The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 18, 1863, Image 1
TERNS OF THE GLOBE I'4 annum In nannce Nx months !bre. months ...... - - A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed fur will Ire considered a new engage. neut. ME= 1 insertion. 2 do. 2 do. Tour linos or leas $ 25 $ 37 $ 60 )no square, (12 lines,) ...... .... 50 76 100 two squares 1 00 1 50 2 00 three squares 1 50 2 25 3 00 Over three week and 1011 than three months, 25 cents ter square for each Insertion. 3 months. 6 months. 12 months. .3ix lines or less $1 50 $3 00 .$5 00 )oe square, 3 00 5 00 7 00 rwo . q unre. 5 00 8 00 10 00 three wine ea, 7 00 10 00 15 00 Pour some., 9 00 13 00 20 00 halt a column, 12 00 10 00.. .... —.22 00 ins column ^0 00 •.0 00.... 50 Q 0 Professional and Illu.diiess Carols not exceeding Pur nines, One year $3 od Administrators` and Itzetmtorie Not teen, $1 75 - . Advertisements not Marked with (Ito number of inter Lions &aim!. will be continued till forbid and charged ac cording to these terms. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, Washington, July 22, '63 j WiIEREAS, By satisfactory evi dence presented to the undersigned. it bon been made to appear that the First National Bonk of Hunting don. in the County of Huntingdon. end State of Peeneyi vania, has beets duly organized sander and according to the rtslulrentents of the act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide a notional currenry secured bye pledge of Uni ted Staten, stocks, and to provide for the circulation nod redemption thereof, approved February 25, 1863, end has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Ranking: Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch. Cond. troller of the cunrency. do hereby certify that the sold Cleat NatiOnal flank of Huntingdon, Comity of Hunting dotal and State of Penneyleania, in authorised to com mence the bustnear of Banking under the act aforesaid. In Testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hood nod nod of ottlee thin twenty-second day of July, 180:. ti HUG II IIeCULLOCII, feel of the Col Comptroller of the troller of thee.- Currency. rency. UNIVERSA L CLOTHES WRINGER! e=:= No. 1. Large Family Wringer, 610,00 No. 2. Medium " ,t 7,00 No. 24 " " It 6,00 No. 3. Small " it 6,00 No. 8. Large Hotel, It 14,00 No. 18. Medium Laundry{ to run 118,00 •tem No. 22. Larye " orhattd. 30,00 Nos. 24. and 3 have no Cogs. MI oth ers are warranted. *No. 2 is the size generally used in private families. ORANGE JUDD, of the "American Ag riculturist," says of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER "A child can readily wring out a tnhfnll of clothes In a few minutes. It is in reality a Carrots taOeßl A Tone Stasal and a SiiSGITII 8370.1 The saving of gar ments will alone p•y a large percentage on Its cost. We think the machine much more titan 'pays for it...Usse ry year" in the saving of garments! There are several kinds, nearly alike in groom! construction, but am con sider It important that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs. otherwise a mom of garrneuts may clog the rollers, slid the rollers upon the crank.shaft clip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. Our, own is one at the first make. and it is es coon AS um after nearly rot - r. TZAtte cossrant Every Wringer with Cog Wheels is War ranted in every partichlar. Xo Wringer can be Durable without cog Wheels. A good CAN PASSER wanted in every town. ---- smis-tin - recetpi, Of Me price arum pla ces where - no one is selling, we will send the Wringer free of expense. For particulars and circulars ad dress R. C. BROWNING, 3447120 roadway, IsT. Y Aug. 12, '63 MEN WANTED FOR THE INVALID CORPS Only those faithful soldiers who, front wounds or the hardship; of war, are nu longer lit for active field duty, will be received in this Corps of Honor. Enlistments wlil be for three 3 ears. unless &hater discharged. Pay and allowance name as for officers and urea of the United States Infantry• except that no premium or bounties fur enlistment will be allowed. This will not Invalidate any pnahauf or bounties xhich may be due for previous ou sters. For the convenience of service, the men will be selected for three grades of duty. Those v.ho are most efficient and able-bodied, and capable of performing guard duty, etc., will be armed with muskets, and aseigned to Comp/- airs of the First Battalion. Those-of the next degree of efficiency. Including those Atho have lost a hand or en um; and the Icoot eßectite, Including them.-.wt.. lost a foot or leg, to the companies of the Second or Third lkittalions; they will be armed s ith swords. The duties will be to act chiefly se provost guards and wartimes forcities; guards for hospitals and other public buildings; and as clerks, orderlies, Ac. If found necessa ry, they may be assigned to forts. &c.- Acting Assistant Provost Marshals General are author ized to appoint officers of the Regular Service. or of the Invalid Corps, to administer the oath of enlistment to those men who have completely fulfilled the prescribed aotsditions of admission to the Invalid Corps, viz: Til. It the applicant is (loft for service In the field. 2. That be is 2t for the dudes, or soma of them, indica ted above.Ak,, E. That Woo now In the ferrite, he was honorably discharged. 4. That he Is meritorloun and deserving. For eullemeut or further Information, imply to the Board cf Enrollment for the district In uhich the appll amt is a resident 0,7 order orJAMES B. FRY, Provost afar►hal General J. D. CAMPBELL, Captain and Provost Marshal. Ilontingdun, July 8, 183 S. I. F. D• E. STATON ISLAND. FANCY DYEING- ESTABLISII MENT. BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO., Pro pi ietors, airOFFICES, No. di NORTII PIIILALEfr MITA, AND 5 & 7 JOUN St., NEW YORK. Our success in DYEING /c CLEANSING GARMENTS of Velvet, Cloth, Silk, _Merino, .De Laine, &c., &c., and SHAWLS of almost ev ery description, Is so well known that we only desire to remind oar friends and the public generally, that the sea son for getting ready their Fall Goods is now at hand! ger Goods received and returned by .Express. BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO., August 19, 1801-3 m. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, MANUFACTURER OF RILTER WARE and Tema . = OF WATCLIES,, No. 148 North Second at, Corner Quarry, PIIILADELPIIIA lie has constantly on baud en assortment of Gold and Silver Patent Levers, Lenin° and Plain Watches, Fine Cold Chains, Seals and Kepi,. Breast Pine, Far Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Miniature Cases, Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons: Sugar Spoons, Cups, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields. Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, ete.,--al "of which unit be cord lota for (koh l 11. I. TOBIAS $: CO'S beat quality full Jewelled latent Lever Movements constantly on band; also other Makers' of superior quality. N. 13.—Ord Gold and St7ver bought for (tub. Pept.9,1563-Iy. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE GIRARD Fire and Marine Insurance Co., PHILADEILPMA. - NO SIAKINE RISKS-FIRE RISES ONLY TAKEN rerpclual policies granted on brick and stone building/ ',hutted policies granted on framo or log buildings merchandise and furniture. wt. No premium note.: required. consequently no amen ntents made. R. ALLISON MILLER, E.eplti,lB63 AV. for Monting , lon k seljoining Cos. / / • tj . : , ...1110 111 . 11 1111111.111.1 1 01 1 . 1. . : , 0 111 k . . T i. (11 . 1112 . 411 XI r ,„. (~. • CM WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XIX. Efje 6.ight. HUNTINGDON, PA. OUR COUNTRY It is all ours:— Ours from the placid western sea To the emerald eastern slopes; Ours by our father's history, Ours by our children's hopes. It is all ours:— Oars from the north hskes' crystal warn To the silver southern foam: Ours by the changeless right of graves, Ours by the byes to come. It is all ours:— Ours by the homes that deok the land, Ours by the pathways trod; Ours by the ages' stern demand, Ours by die gift of God. It is all ours: Ours by the patriot's boy love, Ours by his deathly throe; Ours by the starry flag above. Ours by the blood below. It is all ours:— Ours by the freeman's title deed, To the land of liberty; Ours for the freeman's sacred creed, Ours fur humanity. Border State Politica. The States of Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri, are exempted from the emancipation proclamation of Presi dent Lincoln. So far as laws and proclamations are concerned, these States retain their slaves as of old. To get the support of these six States has been the specialty of tho so•called Democratic politicians of the North. Their platform and their policy • has especially been to conciliate these Bor der States. How have they succeeded ? Look first to Missouri, the only contest has been between the Radicals who with slavery instantly and forever abolished and the conservatives who only ask a system of gradualism like that adop. ted by Pennsylvania. The returns of the late elections show the Radicals to be dominant over the combined vote of the conser vatives and all stripes of sympathi zers with secession. In fact Missou ri today, is more Radical than Penn sylvania.- The same is practically true of "My Maryland," which the bayonets of the Union troops alone, kept from joining secession. The Union emancipation candidate for Comptroller, has some -25,000 majority—and four of the five candidates for Congress; are uncondi tional Union. The contest was fought on her own soil, and Maryland is true to the stars and stripes. In little Del aware, Charles 'Brown, 61 tinder box notoriety, leads the secession Democ racy in the contest for Congress. But Mr. Brown, broken down in Pennsylvania, is not going to be any more lucky in Delaware. We have no doubt that the Union emancipation candidate will triumph by a decided majority. In West Virginia they on ly appear to have had one set of can did:l_os-01_1bn SIMCSSfiI I_ (landldfdeß _ for State and national offices, are Un conditional Union. In Tennessee no elections have been or aro likely to be held-for some time; but Gov. Johnson and most of the loy al men of that State, appear to be openly on the side of freedom and against slavery. The only apparent exception is in Kentucky. The anion party swept the State by a very large vote in last August. Since that time the successful candidates have been exhibiting about as much sympathy with human slavery as passes current among Northern Copperheads. In fact if Copperheadism bad not gotten so dreadful an overthrow at the polls, this was to have been the platform upon which a part of Kentucky Uni onists, Jeff Davis traitors, and North ern Copperheads were all to have stood in the Presidential's campaign of 1864. Another wing of Unionism in Ken tucky is in favor of the eradication of slavery from the State, and of course, goes in to sustain President Lincoln without any ifs or buts. We have no doubt that by the time of another an nual election, that the Union party will come to a platform common to the other border States. Slavery in these States, though not touched by the President's proclamation, is prac tically ended. They themselves will soon find it out. Unionism in Ken tucky will soon come to mean the Same thing it does all over the coun try. No political party has ever made so egregrious a blunder, as did the lea ders of the Northern Copperheads. They risked everything to conciliate the governing classes in the Border States. But those States themselves have repudiated all such proffered friendship. The Northern Democra cy now find themselves doomed, by the very States for whose conciliation the whole platform was erected.— Pittsburg Commercial. What the Election in Maryland De cidea.—Tho Baltimore American says the election in that State, just held, has decided that Maryland hereafter is to be a free State. The people have decided in favor of a Convention to blot out Slavery. The vote for Gen eral Goldsborough was the test on the question of speedy emancipation. Bal timore has given a vote nearly unani mous on the question. The imposi tion of a test oath on every voter whose loyalty was suspected, dmibt less kept many from voting. Speech of the Governor-elect. The Re sult a Union, not a party Triumph. Mr. Brough delivered an address at Painsvillo, Ohio, Oct 16. Ile enun ciates sound doctrine—doctrine that no one, whatever may be his party bias, can say it is not strictly true and in accordance with the dictates of every sentiment of honest patriotism. Here is what he says: "This is not a triumph of any man. No man could have won it and no man in the State ever merited such an ! ovation. Neither is it a triumph of any ' party, as we have heretofore classified and understood them. Party lines, to a great extent, have been obliterated in this contest. Masses of both parties have joined to swell the great triumph, and the line of division has been between those who were friends of the Government and the country on the one side, and the opponents of these on the other. And why should not men of all parties thus have united? Nineteen years ago I stood in this same grove and followed Gov. Corwin in party discussion.— What was our ground of contest ? I contended that the principles of my party were best calculated to perpetu ate the Government, and promote the prosperity of our common country.— The Governor contended that the prin ciples of his party were adapted to the same end. The purpose was the same. We were like two parties going to mill, each contending that his was the smoothest and best, road. By and by there comes in the tread of this rebel lion. What is more natural than that we should say to each other:—Here is a new element that seeks to overthrow and destroy this Government that we are both trying to preserve—that is threatening to tear down our mill Suppose wo lay aside our warfare, and join our forces to subjugate this com mon enemy? Why, my brother Dem ocrat. should we have faltered in such a crisis ? The place of the old demo crat had always been on the side of the country in its hour of peril, and this was no time to shrink from that duty. We should instinctively have sprung, as a body, into the broach. "When the war broke out the Re• publicans held the political power in the State. They invited us to bury party divisions, and joirti?;in a great party to sustain the government.— They offered to divide with us the posts of duty and responsibility.— They gave us our present egeellont Go vernor, and a glorious thing :t was for the State -they did so.— They met us in the spirit of liberality, and have ac ted in good faith. But the question was not one of office or place, it was one of principle, and the Democrats who failed to strike hands upon it nec essarily admitted that there was more of patriotism and love of country among his old political opponents than in the ranks of his own party. This I, for one was not willing to do. We have simply put aside our party contests and joined in a common cause to save our common country. By this union we have achieved the great victory over which we rejoice to-day. "But this is not your victory only; it is the victory of the whole nation, for in Ohio we have fought the bath) of the whole Union. If Ohio had been taken from the loyal and placed among the disloyal States—if her great civil .13titvory 11.4.1 hoop leaven -in the hands of a rebel sympathizer with traitors—your cause was lost. With New-York controlled by Seymour, Penn sylvania in the hands of Woodward, and Ohio given over to the candidate now so badly defeated, there would have been nothing left of us but the triumph of the rebellion, and the dismemberment of the Harper's Weekly Thank God ! that 'cloud has passed away—that bitter cup has not been pressed to our lips. We have rescued. our own homes and firesides from civ il war, even within our own bor ders. "Had we been a united people at the North, this rebellion would to-day have been at an end. Many honest and well meaning men have been de luded into opposition to the moans ne cessary to crush it. For those, there should bo a trial and opportunity for repentance. But for the loaders who have sinned against light and know ledge, and sought to prostrate the in terests of the nation for mere partisan purposes, there can be but little pray er for forgiveness. Their purpose has been unholy, and their hands are red with the blood of men, sacrificed through their conduct, on many a battle field.— Lot them remain among us as visible monuments of treason : as marks "for scorn to point its slow unmoving fin ger at." They have carped at and crit icised to the public ear the measures of the Government to crush the rebel lion, and yet, more than other means, their opposition to the Government has forced upon it the very measures they condemned. I have found it a very fair test that when a man was cav iling at the acts of the Government he had treason in his heart and was only seeking a justification for it. "But let us not dwell upon the name of the man who has opposed us. Let him go into oblivion. It is immaterial who led the party opposed to the Gov ernment. And their groat leader has at least the merit of consistency. He has always openly opposed you, and sym pathised with rebellion. From tho be ginning he declared his opposition to the war. He led that infamous five who resisted every measure of Con gress. He has never stooped to de ceive you. But the others, who. cal ling themselves Democrats, have borne his banners and fought his bat tles, are mousing and hunting after peace and power. Lot them not be forgotten. Sitbs'eribe for the Globe. HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1868. THE OHIO ELECTION -PERSEVERE.- The Riots at Mauch Chunk. (Spectal correspondence of The Prose.] MAIICIL Cuusx, Nov. 7, 1863 Several accounts appeared within the last few days in Philadelphia and New York papers of the "riots" in this region, and the murder of Mr. G. K. Smith, ono of our best and most vain able citizens. The accounts given are, as far as they go, substantially correct. The murders committed, however, are not "riots," but the work of assassins, extensively organized throughout the coal region, and the leading Copper heads are the chief instigators. The murderers are all Irish, organ ized under the name of " Buckshots " for the avowed purpose of resisting the draft. They number probably several thousand in the mines of Bea ver Meadow, Colerain, Icansville, Ha zleton, Audenried. Yorktown, French town, Spring Mountain, and Mount Pleasant, They are alt armed, either with shot-guns, rifles, muskets, or re volvers. The most notorious Copper heads of our place counselled them to arm themselves "to defend their liber ties," and "to resist the tyranny of the Lincoln despotism." The beasts duped by these demagogues declare their de termination to drive but of the mines every one who is not of their own stripe, and a number of Welshmen, Englishmen, Protestant Irish, Ameri cans, and Germans, have been waylaid and murdered by them during the last two or three months. About two months ago ono of these "Buckshots " was arrested near Beaver Meadow, and lodged in our jail on a charge of assault and battery with intent to kill. On the following night over ono hun dred armed Buckshots marched into town, well armed, arriving here about one o'clock in the morning, surrounded the jail, and rescued the prisoner. No effort was made by the civil authori ties to arrest the offenders, although the Grand Jury, last month, presented the names of a number of persons who participated in the outrage. The Dis trict Attorney, being of the most ma lignant stamp of Copperheads, refused, and continues to refuge, any steps cal culated to bring these villains to jus tice. The High Sheriff of' the county, it is believed, would prefer doing his duty, but he being in the Copperhead boat, cannot do so. lie has made no effort to raise a posse commitatus for the arrest of these or any other out laws in our county. Even one of the associate judges of our court, and lead ing officer of ono of the most prosper ous and respectable local corporations, it ts said, tiNeonntenalicod any effort to arrest""BuckshOlsriimply because they (the Democracy) "need their votes and must not offend them." Thus encouraged by our local au thorities, these outlaws frequently de clared their determination to not only kill every officer who would undertake to enforce the draft, but also to put out of the way every one suspected of snmpathy with the government. They openly declare now their determina tion to secure entire control of all the mines, and to stop the shipment of coal, and thus deprive the navy of this indispensable article. The deputy provost marshal of the county recently received a company of the Invalid Corps, to protect him and his assistants in serving notices on the drafted men of the infected dis trict. Beaver Meadow was selected were served without serious difficulty. In each of the mining villages the well disposed citizens earnestly appealed to the marshal _for permanent military protection, but the force under him was barely strong enough to move from mine to mine and protect the of ficers whilst discharging their duties. The last notices were served on Wed nesday, and the military marched back to Beaver lkicadow. On tho same day, Mr. G. K. Smith, Ono of the proprietors of the Yorktown mines, with his wife, visited Mauch Chunk, and remained over night at the Mansion House. On Thursday afternoon, ho went home, in a two horse carriage, and arrived there early in the evening, and being somewhat indisposed, retired at 9 o'clock, about which time somebody knocked at the door, which was opened by Mrs. Smith, and an individual in soldier's uniform entered, and said ho had a letter for Mr. Smith from Manch Chunk, on hn portant business. Mrs. Smith propos. ed to hand it to him, but the villain in soldier's clothes insisted upon giving it to him personally, saying that was his positive order. Mrs. Smith then retired to Mr. Smith's apartment and informed him of the very important letter for him, He soon entered the room, received what purported to be a letter, and stopped up to the light to open and read it, when the villain stepped up behind him and shot him through the head, killing him instant ly. As soon as the shot was fired, the door opened and a gang of Buckshot assassins rushed in, and Mr. Ulrich, clerk in Mr. Smith's store, who was also in the house, came in the room by way of another door. He succeeded in killing ono Buckshot, but received a ball through the thigh himself. Mrs. Smith received three bullet holes thro' her dress, but succeeded in making her escape without injury. The dead Irishman was carried away by his fel low-ruffians, and thus far none of the gang have been identified. The alleged reason for this most cowardly and brutish murder is, that Mr. Smith was suspected of having furnished the deputy provost marshal a map of the town, indicating the hou ses in which drafted men resided. Whether ho did or did not furnish such a map, is probably known only to the marshal and his assistants.— The mere suspicion, however, was en ough to induce these cowardly Buck shots to commit this foul and damning crime. Other prominent men of this coal re gion are threatened, and some of them have already left their homes and pro perty to seek personal safety ; and un less something is done very soon to protect the citizens of the region, the shipment of coal must cease. In my judgment, there is but one way to treat these fiends. They must be exterminated, hung, or shot. No one belonging to this "Buckshot" organi zation should have a bit more right to live, for a single moment, in the pres ence of a decent man, than a mad dog or a rattlesnake; and if the Govern ment will not give us plenty of men to exterminate these outlaws, the citizens must and will do the work effectually by means of a Vigilance Committee.— If we must have civil war here, it may as well be a war of extermination. ANTHRACITE. An Irish Soldier's Letter. The following stirring letter is from a young Irish volunteer in a New York regiment to a friend in this city. Ho has a glorious record in this war, as the reader will see: "NEAR WARRENTON, September, 1863. * * * "I know well that you will do your part for the poor wounded soldiers. Oh, what sights I have seen these last two years I I have seen the soldiers of the Union drop by my side, and their last dying words were:— 'Fight on boys, and yours will be the vic tory;' and again I have seen the head knocked off many a bravo man who never knew what hit him. I have soon some of the best and truest Union men in the country lying on the bat tle-Seld for hours, and could not go to give them a drink of water to cool their fainting hearts; and many a time we have run over the dead bodies of our men. "Oh, what sights! And lam hap py to tell you that I have never seen one man that was wounded no matter how severe, that ever rued or was sor ry for standingi up in defence of his country. No, they all take it in good part, and glory in fighting for the Union; and it must bo charming to those poor your).- b and old men to have the noble hearte d women of the best country on earth to minister to their wants. "I have received some of the pret tiest letters from my wounded coin-. rados, tolling me how the kind ladies do take them those nourishing things that are fitting for a sick man, and again many things are given them for their use alone, and, alas! they -_never reeeiv - e - any butt will - detain you no longer,' for-Lam-tormented with the flies, for they aro around by the thous and. I was writing to the other day, and I really thought they would carry me off. "If I-die it is a glorious death if I am called away under the flag of the Union. HI fall, I shall fall under a banner of honor, for on our flag is written Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Malvern Hill, Seven days before Rich mond, South 'Mountain, Andotam, Fredericksburg the first and Freder icksburg the second. The corps was commanded by General Sedgwick, a brave, a good and true soldier; under him we captured and carried Mary's heights, the strongest place the rebels had. That is on the banner of the Sixty.second and all of the Sixth corps Then followed ..Fredorialcsbur g tho third, and then Gettysburg. So that you can see that 1 have been through many battles, and by the grace of God am safe, camping between Warrenton and Suffern Springs, awaiting the time when we shall be led to moot that arch-traitor General Lee of the rebels. Let it be the prayer of all the North that God may be our general and com mander, and all will yet be well. When they do that there need be no fear for alarm, for the Union Wilt be safe with God on our side, it matters not who is against us, and our enemies are many at the present time. England and France, I know, are both our enemies and would side with the rebels if they were not afraid. Let me come to a close by saying to you that I am hap py, contented, rejoicing in being a sol dier of your country, and if I live to be in the next battle I shall give the rebels a shot for every one in your family, and these five shots may kill five rebels, but it will pay if they only kill one rebel." The President. The following is the tribute of a gallant and faithful soldier to the President, whom• he has had the ut most opportunities of knowing, and whom the Copperhead press unite in reviling: "There aro not a few who have quailed before the magnitude of the task. Of those,. thank Heaven, the President is not one, Ile whom the burden has most bent, has never faltered in the heart or purpose. Ile is sustained, as the just, by the groat mass of the nation, by the potential force of the press, and by the armies and fleets of the Union. Grappling with administrative questions more difficult and delicate than ever before tried the sagacity and courage of our statesmen, he has so borne himself that every loyal heart acknowledges the candor, ability, and tact, which signalize the character of our Fiist Magistrate. (Applause.) That his tory will assign him a conspicuous rank among great rulers is no longer doubtful."—Gen. Sickles. THE first kind of government in the woild was the patriarchal, in which every father or patriarch governed his own tamily and servants, us a mon arch. Slir . .Man creeps into childhOdd, bounds into youth, sobers into man hood, softens into age, totters into sec ond manhood, and stumbles into the cradle prepared for us all. TERNS, $1,50 a year in advance. How AN OHIO SOLDIER ELECTION RERED.—The soldiers have no mercy on traitor; and especially on such as Vallandigham, as the following inci dent shows: The night before the election, a pa ivied Ohio soldier, worn out by near ly three years bard service in the ar mies of the Union, and having enlist ed, as many did, an ardent Democrat, arrived at the door •of his fatber•'s house. The old gentleman, under the talismanic power of a venerated party name, had for nearly half a century steadily voted the Democratic ticket, and had religiously taught his son to do the same. Ile stood in the door to welcome the returning soldier, and ex tended his hands with all a father's pride, to greet his noble boy. To his horror, the son drew back, and with quiet dignity, the scalding tears mean while streaming down his bronzed cheeks, he said : "Father, God knows I love and honor yob as my father, but I love my country better, and have higher duties than I now owe oven to you. I bear that you aro go ing to vote for 'Vallandigham, and I can never take your hand or enter your house if you do that." "Never mind, John ; come in. That's merely my political opinion. Never mind; come in; we all want to see and thank God for your safe return.". But all entreaty was unavailing. "I have," said the soldier, "for near ly three years fought the traitor Jeff. Davis and his rebel crew. lam here to fight a meaner and more venomous traitor, Vallandigham, at the ballot box; and, when that duty is perform ed, I mean to return at once, and fight on till treason is crushed out every where, and the glorious old flag again floats over a free and united people." sad hearts they parted for the night. Early in the morning, the aged father was at the door of his neighbor's hmise, and calling to his son, said : "Come home, John, your mother wants to see you. I will vote any way you want me to, for I'm inclined to believe, after all, that Val is a traitor." The joy of that household, father and son, in standing up squarely for the Union cannot be told. Language is too poor to describe it. VEItY sad, but sadly true, is the fol. lowing fearful incident, which occur red not long since at a cemetery not far distant from Wheeling, Virginia: Theodore, a bright boy of thirteen, had died. Iris brother, Iransor h" . five years of age, seemed to•lregarti uis - death - as -- a - common place affair, and all attempts to rouse him up to a con sciousness or seriousness on the sub ject were vain. He seemed unchan ged—unmoved. The funeral cortege reached the grave the solemn burial services were read; and the old sexton commenced the work of covering the remains, but no sooner had the first lump of Any fidlen upon the sounding box than little Huns, who stood regarding the impres sive services without a sign of emo tion, suddenly raised himself to his full height, and, with clenched hands and a look of defiance that seemed fearful, he exclaimed, in a shrill voice, arresting instantly the attention of all, "Old man, stop! I'll kill you if you cover my brother up in that dark hole!" and, with a wild_maniao eercatu thitti-sounda piercingly mournful, he fell motionless to the earth. The groat deep of many hearts was broken up, and tears fell like rain drops. • Slavery is Dead, The New Orleans Times of the 19th says: "It matters not to be now dis cussing how it died, or bow strangely the very people who instituted this bloody war for its extension gave it its death blow; it is enough for us to know that the thing is dead, and the only question is now how to get its unsightly and offensive carcass out of the way, and buried so deep that it .may be past all resurrection, A VALLANDIGIIAM OFFICIAL PAYING A BET.—no Columbus Express says: "We understand that Wray Thom as, Mayor of this city, and Peter Am bos, Esq., made the following bet: If Brough should be elected Governor, Mayor Thomas was to turn a grind stone in the public square for two con secutive days, on which the Union men were to grind their knives. If Vallandigham should be elected, Mr. Ambos was to turu,the stone for Val landigham men to grind. Vallandig ham is beaten, and we are told the Mayor has already commenced train ing and sweating off his surplus fat to get ready. The grinding will com mence on Monday morning nest at 9A. at. The Mayor is determined to make his word good if it kills him." AEA' A strong-minded woman is apt to marry a weak-minded man. Prov idence having ordained that a couple shall have but the average amount of mind between them. se- The real motives of men's ac tions, like the real pipes of an organ, are generally concealed. xairA railer against marriage thinks that the creation of woman was sim ply the change of a bone in man's side to a thorn. Ds-General Butler has been assign ed command of the 18th Army--Coriis. gar There was a deacon of a church, of the name of Day, by trade a cooper. Ono Sabbath morning he beard a num ber of boys who 'were playing in front of his. house, end., ,he Went out to:li Cheek the Sabbath profanation. Asstuping• a &are countenance he said to them:— "Boys, do you remember what day tbik is ?" "Yes dir replied one of the boyp, "Deacon Day the cooper." 'TIMMtt - 1J01E333 JOB PRMITING OFFICE; " aattnag 43.1 - weR" X the zoc,ii.c6Oplate.of.s*,th hevapefti seam. the more ameeferflitles for prhhiptly 411.641Vitlig the but style, every:variety of Job fMntlag, nob RS, HAND BILLS, • , , at. tizAtit; AtANKi, ids;rticii CIRCULARS . , TIOgE,Icg, LABEL, ie., &0., &c. 04.41. /ND irAitunispicuccoor w91.4,' AT LaPh' Bo*, /..IIiCINEHIi k 2610 STOrtii: NO. 21. EDUCATIONAICOLUItik S. E. CHENEY, Editiri To whom all communications on the ear; jeot of Education should be addressed. It is the custom in many of oar schools for the teacher to pursue a plan which requires a great length of time to teach the young scholar the Alpha bet. The plan is something like this: the teacher will call the class and name over the letters time and again, from' beginning to ond, and from end to be. ginning; requiring the class to name each letter after him. After thus na ming the letters a number of times, the teacher thinks the class should` ha 3 become somewhat acquainted with those mystical characters; then point ing to some letter, he demands, , in a , tone of authority, the name of thki'l4l for pointed out. In a moixtbrik the little creatures, dreading the evil' that' will surely follow a failure to Poirciettf the required duty, commence et the' beginning and down they go, right a' wrong., till they come to the one poin ted out; which they make an effort to call by name. They may name it, or they may not; but no matter—the teacher will not allow them to find ib in this way; although it is the only way he has, ever taught them. Then comes the miledietfonsi-And-the-poor little fellows must go to theii seats with a heavy heart; after having fol lowed tho precise plan upon which they wore instructed, and there they must sit and mourn their sad fate, not knowing when they may be called up. on again. Again they aro called and again the lesson has boon recited in the same manner, and the pupils with deeper sobs and heavier, hearts, go back to enjoy another short respite from agony of mind. The teacher has never stop. pod to think thitt perhaps there might be sonic plan on record by which he might so associate those characters,— he has made so many vain attempts to fitsten on the mind of the-child with objects, so that the task might become intoresti" Instruc tive at the same time. — No! on the teacher goes, feeling in his heart of hearts that there can be no other way to reach the desired point, until the school has been transformed . into a modern arena—the pupils acting the part of gladiators, each day being corn, polled to run the gauntlet to gratify the evil nature iu the matt who gov erns them. Now, we have seen this very plan carried out in schools of our county.— No longer ago than last winter, we stopped in a school, and found just such a state of things existing; and were it not that we are peaceably in clined, we would have - ielt - fike-atand- -- ing between the unprotected child and the monster in human- shilpe, who would deal a blow on the head of the child for a failure to perform some un. natural task. Parents, would it not be well to drop into ,the school occa sionally and see how your children fare ? It may be, you have a teacher there wha is sowing in the hearts - of your children the seeds of all that is bad. For, when the little child is not satisfied with his lot, he will intuitive. ly try every means to change it. Thns he determines to play truant, and in' order to do this he must, necessarily, be guilty of falsehood, and with false hood comes theft, and a host of crimes of like character. So we find the teacher who has entirely failed to teach the alphabet, not failing to imparb to , the heart of the child the seeds of criMe3 and wretchedness. Teachers who un. • derstand human nature as well as to • teach, wage a war of extermination against the above class of teachers.— If you do, you will he following the dictates of Philanthropy, and future generations will bless your name, that • you have assisted in driving the V.' . rants from the land. STRANGE BUT Taim—A bridge broke • down at Terre Haute, a few days ago,, drowning a number of persons. The Terre Haute Express says: "One in cident connected with the of: the bodies is worthy of more general publicity. All bad been found with,; -, exception of that of Miss Thrall, and the approaching night was about t& compel the search to bo abandoned; when some one suggested that by pia..., cing quicksilver in a loaf of bread and . putting it in the water it would stop directly over the body. Accordingly, a loaf was procured, and two ounces, of quickdilver placed in it; then taken about fifty feet above 'and thrown into' the water. It floated down the cur- rent, which is quite 'strong at that', place, when suddenly it stopped, cir cling around, was apparentlyabout tor,' sink, when a gentleman in a boat ) . caught it, and grappling hooks being:, put down, the body was found directly beneath, in from eight to ten feet of' water. ,We had read of this moth, some years since, but sappoAng it t& b4one of the many OnliM 4 siitions, had almost forgotten it: What the philos ophy hi we cannot tell. Will, some one afford sonic light: on it ?"' The Alphabet.