The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 23, 1863, Image 3

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W. Lewis, Editor find Proprigtor
Wednesday morning, Sept, `28,1863,
September 17, 1803.
Gf.onE : The South is no longer
silent on the political questions that
agitate the North. Evidence is accu-
Initiating to show how deep-seated is
the interest they exhibit, and the im
portance they attach to the issue. The
country is perhaps familiar with the
extract from the Richmond Enquirer,
that recently appeared in our North
ern papers, recommending a plan by
which General Lee might make capi
tal for the Copperheads in Pennsylva
nia. The great rebel Captain is to
" turn politician as well as warrior."
He is not, however. to confine his arts
to the so-called Confederate States.
The theatre for their practice is Wife on
the soil of the Old Keystone. lie is to
drive Meade into Washington, again
raise the spirits of the Democrats, con
firm their timid, and give confidence
to the wavering." The avowed object
is " to embolden the Peace party." It
is to be " a campaign for systematic
and organized retaliation and punish
ment." The probable interference of
the army of the Potomac in this pro
gramme is not, taken into considera
tion, and although 'this might cause
change to come over the spirit of their
dreams, it does not morally affect the
hopes with which the invasion is
to be undertaken.
There can no longer be any doubt
of where the true and natural allies
of the Northern anti-Governmejit par
ty are to be found. The coming elec
tions are to be carried—the Union
candidates to be defeated—by the co
operation of rebel arms and Copper
head votes.
There is a spirit of liberality that
we should be willing to extend to all
opponents. I cannot profess to believe
that there is no honesty among those
whose political sentiments differ from
my own. There may be Democrats
who act conscientiously in opposing
the measures of the Administration.
There may also be honest Copperheads
and hone s t traitors—honest in their
over-ruling desire for the eradication
of patriotic principles, the extinction
of national glory, and the subversion
of the American Government. It is
only the ibrmer, however, that can be
reached by the influence of fair argu
ment, the light of reason, and the logic
of events. Can they harmoniously
labor for the end which the rebels seek
to obtain by assuming an offensive at
titude ? Can they aid by voice or vote
in a cause, the success of which is to
be insured by hostile bayonets? But
aside from any action that open ene
mies may take in the matter, can a
)oval man give countenance to their
interests? espucially when he has a
plain exposition of those interests
through their public. prints?
The time has come when every one
must decide on these questions. The
armed traitors of the South have taken
their position. flu who is not willing
to stand beside them, and go hand in
Land with tligm , must array himself
on the side of the Government. lie
who is not for the rebels and the Cop
perheads, must proclaim himself for
the continuation of the true, honest,
and capable administration of An
drew G. Curtin.
Snell being the construction that
has attached itself to the question at
issue, it is almost impossible to antici
pate any other result than a glorious
Alctory, as will give additional lustre
1,0 the page on which are already in
scribed the names of Gettysburg and
Vicksburg, Port If tpison and Sumter,
Morris Island and C3hattanooga. The
dark and swollen stream which seem
ed to stay the onward march of the
Nation, has been fathomed. Solid
pottom has been found. There re
mains but, one step between us and the
other side. That step rightly taken
will lead us safely to dry land; while
one false movement may bury us for
ever in the turbid waters!
The only divlslop among loyal men
is in regard to the means that shall
he employed in suppressing this rebel
lion. Why shall we waste the preci
ous hours, and endanger the Union,
by quibbling abopt this measure or that
measure? The President has used
the power that Congresshas given Lim
for maintaining the integrity of the
Union. How well this work has been
flone may be seen at every point
around the limits of the Confederacy.
The house has heel} or fire, and Abra
ham Lincoln has poured on the quench
ing silo= with an unsparing hand.
There have been those who would
have Lequired him to cease such deci
sive Measures for fear of spoiling the
furniture inside, but still he continued
notwithstanding their protestations.
These men were not wanting in pres
ence of mind to foresee the consepten
pcs that would have attended thccoursc
Ley solicited the President to pursue.
They were actuated by a diabolical
dpsirc to see the stlatettlrp burn to the
Our Chief Magistrate saw that the
conflagration inevitable
could not completely stay the flames
but he could in part control their, and
I , NRI them to places where the destruc
lion would be comparatively small.
But in removing the burning and black
ened embers, which seemed to give
life and heat to the flames, he incurred
from his old enemies the imputation
of trying to pull down the hon.:. o n
their ileaCN. This they knew to he
false, for swill was the cnn• nnun ution
they most devoutly prayed fn•, and
sectiOg that this end was destined to
be defeated, they at once raked the
cry of " stop thief" These men are
the Copperheads of to day. If Provi
dence were to interpose in our behalf,
and if divine laws were to be offered
for the salvation of the Union ; their
party would relapse into infidelity.
I will not attempt to detail the op
erations that are in progress in this
army, preferring to let such intelli
gence go to the public through the
proper channels, and at the proper
time. But I will assure you that our
gallant soldiers are moving forward
to new scenes of glory. They are not
to have a voice in choosing their civil
rulers, but whatever may befall at
home, the cause they love so well, they
are determined that it shall be amply
supported on the field. If there were
any means of obtaining the undivided
sentiments of the Pennsylvania troops,
they would be so overwhelmingly for
Curtin and the Union, that no Copper
head could ever after look a soldier in
the face. M. S. L.
September 15, 1863,
Eorrou ; You will see from the
heading of .this letter that wo have
changed Camp, since my last. On Fri
day last. (September 11th.) we receiv
ed orders to be in readiness to march on
Saturday at 10 o'clock. All the ne
cessary arrangements for a march
were accordingly made. The men had
three days rations issued to them, to
be carriCd in their haversack, and
three additional-days were carried in
the regimental wagons. There were
a great many conjectures as to where
we were going. Some thought we
were going back toward-, 'Washington,
others pretended to say upon good au
thority, that we were to proceed tow
ards Fredericksburg, to board the
fords along the Rappahannock. These
conjectures were, however, neon found
to have no foundation; when at the
appointed time for marching we tool;
the road leading to Realtor Station.
When we arrived at the station, we
took the road leading towards Rappa
hannock Station. When we arrived
near the Station, the order was given
to encamp for the night. The march
this day was not a long one, but it
was exceedingly fatiguing on account
of the intense heat. The roads were
very dusty, which in addition to the
warm sun, made the march a very un
pleasant one. Three men of our Bri
gade died on the road, from the in
tense heat. The few conscripts in our
Brigade all laid over fora rest' long
before the order for encamping: was
given. Senday morning at 0 o'clock,
we again tool; up the line of march to
wards the Rappahannock, passing
through the camp of the Ist corps. The
men of the Ist Corps were all snugly
fixed op in their camp with no signs of
a move. The camps of the Corps were
the most beautiful we have seen for
some time in the army. They have
very beautiful camping ground, on the
immediate banks of the Rappahan
nock. The tents are entirely covered
with pine boughs, so that nothing can
be seen of them until you come quite
near the camp. At the end of the
streets the men put up beautiful
arches of evergreen, which give the
camp a very fine appearance. The
camp of the 6th and 7th Wisconsin,
were especially beautiful, which shows
that the " back woodsmen" know how
to use timber and pine boughs. Cross
ing the river, which at this place is
very narrow. We passed along the
camp of the 88111 Pa., Vols., belonging
to the 2nd Division of the Ist Corps.
This Division has been on the South
side of the river ever since Buford
made his last cavalry raid towards
Culpepper. strong cavalry force
now took the advance, and the entire
2nd Corps with the cavalry moved oft'
towards Culpepper. About, 11 Welock
a sharp cannonade commenced in our
front some four miles, as tho cavalry
drove in the pickets of the enemy.
The cannonading was kept op all day
at times being very heavy. The ene
my being unable to withstand the im
petuous charges of our cavalry, grad
ually fell back, followed up closely by
our victorious cavalrymen. By even
ing the enemy was driven four miles
beyond Culpepper. All along the
Note of our march we saw testimoni
als of the severity of the cavalry en
gagements. Quite a number of dead
horses lay along the road, and numer
ous tree tops lay upon the ground,
having been torn off by solid shot
from the batteries. As we approach
ed Culpepper, we met a number of
cavalry men, with three pieces of can
non taken from the enemy and a num
ber of prisoners. Two were splendid
rifled Cannon, and the other was a
brass field piece. The artillery was
certainly good, but such miserable
horses we have never seen. We have
thought at times that the artillery.her
ses in our army werp had, but such
dejected looking brutes we have never
seen in our service. _Forage must ep.-
tainly be scarce in the bogus '° Confed
eracy." The crows mast not be as
plenty in the South as they in the
North, or these horses would hare.
been taken by them long ago. The
prisoners, however, looked much clean
er and better• clothed than the majori
ty of rebel prisoners generally are.
Their clothing were app trently new.
There were :tome quite intelligent look
ing men amongst them. Some appear
ed in high spirits, while others looked
as ill-humored as they well could. We
arrived near Culpepper about sundown
and encamped where we are at pres
ent. Culpepper is a fine looking place,
larger than a majority of Virginia vil
lages. The country is very leA'el and
beautiful around the town. There are
sonic splendid residences in the coun
try surrounding the town. A great
many of the inhabitants of Culpepper
remained at their homes. We have
no doubt, however, that a great many
more would have left the place but our
forces came upon them so unexpected
ly that they had no time to leave. The
country all along our line of march
looks very desolate. We do not think
that any grain has been raised of any
consequence since the tvar commenc
ed. From the Rappahannock river
to this place, we only saw three fami
lies—all the other houses being vaca
ted. What few inhabitants are here
appear very hostile to usand our cause.
Even the young who have not reached
the years of maturity, appear to par
take of the tame spirit as those who
have reached more mature years. As
we were marching along the road on
Sunday, we noticed a little white-hair
ed urchin of about five years old, very
defiantly shaking his fist at us as he
was standing in a half barrel. 17e de
cidedly showed, fight—more so we
think than some of his more elderly
Confederate brethren. We have just
received orders to march. lam not
able to tell where we trill move to.
Saptembor, 21. 1562.
Fancy and Extla F.O ils rloiir . 56,11001)6.25
(`mnwnu antl Saina lluc $1,75a91.311,4
I:3 e
Col ti, 1,1 Imo Vellos,
Clo‘ol , et
II .1
r,(111 Palo il l F lour " t i libl Sr.:info:7. o o
I:~tta do t "
11 lute 11 lion] 1.I:i
Itcd 11 heat 1 10
Coin lon
(Intel:A..ll 1.:10
1.111,o•Ot; 1.50
llt and .1 ....................... ................. ........ .1;0
II tu. 1. 10
Talbot ........................... ....... ...... ............. ......
ITIIAY STl',Elt—Calee to the pre:n
-1.3 i•en of tlio slants in
about the 1b63, it td mole) j ] 4
1, itlt the hitt hind lc; broken. and ni] to thl .y
nilolll 111111; : O 1 1 1;10,11 lit ho OW11; tln ee bats intl. The
Ilet In N 111,40.; toeoon , finnan]. pna wort to. pin
don't] •s toil hit , ' Inn ] iiS.;Yi 00 n to
:... , r•pt 23, 1bt.3..
Ilnuntr MITI na Di Pllll NIPST OF Tail: Fl 11 1551. )
Cn 151111, Ut., S 1 Pt 11, 15b3. I
551.01 A I. (1 11D1:11.
,o. s.
(1. 164,013 ee.iiaile; Num, ing•
44)11. MIMM. 1,111101 and I c.ntre,
jilt chums the United
Stitt, lies et 001001. tot :bipplit a unit t align. tation far.
uiehcd the United slatte4 toll r, dui jog lite ri.cent Gebel
invasion, and the organized Militia Voices called out by
the Proclamation of the Governor of the Stab...lilted .TllllO
16tH. ISIS, will 5105ent them to Cautaln .1. 0..101111500,
A. Q M at Altoona. Bloody Hun. 11eilloid.
Mount Union. lb Ihda3nbutg atnl.lolinstonn. Penn.; 11 a-
Ilia. fm• sell lonlrn[.
lt) command of Maj. Gen. Condi.
Assiitatit Adjutant Genet at.
Tn eionpliiinee with the above olden. I will be at
A 1;000NA hoot the Ittli to the 'Loth of September.
At BLOODY RUN flout the 20th to the 25111 of tietileni:
At 1tEDI:01111 from the ' 6th to (be Toth of Sentential.
At II U\'l'l NhIDON and MOUNT UNION not the sth
to the 111111 01
At I 101.1.II1ANSIIU 11G from tho 10111 to llio 15th of 0c:-
And at JOIIN.ITOWN front the 15th to the 20th of Oc
tober. .1. O..IOIINSON.
El-1 t Cant. and A. Q. M.
C)n Friday, the 2d day of Ootoler, 3861 ;
At Mapleton Depot. Iluntlogil..ll county, t'n., it Statioii
oil the Pennsylvania Itailevad, the follou log pt veto t,l
real estate:
With all the out-buildings. telling the Maple Grove.
The Storeroom and NV.krellou,e, and storehrepors
lirg house and outbuildinga.
All the in is ileges, with grounds sufficient to implore
the seater power on a neves.falling etteam of nater pas.
ing through the village, us flit heal and fall of:12 feet
Also, lifters Building Lots. sell well situated for places of
business or plivate re-1 , 1011,5. All se 111 Ito sold 0 Moult tese.we, and terms of pay
ment smile easy for the pouts vet r.
)1.1 , Who., , 00 the pronerly. wilt show
the plan of the t•itlnge, pad a ehtrie of the Tat iopn loin,
to pet pons Niinhittp; to C.lllllllO tie 10. pilot to or at the
ha& to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on suit day.
Sept. 23, Ibt4. JAMES ZION A I.DSON
pußLic NOTICE.
All prisons inlet este,' %Nal plonso take notice. that
the niidelogned deputy Collector of U. S. Internal IteNe
u. for Huntingdon county. on ill attend on the Ist and
of each mouth, nt the .lach4on Hotel, in the
hot cog'. tp Iluntucgdon, 1.1 r.ecrve ta4c9, he.,
en the 7th Jul}
Jul) 7th, 151..:3
Granted to Drafted Person. by tlo! Board
cy Enrollnput, in tin Srreedeentl;.,-
Irict, State of Pen !Iv( rapid. during
tI;o t , rl, rneling, Sat 'lobe y. Srp.l2,'W;
11l (K
.1 11.11 t, ,
.2 'lh .11t.t • 11111,11
11i %% 11 , 11
Rub.i tlli Dub, I "
t, (kw ge .111,1,13,
~10 .
7 Jos , to rot. tit ,
S Rol. t Stott I. " furnished substitute.
l'ktter .% Ctillutultino. ' 6 it ntutt•titlent..t. ufegt.t
10 Jtunoa C. Ul, out I, 01.1d,1011 tr
11 .Itunt‘tt t' :quote,
12 IVin 1;11.1111,0n, Bailee tp N. 3 numnbets funnily
in hervite.
13 Clt Bit:miss. Jai lt , un tit, father luoll.lcnv chit-
then, .11:
11 Ciootip.
Samuel flmuoe,, Bailee tp
10 J 4 l . lmin.ts
17 I 1• Stare,
18 iloliti II 310nh,111, Jar It,ou tp., only son of tl Mow.
10 Jeimai.ili licKmrtup , •• ot ago,
20 John 1 . ..11.1. "
21 Saniti.l Rudy, 4. paid commutation.
22 ❑curgr It ud7 , "
2.1 Al. .n01..i Bair,
21 Elm., Malin-.
21 Ifcary Motolle, • dis.thilltv
21; Gouge 11,....,,,n, " ullhtlitabletteS4 of age.
27 Jolla Lan, " di,ability.
20 Joseph C 11'att, . tAlly FOllllllll . lll a Wow
20 Joseph Mall, ay, . ditutbility.
:10 11".".loittglon Ilandolplo. " unsuitable:wain( age.
31 ./411108 South. 61 paid t ommutation
2 l'honett C..,, rota, " 111,1bilay
34 AllflOOoll 1...,...,,,,, t 11, •1
31 31artin 11,11ci,
35 Sountel C Body, "
30 ' , iambi 0 Kane, Eat see (p.,
07 loth) aim 31ta lire., ‘• O.
80 13 to (11,1130.111. di•laiilify.
83 Jon COIIIIIIIMIIO. Jachiott tp., land coon... Nth,
40 William Coe, hat it,, tp., )0,311110y.
11 olttlt.t3l Gs te,sotan, Jockbon tp., paid commutation.
4.2 .11.111. 11.11 ri.., il,abllity.
13 11.11. kott thou .over, Bat rev tp. paid commutation.
41 1",,,, in .5 li%OlOlV, Ji..1,011 tr.,
13 It Heed Alexander, . ~
40 IV,loy Sil:nitter, Barren tp., unsuitalolent,) of age,
47 Funnel Sprankle, J.. I,ton lit , di ...tla II ty.
14 3111ey I), id.,on, •• n o t t ehltient
40 T 1103.1 Ztlitchull, " Hood commutation.
59 James S Hall, Hitch!, 1p 01..1,11;1v.
51 John Colley. .
32 Fanned C small norree tp . poi.' coannutotitm.
53 Wlll 31 Reid,
51 11*.n. Obunt,. •
50 Ilenty Callon. 11, ady •
tp , only son u blow :
50 11 C 01eCtut1H, 11,0 I ,e tp, paid commutation.
57 John Si, tip,' 111.ttly up,
34 .1 Marlin Platt, "
30 Caleb Wakeliehl, " dilability.
63 II A 31.11er.
61 John 11 NV01..11,111 •• paid t , MIIIIIICIIIOII.
62 halo! r. Banco tp, M.:ability.
1.3 Let i It I he,, ilentleim.m tin,
hl .101.1 31c1'1arkon, Oind.lo lit..
1021 11., 11l lIlOill.X. 11110IN' tp.. mouilablenesa of ago.
lid Frmiltlin S...t•rkt. " diaobility.
67 let \ 0.1 shultz, I lotolon 'an tp, paid commutation.
GS AICMIIIIICO G. ty..., 11 a t, o Ip., torokhed Fulditute.
i.O Plitlip ok, 11, tohraon tp , de.ability.
70 smoptel tit cooly. Brody tp.
71 Food 12 Itopet t,,0n up, 11
74 11111,00 COO,llOO, 140 11) tp.. tutsnit.tbb.nept of ago.
73 A Ili-ott Ile. fer. 1• • th...11.11ii.y.
74 ItiLhard olctinolt.3. "
73 11..01 St met. Ifeh.letenn tp., only son 1111411101101104.
70 Aug 1.111 , 6, .111notta tp. only son aged st infirm patents
77 C1,,,t let 1.1.•1.1•10. Walliex Tr , thsolality.
74 112.11. am 11organ, " 0913 ~311 infirm parent+.
73 D. 1111121 Lull dol, " d i. tbility.
:0 111:011 Sougtee,
51 John S I.,enbeti,. "
02 Afin.T At 00,01., I.lla ly (p,
5.1 John Snpler, Ilmole: 'au tp. '•
SI Jacob %1 01;, ihn,ly tp, rot ti...ite.l :01e,littite.
1,3 11 nt 1' Donn Jack , on tp., p tol commut.ttom.
56 Samuel 31illet. !hotly tp,
1,7 3.o „ bll.mier, .ruttlata I p.,
la') 1111',11 11.000100, Ilallso tp, ‘ll+.ll,llity.
' ~
5.1 A It Ikan..loniata tp., :
51' '1 hotint, .1 t'oultet, 11 alker tp , 'i
01 1i.1111,011 r,oveli, .111111.1(a lii..yaill C4lllllllllfial,ol.
PI 11111 .1 ) firm...lel:, Iluntitto,on. thsolnlay.
91 Cht1.21,•1.11..1 11,t3ne, inemitobleneda age.
la 1,11.1111 d :II Oe, ” di , tioility,
113 Pete. [ger, " .
I.P. It 31.1t0n Sp. , r, ‘• paid en...n.111.0 ion.
hi Sooting Stoollet. \Volker tp.. net , ple.l ittb.,,titute.
ie . , 171 mil 11 lo O I+, liontlngtion. 116010.1it5.
00 01 slhant Speck. 11.41,e0 - tut pai,lo.oosllfittion.
00 Juba Ile—,
01 Ato thou. iltllner, " • ••
02 ,10..eph tit me,
03 11 Fut n•y, 1100110g:1.m, dietbilily.
at 11 us A ...loo•on, •• pool cannoutalion.
65 John it 11 bet ley, " tlemlnlity.
tin I,essi.• Ilt•11,11..,
7 lit.° 11 G,lll, linen " fioni.l,64l , ol.qtilute.
0:5 1/,,,1,1 l',.11;111.t1, 00 , 011.tblcutt.,, 01 ago
It/ ,1,1111.., lilt alley, " ,i1,0,1g . , , ,
1,1 11,10 1111.1,, 11, •' paid COlOllllll airill.
11 11 tvol 31e. abe, . lu. ut•lt.ol .itbottin to.
1,2 1..‘111.1. i:,,,,,5y, •• tloobiltiy.
1:1 11).13 loonbc.:.• ••
I -I .11,110, 11 ebb, 11 adier tp , only %nil aged poi enta.
15 ..1,11,1J FOll-0. " 1,1111 L.ollllllllOaltl.
it Dll,ll ,1.1n1t11t.,,, '• 111,,,1n1tt).
17 .1..1,11 111,,,t',, ‘•
IS 111111.10, Mom r, •• '•
10 Mem) ,1Q der, “ p.tid e..01.101'411./11.
20 ItoloTt Mount.
21 1.'00010,2'm .11:11110 " 0
.:.! W 11 1101111 es, Huntingdon, only son wolow.
.11,tal e 0n0 Henn, Juniata tit, pool colltunitation .
121 11111.04 (lent 1,, Ilemlei,..” Ip, ,
2.1 I/ old 1:0(11,-r. " ' ` ...I •1 1 CI 1
1i,,,,p. ILA bli 14 1 11 A.,
2,1 .1,01, 11..0 I. k, 7 , ••
27 sattool 1.. j K liliti. Pr ,.,, ill., O.AVe ..... Oltalti.3ll
.1S.1.11,• II LOOM to, Ftanklin 11,..11,Ha00y
Ili si'lt'y Thomp•mn, •• '
0.1 (leot ge It U 6 oc, Iluntingthot, '1
41 111(0,,, sigatoo,,
32 John 1.1a.1 "
.11 1. 1 .1, '1 11,1,,0,
44 .10.....p1, Cuomo, o
33 .1011,1 11 Olatoet, ..
36 .1.1311,11 10.nbaum, "
07 Chrt,tion II) toe,
.1.1, 1., dolt '• in version on Bil Match.
00 Amite, If (hove, " imt. resident.
40 natok HeIT. He, .I.A.dllity.
41 Sand 'l' Clement, ••
42 lot h. Pope. " only .5111 of i, blow.
IJ ,luny E. 31.11er, •• 1.10 , 4 teal delnlity:
44 01 . 111ao, Eslep ". tle,obility.
13 11111 min Cuzioms, " tall 11 toe.
It St A Ste, ear, tip,thillty.
17 Etil.tlllll`l N 0 .,,
43 J, hn l'lnel,-.. 4. "
40 S Ii 1. heney, " ~
30 II Cupp.4r . .. %Val I lot .dn 111: tp., in t mit.tlllenes4 of mie
31 Sock. Loner. •• ' " 'i-ability.
32 John Spanogle, " "
33 Holcon Beek,
34 Shedtach Stelll.3. Jack.on tp . furnidted quledllitte.
33 1101 ',lnoue, Fiankliti eic,l.ll.,nitabli.leas of age.
at' John Shank, 11'at 11014111 h, li ill, "
37John KIIII.II, Fl , lllkllll Cp., tut iti.4 o ol subatitu'e.
38 Ihml Neat hoot, 11'a Itiot email: tp., paid commutation
VI Allred Poi to, F 1 ,01,1111.5..
t... 1.1 Mott E liam.3.•)•, I,lllingluelel Ip., only Fon of it Now.
01 11'illumi 11 Dole. 111111111liblou,ny ape
02 Amon Holli4shead, " toaid coopplitat ion.
63 .I,lmo, Comm!, day tp, tii-dtbility.
04 A 11 1). alit., " 2. •
65 \Valiant Hoover, Frauhlitt tp., ililability.
00 6:000^l 011100., 11*.nr.orsm Irk tp., ••
07 Theuattre lit-illt, Ftmilaitt tp., 11018.10 A subvtitute.
60 l' , .tY Minklt, IVO.I I lor,tintik U'. lit-Allay.
1,0 11,01 go S Porter, Ftattl..ln Fp..
70 Sam! No.o. hoot, 1 Van WI :1111Allt 111.,
71 1, Beck,
72 Alex .1 Ening. Braid:111 (p., father thteo motherlcsA
,I I,
$ 2 50
U .010
173 Stephen Ilall, son of Infirm patents.
171 Jacob Feitoucbet ger, "
ill, Henry Estrisch, " nomittableness of age.
171 All,l t 111101, Wlll riorsinark yl., :mg resident.
177 Da, id Bock,'
170 11 tih,uu Tate, tp. in set vice on 4d March.
170 Con tail Do , ler, •• unsuitableness of itge•
101 l Hem ge (•utler, " disability.
181 Calculi McPlierran, " •'
102 Jit 1 3lattern, Wart int,tunt Ir llt- "
15:3 James Eckles, F. 1111.1111 tp.,
154 tient ge Lyon, " unsuitableness of age.
Iss TllO, C Connell, "
IsO It II II Net ling, toil) MlOll 01 Ilidow.
107 Elijah, Emhart, "
liss Patton Cos, Warclot , mai I: tp,
10:1 I,Pm Puwley, I°, iniklin tp, milidtableness of age.
101 I(enry 11,00 i,; stick tp., furnished substitute.
101 John liozzati, part commutation.
102 ,levy Berk.
193 Daniel :Madden, fluohltn tp.. only stn of miaow.
114 John •• pant commutation.
115 David Wiaf . ;
1011 John Neal hoof, \Val 110111;1111s 1p "
197 J 0111) NV.IIIIOOI, "
10,1 %V 111 lb nut, Franklin hp,
ND IN in Stet vain] Bit initighatn, illimitableness of age.
200 13 gall Ilewptou, loiter tp, tnoLiirty.
201 it',, td I,eltbei g,
202 \llll 11 Long. t•pcingfield lg., "
2.13 Ail ttn 11cP11 et tan, Ft anklin lg., paid commutation
lilt Henry 7c ttliout, \Pau io,noil It tp., disability.
201, John 0 Mut la), Huntingdon, unstutablenes s of ago,
201, Valid Cabinet!. paid commutating.
207 Geo A Mtn hell, Cat bon tit., in eel lice on 3il Nat ch.
20 Thomas ticorge, " 11011 I esident.
200 I.plit fstep Miftlin county, disability,
21U Min Hopkins, Huntingdon county. "
211:'nd \\line, (I'e,ltp lather of mottle, less ehildt en
212 P Huntingdon, furnlshi d sub,tititte.
213 3.010, C DAVI.?
214 Dintiel II Dna, alter, II:,, rioronall. tp., farnhheil
215 Ihlu at d 001,1,b11ng. Altoona, 1310ir county, disability.
Capt. and Provost Marshal, -
171 k District, l'enita.
To the School Directors ancl Trachcrs
of Buntingdon Cqunty.
The Annual Examinption of Teachers
for the pressent, year 1)111 bO held
in the several Districts as follows:
Hurley, Do Tp. Tuesday. Seid. 224, Hut let Amy,.
Croon, ell. Wednei.lay, " Ot libionla.
Dublin, '1 hutsday, "Cali,, Shade UN,.
Ft iday, " :2301, Dilliuger Tow n.
Ca=s Bor. Tp.Tueliday," 20th, Ca•svtl le.
Cloy, Weduesday, :30th, Scotto Ills.
Stu tuglleld, Thursday, October Ist. Meadow Uttp.
Penn, Tue.A.ty, 4, Rh, %Vat I lorsauu
Hopewell, Wednettlay," Coffee Mtn.
Tod. Thtirsda , ,, " hilt, No, bery.
Examination will commence at 9
Ile — Teachers will pleao remember
that certificates in order tp be vqlitl
will require a 5 cent revenue stamp:
R. MMIV - fTT,
CO. liqp't.
Itunt., Jllpp, 5, ISG3
riALT, at the new CLOTIIII.'IG STORE
4,) or OUTMAN & CO.. if 3 011 Want n p.c.! article 0.
Clothinr. room in Lonhi nut, b tho Phl.
n 11111114,1 a 57
ieLhigned Auditor het eby gives notice that ho has ap
point.•d by the 0, phone' Court el II unti ogdou county, to
dibtrihute the fund to the handy of llenr,y thowiler, Kiq,
noting executor of the I not till tont fentnntent of John
on'tder, &chi., and th tt h • u 11 ttt o t at hie office fit
auntingden, 011 Thwo Lw, the lLth day el 0. hang next,
nt 10 o'clock, A 11, for tit it purge-1,1,1nl end whorl;
persons having el out, ug.ot the 11111.1 el , ,iiillllloll to
present the zdnn•. or 0111 CO/11111e: ill for ton•
chute of the a not heel. Tit .. t. 11 C.:1011111.
segt 111, 1 Y,3. Audit,.
TO THE '0 L ECIPO RS rf Slat<
and Connly Tax in fluntingdon Conn-
unqtlitablenr•sl at• af,,c
tlio members ramify
Owing to the necesbities of the coun
ty, and especially the want of funds to
meet the orders for the relief of fami
lies of soldiers in the service of the
country, you are instructed to use all
lawful means to collect all the taxes in
your duplicate, immediately and pay
them over to the Treasurer.
PETER M. 13 All 13,
llputltegtlon ? July. OS, 1 5.13
dj tl ilily
In purbuatree of an order of the Orphans' Com t of
county, there will be exposed to Public Sale
on the Kent's.,
On Friday, the 25th September next,
the nine ttactq of land het einafter mentioned, they being
the unaccepted and unsold portion, of the teal elate of
the 1100. John Err, late of Walker township in said min
ty, deed, to w it s
1. All that tract marked 13 in the diagram annexed to
the Return of Inquidition, containing 203 noel, 31) per
ehel, riot culled the "Spring House Ti act."
2. All that tract marked C in said diagram. containing.
217 net su ith a good Inn. and Imin thenton
erected, called "The Moore Farm."
paid '4
1. All that &act marked I) in odd diagram, containing
185 acrin. 152 perclan, and called "Tho Middle Farm."
4. All that tract marl:, d E in odd diagram, containing
21.1 Hots s, S 7 petcheq, and called “The Upper Fa t i tt .n
5. All that tarot flunked Vitt said diagram. containing
175 act ci,12.1 perches, and called “liho Cron li Fat ;IC'
The five trnrdi above mentioned are forme with n duo
proportion of cleared and timber land 111 , 011 each : they
are oho aril uatered curl contain tespectirely n large
amount of mertilou land. Thine lanai lie near to the bor
ough of Huntingdon, with trio rail' mills and the Romeo.
Coital quite no 111,11 . ni could 110 desired. Four oilier
areal of uoodland containing together about four Lund-
Led and siventy act, v. ,
Fonda. , rs me implanted to call cl ill. John Reed, real
ding net the “Mansion Vann,' who trill eltow the lands if
Tlllt 115 OF SA LE.—Ont-lial f of the purchase looney to
bep.d.l Imo!, and the n shine in No equal an float m
oo-ads n Ith inimete. Unpaid putelneo money to he so
clued by bonds morgav lint these terms only be
thlngeil or modified ea the day of sale. no as to becure it
dower for the widow of , aid deceased.
N .TI .—Tiact D Dill be Fold to: the property of J. W
dveotiged, and ttnet I , Ili the ptopet ly of Ikot M
Ker. 11, ' IP. by DAVID s
Sept.?, 1603,
ii poi , lumee of all 01110 r of the Crphan's root of
Moat itg.loo county, the teal relate hereionfter dean ibed,
will be expoNetl to public P11'43 011 the to einispa,
On Fijday, the 9th of October, 1863,
propel ty of Ilk op 11,41, late of IYest tott
saol r000t), cleroavol to nit
A ti act of Lunt hi , nate tn Hata township. contmning One
Unwired /11111 I'lllool 11111 i Tell ['HOW, adjmning
lands of Dr. 11. lii Indy, the lieu, or 11 tl li on e:te,,at t, de.
ceased. John unit Moline' It open, dos ph Powell, and the
hen, of .hestph Deed. deceased ; about eighty no) ei it this
truer ore and nl pon , l slate. “rentovoth.,
y•enifig litllllo, awl oiclmitt thereon. A email
Dant ni Aunt one :tete end fift,.=ix p tales. taken lip lie
atid el se vest nit bs, huetinlttljuins this treat, suet trill
he sold a ill, it. '.I his Dart is rolled Cannot Fst
and hen for sun', p:111 p.tst, been :toted rut its plodm tile
,11,S0 tract of 1 ael •Itirate on Giallo in said toss...4l4. e.nittraningTrati Hutch col atel fbit t)-nitie 1.1e4
unl t . .i . 10 . -(1111 . UV/ Chl'S. adjoining Ow villag, of fairtlrl4l.
Etna ol Ilutdreai and John Henry, Ila vett, the heir,
.411. orgo ll.est and elltety, lin, ing trao dwelling
Iranirafi, a lentils : one bundled and eighty or ninety
ate cleated tracnty of rallie".
c ;ucadora.
.1110, 11110 ui•di 10 rep 01,0 1 / 1 1 1;110 111 e day of
[31.3 , , ran on Mr.lh ant, .1 le Jibing on the Cun•
eel ni. or Mr. Pouter ...filing no Globe lint, Farm ) or
llrolget 1111.).to. 'l'i eq..v beim, nolotel. Mot u;11 Owe att.6e
lane- I.) st,nogres or °them
I m u ill he Cl,al to totrch,vri on the (list day
at .Ito it no..t. Slivo tit,. Hist irtvinettt of one-tititit of the
!mt t r to.•t.r3 1, to 10r math.. rup.ticl toonvy
to Ii al lilt li -4 O tailed lii the li ko.fq iota iiiiirtgagii
Or 1110 poi II 1-../. 1 0111/. t tu.t .11, to 1)0 111.1114 kaUllll Oil
II dui
5,11.• onrltt no , It It o'Llor A. Vii. of sail tl.ty. 01
tho Cw... 1 i. 1.111 I, 100 attemllura• Will gisen. by
.101 IN 1:1:1.1 , , niiJ
- -
WOOD & PEROT ; 1136 Ridge avemiel
171.4 -. .Iz4DELPF.T.T.A.,
Off o. fon ...Ile upon nob mint foNoro'do 'reruns. NEW' nrOi
VllOll. jo , -o;otx. of 1110 V HA 1 lo
I\ U, COSIETEIZIES. It I:,IDEm•Es, • or ,v, ‘ „,, ht
nul l'ost Into, field In Ml' \ IZED IWO; 11.1 liltAtiS
cou.vrEits, FotiNTA IN, it ATEs roLuuNs.
I NO E.T.11 , 11).5, VA 51,5. TABLES,
met nll ..thee Intel ll'orle of a form lint' char, ter. De-
Qigns tothat , le Woe (election log Jot line
satilo,%lll lava, 91e.t: the hind ut moth ineolott.
ups l'Oi3-1101
fol ni liel sulk+litlltt.
1111.11tablenopi of age
at the Mana.iettirer',3 pripe,...ti-IO to ..Cs4s
fly T n. Cu EM ER.
Sett.', 15G3.1 Ilipttingtlo., in.
The mule: +tatted. n Union rernpte. nho n. 19 enntrelled
to ~tve Hooldnglimn enmity. VII gini , onthe 13 th M.V.
IMt l 2. in eotnitint tutu .rt,bn Youtp.r. flanry Mrtflows nu t
',elan :limits, oil tteennnt of heir Union trillion-10. is
tlettittnet or astet tabling the ultere.thouts of any other re
fituat Iron, [kg eeetion. anti repro lolly of hi, filllol—
lm, It in supnustal, io now in Ohio,
Any Intottnation shit It Intl,' lead to the t liwor o e r of
the pteaent tettaltatee ca any at the &awe pot:tone, alit be
thankfully luta:truth Address as folios, A
iendly to the rune %%111 confer a favor non
one who hai Bunn ell serenely for Ink tune for the Union.
by publiglong the above.
I - , A IV
Fourth & Arch Sts,
FOR. F IJ 14 'l' It A 1) ,
Dark Figured SILKS,
New PLAID SlLKip',
Pod, White and Blue FLANNELS, etc.
Sept. 9,1893-3 m.
No. 920 CHESTNUT Sreet, (formerly No. 705,)
w. A. co. int.ite the attlntian thoi
Own huge 1111,1 :lapel I, stock of
unparalleled in 1111 S Gn 111, 9085011
The hie] pas.' ntcunuuoll.lll. til/1111/011 in our new loca
tion, enables UM to del tat, UM fnllentnttentiou to the
be found well ful niched a ith every 110 , -ctiption
of kIRST CIASII IJIIS, m Web will he mihiantired 8s tepre
sohted, or the motley pail will La relatolod.
Olt DERS pet mail Isle be c . at chilly attended to. and de
livered. Express tßaiges put. any distance inside 01100
J. W. pßouron S co.,
Si p 0, ISe.l-Iy. N . .t. 02n Chestnut strut, Phila.
FILVEtt IV.IItE and Loroarrn or WA TCIIES,
No. NO North Second st., Coiner Quarry,
Ile has convtAntly on band an ii. , sortnnint of Cold and
Patent Lnels, Levine nod Plain 'Catches,
Finis Gold Clinton, &Ai and S e ts, Brii.ot Pins,
( ;--.13,..„ For Pings. Finger Flogs, DiaceletP, Miniature
Medallion i, Liscivrts, Peoeliss Thhohlo 4 .
Spectacles, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt. and Mnstard
spoons: sn,4,p 510,005, Cops, Napkin Rings, Fruit OA
Butter Kokes. Shields. Cond.., Diltinond Painted Venn,
etc nfishich 1011/ be sold boo for !
TOBIAS Co'.B heat cuality foil jewellonl Potent
er Movement, emontaully tel Iwa; oho other Maker,'
of ...none inn quint e.
N. 11.—Ohl (..tia nit} St;rer bokqld fur (PO.
Sept k, '
The undersigned would respectfully invito your• alien
lion to his It ell solockil clock of nue gold and
SiIaer . W4TOIIES, Imo gold JEWELRY. of eve- A nA
ry kind and ',mots of stylei—comptising all of
the neracte en I roost 1J willful design, tem.:
Also, SOLI I) SILVER 11 Ait l• 1, equal la rain—and tine
first melte of Silver Plated Illus. Each article is umr..
r anted to he no re), caroled.
1,4)- Watches and Jon oh y car cfully r , potred sad sag!,
!action goon anteed.
(Nacre am to Stauffer d frailey.)
No. 622 Market St., Phila.
Sept. 9 I St-!-.ho.
.I.‘Lcat Jr, &c .
Formice. Hunt. F L, PI,.
-I' Pill be offered nt public pip in West township, ID of
ingdon county,
On Tuesday, the 20th of October next,.
on the piesniwes, the late residence of Alexander Steel,
decellood, 0 valuable tract of bulc-otone land, containing
234 Acres and e at Ices, about 100 acres et
hich lite ch.tird and ul a good stub of cultivation : the
baboleo well tont.el..l to• are two large
' l . O l .asr, ill , ' II Imo the other logs, With
u Neter room / . we I oi letter nt the door; a log barn, a
limn 1 1, "1 , 1113.1 nn apple or chard,
als • II ten nd loos • Ths firm to situated on the
flat i10t . 4 I LLc ntljoiallig hind, ol T. F. Stewart. N. Cross.
oil' anti 011.114. 1:1 , 11 clout 01100 11111,1 nein the Penna.
llailroiel and canal . , I:1,11,a healthy and desirable location
convenient to in piddle school
The conditions will be one-third of tho purehaso inone3
to be paid on delively of a deed, the teniainiiig too-thirds
in two °gird annual Levin... to with intercht to be seem out
by bonds and 111.11tgligo. Ire gi,e” o r, the
trot day of Apia' next.
Sale to COMOICIICO la I ifdOCI: of said when dire at
leudanw ill be g .ar by .1(.5131 Rum),
Ivest tn., Aug. 20, 134..1. Stu, tying Elsie's.
PROVOST MARtilf %CS Orlin.; 17th DISTRICT Pr,. A.
Huntingdon, August 23, Ibb3.
NOTICE is hereby given that a re
ward of tell deli:tr.: and the reasonable expenne
corrpd, will Le paid to ANT PLI,ON for the apprehnn•den
and delivery oft de.,et ter at the Ileadrynattet dor the near
est Plevost Miushal. J. D. C.1.311 , 13EL1n
Feld. 2, 15(23. Gilt. and ltro. Char.
QTR Al ED AWA V.—On or about the
IJ 18111 August, from - Huntingdon, a smalls bite Cow,
unit toil spotted head, sliori borne, and rising owp 4
thres years old. Any information of her where
elands aid be thankfully received, and expenses 0 2"
Huntintolon, Sept 2, 1543. Jaekoon'ti Hotel
Q TRAY HEIFER.—Caine to the pre
-1177 of the auh•ci 'her in ffendeison township,
moat the fat at of June last, a t orana white spotted Muff.
er. about a year old, with dolt berm—wet:
and hehti ted, tin' white Ott ipe on her foe,— lEta
The ov.ner fn requested tp conle fdrning, prove 440 " ' -
property, pay charges, and take her corny otherwise she
still be dive..ed of according to law.
Sept. 9, Isle. WM. MURRETTS.
QTR AY COW.—Came to the farm
now occupied by the subscriber, in Walker township,
tot or about the that of May last, a brindle COW. owl
with white fore, white belly. and , orne white in LOP
the dank. Said cow Nl:u dry - when she came, but Ar , ,,
n”w has a cAlf nto months old. The owner in requested
to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take
her away, Mho w lie she w ill he disposed of according to
Sept. '2, 18113,,
LL who may have any claims a
gain.t the Oc*ri Went 'for Bounty. - Back Pay and
eniwns. can have their dahlia promptly collect. d l.y ap
-14,3 log either in net,on o r by letter to
W. 11. WOODS,
Attorney at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.
August 12, 1863.
1863. - 1863.
Is; C W
C 0 T lIN Q
Jp.:T rr•' VPP
For Gent Clothing of the hot oettel i.xl. a n d nbele
th the best xxxxx lxxxxxxxxhke mantle, 1.111 It
ROM .1 N ' S,
oppe , ..t.• un. I inul.lw [lon, u, yl.ui,vt ;'.lll , lte, Hunting
d. rll.
Ilmititig.t.os, Sort. 23,1233.
'(..1 •riti
R. A. 0. KERR,
,r 4 AGENT
Ch .
SS.OSUIAL 21T1M111.11.
ted to be the best evet offered to the todle. and
to., super iottty it ..ttr•factotil) e3tabltAted by the fact
that to the last eight yeas,
OVER 1,400 MORE,
of these multines have hoes sold than of any other man
nfactut cd, and store medals have been awarded the pn
pt by different Foes and Institutes than to any oth.
els. The Machines are oat ranted to do nil that is claimed
fin them. They aro nos m to.e m sevetal families in Al
toona, end in every ease the) Ole came sati,factwn.
The Agent "let, iliac toning infounation as to the
ant,. malty of the llachints, to A. W. Ilottediet, Joseph
II moat. PL ti. Turner and K. K. Deafens...
The 3lacl tines can be seen and examined at the stoic of
the Agent. at Altoona.
l't ice of No. I Machine. Arm pitted, glas9 foot and new
style Ifeintner—Sort. No. 2, to 11/111101ff.11 la once, glass
foot and new style Hemmer-353. No. 3 plain, with old
4i) le humane—S If. (Oct. It, 106i-ly.
D. P. GI7V.M.
May 20, 186.1,
New Furniture Establishment.
Manufactiner.anci Dealer in Furniture,
Il•speetfpllV inn des the attention of the Piddle to hie
, tand on' Hill at., II notingdon, betucen Cunningham's
Store and Ikan's National house, M here he manufactures
and het.its all hinds of Furniture at reduced priers. Per-
With wishing to purchase, Mill do Melt to ghe him a call.
Repairing L,f all Loads attended to promptly and chargos
4 , ,g Also, Undertaking canted on, and Cofflitts m ado in
any style desired, at shot t notice.
Funerals attended at any place In town or coun
try. by J. M. WISE.
Huntingdon, Eept. 24,1562—tr.
These Inqiument, ate net sin passed by ass mode, nail
are 11 rran ted to gi‘e NU, satisfaction. A circular of
the teliablo ieferences can t,o keen at tho Globe Of
MARSH, Sole Agt., 1102, Chestnut St..
Pjanov, MeValenne qn.l Iffunionitinui.
ruled the latest implored machinery for breaking;
and i.cutching Ilan. It i, flow iu successful operation.
I desire It to ho inlet stood that I not pt spored to buy all
tho Mix that the finnan - 0 rai,e, xl,OOO thilrhousehold
Mat, and If they &she I will lut,pot c that they want
for their 00011 use. This 11111001101i' wily dress nt too
days 0101.0 flap than one mini 'Call ill the orilinuny way ill
thirty days. The flax lifter it is milled and seperated ft 0111
the stork, should be optond 011 a meadow, thinly and lop
to Ito cxpoeoii to the dolts fora ureic or ten days
until the idock avAiine or ynoy color, the under
aide should thin hi turned nu and treated 111 the saute
way. On a day it comm then ho tied in bunilks nod is
ready fin. Inc, ~tilt. It is not neces.imy to dry it by file or
smoke tt over 1111 11,311, at tills trouble fOr'nothie
An sole of maid thix in worth fwm thiity to thirty-hvo
dalimn uitliout counting the seed. faunae nil' also ho
Iluntim,ilon, July ISCs3
A NEW AMU VA I, 01 ,
BOOT'S ,ti SHOES, HATS, etc,
JOHN 11. IVEOTIIIIOOIC infurin-1 lIIP pliblie 111, A , J
just remv.ll a net" !Ili ICI, ,d BOWS and t'lloEvS o I
vex and kinds to bolt el,r)bolv.
Ako. Ilatx, II ~e Shoe rnhrzs, Motnci a and LlP
lag Skins, all of valitli toll So said 01 tip luT i vst cash
Don't forgot the old toot the Diuntnntl. Old CIV9tO
mere and the tothlic genet ally ate int tied to call.
In purtuanco of an order of the Orphan's Court of •
Huntingdon County to me Uirteted I mill .11 at public
sale on the preinisec
On Thursday, October 15th, 1863,
at 11 o'clock of said day : the following real estate, viz :
All that certain tract of land which was late of William
lloys, deceased, lying and being m the township of Jack ;
son, county of llontlogdon oforemid and State of Penns
Samuel i'owell on the 6011111 111111 Samuel Sangamon on.
the west; having thereon el eel,' II follIst• house, log bank
barn and Winn outbuildings bong compooll of thin. pal is
designated us "A," '11," "U," "0," containing in all 252
Acres and 106 Teaches.
TERMS OP SA LE. — One-thh.l;of t 1 purehary: tqoney on
count !nation of the and thelt4lalice En two equal an
nual pa)nt.•ntii the, ,nron z to be recured by
the b ndsnudnwltgago orjudginent of the
Weet Bat rer, 1 ROBERT JOLINS'PON,
Sept. 9, 1893.5 Mtn, Re of Wnt ILtye , clued:
A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The widen v
risigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common,
Pleas or lluottngdnn county, to distributoThe balance-in,
tho hands of Wio. It, Leas. John It. Lightner, Maize Si
Harrison, John M. Clark, and John C. Lutz. ix.liug Ind
surd(.tog Ttustocs of ths Shirleysburg Female P.eminayy;
hereby gives notice that ho will attend at his office in
If untingd ,n, de Friday, the 2,1 of October nest, at mine
o'clock, A. IL, Sir the purPose of making said distribution,
when and where all Ism sonsiha'ring pliimm upon sold fund
are required td present to 'the itild Auditar, or ho debit rreil
from coming In for any shall: of the said fund.
Tung. 11.
Sept. 9, nest
S -
Came to the premises of the subscriber the first day
of Nay last, a two year old Heiler .The owner is
~ts • •
requested to come forward, promproperty, pay gilor
auraes and take her assay, or she will ha dis• ww
posed of according to law.
Supt. '3, 1883. JOS. MORRISON, Jack•on
Respectfully call the attention of Business mem and.the
traveling community, to the superior accemmotlation awl
comfort offered in their establighment.
A9gumt 26, 1801-31 n
S. I. F. D. E.
PlPT , Pisf
. - .OFFICES, No. 47 NOll2ll EIGHTH St., pnrt,Atta,.
PIRA, ANp 5 & 7 JOHN Sr., NEw
Our snccesi in DYEINg & ptEANsiNct GARMENTS or
Velvet, Cloth, Silk , Aletino, De Lai,te l
(f.c., and SHAWLS of' almost ey
ely description, is so well known that we only desire to,
remind our friends and the public generally, that the Bea
son for getting ready their Full Goods is non at hand I
Difir Goods received and returned by,
Anglia 10, 15041.-43 m
CURRENCY, AVasbington,Saly22,'63
WIIEIIE'AS, By satisfiletgry
deuce prevented to the under.iigneel, is had been,
made to appear that the Firit National Bank of Hunting
doo, in the County of Huntingdon. noel State of Peensyl,
voila, luta Imo, duly organized looter ;ma according to
the teljulroments of the art of Congreqs, entitled "Au aci
to pi.ivale a national curt ency scented by a pledge Qr
Staten •doel,g, and to pro, He for the cm ciliation and
redemption Ulm eof, nppm, eel Febt nary 23, 1663, and had,
complied mitt. all 14e pro,P4onv of call net re/pitied to
compliedbe mitt. befoo elelillloll e Int; the IMAM,. of
Hankiuge Now, Him cram, 1, tingle Alt.Cul loch. Comp..
to 011, of the cluere!ney do limelq tiny 'that the said
' , irk Nation d of ll•intingdon, County or Hunting
don, and State of Peni,lN.Ulla, is authorized to co:1)-
11011 PP the busizieqs of flanking under the act aforesaid.
61ter..4, I 11of entito set my hfuld and
i•,tl oI ollive tl6B tmenty-,cond day of July, 1863.
10r111.1.0011, foal of the Comp -)
olho 01 the troller of the Curl
Con none.
No. 1. Large Family Wringer, $10,01)
No. 2. Medium " cc - 7,00
No. 2/ " " 0,00,
No. 3. Small " ‘‘ 5,00
No. 8. Large Hotel, " 14,00
No. 18. Medium Laundry J t: te mi 1 . 18,00
No. 22. Large '' /or hand.) 30,00
Nos. 21. and b have no Ogg. Allah, :
ers are warranted.
*No. 2 is the size geeerally used iu
private families.
ORANGE JUDD, of the "American Age
rieultnrist," says of the
"A child can readily wring out a tnbfull of clothes In
a few minutes. It is in reality a CLOTHES fovea! A
TIME SAVER! and n STENGTH SAVER! The saving of.gar.
meats will alone pay rt largo percentage on its cost. Wo
think the machine much moro than "pays for itself eye,
ry year' in the ouving of garments! Thera nie several
kinds, nearly alike in general construction, but we con:,_
older f t miportrynt lan Wringer be fitted with Cogs,
whet - wt.:o'a tows of garments may clog flio rollers, 'sad,
the relicts upon the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes,
or tha rubber brook loose from the shaft. liar own Is ono
of the first snake, and it is RS noon AS NEW arter nenrhZ
E very Wringer with Cog Wheels is Wart
ranted in every particular.
.11';) Wringer ran be Durable without Cog
A good CANVASSER wanted in
every town.
V: , :trOn receipt of the price from prs, 7
ees where no one is selling, we will,
send the Wringer free of expense.
For particulars and circulars a -
dress B. C. BROWNING : ,
13A7 Ilmatlway . , N. Y.
Aug. i 2 'D
Only those faithful soldiers nhe, fiom wounds or the
hal &hips of war, are no longer fit for• active field duty,
is ill he received in this Corps of honor. Enlistments
will be for three years, sluices sooner dUcharged. Puy
and allowance sante as for officers and men of the United.
Slates infantry • euept that no pi einium or bounties for:.
enlistment nili be allowed. This will riot invalfilate any
pensions or bounties which may be di.;;,; fey previous ser•_
For the convenience of service, the men will ho selected
for there grades of duty. Those who aro most efficient
and able-bodied, and capable of pet formai.; guard duty,
(de., n ill bo ariiii,tl with muskets, and assigned to comp
ides of the Fast Battalion. 'flume of the next degree of
efficiency. Including those who han e lost a hand or sw
(tint; and the least elective, Including those who hove
loot a foot or 1,, to the companies of the Second oc
Third liattslioleq ' they ',ill be al rued uith suords.
Thu ditties n ill be to act clan fly as provost guilds and
garrisons for eitie.+; gni mho for hospitals and other public
buildings ; and /is clot hs.orderlies,,tc. If found necessa
ry. the. 3 Me) be 11 , ..,11,211 lea COI p,
Acting Assistant Pion not Alar.,hals General aro author
ized to appoint °Mir ni. of the Regular Service, or of tho
slid Cot ps, to administer the roatli of 'enlistment to
those men who hate completely fulfilled the prescribed
condilions of admission to theltin and Corps, yri:
1. Thal t Ito applicant q unfit for se, Ku in the fold.
2. That he is lit for the duties, or boom of them, indica
te(' eland.
3, 'that, if not now lu the serN ice, Lo sons honorably
4. That Ito it tneritot inn, and ,I,Forving.
For enliitment or col lb r hobm llmlloo• npply to tbo
Baud el l'nrollnonit for the dinuict in %Olio') tiro appli
cant is a to,illent
I%v o der of 3A M ES B. FRY, Ploro,t Mnr,ll d aenpral
3. I). CA M PEEL!..
Coptain and 1 . 1,0. q. Mar WI
llouliug.l , u, July 8, lsu