacribel for vri l be cousidcred u uuw engage t. TEttk3 KIWERTISINC 1 Insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Pour lines or less, $ 25 $ 37% ...... $ 50 Jae square, (12 Itues,) ...... .... 50 75 100 two f squares 100 150 200 hree aquaree, 1 50 2 25 3 00 Over throe Week ao!1 less than three months, 25 cents 580 square Gr - each Loseitioo., . 3 months. 6 months. 12 months. ...$1 60 . $3 00 $5 OD .. 3 00 500 7 00 .800 800 10 00 V 00 10 00 15 OD line; OP ka9,. apo - squtwo , SFwo !squares.. hroe ~tie squares, m Fonr squares, 9 00 13 00 0 0 00 Mil a column, 12 00 10 00 '4 00 One column, 20 00 30 00..........60 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines, One year ' $3 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, $1 75 Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tions delimit, will he continued till forbid and charged sc enting to these tome. 61,0bt. HUNTINGDON, PA. GREAT CAMPAIGN GIGANTIC STRUGGLE ON THERA- PIDAN AND PO A Coniprebensive and Authentio Ac- count, Striztegy, Fighting, Gains, Losses The Battle of Thursday, May 5. Etc., Etc., Etc., Eta., TODD'S TAVERN, Va., Sunday, May 8, 1864.—The details of the wonderful dirge day's battle of the Wilderness, which closed last night just as the blood-red sun wont down behind the margin of the Rapidan, will have giv-• en you some idea of the labyrinth of action through which its course ran, :and the maze of tactics out of which it was envolved; :but . the battle of the Wilderness must remain., for the pros ont,-undeseribed; fui the reason that it is really indescribable. I remember a pregnant observation •of General Rose ci4ans, that with us vac is only "bush \Melting on a large scale?' Now, if this is true of the kind of ground ou whiCh many of our battles have been fought, the analogy holds still more forcibly in the wild, tangled pine woods in whose thickets and along whose margins the prodigious Indian fight of 'Thursday, Friday, and Saturday raged. :Nci nian eau claim that he saw this battle, and although undoubtedly it kind a line and formation of its own, it would puzzle oven the commanding 'General to lay it down ou the map. There is something horrible, yet fas cinating, in the mystery shrouding this strangest of battles ever fought— et battle which no man could see, and pro g ress could only be followed by the car. It is, beyond a doubt, the first time in the history of war, that two great armies have met, each with tit least two hundred and fifty pieces .if artillery, and yet placed in such cir cumstances as to make this vast engin ry totally useless. Not a score ofpiee es were called into play in the whole affair, and I may mention it as a fact strikingly illustrative of this battle, that out of the three thousand wound ed in the hospitals of llancock's com mand alone, not one of the wounds is a shell wound. In like manne: our cavalry has been totally useless, as cav alry. In alt their engagements the men have neen - compeita - to dismount and to fight on foot, and the horse, ex cept for locomotive, has been a hin drance rather than a help. In such circumstances, in the utter impossibil ity of maneuvering of effecting any grand combination, the difficulty of generalship is enormously increased. it will also be refered, from the cir cumstances in which the-battle of the Wilderness was fought; that it was quite impossible for it to ho decisive in its results. The combat lasted three days, but it might hive boon prolonged a fortnight longer, and still have left the issue un decided. Now that it is ended by the by the withdrawal of th e enemy, though we are hardly justified in calling the result .a victory in the positive sense of the word, yet, if it be considered that the enemy was signally foiled in the purpose with which he sought battle in the Wilderness, that ho was com pelled to fall back, discomfited, and that we are in yigorous pursuit, under circumstances that gave us the short er line of advance on Richmond, even the most cautious and skeptical will admit the gross and scope of the action to be a most substantial advantage to our arms_ When Grant, on Wednesday night and Thursday morning, threw his ar ray across the Rapidan at Germania and Ely's Fords, the labor of a twelve month was brought to nought. The chief consideration that the enemy's fortified position was turned, prompted the flanking movement on the enemy's right rather than on his left, was, doubtless, that a.Successful movement by the former direction would uncov er for us, water communications by Aquia Creek and Urbana—an advan tage not to be overlooked, and, indeed, indispensable in any protracted march toward Richmohd. The disadvantage is that the line of march southward from the points of crossing loads through a which no General would seek to fight a battle. I mean, of course, the "Wilderness," a wild tract of barren country, overspread with a thick growth of stunted pine, extending from Chancellorsville up to Mine Run. By changing front by the right, Lee had it in his power, using the Orange and Chancellorsville turnpike and the Orange and Chaneellorsville plank road, to strike us at right angles. The only escape would be to -make our passage of the Rapidan a sruprise —a conception which was 'very hap pily carried out. The march to the riverhaving been made during the night of Wednesday, Thursday' morning found the whole army planted safely on the south side of the Rapidan, all well - in hand. So complete indeed seems to have been the surprise, that even after the whole army had pass ed the river, our signal officers report ed the - Rebels still busy on their works on the Rapidan. But, of course, it was not long before Lee became fully' aware of the situa tion, and be promptly changed front, and pushed out to strike us by the two roads already named, which, as you will observe, run from west to cast, and strike the road on which we must advance (the Germania. and Chancel lorsvillc plank road) precisely at right .$1 60 . 75 WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XIX. angles. This was a masterly move ment, for it obliged Grant to halt, form line of battle, and dispose his force in such away as to cover the fords, by which all our teams were yet to pass, and which it was absolutely necessary to keep open in order to preserve our lino of communication. This, then; was hoW it came, strate gically, that we were compelled to fight the battle of the Wilderness—an encounter which I am very sure both General Grant and General Meade would gladly have avoided, had it boon possible to do so. This much credit at least is due to General Lee, whose ma nceuvro was one of great boldness and rapidity. 'Whether General Lee in tended merely to :delay our advance and gain time for the now combina tions necessitated by our successful crossing of the Rapidan, or whether lie chose this line as ono on which to try the gage of a decisive battle, in the hope of defeating us in the same way as he did in the same region (Chancel lorsville) at the same period of last year, is a question which I have no means of determining, although the desperate vigor of the three days' at tack would give strong color to the probability of the latter design. And it, must be confessed his advantages were great. Ire crowded us into a re stricted triangle, densely wooded, with few roads, which we know imperfect ly, and with the whole of our vast. trains yet to be brought over the river. On the other hand the enemy knew the country; with fifty thousand men he could hero do as much as we with a hundred thousand, and ho had the strong lino of Mine Run six miles in his rear, to fall back upon in ease of a repulse. When I say that after three days' fight, in which he with desperate fury threw himself repeatedly agaitst every point of our line—right, left and centre—in the hope of breaking through and rolling us up, he has been com pelled to retire discomfited, the sum and substance of the story is told. Thursday morning found Warren's Corps (the sth) at Old Wilderness Tavern, or. the Germania and Chan cellorsville plank-road, five miles south 'of the ford, and Sedgwick in his rear, on the same road, and extending down to the river: 'Hancock's Corps, on the same day crossed the river, at Ely's Ford, five or six miles farther down the river, under orders to move to Shady Grove Church. Burnside's Corps was to remain behind for twen ty-four hour) at Culpeper, and then join the - main column. 'rho mancen vn of the enemy compelled • General Made to form line of battle north apd south, and this was done about a mile west of the Germania plank—road and parallel to-it, Sedgwieles corps forming the right and resting on the river at Germania Ford, and Warren joining his left. Finding the enemy was determined to make a stand here, the order of Hancock to move to Sha dy Grove Church was countermanded, and he was directed to diverge by what is called the "Brock road," swing around, come up and form the left of the line. The disposition above given will have shown that there must be for a considerable time a great interval be tween our centre (Warren) and our left (Hancock)—an interval which could only be filled by Gen. Hancock swinging round and connecting with Warren. The attempts of the enemy were mainly directed to netting posses sion of the plank-road, and planting himself between the two halves of the army. In this ho was completely foiled, for Warren and Sedgwick held the front firmly until Hancock in the afternoon arrived and completed the lino. This was not done without se vere loss, especially on the part of Warren, two of whose divisions, name ly, those of Wadsworth and Griffin, lost each a third of its numbers. From Cancellorsville, where Han cock had bivouacked on Thursday night, he advanced to the intersection of Brock road and the Orange and Chancellorsville plank-road, whore ho found Getty's Division of the 6th Corps. Forming line of battle he attacked at 4 o'clock, and fought very severely nip tilt 3, engaging Hill's Corps. The ene my held a strong position behind im provised breastworks, and was already formed in lino of battlo, while Han cock had great difficulty in getting in as ho was marching by the flank to mass, but he stoutly held his position at the cross-roads, from which all the efforts of the enemy could not drive The engagements Of Thursday were so far successful that they defeated the purpose of the enemy to advance up the Orange road and penetrate be tween Hancock and Warren. It was, however, only by the utmost skill and vigor that this was effected, for had the Echols boon able to penetrate a mile further they would have aCiov ed their end. The Battle of Priday, May 6 Unwilling to remain on the defen sive, General Grant, on Thursday night, ordered a general attack along the whole line for 5 o'clock the next morning.. Burnside, who had been hitherto in reserve was ordered in, and Hancock, who, as was realized, had a severe part to perform, was strength ened by four divisions taken from the sth and 6th Corps, so that he now commanded nearly one half of the ar m Promptly at the hour the flame of battle burst forth all along the lino, which, from Sedgwick's right to Han cock's left, had an extent of about sev en miles. On the right Sedgwick attacked, engaging Ewell, who, however, show• ed a strong front. The two divisions Warren has left, namely, those of Griffin and Crawford, badly handled yesterday, content themselves with TOpulsing the rebel attack. Wads- worth, connecting with Hancock's right, puts forth a desperate valor, leads in person several charges at the head of his division, has two horses shot under him, and is then himself shot in the head and left in the hands of the enemy, but whether dead or al ive is not yet known. Burnside, somewhat tardy, is only skirmishing as yet, and has had no serious busi ness. Hancock, on the left,' attacked promptly at five o'clock, and gallantly drove the enemy about a mile and a half, taking the Rebel lino of rifle pits and five colors. In their turn the rebels attack vigo- rously, and the ammunition of Han cock's mon being exhausted, they aro forced back to !heir original line at 11 o'clock. The enemy oven turns the extreme left, formed by Frank's brig ade of Barlow's division, which broke in considerable • confusion down the road. This, however, was promptly repaired, and the enemy prevented from following up his advantage. Af ter this all remained quiet with Han cock until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Hitherto Hancock bad met only the Corps of Hill, but at four in the after noon, Longstreet's Corps, which had marched twenty-five miles to get into the fight, came up, and Leo prepared to hurl the main weight of his force, with a view of doubling up our left flank; and rolling us back on the elm my. The rebel attack was made at precisely four, and was made in four lines, the left on the plank road. It was marked by the greatest vigor, and succeeded in breaking our lines. Part of our breastworks got fire, and a por tion of the 3d and 4th Divisions broke Gibbon's Division, was, however, promptly formed in roar of the break. The brigade of Carroll (who conduc ted himself with distinguished gallant ry, and though shot through the arm, would not leave the field,) forming by the left; the brigade of Brooks by the Tight. This was effectual in checking the Bebel . advance, and after forty-five minutes of most desperate fighting, the crisis-had passed. The heroism and skill of Hancock, and the valor of his command, had saved our army. Falling on tho loft, the rebels repeat ed the usual tactics by a night assault on our right, and they succeeded in rolling up.the brigade. of Gehoral T. Seymour, who was himself captured, but the break did not extend to. the other portions of the line, and though some confusion was inseparable from a night assault, the rebels had gained nothing after all. The rebels expended their utmost, strength in the battle of Friday, and failed to accomplish any decisive sults. It was obvious that they were in very great strength, for they show cii full lino along our whole front, extending beyond our right, and over lapping our loft. Skirmishes of Saturday, May 7th. It was, therefore, difficult on Friday night to say whether the enemy w'ld resume the attack or retire. In the case of the former alternative, a now and stronger lino, considerably con tracted, was selected on Friday even ing. The attack, however, was not resumed in the morning, and recon noissances and skirmishes were made during the day along the whole lino, though developing on the part of the enemy a strong skirmish line, left little doubt that the main portion of his ar my was retiring. In this state of facts, General Grant formed the determination of throwing forward this army by a rapid nigut march toward Spottsylvania. Accor dingly a march of fifteen- miles was made during the night, and this morn ing finds the whole army massed at Todd's Tavern. Wo shall doubtless, to-day, feel forward toward Spottsyl vania Court' House, where wo shall probably find the enemy in position. Although we bate no reliable re turns of our losses in the three days' fight, it is probable they will roach 15- 000. The loss of the enemy cannot vary much from that figure, and we have taken 2000 prisoners. The Battle of Sundoy, May 8 Near Spottsylvania Court House, Va, Monday, -llay 9-2 P M.—l have this morning returned from our advanced line of battle, which lies within two and a half miles of Spottsylvania Court House, the enemy confronting in force. Our army reached this position yester day morning, Warren's corps having the advance; and heavy fighting took place during the day. It was hoped that we could have reached Spottsyl vania before the enemy would be able to make that point, but in the footrace which the two armies ran on Saturday night, from the battle ground of the Wilderness, the rebels beat us. Long street, it appears, started at 11 P M, of Saturday; our advance left at 10 P M. The two columns marched by par allel roads, but Longstreet's corps had time to arrive and form lino of battle, and when our force was thrown out to feel the enemy this morning, he was found in position. Our first attack was made by Bartlett's brigade of Griffin's division, on the right of the road, with Robinson's division on the loft. Bartlett had been ordered by General Warren to attack in column, under the belief that only Rebel cav alry.would be found. Instead of this, however, he ran on the whole of Gen. Longstreet's corps, and his brigade, already reduced by the fearful losses of the three day's battle of the Wilder ness, was frightfully cut up, One of his regiments, the Ist Michi gan, went in a • hundred strong, and came out with but twenty five, having lost three-fourths of its numbers in fif teen minutes. Robinson's division which held the left, was also roughly handled, and broke in disorder. See ' ing this, General Warren seized the division flag, and rallied the mon in person. Fresh troops were thrown in, IHUNTINGDON, PAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY. 25, 1864. -PERSEVERE.- and after lighting from 8 A. M. till 12 IL, our troops bad gained the object sought—an open space up to the woods in wlaieh the'Rebel line was formed. In this engagement General Robinson was severely wounded in . the leg, and will have to lose his limb. At 6 31„ two fresh divisions, namely, those of Crawford (sth Corps) and Getty (6th Corps,)_ were thrown in, and after a severe engagement las ting for an hour and a half, Crawford carried the rebel position, took their first lino of breastworks, and . captured three hundred prisoners. This ended the action of yesterday. For the num ber engaged, our losses were extreme ly severe, and will count up to 1500. This morning found our linos estab lished two and a half miles this side of Spottsylvania Court llouse, and se curely intronched. Longstrect has also been streng,thoned by the arrival of Ewell's corps. The rebel line- lies on a ridge a mile in front of the Court House, and it will be a position some what difficult to carry, should it be decided to make a direct attack. It will be observed on the map, that our present position carries us many miles south and in the rear of Fredericksburg, whose famous forti fied heights are in our possession with out the need of firing a shot. It will be used as a depot, and for hospitals, and several thousand of our wounded were yesterday sent there. A small army of 2500 greybacks have also just been marched by headquarters, en route to the same point. They aro generally hearty looking follows, and rather better shod and clad than I have before seen them. ' Everything, thus far, hasgone . on satisfactorily, although it would doubt less have been better bad wo been able to find an opportunity of fighting a decisive battle, The Army of the Potomac, is in su perb condition and spirits ; in fact, was never before in any such condi tion. Wo are going on to Richmond, depend upon it; at least, somo more formidable obstacle than has yet ap peared will have to present itself to stop us. Butler, we see by the Rich mond papers of yesterday, is between Petersburg and Richmond. Sigel and Averill are in the right place, and you will probably hear from the cavalry corps of this army, under the bold and energetic leadership . of Sheridan, in a way that will throw al4rovious raids into the shade. The headquarters of'the Lieutenant General and General Meade aro al ways established near each other, and in action the two Generals and their i 3 taffa, c_ always togotlier. General Ideado retains tho immediate command of this army, while General Grant ex ercises a general supervision over the movements over the whole field. In regard to the operations of this army, the two Generals are in constant con sultation, and it would, I think, be hard to say how much his own prac tical share in the actual command. is. Perhaps I may say that General Giant indicates the stragetie moves and com binations, while General Meade takes charge of their technical execution. The rebel papers acknowledge a loss of two general officers killed and two mortally wounded, while it is now pos itively asecrtaincd•that Longstroot al, so is wounded. P. S.—We have this moment . Won shocked by the announcement that General Sedgwick, Commander of the 6th Army Corps, has just been killed by a shot through the. head. Ho was standing vp with his staff iu his ad vanced lino of breastworks, and was picked off by a Rebel sharpshooter, perched in a trop. The ball entered the face a little below the eyo, and came out at the back of his neck. Ho lived for half an hour after being struck, and then expired. His body has just passed headquarters in an ambulance. It will be embalmed and sent North. The profoundest grief is felt at the death of the lion-hearted chieftain, and it is felt that we could better afford to lose a whole division of the army.than one whose valor, il lustrated on so many fields, we can ill spare at this time. Ho never fought so well as in the arduous three days' fight in the 'Wilderness,' and it was a matter of general remark how splen didly Scdgwick had been doing. It is presumed that General Wright will take the vacant command of the 6th Corps. Skirmishes of lioltday, May 9. In Front of Spattsylvania Court House, Va., Tuesday, May 10.—The military situation at this hour (Tues day, 12 M.,) finds the line of the army drawn around Spottsylvania Court House, in the arc of a circle, tho con cave toward us. Tho enemy is in force at that point, and seems deter mined to dispute the passage. I men tioned in my letter of yesterday that the two armies ran a race from the Wilderness for Spottsylvania, but un fortunately the enemy won the race. This should not be interpreted as con veying any censure on the Army of the Potomac, which has marched with a now inspiration and a rapidity nev er betore seen in its history. But the very necessities of our con dition as the invading party, with our old base abandoned and a new one not yet opened, obliges us to take im mense trains, which, of course, retard the general movement of the army; the . rebels constantly falling back on their base, and favored by their very poverty, can readily beat us on an equal start. it certainly would have boon a great point gained had wo boon able to make Spottsylvania Court House in advance of the enemy. An inspection of the map will show you that it is an important stragetie point, being tho point of divermonee of the roads leading southward, to the right and hilt. The enemy's command of it enables ', l ''!4t'it)ii/, - 'Jt. him to cover the ilthdrawal of his trains and at the camp time bars our further advance, unless, . in .on,Xiao condi tionof an assault—whibli; in the coun try which we aro now fighting, is very destructive of life—or of a turn ing movement. It is prohnble that to day will decide tho question; ,and if; as we hope, it gives us Spottsylvania Court House, wo shall then be out of the Wilderness, and have a eleiir road on to Richmond. Yesterday was intended to he a day of quietude, during which the army, fatigued by five days' incessant mar ching and fighting, would have an op portunity to recuperate and renew the supplies of rations. Little occurred to interfere with this programme, altho' the rebels made an attack on Wilcox's Division of Burnside's Corps, early in the afternoon. They were, however, handsomely repulsed, and Burnside has the extreme left of our lino, tlth: in a mile and a half of the C. 11. About six o'clock last evening Gen eral Hancock, holdidg tho right of our line, crossed Po Creek and seized tho Block Houso Road, the direct line from Parker:s Store to Spottsylvania Court House. Immediately afterward Warren, who now has the centre, ad vanced his lino of battle, drove the ro 7 bola for half a mile, and took up a strong position. Up to the present hour, the situation remains as here de scribed. The rebels have as yet shown no disposition to assume the offensive at this point. It was confidently expec ted on Sunday night that an attack would take place onatancock's front, toward the Cartharpen road, and on a line with the Brock road. The troops bhowed great diligence in throwing up breastworks, and a brigade was ad vanced out for a mile or more from the main front over some cleared land.— About an hour before sunset this at tack was made. Immediately upon the retirement of the advance brigade, the enemy chafed toward- our line, but never reached it. They put a few guns in position, and shelled the woods for a while, but did no harm. A small number of General Birnoy's troops, on whom the attack was principally. made, wore wounded by the enemy's musketry before they withdrew, having received more harm than they had done. Before this at tack, our•a,dvanee could see Hill's corps marching south to join the main body, opposing our progress in front on the branch of the Po. As-it was necessary to bold this po sition until it was certain the enemy were gone, General Hancock did not stay-the-progress of the merr-engag in forming breastworks, but added an other lino in the open ground around Todd's Tavern, a regiment of heavy artillery working all night to finish them. It was a very pretty sight.-- The lanterns of the workmen hun g to the blossoming cherry trees, and pic turesque groups of soldiers digging and erecting the works, while batter ies stood harnessed up, their cannon iers lying on the ground around the carriages, in wait for any emergency. At sunrise scouts advanced and found the enemy in small force, and about noonday General Hancock left General Ward's brigade to hold the position, and advanced with his corps toward the river Po, which by night ho bad, after considerably resistance, passed. General Burnside, pushing out on the extreme loft, advanced to a place in front of Sedgwick's (now Gen Wright's) corps. A reconnoissance by two regiments was, made. These ad vanced some distance without meeting much resistance. At the same time the cannonade along some portions of the front was quite brisk between our and the rebel artillery. The prisoners we have are in -appa rent good condition. Ono follow, who was taken with much trouble, explain ed his determined efforts to avoid cap ture, on the ground that it was cur rently reported that we should massa cre all our prisoners, in revenge for the slaughter of our negro soldiers. We have fewer stragglers than usu al, though not so few as might be. It is not so easy to straggle in a country where there is no communication, and guerillas loaf around the army to pick up any-waif or estray sleeping in the woods. The Provost Guard has all it can do, to keep the lingerers up to their duty. General Patrick had quite a brigade of them one day, and I bo ner:had serious thoughts of making a charge with them. The same intolerable heat which wo have had ever since the commence ment of this movement still continues, and numerous cases of coup de soleil happen every day. It is, however, one compensation for the heat that it keeps the roads in excellent traveling condition, saving and excepting the dust, which is here of' a most malig nant type. General Wright, who for merly commanded la division of the 6th, is now in command of that corps, so grievously deprived of its head by the death of the beloved Sedgwiek, the details of which I yesterday sent you. The grief at this sad event intensifies as it becomes known throughout the army. An effort was at first made to keep the sad fact from the knowledge of the men. General Wright is an excellent soldier, and will command the Sixth well. The road which our troops faced runs from Orange Court 11.01180 to Fredericksburg, and is forty-eight miles long. It crosses no river. Pro ceeding from Orange Court House, wo come in a distance of ten miles to Fordiersville ; ten miles further brings us to Parker's store; six miles further to Wilderness; five miles further to Chancellorsvillc; ten miles more to Fredericksburg. Just as I close this letter a heavy cannonading has. commenced in the front, for which I leave immediately. TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance. The Battle of Tuesday, May 10 Washington, Tuesday, May 10t11.— The following despatch has just come to hand : • - Headquarters army of the PotOm°, near Spottsylvania Court House, Wed nesday, May la-41y despatch dated P M, yesterday gaVe an outline sketch of the operations of that day down to the hour named, and includ ing the announcement ,of the turning of our right flank. I would gladly have avoided leaving the situation sus pended in this perilous condition, but the messenger by whom I bad the Op portunity to send my despatch left just as the courier bearing the tidings arrived. I hasten to. add that the me nacing break was speedily repaired ; and that the army holds at present a position not differing greatly from that we have held for the past two days, with the exception , that our right is somewhat more strengthened. Yesterday's operations .noW assumed the character of' the nicst,bilter. afitl perhaps the most bloody of .tie series of battles which have been fqught since we crossed the Rapidnn... Itnow ing its We do that otit cavalry force has been working havoc with :Lee's communications, that his supplies arc almost exhausted, that the lines of in vestment are being drawn around Richmond, and that echoes of disaster reach his ear from far-off 'Tennessee, and presage the downfall of the fabric of the Rebellion, we aro left to infer that the attack of yesterday was a desperate, and, let us hope, final at tempt to.retrieve the rebel .fortunes by dealing a crushing blow at this army . It is enough to say that it failed, and though he inflicted a severe loss of life upon us, ho suffered not less him self, and we still hold a position against which the rebel fury may dash itself in vain. It would seem to have been the policy of Leo in the series of bat tles,which ho has delivered during the past week, to contest the advance to Richmond at every available point, to wear us away by degrees,_ and then, perhaps,to fall upon the Union forces under Butler, and endeavor to annihi late them. This plan he has carried into execution with a masterly skill, inspired by a fury perfectly diabolical.. Wo are steadily pressing the rebels southward. Tho enemy have • been greatly favored by the nature of the country, in whose dense woods and tangled chapperal the litho and wary are much more at home. Fortunately, if we once carry the position which they now hold in front of Spottsylva nia Court House, we shall bo out of the 'Wilderness' and reach open coun- Tbo operations of yesterday were opened by a reconnoissance on the left•by Burnside's Corps, which devel— oped the fact that the enemy was in no force there—nothing but cavalry dis puting the advance. This caused the division of Mott to be withdrawn from its position on the extreme right, and it was sent to the left to connect with Burnside. The rebel position now very much resembled ours at Gettys burg, a curved interior line, well pro. tecCed by breastworks, with the addi tional defense of a marshy run in front. Holding us at bay in the centre, they discovered the weakness of the right. now held by Barlow's division. This division of Hancock's command as I yesterday mentioned, had made the passage of the Po, throwing out skirmishers on the east bank. This gave it a coigne of vantage, froin Which it not only enfiladed the entire rebel position, but commanded the road on which their trains wore pass ing. At the same 'time; however, it isolated it from the rest of the army— a false position, of which the rebels could hardly fail to take advantage, and of which they did take advantage, as wo shall presently see. General Warren's corps held the Centre of the lino, and it was resolved that a vigorous assault should be made there, while Hancock and Burnside endeavored to assail and turn the two flanks of the enemy. With this view two divisions of the second corps were thrown over to connect with the right of Warren and support hint ' In exe cution of the projected design General Warren's corps moved forward during the day; pressing tho rebels through the woods to an open space behind, close to the enemy's breastworks.— This was intended by heavy shelling from the enemy, and it was 3 or four o'clock P M before the woods were cleared. After this, the corps advanc ed to assault the breastworks. In this, however, it did not succeed, al-, though the attempt was gallantly made. Carroll's brigade went in on the charge and lost eight hundred mon General Meade realizing the critical position in which the extreme right of our line (Barlow's Division), was pia . - ced, had ordered it to draw back-- The rebels had, however, anticipated us, and Making a detodr came in,ori its' roar, making it a matter orconsidera-, ble difficulty to withdraw; ,supports coming up, however, it Was sttecessful- ly accomplished. A general attack was ordered along the line, to take place at 5 o'clock, but owing to the tardiness of some of the Commanders to got into line, it was postponed, first . to 6 o'clock, and thentill half past. A . furious cannonade from our artillery preceded the charge. The worst of it, was that the lateness of the hour pre vented its being perfectly tinecessful. General Wright advanced the flower 'of the Sixth Corps. Nobly and well they sustained their reputation. -"Up, ton's brigade leading they advanced rapidly upon the enemy's breastworki3 without firing a shot, capturing them at the point of the bayonet. As they rushed on they captured the enemy by hundreds, rushing upon them with a fury that nothing could withstand. To the number of twelve hundred they run them back into our lines at full a-1.,0101 not PILINTWG THR:,,G.LOBE JOB . .OPtiCh 6 Lt. the most complete of any to the comittn and PO . , acme the mist ample faclllll. for promptly execntang the Let . t etylp, oveyy variety of Job Printing, each mi 'HAND BITILS .),- PROGIIAMAIES; - BLANKS,. POSTERS, CARP I 3,. CIACULARS; • 4. ; 13ALL TICKETS, .. LABELS, go., &C., NO. 48. erscurre or %SMIR; AT LEWIS' BOOK; ifTATIONERY le-SWSIO STOSIi ' t " 1 1; ' speed, captur rig t e same three of their guns. „ garner in, .tho day onefg'tb9 01 4 ' 1 1 . 1 my's batteries had beet digatlnd, arl all the cannoniers driven from the guns, from which they were kept by the savage fire of our skirmishers. , •frt• was hepet , that all the bfaiight off, but the charge, was , not, successful on the other parts of 'the line, . and the gallant Sixth had telt& back. Opy losses during,,the,d,fi t ymusi have I, , ,e , atilie'd fmro eight to ten and Mon: • • , • • • . Webb's brigade, 2d Cif , rps kmt.boa vily—the 20th Massachusetts par4 . cu c, larly.- Colonel Many was'elangeroBl . .g. wounded. “Major Abbott, artsiPlov , splendid officer, was killed, rinti.:oAir, six or seven officers, out of tworitylour left. Limit Fedcration, of the Massaclifisetts, took a section into.acs, Lion ; in a spot where the rebel shark shotftels had a sAtcoping. fire. Ho n taken from filo field, shot, in,,beth his , thighs, aftl doing good,ser,vme. f,;...1 Thia,was on Wright's front, Gerd., *aid was bit In the neck early in thq: day, but would not leave the field, and,: afterward,led his brigade in the 'charge, on Vane 6 oßs irqK ~ kAgierZ.Rf cq.‘. burn's, on Wright's. troatr; did good tier— vice, throwing their shells into the bel intrenebrnents. Captain,",ltkaro9, , of the 3d Massachusetts battery, was wounded in the neck. The losses of the army, time, , exeoed: nnY all rig that % pro7l-: ons:,hattlo has cost us: Nothing s hng. be . en-de . vphigieit n p to this hour restn4,,,i ting,ge,onemy's position.or, intentip . mi for the 4gy, and thero is nothini,4 9 zp r , dietitie„whother they will' retrent, main on the defensive, or . 1864,; igoi; CLOTHING. H. R(-)7-IVtAlli: sPRTNG AND atnligiik CHEAP CLOTHINii • • For Gentlemen's Clothing of the tn'et itlitletial, and made n the beet workmanlike rummer§ fall at ' • 11. It 0 bI A . • opponite . the Franklin House In Market Egtalfif; ntlfrriftli; don, Pa. • • „ lluntingdon, drlt 27 fdt • NEW cLotrilpid . •.- AT LOW PRZotm: • M. OUTMAN - 71, IIAS JUST OPENED A 1:1N11 STOOK OP NEW SPRING AND SUMMER Cl,o2'lllNtic Which he offers - to all who want to bo ,E D , AT . PB.faES TO SUIT !flit Ittnitt nu Stock (-audits of Ready-made Clothhag fur MEN AND BOYS, .„ • ALSO, tem Af.{I I . I 3O.OM,HATI4 CAPS, ic.. , AA 1, Should gentlemen slake any faII:SUMP-Shut:4r cited clothing not found in the mock on baud, by leaviegf# ery measure they can be accomniodated at short notice. • ".. Call-at the east corner of the Diamond, over Long's Grocery. , MANUAL GUTMAN. Huntingdon. April 27'64. FIRE FIRE FIRE . INSURE YOUR PROPERTIe 4iti the _booming" 62424 3.l.ntutil ininia - 464; compang It being the beet conducted and safest Compaili In, the State. Their capitalie over 2000,000 Dollersj And-have a perpetual charter, and now over twenty-three yearn -In operation, and during that timo Image paid , over'sl,ooo,ooo for damages done by tire, without being debt. The company continuos to insuro all •kludef breprotierty. from loss by fire for five years, with a premium note -T- Also Insure property, geode, &A, 4(4, for three, six, nine, and twelve months, and for tire-or three years. without. a premium note and without fissessments, and et a Wirer. rate than any oilier company. Please :glr,o. thattlederp., signed a call, who has boon agent °tithe - coMprmy. 'over twenty years.. • - DAVID SNA/th', Agent. liuuttagden, April 27-Im* ' • . . • NEW WHOLESALE' STORE ,- dooDS SOLD At ehiladelphia Wholesale Prices. HAVE" REMOV73I2I FrOm flair place of buciie6e,on Hill Street,' TO TELE/R NEW BUILDING( Oa RAILROAD STRUT, neer the anion iiotYse; Where they intend doing A WHOLESALE BUSTNESA MERCHANTS AND grhErd, Who buy goods by the plea° ot.pneitage, WILL FIND IT to their ADYA*Priiii TO GIVE US A CALL General Ansarnnent of GOODS'; suet, as WIT 000D13, BOOTS dr, SHOES, lIATS & CAP TOBACCO, SEGARS, .ittlmam, tes.a.i.eni,r NOTIONS, &0., .43;04 led WE WILL SELL 'GOOll5d PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRia4 A. B. CIINNINGUAM & co liuntlngdon, Mitt 0,1861. HOUSEXEEPEI2B; ATTENTION You all want a CLOTHES WHINGES; order to get through your washing earlier, spare your strength and at thwarts timosrons enough in the wear of elsAlems.. by using a Wringer, to pay for It la six month'', at present price of cotton, 'Wringers that blite taken.the VRERIOM OVER Ay. OV/TERR in tha market, for sale at the Hardware Stele of Fe 31864 JADES A. DISOWN. WM. MANN'S AXES, at old prices, at the Hardware store of JAB. A .41110141 i. Huntingdon, 1e10,61 BILL HEAD.% NEW CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED IL RODIA.N''6 THE SUBSCRIBERS WE KEEP E 'I'IIB LOIN'ItBT