The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 06, 1864, Image 3

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    Contp. C. 53rd Regt.—W e had the plain a rule, which would appear to
pleasure on Monday last, of taking by partake only of' a business nature, but •
_____ the hand, Capt. Smith and Lieut. 31e nevertheless we feel confident that
• 4 ,
JN , PA . Laughlin of Co. C. 53d hest. They such is to be seen; and if. perhaps, it 1
and their company hare volunteered W • ice— as not such intention that induced • 4 0
is • 4 13.4.... 4. 18 6 4 ......).•• •im wiloo 4. • 44
_darning, , Jan. 6 1864. for three„ttgi years i‘ more, and are at home the operators to frame sneh a rule, it • JANUARY. ' AUGUST. - I '
•on zurioi for a short time. No is a popular desire it may now be made Bittn' T It 8 CALL AT BM T WIT FI 81,
,00Ais & PERSONAL. company has teen more active service such
.-.....w11N*. than Co. C. of the 53rd, and they de• It has always been our opinion that
1: 11 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: LEWIS' BOOK STORE —l2 al Cil 0 i
7 8 9 10111 12113;
14 16 18 17 18 19 201
Vasil OP JANUARY.-Remorseless serve well of the loyal people of old if the operators would only exercise 17 18 19 20 2128 23
Time still rolls on, unmindful of the -Huntingdon. God bless the more authority, and show the miners 24 165 26 27 28 29 30 Huntingdon, Pa.; 21 22 23124126 28197
28 20 30 31 ... - -
;orrows or grievancds of mankind, dnd boys of Co. C. they are indifferent as to what course • • 7 1 012, • -
....,______ •
triniss us to realize the fact that we they take, instead of leaving them •• .• IIMMII• •
t= A Jubilee.—The patriotism of Porter •
are now at the stand-point,whetto Wm- have the reins, they would suffer less BAD 0 K S
township was in town in all its glory SEPTEMBER. •
inconvenience and loss from the nu
inences the execution of a great na- - - .A.ll - 13
on Monday last. It threw all other 8 MTWTPIS 8 111 T W T r 8
tional edict,—dreaded by somo as the • inertias strikes; for then the miners,
townships and boroughs in the county . -/ 23 4 6 6 ST.A- 1 1 -1 1.0N - MR:r
'Teiol of terror." * Now is the time to knowing that they must have work or 7 8 9101112 13 4 61 0 7 8 910
ts' !ri the shade. Indeed we have not
try men's souls; for some would, un- starve, will willingly yield to the most 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 OP ALL KINDS, 11 12 1 13 14 15,10 1?
learned by any of our exchanges in 21 22 23 24 26 20 27 118112021 22123124
doubtedly, rather see the hosts of the advantageous conditions to the opera- 25.20 27 1 28 29 1 30 1 ...
the State, that the patriotism oft or- -•-•- " - - WALL PAPER,!...I- -I-I-I-I
-I.ebel Lee penetrating the north, mark- tors.
ter township has been equalled. • . . • •
ing distil . pathway with blood and de& ......—______ More rules of a stricter nature aro •• a inmeresss •••
fr. 4 6411w A,, ,• Window Shades and Fixtures, .:* 4lllll m. 4 :'
blation, than to'receive the notice that ste s . We experienced during the let- needed before the dealers in coal can .0 . ,
their names are drawn, and it falls to ter part of last week, the coldest wet- be prepared to meet Hilly the great -- -- - 7
• 1 8 MTWTF 8 1 1818 IT IWIT P 8
their lot to take arms in defence of
Cher of the season, and, indeed, for demands, and live in less dread of the I
.: 1 2 g 4 4 Pocket Books, Pocket Knives,
their country. Such men as these are several years January Ist was the detrimental strikes of the miners. It 6,7 891011 12 2 3 4 6 6 7 8
13 14 16 18 /7 18 19 &C., &C., &C.. 9 10 11 12 13 14 16
the very ones whom Fortune should coldest day. Wo do not know how is unnecessary to explain of what char
-20 21 22 29 24 28 28 . lO 17 AD 20 21 22
abandon. They will have to prepare low the mercury was, but we do know actor, but, it they would look more to 27 28 29 30 31 - ... 23 24 25120 27128 20
. ... ... ... ... - ... ...
ill'. the issue, as the law must be en- that it was as cold as we cared about their own interests by giving repeated
• •
cheeks to the self governing pride of •
forced; and if they are drafted, they feeling. .• • • 4111111111.111 •• • •• • lIIIIIMIII •• •
the miners, instances would rapidly •
have their choice, to go l f esignedly— CALENDAR FOR 11364. We occupy accumulate where rules could be ap- -
or doggishly, if they wi—and fight; space in our columns to give the Cal- -
"Globe" Job Office.
or else go boldly and pay their 8300. endar for 1864 to our subscribers, plied in which they could clearly sec 8 MTW TPB 8 MITIWI TIP S
r. - how to work more to their advantage 1-• - 1 21 3 4 6
..„ o f which they ono clip and put up in their 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 6 7 8 9'lo 11 12
We do not wish to be understood to ghe 61ohe, ,13 14 16,18117 18 19
A . re _ places of business, or wherever most mean that the operator should tyran- . 10 11 12 19 14 15 10
17 18 19 20 2132 23 .3
$1,50 a year payed:lld in advance. 120 21 ; 22;234 26 28
L 27 28 / 20 23 12 • . ...
was needed. Copies of the same on card nizo26 28 27 28 29 30
over the'
miner, as the overseer
- - - - - ..
bout can be had on application at our book over the slave, for we must recollect • • • •
oom store. •••• mamma ••• amms ••• moms ••• 0• 81 10 1 0. •••
he is a human bein& o made of the same •
tied l MAY
materialas ourseves, but that more
as_ The rebels a short time ago JUNE. JULY. DECEMBER.
ons took nine oyster boats on the James respect should be demanded, and eve- 831 TWT P 8 8 SITWTF 8 BSI TIWTP 8 S3tTW T P 8
we River. The dealers took advantage ry thing •work in the order of the em- 1234 5 8 7 ---1 2 3 4 7.. •7 7•7 •7.7 - 1
2 - •- •- •- / 2 3 .
in- er to the employee. 8 9101112 1314 50 7 8 910 11 3456 7 8 9 4.5,6 7 8 910
of this, and raised the price of this PlnY 1518 17 18 19 20 21 12 18 14 15 10 17 18 10 11,12 13 14 15,10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17
' e
luxury, and we learn some of our ea- Should such a policy be enforced 22 29 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18;19 20 21 22'23 18 10 20 21 22 23 24
d loon keepers have done likewise. none would suffer, but, on the contra- 29 SO 31 -- - - 26 27 28 29 30 - - 24 25 1 26 27 2829'30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
I. ry, all would be benefited; the interest • •
- CLARK'S SCHOOL VISITOR—VOIUMe and security of the operator would •• • imoom ••• Ammons ••
: % i v u o g u n i
d i e nbte • • - •
VIII —A Day School Monthly.—The —the communit , at largeB.)
favored in this 3 "new order
VISITOR will commence its eighth eel- of things "—and even the miner him
ume with the January number, 1864. self', who, before, through the influence
This is the only Day School Periodical of his fellows, was compelled to join in - semamismimalis
published at at the strike, would then have rush are I gEW GOODS I NEW GOODS !I j rY"
strietion removed, and be enabled to
labor in a more temperate sphere, and
lead a more unit trot life, which must THE CHEAPEST!
inevitably insure his success.
BURUTAR FOILED.—The homily of
Mrs. Crewitt, an estimable widow, re
i+iding at the eastern end of town was
disturbed on Z.Vednesday night about
JO o'clock by hearing - a noise in a room
on the second story, which resembled
footsteps. Upon going to the room
their imaginations were found to prove
true, and on the - discovery of the in
truder he was shot'at, when be imme
diately sprang to the window and
leaped through, breaking a greater
part of the lower sash, but not, how
ever, before the son of Mrs. Crewitt
'shot at him again. It is supposed he
had entered the house early in the eve
ning and waited in some safe retreat
the retirement of the inmates, so as to
Commit his depredations in the dead
of night. Nothing was stolen, but the
culprit may feel thankful be escaped
vith a whole -hide, and take warning
by this lesson.
the officerspf the government are doing
their duty by stripping the uniforms,
or tutting the buttons off individuals
who think themselves soldiers. It is
known, or ought, to be known, that no
person is allowed to wear or retain any
article belonging to the Government,
or that formerly belonged to the Gov
ernment, unless he has been in the
United States service, and if.examin
cd, can show his certificate of dis
charge front said service. Should the
officers commence and strictly enforce
their. ,authority in this respect, many
who have never seen service would
qUickly abaildon that - which they know
is no honor for them to wear. Let
him ohly who has been in battle with
them, have all the honor in wearing
ne.,..the juveniles were on hand on
New Year's day according to notice,
and we were again entertained in the
distribution of gifts: • Our object in
this distribution was not only to please
the little ones, but also to Ascertain
how many there were in this neigh
borhood. We received over four hun
dred calls but think oven this falls a
"hundred or two short of the whole
nuMber in the borough. We would
advise any person who wishes to dis•
cover" the different natures of children
to engage for a time in the -Free Gift
Chance Distribution Enterprise. Our
word for it he will be interested and
delighted, and will not regret the sac
rifice he made.
Se - Thu "sports" had a gay time on
New Year's eve in trying to upturn
the borough. They (lid not succeed,
however, and resulted only in upturn
ing same boxes, and displacing a few
signs, attended with a great deal of
hubbub. It would have been better
for them had they been in bed, and
not disturbed people' in their slumbers.
. 1 -Fun is fun," when put to a good use,
but when such acts are perpetrated by
such poisons in the middle of the night,
they have all the "sport" to themselves
and it is lost to those who know how
to appreciate better and genuine fun.
_Wm YEAR'S DAY.—This day passed
away with less mirth among the older
folks than on Christinas; as there was
no ice to give those enjoyment who
love skating, and with the exception
of more bustle, consequent upon the
number of people in town, it was mar
ked with the same monotony of an
ordinary day. We trust all, the
younger ones especially, will bear in
mind that it ushered in the leap year
SERENADE.—On Tuesday night we
were again serenaded by our young
friends of the string baud. We were
commencing to think they had "play
ed out," having heard no music from
that source for some time past, but
-upon being awakened by the enliven
ing strains discoursed by them, the
thought vanished, and we now give
thorn liberty to call again.
SW" C6l. J. J. Lawrence, of the Phil.
adelphia & Erie Railroad, was with us
a few days last week. We understand
that this road will be in operation from
Sunbury west, as far as St. Mary's, by
the sth inst., leaving,yet to complete
some twenty five miles, to which there
is nothing to be done but to lay down
the iron, the entire road being already
Magazine form, beautifully illustra
ted. Nev type, new features; Read
ings, Music, Speeches, Dialogues, Sto
ries, Puzzles, &c., &e., from the very
best writers.
The VISITOR has the largest circula
tion of any Educational Journal pub
lished. Now is the time to form clubs
for Winter Schools. Send for a speci
men, and see inducements to clubs.
Address with two cunt stamp,
J. W. DAIJOHADAY, Publisher,
Philadelphia, Pa
or editress, of Godey's Lady's Book
asks, "have you ever seen the Grecian
Wriggle? It is practiced by all ladies
that wear hoops. It is done in cross
ing gutters. The hands do not touch
the dress, but the wriggle part sends
the dress to an angle 45 on the right,
and the Grecian part of it is to sling
it to an ogle 45 on the left, and so es
cape the gutter. It is a beautiful
movement, uncomingly graceful; but it
requires particularly that a lady dd'
have no holes in her stockings."
ILtra. BURNED.—On Christmas eve,
Union Hall, Johnstown, Cambria co.,
Penna , was consumed by firo. The
Catholic Orphans' Fair was being held
there at the time, and every article
was destroyed. Some adjacent build
ings were also much damaged. The
fire is presumed to have been caused
by a defective flue. The amount of
loss is not known.
Accident—On Monday morning, the
passenger train of the H. & B T. R R.
Co., met with a serious accident about
a mile and a half from town, caused
by the . breaking of a rail. Henry
Fisher, who ran to the front platform
was thrown under the car and drag
ged for ten or fifteen feet. Although
very seriously injured no bones were
broken. Several other persons were
slightly hurt. The car is a total wreck.
The Banner township.—Porter town
ship has made up her full quota for
the draft which will take place this
month. The men all came to town
on Monday and were mustered into
service. A sufficient sum was subscri
bed by the citizens of the township to
secure the volunteering of the men.
Good for the patriotism of Porter.
RECRUITS will be received for Co. C,
53d Rogt., P. V. V., at the Franklin
House, Huntingdon, and at Markles
te,,, The public schools opened again
on Monday last.
[For the Globe.]
A Goon STEP.-At a meeting of all
the Broad Top Coal Operators, the fol.
lowing rule was unanimously adopted,
and ordered to be printed and posted
in a conspicuous place at each Colliery
on Broad Top:
"To obviate the inconvenience and
loss which have heretofore occurred to
both miner and operator, from the mi
ners so frequently changing from one
Colliery to another during the month,
hereafter no miner can be employed
between the fifth and the close of the
month without a written discharge
from his last employer."
This is a rule of no strict nature, but
in it wo see a lurking spirit of inde
pendence in its authors which is striv
ing to make itself manifest. It appears
to us that in that simple rule the opc.,
rators wish to make known to the mi
nors and the world that they will rule
in their own affairs, and that no insin
uations, threats, nor outbreaks of the
minors will change their determica
, lion. This is much to discover in so
Who died at her Father's residoce in
Huntingdon, Pa. Dec. 26, 1863.
The subject of this notice, under the
influence and training. of Maternal pi
ety, remembered her Creator in the
days of her youth, and at the ago of
15 years, under the ministry of Rev.
J. Munroe, gave her heart to God, and
her name to the Di. E. Church, and
from the day of her Spiritual birth, to
the day of her transition to heaven,
she gave evidence of the genuineness
of her conversion by her devotion to
God, and the church of her choicer
Unhappily married in the year ' 1819,
the subsequent years of her life were
not only chequered, but strongly mar
ked by domestic trouble and deep
mental anguish. ':The captain of our
salvation was made perfect this suffer.
ing" and by the same process dill he
purify and perfect this saint of his.
There was gold in the crucible, and it
came out without the dross, reflecting
the pure image of the heavenly refl.
nor. Resigning her children to the
care of her father, and God, she there-
by cut every tie that 'bound her to
earth, and fur the last month of her
stay below, she seemed more an in
of heaven than earth; a, hear
only radiance illumined her counte
nance, not a cloud intercepted the vis
ion of her future joy. The last day of
life on earth arrived; and as gradually
as calmly, and as mildly bright as the
sun sinks to his golden bed, and re
flects back his setting glories, so grad
ually, calmly and brightly did she
pass away, audibly exclaiming as she
left us "all is over, Glory to God.'
"She is not dea, but sleepeth. Je
sus says "I am the resurrection and
the life." Now the stone is rolled
away from the mouth of the sepul
chre—the dream of the alchemist is
realized—the elixir of immortality is
gained. The master has spoken and
the groat heart of despairing humani
ty throbs to the glad ovangels.
ten—"Ho that liveth and believeth on
me shall never die," is hoard above au
tumnal blight and wintry winds over
the graves of thou of our loved—amid
withering grass and falling leaf and
fading flower and dying friends.
Father, mother, sisters, children of
the deceased,—yon mourn a friend—
Let your mourning be turned into
gladness by the hope of the resurrec
tion. She is not the body you depos
ited beneath the sod. The shape she
wore is sleeping ther . e hut she in her
identity is still living, and shall live
Rejoice for friends safe housed above
the region of shade and storm. Sing
f'ur• them.
'fly the bright waters now thy lot in east
Joy , or thee happy friend, thy bark bath pissed
The rough seas tenni.
Now the long yearnings of thy soul are stilled
Homo, Ilano, thy pond Ii won, thy heart Is piled
Thou art gone /101110.. r
On the 31st of Dee. by Rev. G. IV
Zahniser, MR. SAMUEL 1105 IAN to Miss
114trrtn A. DEA.N, both of Storferstown
Arrival of 500 Exchanged Prisoners.
Fortress Monroe, Dec. 29
The flag of truce boat Now York
arrived lust evening from City Point
with upwards of five hundred prison•
ers, the exchange for the equal num
ber sent to them by General Butler.
The rebel authorities have notified the
GnMeral that they will not receive an
other flag of truce from here, and will
not listen to any further propositions
for regulating the exchange of prison
ers from him. This is done under the
pretext of Jeff. Davis' proclamation.
issued nearly a year ago, denunciato
ry of General Butler, and notwith
standing they have now received the
five hundred men he has sent them,
and returned man for man, but they
have also received medicines from the
General and acknowledged the same
hv.friendly letters
SEGAR CASES, &c., &0.,
A handsome assortment just received
.LIPAIIIS' Book Store
OF ,
Handsome and Useful Articles,
Call at LEWIS' Book Store
A beautiful assortment of PHOTO
GRAPH ALBUMS just received and
for sale •
A regular annual meeting of the Huntingdon
count). Agrioniturot Society +./11 bo held in the loon
liana° ou faysilay osnultio. Jammu 12th. 1161. for the
pilllo,lo or eh cling officers for the !lint] iug )Car and trano.
acting other Mislay.. connected 0 iii the Society. The
officers of the mint:intim,. togeth xith all ethers inter.
tolled hi the Agricultnral afhtirs of the c *unto are Invited
to attend. Ity order and in behalf of tit. society.
Dee. aa. ,Seey.
Prost& nt. Jot.; Po l / 2 1er, AleXafelrfa ; nee. S. e'r., Ran.
McDivitt, Thu101)00'11; Afrika. Huntingdon; Cur.
Secy.. It. At. Specs. Huntingdon ; T. a:tourer, tioorgo Jack
son, Huntingdon; LibrAria 1, 1. 11. drainer, Iluutinplun
. .713RORS;
Samuel Bolingei:, farmer, Tell
Henry Brumbaugh, farmer, Peini
Wm M Bell, farmer, Shirley
George M Bell, farmer, Jackson
Henry Barrack, bri.Jklayer, Penn
Henry Beers, teacher, Cromwell
Edmund C Colder, farmer, Porter
George Davis, farmer, Morris
It A Dorsey, merchant,, Morris
Robert Grafilus, firmer, Porter
John Grove, farmer, Walker
John Henderson, farmer, West
Enoch Isenberg, filmier, Porter
Alain Lightner i farmer, West
John Morrow, farmer, Dublin
Jonathan Montague, farmer, Cromwell
J din B Myton, farmer, West
T E Orbison, merchant, Cromwell
James S Oaks, firmer, Jackson •
S B Russell, blacksmith, Warriornek
Elias Rodgers, watchman, Shirley
James Stewart, farmer, Morris
J M Stonebraker, agent, Brady
Thomas Wilson, farmer, Springfield.
John Archery, tanner, Franklin.
John Anrandt, farmer, Tod.
Jacob Booher. fanner, Springfield
Isaac Buck, farmer, Warriormark
David Clarkson, J. P., Cassville
Andrew Crmsley, farmer, Penn
John Covert, mason, Springfield
John Chileote, farmer. Cromwell
Robert Cunningham, flintier; Porter
David Cree, chairmaker, Watrriornek
John Cunningham, farmer, Union
Silas A Cresswell, gentleman, Barrel)
Ja11113:4 Dean, plasterer, Alexandria
N C Decker, gentleman, Huntingdon
W Dorris, jr., gentleman, Huntingdon
David Dunn, merchant. Huntingdon
Jacob Fouso, thrmer, Walker
George IV Gettig, M.T., Union
Saral. F. GeiSsinger ' farmer,
Robt L Henderson, farmer, Franklin
Thomas Huston, sr., farmer, Jackson.
John Hall, farmer, Oneida
Wm Johnston, tanner, Shirloysburg
Jacob Kyle, farmer, Morris
David Lynn, farmer, Hopewell
James Moore, firmer, Oneida
David MeGarvey, farmer, Shirley
%V J McGervcy, farmer. Brads. .
Grans Miller, gentleman, Huntingdon
Thos Morrison, miller, Brady
Samuel McClain, farmer, Cuss
Isaac Peightal, farmer, Penn
James C Parsons. farmer, Tell
Geo Rupert, 'minimal:or, Henderson
George Rudy, farmer, Jackson
William Rutter, farmer, Cromwell
John Stewart, innkeeper, Brady
John M Smith, farmer, Jackson
Jacob Sharrer, laborer, Walker
Henry Smolker, farmer, Shirley
William Sims, clerk, Franklin
James Thompson, blacksmith, West
David F Tussoy, farmer, Porter
George %V Wilson, farmer, West
Wallheater, tanner, Alexandria .
R B Wigton, gentleman, Huntingdon
Andrew WilsoL, farmer, Dublin
Wr:tr, Franliii„
J. B
ttlil relmeetfolly call the attention of his old patrons
miletklly, and the public In,l.' hie "extelfilie
stock of well eclect•d slew Goods, just ieetlved hum the
Eastern consiethig, I o part, of
Dry Goods,.
Clothing, Wool•
en Warp, Notions.
nmA anti Caps, Boots and"-
Shoes, B amen'. Shawls,.eircui
Zara, Hardware. gneensveate, Ore.
eeriee. IVund and Willow-ware, Tobacco,
Sellars. N.tils; Giagg, PrnrittionA,
-Oil, Fish, Salt, Tinware, Cop
per Ware, Drage and
Medicine., Melt.,
Wodellep, &e.
and all olltsr articles kept to a first class conntry store:
ell mehmted with the greatest pwe and witch went par
clewed for cAsh only. and afforde him to sell them at
very !lON figure. The piddle will tint it to their when
logo to cull and ex wait.: our unsurpar.ed stock. Moro
purchasing elsunhere. Nu paiu4 will be spared in show.
tog our duals. Lulls are specially invited to examine
our Liege stock of fashion ride deo. gash; Shawls. Cir•
coral, Pun, a id a great iariety of Woolen goods, llosie
ry. kn.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange at the high st
market prices —Cash not refused. thy strict ;Monad 14
the .Antva cislitnillers. we hope to receive a continual tat
of the ib,er.rl patronage n ith which we havo been hereto
r,,,„ Ibsen, d. „Come one and all, and TILT. • k
110. New Goads received daily.
OFFICE—In Brick Row nearly oppo
site Court House, on Hill Street, Ilunt
ingdon, Pa.
Iluntingdop, Ac. 16, 1363:
Corporal VICTOR V. DOUGHNIITY. Co. M, 19th
Vol Cdrulry, aged 21 yens; u feet. 8 !riches high,
blue (1.4, broo ti ball ;by occupation carpenter. Said
Dougherty waa enlisted in Huntingdon. Pa o August 29,
isnB , wan mustered into the service in Philadelphia, to
sere • three years.
ADo— Private WM. HOUCK. Co. M, 19th P. Y. Car dry.
aged 22 ; 5 feet. 5 inches-14h. blue eye*. dark hair file
complexion, and by ormiliat ion a blacl;emith. Paid ( hack
was enlisted ut Huntingdon, Pa., to servo for three year..
A reward of "Win offered fur the arrest nod delivery of
ea It ur either of tho above-named desertere.
Capt. co. M, 10th Reg., Pa. car
Del 6. 166.
WOOD & PEROT, 1136 Ridge avenue,
Offer for sale upon the malt favorable Ternie. N En' and
DEA on UL DRSIGNS in great sarb•ty, of IRON RAIL
and Cast Iron, and OA LVANIZED IRON and BRASS
and all other Iron Work of a Decorative ebardeter.
gigue forward° Ater eeleelion. Porson• opplying for the
lame. will Witee moo tbo kind of work noodoil.
rapt. 9,1893-3 m
PRO (31, A3IAT [0 N.---W II ERE AS ; by
a precept to me directed. &Hod at Huntingdon, the
2 at of November. A. D 1813, under the hands and seals
of the lion George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Plena, Uyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv
ery of the 2101 Judicial Dist, let of Pennsylvania, compo
sed of Huntingdon. Blair suit Cambria counties: and the
lions. itenjentin Y. Patton and William 11. Lem his auto&
ales, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as
signed. appointed to hoer. try and determine all and every
indictments made or taken fur or concerning all crimes,
A Nish by the taws of the State are nude capital, or felon
ies of death, and other offences. crimes and misdemeanors,
which hero been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe.
'rated. for came. aforesaid—l am commanded to make
politic proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Contmon Pleas and
Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Nutt flatten in the
borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (stud 11th
day) of January next, and flows who will prosecute the
said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it
shall ho just and that All Justices of the Peace, Coroner
and Constables within sold county, ho then and there in
their proper persons at 10 o'clock, a. to. of said day, with
their records, Inquititions. exantinations and remembran•
cos. to do those things which to their ofticce respectively
Dated at Huntingdon, thelSth of December, !tithe year of
one Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three,
and the ebtli year of American Independence.
GEO. W. JOHNSTON. Sheriff:
A Fine article of Family Flour, for
A LL kinds of Steel, Iron, Nails, &c.,
13, Fur We by . •LLOYD & HENRY.
11BL., Sack, and Dairy Salt, wholesale
and Detail, by LLOYD k HENRY.
VIM' York Salt in large Bbls., for sale
JUST received, a large stock of Macke
rel—Nom. I, 3, end 3. , 1.1b11., IA !AIL, 1 4 bur. sod
kitts for auto by t be234t) LLOYD & HENRY.
and other favorite broods of trenh ground COFFEE,
Nos, 244, 246 & 248 Nth. Front St.,
Corner of Now Bt., Philadelphia.
se- For neat JOB PRINTING, call at
the . -GL , cc au. l'itesTiNo Orelcr," nt }Tun.
t'a;aloa, Pa.
. .. ..
. . QTf, IS' co - w.—cimio - iLi-,. i -- 6-i - trziiiii) ,
i '.l I ' '
1,7 nu,. ...c..u1.1,11; the sub..crit.l.l-, In 4_ lex,tu 64. Po .
on or ,obont the ihot of Ndroutther loth a . Tu.& v. : iv t
• - ' brio on.opotted . numb coir,..uypuo.4 to he al. et- Lon
_ *bur teneo,okL Xho deyeetle I-equated to cow. M I T
. forward. rime., prop erty. Oki, chorgoe , and enke ho ..t..ty,
oaten/so 011.. MI be dinottdd at ottardlnet t0.10ve... •-
• OEO. Vr.111,171. 4 14.‘
• ' - Alexandria, Dec. 10. 1003",
The following persons' hove filed In 41wr °Moo' of
Clerk of tlnt Court of Quorter Sessions of-fluotingtlon
county. tint r petitions for lieensos to kystp Inuit or Tor
ros In sold county int.l witlnta 1•111,t4 prellrlittd to the
fTtnign of sold Court Ott thn tblrd noltriy of Jouttary unit
r 1/ii0.41110e . :
liguxtin. D. Cristo, "'frond Tap City. -
Francis Drunk, Cookotowie.
AitArAZfigl^-r, Morkloaleurg.
John gluts, Alcagatltio.
W. C. 'WAGONER, Clerks:
Clerk's 0171,5 r,
Hantlngplon,liee, le, 18133.
Cirargarr, Tnyl.Jr, et at ex S. Nnteekla, Jr., et ti.
311. hr sa W. C. McCalary, et nj.
: , I•try C. McCauley, de., ye The W. D. In. Co.
U. AD. C. Latrekia vn Michael Stone.
Sams 01 'Same.
.1 1) .ngh,rtv for nea , W. S Ent reit in. tor.
W. W. AD. C. Ent rekln CA tl. Stn. AJ. Ymtrek.
Hoary C. Rubins m w o.orge Sip w.
J. tlillam A airs for use so William Itolbrork.
John S. Travis vs Alexander Ambrotd, et 01
Samuel Fleming, is H0n..1. Stewart carer,
XII Sankey for 'lei vs Martin Walker.
.1. P. Anderson's no. - vs 11. my Orlady.
3. C. Watson's ad r..r 12,0 re (Jorge Hawn et at.
Peter 11. Clunpbell , vs Jana Ann Spier.
tw.a & SlaVitty to The Lyroming In. Co.
Valputitto Crouse vs JAMPS Bark..,.
U W. Slovene tor nee vs 11. W. Ohogow A hue.
Jacob Hollinger et el . so P. Drblenbaugh's exec . ?.
KY. C. W AtitlN ER,
Prothonotary's Omen, 7 Truly.
Huntingdon, Day. 23,1863.
. ANI.) •
Respectfully Inform the puldie generally. that he has
uponod a now Grocery and Confictiouary Blare at tho
elmee, oh.. be Is prepirod to furnish all articles
In hi, lino or kiismose. and earucatly Incites all e 0 call
and eel a his stock.
Ilutitiugdon, Doc. .3,
10,000 Bus Lela Wheat,
• 5,000 -Corn,
10,000 " Oats,
1,000 " • Rye.
For uhleh the leigheeet peke Vf Ili be valet fnr In cob
Nw Warehouse,
c. 23. t. HUNTINGDON
Orriccticarlrunner & BaoAn'Tue MOEITAIN It. It. CO,l
•N0.5.:3 bouth Srd St , Phi Wit„ Dee. 22,1512.
'KITE Annual Meeting cf the Steck
• holden! of the Huntingdon it Broad Top Mountain
rim road and Coal Company. will be held at the office of
the Company on Tiseaday.jainin"ry 11:th.1864 k ot eleven
o'clock. A. If, when an election will be held for :a Presi
dent atid twelve Dlrectori, to retro 'or the engulit year.
Iwo. as, 1563-td. J. P. AfiIITSEN, Secy.
SATE offer to Dealertt, Coaelrzttakers,
and 1101110 Painters. at- Abe vary
maces the best Coach Ifiniirtet Trarufrkesl,
hoot While Lead; reneb and A nun ihan Zinn; - -
Chrothe Ureefts and Yellen... Drop and Ivory
Black., and a full assortment of all thefincr `,;-,IIIF
,—suds to. Vermillion., Lakes. Tube Col.
ors, Ac , Also, Paint and Valais!, Ilrusheir, of
the brat molt.. tilazier'aDiarnondsand Points;
faint Mills; single mot double thick tasks, of all ileac*,
lions. and all idaaaisle used by-flousaiahl Coach.Palut•
era—whlch ma Weisel' as We.* if not-c4aper, then any
other bowie. flans the fockthat we keep down our expeu
sys by comincting oar business personalli.
'lr. It AU—one of the tirm—for malty years mzsufac.
lured tho Varnishes, sold by the late o.lleisraek. .1.6 h feel
Orient that our Varllintra,Rre tassa. ir sot ziporio , i
to any nuninfsetured in thiacouittey. We warrant Walla
to lase emite satisfaction, ast3 , ll l irist as represent... 4 Wu
money trill tn , refunded. titre teratalt bnforapntetalfalag
chewbero. ,4 IWorutd,fstoinst...pntsfeln Witre'.. •
Noi. 186& 131 Nth FOcitTil Street. cotoet Cherry.
Oct. 14, Ml—Gm
AND • •
Sop 30, 1803
A. ELTON & 004
Leather, Sumac, Si►eep & Call Skiu,
Ltatber, :uunc, and Skins, bongbt, nr bsld on Commik
A t,...• 11 are 11.1*2—:.n1
QTRAY lIEIFEII,B.-I=Cdtild to the pre•
mires of the sithiollben, In Morris to
about the first orJnnn two Ilblf st, supti . oe: .
od to be about two yeare old; one a red With
high; facts—the other h black with, white fare 4 "r:!'
The owner Is requested to come foreal.d,
ty, pay cloirgea. null take them nway otherwier they v
be disposed of wording to lute. JSO. JC, Stirelk;..^ '
llee. 2, 1203.*
iy11 1 14i01;E,
c'"Orif' eTinty,'„Pa.,
Denier in
. „
" Cherry, Ash, Fop'ar,,Stegttr
White Maple, Bess an! llemlock 'timber.
BIIIR of flerne lumber iurnisheil n
short notice.
Nov. 13,1863-3m*
FUR • EM . . I , i - O,R
No. 9111 CHESTNUT Srelt, (fortierly, Nn 70Rjr
•• •
J. W. pttricron &
the' atte,itide
Friends to Ihelt large and soporli Stock of
unparalleled In any former mason—
The incremed accommodation offordird ID our new
flan, eualdes us to devoto the tallest attention' to dot ;
which will be found well furnished with every*seilptloti,
of newt Cuts PURS, which will . ht guaranteed' ail repr♦
sentod. or tho money paid will ba refunded. t rt
ORDERS per mall will be carefully attended Co. anit•le.
livered. Express charges paid. any distance, )09.
ales. .. W. PROCTOIt i CO..
Sep 0,18034 y. No. 920 Chestnut street.
, Received and for We.
At LEWIS' ..13trOk StoraY
P IJBLIC NOTIOZ• . - ; ; •-,• ‘ l.
AU periousattetioVat will Ovule take mod. thins't n undetnlgnetrdoputy ColleMocot U:l3, Irderust-Ritnn, '
Due foriluntingtion Couuty. will B.ttavul qu the lit an
3d Teeidaye of etch mouth, at tittrJacknott Want; to Oil!
bosroat otth
tho of
Vtb Jul truntiodou, too recoil* touw, - .tc.; - c.nuuteuu.:
July 7th, Ittl: JAMES CLARICE
• • -
New Cheap and Oia,d
Dint-6'ooos, 01300ER1E5,,,,
• e - • • ANi) : -•-•
inet rocotred by than! sod Ballrocullu l he
'rind"lYeaf, and Tor Ala "it pfitTeme.::,r ,
Our itoelrt'olinfkr tilde* of •Dat,43oobs 10644
BOOTH and NOES for tut.
Children, of the WOO Bert'hliiiide of TOBACCO'
and :BOARS. OltoCtilt/LS efory Cud/triad
Willow-waronjall lands. _ . _
Steal, Iron and Naile, nab, Barrel and
Saok Salt; PiauttEr add
OE7 . The bigbeet price paid for All Wade Of tlriilu lu
Ca.h. „ .
For age at the no WAlrkdiatrt OW the CanA 44i
Itnntlngdoie, Dec. 2.1603.-4 t.
U. S. 5 211 S I
Tho Secretary of MG Tre.istiry has iviiixot gllin notices
of any intentioii to withdraw nal popular Lean dom rslo
at Per, and unfit ten days notice is iiiven, the iiiiittofelpt•
eQ, ad ithuseisitinhecripton Agent," alit continuo to eup
ply the public. •
'The el,holo amount of the *Mb filllthOrrY:T'ar I. Five
dred Atililone of Dollars. Nearly Poor
hero been Already subscribedfor und,puld into cho,Wregs.--
nry, mostly Within the last Evian month.: Vita-10.0 it.
mend froinabroad, and the replcityincreashig hymn pp...
mend fur ttso as the ' tails for - . elrettlatloe
Banking Asdociatluns now orgenlilng iu all parts of tI4
country, will, in a very abort perlod, - :ab i cirte eheltegaris ! ,
Sales have lately rerigoit ten, tei - fifteen millions
weekly, frequently exceeding three millions Minh - and - co
It le well known that the Secretery of ;the Traissary:ltlie L
ample and unfailing resources in tho Ylut4ea. on Import.
and Internal Havannas, and In the Issue at Lhe Ltterrot
bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is nlmott • cor.
taint,' that he will not End It nceesairy, for &long time
to come, to sock a market for any Other long or perms.
Prudence And roultintere.tionstforee the minds of those
contemplating the formation of National Banking Aiuloot
stions, as wolf as the minds Of all who have Idle imuley
on their hands, to the prompt cottelusttou thattlicry slapuld
lose no time In eubseribing to this most popular Lo ft
will soos be beyond their reach, and adtahce to a tdrid
some premium, as was the roceit With the "daven•Tbtrlei
Loon, it hon it was all sold and coal no longer be sub.
scribed terat par. . ,
It i. a WA pet Cent. LOnn, - an, ~Titt7rca! Algid Principe!
payable iu Cala, than rieldintraier Mae par teat. per §ut
num at ttio preirtit rate of premiere on add.. ,
The Clovers:meta requires all duties on Iroportl tg.b.l
paid In Coin these duties hare, fur Jr !wig tithe
amounted td over a Quarter of a Million of Dolleis
a suns nearly three times greater thati that reqtdred to
the payment of the interest the all the c- O'. and Other
Permanent Loan.. So that It le hoped that the siitifus
Coin in the. Treasury, at 11 . 9 distant Jay, ill( olinthi*
Ettlteirtu resume_ aptae paytradts upon 1411141,w.
Thu Lows Iv called 5-20 frolst the fetet that Altai de
ponds uiay ruu for 20 years, yet d o auf4 - uoig;sls lute a;
right to pay dam off fi CloYd, it par, itt 44 time alter
- - •'
Ms Interest Is paid half-pv.o7, vls a—on :the Ant daps
at Ncrrsmbsr and May. _.>.
Subscribed can have Coupon Bowls, which are payakt
to barer, and are $5O, $lOO, $5OO, and $l,OOO. or Regis
lured Bonds of same donoculnatiotts, and Id addition, $5OOO
and $lO,OOO. For Banking purposes and for Bisset:Coots
oCTrust•mouies the Rogistercd Boulde aro proferable.
The 520's cannot be taxed by Slates/tides, towns or
co,, , ,tieer. and, the tiovertirnint tot cm - titeirl is only QUO
4 suid'a half par cent, on the amount °Flamm.% whisi
income of the holder extends his Hundred dell arsper - an:
num , all other inrestmenta, each W lUbonfe from Herr
gageatirsdlzosobaStock and Bonds, etc., must paj from
three trtirepierltutih ta4r.,ob theifnetntie„ :
Itanktrarubßaukerrtitnaughput the Comms , will cox•
Mum to dtspomorthwilbudri gad nil cyrdera by mail, or
othertrf!te, oroaptki attended to. •'
The hiconvoulence of a few day.. delay In the delivery
of tho'Bon'ds is rin'aVoldablo, the demand being so greet
bat as interest commences from the day of subscription,
no lass is occasioned, and every effort is being made to
diminish the
JAY COoir.B;
114 South Third Street, Pine
Phdadalptlis, Dezember 7,1933.
.RCS Street
loy Eighth, sonth.ta,,,
Importer& 3lottufitstar.
rot and D.:310111Na kio ■
r FANOY FURS. tar Lai
and Chi/drou'n vied , i.
I llonre to return' my
asulka LU my tritleta
lutatingdou and elm am.
funding . Ceuutioa. for
toir very nett! patron ,
to eaten:lv:l:Wutr dortn::
to I.wt few 3 00.05 an I
amid , ta • P to theta ettltt :
11/4! /OW in store, of my
Importatioti and Map
uent of all the diffrrettt
CY }THE for Ladies .1`
Children, that will be morn during the t all and Ufthrter
Being the direct Trtiperte - r or nti my 'Sure Train limn,,
and having then] mann factored under toy own titpertilgOl
Kathiee me to offer my cnetontere WO the pulahe a mach
handsomer Set of furs for the mane, moot.). Lathes
pleaee give mo a call before fort:haring!
/EP Remember tbe uatuyounaber and 'Arnett Jobb
Sarvint, (New FurStorr, .71 . 8 ffrelbStreitt, rhiladelphia.
Sept. 1& 1e63.-5m
- . -
at the Nauufacturees'prWe-r-S4O to ..;z45,
11.t0.11-c .
`rot ' 1 1 4 ',