The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 30, 1864, Image 3
Ely ellobe. HUNTINGDON, -PA Wednesday morning, Mob, 30,1864, LOCAL 45:, PERSONAL Union County Committee Meeting. • The Union County Delegate Con 'onlion, held in Huntingdon, August 11th, 1863, ordered that• the Union County Committee appointed by said Convention, meet at the call of the Chairman and appoint a Delegate to the next Union State Convention.— The members of the Committee are, therefore, requested to meet in Hunt ingdon on the 2d Tuesday of April, at 2 o'clock, P M, and elect a State Dele gate. EMEEMEE! Alexandria—Jacob Acker. Btirroc—Josith Gibbony. Brody—FA. Grerne,'Jno. U. iJackson— . Satuuel .9 - Wray, Juniatz—Henry Mark. Morris—Perry Moore Orieldn—Jacob Miller Slonebraker. Pirm ingham—James Clark. Carton—llenry Couk. Orblsonia—Dr. G. James. Penn—John Gardner, Jr. Porter—Col. J. Guyett. Petersburg—A. Renner. Shirley—G. G. Tate. Shirleysburg—J.l!l. Clark Springfield—D. S. Baker. Tall—henry Sharer. - - Clay—K. L. Creme. Cromeeell—William harper. Cats—Jacob Storer. CuserilleA. W. trans Dublin—Wm. Climuns. 11. Stouebrrt Tod—lsancTaylor.' Union—Simeon Wright. Walker—Lir. Robb. - ker. lienderson—George Numer. Hopewell—Ai:lnm Fouse. Muntlngion—J. W. Mattern G. W. Johnston, Semi. T. Brown, Ales. Port. Icnrrforemark—A. son. West Diet. —W. McGinn V3l. A 100111:, Chairmon. Match 28,1861 Borough Election. The Union voters of the borough of Huntingdon, aro requested to meet at the Court House on Saturday even ing next, the 2d of April, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of putting in nomina tion a ticket to be voted for at the election on Monday the 4th of April. A general attendance of the voters of the Union party is requested. . First of April. Busy, bustling, moving first of April will soon be here. Some of the flit ting ones are already making prepa rations to "pack up" and change their place of residence; and many, who are either too eager to move, or else doubt as to the clemency of the first day of next month, have now gone in to their summer quarters: The first of April besides being a moving day is distinguished as April fool's day—when chalked backs, and rags pinned on coats are made to rep resent a fool (?)—and also as pay-day, the best and most distinguishing trait of all. We gave our subscribers valu able hints in last week's issue, which no doubt they will heed. We cannot, with any satisfaction, give any reason why the first of April is more distinguished than the first day of any other month, but suppose it is because it is believed to be the period when we can bid adieu to cold, dark winter, and welcome again joy ous summer—a period when wo can start life anew, (especially after relie ving ourselves of all debt,) and feel re freshed in our journeyings onward by the sweet influences that Nature has in store, and which Nature alone can give. The Homily Bill The bill authorizing boroughs and townships to levy a tax to raise mon ey to pay bounties, has passed both bionics, and will no doubt be signed by the Governor. We have not been able to learn the particulars of the bill but as the time is short to fill the quo tas with volunteers, the money should be loaned first, and collected by taxa tion afterwards. The government bounty will only be paid to the 15th April. What the Soldiers Think A young Henderson township Dem ocrat, now in the army near ChaLtan ooga,'lvr'Les us nndor date of the 14th inst: "The Globe comes regularly to hand and is quite a favorite not only among the old Huntingdon county boys, but among the boys generally. lam glad that you keep true to Democratic prin ciples and support the government without waiting to inquire what party administers it. The army is in better condition here this spring than at any former time." A Good Soldier Gone • Adam Goodman of Brady township member of Co. C. 45th Regt. P. V. V., died at NaShville, Tenn., of chronic diarrhea, on the 17th inst., aged 21 years and 10 months. He re-enlisted at Knoxville, and was on his way home at the time of his death. He was wounded at the battle of South Mountain; which considerably shatter ed his constitution. The Sentince. The following is the sentence upon Joseph Moore, pronounced by Judge Taylor, iu conforthity with the ver .• diet of the jury: "The sentence of the Court is, that you, Joseph Moore, pay the cost of this prosecution, and undergo an im prisonment for the period of six years in the Western Penitentiary, in the city of Allegheny, there to be impris oned by solitary confinement, at hard labor, and to be fed and clothed as the law directs, and to be removed to said imprisonment by the Sheriff, within thirty days from this date." 0 6 130 . rutty Jumpere.,) There was Arrested in Harrisburg last week a number of "bounty jump ors,"—or in other words, men who en listed apparently to serve their coun try, while their only object was to ob ; Lain the bounty money and then de sort. We have heard of men who have practiced this game in this dis trict, but we caution them to beware, and desist, ere they be discovered and fall into the hands of the law to re ceive their just punishment. The Spring Electidns 11'ith two or three exceptions, the Union men carried every tOWnship in the county. In several of the town ships the guerillas did not make their appearance at the polls until late in the afternoon. They did their best to make tho Union men believe they would not make an opposition. Hero aftcr,Union men will know how far to believe the guerillas. They will lie, and will steal an election if Union men can be caught napping. =I Mr. John Graffius, of Birmingham, died very suddenly on Wednesday . last. Mr. Grants was in ordinary health and left his home on milling business. While at the mill he was suddenly taken ill, and expired before ho could be removed. Removal. and Appointment Capt. H. C. Beamer, of DnueanS vilfe, bas been appointed Assistant Provost Marshal for Blair county, vice Col. John Piper, removed. Some more doings of the gentleman who al ready flatters himself as the next Con gressman for this district. Pray, what next? New Sty/es Just Received A heavy stock of Wall Paper, neW styles, has just been received at Lew is' Book Store. The paper having been bought from the manufacturer before the rise in price, customers can be accommodated with the latest styles cheaper than they can be bought in the city. Also, a largo stock of gilt, plain and figured oil cloth, linen and paper window shades. Blair County Medical Society. The Blair county medical society will meet in Huntingdon, the 12th of April at 10 o'clock, A. M. J. A. LANDIS, Se'y. El= Two rebel . prisoners—one a Texan, and the other a Polander—made their appearance in Hollidaysburg on Wed- . nesday morning' of last week, and cre ated some commotion among the in habitants. The Texan was one of those who escaped from the cars -be low Altoona, a short time ago. Where is Het From the unusual state of the wea ther throughout this month, when it is usual for high winds to rule the day and the month, we think that Old Bo nes is taking too long a nap, and that the calmer days of spring are stealing a rapid march upon- him. Sleep on, old Bore 1 Re-Arrested The old man John Coyle, was re arrested and brought to jail on Sun day. We understand that several other "long fingered gentlemen" in Barree and Jackson will be caged before court. MT= Sunday last, was duly observed in this place. Eggs being as scarce as they are high, not many were digested and fewer were colored. Snow. On Friday last we had a fall of ab out half a foot of snow. Consequence slush and disagreeable walking. Small Pox Our county, in certain portions is being plagued with this disease. Many deaths have occurred. Removal W. A. Stephens, attorney-at-law has removed to a room in the sewn( story of the Court Ilottio. Copporhcadism. • We find in the last Jeffersonian, a "Democratic" (!) paper published in West Chester, a piece of poetry ad dressed to soldiers in the Union army. We copy but three verses to show the spirit of Copperheadism "You fight—but not like freemen, That fought in tho days of yore, ' You go forth slaves and mailmen To bathe your hands in gore. "You are fighting for the negro, Deny it if you can, Your flesh will feed the crow., And your bones will strew the land." "You aro bound for that ocean, Where you'll tread the brimstone shore A hell is your . promotion, For the causing of this war." [For the Globe.] The Little .li , raelc and Shoes A little froth but slightly worn, Of blue out white deleino With edging found the neck, and sleeves, lay folded neat and plain; Besides a pair of little shoes, With hero and there a flaw, Lay half concealed among the things In mother's bureau drawer. The summer rinsed away front earth With all its sweetest ties; The birds had left their summer haunts, For more congenial skies; The twilight breezes softly plaid Among the deco of oven, An angel left his home on high, To gather flowers for Heaven. She near and nearer canto Whore sister, sick, did lie. Then gently faulted her faded cheek, And pointed to the sky ; The morning shone upon the bed, The autumn wind blew free, The angel moved his silver . wings, And whispered, "Come with me." Wo gathered round her dying bed, With hearts to weep and pray; • And many were the tears we shed, When sister wont away. No bitter tears had oho to weep, No sin to ho forgiven ; Ihit closed her 110 le oyes In sleep To op,n thorn fn Heaven. We laid her tu the earth's green breast, Down by the village green, IVliere gently MOt:110 the dewy grass, And summer flowers are Fe.; And often when dear mother goes To got her things to use, I sec her drop a silent tear, On sletor's frock and shoes. Spectacles A fine stock of Spectacles just re ceived and for, sale at Lewis' Book Store. !GREAT CENTRAL FAIR! For the Sanitary Commission, to be held in Philadelphia, in the first week of June n ext. PHILADELPIII.I. Match, 12tb, 1861 Restaurant Department Tao co.operation . of benevolent and patriotic citizens of Pennsylvania, Now Jersey and Delaware, and elsewhere, is invited, in our efforts to make this more tomunerative than any Fair that has preceded it. These Fairs are-re sorted to no practical means of erect to every one to take part in n great and humane work. Let no one, therefore, allow this opportunity to pa's, of eontrilmtlnet something for the benellt•uf the National Noldier in the field; and though the gift may seem small when steno it soon be comes efficient when combined m ith numbers. We ask for donations of any and every article, the produce of the Farm, Lake, River, and Ocean, and ef foreign importation; of Fruits, fresh, dried, and preserved; of Vegetables, Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Beef, fresh and smoked, Tongues, llanis and Pork, Lobsters, Crabs, Oysters, Clams, Fish, fresh and salt. In truth,, there is nothing which may contribute to the well being of our appetites, which may not be entrusted to our care. Notice will be given by circulars and the newspapers, with full directions for forwarding and depositing dona tions. • GEORGE T. LEWIS, Chairman, • Restaurant Department. Please direct all donations thns For GEORW: T. LEWIS. ilesinurnnt Department. Care of A. R. Reception Committee of tho Grant Central Fair, PHILADELPHIA, PA.. TO T IE Physicians of linntingdon County. GENTLEMEN :—Tho Blair County Medical Society have resolved to hold their next !sleeting in the borough of Huntingdon on tho first Tuesday of the April Court, (April 12th) at 10 A. M., and requested Me "to invite the members of tho profession of this County, who would he likely to take an interest in its transactions to attocrl their meeting." The object of our brethren of leir ht holding their eeting in this place is, to be instrumental in effecting to organization of a Medical Society In Huntingdon nty ; or, in ease of failure, to Induce the physicians of this county to milto with the Their County Society. In consideration of the abovo I would herowith cordial ly invite all the regular members of the profession of this county to attend that meeting, and, with a view of form ing a medical society in this county AT On; friendly so- licit thorn to bring their diplomas along, as according to the Constitution of the Medical Society of the State df Pennsylvania, under whose authority the county society would be formed, "none can be admitted as a member, un less he is a graduate of some respectable Medical school, recognized by the Stale Society, or has been a praditioner for al least fifteen years, and who, moreover, is in good moral and professional shading in the place where he ro side4., and is a regular practitioner." Respectfully, Sc., nnutingdon, March 29,1.561-2 t DIED, On the 10th ult., of malignant scar let, fever, itiLEANort JENNY, daughter of Samuel and Mary G. Seerist i agid 14 years ; 3 months and 20 days. Weep not, for littlo Jenny, For else has gone to rest; She is now in the heavenly palace— With Christ and all the blest. In the beauty of all her existence She was laid beneath the sod ; She suffered with great patience— She rests in peace with God. Then lot us dry our mournful tears Froni gloomy grief refrain ; In Heaven our daughter now appears, And shall forever reign. Let us prepare to meet her Whore parting is unknown, And join in chorus with her— And sing the He . avenly song. M. O.S I= March 25. Panty and Extra Family Flout- e,7,0007,00 1; 'WI HI 011 and Superfine $5,75©0,25 P3o Fluor Corn heal mfficeamino EMIM=22 ltyo Corn, prime Yellow Oats . Malley Ma1t...... .... Cloverseed,laMlb. Tinwthy wool Hides HUNTINGDON MARKETS. Extra Emily Flour gl bbl ,2 6,50@7,25 Extra do % cwt 175 White Wheat 1 50 MEM E!=l la s 3ed Dried Apples I it d Hum Shoulder..... Sides...... NATARELIOUSE PRICES.- lryou want to boy goods at warehouse price. go to • LLOYD S: ilkiNitY'S-Warohouse. ECEIVING DAILY— (It Dry Goods, Groceries, Roots, Shoes, Hardwaro Riceastrare 2 aud VIA of all Rinds, at LLOYDS HENRY'S. lAMILY GROCERIES. Family Oromtries nod Provision; of oil kind;. • for'sole at LLOYD & HENRY'S GRICULTURAL. R The Huntingdon county Agricultural Society will moot, pursuant to appointment: in the Court [loose, on Monday evening (11th) of the first week of the coming Apra Court. By order of the Society. 310,30,18GL It. McDIYITT, Sec.- W. rl STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA OFFICE.—In Treasurer's room iu Court House—up stairs. Huntingdon, Dec. 16, 1563. QTR AY BULL.—Came to the residence now occupied by the subscriber, in Carbon township, on or about the first of October last, a smairat red Bull, with a 'whit° spot on top of the shout- I,r . dere, and a piece uIT Btu right oar. About two • Years old. no Owner is requested to color forward, p.. 3 Property, pay charges, and take lihn away, other alto he Will he disposed of according to law. M1130,1601 4 ' J 011 1 ,7 D. CARBERRY. 13110 CIA lIEREA S, by a precept to mu directed by tho Judges of the Com mon Pielo of the county of Huntingdon, bearing, test the 18th day of January, 1801, I am commanded to make _public Proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick. that a Court of Common Picas will be held at the Court (louse In the borough of Ilunting.tion, on the 3rd notulay,(tuel lath d a y) of April, A. D., Mil, for the trial of all is sues In said Court which remain undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all Jurors, witnesses, and suitors, in the trials of all issues are required. Dated at Huntingdon, the 151 h of March, inn the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four and the 88th year of American Independence. UEO. W. JOHNSTON, Sherif. li.DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- [Estnto of John Armitage, deed.] Letters of adniliiistration, do bonis non, with the will annexed. having been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of John Armitage, deceased, rill persons Indebted to the estate, are requested to make payment, and those ha ring claims will present them to the undersigned (or set tlement. Those holding permanent inveidinents of tho funds of the estate, are requested to make immediate pay ment of all Interest now due and unpaid on their several obligations. SAW.. T. BROWN, Admr., Mch30.1.136-1.-13t. Huntingdon, Pa. •XECUTORS' [Estate of James It. Crownovor, deed.] Letters testamentary upon the will nod testament of Jas. it. Crow:lol,r tato of Dame . township. Huntingdon County. deceased:have been granted to the subscriber.. All penning indebted are requested to make inamethate payment, and those having claims will present them prop erly authenticated to the undersigned. A NDItliW CROWNOVEII, WILLIAM COY, Darren hop., Sch. 23, 1564-01. Executers. QTRAY HEIFER. kj Como to the premises of the robeeriber in llopewel township, about the first day of September last, % K T.., a Heifer, about three years old, with black otdee.e neck and head, black end white spreekled, back and belly white. The owner it requested to . Milo for ward, prove properly, pay charges, nod take her away otnerwise she will be di,poseil of according to law. nth?. IMP SAMUEL HUFF. WM. MANN'S AXES, at old prices, at the Hardware btore of JAB. A.1311.019N. Itunthqlon, fe10•64 riIAVEIIN LICENSES.— '. 1.1,0 followin g persons have filed in the office of t m Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon county, the r petitions for licenses to keep Inns or Tnr• erns in said county and which Ce presented to the Judge of ;said Court Co the seeded Monda3' of April next for allowance : . . John MeMonigal, Petersburg borough . . . James Flemming, do • George E. Little, Mr.liery's fort. Samuel Storey, Jackson township. Alexander S. Seeds. M 11 1 .1.1, " . . Jvilll S. Miller, Huntingdon borough, William lesg, do Henry Mosier, do George Thonms. . do ~ • [whoa A. Bunko).., Manor Hill. .. Sauel c 0.,. satikhurgt . Tho m mas llcOercey, Mill Creek. . SIIIIIIIti O. Simpson, Shady township. • ..; William Templeteii, Orbisonla borough: a Robert Gitlin, do Salnudl M. Anit2, Mount Union. S. Pryson Slower, do John G. Stewart, do - John Doan, Huntingdon borough. Abraham A. Jacobs, do James Chamberlain. Warrtormaik. , • , Martin Mara, Barnet. James (Henson, do Susan Montgomery, Mapleton. Ban iol Etter, , do • Robert Morrow, Shade Gap. Margaret Jamisin, do Perry Harris, Shirleysburg boy. Henry Chhtuberlin, Morris tp. • Jesso Musser & J. A. Bell, Weil tp. Jesse H. March, do • William Jounson, fitarklesburg. Bernard O'Fal ret, McConuelletown. Thomas Cook, i3rond 'fop City. • : Henry M'Gowan, Dublin tp. . , Henry S. Isenberg. Cualmitut. -'ll It. F. lEaslett, Morris tp, . a. Wm• H . harper, ( Iletail Liquors) Inutsvdic, Henry Strome, .MeContollstown.. : • John I),ltoril.g, Cnssville. John Burns, Barnet. Thos. 11. Fagan, Coalmont. . Joseph Mcrrho.l, Iluntingdor. . '' . W. C. WAGONER, Clerk Clerk's Office, Huntingdon, Mar. 23, 1804 } • • COURT AFFAIRS TRIAL l A IST APRIL TERM, 1864 FIIIST WEEK. E. L. St. B. 11. 111,tvgnatul vs Tonna. Itrdltoad Company WW&DO lintrekin ye Michael Stone. Smno vs' . Ennio, Catherine householder vs 0 rubb ouseholdor. Douglairty for nee S trokin, garnish. 157 11' kD C Entrekin f n vs J Entrektu et M. Stone. D Cloths on, Trustee, &c. vs Jacob Cresswell. Com. for Dougherty . vs Orrticus Miller, et aL. SECOND WEEK. Jana Ann Speer vs William Bennett. Henry ()Robison Vs •GeOrgo Sipes. Gillam & wifefor use vs WlMani Itothreelc. Isabella, Galbraith vs M. Omahalbet nlr .Samuelb lensing ve lion. J. BB:Wares admr. Jl' Anderson's executor on Henry Orisdy. D 5 & J li Peterson vs Ea=lel Bollinger. J C Watson's admr. fis -vs George Hawn et al. Thomas Norris vs Isaac Yocum. John Oayton vs Mery A Wise. !Ana MsVitty vs I,yeomi rig Ins. Company. W Stevons for use vs ii N 0 lasgow of al. J It Clinger et al ve I' 13ridenbaugh'e exeer. James Wilson vs Joseph Green, surv. Sc Peter Tlppory vs Penna. Railroad Company. WM:C. WAGONER. - Prothonotary's Office, 1 . Prot'y, Huntingdon, Melt. 30,1564, J I= Jer. Beck, farmer„Warriorsmark John Corbin,:carpenter, Hopewell Jesse Cook, farmer, Carbon Hugh Carey, " Jackson Henry Cumin, wagon-maker, Morris David Etnier, merchant, Shirley Jesse Fisher, farmer, Morris A. P. Fields, M. D., Cass Goo. Fetterhoof, farmer, Morris John Geissinger, of Win. " Juniata George Goddard, farmer, Shirley G. Dorsey Green, iron -master, Porter Jdo. Grinsimore, farmer ' Warriormark Samuel Goodman, " Juniata Jacob Hicks, Sr., " Walker Samuel Hess, " Oneida James L. Harvey, tailor, Shirleysburg William Isenberg, farmer, Morris John S. Morrison, " Shirley Jas. McGuire, " West Isaac Oatenkirk, " Brady Isaac Showalter, " ; CasS Henry B. Shearer, " Tell William Stryker, "is West TRAVERSE 3URORS-FIEST WEEK. David Ashton, farmer, Springfield • : Wm. Addleman, • Warilormark . George Beatty, watchman' Jacob Baker, carpeirteilWelandria A brat) finx-Br*lmigliM4'4Opt i f*, Perry BenSop', carpenter, Tod; Isaac Brumhauch farMd Cass ' Jacob C. Coder, blacksmith, Union , Thos. Carman; tinner, Hantitigdon Lewis Corbin, farmer, CaSS Abraham Corbin, " Juniata John Dopy, clerk, West Abraham Elias ' thrther, Tod • Benj. Enyeart, laborer, Penn Isaiah Fleck, farmer, Cromwell Daniel Fink, " Union Geo. M. Green, " Cass Gilbert Horning, " Barron Wm. S. Hampson, clerk, Clay Theophilus Houck, farmer, Ted John Jackson. " Jackson Samuel Kineb, blacksmith, Franklin Curtis liidder, shoemaker, Barre() John X. Lutz, farmer, Shirley George Lamp, farmer, Porter Philip Locke, " Springfield John B. McElroy, teacher, Jackson John B. Moreland, farmer, Clay John Moore, miller, -West John H. Neff, farmer, " John Nightwine, " Henderson David Neff, " Porter • Gco. W. Parks, " Cass Wtn. Quinn, shoemaker, West James Querry, farmer, Union John Silverthorn " Tell James Stewart, " Barre() Wm. Seibert, " Tell Robert Stewart, clerk, Jackson James Steivart, farmer, " Simon Starr, , " Cromwell - Jonathan Shultz, " Carbon James White, X. P. James Wilson, farmer, Henderson Isaac Wolverton, pump-maker, Brady -Andrew Wise, farmer, Union Thomas M. Young, ‘‘ Carbon Sao, Garner, of Matthew, miller, Penn. SO 00 5b1,,50 $1,75(V o[2 =UM SI.: 3 .1;93 .t 1 bu $1,66 .2,7.,Q3 00 ...... $3 15 Slc TRIVERSE JURORS-SECOND WEEK. John Benford, carpenter, Carbon Jonas Buekwalter, farmer, Walker Lewis Carothers, carpenter, Cromwell. Conrad Curfman, farmer, Cass Levi Creamer, " Springfield lI C Chilcoat, " Cromwell James Davis, laborer, Oneida . John Dopp, farmer, Walker John Meaner, " Henderson Chas. 11. Fletcher, clerk, Carbon Barton Green, merchant, Barren David Gates, farmer, Franklin Ephraim Greenland " Union Robert Huey, " Jackson Wm. Hildebrand, laborer, Shirley Alison Hooter, " Brady Samuel M. Hannah, teacher, War'ink J. G. Jones, farmer, Tell Robert King, tailor, Huntingdon Samuel Lehman, farmer, Warriormic Wm. Laird, Jr.; " Porter Robert Myton, " Barre() Oliver Mull, " Dublin Robert Madden, " Springfield Jackson Norris, " Penn Solomon Nunemaker, laborer, Carbon Philip Pheasant, carpenter, Union George Ross, farmer, Warriormark Jacob Rider, " John Spanogle, " WeSt Benjamin Shoup, " Clay Nicholas Shaw, " Shirley Asbury Stewart, lumberman, Brady • Samuel G. Simpson, " a Exe,kiel White, farmer, Carbon Leo Wilson, " Barren. KEYSTONE CIDER MILLS FOR SALE at the Manufacturer's prie3—s4o to $45, T. H. OFIEMER, BuntiEgdoul3a 5,01. 9,1E63.1 GRAND JURORS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . [F,tme Uelindit Cork, deed.] Lettere of tidnthtistration having been granted to the under,,lgned, bit the estate' Of 31el:ntle. Clark, late of Tod toleingitgi. , Cl;teed.stid. t All persons linliiving themselves Indebted tor.aid . estatemro requested to motto immediate payment, and those having claims, ill present them prop rly authenticated, for settlement. ,•• CIEORGIS MTH, Cassville, Hunt. co., Melt 2i-0M Administator. No~aco ! ILI office THE subscribers hereby give notice to the public, that they purchased, at Constallb's sale, on Wednesday, the 16th day of March, A. D. 1564, all of Ito personal properly of Joseph Piper, of the borough of Alexandria, in the county of Huntingdon. consisting of his household goods', furniture, Am; coachmaker's, black smith tools, and lumber, upon his said premises , that the same harp been left in llis possession, subject to our rights, as the said purchase's thereof, and all persona are hereby forewarned against intermeddling with the tune P HILT I' 11. PI P/3 it, • PETER PIPER, Alextudria, Melt 21-3 t. PHILIP PIPER, INTCZIonrICM I , ALLpersons indebted to "the firm of A. B, CUNNINGHAM & CO., will please call and settle their accounts. A. R. CUNNINGHAM A CO. Huntingdon, Meli.l6, 1801-15.. TREES. PLANT TREES !" L Messrs. Taylor & Cromer have an extensive assort ment of large and thrifty FRUIT THE NS, at their Nurse ries at Huntingdon ' which they will sell at their old pri ces: Apples at $l2 CI $l5, per hundred; smaller trees at $lO, per 6Andrad; Peach at $lO 6 $12,50, per hundred ; Pear anti Cherry at 50 Qn 75 cents each; Plum and Apri cot at 40 Q 50 cents each ; Nectarine 25 cte.oacb ; Quince 40 cents each. Also . , Grails Tines, Blackberry, Raspberry and Strawberry plants of tits choicest . varieties at the usual prices. Also, Shade and Ornamental trees, ouch as Silver. Maple, Ash, Larch, Norway Spruce, Arbor Vitro, AC. Send in your Orders. [31616-Inri. Collection of Soldiers' Claims. BEING located in Philadelphia, and having imperial facilities, I will attend to tho Col lection of Bounties, Pensions, And Itadg Pay for Soldiers, their relations, or heirs. W. J. GEISSINCIER. 81e1,16,1964. Ilea 2891 P. 0., Philada. . . AIILLINERY & STRAW GOODS, IN EVERY I'AItIETY, Of the latest importations, and of the newest and most o fimbionable styles. Quit STRA irDEPARTMENT will comprise every variety of Bonnets, gas and Trimmings to bo found in that line; of the latest and most approved shapes awl styles. Soliciting an early c:all, I remain Yours, respectfully, R. WARD, Nos. 100, 105 Jr. 107 North SECOND St., Phan March 10,1801-4 t QIIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Exp.& Lo. Rt. tome directed, I will expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court louse, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Monday, the 11th tiny of April. A. 0 1.863, at two o'clock P. M., the following de scribed property to wit: 150 acros ofland in Clay township, with a leg ltouAn, about 30 ncres clear, adjoining lands of E phraim Yingling on tho north, Itaysilill on the wet, Mc. Yitty on filo east. Also, one other tract containing 40 acres, with a house and frame s table, oboist 30 cleared, mljoluing lands of John 'lathe on the south, McVitty on the cast, Itayshill on the west. Seined, taken in execution, and to bosold as the proper ty of Stewart UaHughey. Also—All the right, title, and interest of A. 8. 'Tarr's., one of the defendants, of, In anti ton cer tain lot of ground situate In tho borough of 1(.0,10., having thereon erected a frame stable and dwelling house and steam grist mill, known as the Nevado steam mlll containing 7600 square feet. Also, one lot of grodmi situate In the said borough fronting 50 feet at tight angles on Moore street, and run ning back 200 foot ut right angles front the said Moore street. haring thereon erected n doubin house, one story and a•half high, and other outbuildings. Soloed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the proper ty of A. S. Harrison, and Alexander Port, administrator of E'atherine Clanhough, deceased. •• Also, All the thllowing-tract of laLd, situ ate in Tod township, in the County of Huntingdon, ad joining lands of Lewis Corbin on the east, Betsey Cham bers on the south, Polly Chambers on the crest, and thigh Morrison on the north, containing one hundred nod thir ty-two acres, more or less. . - . Seized, taken In execation, and to be sold no the prop erty,of Dr. Robert Baird. Noticeto Purdosers.—Bidders at Sheriff's.les will take notice that immediately upon the property being knocked down, fifty per cent. of nll bide under $lOO, and twonty fiee per cent. of all bids over that sum, must be paid to the Sheriff. or the property will be set up again and sold to other bidders who will comply with the above terms: Sheriff's Sales will hereafter be made on Monday, of the first week of Court, aunt the Deeds acknowledged on the following Saturday. • . GEO. IV. JOHNSTON, Sheriff. SLIMITFF'S Owner, Huntingdon, Melt. 2:3, 186.1.1 NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the- following Inventories of the Pods and chattels set to widows, under the provisions of the Act of 14th of April, A. D 1851, have been tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county nod will be presented for "approval by the Court" on Wednesday, the 13th of April, A. 0.1801. - Ist. The inventory, and appralsoment of the .goods and chattels set apart to Mary A. Wagoner, widow of George W. Wagoner, late of Dublin townibip, deceased. 2. Tito inventory and appraisomont of the goods and chattels rot apart to the widow of Abram Ramsay, Into of .Fpringfl4hl township, thecaseo. • —2. The,goodeulnd chattel,set apart to nilzab,th Caro. Ihtte, widow of 'Jonathan Carothers, late orairloy town.. ship, dece'a• ed. 4. no inventory and appralsoment Of the goods and chattels set apart to !he widow of John Fleming, Into of Dublin township, deceased. • 5. Tim goods and chattels which were of. Wm. Cole burn, Into of Franklin township, deceased, taken by kin widow, Elizabeth Coloburn. 0. The goods and chattels which wore of Chas. Green, IMO of Oneida' township, deceased, taken by his widow, Catharino Green. 7. The goods and chattels of Charles J. Snyder, late of Juniata township, deceased. token by his widow, Ann Snyder. 8. The goods and chattels which were of •John J. Decker, Into of, Oneida 'township, deceased, taken by his widow, Christiana Decker. U. The goods end chattels which wore of John Spitzer, late of Dublin township, deceased, taken by his widow, Susan Spitzer. 10. The goods and chattels which woos of George W. Speer, late of Mona Uuion, deceased, taken by his wid ow, Jana A. Speer. DANIEL W. WO3IELSDORF, Clark Mcll.lO,lBGl T 4 EGISTER'S NOTICE.- I t, Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested, that this following . named persona have settled their as counts in the itegleter's Office, at Huntingdon, end that tho said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowance. at an Orphans' Court, to lie held at Huntingdon, in and fur tho county of Huntingdon, on Monday the 11th day of April next, (MI) to wit: Ist. Account of Janles G. Corbin, guardian of Laden Thompson Mollonald, now deceased, minor child of lla clad McDonald, deceased. 2d. Partial account of Semi. N. Cox and Daniel Berle, Executors of John Beek, late of Warriors:nark - township, deceased. lid. Account of David Snare, guardian of D. D. Lang, minor child of Patrick Lang, tate of Walker township Huntingdon county, deccased,said minor being now In hi. majority. 4th. Administration account of John Con, ono of the executors of Edward Cox, late of Darren township, Hunt ingdon county, deceased. 6th. Administration account 'of Abraham and Lewis Carothers, executors of Samuel Carothers, Into of the bor ough of Shlrleysburg. 6th. Administration account of Robert Johnson, admi islrutor do tonic uon with the will mmoxed of Wm. nay deceased. 7. General guardianship account of John Huey, guar dian of Ann W. Fleming, William M. Fleming, Elizabeth M. Fleming. Robert M. Fleming, Margaret J. Fleming, Milton F. Fleming. minor children of Martin Fleming. late of Brady township. Huntingdon county, deceased, with a separate account of each ward attached to tin 6. The guardianship accounts of James Gain, guardian of Nllllllio A. °win and Alexander D. Own,. minor Chil dren of Alexander ()win, late of the borough of Hunting don, deceased, filed by David 0. Owin, administrator of said James Gain, now deceased. 9. The guardianship accounts ofJames Gain. guardian of Curranco Swoop° and Sarah Swoop, minor children of Caleb Swoopo, late of the township of Union, deceased, filed by David P. Gain, administrator of the bald James Gain, now deceased.. 10. The general, and alto the separate, guardianship ac counts of lion. Jades Owin, guardian of Ellen P. Dorsey and Mary M. Dorsey, minor children of Greenberry Dor sey, late of the boron]. of Huntingdon, deceased, as filed by David P. G Will, administrator of the said James (twin, deceased. 11. Final account of Doses Robison, surviving executor of John Watt, late of West township, deceased. 12. - Administration account of David Black and R. W. Black, executors of George if. Black, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deceased, with a distribution account to be promoted for confirmation with the sauce. 13. The guardianship account of James Stewart and Samuel Mitchell, testamentary guardians of the minor children of Wm. D. Bleck, deceased, as 11 led by tho admin istratc rs of the bald James Stewart, together with the said Samuel Mitchell.. 14. Administration account of William Reed, Esq., solo executor of David Varnish, late of Morris township, deed. 11. Account of David Snare, trusteo appointed to sell the real estate of Sophia Hoffman, lato of the borough of Huntingdon, deceased. 14. Account of John S. Stryker, administrator of Peter Stryker, labs of Porter township, Hunlingdon county, deceased. 17. Account of David Snarls, Esq., Trudos of tho estate of George Itcfright, lute of the borough of Ltuutlngdon, deo.ased. , • . 18. Administration account of Georg° Lang, surviving administrator of Patrick Lang, lato of Irani.- township, deccabed. . • 19. fluardiniphip account of Samuel Rorer. guardian of John S. Bowman, a minor eon of Georg., Reisman, late of Shirley township, deceased. 20. The account of James Cree and David Welch, come ufors of Jonathan Cree, late of Dublin township, deceased. 21. The supplemental and partial account of lb:ergo W. Owens, administrator of Thomas M. Owens, late of the borough of Birmingham, deceased. 22. The account of J. Simpson Africa, administrator of the estate et' Rebecca Campbell, Into of Walker township, decemed. • „ 23. The account of Eli P. Brumbaugh, surviving admin istrator of Mary Myers, late of the township of Hopewell, in the county of Huntingdon, deceased. 21. Administration account of John P. Watson and Da vid 11. Campbell, administrators of Samuel Watson, late of Walker township, deceased. 25. The administration account of James Her, adminis trator with the will annexed of Mary lier, late of Brady township, deceased. 20. Administration account of lion. &met: Gwin, who w. the Executor of the last will and test:inlet] t of John Armitage, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deceased, Filed by David I'. Gwin, Administrator of said Joules GlVirl, deceased. 27. Final account of Geo. C. Dueller !toting Executor of Conrad Bucher, late of the borough of Alexandria, deed. DANIEL W. WOMELSDURF, Registet's Office, 1 Register. Mch. 16,1864. f licirso Bills Printed on short notice at Lewis Job Printing Office. fISIIERS' CHUM. TILOS. ZISLIEIt. 11. Q. FISITEIt. T. 0: FISHER FISHER & SONS HUNTINGDON, PA. =I:2 STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GOODS, ETC., ETC. ----0- A HANDSOME SMOCK of GOODS, of all hinds, is uow open for the Inspection of tho public, and we cordially Invite all our Customers and . the public generally, to call and be acnvinCed that we aro unequal ad In the quality, tutu, style, and prim of our Goods We request the public to bear in mind that we per chase principally from first hands In Now York, pay Cam" for nil we buy, and cannot be rivalled in our Will- leo for opening for public use, a stock of General Mar cliandieo --...«.iir~~q ~~. HUNTINGDON MILLS. =ff:::i GRAIN, FLOUR, AND FEED. == WE ARE PREPARED TO PUR clime all kinds of GR,4,IN, for which' WO will pay the highest cash prices, and will have for sale at all times, FLOUR, FRED, .tc, • -....,., N ~ p~~.i...:..:-:. PLASTER!' PLASTER!! -0- WE HAVE an IMMENSE STOCK. of PLASTER; an ample supply for thin and neighboring counties! flaying a Mill expressly for grinding 14, we can prodfico finer and morn 4astrrible 404 limn can mu oily bo bad, SALT ! SALT ! -0- WE OFFER 500 BBLS. of SPLEN did ONONDAIG A SALT, nueltiai!oilfi quality atic) price. G. A, Salt in sacks is also kopt . constanily on lion& —.:44,44h , 4. ere FISH. FISH. I=l 10 Bble. No 1 MACKEREL ! , 10 " No. 2. EZZIE 10 Half Ms. No, 1 '2O 44 4 ' No. 2 11 10 " " No: 3 " Qnartor Barrels and Ititm, VC all numbotA, aro filao Of- = SUMAC. - SUMAC. I== WE ARE AT ALL TIMES PRE- pared to boy SUMAC; will pay oath, or trade, as cleared • r == FLAX. FLAX. -o-- TIIE IIIGH PRICES RULING FOR cotto,,,aom. bus compelled public attention to be more especially directed to the culture of Flax. It mutes made by Bono attention, ono of the most valuable products a fanner can produce; en acre readily producing 60 Sri GO Dollars worth of fibre and seed. Great care should be taken by growers to bare their Flay. spread Veri khla when rolling; when watered eulbeiently on [into aide, It should be turned, and subject to 6'4,0516 all the etallre got a grey color, and the 11nt rowdily ierriratee from the wood by a gentle rub. It obould on a very dry day be tied id bundleg and ie then ready for the mill. As :it Oneral thing too much seed is town on an acre. Unless the ground Is very rich ono Bushel per acre lit sufficient. If the ground is very strong one and ono fourth bushel is ample Dec 16,1863 i • - 1.211 . 42, lIE i3Oard of Trustees of the PENN Mutual Life Ineunlnce Company, of PhiladelphiC have declared a DifIDEND of 40 PER CENT, on all cash premiums receive in 1863, a odhlvie decided to receive the Scrip Dividends of 1857, - 1858 and. January 1859, ip . Pay' moot of Premiums: All persons entitled - to dividends will please call upon the undersigned and receive them. . - 10,1864-X ' R. ALLISON mulitn.. 4tDNINISTRAITiR ; g NOTICE. [NULIe of Wm. Campbell; 404.] . eters of adtnlnistmtlon upon the estetnot Campbell, MO 01'011 NT.. Huntingdon coiinth deceased. having been. granted to the - undersigned,- r persons in. dobted to the estate will make payment end those Inyting claims will Vreient them for settlement. . • - JOHN SILX.EfaItQIjNE Adualuir,trit(ii% Bich 16,1864.0 A DMINISTRATOR . S' Estate of Sharie's J. Snyder, deed ~ • • er,ters of Administration hare been 'granted to - the undersigned upon the estate of , Charles .J.Bnyder;lato of Juniata township, Huntingdon county, deceasej. All persons indebted will make payment,. grid thosS lnpiing" claims present them, properly an thentleattal, to us.. ANN SNYDEII, I PETER SNYDER; Feb 24, 186-144.* -- . t)ROCLAMATION.--IVIIEREAS, by' . a precept to me directed , dated at Iltuithigdim, the Ot of January, A. D. 1884; under Mui - hands and male of the Hon. Oeorg(I Taylor, President; of'dhe Conn ofi:', Coinmon Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail dells: cry of tin; 24th Jefilicial Markt of Pennsylvania,. pitlipo• sad of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria-counties- and the Hone. Benjamin F. Patton and Willinni B. Lean hie associ ates, Judged of the cofility. of.llrbatitigdon, -justices an: signed, appointed to beef, try atid•cletermind all and eTery :. Indictments niade or taken for or concerning' all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital,or felon ies of death, and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, Which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe trated, for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make public proclamation throughout my whole belibideli, that a Court of Oyer and . Terminer, of Common Pleas arid` Quarter &melons, will be held at the Colirt Douse Id Die l . borough of Huntingdon, on the second MondaY (and lith day) of April next, and those who will_prosecuto the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them milt shall bo Just, and that all - justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within said county, be then and there Di their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. ni. of said day, with - their records, inquisitions, examinations and rememlifan ces, to do those things which to their, offices respectively appertain. - Dated at Ituntlogdon, the 15111 of March, in the year of our Lord ono thonsend eight Inindred and sixty-four, - and the 88th year of Anterlaiiilndopet ' filfinch. " i ' .:- GEO. If. JOHNSTON, ',..%.417. . The Illoeresiille flig 8 . 61601.. 'HB Subscriber respectfiilli,,anueurices . 1.• to the citizens of Shaver's Creek and surrounding colum:inky that the first quarter of the summer session of the MOORESVILLE REM SCHOOL will begin April 11th al:A*0108e July let, 1884. Also, that the second quarter will open August Bth and continue elaren weeks'. Whole expense per quarter (eleven weolsejtof Board, Ream-rent and Tuition in common English, only $2B. Ornamental Painting, Was Fruit and Flowers, bo taught on reasonable terms. . • • ' -• Nor further information address • B. 0. MCCLAIN:. . Mooresville, Linnt.'co, NEW WIDLESALE STOREi, GOODS SOLD At Philadelphia Wholesale Piicedi TIM i-suntortittEns 11AVE itEItiOVED From their iilo.oo of business; On 'Hill treei; TO TEEM NEW BUILDING. Ou RAILROAD STREET, near tho Jachson llousej Where tliey intend 4oiitg TVItOLESALIii BUSINESS.` MERCHANTS AND OTHERS; Who buy goods by the piece or package, •, WILL FIND IT to theft' ADTANTAGNi TO GIVE US A CALL, • WE IiFEP A General Asiortmegt of GOODS, such as rtrq' G 00356, GROCERIES; , BOOTS &SHOES, HATS & CAPS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, NOTIONS, &O.; &0., WE WILL SELL GOODS AT THE LOWEST PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICES' Huntingdon; blch 9,1864 V ALIJ4I3LE MILL PROPgRIT: AND FARM OP 200 ACRES AT PRIVATE SALE. ' . Tho oubscrlhor ,Offers tit privato soluble yuluable„mli'i property and farm of 200 acres of land, on Shaver's creek, two miles from Petersburg, linntingdon-coun,ty: • The property WillSo told ecArattlyor ail together. Tho property can be coon by calling on the silbstillier; Dec. 23,1863. THOS. t .ST.EWART,' OOKI For sato at the Hardware. afore, of t ' . .t, ob. 3, 180 JAMES At NFROWN't S Fourth & Arch Sts, ' PESILADELP.HIA. - . .• - ARE OPENING.FOR SPIIING 1864 100 pee. $1 Fancy SILKS. 60 pea. India Silks, $l. 10 pea Good Black Silks. 200 pee. Ordered Plain Mike. 4-4 LYONS Black. Sing YELYET. • Brown Nice, $6, 5,4, 3, 2,1 per yaod. Elide Silks, $6, 5, 4,3, 2,1 per yerd.. Molt.° Antiques, all colors. • Magnilipent Grenadines. . Magnificent Oriandleii, Richest CHINTZES and Pawnee. SPRING RAWLS. Now Household STAPLE GOODS. - N B. ()decal assortment of 3len'e Wear . - March 0, 18644'4 - NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! ! 25 PEA CENT. CHEAPEit THAN _ THE CHEAPEST! SIMON 'COHN, - AT COFFEE RAN STATION / w4atd respectfillly call the attention of old Petrone specially, and the public to general,. to hie extensive stock of well aelected slow Gotals,jiLat recolVed from the Eastern cities, conafaing, fovea, of Dry Goods Clothing, Wool en Ware, Notions Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Shawle, Cirett lars, Hardware, - Queensware, Oro• ceries, Wood and - WilloW-ware Tobaceb Segars, Nails 3 Glasv Provisions Oil, Fish, Salt, Tinware Cop per Warei. Drugs and Medicines, Clocks, Watches, &c. l and all other articles kept in a first chisel colidtrY stoic all selected with tho greatest earo and which wart; pup chased for cash only, and affords hint to adibthem at rt very low figure. The public will find it to their advan. tags to call and examine otfr tikuittrilaudell stock, before purchasing elsewhere. No pains will ba Spared in show leg our Goode. I,adieS Ore specially invited to examine our largo stork of fashionable dress goods; Shawls, Cit; rulers, Hun, and-a great variety of Wooldn Goods, 1106110. ry, &c. All kinds of produce taken in excherige atthe highest market prices—Cash not refused. By strict Attention to the wants of customer., we hope to receive a continuation of rho liberal patronage with which Wi hare been hereto fore faiored. Come one and all, and Tar. Delo .18 New Goods received daily 68 G-ZIOMM JOB PRINTING OFFICE. TEE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" is it. the most complete of any in the country, and po em:es the meet'ample facilities tor promptly executing M the but style, every variety of:Job Printing, Buell HAND BILLS, Plig 3 44-A/MBSI . _ • BLArix.§, • PoSTEligi , BILL HEADS, 11.ARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL LABELS, &d:,. CALL AND raman erEcniEn OV ISOEE,, - AT LEWIS' nooKSTAFIONEILY & MUSIC STORE FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY Handsome and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Store: ElitON COliv