Ely OLabc. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Nov. 11, 1863. LOCAL & PERSONAL. se,.. Good dry wood, oats, corn,.and potatoes, will be taken in payment of subscription to The Globe. Losr.—On Wednesday evening the 4th met. on Hill street, a large gold Breast Pin, containing hair. A reward of one dollar will be paid fur the recovery of the same if left set this office: Busmatts AuttEsTan.—Two men, father and son, named Thomas, resi ding in Horse Valley, Franklin coun ty, Pa., Opposed to be engaged in the robbery - of Mr. Cree's store on the 'flight of the 17th ult., were arrested and lodged in Huntingdon Jail last week, to await their trial. Another son, also implicated, effected his es cape and continues at large. Part of the stolen goods were found in the house, sewed up in bed ticks and oth erwise- Ingeniously concealed. The younger Thomas under arrest is iden tified by Mr. Cree as the identical young man who .was in his store on the evening of the robbery. No doubt exists of the guilt of the prisoners and the son and brother yet at large ; and it is hoped the community will be rid of their presence for a while.—Shir lejsbur:q Iferald, Nov. 5. KEEP Or THE TRACK.—One day hist week. a man While standing be tween-the tricks near llill Creek was struck by the bumper of one of two passing freight trains, and instantly knocked to the ground. He is recov ering from the shock. Who stole the cabbage F Some wretch or wretches who had either no conscience, or else no feeling for tho wants of the printers, came ono night last week and stole from our yard fif teen or twenty 10 and 15 et. heads of -cabbage, we bad just paid the cash for. We hope the thieves may live well on the fruits of their spoil. Skr" A new te!egraph wire passes through this place. It is to connect Philadelphia with Pittsburg. • SAUR-KRAUT season being almost over, the people are now storing away Weir cabbage for winter use; and all brought to town goes off readily at good prices. FIRE.—The roof of the tan-house owned by Mr. Charles Miller, of this plaee, was fired by sparks from a lo• •emnotive, on Thursday afternoon last. The flames were extinguished before gaining much headway. Cons.—We have seen several wag .on-loads of corn pass our door during the last week.' This is a commodity much needed here, and good pi-leek ..are paid for all that is brought to mar 'ket. TUE Lutheran Church of this place, is undergoing repair. It has been re floored, and the walls are to be papered. 'N.Ew 13ANK.—"Tho First National Rank of Hollidaysburg" opened on Monday, 2d inst. It has a capital of $50,000," with the privilege of increas ing the , same to $lOO,OOO. Large Potatoes.—We have received from Mr. John Dopp, of Walker town ship, a half bushel of 'very fine speci men potatoes of different kinds. We certainly have never seen a handsom er variety, and that they Aro good we have no doubt. They aro the finest lot we have yet received, and Mr. D. will please accept our thanks. visk_ Capt. J. Addison Moore, of Co. B, 147th P. V., gave us a pop visit on _Monday last. The brave Capt. looks well, and be has the same love for rebels at home and abroad he has al ways bad. Ife came to Philadelphia for drafted men to fill up his company, now - near Chattanooga. A New Stock of Walt Paper.—A new stock of wall paper, Spring styles for 1864, will be open for sale the later , end of next week, at Lewis' Book fitoro. There will be . preiching In the Oortnau reformed Church of this piece . ouVunday evening next TRUE bills of indictment have been fund against the parties charged with the late con spiracy in Ohio. W . e hope they will receive justice, 4nd, - notbiiig more per nothing less. TnE crowd in attendance at Court this week don't appear to be•immense. HON. JAMES GWIN, died. this Tuesday morning, after an illness of a week. Corres Our Arm From the 53rd. Regt, F. CA MP, NEAR WARRENTON. November 2nd, 1863. Ma. EDITOR.—Rumor, the hard old tyrant who brings so many sleepless nights and days of suspense to the har dy soldier, is again doing his work on a grand scale in the Army of the Po tomac, yet be scarcely ever fulfills any of his representations. Within the last week, many rumors of groat bat tles to be' fought and victories • to be won, or defeats that we might }Martin, have boon going the-rounds, yet this evening we find Ourselveis on the iden• tical spot where we wore this day one week ago, with no greater prospects for a fight than we had since we came here, yet any day or almost hour may find us engaged with the 'enemy. • A fight with the "Johnuies" is the most uncertain thing possible with this ar my; and the soldiers have become so enurged to fighting, that they carp very little when or how soon it comes, and consequently trouble themselves very little about it; being however al ways ready with their unerring rifles to do their part. During the fore part of last week, there was a good deal of skirmishing' along the lines, being mostly between oar Cavalry and that of the enemy. This frequent skir mishing naturally kept every thing on' the lookout and in a state of excite ment, and the troops consequently had orders to be ready to move at very short notice. The eight days rations were issued to the men, and have since been kept on hand for any emergency. During the latter part of the week the skirmishing bad been less frequent, and in the last few days the sharp re port of the Carbine and the heavy thunder of the Cannon has not been heard. Things have settled down to their former state of quiet, and the old monotonous train of Camp duties, is again taking the place of the weary march and the terrible scenes of the battle field. This evening however again brings with it the rumor of an immediate move, yet from what au thority the report started, is hard to toll, nevertheless the sick are being sent away, which generally augurs well for a move of some nature. 1 think lam safe in saying•, that the readers of the Globe may look for stir ring times in the Army of the Poio» mac very soon Intelligence from the front• Mys, that the enemy is showing a very*bold front. Rumor, has it, that Longstreet's Corps has returned from Tennessee and is again in our front. There are however, good reasons for doubting the truthfulness of such a re port. There is no doubt plenty of work for old "Pete" and his men to do in Tennessee, but if he should hon. or us with his presence, as a matter of politeness, we would give him a warm reception. No one doubts but what Gen. Meade is fully posted with regard to the movements of the enemy, and when the proper time comes ho will no doubt strike the blow. We had the pleasure a few days since, to ac company Captain Henry J. Smith, of IfeConnellstown, now A. D. C. to Col. John R. Break commanding 4th Bri• gade Ist Division, 2nd Corps, on a visit to Warrenton. The poor abomi nable old town looks to be in an aw ful state of wretchedness, and we think it does not much deceive its looks. The blue-jackets as a matter of course aro far in the majority, yet you will at times see one of "ye fair creatures" on the streets. They appear to be in an awful pester, on account of the Yankees being in town„butsince they cannot mend the matter any, they submit to their "hard fate" with as good grace as possible. The male population still remaining are very bitter against us, but like the Copper heads of the North, they are these "stay at home soldiers" who do no fighting except with the tongue, and consequently do not do us much dam age. However much these men dis like our soldiers, they at least have some respect for our greenbacks, and appear very anxious to obtain them. They are very busy selling their worth less tobacco to our soldiers, a thing which the soldiers must have, at the neat little sum of two dollars per pound The people here, like in all other parts where the armies have been, arc in a state of want. They would give al most anything they have, to obtain sugar, coffee, salt &e., from the sol diers. A lady whose husband is in the Southern Army, by the name of Childs, was asked whether she any groceries hesitating few mo ments, she says. "I must acknowl edge that I have no groceries, and am entirely out of flour an acknowledge ment which I did think a few years ago; I should ever be compelled to make to any one in this world." These people lived in great splendor before the war, but are now as poor as were then the two hundred slaves, she boasts of having owned before the war. These slaves have all left them, bait few old ones, who still appear deter mined to remain with their old 'nes ters. The locomo'ive, the pride of the Yankee nation, came up the branch road extending from Warrenton Junc tion to the town of Warrenton on Saturday evening for the first time since the Into raid by the Rebels. The supplies are now brought up to the Camps, and can be issued much more regular than when they had to be hauled from Gainesville a distance of ten miles. The health of the troops in the tad. Corps is not as good as u sual, on account of bad water, and the low camping grounds. The nights aro very cold, which will make it ex ceedingly disagreeable on the march. Yours Pinusi. The result of the Maryland elections is doubly gratifying. In the first place, the people have declared the State unconditionally , for the Union ; secondly, they have declared that sla very shall cease within its limits. No one doubted the loyalty of Maryland. That was made evident long since ; but the wisdom of the people in accepting the great truth of the war, that loyalty and slavery cannot continue to co-exist, was not hitherto assured. The issue of the canvass was emphatically be tween Slavery and Freedom, and it has been emphatically decided for Free dom. Maryland is no longer a South ern State ; virtually, she belongs to the free North, and henceforth it is not a black line that divides her from Penn sylvania. All her interests, moral and material, will be advanced by the de struction of slavery, determined by a decisive majority on the memorable sth of November. The assertion that the proclamation of emancipation would alienate the people of the border States is proved false by this result. The influence of that proclamation is also evident, and the wisdom of the anti-slavery policy of the Government is fully vindicated. "The bull against the comet" has not annihilated the fiery- portent of war and desolation, but it has changed its course. It is not the United States that is in danger of destruction by sla- very, but slaVery that is threatened by the United States. • We ROO now that the proclamation did not appeal to the worst spirit of the colored race, and cause a bloody insurrection, but that it appealed to the intelligence . of the white race, and has peacefully resulted in the redemption of entire States, and the strengthening of the bonds of tiro Union.—The Pras. ondence. Maryland, [For the Globe.] The non-commissioned officers and soldiers present in the field, of the 49th Pal, Vols., having heard of the resigna tion of their former commander, Col. Wn. 11. IRWIN, take this occasion to express their regret that impaired health, principally resulting from a 'wound received at the memorable crossing of tho Rappahannock, April 29th, 1863, has rendered him, in the opinion of physicians, unfit for active service, and do Resolve, That we recognized in Col. Wm. 11. Irwin, an accomplished, brave and skilful commander and fellow-sol dier; that we shall ever remember the interest he displayed in our moral and military training; his inquiring into and looking after our comfort; the anxiety that he always manifested, that wo should bear a "steady and dauntless front" in face of the foe, set ting in that respect a noble example; the intrepid zeal he showed in preser ving untarnished the colors of our re giment; and the patience with which he bore the various vicissitudes of the camp, the march, and the fight. Resolved further, That in his farewell address we see thatstrongsympathy for the future of our country, the regiment and ourselves, that he actively exhibit ed in the past, and we in turn sincere ly trust that he may speedily be re stored to health and strength, and re ceive even now those plaudits which he assures us, awaits us when a happy peace returns. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be transmitted for publication to the "Lewistown Gazette," "Hunt ingdon Globe," "Central Press," "Vil lage Record," and the "Juniata True Democrat." Ord. Sergt., .TAMES 11. Nix, iti be half of Co. A. Ist Sergt., CHRISTIAN DALE, ill be half of Co. C. lst Sergt., .TORY W. RUSSELL, 11l be half of Co. 1). lot Sorgt., JOHN BRATTO:Y, in behalf of Co. B. Camp near Warrrenton, ti a., 1 October 20th, 1803. The two Generals Gregg. The following communication we clip from the Harrisburg Telegraph. It should have had a place in our col umns curlier but was mislaid. In tbo Telegraph. of this, day, 22d inst., your "editorial" of "Honor to whom Honor is due," is very just and appropriate at this time. The Briga dier Generals, David M. Gregg and J. Irvin Gregg, are first cousins, and na tives of this vicinity, were known to all our community in-Huntingdmi,and Centre county, highly esteemed, and distinguished themselves before this rascally rebellion burst out—Gen. D. M. Gregg in the Indian war in Ore gon, &e., Gen. S. Irvin Gregg in the war with Mexico. Both are known to fame, yet they are making their military path-way "brighter and brigh . - ter," until its glow is seen all over this country. In the recent cavalry fight at Sul phur Springs, wnen Gen. J. Irvin Gregg had command of the I3th regi ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, were a brother of Gen. David Gregg—Capt. 11. 11. Gregg—and Lieut. Joseph A. Green, of same company, son of Gen. S. Miles Green, of Barre Forge, Hunt ingdon county. These young men both of—collegiate education, of fine classical ability, and but recently in this cavalry service Were both taken prisoners with many of their bra-ii compani ( MS ; l l ll: l ,'i,it- now in the hands of the rebels, experiencing their "ten der mercies." Capt. If. 11. Gregg set.. ved nine months in the 125th regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, was In. the battle of Antietam, Chancellorvillo and Fredericksburg, and is now a pris oner with his gallant young Lieuten ant, Joseph A. Greene, his very intl. mate associate. Such is the fate of war. When such officers and talen ted brave boys unfortunately full into the hands of the enemy, it should be the early and earnest effort of the Gov ernment to have them exchanged, or released in some way. Savage usage, close confinement, damp prison, and no change of garments may destroy health and future usefulness We have patriotism of tho highest order, in . the subordinate officers and privates, in all our armies, that may never be recognized specially or indi vidually. Here and there a "star" will burst forth from the galaxy, and exhibit itself to the admiring country. In such cases, let their splendor and effulgence show itself. Let "honor be to whom honor is due." The Baptists and the War. During the recent anniversary of the Penna. Baptist State Convention held with the Church of Salem, West moreland county, in October last, the following series of resolution; on the state of the country were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we should be derelict to our principles, as Baptists, and un worthy sons of worthy sires, if, in this crisis in our existence, we withhold our support, influence and sympathy from our Government. Resolved, That it is our duty, both as citizens and .Christians, to speak boldly our sentiments with regard to the causes of the existing rebellion; that ministers should speak boldly on the subject, and that those who take offence at such utterances are,unwor thy of a place in the Christian church. Resolved, Tbat,,we, the members of this convention, as patriots, as Bap tists, and as Christians, do express our unqualified support of our National and State Governments, and theft: of to suppress tho present rebellion. Resolved, That we have occasion for gratitude, that not only the full apos tolic proportion of eleven•twelfths of the Christians among us, are truly. loyal Government supporters, but that the mass of the piety of our churches and the intelligence of our country oc cupy the same position. Resolved, That, the recent victories at the ballot-box should be accepted with thanksgiving to' God, as exhibit ing the loyalty of the people, and ev!. deuce of the continued blessing of God on us as a nation. Resolved, - That in the President's Proclamation of emancipation, made valid by the exigency which called it forth, and in his recont . de6laration to abide by it, We see tho progress of Christ's kingdom, which will proclaim liberty to all the earth Resolved, That w 4 tfrge, the Church es thro,rghout the Comtrianwealth to observe the last Thursday in Novem: her next, :wading to the recommen dation o f t h o President, as. a day of public t hatiksgi dug to God. Duriiig the discussion of the above risolutions 0 minister saw tit to ex pre:.s his dissent, in terms that proved very clearly that his views of Christi anity lacked the very important ele ment of loyalty to a good Government and a righteous 'cause: Whereupon the brethren felt called upon to direct his attention ton very serious deficien cy in his ministerial training. Perhaps there are others to whom the follow ing resolutions may not prove unpro fitable : "Whereas, The Rev. Joseph Smith, an enrolled delegate of this Conven tion, has declared in our hearing, his belief that the Gospel has no balm for our belovetfand bleeding country, and that in his public discourses he finds no place for allusion to our National grief, therefore Resolved, That we commend our bro ther to a bettor reading of his Nester's message and to broader vieWs of pul pit ministration. LETTER FOUND ON THE BODY OF A DEAD REBEL SOLDIER. An inside View of Affairs in Rebeldont— Family Suprings—Half of the People have no Meat—Beef Two Dollars and a Half per Pound—The Confederacy Looked Upon as Compered. The following letter was found on the person of a dead rebel soldier• who fell in the battle of Bristoe Station, Virginia, fought some days ago. The letter is from the brother of the unfor tunate man whose death, with that of so many thousand others, is due to the wicked ambition of the few bad men who have precipitated upon the c,oun• try all the horrors of civil war. To what extent the ravages of war are felt throughout the Soiith the forego ing letter, written in confidotice and intended fin., the perusal of a brother, only bears mute but eloquent testimo ny: WOLF CREEK, ST. CLAIR CO., ALA., September 28, 1863. DEAR BROTHER : 1 embrace this op portunity of writing you a few lines to inform you, that we are not all well. Every one of my family has had the measles; the last ono has just got up so ho can walk about. I have done scarcely any work in five weeks, I am very weak, not able to do a day's work I came home from Blount county with the measles on me, and I have had a very hard time of it. I hope these few lines may find you in good health. I received your very kind let! , ir, dated August 16, which gave us greet satisfaction to hear from you once more, tin' Fear letter was so long coming that we had !iecome un easy for fear you had got kiiiitst, when 3-ott went up to Gettysburg. Tilm3s have got very hard here. I do not believe half the people in this section of country hare any meat to cat. Meat here is selling at $2 50 per pound, and scarcely any' in the country to spare; and when it is to spare the people do not want to take the Cetifederate mon ey for it. They look on the *Confed eracy as about conquered, and when it b,l CCn erect, inn money will be dead. Some people are offering $lO per bushel for wheat, and, they sup pose corn will sell for $2 50 per bushel in the heap, and some say it will bring $5 per bushel soon; and, considering such high prices, how can we expect the women and children to be fed who are dependent on their husbands' wa ges to feed them? And many of them have lost their husbands in the war. What such families are to do I can't tell, and the Confederate money is now worth only one dollar in ten. The privates get eleven dollars per month, and that is worth little over ono dol lar in specie. Men who would fight for such a Government as this surely have not, good sense. The mon are deserting and coming home by scores, and I do not think they are to blame, although there is a company of men to every beat hunting deserters and rob bers; but I believe they come in faster than they take them out. There have been several men killed by the deser ters, and some of' the deserters have been shot. lam afraid if the war holds on our country will be ruined by our men at home. Some time ago there was many of our men came from Vicksburg with their paroles. I suppose the Yankees took about forty thousand of our men there besides what they took at other places. And the word came last Saturday that they were exchanged, but the most - of them do not believe it. Some of them have gone, and some say they won't go without they are taken. Ido not be lieve they arc exchanged myself. I believe our big men are fooling them, and if I were them and they fooled Inc once, and I found it out, I would nev er do them any more good if I could keep from it. Ido think there is en ough of our Men killed and died in this War, and if ire can't whip the Yan kees we bad better give it tip, and let the war stop. I think my boys have made enough . to do the family. But our Congress has passed a law that each one has to gite the tenth of what is made. -I think this is a very unjust law,, where the - men are in the war, and have no one to'inake a .support but their ehildfen. dly not think they should pay. ;anything but' their. common tax. The - poor men have nearly all the fighting to - do, and I think the rich Mefi should support'the war. f hoPelbe war may end soon. I can't tell what we will do for salt; and the Government.ispre,ising, all the cattle, se that' we will soon have. nothing to'eat,but bread. I want you to write regular tome. So I remain your affectionate brother until death. JUNIATA A New Way to raise Recruits in the Front the Memphis Atlanta Appeal. Gen. Bragg has issued a gonoral or dor, of which the following is a copy IisitDQLIAUTEIISARMY OF THE TRN NESSE) MISSIONARY RIDGE, Oct. 16, 1863. tinNtatA Ormns,No.lB7.—ln or der to augment the strength of the army, and to give to our brave sol diOrS an opportunity to visit home, and to provide thr their Ihmilies during the TUE LETTER south. coining winter, the following rule is adopted: 1. A furlough' of not exceeding mr ty days will be granfed to every non commissioned ollfrter Und private who secures a recruit, fur 2. 'rho recruit mint bi received and mustered into servic,t. and' be do ing duty in the company i'cfin•e the application for furlough is for7vard'Rl. 3. In all applications made in par; seance of section first, the command ing officer of the company will certify that the applicant has obtained an ap proved recruit, who has been muster ed into the service, and is present with the company doing duty. 4. All applications for furloughs under this order will be forwarded to these headquarters, where final action upon them will be had. By command of GENERAL BRAGG GE°. Wm. BRENT, Assist. Adj. Gen. The effect of this, when known at home, will be to make a recruiting officer of every father, mother, sister, and wife, especially the latter, with whom, undoubtedly, the infantry are very popular. Those who seek to evade the conscript act will be.hunted out and reported. The quasi -exempt will be compelled to show Lis papers, and every man within the prescribed ages, capable of bearing arms, will be made to exchange his place - at home for the temporary gratification to fam ilies and friends of a visit from the war-worn battle-Scarred son, brother, and husband. In South Carolina, as before stated, the plan has worked ad mirably, and when it becomes known throughout the Confederacy that able bodied men can thus be made to take the places of furloughed soldiers, we shall have an augmentation of our for ces in the field as gratifying to our leaders as it will prove valuable to the country at large. Mortality Among Horses. A correspondent writing from Chick amauga, says: The mortality among the horses of this army has been very great lately. Hundreds of animals have died of actual starvation, and the survivors are pitifully gaunt and lean. The evil is being remedied, par tially, by the removal of a largo am i..'unt of useless stock to Stevenson and Bridg,eport. It is impossible to haul a sufficimit s:' ply of forage from Bridgeport, and the country is thor oughly- depleted of this year's crop al ready. As a further measure of econ omy in horse feed, all sutlers have been ordered to the rear, as farns Ste , venson—the large number of teams kept by them being quite an-item in the forage line. Even headquarter horses are kept on short allowance and many a brigadier's steed shows his ribs in bold relief. - . Chargers that wore wont to revel in the lap of plen ty, and lie clown on soft beds of hay and straw, now poke their noses into empty hay racks, and chew relive rails in default of corn ears. The army wagons are meandering evidences of unappeased mule appetites. Every side-board, tail-board and tongue bears filarkg of hungry teeth, and many of these tv;.'icics are gnawed away till nothing but the nails and screws re main. r 1 n Arta'' of the Cumberland horse will eat hiinsatOoso from an or dinary hitching post in fifteen Inm ates, and a good shed wagon bed will be devoured by a hungry team. in one. night. Pretty costly fodder, for mules to be sure. An officer arrived in town. the other evening, and accosting a darkey, inquired of him Where be could find accommodations for his horse. "Don't know, sab, 'bout t 1 leommo dations. Do fence rails is all gone, and dar ain't nothin' for 'em to eat any more, only a few barn doors, an' we want dem for the General's bosses." Several times within the past week I have seen horses snap newspapers from the hands of unsuspecting officers and men, and devour them greedily. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. November 0, 1863. Fancy and Extra $0,50@7.50 Conivian fund Superfine $6,41@5,75 Rye Flom• Curti 111 $4.00 Extra IVlfilvll bent $2,00 Fair and Priam lied $1,4041,51 Ilya $1,211 Cum, prbue Irdßow Oats Clown seed, 1 , 6114 e $7.25 Timothy }2,50(32,75 Ilnx Led {Foul Bides.... HUNTINGDON MARS—DT'S. Ext. Family Flour 11 551 $0,5007,00 Extra du Iktu t 3 50 White Wheat 1,30 Hod Wheat 1 ' - '5 stye 1 OD Corn 70 Oats 55 Cluvetseed 0,00 Flaxseed . 00 Ihied Apples 1,50 Butter "0 Eggs 15 Lard 10 1 lam 10 Shoulder 8 Shies 8 Tallow_ 9 ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS. WOOD &PEROT,II36 Ridge avenue, PHILADELPHIA, PA Offer for sale upon the most favorable Terms, NEW and BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS in great variety, of IRON BAIL. INGS for CEMETERIES, RESIDENCES, &c., of Wrought and Cost Iron, and GALVANIZED IRON and BUMS TUBING IRON VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, STAIRS, COUNTERS, FOUNTAINS, GATES, COLUMNS, BITCH. ISO POSTS, LAMP STANDS, VASES, TABLES, FLOW ER STANDS, SOFAS, CHAIRS, STATUARY, ANIMALS, and all othcr.lron Work'or a Decorative character. De signs forwards Slot selection. Persons applying for the annte,'Allll please qtate the kind of worlt lauded. , Sept. 9, 1803-3m' DMINTSTRA'I'OR'S Np.T.ICE.— [itstatC, of Elizabeth - 31alone, dl•c'd.] sttera of Admlnish Mien upon the estate of Elizabeth Helene, lath of Franklin township, Huntingdon county, deed, having bean granted to the undersignedilllpereona hoeing claims against the estate are requested to present them to the undersigned, and all persons Indebted Hlit make immediate payment. WILLIAM M'CLURII, .Nov. 4,1869-8 t Administrator. PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE, WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, On Friday, the 20th of November, 1863, Tho following property situate in the village of Maple ton, Huntingdon county, Pa., Ist. Thu Brick Tavern Stand, Includmg„tlan nuip)o grove and the necessary out-buildings, cirri:ring about ton acres of ground. The sham building and Warehouse attached. anal shae-shop, together with all necessary outbuildings, comprsilng two lots of pound DO by 100 feet. ' Out. Too acres of ground through whiCh n norer-falling stream of water passes with 30 foot head and fall—tin ex cellent situation for the improvernentyratei power. 4th. 'Fifteen Building Lots snltaLlMllbe business points or private residences. s • • The above property will be sold between tiro bows of ten and five o'clock on said day, without reserve, and terms of payment ss ill be madesasay for the purchasers. Altie tly lather, 'vibe rest Ors on to property. will show each pareeffo persons wishing to examine them, prior to ,n the slay of sale. " • •••• Nov .41E63. UIIIES DONALDSON. PLIOTOORAPII Ai EMAlS—new and inn pr o red styles—juq recoil-04 and for sain rtt Li *ls' - Book Stow >. I)I.IINISTItATORS' NOTIGE. • [Banta, of Sarah E. Decker, deed.)- tteri of fidministratron . upon the estate 3f Sittlh, Decker, of Ilnutingdou borough, deed.. having been ginn led bit Ile undersigned, all ner:unq hoeing Claims noinat: tifeeehtte •e trquested to: present- then, to the under• fliVe(ij god all PtICSOIIi rnd,lited will make Immediate payment. V. 13 ECKEIt, Suf. t, 1503-Gt. Administiator. NOT ECE. All I WI eouq inter oared Will please Wee notice. that the undur.iignell thimt v Collector 1.1 V. N. i n t erim ! Here. mu, fur nuotlugd,,,, ,:touoty, Ott the lot nut] Ed Tuesday, of each month, at the Jachnott Hotel, in tits_ Gurough ofHitntinglou, to receive taxes, Sc., con, tnenc• iit on the ith July POCKET=BOOK LOST ! 11, 0 n ,,b 9nr i.!ter lotving on the 26th day or Septenthev, either in the Mt, * or or SO‘toll, on the Broad Top railroad, beta eon Iluntino n n and Dudley, loot hie Pocket Book:, containing tale DISCI:AIME and ,othor army papers— which would be of no tree to nay gol'-ien htlilite""tr• — ' Any person leaving th e sn ;seeither at the t'Oilthe , Omce, or at the Post Mee In Coaltn 'at will ho Uhaen fly rot, air' dad by - JAMES DAVIS, Millersville, Oct. 14, 160. VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC Will be exposed to Public Sale, , On Friday, November 27, 1863, A valuable lime stone farm, situate in West tom wilily, 4 Miles east of Veteriborg, on the :Shaver's Creek road. adjoining lands of Jonathan Wilson, Merge Borst. and ttother4, containing 126 Acres, 100 acres of which ore cleared and in a good state of cultivation-I-the balance Wog well timbered; having thereon erec ted a two story brick dwelling-house, kitchen in basement, bank barn, and all the necessary outbuildings :min to commence at 10 o'clock, P. M. Terms made known on day of safe, by ADAM lAGIITNItIt, BENJ. HARTMAN, Oct. 28, 1853 0 . EsLentors. NEW GOODS _FOR FALL AND WINTER. Wm, 11IARCH & BROTHER, Respectfully inform their monerons customers, and the public generally, that they IMlchnt received a largo end splenclid stock of Goods ut their store in MARK LIISEURLI, consisting In part of • DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKs, NOTIONS, HATS S. CAPS', BOOTS & S tIOES, tzs HARDWARE, • • Q UE 14',NSW ARE, GROCLRIES, WOOD & WIL -1 LOW WARE , TOBACCO, SEG IRS., NAILS, GLASS, • OLD MEAT, - CRACKE ES, PROVISIONS, SALT, &c., &o. AIso—BONNETS and TINWARE; And in feet everything usnally kept in a fret class coun try store, which sere bought low for. cash - and Will ho sold 01 corresponding low prices for cash or country prod ce, nod ropiest the public to give us a call before per- Chssin7 elm:tette: n. feeling satisfied we can offer superior inddee, :cult to cash We r,, D ectr t dly rroncat the patronage of all, and eir. porta. ly our Trough ,rook 7:: l inY friends. Every thing taken le eMabango fur I,,' , Ulttl caceptprorni res. Q~ Cush Pohl for all kinds of grain, for which did highest market pi ices will ho given. 'Wm. March is agent for the Broad Top Railroad Com pany at Markleaburg Station. lle it prepared to ship all kiwis of grain to the Eastern markets. liming a largo and counnothout warehouse, formers con stoic It WI him their grain and flour until ready to chip. Every conve nience v ill he afforded them. We have Mao a stock of FASUIO . N ABLE FURNITURE o high be ol l at reasonable tooees. WILLIAM MA RCA & BRO. Irkkh,,burg, Oct. fI.A, 1803. A DMINTSI'II.ATOR'S NOTICE. letters of Adolinktratioo (le 1.011119 nOll cam tCS[II - to - , the e,tnte 01 floury P. tPLlto, deeenvorl. intving Leen greist.l to the muh•tsigtoll, all la•rrotmg in deLt• to the obtain ir ill [mike plytnent and tho.o hat ing claims will p. Count them for nettlement. A. P. Sept 30 1563-fit Admini4tLator. XECUTORS' NOTICO.- (Eetnte of Mb/abaft J. Femple, deed.] totters testamentary upon the IA ill and testnnsont of El'' , abeth J. Soinplo, late of Jacicdon tprp., Conbt.y. deceased. have been glanted to the sul.,,ibas All pereOne judebtra nro rerynoted to make Immediate pay meat, and thwo having claims will ',relent them prop erly authenticated to ns. bet. 7, 3 SO.I-51 ‘ ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.- Lettels of Administration have been granted to the iinder.igned upon tine estate of into 11MM:inner, late of Juniutu townidilp, Huntingdon county, deceased. All proems indebted will Indio payment, and those tinning chiliad present them, properly authenticated, to Inc. BUZAU all 1111/ENOIIEIt, WILLIAM E. CORBIN, Oct. 28, 1883. —Gt. Admr. Q TRAY lIEIPER.—Came to the pre k) raises of the subscriber in Monsen tot, nship, about the first of Sept last, a rod and width spotted Heir , or, u ith uhlto face, supposed to be About three years old. The owner In requested to come tbrward, prove property, pay oharges, and tate, her away otherwise she Hill ho dbwosed of fleColding to Inut ran). Oct. 28, "ISM.* STRAP" HEIFER. Como to tlio premises of the subscriber in Henderson town:ado, about the first day of September, lust, ion red Heifer, about three yearn old. Th e owner in tiff requested to come foroard , prow property, p.). r. • eburges and take her allay, or site will be dispoped of ocoolding to low. DA VII) ISENBERG. Oct. 21, 1563. 13101 , ..... $3,15 .”70W;fic ..... 9 STRAY SHEEP.—Eleven head of .., ; b eo p Caine to the premises at Greenwood Furnace, about the ihe of SePtembor last. The owner is requested to come foro arri, pore property, pay charges, nut take them away, otherwise they wilt bo sold according to low. FItEIdDOM IRON CO., Oct. 14, 18t13-43t. per JOIIII WITIIRRS.. TEE PARIS MANTILLA., CLOAK - AND - * • FLA.R i- EMPORI,UM. No. 020 CHESTNUT Sreet, (formerly No. 708,) • PHILADELPHIA.. J. W. PROCTOR CO. Write dig attention of their Ft lends to their largt and superb stock of FINE MARS AND FURS, unparalleled in any former "ASO.— The Incronsed accointoodatioll alrorded in our new Inca. flop, enables us to devote the fullest attention to the FUR DEPARTMENT, which will be found trot furnished with every ilemci Iptiou of FIRST Cuss FORS, which will be guaranteed as repro. nested, or the moues mild will be refunded. ORDERS per mall will be carefully attended to, and de livered. Express charges paid, Huy distance inside 01100 J. W. PROCTOR & CO, " Sop 9,180 7 1 y. !: 30. 010 Chestnut strult.,*Phala. • 44- Fotrth & Arch Sts, ECI L LP XI X A . , • t • • ' " ARE OPENINtI rQIi P- It AD E French MERINOES, Gded BLACK SILKS, • Dark Figured SILKS, New PLAID SILKS, New Fancy FLANNELS, BALMORAL PETTICOATS, Red, White and Blue FLANNELS, etc Sept. 9,1.863-3 m, VARNISHES; PAINTS & GLASS, WE offer to Dealers, Conell-makers, and Muse Painters, at the very lowest nett cash prices the best Chad, and an net Purnisku ; • Puri, IF/Ifte Lcod; Flcuehmid AmeacatrZhicsi -7, - , - Chrome Greens and Yellows, Drop and Ivory Blacks, and a full assortment of all their/tor cofers—such as Vermillleils,Lakes..Tube Cob '4 l- ors, too, also, Paint nrf,l, Tarnish Bt hakes, of. the best make. Glazier's Diumentbrand POND. ' ' Paint Mills; stogie and doable thick Glass, of all d ea &H p . lions, and all Materials •usell by House and Coach Paint ers—which ne ism sett as cheap, If nor cheoper; than any ether house, from the Act that we keep due a uric aspens 'sea by conducting our business personally. Mr. HATl—one of the firm—fur many years mmilifac tured the Varnishes. sold by the late C. Schrack. IVe feel confidant that our Varnishes, are equal, if not ruperibr, , to any manufactured in this coantry. We uarrant Great to give (+utile satisfaction, cud if nut as tem 6,0 n ted, the money will be refunded. Give nsa call before purchasing elkotheie. .4 literal discount 'made to the Zr rte. FELTON & BAIL Nes, lad & 133 Ntli FOURTH Street. corn.. Cherry. P 111 LA DELVIIIA: CUL It. laaa-fm PROVtiST MAPSHAL'EI OrPlf`g, 171/, 1/1•1•1••• I Pt Itunti4 . 4dctlf: kuglatt t!ti NTOT.I(I is hereby ,given t ()lit 11 to -Iyard of tell dollunt nil ilk. 1,. poll to ANS PP SOY urpt,•ll,.,Lat Hull delivery all deici tor at the fro. puvh,a.,fthexrsr tot 1 3 /01,0St )141N11:11. 11. CA II eurr.t., Sept. latt,t, O,lot ,111 , 1 et.). Mlr. • prIOCIaMATION.--Wil E.k S, by 1. a precept. to ton din acted by thu Jtidge4 of the Cont• anon Plane of the county of Huntingdon. beat ing 1091 the 22d ddy of August, A. 14,1803, I am conimaitiled to ul .404 public Proclauintion throughout any inhume L.niliu lot. tie, a Court of Common Pleas will be held at the Coat t in the borougli of Huntingdon, on the and Monday puid 113th day) of November, A. D., 1803,.f0r the trial Of all is sues to sold Court whirh emain- undetermined latfor• the sold Judges, when and in lucre all jurors. vithevie.t, and suitors, In the trials of alt issues am 1 - Cglareti. Dated at ltuntiugdon, the 14th of October, in the lour of our Lord 0110 thoueand eight hiuolied and sit ty.tlirt e and the 111th your of Ameilcan Indeneud. env IIEO. JullNfitN, .I:4erry. JAMES CLARKE TTNION REFUGEE:B.-4R VO : 1C um undersigned, a Union reeve. ivlr.yvls compelled te, leave liocktoglinni county, Virgin in. on the nib liAy. 1662, In compan, wslli JuinrrounA, Ilentl'Aleado,ria and I s 7lnn fords, on arconnt of their ruin, eentlnneas. Ia tech pus of ascertaining; the whereabauts.of any other la - fugue t.1,M1 that sectiun. and esvcially of WI 1:11121- 3icliolno Iltredin—who, it is supponst. is noir in Ohm. j ,Kny informlttion which may (salt ta.tho 1114CoiorViOr too Org§nlit residence of anx,ortits ohorr Innsonß, nil ho thuukfUlly received. Adores, al fnlluns. ICII A la, BUM:DIX, , Furnace. Hunt. Co., Ponns 4-a" Patters trice' ll toffila.sme yili confsrA faro. on Abe w h o h :L s offered seterelY fir lore. I,:r Clio by publishing the 1 -1 4NCY FIXES, FANCY t 11.1V_ tent of all the different kinds and qualities' of FANCY . FUIIS. frit Ladies and Children, that will be IA oru durnig Fail miii It inter 6011.90114. Being the direct Importer of all 'MP' Buie froiu Europe, and having them manufactured underlay town supervision, enables me to offer my customers and the public a much handsomer Set of Furs for the same money. • Ladles please give me a call before purclawing I - - • 47.•• ithotember the •lame. number and &iect: John Patch; (New Fur 3t I 718 Attli Sired, I , lllllool,Lia. • 16, 1 8113.-Brn ACENCY; -• FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. LI. who may have any claims a gainst the Goiternment for Bounty, Back Pay and endow', can have their claims promptly collected by ap. - ply idg either In person or by letter to , August 12, 1803.' ' TIIE PROPRIETORS OF WHE GIRARD HOUSE, Respectfully call the attention of Ilosinasa man and the i:nellng entnmunity, to the superior accommodation and comfort In thoir ustablishment. IfANAOA, FoirtE a CO. Angola 20, 1803-310 18 6 3 T ALI, AND WINTER 1111 St , olte door west of Cariiion's Store, Me assortment consiqg of JoIIN A. WILSON the neatest anti hest that Could be found in the ell of which ha will take pleasure in exhibiting, owl aching up to order. It will cost nothing to call and examine lie goods. Call Boon. Itutitingdou, Oct 7-3 in EBENEZER 11. „Executors THIS WAY ! THIS WAY ! JOHN IL WESTBROOK infornwthe public has just received a ilew stock of BOOTS nod SEIOES ,of all si zes and kinds to suit over body. Also, Hats, Hosiers, Shoe Findings, _:llTorbeco rind Lin ing Skins, all of n hick will bu sold at the lowest casts prices. Don't forget the old stand In the Dianuniid. Ohl canto• niers and the public ganorally am Invited to call. • Huntingdon, Oct. 7, 1663, • • ' 1863. For Gentlemen's Clottlitijor the beet material, and made In the hest workmanlike meaner, call at A 'S, - ' opposite the Franklin Muse In Market I , quare, Hunting.- don, Pa. Huntingdon, Sept. 23, 1862., • , HARDWARE HARDWARE, CUTLERY, itt;, JAS. A. BROWN? CALL_ AND EX - 43.115E . 0UR, SitICK Sop. 30. 1503 . - at the- 'Manufacturer's - price—s4o -tn , s4s', T. IT. Oltt‘lo Sept. 6,1803.1 By . •MI n tr.gdott, LENVISVOWN; • •- • • FLOUR AND FEED; 61 all hinds, nina3s on band and for -bale at 10 , ,r!i Inarbot pt ict••. Orlieni by mail bill leech.° our er , , , rt{ WT. V. >l. It. Nir 1;b1 BoN, I.evlsfoun, .c pc. 1, CALL at the new CLOTIIING S'1`01;1•1 or OUTSTAY & CO.. IT you unnt 4rflebs Clotllbli. &tore room in Lnng'R non 1 1 ii .hr: tlio V.V.,1111. JOIIN P.tßlitllA, 'lB ARCH Streer, Eighth, Eunarbidr, Pint InEtrinA. mpurtor Jfnfu,fct if p# . 31(.0.1101 kind, f FANCY 1 , 1:1:6, fur lA. 'es' and Cbildten'ei ocor. I dotiru to return nix tanks to my fitmlda wt unangdon 'and the on r >landing eotinticV, for etc vrry,liberal patron rt tended to me al mina: to Itot lbw yintre, and odll say to thorn that I ine now in atorc, of toy , nl .. meor . t . aqnrifTd Man. W. II: WOODS, , :_ Attorney at _basti;, llautingd9 . n,' Pit SPECIAL NOTICE. PHILADELPHIA, FASHIONS ! ROBT. KUIC, MERCHANT TAILOR, I=l GENTLE~aE,t`YJYIr 57T i JIS. CLO lIS, CASSlillintS, and PLAIN AND FANCY -VESTING§, A .NEW ARRIVAL OF ' ' BOOTS Sc SHOES, HATS, etc CLOTHING. H. ROMAN. NEW CLOTHIN9 FALL' AND ViTINTHR, JUST ItITEIVED H. ROM'AN'S CHEAP . CL . OTIHKG . TORE AND CUTLERY INNV. , Nsr: .§.T.I:?Cc- LEE ENDLESS' YAIUET ;i 1 NOW OPEN t111rD• F OIt Shcx BY HUNTINGDON, PENNA• KEYSTONE CIDER 311114 FOR SALE LEWISTOWN MILLS, =1 1863.