. , INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE G IRA:R . D ' • Fire and Marine • Insurance Co. ; PHILADELPHIA. I*M istAni:ir, RISES —PIS TISH RisKs ONLT . . . .Perpetualpedities granted on brick and Mono bnlldiaga. 'Limited policies granted on triune or log buildiuga, mereltanditte anttfurnlture. let— No premium note' required, consequently no annu lments mode. • It. ALLISON MILLIIIL 50p16,1863 Agt. for Huntingdon k adjoining Cos. UNION ST EMI MILLS. WM. R. HUGHES, WILLMORE, Cambria county, Dealer in ' ' Cherry, Ash, Poplar,„ Sugar' Maple, ' White Maple, Bass and IleMlock lumber .Bills of frame lumber furnished on short notice,: W3l. R. lIUGIIES Nov. 13,1363-3m* ISAC 4TAVFTER, Wth'CECLMAICEIFf'AND j'ENITEILER, MANUFACTURER OF EILTERWAHH aed XXL.olltla 07 WATCH'S% No. 148 North Second ati Corner Quarry, PIIILkDELPILTA Me bay constantly on band en. assortment of Gold and fe l Silver lOWA Levers, Lapin° and Plain Witches, Pine GM" Chain., Sonic tind.Keys: Breast Pins, Ear. Rings, Vinger illogro, Bracelets. Miniature • ,s' Pates, Medallions:" Lockets, Pencilef-••Tblmblea. Speetarlee,•Silver Table, Desert, Ten,-Salt and Mustard Spvna: Bug. Spoons,. Cupp,' Nankin Itinga. Fruit and Duffer" Knives; Shields. Combs, Diamond Painted Pena, etc.—al of which will be sold low for Cash! `K: IiTOPIAS if Co'.4 beat quality full Jewelled Patent Lever Movement. conatantly on hand; alas other Makers of auperior quality. - N. B.—Otti Gail and Saver bought for Cimi . t . Dept. 0,1563-Iy._ • - - : FAISTY, FURS, FANCY FURS MRS, for Ladies and C''/ id that will be worn durl9g the Fall and Winter scions. • • . Relax the"dlrect Importer of all my Furs from Europe, and having Ulan manufactured under my 000 supervision, enables:me to offer my customers owl the public a much handsomer Fot of Furs for, the same money. - Ladies pleam give me a call before Purchasing I ' .V-Remember the name. number and Street Jobu Emirs, (New nir3tlse; 716 Arch Street, Phtladelphia. Sept. 16, 1963.-lim. • SATCHELS, PORT-biONNAIES, - - PURSES, POCKET-BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, &c., Sic., A ,handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store: "TEE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK FUROIII U M . s 14 No. BINTNuT reot, (c ormor y o. 708,) : . .PIIILADELPItIA. .1. W. PROCTOR & CO. Melte the attention of their kriends to (heti large and superb Mock of FINE CLOAKS . AND FURS, tinparalleksl in any former season—• The increased accommodation afforded in our new lock tion, enables ns to devote the fullest attention to the FUR DEPARTMENT, which will be (Mind well furnished with every description of FIRST CZARS FllltSoellich will be guaranteed RS repro wilted. or the money , paid will be refunded. • ORDERS per mail will be carefully attended to, and de livered. Express ckargos paid. any distance Inside of 100 miles. , • • ;J. W. PROOTOIt & CO.. ' Sep 0,1005--Iy. , No. 9.0 Chestnut street, Phila. T HIS WAY t THIS WAY! A NSW ARRIVAL CY BOOTS SHOES, HATS,. etc JOIIN priblie that ha haa just reielved a now stock Uf BOOTS awl SIIOES of all el. sea and kinds to suit everybody: Also, Ilate, - llostery; PhoeFludings; Morocco and Ida IngSkine, all of which will he sold at the lowest cash prices. Don't forget the old eland in the .Dianiond. 'Old gusto• mere and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, Oct.. 70863. ALBUMS° ALBUMS. A beautiful assortment of PHOTO GRAPH ALBUMS just received and for sale AT LEWIS' BOO= STORE.. : KEYSTONE CIDER • FOR BALE at the Manufacturer's; price--$4O to $45, Ty • T. R, CREME% &pt. 2, 1863.1 ilvxticgdoulta A ELTON C Oa . _ COMMISSION 1--. MERCHANTS; AND DEALERS IN - Leather Sumac, Sheep & Cali' Skin, N0:434 NTH THIRD' STREET, PHILADELtIILf. . . Suiutd. and SleinN:bought, or onld on Commis sion. Advances made on Consignments. (1:002-3m ETA' GOODS , N FOR FALL AND WINTER Wm, MARCH &BROTHER, Respectfully inform their numerous customers, end the public generally, that they lumina received a largo and splendid stock of Ooods at their store In DIAEKLESBUItG, consisting in part of. • . DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS,' . * _ SILKS, NOTIONS, . lIATS & CAPS, - • ; BOOTS & SHOES, Lb HARDWARE, • °". QUEENSWARR, - . GROCERIE6 ) -- WOOD & WIL LOW WARE, as 'TOBACCO, SEGARS, .NAILS, GLASS, • OLVMEAT, • . CRACKERS, - . PROVISIONS, . - FISH, SALT, &c., &o. -- Also- . —BONNETS and TINWARE • And In fact everything usually kept In a first clam cows. try store. nhich were bought low for cash and will be sold at correspoudiug low prices for earth of country prod uce. awl request the public to give us a cull before pm riming elsewhere, to Rag satisfied we can offer euperiof inducements to calsh buyers. We repectfully request the patronage of all; and es pycially, row Trough (Reek Valley friends. Everything taken in exchange for goods except pronii- 0(3. far-Cash paid for all kinds of grain, fur which tho highest market prjeos will be given. Ifni. March N event for the ritoail . Top Railroad Corn. pony et 31arklethurg-Stalion, .110 le pr.:pared to ship all kinds of grain to the Eastern markets. Having a largo and sOmmodiona Warilicniss;larmorli can store with lihn their grain cud flour until ready to ship. Every COUVO nience will -be afforded them, - - • • • lie Savo also a Simi: of FASHIONABLE FURNITURE which will be sold of reasonablo rogue: - • WILLIAM MA RCH ec BRO. z. Oct. 2g. ',III. MEE . . ,186 9 • 1863 • CLOTHING. - ' - H. ROMAN. NEW CLOTHING'".". FOR FALL AND WINTER, :11/ST . RECEIVED • .• CIIEAP ("LOWING STORE. For Gentlemen'. Clothing of the beat mnterial. and mule n the best workmanlike manner, call at - H. ROMAN'S, opposite the Frnuklin Home in Market Square, Hunting don. Ps. Huntingdon, Sept 23, 1863. ''• • • •- • 9 FOR COLLECTING_ SOLDIERS CLAIMS, EOTTNTY, BACK PAT AND PENSIONS. A LL who may have any cilaims a gslnit the Government for Bounty, Back Pny and can have their claim, promptly collected hy ap plying either In peria., or by letter to , W. 11. WOODS, • • Atterney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. • Atiguat 12, 1863. • HARDWARE AND • • CUTLERY ! AN IMMENSE STOCK AND ENDLESS VARIETY or HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. NOW OPEN AND TOR SALE BY HUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Sop so. ises ' . NE"' STOCK OF GOODS. JOHN FAIIRIRA, r 3.8 ARCS Strain. low Eighth, south side, PHILADELPHIA. Importer & Mama:mine , . • ofan d De:aerial all kinds 7 FANCY MRS, for Li s•ze' and Children's wear. I desiro 'to rejtern my Make to my friends of nntingdon and the our ending Comities, for far very liberal patron pi extended to me during id last few years, and sold say to them that I mama in gore, of my anYmpoitation and Man. leaf of all the different EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON lIILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PENNA rLx BERT SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF TIIE BEST, AND ALL- KINDS, cud every oilier article usually found inn Grocery Store ALSO— Drum Chemlmls, Dye Shiffa; Palnts,l'arnlshes. 011aand Sptit. Turpentine, Fhild, Alcohol. Glass and Putty, BEST WINE and BRANDY fiir medical purposes. ALL THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, BOOTS AND SIIOES, and a large nntnbur of articles too numerous to mention The public generally sill please call and exanslao fee themselves And learn my prP. os. II untlogdon. Sept. 30, 1863. NEV CLOTHING • • • AT LOW _PRICES.. M. CUTMAN HAS.JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW FALL AND ITINTER CLOTHING, Which he offers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ills Stuck cousinta of Beady-Ina.% Clothing for • MEN AND EOYS, , ALSO, • BOOTd AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AC., AC. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut of clothing not found in the stock on hand, by leaving their measure they combo accommodated at abort notice. Call at the east corner of the Diamond, over Long's Grocery. • • MANUAL GUTMAN. Huntingdon, Sept 30, 1e63. HEAD QUARTERS FOR SPLENDIE STOCK of NEW GOODS CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY, Sept 30 1863 FALL AND WINTER GOODS, JUST OPENED AT A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S. A LARGE STOCK • AND FULL ASSORTMENT, AT PRICES TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. CALL AND EX AHINE POP. YOURSELVES SILVER AND GOLD, AND ALL PAPER ON. GOOD HANKS &INDIVIDUALS, - . Taken rit , Parrill Exchange for Goode. The highest prices paid In Goode for all kinds of COUNTRY -PRODUCE. FOR BARGAINS, CALL AT - A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S STORE. Huntingdon, Sept'3o, 1563.• New Furniture Establishment, J. M. WISE Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on Hill at., Huntingdon. between Cunningham's lstero and Dean's National !louse. where he manufactures and keeps bit linde of Furniture of redneed pidees'. Per eons wishing to purchase. will do well to give hint a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. .4G y- Also. Undertaking carried on, and Coffius m ado in any style desired, at short notice. Funerals attended at iny - plnco In town or conn try, by J. N. WISE. Huntingdon; Sept. 24, 1862-tr. - . COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING front me In Ittintingdon at WITOLESALIt as cheap as they can :in the cities, as I hare a wholesale store in Phliadelphi d unntiiigicn, April 1.1, 1!39. U. HOMAN. MEM NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS - JUST OPENED THAT CAN'T BE BEAT COME AND SEE. D. P. dWIN WAR FOR THE. UNION. NEW ORLEANS; Sri LOUIS, 11l E DIPIIIS, NORFOLK, Ac. TAKRN.AS fl BY SLAIN, AND TILE BACK :: • - BONE OF " SEOESII" .BROKEN Bit while you rejoice at the success of our gannet troops. and the prospect of the 'speedy downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the Store of WALLACE & CLEMENT, before . purchasing elsewhero, and see our now stock goods. consisting of Dry Goods. . • Groceries, • . • Loots mud Shoes, . Queeneware, , Crockerywore, Tobacco, legate, • llama Flitch, Shoulders,' ' . Flab, • ' Flour: . , ' Salt, • .and a general assortment of notions. all of which are of • ferli on reasonable terms for cosh or produce. Huntingdon. July 1, 1863. • BIRNBAUM'S . . PHOTOtRAPH GALLERY, . . . . . : . ON HILL STREET, . . A. few doors west of Lewis' Book Store, •.•. . . . • HUNTECOD ON, PA. - - Photographs and Ambrotypes Taken - .in the Best Style. itm.CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS A l A . would itl3 T re j s r er iA t r fntily itp call . t he i lT a l t i o e nuon un o d f e n e i:six i i: n e n d I ntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock o' beautiful marble now on hand; Ito iv prepared to Dirnish at the shortest noulce, 3lonunnental Marble. Tooth. Tables and Stones, of every desired size and form of Italians on Enatero Marble, highly finished, end carved with input, mind() devices, or plain, as nnay suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, Sne.. will b furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work sunnslilp equal to ninny in the country, at a fair price. Call nod see, before yowl purchase elsewhere. Shop on Dill trout, lltintingdun, ra. . WM. WILLIAMS. Iluutingilou,llay 181815. 1863. TH E 1863. LARGEST- AND BEST STOCK OF AM; "POI p OOKS AND STA.TIONER.Y.— ", A good assortment of miscellaneous and School Books—roolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Enzelopcs—Red, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Rooks or numerous sizes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk - Iskitands, and scary other article usually found in Book Anil Stationery Store. can be had at Stir prices at LEWIS' BOON, STATIONERY A 3NSIC STORE. TESTAMENTS, Is now ready for inspection nad sale, pocKET WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, FE LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES FE LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles or Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, ORLI The. Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed• Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store,: Shop, &c., &o. Call at the "Globe". Building, and examine our stock and prices. r te .o.o " en 0 2 0`" • r ., 0: 0 r 2 l CI N„,cA CI CO Igi WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND • SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window - Curtain ,Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE y-,6.• N pIM BLANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! CONSTABLE'S SAi.ES, ATTACHMENTS, SUMMONS, ATTACIUT . EXECUTIONS EXECUTIONS. DEEDS. . . SUBINENAS,' MORTG AGES; sollooi. ORDERS. • JUDGMENT NOTES. ' LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION IVES, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS; - - FEE BILLS, . NOTES, with a waiver of tho $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. 'MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, fur Justices or the .Pence and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT. and CO3I3IITM ENT, in cue of Assault and Battery, and Affray... t'CIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Stale, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on saperior paper. and for sato at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANES..of every description. printed to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good Vow. 50.000 - , BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Just rocelvoll and for nato at • LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, Ld DIES ti. VD GENTLEMEN, EVER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON, CAN NOW BE ITAB AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY AND MUSIC ETOBE PROFESSIONAL dc'diUSlN ESS bAROti . . . D. CAMPBELL , •• • •••,-, • er • ATTORNEY AT LAW. 11/INTINODON, PA. • . 11. 01 co in the Ilr ‘ ick Row, nearly opr A s p it r r i t i Ilr:,el2rt I) ALLISON MILLER, • . - i tho DEVTIST, • Mu removed to the Brick How opposite the Court House. April 13, 1850. WILLIAM AFRICA 21AS AGAIN COMMENCED THE BOOT AND SIIOE-MAKINO, ONE DOOlt EAST OP 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Ills old customers and the public generally, Trill give him a call. . [Huntingdon, Oct. 20, 1858.] T L. GItEENE, eft • DENTIST. Office removed to opposite the Eichenge Hotel, on Railroad street, Huntingdon, Po. Aprll 7.1863 THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. J. MORRISON, Proprietor Av M. LEWIS, Y beater in Books, Stationery and biusical luetrumentn, Illintiligdon; Pa. G UTMAN •& CO., Dealers in Ready to made Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa. JOHN McCULLOGIT, offers his prore,igionat gervieve to the citizen,. or Huntingdon and vicinity. 011 ice on Iltil ntreet. one door ~net or Reed's Urn; Store. Aug. 25,'55. S. SMITII, Dealei in Drugs, 3ledi -13). tines, l'orfuniory, Dyn Stuffs. Oils. Sc. Also—Ord . CotiliTfirineries, Sc.. Huntingdon, Pa. U. (.7.1N1.N13 [IAM • nr, Huntingdon. Pa ft) TAMES A. BROWN, t/ Dealer lu llarclwaro, Cutkil t Palate, bile, do., hunt in g don, Pa. IROMAN,-_ . Denier in Roddy Made Clothing, lint. and Cap, gads and Shoes; 'to. . . . . . D P. GWIN, .- - . Dealer in Dry Gixals, Clroeerias, Hardware, Queens Wart. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shuts, &c. , A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT BOOK BINDING. Old Books. Magazines, or publlsotlons of ony kind bound to order, if left at LEWIS' BOOK SreI74ONEM' STORE. BBUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! It you wool, your card neatly printed upon envel opes, cull at LEWIS' ROOK AND STATIONERY STORE. OR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes en labia for can correspondence. for sale at LEWIS' BOOK dl STATIONERY STORE. • WM. WILLIAMS, • • Plain and Ormunental Marble Manufacturer I, I 4 NYELOPES- Ily the box, pack, or lees quantity, for sale at LEIVIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. X 7". RA PPING I'AP ! v.v A good orticle for tndo nt• LEWIS' WOK STOUP TFyou want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call nt D. P DIVIN'S where you will Sad the lar gilt nu sortnient in town. QCHOOL BOOKS, K . 7 Generally in non in the Schools of the County, not on hand, will no 'furniAlnal to order, on application at LEWIS' BOOK, AND STATIONERY STORE. uslC.' THE CYTHAItA—T Th he Prenbyt ian Pealmodhit—e '• • t" , 3lntwn—TheJnbilee-11 im tilled and Bertinfe enlarged and improved invtimetors—Weilanirs New and Improved Method for the tluitar-,A.elituird Arcot , . dean, Violin and Pluto Inirructora—Whinor's and Ifutro's Violin •It lrnctore—Deilnk'oMelodeon I netrnehir—Ba rows' Piono.Forte Primer—do. Thoroimh-ilaw'Printer— Howe'n Drawing i_normi Wee Book— Tara'a Harp, for enle at • (2) 000 LEWIS' BOUKi STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE QTONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro ij eery. 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place it town. T HE beat• Tobacco in town, at ' a. p.rwnws. ()LB BRASS AND COPPER taken y in exchange for goods nt the Hardware Store Sept. 3, 1862. JAS. A. DROWN • •113 EA DY RECKONER. 11, A complete rocket Ready Reckoner. In dollars and cents. to vAlell are added forms 'of Notes. 111114, Re &c.. together wills 4 set of stsefid tables. containing. rate of Interest from one dollnr to t welvotl and. by the single slay, with a table of wages, and beard by the week anti day. published in 1859. For sate at VELUPES, wholesale and retail L A 4 fur solo 4,Etivis' BOOK STORE. TIP you wmt handsblic Gobdth good 1. Goode, cheap Goode, and all Mc I of Goode, got, D. P. OWI! 'S. POUTS. SHOES, Hats & Ceps, the L largest assortment and cheapest to ho found at D. P. OWIN'S (1 UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A A large assortment at • BROWN'S HARDWARE STOILE. CANIDY UM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. G win' n am be had In town. Call and lee them. IF)APER ! PAPER!! Note,Post, Commercial, Foolscap awl Florrap--a good assurent for tale by the ream, hog ream, gain) or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW-BOOli & STATIONERY STORE. MENT DEED PAPER-- mON TILL Y TIME BOOKS, For sale at LEWIS' 800K...1ND STATIONERY STORE. r_Toor SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 1 hoops, at prices from 25 co. to $2,00 at the cheap store of ' D. P.OWIN. P. GWIN keepS the largest, best assortment and cheapest shoes in town. Call and oxantlno them. 1: 1 11,ACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAMING PAPER . TlTltite and Colored Card Paper, For sale at LEWIS' BOOK 4i. STATIONERY STORE. --- 1400 TS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment In town, at . D. P. GINVIN'B. C ARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at TI.QUORS, of the best, for Medieina , i purposes nt S. S. SSIITWEI. A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for 13... sale cheap, at D. P. °WIN'S. DP. GIVIN'S is the place to buy good and cheap Carpets. CALL at o ll) : P. GWIN'S if you want T ADIES Collars, very cheap and beau tiful, D. P. (MIN'S. ((ALL at D.' p. WIN'S if you wont ra.olioulta Goo; PALL at the new CLOTHING STOIC of OUTMAN & CO., if you want a goc , .! article Clothing. Store room hongbi newb tildict. In the DJ mond. Hunting& ti• Sept 18, 1857 13. LANK BOOKS; . • - or VARIOUS HIZES, for silo at , LEWIS' BOOK AND ST D STION_F.RY STORK LEWIS' BOOK STORE LEWIS' BOOK STOKE. LEWIS' 1300 K STORE THE PEOPLE'S cbot Bpoiv MODERN COOKERY IN 'ALT...ITS' MISS ELIYA.ilel l O.lt ' •••• Carefully Revised by J. S. ijale. IT Tails of Meats, Poultry, • "and Onme, all tile tui Ie ie - and most • . approved modes or dad 'cooking 'kerma PUrk ;ills° dm best nod simplest way of salting, pickling mitt fbe enure. IT Taus You All tho Tarlton mid moidopnrovCd moil. of dreseinff, cooking, and boning lltitton, Lamb, Veal. Poultry. and game of all kintle . • with the different Dreosipad, nod Stuffingeffpproprintelo each. IT TLY.t.6 You now tO Cho(4o. .and pretiefvb Fish . of all kinds. and low to sweeten it when ' ed ; alsO all the varimin and Tined approved: modes of cooking. with the different Drew loge, Sauces, and Flavorings - appropriate to each. Iv TILLS You All the various and inost approre,l modest. preparing over ISO kinds of lifeat,Pish,Foivi • Game, and Vegotsibin Sounii, Broths, nu with the Relishes and Sensonings .• nimnipHate to eneh. Ti TWA You All the coriono and moot npyroccd modos of • cooking Vegetal)leo ofevery ileacription, .also how to propnro . Pickles, Catotips' nod Curries of nil kinds, Potted Menlo,. Flail, • Unmo, sinalorooms, Ac. • . Ii Tau Yoit All th e various and Most riPproied triodes of . preparing :Intl cooking nll kinds of Plnin and Fancy Pastry. Puddings, Omelettes, • ' Fritters.'eakes. 'Confeetlonnry, • Preserves, Jellies, cud Bweet. Diehetrof every descrip tion. IT TULA You All the Yorionsnml most opproved mode s of molting firm!, !MOP, Maim, and Ille• . colt. and the beet method of preparing Coffee.. Chocolate. awl Teo.. and bow to tookO Syrups, Cordials,.mul Wines of on. riono kinds. Ix Ttl.lll You lion' to set out nod ornarne'nt n'Tnble.haw entre nil kinds of Fish, Flesh . or Yowl, MA . In short. bow to so simplify - the irholo Art •of cooking as to bring thei eboidost lorurins of ti) table within the everybody's rod,. For Sale at Leinio' Book Store:. ROHRER'S •• • ROHRER'S • ROHR ER'S • • lIOIIRER'S Rountays PRACTICAL CALCULATOR: PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CA LOU EATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR OTIRER'S PRACTICAL..CALCU LATOR; • A 'Book of Plain Ruia and Calculations for Business Ope• rations, ky iturtin ..leohrer, Practical Surveyor and reya ricer. Nem Edition, pub/idled. by J. B. L(ppin. cott et Co., Philadelphia. This work contains 204 pages. and upwards of 600 Rules and Examples. entirely mid thoroughly practical 7eli as arise every day In tire common pursuits of Busises, has +dread) , passed through a number of editions in rapid succession, aml in pronotinced by all Classes of business men to ho tho handiest book of reference, pertaining to calculations, that has ever been published. Every example in the book is worked out in full and staled hr apish, manner, so that when a parallel come art OWL those referring' to the work will find no difficulty its solving It; in a word,. thy general . nrrangement Of tho CALCULATOR is simple: that any one who knows hoie to add, subtract. multiply and Airidq can CBlllly,solve•nny or dinary example that arises in business, er arrive at tl e true result ,tiny estlniate required. The chief aim of the author has been to eschew theory and philneophyln figures, aiming only st facts and simpli city, betiding that business men cars little about-/Ten ding time In discussing the philosophy of rules, el the science of figures. deeming it sufficient for their purpose to be able at a Moment, by referenoe. lotteries at the true result. The CALCULATOR differs in this respect from all other Aritlinietics of the day and kindred works—ll fa a key to practical business vacillations—it is, In the hands of the business man, what the key to mathematical works in tire bands of the teacher in the School roont—it faelli take time and Insures correctness. TilE - wont( TREATS OR TUE ' Measurement of Muir, of Lumber, of Brick and 3lrlik Work; sr Stone and Stunti work, of grain and grain bins of coal and cool bins, of wood. of solids; of liquids . t..f 'cir cular, square or irreguIarVIIIIRVIS, of cisterns sail vale, of roofing, of plasterer's, painter'. glazier's, paver's, plumb ere, paper hanger's and upholsterers' work. It. treats of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, . of the decimal system. of reduction and its extended application to business. of simple and compound interest. 1110 their entire application to business transactions, with the hives and usages governing the seine, together with numerous commercial forms—of legal tender, of partial payment on notes, of banking and bank 1114COLIII t, of equation of pay ment and or partnership accounts, of assessment of LOWS,' of.weiglite and measures, of square awl cubic measure, of the square root and its application to business of enrfaces, of excavation, and Of many. other important practical mutters not within the scope of au advertisement to men tion.• IT IS JUST TUX BOOK FOIL 1716 • Farmer. the merchant, the mechanic, the artican. or, .the 'professional um— It 11114 proven a valuable ancillary to the lawyer, the Justice or the peace, the conveyancer.. and real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk. to the Ch it engineer and the surveyor, to the carpentei nail bricklayer, to the stonemason and the plasterer,t the paper hanger and upholeterer, to the parer and the tiler, go., kc.; each and all will One. It adapted to thek ye. rious wants better than any book published. • gar Price. 50 cents. For sale at Lewis' Book Stara. Huntingdon, Dec.2o, 1160. G REAT WORK ON THE noßsy,. THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES BY HOBERT JIMNINGS. V. S., Profestor rif Pathology and Operatirc Surgery in the • Veterinary College of .1 1 / 4 i Mae! phia. . WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin. history and ',llstinetlve • trait/ or the yarions breeds of European, Asiatic, African anti American Horsey. with lltu physical 116)1;100n and pe. . culiarit:es of the. animal. and how to ascertain hia ago by the number and condition of Fie tooth; illustrated with num - ennui explanatory engravings.. THE HORSE AND MS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feed.' lag, Grooming, Shoeing, anti the genet . - ' al management of the , horse, With the , best mules of atliin Metering nie.lici no, . . aloe, how. to treat Biting, Ricking. Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-lilt• ing. lieltle,ealees, and other vices to , • , which he Is subject; with . umnertnis ex• , , ',lavatory engravings.. . , THE DOUSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the cansrammptems,and Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat, Itistenmer, Catarrh. 1 ntlaenra,- Bronchitis, Poen . manta, Pleantay, Broken What, Guon. • is Congh; 'Heidi.% and Wldetllug.Lain , pas, Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and De. five(' Teeth, with other,dhwaseu of t h e Mouth end Reipltutorj , 'Organs. • , THE HORSE AND ❑7S DISEASES WILL. TELL YOU Ur the misem, symptetnsand Tieattnen • of Worm., It or., Chun., Strnugulation Stony Cullen:Onus, Itin 'ca, t4Qey Diarrhea,Jaundlce,llepatirrlten;lttaody Urine, Stones in the Kidney. and Slant. der, Influmatien and uther disease. of ' the Stountelf, Bowels, Ureic and Uri nary Organ. . Eli= WILL TELL YOU 0( tho causes, nyinptonis, and. Treat, then( or Bane, Mond tind Bog, Sparin, Bing Bono, Streanio, Strains, Broken Kneen, Wind Balls, Founder, Cracked • Hoorn. Sole Bruise lind (lilted, Canker Scratches Thrush and Corns "• also, a Megrims. Vertigo, Epilepsy, Shiggera and other diseases of the Feet,. Legs TUN HORSE ' AI WILL TELI. YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and 'Trent. went of Fistula, - .roll Evil, Glanders. Farcy, Scarlet Fever Alaimo, Surfeit. Locked Jaw, itheunt;thmeramp,Oalls, - Diseases of the Eye and Heart, &c, &c., • • • and how to manage Castration.' Eked . leg, Trephining, manage, --Yiring. Amputation, Timping, and Oiik er surgical operations.. TIM 11011 SE AND lIIS DISHASEB WILL TELL NOl.l Of limey's Method of taming Horses - how to - Approach, Halter, or,table a Colt; bow toy accustom a horse to strange sounds and sights, and hoW to Bit, Saddle, Bide, and Break: 1,12 n to Harness; also the form and law el WARRANTY. Tile whole being the re sult of 15 years' careful study of tho • habits. peculiarities, wants and weak• senses of this noble and useful animal. For Rale at DM's' Book Store.. • TIIE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE .AND HIS DISEASES.. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, , A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S' LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, • A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale THE FAMILY DOCTOR,"' THE FAMILY DOCTOR, •,% THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book. Store:• LONGSTRETII ON. THE HONEY-BEE, LONGSTRETH. ON THE HONEYBEE, LONGSTRETII ON' TILE HONEY BgE, _ _ A . VALUABLE' BOOK, . , For Palo at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRult. TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT 'and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and . FRUIT TitgEs, • . - - A-VALUABLE BOOK, dale at LEWIS'Book Store. PENS' ! - PENS I GET TilE. BEST TIIE, BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! Q• BARNARD'S , Celebrated "Corrugated 'Metal"' PODS = • • . •AT :LEWIS. BOOK STORE , • • , - • ;Agent cobintk: -•+ ' • 'PiticEs2s ats: per diizon or $2 per grOtis. T " ''" CORRUGATED : METAL .PENS, mado Iy G..BAGGARD, are the-beet •Gom mer.clal 'and School Pens; *latent 'exception td Thcyaroussd by all the. principal Hanks and Government Departments, Public and Private, Pihoold; • also, by the' moat proroinent Commercial (louses throughout the Cab ted tales and Canada. . • , • • But a short limo loin elapsed since • • - C. BARNARD'S PENS . .. . . . . . ... . , . bare been Introduced into tbo United States, still a nitark• etl preference is given them over all" others fur. the fallow. ing reasons: The "Corrugated Metal " P INS do not cot , rode; .they.avill not eplotter or cut ilirongli the thinnest paper; they hove no easy gliding motion, a certainty of equolly dithislug the.hilt, softness of points and great du:, ;Ability. . . . . ' Then:following tmtirnoninin, &gotta from huMErom others. are reap drolly submitted: 1 bare ascii the" Metallic Yeas Slr.C,llarOard and , highly, approve or them. C. 13ARST9W, • —• rrarichia of St. Niched: Bank; Ica Mirk. Wo have heed - the liens. of Mr. - Bnettrd, hurl lintrtheni .to be as be repreeente, cud teko pleasure recomme4ll- lag tbetb to the public: ' Wi IL, NA Iwo .1: Chit ; . A. A MOLLIGANI,.aIshier. C. Barnard's Pnias Lave been triad, and. lir...highly, az proved In this ' S.o;o(intiN; Auditor Cottons Hourr,..lVip York. , • . Merin tried the corragated Pent pan& by Mr. Iturtutrd, I cam recommend' them as excellent: •' " - ,AMUSE L. !MESS .H,•, • Chnematulanr aVany .. , . We add ours to above recononendationi. .; , It. B. CHONIWCIA, & CO., :low York I linve no liesitat lon In'Noying Mtn:lard's, Pens see do cidedly tliu best i have CVOY nsetf.••- • AY.' • • . • • Agent United Moles Ezpreas .21110 _Turk. • W*Can confidently recommend, Mr. C. Bernard's" dual Corro;nre Pens sie thr brit erer brought under our uollc without_ exception. • • . , WILK I N.40.!i. 'I . ETON & CO., . • ' Park Ruee, New York T. D. lIDO OE, Cushier. We have been using the Pens - of Mr. C. nernard. and take great pleasure in recommending them:to the public, as they Ain au excellent article, and all he represent, tliem Id be. C : . •.• • • • !LA., J. CLINTON,.. Secretary Eagic insurance Co., Artie lock. • . _ . Upon trial we Imo found Mr Barnard'. Pene.to be ex eellent.. -• " : - YR ED, rItOI3T CO.i . ..DUw ;York. - I %rola recommend - Mr. Barnard s Nos asp superior article to any I hire tired. • uouvn. lIESIDLE,Neir York. We told ours to tho above recommendations. • , • UNDERHILL,' HAYMAN!) L CO., Nese York Of all Pena I base over Used. Mr. Barnard's bare - given me mare elatlnfiLdi ~,,, and I can recominend,them to the public as being entirely nnifcoirosire. ..• !- E. POIRER Now York. After six months' ecnstant UR.. of C. Dernarirs Corrosive ll'en."%ve• min • confidently lrOcommend inn the best metallic pro we hero ever tared, finding frtins the aboio experience that It doe. not actually corrode.._ - AIcLEAN & CO., Now York. . • • C. BARNARD, !linnufneturer 'of CorrOgateit Metal-P46, • Jobu treet, Clerkenwell, LoMon. Juno tB, - 1862. - • • : • SCLIOOL BOOKS; FOR SALE AT LEWIS• 110,0 K, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE, IiTINTINCIDON, PA OSGOOD'S Speller:lst, 2.1;8d, 4th and sth Readers. M'aUFNErti Speller and Readers. .. , • - SANDER'S do do do Town's Speller and Definer, (old and now editions) Smith's, thilliou'a and Drown', Grammars. • Finch's Physical. Geography. . r. • . , Warren's Physical Geography. MitChen's, Monteith an d - !trendy's Geographies & Atlases: Camp's Geography, with Key to,Mitchell's Outline Maps. .Webstor's and Worcester's Dictionaries.•': ' •.. ' • Quackenbote First Lessons in Composition. Qttackenbo's Composition and Rhetoric.' • ' Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Brooks' Arithmetic,. Peterson's Familiar Science. • - Greenleaf'. and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmetice. Greenlears and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf s Key to Algebra. - Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. : ' ' • Parker'. First Lessons iu Natural Philosophy. • • Parker's Philosophy. _ ' • : ilistory of the Coiled States. Child's " G nod rlelt's a u o . Pasion, Duntou and Scribner's Penmanship; in eleven number.. Potter & Ilammend's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Rooks. • Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry: Davies' Legendre's Geemetry. Greenleaf', Geometry. , • -•- Fulton & Enettnnti'allookdreeping.. Bonk Keeping by Single Entry, by Ifrinitfor.l4 . Paytien Book Keeping by Single and Doubts Entry, by Hattard & Payion. • - 1.. Oilier books will be added and furni4ted to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on' hand. - - Huntingdon. Pa. . • NEW BOOKSI . . Ott SALE AT - LEWIS'.11001( :STORE THE HOUSE : A Nxw PoiCyr Stiaist. of ltural Architee: • tore; or, How to Dnlld Dwellingq, Ilarne,,Stablois, ; ittol Out Dwellings of all kinds. With a 0111100 mi Churches and School-Moses., Price; 50. cents. • • • - THE OA tams: A New locate 3fa5u,41,..0f Pr ac t i c a l tier. • tic:shore ; or, -11oW to Cultivate Vegetables, Friii hi, and Slower,. With a Chapter on Ornamental Trees and Shrubs.. Price, 50 crate.,. • THE PAR3I A.New Mom MANuAL of,practical. Agri culture; or, How to Coltivatit all the Field Crops. With ED Essay onyartn Management, etc. Price, 50 co ats. • .. - DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A New Pocxr Msvust. of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry; ur,' How ta Breed .and. Hear the Varian:l Tenants of the Earn-yard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. HOW To TALE: A New POOKET Mesu.tenf Convo'coatlon and lieLate',. with Directions for :le:inking a (TrArtunoti• col Style, nod snare than Pith Ilitadre.leonoooo3lic ' takes Corrected. • •Priee,.th cents. • • • • • 11037 TO, A NEw MANAPI of Reptibll coo Etiquette, and Guido to Correct Pernunal Ilabitn; with Rules for Debating Etocfeties and Doliberatlre semblies, etc. Price, 50 gouts. • IIOW TO DO—BUSINESS: Ntw--Pocniir Iltattent.' of Practical Altai.; and Guide in,ilCCuB/1 in Life rwith n Collection of nosiness lbrnter and ii Dictfonr r of Com. mental. Terms, etc. Price r 50 cents. • MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY 0 y Tl!t; Pi All DBPAnTMENT The book hi an octityr, of 569 page", iselogantfy Printed on flue paper. with 'new bold type.xuil hne an' 'admirobk hatmlice intlex,.for which every °Meer will be grnteful, the moment his eye rests upon ft, as no former edition line ever had nn index, and the want of one has Leen long felt in the Army. The Appendix etnbraces the Articles M m of . War. rentain g any important corrections; alsoilmlectienefinni the Military Acts of Congress, including those peeled at the Inst idesion. ' • s : - • ' ; PRICE $2, 00.- FOR, SALE AT LEWIS'../.IOOR STORE CAVA,LRY_TACTIOS, `[AUTHORIZED EDITIoN.j' " ,Just published and fur sale at LEWIS' pooN 4TORE.-- Complete 1n one volume: Price $1.00:' UNITED STATL'S INF•ANTRY .. . • TACTICB. . . For instruction , exerclse,and.mancienvres .• • ••• • of the United States Infantry, including In fantry of the Line, Light liillietry, and !8k.,. men, prepared under the direction of the War ,Department, and authorized and:adopted by; the Secretary of War, sfey Ist, 1861, contain. . ing the school of the soldier ;•the echool of the i . company; instruction for shirmisherp, anti the, general calls; the calls for skirmishers ; and the ' •• • •) ' • school of the battalion ; including the articles , of war and a dictionary of military terms. • Coinplete In one volume: 'Price $1.25. For - sale at Lewis' Book Store., ..- - THE HANDY BOOK." ECEETO , UNITED STATES ,SOLDIER, On coming into servicei containing n complete systemot instruction in the SCIIOOI of tho Soldier, with fig:rain:inn; ry explain:Bon of the forafation of a Battalion on Parodei the Position of the officers. &c., &c., being a first book or intr.:election to Authorized U. &Infantry Tuctics,Juat pub. Price 21 cents. ilootsTonit. ALF°, , • Hardee's Rifle 10 Light Infantry TACTICS, Complete la 2 role, Price $1.60. IFor sole rit ; I.E3vIS''BOOII STORE ' tire The iloOlts tent by moll to any'iddresa on Cur re- Opt of the price. lloutingilon May 28. 1861. FOR - PRESENT • TO iktitryci ..; ...NOUR:CHILDRENi CALL %T LEWIS' BOOK AND ETATONEnf, Viriii'l l,- EkrEAYBODY WANTS. y .l EtEItYI3OIIY , B LAWYER 115N S t liliOit : ig -i' gUNti ' N E S S • , ] XIIE 411T2 LDLL2 Er' a. — NA It TetisYarl IRA - fo dfaii nti 'Pattrarnsme P arena and gives gyring - flirna for AOIt,ZEWP.NrI3 of all kinds, Ban of ILE. LEAtirgpud Itcruttexe. It Tells You Bow to dravi - tip ownX,anlTlCloniasolut, Al. Immure, rpWER,s Of aSiroßgar,, Earn and 13111.80 f EiettANGE,ltgerlnSand lintzssre. T44i nit The lane for the Cou.settow of •Dgers with the Smtrursa of LIMITATION and amount •-• , • and bind of proy.erty mxtrirhyma viox in every, State. Tdls You ItOw to motto on . 484• MEti,T , Prtamily, with forma for composmoy wit. Cantrell/3, and • the INSOINStr2 LAWS bbevery State: ':: if Toils You The legal relations existing.between Oven. DIAN and IVann,lllurcit. and Armartinct, and LANDLOPD a n d TENANT. , If Yells You What • constitutes ' LMILL and Surma,' and the Law as tOillAllittAClE Downs., the Wives • limier Ist PROPIPAT, Divoica and Amidoxr. It Tens You The Lan• for Itecuamca'famisin every State, • • and the NATIMALInTION Latrefof thiaConth , try, und how to comply with th e spew. It Tells You The . law concerning PENSIONS tool lioW to rain one, and the Pas-gatrucer burp to Punta Lixns; It Tar You The Low for . Pargterit, with mode of proce dure in olitniniagotte,withlarnivEzzacturi tf rdu re. ti,i,i.r:oan,l2:ByZATVAzirnoLPhiCzZ'tO/txmtV Man ON AN ESTATE, tt itit the law and rho rermiremente thereof In every State: 1 4 W s rot The !availing rof Law ,Tertna in general nee, and 41plains to you tile Lcoastarma, Eke• ffe l 'arga j gitTal'o4l",:t7.l. bo°l . tle, n Too now TO KEEP Mines Law, bykhowirighow tt do your Intsineve legally, , thus raving; ' vast amount or property, and vexatior litigation, by Its timely consultation. air Everybody's Lawyer le for sale at Lewis' Boa Ski QUICK :SALES Erl 3 SMALL PROFITS!" Anybody in*titit'ot 191.3.11LY . ANIi . 1 . 0bICE't *LES, HYMN AND PRAYER BOORS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS , ANY OTUJZ TALIIIII74,LND notipdpitcv apm Taney andLool STATIONERY; MUSIuAT;INSTIRIMISIit s 9; CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION nEri MUSIC Pluncciluitae;lce., ,ke.; POCXIII jor Lndlee and Gentlemen, BOLD PENS AND PENCILS; AWARD CARDS AND BOOK% For Sunday srlcosprnon Schools, SUNDAY SCHOOL DOORS OF ALL KL`ID9,, TOY 1100!P, A T.PIIA4q BLOCKS, &C; ALT, .IiINps,,OF:EPOKS.,...., Piopor for 130,q. and Gbh!. AMUSING GAMES fOiToting Folks. WEDDING iNVELOPES ANDCARDS, MARRIAGE GGIITIFIGATEi, YISITIU CARDS, cuzercEit BOARDS, DOMINO CONIttIiTION 6AAD:S, sera BOOKS, Fiont : o to 75 cents BLANK„ polo, Menio'ranatzgr:Bdolcs of Figeioii3 Sisei; benocit : BOOKS OF ALL KiNTO'9, S•'Olt'lb63 Drain; •aiid BtoWeep Ttifiti.; - Birards, WIIITR BONNET 'BOABD; INDELIBLE, CARNINS, DED . ILIJE,ANDILI:i4 Arnold's 'lTdifga'ort's WRITING FLUID Wrapping Paper or Ifferent,Sizes and Qualities MEE! ac. Jhr Arc "att SITOULD , ..CALL AT lo•DWIt3' BOON, itTA4DINIRi . AND kltNid-STORt, In the "Globe" linihnfig, Market P4orire, tchere all who'want to SAVE .110NEY,. g) to mr.ke‘thoir,,pnyeltnBcs PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALLf PORTRAITS -- • • Ail. 'THE' DiVii74ol.liBll6 - Crniitae " ClSTalti. SALEFOB AT LISW:D3' ROOK AND STAID:in:AY STORE. OIL CLOTH . WINDOW SHAHS, GILT ,GOLD SIIABPS ; ~••• MUSLIN 138.101/113!J BAILEY S Mitt TEES, TAPE,- CORD •AND:TASEIL"S, A §P,PPI N `NT. • . .1! j • • AT LEWIS' )3001,C-STOItE. PAPER" ! PAPERI PA.P4:II:I,f Tracing Paper ! , ' 1 In:invasion ' Drawing ' - ' • Papi4 toi• y.eFfqrcitid.tiliper, Flat Cep Paper, . :Poe'soap Paper; Lotter Paper, Cvmmerchtl Note Paper, Ladles' Gllt'Edged Lotter and Note Paper, Ladles' Plain:Mid FinkiONoloVatier , , • White and. Colored Card Paper, in Pack. .and Stteetr, Nor safe Diritk, EtatiOnory and StrietclltOre. ~P.ITOTOGRAPH TRAIU.ES, :• .• - LAMB AND SMALL, • A FINE 'ASSORTMENT, • FOR SALE: AT LEWIS' BOOK.AND STATIONERY STORE VIOLINS, °' GUITARS, B Y 3 IPUON/ANS. AMADEUS AND FIVES. For polo [Leap at . , : f :. • 1 ••• LEWIS' BOca. STATIONERY EltY MiSIC 13T0111,1: COALB.UPAC.WI% ; and .S11 . 0:41 3;• for solo bi s hints .i.unerm ISEI ~& =I =IMO