lice *Lobe. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday inotning t Des. 9 t 1863. W.. Lewis ; Editor and Proprietor. Our Flag Forever. " I know of no mode in which a loyal citi zen may so well demonstrate his de&otion io ha country as by sustaining the Flag, the Constitution and the Union, under all circum stances, and UNDSIS STYMY ADMINISTRATION, NZGARDLICBB OP PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALL SABAILANTS, AT MOM& AND AUROAD."-STEPIISN A. DOUGLAS. CONGRESS. Both Houses organized at 12 o'clock on Monday last. Hon. Schuyler Col fax of Indiana, Union camas nominee, was elected Speaker by twenty-one majority. The result was received with great applause in the galleries. The President's Message will be sent in to-day, Tuesday ; if possible, our readers shall receive it this week. LATEST NEWS.—Advices from Kings ton state that Sherman's expedition bad Longstreet hemmed in, with a poor chance to escape. ma-Richmond papers of the 4th, -say that tho firing continues from our side, and that new guns bearing on Charleston have been mounted, and a new battery has also been unmasked• Breekinridge not Dead.—The Rich mond papers contain a dispatch sta ting that Breckinridge and Bragg were serenaded at Dalton on the 2nd. The great traitor is therefore not dead. Cormasss met on Monday last, De cember the 7th. TlAo following is a Est of tho Senators and Representa tives from Pennsylvania, viz : SENATOItS Edgar Cowan, Greensburg. Charles R. Buckalew, Bloomsburg. REPRESENTATIVES. 1. Samuel J Randall, Philadelphia. • 2. Charles O'Neill, Philadelphia. 3. Leonard Myers, Philadelphia. 4. William D Kelley, Philadelphia. 5. M Russell Thayer, Chestnut Hill. 6. John D. Stiles, Allentown. 7. John M Broomall, Chester. 8. Sydenham E Ancona, Reading. 9. Thaddeus Stevens, Lancaster. 10. Myer Strouso, Pottsville. 11. Philip Johnson, Easton. 12. Charles Dennison, Wilkesbarre. 18. Et M Tracy, Standing Stone. 14. William H Miller, Harrisburg. 15. Toile& Bailey, Newport. 16. A II Coffroth, Somerset. 17. Arch. McAllister, Springfield Fur 18. James T. Hale, Bellefonte. • 19. Glenni W Schofield, Warren - • 20.-Amoo-m-ters;ollirion. 91: - John L. Dawson, Brownsville. 22. James K Moorhead, Pittsburg. 23. Thomas Williams, Pittsburg. 24. Jesse Lazear, Waynesburg. The War Democrats of the North- CM 'the Conference of War Democrats, held at Chicago on Wednesday 26th nit was attended by some forty per sons, representing the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Min nesota. A declaration of principles was adopted, and measures taken —looking to a national organization.— The platform declares unequivocally in favor of the Union, denies that thei Constitution affords any pretext fpr secession, providing, on the contrary, a peaceful remedy for every grievance that may occur in any part of the country : "That, during the existence of this rebellion to destroy the Union, we hereby declare that the preservation of the Union under the Constitution shall be the paramount issue with us, and we hereby proclaim fellowship with and desire the cooperation of, all who will unite with us for the attain ment of this object; and we repudiate parties and their sympathizers, as well as all platforms, which seek .. or tend to embroil the people of States and in cite treason, and array resistance to law anywhere, and whose avowed or motet purpose, if consummated, must end in disunion. "That this meeting recommend the war Democracy of the several States to meet in delegate national conven tion, at Cincinnati, on the first Wed nesday in May, 1864, for the purpose of taking such action as they may think best touching the nomination of candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, and determine other matters as they may think proper, and that there be a Na tional Executive Committee of. one from each State, to promote the object of the resolution. "The following gentlemen were named as members of the Nationol Executive Committee for the States reported : Amos Lovering Hubbard, Indiana; John A McOlernand, Illinois; Joseph E. Egley, Ohio ; Matthew H. Carpenter, Wisconsin ; Henry M. Rice, Minnesota." 1864.—The Old Franklin, Baer's Lancaster, the Eagorstown, and other Almanacs, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. Ifxs. Jane M. Pierce, wife of Ex• President Pierce, died Wednesday at Andover, Ilase. She had been in failing health for a long time. as. Scarlet fever is carrying off scores of children in a portion of Cam bria county. Hundreds have died 'into tba middle of Ootobor. Itor to Help the Richmond Prieon- EU The suffering of our prisoners in the Richmond jails is still:a topic of painful interest in every newspaper, and at almost every hearthstone in the country. Several plans have been proposed for the relief of the unfortu nate victims of rebel barbarities, and among others a proposition, made in onr columns some days ago, that a volunteer army of one or two hundred thousand mon shall be immediately raised, acting under the plans and au thority of the War Department, and co-operating with the armies already in the field, but•designed only for the special purpose of taking Richmond. Many good and sensible men, and es pecially many enthusiastic and san guine, have favored the idea. The Washington authorities, laying aside enthusiasm, and viewing the entire question in the light of dispassionate calmness, have thought loss favorably of the proposed crusade, and thereof have naturally, and no doubt properly, refused to sanction it. It will require but a moment's reflection to ascertain the considerations which must have influenced the Government iu reaching this decision—a decision which no doubt very many thoughtless people have regarded as extremely unfeeling. In the first place, the very attempt to organize an army of the independent nature proposed would defeat the ob. jest sought to be accomplished in its organization. To raise, equip, and place in the field, one hundred thou sand men, would be the work of weeks, if not of months; to transfer the fifteen thousand Union prisoners from Rich mond to the" interior of North and South Carolina would be the work of a very few days—and the effect would be to intensify the sufferings of the. unfortunate creatures, if such a thing were possible. We know that the re bels would not hesitate to do this; and, indeed, we noticed in a late Rich mond paper, a statement that several hundred of the prisoners had been re moved to Danville, a town upon the southern boundary-line of Virginia, the southwestern terminus of the Pe tersburg Railroad, and so far inland as not to be easily accessible to inva ding armies. The advantage of rail -1 roads, and of interior lines, would again avail the enemy here, as it has so often done before, and might prove an equal offset to the valor and enthu siasm of our soldiers. In the second place, the 'raising and equiping of one hundred thousand mon . for a special purpose, and but a short term of service, would materially in terfere with the plans and operations of the Government just at tho present time, when the levy of troops recently made is yet to be complied with in all the States. And in the third place, as there would be no time for drilling, the collection in one body of the num ber of men specified, nine-tenths of them wholly undisciplined, would not be an army at all, but a mob, from which nothing bettor could be reason ably expected than a repetition of the first Bull Run campaign. Row, then, can Richmond be taken, and our star ving men released ? Not by the adop tion of Quixotic enterprises, but by the prosecution of the war, as system atically as ever, and as much more vig orously as possible. So far as the des truction-Of power of the rebellion is concerned, little else than the breaking up of Leo's army now re mains to be accomplished. It is true that Bragg's army has not yet been annihilated; and a possibility still ex ists that it may be reinforced by Long street. Nevertheless, it is a broken, demoralized army, poorly supplied as to food and clothing, and can never again present a formidable front to General Grant. It is true, also, that there would seem to be an army of some magnitude at Charleston, which, in the event of the capture of that city, would be enabled to join either Bragg or Lee. And it is true that, at Savan nah, Mobile, and west of tho Mississip pi, there are some thousands of rebel troops. Still, the fact is not to be dis puted that Lee's army is the mainstay of the rebellion, and, with its destruc tion-, the—rerbell. the Government. If we destroy that army we batter down the fortifications of Richmond, and break the prison bars that confine our famished, dying soldiers. • If we would effect their re lease, and bring the war to a sudden and triumphant close, we must take advantage of the present weakness of the rebellion and hurl against it all the strength it is possible to concen trate. The Government has as much need of troops now as ever it had. Vie Army of the Potomac) should be reinforced, if not voluntarily, then by the unsatisfactory but necessary process of a draft. It is unquestion ably true that a hundred thousand men would volunteer for a single cam paign against the rebel capital, where twenty-five thousand would hesitate to volunteer for a term of three years', service. But lit is also unquestiona bly true that the twenty-five thou sand, or even ono-half of that number, distributed among the veteran Regi ments, would do quite as good service for the Union as the hundred thousand raw recruits starting forth upon a chimerical expedition. No bet ter opportunity than the present, for rendering such service, has ever been presented to loyal mon. We can help to strengthen the Army of the Potomac if we will; we can help to destroy the rebel army—once the right wing, but now the forlorn hope of the rebellion— if we will; we can help to close up the war before another twelvemonth has elapsed, if we 'ill; and in doing all this we may have the satisfaction of knowing that while we aro fulfilling a sacred obligation tow ards the Government, we are at the same time, in a military sense, render ing the most effective service possible towards the relief of our imprisoned and etarving brethren in Richmond. To accomplish their release may seem but a subordinate purpose in the ad vance of General Meade; but of Wawa may rest assured, that in no way can that object be more speedily, or_fhlly, or satisfactorily effected, than by a crushing victory over tbe*6l army under Leo, such as has justbeen gain: ed over the army of Brea. Itumau ity and patriotism alike inspire us to give unanimity and vigor to this last effort of the war, and so to strengthen our srmies that the plans and pros poets of the Government will be thril led against failurcjin the future.-.... The Press. WAR FOR THE UNION. FROM CHARLESTON. Reasons why we have thus far Accom plished so Little—Why the City is not Shelled The Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, (a high Republi can authority, that seems to know a good deal about the naval and milita ry operations before Charleston,) thus speculates upon the prospect of redu cing that city: "I have no doubt the reason of the city not being shelled will be found in the too great strain put upon the hea vy rifled guns. They either burst outright, or give away in the rifling or vents, most probably the latter, af ter a few shots. A gentleman from the fleet informs me that the rifled guns will stand but fifteen hundred rounds of horizontal firing. Every round after that, and, indeed, after the twelfth hundred, is fired at the risk of explosion. The strain on the piece is so great that the reinforce of wrought iron around the breech separates from the gun. Of course this destroys the piece. The vent pieces also have a tendency to blow out. At Vicksburg, I have been informed by an intelligent gentleman, the 200-pound Parrotta blew out their vent pieces almost after one hundred rounds. "A Washington paper, indeed, a few days since, stated that none of the 800 pound Parrots have yet stood the test even of horizontal firing. The truth would appear to be, then, that our Parrott gun hae precisely similar de fects to the Armstrong, Whitworth and Blakoly guns. Two Whitworth . guns, used by Gilmore, at Charleston, I learn, burst at the fourth or fifth round, but whether in horizontal or vertical firing I could not learn. All know that the celebrated 600-pounder Blakoly gun burst in the hands of the rebels, upon a trial of vertical firing, and they have never, once dared to use the other pieces in their bands of the same calibre. Are not these, then the causes of the failure to shell Char leston, and thus compel the surrender of the forts? I leave your readers to judge. "It now begins to be the opinion of military men before Charleston that the proper mode ofprocoeding against it, ie by landing a force whore General. Mitchell landed his—near the Charles ton and Savannah Railroad—and thence advance upon the place and at tack it in the rear. Another plan is for Gen. Grant to advance to Atlanta and Augusta, Georgia, and lay regular siege to it from the rear also. In the meantime, if it is designed to attack Charleston with the fleet heavily rein forced, it will be necessary to supply new 15-inch guns to those at present in the fleet, as no smooth-bore gun will stand more than a certain number of rounds, 5ay.1,200 or 1,500, without rendering it liable to explosion. "This is a heavy and expensive job, and necessarily takes time. A gen tleman from the scone of operations, in whose opinion I have much confi dence, (and ho has beer, in South Car olina, or on the coast, since the victo. ry of Adirel Dupont, at Hilton Head,) informs me that he has no expectation of the reduction of the place by the fleet and land forces now there before the first day of January, under the most favorable circumstances. "The monitors fall in concentration of fire. This is a nice thing, but in na val affairs bas been seldom successful. Nelson tried it, and won, at Copenha gen, by mere good fortune.. He was really defeated in the action against .the forts of the Danes, and the latter were really more scared than hurt. Lord Exmouth also tried it and won, at Algiers, in almost a precisely simi lar manner. But he was fighting a gainst barbarians, provided with badly constructed works, defective guns, and badly worked batteries. In al most all other notable instances on record it has failed. Tho fact of it is, the powe,r,ottlefence...against c -Of - holds ite own, notwithstand ing the iron-clad movement." The Bombardment of the Rebel Forts Still Going on. PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 4 The 'United States supply steamer Missachusetts, Lieut. West command ing, arrived at the Navy Yard at 9 o'- clock this morning, in sixty-three hours from Charleston bar, having left there on Tuesday evening. When the Massachusetts left, the bombardment of the forts off Charles ton was going on night and day. The firing on Sumter had ceased, and Gen eral Gillinore turned his attention to the forts in the inside of the harbor. A terrific fire was kept up on Fort John son, which must be reduced before further progress can be made in the siege. Tho news of Gen. Grant's victories had been received, and on Tuesday lust salutes wore fired in honor of it from all the vessels of the fleet and from the batteries on shore. The Army of the Cumberland. A REBEL ATI% DE TOTALLY DE • MATED BY EURNSIDD. Death of Gen. kw. 0 Breekiaridge. Important News from Knoxville Chattanooga, Dec. 2.—A dispatch to the Bulletin says: The movements of this army now going on cannot be reported. There are questionable reports of a rebel raid across .the Chickamauga river at Red House ford, and that the families took refuge in the town. Rumors continue to thicken of rebel doings in the border counties of Ten nessee. Reports say that Faulkner and his men are not Only conscripting all the men, but taking all the horses, mules, cattle and hogs, without re gard to the political sentiments of their own ere. New York, Deo. special des patch to the Tribune contains the fol. lowing highly important intelligence : Knoxville, Nov. 80.—During Satur day night, Nov. 28th, the enemy made a general attack in force on a large portion of our skirmishing line, and at about midnight, succeeded in driving In our picket& Tills was intended as a feint to conceal the real point con templated for assault, and confuse our army. Cannonading and skirmishing continued during the entire night. Early in the morning the enemy charged in strong force upon General Ferrior's position, at Fort Saunders. They were met mid-way by a murder ous discharge of grape and canister, and a steady fire from the rifle-pits, under which they faltered, and finally tell back in broken fragments, leaving two colonels, several captains, and, in all, over a hundred dead on the field. A considerable force reached the port of the parapets, whore the woun ded and dead were piled in an undis tinguishable mass. We captured 234 prisoners, and the loss of the enemy in the assault was not far from 700, while that on ous side was less than 25 General Burnside humanely offered a truce to Gen. Longstreet until five o'clock this afternoon, to afford him an opportunity for the removal of his wounded and the burial of his dead.— The truce was accepted, and the time subsequently extended for two hours. The rebel wounded are being bro't into our hospitals, or conveyed in our ambulances to the enemy's line. Three stands of colors wore captur ed from the rebels. On this (Monday) morning the wea ther is clear, with frost. All is quiet around our lines. Chattanooga, Dec. 2.—ft is reported by deserters, as well as by citizens ar riving here, that Gen. John C. Brock inridge has died of the wounds he re ceived at the fight near Ringgold. A son of Breckinridge and one of his cousins are among the prisoners cap tured in the recent engagement. Louisville, Dec. 3d—Midnight.—A special dispatch to the Journal of this city, says that General Wilcox has tel egraphed from Gen. Burnside's head- quarters at Knoxville, on the 30th ult. "that• at 11 o'cloek on the evening of the 2g i th the rebels attempted to sur prise his forte and succeeded in dri ving our skirmishing line to the right wing, which was posted on the Kings ton road, and forced it back to Fort Saunders. We afterwards regained our position, and had sharp skirmish ing with the enemy all night. "On Monday morning at 7 o'clock, the rebels moved a force of three brig ades against Fort, Saunders, a portion of Which, notwithstanding our heavy fire, gained the ditch, but could not ascend the parapet. "We took three hundred prisoners and three stands of colors. The rebel loss in killed and wounded was over three hundred, while our loss was over twenty. "Longstreot then accepted General Burnside's offer for a cessation of hos tilities to enable the rebels to attend to their wounded. The wounded sol diers were exchanged for loyal soldiers wounded in previous engagements, and the rebel dead sent through our s lines. "Col. Russ, commanding the assault: ing party, Col. McElroy, and Lt. Col. Thomas, of the enemy, were killed. "An assault was simultaneously mado on the right of our line, but the rebels were driven back. Our loss on that side was about forty, while the enemy's loss was much greater. "Our supplies are ample for the pre sent. "The rebels have boon reinforced by ono or two rogtmentsof Gen. Bushrod Johnston's divition." - Cincinnati, Dec. 4.—The Gazette's dispatch, dated Chattanooga, Dec. 4, says: Everything is quiet along our entire lino. Our casualties in the late battle were 4,500. Prisoners captured, 6,400. Guns, 46. A special dispatch to the Commer cial, dated Cumberland Gap, Dec. 4th; says : General Foster has driven the enemy from Clinch river and is in pursuit. Our chiick* yesterday, how ever, will doubtless secure Longstreet's retreat. From the Army of the Potomac The Cause of the Retrograde Movement Strength of the Enemy's Position. READHINS.. ABM OF Trig PAW. At, WASHINGTON, Dec. 2, 1863. The Army of the Potomac crossed the Rapidan in three columns on the 26th of November, and concentrated the following day on Mine Run. The enemy occupied the hills on the opposite side of the stream in full force. The position of the enemy was nat urally a very strong one, and he was found to be intrenched along his en tire line, his works being a continua tion of those on the Rapidan, to turn which was the object of our army. The enemy's position was too for midable to be carried by assault. The great difficulty of keeping up the supplies of the troops at this seas on of the year at any distance from the railroad, as well as the impractica bility of the country for offensive mili tary operations, prevented a more ex tensive movement, and the army re turned to the north side of the Rapi dan. The falling back to our present po sition was accomplished without loss of men or property. The entire casualties during the campaign will not exceed one thous and in killed, wounded and missing. . A few men who forded• Mine Bun and lay on picket duty during Monday night, were frozen to death, and sev eral bodies of rebel , skirmishers were carried to the rear on stretchers the same morning. With the exception of a few caval ry skirmishes, the enemy did not at tempt to annoy our rear on our re turn. WASHINGTON, Deo, 3.—The dispatch es from the army of the Potomac yes terday to the Associated Press failed, owing to uncontrollable circumstan ces on the way, to reach Washington, until to-day, and a similar misfortune attended the telegram from Rappa hannock Station. Much of what has now come to hand has been anticipa ted through other channels.—lt ap pears, however, from the dispatches, that it was evidently intended to at tack the enemy's extended works on Monday. Cannonading was opened from our batteries between 8 and 9 o'- clock, and the right wing skirmishers were advanced to Mine Run, whore it was found the enemy had built a suc cession of dams, which raised the stream to a depth of from four to five feet, with swampy margins. On our extreme right it was found the enemy bad formed an abattis several hundred yards in width in front of their works ; and directly under their guns. On the left, Gen. Warren tricVed forward his line, and discovered the enemy in such numbers and so strong ly intrenched as to make it more than hazardous to attack them in front. He however drove them back from the advanced post behind their works, and awaited further instructions. These and perhaps other considerations indu ced a postponement of the premedita ted attack. It is understood that Gen. Meade visited the entire line, carefully noting the enemy's strong positions, formida ble batteries and earthworks, and af ter consulting with his officers, deem ed it advisable to withdraw to the north side of the Rapidan, and orders were accordingly issued to that effect. Gen. Meade abandoned the campaign when it became evident that the ene my had anticipated his advance and rendered an approach to Gordonsville and Orange Court House an impossi bility. DECEMBER 4th, P. M A light division of rebel troops cros sed the Rapidan this afternoon, at some point above Raccoon Ford, prob. ably on a reconnoisance. Since this information came to camp considera ble cannonading has been heard in that direction, and it is supposed that their advance has been checked by our light batteries, which have been attached to the cavalry arm of the service, in pursuance of General Meade's orders. DEPARTMENT OF' THE GULP. Progress of the Union Fleet and Army in Texas.—lmportant from Texas. CINCINNATI, Dec. B. A dispatch to the Bulletin says: The Memphis Argus has just recei ved froin its special correspondent with the Brazos Santiago expedition the following news: Theteet left Brazos •Santiago Pass on the evening of Nov. 17. The fol lowing afternoon several regiments were landed on Mustang Island, and marched nearly all night, reaching the vicinity of the rebel works about daylight. Slight skirmishing took place between our advance, which was thrown across the island, so that no one might escape, while the gunboat Monongahela throw a number of 11 inch shells among the rebels, which immediately caused a panic. A half hour later, when General Ransom came up with two regiments in line of battle, the rebels threw a white shirt on the point of a bayonet, and made an unconditional surrender of their fort, troops and munitions of war. This capture of a company of artil lery and a squadron of cavalry was ef fected without the loss of a man. Wo now possess, and will continue to hold Brazos, Santiago Island, Point Isabel, Brownsville, Fort Brown and Mustang Island. Ere the month is ended the flag of the Union will float over sever al other points on the coast of Texas FROM WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, Dee. 6 The Potomac Armies.—There is some activity along the Rapidan and Rap pahannock in the twu armies. Tho rebels yesterday give every evidence 118 if intending to resume the offensive, and got between Meade and the Rap. pahannock, but our forces were on the look out, and were ready for the ene my, who have doubtless construed Meade's withdrawal into apparent weakness. Fraudulent Contractors Disappear ing.—The sentence of several contrac tors to the penitentiary has created quite a hubbub among a certain class of them, who have mysteriously dis appeared within a day or so. Quartermaster Arrested.—Quarter master Stoddard was arrested at Alex andria, yesterday, on allegations of fraud. Others will soon follow. Sent to Penitentiary.—By a general order iust_madooublia-in_thA -Rmith. son case, the banker lately sentenced to penitentiary for treason, it appears that he was convicted under the 57th Article of War, for writing letters un der an assumed name, and directed in cypher to one of Beauregard's officers at Aianassas, in 1861. The letters contained valuable information rela ting to the disposition of troops, and steps going forward to put down the rebellion, besides warm expressions of sympathy, even to the donation of all of his property to the rebels. Dismissed the Service.—Second Lieu tenant George Wiseburne, charged and convicted of using contemptuous and disrespectful language of Presi dent, by declaring that the Executive had seen fit to make the emancipation of the negro slaves the whole work of the army, has been dismissed the ser vice. The Escape of Morgan. How his Liberty was Effected—A Curl ous Letter—Where the Blame Rests CINCINNATI, Nov. 30.—The six offi cers who escaped from the penitentia ry at Columbus, with Morgan, were Captains Bennett, Taylor, Sheldon, Hines, B.ackersmith, and Magee. John H. Morgan, on retiring, chan ged with his brother Dick from the top coil to the lower tier. The floor of the lower cell is two and a half in ches thick, in which a hole was cut, running to the main wall around the penitentiary. This wall was cut un der, and the party escaped into the open country. The night was dark and a heavy rain was falling. Not the slightest clue has boon discovered of their whereabouts, or the route they have taken. The Governor has telegraphed 411 the military committees of the State to arouse their several counties, and Col. Parrott, the Provost Marshal Gen eral of the State, has notified every provost marshal within his jurisdiction to scour their several districts thor oughly. The most plausible theory mention ed is that they escaped in time to take the Cincinnati train via Dayton, which started from Columbus at 2A. M. on Friday night. That their escape'was connived at by sympathizers there is little doubt. The manner of their escape was in genious, but after all simple enough, bused upon the almost certain theory that they were correctly informed as to the ground they bad to work thro'. They, by patient labor for nearly four weeks, by means of email pocket knives, dug through the floors of their cells, composed of about one foot of stone and brick, down into a four-feet sewer. Two.weelts ago one of the escaped prisoners asked the guard for a few boards to cover the bottom of their cells, giving as an excuse that the damp stone was injuring their health. Their unspicious guard granted the request. The boards were used to cover up the holes they were cutting. On the night of their final escape, on retiring to their several cells, Dick Morgan managed to change with his brother John from the lower to the upper tier. After getting into the sewer they crawled to the heavy grating and ma sonry at its mouth, and found they could not escape by that route. They however, made a hole upward to a heavy pile of coal, which rolled in on them to such .an extent that they were forced to go further back into the yard; they then excavated the soft earth clear under the main wall, and so correctly was the distance calcula ted, that they came out into the open road way one foot from the founda tion. One of the party (Captain Hines) was by trade a brickmason, and seems to have had the management of the whole affair. A note signed by that worthy, written in a fine, commercial hand, was left behind, as follows: "To Captain Merlon,. Warden of the Penitentiary, Castle . Merlon, Cell No. 20, Nov. 27th, 1863: "Commencement November 4th, 1863; conclusion November 20th, 1863 Number of hours for labor per day, three; tools, two small knives. "La patience est amere, maisicen fruit est flails." (Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.) "By order of my six honorable Con federates. "T. HENRY HINES, "Captain C. S. A." Public opinion is divided as to whero the blame rests. It is proper to state, however, that for the last two weeks several of the most prominent Copper heads of the State have been putting up at the principal hotels, laying their heads together, without any visible reason therefor. THE RICHMOND BASTILES. Statement of a Paroled Prisoner. Horrible Barbarity of the Rebels. Threatened Riots in Richmond. ANNAPOLIS, Md., Nov. 26, 1863 Messrs. Editors Baltimore American Sias—The roady demand and well deserved attention your paper meets with from the patients and attendants of this extensive hospital are eviden ces sufficient that your columns prop substantially the only only strong ar ches of sure success—the army and soldier—and it is in compliance with a request made by my late comrades in the Richmond prisons that I solicit space in your columns to publish to their friends, their counry, and the world an account of their present con dition. In spite of the trifling falsehoods and sickly excuses of the Richmond press, they belie themselves and their government in every issue. .They charge the Yankees with lying and misrepresenting their miserable condi tion to their Government, while in al most the same breath they plead ne cessity for the outrageous treatment of our men. Observation, with other good sources of information, inclines me to credit the latter plea to a great extent. The guards on duty at our prison got only small rations of beef' and corn bread twice a day. A rebel guard also told me that it was almost impossible to get beef, that there were neither cattle nor hogs to be had, and that mulch cows bad been pressed for beef by the government. .._The Richmond. papaya Ita-vo appeal ed time and again to the patriotism of the farmers, to bring in their grain and save the city from famine and its dire results. Every resort and inventioh has been exhausted. The people have no confidence in the money,.and even hid their commodities from impress ment. The city has been on the eve of open riot three times within the last six weeks. The last time hostili ties began and several soldiers and citizens wore wounded and killed, and there were great fears of a general up rising. On the night of this occasion the guards were doubled at the prison, lights extinguished, and all prisoners ordered away from the windows. The government had pressed in all the bread at the bakeries,•and the citizens could not get bread at any price, when the people rose up and threatened to loose the Yankees. Every means had to be used to reconcile the mob. They were told that the Yankees would be speedily released, and that bread should be furnished at low rates.— Since then bread has risen twenty-five cents on the loaf, but King Jeff, Phar oah like, has hardened his promise to his people, and will not let the Yan kees go. The Enquirer of a late date complains bitterly of this " foreign population," and says "it seems that even in times of war wo are to be sub jected to Yankee monopoly," and inti mates to their gallant soldiers that the people don't want them to take any more prisoners. This last hint is significant, and should be understood by our gallant soldiers. Several thousand of our men were being sent away from Richmond as 1 left, while a large percentage of the remainder will, I fear, sacrifice their bones to the founding of a Yankee Golgotha at the shrine of the Rebel Moloch. Our blankets, overcoats, knapsacks, and many other articles were taken from us by the sneaking, thieving, cowardly home guard of At lanta, Georgia. After arriving at the rebel Mecca, one thousand were put into a factory, so crowded that we could hardly lie down, and the atmosphere oppressive almost beyond endurance. One man was taken out dead next morning, and many others sadly ailing. In a few days we changed to the building of Messrs. Rueter & Brother, and after wards to the house known as "Scott's Exchange Prison," but the change was like the change of kings which Jupiter gave the frogs—from bad to worse.— Here we dragged out some of the most miserable days and nights that ever cursed hurdan existence. The rations were at fiii3 . l half a loaf of bread and slight ration' of beef (mostly without salt) date' a day; no soup. Soon beef got Mires!, and wo got in lien half a plot of ride and two large spoonsful of horse peas. Next wheat became scarce, and we got What they called a pound of corn bread,- hat I think they used to weigh by shim Troy weight: This bread, ernes- !miry diet, made . of corn meal and water one day be forehand, was mit' de4ll trait and gave nearly all the soldiers the' diarrhoea ? this was given us very irregularly, and we found it to be just Ongh to sus tain life and no more'. kut we were doomed to be furter puesoonted. Solna of the tobacco fixtures Ware removed or misplaced, when our corn meal was, cut off for one day. It seemed as tho' we should famish. I heard men 'say they would give all their worldly pos session for one.loaf of bread. A dog, belonging in an adj3ing stable, strayed in at night, was killed and cooked over the gaslight and eaten. The Rebel Surgeon would not believe the story until he was shown the animal's skin,- when he shook his head and said it was hard. My head grew dizzy, my tongue coated, and I felt very fhinty, as if just recovered from a fit of severs sickness. The floors were washed once a week and sometimes late in the day, when we would be obliged to lay down and pass a chilly November night, eoattess, blanketless, pillowless, sleepless. and hungry,-on the damp, cold floor.. This will send many a. good 'soldier to his tong account and a prernature grave. The basement story of our prison contained two hundred and eighty men, and bad an old rotten-floor of slabs partly torn up, and when . the water was thrown among this dirt and decayed wood, it left a sickening and disgusting stench. The room '-''was dark as a dungeon, and the haggard beings seemed, as they moved about, more like spectral forms than natural beings. • The sink was on the same floor in one end of the building. WeL cohid get no fresh air or sunlight only down the narrow alleys bet Ween the build ings. We had not even light enough to kill the vermin which were literally eating us up: They could be seen crawling on the floor and outside of men's clothes. I have gone to the window and killed'and counted thirty one body lice at a single searching"of my blouse. As I write, there is a young man lying near me who was sick in hospital, whose skin is, iu many places, a solid scab. The Old Jersey prisonship, with all its horrors, could hardly surpass in filthiness and human degradation, this damp dungeon.— Some have no hats or caps, nor trous ers enough to hide their nakedness; others have old socks, pieces of blous es, or a shred of blanket tied on their shoeless feet. The average number of deaths in the prisons and on Belle Isle is about thirty-five per day, and of course oo the increase. A greater portion of the prisoners are Western men, and when captured were hearty and robust in health. To the freque,M, inquiry, what, is the exchange news, or do you think we will get away soon ? the rebel officers sertervaly- 8 ;...A. - 4 'At no doubt to cause the men to,become disaffected or to censure their Govern ment, or perhaps to induce them to take the oath; but the men generally bear their fate with the heroic spirit of Spartans, and say the black fiag on the battle-field of Gbicamauga, whore they were captured, would have boon far more honorable to their enemies. It was with feelings of pride as well as regret and Borrow that I beheld tho emaciated and haggard faces and tearful oyes of those once hardy vete rans, whom I have known in more glorious days—days of Shilob, Perry ville and Murfreesboro—as they Math-. ered around me to give their family addresses, that I might notify their friends that they were well and would soon be bottle. Alas 1 oor fellows, I fear many of them will never reach their earthly home. No exchange—no parole—hope seems a present. Some things I have noticed may at first appear exaggerated, or the over told work of hatred to my persecutors, but there are those in this hospital, besides hundreds of fellow soldiers who were in, the same prison, that will bear witness to the truth, yea, more than what I have told. We have no record in the history of civilized nations of a body of pris oners being treated as barbariously as the Federals now in the Bastiles at; Richmond, and whether from necessi ty or gross inhumanity, it is equally disgraceful to a people who lay.cluim to religious civilization or pretend a nationality. Bankruptcy, corruption and starvation are the powerful allies of the Yankee bayonets, and a single mishap at this time will explode their baseless fabric of finance, and with it goes the hopes of the nevo dynasty. C. W. EVERS, 2d Kentucky Infantry, United States Hospital, Section 5. Statement of Union Surgeons Corrobora ting the Reports of the Horrible Trea . meta of Union Prisoners. The Union surgeons who haVe just been released from Richmond prisons have drawn up a membrial to the Pres ident, setting forth the things which they have seen and suffered, which, will be presented by a committee, of which Dr. Ashmun, of Ohio, is chair man. The surgeons state that from 50 to 60 of our men die daily, not ex actly of starvation, but of diseases contracted in consequence of the un. ; healthiness and insufficiency of the food and the filth of the prisons., They confirm the report that the ' rations sent by Government • have never rea ched the mouths of our famishing. sol diers, although a portion of them were stored in full view of the prison win dows, as if to tantalize. Beans 3-0 7 mained in the rain until they swelled and burst the barrels. The bread fur nished by the rebels was putrid and mouldy two days after it was baked. Some of the surgeons were eye-wit hesses of the vilest atrocities commit ted on the battle-field of Chickamauga where the rebels robbed and even stripped our wounded, Terry, the mur derer of Senator Broderick, with oth er officers, hounding them on with the declaration that Yankees deserve no better treatment.