The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 23, 1864, Image 3

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    Cie Colobe.
Wednesday morning, Mch, 23,1864.
The lit of April.
To do. a living business now-a-days,
buisiness men must do a cash busi
tins=--Or as'nearly so as possible. We
have suffettd Bdrerely by being too in
dulgent With Many Who we supposed
wore our friends. We have lost thou.
sands of dollars since we have been
in the county by relying upon prom
ises to pay. After the first of April
we intend to do as near a cash busi
ness as possible, and all who aro "into
us about a feet" fo - r subscription to
the Globe will fail to receive it until
arrears aro paid up. .All indebted to
us for advertising, job work, and store
goods, will please call at as early a
day as possible and square up. All
having claims against us will present
them. -
The 'Eleofion in Huntingdon.
On Friday last at 9 A. M. the Court
house bell 'gave Notice that the hour
had arrived for the election officers to
take their seats. Up to this hour it
Was stoutly . denied by. the Vallandig
hamites that they intended to ruu
ticket, or that theTintended to make
any opposition t!:i...the Union ticket.
They were .
smart. On the
day previous; Petriken and others of
the tribe, made it : their business pub:
licly to 'declare that no opposition
would be made -to the Union ticket,
and many were foolish enough to be
lieve them. Two of the Candidates on
the Union ticket Were officers of the
election, and they a withdrew from the
board; but not so with the Vallandig
bamites,--.their candidate for Justice
of the Peace, and for Assessor, occu
pied seats on the board and held then,
throughout the day—the Union men,
being ignorant of the fact that they
were candidateS, for it was impossible
for any man not of their secret organi
zation, to get hold of or a peep at their
ticket. 'their tickets had been printed
and circulated (judging from their ap
pearance,) at least a week previous,
and every man of the secret circle re
ported at the polls during the day and
voted the secret ticket. No Know
Nothing ledge ever manage-Li its busi
ness more Secretly, and it •Was amu
sing to see how well the large majori
ty of our Clerman and Irish .citizens
worked in . Know Nothing harness. The
whole tribe sneaked to the polls one by
one, voted, and sneaked away again.
They did not come.tip to the work like
men engaged in an honorable pur
pose; their conduct was more that of
the guerillas, their friends down South.
The result. Every man on the Uni
on ticket waseleeted .was not
expected by the guerillas, as they
were sure their game Would win. ' See
the result, and see how handsomely
they were driven back into their boles,
howling. The "big guns," for the
first-time, have been silenced.
Thomas Fisher, 139 I James Higgins, 93
• Inspector.
Peter C. Swoope, 120 1 It. M. Speer,
llctiry;Glazier, 140 Wm. Africa,
Assistant Assessors.
11. Cromer, 139Sarni. Hemphill, 97
James Port, 139 Elias Bartol, 97
Sehbol Directors.
Grans Miller, 137 I John S. Miller, 97
J. S. Stewart, 139 J. S. Africa, 98
. Justice of the Peaco.
James Steel, 140 I And. Johnson, 9.2
Nati], Williams, 130 I Jaeob Wise,
Union Victories in the County.
We have heard froth but four of the
townshipSisiiiee tlA.blections on -Eri
day last. From the townships we
have heard, the fact sticica _boldly out
that the Vallandishamites had' a se
cret organization in every township
lathe county, but. we are happy to
learn that the ,Union -men wore not
caught napping.
Old Democratic Barren has again
. .
Topndiated tligsocosik nyiripsAisers.
The whole Union ticket was .elected
by ovet 36'inajotity.'
The Union cause vas ills° success
ful in at. Union, Shirley, Cass, Juni
ata, West, Penn, Walker, Oneida Por-
ter, - Union. •
We expect to-hear from other town•
ships, and that tlioUnion men have
been successful:: :: ; ; •
The Bank Notes.
The notes on the National Bank of
this place, are being rapidly circulated
and favorably received. ,No doubt, all
Would receive them thankfully as well
as favorably. Who wouldn't.? No
counterfeits upon them aro yet in ex
istence, and the probability ; as-Well as
the hope, is, that there will not be:
To Sutiktriberso
Those of our subeeribers h o intend
moving thig gedson, pleaseinform
us as to their future place of residence;
in ordcP diet tulip tuay'reeeive their
paper, and not lose the worth of their
aster Sunday.
Sunday nextithe 27th inst., will be
.This ..time-bonor n d season
Will, WO truSt; be religiously ..obserVe.d
by all.. 'Rho luxury of .tho.SotOn—
eg,,rs, balled, and dyed in every imag
inalite hue,. will, of course, (the beittity
of the same to the contrary, notwith
standing) ho . relished. with • sufficient
The JohnstAilvh Tragedy
The trial of Joseph Moore, an auc
tioneer, of Johnstown, for the murder
of Jordan Marbourg, a prominent citi
zen of the same Place, ended on Thurs
day last, the 17th, having been bro:t
before the court on Monday, the 7th.
The provocation was the alleged inti
macy existing between the latter and
the wife of the former. On Thursday
afternoon the jury brought in their
verdict—" Guilty of murder in the sec•
and degree." On Friday morning
Moore was sentenced six years to the
western penitentiary. The jury soon
after signed a petition for his pardon.
This case is one. of the most serious
as well as interesting that has ever
been brought before any of the courts
of this circuit. We have not room for
the extended detail of the testimony
and opinions presented at the Ebens
burg Court, but we make an extract
from the charge to the jury by Hon.
George Taylor, soliciting an attentive
perusal, and trusting it may have its
influence :
"We are told that the Jewish law
punished adultery with death; but
that is not the law of Pennsylvania.
This Celia and you, gentlerhen, have
not been sworn to administer muni
cipal laws of the Jews. Oar law has
not made adultery a capital offence—
how could it justify the infliction of
that penalty ? Or, if that were the
penalty, how would it justify any in
jured party in taking the law into his
own hands, becoming the prosecutor,
court, jury, and executioner, and in
seading.without a trial, or au hour's
warning, the accused culprit into the
presence of his God? To come to such
a state of things would, We subinit, be
"progressing" backwards. "There w'ld
bo ekceedingly wild work taking place
in the world," Judge Park well re
marks, "if every man were to be al
lowed to judge in his own case." If
he may claim to - do it in ono case, why
not in another? As a • remedy, too,
(as the facts in this unfortunate case
afford the most touching illustration,)
it is abSurd almost to madness. With
out any resulting good, without resto
ring any thing lost, it gives one hun
dred fold more publicity to the family
disgrace under which ho smarts,• be
sideS bringing upon himself the indel
ible stain of blood. And while, as a
remedy for his wrongs, he brings these
aggravated evils upon himself; by his
lawless act, ho inflicts the deepest in
jury upon others who are innocent as
himself of the crime ho would punish
and as much injured by it.—Mrs. Mar
bourg, as, with true christian philoso
phy, she reminded the prisoner, was
as much injured (since a woman must
be allowed as keen sensibilities as a
man) by the criminal conduct of his
wife and her husband, as he was by
the guilty conduct of her husband and
his wife; and ea3h one of her nine
children was as innocent as his son;
and yet his act visited her with the
desolation of widowhood, and made
her children orphans. There are per
sons, we know, who ignorantly and
thoughtless, or wickedly proclaim that
the adulterer should be shot down; and
who busy themselves in propagating
that morbid and mischievous senti
ment; bat it requires very little dis
cernment to see how much wiser the
tat; is, - than the reckless impulses of
human' passion."
The Alleghanian says that Hon. Jno.
Scott's argument for the defence was
spoken of as being fully equal to that
of Brady in the celebrated Sickles
tragedy. It occupied three hours in
the delivery.
Found Death
' A man nained .1 - 434. m. Winters was
found lying between the railroad
tracks in front of Wehrly'd saloon on,
Wednesday morning last—dead. Ho
had been about town for several days,
drinking, and when last seen at a late
hour on Tuesday night, ho was very
much intoxicated. It is supposed he
fell where ho was found, and was not
able to get up, and as the night was
very cold, ho froze to death. After
an inquest was hold, the body was
placed in a box and interred on the
bill. We have been informed that
deceased was formerly a citizen of
Dauphin . county, and has children at
school in Harrisburg.
Man Arreited for Alleged Murder+
On Saturday last, a man was arres
ted on BL'oad Top, named Peter Kin
ney, brought to town, and lodged in
jail. It is. said that on the night of
the 17th, (St. Patrick's day,) while in
toicated, he attacked his wife, used a
club or some other weapon and with
it killed her. The prisoner, We learn,
states-that upon. going to the door of
his dwelling, lie found his' wife bruis
ed and dead, and he thonght that some
person had killed her: He will await
his trial at the coming April court. -
'Ds. The rubbish occasioned by the
burning of the stable attached to the
Franklin House, We notice is being re=
moved, and preparations are being
made for the building of a brick . sta
ble.. M. Hildebrand, the owner, we
learn, has been paid $650 by the Pa.
Railroad, for the loss which he sus
A. red corps mark, worn by one of
thO members of . tbe 6th Army Corps.
The finder Will ho,amply rewarded by
leaving the Bailie it the Globe Office.
aurgisify. ,
The store of Samuel W. Iltyton, in
MeAlany's :Fort' was catered au Wed:
nesday night last, and a lot of goods,
about $l5 in good money, a number of
promisory notes, and two Counterfeit
notes, were taken away. A young
man by the name 'of John Coyle at
tempted to pass one -of the counter
feits, when ho was arrested':; and con
fessed that. him and his uncle .John
Coyle edminitted tho burglary. The
old man 13 otorod bail for his appear
aloe at Court and the young man was
brought tb jail: -
Ohio Millers
Several Regiments of Ohio veterah
volunteers are passing over tho rail
road to join the Potomac army. Grant
intends that something shall be done
in that direction this Spring.
tErl, fey. Job A. Price preached him
introductory. sermon in the M. E.
Church dr. Sunday last, to a full and
attentive congregation.
rnbiia Sbhoolli in Huntingdon.
We ixhdd it mistake last week in
stating that our schools had closed-for
six weeks. Wo are informed •by the
teachers that the schools will open
again the first Monday in April.
Child's National Almanac for 18041
This work should bo in the hands of
every per Son deSiroitS of being well
informed on the affairs of the world.
It exhibits the Political, Financial; E
conomical, Educational and Military
condition and progress of the United
States, of the individual States, and of
the world for the years 1562 and 1863
and the PerSonnel of the Government
for 1864: It is a valuable book, of 620
pages—Price, bound in board at 81,25
—in Muslin, 81,50. It can be had at
Lewis' Book Store, or by mail from
the Publisher Geo. W. Childs, 630
Chestnut st., Philada.
"Slavery viewed from the Bible Stand
Point."—This is an address delivered
before the Union League of Moores
ville, Huntingdon county, August 15th
1863, by Rev. J. M. Adair, and pub
lished in pamphlet' form. We have
not had time to read it, but WO have
no doubt it is . a very able address.
Some friend has sent us a copy 7 --he
has our thapks for the same:
About Stamp butte/
A writer in the Franklin Repository
makes the following remarks, on the
subject of stamp duties :
"Many persons in the community
aro under the impression that a prom
issory note for a sum under $2O re
quires no stamp. This was indeed
the law as it stood in the beginning;
but by the amended act of Mareh 3,
1863, every promissory note, whether
for u sum even or under $2O, requires
a stamp, its tiny one May see by corn=
paring the amended law with the old
law. The tables generally in use'are
erroneous hi this respect.
• There is another point in relation
to proMissory notes worthy of atten
tion. Almost all sale notes and indeed
almost all notes made in the country
aro sealed. Should they be stituiped
as promissory notes or as personal
bonds? They aro not promissory notes
but single bills or bonds, in their legal
effect. The decision of this question
one way or the other will not effect
notes payable at a period exceeding
six months, but will effect all payable
six months or less after date. A prom
issory tote at six months, for instance
requires a six cent stamp, if under
s2ooLbut a bond_of the same amount
requires a ton cent stamp,
.and would
bo invalid with a six ectit stamp affix
A fine stock of Spectacles juSt re
ceived and for sale at LeWis' Book
Pocket Kitties.
A new stock just received at Lewis'
Book Store.
Photograph Albums and Cards. •
A now stock just received at Lewis'
Book Store.
Important Military Order.
The folloWing order has just been
published :
War Department, Adjutant -General's
Office, Washington, March 12, 1864.
General Orders No 98.—The President
of the United States orders as follows:
First—Major-General HaHeck is, at
his own request; relieved from duty
as General-in-Chief of the Army, and
Lieut:-Gen. U. S. Grant is assigned to
the command of the armies of thi3 Uni
ted States. The neadquarters of the
Army will bn in s Washington, and al
so, with Lieut.-Gen. Grant in the field.
Second—Major Gen. Halleek is as
signed to duty in Washington its Chief
of Staff of the A.rmn.under the direc
tion of the Secretary of War and the
Lieut. Gen. Commanding; his orders
will be obeyed and respected accor
Third—Major-Gep. W. T. Sherman
is assigned to the command of the
Military. Division of the Mississippi,
composed of the departments :of the
Ohio, the Cumberland, the Tennessee
and thv Arkansas.
Fourth—Major-General J. B. Mc-
Pherson is assigned to the command
of the Department and Army of the
relieving Major-General
"HaHock from duty as CT'eneral-in-Chicf
the President dosireei to express his ap-
probation and thanks for the able and
zealcui3 littiater in which the arduous
mid responsible 'duties of that position
have been performed.
By order of the Secretary of War.
E. E. TOWNSENDi .A.sst. Adjt.:Gen,
In Porter township, on the 20th,
ult., CARRIE, daughter of Enoch" and
LoHie Wals, in the third year of her
ago. •
Weep not Mother ,for thy Carrie,—
She's an angst ilOit in Heaven; .
Singing - praise and joy forever ;
With that b ‘ oly happy hand,
God called our darling lamb
Prom this dark and sinful world.
But why shOull wifttiourn for her
Who is At of Christ's angels now:
Then rareiveit dearest Carrie, - •
last farewell to thee—
We'li try to meet thee in that land
IVhorn sin and sorrow is not known.
In thi4 , plar;ei on Wodnosday tho 16,
LizzLE, only daughter of John and
Anna-M. Dead, aged 4 years,
. ~ March 22.
Fancy anti Extra Fatuity Flom $7,00@7.60
Conunun and Superfine 55,75@0,25
Rye Fltihr " " $6,00
Coen Meal-, •"'A Id $5.20
Ex lln While it heal • •' " 1 ,7 6 @r2,00
Fair and Prime !led ..... ..... 1,1,60p1,65
Rye '. fi1..,a3
Cr,,,0 prima Yellow "1,21.-
Oats • 82
11.10 , Malt
Gl.,vorAvell, i4IF
Flisuced .
Extra 'Family Motu Vs 451 $5,50@7,25
Ex Ire do 'EI ewt 3,75
‘Vhlte Wheat 1 50
lied Wheat 1 40
Rye 1 25
Corn 110
Oats 75
Clovereeed • 400
Flaxseed 2.50
Dried Apples 1 50
Butter 25
Eggs 15
Lard 15
Itam 18
Shoulder 12
:bluff 13
Tallow 10
T t O e of E J S' r e N S B. T Cr l o C wn E ore - r,
testamentary upon the trill and testament of
Ja4. B. Crownoter, late or Barren township, Huntingdon
County, deceased. hare been granted to fm subscribers.
All persons Indebted are requested to make immediate
Payment, and those having claims will present them prop
erly authenticated to the undersigned.
llarreo twp.. Melt. T 3, 1864.—Gt. Executors.
(Estate of Melinda Click; deed.]
Letters of administration having been granted to the
undersigned, on the estate of3lclinda Clark, Into of Tod
township, deemed. All persons knowing thetuseiroa
Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those 'having claims, to present them prop
erly authenticated, for settlement. •
aEora E
019.1110, Hunt. co., Melt 2340 Ailnilnistator.
.INTotio r CAI 0 0
HE subscribers hereby give notice to
tho online, that they purchased, at Constable's sale,
on Veduesd.ty. . the 16th day of Mandl, A. D. 1864, all of
the personal property of Jtiseph Piper, of tho borough of
Alexandria, lit the county of Huntingdon, consisting; of
his household vials, furniture, fie; cottelunther's, black
smith tools, malumber, upuu Ids said premises, that
the 11111110 have been left in his possession, subject to our
rights, no the said porch:were thereof, dad all persons ore
hereby forewarned against in tertneddlibg with the same
Alexandria, neh 21:..?,t, PHILIP PIPER.
QITERIPP'S SALES.—By virtue of
1, - 9 sundry writs of Vend. Ex p. Lo. EL to in o directed, I
will expose to public sale or outcry, of the Court jlou.e,
in the borough of Iltilitittgdoli, oil Monthly, the 11th tiny
of April, A. 1)186; nt tird ti'block 31., the following dr;
scribed property to wit:
.150 adros of land in Clay township, with n
log home, about 30 acres clear, adjoining lands of E
phraim Yingling on the north, Rush',ll on the West, Me-
Vitty on the neat.
Aleo, one other tract containing 40 acres, with a house
and frame stable, shout 30 cleared, adjoining lands of
John Bathe on the south, Ilailty on the east,
on the west.,
Seized, When in execution, and to 'resold es the proper
ty of Stewart Ge'higher.
Also—All the right, title, and interest of
A. S. Harrison, one of the defendants, of, in and ton cer
tain lot of ground silicate id the borofigh of iltiutlngdon,
having thereon erected a frame etatile anti childling house
and steam grist mill, known as the ilietudo steam mill,
containing 7000 genera feet. •
Also, one lot of ground sitnato in the said borough
fronting 50 . feet st right angles on Moore street, and run
ning back 200 feet at right angles from the said Moore
street, having thereon erected a doable house, ono story
and a half high, and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in elocution, and to be sold as the proper
ty of A. S. Harrison, and Alexander Port, administrators
of Oatherirto Claubaugh,lecotuted. •
Alen,. All the following tract of land, situ
ate in Tod township, in the county of Huntingdon; ad
joining lands of Lewis Carbiti nil the eiiet, Betsey Cham
bers on the south, Polly Chambord ad the west, and Hugh
Morrison on the north, containing oho titillated and thir
ty-two acres, more or loss.
Seized, taken in exeddlion, mid td tic sold as tho prop
erty of Dr. Hobert Baird:
Naiceto edirelasscrc.—Didders at Shari/resales will take
make that inimediately upon the property being knocked
down, fifty per cent. of all bide under' $lOO, and twenty
live per cont. of all bids over that RIM, mast bo paid to
the Sheriff, or the property will be sot up again and sold
to other bidders who will comply with the above terms.
Sheriff's Sales will hereafter be made on Monday, of
lho first week of Court, and the Docile acknowledgod ou
tins following Saturday.
GEO. W. JOHNSTON, Sheriff,
Iloutiogdom Meh, 23, 1861,
Prevents roofs and exposed walls froiu leaking. Dries
hard under water. PAINTS MODE TII4N TWICE the
surface whito Iced Will. Wears longer and is no higher
in price. Stands hoot better than red lesd. •
3:111T11 BOWED, 46E, '
Office, back 10034 North Fourth St.,
Pol7,lBol—hu • ''" Mier
A LL persons ind6kted toe,the firiit of
ALA, 11. 01.1.!.4r - '01.1.1*4 call Old
nettle their ficootinte. A. D. CBNYtSI3IIA3I t CO.
Iluntingtlon, Mch.l6, 1§64-3t.
X.atire, 112.0ER2-14•A22.420.
Fr HE Board of Trustees of the PENN
L mutual Lifo Insurance Company, of PlilladelPhitt,
trove declared a DIVIDEND of 40 I'E It CENT, on all cash
premiums received In 1803, and have decided to receive the
Scrip Dividends of 1857. 1858 nod January 1859, in pay
ment of Pretulums. All portion.; entitled to dividends will
please Call upon the undersigned nod receive them.
Nth. 18,1884-St. It. ALLISON MILLER.
[Estato of Wm. Campbell, deed.]
Letters of administration upon tho estate of William
Campbell, late of Tell twp..lluntingdon county, deceased,
having been granted to the.undersigned, all persons in
debted to the estate will maks payinorit amithose haying
claims will present them for sottlement.
blob 18, 1564-Gts Administrator.
_L Memel. Taylor & Cromer have on extensive assort
ment of large and thrifty FRUIT TREES, at their Nurse.
ries at Huntingden, which they Mill sell at their &d pri.
roe: Apples at $l2 Q $l5, per litindred; smaller trees at
$lO, per hundred; Poach at $lO Q M5O, per hundred ;
Pear and Cherry at 50 ®75 cents each ; Plum and Apri
cot at 40 ® 50 Gents each ; Nectarine 25 eta. each ; Quince
30 cents each. Aleff., Grape Vines, Blacliberry, Raspberry
and Strawberry plants of the choicest 1 . /n . 1.41°14 at the
usual prices. Also, Shade and Ornamental trees, such as
Silver. Maple, Ash, Larch, Norway Spruce, Arbor 'Witte,
&c: Send in your Orders. [Mettle—lint
Collection of Soldiers' Claims.
BEING located in Philadelphia, and
having superior thcilfties, I will attend to the Col
lection of Bounties, PCIISIOLIS, and Back l'ay fur Soldlora,
their relation, or heirs. N.J. 0 EISSINGER,
Mchl6,lBol. Box 2381 I'. 0., Philuda.
Of the latest intiortaliona, and of tho newest and most
. feehletiolde styles.
V , 4 4 will comprise every variety of Bonnets, date and
Trimmings to be found la that ; of the ' latlOt arid
most approved altupog and styles.
Soliciting an early call, I remain
Yours, respectfully,
Nos. 103, 105.0 107 North SECOND St., Phila.
March 10,1004-40
a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the
lot 1 of January, A. IL 1864, under the bands and seals
of the lien. ticorge 'Baylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer end general jail deliv
ery of tho 21th Judicial:District Of ' Pennsylvania, compo
sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria mantles; and the
Hons. Benjtuniu 1. Pattbd and-W - 4111am B. Leila las associ
ates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justicei as
signed, appointed to heif, try mid tidtetidine all and every
indietnients made or taken for or concerning all crimes,
whiCh by filo miles of the State are outdo capital, or felon
ies of death, and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors,
which have been or shall hereafter bo committed or perpe
trated, for crimes aforesaid—l ant commended to make
public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Court of Oyer nod Terminer, of Common Pleas and
Quarter Sessions, will be held at. the Court House in the
borough of Huntingdon, on the secmid Monday (and llth
'day) of April next, and those who will prosecute the
said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as It
shall be Just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner
and Ccnstribles within said county, be then and there In
their proper persons, nt 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, with
their records, Inquisitions, examinations and remembran
ces, to do those things which to their officon respectitely
appertain. . . . ,
Itatlid at litintidadeti; the 15th of March, in the Vial' o
our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sikty.fullr,
and the 86th year of American Independence.
. GEO, W. JOHNSTON, Sheriff.
TniHE litldsigued, a LICENSED
. AUCTIONEER, will Call Sales in the counties of
' bria, Huntingdon, 111 air, and Mifflin. Ho trusts,
from post exporieuCO in the business, be will merit pat
ronage, and render satisfaction to all who entrust to hint
their sales. Terms moderato, . ,
Sicho4l.* Mill Crock, Huntingdon co., Pa, .
The Alooresville High School,
THE subscriber respectfully announces
_L. to the citizens of Shaver's Crook and surrounding
community that the first quarter of the summer session
of the MOORESVILLE 111011 SCHOOL will begin April
11th and dose July LW, 1861. Also, that the -second
quarter will open August Bth and'eontlaue'eleven weeks.
Whole expense per quarter (eleven weeks) for Board,
Room-rent and Tuition in common English, only $2B.
Ornamental Paintlng„Wax Fruit and Flowers, will be
taught on reasonable tends:'
Foxfurther:informatioit address , S. C. McCLAIII.
Mch.0,186,1-1t - Nooresvate, Runt. co, Pe. •
Now and haudsomo _styles
\Vall•Paper just received at • Lewis'
Book Filoro
NOTIOE is hereby. given to ell persons
interested that tin, following Inventories of tho
goods and chattels sot to widmisouplor the provisions of
the Act of 14th of April, A. D 1651 1 have been filed in the
office of the 0/ark of the Orphans' Cotirt of ffuntiogilon
county and will be presented for"approval by tho Court"
on Wednesday, the nth of April, A. D.lBBl.
Ist. The Inventory and oppralsoment of the goods wed
chattels let apart to Mary A. Wagoner, widow of Goorgo
W. Wagoner, late of Goblin township, deceased.
2. The Inventory and appeasement of the goods and
chattels set apart to, the widow of Abram Itautsoy, late of
Spring:ldd township, deceased.
• • 3—Tite.,go,4. and chatzehi set apart to Elizabeth Caro.
there, mallow of Jonathan Carothers, late of Ohlrley town
ship; tteeett•edi,
. 43.15
.68@31 c
4. Ilia inventory and appraise:neat of the goods and
Chattels set apart to iho widow of John Fleming, lato of
township, deceased.
6; Ito floods and chattels which wens of Wm. Cole
bitrri, latiLof Franklin township, deceased, taken by his
widow, Elizabeth Coleborn.
13. Tho dothis owl chattels which were of Chas. Omen,
Into of Oneida township, decetu3ed, taken by hie widow,
Catharine Green.
. -
7. The goods nud chattels of Chnrles J. Snyder, late of
Juntuta toivnahip, Softened. taken by Isle widow, As
8. The goods and chattels w•hl6h t•ero of john J. Ik‘ekor,
Into of Onehla towns.blp, des aced, taken by Lie widow,
.Christinua Decker.. • •
9. The geode and chattels which were of Johu Spitzer,
bite of Dublin township, deceasod, taken by his widow,
Segall Spitler.,
-10, The guotla cud chattels which _were of George W
Speer, late of )fount Union, deceased, taken by he wld
ow, Jane A. Speer.
Melt.l6, 1104. Clerk.
Notice is hereby given, to all persona interested,
that the followlii,l named persons have settled their ao.
, counts In the Register's (Niko, at Huntingdon, and that
the said accounts will bo presented for confirmation and
allowance. et an Orphans' Court, to be held or Huntingdon,
in and fo r tin, county of Runtingdon, On Monday the 1111,
day of April next, (1864,) to wit
let. Account of James O. Corbin, guardian of Imilen
Thompson McDounld, now doceastal, minor child of Ra
chel McDonald, deceased.
2.1. Partial account of Sand. M. Cox and Dardel Deck,
Executors of John Deck, Into of Warrlorsmark township,
Yd. Account of IMO] P. naro, guardian of B. P. Lang,
minor child of Patrick Lang; late of Walker towmitip,
Huntingdon county, deceased,said minor Left how falls
4th. Administration account of John Cox, ono of the
oxecutpro of Edward Co; tato of Barron township, Hunt.
Ingdon county, deceased. ,
6th. Administration account of Abraham and Lewis
Carothers, executors of Samuel Carothers, late of the bor
ough of Shirleyiburg.
oth. Administration accennt of Hobert Johnson, mimiu
istrator do befits nori with the tdlii annexed of Win. Mays,
7. ifeneral &art:kinship account of John Miley. mmr.
than of Ann 'W. Fleming, William 11. Fleeting, Elizabeth
M. Fleming. 'Robert M. Fleming, Margaret J. Flaming,
Milton F. Fleming. minor children of Martha Fleniing.
late of Brady township, Huntingdon county, deceased,
with a separate accountof each ward attached to the same.
8. The guardianship accounts of James Gwln, guardian
of Nonni° A. (twin andAlexathier D. 0 win, minor Chil
dren of Alexander Elwin, Into of the borough of Muting
dan, deceased, tiled by David P. Uwln, admintetratdr of
said James °win, now deceased.
9. Thu guardianship accounts of James °win. guardian
of CurraneuSWOOLlC and Sarah Swoop°, minor children of
Bwdepe, late of .the township of Union, deceased,
flied by David P. G win, administrator of the raid James
Oyln, now deceased.
10. The general, and also the separate. guardianship ac
counts of lion. James (twin, guardian of Ellen P. Dorsey
and Mary M. Dorsey, minor children of Greenberry Dor
sey, late of the borough of Iluntlng.lon, deceased, as filed
by David I'. (=twin, administrator of the said James Owin,
11. Phial Account of Mosos Itobloon, surviving executor
of Juhu Wfat, lato of West township, deceased. . .
PA Administration account of David Black and 11. W.
Black, executors of George W. Block, fete of the borough
of Huntingdon, deceased, with a didtribution account to
Lo presented for confirmation with the same.
. .
13. The guardianship account of James Stewart and
Samuel testamentary guardians of the Minor
children of Wara. D. Black, deceased, as Meal by the admin
istrators of the said James Stewart, together With the
said Saratidl
14. Mini intatratiori aebotad Of William Reed. Esq., solo
executor of David Hernial', late of Morris townsithi, deed.
10. Account of DriVid Snare, *radar) aPpointed to sell
the real estate of Sophia Hoffman, late of the boroitgli of
Huntingdon, deceased.
10. Account of John S. Stryker, administrator of Peter
Stryker, late of Porter townshlpr Ifunllmplun
. county,
17. Account of David Snare, Esq.; Trustee of the estate
of George Iloftght, lido of the borough of Iluutlugdou,
deceased. •
13. Adethiletration account of George taag, sur',ldvlag
administrator of Patrick Lang, into of Walker townellip,
10. Guardianillip account of Samuel Borer, guardian of
John S. bowman, a minor sun of George 13ewulau, late df
Shirley township, deceased.
20. The account of JlMlee Cove end David Welch, exec
uters ofJounthan Cree, late of Dublin township, deceased.
21. The etipplornental and partial account of George W.
Owens, administrator of Thomas M. Owens, into of tho
borough of Diriulugham, deceased.
22. The account of J. Simpson Africa, administrator of
the estate of Rebecca Campbell, late of Walker township,
deceased. •
28. The account of Eli P. Brumbaugh, surviving admin.
istrator of Mary Myers, late of tho township of llopowell,
In the county of Huntingdon, deceased.
24: Adininistrution account of John P. Watson and D -
Yid 11. Campbell, administrators of Samuel Watson, Into
of Wulkcr township, deceased.
25. Thu administration account of James Ker, adminis
trator with the will annexed of Mary-Korn late of Brady
township, deceased.
26. Administration accodfit of lion. Janice Gsriri, Who
was the Executor of the last will and testament of Job n
rArtnitago, late of the borough of Huntingdon, &ceased,
Tiled by David P. Ciwin, Administrater of said Jaities
Gwin, deceased.
27. Final account of Geo. C. Bucher acting Executor of
Conrad Iltteifor, late of the borough of Alexandria, deed.
HAM* W. WO),E14110111e,
Register's Office, . . Register.
Mch. 10, 1864. f
At Philadelphia Wholesale Prices.
From their place of business, on 11 Street,
On RAILROAD STREET, near the Jackson House,
TVhere they intend doing
Who buy goods by the piece or packtike,
General Assortment of GOODS,
Such as DRY GOODS, ariodzfans,
NOTIONS, &C., &C., &C.,
Huntingdon, Itch 0, !M.
G. W. Carpenter, Henszey & Co.'s
No. 737 Market St., Philadelphia
Tito subscriber kfeins dongtantly"ciri band it large stock
TICAL PREPARATIONS, and every other article which
appertains to the business, embracing the most extensive
variety; also, PAINTS, OIL and GLASS, of every descrip•
All articles purchased from us Cant) relied on as being
of the most maperior quality and at as low prices' a.s they
can be had. We can offer such Inducements as will make
it the Interests of pnrchasers to lay in their supplies
form us, Bud give us their future patronage, and invite
all who visit the city, to call at oar estaidishmemt. All
orders addtessed to us by mall or Walvis° will meet
with prompt attention.
Fe3-3m 737 Market &not, Philads.
.111 H, •
1864. 1804.
Corner 4th and Market Streets,
N. B. A Ilno stock of LINEN WADES constantly on
baud. 1'0b21,1864-3ut
.111 . Mate of Charles J. Snyder, deed.
Lutter's of 'Administration have boon granted to the
undersigned upon the estate of Charles J. Snyder, Into et
Juniata township; Muutitigdon coAnty, deceased. All
persohs Indebted malts payment, and those having
claims present them, properly authenticated, to us.
Feb 24,1864-6L'i Admr.
. .
• The entiebriber offers at private sale hie valuable mil
property mul.farat of 200 acres of laud, on Shaver's creek,
two Obis from Petersburg, Huntingdon bounty.
The property w(1.1 be sold separately or all together.
The propeity can bo seen by calling on the subscriber;
unit terms made easy.
Dec. 23,1803. . THOS. B'. STSWAItr. •
TIIO9. FIBILEIL U. 11.0. 11911Elt. T. C. FISHER.
. .
of nil kinds, ha now open for the inspeetion of tho public,
and we cordially invite all our Customers and the public
generally, to call and bo convinced that we are unequal-
led in the quality, tado, style, and prices of our Goods.
We request the public to bear In mind that we per-
Memo principally front first bands in New York, pay
emu for all we buy, and cannot be rivalled In our Lullh
ties for opening for public use, a stark of General Mar-
chase all'khnla of GRAIN, for which we will pap the
highest call pricer, and will have for sale at all times,
of PLASTER; an ample supply for ads and neighboring
counties! Haring a Mill expressly for grinding . it, Nye
can produce finer and more desirable stock than can usu-
Ally Ile laid.
did ONONDAIGIA SALT, unequalled in quality and price.
O. A, Salt In sacki is also kept constantly on hand.
10 Bbl,. No 1 MACKEREL
10 No. 2
.10 " No. 3 "
16 Half Bble. No. 1 "
20 " • " N 0.2 " •
10 " " No. 3
Quarter Barrel: and N.lti,ttf all number!, are .tdeu of.
pared to buy SUMAC; will pay cask or trade, as 404 red
-0 0 -
. .
Cotton Goode ban compelled public attention to be toot*
especially directed to the culture of Flax. It den be made
by some * attention, : one of the most prOdditsi.a
farmer can. produce: an acre nattily produclug 50 to 00
Dollars Worth of, fibre and . seed. Great care should be
taken by, growers to have their Fin: epreed very thin
when rolling; when watered sufficiently oil one 'Side; it
- should be iurned, and anitlect to eiposureinntil ail A - 15
stalks get a grey color; and the hilt readily sepainted
from the wood by a gentle tub
It ofiViii4 oq,a *dr city ddj No hid szo is
thou ready for the thin. Its :a Oriels' thing too , inucli
eood le edisii - Unless tho ground is very rich
one Bushel Vet. Acre itialuffidittit If the &build it Off
. „
strong one and Olio fourth bushel b ample: "
800 1t3,7803;
36 5 C,X12.
.`ONE OUT LOT,fntaininc r,g . .. sgros; situate on the'
BpriagEf rp lying Just purtlt of a lot owned;
. . .
by Jcphii Scott : Es '
Ingutro of' WIJACKSON '
bleb. 9,18p4-2. . • uuntingdon Pa.
For salo'Att tho hardware store of
I ob. 3, 1801 ' • • - JAMES A. Bitolyx
- ;`,
41,0 6: LAN •
Ai> _
Fourth & Arch Sta.
. .
100 pca. $1 Fancy SILKS. 00 pea. India' Silks, $l., •190
pea. Good Black Silks. 2111) pea. Ordered Plain SWIM.
4-1 LYONS Black Silk VELVET. • Browir
$O, 5,4, 3, 2,1 per yard. Black Silks,
4,3, 2, 1 por yard. Moire. Antigries,:all colors.. -
Magnificent Grenadines. Magnificent - ,Organdire.
Now Household STAPLE GOODS. -
. -N. B. General assortment of !Haifa -Wear. •
March 9,1804-3 m
zs pthi-cipzik ikeat
:17123, qEtnArizisT
SIMQB 001111 - .
would respeeifulii gtfillge attention or ide old patrons - I
specially, and the pane to general, to bls esuppeiva r '
stock Al stall eelept.4 new Goode,jriet received from OM
Fasten chive , consisting, in Parth . • •
- PYX 96044-
Clothing, Wool-
en Ware,. Notions, ; •
• Hats - and Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Bonnets, §hawls, Circu;
lore; ffardware, Queensware, Gro;
cerise, Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacio;
Segall', Nails, Glass, Prdvisions,
Oil, Fieh, Salt, Tinware, CV- oF:,
per Ware, Drugs and •
Medicines, Clocks,
Watches, 'ttc-,
and all other articles kept IU a first chits couutry.
all selected with the greatest ears and which were put% -
chased for cash only, and affords bins to sell them at
very low figure. The pUblic will find It to their advan,
lege to call and examine our unsurpassed stock, before -
purchasing. elsewhere. 1 , .7,9 palnswil be spared be show.'
fug our GoodS. Isaias are .specially invited to examine
our largo stock of fashlonablottrosa goods; Shawls, Cir
culars, Furs, and a groarvailety of Woulon Goods, 110510.
All kinds of produce takes: in etellauge at the blithest
market Prices--Cash not Totaled. strict eaten cor to
the wants of customers, we belie tOteceireatontleuation
of the liberal patronage with which we have been hereto:
fore favored. Come one and all, and Tar.
DelB.lNew Goode received daily.
10 AND SEE FOR - YOtrit
Vf The Stock of Dow - Goods that le• now "opOning—:.
and for saZe at. LLOYD C Feb. 24, 1804. len.
WM. MANN'S AXES, at: old prices ]
at tho Hardware storo oC JAS:A.H1101111.
Huntingdon, F 010,64
_IL 'BEEP and TONGUES, Nit imolTed nt,.• .-
Fub.10,1861. • - - -LLOYD & ItENitY:"
TRAY STEER.--Otune t,cl thb prom
io lees of the aubsci:lber in Warriormrrk
ou or about the first of Deo" 1863, &black BT.EIi6 k 41'
supposed to be about two years old. .Th
to come forwent, prove property, pay'
Charges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed
of according to law.. T;14).11d13 Sy. GA.NOE. ,
Feb. 17, 18134* •
; • ... - ' -..:' ' - '
NCame to the preiiiisee or the ialbsCrita in itopowell -
ownship, Omit the tliat ilay of September last, ....
a Helfer, abupt three years old, with black stiles, 9 1 . , 01`
neck and heal, black and white spreckled, back P"
and belly white. The owner is requested to come ter,
ward, prove property, pay charues, and take her away i
otnerwlee she will be dispoted of according to law. ' -
Mch2 1.164 0 . ,- :' 5A. LIMY: ,
e undersigned will offer at Public. Sale at the town,
of Slarklesburg at 10X o'clock, A. )141.
On. Tuesday ; 22d day of March nextr..
a valuable farin of 80 annul, of which about' 60 acres are
cleared, to good Order. all well fenced, a great portion of
which is post and' rail. It is knowu as the John Shafts
p,roperty, and has - tlereiin a rine log weather,
Ai boarded double house, a large new bank barn,
. large tool house and granery, a corn crib, also, a
• line spring house (with the water running thro'
it conatautly) within ten steps of tko dwelling; also, an
orchard of over 100 trees Just bearing.. ; .
Th 6 farm is beautifully situated, withafine . eastern ex
flosure, within two mites of Iferkiceburg station, audit."
out one mile from Coffee Run, with, the beet market at
good prices in this seothm of the State. -
There in a witlow'a dower to the farm, it will be sold
sublect to the dower, or the dower will bnroleased, as the
purchaser mai desire. • . • • .
Terms onedhird liand and the balance to suit the
finfebager. Posseselou Oren oft canfinnation of sale. - .1
JOLIN MEGAIIAN, '1104AT100.11.81.1111%. •
Auctioneer.- 1itch2,11164.
The ath.eiei•thei reiPeet,full, pnn ouueca fo a ilt sena oi f
Huntingdon and (he adjoining counties that the quartile
Seminary will tie open fer instruction on the - 4ittittitit ,
for two quarters, of It weeks each.-Gentlemen and la-;
dies desiring instrUction for the piwposd of qualifying
themselves for teachers will please address ,
GEO. Ds D.Avzimoni,
' • HunGitgdon
REPEZZNCEB—Ii. McDivitt, Cdinity Superintendentosnd
„ Feb 1864 •Y .
_ ur ci •
U 06 •
~ . .
.. _.
All perions)qtertated will plaza take notice, that at All
donntyoollentor of ff. B. Internal Rave.
11 3
nue for Htuttingdon couuty,,7lll Attend on the lit and
3d Tuesdays of each 610ot/tier the Jankson Hotel, in the
borough of Huntingdon, to receive taxes, dc., Oaretueno•
tog on the 7th July. " . ' -
You all want a HUMUS WIHNGFErt; in Order
to get through "you} waahtag calitbt,irPare your etrength.
and at thesame time save opotigh th the 'weed' clothes
by nst nga Wringer, td-illy.for tt InMonths, at the
present price 'or cotton.' Wringers' that' have ta4en . the
Possum ovra MI rattans In the market; for sale at the
Hardware 'Stateot Fe 3,1864 JAMES A.. DROWN:
. .
Hating a large stock et ifardware on hands, bought
at old prima, lam daily selling goods• lows:: than they
can be bought hi Philadelphia. Call geom. ,
Fed, /804 JAMBS A. BROWN,
• • is.ANOAcitrpm
Near Huntirqdon, Varu2a.
All erdeni filled on the etirtest°Bee.
Orders left at Lewis Book Store . Will receive attention.
Iluntlugdon, Jan. 2,7,1864.6nt. , 'l , _
OFFICH—Li Hriok Bow nearly oppo
site Court House on Hill Street - Huai:
. •
ingdon, Pa.
Buarn t aon,Doo.l6,lB63. . -
Guns, Pistols, Fi 6ing Ta6kles
,fin . •
And Sporting Apparatus
Rode °Liti~tl;'-Reele, ittiskets, 'Baits, 'Flies;
Hooks, Nets, Nils:- Glikies, Masks. Ail- •
lies; Corkscrews, Dog Collars, Bco., ,
Constifttly on hand, and for sale, .111;holosali
and retail at JOHN KRIDEILS;—:
, • . Sporiarnota Dopot,
bich2,186441t0.) N.E. Cor: 24 Walnut, Phlladd:
Corwral_TlCTOß Y. DOVt3HEATY.Po,.. U. 19th
enutt. Vbt. Walley; aged 22 years: 4 Ptah 8 label 14,47
bide eyed, ttrtiyeta hair. ' by oecupattotr tatpdtiteei
pugherty was etatetad litttingdbit. Pa.,44tat 25.
868 *as raustetett Hite cpkgiFv?" . ?bnadpiphi.,
nbtmic, ca:air;,'
ligEu 20 5 feet. 5 inches, high, Ague ..yea; dark hair, fate
boibplexion, and by oodueatton a bletekaudtb. Said Boucle
woe enlisted at Huntingdon, Yee, to,envp foilhrobjVi:
A. reward of 53018 offerati . for the arrest rind delivery 6E
each or either of the above- evia..lo da serteett:
'Deg, 180; tiiiitt.Ptr' s 12thitege Pp.
HOrg?,B)4 l ° • • - '
Printed on short" notion'
Job Printipg 'Office, • 7 •
£1 . 3 . 10X 00IIN