The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 09, 1863, Image 1

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Per annum in nit once .
31x months
Three nionthe 50
A failure to notify a sliscontinunuce at the expiration o'
the term anbecribed for will ha considered a new engage
neut. '
1 imertion. 2 do. 3 do.
Nurtint:6 di- les+ $ 7.5.........$ 3714 $ 50
)11.11roarg, (12 linet,) ...... .... 60 1•5 100
I'M•0 -6026565, • ' 1 00 1 50 2 00
`rimer 6011 res", 1 50 2 25 3 00
tlyhr I.liii:e n eek and le:1 that, (lame months, 25 cents
jet' nvittro for OACiI meet 500.
3 11100019. 0 month, 12 loon flie.
11% lifies or loss,— 01 50 44; 00.. ••, ....$5 00
"Jim 0.111010 3 00. 5 00 7 OU
nvo scilirtrox. ' 5 00 8 00 10 00
I'llrge squat i?i, 7 00 10 00 15 00
Poor sq un• ea, q 00 13 00 "0 . 00
11111 II ColoOni 12 00 16 00_ .... ....24 00
3,, colimin, . 0 .1 00.... ..... 410 00.....••• 5 0 00
Proromllnnal 01 1 .11.10 , 410..... co‘ de 1101 exceedittg four 111100,
One yvnr., - . $0 00
Administratois' nod 14.4..c0t0tie Notices $1 75
'Atlvertisement% not nntrlie,l with the number of imer
dons dfftired, n ill lie conttotwtHill tot hid and charged ye
cording to thesia term,
CURRENCY, Washington, July 22, '63
WHEREAS, By satisfatAory evi
dencg presented to ;he undersigned, It has been
made to appear that the First National Bonk of Hunting
don, In the County of Iluntiogdon. and htaib of Peeneyl
vania, has been dilly organized under and according to
the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An act
to provide a national cnrroncy secured by n pledge of Uni
ted elates stocks, and to provide for the circulation and
redemption thereof, approved February 25, 180, and has
complied with all the provisions of said not toquired to
he complied with before commencing the business of
Banking: Now,• therefore, I, Heigh McCulloch, Comp
troller of the cmireney. do hereby certify that tho said
First National Bank of Huntingdon, County of Hunting
-den, and State of Pennsylvania, is mithorlred to cont
inence the business of Banking muter the net aforesaid.
Ira Testimony vrisereof, I hereunto set my band and
seal of office this twenty-second deo of Only, 1863.
1113011 MoCULLOCIL {Seal of the Coml
CotoOroller of the troller of the Cu
r reney.
No. 1. Large Fathily Wringer, $lO,OO
No. 2. Medium " 7,00
No. 2 , 1 " " 6,00
No. 3. Small " • 1 ' 5,00
No. 8. Large Hotel, " 14,00
No. 18. Medium Laundry t: t run 118,00
No. 22. , Larye - t or f 30,00
NOB. 2i.. and 3 have no Cogs. All oth
ers aro warranted.
*No. 2 is the size generally used in
private families.
ORANGE JUDD. of the "American Ag
riculturist," says of the
child ran readily wring out a tnithill of clothes in
a few minutes. It in in reality a Corrues Eavoll A
Tom Ssvanl and a Sworn Sarno, The Faring of gar
ments will alone pay a large per contege on Ito Coat. We
think the machine much morn than ••pays for it,elf eve
ry year" in the saving of gat mental There are soveral
kind*, nearly alike in general construction, but , en con
sider it important that the Wt inger ha fitted w ttla Cogs,
otherwise a mass of gat meats mun• clog tine toilers, and
his rollers upon the crotikahoft Flip owl tray the clothes,
or the'rubber brook lonsa front the shaft. Our own is one
of the first make, nod It is AS GOOD Ag NEW after nearly
roux C0N.a..2 Cbe.
Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is War
ranted iuevery particular.
No Wringer can be Durable without Cog
A good CANVASSER wante , i in
every town.-
rOn receipt of the price front pla
-eee-~wrtere no-one tos-settitt - gc --- we - will
send the Wringer free of expense.
For -partictilaN and circulars ad
dress R. 0. BROWNING,
347 Broadway, N. Y.
Aug. 12, '63
Only these faithful soldiers who. front wounds or the
hardships of war. Are no longer fit for active field duty,
will he received in this Cortir of lloner. Enlistments
will be for three years. unless sooner discharged. Pay
and allowance name as for officers and meu of the United
States rY ; except that Tio pronininl or bounties for
amiistment will he allowed. This will not invalidate any
peuelous or bounties which may be duo for previous ser
For the convenience of service, the men will be selected
for throe graden of duty. Thoso nho ere most efficient
antratiledmilied, and capable of performing guard duty,
etc., will hr armed with muskets, and misigned to compa
nies of the Firstilettslien. Thesn„,r i f the next degree of
efficiency, including those ul.o have lost a unto •••
arm ;sad the leant effective. Including these alto have
lost a foot or leg to the companies of the Second or
Third Battalions; they will be armed with swords.
The duties n ill be to act chiefly no provost guards and
garrisons forcities; guards for hospitals and other public
buildings; and as clerks. orderlies, Lc. If found necrosis.
ry, they cony be assigned to forts, Lc.
Acting Assistant Provost Marshals General aro author
teed to appoint officers of the Regular &trice, or of this
Invalid Corps, to administer the oath of enlistment to
those men who have completely fulfilled the prescribed
oenditious of nilmission to the Invalid Corps,
I. That the applicant hi no tit fur service in tin field.
IL That he is fit for the duties, or some of them, Indica
ted above.
S. That, if no now In the service, he was honorably
4. That lie Is meritorienn and downing.
For enlistment or further information. apply to the
Board cf Enrollment fur the district in which the uppli
mot is a resident
Hy order ofJA.MIi3.II. FRY, Prevent 3isisind General.
J.D. CAM Pll
Captain and Provost 31ar.lal.
Ilantingdan, July 8, JR&
f. SILVER NV ARE end IvcrAvverm. or WATCIIKS,
No. 148 NorthSecondst., Corner Quarry,
Ire has constantly on bond en assortment of Oold and
trlSilver Patent Levers, Lepine and Plain Watches,
- Finn Bold Chains, Seale and Keys, Breast Pins,
Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets. Miniature
• Cases. 'Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles,
Spectacles, Silver Tetble, Desert, Tex, Solt and Mustard
Spqous: Sugar Spoons, Cups, Napkin Rings. Fruit and
Rutter Knives Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens,
etc..—di of tyke, will be sold low for filch/
M. L TOBIAS d. CO'S best quality full jewelled Patent
Lever Movements constantly on hand; also other 3.lakere'
of superior quality.
N.B.—Old Gold and Silver bought for theft.
Sept. 9, 1863-Iy.
Fire and Marine Insurance Co.
-PrrPefird/policics granted on brick and stone buildings.
Limited policies grunted on frame or log buildings,
merchandise and furniture.
Isn...sYeproutunt netts required,
.. tarn:, made.
5ep113,1863 Agt. for Huntingdon & adjoining Co.
A ntroient institution established by special Entioiement,
far the Relict of the Stek and Distressed. afflicted with
{Touren! and Epidemic Diseases. and eepeciatly for the
Cure of Diseases of the Sexual thgaus.
Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon.
Valuable Reports on Spet matorrlnea. and other Diseases
of the Sexual Orgaus, and au the new Remedies employed
in the Dispensary; sent to the omitted in scaled letter en
velopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage
will be acceptable.
Address, Dit..T. SIiTLLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Fer
gone, Howard Asnoctation, No. 2 South Ninth Street,Phil.
adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors.
GEO. FAIRCHILD, kecrelary.
Dec. 31,1802.-Iy.
of OUTMAN d 00., If you want a good article
Store room in Lon's nept, Indic L. in the Di
mond, Itnntingdrr c, C 1R,1857
YOU will find 'the Largest and Best
assortment,' Ladies' DI ess (]ands at
a. I".GWI
WILLIAM - LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
Full Report of the Three Days'
Splendid Generalship and Unsurpass
ed Bravery.
The Cincinnati Gazette publishes
the following long and interesting ac
count of the battles near Chattanooga,
obtained from a highly reliable source:
The Situation before the Battle.
This has been so often and fully
described of late that any lengthy de
scription would be thrown away upon
the public at this time. The enmity's
line, it is understood pretty generally,
was upon the summit of Mission ridge,
with a crotchet, detached, upon Look
out Mountain. Mission Ridge is a low
range of mountains, not unlike the
hills on the Kentucky side of the riv
er from our beautiful "Queen City,"
save that the furrows of the field and
the vineyard hero assume the horrible
dimensions of the rifle-pit there. This
range commences on the north, at the
mouth of Chickamauga creek, in a
cluster of peaks, rather isolated from•
each other, but as they run south
gradually become a connected ridge
with but slight undulation. The first
gap of any.importance is at Rossvillp.
The right of the enemy's line proper
rested at the north end of the connec-
ted ridge at the mouth of the creek,
the isolated peaks mentioned not being
occupied. The enemy had such a long
line to hold that he did not think it
advisable to attempt to contest the'oc
cupation of _the isolated peaks. On
the north end of the ridge, and the
right of his line, he had built a strong
bastion fort. At a point nearly due
east of Chattanooga, and nearly two
miles south of the fort mentioned, was
another. These were connected by
strong rifle-pits, the outlines of which
were plainly visible from Chattanooga,
but the naked eye could hardly distin
guish whether they were men in line
of battle, or works. The field-glass,
however, would bring into bold relief
the logs, brush and earth which com
posed these rude but strong works.—
From the fort in the centre, south a
mile, ran rifle-pitA, to another --fort ;
which was the left of the rebel line on
the ridge. At the foot of the ridge ho
ginning near the second of centre fort,
Bragg had constructed a series of
strong rifle-pits, which ran southward,
hugging the mountains, and bore to a
point about duo east from the.base of
Lookout mountain to a strong lunette
fort, called Fort Bragg.
Here the line changed direction and
ran acrosss the valley between Look
out and Mission Ridge to a small but
deep stream called Chattanooga creek.
It then followed the stream to the foot
of Lookout, but no defences appear to
have been erected west of tho creek
save upon the slope and summit of
Lookout Mountain.
Gen. Grant's line was shorter—being
the interior line—very strongly (Wen
den-Ia tt‘c benee_ witt l re
inforcements arriving under Hooker
and Sherman, he was enabled, by the
time his plans matured, to detach two
large forces to attack the enemy's loft
and right Hanks, in order to keep hie
line extended and consequently weak
ened, while at the same time he suc
ceeded in stren g thening the- centre,
the old Army of the Cumberland, by
Howard's corps. Subsequently, how
ever, this corps joined in the opera
tions on the right, while two brigades
of Stanley's division, 4th corps, and
one brigade of Johnston's division,l4th
corps, were sent to aid Hooker, who
was assaulting Lookout with Geary's
and Osterhaus'
The operations were to have begun
on Saturday, November 21st, but ow
ing to the heavy rains, and the partial
destruction of the pontoon bridge upon
which Sherman was to have crossed,
the movement was delayed indefinite
ly. On Monday rumors began to pre
vail that the enemy were retiring, and
it was determined to reconnoitre his
position in order to develop any retir
ing disposition on his part. Brigadier
General Wood's division was selected
by General Thomas as the reconnoi
tring force, and the whole army in
Chattanooga was ordered under arms
and into lino to meet any emergency
which might arise, and also to l.emon
strate in various directions, in order
to reveal the artillery of the enemy.
General Wood's Reconnoissance
A few minutes after one A. lir., on
Monday, the troops all being in lino of
battle, and the enemy lining the crest
of the hill looking upon the magnifi
cent array below, the heavy siege guns
of Fort Wood, under charge of Lieut.
Dunwoody of the 12th Wisconsin bat
tery, opened fire, and as if it had been
chosen as the signal for the advance,
General Wood's division moved for
ward. At the same time, the pickets
in his front began skirmishing, and in
being reinforced drove those of the
enemy into their rifle-pits .along
creek, and at the base of an isolated
knob, half-way between Chattanooga
and Mission Ridge.
At the same time the enemy opened
with artillery from the ridge, revealing
three batteries in the centre of their
line, but none of the guns of sufficient
calibre to roach Fort Wood. As Gen.
Wood advanced, however, he soon got
under the fire of these guns, and suf
fered considerably from them.
Wood moved with a part of Hazen's
brigade on the right and Willich's on
the left; General Samuel Beatty being
in reserve. The Bth Kansas did the
'skirmishing for the entire line, and did
it in the usual admirable manner of
that fine regiment. The enemy was,
of course, encountered before the first
hundred rods had been traversed, and
the whole of Wood's front became im
mediately engaged. He pushed fbr
ward rapidly, driving the enemy be
fore him into their rifle-pits, and began
in the forest which enveloped them
from view from Fort Wood, a very
brisk and rapid fire. The effect of
this soon became apparent by the ap
pearance of numerous wounded from
the woods. These made their way to
the ambulance train just in rear of the
division, and under cover of the rail
road bank, and in twenty minutes af
ter being wounded, were in the hospi
tal at Chattanooga, having their
wounds dressed. Tho fight in the
woods was of but short duration, for
Gen. Wood finding the enemy unco
vered behind huge rifle-pits, ordered a
charge of his whole front, and the two
brigades of 'Minch and Hazen, charg
ing, with a yell, wont into the rebel
works without filtering, and as Wood
says, without a straggler. The ene
my broke and fled to his second lino
of works at the foot of the mountains,
losing in hie disorder about 200 priso.
!fere, representing mainly Hindman's
division, and a large portion belonging
to the 28th Alabama infantry.
The enemy, finding his line breaking
in disorder, opened .afire of artillery
from the ridge, to cover their retreat,
and for a few moments this was very
vigorously maintained. Little or no
damage was done, as our troops were
now safely behind and on a couple, of
hills, known on the map as Bald knobs.
These were taken possession of by
General Ilazen's brigade and the right
of General Willieh, the 15th Ohio being
the regiment which occupied the most
important hill of the two.
The Reconnoissance thus Ended,
General Wood reported, and received
in reply that he had mot with such
signal success, and had gained so im
portant a point, that it was determined•
to bold it, and orders were given him
to entrench himself. At the same
time the division of General Sheridan
moved forward on his right, to support
him, while General Howard's corps
moved on his left, in order to protect
his flank. A small but deep stream
lay in General Howard's front, and it
was determined to obtain possession
of that as t defile to his position. But
the enemy had built•stroug- rifle-pits
on the east bank of this stream. Tho',
the force in Wood's ' front had been"
routed there still remained a force in
the works on his left flank, and these
were developed as soon as Gent. How
ard moved forward and attempted to
take , possession on the creek—it is
called Citico. He became engaged in
a sharp skirmish, the enemy holding
their own. Seeing this, Gen. Granger
sent General Samuel _Beatty, hitherto
in reserve, by a flank movement to the
right of this position. He came upon
the enemy's left flank very unexpect
edly, and after a few moments' fight.
ing on their flank, with a vig c .orous at
tack by General "Howard in front, the
enemy fell back, and We found our
selves in entire possession of their first
line of rifle-pits, and the important
portion of Bald Knob. The positions
taken were intrenchod, and the centre
1,0 , ;1 - , morning. in a strong
defensive position, awaiting operations
on the flanks. During the night, Capt
Bridgo's"battery of artillery was mov
ed from Fort Wooql to the summit of
Bald Knob,-and this position it retain
ed during the remainder of the opera
The Second Day's Operations
During the night of Monday, Genl.
Sherman succeeded in reaching his po
sition on the north side of the river,
opposite the mouth of Chickamauga
creek, preparatory to crossing at day
light in the morning. Col. Stanley,
18th Ohio, had the boats in order for
crossing, the steamer Dunbar being
moved during the night to the same
point. At daylight Sherman . began
crossing his three divisions under Ew
ing, M. L. and J. C. Smith, and that
of General Davis. This latter division
holding itself in readiness to act as a
reserve to the 15th corps, finished
crossing at 1 A. M-, and had no sooner
done so, and taken position in the totes
du pont built by Sherman, than the
latter moved to the attack of the enc.
my's supposed position on the north
end of 11ission Ridge. This movement
was made slowly and without opposi
tion. Tho hill was taken possession
of by throe o'clock in the afternoon.—
As the enemy contented himself with
firing a few shells at us from Tunnel
Hill, but made no serious opposition
to the occupation of the position, Gen.
Sherman entrenched his position and
prepared for an attack at an early
hour the ensuing morning. Tho ene
my, on observing this heavy force on
his right flank, went vigorously to
strengthening his position.
Tho centre was held during Tuesday
by Gens. Granger, Palmer and How
ard. General Granger remained qui
et, only occasionally opening from
Bridge's battery on the rebel centre.
General Palmer remained quiet in an
imposing and threatening attitude, fa
cing toward the valley, between Lock
port and Mission Ridge. Ono of his
brigades was also sent to Hooker.—
General Howard's corps (11th) was
employed during the day in opening
communications and forming a junc
tion with Sherman at the mouth of
This was • effected without serious
, opposition by noon, but the line held
' by General Howard was allowed to be
very extended and weak, as if Grant
courted an attack upon that park of it.
On the Centre
lie would very,willingly have had his
centre broken at that point, but the
rebels who bad a full view of every
thing saw that such an attempt
"would not pay."
General Hooker's Asssault on Leookou
While Gen. Sherman proceeded to
demonstrate upon the rebel right, Gen
Hooker made au attack on the rebel
left on Lookout Mountain. It is not
clear which movement was the feint,
or if either was so intended, but it is
believed that the aim and intention
was to draw the reb'els•to either wing
in order to give the disengaged and
fresh.eentre an opportunity to storm
the heights and cut the rebels in two.
However this may have been intended
it was subsequently discovered that
the enemy, trusting to the natural
strength of Lookout bad loft a small
force of two brigades to hold it, and
had not weakened their centre to any
great extent. In order to take this
position, or to compel its reinforce
ments, Gen. Hooker began the attack
on the mountain at an early hour with
General Geary's division of tj.o 12th
corps, General Osterhau's diVision of
Sherman's coups, and Whittaker and
Gro've's brigades of Stanley's division
of the 4th corps..
Our informant was cut off from Gen.
Hooker's the destruction
of the bridges, and knows little or no
thing of the minuter,details of the en
gagement. It appears, however, that
Gen. Hooker ,moved up the valley
west of Lookout Mountain toward
Trenton. The enemy suppcs3d him
LO be moving to LL gap some miles
south of the point, of Lookout, but ha
ving this guarded, apparently did not
fear his attack. But kifter_, going_to_
the rear of the rebel force, pbsted on
the point about three miles, General
Hooker immediately began to ascend
the mountain and formed lino of bat
tle, facing northward, with Gen. Geti
ry on the front line, his right . resting
against the palisades which form the
cap of Lookout Mountain. ; These pal
isades formed an insurmountable ob
stacle to the ascent of the force to the
summit. His right resting against
these, his left extended about half way
down the mountain. Whittaker and
Grove formed the second line, -While
Ostorhaus formed the third. Heavy
lines of skirmishers were thrown out,
the order given to advance, and in a
short time there began the oddest bat
tle of the war. •
On the summit of the mountain, a
bove the - paliNdes, the rebels had two
64;ponn4rs,_-.coktho. west-:slope. of
the mountain, they had no works. On
the oast, near the point of tho moun
tain, they had a strong line of rifle
pits, with two pieces of artillery. Gen.
Hooker came down on the western
slope, his heavy skirmish line driving
everything before it. The enemy Wits
taken by suoprise at being attacked in
the rear, and hastily retreated to the
ritle-pits on the eastern slope of the
mountain. But it was not until they
bud suffered very severely in prison
ers. Gen. Hooker met with unexpec
ted success, and as ho swept around
the mountain cut off and 'secured sev
eral hundred prisoners. These fellows
hid in the rocks and bashes and sur
rendered at discretion. Many of them
were unexehanged men taken at Vicks
burg, and the question has arisen what
is to be done with them. IL is el:l
-a—I-A..0- _r_nnduct _that they
have been forced to arms a
gainst us, and all appear to be consci
entious in saying that they supposed
they had been exchanged, as they
were told:
Halting only to secure these, mon,
Hooker continued to push around the
mountain, and had obtained a strong
foothold on the spur of the point, when
ho found the enei t ny in his rifle-pits on
the east slope, prepared to make • a
more systematic and a stronger de
fence. He pushed forward, however,
continuing his skirmish fighting on a
heavy scale. This engagement was
kept up very seriously until late in
the afternoon, when a charge was
made and the enemy driven from his
rifle-pits. They were immediately oc
cupied by Geary. But the enemy ral
lied and made a charge for the posses
sion of the works they had just relin
quished. They made ono desperate
effort Geary, out of ammunition, was
about being overpowered, when rein
forcements arrived under Gen. Carlin,
and the 38th Indiana, 2d and 32d
Ohio, and other regiments of that fine
brigade going in at double-quick, the
enemy gave up and fell back, under a
murderous fire, to hastily cons k tructed
works in the roar, and covering the
Summertown road Gen. Carlin had
come up about dusk, and his repulse
of the enemy, left us in possession of
their works and the_ entire field. We
' had only to push on about 500 yards
to get possession of the Summerstown
road to the summit of the mountain.
General Hooker sent word to Gen
eral Thomas at nightfall, that he had
taken these works, and could hold his
position. But not content with what
he bad already gained, Hooker deter
mined to push on and endeavor to get
possession of the summit or cap of the
mountain tlaitt night.. Reforming his
line, with GroVer on the left, then
Wood's brigade, Carlin on the centre,
then Whittaker with two regiments
of Osterhaus on the right, which still
rested against the palisades, he began
again to advance, and succeeded in an
hour's fight in intrenching himself two
hundred yards nearer the Summer
town road. 'While engaged in throw-.
ing up that night, works -by which
they strengthened their, position, the,
2cl Ohio," Cul. Anson .11IeCook, was fli
riously attacked by the 'enemy's sharp
shooters. A sharp fight ensued. 'The
2d Ohio boys welt) eager to be at the
' enemy, and could not be kept under
cover of their works. The fight en-,
.I'l4 -.1. '"' .. r:,', ..? . . i ii :..1, : : :- -.: . 'i..1.. -- ; . . -- :: : : . (,.:. -.'.. ~
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...„, ~,:,....•:, , 2... ,
-",,,,,... -,,,,,. ,4,,,_ ~-,,,,• •
ded in a repulse of the enemy; but with
a loss of several officers wounded 'and
four men killed. Among the officers
wounded were Capt. Warnick and Lt.
Emery, Company C; Color Corporals
Jones and Mills, were also wounded
in this short but severe attack.
This position Gen. Hooker held du
ring the night. In the morning it was
found the enemy had evacuated the
position, and Hooker took possession.
Thus the night of Tuesday left us in
possession of two strong positions on
the flanks of the odemy; but Hooker's
succors enabled tho 'enemy to concen
trate his line, a disadvantage which
was far outweighed by the advanta
ges gained. We took two pieces of
field artillery, but the enemy succeed
ed in getting away hie heavy guns on
tho mountain.
The Third Dag's Operations
Immediately after taking possession
of the mountain, Gen. Hooker moved
his column soutward by the road on
the summit, descending by Mickajack
trace (the route taken by Jackson in
his campaign against the Cherokees,)
to the valley east of the ridge and
made the ascent of Mission Ridge at
or near the old battle-field of Chicka
mauga. He then moved northward
on top of the ridge, taking in Rossville
and geadually driving in the rebel left.
Re also took position so as to be upon
the rear of the line of the enemy in
the valley. These movements occu
pied him the greater port of the 4lay.
Gen. Sherman's Engagement.
In the meantime G ` 3ll. Sherman's
15th corps was heavily engaged in an
attack•upon the rebel right, under the
Kentucky renegades, Buckner and
Breckinridge. The hill,
ing-attacked byis the high.
est peak of Mission Ridge, and though
not as rough and rugged as Lookout
Mmintain, is nevertheless ve . -y difficult
of ascent. The hill or hills taken by
Gen. Sherman on Tuesday, did not
command this (Tunnel) hill; but from
Sherman's position, a fine view could
bo had of the rebel position hallo. mile
distant. The fort built by the rebels
was plainly visible, the guns peering
over the ramparts with vicious looks.
The hills upon which Gcneral Sher
man was posted formed a semicircle,
and lapping around as if to inclose the
Tunnel Hill. When on Sherman'e.
rightyou were west of Tunnel Hill.
When you were on Sherman's left you
east.of the hill. The centre was
so throiiin out and retired that, like
the wingS, it remainedfrit - a respectful
distance from : the enemy who formed
the .4en tre, .W4file- Sher man: lOlnsefl_tha
are of the circle. It will be readily
understood from this that making sep
arate attacks from his right and left,
(general Sherman approached the reb
el position on different sides of the
hill. So far separated were the two
columns that the hill prevented them
from seeing each others movements.
They wore hence unable to act in con
cert—afact which may have had
something to do with the result of the
The first attack was made by the
brigades of Gens. John IV. Corse and
Col. Jones, 4th Virginia, from the loft
,of the lino. The movement began at
11 o'clock in the morning and the as
sault lasted only 10 mnutes. No
sooner had our men appeared above
the top of the hill than they were re
ceived with a tremendous volley of
D %AA. • 4-.11 d
vanced rapidly, charging a rifle-pit of
the enemy, and after a hand to hand
conflict retired in some disorder, leav
ing their dead and wounded inside the
enemy's outer works. But it must
not be supposed that our men fled to
the foot of the hill. No sooner had
they reached the protecting slope of
the bill ivhich hid them from the view
of the enemy than they reformed in
good style and laid down under the
brow of the hill to await an attack in
return. But the enemy did not dare
to attack, but contented himself with
the repulse he had succeeded in at
quite heavy cost to both parties. The
two brigades remained quiet for some
time. At half past 11 General Gilcs
Smith, with his brigade, among which
is the 57th Ohio infantry, went to the
assistance of General Caso, and after a
short delay, the whole proceeded to
A Second Attack
This attack did not differ from the
first in movemont.or result, but it was
more desperate and was persisted in
much longer, the final retirement of
our men not taking place until half
past twelve, an hour having thus been
consumed in the assault. There have
been few more desperate encounters
in the war, than was this engagement
of an hour, and it speaks volumes in
praise of the men engaged, that, at its
end, though much broken, they rallied
at the slope of the hill and held the
position gained. The rebel fire was
very heavy. They brought several
pieces of light artillery to bear on our
men, and poured into them incessant
ly a stream of gritpe and canister that
did great execution. Generals Carse
and Giles Smith were severely woun
ded in this charge, and Colonel Wal
cot, of the 46th Ohio,' took- command
of the troops. In this assault the 37th
Ohio and 6th lowa suffered very se
verely, losing many valuable men and
officers. •
While this was going on on the left
a force of one brigade from the right
of Gen. Sherman's line advanced to
the attack on the western side of the
hill. They met with some decided op:
position at.tho foot of the bill from a
force posted behind the railroad bank,
but dislodged them by an admirably
executed movement. They then be
gan to ascend the hill, and marched
up, under heavy fire, to a point over
half way to the summit, where an ab
rupt ledge of 'rocks protected them.
TERMS, *1,50 a year in advance.
Hero they -halted to rest, but they
were not allowed much cxf this, as the
rebels began, not only to fire upon
them, but finding the ledge a rocks
too great a protection, they threw
huge stones down the hill, and
upon the men. .
About ten minutes -past ono a se
cond brigade (Mathias's) moved' up
the hill, and formed under a heavy fire,
in the rear and on the left of the first
brigade. Here this also halted but,
like the first, was not permitted to
rest. Indeed, about this time the first.
brigade,' Col. Loomis, unable to bear
the attack ofstones heaped upon them,
rose from its position and advanced,
but to receive such a heavy fire that
after a moment the line wavered and
broke, falling back rapidly and in'con
siderrlle disorder. But no sooner bad
it met, in descending the bills the as
cending brigade, than the men rallied
as if by - magic, and moved up the. hill
again in admirably good order, and
upon a line with the other troops.—
These also advanced to the protecting
ledge of rocks before mentioned, and
hero the whole force laid down as be
It was nearly 2 o'clock when it was
discovered that a-third brigade—Ran
no's—was moving up the bill to the as
sistance of the other troops. This bri
gade formed on the left and rear of
the two others. It was evidently in
tended, at first, to form line of battle, -
echelon on the right, but the circum
stances of the falling back of the let
brigade prevented the carrying out of
this intention. This whole force was
soon in readiness and moved to the at
tack. . • .
But the enemy had not been idle.—
Seeing_tho_hcayy preparzitiona making
-fOrthe assault, he was forced to mass
troopii upon hi 3 right. It now. appears
that he marched them down the west
slope of the'ridge, and formed a lino of
battle' at right angles to that of our
forces. It was at the very moment
that our troops, elated withJhe chan
ces of success new presented to them,
were moving forward to the 'attack,
and had reached to within 25 yards of,
tl.o enemy's fort, that this flanking
force appeared around the spur of
the bill, and began to pour upon our
right flank a.mosttremendous
Our forces attempted to change' front,
but it was to pate. AN!. ft short and
desperate, but ineffectual, effort; the
lino wavered,' broke, and retreated' in
disorder. The enemy pursuing some
portions of our troops who fled in the
direction in which lay the brigade
which had made the first assault, came
upon that, bri ade:' and after a few
'rani - Res tignMfg - , --
pushed into their works. Gen. , Sher
man sent Col. Waleot word to intrench
himself, and thus ended the assaults by
Gen. Sherman.
Th'e Attack by the Centre
In massing on the right to oppose
Sherman, the enemy had been com
pelled to, make the error of the day,
and which was to ruin them. Gen.
Grant, standing on BaldKnob,plainly.
saw their movements to the right, and
felt that the moment to strike had
come, anticipating as a result of Sher
man's persistent efforts, this massing
of Bragg's forces on his right. Grant
had formed in the valley on either side
of Bald Knob two strong storming
parties. The right ono was under the
immediate command of Gen. Palmer,
and consisted of the division of Gel.
Sheridan and the two briearfrs of Ger
Johnston, - pot hitherto engaged. On
the left the storming party consisted
of Gens, Baird and Wood's divisions,
under the direct command of
Gordon Granger. These had been ly
ing for some hours awaiting the word
of -attack., It was three o'clock when
General Grant pronounced that word,
and in five minutes after, the two grand
columns moved gradually to the attack.
They were order el to strike the moun
tain at points about a mile apart; and
to make the ascent as rapidly as was
consistent with good order. Immedi
ately on reaching the summit, the two
forts were to he taken possession of
and held. •
- - -
It was now that the weakness of
the rebels in the centre displayed it
self., The line of musketry fire was
not heavy; and it was soon seen that
they had but few supports for their ar
tillery. Geu. Grant soon saw that
this was composed of numerous pieces
for from every point along the ridge
they belched forth grape and canister
at the heavy columns, now so rapidly
advancing. But this did not servo to
stay the fresh, eager men, who bad
Chickamauga to revenge: Upon the
hill there stood the fifty guns they had
lost at Chickamhuga, and interest on
them of twelve pieces more. It . has
boom° a question which will never
be settled. It is enough that they
reached the summit,.and that they se
cured sixty-two iron and brass and
steel proof& of that fact.
Gon:Turchin's brigade, of Baird's
division, on reaching the summit, im
mediately proceeded to occupy - the
centre fort, while one of Gen2Palmer's
divisions secured the one on the rebel
left. Gen. Turchin had not yet got
ten his entire brigade into the work,
before he was attacked most furiously
by the enemy. Re hastily pushed
forward the rest of his regiments, to
the support of those engaged with an
overwhelming force, for the enemy,
finding us in possession of the ridge,-
made a desperate effort to recover
from his disaster, and charged Tar
chin with all the force he had to spare
from Sherman's front. Bat no sooner
had the reinforcements of- Turchin
Often . into positiOn, than the rebels,
recognizing that all was lost, - turned
and fled down the mountains, seeing
safety in disordered flight: The bat..
tle was over, and at 5 P. M. on Wed
nesday-night the Army of the Cum
berland thus ended in a magnificent:
feat of arms, a series of as brilliant
operations Ins this warihat'Yot witnes:
sed. - Tbe'reeble to us:, etiri hardly bu
calculated. The siege of an impcn ,
taut stronghold - has , been' raised by
the althea complete - deStructiOn_of the
besieging force.. The enemy: in,' our
immediate front - driven- to seek safety .
in flight t the,rear: of - the ' no. ..4166 -dan
gerous enemy ihAront , of -GenAurn
side is so - exposed that he can only
protect himself by retiring. Already
the telegraph informs us he is retreat- .
ing to enemy who but
yesterdatWas:offensive, has now been
forced to ".take".'::thil :defensive. Our
communications "are: intact, and last,'
but not least,'inir,:arinyhas been ena
bled to push forward, ~ a nd will doubt
less soon strike the flying foe. "
Our losses are estimated at 500 kill
ed and 2,500 wounded. ' have lost
no prisoners. - - -
NO. 24.
-The losses of the enemy have been
mentioned-at 2,000 killed - and 4901113-
dqd, and 7,000 prisoners. General
Grant's-latest despatch says we have
taken 62 pieces of artillery.
S. B. c..IIEXET,
To whom ,nll communications - On the sub
ject of Education should be addressed.
Tedthing tlie
Who following, plans of' teaching, the
Alphabet are taken from the educa
tional column of the Bedford
edited by "a school-mirm.. - , We think
they aro _worthy .the. notice of our
teachers:- - . • -
"let method.—lt is a, Universal quo
torn to arm the novice= when" first en
tering school with aPrituer,• 'Yew
England's,' l Child'ai ‘.ll.leGuffey's,'—at
least with somebody's; andit dbes not
Make any' particular difference wlise;
nor is it:necessary for the book to!be
a Prinier, a newspaper wOuld, answer
as readily—anything that _has printed
letters upon it., : The teacher will Act:--:
once perceive 'that there are Jiftktio . o
characters—large, and - small—bef o re " •
him. The twerity:six large characters,
or capitals, as they are called, shotild
in nowise be noticed; they have 'only
a tendency to confuse the - beginner.—
We have uniformly set thorn aside to
be learned by the •pupil when Circum
stances throw thera:in its Way. -With
this deduCtion, then, there are :twenty- •
six small characters 'to" be" taught, to
he committed by - the- ' These
should_ he- d ivided eff_ia_te-tw-entreis-- - -
lessons, commencing Witlia. Any or
dinary pupil can comthit the -Alpha
bet in twenty-six lessons if carehe 'ob
served. The teacher will proceed to
point out and name the first a, which
the pupil wiil name - after him;
he will
then point out another a and the pu
pil will readily name it,. and• another,
until he has pointed out all on a page.
yea; a hundred times; until-the,pupil.
will have firmly impressed, it upon its.
memory. At
- the next lesson,revlew
the a and take up the b, or any ; otner
letter in the same manner, never .lea
ving a letter until the pupil by the
Qontinned-repetition - hisfelly impres
sed it upon itsplastie mind.- More ad
vanced pupils acquire their.lessons in •
the same manner by ale -number of
repetitions., ,7
, "2d method.—The is furnished
with .a slate at_thu opti on :o thc r _t ea a_
or. The teaphei•takejf. aktpAittoir -
the' iblactiml:-"arra.P3;tltl4AYn
er or learners before him.;' he:theoie-5_
hots some one , of the - small eharitetersc i
say cf; he writes it; on*th - e surfabo and
names it, the pupil or pupils, - as . the
. A . ^ •
ease — tna-y--be r pepaut-it...., L 2t ttiv
again, they . recognize the similarity
and name it; he repeats.the character
as often as he desires andthen•begin
ning with the first character he names
over the whole-number written down,
making them call out,d; d, Until ;thfiy
have mastered, it;
.always reviewing
the characters which he has endeavor
ed to impress at prior lessons. -After
a lesson, if the pupils have slates, - they
should be required to write the char
acter which they are learning- Upton
thorn. Of course, they not be
able4o-imitate well at first, but it-ac
complishes-Xs part-in -i inpressinethe
, •
letter 'or letters. -
„ We give the above 'methods not As
models,,butlwith therhope that :ea:ix-44_
will completely ventilate :the system
used in teaching the Alphabet. Our
desire is to be practical, nothing more.”
We will not attempt to improve on
.the foregoing plans, but for -the sake
of variety we will
,suggest-the follow
ing, which we have practiced with a
groat degree of success as ,well as
pleasure : Arrange the class before
the black-board, and write the nano
of some familiar object, as cow—dog—
cat-.;.boy, or such like, and[after
each natiao; 'speak of- the', - object,
ask questions Concerning it, tind:then
refer to some of -the -pecullarities;'of
the wdrd, and so on; until several haVe
been written ; then' have the clasa're
view .thein—not naming the letters,
but the words,—and after they have
become somewhat faniiliar with the'
look of each name or *ova, rub them
out, and let the class dictate' whatytut
shall write. - Lot theta-know that you
are going "to deceive them,-if yen, can,
by writing somo one which they Will
not be able to know , ' Or name, and you
will find that, in a short time, you can'
not puzzle them'with any word, for . -
- morly written. All this tineethey aro
acquiring a knoWledge,of shape or fig
ure, and that too of the name of some
thing which has life er-existence, not
I . mere • hieroglyphics which - have no
meaning but a name. - • -
Before the clash retires place a! few
words of the former lesson or lessens
upon the board; lot the pupils spend
their spare time in writing - thein:Ori
their slates with which each one ehould
bo provided. - • • -
If this - plan is carried Out faithfully
by the teacher the_ class *lll, in a' short
time, be able-to 'name' at first
the small - words :In:common use, not
beeanae they can spell them; but-from
the shape of-the,words. -Children who
are taught to read in this way -are
never - sta)ninerere, - stopping ; to spell
- the words, hesitating and -
is so geineral'ie many of our - ichools;
but read with ease arid ,: - eleganeei.—
Then from experience I have found,
by beginning in-this wayi-I. could have
scholars beeeme- , correct spelleiYin
shorter time. than. by.:Other.-methods,
because therhave, paid
,partieular at
tention to the appoaradae of the word
as a whole. - some of.Lonr teach
. ,crs, who have ,been following thet-prac- ,
lice of naming the letters of the A&
.bet from. beigiuriln„, , r,te end, try some
of the foregoing plans a'nd'report Pro
gress ? • - -