The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 23, 1863, Image 1

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Per lumina in .Ith inlet:
Six months
A failure to notify a I likuntinuance at the ex pit atiOn of
the tettu aubect ibed for pill he ceueuleted a uou engage
nett t.
1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
four Ours or less, $ 25 $ 37M $ 50
ins square, (12 lines,) 50 75 1 00
Piro squares, 1 00 1 50 2 00
Mires squares, 1 50 .... -... 2 25 3 00
Over aim, week and Web than three mouths, 25 cents
per square fur each itiertion.
3 months. 0 Months. 12 months.
slix lines or less, $1 50 03 00 ...5 00
_Me square, 3 00 5 00 1 00
Pwo squares 5 00.... ..... 8 00 10 00
Phree squares, 7 00 10 00 15 00
pour squares, 9 00 13 00.. ....... .20 00
Half a column, 12 00 16 00 ...... —.2.1 00
One column, ^0 00 "0 00.... ..... .30 00
Professional and Itteduess Cards not exceeding four lines,
One sear 03 00
Administrators and Executors' Notices. $1 75
Advertisements not mot ked 111th Om number of inser
tions desired, will ho continued till fin bid and charged 9C-
Cording to these terms.
GENERAL ELECTlON.—Pursuant to an act of the Hem
mat Assembly of the Common.% oalth or Poonsylvania,
entitled "An Act relating to the Elections of this Cont.
tnonwealtit," approvol the second day of July, 1830, 1,
GEO. W. JOHNSTON, High Sherdrof the county of Hun
tingdon, In the State of Pentisyllania. do Mosby make
known and give public notice to the electors of the coun
ty aforesaid, that a General Election will be held in the
said comity of Huntingdon, on the 2nd Tuesday, (and 13th
day) of October, 1883, at which limo District and
Ciounty Officers as follows, will ha elected, to wit ;
One person to fill the °Mee of Governor of the Common.
Wealth of Penusylvan'a.
One person for the office of Judge of tins Supreme Court
of the Commonwealth of Penniyirnunia.
Ono person for the office of State Senator, for throe 3 .wrs.
Ono person to fill the office of membet of the Hume of
Iflepresontatises of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the office of Prolhonotary,Acjor Hon.
thigdon County,
One person to fill the office of Register and Recorder he
s Huntingdon County.
One person to fill Ms office of Treasurer of Huntingdon
One person to fill the office of County Commissioner of
Huntingdon Coo ty.
One person to fill the office of Director of the Poor of
Huntingdon county.
One person to fill the office of Auditor of Huntingdon
Ono person for the office of Coroner of Huutittgdort
In pursuance of &aid act, I also hereby make know n and
girt notice, tltat the places of holding the afinesaid gen
eral election in the several election districts n Rhin the said
county of lltintingslon, are as follows. to nit:
Ist district, composed of the tow midi, of 1101.1 m-on, at
the Union School House.
2.1 district, composed of Dublin township. at Pleasant
Hat School House, near Joseph :Volcan i c, in said low
3d district, composed of so mush of Warriorsmark
ship, as is not included in the 10t1. dish ict, at the ssitoul
house adjoining the tom n of Warriorsnowl,
4th district., composed of the township of Hopewell, at
Cough and Heady Furnace.
Ott. district, composed of the too aship of liarro6, at the
Louse of Jollies Livingston, in the bruin of Saulsburg, In
said tow uship.
6th dish let, composed of the borough of Shit leysburg,
sad nit that pat t of the tow nship of Shit ley nut included
within the limits of Dish ict No. 24, hereinafter men-
Gulled .d deseribod, at the house of Dot id Fraker, deed,
In Shiite!. sburg.
7th district, compow.l of Porter and p u nt of Walker town
ship. oust so much of West tow tidily 1,1 toillel lAA inn the
folloning boundaries. to us it lloginning at the 13.111t11-west
corner of Tobias Confniatiernilll Olt theNtllli of the Little
Juniata river, to the lower end of Jackson's noniron, e,
hence in a northwesterly direction to the most southerly
oval of the farm owned by 3licitael Maguire. theme ma tit
40 degrees Moat to the top of Tusse3'll mountain to intet
sect the line ut Franklin tow nsliip, thence .dung the said
line to Little Julliata liver, thence down the some to the
place of beginning, at the public selniol house opposite the
Gerturnt Deformed Church, in the borough of Alexandria.
Bth district, composed of the ton nship of Franklin, ut
use honse of Gee. W. Matto n, in said township.
Mb district, composed of Tell tow nship, at the Union
school house, near the Union Meeting house, in said two.
Pith district, composed of Springfield township, at the
school home, near Hugh Madden' s. in said tow whip.
17th district, composed of Union township, at the school
house, near Ezekiel Corbin's, in said township.
12th district, composed of Randy tots nship, at the Centre
'school house, in said township.
13th dieinct, composed of Morris township, at public
Ichool house No. 2, In sold township.
14th district, composed of that part of West tow.hip
not Included in it'll owl . 26th ieto, at the public seised
house on the farm now owned by .)ilea Louie, (funned)
nano," by James Enuis,) In said township.
15th district, composed of Walker tow uship, at the house
of Demantin 31a7,ahy, its 31 . Counellstown.
16th district, composed of the ton usltip of Tod, at tine
Grnwo sch,ss,t lionise, in rain! town,inip.
17th dish ict, nomposol of Oneida township, at the houso
of Wm. D. Rankin, Warm SPllngl.
18111 district, composed of Ovum ell fawn-hip. at the
house nose occupied by Das id Etnire. its Orld.ornia.
loth dishier, composed o f thin borough of Ihroningliann,
with the scrotal tracts of land near nut tithiettOtt to the
same, now use lied .Cad occupied by Thorn. 31.0 u ens. John
K. Nlcenlian, .Heiress Ilobeinon, .Solrn flonsimer and Wm.
Gensimer, and the hoot of had now ow inch by Georgeann!
John Shoeillwrger, k110,11:19 the Porter inset. situate its
the township of IVarrionduto k, at tine public school
t o said bor,omts•
Oetit district. c o mposed of the township of NCR. at the
public 1,1/001 house in Cassville, its said toss tida l ,.
list district, composed of th n tow iiship of Jackson, at
dire tumid T a me of Edo aid .tAtthis, at McAleav3 , o Fort,
Fn said township.
22.1 dish let, compo=ed of the township or Clay, at the
spulrlic nnellool bow, in Sodb , ville.
23.1 dish ht. composed of the township of Penn, at the
public Bellool hett`e in g. Inn NOd tow min in,
24th dish is t, composed and crested as fullmt s. to a its—
That all that pan t of Shit ley tow Huntingdon coun
ty, 13 i1,;4/111.1 being Witilill tins following drscrnhed b
d.trlee,tiontoly beginning at the intersection of Union
mid le3 township lines of tit the Juniata river, on the
south side thoreof Hance along said Union too aship liac
for the distance of [Mee miles from said titer; thence
ustwardly, by a straight line, to the ',obit where the main
from thy's, mill to (lemony I aIIiny,CrIASCH the Sllllllllll of
Sanely ridgo• ' thence not thualdly aloug the summit of
FAthly ridge to the river J union], and thence up said rise er
to the place of beginning, shall hersafter form a separate
elm lion district; that the qualified voters of mid ebvtion
district shall hereafter hold their general and township
s lections in tine public selmul house in Mount Union, in
said district.
. .
250, district.composed of the borough of Huntingdon,
At the Court (louse in said borough. Those parts of Welk
ocr Mid Potter townships. beginning at the southern end
of ;Litt bridge across the Juniata river at the foot of Moist
comer; 'street, thence by the Juniata ton uship line to the
'lime of the Walker election disttiet, thence by the same
o the corner of Pot ter tom whip at the Woodcock Valley
road near Rees FOlOOlllOll2O, thence by the line between
iWalkerand Porter townships, to the summit of the War
-4 ler ridge. thence along said ridge to the Juniata river so
„as to include the dwelling-house at Whittaker's, now Flan
ges old mill, and thence down raid river to the place of
beginning, be annexed to the Huntingdon Borough
'ion district, and that the inhabitant that col shalt ant
may vote at all general elections.
26111 district, composed of the borough of Petersburg
and (bat part of West too uship, west and north of a line
tent ecu Henderson and West townships, at or near the
Warm Springs, to the Franklin townthip lino on the top
of Tursej's mountain, so is to include in the env district
the houses of David Waldsmith, Jacob Longenecker, Thos.
Hamer, James Porter, end John Wall, at the school-house,
it, the borough of Petersburg.
27th district, composed of Juniata township, at the house
of John Peiglital, ou the lands of henry Isenberg.
2Stli disti let, composed of Carbon ton uship, recently
erected out of a part of the territory of Ted too uship, to
tilt : commencing nt a Cbestnut Oak, on the summit Ter
race mountain, at the Hopewell ton uship line opposite the
disiding ridge; in the Little Valle); thence south fifty-two
degrees, east three hundred and sixty perches, ton atone
heap on the Western Summit of Broad Top mountain;
thence not th sixty-seven degrees, east three hundred and
twelve perches, to a yellow pine; thence south fifty-two
degrees, east seven hundred and seventy-two perches, to n
Chestnut Oak; thence south fourteen degrees, cast three
hundred and fifty one perches, to a Chestnut at the east
F.n,l of Henry S. Green's land; thence south thirty-one and
a half degrees ' east (no hundred and ninety-four perches,
to a CliestoutOak on the sumiuit of a spur of Broad Top,
on the western side of John Teirers farm; south, sixty
live degrees, east nine hundred and thirty-four perches. to
a atone heap on the Clay ton uship line, at the Broad Top
dry Hotel, kept by JO9. 310ITiS011, in said ton n-hip.
I Ake viakektionn and give notice, as in and by the 13th
of the aforesaid act I am directed, that a eN cry per
son, excepting justices of the peace, who snail hold any
,office or appointment of profit or trust tinder the govern
ment of the United States, or of this State, or of any city
pr corporatist district, s,hether a commissioned officer or
ugeut, who is or shall be employed under the legislative,
rxeetitive or judiciary department of this State or of the
United States, or of any city or incorporated dstriet, and
Also, that every member of Congress, and of the State
begishiture, and of the select or common council of any
pity, commissioners of any incorporated district, Is by law
Incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the
office or appointment of judge inspector or clerk of ally
election of this Cornmeal* ealtn, and that no inspector or
judge, or other officer Of any such election shall be eligible
to any office to be then voted for."
4100, that in the 4th section of the Act of Assembly, en-
Wird "An Act relating to executions and for other porno-
Ses,"enproved April nth, MO, it is masted that the afore
/aid Tiltn section " shall not be eonsttuctl no to prevent
nay militia or borough officer from serving as judge. or in
spector or clerk of any general or special election iu this
ponnuonn ealth."
Pnrsitant to the previsions contained in the 67th section
pf the act aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid dioliieta
shall respectiiely take charge of the certificate or return
pf the election of their respective districts, and produce
;hem at a meeting of one of the judges II ern each district
at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the
;third day efts: the day of election, being for tho present
year on Friday, the 1111 c of October next, then coil there
to do and perform the duties required by him' of avid judges.
Also, that w here a judge by sickness or unavoidable Reel
dent, is unable to attend said meeting of judges, then the
certificate or return aforesaid shall he taken in charge by
etin pf the inspectors or clerks of the election of said dis
(met, and 'slept do and perform the duties required of said
judge unable to attend.
Also, that in the Gist section of sabl act It is enacted
that "every general mid special election shall be opened
between the hours of eight and tell in the forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or adjonennient until
(even o'clk. in the even itio.,wlien the polls shall be closed."
OWEN tinder my hand, at'lliintingdon, the let day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1063, mid of the independence of the Uni
ted States, the eighty-seventh.
0110. IV. JOHNSTON, Sheriff.
Surrarr's OFFICE,
Ifuntingdon, Sept. 10,'63.l 4t.
VELD DOSES, rovspl.7s, wusruzio 81.511E.3, Ala, SEED,
ki of OUTMAN & CO., if ion want n got.? officio 0 ,
01.4 ting. Store room fu Lung's a the
mond, Hun tiugdrn 57
ATou will find the Largest and Best
asiortmeuNf /AtliQt3' Iheo Goolsat
of;thc eta,on, pet opening by
2:111:1Z A. EON.
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor
rye 05Lubc.
Friday morning, September 18, 1863
[For the (Abe.]
When the Autumn a inch .veto mournfully Oghing.,
With the notes of time hurry hog by;
And old mother Earth receives on her bosom
All nature that blooms but to die.
And hearts that ore sad, and ones that are weary,
Are watching, and uniting at Inane
Titre' the long hoarse( night,by the lamp dimly bat nlng,
Fur those that never 11M curve..
Look not in the tent, you'll find him not there,
Nor around the camp-firo so bright ;
lie in out iu the storm, that young heart so warm,—
Ho is out in the storm tonight.
Olt rake up tine wood, boys, build up the tire;
Too late--the last spank expires;
Not a coat but o hat's dead on that 011 C C, thing bed,
To warm the Move scoot as he dies.
" I am going," he speaks; but that voice once yo strong
Whispere faintly the parting *surds nos, ;
And the mist of the night—for the 'form is now past,—
Gallas with death out his marble-like brow.
That maiseu of lb) heio, tilt° fought In hie youth,
For our country, undaunted and bold;
Lice dead with his blue—his a inding-sheot now,
Distant from ft fends, slat It and cold.
'3lld the nuts° and tumult of the battle,
That bralo form shall match no more;
Fee his gum e by the Rappahannock,
Fur he sleeps upon her chore.
Martial music swells iu beauty,
With the tread of umny Coot,
But they never mute shall ,the lam,
Not his snub of honor greet NIMROD.
The Horrors of Libby Prison.
If it is possible for our Government
to do anything to mitigate the horrors
of the Libby prison at Richmond, the
press ought to importune it, night and
day, until the poor fellows who aro
imprisoned there are treated with
some little humanity. The stories of
suffering that reach us fix= day to
day, leave us no doubt that the con
dition of the inmates of that prison is
horrible beyond expression.
lii the early days of the war, when
the Libby was open to 'receive the in
stahnent of Bull Run captives,
it was
a comparatively clean, decent place,
and though the fare was rough, and
the treatment sometimes was brutal,
yet there were some mitigations to the
confinement. If the prisoners had
money they could purchase some com
forts. Latterly, however, comforts
are not, to be had in Richmond, at least
by the prisoners ; and the premises,
and,the prison itself, have become noi
some and filthy, and the rebels have
steadily grown more rigorous and in
human. Richmond. is a centre of real
hate of the Union men. It outdoes
Charleston even. Indeed, nowhere
else in the whole South aro prisoners
so barbarously treated. There are
not in other places wanting instances
of kindness, and in many localities the
! prisoners fare about as well as the reb
el soldiers themselves, except that. the
sick and wounded are almost invaria
bly neglected.
We printed, a few days ago, a Her
ald correspondent's account of the aw
ful life in the Libby, and the frightful
physical and mental condition of our
poor fellows there. Shocking as the
story was, and almost incredible, we
have reason to believe it to be literally
true; and that the testimony on the
subject is sufficient to arouse the in
dignation of the North.
The filth of this pestiferous prison
is indescribable in print. Its inmates
are crowded together, many of them
sick covered with vermin, with scant
clothing, with no beds, half fed upon
decayed meat and spoiled bread, until
with hunger and the horrible diet,
they sink into a sort of idiotic stupor.
They lie clown in filth like beasts.
The, maunder over this disgusting
food with childish fondness. This con
dition would wring pity from any
hearts but the savage.
From a private, but trustworthy let
ter written at Annapolis August 22,
we take some sad confirmation of the
shocking treatment of prisoners every
where in and about Richmond, and
bearing out the loathsome narration
in the _Herald. It seems to be rebel
policy to exchange if possible, the sick
and broken down soldiers, first, they
being selected so the Union army will
get no recruits, Regiments and com
panies captured are disorganized as
much as possible, and the healthy aro
retained iu confinement. Some three
hundred-paroled prisoners had just ar
rived at Annapolis from
.City Point,
and ono hundred and sixty-eight of
them wont at once into the hospital
"They all show rough usage, and
speak of their sojourn on the Island as
being accompanied by treatment bad
in the extreme, being nearly starved,
and shot at for the slightest offence.
The rebels seem bound to test to the
utmost of their power of endurance.
The men seem to be benumbed—a
general stupor of the faculties and en
ergies. They report some four thous
and still on the Island, and Charles
ton prisoners aro arriving there.
"Some very Pitiable stories of the
condition to which some of the prison
ers are reduced for food in 'Libby' are
related. A sutler, a man' of much
intelligence, portrayed some of the
scenes, with tears in his oyes, of men
who had become almost idiots, who
would seize their crumb (of food) with
childish eagerness and delight only to
toy and play with, it and then lay it
away, to afterwards find it stolen,
when the old vacant expression would
settle on their countenances, and they
would sit down in hopeless despair."
This is horrible ! And these men
are our friends, brothers, neighbors,
good soldiers, gentlemen, the loved of
women, those who have homes, and
have never known before what it was
to want food, and, at least, decent
lodging. And they are going idiotic,
starving in filth and squalor.—liart
ford Macs.
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[Fur the Globe.]
MR. EDITOR :—lt, is the favorite alle
gation of slaveholders in the South and
their minions in the North, that the
slaves (11'0 in a much better condition
than the laboring poor in the free
States. I have seen a great deal of
the state of the Northern poor, and I
can conscientiously say, that I never
saw any one, even a pauper, who lived
in the mean, hoggish ,way that the
slaves in cotton and rice States do;
and moreover, that if such coarse
food as the negroes generally eat were
offered them, they would reject it, as
thinking it hardly fit for human and
rational beings.
The Northern poor are also incom
parably better clothed, for where is
there a poor laborer that has not a de
cent cloth or fustian coat, with other
parts of his dress suitable, independent
of good and warm stockings and sound
shoes ? But what has the slave? He
has for his best a "negro cloth" round
a-bout, which hangs about him like a
sack, and would as well fit any person
you please as himself; and moreover,
a pair of coarse trowsers and a coarse
shirt of Osnaburg, which, with the
coarsest kind of hat, is his whole ward
robe, for this is the general livery or
badge of slavery. The female slaves
aro clothed as much inferior to out
poor women, and both negro women
and men are without stockings and
more than half the time without shoes,
and generally go in a half-dressed state,
viz: without coats or gowns ; the wo
men's petticoats up to their knees, and
very often before fresh supplies arc
given out, many of them are in a rag
ged state, and some almost in a state
of nudity; I have indeed often seen
grown men and women working in
the field, under the lash of the driver's
heavy whip, with no clothing on them
except a cloth around their waists,
while the half-grown boys and girls
were entirely naked; and yet it is
said, they arc better off than thu ht
boring classes in the North !
But were the food and clothing of
the slaves to boa" even a comparison
with that of the Noefliei laborer,
they have not the comfortable house
or cottage, and warns bed, with decent
furniture and snug ithitnney-corner of
the poor laboring man of the North,
who no one, not even the governor of
the State, dares enter into, without
permission. No, in his mud built and
slab-covered hut, without a window,
on two or three boards raised a little
above the dirt floor, or on the floor it
self, the negro slave lies him down on
his mat, very often uncovered ; and it'
he wants a little fire, as in the winter
they often do, he must light his few
sticks, and like an animal I could men
tion, sit upon his heels shivering by it.
It is painful indeed, to carry on the
comparison ; but independent of all
this, is it nothing that the Northern
laborer's son is sent to school where
he stands on a level with the son of
his more wealthy neighbor and where
he is not only taught to read his Bible,
but where he may acquire an edueit
tion to fit him for almost any position,
and when grown up can travel to any
part of this free country to better his
condition, none molesting him, or da
ring to make hint afraid.
How often does a clever boy, from
the lowest classes, excite the generosi
ty of' some liberal gentleman, and
through education is raised to the
higher classes of society, which ho
both adorns and instructs by his shi
ning abilities? How often does the
mechanic, by his ingenuity and indus
try, raise himself to comparative opu
lonco, and sits down in old age in
plenty and comfort, with a flourishing
family of sons and daughters thriving
in his neighborhood, like so many trees
planted by the water-side, or sitting
like so many olive branches around
his table ? Can the slaves in the South
better their condition like this? No,
they cannot. They ore
_doomed to
perpetual bondage ; to work in the
fields all day, and ono half of the year,
a part of the nights.also. They and
their children aro to have, this bond
age forever, without a chance of re
lease or emancipation. Their children
can go to no school; the law of the
land makes it a crime to teach thorn
to read their Bible, and many of them
are not allowed even to attend public
worship. They, old or young, cannot
move a mile from their master's prop
erty without being liable to be taken
up by any white man, who may inflict
thirty-nine lashes on their bare backs
and confine them until called for by
their owner. ltucl if they aro found
with arms in their possession, or raise
their hand, however much ill treated,
against, the privileged white man, they
would be tried as rebels. And yet we are
told they are better oft' than the white
laborers of the North ! ! No disinter
ested and humane Northern man will
believe it. lie, with his free 'spirit
and noble port, would scorn the'proud
cst and most honorable Southerner
that dared to insult him by saying,
"My slaves are superior to these your
Northern laborers." Let the greatest
of them come and try if he can mal
treat them the same. Lot him take
his driver's whip and go into any field
where the humblest laborers aro at
work, and see if they will patiently
allow him to lay it - bit their backs. I
think after the first stroke, or oven at
the uplifted hand, a mattock or a
spade, or any other implement, would
be instantly raised in their own de
fence, to level the haughty and despot
ic slavomonger with the dust. 'I will
not insult the understanding of the
readers of your paper by entering into
any farther comparison on this odiotis
subject. Equal to- the poor and free
Northern men indeed ! Why I have
seen the wild Indian with his ragged
family, living in his wigwam, subsist
ing on his sucetuch, and occasionally
a little corn bread, enjoying infinitely
more of the real comforts of life sweet
ened by his uncontroled liberty, than
the best treated slave I have ever
known. •
We are much moved, and our bowels
are made to yearn at the sufferings of
the children of Israel during their cap
tivity in Egypt, and yet we find at
their going away, that they possessed
much cattle and other wealth; for we
are told that a mixed multitude went
up with them, and flocks and herds,
even very much cattle; and also that
they baked unleavened bread of dough
which they brought forth out of Egypt.
The negro slaves have no such wealth.
In a former communication I stated
that I was brought up in South Caro
lina, under the guardianship of a rela
tive, who owned more than two hun
dred slaves. I resided there more
than fourteen years; I often visited
other plan ta Lions, and I have travell6d
extensively in Georgia, North Alaba
ma, Tennessee, and North Carolina,
and I never knew or heard of a slave,
who was the owner of a mule, a horse,
a cow, IMP even au inni-6.90nt -sheep,
- murk logs, flocks and herds. 0 Slave
ry ! at best thou art a very bitter
draught indeed, and wilt not boar ex
amining into, fur thy features are
frightful and monstrous; thou art na
ture's illegitimate child.
Strange as it may appear there are
many in the free North, who not only
sympathize with slavery, but who,
through an unaccountable infatuation
look upon it as a "divine institution."
and pronounce it "an inestimable
blessing to the negro." Such are the
expressed sentiments of Judge Wood
ward, the Copperhead candidate for
the office of Governor of this State.
How differently did the great and
good man, George Witghington look
on this institution ? Did ho desire its
continuance ? Hear his voice, " who,
being dead, yet speaketh:" "I can
only say that there is not a man living,
who wishes more sincerely than I do,
to see a plan adopted for the abolition
of it." And again, "I never mean, un
less some particular circumstance
should compel me to it, to possess an
other slave by purchase; it being
among my first wishes to see some
plan adopted by which slavery in this
country may be abolished by law."—
Yieving slavery in the same light that
Judge Woodward does, General Wash
ington, on whose fair famc and unsul-
Jiod character there cannot be found
ono dark spot, when ho emancipated
his slaves, must have exhibited a very
cruel disposition, for in giving them
their freedom, lie took from them, ac
cording to the Hon. Judge, alt the ad
vantages they could derive from the
"divine institution," and excluded them
from receiving any of the great "bles
sings" attending them in their bondage.
I trust there are still some Demo
crats who can listen without prejudice,
to the voice of Thomas Jefferson, the
great Apostle of modern Democracy,
on this subject. lie says, whilst re
forrinc, to the struggle for American
independence, and the palpable incon
sistency of those who achieved it, and
yet hold their fellow-men in bondage:
"What an incomprehensible machine
is man, who can endure toil, famine,
stripes, imprisonment and death itself,
in vindication of hls own liberty, and
the next moment be deaf to all those
motives whose power supported him
through his trial, and inflict on his
fellow-peon a bondage, one hour of
which is fraught with more misery
than ages of that which he rose to op
pose ! ' Can the liberties of a nation
be thought secure when we have re
moved their only firm basis, a convic
tion in the inimh; of the people that
these liberties are the gift of Coil !
That they are not to be violated but
with his wrath ! Indeed, T tremble
for my country, when I reflect that
Cod is just; that his justice cannot
sleep forever ; that. considering num
hers, nature, and natural means only,
a revolution of the wheel of fortune,
an exchange of situation, is among
possible events; that it may become
probable by supernatural interference.
The Almighty has no attribute which
can take side with us in such a con
Hear a few words from Patrick
Henry :—"lt would rejoice my very
soul, that every ono of my fellow-be
ings was emancipated. We ought to
lament and deplore the necessity of
bolding our fellow-men in bondage.—
Believe me, I shall honor the Quakers
for their noble efforts to abolish /slave
ry." * * "The light of rea
son, history and philosophy, the voice
of nature and religion, the Spirit of
Cod himself, proclaims that the being
ho created in his own image, he must
have created free
Hear a sentence or two from that
pure and spotless man, the Hon. John
Marshall, late Chief Justice of the -Cid
tcd States : "It is avarice which feeds
the spirit that animates slavery, and
we all know that this is of all passions
the most base and inveterate. It al
most lives beyond tho grave. What
cares it for the cries of afflicted hu
manity !—lt has sold its country, be
trayed the Saviour, and for thirty
pieces ofsilver it would betray a world"
Prom John Randolph, in Congress :
"Sir, I envy neither the heart nor the
head of that man from the North who
rises here to defend slavery, from
From Henry Clay : "I am extreme
ly sorry to hear the Senator from Mis
sissippi say that he requires, first the
extension of the Missouri compromise
line to the Pacific, and also that he is
not satisfied with that, but requires a
positive provision for the admission of
slavery south of that line. And now,
sir, coming from a slave state, as I do,
I owe it to myself, I owe it to the
truth, 1 owe it the subject, to say that
no earthly power could induce me to
vote for the introduction of slavery
where it had not bekue existed, either
south or north of that fine.
So lung as God allows the vital current
to flow through my veins, 1 will never,
never, never, by word or thought, by
mind or will, aid in admitting one rood
of free territory to the everla•stiny curse
of human bondage."'
You may expect to hear from me
Birmingham, Sept. 16, 1563.
Conditions of National Success,
Thelaws and conditionsof our present
national struggle are not exceptional
or anomalous. If we succeed it will not
be by accident orgood fortune. When
ever, by culture and development of
character, any nation has grown up to
the level offreedom,it will be free,neces
sadly and irresistibly.
If wo fhil to achieve freedom for our
selves as a nation, it will be because
we are not worthy or the boon, because
we are incapable of being free. We
can have nationality with freedom; we
cannot have it without. If the people
shall decide that slavery is a thing to
be preserved at the cost of our nation
ality and of all that is valuable in our
institutions, the people can dispose of
their birthright as they choose. They
can lay their liberties at the feet of
despotism whenever they are weary of
maintaining them. We urge these
truths because this is the only question
of the times. It is not an affair of the
success of any party. It is not a politi
cal question. We have reached the
time when national freedom is the con
dition of national life. Our only elec
tion is a choice between the life and
death of our country. We say this to
the people, because they are the govern
ment of the United States, and because
national character determines national
The people must rise to higher levels.
They must be inspired by an intense
and unconquerable love of liberty; a
love that cannot be bought at any price
nor swayed by any interest. There
must be a spirit stronger than the love
of gain, of ease or of life itself. Free
dom must not be valued because it
gives us wealth or power or prosperity
as a people:it is to be loved for its own
And we are not to choose freedom
for ourselves only; we must earnestly
seek that all may be made free.—
Oar people must learn to regard "Li
berty as the simple birth-right of every
human being; to be enjoyed by all
whose destinies are joined with ours,
no matter what race, or color, or condi
tion may be theirs."
We shall have to bear the stern dis
cipline of war until we take our stand
upon this ground. Thisiitand will be
taken. The masses of the people are
loyal to their highest, conceptions of
Our nation is to live, and will head
the great precessions of the people in
their progress through the ages to a
condition of universal freedom,
Doss and peace.
The star-spangled banner will point
the road for all mankind to the king
dom of Gad en
TERMS, *1,50 a year in advance.
A Copperhead Scotched by a Dem
The following correspondence be
tween Mr. Browne and Biddle will ex
plain itself. Mr. Browne is one of the
most conscientious and respectable
citizens of Philadelphia, a Democrat
heretofore, but who came into the loy
al party with Dickinson, Butler and
Brewster. lre made a speech, in the
course of which he justly spoke of Mr.
Justice Woodward as an enemy of the
country, and a follower of the doc
trines of the late Mr. Calhoun. This
statement ho strengthened by assert
ing a former political friendship fin• Mr.
Woodward, and a knowledge of his
views, which every other Democrat in
the State abundantly possessed. hence
the correspondence :
SOUTH SIXTH STREET, Aug. 27, 1863.
N. B. Browne, Stu: You are re
ported in The Press of this morning
as stating to a public meeting your
personal knowledge of the opinions of
lion. George W. Woodward, the De
mocratic candidate for Governor of
Pennsylvania. You say of him :
is, if possible, a conscientious Seces
sionist. .No man in the South carries
the doctrine of Secession further than
ho, &c." Force is given to this state
ment by the claim that it is made up
on intimate acquaintance with Judge
Woodward. You introduce yotn' ver
sion of his opinion with .the declara
tion " The speaker was intimately ac
quainted with that gentle»tan, and he
would say that if it were possible to
call from his grave that arch traitor,
John C. Calhoun, and place him in the
gubernatorial chair of Pennsylvania,
ho would not be of more service to the
Southern cause than Judge Wood ward
would be, if elected.
Will you inform me whether you
are correctly reported in the newspa
per in which these remarks appear
If you are, will you please to say when
and where you have had the intimate
acquaintance with Judge Woodward
upon which you impute to him opin
ions which he has never.uttered to his
friends or the public Very respect
fully yours, CILtS. J. 11l DDLE.
CI:air:n:01 Democratic State Central
Aug. 28, 1863. f
fron.Charle.s. J. Biddle, Chairman of
the Democratic Stale Central Commit-
Sire-1 have, the honor to acknowl
edge the receipt Of sours of do 27th
inst., in regard to my remarks con
cerning.) udge Woodward, on taking
the chair at the meeting of the Nation
al Union Party on Wednesday even
ing last, 'The published reports of the
speeches delivered on that, occasion
are obviously incomplete, and not in
tended to be full or literal. I certain
ly did not undertake to represent
Judge Woodward's opinions on the is
sues now pending, from my own per
sonal knowledge ; for I ant not aware
of having exchanged words with him
since the outbreak of the rebellion.
On the contrary, in commenting upon
the opinions which I attributed to him
I expressly stated either my authority
or the nature of it, quoting partly front
his speech of December 13th MOO, and
partly from current reports of his opin
ions, unreservedly given and made
public by their frequent repetition;
and in relbrenco to these latter stating
that I had them from undoubted sour
ces, and could therefore speak of them
as confidently as if I had them from
personal knowledge.
But, as my remarks have been
thought worthy of your attention, and
that there may be no room for mis
apprehension in regard to them, it is
but fair to myself as well as Judge
Woodward that I should repeat them
for your information. Ido so from a
written draft of them.
In speaking of the remark recently
made by a Southern journal, that
since the defeat at Gettysburg and the
surrender of Vicksburg, the only hope
of the South was in French interven
tion or Democratic successes at the
North. I said, " that foreign inter
vention was too remote a probability
for them to depend upon; but as to
the latter part of the programme, the
Southern rebels themselves could not
well have chosen more fitting instru
ments than the principal Democratic
nominees at the North. To say noth
ing of the candidate for Governorship
of Ohio, it might be affirmed of Judge
Woodward, the nominee of this State
that if John C. Calhoun himself—that
arch traitor—could be raised from his
dishonored grave and placed in the
gubernatorial chair of Pennsylvania,
he could not servo the interests of the
rebellion better. I say this without
any want of respect to Judge Wood
ward; for his ability, high character,
and sincerity, are undoubted. But
these very qualities, in the present
case, make such opinions the more
dangerous, and lend them an influence
more potent for evil.
"'To prove this I have only to ask
your attention briefly to his views on
the three issues, at this time transcend
ing all others in importance; I mean
slavery, secession and the war for the
Union. On each of these Judge Wood
ward entertains the views of the most
extreme Southern radicalism.
" First, as to shivery. lie is not con
tent to stand with the State Rights
Democracy of other days, and leave
sinveholders in the possession of such
rights and protection as they had un
der tho Constitution ; but in his speech
of December, 1860, ho boldly pro
claims that, human bondage and pro
perty iq man is divinely sanctioned, if
not ordained;' and that negro slavery
is an incalculable blessing.' These
opinions thus nttored, have lost noth
ing by the lapso of time; for, on an
other occasion, be declared unreserv
edly and emphatically, that " to think
I the most complete of nny w the eonntt y, and no,
riesses the na,t ample fociiitie, for in omptly exeratln4 IJ
tie, test ~lyte, every sm lety of ,hub Minting, sueh us
LABELS, &C., &C., &C.
NO. 18,
against slavery is a sin, to talk against
it a crime !' And more lately he has
affirmed that agitation on the subject
of slavery is infidelity, and comes
from the instigation of:Satan.'
" But, as to Secession, Judge Wood
ward approves of the course, and jus
tifies the set of Secession, if he ap
pears to hesitate as to the absolute
right of it. Although looking in the
opposite direction, he yet sustains and
encourages 'Secession, and no man
need go further. Practically, the peo
ple.of the South have reached Seces
sion by the same road. Ile may be
sincere and conscientious in his views,
but he must bcar'thc responsibility of
having given the sanction of his name
and high position to their rebellious
course. For if his speech of 1860 left
any doubt on that point, the recent
approval and endorsGment of it, on his
behalf, by the Chairman of the Demo
cratic State _Central Committee, re
moves that doubt. To republish such
sentiments, after the fact of Secession,
is an aggravation of the original of
fence hard to reconcile with loyalty.
"Thirdly, Judge Woodward is op
posed to the war, and in favor of peace
on any terms; as much so as Vallan
digham or Fernando Wood. I have
heard it stated that, on former occa
sions he rebuked the earlier conces
sions of his own party, in the patriot
ic war spirit of the country. But we
have no need to place this on any un
certain authority; we have his lan
guage in ISGO, in advaned of'seciession:
Wo hear it said, let South Carolina
go out of the Union peaceably; 1 say,
let her go peaceably if she go at all.'
And in ISG3, after South Carolina had
gone out, and ten other rebellious
States with her, to repeat such lan
guage is to say, ' let them all go peace
ably." Truly, with the success of such.
a candidate and such principles, Get
tysburg will have been fbught in vain,
the battle for the defence of our own
soil against the rebellion is still to be
Those were my remarks so far as
they related especiallyto Judge Wood.
ward, somewhat fuller than the report
but substantially as delivered. They
are at your service.
Yon will perceive that no statement
is made upon my personal knowledge
~as derived front him, but the sources
of my information are indicated
in every case. I may add, sir, that
the most material part of the language
above quoted, apart from the speech
of ISGO, was derived by inc from a
public address delivered in this 'city,
by a gentleman of the highest charae
ter,several months before Judge Wood
ward was nominated. The sentiment
then attributed was regarded by the
speaker, and I believe by most of the
hearers, as presenting the rare moral
phenomenon of a cultivated and Chris
tian mind under the dominion of such
an idea, as that " to think against sla
very is a sin ;" and how little protec
tion against the lowest form of preju
dice a high judicial training and posi
tion afforded, when a judge could do
, scowl from a supreme tribunal of the
State to define it to be " a crime to
talk against slavery."
These sentiments, thus attributed 'to
Judge Woodward, I fear, neither he
nor you can escape. That speech,
which must have sounded like a new
and strange Declaration in Indepen
dence Square Contains them in express
terms, or by necessary implication.—
Tho identical thoughts, indeed, the.
same peculiar turn and force of express
sion, are there. No candid man will,
deny it. And whatever of error that
speech contained originally, has ac
quired startling emphasis of late, re
peated and approved as. it has been by
you on his behalf. Eleven of the
States hare seceded, as he invited them,
to do; slavery has solemnly challenged
the world as to her right to be the coy
: nor stone of society and government,
claiming, as he did for it, a Divine ordi
, nation ; and the rebellion, in arms for
more than half a Presidential term, has'
resisted the power and resources of the
Government, encouraged to do so by
just such advocacy of peace on any .
terms. And yet at a time when the
fairest portionof our State was desolate
in the track of the southern invader,
and its soil wastrctl with the blood of
so many thousands of loyal soldiers
who fell in its defence, you rise in your
chair and pronounce such sentiments
as a signal exhibition of statesmanlike
sagacity, and join with its author In
affirming a speech, the whole argument,
of which was to prove that, in this
controversy with rebellion, the South
was right and the North was wrong!
In years past, when the defence of
Southern rights and institutions was
made under the Constitution, and by
legitimate agitation, I stood in the
front rank of their friends; but front
the hour that violent hands have been
laid on the Constitution and the Union,
and an impious attempt has been made
to overturn both, I have not hesitated,
as to my duty as a loyal citizen. The
example of such loyal Democrats as„
Cass and _Dickenson, Butler and Dic,
Holt and Andrew Johnson, and a host,
of others, is.suflicient for me: I have,
I with them faithfully upheld the Gov
ernment, with whatever influence
Impressed with the transcendent
importance of the issue now before the
people of' Pennsylvania, I spoke at the
meeting on Wednesday evening of
the opinions of Judge Woodward with
plainness, and, I hope, with courtesy
and fairness. If in my remarks either
sentiment or language was attributed
to hint which he disavows, T stand
ready to make the correction. But if,
on the contrary, they are substantially
accurate, you must agree with me that,
it would be difficult to find a better
living representative of the principles
of John C Calhoun than your midi ;
date. I am sir, very respectfully,
your oh'tsv'nt, N. 11 BIZ.CW.N