Ely 0510 b c. ----- - HUNTINGDON, PA. W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor Wednesday morning, July 29, 1863. Our Flag Forever " I lame ,f no mode in u•hie7(n loyal nzay so well demon Irate his derni ion in los country as by .su.staining the Flay the ennctitution and the Uninn, ander all circum stances, and uNDEN. EVERY ADMINISTRATION, PCCLIRDLESS OF PARTY POLITICS, AOSISST ASSAILANTS, AT 11031 E AND ABROAD." A. Do uci..ts. UNION COUNTY CONVENTION. The Union Men of Huntingdon County, who are desirous of sustain ing the National and State Adminis trations in their efforts to crush the ex isting. wicked and unholy rebellion, are requested to meet at the usual places of holding elections in the sev eral Townships and Boroughs of the County, on Saturday, the 3th day of Auytt4, 1863, and elect two Delegates from each ToWllSilip and Borough to meet in Convention at Huntingdon, on Tuesday. the 11th day of August next, to nominate candidates for the several offices of the County. The polls will he open in the Townships from 5 to o'clock, and in the Bo roughs from 7 to 9 o'clock. ALEXANDER PORT, PERRYMOOR E, Chairmen of County Committees. July 14, 1863. A Journeyman Printer wanted immediately at this (Alec. A STOUT Boy, sixteen or seven teen years of age, wanted as an ap prentice to the printing business at this office, immediately. THE DI:AFL-WC understand that Provost Ifarshal Campbell has the 'Tapers" ready and is waiting orders to put the wheel in motion. The draft for the district when made, will be made in this place. We have heard of but very few who wish to draw a prize. Samuel S. Royer, reeeiver . of compu tation money for this (the 17th) dis trict, composed of the counties of Hun tingdon, Cambria, 13lair and Mifflin, gives notice by handbill that he "has been authorized by the Secretary of War to receive three hundred dollars 11'(m any drafted man. in the district desiring exemption from the draft, nod has adopted the following regulations tbr receiving the same." Persons who prefer "socking the greenbacks" to soldiering, should make a note of it: Ist. The money can be paid at my office:, in Johnstown, during office hours, from S A. M. until 5 p. M. 2d. The amount can he deposited with Wm. M. Lloyd & Co, Altoona; lohni,ton, „Jack & Co , - Hollidaysburg ; Bell, Carretson & Co., Huntingdon; or in the Lewistown batik, and certifi cates of deposite forwarded to this of fice, when the proper receipts \VIII be immediately sent as may be directed. 3d. All payments must be made in Government money. . "There is but one hope left to us and the country—and that hope is in the speedy restoration of the Democratic party to the control of the Govern ment."—Honitor. Does_ the _Monitor expect to make the loyal men of the - Noah believe that the country cannot be saved by any other men than by the traitors who forced the war upon us? The war was commenced under Buchanan's ad ministration, by the party elaithing to be the Democratic party—and the same men—the same- organization, claims to be the Democratic party still, and have the impudence to. ask the loyal men to put them in power again, that their "Southren brethren" may have another opportunty to draw largely upon the Government for arms, etc. Democrats and Republicans uni ted will save the country, and will teach the Vallandighamites that they cannot "steal the livery of heaven to serve the devil in." The present so called Democratic organization is no thing else than an outside cowardly rebel army. Loyal Democrats wont gat dirt. PROVOST G UARD.--Capt, Schrach's company of six months ;non from Som erset counts•, came in from camp on Monday morning, to do provost duty in town, They occupy the Court House yard. GONE.-All the companies located hero in eAmps Warrior, Juniata and Huntingdon, Capt. Schrach' scompany excepted, left. for Hopewell last even ing over the Broad Top Road. Col. McKsage.is in command of the force, numbering over a thousand men.— Where they have been ordered to we do not know. It was rumored yesterday morning that rebel cavalry were again seen in Fulton and Bedford counties: FROM OUR "BO IS."—We received a letter from our "boys" in Col. Law rence regiment this morning, dated yesterday. The regiment is encamp ed within a few yards of the City (Moyatnensing,) prison. The "boys" write :—"Our regiment continues to rel Mill in good-health." Who are Copperheads? A copperhead is a sympathiser with treason, and a sympethiser with trea son is a traitor, and a traitor is an en emy to his country, to mankind and to his Clod, (if he ha:, a . God.) lu short, all who by aet, word or deed oppose the Administration in putting down, this rebellion are copperheads. They have been the cause of all the blood that has been shed, or will be shed, in this wicked rebellion. They are aid ing and abetting the traitors of the slave States to destroy our free, civil and religious institutions, and they would rejoice if they could got into office and power, though it were by the destruction of the last of civil and religious liberty. PR I SON Ell S FnoM rife: E BEL 5 . .7--T b e number of rebel officers, ranking from Lieutenant Generals down to ensigns in our hands on the 18th, is estimated by the authorities at Washington, at over 5,000. The following is nearly a correvt statement of the number of rebel prisoners known to be in our hands. It is below, rather than above, the actual mark: • On !loud at 3lemphis '-STEPIIEN = Pll Capt.] ell by Gen, :3 hennall Coptmehi 1,3 G.. hauls ...... Captw ed by then. l'tentimq r . t.1 4, ” ed by then. lho,elant Copt.] vii by then. 3leahle Tin Philadelphia Prettiny Journal, a rabid rebel sheet, says the New York eut-throat, rioter:, robbers, assassins, gamblers, traitors, and murderers, will be more rospeeted than those loon high in ollico, who have formerly stood up for the Union and the enforcement of the laws. The Journal claims to be an organ of the (bogus) 14nnocratic party. The Richmond Epquirer, a Southern rebel sheet, is very jubilant over the news of the riot. It sass: ‘• Riot, Murder mid conflagration have begun iii New York. It is a world's wonder that this good work did not commence long ago; and this excellent outbreak may be the open ing scene of the inevitable revolution which is to tear to pieces that most rotten society and leave the Northern half of the old American Union a des ert of blood soaked ashes. We bid it good speed." The Germans in Ohio Deserting VaLlan digham. The German Democratic organ at Cleveland has taken the name of Val landigham from its columns and rais ed that of John Brough for Governor. The editor says, in explanation of his course "As will be noticed by our readers, we put to-day at the head of our pa per the name of Mr. ]Trough for Gov ernor. This is no hasty step; but we have concluded, after mature consider ation and consultation with many of our Democratic friends, to lay aside for the present party differences, and try the utmost of our influence to aid to victory _the party that advocates the suppression of the rebellion. The disgraceful scenes which a few days ago occurred in New York city, proves that it requires the united effort of all good citizens, without regard to party, to sustain the public peace and order, and it is most certainly the duty of every one who cares for the welfare of our country to put aside party consid erations and to support our Constitu tional Government." Tut: ThouT SPIRIT.—Tho common council of Philadelphia, on the 23d inst , passed a bill 'appropriating a mil lion of dollars for the relief of the fam ilies of drafted men. Jefferson Davis has ordered out ever• white man under forty-five with in the limits of the Confederacy, to serve in the rebel army. This looks like war. We wonder if Mr. Davis in tends to wait for a decision of the courts before he compels the conscripts to take up arms ? —An arrival from Vera Cruz on the 13th, at Havana, states, that Mexico was declared an Empire, on the 10th inst. Maximillian, of Austria, is tope proclaimed Emperor, if lie will accept., if not, Napoleon is to select one. We invite the attention of farm cr to the advertisement of Horatio S. Fisher. A NATIONAL BANII.-SOO advcrlisc ment of the Comptroller of the Cur rency. The Bank will be managed by Bell, Garixtson & Co. There are soino twenty sick sol diers in the hospital in this place.— The public School house is occupied for the purpose. - Capt. Wallace's cavalry compa ny left for Harrisburg on Friday night last. Col. Miles has returned to his regiment Under Meade. Col. MeKeage is now in command of this post. LOST.—On Friday morning, the 241,1 i inst., on the road between Hunting don and Col. liuyett's, a light cloth cloak, trimmed with black braid.— Any one finding it will please leave it at Col. Huyett's or this office. The Soldiers' .lid Society of _aunt ingdon have received from the Ladies of llotlidaysburg, through Mrs. Sam uel Calvin, for the sick soldiers in the hospital at this place-1.0 shirts, 1 pair of drawers, 4 prs. stockings, cravats, and $24,25 id money. For this timely contribution they tender their thanks. JutaA M. Dumas, Scc'y Soldier,' Aid. Hunt., July 27,'t33, lIME= ' 000 .....1:t tyl .... 2 OM 5(i10 ~...24 t IMIM CARD. AN ATTEMPT TO DESTROY TII} :11.0N1- Wit OFFICE A SECOND TIME.—On Sat urday morning last, between three and four o'clock, some three or four per sons entered the ilboator office by breaking in the flout door, and threw three or four cases of Lype into pie, breaking the cases and doing some oth er damage. We have heard the dam age done put at from $3O to $2:50. The soldiers on guard in the neighbor hood disturbed the men engaged in the destruction, and they left the premises before doing all the mischief they pro bably had intended, The reader may ask, why this sec ond attempt to "suppress free speech and the freedom of the press?" We can only answer by giving public opin ion, that it was the publication of the following wholesale attack upon the character of men in camp here, in the Monitor of last week. The author of the article, Dr. Thomas nothrock, of Centre county, has bop» arrested by the military authority, and charges have been preferred against him. We do not know what all the charges are, but we suppose they embrace the con tents of the communication, conduct unbecoming a soldier, absence from camp, etc. The following is the communication as it appeared in the ,Monitor: 111;NTINuDoN, July 22 1, 1863 Emma MoNrrott that a few words from a "high private in the rear rank," giving the private feelings of privates .would not come onac•ceptable to you, as you profess to be one of the people of this Confedera tion of the U. S. of North America, governed by that masterpiece or states manship—the Constitution of the Uni ted States, which we find permanently o ailed to your mast-head, but Which the vandal hands of the prototypes and descendants of the old Tories and Fed eral loyalists are attempting to wrest from our grasp, substituting for law and order discord and horrid civil war, with all its private and public calami ties; not only studding our blenthstain ed • birth place with "demoralized ar mies" but malting each city, village and hamlet the scene of heart-rending grief, and on every echo comes the cry "there is war in the land," while they bring all the powers that be, ostensibly to beat• in suppressing the rebellion, but really in ninny cases, using their authority as a grand political lever to suppress free speech, and the freedom of the press, and not content with power and plunder they even invade the sacred rights of personal liberty. Alas for the bleeding country in which individtml rights are ignored—where red tape and political malice, sitting, at the helm, crushed out the very man hood of the unfortunate man whom the fides have placed in his cruel grasp; or dragging from It home at the dead hour of night the private citizen and filthy cell fhr from his friends, to re main the butt, and witlietand the jeer~ of some petty official with less brains than brass and feathers, for mouths or years, or at least until some red-tape shoulder strap bearer shall awake froin his drunken revels to remember he is a United States officer, and to make a fuss and show himself "some pump kins"—holds a drum head court Mar tial with everything his own way, 'end ing after days of pretending to sit in a discharge from custody on condition that the rebel political prisoner . will wave all his civil rights and acknowl edge the Legality of his arrest, and all the indignities heaped upon him, or be driven outside the lines among an en emy as hostile to him and his law•abid ing principles as to his oppressors at home, leaving him without place or country, pennikiss and friendless.— The sum total of their patriotism is to remain in power, regardless of circum stances or the. manner in which they accomplish it, to make green-backs as valuable; as continential money, and to place free white men on an.equality with that especial contraband of war, the eternal nigger; and not least among these mighty men and seekers after political dictatorship is our very timid, militia calling Governor, the dis interested patriot who left the Legis lature know What was none of their business to know, that he would not be a eaddidate for re-election, for 'the most mm,:tianimous reason that he ex pected father L Abraham, the 'old Jon ny long legs" of the White House— who carries Uncle Sammy's long bag, and makes lots of green-backs to take care of him, and if he ever got into another wooden shoe or shodny specu lation to help himbut with a clear con science, void of offence towards God or man by sending him to the Court of St. James, or give him a scat among his saints at his easele in Washington and a good imitator has he proved of his poor old file leader, for we have al ways found him true to the instincts of self-preservation and unwavering love of his native State at each fresh j onslaught of the enemy invading the sacred soil of the Old Keystone. Ile I becomes alarmed for his personal safe ty, flies from the Executive Chamber I to the Telegraph office, and Falstaff like "cries the enemy are coming," then straightway betakes himself to his "sack" some say strong sack— probably disguised by a "Scotch cap and cloak" that the enemy may not recognize hint as a dignified State offi cial, and, calling out the valient militia orders them to camps of instruction far front the enemy where thoy may feel the rigors of war in its mildest form. Being fullysupplied and equipped with a commisariat groaning with "bard tack and soap fht," and allowed to roam at liberty seeking whom and what they may devour, until the poor over-taxed loyal citizens feel constrain ed to say the ''Phillistines are among us"—are these not the northern hoards coming out of the wilderness to defend us, and yet like Pharoah's old locust, friends they Idave no green thing in their destructive track, clocking hens not excepted. All thinking, observing tax payers must see that our Governmental en gines are "week in the knees," short of a well directed motive power, and trying to keep the "masheen" in mo tion by the weakest of all subterfuges —the exemption of the wealthy and conscription of the poor—hoping by thus "hurrying their talent" to be re tained in the service of the master,— But Uncle Samuel is opening his eyes from his already almost, fatal lethargy, and will give these unfaithful stuards over to the tormenters until through out the land there will not bo found one so lost to his country's welfare as to acknowledge that ho marched in the political ranks of the illustrious "knights of the Scotch cap and cloak." Further comment is unnecessary, but if justice rules the ball and the day of reckoning is at hand, red-tape, fuss, feathers and stripes of unmerited rank, will feel the stripes of an indignant people at our only lawful, constitution al judgment seat, the ballot-box, thro' the power of which we will hurl these cormorants on the body politic to a home of political infamy. 'llopin.• that we may soon see a breaking of the clouds of war now lowering over us, 1 remain &c., A. 1116 II PRIVATE 110. N. JOHN J. CHITTY:NDEN, died at Frankfort, Kentucky, on the 26th inst., without pain or struggle, in the full possession of his fitculties. Nis dis ease was general debility, and he died at the ripe Sold age of 77 years. Tun veni:rable statesman and patri ot, Daniel S. Dickinson, of New York, has made •an eloquent and patriotic speech in reference to the recent riots in New York. This is the way in which he spoke of Governor Seymour and the enemies of the conscription : "fie warned the merchant, farmers, and mechanics, that this tpirit of re bellion; which politicians are seeking to handle with furred - mittins, will take their goods, their produce, and their wares, and compel them to pay for their support, unless they put it down at once. fie should do himself and the cause injustice if ho did not, say that "he felt his State to be dis graced, when high officers of thc ‘ State, from the Chief Executive to a high ju dicial functionary, talk to 0 mob in mild and deprecatory language, in stead of putting them down with a strong hand." The only speeches lie need make to such men would be made with shot and shell, and the only mes sages he would semi would he from the mouths of cannon. [Applause.]— When lie saw public officers tamper ing with mobs and fuldressffig them, he thought there must be something wrong." Captain Henry Washington Sawyer. LI% mu the KM, e, .1111.1* ii j This gallant soldier is ono of the two who were selected by the rebel Gov ernment by lot on the sixth of July, to be executed in retaliation for the two rebel officers executed by General Burnside for recruiting for the rebel service in his military department.— We have been permitted to take a copy of Captain Sawyer's letter to his with, which we subjoin. It requires no compliment at our hands. It is a letter of a brave and patriotic man, and will he read with pleasure and pride by all loyal citizens: l'uovosT OrricE,l mciimoNn, Va., July-6, 1863. f 311.- DEAR ant under the necessity of informing you that my prospect looks very dark. This morning all the captains now prisoners at the Libby military prison drew lots for two to be executed. It fell to my lot. Myself and Capt. Flin, of the 51st Indiana Infantry, will be executed for two captains executed by General Burnside. The Provost General, J. IL Winder, assures me that the Secretary of War of the Southern Confederacy will per mit you and my dea n • children to visit me before I am executed. You will be permitted to bring an attendance. Capt. Whit Win, or uncle IV. W. Ware, or Pan, had better conic with you situation is hard to be borne, and I cannot think of dying without see ing you and the children. You will be allowed to ram n without molesta tion to your home. lam resigned to whatever there in store for me, with the consolation that I die without hav ing committed any crime.' I have no trial, no jury, nor am I charged with any crime, but it fell to my lot. You will proceed to Washington. My Go vernment will give you transportation to Fortress Monroe, and you will get here by flag of truce, and return the same way. Bring \N ith you a shirt for me. It will be necessary for you to pre serve this letter, to bring evidence at Washington of my condition. My pay is due mo from the Ist of March, which you are entitled to. Capt. B owes me fifty dollars—money lent to him when he went on furlough. Yon will write to him at once, and he will send it to you. My dear wife, the fortune of %var has put me in this position. If I must die a sacrifice to my country, with God's will I must submit; only let me see you once more, and I will die be coming a man and an officer; but for God's take do 'not disappoint me.— Write to me as soon as you get this, and go to Capt. Whilldin, he will ad vise you what to do. I have done no thing to deserve this penalty. But you Must submit to your fate. It will be no disgrace to myself, you, or the children ; but you may point with pride and say, "I give my husband;" my children will have the consolation to say, "I. was made an orphan for my country." God will provide for you; never fear. Oh ! it is hard to leave you thus. I wish the ball that passed through my bead In the last battle would have done its work; but it was not to be so. My mind is some what influenced, for it has come so sudden on me. Write to me as soon as you get this; leave your letter open and I will get it. Direct my name and rank, by way of Fortress Monroe. Farewell! farewell! and hope it all for the best. I remain yours until (loath, 11. W. SAWYER, Capt. Ist New Sorsoy Cavalry The Rebel Losses in Grant's Campaign CINCINNATI, July 21 The Gazette's Vicksburg correspon dent says, that during the campaign of sixty-four days, ending with the cap ture of Yicksburg, the rebels lost, in killed, wounded and prisoners, 43,700 men, about 71,000 stand of arms. in cluding 50,000 Enfield rifles, in their original packages, which wore intend ed for the rebel army across tho Mis sissippi, and 230 pieces of artillery. FLAX FLAX ! ! FLAX !! ! E UND E RSIG N ILVS SE -4 carol late,t halo.,ril 111.11 . 11illOry for Neal:lug at , ' 8,01 /tiny Flay. It i, now in .soccett.tittl operation. desire it to lie nutlettaltsal that I ant inepated to boy all the flux that the faro., allitty, :those theii household %tants, tool if they tiet.ite I null inept e ulna Hot) mant for their own ta.w. This ittathinttry tutu diens in nano Mare this limn one into Callinthe ottiotaty wny in tlorkt days. The fax alter it is pulled tool oeperated ritual the stook, should hr %prat] on it meadow. thinly and reg. ularly. to he expo,ed to the den for it ureic on tea tin) 1111111111 C 911.1‘ WI:1111111, n flllVer grey MAIM 1110 nudes side should then ho turned np 111111 11(.111,11 iu llle 8:11110 nay. On a thy day it con then be tied in bundlett lend ii ready fur the Holt. It Is not necessary to dty it by fire or smoke it over nu ovens as this Is only trouble for no th ing. An ace of good 1100 is worth [tont thirty to thirty-fm dollartt otithout counting the teed. Sumac will alio he bought. Ihintingdon, July 29. Ififfi. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF TILE CURRENCY, Washington,Suly22,'63 WILEREAS, By satisfactory evi dence presented to the undersigned, it hos been made to appeal that the Pia St National Bank of limiting doe, in the Comity of Huntingdon, and Shan of 1 , ,,,,4 3 1- V:1111.., has been duly orgainiAed ender end rambling to tine requirements of the act of Congress. entitled "An net to provide a notional currency secured by a pledge of Hini ted Stales slinks, and to pronto for the circulation and redemption thereof, armored February 25, 1663, end Inns complied math all tho provisions of Enid act requirod to ho complied with before commencing the business of IS.lnhing: Now, thercfene, I, Hugh McCulloch, Conqo Willer al tine eminency. do Mucky certify that the said Vint Nationnal nook of Itointiugdont, County of Hunting don, told State of Pcninsyl‘annia, is authorised to com mence the businc°B of Banking under the act in foreanid. In Tealininny olnereef, I hmennuto net my hand and seal of oftico this twenty-second day of July, 1503. itugit (Seel or the Conattl ConnotrolleLl' i l i t e l , l4 . ltruller r e e f n t e l 3 l , o . o - TO THE COLLECTORS of State and County l'ax in Ifuntingdon Coun ty: Owing to the necest,ities of the coun ty, and especially the want of funds to meet the orders for the relief of Mini lies of soldiers in the service of the country, you are instructed to use all lawful means to collect all the taxes in your duplicate immediately and pay them over to the Treasurer. J. CUMMINS, JNO. S. ISETT, PETER M. BARE, Commissioners Huntingdon, i'nhi '24,0563, Li _TIE RI PFS SAL N.—By virtue of ),1 01110113 an lin of Vend. Exp.& Yi.F.t. to me directed, I n ill expoQo to public sale or outcry, :it the C'ourt. Holm, in the borough of Huntingdon. on 3looday, the 10th day of August, 1003. at two 11"1:101,k P. M the Cottoning de scribed pt Opel ty to wit: Lots No. 114. 115, 110 and 117. in the borough of Pe tet,lititg. lintilingdon county. fronting sixty feet on Ring hti eel and extolling back to iMinverscreek, having they eon too (Inviting houses, stable, brick store rerun, laige ',alehouse (on the canal nitarf) and a number of voidotildintrs. lad :so. 120, being a cornet lot on an alley, fronting 10 feet on King street and extending back to act alley, Ilea, ing three...ft a log aliening hot No. 17, has hag thereon it one story log 110000, 1,111- Ject to a 3oatly ground rent of one dollar. Also, nix lots cork fronting sixty feet on liing sheet and running hack to an alley. having thereon tic 0 dwell ing hot Hen, a good well and bolt she'd, being the lets f - undy maned by Hoot gs Hung; elan a small ttlangular nitre ur gi alma lininialmtely opposite ilia mid six loin, having Ilinterni a ntable and am elms, All or the above tonicity is situated in the borough 0' Peletsbni g. (except the triangular niece of gt mind atom, montioned.) and will lie found nun° full) described in tho plan of the town, recorded in hook D. page 504; seized 1.110.11 Inexecutlon anti to be sold its the poverty of E. V. Wingard. Also—The following property situate in Jackson township: acres end IT: notches, and allonmice; pat t. R, containing 101 mien, and the parts 8. & D. elintanting 5 ItClll , and 133 notches. adjoining lands of William Porter on the north, Samuel Pol, ell on tilt. south. Samuel Siiii.entati on the west. milk a r.. 000 boo-, log wok 1,..11 olot other ..ot..boihi‘og,ol 0.41'011 tI (led. It'er/12111{11 1 1 NICCII 111 l'XCCIltiOll and to be said as theproperty' of 11 illiam Hays deceased, and John Hay , . Also—,Vl the right, title and inter eat of the ilefatalatit, hi and to fifty-three acres of land, mire or less, situate fit union township. Huntingdon county. Tessa, adjoining lands of 31. F. Campbell, east, lauds A..r, tliwalt or James nom &mt, au the t. out Mails of A talt ew Wise tat tin ninth. alma dain ty acres of old. II 14 cleared, and being the name tract of Lund convmed to Mot y ‘ v,,, by deed fl em 1. A.. 1. Po,th•l6o i it to her dated 3.1,1 Sept. 1554; 50/.VII and tak en in execution and to be Runes the 1111 , 1,12115 of Moly M. II Also—A .Il the right, title and inter eat of lielemlant., or any of them. of and hi all that cel tain wet of laud idtuitte in Tell township, Huntingdon coutit3, adjoining land of Samuel Briggs. dames Ithea. It [Main McMullen. Jetties Coolto awl William Coulter, containing illtout 180 acres, it being the salmi land Sant o Ebel is deeo,o,l, tonight front William Coulter sew ed and taken hi execution and to be sold 101 the property of tho ilielow and heirs of Fa id deceased. Also—Two lots of'ground in the vil- Mg, of Mooresville, adjoining a lot of Hobert Cunning ham on tine nest, Wllll,llll Moore 011 the mirth, Adam Stij tier on the cast, and the public road on the eanth, having a house thereon an ected, the pi eprity of defend ant ; seized and taken fu execution and to ho sold as the pi opery of Jelin Miller. Also—All the defendants right, title and intetest, In anti to lien acres of ground, more or lees, situate in the heretic:lt of Ca.ano, bounded nu the eolith, east and west, by land of Nicholas Cot bin, having [Mac on erected two bidet: buildings, known and used as the Cassville Seminal y buildings; seized unit taken in O.LeeU. lion and to be ~oil as the property of M. MeN. Walsh. Notice to i'itretatere.—ltiibleis at Sheriff's sales n ill take notice that immediately upon the property being knocked don n, filly per cent. of all tibia under $lOO, and twenty live per cent. of all bids over that tam, must be paid to tho Sheriff, or the property a ill ho set up again and sold to other hidden a a Ito 0 ill comply with the aboro terms. Sheriff's Stiles will hereafter be Matta nit Monday. of the first week of Court, and the Deeds acknowledged on the fulloving Wednesday. GEO. W. JOHNSTON, Sheriff. Suentres Cortese 1 Huntingdon, July 21,1663. j PROCLA3IATION.---WII EREAS, by precept to me Ws eeted, dated at Huntingdon, the of April, A. D. 1063, under the hands and scale of the lion. (leorge Taylor, President of the Coon of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv ery of the 21th Judicial District of Pesinsylvinda, compo sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Combs in counties; and the limns. Benjamin F. Patton nod Willintri 11. Leas his associ ates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices no. signed, nppointed to beer, try nod deter mine all:old every indictments . made or fatten Mr or concerning. all crimes, Wit by t he lona of the State ire made capitol, or felon ies of death, and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, NSW], have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe trated. tar crimes aforesaid—l ant commanded to (nuke public proclamation throughout to St hole bnillo irk, that a Court Of Oyer mud 'l'vrtniner, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, trill be held at the Court lionee to (Ito hot ough of Huntingdon. on the second Monday (and 1011 i day) of Aug. next, end lilacs trim mill prosecute the bald prisoners, bo then awl there to prosecute them as it shall be just. and that till Justices of firs Pence, Coroner turd Constables within said county. be then and there In their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. tn. of said day, sr ith their records, ingnivillonv, oxtunimrtlnns and remembran ces, to do those things ohich to their entices respectl‘ely aPPertalts. Dated at Huntingdon, the 18th of July, in lire 'ear of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and aixtydbree, and the filth year of American Independence. 0P..0. IV, JOHNSTON, Sheriff. PUBLIC NOTICE. All peiBollB interested will plane take notice, that too undersigned deputy Collector of U. S. Internal Reve nue for llmillugdon county, will attend An the tat and 3.1T„,,„f each month, at the Jardraon 'lintel, in the borough Inntingdon, to receive taxes, he., commene, lug on the th July. ;TAWS MARKT. Jul) ItII, ISO. THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. J. MORRISON, Proprietor EGISTER'S NOTICE. l u Notice is hereby given to all porsona interested, that the following mulled persons have nettled their ac counts in the 'Register's Office, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will he presented for confirmation and allooance, at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Hunting don, in and for the County of Huntingdon, on Monday, the 10th day of August next, 1803. to.ssits let. Final account of Thomas McLain, guardian of John It. Morrow, a miner child of Robert Morrow, Into of Wars riorsmark too uship, Huntingdon can ty, deceased. lid. Administration account of Elizabeth Adamson, Admiaistratrix. of Arthur Adamson, late of Brady town deceased. zd. The Trost account of James G. Col Lin, Trustee to sell the real estate of Arthur Adamson, late of Brady township deceased, dth. Guardianship account of 'William Hildebrand, uardian of Margaret Smalley, A. P. Wilson Smalley and floury B. &milk), minor children 01 Dawson C. Smalley, deceased. Sth. ri tal account of Thomas A. StileMet', guardian of i Samuel Hays, a minor child of Edwatti Hays, lath of Shit ley township, deceased, flit, Administration acconnt of Michael Barndollar and Benjamin Woollett, Administrators of Michael Bat n stellar, deceased. Wt. The partial nod supplemental Atintinktration ac count of Hotly Brewster, acting Executor or the last will and kaament of John Monster ' deceased. Silt. Adnituishation account of 11. L. McCot Hwy and Samuel 11. McCoy, Executors of John Brown, deceased, is ttn ill his lifetime was Administuttor of his father Wil liam Montt, late of Brady ton ,ship, deceased. Sth. Partial account of Audi ow Millar and Robert U. McNeal, Adminit,ttatora orJacob 11. Miller, fate of Union township, deceased. lOth. Administration account of Juno Black and 'Ro bert Huey, Executors of jlllllO3 Black, into of Jackson ton oship, deceased. 1 itlt. Administration account of Hasid Stewart and Ja cob Varnish, surviving Executors of Tobias Harnish, tato of Morris tonuslitp,doceamal. 13th. The account of Bar id Snare, Coq, Admiattrator of Anna Holtman, late of tin, borough of Huntingdon, deceased. • . 13(11. Trust aecogot of Lit ingston Uobb, Trustee ap• puiuted to hell the unaccepted portions of thu real eshit, of Thomas Mop], Into of Walker township, deceased. E=OI=MMI 11 .m,•„ ) 'Nut , Jill) 11, 15t1,1 f NOTICE IS lIEEEBY GIVEN, to uit releol, intro:sled, that the balloting in eutorles and appralsernents of goods and chattels, set apart tooter (ho pi evislons of the Act of Aisclubly of April 14th. A. U. 1851, 0111 the Various sapplementa there to, hate been bled lu the °Mee of the Ctertt of tho Oc tavo. Coin t of Ilan I ingdon county, and will be present• nil to the e(1111t for approval on Wednesday, the Ilbh day Allgllst. A. It. 10,5. vii.. The good+ awl rbatileB set apart to Margaret Lewis, td . Abram heo is, late of rihirley tobushlp, deceas ed. lhe good, nnA chattels set npart to Agnes limper, 1114/.1 of 11 illion Ilarper, Lae 01 Mullin township, ceased. id. 'ph” go , h , and ebattels set apart to Caroline G. Wah son. Is Wow of John C. Watson, lath of tnu borough of li Minh:4,lOn, ITITCaSed. 4th. The goods mot eitrittpis set apart to Sarah Truitt, uulott of Dr. James M. Irwin, Life of the borough of At extintlritt. deceased. sth. Tho goods and ebattetB Oct apart to Elicit Long, widow of Jam Long late of Springfield ton whip, decent, 11. G. FlSflEll Thn goods and chattels got apart to Mary Wilson, Uhl.% Of Julia Wilson, late of Cromaell tou•usldp de ceased. Hunt, Jul) 11, IS6I NOTICE. — The public are cautioned not to poreliaso a corral mare and colt 11010 in the postassion of Ezekiel Wilt°, as the tome belongs to inc. . 801,11:i10:1 NiCsiNA3IACIIEII Moat] Ttip City, Mity 27, 16(2.1' c!TIZAY.ED AWAY. A 3 Strayed ;may front the premises of tho Subscriber iu Juniata township, about tin• middle of Juno last. one rod nod Is hitt, spotted nosily heifer calf, and ono rod steer calf with a bite spotted thee—both a year old last spring. Any information of the whereabouts of the cubes Is 111 ho thankfully received, stud expenses paid. JOHN N. MOSSER July 14, 1 f 3. SAPONIFIER, CONCENTRATED LYE, TILE FAMILY SOAP MAKER. r 111 l PU BLIC ARE CAUTIONED j against the SPURIOUS Articles of LYE for oinking bOA P. 11111 V Igo ed fA• vale. The only EN UINE not PATENTLD 1.3 a i. that node by the I'ENN6YLVA N A SA LT MAN U FAI - TU It IMt COMPANY. their ft etle mark for It being “SA PON !FIER, Ott CONCENTRATED INE." The great SUCCESS of tbii article hoe led UN PRINCIPLED PARTIES to endeavor to IMITATE it, in jointly?, of the Company'. PATENTS. All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS or :43,r,0us of O. so SPURIOUS Lyre, ore hereby NOTIFIED that the COMPANY harp t taployed as their ATTORNEYS, GEORGE HARDING, ESQ.. of l'hila., and WILMA M BAN E WE L L, ESQ., -of Pittsburg, .tn.t that all lIANUFACTUrt CCP., USERS, nr SKLLERS of Lye, in violation of the I iglito of tlio Company. will bo PROSCCUTED at oneo. The SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED Llig, N for snlo by nil DroggiAs, ocoro not Conthry litoreo. The ILMITO STATER CIRCUIT COURT, Western District of Pennsy Ivania, No. I. Ms) , Tern]. in in snit of Til PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURINti COMPANY r. THOMAS CHAS deereetl to the Company, on No velubet 1., 156 . 2, the EXCLUSIVE right gt.ttite,l by a patent (mot,' by them thr the SA PON! FL Eli. Patent led October 21, Pernetnal injunction anartleJ. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO, 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia; Pitt St. and Duquesne Way, Pittsburg April J. E. GREENE,DExTrsr. °nice removed to ornosito the ExcLongo Hotel, on Haiti undtlilUCt, Huntingdon, Fn. Arrll FARM FOR SALE. THE CELEBRATED PARK KNOWN .AS "ESQUIRE WRAY'S FARM," In Ilendevien township. about Rye Miles hum INtitittg don, nud tun and a half talks hoot 31111 Ovid:. contain ing Maud 1280 Acres, about 11,0 of nhich are cleared uuJ under good COW, illioll. em.lo•ed by gem! fences.— There Is a good ;Irak, o ,chard a sal al, a good peach atchard on the prenti , cs. Thera is abund ant; 01 good meter ue ar the halts and house, and btreatos musing through the prenti.es. im provements urea good log bones weather-boarded, and Large haute tarn. There is a good saw-mill seat and pleat or timber ou the property. l'er.,ons wishing . to pill( /01F ,, a good brat should MI and examine this property. Apply 0, Rho undereigued tiring en line 11 IRA3I GRADY. Day Id ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS. WOOD & PEROT, 1131 Ridge avenue, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Offer for solo upon the most favorable /WHIR, NEW and BEA UTI nib D EMI NS in great Till fay, of IRON RAIL INGS for CEMETERIES, lIE,IDENCES, &c., of Wrought and Cast Iron, and GALVANIZED IRON and BRASS TUBING; IRON VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, STAIRS, COUNTERS, FOUNTAINS, GATES, COLUMNS, HITCH. ISO POSTS, LAMP STANDS, VASES. TABLES, FLOW ER STANDS, SOFAS, CHAIRS, STATUARY, ANIMALS, and all other Iron Work of a Decorative character. De signs forwarden for selection. Portions applying for the name, M ill please elate the kind of work needed. Juna 3,1803-3 m HEAD QUARTERS von NEW GOODS. D. P. CWUI INFORMS TILE PUBLIC, SPLENDU STOCK of NEW GOODS CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY 3lay 20, UM 18 . 63. SRRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS ! ROBT. KING, MERCHANT TAILOR, MI St., one door west of Cannon's Store, lIAS A MO ASSORTMENT or GEI''TLE3fEN'S DRESS GOODS. Ilia assortment consists of PLAIN AND FANCY VESTINOS, tho nratot and best thnt could be found In tho city, nil of M Ich ho will take pleasure in exhibiting, and making up to order. It is ill cost nothing to call and examine ids goods. Call soots. Huutiugdon, April 15-3 m 1863. 1863. CLOTHING. H. ROMAN. SPRING AND SUMMER, CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Enr Gentlemen's Clothing of tho beat material, and made In tlin heat wotkmanliko manner, call nt 11. ROMAN'S, opposite tho Vrnukttu house to -Market Squato, Muth] doll, Pa. littuttvlon, 31.7 IEO3 MEI DANIEL W. WOMErstroicF, Clerk of 0. C. TAXE NOTICE! OFFICES THAT lIE HAS JUST OPENED TIM CAN'T BE BEAT COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN. - CLONIIO, CASSBIERES, and Is 1. W CLOTHING I= H. ROMAN'S Tills WAY ! THIS WAY'! A NE M ARRIVAL or BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, etc TOM 11. WESTIIROOF I nfai lux the patine that he Into jinit received a new nitwit i,fII,,X)TS and t/IOEZ °I n)! rd. zes and kinile to snit ever) Also. Hats, Hosiery. Shoe Sunlingy , Morocco ands Lin log Skins, ill of Mitch will be sold at the. lowest cash prices. Don't forget the old stand in the Diewea, Old cu m ° niers and the piddle genet ally aro invited to call. Huntingdon, May ..ietli, UNTINGDON FOUNDRY.- Tho business of the said foundry• mill hereafter be curried on by the undersigned, mho wiil be at all times ready to make castings of all kinds, promptly and at moderate rates, All persons having unsettled accounts pith the lobo firm, urn come l'orii.ird arid settle tire same. J. M. CUNNINGHAM. March VA,1863.-4 .* C. P. KNIGHT & BROS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS LE= Fish, cheese & provisions generally NOS. 114 & 115 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, Have constantly on band an assortment of DRIED & PICKLED FISH, &c., viz: Mackerel, I Ditto fish, I Bed, Shouldors, I Cheese, Salmon, Iferrings, I Pork, Mons, Ilene. Shad, Cod Fish, Lord, Sides, I Bile, Ac. April 22, 1863-3 m. TT OWARD ASSOCIATION, rtu LADELPIIIA: Itenevolent Institution established by special Alatotanzene, for the Relief of the hick and Distressed, afflicted triffh. Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and topcoat/5 for the Care of Inseam gi the &runt Orem.. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhrea, nod other Diseases of the Sexual Orgill., and on the now Remedies employed in tho Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in settled letter en veleta., Dee of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage 0111 ba acceptable. Address, Ott. J. SKILLEN IIOI3OIITON, Acting Stirs germ, Howard Association, No. 2 South Nintlt adelphla, Pit. 13y order of tire Director,. 5.7.11 A D. 11:111,TWELL, ragtime. • GEO. kccr