TERMS OP "TEE' .41,62 E per anriiiTtl in advince: SlA'ElogtoPg, • ' . • Albilnro`ro notify It disoontinnanne at tho eipitatloa of tam aubstritiod for tvtli be itnaldered a new engese. .. ... . . TERNS OF Atil, ERT1311711: "• . • - .1' iimertiod: - ' 2 do:.' '3 do. four lines or less,— •' S - 26 •• S • STK; . I 00 ./no square, (12 Mina - 50 '. ' 76 I.OD fwo squares, • 1;00 ...: !Foci -- • 200 Three squares , 1 50 226 Over three week and less tban tbreo moot e,' 25 'Cents .. ger square for each insertion. . • . 3 menthe, 0 mouths. 12 . moittiub dix linos or less, $1 60 ' $3 00 • .$5 PO. Joe square SOO • ' - 600 7;00 Owe squares, 600`0 00: iToo . three squares, • - 7'oo ' 'lO . OO - • 15:00 Four equal ea, 000 13 00 _ " 20 00 d'alf n column, • 12 00 ' 10.00 24.00 DEM column, 20 00 30 ,00;:... ~ . , .s(i 'OO Professional and Business Cards not exceedbfe Nur lines,' One,year . .. . . Administrators' and Executors' Notices ' • ' ' $175 A drgrtisements not Marked with the number of inset: tioda desired, will be continued till forbid and cbarged no.. °riling to these terms. . . . . u NT ING : D ONSS BROA.IY TOP: pilLnoAD.--cnearai OF SCHEDULE, On and after 'Elturada . y, De 0.10; 1800,'Passengei • ' will arrive and depart as follows - UP TRAINS, Eren'grrreg ',. : z Morn . g ven'ti . P. M. A. 31. SIDINGS.''-, ! ! , I •, Ls 3 50 5.1 5 451 Huntingdon; .. .„..... 4311.10 AR .7,10 4 10 /05 31cConnellstotrio, 10 62 ! ,: . 0 51 418 818 Pleasant Grove, 10 45 . 044 415 829 31arklesburg, 'lO 31 i ', 0 se, 450 843 Coffee Run, . 10 17 !. ;9 19 4 57 8 53-Rough & Re5..57 ........ 10 10 0 09 507 1 9.05)C0ve; ' 0 55, 555 511 9 09,Flther's Summit,..... , •: 1 3•661.):..'S 50 AR b 80140 9 251 Saxton, •g:is.oAOl ts .6 40 L..: 5 4015 E 9 40 et 9 WAR 6 3c 6 57) 1 0 00gliedlesburg, , -- .7 :0,011 510 _,_. 6 (13 I 10 08111ot:civet) , _,..___— ' ''9'ool 5 00 —•---__----,------__________„==. REDFORD RAIL - ROAD. ' IS 19j 10 24IPlper's Run . . ~ . . • '1 :.13 411 ti 45 0 4,4) .le 40111aptiltou .... ..... ~.... i 8 24) 420 AR 7110[41111 051 Bloody ]tUn; 1 . : . _ 50 8 10150 4 05 OUP'S BUN DRANCII ' Ls 9 40 1 9iLston, :. 9 65 Coeliziont, ..• •q 0 00 Orawfordi. - . slllO 101 Dudley; ...] I .;• i 'Broad Top pity,. Iluntingdori; Dee. Di, 1861 JA: ~... - 01470)-milm!il! '• - --` -•. DENNSYLVANIA lUD . . ROAD - TIME OF LEANING OF 'LRAMS WINTER- ARRANGEMENT : .. WESTWARD. - ' I -EASTIVARD A P. t:?.' C to ow Hi ,a; 5..., to a.. It = V - ' 4 , ~'" t * - * k " % 1.4 a 4 at I - ~, p... g t z STATIONS. g 0 . • -551 r. m 0 . m.O! 'y.'• , .. . v tv, • : 43 p; • 1 0 . .1 , • Z , ' 517 ' il.lhaniltim, ' 1433 5 25 :........ 5.36 Mt, .Union,... 11 20 9'45 '1 35 525 ' • Maplatou,..... '-• 1 25. 543 .. ;. . - . 31171 Creek,- .. ..'..' 9.31 ' , PIS 5 59 7 40 658 6.07 11untragdon, 11701 :9 21 . 1 07 0 15 ......, 8 21.1Peteribur,C;.:. 10'47 997 1282 623 I ....., • .4....11Jarr0e., • • I ' ' ' 12 44. 6 81-,„, 6 36'SKuceerea 6 , 10 35 85512 88 649 "' "•• ' Illirmirigbanl, ...'... . ... :, 12 23 658 • 7 GO, Tyrone, 10 13 43 38 12 15 7OS ' ' '7.loTipton ' ' 12 . 05 I 714 .... , - - Vostoria. " ' ' .. . .... 12-00 7 19 .. ' 7 13IBelea Mills,- - 9 54 8,14 11 50 7408 55 8 28 1 7 401A1toona,. ' 940 80011 40 TLC§ FAST LINE Fauttv - ay& lassos Altoona at 1.20 A: 31., ind itrivoi. at Huntingdon at 2 37 A:3l, Tho ESIIMIANT TRAIN •Ntastirard learei N.' Iramil; tan at 10 ZS A. M. and al clyoa at Ilnutiog . on, 11 25 A 51. ~~~-~..~ - ~1 ~ . _=~ '.T.TST READING RAIL ROAD, WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ItEAT TRUNK t INKEI3.O:,‘' I. Nortli and . ilortiOVest for PhdAditittie; Yontt, RUBINO,' POTTSVILLE, LEBANON, ALLINTOIIN, EYSTA32I, Scc., • • Trains learelfintatato for Pau Nitr-roak. It CAMEO, POTTSVILLE, and all Intermediate :Stations, atA A. 31., and 2.00 P. 31. Exramee leaves Vaginal:am at 3.00 "A.-11.; ar riving at Now•-Yur.s it 10,10 tho same morning. Pares frail, , 1 TO Dime-rang,•ss 16; bonito , Aratoara;SA.Z3sair . • • - • Returning, leave BEV , OBE at .A. .; 12 'twit, an P. 81., (l'ireartaart 112"earsa s iniving at- Ifaraustmea at 2A. 3t.) beffo PiutAiirceitia at 0.10 A. 3L, and 3.30 Sleopik Care ih tiiels.for-Ven"Exteoes TAar.re, throagli to ami'froat PCITSBCP.OII without deluge. • ,• ' • , - Pasiouge're by tbd Cal - an: 01 Bail Road . icara . Aorta a. 50 A. Af., - .-"for'PrittAbELPHlS add alt In tonne"- diato Stations:Ana at 2,15 P. X., for: Puitanti.rau; iNim"- Votts. and oil Way POints. ' • - " • - Traime lenvePorrermotit 9.1.3• A: IL, ond - 2.30P. '3l.i for PIILLIDELEBIA, 11411BISEGRQ ,atkd NENT-YORY, An Arc6sl;ll64llOn' Pasrengei ttii.Dla'tit. 6.30 A. M.. and returun from PLULADELPIIII 'at-4.30 L.M. Tr• AU the nbovr trait. ruddaily, 2untioys mooted. A Smutty truth leareir TorisTint bt q. 30 a i IittADELPF(TA at 3.15 P. 31.. . . ' • : ICEMMETAT/ON, :SMEAR!, SEASO . N, nod EXTVESIoNTICKEES at reduced rates to Mid from:all points. - • '.. : . • SO rounds pAasonsCr. 13,,SiSuee. .0 . A . torctiLLS' Gc.rr4l, Superintaid4t: IMEEM GLASS, VARNISHES,..PAINTS GLASS. wE offer.t9,:pealersi..Cp . 4o.-mAliersi and lionsi . Paluters, at the riiyloccat.ttett cash prices the best Couch' and Cabinet Vainisles. • ' • bust White Lead . ; French and A merican2lass; Chrome 13reens: and l'idlowit,Mrop and Ivory Blacks, and fall' assortment' or all thefiner' colors—such as l'ormillions, Lakes,.Tdbe Col- ' • ors, fee.; alio, Patnt'artd• Varnish Brnsbasi, of the best make. illasier'ebiaramidsand Points; ' ' l'aint ; single and doable thick Crlsss,..of all detscrlp tines, and all I.laterials need-by lions° and COsich' paint ers—which we can sell as cheap, if mg. cheaper, limn any other house, from thd foot that we keep down oar eon by conducting pefionally. .•... - jr. ItAll—oue of stio..llcut,for. many: yerre inatiefee-. Lured tiro 'Verutelies; Sold b'Y flua latgo. Salireck; feel' confident that par l'arnielleeiftfe Pgaol. if tint sd.Petion' to any manufactured in tide country. We warrant them to giro entiro satiPincllon, and - if not se represented, Ilia' money will be refunded. Gireme n call before ptircliaelng elsewhere. A lacral discount. made in Me p• du `FELTON "& RAtT, 138 Nth FOUILTII Street...rner:CherrY; ~PIIILADELYII.7A .3-Gm UNTATERS.AL:; •.,, CLOTITESVRTIGERI CEME7::: No. 1. Large Family Wringer, 610,00 No. 2. Arediynt .", 7,00 No. 21 " "6,00 No. 3. Small - ! f •." 500 No. 8. Largejlotel, • " 14,00 . No. 18. 3/og*ton_Lauadryl t: t e run 18 , 00 No. 22. Large' ' or lifd.S . 30,00. Nos. 21. and,3 hare no Cogs. 411 oth• era are warranted, *No. 2 is the : size gcncrally..used , private families. Ofl4.l\'es JUDD, of the "American Ag. riculturist," says of the • • • UNIVERSAL CLOTRES WRINGER: "A child tali modify terlngool la! tabfull.of clothes io a few adoutes. It le tin reality a Oil - ma avant A TM. SAVEL I awl SAVER! The Raring of gar.' meets will alone pay a large per centap, snits cost. - We think the machine movie wore than -r ays for Itself eve. ry year' in the saving , orliarontsl There are scrotal' kinds, nearly' attire he guteral coreittnctiory but •ITO con. elder If imporfadt i brit the 'Wringer be' Ottid wllli Cogs. otherwiso a glass of garments may-clog the :rollers, and the rollers open the crauk,baf [Alla and tear the clothes, or the.ridtbir-brealelaneo trot:write shaft. 'Oar 6Wo'fis one of the first Atalset and it is ?0,.000D as ,soft alter • Dearly FOC!: • , , Every *iiiegsr with COg Wheels is.Wdr7 canted in every particulir No TVrirger calt,Al Durablcwithout .coy. IV` tels A giiod 'CIS.N . VA§S.ER in every town. yOn rdeeipt/of 'ttio ' 'pla ces where no'bne is selling, we Will Bend tho_ !ty , rini,. , , , t:jrq of; eY,fielFse 7 ' For partfetilari.3 ,anti - circulars ad dress.: .• Il• C. BROV,INTING, 247 Broad way, N.'Y Aug. 12,-T3 41 , 1 EMI WILLIAM 'LEWIS, Editor an Proprietor. VOL., NIX_, . C : I DOWN TWA/NB HUNTINGDON, PA: often' I,n the'inidaight lion?' !CotnEn'uno'viith my sad heart;; Ariti4isiaiis Uri 'lit cf 'ttioio la'vail Into rny presppsa Itart; ). And thou; is one = tt gorktis girl With meek, angelic .ltrotr+- . -Whos,e influence,-pure•-and spiritual, Is Bogeying round me .now.: ' A moment—l am-all ontrariced • , • By: her kind; loving glenrn A:nothertici' Pfind alas lee 8 30 1 An 8 15k 605 t it 8 00 La •I - 72 1'14 but n • Wnlni4.her in thn,silent grave' : MEM ; Amid the suuner.flowers, • -19hereoft.in spottiva, happy glee,- ' 19e !taii , spenklife's - sanny hours: I loved her with a late unfold, That-was of lifem-pert, And pow A" carry fp Iny„breask : A broken, hope►esa.bear't. With 3hiviiriliiiirlijr:Tiirtet,2 . And oft her epirit; - though unseen, ;Will euribectiii§ round' trie An Aot Relating 'to. , the - Payraera of ' oitn ties to :Volunteer's Section 1.~ Be it enacted by" the Sen ate and House.of .Representatives l of the Commonwealth of 'Pennsylvania in Osn .eral Assembly met, arid : it is hereby enac ted, by the authority of the Same.. That all bonds, warrants, or certifi c ates of indebtedness, issued by the .commis: sioners, or. commissioners and control-. ler,. of any' county, . or. the • corporate authoritie4-of any 'city, ward or• bor ough, or the school director's, 'orroaci commissioners, or supervisors, of any township of :this commonwealth, for .the payment of bounties to -person's: -ioluntcorhig . tb - enter the military or - ritival'erviab' Of the . 'United - States, 'Under any requisition..heretofoi'e•made •, . • • • 'by the.Prosident .cif.the United Stateii: , be and the same are berebylogalizoll, - • • • ' • rg•- • -Upon such' coulitiea; cities; wac:de, bcii•atigha;and townships, as if fulland legal•authori-. ty had existed for: the issuing and ma ting:of the same when they '•Were, is sued and inade; and that",iiialleaSeS Where any ; special committee, sioner, or .anindividual or individ'uals, , Of any county, city; township, bor ough or wai•d, - shalt have subscribed and'Paid,.Or bOCOme • perSonallYliable for the payment of; money, .fOrllm.ptkr:. pose.of.paying:bountioS to volunteers; undertbelateCalls of the president Of l thellnited States; Who have been inus teredinto" the 'United States. inilitnry,' service, and credited.to such county, .City,townShip, ward; or borough, with the understanding, - pr agreement, that whin , iNiould•be enacted' to levy and e‘bilect.R.to4.„.ll-ponisach ,seamy, townSliip,..berougli, or Ward,- for .the ,payment of such advancement and li abilities, - allabbscriptiens; so paid:or 'Money borroWed as'afore'Saickshall be good and valid:against! such county, city, .township, borough; or : ward, as if the. had been' ati or subscribed - e•sme . . . borrowed by the'corporate authori- - ties ofthe'tiaiiie, 'under the'',pro:visiOns Of this: act, dnait:shall 'be. the duty the cOmmiasionets, .finpervisors; cils, or .school direetors,.as. the., case ! .may heito proceed' to leVy and collect! a•tax'ypon Buell' county,. city, town ship; borerfgh; or ward, sufficient to ,pay eprincipalo stic ~e with interest thereon until' thecae,' of Toyama, together , With - the , - cost.% Of collectiori•thereol.•. . ; t ~ • Secttoh 2. That all payment of 'bounties to volanteers, ;entering the service'of the United Statei as afore said, by the commissioners, or ~tbe Commissioners and controller, of any county, or the corporate aothorities 'of any : city, ward, or boraugb; ,Or by the school directors, or road •coMmis sioners, or supervisors, of any town ship of thieimommanwealth, and all loans . made by*daid 'authorities, for the purpose of Malcitig, such paymenti be and the same are hereby legalized find made valid. Section 3. That the' 'authorities aforesaid are hereby authorized, ,and required, to execute, and complete, all agreements, and contracts, 'heretofore made by the aforesaid authorities of 'Bitch counties, cities, wards, borough4,' , . • •• ,or townhips,fOr the payment of both]: ties, 'as aforoSald, Or for refunding- ad- Tancements made for that purpo.se by any committee, special 'commissioners individual,' or individuals,..on . condi- Alen that they should be 'refunded, ac cording to the true intent 'add . mean- - ing of such agreements and contracts; and for : thatpurpese -the . .said autheri ties are hereby authorized - to borrow money, - and' issue - bonds; Ni - ffi'lttits, - certificates, in,thc name of:Eifich to ty,-cdrporations, or townships, with or without interest coupons attached, ••••• •••• ••• :j•• 5,••• r : • •,' :•.".7 - • t , r '•• ' .A,., M E MORY BYFINLET JPIINgON BOUNTY LAW . . lIINTTNGGDONN ; PA' WEDXESDAY APRI • 8 4 payable at snah tinie and place. as may be agreed upon, and, to levy, such tax es .as May be necessary to meet the ..payment of tho principal arid interest of said bonds, warrants and certificates as the, same shall, become due; which andlevies shall be assessed 'and ~collected, as, other :coUnty, city, ward, borough, or township; taxes are asses: sedlevicil and eoMeted That in all election or enrolment, tricts, not having any constituted au-, thorities, as contemplated by this act, competent to levy:and eollect said . taX the board' of election Officers' of such district shall he authorized to leVy, ant - proceed tOlia;i-e said tax, collected ; riri such districts. . • &etion' 4.: That all assessments hei'etofore made of taxes for the pui pose of paying beauties, as aforesaid; be and the same are hereby legalized -andriaado valid : Provided, That. the yrdperty of non=commissioned offieere; rand privates, in actual serviee in 'tke' United States army and nevi from this commonwealth, or who died, or were permanently , disabled, :in 'such' service::' or having been, in - ' such "ser-' vice for the, space of one year an'd'six Months, were honorably discharged therefrotti, and the property of wid ows; minor-ehildren,and widowed mo thers;ofnoli*?,ommiseioned officers„tind privates, who died in such service, shall be exempted from any taxation under the provisione of this hot: Pio vided, That the provisions of tho first, second, third mid fourth' sections of this act shall be so understood as to have reference only .to such• • agree. motets and contracts' as have been en.' tend into by th&titlthoritieg afore Said, 'eubseqUent to the seventeenth day of October, .one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. ' Section 5. That all the provisions, of the fourteenth section' of an act - te' ereate, a loan, arid provide for armiug the State, passed, the, fifteenth , -day of May ono thousand eight hunill'ed and sixty-one, which authorized the , nsso elate indges„and-,eeunty;`commissiOtt ers,.of the Several counties of this coin, ' :MOD Weraloo . COPStita Ea a= board of relief for the families of= such' volun, -toers as have been; or shall . be, enrol led'iind mustered into service ''from their several counties, are hereby ex tended, and applied, to the families: of men who have been, or May' hereag ter be, drafted or conscripted, and mustered into the Efervie - e of the Uni-, ~tpd States,,and credited to the Anotit.l :of said counties, respectively; 'and all arringements made'by the several counties of this boninionweallh, for the support of the families of volun teers, militia, drafted or. Conscripted men, mustered into the' . service,"and credited 'as aforesaid' are' hereby kalized and, confirmed; and full . , and legal authority, is hereby.,given -said county commissioners to borrow mon o?' for the payment of such eipenses; and for' the extension of snob relief,to the families of ell private soldiers, and non-commissioned officers, who. have ' been mustered in, or may hereafter be mustered into, tho Service of the UM. I ;ted States, and credited . as iiforesaid, in pursuance of any requisition made, or to be made, by the president of the Jnitod States, or by any law of the United Slates now made, or hereafter to be made, or, by. the Governor of Pennsylvaaia, or any law of said coat i monwealth now made, or hereafter to he made.. Section 6. That the bommissieners,of any and every eOunlym this comnen-. wealth are hereby autherizcd te,.hor rowsuclren.nr, or sums, cf money,-. as may -be suilleinnt to pay to - Daub and every non-commissioned • 'oilleer 'and private soldier who volunteered from such county, and entered the military or naval service of the United .States, on or after the seventeenth day of Oc- . tober, .A.tino' Domini . ono thousand eight hundred and Sixty-three; and ;to each and every 'noncommissioned of fiver and private soldie,r'.who may here after volunteer and enter the service of the United States from slick county, and be credited to the ,quotal'thereef,' in pursuance of any regulation of the president of the :United States, or by any law of- .the :United States now made; or hereafter to be made, a sum not 'exceeding three' hundred dollars 'Provided hew ever, 'That . in that; plitt of any. county where school directors, or road commissioners, or supervisors,: 'ol any township,- or township§', or where the corporate autheritieg of any city, ward, or borough,,or any. coin mitteo,ispecial: commissionerson ivid nal, Or individuals, have paid, or .have now coinmenced to 'raise a fend foe the Pui:poSO bounties, it shall be.lawful f:qr,such school dime :tors) or read commissioners, er super 'fisbra,- of such township, or townships; om the corporate authorities a SucliciL ty, Ward, or borough, to borrow such sum, or sums, of money as may be re- =I - 7PEI3 , SEVERE.:7 - quitod to:Pay tofieaehvoluntaer from. snob 'distriet, Count not exceeding three' hundred defiers ; and it shalt' be lawful for such atithcaiities - of said'tawn °ships,.`citibs WarllV; or bOrOughe, td is= • ~ , I sue bonds of said , townships , cities wards, or boroug,,lls, for Buell ,eurn, or tsums, of money ,find in such anio,nnts .as may be-necesitrirte pay the au-- therized bolntkt'o each 'volnliteer . • re quired to fill the quota or quotas of township, city, ward; or borough: And provided further, That such town ships, cities, -wards, and boroughs, ,as have filled their quota; or. quotas, 'un der .any call .or requisition heretofore made by the - pietident, of the United' States, as, aforesaid, Without aid ft•oin the county, city, or berOn gli,;shall be ek - omptlfrom any ; tai levied, or to be - levied, by trio said. county - , , city, or bo rough, for the payment of bounties, or ,for the payment . of any bonde issued by said county, commissioners, city, or, borough plithorities,.for.,the payment of bounties tb volunteers to fill the ,qinata aforesaid And : provided fur ther, That no connty, city, ward', - biar; bilg,h, :township, on other • diStrit, Which shall have agreed,.or offered, to payl as bounty - to each volunteer ored- AO to such county, City, Ward;toWn . ship, borough, or other dietriet, - a lar ger ,sum than, three hundred dollars, shall be subject to the limitation as to amount prescribed in this act ; but any payment made, or Lo be made, or obli gation given, or to be given, or liabili ty incurred, or to be incurred, in pur suance of such offal' or agreement, is 'hereby ratified and, declared Co be law fulrand Andpre - 41ded further, .That in case the commissioners of any county, or the'commissiohers and con-. troller of any county in.tliis .common wealth, shall neglect: or refuse, to take' the necessary stets; to raise, or com - Plote the raising of, bounties in town ehips, wards, and boroughs,- not' bal;%- ing raised, tir commenced to` railfe' bounties' at the,tiitti of the passage of this act, ihen, and in that. case, said, towneltirovard,.mk.:lreroug,iri' by-their Authorities aforesaid, shell have power' to proceed and as effectually . as ik,datle..by the authorities. • • , ' Section 7:— Thfi, .said:'. l county conlinissionel.s;. seliool' .iid,eoint n i s sioneri, or stiper‘ifsOrs any township, or, corporate, authorities of any . city, ward, or borough, are hereby autherized,- (for the'purpoSe- ef• parrying Ottilhe provielohs thi.s'act,;) to.berroWitioney, and ye - no s lion:de; or dortifientes ofindebtedness, no bond, or, certificato,:to be less than the'sain of 'twenty-five' dollars; except when the' bounty is less than twpoty:five doll us, in the name ofsuch counts, townahig, city, ward, or ,borough, with, or-with=. out interest coupons attache:cli•payable at . such and in such nl3aiine'r; as may be agrced upon, and to levy,',and' assess, on all prOperty,- professions, -trades, and occupations, subject to tax= aka; for !state and , county purpoSeS ; and collent'such taxes as' may banec essary to Meet' the Principal; and into: . rest,. of said bonds and certificates, as they shall become due, and payable ; which•taxes shall bo'collecteil as coati . - . . , . .ty, city, ward, 'and borough taxee aro, now levied and oollected, including per-capita tax, of .net more than one dollar r bn all taxable male inhabitants: 'l'rovided That only ono per capita tax shall be lovied'in any one year i--- Provided, That, in all _cases sgliero.any. person r or persons; liableto.draft,'have, for the purPoSe raising rel Leers reiiiiirod: the:quota ,of any. county, city,,- ward ? liorougii, or, town ship,-.stipulated; to .writing, - to : pay..a sum greater than the' amount of tax which would be due upon the assessed valuation' of their real, or personal, property, it shaft and may be lawful for the corporate 'authorities of such county, city, ward, borough, and' town ship, to collect the amount'so sub Scr ibed : Provided,' That no bonds, or cer tificates, issued under any. of the pro visions of thiS aot,'shall be for-a longor . Poried 'than ' ton years: Provided', fur thor, That in all cases whore a borough, and township have separate boards of school directors, and are embraced in - one district, for the . purposes .of the' military draft, the:directisrd' cif said districts aro hereby authorized to • act jointly . in carrying into effect the . pro :visions .of this act: , • • . - 'Se'elien 8. ' 'Th'at in. all 'caeca whore' the county commissioners of any coun ty," the school directers,iroad commis ; sionors, or supervisors, 'of anylown• ship; or' the . corpdrate 'antherities of any city, ward, or,horougli, led a per eapitartaxupon persons sub- : jest to.draft, or , military d'uty,:.tho: ac tion Of• said' torPoilite 'authorities, tie, and the sanie SEcrios D. That in any ease where a part of the bounty, authorized by r; MEE MEE , It , / ;I , • ltf.;:k - , ~ 1 -11 1 ' i . ,1 '' ~ .. „:„._,...„..: ~.,_,l ( i leo' ; : li •, , -. - .... 1 t , , ~, '.: ',.•:,''4-'•••• )1. f:) 4 '• 1':•' , . , 1 ni2. 11 :El ' Fr . : . \1 ..4.,;,:,,::•, ~`,",b,.,„.',,,, 'I %,-, ~ ' , , ~ :ir . f V . ir,t, ,',_ • --- 4.. :.':: , .. , .:, , ‘.i"... =-- n . -: ' "- 1t 0 ... ,' i! it ;, = .-; ',h, ~,a;, :.,:,~.:: this act, has been paid by anyr Avaid; township,,. city, , borougla, ap , pAkii ward; tewnship, city, ; or _boough, an.' thorities at; tiforbkinidLslittli-iieghiet,';or: iefi se to•pay'sV6l4art' ieniabis ' paid: 657 ; - I,lle . Of thenggrOniisn to pay koyntjes to voNnt,eers, tbektitel, difference betweed -the' kim , 81) :paid, and the "611: ittuorint the- bohniy • d 'a••I • prbiaise ~(not °Nee° the e, ,the hurali•ect, ,doltais to each volruciteer,) shall. be paid said,vel. , ounteers by'the •county authorities; in which said ward, townships, eitfeti;'or borOughs, dre , leCated and thkenunty conintigsioriers; which said wcird,. tbwnshipS, cities, or boroughs are loca: ted; shall asSess, levy andoollect a tax on defaulting' wai•d; - toruships,' . cities,. or botlenghs, othdr, ward, towtishiP, city, or borough taxes are 'levied and Collected, in stioh_iinnunts as may be required 'to pay the balance due the' voliinteers, as aforesaid,'from Snell deffinliiitg teWnshiP 'oily or, ber et-lull. Section..lo. That the inoney so bor rowed by the 'county tothmissioner'i, be paid over to the 'trectstt'rer _of the proper bounty, rho 'shali : 'payto each, non commissioned offiCer, or pri. hate soldier, wlic; volunteered , frotn,: and'hae been Credited to , the quota of "such county , and has " been, mustered into the service of the United States, 'or has been honorably discharged therefrom, the sum" of monerto which such person'shallho entitled, udder the . provisions of this act, on the warrant or order of• the commissioners, drawn on' him for that purpose; and - said treasurer Shall not receive more ihhn : one half of one per centunion any net so, paid "Over to, him, Section 11. .That the money_ scr,:bor. rowed' by the'school•directors, or road' conitnis'sioners, or suPerVisqs,'of,"kny i township/or theCorpoiate atithcirities of, any eity, ward or j borough shall no, paid over. to the:treasurer of said oily,' 'ward, borough, or township, Oi.when: Such_ offieer does notexist',fo ci; perbo'n 'cinteftßOlittoo-46011,11,1tt1t-orithis of .liaid.township, city, ward, or. borough; _WhOi uppn giving sufficient band,;for thO:Taithful performance of Itis d ti ties~ shall prbeadd to pay , to' such persons, in the manner directed by the tenth I section of - this act; and.shall be - alloW:z e:d the - Sitine . Per - eentage'ait is altotved _ to the county treasurer,. by the tenth - section of, this, act provided, .That theCcnopensation• allowed to any col-:' lector` of , taxes, under .. this act, shall: not exceed twolter centum, ' . . . I.2.,That.ia.ease.any veteian 'who hay e reenlisted, and hove not been credited to any special' loeitl- . - lty,.:shall . h6reaftey . b . & credited, on the present draft; 0: ; the ideality from. which they originally, volunteered ; Bach • veterans' slutll - btrpaid • brthe to ca] aulhorities; Whose dot) ltrii3, to pay: heantles, such bounty 'is, tinder the Provisiona of this net, shall be paid to volunteers, from said locality. • Section-13.; That if any soldier, - or non commissioned ofileer, or Private; Who would I#tvo'bee6 entitled to : rei• Collie, the .said_ bounty, before reaching the money, the proper 'authorities shall L pay the same to sticli n,-. perio or persons; as by the laWsi of the United Stat*S . world be reaelve_the beauty of deceasedeolAlers.. Section 14., T.hat all accounts' of the receipts and expenditurei of the boun ty fund, arising from any taxes thhi have been asbeqsed, iiatMaY be.as- Gesso& - for ihe PurPose as, aforesaid., shall .be audited , in lik'e manner' s oth er clunty, township,'city, - bcirongh, or school district, accounts are auditdd. ISee.tion:ls. All bonds, warrants, cer tificates of, indebtednes - s, or • loam. is sued, or to be Issued; under the provi sions of this act,"pr of any special act heretofore passed, or hereafter' Co be passed, authorizing particular' cities, counties, wards, boroughs, or town ships, to borrow moneys and pay boun ties to volunteers shall be exempt from all taxation. HENTLY O. JOTINSON, Speaker of the House of Representa tivC.B. JOHN P.Ti:NNty, Siieaker of,.oe,'§QnAte APrnovEn,----The tsventy.fifth, day of March, Anno Dotninf , ono 'thousand eight hundred and sixty-four!"' „ aNDREW UURTIN. , , How CA'. 13utd6r. Adrhinistiirs;;Tus7 ties at Fortrese Iffiyaroe. A Fortress Monroe Correspondent of the Boston Journal gives this sketch Of Goneral'l3utler'S Operati6qe:' "With loyal men Gen, Butler iS: , iery, , .iiopttlar.: If he' , rough, seyeke ;and pli unaable, it is only.with those..WhO show ; , a., regard fen - Our Goiero In en t cvhilellioy are traitototiS at heart: Be'. has fir-..p,euity...f - iptile4iik4. these pooriti , s, and'for thorn lie has no fa; VC/VS. XI . e holds oourt in :.primitive style. Tho doors of his office stand MIME =I EMI TtRtS: 50 a yogi ticiviiiii6lS."“ MEAN wide open:. , Of Solchnon, isli , Who , tiavetaicitiiel bring it; directly' to his presence. He decides it„ationde.. The peed of Siloam rhad.not a,-Enorelim ri4giedltiatkotinge • kottii'd Butler 'CiaseS 'of assault and . baftory • :p 6 017. colored liven - 40u i wronged! by !lb ei landlords;:petty, liras ; parties Taking' l!to be Treelfreni rreit, 'With -th'S Cang irc,p4nt , 4lCariCii4ll6oAii, duties of hie ,trust, busy fro rn early ; ni orn, ofton, Enicfnight; Never wearied-- , lilear, Cool and shEirp,i' ,with'ready clear's'en4o-of „a COurage equal' ,to a4yen - ievoney i wits a. perfect; lEnoWle'd, ,40;of..;11(1n1An• nature, learned : in his.praotioe : sia ' lawyer—all enables , .hin - iltO and or two will illustrate this "In the; _plainest possible ; attire:, he 'sits in.his, office, without show,er,par.,-, .adoovith genuine cotirtesy, , :4tlK44 ; the : air of p... Man not to . lic trificd with, Ire recetves one, titter another, ; o'f, the vastthrong,tb.at i coms to his,headquar,, tors day by day ; First comes an _old man. ~ Ills daughter is under qr ieEt, ati a spy. , ~.11- e ,assures tbe, General 'that his daughter is ~innocent og, charge. _He has papers to,pyoye It is not, right, that his daughter be held on. suspicion of, such .a crime:---, General Butler reads carefully the, OIL-, davits put Ipto bis. hands,„lle says; 'These , paws ;Only, show ~ t )10 yqur daughtor, was,loyall certain ; , I have proof that ;her offence was,com , mitfcd,lifter the time mentioned, in, ( 'these papers„ agree with your.that , the crime is a great one_ ; , caa'l charge your-daughter, wit this;a4a•- 'sation over her, ,Asiiall 90' 31 5 1 3".49 be tried that her innoccn 'Co may appear.. "Next Comas wgentlemal about his, ;I°'l tt•lto is'a PrlsP.ner!at,-Riehmond.4- Ile•withts: , him,achanged. , Thb 'Gen, .askspAlo* , lotig be' p:issi= .. 'nerP' daylV 'I have ei lit 46 4 6r4 ; ' Gen Butler, ‘.olol4tWeli).Soolll'.3•lich• mond'for.a your? or inOre.• you if :your:Son Was bile eflifolieoi ht • hundred if. ,yoti - Would 'think it - right, to leave bin i still, kilter in,prisoo r and, releaso,One .whe.had, been in. confine-. men t only , a few days!, tThe lather replied': 'You '.are iight,- Gdn!BiLtlOf"" but I want , ,ynyPbXl minister,iii) the _employ of ithe,Chris: flan Commissiofii , tialled :ow the coin idh prisbiser:s 'Point, I;ooltout 'Rebel prisOnersrere m any ; of - them sick and 'dying, and needed spifittial don. asked that' Dr.- ther law of. Storihividl i Jackson; might 'be appointed:fp' Arisit 'thetn. r - 7 'Where is the poet chaplain nial:aoked. is.siels! 'was' Abe re ply;'and cannot tend to` his' 'He iS too faithful - a servant of ehriatio'al , low men fo 'suffer for spiritual aid,tbat he can't render: • When ho resigns,l will appoint Dr. Judkin •to his plaCe? To this, - of course, there could be no reply. The clergyman politely bowed himself out with his answer!' • • E 0 U CA'rl 014:;:L.::C:0 I3l*-14.; S. B. °WRY, Editor, To iiltbin all i3ommtlkicatiotis on E►ib'eub jed 'of Ed tioati - aliould be addrestieC.. `: `' • • From the Permythimia 'School .Tournal Getuue an. the, Sohool. Room Genius in, its•glory,l, i genius . 1 94 its, - eagle. wings soaring swap in the' Olouds,ihs all every= day sight, a 'thing qe Otiaily l p'ereeii'Jq`and Wonder i 4 - no" looper!; f ig:,in t livi in tlio - BoliC61:, r9orn is often : sUri•ounded by Boob a mist, of rage and dirt; cross looks and whip- pings, that it is only by a loiig•and in timate association that we are oniii bled . to'pereeireit,'and even then it often Ike hidden so cleanly, 'that 'Ne fail to see it; but all this time it glows 'and burns, warms and enlargss, until When least expected; it bursts and astonishes tho world. • Look at that little black eydd''lJOY . at the , farther ,clul 9f Y0ur,391 10 ., (41 0 ,4 1 / 1 ?; —crowded Out there, whore the wind blows throligh the broken plaster and 'his old, tatered garmfuit,--beeause he, is ragged and bare tboted. 'Who by ? That boy the stove, ' with hid pobkets' full Of nuts and eandies.• , ',Tli,e' owner of that flied warmfos;dreatit,ao dinner basket, with dinner enough for 'two boys; whose mother sayiti'd shan't COlllO - t0 schbbl if Lie can't have `a isarni seat near tbb iato'v'e! What if come a week or two afi,er'S'eli'Oe' Men64l, after this }vht`n seats iv ere . ' ail_ one opcupi,el,liy.:Pmb Ito be his, and be tvill,hava:,.it....noin:dr , never:: ‘gatsElys.so.' Little ltakgeds' 'blacV:eyes snai With soMithitig 2 resentnient when tool :by, h s -teacher to move hiii-books to a, back seat; but an unlooked for kind word from his =I 4.t ij~:<~~ ! - If re BEIM rr, ~c.—.Stmt• ME •;cS;O ME ME IHE - pi-417; MI 1 T 't_lol.l"3k JOB-".P rtIIaING,-OFFICE; .11:11 1 41t511 IrrHE _ GLOBE - JOB =OFFI43-1--" inifit faioto 49{6V tr e nsrag:LVA r l„t e f a 31=1041 a : 1 - WAIM4111)1, .W 4 1 11.43+38A - MMES, 1' BLANKS, POSTERS; :ma w 3# ILABE j CALI, AND EXAXLIVPISCIBILNB Or 17 IC, UST LEWI S ' DOOR, STATIONERY & SAO STORi: 1,. a tochler, fixes . ¶t all- right,- and - H.40f , - '4ob - hd say s- 7.- g Y"?. O 111. 0 ,r9,4 11151t' ii,x9ll, Xeq 4toAtslggp,42, l ,yourz.moibers.wou't—daie. can . N vheyei YPA sitrigok so,yen.'eaufgo 41cutsellool:i ; :49.11d1441, isber ; because she's poor.Gotlf:Phitgk ' eron'irreitliwrittrirgsrlflitr 'kindness, ana.littlkcli.ildisisato bestow .it upon. Sile, looks • lipon you, Itrd , tuip!fs ypti : she naistn't . 'for Veitith .10iiiinks'-fdg .. , ddicforl;Wr Egfie , , rti,4oiif6NPdfs,-'.#lj% shoe s;'dte;s . >"fiithf nefeijiiiiiiii=lCliaigif 'it ; 'Little- - .ST:V*7 gee- It th`o' - ' (4 1 4 t c'VEekoc,' t ;on Yetc'iaianll3,' among` r ~ii - gr , etic ? 19z31, iCroniiko your nitti'sl'setOlarti.%l49r , bp tritatii!" 1 ,1,1 6 .r 1 kilOW It been'dOTher 11T candy, youl- • ' :I 0, ~ .r:,;;;•11, , , s~ noes lAh t Siv4iitin6iita! part • of tbitirde. ',•• Stand , Ragged ythir jittle' bare rOd 'fc'et t ty and'ichint Who helped 4 .N4 brie tell' ed that s'odebT: , AY told '_'YA7filif 1)1;,:,-." ; 'Hush dare you ,I,—(wk ose coat" and Wind' iiii;;Atiitild i u&VelifiliQ? aTeai~ein fir fertP:i 7 . ) c ' : VW = Od'llCg 2.4 any such iittle'paupors try n'g i to eiilia '' ily - . 1 2r/ j!" -- ' c ' 7 1 t - cf644i 1 4; 'l7loll.sotririf:fittßAVlV. 2 l ) •i ji"< s - fivs'qherd" - her` ' ?Old IA t ear ttilii• 4 469liitt l yeititit} — ‘' ~ .1 3 ai . „EtEa, 0V g m welt; ii - 62 , 4 , 00..Te'atirelfro geoftlifi n tif j e e n r iArbr y ltilittlft -VMS 10 ;a b go - Jf • • -1 • 14 lestbare 'footed boy . atNehobV,'T -think of, Y 61 4958„wePtirt..,90 ,13 .;:T9 s be. 4) 2 0,4 used stone ix ;•, •.. Jac, ;gall• him;.lf gq i 9g:PP 9)°;r 9 l :fig h 9° l tßP;9l:l'll9't'il OP' n ri .,a tt 1187,- , E7P,1.a '," belPedTtOniccomnitshi ; /1 1111 though I'd ,norcr Lave !thought f t,. • i‘Pioaf,nicotlleriUmAalifiin(*; .yo !I: • Should: ihnx 7 e. , ,been irhiiever outcast. Ofo sick whe• ;‘ • • , 1•1: )I.:Lt c.t 19icigecilof rooA rc~ Ewell trimikfinEliChoolqxuteser.4 , ,2,o4ot„ . kfort,„,, , I have wilthe.(l fotilk> noir shit of dleitidiu - .,j plO . of our figtp© ytt'sx tc!IT-Alfiskivizyly , tool : A lov.elWoeldinederrfaii:ittxifidiukt ti a Place near the fire-when I was olik1;1 1; "' or refuSo Sal linitr word, cffilf Y;o'ifis , 1 .1 6 . V5','; - ref i Srig'(ll: l W) thef,liiiiif l 'hoi•Uolli4ix„uhslk i ve'dpfii,l(4` 4;4 placed me b4l4°44 3 Prif:4 6 3Yl l, 4 l l.o'iliciu!:;;l Vored ;of our Jail tshb ald don Withoe t eltib Akoffi;'!dittY, dui's sieahl care and ,bate' C0.,44•: bkOe i ltiffdoi , the oold OH 6h - 460 T :diOf •,`:' seats: by1101toil" ' u f anii)XJ•lettriiirig',ttiefils'ssefti '...tiffectielitite bride' . 'word booithreintijly:';',.l4lt* &silk bias tEni-dirk; it: May . 6tC . ; Na 6 to' iffivg of 'A4 . .othe tractive;' lot fie , litlf,'tass whCn:'•irtSr•ifia,y : 'kee''qliax'e mOurn.—Bradford Argus:- A.riqrwititiii.' o ilig'BittiWiAttfo- , 1 At IVM P P ;4eI4 P ' t lan tsvilla On th,ert3tii';flon..jern 4 .. `Clem e,,preeitling, _3lr.l.o.lein+ensixeiO4. 1 : 'tea the,folloyilfg.iniiident:! y r grf, !(i. Ig9inc 41.1 110 A 40 1% tir;91 . ,4 1 114 1. ./.O2 , lQf§P-9,:s cessionl , 74B P4§EtesiAwlljh ery, Coilld.:oAll j ratitaiiii.al,a'y is ; Iyho was in the city. Datisoarent , cto ~tp n gert thehge.crelatjcohWat/ req.- Ilol l .,canb,,aE;r l :cTs,T.4skttdigi.c.PtlP3.Yr anAc;a seyerciptacre. +terdiV,giiS'aisiiver,tintOr dens esl: :were evidently iiisdassiiithe pro ON ft "2? of ArinotpdnliForti,Suititer.(l - ta,ttro;i/notip thiee,Of them ceettlideowTtp - ,theiwrinedir3 sf tilite j Too iiAc SOcr.ct.efy "it, .muoe be c Aone!'' - 'Ddliti'tujo hint' ths and Aj ti - sittyt# l sin rth'e"-17fil3il.>r , Yon - tnntitilrl! , 'cprinitlo bitiod in ho face , Of tini 9 =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers