The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 30, 1863, Image 1

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Per annum in whence
Six months
:lure months
A failure to notify a dismontinuence at the expiration of
be term subscribed for u 11l he considered a n e w engage .
1 insertion. 2 In. 3 do.
tour knee or lees . $ 25' e 373,5 .. 50
)ne square. (12 lines.) 50 75 1 00
two squAres - 1 00........ 1 50 200
three squares 1 50 2 2k... 0 00
Oyer Ouse week null lee. lime three months. cents
ter some for each inset lion.
3 montlm. 6 month, 12 montlin.
ilx lines or Ica 4 tl 50 63 00 I 5 00
3ne oqunre - 3 00 6 00 7-00
Iwo 8 . 11111 , P11 5 00 5 00 10 00
linen antwo et, 7 00. 10 00 15 no
orlr immt eel, Al 00 1" 00 "11 00
11111 i AC4 .010 10 00 18 00 ...... .1..04 00
Joe column "0 00
Pins. , eional not lineitie.n Cm de not exceeding l' lines,
One year, $1 00
Administrittor, and Exemolo a' Notices, $1 75
Adre , ti°Onlelit. tint tnorked 0111 the tootthor of opoo
%tons domir4cl. x ill ho eontinned till On Lid eon t barged to
cot ding to these tot
OFFICE OF THE comrTliotbra. OF THE
et;ftrtExak, Vasltingtott, July 22,'63
WIIEREAS, By satisfactory evi•
deuce pre, :it , 4l to the molereigned, It lino been
nude to appe tr that the First National !tank of Mint mg
don. In the Count) of Huntingdon. and Stele •.1 Neva)
tania, has been dun' mg:tinged and according to
the tttttttttttttttttttt of the act of Conn: cos, entitled "At , net
to proi.nle a 11 . 1tillIlllt .111 terror secured bye pled,n. of Urn l.
toll Sisttes stocks, null to pros rdo for the rat eulniton and
I edeniption Meteor. approved February 25: 150 A, and has
conildwd nail all the provisions of sail Oct nurtured to
be complied with before commencing the tunducso ot
Banking: Now, tire, afore, 1. Ilugh McCulloch., Comp
troller of the "thrones' do hereby certify that the said
First National Dank 11 Iltuithigdon, County of Hunting•
don. and State of Pent.ylratila, is authorized to com
mence the business of Ranking under the act afore.aid
Int Testimony %%hereof, I hereunto Pet my hand and
Cool of office this tuenty,ccond day of July, 1563.
111:011(S•nl of the Coml.}
Cotiipti oiler of the 1 troller of theCtu ,
No. 1. Large Family Wringer, $lO,OO
No. 2. Medium " • 7,00
No. 2 , 1 " "<<6.00
No. 3. Small " 6,00
No. S. Large Hotel, " 14,00
No. 18. Medium _Laundry f t:tut3llB,oo
No. 22. Larye iortn.l3o,oo
Nos. 21. and 3 hare no Cogs. All oth
ers aro warranted.
*No. 2 is the size gene - rally used in
OdAsor, J,uno, of the "American Am
'rieulturist," says of the
"A child can readily net lag nut a tultrull of clothe. In
a few taint[-ce. It is•lu teality A CIATO6I SACIIII A
Tsar Bacon! and a Saguaro Swot I The ',ming of gat - -
no-ran nill alone pay a large per tentage on OK cant We
thifilt thn marldite much mote titan ••pays for il-elf eve
year' in the sai tog or garmants: Theta MO several
blade. nawrly alike, in general conetrurilatt. but we ton
eater it important that the Wringer Ito fitted with Cogs.
others iw R 111.15 e of garments tune clog tha toilers, and
the toilets upon the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes,
or the robin,' bra,ik loose Iron. the shall. Our own. is one
et the first make. and it is as Goob An tav alter tinily
Every Wringer with Coe Whee's is War
ranted in every particular.
_Yo Wringer can be Durable without Cog
A good CANVASSER wanted in
every town. •
..4-4,1.v his lee /,
ces where no one is selling, we will
send the Wringet free of expense.
Por particulars and circulars ad
dress R. C. BROWNING.
347 Broadway-, N. Y
Aug. 12 . '133
Only those fritLfnl soldiers wire. from wounds or the
tins lshllo of war. ate no longei lit fur active field duty.
till ha receised to this corps Jr Honor. Enlistments
will he for tine°3 ea, nob es soon, r discharged Piss
and allowance son, lie for officers and men of the United
Stolen infant,}: except that nu pr ettlIUM or bounties fi•r
enlistment alit he anon, rt. This will not invalidate any
to u.imra or bountiee a Lich may he due fur Keratin, sees
A ices
For the convenience else, vice, the men will be select.,
for three wades of duty. Those Is he ate most efficient
and able-bodied. and capable of tier fOrming guard ilia),
etc., 551116. armed with muskets and assigned to .111,1,-
W, of [lv. First Battalion. 'I hose of the next degree of
efficlenes. dada rig those m lin have trier n hand or an
t o ; raid the hoist effective, including those who hove
lost a foot or leg. to the companies of the Second -or
Third Battalions: they will bent riled withauords
'the duties will be to net chiefly - ris provost' goat ds and
par rit.ons for cake; guards for hospitals and other public
building.: and Ile den be. orderlies, he. If found nect 633-
op, they teas be assigned to forts. ho.
Acting As-istaiit Pi ovoid Marshals General are author
iced to appoint milker s of the hegtflar Sri vice. nr of the
i.valid Corps. to administer the each, of enlistment to
those nom who have completely NI filled the pi escribed
evoilit ions .4'314mi...d0n to the Invalid Corps, vie:
I. That the applicant is sinfit for service in the field.
2. That lie Is fit for the ditties, or some of thorn, indica
ted above.
3. That, if no now in the Venice, he wee honorably
4. lira[ he is moritm ions and deserving.
For colitlment or Blither information, apply to the
liooid rf Lin ollinent fur the district in which tire applL
coot is a resident
By milt cold ,tai PS B. PRY, Provost 'Marshal General.
Captain and Provost Marshal.
Huntingdon, duly 5;1603. - •
. - -
SILVER ly.Ttgnott IRronTrit or WATCUES
No. DatiNorth B:eColAgt.,.go'Fn@r_Q4ELTry,
Its ha• constantly nn hand an assortment of Gold and
Silver Patent Levers, Lenin,' and Plain Watches,
Flue Gold Chains, Seals and Heys. Breast Pine,
• Bar Rings, Finger Binge, Bracelets, Miniature
Cases. Medallions. Lockets, Pencils, Tbitnblee.
Spectacles, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard
/Toone: Sager Spoons, Cups. Napkin Binge, Fruit and
Butter Kntves, Shields. Combs, Diamond. Pointed Perim,
cur,—al-of which will be red low for Cash!
TODIAS .f CO'Sbest quality full jewelled Patent
Lever M,enamits constantly on baud; also other 31iikers'
of .uperiot• quality. -
N. B.—Old OEM oriti,S.feer bought for CIO:
Sept. 9, 18G3-Iy.
Fire and Marine Insurance Cu.,
Perpetual policies granted on t and atone 1,141,1111ga.
Limited policies granted on frame or log buildings,
merchandise and furniture.
No premium notes required, consequently no assess
ts made. R. ALUM'S HILLER,
Ecp16,1863 A gt. for Huntingdon L a.ljoining Coe
trolent. instal/lien established by specie Endowment.
for th e Reli t! f of she 5,c& and Distressed. nitrated with
Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. and especially for the
Uure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs.
Medical Advice given gratis. by theseectlng Surgeon.
'Valuable Reports on Spermatershsett.fmd other IlireageS
of 11,. Sexual organs, and no tho new Remedies employee
in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter en
a elopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps fur postage
will be acceptable.
Address, Dn.J. SICILLEN iinumiros. Acting Sus
anna Howard Association, N 0.2 South Ninth Street,Phil.
&dolphin, Pa. By order of the Directors.
EZRA D MITNV UT., President.
GIiO. FAIT.CIIILD , .Sterdary.
31, 1852.-Iy.
gm. Fine Cigars and Tobacco for
sale at Lewis' Book Store
PHoronanru ALBUMS—now and im
proved styles—just received and for
sic at LENTI.7.' pock Stn.r.
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
Our Army Correspondence.
Camp of 147th, Pa, Vol,
Dec. 13, 1863.
EDITOR :-All eyes have been turn
ed to the Army of the Cumberland.
The late success of its arms have been
fully detailed to the loyal millions of
anxious friends at home. Now that
the smoke of battle is lifted, and we
have rested our weary jaunted limbs,
we gather around our camp-fires and
recount the struggles and incidents of
the memorable past. The 2d, Divis
ion, 12th Corps, in connection with a
portion of Gen. Thomas' command
from Chattanooga, took . possession of
Lookout Valley, about the latter part
of October, and closed up to the foot
of Lookout Mountain. This move
ment, as will be remembered, opened
communications to Chattanooga, or
within three miles of that place, and
relieved the army from a long and
circuitous transportation. The rebels
in vain, attempted to wrest it back a
gain, culminating in a desperate night
attack and repulse, on Gen. Goary's
Division, on the 28th of October. The
11th Corps erne to our assistance and
the rebels retreated to theirmountain
stronghold. The taking of Lookout
Mountain on the 24th Nov.,-will stand
prominent on the pages of the history
of this war; and with it stands insepa
rably, the "White Star" Division. The
slow, steady, and difficult charge up
the rugged sides of that stupendous
and seeming invincible stronghold of
rebel prowess; contested step by step,
by a rebel force fully equal in num
bers to that of the attacking party,
can only find its parallel -in the gran
dest charges of this war. The Divis
ion was supported by other troops,
only, when it had gained a point on
the south east side which caused the
enemy to abandon the mountain.
Lookout ours ! Yes, and all the army
10 111 euibuinelljen
followed Missionary Ridge on the 25th
Onward we pressed the broken and
retreating - o°lmila of frightened reb
cls. Prisoners in every direction pas
sed us; captured cannon, caissons and
wagons. we met in our pursuit, while
the usual rout of an army was vi sable
at every step. On the 27th we en
countered the enemy's left, strongly
fortified at Ringgold, Ga., where they
were posted on Taylor's Ridge, and
holding a gap through it. The Di
vision lost severely in this action, and
we mourn the loss of some of the bra
vest spirits, that ever gave up their
lives for our struggling country. Thu.
ridge was taken after three hears des
pertlte fighting. Some miles beyond
this ridge the pursuit ended, and we
returned to our old camps where we
had left all our baggage. Found ev
erything all right. As we had the
extreme right of our line, little could
be gathered from the left and centre,
excepting the thunder of artillery and
incessant roar of musketry, keeping
pace with our column on the right.
The western troops who viewed us,
from the "Army of the Potomac,"
with considerable contempt, have ex
pressed more liberal and friendly o
pinions of us, and really lavish high
enconiams on the 11th and 12th corps.
We don't find Lee to pit against us here.
The country bordering on Georgia, is
not fertile. The Tennessee river runs
very winding.through the broken and
irregular ranges of this mountainous
region. Many oldie residents here
are very loyal to our cause, and are of
the true Brownlow stamp.
The Penna. Regiments in this army
were honored by the visit of a Corn
' mission sent by the Goverrjor, to loOk
after the wants and welfare of Penna.
troops. The party were composed of
Drs. King and Franklin and Mr. Fran
cis, ex Senator from Lawrence co. Af
ter glowing speeches from each,--and
one from our old commander, Gen.
Geary, the regiments gave them three
cheers, and felt honored to receive
them from their old State.
At this time great activity is going
on in re-enlistments of Veteran Vol
unteers. Whole regiments have re
enlisted and are about to start to Pa.
to recruit up, and take advantage of
-the furlough and bounty offered them
by the Government. To morrow the
29th P. V., starts—others are nearly
ready. Scarcely a I . o.4lment in this
Division but will take the offer, and
return in a body to their respective
States—op 30 day's furlough.
Now is the 'time for the good and
patriotic citizens of our county (Hunt
ingdon) to show their benevolence and
appreciation of the veteran soldier.
Besides the usual government hount7.
let our people add $2OO or $3OO more
to it and give that amount to each
veteran soldier who re-enlists. The
old soldier does not want to be bought.
The money is not so much an object
to him, as the appreciation shown for
his services. The effect of such a
movement would be magical, and al
most all the old, tried, and faithful sol-
diers of Penna., would,. by Spring time
be again ready for the field. How
much more prudent and saving it
would be to all at home, in the end ?
Instead of lavishing extravagant boun•
ties on new and untried volunteers,—
(who before they become innured to
the hardships of soldiers' life, waste
ono half of their numbers away by
sickness and other causes,) offer a lib
eral bonus to the veteran, and our or
ganizations remain unimpaired, in the
field. Now is the time to act, if you
will save a draft; if you will do a cred
it to your State, and to the faithful
boys who have withstood all that man
can endure. Show an appreciation of
their services. Keep up the organ
ized regiments as they are, and ono
more Summer will witness the final
and lasting blow to the great Southern
Rebellion. Paus.
The Diseases and Infirmities Exemp
ting From Draft.
WAsiumaTos, Nov. 9, 1863. JI
CIRCULAR No. 100.—Paragraph
eighty-five of the regulation for the
government of the buronu of the Pro
vost Marshal General of the Unitod
States, is amended to read as lollows:
85. The following diseases and in-
firmities are those which disqualify for
military service and for which only
drafted mon aro to be "rejected as
physically or mentally unfit for the
service," viz :
1. Manifest imbecility.
2. Insanity. This includes well os
tablished recent insanity,.with liability
to recurrence.
3. For this disability the statement
of the drafted man is not sufficient, and
the fitet must be estalffished by the
duly- attested affidavit of -a_ ois,.sietr i s,
in good standing who has attended
him in the disease within the six
months immediately preceding his ex
amination by the board.
4. Paralysis; general, or of one limb,
or choreas, their existence to he ade
quately determined. Decided atro
phy of a limb.
5. Acute or organic diseases of the
brain or spinal cord ; of the heart or
lungs; of the liver or spleen; of the
kidneys or bladder, which have so se
riously impaired his general health as
to leave no doubt of the man's inca
pacity for military service.
G. Confirmed consumption. Incipi
ent consumption does not exempt.
7. Cancer; aneurism of the large a.r
8. Inveterate and extensive disease
of the skin, sub as will necessarily
impair his efficiency as a soldier.
9. Decided feebleness of constitution,
or deficient size of chest, sufficient in
degree to leave no doubt of the man's
unfitness for military service.
10. Scrofula, or constitutional syph
ilis, which has so seriously impaired
his general health, as to leave no doubt
of the man's incapacity for military
IL Habitual and confirmed intern
peranco, or solitary vice, which has so
materially enfeebled the constitution
as to leave no doubt of the man's in
capacity for military service.
12. Chronic rheumatism, unless man.
ifested by positive change of structure,
or wasting of the affected limb, or puff
ness, or distortion of tho joints, does
not exempt. Impaired motion of the
joints.and contraction of the limbs al
leged to arise from rheumatism, and
in which the nutrition of the limbs is
not manifestly impaired, are to be
proved by examination, while in a
state of anthesia induced by other on•
13. Pain, whether simulating head
ache neuralgia in any of its forms,
rheumatism, lumbago, or affection of
the muscles, joints or bones, is a symp
tom of diseaso so easily pretended,
that it is not to bo admitted as a cause
of exemption, unless accompanied
with manifest derangement of the gen
eral health, wasting of a limb, or oth
er positive sign of disqualifying local
14. Great injuries, or diseases of
the skull, occasioning impairment of
the intellectual faculties, epilepsy, or
other manifest nervous or spasmodic
15. Total loss of sight; total loss of
sight of light eye; cataract of right
oyo; loss of crystalino lons of right eye.
16. Partial loss of sight of both
eyes, vision being so greatly impaired
as to leave no doubt of the man's ina
bility to perform military duty. fl e
rious permanent disease of the eye or
eyelids, so manifestly affecting the
use of the eyes, as to leave no doubt
of the man's incapacity for military
service. Nearsightedness does not
exempt; if found on trial to be so de
cided as to incapacitate for field ser
vice, the man may be transferred to
the invalid corps.
17. Total loss of nose; deformity of
nose so great as seriously to obstruct
respiration; ozaena, dependent on car
ies in progress.
18. Decided deafness. This disa
bility must not be admitted on the
mere statement of the drafted man,
but must be proved by the existence
of positive disease:or by other satis
factory evidence; and it must be so
decided as to leave no doubt of the
man's unfitness for military service.
Chronic purulent otorrhcea.
17. Incurable diseases or deformi
ties of either jaw, such as will-necessa
rily greatly impede mastication or
speech. Anychlosis of the lower jaw;
caries of the bone of the face, if in
progress; cleft palate (bony;) exten
sive loss of substance of the cheeks, or
salivary fistula.
20. Dumbness; permanent loss of
voice; not to be admitted without
clear and satisfactory proof.
21. Total loss of tongue; hypertro
phy, atrophy, mutilation, or obstinate
chronic ulceration of the tongue, ifauf
ficient in degree to interfere seriously
with the use of the organ.
22. Stammering,_ftexcessi.vo .and_
confirmed; to be established by satis
fa.ctory evidence under oath.
23. Loss of a gait:lent number of
teeth to prevent mastication of food.
This applies to those cases only where
the loss of teeth is so great that, if the
man was restricted to solid food, he
would soon become incapacitated for
military service.
24. Tumors or wounds of the neck
impeding respiration or deglutition;
fistula of larynx or trachea; toriticol
lie, if of long standing, and well mar
25. Deformity of the chest, or ex
cessive curvature of the spine, suffi
cient to precept the cerrLing, of arms
anTlitilitarrequiptrretrta; caries of the
spine, ribs, or sternum.
26. Abdomen grossly protuberant;
excessive obesity.
27. Hernia.
28. Artificial anus; stricture of the
rectum; prolapsus ani. Fistula in ono
is not a positive disqualification, but
may be so, if extensive or complicated
with visceral disease..
29. Old and ulcerated internal hem
orrhoids, if in degree sufficient to im
pair the man's efficiency. External
hemorrhoids are no cause for exemp
30. Total loss or nearly total loss
of penis, opispadia or hypospailia at
the midate or eeer tho root of the po
31. Incurable permanent organic
stricture of the uretha, in which urine
is passed drop by drop, or which is
complicated by disease of the bladder;
urinary fistula. Recent or spasmodic
stricture of the uretha does not ex
32. Incontinence of urine, being a
disease frequently feigned, and of rare
occurrence, is not of itself a cause for
exemption. Stone in the bladder, as
certained by the introduction of the
motalie cathacter,is a pasitive disquali
33. Loss or complete atrophy of
both testicles from any cause; perma
nent retention of one or both testicles
within the inguinal canal; but volun
tary retraction does not exempt.
34. Confirmed or malignant sarcoce
lo ; hydrocele, if complicated with or
ganic disease of the testicle. Warico
cele is not in itself, disqualifying.
34. Loss of an arm, forearm, band,
log, thigh or foot.
36. Wounds, muscular or cutaneous
contractions from wounds or burns or
tumors, which would prevent march
ing, or otherwise manifestly incapaci
tato the man for military service.-
37. Fractures, irreducible disloca
tions or anchylosis of the large joints
chronic diseases of the joints or bones,
that would prevent marching, or oth
erwise unfit the man for military sor-
38. Total loss of a thumb ; total loss
of the index finger of the right hand
Other permanent defects or deformi
ties of the hands so decided as to leave
no doubt of the man's insopaeity for
military service.
39. Club feet, total loss of a great
too. Other permanent defeCts or in
formities of the feiit, such as will DOCOli
sarily prevent marching.
40. Varicose veins of inferior extre
mities,. if large and numerous, and ac
companied with chronic swellings of
41. Chronic ulcero , r 0 ,21.1! ivo, deep,
ut o tt r .,
and adherent cicatrices of lower ex
Surgeons of boards of enrollment in
reporting the "statistics of the causes
of exemption on account of physical
debility," will hereafter, in addition to
the alphabetical list of disabilities re
quired by Circular No. 90 from this
office, report the number rejected un
der each paragraph of the above list of
disqualifying infirmities
Provost Marshal General.
Volunteering and the Drafts
HARRISBURG, Dee. 10, 1863. J
No. 48.
Tho President of the United States
having, by his communication of the
gth'inst., in response to propositions
submitted to him relating to the re
cruiting service in Pennsyltania, un
der his call of October 17th ultimo, for
300,000 men, approved of eo much
thereof as is comprised under the fol
lowing points:
It is ordered—
That the recruitment of Volunteers
for the various regiments now _ in the
Gold will be conducted accordingly,
1. Details for recruiting service in
the State, will be made of officers of
Pennsylvania regiments in •the field,
whose terms of service expire in 1864.
2. Whon practicable, old regiments
will be returned to the State to bo re
3. The voluggers whn__ehall- be
- efillefa'Tiiilremain under tho control
of the Governor at such camps' or ren
dezvous, and' under such commanders
as he may designate, and until ready
to be sent tr their regiments, in ac
cordance with General Orders No. 75,
of HU.
4. Premiums not exceeding twenty
five dollars for veterans, and fifteen
dollars for new recruits, will be paid
to officers detailed for recruiting ser
vice, from regiments in the field, when
the recruits aro accepted by the Uni
ted States. Payment to be made by
Lt. Col. Bomford, U. S. A., Acting As
sistant Provost Marshal General.
5. Volunteers furnished by cities or
other localities will be* duly credited
on the draft. fixed -for January 5, 1864;
and also "all such volunteers as may
-have been mustered into the— service
of the United States, since the draft,
the number so credited to be deducted
from.the proportion of the quota as
signed the State under recent call."
Information regarding the quotas of
counties, cities, townships and wards,
can be procured on application to the
respective District Provost Marshals.
6. - Authority will be given to offi
cers detailed for recruiting service
from - regiments in the field, to raise
complete companies of infantry, to be
sent to such regiments in the field as
have less than their proper number of
company organizations.
7. Colored volunteers for the col
ored regiments of Pennsylvania, will
be accepted as a part, of the quota, and
also such as have been mustered into
the service of' the United States since
the draft, to be credited to cities or
localities on their proportion of
the State's quota under recent Call.
8. Camps of rendezvous will be es
tablished at proper localities, in charge
of commandants and skilful surgeons,
to be appointed by the Governor.
9. To every recruit who is a Vete
ran Volunteer, as defined in General
Orders of the War Department of
June 25, 1863, No. 191, for recruiting
Veteran Volunteers, ono month's pay
in advance, and a bounty and a pre
mium of $402, and to all other recruits
not veterans, accepted and enlisted as
required in existing orders, one months
pay in advance, and, in addition, a
bounty and premium of $302 will be
The short time now remaining,
within which to fill the quota of the
State by enlistments, and thus ovoid
the impending draft, admonishes the
loyal citizens of' the importance of pro
viding, by local bounties, the strong
est inducements to volunteers. Au.
nicipalities of other States, by . this
moans, are sending from Pennsylva
nia the able-bodied men who should
replenish her own regiments. Penn
sylvania, with a deficiency loss, pro
portionately, than any adjacent Com
monwealth, should show, by ,her
promptness and alacrity, now, her a
bility to maintain the high position
she has heretofore, and still occupies
among her sister States, in contribu
ting to suppress this rebellion.
By order of A. G. CURTIN,
Governor and Commander-in-Chief.
Adjutant General Pennsylvania.
,Br A good joke was perpetrated by
a rebel prioonor captured at Chicka
mauga. The rebel was looking at ono
of our guns, and remarked that he
didn't think that the Yanks would use
them big guns much longer. "Why
not ?" inquired the Feds "Bechuse,"
said ho, "the Confederacy is getting so
narrow, that you'll fire clear over it,
and hit your men on the other side."
m, A stranger in a printing office
asked the youngest apprentice what
his rule of punctuation was. "I sot up
as long as I can hold my breath, 'then
I put in a comma; when I gape I in
sert a semi -colon; and when I warita,
thaw of tobacco make a paragraph."
Bead the exemption lie
TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance.
S. B. CHENEY, Editor,
To whom all communications on the sub
ject of Education sbould be addressed.
Book Knowledge.
As a general rule, the teachers of
our schools do too much, and the echo-.
lars too little. That is, the "pouring
in" method is too generally followed
when there is any method at all.
Classes are called, questions are
asked and answered by , the teacher, the
pupils only being required to repeat
the answer after him, and generally
in concert, so that there are often scho
lars found in the class who n;ii'ver "open
a mouth," and yet, unless an observer
be very careful in judging of the mer
its of the clasS, he will pronounce all
the pupils in the.class as tieing tho
same proficiency. By this method, a
class can be made to appear well to a
visitor, or the Board of Directors, or
the County Superintendent; when they
chance to be present, by simply taking
a lesson which has been previously re
cited. Answers and definitions may
be thus learned, so that the class will
remember them for a short time very
well, but when the class goes 'on to
something new, what iS past is forgot
ten, like ,an old song. was only
learned for the purpose of reciting,,and
the reciting was done 'to please the
teacher, or the visitor, who may-charm - el
to have been present. . _
' c ler may take the Geogra
phy class and by pointing out and na
ming, a few times over, the counties,
States, towns, rivers, &c., the class will
be able to follow him all over the maps;
but when the class has not been prac
ticed on the maps fora few days, they
have forgotten almost all that they
thus learned to point out. A Gram
mar class can soon be taught in this
way to give all the principal definitions,
although they may never have seen a
book. But stop the drill and in a few
days the class will have forgotten all
they bad learned on the subject. A
superficial knowledge of History and
many other branches' may bo learned
in this way, but the knowlod r. . ',y' no
sooner gained than it is forgotten.
But, on the other hand lot the Geo
graphy class take a short lesson and
be required to locate the principal
towns, rivers, lakes, &c., without any
aid from the teacher, and they will be
fixed on the memory, from the fact
that they sought out and ascertained
their localities for themselves.' They
will feel as though they had visited
those countries, and a place once visi
ted can never be forgotten. In addi
tion to this if the scholar be required
to make a map of the country about
which ho is studying, it will be so tho
roughly riveted to the memory that
time will not efface it. In this way he
gets - Boos: Knowledge dlreetly, and by
the 'pouring in" method indirectly,
the teacher getting it first and then
makes a transfer to the pupil.
If the pupil has been required by
his own exertion, as much as possible,
to got out and recite his lessons he will
try harder to remember what ho has
gone over, for ho knows what it cost
him, and all will admit that that which
is most appreciated is that which cost
us most. Then he will form habits of
industry and learn to rely on his own
exertions, and not be a mere boody,
drinking in what every one would tell
Demosthenes shut himself up in a
cave that he might betake himself to
his books, and Napoleon used to retire
to the silent groves to read and medi
tate. There is no royal road to learn
itig any more than to wealth. He who
would be in possession of either must
work, and not sit and listen to vain
babblers. Then, the place to learn
thus to work is in the school-room.—
Give oaoh scholar a duty to perform
and have it done precisely as directed.
Take no excuse for delinquency, and
very so - on none will lie asked, - for all
will know that what has been appoin
ted to be done must be done. If this
plan were more fully carried out, the
rising generation would be more cele
brated for industry than past genera
tions, and knowledge would be more
widely diffused.
fter The following is a noble anti :
meat and action related. of Themieto ,
cles, the Athenian general and states
man, which speaks for him'a groat and
disinterested soul: 11is daughter be
ing asked of him In marriage, he pm
ferred an honest poor, man to a rich
one•of an indifferent, character; and
gave for his reason, i'That in the choice
of a son-in-law, be would much rather
have merit without riches, than riches
without merit?!-- ' .
Cobbett, in one '4lua. "Rural
Rides," says, "I saw no corn standing
ricks; a thing I never saw before,
and would not have believed it. had I
not seen it." Thematter-of-fhet apostle
never found out the bull he hadcle.
PASSING A.3vay.,-oao-hy one Wii;are
slowly passing - froin - this' world' bt.giri
and trouble, and joining_ihO - 'seiapti-:
ims of .that celeistiat ba:tidr:Who 'sink
sweet anthems of praise around the
throne of the 'Almighty Gild,4
the destiny.ofnationa in thsholhoW - af - , - .
His' ha q. Let 'turn ",,naide",
ment from the hum of the busy has. .
bandman, this. noise and confusion of
the battle-field; reeking with the blood
of thousands Of the slain martyrs of civil
liberty and iimarifreedom;we say, let
us cast aside the eareif:oflife.for a few
brief moments, and look--litto,the fu.
tare : Will not oui end be like those
around us, whine mission on earth is
ended, and-who have beon to
perform a higher, a holier duty at the
throne of Mercy. "Man - is of, but few
days and full of trouble ;" then" VellY,
this terrible war, which has desolated. , ,
this beautiful land of ours, and trim.- .
Boned her soil with the blood of hund
rods and thousands of her noblest sons:..
We cannot live always, why then•-•
conflict,to redress an imaginitrYwrong?
Is not our Government the best on Ahp
face of God's ,green earth, did it,and„.!
does it not afford ample protection to,„
all who choose to• some within
bounds,—did we.not prosper and-grow
great, as a nation,—were we not feared
and respected by-the
,civilized world,t ; .,
because of our united greatness? Why -
then, we say, was this terrible 'war
brought upon, us? Was, it to give ,us.:
more troublo : than the ordinary duties,. :f
of life bring about, or was •i 4 son t. to.;
us as a just punishment for our
merable personal and national, SIGS
Bad, designing men, whose;thitst tor : -
power and greatnSes knew no bounds,
sought to clothe themselves in f'sack• 7 •
cloth and ashes," that the world might
bow in humhle submission to their
and know no other. • "0, how-hare the,
mighty fallen. 1" see
error of-their ways, ;while the . -unholy
rebellion they inangarat24 . 4,waninm
and must soon,t4c . A iron,wf,ll,or.
'..the.Governtieent.„ Thsirr44is.hopco.
loss, and fn all tk(tegg1y.01%.,991341n1
ed 4eret -09Y.:PFE- 0 414. 1 ±PPtit,4 1 1 ;*f :4
lost." Iti =a fer.short years thelier_oea ,
who have fought , ,blad, and suffered, to •
gain the second independence . _ of r the., :. • :
United States, will' bave passed away, cr ..
and their names, and deeds of v,alor ! ,„
will only remembered in histery....
Their sufferings and ,privations .will ;
be road by future generations with,t.b3 L ft
same earelessniss with which
tory of our forefatheys, h bean;yead„- : ,
by the.erringSouth,•hutit
little to .them,—another gener44s4,,,
will control the Govesornenkandthey
Will be yc,ceiving, their re:waFA
yen.. Why, then, the ug5,,,0f,.,,gakrye1 t ,., , ,
ing, when life's but a 5pan,?„4.;„,,,,,,
"fist( bubble, 'cis a.dream;.
And: Man'elirit little bat '
Sailing down the stream"- 7.
NO. 27
A VAtuAnr.r. Book—The lnataxial .t
from which the future • history of ,the
war foi the Union* is ' "Written*; *fit
accumulating abundantly, and therer
hes been no More valuable contribu.-: 0
don to it than the'"Annals'of the'ar- •
my of-the Qumberland,Nust publish
ed by 'Messrs J. B. Lippincott
contains a full
_account* 'of *Q - ener
al Rosecran's cosnPaigh down to r 'tlie;
advance to'vard Chatanooga, with des-
criptions of all the battles, skirmishes_
and expeditions, biographies and. por
traits ()fall the principal generale and
the officers'of their staffs',* and 'rnifeli
other interesting rntittent We findtltit
there -are no. less than , 73 =portraits - f .
.o.fficers....eng.rauarl on steel;, besides:
other fine illustrations:;-
is a largo octavo of 671 "pages, - superli='
ly printed and . riehly bound: Its ad; *
thor is an officer of Rosecran's artny,
but his name-is- not given.
done hia work • well and produced
most interesting and valuable book.
Since it was written, a ninber•Of there ';
whose lives be has given, have proVed , .. ,
their.heroism anew on the bloodyfield ,
of Chicharnauga.* Every one who had
relatives or friends that were in that
and the other battles of the Army of._
tho'Cumberland, shOuld procure a co= -
py of this really elegant and valuitWe'-.
For Bale at Lewis' Book Store,
Viir A. six foot three an went inw,
a shop in Worcester lately, askinifor
"whirlers"--stockings:witlibut feetz--,
Shehadn't got'em; had'got
big stockings with feet: "Ilo* talichrY
said the customer. Four and niti*
pence he was' told.' "Can yotfctit,tilie
feet off?"' "Oh, certainly:"
just do it." It was done--and
the shopkeeper, for the man totkup".
the impromptu whirlers, laid dovin ober'
and Sixpence '(he said he'never :givse' -
any more) and Was ptirMitto'fftO g 6
This' is 'eorriething Ildniton,'
sweep who took rip a'Pieee Otpurilint
pudding illl l tl aislted 'Whethei" a 'half
penny:- wouldn't pay for this limip
speckled stuff, 'and was allowed to'cro
part With his Booted sustenance;
the lititle boy who stuck his finger into;
a pie, and holding- it up, inquircii,
"now mita- for flaS . da - tailiCd 41,Ftr,
lecture at Portland, Ataine;the
wishing to explaia to: a lit,tle girl
the manner in' whiCh a lobster caste
his shell when' he his. .Outgroivia
said,'" What do yon'clowheicYoif have
outgrown your clothes ? You.east thenv
aside, do'
,you - not'?". "Oh; no," .re
plied the little one,_ "We.: let; !oirthe
tacks !" The leeturer 'confessed We.
had the advantage of hinCthera:',
fined in"Leolcia, where he kpeake"of 'our
relations to the Deity; • WO "itsiced,
whatiehitie - ne
when he answered.with•pan94,evqklicr
ity, "Poor relatione, eir."