Et .t HUNTINGDON, PA, Wednesday morning, April 27, 1864. LOCAL & PERSONAL 'UNION COUNTY CONVENTION. The Voters of Huntingdon county in favor 'of sustaining the Administra tion in its efforts to put down the re . bellion inaugurated by Southern trai "tors, and opposed to Secession, its ad , vsteates and apologists _North or South, are 'requested to meet in their respec tive boroughs and townships, on. Sat urday; the 30th April next, at the usu al places and times, and elect two del egates to represent them in a County Convention, to bo held in Huntingdon cm WEDNESDAY the 4th of May, to elect Delegates to represent this Con gressionat District in the National Union Convention to be held in Bal timore on'the 7th of June. W5l. MOORE, Chairman of Co. Cont. April 25th 1864. ttebels Captured. On Saturday last a party of rebels entered this place, for what purpose is unknown ,to us. -Two of the number were arrested and lodged in jail, to await further disposition ; the remain der made their escape, to be arrested, we hope, in some other locality. We do not deem it safe policy to allow re bels, who profess . to be deserters, to travel at large through the country , especially at this time, when move ments of a raiding character are on foot. It is best to be sure that such men are deserters seeking work and protection from the North, and even then to watch their actions with scru tiny. We commend our officers for their promptness in arresting these ray-so "runaways." 'rho Draft. For the information of our readers, in general,_but more particularly for the "itchy" ones, we will state that the draft, which always is to be, and yet is not, has again been postponed till the Ist of June. This is undoubt edly the last postponement, and the last chance for those who have any dread of being snatched by the 'tongs' to voluntarily shoulder the musket. There is new, we may say, but one alternative; to take 468 dollar§ and a surplus in bounty money, for three years' service, or to pay 300 dollars in a moment from a hard-earned sum. The New ..Tins.l) There.will soon be an abundant sup ply, it is hoped, of pennies, to meet all demands for this necessity small change. ; The _present_ small nickel cent weighs 72 grains, and contains eighty per cent. of copper and twelve of nickel. Tho new cent will weigh only 48 grains, and will consist of 90 five per cent. of copper and five per cent. of tin. Now 2'cent pieces of the size of a silver quarter, containing loss nickel, than the present one cent coin, and abundance of copper, with five parts of tin, aro soon, it is believed, to receive the sanction. of Congress and bo issued for circulation. Insturned to his Moine Joseph Moore, lately convicted in the Cambria court of murder in the second degree for the shooting of Jor dan .Marbourg, and sentenced to six years confinement in the Penitentiary, having been pardoned by the Gover nor, returned to his home in Johns town, last week. As soon as he can secure a divorce from his now desert. ed wife, and make a satisfactory dispo sition of his property, he will leave Johnstown, and, it is said, with his son, cuter the army. Trial of Peter Kinney. TheTtrialof Pnter Kinney for the murder of bis wife, took place this April court, and continued a week.— The ease was interesting, and the tri al, in our opinion, full and impartial. raving been found guilty of murder in the second degree, he was sentenced to eight years.confinement in the wes torn Penitentiary, whence ho was to ken by Sheriff Johnston.. =I Court adjourned en Wednesday last till the second week in August.— The trials on band this Court brought a - considerable crowd to town. We are thankful for the favor and patron age,shown toward us by our friends. ,SuCh patronage we earnestly solicit for every Court. • •pring. We now believe that spring is fair ly on her way, and that ye tillers of the soil need not fear for any strayed wintry blast to come o'er the main to desolate the fruits of their -labor, nor destroy the seed and plant now entrusted to the care of Mother Earth. If you do have any such fear for the results we advise you not to mope over such an idea, but prepare for the worst as Weh for the best. A Model Improvement If our - business men wish a good and beautiful model for an awning to adorn their dwelling and increase at traction to their store, just call and take a peep at the one now gracing Our establishment, at the north-west corner of the. Diamond. Wee sight, free pattern, and free action to do 4•. • • Preiehing in the German Reforrned Church Sunday evening next. "Slitter Is Alt. We are daily surprised to hear of the rapid and increasing rise in the price, of butter. -We cannot imagine what is the cause of it, nor can anyone else, except those who deal in the oily substance, and who wish . to make rao• ney (honestly, of course.) In this place it has ridea to thirty-4s° cents and in the cities is from forty to six ty cents, per pound. • If it continues 'to increase in price the community will cease spreading their bread, and. be more economical in the culinary use of the article ; then the speculators will, perhaps, repent. Anti•butter-eating societies will form, and the farthere who have formerly . made money by selling butter, Will then have but a "poor show." We hope all dealers in this article of consumption will take warning, and bo more reasonable in their prices, Claraeat While the weather continued favor able garden making was common in this place. Without taking into con, sidoration the value of the products of the garden, it is generally admitted that there is nothing so attractive as a well laid garden, the different vego. tables and plants in which, when-they have grown to blossoming maturity, display - life and beauty in every part. Horse -Rake Wo call attention to advertisement headed 'To Farmers,' in another col umn. dr The Broad Top road is doing a heavy local freight business. Stamp Duties As the validity of many instruments of writing depends upon the use of the proper Stamps, we call the attention of our readers to the la* with regard to a few of thorn. Promissory Notes A renewal requires the same stamp as the original. Notes payable in merchandise must be stamped. The parties must eati mate the value at the time the note is given. Promissory notes given for sums less than twenty dollars must be stamped. The twenty dollar exemption applies only to Inland Bills of Ex change, Drafts, and Orders for the payment of money. Promissory Notes, by tho act of March 3d, 1863, are defined to be, "Any memorandum, check, receipt, or written or printed evidence of an amount of money to be paid on demand, or at a - tine designated. t'rottilasary Notes made payable on demand, or a few'days after date; but given and re ceived with an understanding between the parties that paythent will not be required within the time specified, will be invalid and of no effect, unless stamped at the rate of 10 cents for every $2OO, or fractional part thereof. Articles of Agreement. For renting houses or lands must bo stamped as - leaseff. If for a shorter tarm /ban three years, a 60 cent stamp is sufficient. If for a longer term one dollar will be required. If a 'copy-is held by each party, both copies must be stamped. Clause of guarantee of payment of rent, incorporated or in dorsed, 5 cents additional Deeds The Stamp Tax is rogulated by' the actual value of the land conveyed. If less than $lOO a 5 cent stamp. If not over $5OO, a5O cent stamp. If over $5OO, and not over $l,OOO, a $1;00 stamp. If over $l,OOO, and not over $2,500, a $2.00 stamp. If over $2,500, and not over $5,000.a $5,00 stamp. Moitgages. Requires a 10 cent stamp for every $200,0r fractional part thereof. Notes or Bonds, secured by mortgage, if stamped at the rate of 10 cts : for every $2OO, or fractional part thereof, ex empts the mortgage from being stamp ed. If the mortgage is stamped, the notes need not be. But in either case,. it is necessary that . the stamps used represent the highest rate of duty required for said instruments, or either of them. Bonds Official Bonds require a 50 cent stamp. —Borough and Township Bonds a 10 'cent stamp for every $2OO, or fractional part thereof. Stamps for sale at Lewis book store. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR! For the Sanitary Commission, to be held in Philadelphia, in the first week of June next. Patuimpau. March, 12th, 1804 Restaurant Departinent. The co-operation of benevolent and patriotic citizens of Pennsylvania, New Jersey end Delaware, and elsewhere, Is Invited, In our efforts to make this more remunerative than any Fair that has preceded it. Those Fairs aro re. sorted to as practical means offered to every one to take part in a greet and humane work. Let no one, therefore, allow this opportunity to pass, of contributing something for the benefit of the National Soldier in tho field ; and though the gift may seem smell when alone, it soon be comes efficient when combined with numbers. We tusk for donations of any and every article, the produce of the Farm, Lake, River, and Ocean, and of foreign importation; of Fruits, fresh, dried, and preserved; of Vegetables, Chickens, Butter, Egge, Beef, freak and smoked, Tongues, Hares and Pork, Lobsters, Crab,, Oysters, Clams, Fisk, fresh and salt. In truth, there is nothing which may contribute to the well being of our appetites, which may not be entrusted to our care. GEORGE T. LEWIS, Chairman, Restaurant Department The Soldiers did Society of this placo, having accepted the Agency in Huntingdon and neighborhood for the 'Restaurant Department' of the Cen tral Fair, Philada.—solicits donations 'Of provisions of all kinds from the citi ions' of town and country. Let. all aid in this groat and good work— send a contribution however small—haVing the donor's name al tubed. If left with Mrs. Wm. Mc- Murtrie or Orbison, will be forwarded by the Society. If any.profer forwarding their own contributious—send by railroad or ex press—freight will be paid in Philada. Please direct all donations thus: FonGEORGE T. LEWIS. Reetamant Department. . Care of A. R. MatENRY, Reception Committee of the Great Centre; Fair,. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Sleb 29,1881. Read the new advertieemente, iton , t Forget. The Union men of the courtly shottld not forget thedelegate elections which are to be held on Sturdy the 30th inst. AQ' Lloyd 5L Henry, and A. B. Cun ningham & Co., are doing a large wholesale business. Their large es tablishments are a great convenience to country merchants. Alexandria Brewery. E. 0. Colder 11118 purchased the in tercet of T. Newel in this establisment and it will hereafter be carried on un der the firm of E. 0. Colder & Co. For Relit. The rooms on Railroad street oppo site the Exchange Hotel, lately occu pied by Dr. Green. Inquire on tbo premises. tf. MARRIED, On the 21st inst., by Rev. S. H. Reid Mr. NOAII W. WARYIELD, near Ellicots Mills; Md., to Miss MARY R. COLOER, Porter township, Huntingdon co., Pa. On Thursday, April 21st, by Rev. S. L. Holmes, Mr. .Ebnamm A. HlM sox, and Miss ELIZA NEWMAN, all of Hunt. co., Pa. OBITUARY . Died; suddenly, on the 3d of Morel:, at her residence In Henderson township, 51A RY JANE GROVE, wife of Da vid Grove and daughter of Daniel Protzman, of McCort. nellstown, aged 23 yearn, T months, and 12 days. Thus a home hue been desolated by the hind of Death, litishand bereft of a loving companion, and two little children deprived of a mother's watchful love. She who 'woo the light of that family circle line fallen. Two aged parents and a tender slater have been made to weep over the early grave of one in whom their lore was, perhaps, too lunch placed. Thus from Friendship's "shining dr. de" the gems fade away. Friend after friend departs: Who bath not lost a friend? There la no union hero of hearts, That finds not here an end. To the stricken husband, parente and family, the grief of separation ought to be greatly alleviated by the remem brance that she wai au humble child of Jesus. They Must not weep as those who have no hope. To her mo. ther, who asked her a few minutes before her death whether rho did not think her end near, alto said, "it is, mother;" and immediately added, "All is well." Com fort your hearts, ;then, ye stricken once; your companion —your child—your sister, Is not lost; only "gone before." Ile falthful;"do Ills commandments," nod When life's poor day, le over, shell you not moot her in that blessed land of which it Is sold, "And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain P Pence, then, bereaved ones, lot your toars iu a gentle moesors flow. Olin sleeps In Jesus. "Asleep to Jesus, blessed sleep ; Whence none who wake shall wake to weep," . 51. PRILADELPIII4 MARKETS. 411125. . , Fairy Mu Matra Family FlOlll 18.00Q11,25 Common and Stiperfine $1,60g1.80 Ryo Flour $7,00 Corn 51pal . itl hiss,6o Extra Whim Wheal ... $1,75@1,00 Fair and Prima Red $1,76@y1,88, Rye $1,33 Corn, prima Yellow • $1,21 . Oats - 83 Barley Melt Cloverseed, p34IAs Timothy Flaxseed, Wool Bides ' HUNTINGDON MARKETS. Extra Family Flour ? bbl 1 560®7,75 Extra do? cast 175 White Wheat 1,00 Red Wheat 1,50 ltyo 1 26 Corti 1 10 Oute 75 Cloverseed 0 all Flaxseed 2.50 Dried Apples ........................ .......... .2.05 Butter 25 F.gge 15 Lard 15 Ham 18 Shoulder 12 Sides ' 12 Tallow 10 FIRE ! FIRE ! FIRE ! INSURE YOUR PROPERTY in.the liyaming County Mutual - liirtiYifiEt • • Contpany, It belug the Lest conducted and safest Company in the State. Their capital Is over 2,000,000 Dollars, and have a perpetual charter, and now over twenty.three years in operation, and during that time have old over $1,000.000 for damages dune by fire ' without being one dollar in debt. The oompany continues to insure all kinds of property from loss by fire for fire years, With a premium note— Also insure property, goods, &c., Ix., for throe, six. nine, and twelve months, and fur two or three years Without a premium note and without assessments, and at a lower rate titan any other cutup my. Please glee the .under signed a call, who has been agent of the cohipatiy over twenty years. DAVID SNARE, Agent. Iluntluiplen, April 27-Im* F 1 oT3rr Z IS CELEBRATED gam mud Clitle ganirtio. These Powders • ' .- ''• will strength( ' en the Stomach '• 1 '; and Intestines, . , ' ..'"' l,, •• from mnsoe offensive • , matter, and bring them to . i .--,,t:...2•4-,4,,•••. h Ithy state. ct,ti_N-,•-•;.;•,;-,---'::-1--'ir•-••••"-T. - They ore a trillr e re u m re ed p y rev fo e r nt a ive ir Doifserigens incident gin to the Home,Fever, and a certain such as Glan ders, Yellow i ,044 Water, Die- , , s , • ,4v, : t temper, 'n,k„ ..,,v, HFounder, ',li •Ni „ . 6 .,• .! 4. naves, Slavering, ~0 •,,. Coughs, Fe - 71 ~ 4 7 ' s •••••ii vers, Loss of • .„,...„, ViAppetite and . ••,!V.V,.1.i.-.--,1,:'..,5,'W'',*.f1. tal Ener- ..'..:,...., •....,..__ EY, &e. In most benefi poor cial effect. The use of them improves the ind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Purse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. The property this Powe'er possecses in in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, gives it an importance and value l‘hielt sher!tl place it in the hands of every pet 11 keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening C.Litle. it gives them an appetite, I, , ,:t , _us their Lide and raakes them thrive truest ti'stcr. HOGS. Iu all Messes of the Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in4 . p.!•, S — :—=--7:41ai. 4. 4,, the Lungs, Liver, ' Etc. By putting - ; , 7..--72 ,- ta; from half a paperoll4) to a paper of these _ .1' • 71k, Powders in a bar ret of Swill, the above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using thtse Powders the En Cholera can lir prevented. Price 35 otl, por, Pap: , ,r, or 5 Paper,. fora = S. A. FOUTZ Ez, AT THEM WHOLESALE HUI ArD MiDICINE DEPOT, No. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, lid. For Salo by Drngebts and Storekeepers throughout tho United States. For sale wholesale and retail by John Road, Huntingdon, Pa. FAMILY GROCERIES. Family Grocorlas and PrOvialonf of all kinds. 1 r oath at LLOYD & HENRY'S TRON.—Charcoal Bar Iron, Nails, and jTtel, of ull Lii u, of LLOYD • pußLic SALE; IN MILL °WREN, - We, the undersigned, will expose at pUhlic sale on the premises, the old }Nutlet Church in Mill Creell, to the highest bidder. on Saturday, at 2 o'cletli Y. M., the 30th day of A pril, 'germ, of saloon the day made known by the sulmtl hem • • J OIL'S .5.40,1. N. . TIIOM.IB • • MICIIA DOMINO, . . . Tru3teesi. • A DMINISTRATOR'S NOT,ICE.- / [F tote of denies Gilliland, deed.] Miters of Administration upon the estate of James Gil liland, late of Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, deed, baying been granted to the undersigned, all persona haring claims against the estate aredfoquested to present them to the undersigned, and all persons Indebted I%ill Make Immediate payment. JAMES HARPER, ap27,lsel—fa* Administrator. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. MITE undersigned having purchased it from T. Newell hie interest In the Alexan dria Ilrea cry, the business will hereafter he r . y carried on under . the firm of R. 0. COLDER co.. and old custOmers and the public gcuotal- t`" . ly aro informed that all ordera will receive *..Nos•-? prompt attention. 0; COLDER A CO. ap27,l4Ui . • A TRACT OF LAND AT PUBLIC SALE IN SEJELEY TOITNSAIP. • The Cubscribera offer at Private Sale, a Tract of SOO acros of land, more or less, 100 of which are cleared and under cultivation, situate In the old line of Ifuntingdon county, Shirley township, (riovv. Mifflin county,) adjoin. lug the Edward Furnace property on. all. There Is a good ore bank, and' between 10 hod 10 acres of an apple orchard on the promises. Tho principal part Is well tint. bored, and a stream of water runs through the property. If this property is not sold at .prlrate sale before the ilecon.l Monday in August, it will Oa that day he offered of public sole In tho Court House in the borough of Run. tidicdnu. TERMS OF RALP Ono. h nl ft he purchase money to be paid on confirmation of ante, the hoboes payable to cult the purchaser, to be secured by bonds and mortgago. CHAPLIN, Huntingdon, ap27 NANCY HOLDER. WC) .IPACJIELIVIEMMILIS. MITE WALKER fIOME RAKE is acknowledged to be the Neatest,_Siniplest, Cheapest, and most Efficient Rake now in use. Any boy of ton years old can, work it will not get out of order. and gives universal satisfaction. Warranted in every particular, and it can be had six to eight dui tars lower than any spring tooth llorilo Hake now in use. For further information apply to the ntannfacturtr ; D. D. ESHELMAN, np.9.0-3,0 Shirleyeburg, Ilhotiogdon co., Pa. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOR THE SANITARY COMMISSION, Office of the Oontmittee en Labor, Incenses coat Revenne,, No. 118 South Seventh Street, Philadelphts, April 4th, MIL • • The Committee on "Labor, Incomes and Revenues," in vite co-operation with them in the purticular work• for which they have been appointed. As no portion of the people are more patriotic than the working men and sm itten of the Country, it Is but fuat and proper that they should alike have an opportunity to contribute to the ob. feats of the Fair. The moat equable plan for accompli-h. log this, and; at the same time the easiest one, is .to ask for the contribution of a single they: labor from all class es In the community. ?deny will contribute a day of their labor willingly; who would not subscribe their money.— To reach ovary department of industry and art will be a work of great labor. but, if attained, will be productive Of imnten e a, results. , Thasuicass of the plati wilt depend upon tho hearty co. operation of evory °lenient of luttuence within our limits, and we invite all the guardiatie.of the industrinl interests. and all others, td Mite hold with to ffi furthering this great work of pairlotisinf and Musianity. The Conimittee is charged with the following duty, to wit: First —To obtain the contribution of "one day's labor." or earnings, from every artisan, and laborer, foreman, Operative and employee; president, - cashier, teller and clerk or every incorporated anti unincorporated company, railroad end express company, 'employing firm, bank, Manufactory, Iron works, oil - works,.mill, mine and pub. lie °Mee ;from every.private banker and broker, Import er, auctioneer and merchant; clerk, ageut and salesman t. di - signer, finisher and artist; publisher, printer and tiic chianic; from' every government cancer, contractor and employee; grocer, butcher,' baker and dealer; farmer, horticulturm and producer; from every mantua•mak. r. milliner and female operative: every individual engaged fn turning the soil, tending the pow, or In any way earn• log a livelihood, or building a fortune within the States of Pennsylvania. New Jersey, end Delaware. Second.—To 'obtain the contribution of one day's "Rev. cane," from all the great employing establishments, firma; corporations,-companies, rallreade and Words. r. bu $1,66 .$B,OO $2,7403,00 ... • . C;Sa9le Third.—To obtain the contribution of one dray's income from every retired person. and person of fortune—male and female—living upon their - MMUS, and from an glee. gymen. lawyers, physicians, kientigs t editors, authors and professors; all other persons engaged in the learned or other professious. Much of title work must bo . performed tho parsonal 'afloat's° and efforts of ladles and geutlemeu associated, or to be associated with the Committee Jra carrylog out this plan • • • Tho Committee feel the restionsibillty of the work they have undertaken, which, to be eaceessfid, will require o very perfect ramification of-theividaitountirthey Therefore call up , rr all earcteet P 4 9P I, w ei 4.4emble Theititrivea to gether fa atm.), haw% -ialy.erth isrfshmeurit . • 'organizations of Indies and genj omen-to eetriperateasittn them In this great work aitollabotaf Itrie. In the man ufacturing counties, the coal end oil regions, altd to the agricalturel dlstrietil,—:especially, let • theta be 'organism Lions In the large fewer, so that the young people may have an opportunity thus to render assistance to their relatives and filen 'a iighlin the battles of their country lit the armies of the nation, . The work of this Committee tn.ay be prosecuted. where no other elT3rt can be made for tho Fete. na In the mines of the coal regions.'s carriinga of the miners, and a day'a product of the mines, can be obtained, where no portable al tichicould be procured for transportation.— Indoed, there is do part or section of these States where the day's labor may not be obtained, if organizations can ha formed to reach th am. . • The Committee cannot close without urging upon all Proprletore of Ifetabllshmenta;ihe duty of taking prompt and energetic action to eecurithe benefit of tho day of labor from all within their control. The Committee deem it unneceleary to do more, than thus to present the subject to. the people of the three States .tamed. In the cumingbampaign of our armies. the 'labors of the . Sccrivitcy Cametissiow" will bo greatly augmented: By thollret of :lane 100;000' of the largest armies of modertt times—will be operating to the field. BO largo a force, scattered over regions to which the men are unacclimnted, meet necessarily carry slung with It a largo amount of Meknes, eaffering and death; to say nothing of the gathered horr.iwe of the hat tle•field.. Them sufferings, it le our bounden duty, as men and Christians, to relieve. A great and enlightened people, enjoying tho blinslngs of a government of their own no king. tonvot arrest asitatanco to mon angering to maid- Min its authority. and we will not believe that tiro "GREAT CEIstTRAL FAIR" drawing its products from the -Oren States of Pennsylva nia, New Jersey and Delaware, so affluent In all mineral. agogrultural and industrial wealth, shall fall behind any similar effort which ha.t, yet.beyn made for the relief of the Nation's children. As it is dosireblo not to multiply circulars; no/ureter authority than , this circular will Sc necessary. for any cm. ployingfirst or company, or any respectable committee of ladies and gentlemen, to proceed at once, In the work of this committee; and It is hoped that under It, organizations will spring up in all tbo towing and busy regions of the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Subscriptions will Ins thankfully acknowledged to the uowspapers of Philadelphia; and it is very desirable that they commence soon, ne each fresh acknowledgment will stimulate effort its other localities. All subscriptions should,bri addressed to JOHN W. CLAOIIOIIN, Treasurer, offico of the "Committee on La. bor, Incomes and Revenue," No. 118 South Seventh St., Philadelphia. .111 P. All needful holps in Circulars and Posters will be forwarded to parties applying for them. Direct to tip, Chairman of the Committee as abovo. L. MONTOOMEItY BOND, Chairman. JOHN W. CLAGIIOHN, Treaeorer. It EV. E. W. HULLER, Corresponding Secretary Elct/ItEGOR J. MITCHESON, Secretory. HONORARY iCIEMBERS. Ills Excellency, A. 0. Curtin, Governor of Pennsylvania Ills Excellency, Joel Parker, Governor of New Jersey. Ills Excellency, William Cannon, Governor of Delame 0 Hon. Alexander Honey, Mayor at Philadelphia. Lion. Joseph It. Ingersoll, Pennsylvania. Hon. Judge Carpenter, New Jersey. . Hon. Judge Harrington, Delaware. Nlnjor general (leoigo 0. MeadC, Army of tho Potomac Right Rev. Bishop Potter. Mrs. Rev: E. W. nutter, Most Itev. BI:Bop Wood Chairman. Rev. Bishop Simpson. Bra. George M. Dallas. . Rev. Dr. Brainard.. .Mrs. John Sergeant. Rev. W. P. Breed. Mrs. John M. Scott. Rev. E. W. flutter. • Mrs. General Ifitado. ...., Rey. Isaac Leasor. 11Ira. J. Edgar Thomson. Samuel M. Kelton, Mr& Joseph Harrison, Jr. John Edgar Thompson. Mrs. Robert W. Learning. Commodore R. F. Stockton. Mrs. L. Montgomery Bond Frederick Fraley. Wm George P. Weaver. John Bingham. - Mrs. Goorgo W. Barris. George Wlllialike. hire. F. A. Drexel. • • Rev. W.43ltdderds, D. D. Mrs. M. N. Kolley. Professor Ilonry Coppeo. Mrs. John W. Forney. Chas. Pendleton Tutt, M. D. Mrs. Stuntlel A. Cruzer Pr. Welter Williamson. Mrs. Enoch Turley. Hon. Oswald Thompson. Miss A. Bug°, . Ilms. J. R. Ludlow. ' Miss Slogan O'Neill. N. D. Brox no. ' Miss Sonic Scott. Daniel Dougherty. Miss Louisa E. Ctaghorn and 90 °Clore. and 96 others. april2o,lBo4. WHOLES ALE OR RETAIL.- Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cape, Garthsero, Queorware, Cahtrware, Flab, Salt, i4c., .401 1.3.4 w LLOYD & HENRY. LOOKING GLASSES.- For We at the Hardware store of Feb. 3, 1884 JAMES A. BROWN. WM. MANN'S AXES, at old prices at tin Hardware store, of JAS. A.BHOWN. Huntingdon], rolo,6it lOU will find the Largest and Bes salmi traei.:Jf Ladies' Dress Goods at D. I'. GWINS'. Horse Bills • ' . Printed on short notioe at Lewis Job Printing . Office. . • ONE splendid Guitar; price•s3o, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. This in strumentcould not be bought in the city for $4O, but the owner has no use for it. • F3tf. Cigare for Sale ;.et Lewis' Book Store COMMITTEE 3P I COII.' EitA . X.i . Ono two seated Carrinfa t ve, closOd top; rind Minna.° ; one two horFe wagon, al nice, e; and one log wagon, nett. Will eell on terms to But pfirchwor. . • JOSEP/I MORRISON, on2o-,3t Jackson 35 11 Etrthi. TMILE .undersighdd offer the Farm - on L which they reside, in Welt township, Huntingdon county, - nt at private sale. It is-situated three miles from Peterthuvg, and the same distance. friltu Railroad dnR ca nal. It contains three hundred and fortymine aerie and' allowance; good buildings, and about one hundred and fifty acres cleared, and well adapted for a .tock. farm. J. S. MAGUIRN, ' aprillD.l;7Cl-tf. . RACHEL JIAGIJIRE. A FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. THE FARM contains 220 Acres, more less, 70'of which aro cleared and Ina good etato of cultlvatlon, wills roofing water in every field. 20 acme are partly cleared for pasture, well adapted for meadow; the balance le well timbered. The-Improvement/3 aro a good two story dwellinglouno, with basement and cellar; end a never falling well at the door; log and frame barn, wagon shed with corncrips, and other outbuildings; on orchard of choice bearing fruit trees. The Ferns is susceptible of groat improvemente and productiveuesaand tumid be Made to be one of the beat stock farms In the tenvelehlie. Thom la also one of the Best natured locations for a water power with twenty feet of fall on the premises. It. Is situated in !Backlog Volley, Shirley township, convenient to school and mill, and within 12 miles of the Pennsylvania.ftei Road and Canal atldount Union. 1 Valli be sold on reasonable and accommodating terms` Title indisputable. For further particulars call on th.; anbacrlber in Blachlog Valley, stariey township. Aprlll3-3111, EDWARD ZUERNER, Agent. OItPIIANS ' COURT SALE. IN ALEXANDRIA BOROUGH. - - Ly tirtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Ifunt• ingolou county, the • undersigned .Trustees appointed to make sole of the real estate of Philip Piper, late of Alex. andria borough, will oar at public Milo en the premise., On Wednesday, the - 11th of May, next, at ten o'clock. A. M.. nil the following deserlbed real es tate In Huntingdon county. I. A tract of land situate in Porter township, adjoining lands of Swoops 3 hunter, and the Juniata river. contain ing about 149 acres, haring a two story log dwelling house, batik born end outbillldings thereon erected. 2. Two lots of grthind In the borough of Alexandria, adjoining each other, having is tea story frame dwelling limo. frame stable and outbuildings thoroou °rooted, being lots Nos. 13 and 14 In the plan of said borough. TICHSII3 OF SAUL—One third of the purchase money to he paid on the confirmation of the sale. and the residue In two equal anneal payments thereafter with Interest, to ho securod by tho bonds and mortgage of.the purchaser. THOMAS IVALKaiIt, PHILIP . Trustees, ix. Py ordar of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county. D. ifOIIELSDOPP, Clerk: iluntlogdon, April 20, 18e4. VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND • FARM OF 200 ACRES ,AT PATTATB BLE. The subscriber offers at private sale his valuable mil property and farm of 200 acres of land, on Sharer's creek, two miles from Petersburg, Huntingdon county. The property will bo sold separately or ell together. Tho property can bo seen by calling on the subscriber; and terms made easy. Dec. 23, 1803, TIIOB. F. sTEWART. i E. GREENE, tr e • DENTIST. 41/rnataa Offleii removed 'to °pp.:alto tbo oink.) of D. P. Odin, to thoeguaro, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa. April 13,1864. ' MOTICE.- Notice is hereby giten that tte fulloaing mimed • '1 persons hare. filed their petitions with the Clerk' of the Court of Quarter Sessions. praying KM said Court to grant them license to keep ihns or taverns In. their respective boroughs, townships mid 'Braga In the county of Hun tingdon, and that said petitions will bo presented to the said Court on Weduesday, the 20th day of April next fur consideration. &a, When and alter, all Persons -inter ested you:mend If they - Vitt:lk plY"Fri William Ryan, Budley. . James Dunn, 'Barnet George Kelly. Cmilmont, - • . Henry Stream- BcConriollsteWh: • inn John Burns, Barnet. - 'hos. H. Fagrin, Cold moot, •Josophlderrison, Huntingdon. ' ••• • • W. C. - WAGONKR, Clerk. • Clerk's Oifioe, Huntingdon, April 6,1801. U.S. REVENUE STAMPS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA.•- - -- piny, fel: ..11t=rrica:o., ..-. .-..,....-,..,,,,- . - :,. ~- ~ :.- ~,—. • All pOrllo. interested will please take notice, that t m undersigned deputy Collector of U. S. Internal Rove nuo for Huntingdon county, will attend. on tho let and 3d Tuesdays of each mouth , . at the Jacknon Hotel, in the borough a tlentlegden, to receive taxes, &c., comment ing on the ith•Jely. ' - July 7th, 1803. A STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT`LAIV, 111711171113DDN, OFFICE.—In • Trenutirer's room in Court Ifouse—up.staill, lluntingopn, 1N:0.10,1803. • . STRAY BULCanic . to . the residence L-L— -neiv"orimplad V the .enhicriber, in. Carbon township, en or alma the ,erat, or -October last, a small red Bull, with a White spot - on top of the shout-CT - dere, snd.a . plate off tbalight ear. "About two, years old: The owner Is requested towns fdhvanl. prove Property, pay chsrgOs, and take him away, otherwise he will ho disposed. of according to law. hich301312...1.*: . ...30,11N,D. CARBERRY. AIILNWOOD ACADIDIY, A SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, Pi, TERMS Board, Tnilion, and Burniehed Rom, per melon of Dee mouths $66 00 Boys aro prepared for collage, bonne; or to Special attention le paid to Book Keeplog—Slugle and Donnie Entry. • - Girls are taught vocal and Instrumental Music on the Piano and Guitar, Drawing. Painting, and Ornamental Needle Work, at the usual rates. Studente are received at any time, and charged only from the time of entrance until the dote of eeselon. The location is heat thy—Butidinga large—Mall daily.— Lttudonts board in tho fondly of the Principal. The Principal is assisted by competent and experienced teachers. Payments, quarterly in adyanco. Next mention opens Wednesday, May 4th, 1563. For particulars, address Rev. O. VAN ARTSDALE N, . Aprild -St. Shade Gap, Iluntingdoli county, Pa, From $lOO to $l5O Clear - per Acre ! ! ! 1864. . 1864. • . ~ • ==. , t . e Auuz * - SUGAR EVAPORATOR. HOST RAPID EVAPORATOR IN THE WORLD. . CLARK. SORGO MACHINE CO'S 0 .A.. 3EI ZVI I 3G, Zs . Catalogues and Book on Cane Culture FREE. A. B. BRUMBAUGI3, • James Creek, Pa., . Exclusive Agent for Blair and Huntingdon counties. .OV- Parsons getting machinery will ho supplied with Cauo mood for silo or distribution, Ar COM Also Agent for Grover's & Baker's Colobrated . SElVlNG MACHINES, acknowledgod suporior to all othore; and Primo A Co'sr. Improved Worldvenown• ed MELODEONS. [April 6, 1864. WAREHOUSE PRICES.— If you want to boy goods at warehouse prices go to LLOYD & uarars Warehouse. DECEIVING DAILY- Dry Goode, Groceries, Boots, Shoos, Ilardware, .tuta,uswaro, nod 11E11 of all kinds, .ucll3o--1w at LLOYD k ILENRYT. 11OUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION ! You all want a CLOTHES WRINGER, in order. CU get through your washing earlier, spare your streugth and at the same time save enough in thri wear of clothes by using a Wringer, to pay for it in six , mogtho, at the pres ant price of cotton. Wringers that have Wien t . le litoupit OW= ALL OVUM In tho' market, for Gala at the of Yo3,ICrA II J d.. BROWN. FISHERS' COLOR Tito 3. ii,p s yisjiin. T. C. TISIIER FI - SIIER.& SONS HUNTINGDON, PA. STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GOODS, ETC., ETC:. A HANDSOME STOCK of GOODS, of all itinde,.ll now open for the inspection of tho and wo cordially Invite all our Customers and the public generally, to call, and be convinced Clint We are unequal led in the quality, taste, style, and prices of our Goode. We request the public to bear in mind that eve pur chase principally from ilrat bonds in New York, pay CA3II for all we buy, and cannot be rivalled In our faclll• ties for eponlits for public we, a stock of General Mer. HUNTINGDON MILLS GRAIN, FLOOR, AND FEED. MrE . .. E ARE i'REPARED TO PUR: chase all kinds of GRAIN, for which we will pp tho highest cash ricer, and will have tbr sale at all thnoi, FLOUR, FEED, Ac. . ' PLASTER! PLASTER!! WE 'LAVE an IMMENSE STOCK . .... of PLASTII; an ainple supply for this and neighboring counties I Fraying R Mill expressly for, grinding it, wo Cott product) Suer and ©ore desirable stock than can usn. oily bo Lad. .. . . . JAMES CLAIIKE WE OFFER, 500 BBL& of SPLE&- did ONONDAiq A SALT, unequalledln quality and price. Cir - A, 'Mt In sacks h 'alio kept constantly on bond. Qaartat llurals and Mite, of all aumbors, ito also of. WE ARE AT ALL TIMES PRE- pared to buy SUMAC; will pay visit, or trade, as desired THE HIGH PRICES RULING FOR Cotton Goods hos compolled public attention to be more especially directed to the culture of Flax. it can be made by some attention, one of the most 'minable prodncta farmer can produce; an acre readily producing 50 to 80 Dollars Worth of fibre and seed. Great care should be taken by growers to have their Pllai spread very thin when rolling; when Watered, sufficientlyon one aide, it 'should bo turned, anrienbfc,ct to exposure until all tbo stalks get a gray color, and too lint readily separates' from the wood by a gentle rob.. . It ehould on aviary dry day De tied in bundles; and Is then ready for the mill. M a general thing too Pinch sood Is sown on an acre. Unless the ground is very rich one Biala] per acre is subciont. If the ground is 7ery otrong ono and one fourth bus .el la ample. :Deo 18, 1881. MMEEMENISg --+ .. -o_- .ra I=l =I =I M 1 1 , 4 ,9.111 SALT ! SALT I = -~~~+.~Nf/~JJN~w~ FISH; FISH. ezz: 1= 1O DIAL No 1 MACKEREL EIDEN] 10 " No. 8 18 Half libb. No., 1 .0 " " No. 2." 10 • No. 8 •.+ SUMAC. SUMAC. I=l ZEZZ==in FLAX. FLAX. 1=21=2:1 Tdlfgr;:.-NOTIvE; petite of-Daniel Weight, dee'd.] ttyra ftdmialatilitiOn ligenthe estate of - pith] -Weight, late of Warriortmondelp4-. deed„ baying been gran ted to She undrinrigned, ail porimip:traviros.elaiene egpitist Sha estate are regneeteritfirpres.otit e .rhein tred.4- Sigd. oll ,RAti txte.lusAttitobted PoSilient. •, -• ABU ;If JOHN ' 'Adininistrators. Apia 6,-1864-G[.='. tXEOUTORS" .[Eatate - of.Taiiiili.:tibt rer ; dead .] tiers teatamentary upon the %AI! and tof .116.11. Cro‘tlrcohr; inrcir Rerfee torn Courityted, hiei. been . Fan led ter: the subectibere. All pefWe indebted ai'o iequasted to:re - eke immediate .hayment,aortilthhee having anima Llt pieaeut them ilryp• arty tiuthOutlottoa to the undurelgned. Arnim:yr citOWNOVER, Barge - • Exeoutqrs. 4 i :rtml:tus:pgitrzoß's NOTICE.; fbistatesof Aiglnatiarieb, .shore of adminletratforihselbg, been granter" to fho undetslgned, on tba &stab; Orafelitirla. Clark, late of .Tod township, deceased. All periorie knoiring theinselitia indebted to 'old - estate ore requested to motto immediate payment, and those having elatm,.to prooput [heat prole• erly authenticated, for eettionaCht, - • „ , . . Caeactits, trunt.c:o., ADMIgigTRATOR'S:NOTICE. [Estate of Wm. Campbell, deed.) _ • • otters of adndniatratlpn upon tho estate of • William Campbell, late of Tell twt:ltentlngdoncinnity,deettaited having boon granted to the undersigned, , all perinna In debted lathe estate 1,111 melts payment an{l thorn haling claluts will preaerxt. Hum for settleyant, JOAN SILTEriT.IIOIIN • Aticalnistratoro Mch 16, 1804-oto 4iDDLINISTRATOR'S NOTICE (E.tAt. of John Armitage, dectE3. •-•,. • . Wire of adiplaistration, do. bents non . ; with . Ainilexed. having Been granted to the_pnderelgued, 011 thf estate of John Armitage, deceased. parsons hidebteifte the estate, are requested to motto payment, Mid tfio6 hs ring claims will present them to the uriderstried.for set. tlement. Those holding permanent investments: of; hr funds of the estate, are requeeted to quilts itomedifitepay, meet of all iuti , reat now due end traPaid on their sevens; obligations. BAHL. T. BltoA'N, ' lideb3o : lBB4-13t. • linntlngdon, Pa. . Collectioh. of Soldiers' . .Clalms: yo EING located in Philadelphia ; having superior facilities. I will attend - to "the ectfon of Bountiee; Pensions . , nud Back - Pay - for Pay for.Saidiafs, their relations , or heirs. .Wca:I3EISSINGER, . - MchlB,lBB4. Box. 2381Phllada; INSURE YOUR PROPE'I?VI 7 ,IN7 . THE GIRARD Fire rnd Maride Institut' Co. _ I •1 - . • NO, tdARINE RISKS =FIBER RISES ONLY TAKEN. Iltrpdttatpetink:i granted on brick and stone building!. Limited polities granted on frame or log bultdingr, merchandise and fitrniture. lia..No.premnott notes required, eoneeettiviity no Awn: mats made., R. ALLISON:MILLER, • Beple,lsu3 Agt. for Lfuiltingdon & adjoining Coe SATCHELS, PORT-3201sTNAtES, . • PURSES, ', rocium-Bboll4, PORTFOLIOS; CARD CAS* SEGAR CASES, leo., &C • • A handsome assortment-juitTeceived At LEWIS' BobkStore. GEORCi-R.P. ELDREDUE • CHARLES DZ.VL y E Wholesale and. it - 4u. PUBLISHER and BOOKSELLER, 1229 CHESTNUT ST,. PHAADA. ity , War Wrong(' le solicited:,.,.. April 18, 1804-ly. THZ PARIS MANTILLA-ZIORIIIt. N 0.920 Cheatniit , St.,' dada IvTOW.OPE Ib z • PiriS-1 11 Rde MantillagLiitiP "ea r = - w: - Pnedrcift: 47ccr.• The Patis lltiant lla reatiorinal 920 Chestnut St., Philadelphia: April 18,1564. Guns,. Pistols;.Fishing.„,',rookle, FIND'S raimair, n‘l• - And Sporting Appardn'ireeiferallyf Rods, Lines, Reels, Baiklink:•:.4l/sits, _Flies, HOoks, - IsTets, Foile, Olnies,,:r Or,s, Bil• lies,.Corkserews,. , Constantly on hand,-,aod fiireaftr,3Vholesalo and Fetal' at JOHIidt.RLINItg, • . .. ;spiwtspiiigs nowt., itch2,1864-Bm.] N. It . • •: • Carpen.teri - ik.Wify Bz-tol- WHOLES'ALE r . CHE lifiC A L&OTTO USE;' N o . 737 Narketat., - .P.l.l.ilAdeliiilla.. Theraubscrlber keeps. coristitidean•heii d'n-large stock of DRUGS; MEDICINES, CI EMICALS, PdAttblACEI.l. TlCAS,RimuirkTlONlkand every other. article which appertains to the.btisiness,embiscinethi mbet extensive variety; also, PAINTA, Orr, end GLAS!, oc.avery doscrip. All article!! pnrebised trete no o,tab 43i,lied,An.4.beIns. of the tome superior quality a lowqrices As they ran ho had. We can offer suchieducemeitteah wilt Make it the interests of purchasers to lay in , their supplies form to, and give we their future patron/0d and Invite allwho visit the city, to call at our establisfiniemt. All orders addressed to ne by mall or otherwise will meet with prompt attention. O.EO. W. CAWPENTEIt & CO., Te3-3m ' 737 Merket Street, Phileda. PHILADELPHIA •••• f . - 1864. PAPER .lIANGINGS:. • HOWELL & BOURHEi. . • • Mimi/AMORE:a . or ; * WALL & WINDOW ..CILIRTAIN; • Corner 4th and Mather: hity.aphi, • • PLIILADBLPIIIA.' - N. B. A fine dock of LINEN SIIA.DES Lotietentlr. Oil hand. Feb24,1864-3m , ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCH-MAKER AND JEIWEIL/11t, MANITACTURER SILVER WARE and ISEPORTES, OF TFAIVIIES, No. /48North Second st., Coiner Quarry PaTLADELPUIA le hoe constantly on hand an assortment of Gold and 21 Silver Patent Levers, Lephie and Plain Watches, Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys. Breast Ping: Ear Binge r Finger Binge, Bracelets, Mitdattito Cases. Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt pod ?Milliard Spoons: Sngdr Spoons, Clips, Napkiu 'Ridge. Frait add Butter Knives, Shields. Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, ote.:—.ll of which will be sohitoto for C6l7} I '- MI: TOBIAS ,n CO'S beet quality fulrjo*olloci Patent. Lever Movilaientsnianstantly en hand; also other Makers of superior nualify. ' N. - Ef.—Nd Gold and Sc7ver bought for 647 . 3: - Sept: S 186S—Iy. ' ' ' - ' • COIFEE 1- COFFEE!! TEE UNIVERSALLY APPROVED ittalother favotito brands of frail grOn4'C'OFFE6, =EEG THE EAGLE STEAM , SPICE,. AND ; COFFEE WOAK6 ) . • • Nos, 244, .246 & 248 Nili. y4.0.11t, & t.; Corner of New St, Phfladelpiil4::' D023-6m. J HOWARD' WORRELL ISAAC 1401U01-1 ..GENERAL COMMISSION MEROANTS . . -• FOR TEE BALE OE , HOOPS, allo6lis, Beading, Sfavel3, Oder. ; Oitron & Tanners' Barls,Trednal,s, /to. - No. 416. South Delaware - Avenue, pIamAptLPHIA,. • 1131.10:4.. LESION ,.,JANEEE,.. April 1, lEet-3m. ,GROIiGE Eidmintatator . .