The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 02, 1864, Image 1

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,Per anent:kin, advance.
Three months
failure to notify a dieeontinuance at the expiration of
.be term enbeeribed for will be connidered a new engage
, 1 insertion. 2 do. S do.
Tow linee or lees . $ .26 $ 31% $6O
.hie ever% (12 linee.) ..... •••• • 60 76 100
rtro equares 1 00 1 60 2 00
Three etinares. • - 160 . 225 300
Deer three week end lees than three menthe, 46.osate
jer square foe eacLi insertion. .
3 nionthe. 0 =tithe. 12 menthe.
21 60 - $3 00 t 2 1 : 4
300 6 M.. .. ......, to
312 lines or. lees;
Jul •quare
. .
two squaroP.:.:.— 6 %L.-- .. 8 00 10 00
2hree .19.1.9, I 00 10 00 10 00
Four .N 1111 1 ,11., 9 00 13 00 20 00
ll9lf a column l2 00 16 00— —.24 00
-tile - column 11..20 00
Profeminnal and 919.1nr0u en.rdi not exceeding four Hen,
One year ItB 00
Adlntoistraturei and Eiecutors' Notion. $1 10
• .
Advertisement. not malted with the nranher of itmet
tloll,l 11 , ..1red. will be torah:mod till forbid ,ma amrgea
GOrdirk to these temp.
c A 11,110 A D.--CH lOW N OF SOH NIHAU.
An and after Thursday, D0e,10,18433, Passenger Trains
will arrive and depart as follows
P. H.
A. M.
I Mom's D;; O . . ki°
3 101./L1
3 50, I 45 , Ituntingdon.. . . ...
4 10' 8 0515ter 3 iukelletawn,.....,
• '4 18 8 13 , ,Plrasant Gr0ve,.......
4 36 9 Zl,Markleaburg
4ba • 8 4.510.ffee Mau.
4 571 863 Rough & Reads....
6 07 9 05 Cove.
5 11 9 09 FL•her's Summit..
49 680 AR 9 25 1 • • .
i.. 4 6 40.L4 9
. 401
6 511 10 00111111,11e4burg,.
6 031 10 08,1141.4,4411..
6 161 10 24 Plp , ea Ruh
' 6 441 10 49; Itsmitton , ...... 1
at 7 00,4611 hsf Bloody ituu,
• ' ll' 9 40 1 .8axten
to 0o Crawford,
.a.lO 10 Dudley.
I !Broad Top. City
/tuns iagdon, Doe. 16, 1861.
1 , .X - 11!?
i;-! 1E74.1
I 1
'Tl* - 10N ,
?.; 1 i7g:}
P. H.l A. AA I A.M.! . I
N . . Ilonallton 1
''''' .! 45 so, MI. Ulatlll • ... :
...... ' trioCteek"....l
l I 744 501 607 fluotlimdon. i
. ... 1 6 211Ntorsisorg....;
1 1 • i llama ....... ...I
1 636
ll i riu t iVirTut ' lo " ,
7 "00.Tyronn
7 10 'Nikko.
• -:7 20 UAW. 311115...
• S 55 -8 . ....1 7 40,Altoona,.
PAL .a. )1. a,m..
11 PAST tpqi •Eailtwiiid,liavez . A
64 arrites at Ituitingdorthk4.37
so 0 IrillANT VlAlN:lireittrard
t 10 28 A. U. and arrives It itunti
E !it 13
I tAt•-•••••, ••••••
_ -F4
11 - North and Nortb-Wost far PHILADZLPIII4.
Wax. Itunwo, PorrarlLLS, Luusom, ALLIRTOWN, garull o
kc.. &a.
.Trataa leave MaRBIZUVREI for PRILADELTWA. new-Yoas.
Marino. Porrorms. autFall Intermediate Station., at 6
A. M.. and 200 P. M.
Haw•Ynntt Kxprepos leav
ilting at Niw-Y•.t,tt It 10,
. Yams from 1{1:88.153086 : To Now-leoux, ,15 lb; to Past..
Anatent...V. :laud $2 80. Haggaue chmket.l through.
Returning Intro.:oils-Y.lm at A. at., 12 Noon, uhd 7
P. M.. (l'irrsanaan Kriaaaaa arriving +it'll/Aslant:no at
A. M.) Leave Pan.aer.ienia.ut 8.15 A. 31.. and 3.30 P.M
Bleeping tars in the Naw-Voix Uinta= TRAINS, *aimed
and from Primo:was without Change. .
• l'imfrngers by the CATAITISEA Anil 'Road leave TAX.
ADO. at 11.59 A. • M.,• (or PattAnurnis and all Interme
diate Shillong ,• eud at 2.15 P. M. for PHILADELPHIA, NEW.
Yoga and all Way Points.
Trains [Pave PuTTEPILLII.4 9.15 A. M., and 2.30 P. M., foe
PHILADELPHIA. 1 1 / B alaammo and 'Nzw-Yort.
At! ACCoMiTioaellell rasteager Tra le:ITel READING M
620 A. Nt... and returlie front PHILADELPHIA At 4.3 e
W' All the above trate. 'nth dilly, ClaudLye excepted.
A t‘und.y train leaves Porranua at 7.30 , A. M. and
AilfiLADELpillA at 3.15 P. M.
at ;winced rat.. Wand Yrom,all points: • •
SJ popta.le I.laggage allowed each Poeinger.
• G. A. l'i/VALLS,
General Superiltlendent. .
re , . 8,1863
WF Off•-r to Deilleri3,
nd ll.•use Painters. at the very lowest nett cash
prices the hoe• chuck and gumgd.rargoh.:
..1 IV late Lead; renal, and American Zienef -
Chrome 'Green. and 'Yellows. Drop and Ivory
Illgeke. and a full assortment of all thejincr. .411"
odors—such es Vermillion.. Lakes. Tuba
ors, lie.. atm. Paha amt rarnieh Brushes, of . •sk
the leaf mike Glosler's Diamonds and Points; •
Paint Mille • single and Aolible• thick of all 4esCrip
Cone. and All Materials used by -House and Conikk Paina
ers,—which we can eell as cheap, if not cheaper, than any
sailor house from the font that we keep down oar 074011.
las by conducting our toislnees personally. . •
Nit- RAU—on , . of the firm—for Wilily years manufao.
tured the Varni-hes. 'old by the later,. Schanck: We feel
t b e ad e nt, thht nor Varnisheseve equal if not superior.
L, any mntsufactured In this .untry. We warrant them
to give entire pallsfaction. and if not as represented; the
moues will be refnaeled.. Give nen rats before purchiudnia
elsewhere. A liberal di.wount Made teat tr de. •
• TELTON & ItAU.' `
6:011 136 & lag Nth 'FOURTH Street c•ruer Cherry. •
:Oct li, 186.14 m. • -
No. 1. Large Family Wringer, 810,00
No. 2. /tredi2on, " 7.00
,NO. 2/ " " 6,00
No. 3. •Sma/1 " " 5,00
No. 8. Large Hotel, 14,00
No. 18. gediun tipauxdryl to= 1,18 00
No. 22. Larye tor busit 30,00
Nos. 21. and 3 have no Cogs. All oth
ers are warranted.
*No. 2 is the size .generally used in
private families.
ORANGE JUDD. Of the "American Ag
riculturist." says of the
edily weir% out a .ttit4rill of clothes in
6. few oainutoi, It is In reality. a (3. ME* Banal A
twe Beater Wad Arriorra Sortie! The laving of pi
t:pent■ will alone: pay a larga per tentage on Re coat.' , We
think the machine much more than -page for itself ere-
TY Year' to the laying of garments! There ale vomit
_kind& nearly.elike In general conatnsetian, hat sett,teon«
Alder It opportain that the Wringer • be etted with Ceient.
oil:omit* a maw of ilwrzelargta may clog. the toilets, and
the rollers upon th« crank-shaft elleend tsar the Utah's,
or thrniblwr break lonic from the shaft. Oar own Is one
of the first !Wm. and It le N, aoup 4E
. I{IW }Aar 4.471 y
WOOS TrAee OOMlrelly net.
zi;Fery Wenger with cog Wheels is Wax-
ta*ted•ia ovary parttWar.
140 .Wringer; can be Durable !ciao* .M 1
,good C4.IsTVASSSIt wanted in
,every town.
,voOn receiptof the price from Pia ,
ces where no ono is soiling, we will
send the 'Wringer fres .zpentte.
For, particulars iiid• circulars ad
oareo2. 1 1:- a AR.01 4 71 4 1NG,
• .87,33rcadway,,N. y.
Aug. 12, '6B.
10 62
10 45
10 31
10 17
10 10
9 69
9 651
15.9 0 40.53
163 9 26 as
9 07
9 00
I 8 44i 45
I 8 24; 4
11.8 8 Wits 405
tut 8 30 1 tl *6 So
16 • 6 16
B'os 6 05
,te 800 ug 600
31 1
1 2.5
931 11K
921 107
9 C 7112 61
'l7 ol
•1U 47
a!1: 2 2 ,s
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8 33 12 18
12 110
8 14 11 68
8 00'11 48
•.M.l II 10l
•t 1 20 A
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9 WI
r. kt
A M.
ug um
The following somewhat remarkable
narrative is related by a western lady
now on a visit to this city from Mari
pose. She is herself a character. She
has creased the plains twice—first in
1849, during which her husband
ishod—and is the first Amerieandady
who returned to the east by the way
of the Isthmus of Panama, She is a
genuine heroine—a fine specimen of
stout hearted western womanhood—
and ter adventures in the wilds of the
unpeopled west have been numerous
and exciting. If the good people cif
Mariposa have missed a lady from
their neighborhood, they are. hereby
apprised that she is comfortably locut
ted at the boarding house of Mrs. Nes-,
bit, on the corner of Montgomery And
Sutter streets, and will not return to
the mountains until Holmes of the
Gazette, ceases to harrow„ the ..hearts
of Mariposa' mothers by calling their
little babies "brats."
Well, while the train of which this
lady was a member was encamped at
a point on the Humboldt, where the
Lessen trail intersects the Cursor
track of travel, she visited the lent of
family, consisting of an elderly con.
pie and one child—.a daughter of four
teen or fifteen years.—The old lady
was sitting on a pile of blankout; an
der the canvas, encouraging a most
deterthined attack of the "sulks,"
while the masculine head qf alTaire had
'hatted himself on his wooden tongue,
and was sucking his pipe akleieurely
as though he expected to rem•tin there
forever. A single glance developed
the fact.that there was a difficulty in
that little train of one wagon and
three persona, and that it had attain.
ed a point of quiet desperation be•
yond the reach of peaceful adjustment.
Three days before they had pitched
their tent at the forks of the road and,e4Mlo, - - , 44 - regiee upon the route
by Witielno. r atter California. ;here
they had remained.• The husband ex
pressed t preference for the Carson
rod d—the wife for the Lesson—and
neither would yield. The wife decla
red she would remain there all winter;
the husband ,said ho should be pleased
to lengthen the sojourn through the
summer.following. •
On the morning of the fourth day
the wife broke a sullen silence of thir
ty six hours by proposing a division of
the property, which consisted of two
yoke of cattle,-ene wagon, camp fur
niture, a small quantity of provisions
and $l2 in silver. The proposal . was
accepted. and forth With the "plunder"
was diVided, leaving the wagon to the
old man, and the daughter to the mo•
:ther. The latter exchanged with • a
neighboring train the cattle belonging
to her, for a pony and peek saddle.
and piling the daughter and her wit--
lion of the divided spoils upon the an
imal, she resolutely started aeresk the
desert by the Leseen 'trail while the
old man silently yoked the cattle and
took the other route. ,Singralar as this
may seem, it is nevertheless trne. It
is among the many occurrences of
life stranger than fiction. Of &sorsa
both parties reached California in
safety. We say "of cOurse,"for it is
scarcely possible that any obstacle,
death ineluded, could bare seriously
interfered with the progress of stub
i bormiese so sublime. Arriving at SA
cramento with her daughter, the ::old
ladY , roadily found employment„-for
Women wore less plenty than -
and . .eubfiequeetly opened a .boarding
N. Ifatall•
11 25 A 11
• Itatuuestate at 8.00 A. at., ar
,15 the law m.'ndng,
...41i ; .:i: . ;:%t1f.,-_ ,. . - r. - 1 • ? ,
k , ........ '''. ' ..-1 -. .. , -
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
Re lay upon the battle field,
Where late the clash of arms was heard,
And from hie pallid lips there came,
In broken accents, but one word.
"Mother!" was all the !midis? said:
As freshly from hip wounded side
The hat blood flowed, end bore away
Hie life upon its crimson tide.
Bravest arnang the braye he rushed,
Without a single throb •.!far,
And loudest mid the tumult pealed,
In clarion tones, hie charging cheer
"Oo to the contest, comrades, on
Strike for the U ' ; strike for fame!
Who lines will win his eonnity's praise,
Who dies will leave a glorl..un name 1"
He MI amidst the cloud?' it strife
Among en undiatingeinhed train,
F.v.most upon the baffle field.
And first beneath the heaps ~f slain
Dying, he turned him from the flag
Whose starry folds still onward waved;
Dying, ho thought nu more of faro,
Of victory won or country saved.
But ()ibis home and her be loved
His Rad, departing spirit sighed;
"Mother!" the soldier runny said,
And, looking to the he died
Romance of an Old Couple.
house, and in a few years amassed a
handsoine fortune. TWO years ago
she went to San Francisco, and the
daughter, whose education had not
been ne leeted, was•married to one of
the most substantial citizens. -
And what has become of the old
man ? The wife bad not seen or heard
of him since they parted on the Hum
boldt. They bad lived happily togeth
er at. man and wife for years. and she
sometimes reproached herself for the
wilfulness that seprrated theni after
so - long a pilgrimage together thro'
this rough life. But ho was not dead.
We cannot trace Lis course in Califor
nia. however. All that we kilo* of
him is, that fortune had not smiled
upon him. and that for years he had
toiled Without hope. Filially, feeling
searcely able to longer wield the pick
and shovel, he visited Sun Francisco
in the hope of obtaining employment
better adapted to hiSwasted strength.
For th*ect months ho remained bile
after arriving here, and then for the
want of occupation became the hum
file retailer of peanuts and oranges
with his entire stock of traffic in a has•
get upon his arm. 'I bis was about six
months ago. ,A few weeks • since, in
passing the open door of a cottage in
the southern part of the city. he oh
served a lady in the hall and stopped
to offer his merchandise. As he step
ped upon the threshold, the lady ap
preached and the old man raised his
eyes and dropped the basket, and no
wonder either— for she was hie wife—•
his •old woman ?" She , recognized
him, and throwing up her arms in a
mitzement; exc•lainted : "Great God !
John is that you? "All that is left of
me," replied the old man. With ex
tended arms they approached. Sud
denly the old lady's countenance chum•
god, and she stepped hack. "John,"
said she, with a look which might
have been construed into earnestness.
"how did you find the Carson road!
Miserable Sulty—miserable," replied
the old man, "full of' sand and alkali !'
"Then I Was right, Jobb ?" she con
tinued. inquiringly, "You were, Su
ky," -he replied. "That's enough ?"
said she, throwing her • arms around
tlie•old man's neck; "that's enough
John;" and the old couple, strangely
sundered, were again united. Both
are living with their daughter on Sec
ond street.--.S7an Franefßen
Hooped Skirts--Are tney Healthful ?
There are few subjects about which
mare stupidly ill natured remarks have
been made by thoughtless people, than
that simple device for woman's com
fort—the hooped skirt. We always
thought . fitvorably of hoops from early
association with that glorious race of
women, our revolutionary grandmo
thers, when we listened to the descrip
tion of one of those stately niinnots
given in honor of the inauguration of
Washington, as President of the Uni
ted States. hoops wore invariably
worn on all occasions of ceremony ;
'tie true we had no omnibuses or rail
road ears in which women of bad 'wee.
cling. and, often worse temper could
display these accomplishments, by
mistaking the vehicle for their own
private carriage. should any hurried
or wearied pedeStrian seek a seat, be
aide them ; nor was it. then customary
to go to marketer shepping in an eve
ning or hall dress. Even on grand on
eatintr, the train was looped up on
one or both sides, beranse the wearer
had the good sense to see that an a
partment was of limited space ; and a
man conk' not annihilate himself for
her convenionee; hut the-hoops were
ample, and grandly did they become
the wearers; for they ton were grand
and ample women. We have seen the
costly brocades and the high heeled
slippers; but:the hocps long since went
into the oven or great Pritoklin or Ten
Plate warmed the parlor or cooled the
dinner in those primitive and anti.
shoddy days. The hoops were made
of snhetantial hickory; and we have
often trapped rabbits on the very spot
where some of them grew.
The ladies were usually content •
with three circle's, so disposed that
they gave the most elegant and artis
tie disposition of the rich and heavy
fabrics, which, unlike most of the more.
ern material, would almost stand alone
without either the wearer or the hoops.
In these days, when most, of the
wearers were no strangers to a horse's 1 1
back, and the broom or bread tray,
these cunningly devised little springy
eirclets•that now give such an exquis
ite and Venus like curve to the tourn
oar as it sweeps .downward and falls
into the grand and loop like folds of
the • skirt, were entirely 'unknown.—
You may completely clothe a barrel
with the stoutest hickory without im
pairing its excellence; .but we should
be loth to waltz with a partner thus
arrayed, even if our ardor in the dance
would permit goy) ignpre the contact
of the lower circles with our tibia and
fibula, or (breathe it softly) our shins.
Truth to speak - hoVieevei, dear la
dies, the smaller circlei were quite
unnecessary; for woni'eu' in these 'pH
mitive days had a fairer chanee for life
and beauty. Muscle and : superb out
line were not considered Vulgar, nor
did she of the, acuminated elbows, and
epitomized bust and lipii have u Coed
jutor in the crotchet needleand the
vinegar bottle, neither malicious ridi
cule of a young mimeo, whom nature
had. formed as women ought to be
formed, with the - vital organs, breasts
and pelvis, adapted to the grand end
and object of her creationthe crown•
ing glory of her sex— a family of heal
thy children.
We consider the modern hooped
skirt one of' the most admirably artist
ic and health•saring. devices of our
time. and no sensible person can fail to
appreciate its benefit to the young girl
or woman; we will giro our reasons
t'or this opinion ; or course they will
he entirely professional, fur we are no
man tnilliner.
It is conceded by all correct °beery.
ere, 1111(1 fully recognized by our unat( •
mists and gymnastic teachers, that
the muscles of the thorax and its rip-
pendages. the arms and abdomen, are
not used more than one-fourth Iltt much
by our modern women, as they are
compelled to use those of the legs;
nearly all the movements which our
unfortunate young people ato permit
ted to perform by the inexorable fiat
of Japorlcadom, are what may be
called passive ; her bands muat be rev;
erently and lovingly f ,Ided aeroesher
chest, in order that. their 'whiteness
may not suffer by permitting the least
motion; the lungs, of course, must be
kept quiet, not only because she isnot
allowed to walk fast 'enough to require ,
much air, but because the position'of
the arms and the weight of the fore
arm and hand resting on the lower ,
ribs, will not. allow the elevation, so ,
that the air flan 'enter the lower part
of the lungs at all ; at best, but a sixth
part of thoselifegiving organs are
used, and only their upper part fully
inflated ; now, If the hooped skirt be
hooked to the 'jacket ,infour places, at
least; and not left to rest upon the
hips, the reader will perceive that, the
baekbone and all the. Mileclos whiCh
enclose and, steady both_ the great cav
ities'of the body, and keep them ele
gantly erect upon the hips, must carry
both the hoops and the skirt; then
these may be muds both light and el
egant, or heavy end grand, as‘the sea
son may require; while drawers of
Material adapted to our severe winters
may be artistically adjusted, and
stipported, by suspenders, as complete
ly to, protect ,and clothe the lirrhs,
without.the necessity of the skirts so
girding the body by drawn cords to
keep them and the drawers in place,
as not only seriously to cripple all the
viscera, but, to interrupt the healthful
action of the muscles of the abdoinen, •
and worse than this, to compress alt
the veins that carry back the Woo I
from the lower limbs to tl.o heart for
purification, and often, as we have
seen, to render the integument below
this girdle of many cords, very per
cepithly dropsical: Every lady; ifshe
will use her eyes, can see this fOr her-
Self, the -.horrid 'marks" that they
cause, she often laments. Now, read
er, if the lungs are only used one sixth
part, the muscles of the body scarcely
at all, and the venous blood from the
lower limbadirevented from returning
at the full rate t,f five sixths of the
speed intended • by nature, when you
are walking even at the snail's pace
you are allowed to, what must be the
result on the nutrithin of the muscles
of these limbs? for you know they act
and grow by blood alone ; depend on
it, although you may make them drop
sical and deceptive in size, they will
not help you to dance us well, or to go
up and down sutirs.
And tide brinks us to another great
evil. If we will sacrifice so much to
brown stone froets and tho fancied no-.
,cessity cif fashionable streets,;
must live in houses furnace warmed
and eighteen feet by five stories high,
for pity a sake, lot us so distribute the
load of dress our climate requires as
to allow every part of the' body to he
used to carry it up stairs'; let the jack
et or the shoulder strips give the chest
its share of the work'; is a word, let
our wives and daughters shoulder.their
loads, if they would have their days
prolonged in the land.
if the ladies will pardon us, we will
venture a hint, on, ,the dimensions of
the skirt. „Its most excellent end is to
insure the unrestricted , use of the limbs
in walking ; it, must, therefore; be of
sufficient dmituiter to alloW a full step
and the necessary ; space for the under
clothing; if it restricts the.stop•ill ,the
least degree, it is too small ;• no We
rose ebouhl be' a short
~....„ ..
step; the longer the step the more
breadth required, the greater,develop
ment of the thorax and•lungs; 'quick
and energetic walkingovith the shoal.
-fere thrown 'back, Will 4;19 as much for
the growth ,of the vital organs as sing.
ing; woman must:dress warmly, keep
her feet dry, walk more, and eat mor9
ar she will never fulfill Oie great ob
ject of her creation. , ' .
Our. Army Correspondence.
Army of rotomae, • Feb. 20, 1804.
EDITOR GLuDD seat - myself this
pleasunt'afternoon. on our wood pile,
in front ofoUr vory comfortable ranche,
to communicate a few thoughts for
your most excellent paper, which may
not be• without a little interest to your
numerous readers.
• At present we are all very comfort.
able with scarcely any excitement to'
arouse us from our monotonous : mode
of existence. but ere long the .rallying
notes of the bugle will, again summon
us to battle for our country, and• liber
ty,.• Many times during our past mil.
itary life have we responded to that
call which brought us face to face with
our flea. And. when we look round
and. reflect. we can truly say; many
who went into battle with me
no more. Their blood which was shed
fn• their country cries loudly for ven
geance; and will the friends of those
braves, still lire, deaf to those cries ?
Will they still remain so insenait4. to
the many sacrificer made, laird battles
!Ought, and trials borne. by tho s se who
have fallen in Freedom's eatine; . an not
to come out and help .1187 We really
hope that by this time, men *hose.
hearts were formerly sosmall,are in
hued with proper principles, Arid w
sincerely hope that the reales of part 3..
ism . have fallen from their eyes and
that they now see things in their true
light. The sooner all men do this the
sooner will the accursed rebellion cease
to exist. • Those who complain so much
about everybody and every thingshould
he the very ones to do at least some
thing to renmve the great causo, name
ly, the rebellion, from our country.—
Then, and only then, can we expect
to enjoy reace and prosperity again in
a true sense •
- We are pleased to nee our friends at
'lMme "pitehing in" to help - us. ''We
can assure them that they ; will be re.
t:eived graciously when:coming to the
rescue. We are led in believe that
they, uniting with those now in the
army, have the spirit not only to meet
the foe in battle array, but .to van
quish it when they 4 4 0 meet it, and by
NO doing crush the rebellion and save
our MUM
We hare all. doubtless, Como to the
conclusion that the rebellion will never
be crushed by any other than the force
of arms.
Deserters from Leo's (rebel) army
are coming in daily by squads, but a
few days since a captain brought his
whole company in. They seem bent
on claiming and obtaining the benefits
pertaining to President Lincoln's am
nasty proclamation . ; the consequences
of such procedure notwithstanding.
Major J. W. Nichols .hati made the
boys again flush of 'greenbacks, and
they are consequently onjOying them;
selves with all dainties provided by
our sutlers. • •
Re enlisting is rather slow work • at
present in the regtilar Orrice; not
more than seventy of o 0 entire'regi
ment accepting the large - ,.itOunty;
of our company included. , •
Should any of your readers visit this
neck of Dixie and *ill fever ns With a
call, we shall be most happy to accOm•
mocha° and show them round.
Our camp is very pleafiantly :situa
ted. about one mile south of the Hazel
& Rappahannock, rivers, and ono and
a half north of the Orange 4, Alexan
dria Railroad and on the Bov.erley
Ford battle ground.
More anon. RED6LISTE,
CO. D 6th Car., U. S A. '
EARLY /3161NG.—Tho difference be.
tyreen rising every.morning at six and
at eight, in the course Of' forty years,
amounts to twenty thousand hours,—
or eight yearS, ono handred and twen
ty days, and ten hours,-4which w ill
afford eight honre a daY, for exactly
ten years; so that it is the same as if
ten years of life wore added, in Vl 4 hich
we could command eight hours each
day forthe rnitivation of the mind,
serNionitny,': raid; a - . mother to a
Ron nine years old, •tgp.and wash your
face; I urn aithanied to see you eorne
to dinner' with so dirty a month. "I
did wish' it, mamma," and feeling
his upper added, gravely;
think iris a moustache oomiug."
slat'. An °id—fellow ,•be . itiß.tisited by
his pastor, assured 'Mtn. be 'could bet
he a good Christian ualeis he took'fip
his daily cross; Whereat he ,caught up
his wife and be'fau iggging, her abo,ut
tbe room. -. •
TEAK% 850 a yearln flambe.
.B. B. CHANEY, Editor, , •
To whom all oommunicittione on the sub
je ct of Education should be tiddreised.
Evils ofltregtiatitpis Attendaubs i
and the Remedy.
It is a truth that fa universally ad
mitted—imcause too many, entirely too
many, have , tested ;It;—that . ptiriils can
make no advancement when irregular
in'their attendance at - school. 'With.
many parents, the occasional absence
of their children troth school, Is legit ,
ded as •a matter of minor importance.
And we are glad that we'have the op.
portunity of thus publicly impressing
upon the minds of some, the injury
that, not only their phildren, but the
school in general, receive from - thilr
indifference. In presenting the evils
of irregularity , we Shall regard them
as twoLfold. First, the Injury the pa
pit sustains: and second, its ' influence'
rivet, the injury the pupil sustalnd.
All who are acquainted with. the text
books now in use in our schools, know
that'in their arrangement they farm--.-
as they ought to do,—a continued
chain; each day's lesson- composes a
link, and each preceding recitation
prepares the pupil to better understand
the lessons that 'To lose a sin
gle dayovill break a, link of this chain
and will increase the difficulty in pre
paring the lessons for the following
day. Noris . this'all; 'the pupil will
soon lose his interest in his etudies,
and will finally become discouraged,
and neglect theni *itagether. "Bdu
eation," says a late writer, "Is baser,-
flatly progreisive, Consisting oft& se.
flisarof regular processes, the latter al
cfpyit depending upon the 'earlier-7'
This being essentially true, it must fol-
low that if previous principles are lost
tie latter will be less clearly under
stood; and if the absence be repeated
very often; the pupil will Soon find
himself surrounded by difficultioli from
which it is impossible to , extricate him
self, If parents would view this mat
ter in its proper light, and estimate
the loss their children Sustain Crete
regularity, wo are "sure that they w'lti
ondeaver to send to schobi more rept
We will now notice the second evil
arising from irregularity, viz: Ite in
fluence upon the school.. _Did the e
vile of irreivilarity - extend no ftirthir
than we have described, the claims 'of
the subject could not be urged` so
strongly; but the whole school suffers
thereby. Tbe classes become disar
ranged, and, as a consequence, lose
whatever interest they may have had
in their (Undies.. A" scholar that Is it..
regnlar in attendance, cannot fail to
become a "dead weight," and conse
quently an incembranoe to - his
, class,
and a groat hindrance to their ad
vancement. But the , pupils are not
the sufferers alone; the teacher bears
his part; it increases his labor,. for, it
becomes necessary for hint to , repeat
the explanations and / illustratiOna Of
principles for the benefit , of the pupil
that was absent; thus needlessly con-
Burning his time.
We have thns far endeavored to set
. „
forth some of the evils arising front ir.
regular attendance at school; and we
havadwelt longer upon this part of
the subject than we should, hoping to
set forth these evils as fully as posii•
ble, that those who have assisted in
bringing them into the schoole, may
take heed and reform. We will now
offer a few suggestions to teachers,
which we think would remedy those
We have already, intimated, that we
consider. tho parent responsible, to a
considerable degree, for irregular at
tendance of his children at school.
And we certainly do hint no injustice,
when we charge him with being en
tirely responsible; for, whoever may
cause - the irregularity, whether it be
parent or pupil, it is certain that the
parent has the power, and should ro•
me.iy the evil. We world, therefore,
recommend, when irregularity °Acura,
that the, teacher go,ami talkprivately
with the parent upon the subject; and
if it has arisen through , ir4iffer
ence, ho should present, the .evils;
Ping from it, and - if properly ; done, we
think he must be an unreasonable Bee
rent, indeed, who would not.ondeavor
to xpform at once., ; If, upon the
'er hand, thepnpil has been 'playing
truant, and has , thris been
. 099eivilig
both parent and ,teso, 1 10 1 ; tbobs me* •
ing would bring the.matter ; ligbt
atonee- IB4Ridaso s Pr.74t.a 44 0 7.4 w
with.a parent, ifqonduoteil ina, priop
or.spirit,Opecially on dip yaplt of ,the
pp r her, 440mq faPA. to hAyek ,ippt
influence upon the children. ,Xfilaeb.'
era would practipo. it rotor", ,t,hey j wonid
ge,vorn, their i schools.witki 'kyiti 4481641-
ty. '
blue wco Damp xppken freely upt)."-
:ot:!katttrtiliqcv id•Pliwa
most ,
obeli tb• awn am
Wide tykorreli losistrite SOb alattaw - ge
• • 4
_ ', I 73LAI4KS
LABELS,- &C., &C., &C,
NO. 83.
a t" , °# n' elYaimi nova,
sr Lzwuri.tooos.*ATlONW44 ki7Blo
the responsibility of 00 peirent, we
would bYlio means -entirel? exoner
ate the teacher; for be it . often cuiritt•
ble for bringing those evils ,upon him;
self, and his school. I do not mean
that there 'are any'Wbo ':ftre -'acr 'silly,
that they woUld do so intentionallyi
but true it , is, - tbat they'are' oftehrthii
sole taus° Of it th'etnseltea. hite
been truthfully said: "Tbit'ili, 141
Cher makes trh,,#oP47 • , Pfe -t)
sun in the 'firm:talent, t he glves' - light
and life to all•around.bim; but elahld
his taw be eelipee4'4Y , a• frown,." . :4t
look ofdispleasure,—like ,clon tk
fore the sun, it shuts put all the Diaper!.
fulnest that should claracteriae blmi
and., makes everything wear, e4rear
a ppearance. It, is 'reasonable tp,,setp that child 1v 011 14:1 1 ft . e. 1 449 1 0414t
sciso)l•and dislike a dreary onel, .ftpo
if it, loves a school room because 4, hs,.#
pleasant P l 49P , ,it,..ea4#flq”?o l ?B-
oases, to rental* ut nomeiit• will . use
every exertion to get, there.
don to this, the teacher , ahonid,. not
,be able to make the sphool Teem
a pleasant place, but he should - 400*i,
able to make it , an .intpreltinuilo9
to the pupil. If this intereatbe,,in .the
proper direction, it becomealb* yipat
profitable, as well as the mosepovret 7
ltd influence in favor Of regular , ,attett
daneth Interest always ttlettusu'rily
precedes Improvement; es,it is unlike.
ly that, a pupil would • learn a, thing
that in his judgment to rmt wort fear.
fling. ,That it is the : duty.,of, a,teamit
er. to awaken an interestin, his Imp*,
needs no argument liere.--It is 41116
Om:Fable, that where thu,lea!itpi,en.
oet is taken on the, part of 0420.
or, ,there irregular attendance, Isigreufr
We feel that we have given only nef
°Ohio of thie eobject, , but we !1,911
we have given enough to awaken,
interest in it, that a further invettigt
tion may follow.— Wish. lxafniiier.. ~
The following persons are 13*etnptatt
from the;enrolment and . draft*, nano:
ly , Such al are rejected Ata physical:
ly and mentally unfit for theierviop,i
all persona actually in the militailfOr
naval Service'of thn °United vStaietitit
the time of the draft,:and ult.) persona
who have served - In the. military' of
naval servi p il two yoara-Anring
present war and been - fioneralaiy,
charged, and nn persons bit' lea
Are herein exempted shall` be tizeMPL
.Any person forcibly Teaustirg,or
ding to resistor oppose the Clam:itch - 01A
etc.; shall; Upon' ebnVietidh
any court ccunpritent; to ' try thi
fence, bo puniatred by'a•finaboteoleeEP
ding five thousand ;dollars, or by .im
prisonment not, exceeding five ..yeasts
or both of 00130 punishments, the
discretion'of the•court. •And eadiks
where ansaulting, obstructing,•:hiadf
ing,or.impedjug,, ,produ6ti,,,tha
death - of the,9tllue.r,or, 9thet peraont),
the offender shall tio'citierned gnittytf
rn rd er and,' on '-cimvietibil;
ished , with death.l •
If any ra person 's ti• ere°. .+
ter pay money for the' procuration 'Of
a substitute, such payrnent , shall
ate only to relieve. the perlion: , ,frdti
draft on that call, and his ; name . ; sha,ll
be retained, on the roll, and he ; shall
subject to draft in Ellin $ - that '<ltiotai
and •his name shall:be Vetuitibil
roll filling'future tinotasp but in
instance shall the, exemptioni ,Of anY
person oo ticsount hie„,wtyprq,of
commutation money for the woCurs
tion of a substittite'extend
year, but end of 'ode year- , :in
everyench 'case the'narno• citiany•plar
son so exempted.shall be ..041 11 tii71 3-
pin. if not I)efore.Fetarned ,tc,),the 011..
rolment list undei
t'ils section. • '-• " • '
Members of religious denominations
who shall liy oath or 'aflirrnation
clare that they arc binidcliositimiSli
posed to the bearingofitrini;and-whO
are 'prohibiterlfrOm doing • th 6
rules and articled of: faith: and rkractieei
of such religions, donomitiAtiottolutll,,
when drafted inte,th6 inintirY•
VlOO, be conaidered non-combatants,
and shall be assigned by Seeritary
of War;to , dutyin the hospitalssLor-to
the'care-of freedmen, or,;dhall pay, the
sum 0f.9400, , t0 be Applied to , the b6ner
fit of the sick and wounded BOldiniii:.4o
Proiiided; ' That no terian
`shall Ef@fbii
titled to ' the benefit - Of tliis:neiition On
loss his declaration of cendoidations
deruples against bearing i arma t shall 146
sapportad datisfacto7, ~ e vidence
that his,deportnikent hai been iniffiikni
ly ooneistent with
:.Any;person drafted , and , •liable , tto
render military aervice, who 03 I f rtt
cure exeinption by frsu'd 'or false
is to be dliainediildtlieftel-,
to penislied snob; and duelirio
gamine for the full Ural for.,whieh*i
was,clraftsd,•rockoning Scoot the tinAci
of his arrest; proxided 41st-11166°re:
tat"' NYAr TAY:040 1 1 tl/41 4k041:4 3
of all persona in the. =airy etir t ioe
who are under thaws cats 18,yoare at
the time of the ; application) Jo!. dials
Alliaebarge, whoa it shall 'appear, nlifna
dne ptoof, that'inekpfiriOnssorelw the
tb - a. Px•
press or implied, PrßiSr Pats 4r
guiidlans, add i `PiOVldtitt' tliaT
:persona tbitofripartirfteolot luardialM
siiatt ,fltist'irepiLY Atilthe - ricwwerinkut.
and to ibeFAttAii a , a4 *,44l 3 S!Alig.
all bounties.ilea-sailsranes_ pay *filch
TnaY harolfAell t paiticatbeini
. ,
Oorkr(*mtax , :rliv2+ wwlv.i4