Ely 6lobc. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, October 7, 1863 A Bold Forgery. The following statement by Peter Swoope, Justice of the Peace of this place, speaks for itself. The Monitor faction must be hard put to, when they resort to making use of means so dis honorable, to deccire taw people. Read the statement, and then say whether the traitors who control that sheet are worthy of belief. IIusTINGnoN, Oct. sth 1803 I, Peter Swoop°, of the borough of Huntingdon, do affirm that the state ment published in a late number of the " Monitor," over the signature of Michael Quarry, of Union township, Huntingdon county, to the effect that Samuel H. Shoemaker, Esq., had pro posed to release said Michael Quarry from arrest as a deserter, upon condi 'Con that_he would vote for A. G. Cur- Curtin at the coming election, and pur-• porting to have been sworn to at my office, was not so sworn to at my office or in my presence. And I do further gtffint that my name was attached to said statement without my knowledge or con sent, and thdt no affidavit was ever made before me by said Michael Quar ry, other than to his discharge from the service. PETER SWOOPE, J. P HOW SOLDIERS VOTE HEADQUARTERS 110TII PA. VOLS., Near Culpeper, tin., Sept. 30, 1863. Ma. Elirrort:—As Penna. Regiments in the Army of the Potomac nearly all held elections to see the vote be tween Curtin and Woodward, we held one also. I give you the vote of our regiment, and it may be taken as a fair sample of the way Penna. soldiers would vote were they home, as our Regiment was gotten up under a De mocratic organization : Commissioned officers present 12 Enlisted men , " 173 185 Curtin. Woodicard Corn. officers, 11 Enlisted men, 145 15G 99 Curtin's majority over Woodward, 127 OFFICIAL ISAAC ROGERS, Maj. Comdg. 110th P. V. WILL. CUNNINGHAM, Adjt. A GOOD TIME..—On Thursday morn ing last, in company with Colonel William Dorris, S. T. Brown and Henry McMonigle, we loft the ancient borough for Jackson township. It was our first visit there, and we must con fess we were more agreeably disap pointed than we have ever been. We had no idea that people lived as much at home there as they do. More beauti ful or better fwrni , "...not be found in any other part of the State. W epm.plP.tely " taken down," and rea, fain - love - with that township and its Union citizens. In the !afternoon, a Union meeting was held nt " Steffy's," a hotel where we sat down to a• " tip top" dinner, and of course we did it -full justice. The meeting was organi zed by calling Mr. Samuel Stewart, an old line Democrat, to the chair; A. Mc- Donal, John' Love, Joseph McElry also true Democrats, with other gen tlemen of the Union party, took • seats as Vice Presidents and Secretaries. It was a genuine Democratic Union mee ting, and it was ably addressed by Col. Dorris and Mr. Brown. Early in the evening our party .started for Greenwood Furnace, where we arrived in good time, and wore - handsomely cared for then, and until morning by the gentlemanly manager of the, Furnace, Mr. John Withers. A Union meeting was also held at this place, John Love, Esq., of B:irree, fighting. Democrat, occupying the chair. It was ably addressed by Col. John A. Wright, S. T. Brown, Esq., Col. Dorris, and Esquire Love. At both meetings there Were - many old Deino- Crats who cannot support Woodward the bogus Democratic candidate. Both meetings adjourned with hearty cheers for Lincoln, our army and the soldiers' friend Andy G. Curtin: We left the Furnace on Friday morning, and arrived at home, thro' heavy rain, in time to'hear the speak ers of the bogus Democracy preach their treason in the Court House. We shall not soon forget our pleasant trip to Jackson, and the many friends we met with there. SPRUCE CREEK.—On Saturday even oompapy With arorcrat gentle men, we attended a Union meeting at Spruce Creek. A good meeting had been hold•in - the afternoon, with John S. 'sett, an old Democrat, in the chair, It was ably addressed by Hon. Steel Blair, of Hollidaysburg. At the even in B. F. Brown, also a Democrat, pceupied the chair. The able speakers, David 131air,A. W. Ben .edict, J. Sewell Stewart, Esqs., the chairman of the meeting, did the cause full justice, and we are very sure Cur tin stock was fully as high at the close of the meeting as it was at the com mencement. The meeting was large and enthusiastic. Early in the evening a number of rebels arrived in front of Raslet's ho tel, in a carriage, who had been attend ing a bogus Democratic meeting in Warriorsmark township Before they loft their seats they cheered for "-Val landigham, Jeff Davis and Woodward," They could not do anything else if they believed the teachings of the be flits Democratic leaders. They are on a fair way to 11-1, or some other place ivhere Union men do not congregate. AN HONEST CONPESSION.-0110 Of the Broad Top Woodward Democrats, on Saturday morning last, told us in presence of a crowd at the depot, that the delegation from Broad Top attend,- lug the "indignation meeting" in this place some months ago, came Tor the purpose of destroying tho Globe office, but that they had been "overruled'' after they had arrived hero. We aro very sorry they were 'overruled," for it is very certain bad they made the attempt, :Woodward would have lost at least fifty votes in Carbon township and perhaps a few in this place., GOOD FOR THE LADIES.—We aro in formed that at a bogus Democratic meeting in Clay township last week, at which there was a better attend ance ofladies than of men, after "Spot ted Nigger" Speer had concluded his abuse of the Union party and its can didates, the ladies gave three cheers for Curtin, and made him and little Bruce skedaddle for Orbisonia before they were ready. The " travelling bar" was not left behind. General Meagher's Letter. General Thomas Francis Meagher, the Irish merican patriot, and bril liant orator, was invited to address a Union meeting in Ohio, but being un able to attend sent a letter, from which we make the following extracts: THE EFFECT Or ELECTING VALLANDIGIIAM Electing Mr. Brough, Ohio vindicates and fortifies the National Government. Electing Mr. Vallandigham, Ohio abandons, and, so far as one State can do so, weakens and prostrates it.— Electing Mr. Brough, Ohio stands true to the splendid soldiers, who, from the rocks of Gettysburg, hurled back a bold invasion—from the bluffs of Vicks burg broke the fetters of the Missis sippi, consecrating it to freedom and the untrammelled service of a united people, and who, at this very hour, rain a deserved chastisement on the city in which the National flag was first struck clown, and the torch of treason tossed aloft as the signal of revolt. Electing Mr. Vallandigham, Ohio turns• her back on these brave men, disowns their service, discards the victories they have won, sends them a vote of repudiation instead of a vote of thanks, and, in place of cheering them on in their new enter prises, casts a cloud between thorn and their fame, their proud memories, their exalted purposes and hopes, making them feel that they have poured out their blood in the defeat of armed trai tors in their front but to encounter the faithlessness and base ill;gratitude, or, at best, the equivocal recognition and impoverished praise of a mutinous par ty in their rear. The New York Post, commenting on this excellent lettei., remarks: l'The vigor and enthusiasm of Genl, Meagher's devotion to the Union has a double source ; first, his genuine at tachment to the country of his - ndop. tion, the happiness of whose people he has witnessed, and from whom ho has ceivod so many honors; and, second ly, his keen remembrance of his own dear native land, which has ever found a friend in us, and ever will find one, so long as it shall remain worthy .of sympathy. - But for us to be an effi cient friend of any down-trodden na tion we- must keep united. Our moral as well as our physical power, our ability to influence councils of State, or to take part in their efforts at war, depends entirely upon the unity of the Republic. Break us up into fragmen tary States, and our friendship, like our enmity, will become an indifferent quantity; but let us prove to mankind that we are able to crush the most for midable rebellion ever organized and maintain our institutions unhurt, and the very name of the free Republic is henceforth and forevera word of might all over the globe. Foreign-born citi zens of common sense perceive this truth, and give their hands and hearts to the national cause." General Meagher's remarks will ap ply with equal force to the contest in this State between Curtin and Wood ward. Now IS YOUR TINIE.—Robt. King has just returned from the city with a fine stock of gentlemen's dress goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, etc., just the thing to fit out a gentleman with a handsome and serviceable suit of clothing. Give him a call and see his goods. A new stock of Violins, Accordions and Mouth Organs, just received and for sale at Lewis' Book Store. All the Patriotic Songs of the clay, received as soon as published, and for sale at Lewis' Book Store. Why is the negro the equal of a white man ?—illonitor. Because It. Milton Speer didn't m ica the smiles of the " spotted nigger." m, Call at Westbrook's if you want to got a good article of Boots and Shoes for gentlemen or ladies' wear, A new stock has just been eccoived. GO TO TPII3 POLLS EARLY, And see that every Union vote in your district is brought to the polls and voted. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. October 5, 1563. Fancy and Extra Foxily Flour.. e6,00@6,60 Common and Superfine $5,00©5,374 Eye Flour $5,00 Coin Meal . =I la 54.00 Extra White Intent $1,40651.65 M=rJ=El2 Eye Corn, prima Yellow Onto Cloverseed, 1163118 TimolLr, ...... et ••• Flaxseed, Wool Rides . HUNTINGDON MARKETS. Est. Family Family Flour 11 Ida $6,50@7,00 Estta tip - ttehlt White Wheat lit 11l Bye Coi MM=M! ifaxsued ru llt led AN, .... Butler ...... Eggs laud ttsm Should. Shies Tallow ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS. WOOD & PEROT, 1136 Ridge avenue, Offer for sale upon the most fm or able Thine, NEW and 13EAUTISIM DESIGNS in great of IRON BAIL INCIS for CEMETERIES. iIIi,IDENCES., dc., of Wtought RIO Cnst Lon, nod GALVANIZED II:ON and BRASS TUBING; IRON VNILANDAIIS. BALCONIES, STAIRS., COUNT IOtS, FOUNTAINS, GATES, COLUMNS, HITCH. ING POSTS, LAMP STANDS, VASES. 'CABLES, FLOW ER STANDS, SOFAS. CHAIRS, STATUARY, ANIMALS, nail all oilier lion Work of n Decoritthe character. De. nign9 forwirde dfot selection. Prisons npplying for• the snoteAs% 111 please state tlio kind of IN oils needed. Sept. 0, 1863-3111 EXEOIJTORS' NOTICE.- [Ektitt.. of Elllaboth J. Semple, 410611 Letters teAttmmitary upon the will and testament of Elrimbeth J. Semple, late of Jackson tsrp , Huntingdon County, decea.,od, tune been granted to tho subscrtbers• All persons indebted ate tequested to motto Innuedtato paynion t, and those haring claims will present them prop el ly authenticated to us. JOLIN A. WILSON, EBENEZER E, McGILL, Oct. 7, 1563-st* Executors. ABSTRACT OF EXEMPTIONS Granted to Drafted Persons by the Board of Enrollment, in the Seventeenth Dis trict, State of Pennsylvania, during the week ending, Saturday, Sep. 26, '63 with the cause of exemption stated in each case: 1 George IV Dean, Huntingdon, s:imbibed substitute. 2 Henry A 11carau, Hollidaysburg, " " 3 IVllliani Matthews, Iniglaud, alivnage. 4 Noses FehEike, CONIc county, unsuitableness of age. 6 Charles ?dela., Carbon tp., disability. 6 Philip Mclntyre, " 7 Jolla Hatton, " unsuitableness of age. 8 Mon is 1' Barron, " D Rotas Mark, " 10 Luke faille, ow, " memitabloness of age. 11 Anthony MeTtity re, " 12 Thomas I laillipe," aliviinge. 13 I Semindingei, 14 Hobert Massey, 15 Irillinin Leo le, 16 L Seinindinger, " disability. 17 JlllllOB " allenage. 18 John Mui 19 Joseph Huntingdon, disability. 20 .Ins Barnard, Colima tp., unsid ablenees of ago. 2l TVlu J A Inez man, " paid commutation. 22 John Ilillgrew, • " unsuitableness of ago. , 23 Win G Kelly, " 21 Daniel S Da, is, " unstultableness of age. 25 John Dolan. alleunge. 26 Millar J McHugh, " disability. 2 II llama,, Johns, 4, 20 Canon Beery, 24 Baniel C.eacs, nließage. 30 Martin Kelly, 31 Es an S Davis, " memitableness of age. 82 George Diadley, 3) Andrew Wheeling, 31 Washington lived, " al James IV McAteer, " alienage. 30 James LanshaW, °nnsuilnbleness of age. 37 Peter Ruth, fill ni•lied substitute. 38 3lichael Miller, " alienage. 39 John )lack, 40 Hem y Fletcher, " 41 IV K Hay 4, 0 raid commutation. 42 Tbos Minds, 43 Hominid SlePl,illips, " ',Menage. 44 11, an Mortis, 45 Jamb Kyfei, ." unsuitableness of ago. Jodina It Pheasant, '• laud Loimmitattun. 47 James A " 44 .1 Cali in Neff. Porter tp., paid commutation. 49 Anthony Anderson, Toll tp., disability. 50 I .1 Atkinson, 0 unsinlableness of age. 51 DaN id 11l isinlialigh, Cass tp , disability. 52 IV Cook. Ted tp., disability. 53 Caleb Might, Cass tp., (no members household in sere ter. Iftmdsial, Kephai 1. Blair coon ty, fin ~,shed substitute 55 FllOlllO 1111111114, Union tp , nnsuitablenos of ago 56 Tilos 31 Might, " in sem lee on 3,1 March. 57 William Wilk,ng, " 54 Fred Slionalter. Cass hp., 39 heal e r Buingardner, Union (p., unsuitableness of age 60 A ll' Su oope,furnished substitute. tit Sand IV llc,aten, Cass tp., paid a ominutation. 62 Win A Leavy, Cando in comity. disability. 63 Thanna• Zoiglei, Cat lam tp 64 joint Aural:tit, Tod tp., 65 Wesley A Wiight, Union tr., 611 Eli 0 Skippor, 67 Winchosier Anderson, Tod tp., 68 Jesinh limfman, 50 Alexander McCall. Perin tp., paid commida ion. 70 Dm id II Gales, Ma, county, lee linty. 71 Joseph Daunt, Cass tp., 72 Thus It No, re+, " 73 Hannon (3,3,1,y, 11 74 .1.3304 C Wright. Union tp., paid conmintation. 75 Pete, 111 gees, Tod tp., 70 Ella fleeter, 77 Jacob I lc-s, 70 Henry ((011011, 0 79 Andrew Green, 70 John NV Cu, Onnn. CASH tp. poll commutation. b 1 5 inoel Miller, Union tp., fun niel,ed substitute. 82 Benjamin (loamy, " 1.3 Abner Stapleton, Tod tp., paid columniation. 84 John 1' Smith, Union Ip., 85 James Coffman, Cass tp , 86J is Allen Estep, Union (p., ,S 7 John 31c111111m, " nob residence. 88 William Gordon, Tod tp., 89 Edward 1:1 Waller. Penn tp., 90 D 11 Giles, Cienin ell tp., only son aged k lull m 91 Foust, Utdon tp., Msability. 92 r, " 93 Relabel, Crum, " 01 .1 It Heinle) son.T.l , s 11, 95 Elijah Chilcule, Tod tp., Pil lindolph Myers. Clay 111 , paid renindalion. 97 Henry Quarry, Union tp., unsuitableness or “go. DI Allen S Houck, 'Pod tp,, Muddied snbstitute. 99 Leiroul Col iielins Clay tp.. disability. 100 II 11 iiol.oll, Tod tp., fu rushed substitute. 101 Daniel Carlin:in, Clay tp,. • 102 N K Covert, Springfield 103 Bait A Madden, " 104 12 S Rohrer, 105 Jacob K Cooper, Clay tp. in service on 3d March. 10P Benjamin Mark, " disability. 107 C 14 Evans, Sin ingfield tp., 1011101 motheiless children 108 Levi Andra eon. Clay 1p..111-ability. 109 Rev I' D Collins, Springfield tp., father motherless children. 110 .2 31 Cutsliall, 111 IVilliain Buckley, Clay tp.. disability. 112 saimiet Ca4llnit, s.lningtield ill., disability. 113 Levi Saysor, Cans tp 114 William Hooper, Union tp., 115 Olher Cook, Toil tp., paid conunntation. 116 Samuel Smith, Union Ip. , elected by mother. 117 Amon Pheasant, " 118 Adam Curlinau, Tod tp., 110 John Crotsley, Cass tp., id 120 Austin Green, ,, paid commutation. 121 Willinin P 31cNite, Sliirlesshurg, 122 William McDaugh, Porter tp., non.residence. 123 Samuel McMullin ' Union tp., furnished substitute. 124 All ed Simmons, Shirley tp., 125 .1' II Lovell, Cambria comity, non-residence. 126 Ala almin Gilmore. Blair comity, " 127 David Etnicr, Shit Icy tp., paid commutation 124 John Haney, Shirleysbnig, in son 100 on 3,1 March. 320 John 71 Gilliland. Shi, ley tp., only son aged & infirm father. 120 Christian llyeis, paid commutation. 131 David P Dew, Shirley sburg, 132 Daniel Iterkstresser, Shirley tp., " 133 Jacob Hanilane, it 134 Samuel Eby, Henderson tp, unsuitableness of age. 135 Dr I' IV C James, Cromwell tp, 136 Joshua Bucher, Shirley tp., non residence. • 137 Hobo t Delany, 0 disability. 134 David Harvey, Slitileysburg, only son of widow. 139 George Foreman, Cromwell tp, 140 .lolin S Gender, SIM ley tp,. 141 Alfred J Ramsey, Shirleysiburg, 142 31att McHugh, Cambria county, " 143 .Twee Sechil4, Shit ley tp., elected by father. 144 Wm S McCullough, Shirley tp, disability. 143 John Alox'ander, 146 ;lames C Snively, paid commutation. 147 John Dela filer, Cromwell tp, unsuitableness of ago. 148 John S Shaffer, Slihley tp.. 149 Samuel D Exam, Cromwell tp " 150 Elijah Hike, 151 Charles B Smellier, Shirley tp.. 152 John 110110, " pall comunitatiou. 133 Isaac Book, " disability. 164 George W Dean, 155 item y Snyder, 0 only son aged k Infirm widow. 136 Henry Banks, Cromwell tp., unsuitableness of ago. 157 James Nobb, 158 Edward Wethington. Shirley tp., Unsuitableness ago. 159 Samuel Sharer, Shirle)mburg, only son liable to draft of aged father. 160 William A Monisar, Shirley tp., disability. 161 Geo W Clapper, Cromwell tp, in service on 3d March 162 James Barkley, Shirley tp., unsuitableness of age. 163 John Mailagen, Cromwell tp., disability. 161 Win H Montague, " ' 165 David P Ihn, Ices, Shilleyeburg, only eon aged and infirm parents. 166 Daul McKalips, Shirley fp., unsuitableness of age. 167 Isaac Crone, disability. 161 Ca-leer " paid commutation. 169 Allied Kelley, Cromwell tp., disability. 170 Thos McNite, Shirloyeburg, furnished substitute. 171 Samuel 11 Miller, Shirley tp., 172 Wdliain Beatty, Shirloyebut g, 173 Wilson Etlllol', tp., 174 Simon 11 Starr, Cronin ell tp., famished substitute. 175 Abi abut' Grove, " 170 George Secrist, 177 William Tiley. Cando In county, disability. 175 debit Scala, C. oilmen tp, paid commutation. 179 Adam Keogh ' Dublin tp., fat niched substitute. 150 Samuel Wolk, I'oi ter tp., paid commutation. 181 James G ?feeler°, Tell tp., only son of widow. 152 Jos 1' Goshen.% " 2 members family in serv. 183 Daniel Steog' 6 disability. 181 Joel lr Plant, Dublin tp., unsuitableness of ago. 185 James A Appleby, " disability, • 180 Alexander Parsons, Tell tp, 157 157 Alea 11 Poisons, 185 James 7, Goshorn," " 169 John Fry, Dublin tp, 2 members fleetly in service. 193 91 WO Catlin, " 191 W C Swan, 192 Semi Poisons, Toll tp., " 193 John Not email, Dublin tp., father motherless children 194 Jacob Flasher, furubßed substitute. 195 George Burge, " 196 lYin 1I Patterson, Cambi is county, only son aged 2, infirm widow. 107 Thos A Appleby, Dublin tp., 105 Noah Stong, Tell tp., 197 A I) Stitt, Dublin tp., furnished substitute. 200 Samuel Blaney, Toll tp., " .201 J M Walker. Dublin tp, 202 Samuel Wallet s, Tell tp, only son aged percale. 203 Sand 3PNrath, " paid cotninutatiou. 201 Andi cu W Parsons, " 205 Sand A W Briggs, " 206 Wm II Goshen], " paid commutation. 2117 Thomas Campbell, " disability. 201 .7ames 13 Coulter,• " 269 John Miller, furnished sujislitutc. 210 Doi ris Appleby, Dublin Ito, disability. 211 William 1' Ooshorn, Tell ll'. S. D. CAMPBELL. Capt. gad Provost Marshal, 17th District, Penna. .$5,25@5,0 $2,50@3,00 „ ....... ..... 7U(4:78c p G ,, An assortment of Card Photo! graphs at 11? C Witi' Book. Story PHILADELPHIA, PA., MINTUNGDON COUNTY T HIS WAY ! TIIIS WAY ! A NEW ARRIVAL OF . BOOTS Sc. SHOES, ITATS, etc JOHN It.'WESTBROOK info, roe the public that fru has jest recoil “l a now tam): of BOoTS arid SHOES of all al• ze.s.o.nd kinds to snit eVevybody. Alea, Her., I lobiery, shoo Fludor..;4, Morocco nod Lin ing Skins, trli ur which will be bold at tiro lancet Cll,ll 11 . 1008 Don't forget the Old stood in the Diamond. Old costa :noir and the poldre generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, Oct. 7, IS6 , 186 3 . FALL AND WINTER - FASH/O.ATS ! ROBT. KING, MERCHANT TAILOR, Hill St , one door west of Carmon's Store, HAS A FINE ASSORTMENT or GENTLEMEN' S DRESS GOODS'. Ms :Assortment consists of CLOTIIS, PLAIN AND FANCY VESTINOS, the neatest and best that could be found in the city, all of which ho will' take pleafiure in exhibiting, and mating np to toiler. It wall cost nothing to call and examine hie goods. Call soon. Huntingdon, Oct 7-31 n NEW STOCK OF GOODS EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON HILL PENNA THE BEST SUGAR and 'MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CROCOLATR, FLOUR. /GSM SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECT lON ER I ES, MARS nn l TOBACCO, SPICES OP TilE REST, AND ALL. RINDS, aud every oilier article usually found in a Grocery Eture ALSO— Drugs, armiroln, Dye Stain, Paints, Varnishes, Oils and Spts. Turpentine, Fluid. Alcohol, ()lasi and Putty, BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALL Tim BEST PATENT MEDICINES, 1100 TS AND SHOES, alai a large limber of al ticles too numerous to mention. The public generally will please call and examine for themsels Co and learn my prices. Huntingdon, Sept. O. 1863. N EW CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. M. OUTMAN HAS JUST OPENED A min STOCK OF NEW FALL AND WINTER CLOTIIING, Which he offers to all. who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES nix Stork consiste of Bendy-m.lO Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, AI SO, ROOTS AND SHOCS, HATS AND CAPS, LC. Should gentlemen 3lesira any particular kind or Cut of clothing not toilful in the stock on hand, by leaving their 111011q11a they ran ho accommodated at shot t notice, Call At the enat corner of the Diamond, over Long's Greco.). IVIANUAT, GUTMAN. Huntingdon, Sept :30,1963. NEW GOODS!NEW GOODS ! ! FISHER &. SO !Care just Opened and offer to the Public, A SPLENDID STOCK --- OF iF'E:lf*i9-:~dsk IV 000115, AT • • REDUCED PRICES. THE • PUBLIC Will please call and examine our G ouos FISHER 4.% SON. Sept SO, ISCS, • FALL AND WINTER GOODS, JUST OPENED AT A. B._ CUNNINGHAM'S. A LARGE STOCK AND FULL ASSORTMENT, AT PRICES TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. CALL AND EXAMINE POR • YOURSELVES SILVER AND GOLD, AND ALL PAPER ON GOOD BANKS INDIVIDUALS, Taken at Par in Exchange for goods. The highest prices pnkl In Goods for nil kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. FOR BARGAINS, CALL AT A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S STORE. Huntingdon, Sept:3o,lSM. 1863. CLOTHING, 1863. H. ROMAN. !MEI CLOTHING le FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECEIVED ' 11. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Fnr (lentlemon's Clothing of the best material, and matte In the boat not knotultke manner, call at 11. ROMAN'S, opposite tile Franklin House in 31ml:et Square, llwdtng don, Pn. II untingtion, Sept. 23, 1863. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY ! IMMENSE STOOK ENDLESS VARIETY HARDWARE, .CUTLERY, NOW . OPEN , AND TOB SALE BY JAS. A. BROWN, lIUNTINGDCFN, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMqM OVA STOCK I,p: 30, 16 TIE AD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. • • D. P.. OWEN INFORMS TILE PUBLIC HE HAS - JUST OPENED A SPLENDII STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GAVIN. Eept 30, 1863. ORPHANS' COURT SALE CAS:3I3IIOES, and VALUABLE TAVERN STAND. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Itunting. don county, the undersigned Guardians of the minor cldl dten ofJames IC. Ilampoon, dec'd., will expose to public sale by vendue on the premises, oil Saturday, the .17th of October nest, 1863, at ono o'clock, P. M., all that certain piece, and parcel of ground situate in the village of Mill Crook, Huntingdon county, containing about one acre, lying on both sides of the 11 - QBlllll'g turnpike, and adjoining the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. land of Irvin o: 00., and others ; having thkrcon a brick tavern house, known no '•TIIE MILL CREEK 110 TEL," alarge frame alable. Ice house, wash Image and other out buildings complete. This property Is situate in the flonrishing, Maga of Mill Creek, a station on the tenon. Railroad five miles cast of Huntingdon, ut the mouth of Kisbncoquilles Colley, in one of the finest agricultural regions in the State. Any pardons wishing to purchlso a dealt able and profitable tare] n property may find it to their Intel est to attend. TERMS.—One third of the ptirclon o money to lie paid on the confirmation of the sale, and the residue in too equal annual payments thereafter, with 'utmost, to be or cured by the bonds and mortgage or Judgments of thin purchaser. P09.4C8M011 given on the first day of April next. GEORGE EBY, RA.3IUEL 11 GROVE, Mill Creek, Sept 30,1863.] Cunt dians LEWISTOWN MILLS, LEWISTOWN', PA. IILOUR AND FEED, of all kinds, Land and for attic at lowest mantel prices. 0 0,6 by mall will receive our special and prompt anew. lion. W 31.11. 31cATEE & SON. Lewistown, Sept. In, 186:1-2:u. ERB= i IJ DIT 0 It' S NOTlCE.—Notice is f hereby given that the undersigned Auditor, nppuin• led by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the fund In the hands of David Stewart awl Ja cob [tarnish, surviving Executors of the estate of Tobias lint tirsh. bite of Morris tun nship, deed, will attend at his a n.° in Huntingdon. on Titursd!tY, the Ifdis day of October next, at ono o'clock. P. M., to make said distribution, alien and sslre all persons having claims upon the said fund are required to present them to Ilan rail Auditor. or be &hatred front coming In for a share of the said fund. 11150. 11. CIIESIEtt, Sept. 16. 1803. Auditor. PUBLIC NOTICE. All pot sons Intel ested hill please take notice. that tile undetsigned deputy Collector of U. S. Internal Reve nue for llontimplou county. dill Attend on the Ist and 3d Tuesdays of each month, at the Jackson Hotel, In the bet ough of llmaingilen, to receive taxes, .ke., commenc ing ou the Mt July July 7th, 1803, INSURII YOUR PROPERTY 1K TIES GIRARD Fire and Marine Insurance Co., PHILADELPHIA. Z.:O MARINE RISKS-FIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN Perpetual policies granted on brick and stone buildings. Limited polleieti grAnted on triune or log buildings, merchandise and rmoitore. 1117CInternt ?WI; required, con,rquenily no (MEW »lents mode. h. ALLISON :Sll 1.1,111 t, 5cp16,186.i Agt. for hunt ingdon 3..ndjulning Cos. . JOtIN FARKIRA, FIS ARCH Street, low Eighth, south slam Importer& Manafacturs rofand Dral6.iti all kind f FANCY FURS, for La i& and Children's wear, I flesh o to return my aril:s to my friends at initingdon and the sur nnding Counties, for .dr very liberal patron ;c, extended to me during to loot few year., and tar to Ilimn that now in afore, of my iinportm lon and Man ufacture,a very extensive oscortment of nll tha different kinds and qualitie. of FANCY FURS, for Ladled and C'hlldren, that q ill be worn during the Fall and if inter seasons. _ _ . . tieing the direct Importer of all my Fins from Europe, nml having them mono lactored under my own stsperrision, enables mo to offer my customers and the public a b band+omer Sot of Fns for the same money. Ladles please give men call befel o purchasing! 47.1 . Remember tun WIMP, number and street: jam rat MN, (New Fur SM. e. 71S Arch Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 16, 1863.-51 n TO THE COLLECTORS of State and County Tax in Huntingdon Coun ty: Owing to the necessities of the coun ty, and especially the want of funds to meet the orders for the relief of fami lies of soldiers in the sorvice of the country, you are instructed to use all lawful means to collect all the taxes in your duplicate immediately - and pay them over to the Treasurer. S. CUMMINS, JNO. S. ISETT,_ PETER M. BARE, Commissioners. 11 uutingdon, July 28, 1663 KEYSTONE CIDER MILLS FOR SALE at the Manufacturer's price—s4o .to $45 uy T. tt. CREMIIII, Sept. 9, tscag Huntingdon, Pa. 'UNION REFUGEES.-IFORMA. TION WANTED. Ihe undersigned, a Dillon refugee, who was compelled to leave Rockingham county, Virginia, on the 13111 May, 1662, in company with John Young, Henry Meadows and l,elan 3lorris, on account of their Union eontimelits, Is &Sit OUS of ascertaining the whereabouts of any Other re fugees from that section, and espocinily of his father— Nichobto Breediu—who, It is supposed, Is now in 01110. Any information which may lead to tho discovery of the in emit residence of any of the above parsons, will be thankfully received. Address as follows, RICHARD BREEDIN, Paradise Furnace, Mint. Co., Penna. ZS - Papers fl lend ly to the cause WIII conifer a favor on ono who inns suffered I,everely fur. lilt love for the Union, by publishing the above. LAN.b .t , Fourth & Arch Sts, PHILADELPHIA., • ARE-OPENING FOR FALL. TRADE, French MERINOES, Good BLACK SILKS, • Dark Figured SILKS, New PLAID SILKS, New Fancy FLANNELS, BALIIORAL PETTICOATS, Rod, White and Blue FLANNELS, eta Sept. 9, LSO —lm. THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, No. 920 CIIE§TNUT &Celt, (forillOrly 708,) -PHILADELPHIA. .J. W. PROCTOR il CO. invite tips attention of their Friends to their largo nud ouperb ntoek of FINE CLOAKS AND FURS, unparalleled in any former season— The increased aceninmodation afforded in our new Inca. lion, enables no to devote the fullest attention to the JE"Lia DIIPARTMENT, . Ishieh will bo found well furnished with every description of FlltSr Cues FURS, middy. wilt be guaranteed m repro. seated, or the mom paid will be refunded. PALL at the new CLOTHING STORE ORDERS per mailwill be carefully attended to, and de livered. Expless chnbges paid, any distance inside of 100 of OUTMAN & CO., if you want a guest Article ol J. W. PROCTOR & CO., Clothing. Stole room in I s ang a newbuildlsh o the Din- Sep 11,156.3 -Iy. No, 020 Chestnut strcetirlpla. wend, IlulttinVVß QTRAY STEER.—Came to the prem ises of tbesubseriber in 110Bolvell township about the first of Ju1y,1863, a red muley STREIt OW V with the left hind leg broken, nod no mark about hint; supposed to be about three years old. 'the owner to requested to come forward,' pravo property, pay charges and take hint away, otherwise ho will be disposed of according to low. SAMUEL 11131 , F. Scut' 3, 18;13.'s lIQRPHANS' COURT SALE. porsunnee * of an ordo 7 of the Orplinn'e Court of Huntingdon county, the root estate hereinafter described, will he exposed to public sate on the premises,, On Friday, the 9th of October, 1863, as the property of William Reed, late of West township, in said county, deceased„to wit: A tract of land sl'uate said township, containineOne hundred and Fifteen acres and Ton perches. adjoining lands of Dr. ll.Orlady, the heirs of William Stewart, de. ceased, John and Michael Weyer, Joseph Fowolhand the heirs of Joseph heal, deceased; about eighty sores of this tract are cleared and in good state of cultivation, with a dwelling house, bank barn, and orchard thereon. A small tract of about one acre and fifty•six perches, taken up by said &comet! it, Ids life time adjoins this tract, and will ho Sold with it. This tract la called ' , The Conner Farm," and has for solos years past, been noted for its prOductlva ness. ALSO—A tract of land situate on Globe Run in said township, containing Two Hundred and Thirty•nine acres end Six ty.rie perches, adjoining the village of Fe laud of Mordecai and John Henry, John syett, the heirs of Oeorge Borst nod others, having thereon two dwelling Louie% a bank barn; one hundred and eighty or ninety acres are cleared upon this tract, about twenty of which are meadow. Those who a halt to sec {hose lands before the day of sale will please'call on Mr. Deormttt repldlng'on the Con ner Farm, or Mr. Foster residing on Globe Run Farm, or George Wilson, Trustee below named, who will show these farms to strangers or others. Possession will be given to purchasers on the first day of April next, when the first payment of one-third of the purchase money to tube made. Unpaid purehaio money to bear interest and bq secured by the bonds and mortgage of the pm chaser. Further terms to be made known on the day of bale. gale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. 'M., of scald day, at the Conner Form, v. here attendance will he given, by JOHN REP% and GEORGE: {FILSON, Sept. '2, 1863. • Trustees. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. SiII be offered M public sale In West towneblp, hunt Ingdon county, On Tuesday, the 20th of October neat, nn the premises, the late residence , of Alexander Steel, deceased, a valuable (reel of lime-stone land, containing 284 Acres and allowance, more or lets, about 100 acres of u bleb aro cleared and in a good state orcultivation • the balance {cell timbered. The improvements nre two large two story dwelling houses, one frame Smother logs, with a never felling well of water at the door; a log barn, a smith shop and necessary outhouses; an apple orchard, also a small tenant house. This farm is situated on the Warrior's ridge adjoining lands of T. F. Stewart, N. Cress. well and others, and about thiee miles from the Penna. Railroad and canal, rind is a healthy and desirable location convenient ton public school house. The conditions alit be one-third of the purchase money to be paid on delivery of n deed, the remaining two-this& in two equal annual pa3ments wills interest to be secured by bonds and mortgage. Possession will be given ou the first day of April next. • Salo to commence at 1 o'clock or raid Any, when due at [emblem will be given by .lOtIN RUNG, Went tp.. Aug. 26,1363. Surviving Exec'r. pußme SALE of REAL ESTATE. In purmenco or au order of the Orphatfe Court of Ittintingtion County to me directed I will soil at public Bale on the premises On Thursday, October 15th, 1663, nt 11 o'clock of said day : the following real estate, viz : Ali that certain tract of land which was Into of William Hays, deceased, lying and being In the township of Jack son, county of Huntingdon aforesaid and State of Penn sylvania.-adjuining rands of William Porter on the north, Samuel Powell on the south, and • Samuel Sanderann on the west; having thereon erected a frame batten ' log bank LAI ta mid other outbdliditigs. being composed of four parte designated no '9/," containing In all 252 Acres and IN Perch.. TEIMS OF SALE.—One..third:of tlio purebnoo motley on confirmation of the sale and thebalonce in two equal noel payments thereafter with interest; to ho secured by the bonds and nun tgage oriudgment of Ono purchaser. West liarree, ROBERT JOHNSTON, Sept. 9,1363. f Moir. bc., of Wm Heys, dee'd. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The under signed Auditor hereby gives notice that be was ap• pointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distt Unite the fund in the bands of Henry Dtowstor, Reg, acting executor of the last wilt and testaniont of John Brewster, dee'd., and that he will ath nil at his Cane fn Huntingdon, on Thursday, the 15th day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A; 31., for that puma..., when and where all persons tinting claims upon the said fund are required to 'anent the same, or ho debarred horn conning in for any Arne of the said fund. Tlll3O. H. CitllslCll. Sept .10, 1863, A ',into,. JAMES CLARK} PROVOST MAT:SUSI:9 OPPICR, I7lh DISTRICT PENNA. } Iluntingdop, Ang - ust 2:1, 1863. NOTICE is hereby given• that a re writ of ten'dhilat s nod the reasonable expenee in. en, red, I, Iro paid to ANY PERSON I;.r the epprebenaion and 0y nin deserter at the I leadgnartere of the near est J. D. CAMPBEI,G, Sept. 2, IW. Capt. and Pro. liar. Qq" IIEIFI!; It . 1 1,3 CRIER to The premises of 11w gobacriber thw first lay of May loot, to two year old nutter Mao corner la . a•s :, regaeittyl to Como forwaid, bravo property, pay MO' cliurgei and tato her away, or alai will be dir pored of according to Inw. Sept. 9, 1863.. JOS. MORRISON,Jackson Hotel. MR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. LL who may have any claim a gainst the Government for Bounty, Buck Pay Mid . 011310118, can have their claims promptly collected by np plying either In person or by letterlo • W. IL WOODS,. Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. • - - - Augnst 12, ISO 3 THE PROPRIETORS OF THE CIRARD HOUSE, Respectfully q 1I the attention of 8118111095 mon and the traveling community, to the superior nceemniodatien and comfort offered in their establishment. KANAGA. FOWLER A CO. August 2G, 18634 m ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, MANUrACTIIRER OF SILVER WAIiE rind IMPOUTER oV WATCHES, No. 148 North Secondat, Corner Quarry, ]le has constantly on hand nn assortment of Gold And Silver Patent Levers, Lon!. And Plain Watches, -, Fine Gold Chains, Seats and Keys,/ Breast,Pins, 1..-. 4 i Par Bing., Finger Dings, Bracelets, Miniature il' Came, Medallions, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacle., Silver Table, Desert, Ten, Salt and Mustard Spoons: Sugar Spoons, Caps, Napkin ,Itlngs, Fruit And Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pone; etc,—at of which will be sold Poo for Cash l N.!. TOIILIS & CO'S best quality full jewelled Patent Lever Movements constantly on hood; also other Makers' of superior quality, N. 13,01 d Cold am/Silver WWI!. for Gish. Sept. 9, 1863.-ly, INTAT C ES, JEWELEY AND IXT:R-WARE. 'no undersigned would respectfully invite fur Mien Lion Lon to , selected stock of Fine Quid and Silber WAYCIIES,Tine Gold JEWELRY, breve- ry kind and variety of styles.—codiprieing all of , L# the newest oil moat b autiful dawns. • Also,. SOLID MINER WARE, equal to coin—and the Scot make of Slicer Plated Warr. Each article is war ranted to Ito at represented. . . XICg- Watches end Jewelry careially repaired and antis Inchon guaranteed. JACOB HARLEY, (Suereosor to Stauffer cE Earley.) • No. 622 Market St.; ph a. Sept . . D, 180-3 m. New Furniture, Establishment, J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully incites the attention of the Public to his stand on 11111 et., Huntingdon, between Cunningham's Store end Dean's National house, where be Manufactures and loops All kind* of r wafture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will tie well to glue him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. • • ' sirZ- Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins m ads fn any style desired; at short notice. .U - -littnerals attended at nay place In town or coun try, by J. M. WISE. Huntingdon, Sept. It, 1362-tf. FLAX! FLAX !! FLAX ! !! HE UNDERSIGNED HAS SR cured the latest Improved machinery for breaking am scotching Flax. It is now in successful operation. I desire it to ho understood that I nm prepared to buy all the flax that the farmers raise, above their household scants, and if they desire I will prepare what they, want for their awn use. This machinery will dress In two days more then ono man can In the ordinary way In thirty days. The flax after it is pulled and seperatod from thoatook, should ho spread on a meadow, thinly and reg. Marty, to be exposed to the dens for a Week or ten days anti! the stock ma'ames a silver grey color, the tinder side should then he turned up and treated in OM sumo way. On a dry day it cart thou bo tied in bundles and is ready for the mill. It is pot necessary to dry It by fire or smoke tt over an oven, as this is only trouble for nothing. An acre of good flux is worth from thirty to thirtrfiva dollars without countmg the seed. Sumac will also be bought. • liuntingdon s Juts' 2111, 1163, AGENCY, SPECIAL NOTICE. PHILADELPHIA, = R. G. FISELBG Governor; Andrew G. Curtin, Judgo of the Supreme Court, Daniel Agnew Senator George W. Householder Assembly: David Etnior, Prothonotary, Clerk of the °eerie - of Quarter Sessions, and Oyor and Terminer, William C. Wagoner Register of Wills, Recorder of Deeds, and Clerk of the Orphans' court{ Daniel W. Womelsdorf. Treasurer ; David Black County Commissioner John Householder Director of the Poor, John Logan, Auditor, Abrabsur ilarnish, Coroner, William M. Phillips Amenclinonte, For tho Aoaoudmonts (lovornor:, Audrow G. Curtin Judge of the Supreme Court, naniol Agnew Senator ; George W. Householder. .Assembly David Etnier. Prothonotary, Clerk of the Courts of Quarter Sessions, and Oyer and Terminer, William C. Wagoner. Register of Wills, I'ecorder of Deeds, and Clerk of the Orphans' Court, Daniel W. Womelsdorf. Treasurer David Black, County Commissioner; John Householder Director of the Poor, J'obn Logan Auditor, Abraham 'Tarnish, Coroner, William M. Phillip, Amotlmenta, For t,ll AnacOments,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers