The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 13, 1864, Image 1
TERMS OF THE GLOBE, Per annurn,an exitance BIT. mouths ' . . . . , . three months SO A failure to notify a difrontlrmance at lite expiration of the term subscribed for hill lie amitidered a new engage. neut. i—,.... TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 insoltion. 2 do. 3 do. Four lines or loss $ 22 $ 51 1 ,.& $ 20 inn square, (12 linos.) 20 7f, 1 00 Fero squares 1 00 ..... .„, 1 50 2 00 three squares 1 10 2 .2 3 00 Os er threO week , 111 , 1 less 1111,11 three months, 25 Cent. :lier sqaa, e for earl, itt.ertion. 3 , nontlis. 6 months. 12 months. 31s linen or less, $1 50 23 00 $5 00 _Me ...mare 3 00 5 00 7 00 Coo squares 5 00 0 00 10 00 Three squat es, 7 00 10 00 15 00 Your squat es, 0 00 13 00 .10 00 lhafft Co}ol.oo, 12 00 16 00- .... ....24 00 Doe columo . ` , O 00. ..... ...30 00..........50 00 Professional and 11.41,,,, Cards not eXCeeding Nur line!, One 'pear $3 00 Adlidniitrsitorns nail 17seentori . Notices, $1 75 Attie, tisentents not mnrked with the number of inser tions desired, scull he contlnned till forbid and charged Ir. cording to these terms. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE ,L CURRENCY, Wash iogton, July 22,'63 ) WHEREAS, By satisfactory evi dence prmentrd to the muleralgned, it has torn made to appear that 1110 First NR11 , 1) , l1 ( 1 11 , 1 1 Z or Hunting don, in the County of Ilniuttngdon. and State .if 1.4,1183 to:dn. has been duly organized ureter not neconiing to the requirements of the net of Congreno, mit n net to provide a nstional currency secured by a pledge of Quit. led States stocks, and to preside for the client/Ilion and redemption thereof. approved Wintery '25. 1163. nod Ime complied with all the provision , ' of sai.l act required to be complied with before coynmenring the haulm,. of Banking; Nnee. therefore, I, thigh McCulloch. Comp troller of the cuutirenry do hereby eel tidy Hint the raid Ylret National bank of Huntingdon. County of Hunting don, and State of Pennsylsatsia. Is antliorized to com mence the Moinoss of baulking under the act nforcenid. In testimony whera,f. I hereunto set my hand anal sent of Wilco this twenty-second day of July, 2663. 'MG II Ith•CULLOCII. (Seel of the Comp- Comptroller Comptroller ol cho -t troller of th e Cur- Currency. ( roncy. TJNIVERSA L CLOT S WRINER 1 =EWEN No. 1. Large Family ,Wringer, $lO,OO No. 2. Medium " 7,00 No. 2.1 " ' " f ' 6.00 No. 3. Small '1 - " 5,00 No. S. Large ,T,Totel, " 14,00 No, 18. Medium Laundryf t , r o t Tu n 118,00 No. 22. Large '' lorat.f 40,00 Nos. 2i. and 3 have no Cogs. All oth ers aro warranted. o. 2 is the sizo generally used in private families. ORANGE June, of tho "American Ag rieulturist," says of tho UNIVERSAL ULOTEtES WRINGER "A 01114 can readily wring oat a tilltfoll of clothes In a fore nfinottss. It in in tensity a Ohoriren SAVA! A Tlree Serra! and a Sranorn Serra! The Rasing or gm, anent, mill alarm pay a largo per Celltllg.e MI its coot. We think the machine much more than —pare for eve ry year" in tine baring of game:nig, Thera are wireral tanela, nenrly aka in general construction, him we con sider it important that the Wringer ho fitted m HI; Cogs. on hems ire nMan, or garments may clog tho 'alley P. Mid the rollers upon the eenuk-shaft slip anal tear the clothes, or the rill. Mer break lonso from the shaft. One own is one of the first make. and it Is es nom, AS tom( after nearly /OM ?Kan? COIVSTANI . V.Ye. Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is War ranted in every particular. X 9 Wringer can -be Durable wit4out Cog A good CANVASSER wanted in every town. MrOn receipt of the price from pla ces where no one is soiling, we will send the Wringer free of expense. For particulars and circulars ad limos R. C. BROWNING, 317 Broadway, N. Y Aug. 12, 'G3 MEN WANTED" FOR THE INVALID CORPS. Only those faithful soldiers alio, from ivenods or the Lordships of war.nie no longer fit for active tiehl duty, sill ha recessed in this Corps of Honor. Bnlistp)ents , ejll be for three }ears. unless sooner discharged. Pay sad allowance Coma as for officers and own of the IThised States Infamy: except that no in eminiu or is lice for en li s tm e nt will he allowed. Trio will not invalidate any po nsions or bounties a hlch mat be due for peerious ser. ices, y o r the can renienco of service, the men will be selected for three grades of duty. Those 3: ho are most efficient and able-bodied. and capable of performing guard duty. etc., Pill lie seined with muskets. and 1..1c11 , •il to coml.- alas 0(00 First Battalion. 7 hose of the neat degree of ellicieury. intliollog those who have lost a hand or an 9fm ;end the least i Fictive. Including those who knee lest a lout or leg, to the roitnmsfirs of the second or Third Battalions: they sill be armed with no orris he thllien mill lie to nest away ne provoo goartle and garrisons fer cities; gmirds for hoopitole ito.l r public huilduags; and as clerks. orderlies. Ac. If found 'leers.- .ry. the) mar be assigned to hots. itc. Acting Assistant Provost 3131 . 414 s General are author ised. to appoint officers of the Begular thnvice. or of the iiraltd et.rii.. In adiniootter the crab of enlistment to those men who hare completely fulfilled the prescribed conditions of A.llol.joit to the invalid Corp, silt 2. That the applicant ishnfit for service In the field. V. That lie is tit for the dui lea, or sotne of there, Indica ted above. n. That. if no now in the scribe, lie was honorably discharged. 4, That he is met-inn - Mos and deserving. For enliuUnrnt or nodose Info, nottion, apply to the Board tf Enrollment for the dieti iet In which the appli cant le n re,l,l«nt By order ofJ A MF.S, li, FRY, Provost Marshal General. J. 13 CAMPBELL Coptain and Provost Mar bal. Huntingdon, July 8, 1863. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, AIANUFACTURErt oF 611.VER WARS and btwonwwo ow VATCIIES, No. /48North Second at., Corner gnarry, PIIILIDELITLA Ire bee constantly on band nu a.oortment of Gold and & Silver Patent Levers, Lepjlte and Plain Watches, , Fine Gold Chains. Seals I,lpl Keys. Breast Pins, , Ear Rings, Finger hinge, Bracelets. Miniature ''.. Canes. Medallions. Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles. Spectacles, Silver Table, Desert. Ten, Salt and Mustattl Spoonst Sugar Spoons, Cups. Napkin Bing's. Fruit and flutter Knives. t•ldelds. Combs, Diamond Pointed Penn, etc.,--at of which mill be so4l /ow for Cash I ALL TOBIAS if CO'S best quality full jewelled Patent teser Movements constantly un band; also other Makers' of superior quality. N. 11.—OM Gold and Sayer bought for Cush. Sept. 9, 186.1-Iy. INSURE FOUR PROPERTY IN THE GIRARD Fire and lifarioe Insurance Co., • PErMALDEIRSIA. - to MARINE RISKS FIRE RISKS OILY TAKEN. Perpetual policies granted on brick and stone lonnaingn Limited policies grantud on frame or log budding's, mornbandin and furniture. te...Noprtmtunt note, rquired, consquenfly no CUSCO molts mode. R. ALLISON MILLER, L 41115,1863 Agt. for Huntingdon & q.,Uoining Cos TTOWARD ASSOCIATION, PIIILADELPIITA: Acrolcnt buritintion ettoldithed by spectra Endowment for the Relief of the Sick and Dittreutd, offitcfed end! Sirtttent and Epidemic Diseosee. and apeetally for the • Core of Distaw ts,f,,the Sand Organs. lk,i,tiee gife,u grgtie• by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Iteporte on rtuator.rhren. And other Dineaeen of the Sexual Organs, mad on the ner Herne:diem employee in the Diepeneary, eent to the a9',c.ted retopes, freer of charge. Two or three StOnitit for postage eriil ho neeentable. Marren, 1)11...1. SIT,ILLS:I 1104011 TON, Acting F or , geon, Howard Atotociation, No. 2 Poetic Ninth Stroet,Pl.ll. Adelihia, Pe. By order of the Director/I. EZRA D. President. (MO. FA rnotil GO, &aviary. 1)e. 31,1862.-Ir. Fino Cigars and Tobacco for sale at Lewis' Book Store PROTOMIAPII ALBlrms— , new urvi proved styles—just received' and for ut Rook Store- 111 WILLIAT4 LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL, XI X, SATCHELS, FORT•BIONNAIRS, PURSES, POCKET-BOORS, - PORTFOLIOS, - CARD CASES, SEGAR CASES, &e., &c., A handsome assortment just received At LEWIS' Book Store. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY Handsome and Useful Articles, Call at LEWIS' Book Store. SaR, A y COW.—Came to the residence toe oevupied by the sub•criber. Alezerir Prt a. er about the fli rt of Noseirtller brat. is tonal] Lu o wu.sp o tt, 4 l moety CoW, npirpqmprl to Ire ebow four yeern old The on nee is 1,111.110 d ict pane i e fn wen!, prove property. pay elm gee, and t .ko her neey, ether.lne nhe toll be dispoord of according to low. el Et/. W. 11DyliTT. Alexandria, Dee. If, 1n63, QT 11 AY 11E1 VERS.—Caine to the pre (J Miceli of hue in Mums tow itabip about the arid ofJ ono lost, two tleifere, tal to be about two year. old; one a red with Va w Lire lace—the other a bind: with white tace.,4ll%_, line owner is rewie.ted to conic forward. prole pip... ty, pay charge, and take them away otherwise they will be olvoNed of accinding to,law. Jn U. u. NEEDS. e. Y , 1b63 UNION STEAM MILLS. WM. R. HUGHES, WILLMORE, Cambria minty, Pa., Donlcr in Cherry, Ash, Poplar, Sugar White ..Lifaple, Bass and liendoe4 lumber. Bills of frame lumber furnished on short notice. WM. R. HUGHES Nov. 13,1803-3m* TXtE PARIS M4NT/I4LA, CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM. No. 920 CHESTNUT Srcet, (formerly No. 708,) PHILADELPHIA. .0. W. PROCTOR & CO. invite the attention of their Friends to theta largo and superb stock of FINE CLOAKS AND FURS, unparalleled in any former season— The inereaaed neeommodotion afforded in our new lota. Hon, enables us to devote the fullest attention to the • FUR DEPARTMENT, millet, will bo found well furniqlied with ere, y doscrlptlon Of FIRST CLASS Firi(O, m inCh wilt be jrneranteoZi RS repre sented. or the money paid null be refunded. ORDERS per mail Wit) be carefully sttended to. and de livered. Express chatgoi pod. any dietetic.. Roble 0110 U J. W. VlC”Cloit CO.. Sep 0,1803-Iy. No. 020 Chuttpit sttoet, Plilla. DIAItfES }OR. Received and for sale At LEWIS' Book Store puBLIc NOTICE. All persons interested will please tako anti: n. that the tunkmignod deputy Collector of H. 9. Internal Ito., nue for Huntingdon county. will attend nu tho Ist and &l Tuesdays nr each month, at the Jackson (tote!, in the borough of Huntingdon, to receive taxes, &c., eunitneuc= In; on the Ft.h.44-I.Y. MEE@ U. S. HO's! 1=1:3=1 The Secretary of the Treasnry his not yet giren notices ofany intention to a ithdraw this popular Loin from ..ale At Per, Cud until ten Jays notice Is given. the nuclei - N.lm, ed. as •'lteneral Subseripton Agent," will eeethtue to ern , ply the public, The allele tunoutst of the Loan Aullowized is Flye lion Aired Nlllliona of pol Jars. N••arly Four Handfed Millions hate beer, alre.triy Aattscrlbed (or and paid Into the Treas ury, mostly within the toot R, Yell 010a1119. Thin lat ge de mand ream abroad. and the rapidly increns,ing home de mand for use no the bus!, (•r elrculatjon by National Banking Associations now organizing In all parts of the country. win, In a very Wien period. abierb the balance. Sales have lately tonged from ten to fifteen millions netkly, frequently exceeding three millions daily, and as It is well kneon that the Secretary of the Treasuly line ample and unfailing resources In the Duties on Imports and Internal hevenues, and in the Issue of the Interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notre. It Is almost a cer tainty that tie %ill not find it necessary. for a long time to come, to sock a market fur any other lung or pertnt, mint Loans, Tip; p.TI:Rr.S•I' AND pluseir4i, wurcri lOW I'AYAIILN.: IN GOLD, Prudence an I 'el Gintere,t lutist torte this minds of those Collieniplatlng the formation of Notional Honking Associ ations, as sell as the tottula of all who have idle money en their hands. to the prompt conclusion that they should lose no time in eons:Dl/Jog to this most popular Loan. It Alll 80011 be beyond their teach, and advance to is hand sotlicPventillin. as ens the result with the "Soven•Thlrty" MAIL Islloll it uns all sold and could no longer be sub ecrit,d brat p tr. It Is a six pi r cent. Loon, the Interest and Principal payable In Coin, thus yielding over Nine per cent. per an untn at the present rate of prumiom on coin The Govetnment requires all dative on imparts to bo paid in Coin; these dtities hove, for a long time past, amounted to over a Quarter of a Million of Dollars daily. a sum nearly three times greater than that requili d In the payment of the interest on all the 5.20's and other permanent Loans. So that it is hoped that the surplus Coin in the Treasury, at no distant day, will enablo the tiuittd States to resinno sprat, payments upon all Habil'. Des. The Loan Is called 4-20 from the [act that tho Bonds mai r,nn for 20 years, yet tho aovernmont hoe a right to pay thrra grin Gobl, at par, at any I.into after h. yeah. The interest is paid half} early, viz :--ou the first days of November and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Donde, which are payabl to barer, and are $OO, 01(.0, pa), and $l,OOO. or ilogis tered Bonds of Caine denominations, and in addition, $5OOO and $lO,OOO. For Banking purposes and for investments of Trust-monies the Registered Bonds aro preferable. These 5-20's cannot be taxed by States, cities, towns or counties, and the Government tax on them Is only one and a half per Cunt., on the amount of Income, when the. income of the holder exceeds Six lin tidied dollars per an mum,#ll other investments, such as Income from Stunt gages, Helloed Stock and Bonds, etc , mutt pay from three to life per cent. tax on theft:iconic. Banks and Rankers throughout the Country null con. lion° to dispose of the Ilm4s, end all grdets by mall. or others , lie, promptly attended to. Thu fllCOlMllllenco of a few days' delay In the delivery of the Bonds Is unavoidable, the demand being so great but as interest cornmonces from the day of stmseription, no to,s is occasioned, and every effort Is being made to diminish the delay. ' SAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AOENT 13.4 South Third Street, Phila December 2, 1833. GOO PENS, AMS POCKE I T-AWVP,S, A now Weir of the boss manufacture, just received and for Buie fit tiEWIS' Book gtore FANCY FURS, FANCY FURS n Importation awl Man , of nil iho different kind., and go Bitten of FANCY FUR:. for Locher and arddr,n, tnid Wlll be nom daring the Fall end Minter sea•oo,. tieing the direct Importer or all my Fors from terope, nnd hiring them mnnitinctur:d under my°, n supervision, enables tee to offer ley textentere mu! the Public a mat hendsomiT Set of Far% for the same mewl. L 10110•1 pleve giro me a tall before purchn.lng I .Ca^ Remember tPe number and street: John Pmein , , (New Per 'kV^. - 18 Arch Street, Pitllndelphlii. Sept. ID. I Se3.-fen NEW GOODS ! • NEW GOODS ! I 25 fER CENT. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION Would Tbapectfolly ran the attention of him old patrons ■pecmily, And the poblic In general, to lils exten+ire stock of well "elected new Goode. just rceeit'etl trout the F:astern riticl , conArtitig, hi vet t, Qt Dry GOOllll, Clothing, Wool en Ware, Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bonnets.. Shawls, Circu lars, Hardware, Queensware, Gro ceries, Wood and Willow-ware, Tobacco, Segars. Nails, Glass, Provisions, Oil, Fish, Salt, Tinware, Cop per Ware, Drugs and ' Medicines, Clocks, Watches, &c. ;nil all other 'idle]. kept Inn tint elms country store; 11 ticketed with thu greatest cart , and which %era pin , chased for c.tsli only, and arthrift him to tall them nt a very low figure. Tho public will and ft to their advs.. tags to Coil and exondno our uneurpassod,stock, before pinch/wing elsoahere. No pains will' be spared in show ing our tionols.ilos aro spwcially Invited to examine our large stack of Cushion:lWe dress goods; Shawls. Cie • minis. Furs, a great misty of Woolen good; Hosts t7, All kinds nt prodnee taken In exclianga at Um highest market pi ices —Cash not refused. by strict attention to thn w ants of customers, era hope toreoelvna continuation of the liberal p•dronngo with which we have been hereto fore favor.d. Conic ono and all, and Thy. *.a,.!sen (foods ntelyeil W. A. - STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE—In Brick Row nearly oppo site Court House, on Hill Street, Ilunt ingdon, Pa. lluntlngdon, De. IC, 1563. DESERTI4.II) FROM TILE U. S. A. Corporal VICTOR V. DOMILIEWIT. Co. 31, 10th t • natta. Vat C.onlry. aged 22 Tears; 6 feet. 8 Inches high, blue eyes. !1r.% II lisle; by occupation a cal pciiter, Said Doughei ty aas enlisted In llutitingdun. to., .lugntt 25, 11,13, vas oppduied into tho net vicu in Philadelphia, to serve tIN eu y ems. . . . . Also--Ptivato Wlll. HOUCK', Co. 51, 19th P. V. Cavalry, nod 10 Lb feet. 5 Welles hizlt. blue eyes. dad( blur, for comulexton, and by °cowmanu a blackmail', Said Houck was entailatl ut Ilwalltvlou, to serge far three yearn. A reward of s34lie uttered lot tho tti rest atid deltrel y of a Is or eitlwrol tlw above-n.toted deserters, Dela, 1663 TAVERN I,III.II',NSES. 'l'ilo following persons here filed in the office of um Clerk of the Court of Qom to Sessions of II tall inolon (aunty, glut petitions for lieenees to keep Inn, or Toy ern, in emit comity and olden rill he presented to the Judge of 61.1110. n uu thu third Sloutley of Jouatr) next tar ellounoce : Augonun U. Crirto, trued Top City, k I Miele th Cooketoun. AtLum 3larkiesburg. John KU) IL , Alopodrio. JADES CLARKE W. C. WAGONER, Clerk ORleo. witloplon, Dec, 10, 1503. 11 0 0 1+; Y AND EONFECTIONERV STORE, UN 1110/AD ORNIAIt, It AI I,ItOAD stictarr. LEWIS W. BRABSON neepectfull3 law ma the public re:neatly. that he has opened n new tit ..,ery and Contectionery Store at the awe place, ehoro he is prepared to furnish all articles in his Iwo or Inasincto. tuAl carnratly 111Vit4S all to call And exatoll n Ns stash. Huntingdon, Dug. 23, W ANT EP 10,000 13ushols Wheat, 5,000 Corn, 10,000 " Oats, 1,000 Ryo. For which the highest price will be paid for in cash. LLOYD & HENRY, • _Yew Warehouse, Dec. 23. 1563-It. HUNTINGDON. A Fine article of Family Flour, for /ionic by 1.1.9170 & HENRY. A LL kinds of Steel, Iron, Nails, 4e., Li. for mle by LLOYD ¢ LIENRY, BBL., Sack, and Dairy Salt, wholesale k ,pd Itetnil, by LLOYD & II EN RV'. TEW York Salt. in large MIL, fig Bale by LIMY,D UENICI. UST received, a large stock of Al acke rel—Nos.l, 2, and 3, llbjs., X bbls . , ly bbjs. and for sale by L11e234t1 1,1,01 D de /In COFFEE ! COFFEE! I TIN - UNIVERSALLY APPROVED NONPAREIL, and other favorite brands of treat ground COFFEE, TEE EAGLE STEAM SPICE AND COFFEE WORKS, NW, 244, 246 & 248 Nth. Front St., De23—Gm] VARNISHES, PAINTS & GLASS. WE offer to Dealers, Coach-makers ' 1 1 and Ilona° Pandora. at the very toned nett cash prices the beet Coach and atbinat Vitrngshes ; beet While ze4; tench and A met lean Zioca: Chrome Greene ond Droll Aid .1,-ppy Wachs, and It NI) aaaortunnit of alt thofiner Air colors—such 1181 ref Ipilitept, Lakes. into Col. o r, be. paint wad Vat oialt Ditalon, of R C. %la the bast make tilazier's Diamond.. /tall Points; - . 11 Paint }idle: aitntle and doubt,' thick dos% of all dead ip (fapq, and all 31,itifintla need by Howie nod Co icli Paint. ere—e. hid. no o.ltaell as cheap, If not cheaper, thin any other home. Train the fact that no keep don n our expen. ties b.) condneting oqj business person dly. RAU—one 01'00Qum—for many yenramnnufne tutrd the Varnhhes, told by the Into C. eeltrack. We feel confident that our Vanialies. ale equal. if not superior. to nay uitatufactured in Ole country. We \sit, rant them to give entire sittintactton, Rad if not as repreartinat, the money n ill be reheated. Giro us it call befoto purchasing elsen here. d liberal discount glade to the fr 414. FELTOIs.I & KAU, Nov. 13G S 133 Nth youirrit Street. corner Cherry. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 11, }SG.",-Gm. YOU will 2pd rim Lnrgpat, and pest Prese OcToAs at P P HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1864. .701111 FA RI•:IIIA, 'lB ARCH Street plow Eightb. flood. side, IttoLtor.t.rntt. Insporteret %Into!6actor -o'mM D.raterinonltlrois r FANCY FURS. Sro lA and weer. I ileira L , return my taolo to my Intnd. .r miaow!. awl 1110 sun• muting Countie, for telr eery liberal patron s• extended to me doting e tat fo. r PO.lO. 11114 JO id ray to lbem tbat I .vo now in xfntc. of my I= El= SAM.. S. fIUYNTT. Copt. Co. 3f, I.JU neg., FOR SALT AT Comer or New St., Plahtilulphin HOWARD \VORRELL -PERSEVERE.- Ely 61Joht, HUNTINGDON, PA. Horse hospitals in Witshingtou. PrAfauxurs):4 7 Deo. 28. Washington, 218 thn "base of sup. plies," to the immense Army of the Potomac, furnishes many glimpses that convey some impreSsion of the magni tude of the job, as some term it, of carrying-on the war. The phases of' the times arc a study, and often amid the crushing turmoil that marks this ago of contliet, one finds things pleas ant to look into, as showing that the ill wind of war blows good in soap a its eddies. The streets, urowded with busy forms, aro an entertainment, for more leisure hours' than we bin Often spare. The picturesque abounds to an eye trained to the monotonous current that fills the streets of other cities; striking scenes attract constant attention, and awake thollglitS that are hardly arous ed by merely reading of the war. The long trains of 8111 btII:I9I.WS, that yrter an engagement wind through the ave nues, carrying the ktifferin;: from the trains to the hospitals, send to the heart a thrill of pity, that ends in a prayer for peace. - Tho trains of artillery that thunder at full speed over the stones, stir the heart to a quicker boating, and the fierce animal sensation of active cour age .carries the mind to the battle-field, arousing sympathy with those who storm again and again linos of fire and sword. Prom the ponderous, slow-moving wagons conveying supplies, drawn by patient,•long enduring draught horses, OHO is impressed with a proud con sciousness of the profusion that loads and reloads these seemingly endless processions with their burdens of mu• unions of war, and alloy pro\•isions and comforts. The space not occupied by these more conspicuous objects, is full of spirited forms. Horse/non dash here and there; officers with gaily lined capes, followed by well mounted . or derlies, gallop by - , side and side with the contraband who caries his all in doubtful ter.ure on his back. Ladies riding boldly, hurry timid pedestrians on the crossings, and boys catching the spirit, carry - apprehension to all well regulated minds. The horse that takes his grain from It 1)811'd-head, and puts back his cars at all passers-by, is V. more Inlet pie uu'sz is -animal whose, nose is by the shoulder of the littlo an imated contraband hitching pcisr, that grasps ft strap, with anticipation of a shinplaster reWard, larger or smaller, as the heart of the rider is elevated by the result of his mission, So it is in this Babylon ; hoyses furnish a great part of Os of Ca 61 - CseriJo, and it is the more enjoyable part, fur they are well kept, and full of spirit, spirit, that does not 1101, sad as is often the timance of their This well kept look . of these beasts is very notieaffie here, and the strength' that next to steam aids man, seems guarded and rewarded with care. By the kindness of Capt. Tompkins, a member of one of the New York hostorical families, we have had an op portunity of i»specting thoroughly the system that protects, and economizes army horses, arid we are delighted, as well as surprisod, this i11111)00$0 branch of army care. To give some idea of the extent of the corrales and horse hospitals in this city,.wo will commence with some sta tistics to show the capacity demanded fu the protection of horses in govern ment use in the vicinity, and for the rest and cure of those that are disabled by hard service. The number of hor nes for which preparations aro com plete, is thirty thousand. the force of men required to manage them, includ ing ambu la rice and team drivers, smiths and workmen, is about fourteen thou sand, a body larger than the United States army three years ago ; and the monthly expenditures about two mil lions of dollars. All this huge business is reduced to a system under the Man agement of Captain Tompkins, and it is one that is accomplishing great re sults in ninny ways. We will, if the reader will follow us, carry hint through, as well as we may, these stables, that old Hercules would have despaired of keeping in or!./er.---- Landing from a comfortable ambu lance, drawn by two of Uncle Sam's army horses, a pair of beautiful bays, in front of one of these stables, we go in a door, opened by a guard, and find ourselves in the medicine rooms. On shelves, as at a druggists, in perfect order, stands rows of bottles, jars and cases, that contain the remedies for all the diseases of horses. The care evi dent, shows that wr mg prescriptions aro unknown, and one would not mind trusting health to the skill that is so apparent. From this office eve go in to a yard, surrounded by rows of long low buildings. Some aro the stables, some are sheds that shelter wagons and ambulanees. The construction - of these hastily erected 'buildings is admirable. The plans are simplo, but every requisite ; is secured, while no piece of timber is unnecessarily used. The outside walls form the heads of the stalls, the braces that support the rooPt make the divisions between them, while . the high space under the roof is clear, to per fectly ventilate the whole. The floors aro made by mixing limo wi,th the soli, and aro white, firm, but elastic), and absorb moistaro readily. They aro kept clean to a nicety, so clean, indeed, that a Congressman would hesitate before spitting on them. yilling those long rows of stalls are /N Vj • I ' : a 1..!- •-•-•:'- ..'.... . .'.:' N ' ..- ... . • horses for the time -"exempt from draft," idly switching their tails. and thinking, if horses meditate, that their coltish days were happy ones, when they }licked up their heels in Northern meadows. From them they are led to a central place, where by forcible but kind means, medicines aro given, and where they are waslied and clear ed from parasites. This and a walk to the water trough is the amount of the exercise of these invalid beaSts. . All the di,ciplino shows the military training infused by the superintending officer. His quick eye detects instant ly any deviation from regularity and order, and such orders as "Pick up that broom, man," "Take up that hay from the floor," &c., were not often needed, Am rarely is anything out of place. Tito capacity of the larger stables is four thousand horses each, requiring, of course, a large range of buildings. In addition, where ambulances are kept, sheds aril mado for the better classes of th,ml, while long rows of those less worthy of' care stand in or• der about the court. Tho employees at each 13 tablo live in the place. A house for the purpose has a dining-room and kitchen where the men are comfortably fed. Anoth er has rough bunks, where they sleep loom comfortably than-the soldiers in the front. They are under discipline to a certain extent, as guard-houses and other little military fixtures show. All these thing:4, and many unmen tioned, form a stable, with oyery con nection perfect, and one feels that they are merciful men, who show so much mercy to their beasts. From one lumens!) establishment we go to another, all similar, but at each something new strikes our at tention. At ono we see a fine steam fire-engine, and learn that there are three of thesei -stationed to protect these buildings from fire, sided by wa ter buckets constantly full, and axes always ready. At another wo find 4 NM of mills, twelve run of 60110 each, driven by eight horses, and tended by a lot of contrabands, all whirling away, grind ing corn and oats, and cutting hay, to prevent waste. Again we see arrange ments for branding horses and mules, where a row of three are shut up so ingeniously thatthey cannot kick each other, or aiQ, Cling else. Prom all this we turn to a shop. where a busy sound of hammers fills our ears, an pdor of burnt horn comes to our smell, and smoke dims our eyes. Peering through the latter wo Elea a long row •of torges surrounded by smiths, half visible by the dim day light, aided by the glow of the tuna cos. Above them hang hundreds of horseshoes, strung as housewives string apples to dry, from which they are lte• lug token to be fitted to the horses that stand in long rows tied to ropes. A fancier of horse physiognomy would study with delight the row of hoods that hang over the ropo. Old stagers look sleepy while shoes aro be ing nailed to their hoofs; thorough breds show some nervous feelings, but are to brace to yield to the uneasiness that renders so restless the colt that is strtiggling against iris first salt of iron shoes. Passing between these• handsome heads and the furnaces, we find at the end of the building mountains ofshoes, made in Troy, waiting to be worn into the Virginia !nod. The size of this smithy will be un der,tood when it is stated that three thousand horses Inwo been shod hero in ono day. Over the way from this is a hospit al for invalid wagons, ambulances, &e., and hero many army conveyances are made. Here are wagons crutehed up suffering amputation of a wheel or two, or taking remedies for chronic weak springs, or continued want of paint. They go through the hands of wagon surgeons, and come out for ac tive service, or for the ir valid corps of easy journeys. There is a similar establishment for crazy harnesses and overworked sad• dies, so that under the command of Captain Tompkins all concerning the material for trAnsportation are fur, nisbed, repaired, (ihr cured, and cared for. Tho thmisands of mon employed in this branch of the service, are exerting their profession' service, under th'e, guidance of educated, eeientific men, and are learning daily lessons of care, watchfulness, order, and kindness, which they will carry to t.beir homes, when the bright day of peace comes, to the advantage of the whole land. We saw a foreman instantly dis charged recently, for making a young horse draw by tying an inch rope around his jaw, and fastening it to another cart, thus dragging him on by force, cutting his mouth, and endang ering his jaw. rt was a pleasure to see Ignorant.oruelty so promptly pun ished. Altogether this arrangement fur horses reflects credit on the minds and hearts of the management, and will reward the attention of those interes ted in the ways of war. General nalleelf, Jo his report, makes the following statement: "The waste end destruction of cav alry horses in our delTiOo has proved an'evil Pf such nu as to require some immediate and efficient remedy. In the Army of the Potomac, there are regiments of cavalry, aver aging, for the last six months, from 10,000 to 14,000 men piesent for duty. Tho issnos of cavalry horses to the ar my, for the same period, has been as follows : In May 5,673 In Juno 6.327 In July 4,716 In August 6,499 In September - 5,821 TERMS, $1,50 a year iu adv&iice. In October Totil To this number should be. added the horses captured from the enemy hnd taken from the c itizens, making an average - remount of every two months. We have now in our service some 223 regiments of cavalry, which will require, at the same rate as the Army of the Potomac, the issue with in the coming year of 433,0 . 00 cavalry horses. EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. CHENEY, Editor, , To whom all ‘Oomniunicatioaspa tha sub jeekof Edueotien should be addressed, From the ranee. School Joon:tel. The Teacher's Authority, Outside of the School Room. In a former issue of our monthly, "an afflicted teacher" propounded the following questions: . 1. "Does the teacher have charge of the children from the time they btart in the !Doming till they reach home at ni g ht 7" 2. "If they quarrel on the way to and from school and persuasion thils, who shall correct them•?" 3. "Suppose the little ones, by per mission of parents, get dismissed half an hour before the close of the school, who then shall have authority over them on their way home? - the case be any different from what it would be, if they remained till 4 o'- clock? I ask for myself and several other afflicted ones. We want to know oar duty, and then are willing to do Thoso questions involve one of th - p most important and difficult points in school management. Tho "Jaw of tho State, that Is the Statute Law, throws no light on the subject. Indeed the Statute does not so much as define the length of the school day; so that by that law the toucher does not know when "his day is done." Many such matters aro de cidod by general usago, or special a greement, or the order of the agent or committee having jurisdiction in the premises. The principles of tho "Com mon Law," and the decisions of the courts upon special cases tried hoforo thorn, coustitnte our guide in such mat ters. Ono of the oldest and beet establish ed principles of the common law, is, that the teacher stands fit loco parentis and for the time being is invested with the parent's authority. Thus, while he is in school, the child is lawfully un der the teacher's control, and is not subject to any petty interference of parents, Hero, as elsewhere, however the courts, interpreting the common law, are governed by what seems rea sonable in the promises. A parent, for good moon ; would doubtless bo justi fied in requiring the child to leave the school room even against the orders of the teacher, and the courts are com petent to decide between them. This point, however, the nature, of the tea cher's authority in the school room, not being raised by our "afflicted" friend, we pass to the point of greater diffi culty, viz: Does the teacher's authority extend beyond the school room, and if so, how lar Here, too, the principle.of reasonableness is to be consulted. Is it riot reasonable that the teacher should interest himself for the welfare of his pupils when they aro outside the school room ? When they aro in the neighborhood of the school room, com ing or going or pia% ng around' the door at recess, or within a reasonable distance of the school ro o m , ; it, nny other time or place, does not tire Pa rent expect and desire that the teacher should hcye r> watchfid care over the child ? Is it not a reasonable' expee-, Lotion ? ktid if it is reasonable that the timelier should exercise such a RI: porvision of the children, in behalf of the parents, is there not. a reasonable ness, nay, evbn a ne&.ssity.thatllle tea cher be invested with authority to the , same extent? And if authority is given him to take care of the children so far as he can, even when beyond the school premises, then ho must have authority to restrain and punish if need be. In a word, while a teach or, guided by his OWn sense of duty and a regard to the wishes of the 'pa rents, seeks to exercise the wisest and kindest control over his pupils, ho must be invested with a corresponding authority. But our questioner [tilts whether the teacher has rightful charge of the chil dren '-from the time they start, until they reach home." Let us apply the principle of reasonableness again. The parent is not less interested in the care of the child than is the teacher, and must be supposed to know more of the child's conduct when near home, than the teacher can know. When, there fore the child comes within the, pres ence, or near to the premises of the parent, he naturally passes from the control of the teacher to 'that of • the parent. But again, there may bo more or loss of the way in which the child is under the immediate eye of neither, parent nor teacher. What then Is there such wiring as a joint interest and a joint control, a control not con fined to one party or the other? This seems to bo the reasonable understan ding. As idust be the ease with the father and mother - in the management of their children in the family, so as between teacher and parent, there may- be a joint jurisdiction. Either party or both may, with pro. priety, watch over, restrain, or punish the pupil, as the nature of the case may demand, It is not always clear in which party the major authority resides. But if one party has taken any matter in band to' investigate, or discipline, thceothor party may wisely JOB PRINTING oPFICE. 11" E "GLOBE JOB OFFICE'!- the me*Veomplete of any In the onitqtry, *.pd :VP*. sesoei elipinoet ample, hiellittee for promptly emecutheits the best style, every variety of Job Prineingi such a* IA_ND- BILLS; "- r - - PROGIOVDIMES; -" BLANRS. POSTE/IS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, •- BALL _TICKETS, - LABELS; - &C., &C., AO. NO. 29. CALL AND STANIN/2 m.20170:18 Or WORM, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & SIUSIO STORM. co-operate Or May,'perhapS more wise ly, leave the management case in the first bands. To ititerfer,e,, ex capt for the clearest good reasons, is a very unwise and . inipolito, course. Thus the second question is answered. Either the teacher ol• the parent may administer the necessary correction; and both may do it, if they judge necessary. - In' answeringthe' - hist qnesticiiV;Wis •general...tefres:_ Itimf, the case is the same,--whether the pupil remains until the'close,of .school, roc is dismissed by permission 0 parents, tup,since".it is ordinarily"- e;cpepted or implied that - ii from the school hoiiso directly to 3 the hone° of his parents' ( Some :other place, to which lteiS oe.nt by them,-any fail ark ,to tl o so, any : d e lay, or; miscon : dnet by ,ile)ihy is niOre.Ulamewrthy,' for that 'reason; and should: be "more carefully investigated by ' - theleticher. Thus tlio responsibility Red the atit,hoi-- ity of the teacher in such a; case.'seems a shade fuller than it might otherwise . 7,030 35,079 - But our friend . , the good lady" Who has 'propounded theselqUeStiona , 'May still -be at loss to know heron tliority with that. of, hold her district,--or how:to hold itla•conr, currence with them. Perhaps spirit of coectirrence is' not apparent among the:people for whose .. - children 13110 )0b9113 W 11,1) Ff 3 ,11111,0 h '.Cho dispOsition to oppose end, .find 'fault with tho teacher is too often 'Manifog ; tod. • It is safe to.advide '-teachers' to leave to parental . managenient.all oa= ses of misdemeanor not; affecting,the character of the school, unlesa•the . pa.; rent distinctly Wishes the:teacher . to attend to it. - But:there are- eases'- SO immediately involving the inter - Mite and cherticterofthe school, -its , disci pline or its.progross in , atudy, that the teacher is compelled, by everY,Princi ; ple df proPriety, to take ccgnizatied - .4 it.—Profanity, personal injury 4.ind to a school 'mate; ttircliimis,—or ans other misbehavior room, which has a direct, influence within the soiled' .room- or pupils, should be investighted - and'a`d.l justed by the teacher.: If a pupil, OW his way home should,enternn orchard and steal from its owner, or should, commit any other criminal offence, it would be better to leave .the in' the hands of parental or municipal-an: thority. At the same. time the teach.: or would have a morel duty in the . premises. Other cases will require tho exer cise of a cool and careful judgment` or good common sense, which is: ciftoich better guide than any common The positions. taken in the above-, n,re ply, we believe. are strictly i,aecort dance with the decisions' of the courts: In a more formal report, to be issued soon upon this and kindred topicti, wtr shall cite the authorities, and, present the whole matter „more Moine Teacher.. Enrron.. A dark house is always an unheal ! : thy house, always an, ill-aired - house, alwUys a dirty boa's°, 'rant of light steps growth, and pro Motes: scrofulai, rickets, etc., among Children:. People' lose lose their health in'a dark hens°, end if they get ill they . 6694, - get Well . again in it. Tbreo out of many' neg::. ligencies and ignoranaes in managing' the health of houses genera* I will hero mention as Spechnens. First; that the female head in 'Charge of any . bnikling does not think it'oecessarylo visit every hole and corner of it eVerf . day: How can ago 'expect tliat _thee.; under her Will be more carefitf. to maintain her house in, a - healthy_-con.; dition than she who is in charge of Secondly, that it iS not'essential to to sun and'elean'rOornswliro nein . ; habited; which is simply ignoring the_ first elementary notion -of sanitary things, and laying the ground for' all kinds of disease." Third, that one window is considered enough_ to air room.—Don't imagine . that if you who are in charge don't hook to till these things yourself, those., will be more careful than'you are..'" It . ape pears as ifithe part:Of the nr,tistrosOM to complain of her servants atictto ee l copt their excuses—not to show theirii how there need be no complaints 'Ori excuses made.—Florence iYighdingate SHERIDAN once succeeded adirdiably in entrapping a Imlay .. member; who, was in the habit of interruPtirig everk speaker with the cries Of "hear; heart"' Bririsley took an oppertnuity tp to .a. well known pblitical 'character of the time, who really wished to play . the rogue, but bad only sense enough to play the fool, "Where rest:Waled Sheridan in - continuation, end • with great emphasis. "where shall wet #nd' a inure foolish knave or a more linay. ish fool than this ?" "Ilear,, heart" was instantly bellowed from the aeons-. tomed bench. The wit bowed--;thank,; ed the gentleman for his ready - reply, to the questiobi and sat dawn timid' convulsions ,of laughter from all blab the unfortunate subject. AN enraged parent bad jerked his , provoking son across his knee, and was operating Rpm) the exp,osetl pen tion of the urchin's person with great vehemence, when the- young one'dng' into the parental log with his,yenom,- ous little teeth: "Blazes; what aro you biting me for?"' - "Well, Who -b'e, ginned. this ero war ?" . . • . CHANOYAABLE.—Tije weather =I BILL HEADS, A Dark House,-