The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 18, 1864, Image 1

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Report of the Committee on the
Conduct of the War
WASIUNGTON, May s.—The follow
ing report was made in both Houses
The Joint Committee on the Con•
duct and Expenditures of the War, to
whom was referred a resolution of
Congress instructing them to investi
gate the late massacre at Port Pillow,
designated two members of the com
mittee, Messrs. Wade and Gooch, to
proceed forthwith to such places as
they might deem noceSsary and take
testimony. The sub committee, hav
ing discharged that duty, returned to
this city, and submitted to the joint
committee, a report with accompany
ing papers and testimony. The re
port was read and adopted by the poin
t-nate°, whose chairman was instructed
to submit the same, with the testimo
ny, to the Senate, and a* that the
same be printed
Messrs. Wade and Gooch, the sub
committee appointed by the joint com
mittee on the Conduct and Expendi
tures of the War, with instructions to
proceed to such points as they Might
deem - .necessary for the purpose of ta
king testimony in regard to the mas
sacre at Fort,Pillow, subinittea the
following report-to the Joint Commit
tee, together with accompanying tes
timony and papers
In oteadienee to the instructions of
the Joint Committee, adopted on the
18th ult., your committee left Wash
ington on the morning of the 19th, ta
king with them the stenographer of
this cotatnittee, and proceeded to Cairo
and Mound City, Illinois; Columbus,
Kentucky. and Fort Pillow and Mein
phis, Tennessee, at each of which pla
ces they proceeded to take testimony.
Although your committee were in
slimmed to inquire only in reference
to the attack ; capture, and massacre
at Fort Pillow, they have deemed it
proper to take some testimony in ref:-
erence to the operations of Forrest and
his command immediately preceding
and subsequent to that horrible massa
cre. It, will appear froM the testimony
thus taken that, the atrocities commit
ted at Fort Pillow were not the result
of passions excited by the heat of' con
filet, but were the result of a policY
deliberately decided upon and unhesi
tatingly atitiouticed. Even if the un
certainty of the fate of these officers
and men belonging to colored- regi
ments who have heretaire been taken
prisoners by the tebeis, has failed to
convince the authorities of our Gov
ernment of the fact, the testimony
herewith submitted must convinee even
the most skeptical that h is the Mimi
tion of the rebel authorities not to re
cognize the offil:Cvs :Ilia men of our co
bored regiMents as entitled to the
treatment accorded by all civilized
actions to prisoners of war. The do
clarations of Forrest and his officers,
both before and after capture of' Fort
Pillow, as testified to by such of our
men as have escaped after having been
taken by him, the threats contained in
the various demands for surrender
made at Paducah, Columbus,_ and oth
er places, the renewal of the massacre
the morning after the capture of Fort
Pillow, the statement made by the re
bel officers to the officers of our gun.
boats who received the few survivors
at Fort Pillow, all this proves most
conclusively - the policy they have de
termined to adopt.
The first operations of any import
ance was the attack upon Union city,
Tennessee, by a portion of Forrest's
command. The attack was made on
the 29th of March. The post was oc
cupied by a force of about 500 men,
under Colonel Hawkins, of the 11th
Tennessee Union Cavalry. The at
tacking force was superior in numbers,
but was-repulsed several times by our
own fortes. For the particulars of
the attack and the circumstances at
tending the surrender your committee
would refer to the testimony submit
ted. They would state, however, that
it would appear 'from the testimony,
the surrender• was opposed by nearly,
if not quite all, the officers of Colonel
Hawkillti' C,mmand Your committee
think the circumstances connceted
with the surrender are such that they
demand the most searching investiga
tion by the military authorities, as at
the time of the surrender but one man
on our side had been injured.
On the 25th of March the enemy,
under the rebel Generals Forrest, Bu
ford, Harris, and Thompson, estimated
at over 6,000 men, made an attack on
Paducah, Kentucky, which post was
peeupied by Col. S G Hicks, 40th
Regiment, with 655 men. Our forces
retired into Fort Anderson, and there
made their stand, assisted by some
gunboats belonging to the command
of Captain Shirk, of the navy, success
fully repulsing-the enemy. Failing to
make any impression upon our foreas,
Forrest then demanded an uncondi
tional surrender, closing his communi
cation to Colonel Hicks in these words:
"If you surrender you shall be treated
us prisoners of tear; but if I have to
s t or m your works you may expect no
quarter." This demand and threat
was met by a refusal on the part of
Colonel Hicks to sill render, lie stating
that be bad been placed there by his
Government to defend that post, an d
'he should do so The -rebels made
three other assaults that same day,
but were repulsed with heavy loss
each time, the. rebel General Thomson
beina , killed in the but assault. The
.$1 60
~ l
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor,
enemy retired next clay, having suffer
ed a loss estimated at 1,000 to 1200
Ivounded. The loss on our side was
14 killed and 46 Wounded.
The operations of the enemy at ,Pa
ducah were charactevied by the same
bad flail and treachery that seem to
have become the settled policy of For
rest and his command. The flag of
truce was taken advantage of there as
elsewhere to secure desirable positions,
which the rebels were unable to obtain
by fair and honorable means, and also
to afford opportunities for plundering
private stores as well as Government
At Paducah too rebels were guilty
of acts more cowardly, if possible, than
any they have practised elsewhere.—
When the attack was made the officers
of the forts and of the glinboats advis
ed the women and children to go down
to the river for the purpose of being
taken across the river out of danger.
As they were leaving the town for
that purpose, the rebel sharpshooters
mingled with them, and, shielded by
their presence, advanced and fired up
on. the gunboats, wounding some of
our officers and men. Our force§ could
not return the fire without endanger
ing the lives of the women and childreh
The rebels also placed women in
front of their lines as they moved on
the fort or wore proceeding to take po
sitions, while the flag of truce was at
the fort, in order to compel our men
to withhold their fire out of regard fir
the women, who were made use of in
this most cowardly manner. For more
full details of the attack and treacher
ous and cowardly practices of the reb
els there, 3 - our vmmittee refer Id the
testimony herewith submitted. On
the 13th day of April, the day after
the capture of Fort Pillow, the rebel
General Buford appeared before Col
umbus, Kentucky, and demanded its
unconditional surrender.
He coupled with that demand a
threat that, if the place was not sur
rendered, and he should be Compelled
to attack it, no quarter whatever sh'ld
be shown to the negro troops. To
this Colonel Lawrenco replied that a
surrender was out of the question, as
he had been placed there by his Gov.
ernment to hold and defend the place
and should do so. No attack was
made, but the enemy retired, having
taken advantage of the flag of truce to
take some horses of Union' citizens
which had been brought in there for
It was at Fort, Pillow, however, that
the brutality and Cruelty of the rebels
Were most fearfully exhibited. The
garrison there, according to the last
returns received at headquarters, am
ounted' to 19 officers and 538 enlisted
men, of whom 262 men were colored
troops, comprising one battalion of the
6th United States Heavy Artillery,
formerly the Ist Alabama Artillery of
colored troops, under the command of
Major L F Booth; ono section of the
2d United States Light Artillery (col
ored), and one battalion of the 13th
Teems-co Cavalry (white), command
ed by Major WI? Bradford. Major
Booth was the ranking officer, and
was in command of the fort.
On Monday, the 12th of' April, the
anniversary of the attack on Fort
Sumpter, in 1801, the pickets of the
garrison were driven in just before
sunrise, that being the first intimation
our forces then had of any intention
on the part of the enemy to attack
that place. Fighting soon became
general, and about nine o'clock Major
Er tdtbrd succeeded to the command,
and withdrew all the forces within the
They bad previously occupied some
entrenchments at some distance from
the fbrt, and farther from the river.—
This fort was situated on a high bluff,
which descended precipitately to the
river's edge, the ridge of the bluff on
tue river side being covered with
trees, bushes, and filllen timber. Ex
tending back from the river on either
side of the fort was a ravine or hollow,
the one below the fort containing seve
ral private stores and some dwellings,
constituting what was called the town.
At the month of that ravine and on
the river bunk were some Govern
ment bindings containing commissary
The ravine above the fort was known
as Cold Bunk Ravine, the ridge being
covered with trees and bushes to the
right or below, and a little to the front
of the fort was a level piece of ground,
not (alto so elevated as the fbrt itself;
on which had been erected some log
huts or shanties, which were occupied
by the white troops, and also used for
hospital and other purposes. Within
the lint twits had been erected, with
board floors, for the use of the colored
troops. There were six pieces of ar
tillery in the fort, consisting of two 0-
pounders, two 12-pounder howitzers,
and two 10 pounder Parrotts.
The rebels continued their attack,
but up to two or three o'clock in the
afternoon they had not gained any de
cisive success. Our troops, both white
and black, fought most bravely: and
were in good spirits. The gunboat
:Number 7—New Era, Capt Marshall.
took part in the conflict, shelling the
enemy as opportunity afforded.
Signals had been agreed upon by
which the officers in the fort could in
dicate where the guns of the hunt e'ld
be most effective. There being hut
one gunboat there no permanent im
pression appears to have beet produc
ed upon the enemy, for as they were
shelled out of one ravine they mould
make their appearance in the other.
They would thus appear and retire as
the gunboat moved from one point to
About one o'clock the fire on both
sides slackened somewhat, and the gun
boat moved out in the river to clean
end cool the guns, having tired 282
rounds ashen, shrapnel, and canister,
which nearly exhausted the enpply of
I ammunition, The rebels having thus
far failed in their attack, resorted to
their customary flags of truce. The
first flag conveyed a demand from
Forrest for the unconditional surren
der of the fort. To this Major Wad
ford replied, asking to be allowed an
hour to consult with his officers and
the officers of the gunboat.
In a short time a second flag of
truce appeared with a communication
from Forrest. He would allow Major
BradfOrd twenty minutes in whibb to
move his troops out of the fort, and if
it, was not done in that time, an as
sault would be ordered. To this Maj
Br/Rib:AA replied that he would not
surrender. During the time these
flags of truce were flying, the rebels
were moving down the ravines and ta
king positions, from which the more
readily to charge upon the fort.
ties of them were also engaged in plun
dering the Government buildings and
commissary and quartermaster's stores
in full view of the gunboat.
Captain Marshall,, states that he re
frained froth firing upon the rebels, al
though they' were thus violating the
flag of truce, for fear, sb'uld they
nally succeed in capturing, they would
justify any atrocities they might corn
mit by saying they were in retaliation
for his firing while the flag of truce
was flying. lie says, however, that
when he saw the rel els coming down
the ravine above the fort, and taking
positions there, he got under way and
stood for the fbrt. Ho determined to
use what little ammunition he had
left in shelling him out of the ravine.
but he did not get up within effective
range before the final assault Ni 7 As made
Immediately after the second flag of
truce retired, the rebels made a rush
frorri the positions they had so treach
erously gained, and obtained the pos
session of the fort, raising the cry of
no quarter. But little opportunity_
was allowed for resistance, Our troops
black and white, threw down their
arms, and sought to escape by running
down the steep bluff near the fort, and
secreting themselves behind trees and
logs, in the bushes, and under the
brush, some oven jumping in to the riv
er, leaving only their heads above the
water as they crouched down under
the bank.
Then followed a scene of cruelty and
murder without parallel in eiviliz2d
war, which needed but the tomahawk
and igealpiiig knife to exceed the worst
atrocities ever committed by savages.
The rebels commenced an indiscrimin
ate slaughter, sparing neither age nor
"sex, white or black, soldier or civilian. '
The officers and moil seemed to vie
with each other in the devilish work.
Men, women, and even chili-en, wher•
ever - Pnel, were delihr rately shot
down, beaten, and hacked with iiJl.:',s '
Some of the children, not more than
ten years old, were forced to stand up
and face their mothers while being
The sick and wounded were butch
ered without mercy, the rebels even
entering the hospital buildings, and
dragging them out to be shot. or killing
them us they lay there unable to offer
the least'resistaneo. All over the hill
side the work of murder was going on.
Numbers of our men were gathered
together in lines or groups and delib
erately shot. Some were shot whiLi
in the river, while others on the bank
were shot and their bodies kicked into
the water, many of theta still living,
but unable to make any exertion to
save themselves from drowning. Some
of the rebels stood upon the top of the
hill, or a short distance down its side,
and called to our soldiers to come up
to them, and as they approached shot
them down in cold bleed; if their guns
or pistols missed fire, forcing them to
stand there until they were again pro
pared to fire. All around were heard
cries of "No quarter, no quarter ;"
-Kill the d—d loggers;" "Shoot them
down." All who asked for mercy
were answered by the most cruel
taunts and sneers. Some were spared
for a time only to be murdered under
eireumstanees of greater cruelty. No
cruelty which the most fiendish malig
nity could devise' was omitted by these
murderers. One white soluier, who
was. wolinded in the leg so as to be
unable to walk was made to stand up
while his tormentors shot him. Oth
ere who were wounded and unable to
stand tip were held up and again shot.
Ono negro who had been ordered by a
rebel officer to hold his horse was-kil
led by him when ho remonstrated.
Another, a mere child, whom an of
coy had taken up behind him on his
horse, was seen by Chalmers, who at
once ordered the officer to put him
down and shoot him, which was done.
The huts and tents in which many of
dm wounded had sought shelter, were
set on tire both that night and the next
i mornine., while the wounded were still
in them, those only escaping who were
able to get themselves out, ' or who
could prevail on others less injured
than themselves to help them out, and
even some of dial) thus seeking to es
cape the flames were met by these ruf
fians and brutally shot down. or had
their brains beaten out. due man
was deliberately litstened down to the
floor at a tent, face upwards, by
means of nails driVen through his (do
thing - and into the boards tinder him
so that he could not possibly escape,
and then tile tent set on fire. Anodi
c»r was nailed to the side of a building
outside of the tort, and then the buil
ding set ou fire arid burned. Th e I
chaired remains of five or six bodies'
were afterwards found, all but ono so
inueh disfigured and consumed by the
flames that they could net be identi•
lied, and the identification of that One
is not absolutely certain, although
there can hardly be a dmbt that it
was the body of Lieutenant Aker
strom, quartermaster of the 13th Vir
ginia Cavell y, and a native Tennessee'
an. Several witnesses who saw the
remains, and who were personally ac
quainted /tall him while living hero,
testified that it is their firm lielief that
it was his body that was thus treated.
These deeds of murder and cruelty
closed when night came on, only to
be renewed thenex. t
morning, when
the demons caret ully sought among
the dead lying about in all directions
fbr any other- wounded yet alive, and
those they killed. Scores of the dead
and %rounded were fotind there the
day of the massacre by The men from
some of our gunboats, who Were per
mitted to go on shorn and collect the
wounded and bury the dead. The re
bels themselves had made a pretence
of burying a great many of their vic
tims, but they had merely throWn
theM, Without the least regard to care
or decency,' into the trenches and
ditches about the fort, or the little hol
lows and ravines on the hillside, cov
ering them but partially with earth.
Portions of heads and faces, hands and
root, were found protruding thretigh
the earth in every direction over-arid
even Where your committee visited the
spot two weeks afterwards, although
parties of men had been tent on shore
from time to time to bury the bodies
unburied, and rebury the others, and
were even then engaged in the same
stork. We found the evidences of
this murder and cruelty still inure
painfully. We saw bodies still unbur
ied, at some distance from the fort, of
Setae Sick men, who had been fleeing
from the hospital, and beaten down
and brutally murdered, and their bod
ies left where they had fallen. We
could still see the faces, and hands,
and'reet of men, white and black, pro
truding out of tire groUnd, whose
graves had not been reached by those
engaged in reinterring the- victims of
the massacre, and although a great
deal of rain had fallen within the Pre
ceding two Weeks, the ground, more
especially on the side at the foot of the
bluff where the most of the murders
had been committed, Was still discolor
ed by the blood of our brave but unfor
tunate men, and the logs and trees
showed but too plainly the evidences
of the atrocities perpetrated there.
Many other instances of equally atro
cious cruelty might be- enumerated,
but your committee feel compelled to
refrain from giving here more of the
heart sickening details, and refer to
the statements contained in the vo,
luminous testimony herewith submit
fed. Those statements were obtained
by thew from e;.e witnesses and suf
ferers. *Many (Ng theM, as they were
examined by your committee, were
lying upon beds of pain and suffering;
some so feeble that their lips could
with difficulty frame the words by
which they endeavored to convey
seine idea of the cruelty which . had
been inflicted on them, and which
they bad seen inflicted on others. In
reference to the ffite of Major Brad
lbw', who was in command of the fort
when it was captured, and who had,
up to that time, : received no injury,
there seems to be no doubt. The gen
eral understanding everywhere seem
ed to be thttt ho bed been brutally
murdered the day atter he was taken
prisoner. _How many of our troops
thus fell victims to the malignity and
barbarity of Forrest and his followers
cannot yet be definitely ascertained.
Two officers belonging to the garrison
were absent at the time of the capture
and massacre. Of the remaining offi
cers but two are known to be living,
and they are wounded, and now in
the hospital' at Mound City. One of
them (Capt. Porter) may even now be,
dead, as the surgeons, when your cent
mitten were there, expressed no hope
of his recovery. Of the men, from
three hundred to four hundred are
known to have been killed at Fort
Pillow, of whom at least 300 were
murdered in cold blood, after the fort '
was in possession of the rebels, and
our men had thrown down their arms
and ceased to offer resistance. Of the
survivors, except the wounded in the
hospital, at Mound City, and the few
who succeeded in making their escape
unhurt, nothing definite is known, and
it is to be feared that many have, keen
murdered after being taken away
from the fort. When your committee
arrived at Memphis, Tenn., they lon n d
and examined a man (Mr. )leLogan)
who had-been conscripted by some of
Forrest's forces, but who, with other
conscripts, had succeeded in making
his escape. lie testifies that while
two companies of rebel troops, with.
Major Bradford and many other pris
oners, wore on their march from
Brownsville and Jackson, Tenn., Ma
jor Bradford was taken by five rebels,
and en officer,. led about fifty yards
from the lino of' march, and clobber
ately murdered in view of all those as
' sembled. Ile fell, killed instantly by
three musket balls, and while asking
that his life might be spared, as he
had fought them manfully, and was
deserving of a better fate. The mo
tive for the murder of Major Bradford
seems to have been the simple ffiet
that, although a native of the South,
he remained loyal to his Government.
The testimony herewith submitted
contains many statements made by
the rebels that they did not intend to
treat "home•made Yankees," as they
termed loyal Southerners,Any better
than negro troops.
There is ono circumstance connect
ed with the events herein narrated
which your committee cannot permit
to pass unnoticed. Tho testimony
herewith submitted discloses this most
astounding and shameful fact: On
the morning . of the day succeeding
the capture of Port Pillow, the gun
boat Silver Cloud (No. 28,) the trans
port Platto Valley, and the gunboat
New Era, (No. 7,) landed at Port Pil
low, under flag of truce, for the pur
pose of relieving the few wounded
there and burying the dead. While
they were lying there, the rebel Gen-
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I oral Chalmers and other rebel officers
came down to the landing, and germ),
of them wont on the boats. Notwith
standing the evidences of rebel atroci
ty and barbarity with which the
ground was covered, there were dome
of our army officers on board the
Platte Valley so lost to every feeling
1 of decency, horror, and self respect, as
to make themSclves disgracefully con
spicuous in bestowing civilities and at
tention upon the rebel officers, even
while they were be:feting of the mur
ders they had there committed. Your
committee were unable to ascertain
the names of the officers who hare
thuS inflicted so foul a staid upon the
honor of our army. They are assured
however, by the military authorities
that every effort will be made to as
certain their names, and bring them
to the punishment they so richly de
serve. In relation to the reinforce
ment or evacuation of Fort Pillow, it
would appear that the troops there
stationed were withdrawn on the 25th
of January last, in order to aecompa 7
.ny the Iferidian expedition under
Gen. Sherman.
Gen. Hurlbutt testifies that he nev
er received any instructions to,perma
nently vacate the post, and deeming
it impotant to openpy it, so that the
rebels should not interrupt the navi
gation of the Mississippi by planting
artillery there, ho sent some troops
there about the middle of February,
increasing their number afterwards
until the garrison amounted nearly
000 men. He also states that, as soon
as he learned that the place was at
tacked, he immediately took measures
to send reinforcements from Memphis
and they were actually embarking
when he received information of the
capture of the fort.
Your committee cannot close this
report without expressing their obli
gations to the officers of the. army and
many with whom they were brought
in contact for the assistance they ren
dered. It is true-your committee were
furnished by the Secretary of War
with the fullest authority to call upon
any ono in the army for such services
as they might require to enable them
to make the investigation devolved
upon them by Congress. But they
found that no such authority was nee•
fled. The army and navy . officers at
every point they visited evinced a de
sire to aid the committee in every way
in their power; and all expressed the
highest satisfaction that Congress had
so promptly taken steps to ascertain
the facts connected with this fearful
and bloody trausaction, and the hope
that the investigation would lead to
prompt and decis:ve measures on the
part of the Government. Your com
mittee would mention more particu
larly the names of General Mason
Brayman, midtary 'commandant at.
Cairo; Captain J. H. Dollin, his chief
of staff ; Captain A. M. Pennock-, U. S.
Navy, fleet captain of Mississippi
squadron; Captain James W. Shirk,
U. S. Navy, commanding Seventh dis
trict Mississippi Squadron; Sergeant
Horace Warner, in charge of Mound
City General Hospital; Captain Thos.
M. Farrel, United States Navy,
command of gunboat Hastings, fur
nished by Captain Pennock to convey
the committee to Fort Pillow and
Memphis; Captain Thomas Mattison,
naval commandant at Memphis; Gen.
C. C. Washburne, and the officers of
their commands, as among those to
whom they are indebted for assistance
and attention.
All of which is respectfully submit
Adopted by the committee as their
B. F. WADE, Chairman.
A. W. Benedict, Esq.
Previous to the hour of adjournment
on Thursday the sth inst. Mr. Burger,
presented the following resolution:
Resolved, That the members of this
House tender to the Chief Clerk, A. W.
BENEDICT, Esq., their grateful thanks
for his filithful discharge of the oner
ous duties devolving on him during
our protracted session.
The resolution was unanimously
Mr. BARGEIt. then, on behalf of
the Democratic members of the House,
presented to Mr. BENEDICT a gold-head
ed cane.
Mr. BARGER said: Mr. Speaker, -I
am charged by my friends on this side
with the discharge of a very pleasant
duty—a duty which I assume with
cheerfulness, because it affords me the
opportunity to pay a proper tribute to
a faithful officer and a gentleman. I
am directed by the gentlemen upon
this side of the House to present to the
Chief Clerk this small testimonial of
their regard for him, their appreciation
and their estimation of the fitithful
manner in which he has discharged
his duties as Clerk of this House. I
think—nay, I know, that I echo the
feelings of all upon this side of the
house when I say that they fully and
entirely appreoiato tho faithful man•
ner in which the retiring . Clerk has
discharged the duties of his position,
For myself, I may be permitted to say
that I join in this testimonial with
the heartiest cordiality. I became
acquainted with 1111. Benedict last year
when both be and I sat upon this
floor as members of the house. He
then, it is true, bore toward me the
relation of a political opponent, but
independently of that, he exibitod the
social qualities of a kind and courte
ous gentleman. Time and again have
I applied to him fin• assistance; time'
mid again has hocheerfully acceded
it, as would a father to a son.
Mr Speaker, in receiving this testi
monial, lot him remember that it Ntr
ries with it the kind feelings aryl the
TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance.
good wishes of the donors; and, in af
ter years, when passing down the de
clining vale, and when looking at this
gift, clustering as it is with the good
feelings of those who present it, I bid
him recollect that, although they were
politically opposed to him,
yet-by his
kindness of manners and his able dis
charge of his duties, he won' the united
esteem of all members of this body.
Mr. BENEDICT, in receiving the
testimonial, said : This evidence of
your kindness and confidence, this as
surance that you have been satisfied
with the execution of the important
and responsible trust committed to
my charge, flatters and overwhelms
tne. In the turmoil and strife of life,
when worn with its cares and toils.
we gladly and gratefully turn to the
warm greetings and welcome plaudits
of friends. The strain upon the men
tal and physical energies is relieved by
the soothing touch and influence of
the dear ones we love. I can now
feel and appreciate. how delightful is
that kindness ministered by those up
on whose kindness I have no claim.
Self opinionated obstinancy often
separates those who ought to be ever
friends. Among all the surroundings
of life, no so mischievous, no so male
volent spirit is found as the demon of
polities—not the honest differences of
honest men—not that philosophy of
investigation which leads differently
organized minds in opposite directions.
Those are but separate paths which
active inquiry finds and. follows in its
search for truth, but that other spirit
which assumes and asserts its empire
only in partizan struggles for place
or power—that spirit which cannot see
its own, yet prates of the faults and
frailties of those whom it assails. We
should get nearer to each other, and,
speak not what we hear, but what we
know, tempering our tongues only
with truth and fairness. As years
and the afflictions of bavo
whitened my locks and sobered the hot
impulses of my heart, they have
graven these convictions firmly up
on it.
The paitiality and kindness of per
sonal and political friends called me to
the duties of this desk; your approval
and endorsement cheers and gladdens
me as I retire from its active labors. I
stand to•day in the presence of you all,
and in the presence of Him who swell
eth the heart, and I have a right to say
that I have to do my whole duty. No
difference of opinion, no attachment
or prejudice has turned me from my
purpose. I felt the poet's wisdom
when he wrote--
"To thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day.
Thou can'st not then he false to any man
May I not accept this kind gift in
the spirit that gave it?
We shall soon part. In this day,
when the shock and the calamities of
war produce wonderful transitions, we
cannot foretell what lies in the future.
For myself, of the members of this
session, I can say—
"Let fate do her worst, there are tn,,ments
of joy—
Bright glesms front the past she cannot de
Your kindness I shall remember
while I live : and I believe a part of
the joys of that pleasant land which
lies beyond the lights and shadows of
life will be the recollection of those
scenes of life when, rising above the
grosser passions of the creature, we
have given and received tokens of our
better manhood.
Again, I accept your gift. As its
beautiful form and' finish support the
outer man, so, I trust, the remora
branco of this hour will support my
inner man with the reflection that I
have fulfilled the duties of a high trust,
and intentionally given no one cause
of censure or complaint. •
Headquarters 3d Brig., 4th Diu:,
sth A. C., April 26, 1864.
DEAR GLOBE:—The reorganization
of this army having taken place, the
Ist corps is among the things -that
were. Its three divisions were reduc
ed to two, by dividing the third be
tween the first and second. The Buck
tail brigade was incorporated with the
first division, which is now counted as
the fourth division of the sth corps.—
The badge of the old organization is
retained—a salvo to the wounded pride
of the men, who do not see the demo
lition of the proud old fabric without
some repinings. I do not think the
old organization will ever be rainsta
Led ; but while the history of this war
remains, the name of the First army
corps must survive.
The old third division being broken
up, its hoSpital was no longer needed,
and it too, passed away, thus sharing
the unhappy fate of many of its for
mer denizens. The patients were re
moved, the supplies transferred, the
employees ordered to report to .their
commands, and your ,correspondent,
with a huge bump on his track, took
up hie line of march, single fide; for Co
I. I promised to write you a letter
containing some interesting revels-.
thins; that I must now forego; for, in
that solitary march, I left the facts and
their evidence behind me.
I am almost ready uow to question
the existence of public virtue, so far
as it could be developed in official in-
tegrity. The prirciplo that it is hon• .
orable to "gouge" the Government
whenever an opportunity Offers: seems
to be acted upon, if not avowed, •al- •
most universally. Not that the men
who do so tire rascals,—by no moans;
they are "all honorable men." They
hold in utter detestation such scoun
drelly individuals-as have been detected
in purloining from the-public treasury,
and brought to public disgrace. They
think the conduct of such, very outra
geous, and fortify therussiveS anew
against their fatal error- -.the error of
exposing themselves to doteetien,
r 1; 1 -1M 0-2_1033M
jOB . or-nmr-e
the most complete °rimy In the country, and pus
seam the moat ample facilities for promptly executing(
the be4l. style, every variety of Job Printiog, such as .
LABELS, 'ac.C., 3
NO. 47,
_ _
The brigade of which our regiment
forms part, now includes five regi
ments, all Pennsylvanian, as follows :
121st, 142 d, 143 d, 149th, and 150th.—
All these entered the service during
the summer and fall of 1862. The
-143d and 149th are now stronger by
far than when they first crossed the
Potomac, having been largely recruit
ed. The other regiments are small.—
The whole brigade numbers about hundred effective men ;
thoroughly equipped, and ready to.
March at an hour's warning.
The brigade in encamped not more.
than a mile to the south of Culpeper.
The face of the country is composed
of hills very close together with steep
declivities, and with deep ravines be
tween them. Either the ravines are
deep, or the hills are high: On last
Sunday, Major . General Warren vas
seen walking round over the hills; •
pointing out suridrly lines to General
Wadsworth, who was with him, which
lines wore immediately marked by
stakes driven into the ground. It was
highly suggestive to see the General
jogging along with the men coming
after, one with an axe, and another
with a bundle of stakes. Gen. Warren
wore no arms except a club which ho
kept pointing hither and thither, talk
ing rapidly all the while to Gen Wade
worth, who in his full harness and
stately carriage would have been se,
lected at once by a stranger as the su
perior officer, beside the loosely dress
ed, free and easy Warren„
The same evening five hundred men
were detailed to report for fatigue dq
ty on Monday morning, and now,
these hills are crested with a formida
ble array of earthworks. Why they'
are constructed the General hat not
seen fit to inform me, and lam there
fore unable to say whether they are
to serve as real defenc4 or as blinds.
The doughty Lee can: inspect theta
with perfect facility from Isis pFesept
' position. J. a: 11,-
Song for a . creaking folding
door--'oh, had we some sweet little
ile of our own.'
Nrem,-;,,\ rl4l.. irto
v‘i •
Ital.t. - Iv • • "*.v,
ty„ 'V
'A M tel gli Si VII • r 8
r 5 t3 t. sgl STATION 2. g O l 4 1 g
,:, .
N m cl g ~.
,1 p-
c- ° I 4 P:. g. a
. 59 r , I ' 4 , v .
.84 r. M. I I.M 9. 8. P . M. L. 111.1 P. id
.. i
17 IN. Hamilton, ...... 143
25 ........,' 6 30511. Union,— 11 26 9 45 1 25
35 ...... Mapleton 1 25
43 ...... 51111 Creek,— 9 31 I'lB
59 7 40 i 56 007 Huntingdon, 11. 01 9 21 101
15 ...... ... . 6 21 , Petershurg,... 10 47 907 1212
23i Barren l2 14
31 610 Sproceereels, 10 85 8 65 12 38
49 Birmingham " 12 25
61 700 Tyrone, 'lOl3 8 31 11 - 13
08 710 Tipton -. ' • 12 06
14 !Fostoria, 12'00
19 ....., 7 20 11.414 Mills,- 9 ES, 8 14 11 16
40 8 55 8 '23j 7 40!Alwana,..—. 0 4a, 8 00,1140
.11. P. bt. A. ELI 41.41.1 P. ALI A. M. I A. K.
The FAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at 1 20 A,
IL. and arrives at Huntingdon at 2 37 A. M. -•
The EMIGRANT TRAIN Westward leaves N. Handl.
tan at 10 28 A. Al. and arrives at Hunting-on, 11 25 A M.
NJ' Nora, nod —Notth•Weat for i'intamstriu,
Src„ th.o.
Trains leave Naaarenaaa. rot Pinunavaan, Nor-Yol.ll,
READING, POTTSVILLE, sad all Interrabdlate Stations, at
A. U,, and 2.00 P. M. •
NEIT-YoRG Express lowa ThawTrainta it 3.00 A, 51„ an.
riving at NZIT.I64IE at 10,15 Cho tame mornlog.
Fares from HARRISBURG : TO Now-Ye/az, $5 15; to Pan.
ADELXmA, $5 115 nod $2 80. Baggage chutked thtatigh.
Returning. leavu Ilzw.lroart at ,13 A: 51, 12 Ninun, Htid 7
P. 31., (PITTSBURGH ExpREBS airtelng at Itiiamiato "at
2A. M.) Leave PLULADELPILIA at 8.15 A. 51., and 3.30 P. 51
- • - •
Sleeping care In the Ngw•Yoitg. EXPattikTatldil, through
to and fropa - PirrarditiCl without change.
Pasgengere by the CSTAWIasa Rail Road leitve Tau.
AQUA at 8.50 A. tor PHILADELPAIA and all Interme
diate Stational and at 2.15 fcir PilltdDELPatt, Mw-
Yana. and all Way Pointe. • •
iralne leave POTTHITLLS at 9.15 A. ist., and 2.305'.51,, for
Nia.anzt.VMA, Itllmisztrtuf and Raw-Yoga. • •
- An Acoommodatlon Parranger Train loaves Ritilql4o . ,at
9.90 A. 51., and returns from Plittleartazda. at 'OP P. a t.
.t All the above trains ran daily, Sundays ozooptad
A Sunday train leaves PoTrairras at 7.30 A. ar.. and
ComMCISTIoN, MlLrAns, SZ.Qoo, and EXCMieloit Tice
t reduced rates to and from all points. ' •
80 puunda Itiggage allowed each PAesenger.• • . •
General Superintendent
i3PFtING AND 817AdrdDrti
For eentlemeee Clothing of the heattesteriel, aa4 444
a the Wt. workwattlito taselter, 0011 se
i. 11.011 IA N.' 8:
emotes the prgauui Mails Biusie, Beating.
don. Ps. • • . .
Ituntlogdeo, April 21'64:
Which he offers to all who Avant to be
Itln Etork consists of Aesdy•mada Clothing for
Should gentlemen licelre tiny particular kind or int or
clothing not round in the stock on hood, by leaving their
menenro they can be aCCOMMOdItted at short notice.
Call at the cast corner of the Diamond, over Long's
linntincloti, rill 21'61,
. . .