The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 22, 1863, Image 2

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    Another Draft in the Bouth—Proda-
maim by Davis,
[Flom tbo Iticbunntl tinquirtr, July 19 j
Whereas, it is provided by an act of
Congress, entitled "An act to further
provide for the public defence," ap
proved on the 16th day of April. 1862.
and by another act of Congress, ap
proved on the 27th of September, 18-
62, entitled "An act to amend an act
entitled an ant to provide further for
the public - defence," approved 16th
April, 1862, that the President be au
thorized to call out and place in the
military' service of the Confederate
States, for three years, unless the war
shall be sooner ended, all white men
who are residents of the Confederate
States between the ages of eighteen
and forty-five years, at the time the
call may be made, and who are not at
that time legally exempted from mili
tary service; or such part thereof as
in his judgment may he necessary to
the public defence:
And whereas, in my judgment the
necessities of the public defence re
quire that every man capable of bear
ing arms, between the ages aforesaid,
should now be called out to do hit du
ty in the defence of his country, and
in driving back the invaders now with
in the limits of the Confederacy :
I'ow, , therefore, 1, Jefferson Davis,
President of the Confederate States of
America, do, by virtue of the powers
vested in me as aforesaid, call out and
place in the military service of the
Confederate States, all white men res
idents of said States, between the ages
of eighteen and forty-five years, not
legally exempted from military ser
vice; and I do hereby order and di
rect that all persons subject to this
call and not new in the military ser
vice, de, upon being enrolled, forth
with prepare to the conscript camps
established in the respective States of
which they may be residents ) under
pain of being held and punished as de
serters in the event of their litilure to
obey this call, as provided in said laws.
And I do further order and direct
that the enrolling officers of the sever
al States proceed at °nee to enroll all
persons embraced within the terms of
this proclamation, and not heretofore
And fdo further order that it shall
be lawful for any person embraced
within this call to volunteer hoe service
before enrollment, and that persons so
volunteering be allowed to select the
arm of service and the company which
they desire to join, provided such com
pany be deficient in the full number
of men allowed by law for its organi
Given under my hand and the seal
of the Confederate States of America,
at the city of Richmond, thiS fifteenth
day of July, in the year of our Lord
ono thousand eight hundred and sixty
By the President. J. P. BENJAMIN,
Sec'y of State
The Rebel Conscription,
Jefferson Davis, by the authority
of an act of the rebel Congress, has
called into military service of the Con
federacy all white men between the
ages of eighteen and forty-five years,
not legally exempt, residing in the
Southern states. These men are or
dered to forthwith repair to the con
script camps, on pain of punishment
as deserters. By this proclamation
the entire able-bodied population of
the rebel - Stu tjs is converted into an
army, and the whole South transform
ed into a camp. The terms of the or
der are peremptory; it states that "the
necessities of the public defence re
quire that every man capable of bear
arms, between the ages aforesaid,
should now be called out to do his du
ty in the defence of his country, and
in driving back the invaders now with
in the limits of the Confederacy."—
The order, and the reason for the or
der, are full.of important suggestions,
and of these not the least interesting
is the difference between the Federal
draft and the rebel conscription. If
the call by our Government for a small
part of the population is sufficient
cause for a riot, surely this wholesale
conscription in the South is reason for
a counter revolution. In the North,
every man has an• equal chance of es
caping from the draft; in the South,
alt, but the few who are by infirmity
or other disabilities exempt, are forced
into the ranks of the army. What
hardships does the Federal draft inflict
upon the people, which can be for a
moment compared with the miseries '
the South must endure when this or
tier is enforced? Yet the rioters in N.
York, with astonishing effrontery or
ignorance, cheered Jefferson Davis.-
171 thus applauding they condemned
themselves. Those means for recruit
ing an army, which the United States
uses only in the most moderate de
gree, the rebel Government employs
to a terrible degree. With far more
kindness and justice to the people than
our State militia laws embody, the na
tional act exempts all poor men who
have widowed mothers, aged and in
firm parents, motherless infant chil
dren, or fatherless young brothers and
sisters dependent on their labor 'for
support. The provisions of this net
deal with all possible tenderness with
the people. Is anything like this evi
dent in the provisions of the rebel con
scription, or in this - emphatic order of
the rebel Government? Every Mall is
at once swept away into the rebel
camps of the rebellion; not one can
escape the all-embracing summons.
By this fearful conscription we may
measure the importance of our recent
victories. Grant, and Meade, and
Banks must have, indeed, struck migh
ty blows, when the monster answers
with this cry of pain. Ordinary vic
tories do not have such extraordinary
results. It is not by an army that
Jefferson Davis hopes to resist us, but
by a people. It is only by the aid o
every man in the Slaves States, who
is capable of bearing arms, that our
triumphant armies can possibly be dri
ven back. Is it, then, easy to over-es
timate the value of the capture of
Vicksburg or Port _Hudson ! Of the
bloodless triumph over the fugitive ar
mies of Bragg? Can we rejoice too
much in those magnifieant battles in
which the Army of the Potomac hurl
ed back the veteran soldiers, the best
and bravest soldiers of the South ?
When we read in Southern journals,
and in Northern newspapers which
echo Southern boasts, that these victo
ries are but superficial successes, which
!MVO 710 permanent effect on the war,
we can answer them by the words of
the rebel leader. Would superficial
successes have such profound results?
Would victories without permanent of
force a conscription of every fight
ing man the enemy can control
Jefferson Davis has issued from
Richmond a proclamation of
He has confessed, in the hearing of the
world, the desperate condition of his
toiling cause. Ile has confessed the
overwhelming might of the United
States. Not to meet the three hun
dred thousand men our Government
has called to arms, does he summon
the entire fighting population of the
South, butt to meet our armies already
in the field, the "invaders now within
the limits of the confederacy." What
could he do where he answered by a
similar measure'? With but a part of
its power, the Government has forc
ed the rebellion to use its whole
strength. Army after army has fail
ed the rebellion; city after city; State
following State, have been wrested
from its hold, and, lastly, we have torn
from it the g reat river of the West.—
Driven to the last extremity, the re.
hellion has called out its reserve.—
"The only salvation of the Southern
Confederacy," says the Richmond En
quirer, "is in calling out a levy en
masse, and the application of martial
law to the Ivhole country as in a state
of siege." If this be the only hope,
and that it is the President of' the Con
federacy himself confesses, then there
is no hope worthy of the name. For
it is absolutely Impossible that this
measure can be enforced; by conscrip
tion the rebel Government has already
exhausted the South, and: though it
I may order the creation of armies, it
cannot create them. Glendower may
summon spirits from the vasty deep,
but will they come? No country has
ever yet placed its entire fighting pop
ulation in the field, and granting the
spirit and resolution of the rebels to
be all their fondest friend would wish,
they cannot accomplish impossibilities.
Nor will time be granted them to
achieve even the little which might be
possible had they a few months to or
ganize the few men who have thus far
taken no active part in the war. Had
Jefferson Davis announced in plain
words that the rebellion is now con
centrating all its energies for the death
struggle, he could have said little more
than this proclamation rev( ds to the
world. The great and deeisk e victo
ry is near. AN the terrible riots in
New York are now mere matters of
yesterday, soon to be remembered as
men remember an ugly dream, so this
greater riot will meet as inglorious a
fate. One cause created the riot and
the rebellion, and each was equally an
enemy to Freedom and Law; the
Power which crushed the'lesser foe is
able to subdue the greater, and the
conquest will be lasting proof of the
invincibility of the American Repub
lic.—[The Press.
The Exemption Clause—Gov. Sey-
Mou's Record.
The New York Tribune says: "The
unthinking multitude who, last week,
raveged this city with pillage, c-nfla
gration, and murder, have, perhaps,
been misled by inch who know that
neither the draft nor the clause in
question is open to any reasonable
objection. They have used the $3OO
provision to inflame the poor against
the rich, not because they thought it
unjust, but that they might excite an
insurrection to further their own polit
ical and personal ambition. Horatio
Seymour, and Horatio Seymour's or
gans, have resorted to this pretext in
the hope that they might, prevent any
reinforcements of the armies of the
Union, knowing that a Government
without soldiers in a time of war has
no alternative but to make peace—
peace, however disgraceful or howev
er disastrous, they care not, so long as
it restored themselves and their South
ern allies to power—pence, though it
might be by the sacrifice of the brave
men who, without waiting to be draft
ed, have volunteered to defend their
country in the field. And hero is proof.
On the sth of May last, only two
months and a half ago, the Legislature
passed an act to amend "an act (which
is in effect a draft for a possible con
tingency) for the enrollment of the
militia, the organization and discipline
of the National Guard of the State of
New York, and for the public defence,"
and the oth article of these amend
ments is as follows:
Sac. 0. Add at the end of section
300 of this aet as follows: Any person
so drafted who may be a member of
any religious denomination whatever,
or from scruples of may be
averse to bearing arms, shall be excus
ed from said draft on payment to the
Clerk of the County by whom such
draft is made THE sum op THREE
HUNDRED DOLLARS, to be by said
County Clerk paid to the Comptroller
of the State, to be applied to the pur
poses mentioned in this act.
And to this act Horatio Seymour
gave his approval, and affixed his name
as Governor of the State! With just
as much reason could it he said that
this act of the State, which Horatio
ASeymour made a law ,
is an invidious
distinction between the Quaker and
the Catholic, as that the act of the
United States favors the rich at the
expense of the poor. To the act of
the State, enrolling the citizens,_ with
an exemption fee for a certain class of
$3OO, be gives his approval ; to the act
of the United States, enrolling the eit
zens, with an exemption fee for a cer
tain class of $3OO, he sanctions oppo
sition by his example, addressing those
who make it a pretext for insurrection
as his "noble-hearted friends!" Are
there any so blind that they cannot
see; so deaf that they cannot hear?
following is an extract from a letter
from an officer in Corcoran's brigade,
showing the feeling existing in the ar
my in relation to the . riots in N. York :
"In the papers of the 14th we got ter
rible accounts of the riots and mob
law in New York. New York lies
heretofore been so law-abiding that
can hardly realize the scenes of revo
lution, and bloodshed there enacted.—
The army look at it with grief—it is
litterly a fire in our rear. Is the coun
try worth preserving if its citizens at
home turn against it ?"
AT Vicksburg the Federal works aro
being leveled and thefortifications put
into more perfect condition. A number
of the finest guns are being mounted and
the place to be held as a fiat-class
The Knight' of the Golden Circle.
The Originator of the Order Arrested
The New Albany (Ind.) Ledger of
the 18th announces the arrest in that
city of a man named George W. L.
Bickley, supposed to be the originator
of the order of the Knights of the Gol
den Circle, but who declared that,
while of the same name, he was only
the nephew of the original General
Bickley. The Ledger adds: "An ex
amination of the contents of the trunk
of Bickley, by Major Fry, scents to in
dicate that he is really the genuine
Bickley, the fattier of the "Knight."—
His portfolio contains letters from par
ties in Memphis, Lynchburg, New
York and other points, directed to
General Bickley as "Major General"
of the order. Also a copy of the "De
gree Book" of the Order of Knights
of the Golden Circle; a card on which
is printed an explanation of the signs,
grips, &c., of the order; another card,
on which is printed, in red and blue,
the confederate flag, with the letters
"K. G. C," on each bar, the name "Gen
eral George Bickley" being placed on
the top.
There is also a mannserip of an
original piece of poetry, of which the
General claims the authorship, intend
ed to be set to music, in which Virgin
ia is spoken of as '•Queen of the South,"
and Lee, Longstreet and Hill extolled
as her saviors, &c. Also slips cut from
the Richmond 11 7 kiy and Mobile Ner
cury (of 1330) explaining the doctrines
and objects of the E. G. C. In a mem
orandum was found what appears to
be a trough sketch of the situation of
Louisville, New Albany, Jeffersonville
and the Falls. In the book vas past
ed a confederate ten cent postage
Probably the mo-it important docu
ment found, however, was the follow
in the General doubtless wrote
when in a melaneholly mood, or when
reflecting on the vanity of human am
bition :
"Aly memory is not quite so vivid
a , : years past, yet I can now sit down
in the shades of night and spread out
all my boy and manhood's life like a
great chart, with marks and records of
my wanderings, and upon calmly
serntinizi»g that chart of memory's
tablets lean most solemnly say, every
storm that has overtaken me, every
cloud that has overshadowed me, has
resulted from some act committed by
myself which at the time did not meet
my conscientious approval.
"An orphan at an early age, I was
thrown on the world penniless and
friendless, yet with great energy edu
cated myself and rose to eminence in
the profession of medicine. I have
written many books and great quanti
titles of minor essays on all conceiva
ble subjects. I have brought up prac
tical secession and inaugurated the
greatest war of modern times, yet I
declare the real pleasure of my life is
now found in the knowledge of small
kindnesses done to the needy and- in
adversity, the principles of morality
and humanity.
"Bristol, Tenn , Dee. 14, 1802."
General (or Dr.) Bickley has been
sent to the military prison at Louis.
rille, where his ease will be attended
to. What could have induced him to
come here with such evidences of bis
complicity with the rebellion about his
person we cannot imagine.
From General Giant's Army.
General Sherman's .ffeadguarter's at
Jackson--Johnston's Forces _Retreat
Across the Pearl Ricer—Expedition to
Natchez—Capture of Eighteen Ten
Inch Parrot Guns—The Rebels Fled
in Consternation-5,000 Head of Cat
tle and 1,000 _Hogsheads of Sugar
Captured—Official Dispatches from
General Grant—The Capture of Ya
zoo City.
Sr. Louis, July 21.
A special dispatch from Memphis,
dated July 20th, says:
:By an arrival from below, we have
Natchez dates to the 15th, Jackson to
the 15th, and Vicksburg to the ISth.
General Sherman ordered a charge
on Johnston's force on Friday, but it
had so far escaped that capturing it
was out of the question; only a few
stragglers, a few guns and some am
munition were taken.
A portion of Gen. Sherman's force
is now in Jackson, which is his head
quarters, while the remainder is on
the way back to Vicksburg.
Johnston's army swam the Pearl
Eight steamers left Vicksburg on
the 6th for Natchez, having on board
1,200 soldiers under command of Gen.
Ransom. On his arrival he captured
five rebel officers crossing the river.—
He captured a battery o'f ningguns,
fourof which are 10 pound PlWts.
lie then marched back into the coun
try nine miles, and captured 247 box
es of ammunition and nine more guns.
The rebels fled in consternation.
On returning to Natchez he found
5,000 head of Texas cattle, and over
1,000 hogsheads of sugar, all of which
ho took possession of in 'the mono of
the United States.
On the Bth two steamers arrived
from New Orleans via Port Iludson,
bringing up '2,300 paroled prisoners.
Two steamers left on the Bth for N.
Orleans with large loads of cattle, and
three more for Vicksburg with live
The steamers Louisville and Elmi
ra, captured up the Red River, artiv
ed at Vicksburg on the 17th inst.
Official Report.
WASUINGTON, July 22.—The follow
ing official dispatches from General
Grant have been received:
VICSR.M.MG, Miss., July 15.—Major
General H. W. Haltaek, Commander
Gon. Sherman has Jackson invested
from Pearl River on the North to the
river on the South. This has cut off
many guns from the Confederacy.
General Sherman says he has force
enough, and feels no apprehension
about the result.
Finding that Yazoo City was being
fortified, I sent Cen. Herron there with
his division. He captured several
hundred prisoners, one steamboat, fivo
pieces of artillery, and all the public
stores fell into our hands.
The enemy burned three steamboats
on the approach of the gunboats.
The De Kalb was blown up and
sunk hi fifteen feet ofWater by the ex
plosion of a topedo.
Finding that the enemy was cross
ing cattle for the rebel army at Natch
ez, and were said to have several thou
sand men there, I have sent steam
boats and troops to collect them and
to destroy their boats, and all means
for making more.
(Signed) S. GRANT,
Major General
Another Dispatch
Z`rer.Snuno, Stily IS.—Maj. General
IL AV. Ilalleek, General-in•Chicf:
Joe Johnston evacuated Jackson on
the night of the 11th. He is now in
full retreat east. Sherman says that
most of his army must perish from
heat, lack of water and general dis
The army paroled here have, to a
great extent, deserted, and are scat
tered over the country in every direc
From the Army of the Potomac
13<turimouz,...1nl,y•15.— c ime following
dispatches have been received at the
headquarters of the middle depart
Army of lite Potomac,
Front Royal, Va., July 2G.
To Aral Gen. R. a Schenck:
The major general commanding di
rects me to acknowledge the receipt
of your dispatch, and to inform you
that lid engaged the enemy at this
point yesterday. This morning the
enemy appears to have withdrawn,
and his whole army is undoubtedly
en route to Colpepper and Orange
Court House, and probably his rear
has passsed the Shenandoah at this
place and Strasburg.
By order, A. A. MATIIEWTS,
Colonel and Chief of Staff
The following information was re
ceived at the headquarders in this city
to-day, by Major General Schenck,
from Brigadier Genral Lockwood:
"The enemy has disappeared from
our front, and is now north of Win
chester. Our cavalry was in Charles
town yesterday, (Priday,) and our
scouts sent out to the distance of ten
miles in every direction, without any
signs of the enemy."
WAstuNoToN, July 27.—0 n the 22c1
inst. while Longstreet was endeavor
ing to get into Eastern Virginia by
way of Manasses Gap, A. P. Hill's
corps took possession of Chester Gap.
Our cavalry made an attempt to drive
him out, but he was too strongly post
ed for success. They, however, kept
him in check until he was reinforced
by Longstrect, when both commands
came through the gap and are now in
Culpepper. It was Longstreet's com
mand which was seen near Amesville.
Ewell's corps went to Strasburg.
End of the Morgan Raid.
General John HI Morgan and the Rem
cant of His Band Prisoners.
CINCINNATI, July 26.—The following
dispatch was received et the headquar
ters of this department to day :
7readquarter,Q, in the Field,
Three miles South oF.New Lisbon,
Ohio, July 20.
To Coi. Lewis Richmond, A. A. G:
By the blessing of Almighty God, I
have succeeded in capturing General
John H. Morgan, Col. Clulte, and the
balance of the command, amounting
to about 400 prisoners.
I will start with Morgan and his
staff on the first train for Cincinnati,
and await the General's order for
transportation for the balance.
Colonel Commanding.
r.F.VETAND, Ohio, July 26.—Major
Way, with 250 of the 9th Michigan
cavalry, forced Morgan to an engage
ment at three o'clock on Pri.lay morn
ing, a mile from Salonsville, Ohio, and
routed him, eapturin2- 240 prisoners.
capt, —. B
Morgan, with 300 of his men, escap
ed, but the whole party were captur
ed by Shack Word, at 3 P. )1. to-day,
(Sunday,) near Now Lisbon. Mor
gan and his staff are now prisoners at
CINCINNATI, July 25.—Nine hundred
of Morgan's men were lodged in camp
Chase prison to-day. They \Vitt he
kept there until the officers of Straight's
expedition are released from Libby
Pdississippiads Au=ious for Peace
CAIRO, July 2i.—Major General Lo
gan and Col. llawli ngs, of Gen. Grant's
staff, arrived here today-. They state
that G'n. Sherman had returned to jack
son, and he reports to Gen. Grant that
the leading citizens of Jackson and the
surrounding country have implored him
to take some action by which Miss.
may be restored to the Union. Both the
army and the people of that section are
completely dispiri tell, and are ready for
peace. They staked their all on Vicks
burg and it basfallen. They clung to
Johnson as a last hope, and he is ut
terly vanquished.
What Was Captured at Jackson
From the Richmond !J'hig of July 23
ne, evacuation of Jackson, Missis
sippi, left in the hands of the enemy
the rolling stock of the New Orleans,
Jackson and Great Northern, the Mis
sissippi Central and Mississippi and
Tennessee Railroads. The motive pow
er alone consisted of over forty en
gines. The loss is of incalculable im
portance and is wholly irreparable.—
nothing goes well in the Southwest.
The Attack on Charlestown.
I.3stantottE, July 25.—The rebels
aro understood to have made a desper
ate and vigorous sortie, attempting to
take Gen. Gilmore's land batteries by
storm. They were only partially suc
cessful, however, our men being driv
en from their guns only to recover
them by a grand counter movement,
in which extraordinary valor was
Sumter is believed to b o badly breach
ed, but not sufficiently , as to expect its
Several explosions are said to have
occurred within its walls : and those of
other forte, but the results are un
The bombardment of Furt Wagner
was renewed on the morning of
22d, the iron-clads co-operating with
the army.
During the day Fort Wagner was
silenced for some time and her colors
shot away.
The Union batteries were opened
upon the rebels, doing great execution.
A charge was made on Fort Wagner,
and our troops, after. a . despe,rate strug
gle, were obliged to fall back, which
they did in excellent order, and held
their old position.
To 31.1j0r Geller/0 lialleelc, General it,Chief:
Headquarters Department of the aut'',
Port Ili«lson, July : I have
the honor to inform you that with the
post there fell into our hands over
5,500 prisoners, including one Major
General and one Brigadier General;
20 pieces of heavy artillery, 5 complete
batteries numbering 31 pieces of field
battery, a good supply of projectiles,
44,800 pounds of cannon powder, 5,000
stand of arms, and 15,000 rounds of
small-aim ammunition, besides a small
amount of stores of various kinds.
We captured, also, two steamers,
one of which is very valuable. They
will be of great service at this time.
General, very respeefully your most
obedient servant,
.Major Ganeral Commanding.
According to infbrmation received
to day, reports now frilly confirmed,
that the Third corps or Lee's army
passed through Chester Gap on Thurs
day and Friday, and are now near
Gen. Buford opposed ineffectually,
however, their passage. Ito captured
many prisoners. Longstreet's corps
passed through Culpepper on Friday,
and camped that night south of the
All the available rolling stock of the
Virginia railroads was concentrated
at Cu:pepper, and it was generally
supposed that Lee was making all
haste to Richmond, but General 13u
ford thinks the rebels intend to make
a stand on the south side of the Rapi
Prisoners and refugees are unani
mous in the statement that the morale
of the rebel army in Virginia is bro
ken, and that great despondency pre
vails in all the southern cities, partic
ularly in the army.
EW Tonic, July 28.—The schooner
A. Mason, from Port :loyal, reports
having passed off Charleston, on the
evening of the 2fith, and heard heavy
firing. Our forces were still battering
at Fort Wagner.
Rebel Joy Over the New York Riots,
trente the Itiehnemt Eetteitei. Job' 35.)
Riot, murder and conflagration have
begun in New York. It is a world's
wonder that this good work did not
commence long ago; and this excel
lent outbreak may be the opening
scene of the inevitable revolutio.
which is to tear to pieces that most
rotten society and leave the Northern
half of the old American Union a des
ert of blood soaked ashes. We bid it
good speed.
But all this may have little or no ef
fect on the war, at least ibr a long
time. Let us not dcec,• • ourselves;
for eternal revolution and even utter
ruin in a nation by no means weakens
it for foreign aggression, of which rev
olutionary France is a notable exam
ple. The news is cheering to us, indeed,
because it portends the breaking down
of the whole structure of Yankee so
ciety. Yet the process may be long;
and in the meantime the desperate en
ergy of their war fur conquest of the
confederacy may grow more furious
for a season.
No matter; we can at least now see
to the end of it.. This one insurrec
tion may be suppressed for the mo
ment, but it will_ be the parent of oth
er and still worse convulsions. We
have but to persevere in our determin
ed resistance, gird ourselves to the task
of winning oar independence more
sternly than ever, yet a little while,
and we shall see the giant, but hollow
bulk of the Yankee nation bursting
into fragments and rushing down into
perdition in flames and blood. Amen.
DESPIIIADOES IN Mlssouni.—A short
time since, the editor of the Gallatin
(Daviess county) People's Press pub
lished the following: "There is great
excitement and alarm felt in Worth
county, 3Essouri, at this time. Men
are dragged from their beds at all
hours 'of the night and shot. In some
instances these desperadoes stand over
the doomed man, and make him dig
his grave, thou kill him and throw
him into it. Those deeds of violence
and murder are said to be perpetrated
by a band known as "Red Legs."—
We call upon all good citizens to see
to it that these plunderers and mur
derers are exterminated at once."
June 13, 1663.
Fancy and Exlra P/1111113 Pion, • 46,373443,7,25
COIIIIO.II and Superfine $6,60®6,00
Bye Flour 44,50
Co, a Muni
NI !die AI heat 81,863,1,43
Corn, pi ium Yellow
Cluversecd, ii 64 lbs
ll ides
14xtra Family Flour li bbl $6,76g7 ' '2,5
11x lrix do - cll t 36..
Whit° 1111ent 1,00
Bed Wheat ',llO
113 o • 1 00
Cot u 100
Cats 45
Cloverseed 4,50
Flaxseed 1,50
Dried Apples 150
Butter 12
Eggs 12
Lord 10
llato 10
Shoulder 8
Fides 8
'allow 0
• - .. . .
).0 On and after JULY Ist, 186, filo p, Ivilego of con.
Nerthlg the pi esent ihboo of L IN4 A L NOTE 6 IN
called , rivo.Twentios") uilt rite.
All who wish to Invest in the Fivo-Tn only Loan mult,
thenefuro, apply betoro line Ibt. of JULY neut.
Subscripann dyad,
Apl 7. 1.9133-1111. Nu. 111 S. 'IWO St., Plitladviiiln.t.
fly oh toe of a writ of Pi. Fn. to me directed, f will
!id I nt public sale. on Thm Ada y, the 25th dog of July, at
2 o'clock, p. m . nt the Court House, in Huntingdon, the
following described propel ty, to-wit
Two lots of ground, sitti,te In the village of Dudley,
Carbon township. Huntingdon comity, numbered 15 nod
10 in tho recorded plan of the town, situate at the corner
of Front and Washington streets. each fronting fifty feet
on Front street and extending back at right angled thore
from, nod parallel with Washington street, 150 feet to on
alloy. having thereon erected a large too story plank
house, pit t of It unfinished with a stone basement—occu
pio as a boarding loner—nnd frame ctable.
Seized, taken In execution and to bo sold as tho pro.
perty or David S. Dorkstresser.
(120. W. JOHNSTON, Sheriff.
Huntingdon, July 1,1563.
Only those faithful soldir,a who, from wounds or the
hardships of war. are no longer fit for active field May,
w ill his received in this Corps Jr Honor. Enlistments
a, ill be for Chive years. unless sooner discharged. Pay
anti allowance same as for officers nail Men of the United
States infantry; except that no prenfitim or bounties thr
enlistment will be allowail. This wi II not invalidate any
pensions or bounties In hilt may be tine for pm eviutis Cur.
For tine convenience of service, the men will be selected
for three grades of duty. Those who aro most efficient
and able-bodned, and capable of lien forming gunned ditty,
etc.. will lie armed with nuneltets, and assigned to compa
nies of the First Battalion. Those of the next degree of
efficiency. Inc/offing thong° who hare lost A hand or an
arm ; and the least effective, Including those who hare
lost a root or leg• to the companies of the Second or
Mind Battalions: they will lio armed with swords.
1 1110 duties will bo to act chiefly as provost guazds and
gin fleeing for cities; guards for hospitals and other public
buildings; and as clerks. on derlles, bx. If found necessa
ry, they 1111mv be assigned ttn forts, Sc.
Acting . ASslstaint Provost Marshals General are author
ized to appoint °divers of the Regular Seri, ice. or of the
Lrrnitd eurp4. to tolunini•der taw oath of end/gonna to
these men mho have completely fulfilled the prescribed
conditions ofaands,ion to One invalid Corps, viz:
1. That the nippl wind is unlit fur sen mice inn the field.
2. That he is lit for tlw dirties, or colic of Gon, indica.
tent above.
8. That. it' not ninny in the service, lig wag Lone ally
4. That he iq nun Hollow; aunt .lo,erving.
Fur culithurnt m• further infra mother. opply to
Bernd rf P:nt e nt fur the rtirtr ut it which tiro appli
(ant is a rio,bloat
by m 1. t 01.1.1 M ES 11. FEY, Pi mo..t Mar4hal Genvi nl
C.tpt.nia and Provost Mar-hal.
Hawing 1 m Ja'y S, 1511. •
T)E it resolecd by the Senate and
I f (hr Marnionweallh
lioensylnotia in aniroi ,I, , nnidil mrt, That , the letlese
ing .I",,linent+ be inonoled to the Comititmion of the
Commune eolith, in Pee. Li:111C, With tho tenth article
[het :
net e shall be nn 11.11 , Miona1 noctimt to the third le
of the Contltution. to ho designated de S121:11011 tbhr,
• .
SI ClltiN 4. 'Whenever any of the qualified el. elori or
this Contnionmealth shall II: in .or aLtnal milltaty ser
lee nutlet a terpti-Ition tint the Pi e,nlott of the United
St tt, s, it b,. the authority or this Commonwealth, such
elestots may exerct•e the right of sittfiage in all elections
1.13 the eitisens, motor still regulations as ore, or shall
be, to edet ibed by law, as fully ni it they NI ore preimit at
Cloth u•nal place of election.
There shall he too additional seetiong to the elm enth
at twin of the t'oustattition. to be &signaled as sections
elgllt, rind Hine, as (idiot,:
SI.CTIq2i S. No bill shall be paired by the Legi-la tot e.
cootantiog mete than one subject. he cleat l) .
expi in the title, except appropriation 1011+.
t3trrlns 9. No 101 l bind! be passed by the Legislator.]
gi tinting any tu %ers. or privileges, in au)• else, where
the antliortty to grant sob posers or grit ilegt,. has
Levu, or may het saner be, conferred upon the courts or
Speaker of Ow IT., of Rept...he,
Speaker or the lienate.
QUILT o f the SJCeddry of the Common
IlAnuisnuuu, July 1, 1563
P.F...1 7 .11 7 S YL , SS :
do hereby eel lily that the Ibtegoing and
[l.. 9 ] d is a fill. tree and corn., t cep , ()I
the origittel Joint hesiihitioit of the Cello,.
entitled "A Joint beQuhilion
vrovwdeg co I.lin Amendments to the Con
titutht.' as the Failla Icmnin3 mt file in
1104 otliee.
'lthrlioNy wherent: I hove hereunto sr:
my band, and eatified the real of the f.fee.etzl
rCs tate to be affixed, the day mi.! year
above wit
July 7th, iSta—te
iIE sieving itt time and labor by the
mso of this form of I:levntot hai been long e.t th 11•11-
ed. Its opetn•ion to to fn CO tin, teeth into dtv tool, hunt
the hot, and lift the hay . o the kh•ened point—Poll the
and, then the fork sn logs nit the WA leis the
hay tall into the mow.
kat Mori It'll as they h.n•e Ia i.t. d naa, 500 to 1500 li,
at slit hitt, at a throe horse lo.ul at four Ina,e
notes non' wafinn,, Euden i.,..,stnote—P.L.l. al Mor
n is-111. Buipt :on and others, wino enolor, tlo it sup,-
riot fry slut lime them F;r sale. We nevectrolly .lica
on lets for out; or nt,te forkl.
.Ttlly 7, ISC4I-lm
Ti l ts uud,n signed Auditor, appointed by line fn Ohms
Court of I(nittittgaiitt county, to dthttilolte the Inittl in
the hands of John C. Watson, Esif , 'IS not,. appointed
by the suid Coto t to till the read rotate of Thoutds )1.
Owens deceased, hereby gives notice that lie anti attend
to said ditty ou Fatuldny, the :nth of July nest, at One
O'clock M., at hi, Oil, in the of Huntingdon.
when and Miele all pei , ont, having claim tq.nittst the
Bahl fund, are requited to pi esent the same or be dobarr
ed Isom coming ot for n ,bier of the said fio•
VIEO.II. c1:1.:31}:lt, Auditor.
Juls lily 18133.
Th.,. 'lntl Ilaleah are uot surpassed Up any made, and
are will route.' to glen pen toot eatillAction. A circulax or
tic west relmble leforeucol eau ho roost at the Globe Of.
31.11t511, Sole Agt., 110:2 Cii•httmt St..
Wl:Aeon:4 and llntionniuntn.
JO5O lith, ISGa-Sot
[ Ebtato of John Mel h oy, deceased.)
Lemos of admialstmtion Upon the mate of ;lobo 31,
"'troy, into of Jackson tow !whip. Hunt hitelon ut. deed,
having been [punted to this a talereigned, all pm..., hav
ing claims agaheat the eqtate mu requelted to present
them to the onder•igned, and all pursues indebted ..111
make ihmtediate pa!, meet.
JOSNI'II Met I,ItOY • . •
A rhumeitzators.
Attu 3, 18133'
PROVOST 31.1n5it Ws Omer,
nth District, Penna., Huntingdon, 31a) '3,1633.1
anY pal Ocular Regiment of Cavalry now Inc line
field in odiet ohy authorized to present theinsolzed at any
time din hug tho nest thirty dtt)s, at those lie.tilipiarters,
when they u ill be °Whited and furmAied ti ill, flan:porta
They u Eli be immediately mustorol into!). B. vice of
the llutted ht..tes end the bounty paid.
I'•ty and SUbAStell..l to commence from the into amt.
listment. Ay at der of Capt..l.l). (1A3111341.1.,
Pubic 3, 1603. lhovost Mat blvd.
Thu politic me cautioned againai tru,tlng or har
boring SUSUII Yocum, my a ire, uu my account, lie Clic left
toy bed a n d Emma without any just ram..., All debts
contracted by bet I still not ply, nub...compelled by law.
Brady tap., JuiCe .31)11.N A. IIJCU
Any ver,,on desiring intelligenco of or ft not their
frienild or relations in the Aim) of the l'otoniao or in any
of tho A tiny can recoil,' Info; illation try.adql rub
sing W. J. ILEALSII, Washington, I). C.; vori. , ing nno
dollar. [June 10, 180-el.
.31,99@1 .50
g R. A. 0. KERR,
14 -4
,•-q .A LT 0 0 NA., PA., I E. - 1
P- - 3
, AG ENT C 62
e. - if-'
5,K05r11,11 115VICEIII.A1.
fed to bo tho best ever offered to the poblie:atal
thew supotlority fa satisfactorily ebtablibbed by the fact
that 10 the last eight years,
of these Machines have been told than of any other man
ufactuted, tool mon, medals harts been aoarded the Too.
Nietore by ditTetent Vann anti Institutes than to any uth
et 0. 'Vito 311tellittes ate warranted to do all that Is claimed
for theft. They aro now iu tau in several families is Al.
tonne, and in et ery ca,o they ai,e eat ire satisfaction.
The Agent wlein th,t, dedtring halo Illation as to the.
soperiotity of !Ito Macititns, to A. W. lienediet, Joseph
Watson, 0. 11. Tnt tier and 0. 0 Iteitleman.
Tho Machin, eau Ito seen and examined at tile store of
the A gott t, at A I boo..
rt ire of No. 1 Machine. Over plated. pins foot and new
st 3 le Moonier—V.s. No. 2, 01 natnettlal ht ooze. Oass
foot nun now ht)lo Ilemi»vr—iss. No. 3. plain, with old
0(710 .14uppnct--4.1t. Net. 21, 1:162,.4.
1714 and lo nuke; Child
Ci LASS' ISICATION 0 F M E 1 3 , -
. louts in Iluntin,qtion County by the Appraiver or
3letcontile 'runes for the }ear lbe:i.
...t/c.rondr‘a floroegl. Mee Licenvo.
C. V.Walltor, 34 7.00
J. it. Grego y, 14 LOD
Wm. Mown, 14 7.00
Ban ee.
S. W. My ton,
J. C. Wal kpr,
lJa Green,
IL Jamison,
Oeo. Eby,
J. Dairen bud.,
S. Secbriot,
J. P. Heaton,
J. liendercon,
C,; Lon.
C. A. Heaton, 14
.1. S. Ilet karesrer, 14
T. M. 1(4,14111g, 14
l'oA‘ulton Curl I 3line Co., 10
nitaleir 1/0101, 14
.11ss. (:1 ,on, 13
W. A, Orbisan. 1I
Brown. Roberts A Co., 1-k
It. B. Wigton, 10
A. D. Christ, 14
liloir 4: Port, 13
David Dunn, 14
Jacob 31eat a, 14
G. 11. Stersns,
J. 11.
It. Ashram.,
David Ettlier,
T. E. Orbison,
II:0 ow,
Jams Cer, 14
W. C. Satin, 14
5-011.1 in.
'Mrs. Isett G :qrs. o.o.lner, I.
'John Q. Adams 14
SLodl Sto.A‘art .I Co., 13
.1. W. Matter:l, 14
11. A. 11311itult k Co., It
G. k J. 11.1.311oenberger, 10
Dm, fil Wen% er,
Wm. P. Orbi-on,
//uniin9t/mt Cmity h.
A son,
D. I'.
A. 11 IllunglMy,
11. Doman,
Cm mon A. Hal ight,
Wm. Colon,
.11. iteigwr,
So artz 31Leabc,
Al. Outman,
S. 5
J. A'. Bros.,
D. Africa,
Win. Len is.
IV. A. Saxton,
IVnllove. A CWrnent,
A. D. Cminingliam,
3f. retterhoul,
7.,,0103,, 3, p.,
s. w.
w. U. per,
P. Methuttvy,
JlOfl ie.
R. 1. Poi sey,
T. W. 01.111.11.,
3. If. llointoer,
AVnt. D 1.111.3,
11111. li i reit,
, thr.
6. D. (It ern,
Sand. 11.1(11011,
SM. Pg.
Eimer. Fong 4. Co.,
Geo. Alt leottgllllll,
Peter AI. Pate,
W. A. Fritker,
W. 11. Ih eu eter, ti; ur,
G. McLaughlin,
N. K. Covert,
I). I.K Le,
I% 11. Mon ison,
F..ttol hiller,
J. I) mz,l t•. ,
1. 14 ,s.,t. 1,
11 . 71 iorllllll4,
W. C. Vontries J. Co.,
11. F. 1. 0 1. 0 ,,
D. U. Mc.,
J. Thomp,oo,
.7 C. Wllwr. II
17 liartinalt. II
.100. N. 61,,pp0 1 Co., 14
31J. CucttiNsell a. eon, 13
T. Ne.. 11 Co.,
~,111101 0 Co.,
P. tr,latouk•r,
ItvLcn wink,
A. V. IVeitbrook,
1'11,14, 11. i'llll,r,
Bell, Garret ha', S. Co., 00 00
Ilowy Afrioi, 10.00
I:. l'illerley, .10.00
U. 001..1.101., 10.00
.10110 I•rev,l o VI
A. V. Wenbrook, 10.00
tnuinucts .%. 311.0.1.ty, 1040
a° (no.
.1. U. Wicket man, 10.00
T. M. 11ed.1111,,, 10 00
148. :. , . t1:111 .11.‘11, 10.00
//fel sieg.
J. A. Wil.nuu,
l'ltuntas k 14 T.OO
it. 31e1411'lrr, Mercantile .41,praisor
NUTICH.--Dy an act of Assembly pvised tho 11th day
of Apt tl, lbti'd, it I, made the duty of the County Treastit
er to 0110 out all licenses not lilted on or before the first
day of Jnly. POSOII3 hathig lieetwes to lilt, hill 1110
Costs by calling e n d lifting the 0,1100 ',unions to that
lisle, as thozu not lifted ottlint the 111110 preteribM by
law, %ill pooittvely ho placed is the hands of a proper of
Scot Col contd.:dun:
Mina :what, Juno 1050.
J. A. case, Co. Vona
Market and Third Streets-,
ed to build Portablo and Stationary Enginea or
tho most improved styles and palter no ' also Portable.
Saw Mills and Sorglm-Cano Mills from filo oldwd mar
newest and most improved patterns. lib respectively
request flaw iu want of
Portable or Stationary Onsines,
for any purpose whatever, or.these who are in want of
Circular Saw 31ills, either double or eingie, with ways
and carriage to saw any length log, to give its a will, or
address as by letter, which will receive prompt attention.
Motto rend the following statements in regard to the
operations of our I'm table Engines and Circular Sow
Iftnrsretvn, Cr to ford CO., Pm, May 16, 1863.
Mensms..l. 11. DUVALL.
Gentle:now- 0 v •O Wo received our Portable En
gine and Saw Mill all in c 1111 l plot° order. perfectly satis,
lied with the Saw Mill and Engine. Everything works
to our entiro satisfaction. beyond oar es Pectetdons- We
sawed 4,600 feel whito.ak boards In flvo hours, and with
good could hove Mired more In tho same time.
We most cheerfully recommend your Saw Mills and
Engines to those wishing to purchase,
For further reference, ivo would refer you to Samuel
MUM: in, of IfollidNiamt g, Pn., who has one of our first
elm '2U-horse Itower Portable Engines and Circular San•
Mills in operation at Tipton Station, Blair county, Pat—
na outhori7ol no to coy 1.1118 Mill and Engine hts gisot
such entire satistiction, that, glum starting it, Ito ban
sent in his second order for it Mill and Engine eremite
LA'e would also refer you to 31. AtOins. Cresson, Pa.,
W. 11. Zeigler and J. S. Reed, Huntingdon,
Co , ram, Va., A. L.Ilollbloy! Holliday shurg, Va., all td .
heal haN 0 purchased of or.
We ship our o.lw 3lllta and Enginett fully equipped
roil ready for work. We warrant otzr Machinery to do
all that onr ci, color claitnio for It, and to saw front 6,000
to 10,000 feet of inch lumber per day.
J. & J. R. DUVALL,
No. 55 Corner of )I.n het nail Third Streets, just opposiN
C. O. N. Rend depot, Zanedvillo, Ohio.
Juno 3,1863-Im.
9111 E largest stuck of D Q [urines in town
by .1; SUN•
7 00
10 GO
7 Go
• .00
10 00
0 00
15 )
15 00