The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 16, 1863, Image 2

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Wednesday morning, Dec, 16, 1863,
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor.
Our Flag Forever
•• I know of no mode in which a loyal citi
zen may so well demonstrate his devotion to
has country as by sustaining the Flog, the
Constitution and the Union, under all circum
SIB. McAmasTEß.—As many who
voted for Mr. McAllister under the
impression that be would refuse to act
with the leaders of. the bogus ..Demo
cratic organization, • are :anxious to
know with whom he does act, we
shall keep our readers booked up on
the votes be • gives. For Speaker,
Clerk, and Chaplain, Mr. McAllister
voted with the minority, (bogus De
mocracy,) and for.. Sergeant-at-arms
and Post Master, be voted with • the
majority, (Union and Republican mem
bers.) Thus far we are disappointed
jathe course of Mr_MeAllister, for
we were honestly. of the opinion, that
,he would not act in harmony with
such...traitors as Ancona, Cox & Co., in
the organization of the house. At
another time we shall have something
more to say upon the subject.
..*Congress.—lt is generally believed
_that the $3OO clause will be stricken
out of the Conscription act before the
- next draft. Many who were opposed
to it heretofore are now in favor of
-re:tat n ins ak. Whza n nso is
- made wilC meet with' Opposition—all
Cannot: be pleased.
Message of Jefferson Davis,
Jeff. Davis's 'messago to the rebel
Congress, dated December the 7th, is
ticipOdiUg over the losses of the
strongholds of Vicksburg, Port Hud
son iitul many other points.
Ike says that "there are no improve-
merits in the relations with foreign
coup tries .since his message of last Jan
*aryl, On the contrary, there • is a
greater divergence in the conduct of
European nations, assuming a charac
ter 'positively unfriendly, and a mar
ked partiality by Great Britian in fa
vor of our enemies is strongly evinced
in.their decisions regarding the block- .
sicte; as *ll as their marked difference
of conduct on the subject of the pur
ehase of supplies by the two betiger
ents. Thii difference has been
spicuous since the commencement of
the war."
The public finances demand the
strictest and most earnest attention.—
A pronipt and efficacious remedy for
the present condition of the currency a successful perform
ance oftbe, fidrablis tra tion . of the Gov
ern:merit. -
" lie recommends taxation instead of
further sales of bonds or issues of treas
ury notes. , The holders of the cur-
rencfnowout standing can only be
— some other - security. The currency
- must be promptly reduced to" prevent
the present inflated prices reaching
rates more extravagant.
:-..tte calls upon the people to come to
tiie rescue. Ho recommends putting
an end to substitution, and a modifies.
-lima of the exemption law, and to add
forces to.their army - largely and as
promptly as possible. He regrets the
sospension,of the exchange of priion
ers, and that the communication with
the trans-Mississippi.region is so ob
structed as to render difficult the com
plying with the legislation vesting the
authority over it in the Executive of
the Government. The enemy refuse
the proposals for the only peace that
is possible between us, and the only
hopo'now is in the vigor of our resis
The Soldiers' Vote Constitutional,
" I' • DES MOINES, lowa, Dec. 10.
To lion. J. B. Grinnell ; , 31: IVash
itz'gton, D: C. •
The Supreme Court has this day
given an unanimous opinion declaring
the law allowing the soldiers to vote,
constitutional and valid.
The . Beat of Mr. Grinnell in Con
gress, and the election of over a hun
dred members of the State Legislature
were heretofore contingent upon this
The Franking Privilege.—As the ses
sion of Congress has just been com
menced, it will be well for the public
to be reminded of an important change,
in the franking privelego. Heretofore,
as it will be remembered, all lottors to
and front members of Congress, pass.
ed through the mails free of postage.--
Now, however i it must, be borne - in
mind that only the, lettersfrom a mem
ber of Congress can pass free of 'pos
tage: Alteerrrspon - delice with an M.
C. meet be paid, as are a 1 the letters
to a private individual. This is an
important fact, the remembrance Of
which will Site much delay in the
transaction .of business, both of a pub-
Ile and tirivate character.
The Triumph inEast Tennessee.
The importance of the triumphs
gained in East Tennessee is heightened
by the evidences that they' will be
permanent. "General Grnt'ia ha'bit is
to hold what 'he 'conquers, and his
means for doing this •in the present
case are ample, being superadded to
the formidable entrenchments and bat
teries captured from the enemy. in
view of these substantial results, the
President formally conzratulittes the
nation "that the insurgent force is re
treating from East Tennessee, under
circumstances rendering it probable
that the Union forces cannot hereafter
be dislodged from that important posi
tion.', Esteeming this to be of highly
national consequence, he recommend
ed that all loyal people assemble . in
their places of worship and render spa
cial thanks to Heaven "for this great
advancement of the National cause."
The signs indicate that the victories
in the West will tend to hasten the
conflict of arms in the East. The re
bel cause is rendered desperate and
cannot abide delay, while our soldiers
of the Potomac and their loyal country
men are otilj• made the more ardent
and restive. The only hope of the in
surgent seems to lie in provoking a
fight with Meade, and their last grand
effort will probably be to hurl their
combined armies upon the defenders
and defences of the Capital. It is to
be hoped, and, under all the circum
stances, to be expected, that the decis
ive struggles of the war and victories
of the Union will not be long delay
Appalling Disaster.—An account is
published of the loss of the Monitor
Weehawken at the entrance of Char
leston harbor, on Sunday the 6th inst.
during a heavy storm.. She 'went
down suddenly, carrying with her
thirty of her crew.
Annual Report of the Secretary of
[We have not room for the full re
law t, but G iro tho following interesting
Every Rebel State Under "The Flag."
The federal force is now firmly plan
ted in every rebel State, and there is
reason to hope that tinder its protec
tion the' lOyal people of . these States
will soon cast off the yoke of their lea
ders, and seek within the Union that
peace and security Pmr life, liberty and
prosperity which in blind madness
were recklessly thrown away.
Reduction of the Estimates.
The success of our arms dining the
last year has enabled the department
to 'make a reduction of over two hun
dred millions of dollars in the war es
timates for the ensuing fiscal year.
The Cartel—The Prisoners in Rebel
,In the operations that • have been
alluded to prisoners of war to the num
ber of about•thirteen thousand have
fallen into the hands of . the enemy,
and are now held by them. From the
commencement of the rebellion until
the War Department. came into my
charge there was no cartel or formal
exchange of prisoners; hut at an early
period afterwards a just and reasona
ble cartel was. made between Major
General Dix and the rebel General
Hill, which, until recently, was faith
fully acted upon by both parties. Bx
changes 'under that_ - cartel_ are now
stopped, mainly for the following rea
First—At Vicksburg over thirty
thousand rebel prisoners_ jell into our
hands, and over live thousand more at
Port Hudson. These prisoners were
paroled.and suffered to return-to their
homes until exchanged, pursuant to
t ha -volb--
el agent, in violation of the cartel, de
. dared the Vicksburg prisoners ex
changed, and without being exchan
ged. The Port Hudson prisoners he,
without just cause, and in open viola
tion of the cartel, declared released
from their parole. These - prisoners
' were returned -to their ranks, and a
portion of them were found fighting at
Chattanooga, and again captured. For
this breach of faith—unexampled in
civilized warfare—the - only apology
or_excuse was that-an equal number of
prisoners had been captured by , the
enemy; but, on calling for specifica
tions in regard to these alleged pris
oners, it was found that a considerable
number represented as prisoners were
not soldiers, but were non-combatants
citizens of towns and villages,
travelers and others in civil life, not
captured in battle, but taken at their
homes, on their farms or on the high
way,'by John Morgan and other rebel
raiders, who put them under a sham
parole. To balance these men against
rebel soldiers taken on the field would
be relieving the enemy from the pres
sure of war and enable him to protract
the contest to indefinite duration.
Second—When the government com
menced organizing colored troops, the
rebel leader, Davis, by solemn and of
ficial proclamation, announced' that
colored troops and their white officers,
if captured, wohld not be recognized
as prisoners of war, but would be giv
en up for punishment to the State au
thorities. These proceedings of, the,
rebel authorities were mot by the ear
nest remonstrance and protest of this
government, but without effect.
The offers by our Commissioners to
exchange man for man and officer for
officer, or to receive and provide for
our own soldiers under the solemn
guarantee that they should not go in
to the field until duly exchanged, were
rejected. In the meantime well au
thenticated statements show that our
troops held as prisoners of war were
deprived of shelter, clothing and food,
and some have perished from exposure
and famine. Phis savage ,barbarity
could only hYve been practiced in the
hope that this government would be
compelled by sympathy for the suffer
ing endured by our troops to yield to
the proposition of exchanging all the
prisoners of war on both sides, parol
ing the excess not actually exchanged
the effect of which operation would be
to enable the rebels to put into the
field a new army forty thousand strong
forcing the paroled prisoners into the
ranks without exchange, as was done
with those paroled at Vicksburg and,
Port Hudson, and also'to leave in the
hands 'of the rebels the colored soldier&
and officers, who are not regarded by
them asprisoners of war,' and there
fore not entitled to the benefit of the
proposed exchange. The facts and
correspondence relating to this subject
are detailed in the accompanying re
port of Major Gene! al Hitchcock, Com
missioner of Exchanges. As the mat
ter now stands, we have, over forty
thousand prisoners of war ready at any
moment to he exchanged, man for man
and officer for officer, to the number
held by the rebels. This number is
about thirteen thousand, and they are
supplied with_ food and raiment by this
government, and by our benevolent
and charitable institutions and indi
Two prisoners, Captains Sawyer
and Flynn. held by the rebels, are sem
tenced to death by way of pretended
retaliation for two prisoners tried and
shot as spies by command of Major
General Burnside. Two rebel officers
have been designated and are held as
hostages for them.
The rebel prisoners of war in our
possession have heretofore been trea
ted with the utmost humanity and
tenderness consistent with security.
They have had good quarters, full ra
tions, clothing when needed, and the
same hospital treatment received by
our own soldiers. Indulgence of
friendly visits and supplies was for
merly permitted, but they have beer.
cut oil since the barbarity practised
against our prisoners became known
to the Government.
If it should become necessary for
the protection of our men, strict retal
liation will be resorted to; but while
the rebel authorities suffer this Gov
ernment to feed and clothe our troops
held as prisoners, we shall be content
to continue to their prisoners in our
hands the humane treatment they
have uniformly enjoyed.
The Draft.
The operation of the act of Congress
for enrolling and calling out of the nu•
tional forces is exhibited in the accom
panying report of the Provost Mar
shal General. At the time that law
was enacted it was known to be very
imperfect, many intelligent persons
considering its execution wholly im
practicable, while few dared to hope
for any important benefit. The law
has been enforced in twelve States. It
Acts brought from these States 50,009 sot
diers,.and has raised a fund of over
$10,000,000 for procuring substitutes.
With all its imperfections, it is dem
onsu ated the act can be made an effi
cient means for recruiting the armies,
and calling out the national forces.
The principal imperfections and the
required'amendments will be submit
ted to Congress through the appropri
ate committees. The most important
to be considered is what is called the
three hundred dollar commutation.
This feature of the bill has been much
discussed, and the opposing opinions
are nearly balanced as to the opera
tion and effect of this provision. While
some claim that it is oppressive upon
poor mon and favors the rich, others
contend that it places the rich and
poor on an equal footing, and enables
the poor, man to obtain exemption
from military duty for 'a sum within
the reach'of every ono. Without Ull
(Nanking to reconcile or decide be
tween these conflicting opinions, it is
certain that this clause of exemption,
as it stands, occasions delay in calling
out the military force. The drafted
man is exempted, at the end of a long
proceeding, by the payment of a sum
of money. Supposing that sum 'to be
Adequate for procuring a substitute,
considerable time must unavoidably
elapse - before. competent substitutes
can be procured. The question whe
ther this clause shall remain or be
stricken out requires the early atten
tion of Congress.
Substitutes— The - Bounties
The fund of $20,000,000, raised by
the act as commutation money, is de
posited with the United States Assis
lan t-T Mulct n yam— ancLia_being-applied
to procuring substitutes. By the pay
ment of bounties and premiums volun
teering is going on in some States
with much spirit. The prime impor
tance of filling up the old regiments,
and the superiority of such force over
new regiments, is a point on which all
military experience and opinions a
gree, The bounty paid by the gov
ernment is therefore, limited to volun
teers, Who go into old regiments or
veteran regiments that renew their
term of service. To veteran volun
teers going into old regiments the
maximum bounty of -the government
is paid.
Re enlistment of Veteran Troops—Draf-
ted Men
Reports from the armies indicate
that a large proportion of the troops
whose term expires next year will re
enlist, it being stipulated by the ov
ernment they shall have at least one
month's furlough before their present
time expires. The indications are
that the forces required will in a great
measure be raised by volunteering and
without a draft.
It is proper to add that the com
manding generals bear testimony that
the drafted men who have gone into
the ranks acquit themselves well and
make good soldiers.
Au immediate appropriation for
bounties Bfiould be made.
The Invalid Corps.
An Invalid Corps has boon organ
ized, under the direction of the Pro
vost Marshal General. In the san
guinary battles and engagements of
this war, and by camp diseases, many
officers and soldiers have been disa.
bled for active service who aro yet a
ble to perform duty in garrison, or as
depot and prison guards, military po
lice and for the arrest of skulkers and
deserters. To give honorable employ
ment to this meritorious class svho
have suffered in the service of their•
country,•and to liberate able bodied
soldiers from duty that can well be
performed by invalids; was the pur
pose in organizingthis corps. It now
numbers over twenty thousand officers
and privates, who aro fully employed
and their service has hie:roused the
strength of the armies in the field;
while by their. vigilance, desertion
from the army has in a great measure
been checked. The beneficial results
anticipated from this organization
have been more than realized. For
the details in respect to this organiza=
lion reference is made to the report of
the Provost Marshal General, which
is also referred•to'for details in respect
the operations of the act enrolling
and . olling out the National forces,
and the required amendments.
-The Colored Troops.:
"immediately . aftbr..the President's
emancipation = proclamation diligent
efforts wore commenced and have con
tinued until the present time for rais
ing colored troops. The Adjutant
General was sent to tho Mississippi
valley to organize the slaves there.—
A bureau to have. charges of all mat:-
tors belonging to such troops was or
ganized in the War Department. The
report of its chief shows what progress
has been made. Over fifty thousand
men are now_ organized and in the
ranks, and the number will readily in
crease as our art - tiles' advance into the
rebel States.. The raising of these
troops has been retarded—first by the
military operation in progress, and,
second, by the removal of the slaves
into the interior, beyond the reach of
the recruiting officers. It is hoped
this obstacle will soon be entirely over
come. Many persons believe, or pre
tended le believe, and confidently as
serted that freed slaves would not
make good soldiers—that they would
luck courage, and could not be subjec
ted 'to military discipline. Facts have
hown how groundless were those ap
prehensions. The slave has proved his
manhood and his capacity as an infan
try soldier at .111iliken's Bend, at the as
sault upon Port Hudson and the storm
ing of Fort Wagner. The apt qualifica
tions of the.colored man for artillery
service have long been known and- re
cognized by the-naval service ; and the
subjoined extract from an official re
port shows what ho can do in - cavalry
service : •
"On the 17th instant thirty men of
Company A, . First Mississippi regi
ment of cavalry (African,) in connec
tion with fifty mdn of the Ist Battal
ion of the Fourth Illinois cavalry,
while on a scout up the Yazoo valley,
met, ono mile above Sartasia, one hun
dred and fifty picket men of the First
and Third Texas cavalry. The First
Mississippi behaved nobly, lacking nei
ther courage nor steadiness, firing
with coolness and decision. The en
gagement lasted half an hour, the tex
ans being totally routed and demoral
ized. We captured twenty eight stand
of arms and seven prisoners."
Their Pay to be Raised.
The colored troops have been allow
ed no bounty; and udder the construc
tion given by the Department, they
can only, by-the existing law, receive
the pay of $lO per month, while other
soldiers are being paid $l3 per• month,
with clothing and daily rations.—
There seems to,bo inequality and in
justice in this distinction, and an a
mendment authorising the same pay
and bounty as white troops receive - is
recommended. As soldiers of the Un
ion, fighting under its banner, expo
sing their lives to uphold the •gevern
ment, colored troops are entitled to
enjoy its justice and beneficence.
The Colored Women and Children
The fortunes' of war have brought
within our lines-a large number of col
ored women, children, and some aged
and infirm persons. Their care, sup
port and protection rest a solemn trust
u pon?t, he government. Their necessi
ties have to sortie extent been supplied
by the orders of this department; but
a general and permanent system for
their protection and support should be
speedily adopted by Congress. Even
if they are to tfe regarded in some de
(free as a hurthen upon the govern
ment, they are a greater loss to the
enemy. Every woman and child from
nine years old -to sixty has to the re
bel planter a high market value.
Their labor in .the cotton field is a
source of profit to him. Is it not bet
ter that we should support them - than
they should support a rebel- master
Who is in arms_againkit us 7
-From- -the -Army -of the Potomac.
WASIIINGTON, Dec. 11.—Accounts
received from the Army of the Poto
mac to•night, say that all reports to
the effect that General Meade has
been superseded were unfounded; at
least, up to a late hour last night, so
far as was known at headquarters.
General Meade, the day before yes
terday, forwarded his report of the
recent movements south of the Rapi
dan to the War Department. It is
confidently believed that it will be
satisfactory to the Cabinet. His late
retrograde movement is fully endor;
sod by almost every officer.
All the Corps are busily engaged in
making themselves comfortable. Be•
yond this no active operations aro vis
Guerilla Warfare in Virginia.
About ono hundred of liosby's and
White's guerillas appeared in the vi-
cinity of Lovottsville about midnight
of the Bth instant.
Among other depredations, they
paid a visit to tho residence of Dr.
Schaffer, an aged gentleman, and rob.
bed him of his hat and watch. The
neighborhood is full - of this Class of
robbers. Mosby is said to have been
with the gang that visited Drettsville.
His headquarters are at Markham, on
the line of the Manassas Railroad, in
Fauquier county, and west of Oak
The guerillas wore dressed in the
full uniform of United States troops.
They are watching the forage - and
transportation wagons very closely,
and are ready at all times to take ad
vantage of circumstances.
Jeff Davis and the Rebel Congress. _Da
vis openly Denounced.— The ;Starving
of Union Soldiers.
RICHMOND, Dec. 11th.—The Senate
yesterday passed a bill prohibiting the
employment of substitutes in the ar
In the rebel Congress on the Bth,
Mr. Foote of Tennessee, in a speech
said, the President had never visited
the army without doing it injury. His
visits have always been followed with
disasters, and he charged him .with
having almost ruined the country.
Mr. Foote challenged any champi
on of Jeff. Davis to meet him any.
whore to discuss his merits. Ho ac
cused the Commissary General Nor
throp with having starved the enemy's
prisoners, and stealthily placing the
Government in a dishonorable posi
tion before-the world.
' From the Ist to the 26th of last
month, meat was furnished to the
prisoners very irregularly for twelve
days. The supply was inadequate to
their wants, and for eight days they
got none at all.
Mr. Foote demanded the removal
of Northrop from his position for the
holier of the ,Country and the sato of
What is our Destiny as a Nation?
Ma. EDITOR :—Could wo perceive
the connection in all the causes and ef
fects in time; or the wonderful harmo
ny, perfect.ordor, and exact . connection
of all events in the moral and political
world since the first introduction of
man upon earth, it would call forth our
hi ,hest admiration of that Providence,
who, when he winds up the:affairs of
his vast empire,in the material and mo
ral universe, will make such a display
of power, wisdom, and benevolence, as
will astonish every 'rational being.
But at present, struggling as we are
for emancipation from mental and phy
sical bondage, we can only perceive
isolated parts of the grand total, in the
government of ourvorld. Yet we can
see an indissoluble connection between
sound morals and successful civil gov
ernment. And if We follow the stream
of human history up to its fountain
head, we can not but perceive on the
one side, the throbbing and struggling
humanity for that light
and liberty which is the birthright of
every human being; and upon the oth
er, a sot of tyrants exhausting all their
powers to keep the multitude in that
gross darkness, which makes them fit
subjects for their cruel despotism. So
that, with the exception of a few spots
of moral verdure, upon which the eye
delights to dwell, our history is a his.
tory of human carnage and blood. We
need, not go back into the fable period
of history to find enough of carnage to
sicken the human soul; there was Ne
buchadnezzar, to desolate the cities
and fields of Asia—there was Alexan
der, carrying destruction through sur
rounding nations; massacring millions
of human victims in order to gratify,
his mad ambition—there was Xerxes,
prompted by cruel thirst for power,
leading an army of throe millions of
poor infatuated followers to be slaugh
tered by infuriate Greeks—there was
Alarie, with his degraded hordes of
barbarians, devastating southern Eu
rope, laying waste the finest mona
inents of art and refinement—there
was Tamerlane, overrunning Persia,
India, and all the best parts of Asia,
offering millions of unoffending human
victims on the s:ory altar of his wicked
ambition, and displaying his capricious
cruelty by pounding thousands in large
mortars to be built with brick and
mortar into wal:s—there Was nigher
Khun, ravaging fifteen millions of
square miles in eastern Asia, behead
ing 100,000 prisoners at ono time, and
during his cruel reign, destroying four
teen millions of human beings—there
was Marius and SyHa, through the
madness-of-wild—nmbition, embroiling
the city of Rome in civil discord, and
drenching the streets fOr five days in
human gore—there was Nero, tramp
ling upon' all laws, human and Divine,
slaughtering slaves and Roman citizens
indiscriminately, whose thirst for hu
man blood could not be sated till he
glutted his hellish appetite with that
of his wife and his mother. But' time
would fail to count the diabolical deeds
of the Cwsars, the Napoleons, and oth
er tyrants, who have, and aro still
turning the fairest parts of Earth into
charnal houseS, and drenching the
world with human blood.
And alas ! the demon of despotism,
not satisfied with the devastations of
the old world, has followed the friends
of human liberty in their retirement
to North America, and has prompted
Davis.and Broekinriass -with their ocr
vile satellites, to raise the most cruel
rebellion- to be found upon record,
against the most benevolent Govern
ment upon earth; and that, for the pur
pose of rolling us hack into the dark
ages, in order that they may establish
a great empire on human bondage.—
And in their madness and folly, they
have commenced a .war, which has
raged with fury for nearly three yedrs,
and is still raging with unparalleled
zeal ; a war which has already cost us
the lives of over 500,000 of those most
dear to us, and billions of dollars of
our hard earned money. And now,
under these trying circumstances, the
question is both pertinent and interest
ing, What is our destiny us a nation ?
Though we are denied the power of
omniscience, yet we have inductive
powers by which we infer future events
from.past experience, and from causes
now in operation.. As sure as the mo
ral government of God is more impor
tant than the material, so sure has
each nation, and every individual,. a
mission upon earth. And whether
they will it or not, every individual is
a cause, or succession of causes, which
are constantly producing unending ef
fects, and every nation, or kingdom,
is destined to perform an - important
part upon the theatre of human life.
The history of the Assyrian empire
is so imperfectly handed down to us
through fable and fiction, that we dare
not say precisely what her mission
was, or why God suffered such extreme
wickedness and tyranny to prevail so
long. The Greeks were destined to
give literature to the world, and we
yet feast upon the works of their po
ets, orators, and philosophers, which,
for profundity of thought, sublimity of
imagination, and, beauty of diction,
have only been eclipsed by the pen of
inspiration. The Romans were charg
ed with giving civil laws to the world,
which constitute a very important part
of our civil jurisprudence to the pres
ent. time. The Jews were charged
with giving to the world a theology,
and a - system of morality, which con
tained the very - essence of human lib
erty.: And we cannot doubt, that it is
our mission to give practical effect to
that theology and that liberty to the
whole world. Wo see that God sifted
the nations of Europe, and selected a
choice seed to plant in this - Western
world, that they brought with them
that light and love of liberty which
could not be extinguished without ex
termination. We see that the most
powerful Empire upon earth was una-
ble to_crush it out ; see by that ho
ly love of equality in the breasts of our
patriotic fathers, though they were
then few in number, and very poor.—
We see that we have grown into a
mighty nation, from`the three millions
who repelled a' Powerful nation from
,ourshores, in shame and disgrace; we
now number ' overthirtymillions. And
we see our vast reseurces, in agricul
ture,'edmtnerce and Manufactures;--
and also that in literary acumen, and
practical knowledge, we suffer not, in
coMparisork with the old world. Bet,
alas! vre see ourselves in thd rnfdst of
civil war; upon - the Ono hrindWe see
millions impelled by wicked ambition,
prompted by Satan, trampling upon
the sacred rights of hunianity'„-,desola
ting our cities, raVaglifedndtlesOlating
the fairest portions of` our
where hundreds of thousand.§;of thew
deluded fhllowers 'are OxPosed to all
the wretchedness which follows in the
train of civil war; an accumulated
wretched ness,fron - i- Which
Arid all this perfidy, backed up by
hundreds of, thousands of armed and
'mercenary soldiers; aided by pirates
destrOying 'our 'commerce' ripol2 . - the
high seas, and, bandS'ef robbers destroy
ing our towns and Villages; and perpe
trating the most wicked and diabolical
crimes known to the dark ages... - We
see whole hecatombs of the purest pa
triots upon earth, offered willing sac
rifices upon the altar of human liberty.
And, alas! we.see the Vallandighams,
the Woods, Seymours,•and Woodward
ites, in the North and amongst us,' de
nying our Government the right to
bring into the field army to roll
back those hordes of wretches, whom.°
fighting to. establish over themselves a
monarchy, based upon African blood
and sweat. One of the darkest features
of the cloud suspended over us is, the
hundreds of thousands amongst us,
who recently sustained those rebel
sympathisers at the ballot box, from
no higher motive than a few,offals of
office, doled out to thorn by their lord
ly and •corrupt masters.
But dark and glooiny as our.-present
condition may, appear, we will not 'de
spair fen a moment; our mission must
and will be accomplished., We must
remain a model government or. the
world must become a huge:monarchy,
and if we would • respond intelligently
to the question,. What is the destiny
of our country ? or, What is•to ba the
history of our distant future ? we must
judge of the future from the past. In
eighty years from the birth of our in
dependence we have multiplied' in po
pulation from time, to over -thirty
millions. By the same ratio (and we
have room plenty) our population
would be over 'three hundred millions.
We must not forget the exhaustless
strength of our aovernment, both in
men and means. Witness the strength
and courage of our army; their victo
ry after victory; the tide of rebellion
rolled back from State to State; their
finance • exhausted,; ~ their currency
. worthless; and their means of life mel
ted away ; their credit ruined, and
starvation staring them in the face.—
Whilst we have over twenty millions,
whose hearts are throbbing••for their
own liberty, arid the emancipation ,of
ourrace from degradation and bond
age. Witness .the fervent prayers
which are ascending from ten thousand
altars to the God of battles, the,Lord
of hosts, for the success of our arms.—
Witness the•palpitations - of the human
' heart evvywhere (except where it is
enshrined in a tyrant's heart) for light
and liberty. • And witness the sympa
thy amongst the virtuous classes of the
people 9f7Europe ; expressed in such
language as .to keep the aristocracy
from casting their sword in the scale
against us. Shall our faith in a.glori
ous future failor falter for a single mo
ment? But, on the contrary, shoWd
we not-rather look into the vista with
high and - holy anticipations of a dison
thralled world by our instrumentality?
And leaning upon the everlasting arm
of Jehovah, we trust that it is our des
tiny, under Him, to save the rebels
themselves from their own folly and
wickedness, after visiting their leaders
with coudign punishment as an exam :
nle_to future generations:-- Wo trust,
under providence, we aro charged
with saving the millions of the poor,
ignorant. pine-landers in the South who
are now fighting ingloriously for leave
to be slaves,—with saving the sedi
ment of democracy in the North, (or
rather, the Jacobins,) from produciug
such a state of things as would invite
some Napoleon to take charge of them,
whilst their dishonest leaders , must
sink into endless infamy, We are now
bound to expunge slavery from its
stronghold, and heal the deep wound
which it has inflicted upon us. When
we have conquered -a lasting peace,
saved the Union, undohe the heavy
burthons, let the captives go free, and
broken every yoke of bondage, restor
ed wives to their husbands, and chil
dren to their parents,'and earnestly
reiterate the declaration of our fathers,
that "all men are equal, and have a
right to life, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness," then the experiment of
government by, the people will have
been- tried. •
Then the divergent waves of light
and liberty will spread -out from us
through all lands, the genial• heat
whereof shall gradually meltthe chains
of tyrants, and sap the thrones of de
spots, and emancipate our race from
darkness, degradation, and cruel bon
dage. When the Prince of Pence shall
reign universal King.
Such we believe to be our high des
tiny, and such we trust the future his
torian will write of us. If such anti
cipations are just, our pages in future
history will bo so glorious that none
will say we made too much sacrifice
to accomplish so benevolent a work.
With the help of God ,we will do all
and more than wo can anticipate.
Our Army Correspondence.
Headquarters Twelfth Army Corps,
Tullabonui, Tulin., Dec. 8, 1883.
GLone.—Up to this time in the sea
son the reign of old Berens has not .
been very steady in this latitude. 'His
presence has been once slightly , felt.-- 7
We have had a whiff of the 'north-east
wind, and a few frail snow-flakes; but
these came during the last dtiys of
November, and the transition - 'from
autumn to whiter 'was - marked by an
elevation of temperature. At present
the Northerner is surprised' to find
such genial warmth in a December
sun. -
It is gratifying that this splendid
weather and au active campaign in
Georgia have come - : togetlieri- While
the former is vouchsafed toms through
the dispensation of Providence, ,we
may, hope that success will"Continne to
favor our strong battalions. •
No news has been received directly
from the front for some days.-- There
is not onlY an abSence of all
intelligence from that quarter; tint alio
a cessation of the •many , incredible 4 -ru
mors that have usually' come' pouring
in: But wo have had numerous gentle
hints that Grant is using 'his time'dili
mmtly, that we are to know nothtng
of bis preparations until they
ato in success, and-that they are" soon
to be folloVed by - the rattle ofranSket
ry -and the flasit' r etreduartillery,',
. We have been -tOo'far froiw the late
battles to learn much chnceyning:theni
At tliis
place Ini:ffiiVe seen fotily tbe - remnitnti,
the rags and, tags, as'. It - Were, of. the
conflict. - _ • Now , ; , :and,=theni a hospital
train passes • northward - with; it
hundred of the wounded; and prrstm
ers are daily going in ,the..iame direc
tion, to-a botterfand_ than they ever
saw before. '
There are some offifets'iriacle-in this
arrnyto have the newspapers regular.
ly ',supplied, but they are not' so ex
tensive nor energetic as in the army
of the Potomac., The Louisville anti
Nashville papers have a
circulation, being, however,'-hut un
worthy substitutes for the more volu
minbussheets we have. been in the ha
bit of reading. Their meagre, negg
eolimfriS are filled, or rather,yalf-filled,
inaterMl4 for- which =they tire evi
dently indehtetti to 'eastern: journal,
and--iVis*-",ilotable 11,14-,-,t-hetAgtailed
accounts P.f 4eititiouSinhtliikpePurt.
'Mont, aN 3 'iratiimitted'AlK'Vety; York
ands- paii - thrOugli ',the
press . oallbSe•citioi,- return for refutb
lication; undjlius eventually: . fall into
.the hands of the soldi
There ebines:OcCasionallf It - breath
from the-North to :wet nAts- ,- -that
'Copperlinadd are hot yet extinct. Oub
of the channels. through w,hich- they
makti their - eXiStenee felt!isthe profuse
man_ in ibex ,liestow praises
on - Cleo. B. that
seem inevitable ivliereter Copperhead
is~n prevails. During considerable in
tercourse with western .troops I haye
learned that McClellan is looked upon
as.a man who does not peSsess the
qualities of a successful military corn.
mender, and as one who is.vain,glori
ons'and boastful in the' higheiSt degree.
It is also to be remarked that this sen
timent is fast , gaining ground, among
those who served under him in the ar
my of the Potomac. M. S. L. -
All persons Interested will plesio lake make, Ihat
tne undersigned deputy Collector of U. 8: Internal Rera
nuu for nun tiugdon county. MY/ Attend, on the ltt end
na Titesdayinf , each mouth; et-the Jjekson !Intel; Its tfos
borough of Huntingdon, to receive, tuxes &a cowman.
lug on thoith July.•
July ith, 1903.
• .
The subscriber Inving on tho 26th day of September,
either in the cars or at Saxton, ou the Broad Top railroad.
heti% eon huts inylon and Dudley. lost hie Pocket Boot,
containing his DISCHARGE and other army papers—
which nould be of nn use to any person lint the owner.—
Any person leaving the same either at the "(Holm" °nice,
or at tho Post °Rico in Code, int will be liberally rower.
dad by • :l -, - 3 7. 7 , -. ;'",, JA3114.9
Millersville, 0tt...14,18p. , .
"he undersigned, a Union refilgae, whit was compelled
to leave Itockilighatreounty, Virginia, on the 13th May,
1862, in coplunßualli John Yonpgoleory Meadows and
fresiPoijsi r ire ' seWtrui4tligw,nerenbun I
!ogees from that 'section. nail 'espccially of his father—
liicholati Bree%lin—who, it is supposed, is now in °him'.
Any information %%filch may lead to the oliscureif at
thu presont residence of any of the nbovei4rsons, will be
thankfully two/veal. Addreds tot follows.
ItftlffAltD BREHM,
rnmaiso Furnace, Hunt. Co., Penile.'
VW. Parrs friendly to the cause will confer a favor on
one n lin ha 4 suffered severely for Lis love fur the Union,
by publishing the above.
FOR Ffti .43. 1 7 D _HUNT
Win. Itlitildliißlitthltß,
Respectfully inform their ntunorotte customer., and the
public generally. that they hove Just received • aro and
splendid stock oil /ends at theiretore in MAHKUMMA
consisting in pert of- -
DRESS GOODS, '' • ...
NOTIONS, .-- 0 _
BOOTS & SHOES;- . • •
ktt HARDWARE, - ',
0 . GROCERIES, • ..;
5 •
SEGARS, • • ,
NAILS,. - , . : ... '
OLD MEAT, - co'
FISH, . .. .. .
SALT, &c., &c.
And in fact everything usually kept in a first Cities coun
try liters, which - trero bought love for cash aml relit be
sold et corresponding low prices. for climb or country prod
uce, and resilient the public to give -na a "cisill.before pno
chasing elsewhere, feeling &Wetted. rre,cen offer superior
inducements to cosh tinYers. - " •-• • -
We repectfolly request the patronage of all, arid es
pecially our Trough Creek Valleffriends. -
Everything token in exchange for goods except prorsi.
- .I:tit-Cash iald for all kindlier gridn; coi•iibleb 'the
highest market prices will bp given.
Wm. March to agent for the Brant Tep Railroad Com
pany at Markiesburg Station. to is prepared to ship all
kinds of grain to the :astern innrkets. Having a large
and commodious 'warehouse, farmers can store pith him
Altair grain and Hour until ready' !o.ehlp. Every coma
Menne u ihl he afforded them. , •
WS Lase AlsO'n stock of FUR NITIIRS
'shish Rig boabld at reasonable, prices. '
lifsiktssburg, Oct: 28,1883. • ' • •
LL who' May liaveLitny claims a
lpinist the Government for Bounty, Back Pay-and
005h/1A con hdere their !Rebut promptly collectetkby:ap
plying either in !vile., or by letter to
Attorney at Law,
August 12, 1863.
718 .41,4C$ Street
Pn moms.
Importer& Hanufactur
mfand Dealerinall hinds
ss' end Ciiildren's Wear.
desire to return my
mks to my friends of
intlngslon and the stir
lnding Counties, for
•tr very Mimi patron
, extended to me during
lest faro yeans, and.
ald nay to them' that I
we now in store, of "my
mimportationand Man
. ..nent of 'nil the different
or FANCY FURS, for Ladies. and
C7uldren, that wilt bo Worn during the Fall and Winter
seasons. .• •
tieing the'direct Importer of all my Fern mEnsope,
end having them manufactured under myarensuporvbffon,
mraides mu to offer my customer,. and the public a much
handsomer Set of Furs for tho demo money. • Ladles
pleasa give me a coil before purchasing!
ffey- Remember the muno, number and street: John
Eneint, (Nets Euriti••• 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Sept. 16, 1863.-sm• • •