tke Otabl. fittNTINGDoN, PA. Wednesday- morning, Deo. 30,1863. W:Lewis, Editor and Proprietor Our Flag Forever. " I know of no mode in which a loyal citi zen may so well demonstrate his devotion to his country as by sustaining the Flag the Constitution and the Union, under all circum stances, and UNDER EVERY ADMINISTRATION REGARDLESS Or PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALL SAIUILSNTS, AT 110 MS AND LIIROAD."-STEPUEN A. DovcLAs. THE NEWS. The War 110W8 during the past week have not been of much interest. The armies on both sides aro practically in winter quarters, and no movements of moment are likely to be made North of Gens. Gilmore's and Banks' Depart ments before spring. Gen. Grant tins withdrawn his army around Chatt lu ooga, where he can procure supplies readily, and will winter there; Sher man has East Tennessee safe and wilt be content to hold it, and Meade is on the'Rappahannock where he must re main until a spring campaign can bo executed. We hope by that time to have armies so strong that when the old Flag advances it • will "take no step baokward." General Averill with his brave cav alry force has been doing ranch dam age to the rebels in Western Virginia. A few days'ago we heard of him in the neighborhood of Staunton. We now learn-that he penetrated on the 16th inst., to Salem, au ittiportant town 60 niiies on the Vir. ginla and Tennessee Railroad, destroy edthe telegraph and railroad track, burned the depots and a great quanti ty of stores, broke up seine bridges, and—for a time at least—effectually cut off Longstreet's communication with - Virginia. Retracing his steps northward, ho found four divisions of Rebels in his path, determined to fin ish him; but by a forced night march, and rushing by the Rebels without stopping to fight, ho came off with the loss' of a few sick and less than 100 ef fective soldiers. Considering the moun tainous and barren nature of the country, General Averill's men have done wonders. Christmas was quietly spent in the • camp of the Potomac army. The town of Culpepper and vicinity is now occupied hy_a strong force of our in fantry with batteries attached. • The greater part of the town of •Georgetown, S. C., was lately destroy ed by the rebels, for fear of it falling into the hands of the Union army. A large amount of merchandise and na 'cal stores were consumed. The Choctaw Chieftain MeCastin, with other rebel Indian loaders, came into our lines at Fort Smith, Ark., on the 25th, and surrendered to Gen. Mc- Neil. They have abandoned the Con federate alliance and profess a desire to avail themselves of the amnesty per the Presiclenta_Araus - oty—Promirnwo.• — facii -- L. Their example will hive a pow erful influence over all the Rebel tribes. Late news from Charleston denies that the Ironeides or Monitors wore destroyed as reported. They are all lying safe at their anchorage, and there was no prospect on the 27th of active operations. A despatch dated Washington, Doe. 26, says :—lt is not positively known yet that the draft will be postponed. Re-enlistments in the army are being made at a very rapid rate. Maly thousands will reenlist before January fifth. The following intelligence from N. Carolina has been received by an ar rival at New York: Newbern, Deo. 28.—The new oath of allegiance has been administered to a number of rebel officers and soldiers who have recently come into our lines by which they accept the pardon of fered by the President. They bring intelligence that a large number who are still in the rebel army will do likewise at their earliest opportunity. The plan of leasing out the aban doned plantations in Distern North Carolina, as adopted by Hon. David Heaton, Supervising agent of the Treasury Department at this place, in proving a great success to the Depart ment as well as of great benefit to the laboring classes of both' colors. TIIE official canvass of the election in Illinois, has just been completed, with the following result : Total 'Onion vote this year, Total "Democrat"vote.tbie year, Union majority this year. $0,096 "Democrat" majority last year, 16,668 Union gain on majorities, ; ;Tar, DAILY TELEGRAPH.—Those of bur readers who want a good dilly pa. pei from Harrisburg should subscribe for the - Daily Telegraph. Terms, $1,50 during the session 'of the Legiallture; 85 per annum. The property of forty persons has been confiscated in the district of Col umbia. Our Army Correspondence. eadquarters 12th Army Corps DEPARTMENT Or TUE CUMBERLAND. 1 TuLtanomn, Dec. 21, 1863. EDITOR GLOBE :—Wonders appear ! to have ceased for the present, and • consequently there is no feast to offer those whose appetite for daily surpri ses is unappeased. They may, how ever, find some solace in the assurance that as soon as this great military ma chinery is sufficiently lubricated a new volume of marvels will be issued. Un til that time. we may eontent ourselves with the delightful retrospect afforded by recent events, and confidently in dulge in bright anticipations. .It is a source of gratification to see the rapidity with which veteran vol unteers are being added to qur army. The old soldiers arc re-enlisting with alacrity, and the indications are that the veterans will form no small pro portion of the troops that will remain in the field after the expiration of the three year term. In this corps, which may be taken as an index to others, the movement is not confined to indi viduals, or even to small numbers, but the provisions and benefits offered by the Government are embraced by regimente, en-masse. During last week the 29th Penna. Vole., went North, 'having fulfilled the condition necessa ry to secure them a furlough of thirty days. They will soon be fbllowed by other regiments, of which I may name the 2nd Mass., 2d Wisconsin, and part of the 46th Penna. It is needless to add words in praise of these bravo men. They will find their reward in their own hearts, and the hearts of their countrymen. That they are willing to endure *another term of privations and sacrificed is a signifi cant illustration of the spirit that pre dominates in the army. It indicates a determination to persevere in the glorious work of preserving the Union of these States, to "fight till the last armed foe expires." It expresses con ficlence in the ability of the Govern ment to crush the rebellion, confidence in our commanders, and confidence in the national administration. Would that that spirit prevailed everywhere, that the universal sentiment of our' soldiers had due weight beyond the lines, that it had the power to at:milli- 1 late Northern eopperheadisin and treason as effectually as our arms are destined to eradicate similar princi ples from Southern soil. The Proclamation of Amnesty_came unexpectedly, but we all agree in say ing that it has not come. too soon. It is important to us, and will soon be much more so to the South, to know on what terms the - avenging hand of the Nation may be stayed, and how noble is the position she has assumed. She relaxes her-stern polity to.pity, and in her irresistible poiverthestoops to mercy. This course she pursues to the furthest extent that justice and the cause of good government will al low. Those who have been the au thors of sectional animosities, the in stigators of treason, and the leaders of rebellion, are reserved for the' fate that the common sentiment of the whole world would award to them. This proclaims us to be a nation at once firm, just, and merciful, meting out punishment' whom the inost demand it But though the course to be pursu ed in this matter is plainly marked out for us, there is a case that cannot be met in the same manner. There is no civil law applicable to the crime of which the Northern -copperheads have been guilty. Freedom of tho't and speech have been used to the det riment of the government that insures them so wide a province. And there really no punishment? Arc those who have refused to stand by their country in this hour of her peril to move among us hereafter with un blemished escutcheons ? Are their reputations to be fair and unpolluted ? Let it not be so. The power of public opinion should make itself felt. Not one should escape the moral lashing hat in-tin duo, and -what catty in time prove efficacious. Hospital 3d Division, Ist A. a 1 Dec. 22d 1863. Dear Globe :—I think I wrote to you from Rappahannock Station, whither we moved from Warrenton Junction, and remained long enough to make arrangements for the comfort of the patients; then broke up, and once more crossed the Rappahannock to Paoli Mills, a locality not found- on the map. It is said to bo no great dis tance from Kelley's Ford. In this vi cinity, the army of our "Southern bre thorn" had illustrated their ideas of rural architecture by building several good sized villages of comfortable log buts. Hero, no doubt, they proposed to winter; but the exposed condition of Gen. hleade's army excited their fraternal sympathies, to such a de gree, that they abandoned their cosy cabins to us, and we, "van dals" as wo aro, occupy them. As this eminent instance of southern moderation seems to have escaped the notice of the copperheads, I mention it for their benefit. I fear however, that even this surpassing exhibition of "brotherly kindness" has been lost up on the "Hessians" and the "Inneoln despotism." The removal of a hospital at this season of the year, is only to be excu sed when unavoidable. Some time is necessarily spent in fitting up the new quarters, before the patients can bo made comfortable, and in the interval, exposure decides fatally cases that previously gave hope of a favorable termination. At present our patients are as well provided for as any prob ably in the army of the Potomac. Three large hospital tents are joined forming one apartment. A channel is cut through the entire length, and covered with railroad iron. At prop er distances from the tent, this pas sage terminates, at one end is a chim ney, and at the other is a furnace. A good heating apparatus is thusformed. It requires a prodigious amount of wood, but forests - of oak are round us, and the former proprietors generously permit its consumption, without re monstranea. N. B.—Said quondam proprietoo aro not at home. Query.— Where erg' they?—Respectfully refer red to hiaseby. Our heppital comprises three wards similar to the One above dekeribed, and contains 78 patients. For some tiniarpast an unusual and startling 126,505 96,409 46,762 mortality has prevailed, in several hospitals, though how much of it is traceable to the cause I have mention ed, lam unable to say. At present, there is a visible improvement; how much of it is owing to the comfortable character of the quarters now occ.l - by the troops, I must also de cline to decide. • A sad incident occurred lately, ilhis trative of the vanity of earthly !lopes, and the suddenness with which hu man schemes and prospects vanish in to air. There is a great scarcity of boards for constructing bunks, and ho is counted specially fortunate who se cures even a limited suyply. A man of one of the Maryland regiments, showed to his captain an excellent board, and related, with great glee, the adroit manner in which he had secured it. Only a few days after ward, the same board was used, to form the bottom of a coffin, in which the body of the same man was sent to the embalmer's, and thence to his wife ! "Poor woman !" said one of his comrades to me, "it will set her crazy." "He was a good man" re marked his captain, sadly; "I was very much attached to him, and he to me." We have had cold weather 'during the present month, and one rain-storm of the true Virginia type, which left us hi the mud, and probably put a quietus on a contemplated movement. Thc - nsual symptoms of a move were appearing when th 6 rain came, since which we have hoard nothing of it. The most regular, handsome and comfortable camp in the Division, is agreed on all hands, to be that of 149th Pa. In visiting Co. I, I could not avoid contrasting their present really comfortable ar,d genteel cabins with the miserable excavations in which we burrowed last winter, at Belle Plain. Two ,of the company have gone home on furlough; Samuel Foust, and J. S. Gillam, who we hope are now enjoying the felicities of "home sweet home." Others aro patiently waiting their turn. J. S. B. (From the Notth American avd IL S. Oazette.) Afford Protection or Pay High Prices MR. EDITOR: Within the last few weeks several articles have appeared in the papers of this and other cities in reference to the high price of an thracite coal. Some writers ascribe this result to the avariciousness of the colliery operator; others have cast the - odtinn, pon-4.1.41_ traisspotti nx compa nies. As most of these animadversions have created unfavorable improstions in regard to the general coal trade, it may not be considered impolitic again to advert to this subject. While the scarcity of a commodity 'invariably adds to its value, it ,should not bo inferred that this value is en tirely regulated by its producer. Al though the evjl to which we refer in a great measure may bo attributithlo to designing speculators and combina tionists, it is thought that something may be said, which, while partially ex onerating the colliery operator, may satisfactorily trace to a considerable extent the high price of coal to other and more alarming causes. In general our mining population is composed of a conglomeration of Eu t,~:m nations. In most instances the foreign miner comes to our shores from a home, if it may be so called, where he has lived in the most abject condi tion. These emigrants arrive with visionary and exalted conceptions ; the good tidings of their friends and the fullness and plenty around - them, in duce the belief that they are entitled to the most extravagant compensation. Comfortless, oppressed by excessive taxation, humiliated by the sad fact that they are born to live and die with out oven a glimmering hope of ad vancement, naturally germinates the seeds of discontent; resistance follows oppression; their dejected state in their Dative districts results in combinations to oppose still further degradation.— Contaminated and prejudiced, the em igrant miner seeks the asylum of Ame rica. Hero be tastes-the cup of plen ty, and plucks from the tree of Free: dom that which in his own country ho has been taught to consider the for bidden fruit. Although retrospective ly happier and more prosperous, yet ambition, with the idea that still more can be gained, finally leads him to in• ter that his native shackles aro still about him. Thus, through ignorance and superstition, ho rudely and ungon•- erously strikes. That the difficulties and losses which not unfrcquently oc cur to the operator may be more fully appreciated, perhaps it may be proper hero briefly to allude to the nature of these outbreaks. to those out for exacting cx gcncten M. S. L Strikes, as they arc tech nically term ed, often I.rise from the most trivial causes, without a moment's warning -,r the least provocation. Indeed, tho operations of an entiro coal region for months have been suspended by the mere dismissal of ono evil-doer, who, without previous intimation to his fol low or his employer, in retaliation, posts a notice at the pit's mouth that no work can be done under the penal ty of death. Thus the evil spirits are aroused, and the honest plodding labo rer intimidated. So it is, and so it has been for the last eighteen months: Colliery opera tors have boon subjected to these sud den and unavoidable contingencies.— When the peculiarities of their business are considered, the extent of the capi tal employed, and the heavy and con stant expenses incurred, it cannot be otherwise than that the losses from these disasters add to the price of coal. Some of the desperadoes who settle in our mining regions, known in their own country as members of regularly. organized societies, encouraged bYthe scarcity of labdr, and stimulated by the leniency of our free institutions, have organized themselves into similar com. bivations in our coal districts, assu ming in various localities different titles, in order, if possible, -to disguise the strength and purposes of their associa tions. We are advised that their ob ject is to prevent emigration from ono colliery to another, to restrict the en ergy and industry of the respectable foreigner who refuses to co-operate; to secure labor for themselves; to direct who shall and who shall not bo em ployed; to regulate the cost of labor; to dictate the price of mining, and to control the operations of each colliery. By those unlawful means are governed at this time the great extl interests of the United States. Operators, manu• facturers and consumers, strange as it for Coal. may appear, aro alike sustaining these malicious combinatimis. The pebple of a free country who generously offer homes to the foreign miscreant are thus rewarded. To these causes, and not altogether to the cu pidity of tho coal operator or transpor ting companies, it is thought may be ascribed to a great-extent the present high price of coal ; So long as the col liery operator is exposed td these dis asters, so long as his production is cur tailed and his business taxed, with the consequent losses, the community must either pay high prices for coal or else assist in overcoming the evils to which we advert. It is thought that this can 1) o accom plished. Legislation is required which will more effectually guard the inter ests of the coal producer, by which capital will be encouraged to import from Europe the better and moro re liable classes, securing to it in the la bor of the emigrant the money inves ted in ameliorating his condition. Pro tection shoUld be given to the energy and industry of the respectable miner, who comes to our country in search of an honest livelihood; above all, laws should be enacted, and if necessary, the bayonet should be employed to crush the outbreaks of the "Molly in quires" and "Buckshot Rangers,' who disgrace our mining regions. We arc informed at this time that the operationi of one of the most pro ductive collieries in this State have been suspended for two months, sim ply because its owners declined to dis charge a worthy, enterprising work man, whose intelligence and conscien tious scruples prohibited his member ship to one of these malicious institu tions disguised under the plausible ap pellation of the "Union Benevolent Society." Our coal regions, relieved of these restrictions, with the abundance of capital seeking investment, and the extensive developments of the last 18 months in the various coal fields of Pennsylvania, with the "many that would necessarily follow, we feel satis fied, ore long, would place this essen tial commodity beyond the avaricious grasp of the designing speefila.tor, and amply reward each and every one, by the supply overreaching the demand in gaining the necessary legislation to accomplish this important purpose. We are gratified to hear that the formation of a Coal :Exchange in this city is:in contemplation. Its first and principal effort should be to sustain the honest laborer and adopt such a policy as would counteract the influ ence of - WI - eked:conspirators,- It should. establish in each mining region a branch society, the business or liich should be to 'Ascertain the name of each miscreant in its district.. The constitution and by-laws of each soci ety should exact such penalties from its members - as would prohibit further employment to the recreant. Each branch institution should tax its members for its support, according to their respective tonnage. The sec retary of each branch society should report the names of all miscreants to the secretary of the Coal Exchange, whose duty it should be to transmit them to the various branch societies of Pennsylvania; such men when thus advertised Would be 'excluded from occupation in our mining districts. May we hope that•if this should he the ob ject of the Coal-Exchfeet with the united and cordial support, of the producers, consumers, and trans porters of coal. ft is thought that enough has been said, at least to partially exonerate the colliery operator from all the cen sure which has been implied, and it is believed that when the policy of the President of the great coal-carrying road of our State has been justly scru tinized, the liberal and generous course which has influenced him will be most fully sustained. Disinterested Observer. BRIGADIER-GENERAL CORCOR AN [From the Phila. Limning Bulletin, Dee. 23 ) The last remains of one gallant corn• mender• of the Union army_ lame scarcely-been—consigned to thetomb, before another has been called from the scenes of his usefulness and valor. Brig. General Michael Corcoran, after nearly three years of devotion to the Union cause, during a great portion of which period ho was almost daily ex posed to death by the shells or bullets of the enemy, died last evening of in juries received by falling from his horse. Born in Carrowkeel, County Sligo, Ireland, September 21st, 1827, he came to this country in 1840, and selected Now York city for his future place of abode. In 1858, as the senior Captain of the celebrated Sixty-ninth Regiment, ho gained an honorable re putation among the military of New York. In August, 1859, ho became Colonel of the regiment, and was bro't more prominently into notice by his refusal to order out his command to do honor to Prince Albert, a bold step, which led to a court-martial, but be fore the trial had terminated the war commenced, and the proceedings were quashed. In April, 1861, he took his regiment to Virginia, and participated in the first battle of Bull Run. Ris heroism in that engagement, and the gallantry of his mon, are still vividly remembered by the country; and eve ry loyal citizen received with profound regret the tidings of his capture on that memorable day by the enemy.— Taken to Richmond, and from thence to almost every government prison in the South, he was finally selected as one of the captives who should be ex ecuted if the Union authorities hung certain captured pirates. Alter refu sing to accept release on condition he would not again bear arms against the South, ho was in August, 1862, releas ed, and was soon after appointed Brig adier General, his commission bearing date from the battle of Bull Run. Up on his return from Richmond ho was received with the most flattering ova tions in every Northern city through which he passed. lle subsequently was ordered to Suffolk, whore, in the numerous oiligagements and skirmish es fought in that section of Virginia, he again distinguished himself. Re cently he has been stationed in the vi cinity of Fairfax Court Rouse, near which place, it is stated, he received his fatal injuries. While stationed at Suffolk he had an unfortunate affair with Colonel Kimball, resulting in the death of the latter, but the verdict of the country was unanimous in favor of him whose sudden 'death we are now called upon to chronicle. \AAR FOR THE MN. Prom the Army of the Potottlac. No Retrograde Movement—The Rebels not Disposed to Assume the Offensive —Mitters to Comp. Washington, Dec. 22.—Information from the Army of the Potomac to night, says there is no indications of a retrograde movement toward Wash ington, as has been reported; nor is it believed that' the enemy, in their pre sent condition, arc able to give much annoyance. Their cavalry, which are diminishing considerably in our front, are not equal to the task of making . any formidable raid on our base of supplies, owing to the impoverished condition of their horses. The insuffi ciency of shoes and blankets, if the information of deserters can be relied upon, renders it equally 'improbable that Lee's infantry can be called from their strong position and comfortable shelters to undertake a campaign dur ing the rigors of winter. ' Tho probable number of ro.enlist moots into the veteran corps from the army of the Potomac is estimated at probably ten thousand. The Thirty Days' Furlough The delay in indicating the precise date of the thirty days' furlough has caused many to reconsider their first intention. The desire to vi4it their homes during th.o holidays has proved more powerful than the liberal boun ties offered for re-enlisting. Five and perhaps six companies of the MI New York have re-enlisted. and are expected to start homeward on Wednesday. This regiment has for a long time been filling the respon sible position of headquarters and pro vest guard. During that period over 20,000 prisoners have been received and turned over by them to the au thorities at Washington. The regi ment is temporarily commanded by Lieut Col. Butler The Oneida Cavalry, Captain Mann, an independent company attached to the Quartermaster's Department. are also re-enlisting, and will probably be sent home to recruit. The first Maryland Cavalry, Major Thistle:on, aro also making rapid movements in the same direction. ARKANSAS Attack on Port Gibson Repulsed—A Re connoissance— Threatened Attack ol Little Rock and Tort Smith. St. Louis, Dec. 21.—The Democrat has advises from Fort Smith, Arkan sas, dated yesterday, stating that an attack was made on the outposts of Fort Gibson on the 17th by the forces under Standwaite, 1,600 strong. The attack was repulsed, and the rebels tell back, pushing his force across the Arkansas, below Fort Gibson, and mo-, yin.: northeast. The 3d Wisconsin cavalry has just returned from a successful reconnois sance southward: They were within 15 miles of Red river, when, finding that the enemy had changed their po sition since last nth:ices, they were un able to proceed farther. Their return was a,constant succession of skirmish es for over 100 miles, strong bodies of the .onemy being posted on all the crossroads to intercept them. They cut their 'way through, and in some places evaded the rebel hosts by tak ing blind mountain passes. Their loss is trifling. Among the prisoners cap tured is the notorious Handy Lane, who boasts of baring killed over 100 Union citizens with his own hands. Information has been received that two-thirds of Kirby Smith's forces aro preparing to attack Little Rock, and that the balance, anticipating that ItlcNeill's force will be drawn away to reinforce General Steel, are to fall on Fort Smith. A communication from the Choctaw Chief, AlcCurtain, says that the Choc taws will not rejoin the rebel Cooper, aced - ho — tivairoa 411tel,i0W with.t,ten. McNeil, and says the tribe is disposed for peace. Our advance headquarters are at Waldron, 55 miles south, and our for ces frequently push down towards Washington, constantly annoying the rebel flank under General Price. Mysterious Abduction of a Lady Al Reign of Terror in Illinois.—The Springfield (Ill.) Journal gives the following particulars of a singular af fair: "A private letter from a lady at Richviow, Washington county, in this State, gives the particulars of a most mysterious outrage which was perpe trated at the residence of Mr. XL A. Linton, residing about four miles from Rich.view, on the night of the sth inst. "The writer says that a party of thirteen mon, disguised by handker chiefs tied over the lower part of their faces, and armed with navy revolvers, presented themselves at Mr. Linton's house about half past two o'clock-at night and demanded admittance.— When refused they threatened to break down the door. The spokesman of the party was recognized as a man who bad taken supper at Mr. Linton's the same evening under pretence of having lost his way to Haloton, the next town. "When admitted the party demand ed Gonorra : a daughter of Mr. Linton, by a former marriage, a beautiful and amiable girl of sixteen years of age, who had just returned home fron a boarding school in Ohio. She having just run down stairs to sco what was the matter, was seized by three ruffi ans, and told that she must go with them, dead or alive. Her father was totally unarmed, and powerless to do. fend her. The girl was dragged to her room, and after having been al lowed to dress herself, was forcibly carried to a buggy and driven off. As she was borne out at the door, she turned towards her father, raised her hands, and exclaimed, 'Oh, God V "A party of eight men NV CVO left to guard the house till daylight, to pre vent any alarm being given. During the night they paced around the house, knocking at the door, looking in at the window, rattling the glass, and taunting the wretched inmates by ask ing them how they liked evening calls, &e. No clue has been obtained to the abductors, or to the course taken by them, although a stranger whom Mr. Linton met at a store in Riehview the same day is suspected to have been one of them. Another statement is to the effect.that a 1,i7 Oman who had been prowling around the neighborhood for some time past was one of the abduct ing party. " Lintilin is a Quaker by profes sion, and it *as well knowti that he was unarmed. "For some time past a perfect reign of terror has prevailed in the region referred to above. It was within a few miles of the same neighborhood (at Ashley) that a number of robberies were perpetrated recently, of which we gave seine account a couple of weeks ago. The vicinity is overrun by deserters and rebel sympathizers, readers and admirers of the Chicago Times, who are undoubtedly the per petrators of the outrage." Rebel Conscription. In the rebel Congress, a few days since, Mr. Sparrow, of Louisiana, as chairman of a committee, offered a re port which cannot be very acceptable either to his own constituents, if he has any, or to the residents generally of the South. When the rebellion first commenced, the younger shoots of the chivalry, under the impression that they were about to engage in a series of exciting sports, something similar to the tournaments with which the visitors at Fauquier Springs were for merly' wont to be annually amused, eagerly enlisted, in obedience to the calls of the Southern leaders. The mourning garb of thousands of fami lies, and the large number of mutila ted youth who walked the streets of every city, town and hamlet south of Mason and Dixon's line, show how dif ferent has been the result of the enlist ment from what was anticipated. Mr. Sparrow, however, is under the im pression that the sacrifice is not - yet compiete, and in his :report recom mends that all white male residents between the ages of sixteen and fifty five shall be conscripted, those bo tween eighteen and fortyfive to serve in the field, and the others to belong to a reserve corps, for garrison duty within the limits of their State, but who may be ordered beyond those lim its when emergency may require.— , Who can imagine the feeling, with which Southern parents mitr'. regard the provisions of this act, which wrests from their embrace the remaining re presentatives of their once happy homes; and who, unless lie has been similarly situated, can realize the an guish and remorse which must afflict those parents, when they see their in nocent boys snatched from their hearthstones by the minions of a des pot and forced into the military ser vice ? The retribution, horrible as it may appear to Ihe bereaved father or the sorrowing mother, is only what they might have anticipated when they consented to uphold a conspiracy against a just government. Many have boon doubtless forced into the ranks, and. ' to them we extend our sympathies • but we have no compas sion with those who have voluntarily aided in the continuance of the rebel ' lion. They threw down the gauntlet, and it was raised by the Government ' of the United States, at the request of millions of devoted patriots, who will battle, if needs be, until the death, of every man in the South capable of bearing arms, compels the,summonsto in repent the act in sacitotn . —Philadelphia-Evening Bulletin. COURT AFFAIRS GRAND JURORS. Samuel Bolinger, farmer, Tell Henry Brumbaugh, farmer, Penn Wm AI Bell, farmer, Shirley George M Bell, farmer, Jackson Henry Barrack, bricklayer, Penn Henry Beers, teacher, Cromwell Edmund C Colder, farmer, Porter Geor & :e Davis, farmer, Morris R A Dorsey, merchant, Morr!s Robert Grafhus, farmer,-Porter John Grove, farmer, Walker John Henderson, farmer, West Enoch Isenberg, farmer, Porter Adam Lightner, farmer, West John Morrow, farmer, Dublin Jonathan Montague, farmer, Cromwell JAI) B Myton, farmer, West T E Orbison, merchant, Cromwell James S Oaks, farmer, Jackson S i Russell, blacksmith, Warriorm'k Elias Rodgers, watchman, Shirley James Stewart, thriller, Morris J M Stonebraker, agent, Brady Thomas Wilson, farmer, Springfield. TRAVERSE JURORS -FIRST WEEK. John Archery, farmer, Franklin. John Aurandt, fanner, Tod. Jacob Boober, farmer, Springfield Isaac Buck, ftrmor, Warriormark David Clarkson, J. P., Cassvillo Andrew Crotsley, farmer, Penn John Covert, mason, Springfield John•Chilcoto, farmer, Cromwell Robert Cunningham, farmer, Porter David Cree, chairmaker, Warriorm'k John Cunningham, farmer, Union Silas A Cresswell, gentleman, Barre() James Doan, plasterer, Alexandria N C Decker, gentleman; Huntingdon W Dorris, Jr., gentleman, Huntingdon David Dunn, merchant, Huntingdon Jacob Pomo, farmer, Walker George W Gottis, M. D., Union Saml. F. Goissinger, farmer, Clay Robt, L Henderson, farmer, Franklin Thomas Huston, sr., farmer, Jackson. John Hall, farmer, Oneida . Wm Johnston, tanner, Shirleysburg Jacob Kyle, farmer, Morris David Lynn, farmer, Hopewell James Moore, farmer, Oneida David McGarvey, farmer, Shirley W J lkfcGervey, farmer, Brady GraffusMiller, gentleman, Huntingdon Thos Morrison, miller, Brady Samuel McClain, farmer, Cass Isaac Peightal, farmer, Penn James C Parsons, farmer, Tell Goo Rupert, pumpmaker, Henderson George Rudy, farmer, Jackson William Rutter, farmer, Cromwell John Stewart, innkeeper, Brady John M Smith, farmer, Jackson Jacob Sharrer, laborer, Walker Henry Smolker, farmer, Shirley William Sims, clerk, Franklin James Thompson, blacksmith, 'West David F Tussoy, farmer, Porter . George \V Wilson, farmer, West Ti Whilheater, tanner, Alexandria B Wigton, gentleman, Huntingdon Andrew Wilson, farmer, Dublin William Wray, farmer, Franklin par For noat JOB PRINTING, mil at the ...GL ,BE JUB PRIYFING OFFICE," la thin t:n4don, Pa. ga. An assortment of Card Photo graphs at T.r!wis' 130 k gore 'IIO9OST MsnallAL'a OPPICR, Itth DLITRIOT PEMA. .1! Huntingdon, August ZS. 1663. . ()TICE is hereby given that a ward of ten dellare and the reasonable expense Ire! erred, will :Id pntd to ANY cense:4 (.2 the apprehension end dellrery pratlestrter nt fife Ilandquartere of the sent+ nit Provoet P.3IPIINLL, Sept. 2, 1803. Copt. and Phi. Mar. rnovoat NlAs7tt.'s °mut, ) 17th Dieftlet, Penult. Nov. Yo' 16 ' 63.) NOTICE Is hereby given tb tt any perilous clay appear before the Board of Enrolment no or befnro the 20th day of 'Memei her, vest and have bin Homo stricken ni t the I :oralfield Lists, if he can show, to the satisfaction of Om Malty that he is not, and will ant boat the time Pied tor dr. liable to military duty, on account of. lot, Alltiustre 24 ' , Non-Residence: 3d, Unsuitableness of net 4th, 51aulfcet permauont physical debility. Persons who may be cognizant of any other persons IV able to military duty, whose names Mt not °lvaco's the Enrolment List, are requested to notify the Board of Etp rolruent, who will take measures to hoe the names of suit persons put in the wheel. Nov. 25, 1803. 3. D. CAMPBELL, Cipt:nnd Pro. 51nr. . e P 7 O , ,o A =IS i'VFK•AIt of READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANciEAENT e k i REAP TRUNK' LINTh FROM TIII J' North and for ta, Nmr- YoRS, READING, PoTIOTINor th-WestLLE , LIDANON, PdttnnurnALLENTOWN, TAMS, Ac., Ac. Trains lorwe tlaunisuotto for Poltturtrent, ll'als-Yoni, Itgongo, POTTSVILLE, stint ail Intermediate Station+, at S A. 51., nod 2.00 P. 51. Now-Yoax Express learn if Ontinnaa 111 8.00 A. N., nr lio lug nt NEW-Yon at 10,15 the 0101 w morning. Fiiret from 11AtenISBURo : To NEW-Yong, $5 15; tortol.- ADitiritta, VS 35 001 $5 80. Bioggngn tlimikril tlirologh. Returning, lento NEW-Yong nt 6 A. M., 12 Noon, aud 7 P. 51., PITERIEUOII EEPIIE423 arriting at ifanaungito at 2A. H. Leave PIIII.AIWiLPIIIA at 8.15 A. N., and 3.30 P. 51 Sleep ngcara in tho :Ens-Yong B:XIGITAS TRAM, through to mud from PITTSWUROII without change. .. Passengers - by the WARM.% 1 5 ,11 Road leave TAM AQUA at 8.50 A. 51., for Pim.tontrin t and nll Worm°. alto Stations; and nt 3.15 P. 51., fur PnILADELTIMA, Now bons, nod all Wa) Points. 'huhu; leave I'iiTTSVILLont 0.13 A. 51.. and 2.30 P. IL, for' PHILOELIGLIA. II litnlnntlio and NOT -long. An Accolnownintion hirsenger Tr • IrLirdia RDADMIG nt 8.30 A. 81., nog rornrn, 1101,1 PIIIIADFLYMIA at 4.30 P. M. .G All gin nistivi intim. run 'lolly. rillinlayli oxcepted.- A Sunday train I+4+o+ Parmyinto at 7.30 A. 1.1., aid .!itliADE.Bitt4 nt 3.15 P. 31. , - - - ' . . ' • CoIIIIODATIEN. SIILEMIS.,§EARAN. illiil raCCESIOM TICEOTS it Minced rats Wand front all pnints. 80 pounds,Banap allowed tech it imager. O. A. NICOLLP, ' General Siwrinlendulf., Dec. 8,18 a. IA 41n11 FOINSYI.V . ANIA RAIL ROAD TIMIS OF LEAVING OP TRAINS • 117 NITER ARRANGEMENr. , IrESTIVARD. I RASTIVARII I P. = m 97 Pr .31 W 7. I , " . . ,-, ot • e e. ... mru 11 ti i i 1 3. .5 ..r . ' 4 'M :".. "i .1 STATIOMF. -4 g o ... a a 4t- 4 a ' .9.1 E, a 0 ~.t., ~• s.a 6: 1 P.M.I P. M. £.33 A: M. 1 r. x.l a 4 m.l r. it 517 IX. Hamilton, ....- 1 48 5 25 5 30 111. U11it111,... 11 26 0 45 1 37. 5 35 Marloton. 1 tea 543 ...... Mill theek.... 931 1 18 559 740 56 607 linntingtion, 11 01 921 107 6 15, ... . 6 2111'atereborg,... 10 41 9 07 12 92 6 23 11151 - ree, 1 I 112 44 6 31 6 36,8pracaereol., 10 351 8 35112 314 6 49 1 11irnlinglann, 12 21 658 ' 7 00iTyrann 10 13 BZSI2 15 7 08 7 10,Tipton 12 05 7 14 , L Yost 0ri1t..... - . 12 00 1 7 19 1 ' 7 20 Boll'. Mille,.. 8 14 11 56 7 40 7 40 i. A1t00mx,..... 8 09 11 40 r. 3d.1 .1 1 Tin. lI - Al ` 217 A. Si., m 17 8 55 P. .1. FAST ud arri • LIMO 10% 8t A. le 9.11 /2 RAN A. M. Ftntvnrd Huntingdon at 231 IT TRAIN Wostword . and arrive. at /font; UNTING DON &BROAD TOP L_L RAILROAD.—CII AN! t: OF SCHEDULE. On and after Tliunnlay. Dec. 10, 1803, Pasiouger TriOns will arrive and depart as fellows UP TRAINS, 61'.4TIONS Dron'g 131ories Morn'g 1 Eten'g AND P. M. A. A.M. A. 31. P. M. 1 SIDINGS. I LE 3 .59 LE 45111u0thig.lon, IAR II 10116 710 4 101 05131cCinotellelowy 10 52 6 61 4 181 131Pleagant Grove 10 45 6 46 435 29111nrklenburg 10 31 - 639 4 50 45116)11. Bun, 10 17 6 16 457 53,11600 A Readyl 10 70 6OR 807 051eoro, 1 0 59, 569 s 511 03 Fisher *lllllMit , 1 9 651 655 Al. 5 3911 a 2:61,„.,„,„„ ILE J 411,E 540 LE 5 40[LE 401'"'"`" , IAR 925 AR 530 -- --t ..L.FI-4.....SP I AVTR T '='-' - 1 9 9.: 5 1') ..---_,...--.,-4-,....,-- BUDFORD 1:.4.11, ROAD 191 10 211Pipres Bun 0 441 10 49111amiltun , AR 7 001.tu11 05111loody Bun,— I= ;Lc 7 40 1 9axten I 9 55 C....19b.nt 19 00 Ctae lord, ........ Ar. 10 10 l)ndluy, Inroad Top City, 10, 1001. J ET MEE A NEW ARRIVALOF BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, etc JOIN U. WESTBBOOK Informs the public that he bar just reCent,ln Dew ntock of BOOTS 411116//OES of all O zon nod lands to suit overshot - Ty. Also. flats, Hosiery. Shoo Findings. Morocco nod Lin log Shins, all of which xlll ho sold nt the lowest mob prices Don't forget the old stood In the Diamond. Ohl °tato tnere and the public generelly are incited to cell. Iluntingdon, Oct. 7, Icl7. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY AN IMMENSE STOCK AND ENDLESS VARIETY Or HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &e. NOW OPEN ..A'D l OR SALE BY JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA, CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. Sep 10. 1663 THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM. No. 020 Crt ESTNUT Sroet, (formorty No. 708,) PHILADELPHIA. 1. W. PROCTOR & CO. invite the attention of their ft {cads to then tarp and Eppurb eruct of FIVE CLOAKS AND FURS, unparalleled in any former seston— • - The increased accomtoodatfou afforded in our non' louse tion, enables us to doroto the fullest attention to the FUR DEPARTMENT, width rrlll bo found null furnished with every description of floor Ct.oss FUNS, %Well will be guanuiteed no repro• tented, or tiro mousy pals, will be refunded. ORDERS per mall will be =dully attended to, and .fr livered. Express charges paid. any distance inside of luO J. W. ritouroit & co, liup 9,1363-Iy. N 0.920 Chextrult street. Ma. VARNISHES, PAINTS & GLASS. WE offer to Dealers, Coach-makers, mat Homo Painters. et the very lowest nett cash prlces tlto hest o,ctch pad Wind Varn ishes; Ohm White Lead; I. reach aud A tnerienn Zincs; lllacmo Greens and,,Yellown, Drop and Ivory cobs ks, and nWI asaortinernt of ull titafiner .:Jr" ores—such IS Vermillion; Lake; Tube Cot. also, Paint and Varnish Brumbettof lant make, Giesler's Dimnoude and Points; , Palm ; single and double thick Glom, of all de-eerily Hone, and all Materials nate by Hanle and Couch Nine ere—which en can sell ait clioap, if not cheaper, thus any other Mots, front tho fact that wo hoop down our expen ses by conducting our business personally. Mr. It oU—ono of tho limn—fdr many years mann (ay. (twat the Varairbo; sold by the late C. Schrock, We feel confident that our naromhes, aro equal, if not superior, to any manufactured In this country. We warrant them to give entire wittsfaction, and if not as represented, tho money will be refunded. Give us a call before purchasing chum here. dittorml made /0 the rEurox & RAU, Not. 136 d MS Nth EC/CRT Strcet.curner Cherre. riticADeLrulA. =IMRE El 9 541 9 40 P. 11 .11111 at I A 11. leaves N. 11 ng on. 11 25 I 'DOWN TRAINS I 8 441 4 45 I 8 241 4 20 .ILE 8 1015 r. 4CO in . 8 30,48 5 84 815 515 805 505 ,Lz 800 is 5 ug' ME=