riCike Cotle. HUNTINGDON, PA --:- Wednesday morning, Sept. 30, 1863. Another Raid on Pennsylvania Threatened, Lee Urged to Advance to Help the Do- mocracy If any one has doubted heretofore that there is a complete and thorough understanding between the Southern traitors and their Northern allies now striving to elect Judge Woodward in this Sate, let them read the following editorial from the Richmond Enquirer, the acknowledged organ of Jeff Davis. If, after reading such evidence of the guilty complicity of the leaders North and South to break up the Govern ment of our fathers, there are any re maining unconvinced, they deserve to be denounced as parties consenting to the diabolical plot. Are our people willing again to see our borders rava ged by Lee's invading hosts ? If so, let them at once come forth and bold ly proclaim that they favor the rebel cause and the rebel conspirators. This would be the manly course, even tho' it covered them with confusion and eternal shame. Read this precious ar ticle, and see how thoroughly anxious the rebels are to help elect Judge Woodward Governor of Pennsylvania: " VIE ROAD TO PEACE." [From the Richmond Enquirer, Sep. 7.] The approaching session of the Uni ted States Congress will be one of no ordinary interest. During its deliber ations, the ; Presidential campaign 'of 1864 will be marked out. Political parties will, in the next session of Congress, ' arrange the platform of principles that each will advocate be fore the people, as well as unmask the gross corruptions that war has produ ced. The contest for the speakership of the House of Representatives will be one of great excitement; if the Democrats are successful, their speak er will have the arrangement and ap pointment of the various committees which prepare business for the House, as well as all those investigating com mittees on the conduct of the war, the committee on contracts, the sup pression of newspapers, and the arrest and imprisonment of individuals. The reports of these committees will form the groundwork of the next Presidential campaign. Should Meade be driven into Washington, and the capital of the United States be belea gured by the confederate army, the conduct of the war 'will receive such a blow from which neither Vicksburg nor Port Hudson will relieve it. If the Administration should find its ar my in the third year of the war shut ' up in Washington, Mr. Lincoln's mes sage would be deprived of all its glo rification over the summer campaign. His management of military affairs will stand a confessed failure, and his unfitness for the position of Comman der-in-Chief will become patent to ev ery man. Of what avail will the cap ture of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, the repulse at Gettysburg, and the Beige of Charleston prove, if ?Beale, driven into Washington is unable to rescue the capital from the insults of a beleaguring army? In vain will Hal leek point to Grant, and Gilmore if the army of the Potomac is forced to crouch under the fortifications of Wash ington, and cower before the advance ' of Lee. The friends of McClellan will assail the administration for more shameful failures than those for which ho was dismissed; they will point to the besieging army, and ask for the proofs of the victory at Gettysburg; they will inquire into tire " escape" of Lee; and, parading the administra tion accounts of the battle of Gettys burg, ask why Leo was not bagged ? Meade besieged in Washington will be incontrovertible evidence of the falsehood perpetrated upon the public. Should General Lee cross into Ma ryland, the embarrassment of Lincoln would increase; his victorious army, unable to take the field and attempt the repetition of Sharpsburg and Get tysburg, would ,be compelled to re main in Washington, while General Leo marched whithersoevcr he wish ed into Maryland and Pennsylvania. The success of the Democrahe party would be no longer doubtful should Gen eral Lee once advance on Heade. Par ties in the United States are so nearly balanced that the least advantage thrown in favor of one will insure its success. Should the Confederate army remain quiescent on the banks of the Rappa hannock, the boastful braggadocia of Yankee reports will be confirmed, and Lincoln and Halleck will point in tri umph to the crippled condition of the Confederate army as confirmation of the great victory won in Pennsylva nia. The Democrats unable to gainsay such evidence, will be constrained to enter the contest for Speakership shorn of the principal part of their strength—the dis grace mismanagement andconduct of the ; war. Gen. Leo must turn politician as well as warrior, and we believe that he will prove the most successful poli tician the Confederacy over produced. He may so move and direct his army as to produce political results which, in their bearing upon this war, will prove more effectual than the bloodiest victories. Let him drive Meade into Washington, and he will again raise the spirits of the Democrats, confirm their timid, and give confidence to the wavering. He will embolden the Peace party should he again cross the Potomac, for ho will show the people of Pennsylvania how little security they have from Lincoln for the protection of their homes. It matters not whether this advance be made for purposes of permanent occupation, or simply for a grand raid; it will demonstrate that, in the third year of the war, they aro so far from the subjugation of the Confeder ate States that the defence of Mary land' and I'onnsylvania has not been secured. A fall campaign in Pennsylvania, with the hands of our soldiers untied, not for indiscriminate plunder—demoral izing and undi;3ciplining the army— but a,:campaign for a systematic and organized retaliation and punishment, would arouse the popular mind to the uncertainty and insecurity of Pennsyl vania. This would react upon the representatives in Congress strengthen ing the Democrats, and mollifying oven to the hard shell of fanaticism itself. The damages which the last cam paign inflicted, if augmented by ano ther this fall, when presented to the Lincoln Government, would unless paid, greatly exasperate the people against an administration which nei ther defends the State, nor reimburses its citizens for losses which its own imbecility has produced. And if these damages are paid the debt is increas ed, the taxes raised, and the burdens imposed will accomplish the same end. Let the great and important fact be constantly kept in a tangible and threatening aspect before the people of Pennsylvania, that, notwithstand ing they have opened the Mississippi, and are besieging Charleston, and threatening East Tennessee, and Geor gia, and Alabama, that notwithstand ing all this, Pennsylvania is not safe from invasion, and Washington city is again beleaguered in this third year of the war. The road to peace lies through Pennsylvania via Washington. Loyal voters of Pennsylvania, is the above not sufficient evidence to satisfy you that Jeff Davis' army of traitors are working in harmony with the trea- Boilable bogus Democratic organiza tion in the North to destroy this Gov ernment. Can you vote for Wood ward and still claim to be a Union man? We think not. A JOINT RESOLUTION PRO POSIN.G CERTAIN AIIIEND NENTS TO THE CO.ATSTITU TIQN: TlEit resolved by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of forneyttranta in. General Assembly met, That the follow ing amendments ho proposed to the Constitution of the Commonuealtli, in accordance with the tenth article Thereat: Thera shalt be an additional section to the Oat d article, of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as follows: Scortota 4, Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall ho in any sequel military ser vice, under a requisition from the President Of the United States, or by the authority of this Ctlinutowwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in nil elections by the citirens, under such regulations as are, or shall he, prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present at their usual place of election. There shall ho two additional sections to the eleventh cuticle of the Constitution, to ho dosignated as sections eight, and nine, ❑s follows: SuCTION 8. No bill shall he passed by tho Legislature, containing more than one subject, w !doh shall be (gently expressed in the title, except app, opriation lilivvios 9. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature granting any pow of s. or rah Ikges, in any case, whole the authority to grant such pacers or pllvlleges, has been, or may hereafter be, couferied upon the courts of this Gellman ealth. . . JOHN CESSNA, Speaker of the Rowe of Itepregentathee. JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Senate. Office of the Secretary of the Common wealth, HARRISBURG, July 1,18G3 PRATIVS YL : I do hereby certify that the foregoing and [L. IL] annexed is afn 11, true and Correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of tho Gener al Assembly, entitled ' , A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to the Con- Citation," ns the bat= remains on file in this office. IN TESTIMONT hereof, I have hereunto set my band, and caused the seal of the Secreta ry's °Mee to he affixed, the day nod year &hove xritten. tiki SIrFF.II. Secretary of tlko Con - mom% Ctli tb ly Tth, IS63—te MUSKINGUM VALLEY EMI o kfii - ..Ti„- -----:_. _-T- --- - -- - - -'!:; - ': - ='; _7;-•:•;-, .- :-,, 4 1 . - 7 - -- 4 - 1 . ----.:-. n ;---2:::,!t_-.;-:_:_4; t‘ , l ,-, ,--„,..4.. 3 . , ...„ 7 - , --- : r- 4 .% p• - `:- - : ,. . 2._:_i T. - - L e i,Liv , -2, - _;__ - : , • gt - -;:t - - :;"..;_ --- ..L.,.. - ' - =', A , : ri:: : :_.. - . -. , ------ - ---------- --,-_,---;;;LNA7 - ____ STEAM WORKS, CORNER OF Market and Third Streets, ZANESVILLE, OHIO, WE ARE NOW FULLY PREPAR ea to build Portal,lo and Stationnry Engines of tho most Improved styles and patterns, also Portable Saw Mills and Sorizlio-Cumin Mills from tho oldest and newest and most illlVrtMed patterus. {ye reepectit ely request those in wont of Portable or Stationary 'Engines, for Any purpom mbatever, or those who MO in want of Moulin' Salt Mills, either double or tingle, with wa3s Anti carriage to taw any length log, to give us a call, or address us toy totter, which will receive prompt Attention. Pleas° read the following statements tot egard to thu operations of our Portablo Engines and Circular Saw Mills: kftTSTOti s, CrllWrOld Co, Pa., 3lay 10, 1063 sf.sns. J. 5: 3. 11. Dumf.. tlentlenien:—% Wo recelt cd our Portable En gine and Saw 11111 all in complete °tiler. pm fectly eutin lled with the Sour Mill and Engine. Evetything w orks to our entire satisfaetion,bc3ond our expectations. IVo sawed ;4000 feet white-oat: boatds in live hours, and with good could have sawed more In the same time. We most cheerfully recommend )our Saw Mills and Engines to those wishing to patellas°. Respectfully, C. REYNOLDS t E. ADDRESS. For fur flier reference, wo 11otild retbr you to ,111111101 Hollidasburg, Pa., Mho ilO.ll 0110 of our that class 20-horse power Portable Engines and Circular Saw Mills in oporation at Tipton Station,l3lair county, Pa.— Ife authorized no to ray this Mill and Engine has gin on such entire s.milfaction, that, 011 , 0 starting it, be has aunt in his second order for n Mill nud Engiuo of same size. We would also refer you to M. M. Adams, Cresson, W. B. Zeigler and J. S. Reed, Huntingdon, Pa.,`Rurley Co., Tyrone, to., A.L.Holliday, Ilallidnysburg, to., all or whom have purchased of We ship our Saw Mils and Engines fully equipped and ready for work. Wo warrant our Machinery to do all that our eilcular claims fur it, and to saw front 6,000 to 10,000 feet of inch lumber per day. J. & J. H. DUVALL, No. 55 Corner of Market and Third Streets, Just opposite CO. It. Road depot, Zanesville, Ohio. Juno it, 1563.—1 in. "TOWARD ASSOCIATION, PIIILADELSTEIA: A "TOWARD Institution established by special liudounnent, for the Relief of the Siete and Distressed, a f flicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and espeetally for ..the Clare of Diseases of the &anal Organs. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhafa. and other Diseases of the Sexual organs, and on the now Remedios employed In the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter en velopes, flea of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage u 111 be acceptable. Address, Dlt. J. SIeILLEN 11011 . 0IITON, Acting Sur geon, 'Conant Association, No, 2. South Ninth Sireet,Plill adelphia, Pa, By order of the Ph ectors. EZRA D. HARTWELL, President. (ilO. pAntelinx, keen elary. Dec. 11, 1802.-ly. BIRNBAUM'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ON SILL STREET, A few doors west of Leta? Book Slorc, HUNTINGDON, PA. Photographs and Ambrotypes Taken in the Best Style. Ito—CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS. FOR PRESENTS TO PLEASE AND INSTRUCT YOUR CHILDREN, CALL AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE CALL at D. P. C; WIN'S if you want fashiondble Goollr CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskcts at Cr • pENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIMIS OF LEAVING OF TRAINS WESTWARD. I EASTWARD L... , , =1 .., pl .1. 5 1 ''. 2 5 ',.. ~,- p: 1.-4 tt > 5O ~,4 k - k , 4 ,.. g V , r. ,:, !-„,.. ~,, ...„. STATIONS% ", C't ',,,. ';' a .5 ' 01 P. 4 3 g 1 - - = -. cn e. C 42 ..,.: ,ti "1 9 ' ; ' A 1 t. ' F{ tt r ..o :n ~.., P.P. 3f. II P. 3f. I A. 3t I A. 11.1 1 r. 11.1 A. ss.l F.l 4 46 IN. Hamilton, 12 28 4 54 ...... 5 05 aft. Union,— 10 45 12 20 504 ...... Mapleton 12 11 5 00 Mill emit,. 12 06 5 13 Coal Siding,- 12 01 5 2.1 7 03 622 5 33111sintIngdon, 10 21 9 21 11 65 5 301 1 I iFetetsburg,...llo 061 111 40 548 ...... Dance,{'ll .33 5 54 6 00 Sprucoercelt, 0 54 8 54 11 26 6 10 Ilirminglram, 11 10 6 19 6 21 Tyrone, 0 33 8 33 11 00 6 80 ...... Tipton 10 48 6 95 Fostoria, 10 43 G 40 6 39 Dell's Mille„. 914 8 14 10 39 7 00 8 20 7 40 6 55.Altoonti,. 8 40 8 00 10 25 P. a.l P. M.l A. 51.1 A. 11.1 I P. 3f.1 A. M.I A.ll. Tho FAST LING Eastward leaves Altoona at 1 15 A 5f., and arrives at Ifusitlngdon at 227 A. K. NGDON& BROAD TOP , AD.-011ANGli OF ECIIEDULII. turtlay, Aug. 29,18n3, Passenger Tralne part as tollow•s: FTUNTI RAILRO On and alley Sn. null arils) and de UP TRAINS. MEM Eveleg ltorrig 12E3E13 MEM LE 5 40'1.8 7 30 llnntingdon, An 11 0515. n 9 00 5 57 7 50 McConnelistoun, 10 15 8 43 6 04 8 00 Pleasant Grove, 10 36 8 35 6 20 8 15 Matklesburg, 10 22 8 20 6 33 8 30 Holier, lion, 10 07 li 03 6 40 8 40111.10.0 Ready,...... 10 00 7 55 6 52 8 551 Cove, 9 49 7 40 6 27 9 00:Fisher's Summit 9 45 7 35 50 733A91 0 201, r 9 301Ln 720 I.Y. 7 201 ts 5 2,51"''" , An 9 25 MS. 7 10 7 401 9 50111iddlesburg 005 650 7 501 lO oolllopenell 855 040 BEDFORD HAIL ROAD, 8 061 '-' 6 25 10 15f Piper's Hun, 10 45111and1t0n,... lArtll 001131004 Run 8 .tSI An 850 °UPS RUN BRANC LL 7 20 Ix 0 20 10.axdon, i 7 35 0 45Co:Cm - Jut, 7 40 0 00 Crawford, .43 7 GO 4010 00 Dudley, 1 I [Broad Top City i READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 11 AT TRUNK LINE FRO3I THE lJ North nod North-Went for PIIILAD.CLPLII.4, Now. YORK, 11E101740, PorrniLLE., LEOANON, ALLESNTOWN, BASTuN, &C., &C. Trains leave HARRISBURG for Pmt tEELPIITS, New -YORK, nESEINO, POTTSVILLE, and all hderinediato Siationt, at S A. M., and 2.00 P. M. NEW-YORK RBI,' ass leaves HARRISBURG at 2.15 A. M., Br riving at Nrm-Yong at 9,15 the sane morning. Fares front Ilnittusuuna : To NEW-YORK, $5 15; to PHIL ADP.LPHIA, and 52 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave Ncw.lfong at 6 A. 31., 12 Noon, and 7 P. M. (PITTSBURGH BXPREsS.) Leave Pillt..finildeul.t et 15 A. M., and 3.30 P. SI, Sleeping card in the NEW-Yong Extutses Tit.uBs, through to and from PITTSBURGH without change. Passengers by the CAT , IWIE,I4. Watt Road leave TAM AQUA at 8.50 A. for PHILADELPHIA and all ItHorine- Wale Statlonv and at 2.15 P. It,, for PHILADELPHIA, NOW YORK. and all Way Points. Trains Inane Pomsnu.n at 0.15 A. M.. and 2.30 I'. M., for Iltarderadta and Sew-Tons. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves BEADING at 0.00 A. M., and returns from PIIILATIELPIII at 5,00 P.M. * All tho above trains ran duly, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves POTTSVILLE at 7.40 A. 51., and AIILADELPIIIA at 315. P. M. COMMUTATION, MILEAGE, SE %SON, and EXCURSION TICKETS at reduced rates to and from all polo te. O. A. NICOL'S, Genera! Superintendent April 200963 -. 0 .. p. w =.... en P: ..-3 MI TO ARMS ! RUSH TO 818 S rORE OF SINIOIII COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, and see the now and elegant assortment of .3004311.3 has Just s °calved. consisting In pal t at Dry Goofs, Groceries, Queer:swore, Haramare, Ctothiug, flouncts, Shwas, Hate, Ours, Itoote, and all other articles kept In country stores, which he la ortolan - at his Mammoth Stereo. at Coffee Run Station, at unusually law Fulcra. Tile public are Welted to call sod examine Ilia Goods. . . . Having arrangements with largo firms to Philadelphia and other eastein cities. ha is able to buy his goods cheap. or than other country meta:nits, and can consequently, nutlersell them I In exchange for goods, be takes all Mile of Ceuntly produce at the highest cosh priers. lly start attention to tho manta of customers, Ito hopes to receive a continuation of tho liberal patronago with is bids Ito has boon heretofore Ilivercd. . Mr. Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top R. It. Co., at Coffee Rim Station, and ix pi ousted to ship all kinds of Clain to the Exstern markots. Having a large Ware Room, far mers can start, with him until ready to ship. Every con. renience will ho +JIM tied them, Juno 10, 1863-1 f WAR FOR THE UNION NIAV ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, :11.10IPIIIS,NORFOLK,&c., I'AMIN.—ASIIDY SLAIN, AND THE PACK BONE OF " SECESII " DROREN But white you rejoice at the eacceas of our gallant troops, and the proopect of the tpcody downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forget to call nt the Moro of WALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewhere, and see our new stock goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Bouts and Shoes, gireensware, Cr eckery ware. Thbacco, Mama, Shoulders, Fish, Flour. Salt, and a general assoi truant of notions, all of which aro of for en reasonable terms for cash or produce. Ifuntingdou, July I, 1863. Wm. MARCH & BROTHER, Respectfully inform their numerous customers, and the public generally, that they itavejost received a large and splendid stock of (Weasel, their store in HARKLESBURCI, cousisting in part of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, • SILKS, NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, WOOD & WM ), LOW WARE TOBACCO, SEG ARS, NAILS, GLASS, OLD MEAT, CRACKERS, PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, &c., &c. AIan—BONNETS and TINWARE; And in fact everything usually kept in a thst elms coun try store, It bid, nero bought low for cash and will be sold at corresponding low prizes for malt or country prod uce, and request the public to give us a call beforo pur chasing cisen here, feeling satisfied we can offer superior inducements,to cash bay ere. We repectrnily ienuest the patronage of all, and es pecially our Trough Creek Valley friends. Er erything taken iu exchange for goods except promi us. /re Cash paid for all binds of grain, for übieh the highest market prices still be Oa en. Wm. March is agent for the Broad Top Railroad Com kif.ffY at Thu kletbnrg Station. Ile is prepared to ship all kinds of grain to the Eastern ma, bets. 'laving a large and commodious *arehome, farmers can store with him their grain and flour until ready to ship. Et cry conve• nienco will be afforded thew. Wo ha, e also a stock of EASITIONABLE FURNITURE NA hick hill be sold at remonablo p, ices. WILLIAM MARCH & BRO. IlaiLletbuf _5,1863. PROFESSIONAL S. BUSINESS CARDS, Jhi Jr D. CAMPBELL, !ATTORNEY AT LAW HUNTINGDON, PA, Office in Cie Brick Row, umly opposito the Court mune. • jApill 15,1863 J. 11. 0. CORBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Offico on Hill Street. . Ituntingdon, Jan. 14, 1862-tf. 1) ALLISON MILLER, Lt. DE YTIS Rae removed to the Brick Row °Hoeft° the Court house April 13, 1819. WILLIAM AFRICA HAS AGAIN COMMENCED TEE DO 02' AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OF IL ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Ilia ohl customers and tho public generally, will give him a call. [Huntingdon, Oct. 20,1858.) ir E. GREENE, ti • DENTIST. 0/••••• Mee removed to opposito the Exchange Hotel, on Railroad street, Huntingdon, Pa. April 7,1863. EMEEMEM Morreg Even'g EEREEI THE ,JACKSON HOTEL, ZITINTXNGDON, PA. J. MORRISON, Proprietor WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, !Stationary and Musical halm manta, Huntington, Pa. MGUTMAN CO. & Dealers in Beady *mole Clothing, Iltintingdon, Pa. 8 40 1 I 8 16 At 8 00 5 55 Le 5 40 TIM JOHN NeGULLOCII, offers his j professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon end viclxltp. Office on Ilill street, oue door enst of Reed's Drug Store, Aug. 28, 'B5. 7 20 7 10 6 55 6 35 6 30 a aa l A ix ß 18 8 01. 8 00 Le S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi • eines, Porfuniery, Pyo Stuffs, 01ls, as. Also—aro swiss. Confectionories, &c,, Huntingdon. Pa. J M. CUNNINGHAM • Founder, Iruntlngtion, Pq TAMES A. BROWN, til Dealer In Ilarthiare, Cutlery, Paints, 011 a, &a., Huta ❑ngdon, Ca. gr ROMAN, e Dealer In Iteculy Made Clothing, Irate and Cnpe Boots and Rhoee, &a. T 1 P. GWIN, j. Dealer in Dry 1300 A Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats and Cars, Doors and Sims, de. FISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods chain, aw,, Huntingdon, Pa. k OOICS AND STATIONERY.- A good mean talent of miscellanoons and School toolte—Poolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Ned, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous afzes—Pons, Pencil., Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually found to a Book and Stationery Store. can he had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY .1; MUSIC SWIM POCKET TESTAMENTS, A LARGE STOCK ON lI.AND AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. rA) ( 4 .) (1) BOOK BINDING. Old Books. Magazines, or publientions of any kind Wand to order, if loft at LEWIS" BOOK t 6 STA NONZRY STORE. TIUSINZSS TA,KE NOTICE _UP If you want your card nontly printed upon enre open, call ot LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONER Y . STORE. FOR THE LADIES. A supetior article of Note Paper end Envelopes stotablo for confidential covespondtatcs. for sato nt BOOK cE srAtriaiwzr STORE. WM. WILLIAMS, Phan and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer. LADIES' FURS,a splendid variety Cbeop by soN. ENVELOPES-^ By tbo box, pock, or lobs quantity, for anlo xt LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERS - ..T7'ORE. WRAPPING PAPER! A good articlo for gale at LEWIS' BOOK f!TORP TFyea want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call ni D. P uliero you nfil find tho lorgo4 as• mortment in ton n. QCHOOL BOOKS, Generally hi use In the Schools of the Connty,not on Nod, will he fornhhed to order. en application at LEWIS' BOOR; .AND STATIONERY STORE. .074:0104 THE Crl'HAßA—The Presbyterian Pselinodist—Tho .'Lawn—Theinbiloo—lluntoisarad Wallas enlarged and impiored instructors—Welland's New and lmproved Illethod for Clio CI Idiot—Leland* Ancor dew], Violin and Flute Instructors—AVinner's and Hon els Violin lustructors—llellak's Melodeon Instructor-Ibn , Plano•Forto Primer—do. Thorough-ilase Printer— llowe's 'Drawing Room bances—Tho Chorus Ulco Pooh— iforp, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE STONE E -WAR at S. S. Smith's Gro coo', 20 per vent. cheaper than ally otter place in town. T HE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. GWIN'S (ILI) BRASS AND COPPER taken ll J in exchange for goods at the Hardware Store Sept. a,1582. JAS. A. 'MOWN hEADY RIX3KONER. , A complete rocket heady Ilechener, in dollars and cents, to u Melt aro added forms of Notos, Bills, lie celpts' Petitions , ke., together pith sot of useful tables, containing rato of interest from ono dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of mtge.', and board by the week and day, published In 1559. Nor solo at •ZEIVIS' 1100 K STORE. ENVELOPES, wholesale and retail, for onto LIMN .1100/f. ,STORE. HOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will Bold for $1 Q 1 st tho cheap store of Fl2lllilt & SON. TF you want lthcluon:e Goods, good Goode, cheap Goode, And all kW or aOOliA, gotn D. P. 'S. BOOTS & SHOES, Hata & Caps, the lar g eet nesortmout road cheapest to bo found at • D. P. UWIN'S rITIN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A vik Imp anon tment at 'llitOWN'S HARDWARE STORE, GGUMSIIOF4S, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's than can Lo bad in fawn, ePil anti 0 " thorn. DARK Colored Palm Hoods, best qual ity, only 60 ate. °nob. TIMER k SON. THE largest stook of Do Laines in town by I , IBIIEII & SON, PAPER! PAPER!! Note, Post, Commorcial, Foolscap net Flattop--a good assortment for onto by the ream, half ream, gain or sheet, at LEWIS' Ii ER' ROOK & STATIONERY STORE, 1) A It OH NE NT DEED PAPER- A. ruled, for oalo at MONTHLY TI LB BOOKS, For nale at LEI PIS'HOOK .1111171 STA TIOXER I' STORE, H OOP SKTRTS with from 4 to 30 store of hoops, nt prices from 25 ers. to $2,00 at the cheap D. I'. CI WIN. LTAItRISBUIIG STONE-WARE 111 Crocks, Jugs, Proserro &ire of superior quality. Sold only by JAMES A. 3.1110WN. P. GWIN keeps the largest, best nisoliment mid cliespest shots in town. OM snit examine them. TRACING MUSLIN, 11 DRAFTINCI AND DRAITIN9 PAPER IV/tile and Colored Card Paper, for talc at LBWIS' BOOK K. sTATIoNERY STORE. PENS PENS 1 THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! C• BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pens PRICES-25 eta. per dozen or $2 per gross. T"E" CORRUGATED METAL " PENS, math, by C. BARNARD, are the best Cont. mercial and School Dens, without exception to any,-se Tlloy aro used by all the pi Ineipal Banks and Government Departments, Public and Private Schools; also, by the Most prominent Commercial Rouses throughout the Md. ted States and Canada. But ashort time has elapsed Arlen bare been introduced into the United States, atilt a muck ed preference Is given them over all others ror the follow , fog reasons: The "Corrugated Metal" PENS do not cor- rode; they will not splatter or cut through the thinnest paper; they have an easy gliding motion, a certainty of equally diffusing the ink, softness of point, and great du- The following testimonials, solebted from numerous others o are respectfully submitted: I have used the Metallic Pens of Mr. 0. Barnard and highly approve of them. C. ItAItSTOW, President of St. icicheas Bunk, New P&P- ITe have used the Pens of Mr. Barnard, and find thorn to be as he represents, and take pleasure in recommend ing them to the public. P1.E1.1.3, FAIIOO Ic CO., A. MIILLICAN, Clonier. C. Bernard's Pens have been tried, and are highly al, proved in this omen. 8.0. 001M , I, Amur.. U. B. custom fiance, Nein Fork. Haring triod tho eorragated Pons made by Mr. Barnard, I Can neon:mend then, no excellent. SA Min L. DIMES]; Cometanetang iravy Yard, Brooklyn. Ra add ours to ctlnve recommemkticoas. 11, B. CROM WELL L CO., New York I have no Ile4ilation in en} log Dan:lard's Pone are de eidedly the bent i have ever need. 5. C. HAY, Agent Gilded Stales Express lb,, New York. We cnn confidently reconiewied Mr. C. Barnard's Anti Corrosive tone as 1110 best over brought under our notice ithout exception. STBTSON & CO., Ark Race, itino York. T. B. 11U0111:9, Coahier. We bolo been using the Pens of Ntr. C. Ilornsr,l. MIA take groat pleasure in ItKommending them to the public, as they are an excellent article, and 111 ho represents then, to be. A. J. Cl./ TON, acrelary Eagle Insurance Co., pew York. Upon trial wo have found Mr. Itornara's Pens tolaa ex reliant. VRED, PROBST aICO., New York. I rook! recommeml,Mr. Barnard's Pons as a aupottOr urn* to any 1 halo uxed, CIOUVB. Ii."E3IBLB, New York. We add aura to toe nbovor;commentlatlons. UNDERHILL, HAVJLAND & CO., Now York Of all Pens I have ever need, Mr. Parnaril's hare glean me more sa thifliction, and I can recommend them to tho public as being entirely anticorrosive. E POIREIt, Now York. After six months' constant U9O of C. Ilarnard'e Anti. Corrosive Pen, no can confidently recommend it no the best metallic pen we barn mar used, finding from the gbore etTerienco that it does not actually corrode. 5, MeLBAS 1 Cu„ New York. C, BARNARD, Manufacturer of Corrugated ']fetal Pen, John Street, Clerkoun ell, London. Juno 18, 1662. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS ZARO.A' STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window. Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY a 111,SIC OSGOOD'S Speller. let, 2(1. 3d, 4th and 6th Readers,. III'OUFFEY'S Speller and Reactors. SANDER'S do do do TOWII'N Speller and Definer, (old and new eilftlonsd Smith's. Bullion's and Brown's 1114401 am Fitch's Physical Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and MeNally's Geographies Jr Atlases Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline Maps. Webster's end Worcester's Dictionaries. Quackenbos' First Lesions In Composition.' Onackenbe's Composition and Rhetoric. 0 roe nleaf 's„ Stoddard's and Brooks' Arithmetic/. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleaf's and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmetic's. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebtas. Greenleaf's Kay to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Willard's History of the United States. Child's cc it Goudaleh's Payson, Bunton and Scribner's Penmanship, in eters, numbers. Potter d; Hammond's Penmanship In twelve numbers. Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Books, Davies' Eterneniary Geometry and Trigonometry. Legendre's Geometry. Greenleaf Geometry. Fut ton,,,t Eastman's Bookkeeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by Ifonaford it Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Ilanaford Payson. Other books will be added nod furnished to order.. A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. Huntingdon, Pa. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OI: THE WAR BSPARTHUNT. The book II nn octavo of 500 pages, is elegantly printed on lino paper, pith now bold typoond has an admirable exhaustive index, for nittch every officer will be grateful, the moment his eye rests upon it. ns no former edition has over had an index, and tho want of ono has been long felt in the Army. The Appendix embraces tbo Articles of War. contain ing many important corrections; also, selections front the 5111itary Acts of Congress, including those passed at the last session, PRICE $2, 00. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' DOOR STORE. CAVALRY TACTICS, [AUTHORIZED EDITIOR4 By Major William Gilham, U. fi. A Just published and for gale at LEWIS' 1100 N non. Cmuptete lu owl volume. piice $l.llO, - UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. For the instruction, exercise and manoeuvres of the United States inferiery, including - Sultry of the Lino, Light Infantry, and Milo- st. mon, prepared under the direction of the War Depat intent, and authorized and adopted by tho Secretary of War, May Ist, 1861, contain- y; Mg the school of the soldier; the school of the • company t instruction for skirmishers, and the general calls; the calls for skirmishers, and the school of the battalion; including the articles of war and a dictionary of military terms. Complete in one volume. Slice $1.21. For WO at Lewis' Book Store. _ UX.ITED STATES SOLDIER, Op coming Into serricot containing a complete system of Instruction In the SAM of the P.oldter, with a pretfotina ry explanation of tho formation of a Battalion on Parade, tho Position of the °lncurs, &0., to., (ring n Prat book or introduction to authorized U.S. Infantry Tactics, Jot pub. limbed. Price 2.5 cents. For sale at . . AVO, Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry LEWIS' BOOK STOEE. TACTICS, Complete In 2 vole, Frico $1.60. For solo nt LEWIS' 1300 K BTORE. AM" The Books sent by 1601 to any midi roe on the re elpt of the price. Huntingdon May 28, 1861. etAtARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens Itintiugdon and the adjoining COllllties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ile is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Mal b 1 Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired Mae and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and caned with appro- priate devices, or plain, aa may stilt. Building Marble, Dour and Window Sills, &c., will be furnished to order. W. \V. pledges himself to furnish material and work. manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and 6CO. before you purchase elsewhere. Shop en Hill stt eet, I luntin Edon, Pa. listtain3dutt Fay 16 1855 GET THE BEST! ARV FOR SALE AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Agent for the county C. BARNARD'S DENS FOR SALE HUNTINGDON, PA MILITARY BOOKS. ALSO, THE HANDY BOOK FOR THE L:E{VIS' BOOK STORK WA L WILLIAM S WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS' BY FRANE CROSBY, OF THE PRILADFLPUIA DAR it Tells You now to draw up PARTNAIISITIr Mena and; gives general forms fox AGREEMENTS of all kinds,l3mtS of SATE, LE tiss awl Pumwma, It Tells You Row to draw up BONER and AIORTOAciis, AT. PIDAviTs, POWERS of Arrountr, NOTTS and Eats of Etats:toe, RECEIPTS and Ranters, 12 Ms You The laws for the COLLACTiON of DOTS, wilts TllO STATUTES of LIMITATION, npd Mnount and kind of property Exmirr from Xyzeu. TIAN in every State. If Tells You .llow to make en ASSIGNMENT properly, with, forms for CORPOSITIoN with CREDITORS, and the Ingots's:a , LAWS of erOry State. Tells You The legal relations existing between GUAR. DIAN and WARD, MASTER end AreßlNtlar, and LANDIRRD and TswAx.r. Tars Thu What constitutes Linn and StAttnan, Caul the Law as to Ilanns.ten Down., the WwWit MUTT IN PROPERTY, DIVORCE and Almon. R Tilts You The Law for 3lreu totes' LIMNS In every State, end the NATURALIZATION Laws of thisconn, try, and bow to comply with the same. it Tall You 'floe law concerning PASSIONS and bow to ob, tain one, and the Paz-Enorion Laws to LANDS. II Ms 1142 The Law for PATENTS, with mode of proem. dare in obtai ni og on e, with IsTrartasocu, ASSIGNMENTS and TAIRA Or FEES. R Tells You flow to mane your Witt, and how to Atong, 150012 ON AN EMT; with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. IT Tolls toss The meaning of LAW TERMS in general itee, and explains to you the IaoiSLATIVI, corms and Jumast Powers of both the Cowers! and State Movxstnettati. R Tells rots Slow To smile our or LAW, by showing hew ha do your business legally, thus - saving vast amount of ltrarattlY. And vexatious, litigation, by its timely oonsultattuuu 4V - Everybody's Lawyer him solo at Lexie' gook Mora. " QUICK SALES . • SMALL PROFITS!" Anybody In wont of YAMILY AND POCKET MUM HYMN AND PRAYER BOOK 3, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, CIVIZA YALUAII.4 AND INTERMITINCI BOO; Fancy and School STATIONERY, MIISIOAL INSTRUMENTO, CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS, SHEET al um for the Plano, Guitar, Av., Aer., POQICET BOOKS, POUTNIONNAIES AND PUII3OI, Far Lndirs and Gentlemen, COLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOORS, For Sunday and Common School', SUNDAY SCHOOL HOOKS OF ALL RINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, AO s , ALL KINDS OF 'BOOKS Proper fur Poyn nod Girls, AMUSING GAMES for Young Polke WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, MATtRIVIE CERTIFICATES, VISITIZiG CARDR, CIIRCRER BOARDS, 80311N0E9, la, CONVERSATION MRS, SORB BOOKS, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books of Various Sirs, SCHOOL DOOMS OF ALL KINDS., DIARIES FOR ISM if Drawing and Blotting Balm., Brutal and alrd Bandy, WHITE DONNET BOARD, ORRURI , B, CARMINE, RED, lII.CII AND DUCE lEU, Arnold's Irodron's and Ilarrison's WRITING FLUID Wrapping raper or 9iffravi4t Shwa And Qualitiee, ko. At. kt. ac. he. he MUD CALL AT LISWIS' CITEAP BOON, STATION= ANA 4{161C Sews, In the "Globe" building, Market Square, where all who wanyo SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases NEW BOOKS I FOR SALE AT LEWIS' 11001 L STORE 11 . 01/SP:: A Raw PoclxT MANUAL of Rural Areldtee. tura; or, How la Build Dwelling, Dame, Stables; and Oat Dwellings of alliginde. With aOl npter en Qatari: sod Stbool-llotisoc Price, ISO cent., GAnDhIN: A NIW POCKET ITANtrAt et Practice! nor: Genitor* ; or How to Cola roto Vegeta/ler, Praire, an 4 Flower.. With a Chapter on Ornamental, Th ee and, Z.hrubi. Price, 50 cepir. THE FARM: A NniV rooter lIANUAL of Traotieal Agrit culture; or, Itow to Cultivate all the Field Crape. Rath an Resny on Ferro Management, etc. Price, 00 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: Km Pocxer ilisstru. of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry; or, liner to Breed sal( Rear the Various Tenants of the Barn, rd, etc., ate Price, 00 cents, lioll TO TALK: A New PoettEr MaSett.of Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a armload ; cal Style, and store than Fire llundred Common Silk takes Corrected. Price, 50 cents. DOW TO BERATE: A NoW Posner Manaus, of Sepal,ih can Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal Habitat., with Autos for Debating Safeties and Deliberative Ai: 8451:n611e5, etc. Price, 50 conic. 110 W TO DO BUSINESS: A Nal , Pecan. Ilasital. Practical Affair:: awl Ot to IlitCgnSti 3n Wet 'liltlt II Collection of Dwane's, Vorms, and a Distionary of Com. morale! Terms, etc. Price, 60 cents. fIALL at 1. P. GIVIN'S if you want V GOOD GOODS. ' ASploudid variety of Carpets, only 25 eta. per yard. FISHER .1; T AWES Collars, very cheap and Nag. _Li cry!, at WM& .j.4IQUQRS, of the hest, for Medicioa Purposes at g ; s. suart.s. COUNTRY 111 4T ()all bny CLOTHING from nie Ip Huntingdon at IYIIOI I ESALE as chop tia they can fn the eitiee, ae I have a wholeenle store Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14, 180. 11. ROMAN, Abeautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for at& cheap, at D. P. GIVIIPS. Ting best display and largest variety of .i lk i n a. of (Icy,, can always be found at the chenr store or F/Slitft a SON. rk P. GIVII\PS is the place to bury good and cheap Carnets. MICAM Y LAMP CHIMNES— Just received at the hardware store of J.lB. A. !mow!.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers