Coht, . Wednesday morning, Jan, 13, 1864. W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor. Our Flag Forever. " I know of no mode in which a loyal Mi tten may so well demonstrate his devotion to Au country as by sustaining the Flag the Constitution and the Union, tinder all circum stances, and uNDRII•EVE.R.Y ADMINISTRATION ItZGARDLISSS Or PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALL SASAILANTS, AT MURANO ABROAD."—STSPLIEN A. DOUGLAS. A. Dead Look in the State Senate. As was anticipated, in the absence of Major White, who is confined in a rebel dungeon, the Senate of Pennsyl vania is a dead-lock. Let it remain so forever before a Union man shall give way to those who love separation and treason better than union and freedom. The will of a large majority of the pee. ple of our loyal State is being over slaughed, and, for the time, the minor ity rule. Where is the boasted mag nanimity the so-called Democrats prate so - Leech about. If they loved their country half as much as they pretend to, they would not clog the wheels of Government, by thus openly and avow edly supporting the rotten Confedera cy over which Jeff. Davis presides against the will of a large majority of those who live within his precincts.— Lot "legislation be paralyzed, public business neglected, rather than untie it by submission to -the men who are profiting by the sufferings of i brave soldier." Never did the good Old Heystorre suffer a greater disgrace.— Neeer were a loyal people placed in a tdOre humiliating position. What are those men butknaves, poltroons, and traitors. Aro they loyal when they reject a resolution of thanks to Gene. Grant and Meade, two of Pennsylva nia's "favorite sons," and who are the heroes of many of the hardest fought battles of the war? Away with the man, or set of men, who would, for a• moment, reject a resolution of thanks to the very man who drove back the enemy from invading his household and destroying his property. The loyal masses are indignant, and their just wrath will fall heavily upon the heads of those who defy their will. The House organized on Tuesday last by electing the caucus nominees we gave in our last issue. A. W. Ben edict, Esq., was the unanimous choice of the Union members for Chief Clerk. They knew.the man. A better man could not have been elected to so im portant a position. Free Labor for the South. It may seem a little singular that sentiments like the following, which we take from the New Orleans Era, should bo published as far south as Louisiana. Of course it is only very recently- that such a thing could take place, but its occurrence now is an un mistakable indication of the direction and progress the sentiment of the south is taking. It is a proof, and with oth ers conclusive to otw•minds, that a Joy al South can only bo ro•established upon• an anti-slavery or radical basis, end to that result things are rapidly tending. There is a great deal of sound philosophy in the extract from the Era, which we give below: "It has generally been believed, heretofore, that the destruction of sla very would impoverish the South.— But this is one of the popular errors which is destined to be overthrown by the war. The value of slave property was mainly fictitious; for, with the money expended by the planter in feeding and subsisting his slaves, a smart business man would have pro cured'as mach, and perhaps more work by paid and willing Faber. After the slaveowner had paid his thousand or fifteen hundred dollars for his negro, ho must feed and clothe him; and the expense ofthis -would" about balance the work he • got'ont of him/ Conse quently, the use of this thousand or fifteen hundred dollars was about the same as thrown away; and if the ne gro died or ran off and escaped, it was gone wholly. - There are certain prin ciples of cornmoßsensethat hold good the world over; and some of these have been very strangely overlooked by the advocates of slave labor. No thing is more self-evident than. that a man will labor more willingly, hearti ly, efficiently, with the prospect of wages than he will under a whip, without such prospect. The negroes do not form an exception to this rule. Enslaved- and, treated ae brutes, pos sessing neither the feelirigs, the hopes, nor the rights of human beings, they necessarily become sluggish' a nd- cl e ba sod, and shirk their task as much• as possible. Nothing else could be ex pected; human nature would be false to herself if the result would be differ ent. But treated as a human being, and properly remunerated for his toil, the negro becomes an effective and willing laborer. Experience is estab lishing this truth on the plantations of Louisiana every day. A planter who loses one hundred negroes may com plain that he has•lost fifty thousand dollars; but ho will learn, it goes to work properly, that be has really lost nothing. His plans and business may suffer•disarrangement for a year; but if he will try the free labor experiment fairly, his supposed has can work him 110 further harm"- GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. , To the Senate and House of-Representa tives of Pennsylvania : GENTLEMEN : The past year has afforded us new cause of thankfulness to the Almighty for the moral and material blessings which be has bestowed upon us. The balance in the Treasury November 30.1862, *as, $2,172,844 10 Receipts during fiscal year end ' ing November 30, 1863 4,289,451 05 Total in Treasury for fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 1863 6,462,295 75 The payments for tho same pe riod have been 4,314,964 05 Buinnce in Treasury November 30, 1863 2,147,331 70 The operations of the sinking fund during the last year hare been shown by my Proclamation of the Bth day of September lust, as follows : Amount of debt Commonwealth reduced •`054,720 40 As follows, viz: Coupon Loan Act. May 4, 1862 100,000 00 Five per cent. 790,716 50 Four and one•half per cent. 63,000 00 Relief notes mold 963 00 Domestic creditors' certificates 13 00 Interest certificates paid 27 90 $964,720 40 Amount of public debt of Penn. sylvania as it stood on the let day of Decembt.r, 1862 $40,448,213 82 Deduct amount redeemed at the State Treasury during the fiscal year, ending with No• vember 30, 1803, viz: Five per et. stocks $888,499 78 Four and a half per cent. stocks 63.000,00 Relief notes 109 00 Domestic creditors' certificates 8 26 $931,617 04 Public debt December 1,'63,439,496,596 78 Funded debt, viz: 6 per cent. loans 400,630 00 5 per cent. Inane 35,709.986 45 4} per cent. loans 268,200 00 $36,378,816 45 Unfunded debt, viz Belief notes in cir- . - - culatzon $97,2510D Interest certificates outstanding 15,356 83 Interest certificates unclaimed 4,448 33 Domestic creditors' certificates 724 32 • $117,780,33 $36,496,596 78 NliMary loon per Act of :tiny 15th, 1861 3,000,000 00 Total indebtedness By the act of 151,11 May, 1861, au thorizing the military loan of • 83,000,- 000, a tax of one-half mill was laid on real and personal property, to furnish a fund for reedeeming the same. I re commend that the commissioners of the sinking fund be directed to invest the proceeds of the tax in State loan, so that it may be drawing interest, to be in like manner invested, or that they should apply such proceeds direct ly to the purchase of certificates of the military loan, and cancel such certifi cates as shall be purchased. Although our finances are still in a healthy condition, it is necessary to in vite the serious attention of the Legis lature to the consideration of the means of maintaining them unimpaired in future. By the act of 12th June, 1840, it was provided that the interest on the State loans should always be paid in specie or its equivalent, and that whenever the funds in the Treasury should be of less value than specie, the difference in value should be ascertained and certi fied to the Governor, who should there upon issue his warrant to the agents or banks authorized to pay such interest on behidf of the Commonwealth,. to al low such difference to parties receiving the interest, or at the option of the parties pay the. same in specie. Hy the act of 11th , Npril, 1862, it was provided that for the purpose of paying irr specie, or its equivalent, all interest that should thereafter be due by the Commonwealth, as required by the act of 12th June, 1840, the several banks who should avail themselves of the provisions of that act, (of 11th April, 1802,) and who should refuse to redeem their notes in specis i , on demand, at any time within ten d igs upon °rafter the time when such interest should become due, should thereafter, when required by the State Treasurer, by notice in writing, pay into the State Treasury, in proportion to the capital stock pale' in of each bank, their ratable proper. tion of such premium for gold or its equivalent, as should have been actual ly paid by the State. By the act of 30th January, 1863, it was provided that the State Treasurer should exchange with the banks an amount of currency sufficient to pay the interest on the State debt filling due on tl•ei first days of February and August, 1863, for the same ainoant of coin, and should give to the bunks spe cie certificates of exchange, not trans ferable, pledging the faith ofelle Slate to return said. coin in exchange for notes current at the time, on or before the first Monday of Marcbl 1861, such certificates to boar interest at the rate of 23- per cent. per annum. Under the provisions of the act of 1862, certain banks paid into the State Treasury 8140,768 30 as aucquivalent for coin for the payment of interest on the public debt. Under the act of 1863, specie certifi cates Dave been given to the banks, amounting in the whole to 81,968,904 97, which, with the accruing interest, will fall duo on the first Monday of March next. As the provisions of this act were of a temporary character, the only acts now in force on the subject are those of 1810 and 1862, above mentioned, under which, it will. be the duty of the State authorities to' pay the interest on the let .of February, 1864, and thereat'• ter, in coin or its equivalent, and look to the banks that may be liable under the act of 1862 for reimbursement of the premium paid by the Common wealth. In the face of all difficulties, this Commonwealth, actuated by a senti ment which does its people honor, has hitherto paid its interest in coin or its equivalent. Existing circumstances make it ne cessary to consider now the fair extent of her just ohligations, The exigencies of the times have compelled the Government of tho Uni ted States to issue large amounts of Treasury notes. for. circulation, which are hot redeemable in coin, and which form the great mass of our circulating medium. It is our duty as a. loyal State—zit is our interest as a State whose Welfare, and oven safety,. depend emphatically upon the maintenance of the credit end the success of the military operations of the general governfifent—to do no thing to impair its credit or embarrass its measures. On the contrary, we owe it to ourselves and to our poster ity to give an active support to its ef forts to quell the monstrous rebellion which is still raging, and thus restore peace to our distracted country. It is our own Government, and we could not, without gross indecency, at tempt to refuse its. currency in pay ment of taxes and other debts duo to the Common wenl.h. In 1840 the case was very different. The difficulties then arose from the suspension of specie payments by our State banks, mere local and private corporations, and the State very pro perly by the act of thatyear, intended to provide against loss to its creditors by reason ofsuch suspensions. An ex igency like the present could not then have been foreseen by the Legislature and it is to be inferred therefore that they could not have intended to pro vide for it. We derive our system of public loans from Europe, and the true extent of our obligation is to be ascertained by referring to the known established practice of European governments pri• or to the dates when our loans were effected. I mean of course such of those governments as were held to have maintained their national credit. It is believed to have been the uni form practice of such governments to pay their interest in paper currency, however depreciated, during a legaliz ed suspension of specie payments. An observable instance of this is afforded by the course of the British Govern ment, which during twenty-five years, from 1707 to 1822, during which the bank was prohibited by law from pay ing out coin for any purpose, paid the interest on its public debts ir. bank notes, which during a great part of that time were at a heavy discount, sometimes amounting to 30 per cent or thereabout. Their-necessities then were not greater than ours are now. Among ourselves, at the present time, ])Massachusetts (whose debt is be• lieved to be very small) pays the inte rest in coin. Ohio and Indiana pay in eurrency. In New York it is not known what will be done. Her Legis lature, by concurrent resolution, or dered the interest to be paid in coin to foreign stockholders in April last. At the present rate of premium on gold, the sum necessary to pay on an amount Ruff - Went to discharge the an nual interest on the State debt, would be more than $1,000,000, and to meet this, additional taxation to that extent would be unavoidable. The.demands on the Treasury for other necessary put-poses must probably he such as to 'render it imprudent to throw any part of this expenditure on the existing stir plus. To borrow money- from year to . year to pay the interest on past loans would, of course, be wholly inadmissi ble. To leave the.act of 1802 in force, and attempt to throw the payment of this large premium annually on the banks, would be not only ffagrontly unjust, but quite impracticable. I re commend the whole subject to the care ful and immediate consideration of the Legislature. Some legislation ought to be had on it before the close of the present month. In my opinion the Commonwealth will have fulfilled her obligations by providing fur the pay ment of her interest- in the currency of the Government. If the Legislature should think fit to continue to pay it in coin, it will be their duty to levy tbrthwith the heavy taxes necessary for that purpose. I must in passing observe that the plait adopted by one of the States in paying coin to foreign, and currency to domestic loanholde:s, appears to me to be wholly un wise, and founded on no legitimate principle. At the close of the last session, nine teen bills renewing the charters of cer tain banks for another period of five years were presented to me Of these I have (for reasons which will be here after communicated,) withheld my sig nature from one and approved the re mainder. I have been led to sign them by the considerations ,that the banks of the Commonwealth ray a large rev enue which the State can ill afford to lose, and that in the present condition of the country it would be impolitic to drive so much capital out of active use or force it into new employments. If the National Banking system at ford sufficient inducements, capitol will voluntarily take that direction. It is proper to-observe that the charters of most of the banks in question expire at an early period, while in consequence of the invasion of the State, during the last summer, they could not have been reasonably expected to give the neces sary notice of renend applications for re-charter. $30,496,596 78 I recommend an extension of the time during which the banks are now relieved from penalties for not paying their obligations in coin. The incroased expenses of living in vite attention to the salaries of our public officers. Those of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Auditor Gene ral, and State Treasurer, and of the Clerks-1n their - employment are, in my opinion, too low, espeoially as• the ex-i•- goncies of the times• have• greatly en hanced the labors anchresponsibilitios of all, and in the case of the heads of those departments, enforce a constant attendance at Harrisburg, which was not formerly required. Under the Act of 16th April, 1802, and its supplement passed 22d April, 1863, the Adjutant General, Quarter master General and . Commissary Gen eral have been acting as the Board of Military Claims. They have, up to this time, approved claims to the ant ount of 8166,415 81, and others have been already presented to the further amount of 8332,120 29, which have not yet been acted on. - Under the Act of 22d April, (P. L. 529,) the Court of Common Pleas, tip. pointed three appraisers to ascertain the damage done in the counties on the Southern border by the militia call ed into service In September, 1862, by the Anderson Cavalry in• the same., month, and by the :Rebels in, thoi r raid on the 10th and 11th Obtober, 1862. The Appraisers have not yet coin pleted the performance of their duties. till= their report shall havo boon made to the Court of - Common'Pleas and affirmed•, in whale or in part, by that court; it Will be the duty of the Clow:Prior to chiim the payment of the amoun ts Gin nGeneral Government, and Oti failure tti secure the Same, then to report to tile next Legislature, re commending such action - as he may deeni just and proper. The eicpenies of the Transportation and Telek, , raph Department during the past year have been as follows: Paid on of tippropriation made by Military Loan net of 1861 • $13,653 37 Unpaid (the appropriation being exhausted 15,764 79 Outstanding liabilities, esti mated at 5,000 00 These expenses have been mainly ineurmd in keeping up the necessary correspondence of the military dolma ments and in the transportation of sick. and wounded and the dead bodies of our volunteers, as will be seen by the report or the Chief' of Transportation, herewith comMUnicated. I recom mend an appropriation to meet the deficiency ; and also to carry on the service of this department hereafter. By the thirteenth section of the act of the 15th May, 1861, the sum of 620, 000 was appropriated to be expended by. the Governor for the compensation at' such persons as ho might require to serve the Commonwealth in the mill- Attry organization of the State or the General Government, and for the ex penses incident to the business in which they might be employed. I have, aceortling to law, settled an unal accounts of the expenditure of this fund in the Auditor General's office, to which the Legislature is re ferred. The unexpended balance is now $4,521 BS.' A further sum should be appropriated in like manner. Out of this fund I have paid the persons whom I found it necessary to employ in the military department., and the expenses of the agency which I was compelled to establish at Washington to attend to the interest and welfare of our volunteers. The continuance of this agency and the establishment of a similar one in the West are of vi tal importance to them. I recommend the passage of an act authorizing the appointment of agents at Washington and Nashville, and defining their du ties, which should inclnde the collec tion of all bounties, back pay, pensions, etc., due to Pennsylvanians. • On this subject I refer the Legisla ture to the report of Colonel R. Biddle Roberts, late Agent of the State; at Washington, herewith communicated and commend it to your careful exam , ination. On the invasion of the State during the last summer, the President made a call for militia, and with his assent I subsequently made a call for volunteer militia for the defence of the State.— Under these calls men were assembled and organized with promptness, -after the reality of the emergency came to be understood by our people. The General Government clothed, and sub sisted this force, and agreed to pay it, but as no appropriation for that pur pose had been made by Congress, the President and*Secretary of War prom ised if the money should be advanced from other quarters to recommend its immediate repayment on the meeting 04' Congress. It is understool that steps have been already taken to fulfil this pledge. Several of the banks cheerfully and, readily advanced tire necessary fundi to-the amount 0ft87.1,- 476,43, on my Prhthise to recommend to thelegislature an appropriation to repay them in case Congress should fail to' mak e ode:" I accordingly make that recommendation most emphati cally. Should it he necessary, I will hereafter in a special message give the detail's and correspondence relating to this subject. New York and New ,Tersey, tinder the President's call, sent regiments to assist in our defence, for which our thanks are duo to those States, our good neighbors. After the battle of Gettysburg, in which loyal volunteers from eighteen States, including Pennsylvania, *ere eN,aged, it appeared tog me proper that all those States should unite in estab lishing a cemetery on the spot, in which their soldiers who had fallen in that conflict, should be honorably in terred. I accordingly 'appointed Da- - vid Wills, Esq., of Gettysburg, my a gent, and through him, a site was pur chased at a cost of $2,475 87; and the conveytinces made to the Slate.— On communicatidg with the authori tiesof the other States, they all *readily agreed to become parties to the ar rangement, and on the 19th day of-No vember last the cemetery was dedica ted with appropriate ceremonies in the presence of the President of the United States, the Governors of the States concerned, and other high officers, Nrt tional and State. *On the 19th day of December, on the invitation of Mr. D. IVills, eumm'ssioners representing the States interested in the cemetery, met in Harrisburg and agreed upon a plan for its improvement and care in the future, mid the. apportfonment of the sum of money required, to the several States, which is herewith communica ted. The expenstis attending the es tablishment of this cemetery, including the cost of the site and of removing the bodies of the shrill, have thus far am ounted to 85,209 38, and an appropria tion will be required to pay these ex penses, and to meet our portion of those attending its'future maintenance It will appear by the proceedings of the cotmnissiimers , that their duo pro- - portion of the expenses already incur red aro to be refunded by the States on whose account they were made. It is just to say that Mr. Wills has dischar ged his delicate and important duties with fidelity and to my entire satisfac tion. The act for the relief of families- of vol au Leers in service-may require some revision. It is alleged that in some parts of the State the county authori ties arc backward in executing.tbe If this be so, the members: from the different counties Will be aware of the fact, and will bo Most; ready to make such further enactments as may be proper. I commend to the prompt attention of the Legislature the subject of the re liefof poor orphans of our soldiers who have given, or shall give, their lives to the couatry daring this crisis. In my opinion, their maintenanoo and-educa tion should-he provided'for by the State Failing other friolids or natural' to provide for them, they should; be honorably received , and fostered. as children of the Centmonwealth. The e 50,000 heretadre:livild by the Penn sylvania Railroad Gni hy, referred in my last annual Messlige; is still un— approoriated, and I Vecoininend that this sum, with such caber means as the Legislature intik thitik fit, be applied to this end, in such Manner ifs may be thought most expediebi Mid effective. In anticipatml of the addptioli of a more perfect system, I recornmend that provision be made for Bei-tiring the admission of such children into ex isting educational establishments, to be there clothed, nurtured and instruc ted, at the public expense. I make this recommendation carrlestly, feeling assured that in doing so, I represent the wishes of the patriotic, time benev olent and the good, of the State. I invitd the attenticth Lithe Legisla ' tote to tho t;tindition of the loyal peo pie of East Tenth:Agee; Which is repre sented to be most deplorable, mid ap peals with- irresistible force alike to your sympathies and your sense ofjus tice. Their whole country has been laid waste by the contending armies of the Government and the rebels. Pour times large armies have passed over that district, destroying or carrying off all that had been gathered for the ap proaching winter, and now the women and children aro loft in a state or des ti tut ion. $34,423 66 The representations made by Sun dry gentlemen of tho highest respec tability, from that State, are of the most heart rending character. Star vation, actual and present, now exist. Can we, in the midst of affluent abun dance, for a moment hesitate as to what our action shall be towards the people whose only crime has been their loyalty and devotion to the Gov ernment? Even if a 'portion of our chority should reach the starving fam ilies of those in sytnpathy with the re bellion, better it should, than that these devoted, self-sacrificing people who have so unhesitatingly adhered to the Government, be left to suffer. Whenever pestilence and famine dis tressed the people of Iffy portion of our country, we have always been foremost in relieving them, and the people of Pennsylvania have offended their open handed benevolence and broad charity to the starving people of forekgn countries. Shall It be said that the appeals of these people for bread fall upon the heart of Pennsyl vania in vain, and that we who have so recently given thanks for our ab undance have no relief for them in their extremities 1 I command the subject through you to the people of the State, as worthy the immediate attention and active exertions of the charitable and the liberal. I should be glad if the Legislature would make a general revision of our Revenue Laws, with a view to their increased produetivene3s. It ought to be observed that for a -period of more than twenty ,years, no material change has been made in the Revenue Laws of this Commonwealth. During that time some interests have grown into new importance, and should be made to bear their just proportion of' the public expense, since all taxation should as flu• as possible, press equally upon the property and employments ot• oar people. Failing such revision, I recommend to the consideratiooof the Legislature the fothrwi‘mg suggestions connected• with the subject. 1. There are several companies in the State which, in addition to large mining privileges, have the control of the routes of transportation, by which alone the products of the mines of in dividuals' in their respective districts, can 131101 a market. Those compa nies thus enjoy substantial monopolies by means of which they not only re cieve the fair profits of their• own property, but are enabled to make ad ditional heavy gains at the expense of individuals. In my opinion such privileges ought never to have been granted, but as they exist it appears to be just that the class of companies which enjoy them, should pay there• for an additional specific til 24. 2. Very largo sums are duo to tho Commonwealth fin• übpatented lands Forbearance, clemency, and liberality have been in vain tried in the numer ous attempts to procure the payment of' at least a part of this debt, from the larger portion of those who a•e in debted on that account. The contin uance of this stato of affairs is unjust to the Commonwealth and to the vast majority of her people who have hon estly paid for their lands.. It has be ponce unendurable. I recommend that the Legislature provide that the Sur veyor General shall filo of record in the office of the Court of Common Pleas- a each county, a description of the. lands subject to the lien of the Commonwealth for purchase' money, and a statement of the amount of principal and interest now due to the Commonwealth together with. the •patent fees on each tract and ten per cent on the amount so duo for the la bor and cost of making and filing such statement, and the aggregate a mount thus stated, for each tract, shall be held to be the amount now due thereon to-the Commonwealth, which shall bear interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum, till paid, and shalt continue to be the first lion on tare land, till paid, wind shall not be dives ted by any judicial or other• sale what ever. I also recommend the adoption of a suggestion contained in the Sur veyor General's report that a specific tax be laid on all unpatentedr 3. By existing laws-municipal cor porations are regeircd• to- deduct and pay into the Treasury the tax on ail loans contracted by them. It is belie ved that a largo addition would ac crue to the revenue by the extension of this provision to all counties Und to all corporations private or public. I- recommend that, it be so extended. 4. A tax on the gross receipts, of all railroad and canal companies would it is believed, be productive and not oppressive. Upon satisfactory reports, according to law, made by Colonl John A. Wright, 1 hay cdt•awn- my warrants for the delivery to , the . Philadelphia, & Erie Railroad , company of another million of the bonds deposited in the State Treasury. Four millions of said bonds have therefore been now deliv ered. There can be no reasonable doubt of die early.completim of the work, and; when complbfed, it 16"0011fi• timid.). expected that the bonds , held by the State, secured on the road, for 6.3.500,00; will become good; in terost payi»g secnri ties. renew most earnestly tlie. recom mendation made• io my last, anuttill, inessiige . .bf of th - el militia laws;, They al6 i present, sfifileful ly defective. Indeed, if by a militia lai+ is meant a law intended to _pro vide .i'dV atid _ brganizmg the military force of the State that it may be put into service when requir ed,-we may be said to have no militia law. In each ctftlits last, two years I have been obliged to all Lint the mili tia but in fact those MA obeyed the call were volunteers and, with seine exceptions, were wholly unorganited; so that almost in face of the enemy; time had to be consumed in ling the men into companies and.regi ments, in electiag officers and in othef preparations for effective organization. In the report of the. Adjutant Gen eral will 'be found a list of the Penn sylvania regiments and a statement showing the several armies and. de partments in which they are now ser ving. In this connection, I suggest the propriety of' legislative authority being given thr the preparation of a history of each of our regiments and other organizations, td' he preserved among our archives. The necessary documents are new accessible, and as they may ill time be hist - or destroyed the making of such d record as I. pro; pose should hot .be deferred. It is due alike to the living and the dead that this subject should be promptly acted on. • recommend that the pitipesed ant- ' endments to, the Constitution,` giving to citizens in the public service out of the State, the right to vote, be passed promptly and submitted to a vote of the people at as early a day as poesi• ble, so that such citizens may .exer cise their right of suffrage at all future elections. This would be only doing justice to the brave men who are per- MN?, their lives in our defence. It is highly important that we sh'ld replenish the ranks of our regiments in the field and supply the places of those volunteers whose terms will• soon expire and who may decline fur- . ther service. lam happy to say that a large proportion, of our - regiments are re-enlisting. Efforts are making by myself and by the people in vari ous portions of the State to procure a sufficient uumber of volunteers, and with a promise of success, proVided a reasonable time be allowed for the purpose. Meanwhile persons prOfes sing to be offisors and agents from some (Abet' States ate' ratost itiiproper ly endeat tiring to Seduce our citizens into their service by extravagant boun ties and promises. The 12th section of the act of 15th May, 1861, prohibits any volunteers from leaving the. State without the authority of the Governor, and I now recommend the passage. of alaw „ im posing penalties by fine and imprison ment on all individuals who IJ hall en deavor to procure or aid and assist in procuring any person in this State to enlist in the volunteer service of any other State. ' Many of our counties and townships have filled their quotas at a largo expense, and in others they are in course of doing the same by of fers of liberal bounties and provisions for the families of volunteers, and it is not right that these patriotic efforts should be embarrassed by interference from beyond our borders, especially as wo cannot, hi these eircamstan (JCS of fer bounties by thes State; without the injustice of compelling. the eoutities and townships xvhiclr fra-te already contributed largely is rbot, way, to as .sist in paying, by takmation, for the do. fieieney of others. I feel it to be my duty to call your attention to the pernicious practice of leaving many bills to be hurried tbro' at the close of the session. During the last ten days of the last session, 390 bills were presented fbr my signa ture, many of them of the most impor tant character. The whole number of bills presented to me during the ses sion was 713._ In consequence of:this habit not only are bills passed without an opportunity to either House for a proper consideration of their provis ions, but the Executive is compelled either to sign thorn without examina tion, or to hold them over perhaps to the public inconverionce. It may of ten happen that a bill not approved by reason of a single obnoxious clause, might if there were time, be repassed, - omitting the objectionable provision. In connection with the subject of Leg islation, I must refer to another mis chief. General laws have been passed to give relief in certain cases which formerly required a special act in each case. As for instance the sale of hinds by executors, administrators.and trus tees, the adoption of children, the ere :Wen of mining and manufacturing corporations, and- so forib. These laws- were passed% to. 'ensure such an examination krona. case as would en able justice to' be done' to the parties and to the public, and alsO to save the Limo and expense consumed in private legislation. They have hitherto effec ted neither purpose, but I do seriously urge on the Legislature the considera tion that Whoever applies for a.'speeial aet under such circumstances must ei ther' fear the result of an in yartial in quiry or (if the application be for a charter) must desire the omission or insertion of some provision contraty to what the Legislature• h'lrsloterlain ed after mature consideration to be just and legitimate. I refer to the Auditor General's and State Treasurer's report's for tho de tails of our financial affairs, and to the reports of the Surveyor eneral, Ad jutaat General, Quartermaster GMnir al, Commissary General,-Surgeon Gen , cm!, Agent at Washington, Chief of Transpo-tation and Telegraph Depart ment, and Superintendent of Common Schools, in regard to their several de partments. • In May last it was believed from in formation received., that General Lee intended to invade this State. Com munications on the subject were im mediately sent: to• Washington, urging that preparations for effective' defence shobld not be delayed. Accordingly the War Department erected two, new military departments, viz: The De partment of the Monongahela, inclu ding that portion of the State lying west of the mountains, to be comman ded, by Mhj'. Gem Brooks, and the De partment: ofe - Susquehanna', compri sing, t rinintifidtir of the St to, and to•he'commandell by Mhj. Gen'. Couch. Early in Juno, .)1 aj. avni tOtich itr.! rived at Harrisburg and assumed coin: wand of hi, 013partillopt, which he has since exercised with' the soldiorlike pmn !An ess. orgy mid discretion which were to ho , oxpouted•frem- his known cbarneter:• Abels having-actually- entered: the Fatti iii Some force, and the ap proacklif their whole army being im minent; We President made a requisi tion for AIWA from this' and - some of the neighlYo'ring States, and several regimentifPoni New 'York and New Jersey were Prdießy sent, and our own volunteer niildid began to assem ble, but some embarrassnients the President assented 01earthy the Executive of the State, wFl . 6li. teas ac cordingly made. 'Under the : 4 calla 5,166 of the men of Pennsylvania were' assembled in the Department of (len. Pewits, rind 31,422 in that of General - , Couch. To give the details, or even ' u summary of the operations which ensued, would be impracticable with= in the Naiad of' ii message. It is tin= necessary to damn:is-I have -recom mended the adoption of nieasures fox , preserving the 'our several regiments and other 61adziatibias, and in that history the,' tents 'to which I have reterred b'er f•Wrcl . - ed. 'lt is due, however, to the men who came forward, that I,should now that they made long and labori ous marches l in parts of this mind other' States which had been plundered by the rebels, suffered great privations, - and were frequently in conflict with the enemy; and on all occasions act ed in obedience to mili.tary and order ' s} and with courage and en- - durando. Some of thd militia called in 1862, mind in 1863, were killed and others disabled: In ail. these cusesi. whore there are no kiwi fm the relief of these men ;or , their families, I recdniniepd the enactment of a law for thatpaii:pose The campaign on our4nil Wag cies t;d-:by'the victory of Gettysburg, ad by the veteran Army of the • Pete mac, under the command of Maj - ir General Meade, the officers :end -mid of - which displayed all their-aecustoin ed valor and endurance in - the conflict and in the forced and rapid marcher; which immediately preceded Under Divine PrevidedcV, id theni and to the military genius and nnsu r passed met& of General Meade, and the promptness and self-sacrificing , gal-lantry of , General Reynolds, : „lard -- indebted for 'success on ' that blOodY field. We 'are proud to claim Geri. 3feado and Reynolds as sons of our '-own Pennsylvania. The first lives to enjoy the most precious of all rewards,' the 'grateful appreciation of 'his countrymen. The Latex fell in the very front of the: bat: tie, ali-- can' only - - pity homage to his memory. Whatever honors have• been at any time devised to commem orate the virtues of a patriot—of a, true r fea,rlessi loyal citizen and soldier ho has abundantly'deserved. His surviving companions - in_ arms , claim the right, of themselves, erecting a monument-to him on the - field . on whichbe ra j . and it would not be welt to interfere with their pious intention: But I hope that the Legislature will place upon the records, of the State some appropriate testimony •of the public gratitude to him and 114811 TO.: wing commander. It would be unjust to omit referring'- again to the-loyal spirit of oU'r people, which has been evinced in every mole. since this war commenced. Not only have they sent 371,400' men for the general and special service of the Gov ernment,. and supported . with cheerful ness the' bdrdens of taxation. but our, storehouses and depots have literally overflowed with comfbrts 'and rieeeSsa , ries, - spontaneously ,contributed by. them, under the active care of thous"; ands of our Women, (lltithful unto . death,) for the sick and wounded and prisoners, as well as fur our armies in the field. Their patriotic benhvelenee seems to be inexhaustible. To °vet).- new call, the response beeffin34 More and more liberal. W hen intelligence 'was received of the - barbarian starva tion of our prisoners it) Richmond, the' garners of the whole State were in stantly thrown open, and before any similar movement had been made else where, I was already employed on be half of our people in efforts,. to seeure . the admission throngh the rebel lineS of the abundant supplies provided *- the relief of our' suffering brethrent• Those of our citizens who have fallen: into' the habit of disparaging our great Common - wealth and the anstirpasseit efforts of herpeopieshouid blush when they look on this picture. That this unnatural rebellion may be speedily and effectually unshed; we lie—all—under the •obligation of the one paramount duty—that of vig orously supporting our Government in its measures to that end. To the' full extent of ray official and individts4 al ability it shall be so supported, and I rely heartily on your co-operation. I am ready for all proper measures to strengthen its arm—to encourage its upholders—to stimulate by public, lib erality, to themselves and their.faad lieS,-the ineri' who 'give to it their - Per-- sena' service—in every mode to invig-- orate its action. We are fighting great battle Of Goll'-ef truth—ofright--- of liberty. The Almighty has no at- tribute that can fits or our sava ,, e and . degenerate enemies. No people can submit to territorial dismemberment. without beet:ailing Centehiptible in its own eyes and in those of the world.- But it is not only against territorial dismemberment that wear() i.trifggli;ng: . but against the destruction of the very ground work of our whole political system.. The ultimate question, truly at istuels the possibility of pernue. nent existence of a powerful Republic. That is the question to how solved, and by, the biessing., of GO, wenietti” that it Shall not be our faUlt if it tio• not solved favorably.' • ' Wo have, during the past year, made mighty strides toward such a, solution and to all human appearance" we approach its completion. - But whatever reverses may happen—what , - ever blood and treasure may bo' required—whatever sacrifices may-be necessary- 7 there will remain the in exorable determination of our people to fight out this thing to the'endto' preserve and perpetuate this Union. They - halm swo'a that not one star shall' he- reft front the constellation,. nor its clustered brightness bo dimmed hy_treaSon and, savagery, and they with keep their ()mil l . A. 0% 1 C .. A lido follow not more than' 'five years of age, hearing some gentle men at :As-lather's table . diseusstn4o-.the• familiar• lino; "An honest inan 4 s 4 the' noblest, work of God," said.4e lnloty it• wasn't. true; his mother Nag :better; than any man that- wa , s ever 'nuclei,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers