Eljt CiLabf. HUNTINGDON, PA. SPEECH br HON. Pi FI'AtEIt.SMITHI .OF , citilmstrxr.n, Delivered in' the House .of RepreSentet • fives , Februar . tt 18 , 1804 on the schttion proposing to.regutre proofs of loyalty front persons claiming payment for . damages by the rebel raids. Mr. speaker, my regret that the gentleman from' Northumberland, Mr, Purdy, is. not present, is modified by the fact that whatever may be Said here-to-night, or at any time during his absence, by any one, will be faith fully conveyed to:himi by the record of the proceedings of this 'body. That record, sir, of what . hrts passed in, this discuSsion confirm my reCollection.as to the correctness of the-gentleman from Delaware, (Mr. Price,) when he said that anything, in this' discussion which :has given it a party aspect ar ose entirely from the ;remarks of the gentleman from. NortliuMberland.— When the gentleman from. Clearfield, (Mr. Boyer,) very properly made the inquiry how the standard of loyalty was to be ascertained, he said nothing about party, but left the question open, Whether Cite: .applidation- of a test of loyalty referred to Republicans or De mocrats. No sooner, however,: had the gentleman from - Nortlininberland stood upon his f6et, .than, he assumed that. all the resolutions of the• gentler man from Washington, were a direct attack upon the Democratic party.— Without being able to Choose as good words as . the gentlemark::frOm.lyash ington, I will say that men who. excuse themselves before they are' assailed; are their own accusers.. What is:there; 'sir, in this resolution; or this preamble,:. "Whereas, There is reason to be lieve that te rebel invasions in Penn sylvania were, in a great measure, brought about through the connivance and by the encouragement of disloyal persons in our own State ' • "And whereas, Claims for damages done during those , invasions are now being presented to this Legislature; there7fore, "Resolved, That, the select commit tee to whom are referred all matters in relation to claims arising-out of al leged losses from the rebel raids of 1862 and 1863, be instructed to report as part of their bill—if they report a bill—a clause requiring the parties presenting claims to furnish satisfacto ry proofs of their loyalty." Is there anything said here about Democracy or Republicanism ? The question presented is a great, a glori ous question, to be put to every man, and every man ought to meet it, un der any, circumstances. The gentleman from Franklin, (Mr. Sharpe,) gave as a reason why this re solution should not be -adopted, that a ve 7ILIALVMPRiii • • • would be ItepubliCans:' Whot.e do you Mr..Speaher,:a Republicanhere, in r.erson or by his representative, elaiming.to be freed •from this test ?- 11Yhere do you find . any Tan claiming to be freed front this test-Who is a loy al man ? There is no such man—no loyal man- fears' this test. No loyal man will hesitate to eorr. 3 up and meet the test which will establish his loyalty so far as, with propriety and emsist ently with the rules of law, we can es tablish it. . • Now, sir, you find no such distinction in this resolution 'or this preamble.— It applies to every man without refer ence fo party. I, am prepared to meet it, and I doubt not, are prepared .to meet it; the gentleman from Franklin doubtless is prepared to !lied it, bon , Over and whenever it comes.. I have net it when I have gone down to that sad peninsula with a bleeding heart, to reach, as I supposed, the dead body of one was dearer to me than met:it there before . I could' reach. the spotl sought, and so•with hundreds of loyal men—as good- men asthe gentle man from Northuniberland ' or any Whom he represents:- . -Who stopd "up there to take that solettin Oath . of alle giance, expressive of their love of their couhtry; and their determination to stand Vit. Why'shoUld we not meet it, sir ? We mot it When - W P first stood up - as legislators hero; we meet it.wli en we .enter. upon' any: •pu bile office.; and when we propoS*now, seeing the per jury which has manifesteditself in the halls of Our National Legislature, and which has been .developed throughout the whole ; land, - through' those who have taken the same oath as ourselves, as, le,gigiators; as lowyers,,or - in' any positiori.they,moy.Occupy . in the land, when, by:reason 9f- that, - we propos? now to go fu tiler into. , • and to ask a man te.itipport . ilio Constitution Of his State, and 'abolio 14.541t0,'0f his notion,..why, should ,WO be Met,by gen tleman saying,- "you • mean:us Lot us ince. the- que:stipn,:and leVus aet tegetlier'as' one inan;thicliving aside all these questions of party, When" We come toconsider a question paramount to all party, to life, and to everything but - otir accountability-tOHim who for med-usas o nation, ' Sim, one test Of loyalty that I would . put would' be. a man should, be de .sirous to-repel. the; invaders froni our own State. -''l speak- of our own State just-at-this ritenient, - but I-say that-far above the'.*.Staie: is: the nation' 'Yet how . wae itWhen . these men who were tho cause of this great losS, who in flicted this injury upon .the citizens of the great Cumberland vollehow was it in this very toivu, and 'in these WILLIAM- LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XIX. very balls, when this mighty army, which had ravaged its own country, proposed as it was Said ,by:the . Gover nor of this Commonwealtirbut a short time since, to breathe for a while the free air of Pennsyltania, such air as they had never breathed before ? All around this ball, at that time, and in this hall—l speak that which I do knowmen were sneering 'at the ef forts of the Executive of the State and the Executive of the nation to repel the invasion. I heard with My own ears men who, if in their place, would now be within the sound of my voice, members ofthe Legislature of Penn sylvania, :sneering at these efforts' to repel invasion, and speaking of it, as if no invasion existed.., Had they wai ted but a . few days . they would have found - that there - was hardly a house in all this State without its mourners, because of those wbo died upon. the battle-field of Gettysburg to repel that invasion.. Shame upon such men and upon those. who sustain them I I am happy here to say, that one of those men, a member of the Logiala ture of Pennsylvania, 'was rebuked.by a gentleman, .now a member of.this Housewhom I do not sco in his seat, but who does not- belong to this side of the House. Honor ho to :Oat: it*n wherever hels. I speak of him only. I doubt not that there are many more like him. Such, I say, is ono test of a man's loyalty. . • With some of the sentiments which were uttered by the gentleman from Northumberland I can agree. 1 can agree that true Democracy and loyal ty aro convertible terms. lean agree that the Democracy upon which the institutions of this country are based, the principle which is to be foundin every true man, whether he calls him self Republican or Whig,'or Federal, or Democrat—l can agree that that Democracy is a convertible term with loyalty. But What do you understand by Democracy De, you 'understand' that you shall adkere to•theOpinions of those whom`, as an organized party, you follow—Men such as those who denounced Jackson, and Jefferson and Shunt ? If that is a test.of Derit - -.•.. em• tow, and, have followed .for,•years.-- 7 What L take. to: be the true Dentoeracy is that - Which reccignites'the Will 'of the people, expressed by' the majority through the forms they haVe ,adopted,, and.earried.into execution by the pow er of the people; through tho officers who have been choSen by them aceor ding to. the same forms. When .you come up to that Democracy, you will not. find men assailing their 'Govern ment because a man has been 'chosen to conduct its 'affairs, whom they did not assist to put into authority. You will find mon coming up to sustain the Government under all circumstances in which it may be placed, and espe cially in the putting dolyn of such rebellion as we are now witnessing—a rebellion .which which was reserved for us alone, • of all the inhabitants that have dwelt' upon the' face Of the earth to witness. This is the Democracy of - Washington; this is the Democracy of Jackson, and of that old man now tot tering to - his grave, Lewis Cass; , and of Douglas, who has gene to his grave', from this •sairM • platforM of Demoet:acy 7 , .a, pla m tfor upon Which -he rallied' so many of the:true citizens.of bis.coun- Now, Isay here—and L•ei'n willing to have this brought back upon me at any time—that.,a man who cannot mune up to this Democracy. and loyal ty; who cannot. come 'up to this test . 'l3e.s•no loyalty about•him. I will not make.any applic.atione ; let every man make the application for himself; but I assert—and I am prepared to meet it at any time—that my Deinoeracy and my loyalty,, and, the loyalty that emanates frorn .principles like these, is that Which puts - the Government of the United States above' every goVern'- nient that is formed under it, that makes.it, supreme, that recognizes no pestilentheresy of State rights which would lead a 'man' to say, "31y State calls upon me .to do se, and I am thera fore a loyal - man,. whilst I urn obeying that State, although she may be rebel ling against .the • Government . of the nation." . Out upon such loyalty ! Let us'neVerhear of that in these halis.--- Oh that welad never heard it in this country !. and those „rivers of ' blood which have been' pouring dOwn over every hillside 'and into the 'beautiful streams of :oar eoantry,. would never have marred their beauty, and,the bro ken hearts which aro now to remain breken:and Worn, the weeping eyes wficise tears are never to. be stayed Up on this earth—thoset:ears never would have been shed, those. hearts. never Would have been broken. And yet the gentleman from 'Philadelphia to night has undertaken to say that the Administration of this great nation is disloyal, ' and he hAs Charged, , thiS blood, and those tears, and this desola tion, and this sorrow, upon it, when that Administratie, with thOSe who sustsin it, stood ap to maintain our national existence, and begged 'Tor bearanee through the inaugural=now praised, be'denounced at the:time it was issued—when through all that our President has done, in 'almost, every public paper that he has issued, the same tone may be observed—in the face of all that, the gentleman chargeS disloyalty upon him; because, in, the exercise of the power that was given him under the Constitution, and in pursuance of his oath, he has endeav ored to suppress this attempt to deis• troy this nation and to retard the cha riot of freedom, geayen l only liOws how long. ,: • Let us have right view upon' this subject. Let, us not test our loyalty by any such scheme as that •Oftlinse men who have arisen in the South, and have poisoned the minds as well as the hearts of many in the North '‘7l.f.,h the belief:that this great nation, form ed by the people, was a mere compact Of States: Why, when as boy. we read : our .cor . :Stitittion, those . of - us heads.pre ,now gray, we never looked upon the government of the United Statesas a compact of States. Wo read it there, as plain as A, B, C, that "we, the people," form this great government and we read there, too, that we gave to this great goYernment, as a people, certain rights'and powers for its preservation; and that in the exercise of those powers and the main tenance of those rights this govern ment of the United States was an, 'WPM° j that when the goyerarnent nacted laws, throUgh our constituted authorities and through the forms that the :people had depUtedi . those laws were supreme, and • the man was a traitor and a scoundrel—(those Were .our sentiments .then; .and they. are mine uow). 7 who deliberately says, that any State has rights Which will pia it aboye the government of the United States, and that We, as citizens of this,State or any other State, should obey the behests of our State to the i•Verturning of the government-of the . . tnited States. Now, sir, 1 say, as a roeult. of these_ principles; that, coming 'up to this standard in such a time as this no loy al man will stop to inquire what are the causes of the war. There is a war; there is an effort to destroy the coun try; there is an effort to bring men who have had no heart for freedom as long as:they have been men; to reign over us. Yea! I use the word reign, for they look to a monarchy, if not to de spotic power-. I say that they look to „ bringing men of that kind to reign o ver us under- -those circumstances. I Say a man has no loyalty who betrays his heartlessness to his country, by al leging as. anexcase for that heartless. ness and disloyalty, that sectionalism brought on-this War. Suppose it did. 'Why, there has been sectionalism in this country. since 1820, and we at the North then, under the protest of the same base hearts and base minds in the country, yielded to that sectional ism. We met it again about 1832, '3 or '4, and we yielded again. Arid the gentleman who says that that section alisM was developed by the free States lias not . read.-history. aright; he has read•it with a worse than jaundiced eye, with a'perv'erted jadgritent.: It is not for me here to say .what Other principles might have* been operating upon him when he thus interpreted history as saying that sectionalism it 7 rose at:the Ninth, or was carried into effect there: Nor will a man who has any loyalty, when we are standing up hero against all the power of rebellion, dishonest, thieving robellion,'Eneor at the,' efforts that our Goverament in her wonderful throes is using for the purpose of sustaining herself. . The gentleman from, Northumber land indulged in a.great. deal,of wit, I suppose—l do not know that it was not wit—about the taxes and the li cences which are laid upon us. Why, is that not constitutional ? Is it not constitutional-for the Government to impose such a tax?. It may :be ,hard that a tax should be iniposed for -the . purpose of raising money to supp ort the armies, to repel invasion, and to crush the rebellion. I can understand that a man who desires that- this-re bellion may Succeed 'should feel very much: annoyed; and eXpond his sat.- casthe 11 - 0 . '411. his Wit, upon the, action of the Government in raising revenue inithis way; but a man who was loyal at :heart, who heartily deeired'to put down thitirebelliOn;WoUld not I think sneer-at the means which have been Used=cOnstitational means, too, it cannot be denied—AO Crush the treason. Loyalty will not throw discredit on the currency of the country. Why, HUNTIN,(IOX, - ,_ PA.,',.WEDNE5DAY,;...M.40.1i:.Q.,:•.t804 PERSEVERE.-- what a sight have we here! A:nation: dragged into , a , war wilco she had to give one,dollor for fitly emits :nt,the outset, having, carried , :, eon., this ..war with hundreds olthousands of men , fighting directlybundredsof thousands of traitors, and , indirectly, the groat nations : of Vran.coindllogland : --and at thin day haying gone:to work and raised money upon suelyo system that she has brought her six per centum loons up to seven or eight per cent= in advance of their par ‘,.olije iand still we find men who sneer at the currency of the country, and , say thal we will be bankrupt Why, ,a man that can . get seven:or eight, per cent, above par for his obligationsis not,:yet esteemed to be. 41141.44. But,,_supposing it were so-7-supposing that. this eurrency was as is-alleged, by the men who have been Prod . to ,by_ friend: from ' ton, nod who,. traversed the State felior to the : election and de flounced it—what is that to the.salvat tioti of the country? Row was itwith Our revolutionary. aneestors They resisted to the ,death 00 payment of ono cent imposed : upon them by a Ise, gisla turn la which they ha_ d . no repro, sentation, and they "took joyfully the sPolirig of - their geode ;by their own *pie, and :fer Alie defence of their Own liberties. D.OW Many beautiful farms in the . casteni part of this State haVe been swept away from their ONN ners,WhO kave thein up - cheerfully, and who had nothing to support them selves' kit the Continental currency And yo,,* hear Of a' gentle Man UPOn this flOOr; the fiber Where sits the chair once occupied by the great leader of the signers of theDeelaratiOn of _rade pendencei .ventoring, :without a blush to boast, yea, to,boast of his Democra cy and bin loyalty; and With a sneer endeavoring, so flu as'lM'has it in his pen*, ithlividUidly and lions his.ofli cial position, to bring discredit Upon the very means by which the rebellion is to be put down; Now, I do not say that the gentleman does not want to have the rebellion put dpwn, but do say that I 'cannot interpret his language in any other way. He may be able to do it, brit _. cannot. r There are otheinoilitt in Ibiji,ciaes min, 0, Wbieli:ll) - AEiviiii,49l:4s - di down , Cannot enlarge upon Loyal Men Will not.discourage enlistments. I do not Say that this has been done by the geptleman froth Nor thuMberland,!but I do ~ say that you will find such trien-,than who' are tal king, about their desire to support the C.onstitution 7 '-about their loyalty, and at the same, time discouraging and disheartening those heroes. Who are now shedding their ; blood for their country. You will find. them prating about the genstitution, when every act shoWs that 114 are in sympathy, if not in co-operation, with those Who are assailing it with armed bands: You will find them :glorying in the defeat of our armies, and you will find them rejoicing when our adver sary- tmcceeds r mourning when he fails. Now, sir, I wish to put a question just hero, and I want to call the at tention of every, gentlemen in this Rouse to it, and .1 ask members to answer it, and to meet the facts upon which the question is based. How is it, I ask, that you look in vain in the class of papers which the gentleman from ,Northumberland enumerated here the . other day, for any commen dation of loyal men whose praise is in the mouth of the whole country ? You do not find it there. You can find plenty. of strong articles upon the subject of the maintenance of. the Constitution. If we, do not under stand what the Constitution means according to *Se teachings, we are very dull indeed; becauee we have hid lectures and lectures upon it, .both up on tho i lmstings and in these. .papers; but.when you find any praise. of men who have steed before the nation and before the world as the defenders of the Constitution and the defenders -of the country, . yen do not find it, i n those papers or in : those . speeehes. It has been said somewhere—l think by Blackstone—that you can judge the character of a people by their poe try. Now, in the Revolution we had the good old song, of 'Yankee Doodle,' as part of_the national poetry, and our hearts 'thrill to-day when we hear it. When the druM goes along with " the sound of "Yankee' Doodle," it brings tears to my eyes,.• when 1., see , that drum before a band marching on to the battle field.to defend my 'fireside, or when'T find theM returning 'with their thinned ranks, and . see the wid ows of those - who lave been left be hind—standing and looking in vain, and knoWing they are looking in'vain for their husbands; and .the mother coming.aad looking for her dear. boy, knowing that she shall never bee him again on this side Of the Jordan. °fan th .. . kee'Doodle" en goes to my heart: In' the war of 1812, loyal nien ' had §pangled - Isanner," and we. rejoice in it again.. Now the loyal men have introduced another bong, to an old nursery , - rhyme. It 'loyal paper, Copied; I believe; from. that paper, the New York Day Book; and that it might not be lost to us benigh' .. . . i 1 ii-..,.. ,;--... . . • . tecl'.leptinylvar.inn, it isfinthd today in tb.t !vat paper,• Patriot and Unio , Lucus anon litivtdo. I will read it: . "Sing a song of gretnbacks, Pockets ftill of trash; Over head tind ears in debt, And out of ready cash. !leaps of tax-collectors"— I think the gOrillenian fioiii Nor tiiiimberland must have read this be fore, he made his.speeeb: "Heaps of tax-colleatore, As busy as a bee, Ain't we in a pretty fix, With gold tit fifty three ? Abe in the Whitellouts, Proalardatiori'vrriting, Meade On the Rapidan, • Afratd to defile fighting." Meade afraid to do the.. fighting! Publish that within fifty Miles of Get. tysburg! 'Send it throughout this town and perhaps . to Gettysburg• it self, and call. Men out.'uptm Cemetery Hill to read that Meade ..ivas afraid to do the •fighting I ~God have mercy upon us ifilicade had I.icon . afraid do'the.fighting ! - 1 1 Thete wOuld.have been your capital this day if Moado had been afraid to do tho fighting? And yet is not this confirming what I said'a moment ago, .that you . will look in vain in the papers of. which I have spoken to find praiso of our groat men.? Meade' afraid to - do the fighting!. Why, it could' only have beetiworse if it . had been said that Ourlieynolds was - afraid, to do Alio fighting—that great - man who fell at thp first orislatight "mid saved the State, Arcade, who ~ ommanded 4hiit great army pat into his hands the Very hour almost that he was called iiito the figlit—lfeade afraid to do the figh-, ting! . . • "Seward-in the . cltibinet, Surrounded by his spies: Ileßeek with the'telegrapis Busy forging lies.: Chase in the Treasury, Making Niorthless notes; Curtin at Harrisburg, Making shoddy Coats. Gilmore at Charleston, Lost in a fog;"— If Gilmore is bidden in a .fog, it is the fcig -- th at- the has ah* hni !): those cannon whose , bullets he has poured upori:Sumter, &Meting . down : the dirty rag that so many mon - even here in Pennsylvania love better'than the stars and stripei. But is is down, and they may rung it up once more; and it Will go down .again. Gilmore, who took Fort Wagner, lost in a fog? No, there is no fog about. Gilmore. We see him plainly hero, though -we have never sot our • eyes . upon him. .We know him here, standing up, for: tbe country and those of the brave mon that have been under him. Neither lie nor they have linen lolst in a fog; and the day will come when they will stand out in the sheen of a clear sun, when the groat firmament' of this na tion is cleared of the fog of rebellion. But that is not all : "Forney under Abe's chair, Barking like a dog. &Ilona down at Baltimoi.e, Doing dirty work, Butler at Norfolk, • As savage ns a Turk." Well, now, upon this Turk question, I suppose theY Would use the lan guage of theiy friends South of Mason And Dixon's line, who aro, endeavoring to overthrow • - our ,governinent, , and, would call Butlova beast; only, it W'ld not miikerhinie; but I suppose Turk will do as well.as:boacit., Z.. want just such Turks as Butler , --tho kind of Turks Who, when--a Man pulls down the flag of My country, :will hang him. [Applause.] And 'if a man' is a Turk for that, let us Have 'a few More Turk's and let tlicsni o to work, not Turks g , moreiy at New Orleans, or at Fortress Monroe, or at Newbern, but lot them go to work in Pennsylvania, tnayhap at Harrisburg. There is a little more yet. Sprague in Ithoiolelnnii, Entindipple sass; , • . - , Now, I must say, that this shows a great deal of venom, though' perhaps it was , made to fill up the rhyme. Why out of his own, pocket Sprague detray ed the expenses of an entire regiment, and started them Ml' inApril, to protect the Capital ; therefore'he ought to be sneered at by mon who desired its fall. What has he done His State which 'according to their thee ry, is ahovo the governine4, has sent him there to represent her ip the Con gress of the United States; and what has lie OVp , done thtit :should call down the sneers of nnfess it was that he defendi'd hie country ? I agree that in their. eyes that is suffi cient C.\llBo. - Everett •at Gettysburg; Talking like an,ssd; Banks out in Texas, ; Trying to cut a figure TERMS, $1,50 . a yeai in aavimcii. He is cutting a pretty handsoMe figure, unless I . am mistaken. Ifehaii got'into Texas, and he has cut - a piece out ofterritory formerly held by 'the rebels; be has put there the army - of the United Stateil,'Which ditetirie will march ihrough Texas, and . that State will belOng to the Union :Aga in: I doubt not we shall soon hear' that he is 'cutting irfigure at, 'Mohile also. • • Beecher in Brooklyn, . fowling for the nigg,or.. Lots of abolitionists, Kicking up a-yell; In comes. Parson Brownibw, And sends them:all to Hell Burnside at Knoxville, • In a kind of a fill— • Is not Burasido in a •fix ? reckon he fixed Longstroet., I reckon he, and Grant, and Thomas, and, Hooker, did some little fixing out Jhere , a short time ago; and that fixing I 'want you to bear in Mind; is the occasion.: of all this kind Opoetry, and of all such speeches as Nye, „have hard in, the House from the 'gentleman from Npr . thufnhorland. , • ' . . . Novf,.they have Jeft,the last .; great man for the last.. We see .iThitt they, sung about Dahigreon at Sumter, Poundinf , at the bricks; Grant - at Chattanooga, . Trying Bragg to thrash; _ Is.it any scolidtr4.! The Union's zone to;arnash ? :,•,, `Grant:!; OIL! could they; not = haie spared that.grcat niu i?. :Could they, not: have: felt that ithey'Avere trespas. sing too much upon the.patience'of the people of this errantry (assailing:Grant in this way? Pid - they know that one half of them are anxious-, that- -Grant should be their 'candidate for'the Pro's; idency ? they' say.. that Grant's great -victory of Chattanooga is a step toward bringing the Union to smash? - Had the gentleman .frinn phis .read this before he inide his speech to-pight,. and talked .abont the Got.ern remit of this country cOntinu ing this war for _the sake Of continuing themselves in power;?:''Are - .Grant's actions like the coral haanee .of ;the war? . Keep Grant.there; •-• and I tell ott.thal.the:war is soon jto . ekise. .'':! hailii.dWelt upon this longer: than L expected; but I wished to show just what is the sentiment nf these peopte who stand up.here in this and : :other States of the North,•and imam .thoSe who, are sustaining .the. Government of disloyalty, whilst every day , that they aro, speaking they issue from their accredited organs su4t-„ trashy' articles and doggerel rhymes, as this. I agree again with my Jriernl. from Washington in saying . that, this :does not belong to the mass of the people of this country. The hearts of the mass of those who belong to the great Democratic organization, as they now term it, are with, their country. But they have fallen, I *now not how; they have fallen into the hands of the Philistines; and men who have been assailing them for years and years, now assume to lead;them; and they lead them to their destruction. The, gentleman from Northumber land, when he referred to the _destruc tion of his newspaper, asked who die appreved of that. Well, now, I will ask a question before answering, that. Wfio disapproved of running the -To ries away in the times of the I?,evolu Lion 7 Who disapproved of,the Com mittee of Safety that our fathers got up,in theßovolution ? It was not the loyal mon of that day; it was not the, men whoa went • out and fought ; for' tbeir country; .;but it was the ; , men. whose - sympathies were with grre4t, Britain that disapproted„of it. ;,, Who disapproved of the hanging:9f Andre? Just the men who wanted .Arnold's treason carried out. do not-say that: this newspaper office ought' to have been, mobbed. I know not the ground upon which it .was donc,, nor anything of it except,the,fact ;that it ,was done; but I do py that. it_ is, -im possible fora freo,peoPle, for: loyal community,to stand, -by and see. and hoar the enunciation,swhich are made from mouths find from papers, and, not feel ,as those things, ought, ta.hp sup : pressed,. and that it is dangerous, to the welfare of, the country ,that.,they ehofildis ' .9 3 )Y a 3i•onder to me tlm i t this kind.of mph bi ng whieb is ;spoken pt. II s prevailed to ,so small-a. degree as it has:. I. want now,- f*lc ;another question • or two..l.lnve ; you eyer.iieftrii of ally paper ;:boing.„§tippressed„Sor 8 9 1 4iPP.- 01 Xouct_tr.Y,, or for urging the suppression- of rthe :rebellion? Ilay,e.ye,u,-;e,ver i bearik of, any. Paper being etipprosiferifor calling! upon-the yxyigl 914)9,1.11nd : tbe. Middle aged men to enlist fn the defence of country , ? ll ikv.@ you ,ever beard of.any papor ,boing,impprirmt or ;any man being iniprieciried flienouneini, j'eff. Davis .I-lave ion ever heard or =I =NEM NO. 87. - - nn j, ordpapekg suPtitASedfoi. approving the liigbftlaitols"for"tearing - down -- oWn -- flake? tbeiii do'nerArY ?A Or= it 3 dvg you ever heard Of.,,pn, Taper in sup; p,r .- 0 14 8 f ed L i T t i d21 Witt il as krt IV. lB. 3t o .lc.Fiv e ,ifiAni - 1 1 11)adiflphist,trfor f.reftp. sing ..to , negotiate-witlt-jeff. l Davl&? You never have, and you never will in this eatihlry . „ , The idea of negotia; tiny The idea of making psaeofr: . down upon our knees and:81)3:1n:glo* Jeff Davis, 4fiat tqiiisdifts:Yciit - i '%iii3t2tia to sub mit th;?' idesgoi,t4eogniting that man i as at the head of nliY govfirninent,whiph oggilt to be kir'h6nCit 'nlen;loyal men, civilized •nl On, or tidy .elass, cif metihut barbarians! • - - - Andihen ilia 'rnet flare to'-niAlit s ,- , Y. and I eenfe'Ss that by the remaric that' aridialtfillA. cause we Sustain fuses to stOP—LWhat r war!' -And _the . , jmplication, of that remark is if I un4qvitsii)4,4, th t,fti3! war should .noreik.4avnjeth 404yleti eed; ti) ilnpliealion s pf that Fedinrk: is, if I unde - iatini was said in con nection with IVO - Ale:: flirt; guage,) that thiS -War inightlitte betni stopped if had wdegotiated'Aiithi those traitors in thci-beginningO•and that *a were .wrolig- rubtrig: -to arrhslor the Suppreosion'tif t'his4elitd• lion - I hdve•heardotrt6 pilperteinigqdri: out k:.52 . --'-d 'euetaitiedJOreri oral .Taektgolrcin , ,:latippreeshig , iTdhif Calhoun, and there Avou none tornout' at - ftlid ddy:: .3 6,1fii$Val ,Inekeon had'had 41114-E4llr l dbe perrnitled n SohtriCliCtillfcrtiirtit that day: tett:then Sohn C.:CalhoUri' - ehtivid , 4l4l hung; Uddi,wani - now diet: Old-tire - 6d; wliieh has sprung from hilt North hiht South, be bung: , fa Then this grUrioulir tile Dditiodratio party existed-'in" iiii r men - 'and iii` its principles. Its prinCiplo;kohig thta, the country ahis= alit , VU''‘caVnr/Ilitug else, and its men refusing oea nu atilt. the valtie of the' Union:- ITOiv, - they calculate' the value of this - great Union bYn. Pehay stamp uPini r t, lc plaster placed upon a ait;lCiii,kn i st'llck? "itlia' i la the way` thtit ' t ha. Y,liiittlifi;t6i,"Yroll4 Nortlinineerltuni: Meets, 'tide ' ifigi qdestioh. ' 1...wi1l- say, in conclusithil, that this old Democratic pinity.;,a.nd, this old bdincua'al ; t9. pfinefitile---f999 in whatii4thrfihrey:th.ey ' , nay be Sustain the cotintrYl !hitt 'tit piTe*li when we.called.- ouraelvia 'Defilohifiect and Whigs or•Dethooruts and•;ltep'ull-i Beaus,. or Democratic r4pd, ! lP,appigeff Party, tbore was,. nothing, hi?l,xost „us - that Went down=diiivii - to;tlfif . tolit":4e Democracy and inlinif Ifs -- thefe . ...dlinir-' iiig , -it needeftthis rebellion tci bring out,. that :all D'eniodracylw,ns,the :scionter thing `, - vtlXire - veijp miglit bp;,, , ,and; that. Jill thc pi:ll34l:es 'otoyalty,and . pit. te4itisin sprung f?oi*`_4o-;.110,`-Dlini66FICY1 et. , *hintl-Ifaittnl,tiVis.!abitattdii*? - niene.ilf. inyrenimiltis:'.Vr;:4,y , ia-,... - f, ilini t : The Democracy which , lvilUT pa tibia. counfry'aboVe eve,qtilillg 9h9,,, is t_hol Democracy that we 'di "lov'o:' :1 - 6 - 14td not Iv lirother' thO'fn nil' `Una ' Viii'lief f"it Deninerat or'a Litcritibliedit, itlioiLitiez, cf3s his varty . Alma: his ,ctittttry4-1 kw desires to grind out of plo,,grqipomy), tears of ,the people that .r.hluh k.( ,wi 11 . Make hini rich:- ih'iS'disloyttl;L ii6tor. ding to the test Which l'tlrilik-ofW to be ..applihd4-ageording,tif, Ens ::test' which, l: am willing to be ,appl t ruif ,tii ' lV il le irs ' is nhi - , - itiOthhetii - df . e . %4" .: Ai:ii": . hatir-Linnoli4 liittl•inilit he'infintilied to saylete,ithat havingidOne all-ltlia't I. conldros anl.honorablefifiartiSiml..ib pl.evont- his obtainingthe:poSition which lie noWoccupies, ,te'efin,,, ,, ilia!,l was snsfaining'iwiriOqinia,Wlitelillifia alwayssiistamed. by voting 'for eneavoring to secure the - Ore‘ction - -. of another rnani I-am prop4red, now ,to say--not that I eslgsra Abgalkar . kLip col n a perfect ,man--144 that )110.,..445 done -every al lit" "ha t I *Sklld . litiVkidii- sired—but`thit; looking •iii,''Abiiiiiirni. Lincoln - disintere - siedika4 , `-tlinliattd"ltif the , nation, I think ,11 - 0 .hasip'utenatho course, whielr, he rise . 1 :91 1 kv!:K 1, , vgjtigilit eye atingle ti..itire . beit .I.rtterotit4 , ch,tlu# country. r - dd: not 'Sat' fruit - 1;40r inerins than4hOSo which , -he .iutit;inai4 might not.:have Iniewitidopteliptlutil do saY.7 - And- - I- firA1Y:91. 1 11.f 101 91n.91V49- lie'vo qtu;limiwilliug,to Alp et ,gns, siff, iirassifin - a ikininirlitl!,irliighe'ba'r thaii:tliti fvibinidf.'lcreficrii qirfilehl'liiii n')w speaking-17-4i'say; --that -, :liktnf. Bove- thotrio the-besl , loftri - olthility4a,nd with the desire -to,sav,g.,hloottabeti r • Ivi - th thi desire' to,. Vriiik,lXCl:tficie who had' • giiuilftiiilY - *Vic - 6'6'o'll'4 country;Livitliithel. , thisiiii-'l6' secure pence to'th - co oottntry,:miholi. tivtinchti'd alreadyintorvenel, and.,,,,folicTing.:-..up his Acme, topr,cyjmt ,Nar,, iris single object has, been`the:welfare . ott4q cowl,- try.' I ,Vollevo tin& tiiho - ii ern4"..iiiitii ot; aUd'l beli&C , thatif hislifyWei• WM equal to his wish, aiid if Aiis'iiisd'olii was oqual.to liitltivisk:(APcicil do' not say that it As ,not,) , that - pv,..tiryt,i4ug aroula hi) done in this UOiiiitry ,khioli the heart of its best citiaiiiielatildife'. siru. , 14 - pplause:yl4 , l3 , olkovo - -lhat in akY" 9 f l 49 11 9Sii,,r§ 9r:.111 99.Y.: - 9f,tke41.9 1 - ces; of which - , bf•Phija: 'delfihia has '.461 - eoff ild'lnfo'l''ilkioli desolation. haa.ititinicil:="y-6ii ' - ikill• not find -:ffenn :Any Mothei 7or li,nly : futility, ißniY.,9f 049 1 10, ../1.Q4Pagi,:+.1104109/41a90 efilbrahalit •lihrpin......lfouJy,kliglap. 'that co oler iw fi`o''gliiit or tlie Aigly, Wiibli'hiiiifCiii3 dO l iiO,tlll4lAft' Militia lion bii ti -hriefo' lier , t4holis-otl'i‘eliqetli is. inadb. the brighter to. z luirg•vitiiair _by til!idagir;9T 9 oo.,Alint , .hav9:c9o4lo',!-oYilr in kiEl,deatli i and thenasktit%. a te 4pf IffoitnViii`;Abralliiiii: 'l,inb for ailing led out thei l affni4'ititcftifiliiiiiiiii - gdist •itedit.=' I SlitinWilflrefu&S; Eilld' , "4lll4ay; -`d‘,4y. boy-iwentinto‘the;servialszatc-,bili PoliPifFY) PAlci 1 9,F9.bi1a.11a.kt441ir40 . 6 . niy epuntity„gPr i p;;.',..ii£l V,i6nr .iv 41 - deiiBnriin!'this *hi-, th6figg'ir lifir' il, ' -Veil finiilltb kflit77 li:chiPh&iiiiiil if rei. er, - will say ftliat'As§ritbaur -lihitgltydid ;wrongirig.igailjag IF.out.t:amprooky,Ato .tll9iimpi non for thp„mvipqi,qil.,4o 'couiltry746l:ln cal)i-out,th.r4T ) i nn, d'rdirtlicitiiiaiiii' innre r', iilihollili ilif l , racks come haelt : withalit th §ot6 at he lovesPrest uptin , oßrth. [Applause.]