610,be. HUNTINGDON,. PA. W'earies;day. morning, Feb. 3, 1864, LOCAL & PERSONAL. AtotasmrrOß vOLVDlrlatitS 1 ., A meeting of the eitizens'of Hunt ingddh boroughwas held last(Monday) night; and it was ordered that ONE ReNDRED DottAtts should be paid eve ry man on being mustered in as a vol unteer to the credit of the borough. Under the new, and old : call of. the President,-the quota of the borough will be forty-three; this number will report immediately and receive ono hundred dollars each. Since the new call of the President the bounties in the cities and counties have been greatly redueed,',and ,we - think one hundred dollars will be• as largo a bounty asWill be paid Volunteers in any other part of the State. Eight or On' have already accepted the bounty. Ho !, for -another Concert —Owing to the sdpOsa -the Iluntingdon String. Band met with in its late concert, and the solicitation of the public for anoth er, they. intend giving an entertain ment, of the "same style,': but from a different programme, at . the Court House, on:Suturday evening next, the 6th inst. The proceeds to be applied for the relief of poor families of the soldiers. >So all ye sober and jolly lov ers of fan - andmusi?, rally round the stage.onceagain; and enjoy a few more sOulfstirring, laughter-filling, side splitting hours. Price of admission 25 cents, as before. Who are E.taipt front the' The following important inforination relative to the:diseases which will ex empt persons from the new draft is given. The order will soon be pro mulgated by the War Department, and is in course of printing. The fol lowing diseases and infirmities are those which disqualify for military ser vice, and for which only drafted men are to be ‘rejected as physically or mentally unfit for the Man ifest mental imbecility; insanity, :eluding periodical aberration; epilepsy, • attested by an affidavit of a physician who hits attended him _ within six months preceding examination; par alysis or chorea; organic diseases. of internal organs; developed taberculo si. s; cancer; aneurism of the large ar teries; inveterate iliseeie of the skin ; permanent physical disability; scrofula or secondary syphilis; 'chronic rheuma tism-does not exempt unlOss manifes• ted by change of physical structure; loss of eye sight or cataract; disease of the eye ; greatly impaired vision ; loss of nose; decided deafness proved by evidence; chronic ottorrlicea; incu rable.:diseaso or deformity of either jaw, impeding mastification or speech; anehylosis of the lower jaw ; caries of the bones of the face ; loss of substance of cheek ; dumbness proved by satis factory evidence; loss or total or par tial, of tongue; confirmed stammering; logs of front teeth as well as Molars; tumors or wounds of the neck; exces sive deformity of the. chest; caries of the spine, ribs or sternum attended with ulceration ; hernia ; fistula in ano. if _extensive; old and ulcerated inter nal (not external) haemorrhoids; firmed 'venereal disease; total or par tial lose . of generative organs; stone in 'the bladder; confirmed or malignant , sarcocele with attendant diseases; loss of hand or foot; wounds causing lame. ness; loss ofright thumb; loss of two fingers, or power in them, of the same hand; also first.and second phalanges of the fingers of the same hand; loss of great toe; club feet and deformity of the feet; varicose veins on inferior ex tremitiee,-and chronic ulcers. Fike.—Tlielarge stable; connected with the Franklin House in this place, was completely destroyed by fire on Friday afternoon last, occasioned by a spark from a locomotive falling upon the roof. As soon as sparks from tin burning roof fell upon a large (rant' - ty of hay and ,straw the whole build ing wria flames, and lather out build ings were also fired, and wore consid erably-damaged. The day being calm the fire was prevented frem spreading to any extent. The animals on the premises were saved. 116:1 - Capt. Jai D.' Campbell, Pro voit MarShal for this district, has re ceived notice from the poWers that be that his services in that position aro at an end. It is said, that Mr. Alex. lloYd of Hollidaysburg is to be the Captain's successoF. We cannot learn that there has , bden , any charges of misconduct against the Captain. A few days will, explain the reason why a change was mid©.` - Returned Heine.—paPtain Harry `Gregg, taken prisoner last fall and lodged in Libby Prison, was paroled and returned. home last week. He. looks pretty well—was not complete- - ly starved out. From him We receiv ed late copies of the "Richmond Exam iner," "The Daily Rthhinend," and "The Daily Despatch," Tlit terms of which are.from $8 to $lO per annum for weekly issue of half a shoot: Tho . . papers are a curiosity. geirlthijot J. C. Csterloh, of this place, we aro pleased - to learn, has been . appointed a Paymaster "in the Navy. • He is ordered to„thold himself in readiness for immediate service. • - We zive on the first.- page of this issue ehrrespondence relating to the presentation of a sword to Capt. Sand. T. Davis, from dig county, now under Gen'. Gifant, which should be road by . notonly, the donors of' this splendidgift, but also by the nu ner ous friends of the Captain, as well as the friendsof the country and the cause in which he is. engaged. FREQUENT.-Marriages. in this coun ty, and .also in neighboring counties ; arc becomicg of common occurronco since. the first of this year.• The young folks, especially the "feebler sex," are making good use of the 'advantages of Leap Year, by leaping into the matri monial Elysium. We trust that the ball may bo kept in motion, amd not cease its rolling,until the year 'GI rolls away. Masonic Appointments.—A. M. Lloyd • Of'Hollidaysburg, D. D. G. High Priest for the count* of Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon and Mifflin, for 1864. John Crosswell, of Hollidaysburg, 1). D. Grand. Master for the counties of Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon, Mifflin, Bedford'and, Fulton f0r:1864.- Ifooi , s:—The boys, thinking, per haps; from the state of the weather for the past week, that spring, was ap proaching, bronght out their hoops and marbles, and the ringing of the iron . hoops, , -and- the different slang phrases attendant upon marble 'play ing, were quite general. Thanks —Miss Lettie Thomas has the thanks of this typos of the Globe Office for "dishes of delicious oysters for three." We would advise all who love the shell•fish to call upon our obliging neighbor NV. Belaris Thomas. Veteran Soldiers. --Whole companies having rc•oolisted, aro returning home to see their friends. On Saturday and Monday, a large number of Bedford county "boys" from North Carolina passed over the Broad Top road. They had the appearance of enjoying good health, and they certainly were en-, joying their liberty. The remains of John Gemmel, Jr., of Porter township, who died in :the South .Western army, sonno. six weeks ago, ai•i•ived at home in the care of his father; on Sunday last. WIIAT 31AlitS A BUSHEL.—The fol lowinff takle of the' number of poUnds of various articles to make a bushel may be of interest to some of our rea . dets: Lbs. Wheat • • 60 •Beane. 60 Corn, shelled • " • 66 Bran 20 Corn, on the crib 30 Clover Seed 60 Rye's 6 Timothy Seed 45' Oats 32 Hemp Seed 45 Barley 45 Blue Ornee•Seod 14 Duckwheitt ' 52 Dried reaches 33 Irish Potato.. 50 Flax Seed 56 Sweet Potatoes 50 Cantor Deem. 30 Ouloue • ST Dried Apples 24 I:62rft.Tohn Isenbarg, ono of tho new volunteers to fill up the quota of Porter township, died r.t Alexan dria,Va, on Sunday the 24th. Ho bad served in the nine months service and always enjoyed good health. Ho loaves a wife and two children. His remains wore brought home. U. S. REVENUE STAMPS.—Persons in want of these stamps can get them at Lewis' Book Store. Orders by mail will receive attention. VALENTINES.—Tbe Valentino season is at band, and a large variety of Sen timental and Comics,"can bo had at Lewis' Book Store,. wholesale and re tail. ONE splendid Guitar, price $30,. for sale at Lewis'. Book Store. This in strument could not be bought in the city for $4O, but the owner has no use for it. F3tf. mt. A. journal of puzzles, enigmas, and other innocent and interesting reading—the Printer's Devil, publish ed monthly in New York city, at fifty cents a year. Mir In our advertising columns our readers may find the annual report of the receipts and expenditures &c., of Huntingdon county, for the year just ended. Our Treasury, it will be seen, is in goad condition. res. During the greater part of last week the weather was unusually plea sant for the middle of winter, and was quite a contrast to the manner in which the month set in, "coming in like a lion, and going out like a lamb." Air The upper sehool-house nt Huntingdon Furnace, in Franklin township, this county, was . crushed to the ground kythe falling of a largo tree, during: the Storm - of Tuesday night, the 19thrult.: flex. We have beep', informed that Warriorsmark township.has filled her quota for the next draft. Good for Warriorsniark. We call attention to advertise, meet of "Valuable Property for Salo or Rent," by A. &M. The stand is one of the best in the county,- - iteir Preaching in the German Re formed Church on next. Sabbath even ing. -Wells Coverly, a well known hotel keeper in Harrisburg, died in that ci ty-on the 24th, aged 4hyears. PH OTOGRAPH 'ALIHDIS—DOW 'and proved Btyles—just received and for sale at LEWIS' Book Store- - • -New and handsome styles of Wall Paper just received at Lewis' Book Store. OUTSTANDING BALANCES (NV et the settlement of January 1884 for the year IE3: COLLECTORS' NAMES. ewe. COUNTY. STATE. : MILI'A. 1852. John Coulter,Wolliei, $ $ $ 52 50 1853. Joshua Oreonlitod. C 11113,6 50 • " Luke Toorliacs,liesplurtion, 10 74 . 77 08 76 05 /851. W B Shaw. Porter, 10 oo /85.5. John•Stulth, Barrei,- • 120 60 DM. Solomon Hamer, Jackson, 23 66 130 52 33 75 " N. Corbin, Cassfille, 7 00. 1857. William Johns, Cromwell, 17 62 1858. Samuel Steffoy4•Jackson, 108 40 111 11 " Dental Knode, Putter, - 11 81 . 1859. A S Harrison, Huntingdon 691 94 734 10 " David Parsous, Tall. • 600 Isaac Coffman, Tod, 1 01 1860. Isaac Wolverton,} Brady, 361 66 221 06 " Jesso Cook, Carbon, 327 25 150 93 " John B Weaver, Hopewell, 525 41 288 91 • 'W K. Bohm, Huntingdon, 732 15 291 04 18 58 1861. John Bisbin. Alezaudria, 95 70 68 57 650 " H.S. Miller, ilooderson, 2 Si 6 80 . 6 Wm. 11 White, Juniata, 18 81 21 55 " B.ukiumlu Iletroer,e Walker, 34 60 • " David Lindsey, West, 190 32 " A Hutchinetna, Warrlorm'k, 29 96 5 85 1862. SPECIAL. Clar!alien Miller, Cass, 800 50 56 077 3 00, ham Ashton, Cassville, 05 264 960 200 Samuel Brooks. Carbon, 635. 65 105 53 172 00 IL Is. Stevens, Clay, 15 12 . 66 72 101 99 21 00 Semi Goober, Cromwell, .41 77 1 92 Win. Clymaos4 Dublin, 441 124 64 20 61 10 50 Geo Leas,* Shirloysburg, 8 40 Jelin Henderson, West, 207 18 1863. A. gift t,* Alexandria, 22 06 228 52 12 46 II 00 John Logan. Barre°, 95 83 925 hi 345 13 45 00 Caleb Wakefield, Brady, 20 60 167 32 27 00 Joseph rark,t Cass, 12 67- 216 51 43 73 - .21 00 /sane Ashtonit Cassrille, 3.34• 72 61 24 60 550 Jesse Cook,t Carbon, 11l 68 1343 42 595 87 239 50 David Ifeekd Clay, 82 92 136 68 393 81 42 00 01.111yerebt Crornivell, 66 57 850 09 321 39 47 00 It C ltobinsond Dublin, 52 37 633 77 257 76 32 60 Henry Creln,f Franklin, 66 88 1098 59 .859 64 65 00 L. Decker,} Henderson, 10 36 332 04 105 87 22 60 IV-Shouted Hopewell, 31 00 372 67 75 83 47 00 Jae Poet,* Huntingdon, 41 84. 184 09 176 30 82 60 J Harman,t Jack-on, Si 09 9,0 . 01 334 61 81 50 IL A 11arkd Juniata, 11 22 270,44 104 55 '29 00 Donj F Brownd. Morris 70 73 891 B 2 342 03 28 50 J.,02 Stanartd. Ortoithi, 869 537.32 81 00 : 900 George Long.}} Penn, 16 35 -„ 531. 13 179 94 45 00 It W Swooped. Porter, 00 77 1688 17 509 27 23 00 B Stephens t Sprin6'd, 24 00..•.277 13 111 17 34 60 Blt Doeglite,. Shirley, 68 86 ' 1090 32 420 35 71 60 Gee Leas,t Shlrleyiburg, 10 21 169 67 62 62 14 00 John Carld. Tell, 11 32 223 72 70 27 91 00 Abraham Mined. Ted, 16 06 271, 69 80 OD 24 60 11 Citifroat, Dillon, . 24 43 326 Di 03 89 49 00 Yornind- Walker, 61 26 615 99 209 04 31 50 II Kriderd Warsiormerk, 663 747 45 219 70 64 00 11 W Davie,f West, 151 63 1905 41 669 58 68 50 • 51228-32 22811 43 8771 65 1721 45 • Since paid In full. t Since pad iu pail. February 3,1864. RECEIE PTS and .EXPENDITURES. Ilentlngdoh county, from tho sth day of Jaliu: arY, VIM, up to the 4th day of January, 1854, lucludlog both days: .. RECEIPTS.' . . , 1566. Solomon Humor, Jackson, $ 30 00 1860. Isaac Wolverton, Brady, 20 00 -• ' Wm K lialmi, Ihtntlussilon, 0 50 1061. Jobu Iffshin, Alexandria, - " Jacob Humor, Brady, 40 00 • ' , Christian Miller, Cass, 3 23 " J Li Carberry, Carbon' 33 37' ~ David Week, Clay, - 10 55 , James Baker Cromwell, 168 Oil ~ Win B White, Juniata, • 40 00 • ~ Abraham Ileruish, Morris, 1 27 " David Lindsey, West, ' 755 31 4, A Hutchinson, Werriormark, 140 00 1205 73 1862. Alexander Stitt, Alexandria, 234 37 " John Logan, Barrer, " Jesse Yocum. Dimly, 250 41 ~ Christian Stiller, Cass, • 150 00 " beam Ashton, Cessville, • 62 85 " Samuel Brooks, Carbon, 745 87 " David Stevens, Clay, '320 00 , Samuel Booher, Crows ell, .677 63 " William Clymer's, Dublin, 477 34 " Hugh Seeds. Franklin, 703 48 " Wll Flentier, Henderson, 354 70 4, George W Shout., Hopewell, 160 68 .. , Jackson liermen,.lackson,' 1351 53 , It lineman. Juniata, - 107 10 • 4 11 P Brown, Morrie, ' 070 64 , " Johu 1.1 Devls,Oneidn, ' • ' 28 17 '• ' " -William L States, Peun, . 298 08 ' " Benjamin Neff, Porter, 65 03 , Thomas Ashton, Springfield, • 202 12 " Dti Umbelionr, Shirley, ' 1118 23 ~ George Lees, Shirleysburg, 129-17 " Thomas Yawn, Tell, . • 353 30 a Abraham Elias, Tod, 126 75 - " D W Fink, Union, 205 83. .'. " Edward Yoeu'm Walker, 337 00 ' " John Copley, lynrrlormark, 726 60 •' John Henderson. West, 1220 03 11152 00 15 63 . Alexander Stitt, Alexaudria, 175 00 " Jolin•Legan ' Borneo, 428 65 ' Caleb •WiskofloliL Brady, ' 000 00 . . " Joseph Park, Cass, 260 00 , Isaac Ashton, Cassvlllo, 30 00 • " Jesse Cook. Carbon, 100 00 " David Heck, Cloy. 160 00 " Michael Myers, Cromwell, 210 00 " Henry Crain, Franklin, _ 1100 00 • Levi Decker, Henlerson, ' 155 00 • " George W Shouts, Hopewell, 415 00 " James Port, Huntingdon. 2820 00 ~ Jackson linemen. Jackson, 600 00 " Henry A Mark, Juniata, ' 55 00 " Benjamin F Brown, Morris, 325 00 4, John P Stewart, Oneida,' 125 00 " George Lang, Pena, 525 00 " Henry W Swoops, Porter, 450 00 " Benedict Stevens, Springfield, 110 00 " Samuel It Douglass, Shirley, 700 00 " George Leas, Sbirleysburg, 00 00 . ' " John Carl, Tell, " ' 185 00 " Abraham Elias, Tod, 800 oo ~ .11. Chileont, Union, ' . 157 00 " Edward Yocum, Walker, 200 00 - ", Henry Krider, Warriormark, 4276 00 a Robert W.Davis, West, 760 00 12706 65 Amount of /1111ftJts linos, 477 61. Itecolved on•nritionted lands, . • . 108 88 • " School tat -' ' " "' 47 71 • Road tax 40 00 100 50 I Proceeds on seirays, - • - • 19 50 Stun from s.llatfield, Flues And Jury tees received trout Sher. • . 1 . - ifFJ C Watson, ' 68 00 " ' Ditto from W 0 Wagoner, • 32 00 From A W Banidict, proceeds of sale of D Brotherline's property, 847 88 .7 D Campbell, rented - Court House, 20 00 488 44 Borrowed °IT II Cramer ' 1000 00 Amount In bands of .7 •A Nash. at set ! meat with Auditor Jau. 1502 2225 00 EXPENDITURES. Attorney General, Prothonotary, Sher iff and Wituessea on Common- . wealth Prosecutions, ' . 647 70 Constables for making returns and election foes, • ' 564 82 Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Eire- , Lions, 821 70 Grand .9. Traverse Jurors, Constables, Court Crier and Tip Staves, 1862 33 Inquisitions on' dead bodies, 97 83 Assessors' orders, 304 00 Wild Cat and Fox Scalps, ' 341 35 Road and bridge views, 327 00 0 damaged, George Green, 19 00 " " Henry Barrack, 18 00 360 00 Blank books sod stationery tar public offices, 57 07 Bridge at Mill Creek, Carman & Lamp, 683 21 Michael Boring, 72 06 755 21 Fuel for Court House and Jail, 117 34 Slaking bed clothes for jell, 5 00 Stoves Dr Court House, 33 34 Repairs for Jail and building weal/- house &c 617 28 Postage, 50 82 Gas at CoUrt Hones, 61 62 Cleaning Court House, . 38 50 Washing for prisoners in jail, 25 00 962 90 Sheriff Watson, boarding prisoners, conveying convicts to the puritan ' Rory, 176 11 Sheriff Johnston, do. do. 657 77 733 88 Penna. Lunatic Hospital for the main tenance of C. Hower, D. Brothot , • lino, and N. Long, 438 45 Printing for county: Nash '& Whittaker, 107 75 William Lewis, 62 00 John Lutz, . 25 00 214 75 W C Wagoner, fees as Prothonotary, Clerk of Sessions, &c., 53 67 For securing books and documents at the time of the robol raid, 14 31 Dr. Dorsey, medicine and attendance • to prisoners, 10 25 J. S. Stewart, Esq., Tor auditing accts. of the ProthonoPy, Rog. Jr ltec..&c, 500 James Steel, Esq, luluxing Continu. unto Docket, 25 00 60 58 Western Penitentiary, „ 197 47 County Auditors' Pay, 64 00 Commissioners' pay—Jim. Cummins, 126 23 Jno. S. Isere, 90 00 Doter M. Bare, GO 00 276 23 Commiss'rs clerk to full for last year, 25 60 ou acct. for 1863, 345 00 370 00 Bonds and judgments paid off W. D. Leas, 510 00 D. CuldWell, 261 68 771. 68 Interest on County Bonds, . • Wm. P.OrL son. Esq., 180 OD H. T. White's Adore., 40 00 ' Mrs. M. Reed, 30 00 Andrew Sharrar, ' 60 00 W. B. Leas, 30 00 D. filcSlurtrie, 08 OS . . B. E. IticHurtrie, 60 00 Marshall Forum, ' 42 00 Thomas Philter, 60 00 • /t. Breneinan, 60 00 • Bell, Clarrettson I Co., 141 00 771 95 Road tax nn unseated lands,— Tod township—lsaac Taylor, 34 00 ' Clay " Sand Geissinger, 14 64, Oneida 0 Smut Thompson 16 57 'Union 0 Geo W Pheasant, 660 71 71 School tax on unseated lauds,— •Union tom/ship—Samuel Grove, 12 25 Refunding orders, 31 44 Attorney for Coinm'rs, A..W Benedict, in foil for two years,. 65 00 Ditto for collecting money, attending • • snits, &c, 60 00 126 00 Paid on an estray to 19 08 Bounty paid to volunteers, - 1000 00 Paid fur the relief of families dependent on volunteere in the service of the United States, 7566 00 Treasurer of iluatiogdon county Poor louse ' 5117 90 Amount allowed County Treasurer by Comers and Auditors for services G7O 00 Amount remaining in the hands of J. A. Nash, Esq., fats Treasure, 4060 31 We the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon County, Potinsylvania, elected and Boors according to law, report that we mot, did audit, settle and adjust, according to law, the accounts of J. A. Nash, ESq., Treasurer of the county. and the orders of the Commissioners and receipts for the moo far and during the past year, nod find a bal ance remaining in the !muds of J A Nash,Eeq.,Troasurer, of , four thousand and sixty dollars, and tbirtyue coots.o Chen under our hands at the Commissioners' milce in the borough of Huntingdon, the 16th ofJautusry, 1804. M. 11. SANOREE, 1 11. L.. MoCAATII 1. Auditors. ABli M. 11 NEN I, if, ) QTENVARD'SSTA.TEM.ENT.-;(4. _Steward. In aconint with Duntingdon (.bun. ty Aims House, from Dec. 3,1802, to Dec. 1, 1883 inch:- sire: EMI . snit: arwvn from troay tit *ill). times $ 565 83 Coal. receinot from rations ligUrcea, viz Front A. W. lbooollet for store. 4 00 I): Dbogisss, mleinko nt Issksettleineut,. 6 25 I). S. Rimier. for ono !torso sold, 150 00 Ilan, llorl. for bringing-to House, . .. 600 J. slelf !Wry, for ono WWI. Clovorseed, sold, . 600 J. Ilutrlkesr. on the tinnier alio, ' -10 UQ J. llondonion, on tho Pototior case, , . 10 50 Sam. Lich/hull, for broad Umbels, 1 65 51Iscellanrou4,65 . Sundry ponions, for bolter sold,. . • 6 60 • EY SUNDRY EXPENDITURRE FOR IMP. OP HOUSE, 'AS PER MONTHLY STATEMENTS, Numbered 1 to 12. Statement No. 1. December. By camblaid removlug paupers, travelling expos ' $ 12 80 do postage, 3 07 do. Freight, 3 30 do miseellimeous, • 3 37 Statement No. 2. January. lly mob paid removlng.paupers, traveling expens es, 6re.., 10 12 do Mrs. Brown, for keeping Wmltickert, 300 do teller of wayGaing tempera, lOO do postogo t 50 do miecelleueous, 100 • ' Statement No. 3. February. By cash paid removing pauper'. traveling expens es, fie., • - 6 30 du Bonding off pauper', k teller, 205 .. do poitage, . 182 do 'Freight on P. B. Road, • 10 13 do Ur. Bare, for one Horde, 100 00 do miscellaneous 275 • - 4121, 85 Dtatement A - 0. 4. ;Starch. - Dy cash paid removing paopers„Srayeling expens. os, 10 27 do relief Of Ilayfarink paupers, 100 do postage, • • 200 1 13 do miscellaneous, - , Statement No. 5. April. . Dy malt laid removing paupers. traveling expens es. &c., - 3 50 do relief of wayfaring Duvets, 275 all po.tage' .1 50 do Freight on P. P.R.S. It. 115 do Coat & Vest, tair Johu Quarry, . 000 do miecelinneous, 150 Statem-nt No. 6. May By cash raid removing paupers, traveling expens-es, &e., - . a5O du bringing in slaMt & family, 400 do relief of wayfaring paußers, 125 do Freight, . 75 do miscellaneous, 825 Statement No. 7. Juno By cash paid sundry portions, for harvesting, 19 :5 do removing Imupers, traveling expeas . do relief of wayfaring 'wipers, 200 do postage, , 50 do miticellatterms, 156 Statement No. 8. July. fly calli paid removing paupers, traveling expens es, &c., 4 95 do postage, 250 do 2 bush. Bye, '., 250 do miseellaueons, , 2 SG $l2 31 Statement N. 9 August. • Ity cash paid sundry perso.u:s, for Harvesting, 5 00 do ' going.to ,Ilifllitf after Spongers' fam ily, • 525 . . do removinguoupere, & traveling expen ses, &c., lO 35 do relief of wayfaSing paupers, 125 do postage, -, : , 290 do Freight, • • 225 do miscellaneous, , , ,- 285 .. - . Statement No.lo. Srptember.G . • 13y cash paid removing pappng, traveling expens es, Ac., . . 14 77 do relief of wayfaring paupers, . 100 do postage, 100 do Frelghton P. R. It. • 11 61 . do miscellaneone„ .. 495 $33 33 Statement No, 11, October. By each paid removing intimate, traveling expenen ea, ke., 4 30 do relief of wayfaring panpere, 125 do pentage, 160 . do Freight, 145 do miecellaueotur, , 35 Ointment No. 12. November. By cash paid removing paupers, traveling wens. es, he., . 7 12 do relief of wayfaritiF paupers, ICO do postage, 90 do Freight on P. !Lit. 950 do miscellaneous,. '2 00 . V2L 52 Ry compenszt . for ono 400 00 In testimony of the correctness of the above account and statement, we do hereby set our hands this first cloy of December, A.D. 1.86.3. JAMEs HENDERSON, B. J. lIACKEUORN, Directors JOHN LOUON, D EOEIPTS .and. , EXPENDITURES _CU of the Luutitigtlen ceonly Alma How, hoot 1Y:- ember 3, 1802, to Itecenttmel. iuct:tatVo : REOEIPTS. DR. • • To smonnt drawn from Co. Treasurer, on ooders, 4633 26 G. 11. Icto for auudrie. detailed to Lie aocouut, exclueire of ordure, • 199 45 EMT 9 nXPENDITURES. BY sundry expenditures for provisions , marked File P. By sued persons for 1610 lbs. beef, No. 1 to 4, 71 40 93% boo. corn, sto 7. 93 75 " " • sundries,B to 11, 52 31 David Douglass, for 23 bus. chts, ito 12, 13 25 • 230 71 By sundry expenditurim for:use of farm. File F. By stud peraous for labor on farm, Pio. Ito 5, 259 02 floury Myers, srulthing, 6, 59 00 Sundry persona, forming implements, 7& 8, at 00 McCoy, Crotzer & Co., ono thrash. machine, 9, 107 00 Thor McGarvey, one wlndinill, 10, 16 00 J, Mort-Iron, school too. • • 11, 15 34 Sundry persoue, repairing., 12 & 13, 9 12 Perry Banta, opt horse, . 14, 130 OU Expenditures for Merchandise. Filo M By A B Cunningham at sunit times, No. Ito 5 4Q6 OS Lean & Dow, 6& 7 86 34 Wrn A ' , raker, • " - " 8& 0 26 16 P. K. Bare, 10 . 150 08 Gemmi II & Crosswell, 11 50 00 Wm 11 Brewster, 12 30 62 Sundry persons for merchandise, • 13 to 15 21 54 Out door expenses. Vile O. 1). By relief aiforded in 7 cases, continuous through out tho year, - No. Ito 7 476 23 Relief afforded 15 cases, temporary and occasional averaging ob. 19 weeks to each case, Bto 22 253 12 Relief alTorded in sundry cum without regard to time, 23 to 52 289 90 Coffins, burial expert's, &c., in sun. can. 53 to 67 70 38 Sundry physicians, for attention on out door paupers, GB to 75 153 58 Directors for sundry out door services, 76 to 79 56 20 J. Morrison, for acting agt. on B. T, 80 kBl 20 00 Removal and delivery. File R. By sundry constables and others, bringing pau pers to the Rouse, No. Ito 6 32 61 Sundry Juistices of the Peace, for issuing order of 7 to 12 15 80 Inc Mental. File I By pond. persona for aboeroaking, coal, . . pub. an. report, 10 to 12 90 00 house labor, 13 to 11 70 11 J. A. Nash. Treasurer, commissions. 19 47 45 Oration Miller, cook stove, . , 16 61 25 Ueorge ling, one sett harness, . 17 22 00 Ephraim Doyle, ono cow, 18 15 00 Lori Hecht., clothing, • 19 *2O 27 40 Sundry persons, sundries, , 7... t o 33. 71 so 6007 40 &Index , By Saml Polglital, Bullet:is as drroctOr, 10 mthe. ' -112 06 .1 Ilendoraon, '' , " 12 " no 40 S. J. Ilackedoni, " " 12 " 112 80 John . Logan, " " 2 " 24 60 Dr. It. Baird, services as atton. pity. 1 year 125 00 Henry 'Brewster, " clerk, 1 " 6000 A. W. Benedict, t• counsel, , 1 " - 20 00 $555 00 By G O Tato, Stoward,tor sund.detled in lats ao. 7.45 28 Total, Products of tho Farm 525 bushels wheat, 300 bushels oats, 900 bushels corn (In ear), 700 busbelei potatoes, 30 bushels onions, 4 bushels, soup beans, 14 bushels beets, 15 tons bay, 14 loads corn fodder, 3,000 buds cabbage, (out of which IW part was tuado 151)0 lbs. sour cront), 1400 The. pork, 950 lbs. beef, broom-corn, sufficient to make 95 corn brooms, 100 chick -ens. Artiolosplannfactured in !louse comforts, 35 sheets, 4 towels, 16 twister cases, 37 pil low cases,sl sprons,l2. vests, 03 pctlrs.stotichigs and socks..lB pairs slips, 51 pars pantaloons , 39 dresses, 62 °Lomita, biltbirts, 60 baskets (various kinds and sixes), 85 corn broontii, 60 axo handles, 100 pick handles. Stock on hand. . . EMEI3 4 work horsea, - .omlch cOwin rakeer, 3 cities, 10 stock hogs, 1 b,eading SW, 2 plantlation wagons, 1 twit horse spring wagon, 1 plantation cart, 1 hand cart, 1 buggy and barruels, salts horse gears and harness, 4 plows,2 double That' plows, 1 single ahovol plow, lay I. thrash tog machine and fixtures, wind pair patent bay ladderlha three horse cultivator, .00 bushels *boat, 200 bushela oats,_7oo_ 105011ols eof.n . (fik ear),SUO_buehele pota toes, 15 bubbels onions, 4 bushels soup beans, 10 bushels beets, 10 tone hay . ,.14 loads corn 'fodder, aboat 700 heads Cabbage, 1600 Zs sour Grout, 4,0001ba pork, 9,000 lbs beef 100 corn brooms, 3 dozen axe handlai, 10 dozen pick han dles, 510 Mi. hog's lard 110 haslicta !varionelikutls and bi- r7fa.n• - 'I , 4P-I'Vqv ga,sVz.v-•.:1541 ,, v, 14 1 11 IP .. . •-• • a IT IN . . ci _a UM Likt:S2,SE.P4VrZUVE'a ~~~~N~~p~~~~~ =4"get.".i."Zg.S.SElalg:,l3: tttt',ttsto — l'tttltt W-N 10 $22 54 ll...—About 220 meals were s g and wayfaring paupera du We, the undersigned, Auditors ingdon, do hereby certify that NV der', Touchers, accounts, go., of ti of said county, and fin d same stated; end we doifurthorflnd that soror's account be has paid on P last statement, the sum of $1,117 the sum of $683 01 was expended , 1862, making total expenditures ( amount to the sum of $1,134 89- standing fur year 1868, to wit, $l9l 91. If. BA.Ph 11. L. Will Allllll. II A $1.6 62 TIOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION ! _g_j_ You all want a CLOTHES WRINGER., in order to get through your washing earlier, spare your 'strength and at thalamic time save enough in the wearer clothes; by using a Wringer, to pay for It in six months, at the present price orcotton. Wrlnnors that hero token tho PREMIUM oven ALL 02112E5 is the market, for sale at the Hardware Stars of ye3,18C4 JAMES A:BROWN. sli 40 QELLING OFF' FOR CASH I *3 Haring a largo stock et hardware on hands,bOught at old prim, lam daily selling goods lower than they can ha bought in Philadelphia. Call soon. Fe 3, 1E64 JAMES A. BROWN. T GLASSLS.- I . tittle at the Hardware gore of Fob. 3, 1864 $l6 40 QSCANYAN'S ORIENTAL AL BUM, 'his unique and interesting collection of Twenty•three splendid yhotographic Dor:mita of Oriental men and wo. mon, taken from lite, in both indoor and outdoor costumes Is now ready for sale.. Price $3. Soot free by moll, on receipt of price. Dealers supplied at the usual discount. •Tltoa portraits received a silver medal from the Amer. icon Institute. C. 03CANYAN, Fol'Alt : • 87 Lafayette place, N. Y. CASS VILLE SEMINARY AND CBE The subscriber respectfully announce. to the citizens of Huntingdon and tho adjoining counties that the Caesvllie Seminary will be open for instruction on tho 4th April, for two quarters ' of 11 weeks each. Gentlemen and In dies desiring instruction for the purpose of qualifying themsohos for teachers will pleas° nildress • . GEO. F. DAVENPORT, Cassville, Huntingdon co., Pa. lissiotsBCsS,E. McDivitt, County Superintendent, and othera. • Feb. 3,1864. • INE IST OF LETTERS remaining in the l'ost Office at Core . ° lean, for month encliag Jan. al, L: Barkholder, George Liters Glinrlea Garthstagh, Henry Mai, Abutliam Haute, Josiah Coffee Itto, Feb. 3, 1884 A UDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is _c - x. hereby given to all persons Interested that tbe un dor_igned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court. of Huntingdon county, to distribute the fund In the hands of Ueorgo W. Johnson, Sheriff of Bald county, arising from the sale of the real estate of Samuel 11. Stryker, will intend et his office In the borough. of Huntingdon, on Saturday, the 20th, day of February next, at ono o'clock for the purpose of moking sald distribution,, when net where all persons having claims against the said fund are required to present them or be debarred from coming in for a share of the paid fund. E 2 85 Fab. 9,1884 G. W. Carpenter, lleuszey & Co's TVHOLESALE DRUG AND $S 05 C . HEMICAL WAREHOUSE, Ne. 737 Market St.; Philadelphia. The subscriber keeps constantly:on hand a large stock of Dittrati, MEDICINES, CIIE3IICAIA, PIIAII3IACEU TICAL PREPARATIONS, and every other article which appertains to the business, embracing the most extensive variety; also, PAINTS, OIL and GLASS , of every desert,- [lon. All articles purchased from us can be relied on es being of tho most superior quality and at as low prices ns they ran be bad. We can ofTer sue), Inducements 101 make It ',the interests of purchasers to lay in thelk euPplies from ern, and give us their future patronage, and *invite all Wilo Vita the city, to call nt our eatabliahmemt. 'All orders addressed to us by mall or otherwise will meet with prompt attention.. LIE EIS PUBLIC. SALE Or REAL ES TATE. ' • [ESTATE OB MICBAEL BARNDOLLAR, dec'd.] ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Munt ingdou County, the undersigned will sell at Public Sale on tho premises, on WEDNESDAY, 10th day of March 1884, at one o'clock of sold day, Tho following real es tate, to wit : $483.1 71 All that certain tract of land situate in the township of Clay, In the Bahl county of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of William Corbin's heirs On the east, leads of Da vid F. Stevens on the North, lands of James G. McNeal on the West, and lands of Samuel Oindfolter and others on the south. Containing one hundred and eleven notes and fifty two perches and allowances more or lees; hav ing thereon erected a two story frame Muse, log barn and other from ovements. TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the purchase money to be paid on donfirmation of the sale, one third in ono year thereafter with Interest, and the remaining third at toe death of the widow, her interest to be paid to her punctually and annually during lice life; to be secured by the bonds and mortgage or judgments of the purcha ser. BENJAMIN WOOLLET Feb. 4,1864. Tie S. REVENUE STAMPS . FORA L E AT LEWIS' :ROOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. $825 88 $720 02 VALENTINES. ! A large assortment of SENTIMENTAL AND COMIC VALENTINES, For sale Wholesale and Retail, AT LEWIS' BOOS & MUSIC STORE. $1209 41 EMU STRAY HEIFER. Came to the premises of the subscriber in Carbon township, about tho first day of November last, • - a small red Heifer; with white back, face, and PS.' belly, about two years and a half old. Thr owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, or she will be disposed of according to law. DANIEL BItODE. Jan. 27, 1864.* No. 1 to 5 37 04 6 tog 165 95 STRAY SHEEP.—A ewe and a lamb without morko, came to the premlnes of the oubscrt. bar In Porter townehlp..about oue month ago. The ow ner le requested to come .forward, prove property, pop charger, and take them away, otherwise they will be dle poood of according to law.' Jau,27, 1804. JOU& FIULTZAIIERGER. 4ntUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The under signed Auditor hereby gives notice that be was.ap• po ed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the balance due to 191111 am IL Harper, and Robert Fleming on their account as executors of Sarah Obum, late of Jackson twp., dec'd., and will attend to the duna alibi appointment, at his office In the borough of Huntingdon. on Thursday,lhe 18th day of February, 1861, at 10 o'clock. A. M., when and where all persons In terested are notiffed to attend. IV. A. STEVENS, Jan. 27, 18134. •.. . Auditor. $ 832 71 TO THE BOOT .10 SHOE TRADE CHASE &' PEDDLE# MANUFACTURERS of lIPPERg, NO:19 SOUTH THIRD STREET; [Ur STAIRBI Inform the undo that they keep coastal:oli d full assortment of Mores, Women's and Oblldren's - BOOT AND SllOll UPPERS, of every description, made only from primo stock and fitted 'with beat materials, to tha,most fashionable city styles. Trial orders aro eolicited, mud .prompt attentioik will be paid to all orders sent to them. Ti. 111.1413- CAS.' ON -DB [AVERY 27 5 1.96172nk. MONTHLY TABLE P 4 3IIaIPY pa2augo:n aluourodom MEI CIEM I=l u.li, g i 1 i WWI. I Fr" UOttlo,it ..Pll9O unallowy I ... '7t.'4 talpaoa upplied to sundry Wan ring tho year: of tba county of Mat e holm examined the or helnreetors of the Poor to be correct as above ton exminuing the Trot , .00r Milne orders since 90, of which amount , on accounts o(the year of 1863, (so far an pold,) leaving balance out -3 '<MEE. lARTHY, }Auditor tRNISIT, .iAN.IRS A. BROWN NORMAL SCHOOL Ifarkelzowl, Cnth. Inns • Russel, A Fair, Peggy Mrs. Warning, Garrit 2 Shontz, G. W. DEZEUE2 TIIEO. u. CI EVER, Auditor GEO. W. CARPENTER d CO., 737 Market Street, Phileda FISHERS' MAIL )41., - THOS. FISHER,, U. G. FISHER.. T. C. FISHER FISHER & SONS HUNTINGDON, PA. 13ff STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GOODS, ETC., ETC. =::= A: HAND : SOMESTOCK of GOODS, . . of all kind', Is now open foritnjosioclicin of tbopublic and wa cordially Invite all onib'ensiorinWa getorally, foetal audit° convinced that wa are nibeiptal led in the quality, taste, style, and prices erotic Oonds. We requoet . the public to bear in mind that we par, chum principally freui first band' In Now York, pay CAIIII‘for all we buy, anficanuot be rivalled In our facili ties for opening for public nee, a ntock of General Dior, cliandise. =I HUNTIAIGEiON MILLS: I=l GRAIN, FLOUL, AND FEED. --0- • WE ARE PREPARED TO. PUR-' chase all kinds of GRAIN,for - "filch we, ,pay the highest cash prices; ' and will have for gale at all times, ,• FLOUR, FEED, &c. =I PLASTER! PLASTER!! =l= WE HAVE - an :IMMENSE STOCK or ELASTEII; an ample supply fur .thia and neighboring counties' Raving a 4111 expressly for grinding It, we can produce liner and more desirable stuck than can usu ally be had.. - SALT !. SALT ! = WE OFFER 500 BBLS. of SPLEN did ONONDAICIA SALT, unequalled In quality and price. 0. A, Salt In sacks is also kept constantly on hand. =Z FISH. FISH. • =I 10 Bb t. No 1 MACK MRHL 10 ~ No. 2 10 a No. 3 .15 Half ➢Dlo. No,l 20 " N 9.2 " 10 " N 0.3 IpUBLIC NOTICE . : •'• • • , All persons Interested Wili r pictits'otitio . i4iii","ttiat t to undersigned deputy Collector of .11. 8.-Internal Heya nue for Uuntlngdon" county, will attend on the lef,and 3d Tuesdays of each month, at the JaclOwn Hotel, in the borough of Huntingdon, to receive taxes, Ic., commenc ing-on the 7th July.- ITAIIES CLARKS. July 7th, 18b3. Quarter 'llariels end Ella, of all numborg. 'ire also of. SUMAC. SUMAC. -=O WE ARE AT ALL TIMES .PRE- pared to boy SUMAC; will pay cash', or tmie; as dealred FLAX. FLAX. ==sll _ . THE HIGH PRICES RULING FUR Cotton Goods his compelled public attention to ta • ttore cepecially directed to the culture of Flax. It . can De made by some ettezitlou, • one of the Meat valuable products a fi&nier:can predate; en acre readily producing 60 to 00 Dollar, Worth of fibre end nett.- Greet cars should be ieken by ..groivere to - he;e • thelr Flax eliAsll..ifiri thiu WlidArottlag; When watered ButliciantlY on 0126'11NES It should ba turned, and 'agate to .expoSitte until sal the stelae get a gray color, and the lint readily seittiates frotd the Gotut by a gentle rub.— • • It shouldon &esti dry day be fled In bundles and - Is . , . . , , - • - - • • then" roskly.for the mill. is . agon . sral thing t e cei smith seal 14 so5o„ oten sere: — tlnfoig iiiry rleh .OAO llsslhol nor sore Is seiclent., If the ground Is eery_ etrong onsand one fourth bnebel Is Ample. VALI I / 1 131;1 PROPERTY FOR • Wig 41? RENY. . . . . • PeCOMl..destrouspf purchasing er rep.tilg ii TALI, kreparty Cap ./30v htivet.lltt hbflortllltitY, a .Bald prepiErty reodeietrf.br. 6 thorner' let. on Wtich . erected d store aultwarehoutrelwith apartments for fo. 1314; the entire building leing,smicte, eLstydlve feet In length, with stable the•Toti .40.4 Th e locution is immodiStely_olo4o.BlilltMi g M4klOg it convenient es.althipplut pabi4VlSt Pr Wthd ; e twmn two of the bat valleys In the county. . • ;Apylpersott wishing 'tosu g agdAtt . Mut .A.letcetttlie or dtl bizalnetis, rthia this among the beet In the State., .Thd :ewlfer ,Igiltroldreddi . titlls'llitounl of from fifteen to twenty tfionsand &dial's per ycart showing It tO be the beat business" atand-offeied.for lade or rent far 6i. F(2ll . partict4re r adi.ircres 11untIngdon;ilu . htlngdon Colfuty, Jab. 27, rennet. f ~~J: ` 1 • ANT FARM 'OF' 200' ALIM.S;' • ' AT PRrOAT • Al..tam. The subscriber offers et prlvite.wdWits wdltrablo mll property and farm of 200 acres.of laud, on Shaver% creek. two miles from Petersburg, Duntingdon county. The property will be mid separately or'all together. • The propertycan ho seen by calling on the subscriber; end terms nmde easy. Dec. 23,1863. . TllO2, F. SiDIVART. DIti.VATE.SALE : - REA.T....EASTATB. The subscriber bang delitroieforiaostug to - the West; • - TWO TRACTS 01".142.115 . /. to Perm tow:MIN Urrotingdon•connty;tst ---- No. 1.-L-A' fatlircottioining 214 , ri.prea,s liikletsred- and nnder cultivation; Tat.tatprilveimenti' 'two story log hou ti o with cellar, good log barn, and otitis out t- No, 2.--A farm containing about 200 acres, about 125, cleated ail.midat inifitofertibncs are a story and a half log house with collar, cabln - barn and other ontlmildinga. Terms made known by the anbecriber reWing iitqlret described farm. [De2,1134] , PHILIP .044tNtit. • . •• •• • - • - • • • . -- - MI ORSES . WANTED: .' '' '''''" '_ • " a F&ty head of .yonng sound Horses and 0.,,„ mares wanted on and after January 12th; ur- i ii , 2 ; . , , , to February 12th. Good prices wilt be pal., Muntlngdon. JaiiG, 1804. - JACOB BERGEY. . ADMINISTRA,TOIVS [Eatate of George W. Wagoner, dec'd.] , •Citerttor,Admintettationymon.tho.utato of aporge W. Wagoner; late of Dnlifiti towneldp,:lliatitigdon , eoutity, .dee'ti, having been granted to tho undoreigdol, ail pone hiving claims againet.tke eitato are foquosted:to pfekent them to the ttudereigned, and all pereone indebtedoettl make Immediate payment. W K. WILLIA3IBOki, Shade ISnyyJedr..4,--186.14t r - "Administrator. OXECUTORS' - NOTICE.-- Chialfdallitain:dned. , r7 Hers testamentary' upon' tindlestament of Charles Greene, late of. Otiehrii township. Huntingdon County, ,denansed, have been granted to. the subscriber. All persons indebted are rainestedrt64naksit frardothate payment, and those having claims Oil present them prop erly authenticated to the undersigned. - - - - -JOSEPILACCBACTini,. BENNY WILSON, Jan. 6,186445 t -` 1. -- • f Executors.: - • ; t. " A:. STENIENS ATTPRNT;YAT, LAW, : • OFFICE—In Brick Ro7 nearly oppo- - site Court:House,. on Hill Street, Aunt,' ingtlen, Pa.• Huntingdon, Dee. 15, 1853. priESERTIIIiTROg XI M. U. S. A. , Corporal VICTOR V. DOIIIIIIRRIIt. 00., M, 19th a. Vol. Cavalry, aged 22 nars ; 5 feet, 8 Inase high, blue eyes, brown ,balr;by„nooppationif carpenter? Bahl Dougherty' was enlisted in' nautinkdbn, l'a., August 25," 1853, wag mustered into.tbo gprrlcnin..."ladelphia, to serve three Year s . , ~,- Alm—Private W 51.. goucK, co. 131,19tb P. V. Cavalry, aged 20 ; gloat, 5 lnehea high, blue °yea, dark hair, fair complexion, and by occnpation a blacksmith. Said 'Lick was collided at Huntingdon; Pa., to serju for thine years. A reward of MIN offered for the arrest and delivery or cab or either of the abovo , nawied'desertars,,,l ' • ' SAIIL: 8. - 1113VETT, ... ',Teal*. co.St,. 190 t Bak,' pa. Cat.. _..... .. .. ....,. ~ ... . Nl6, 1863 NEW GOODS' ' NEW. GOODS ! e 25 PER pENt.'CREAPER'YRAN TEE CREAPEST '• • AT COFFEE RUN STATION, Would respectfully call the attention of lilic - old •; paTiond; specially, and the public in general; to his ogteesire, stock of well selected new Goods, kis'. reeeivetfrod' the Zestern cities; consisthig,in part, , of • lothing,;Woolt • en Ware , Notions, . Hats and Caps '•Doetwand '. • Ai • . . • - Shoes, Bonnets,-Shawlsrou tars, Hardware, Quierieware, Oro:- 'caries, Wood and WilloW-were, Seg,ars, ttaila, Glass, Provisione, Oil, Fish, Silt, - Tinwore DOP per Ware, . Drugs' and Medicines, Clocks, ' Watches; 84. and all other arlicles kept hitt ilisi'class country story, all selected with the:greatest care and which were put chased for eat& only, and affords bim to sell them at a' very low hgnre. • The public will find it to their advan tage to call and examine our unsurpassed deaf . before pnrchaSing elkoirhere. No pains will be sparedin show ing our Coeds. Ladies are specially invited to_examine our large stock of faahlonable dress goods; Shells. Cir. milers, Fore, and a great variety of II Orion goug e , Horde - . ry, t • All kindesof produce taken in exchange at thhighest, market prices,--Cash uotrehised. fly strict attention to tlio wants of customers, we hope toreceive a continuation of the liberal patronage With which we hero been hereto. -fore favored. Come one and eilliettil:txr. fla.Now Goods receinxt dully. . , .923Z0N COHN. COFFEE I. COFFEE fit THE UNIVERSALLY, APPROVED NONPAitiIL, and other favorite brandi bf dash , FOR.SALE AT , THE EAGLE STEAM SPICE ~AND COETER , VITO'FtB9; • Not!, 244, 146 #2 248 Nth.' ricnit 13t4 De2:3—flm.l ANCY FURp,.FVIOg FITS J B6 , for -.Uties and Children, that will be worn during the Tait .and Winter season.. • • • Being the direct Importer, of all my Furs, from Europe, and having them manufactured under my own supervision, enables me to offer my customers width° public a much 'handsomer' Set of Furs for the same money. ladies please give me a call before putcheelni.-•! WRemember-the damp„ number s and.s.trt..:_ Jo Weirs, (New Fur Simr t 718 Arch Street' Plitliulelptile. Sept: .1 . 6, 1883.-fan. GOLD PINS,— "-• - :1 3 0d.KET-KIVIVES, Anc sioelF.4 the best manufacture, jusit reeeived alid for sale at LEWIS' Book Sioiti. Attie that thaWatstate rightt, privitegen, Inutehige, proporty and IntinunMee, which belonged to the 'Mini - °remark Water Company. luting been sold filial , id' of Huntingdon county, the Company who phrehased will meet AUT.°lonzif.nf Chamberlain. on Satur day, 6th' February next,itt 634 ocutk, P.: It., to organize said -pee p..Cirtivictronw BASKETS - (ir 'SLEIGTBASKET'S, Near Huntingdon' , Fermi: All oraerwilliaa ou aitoxlipt Orders left at Levels' Book Store - will retAte ellen Lion, • Itnntlept Jan. V.T., 11184,11ra. • ..•.yrb 1 M=ZZli I=l Corner of New SL; 110 WARD, WORRELL. ARCH Street; • F .: lglith, south side, PthLADELPHLL ai4eralistuufactur id Dealerinallkindi VOILITIIII;ff, for La.: Id Childien's wear, tiretei,gettilli my to my .filende of aldnn and the ear eg. Countless, for tory_ libepl patron :tended tame duritan eat,-..few 3veraaied eay to them that I now in store, el my "mportation and Man of all the different
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers