610 4c, HIINTING-DON,PA. W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor -- ----- Wednesday morning, July 15,1863. Anon , of no mode, in which a loyal citi zen may so well demonstrate, his devotion to los country as hy sustaining the Flag Mc Constitution and the ruion,inaler all circum; J(QIICCS, (111(1 ENDER EVERY .ADMIN 'SYR ATION, REGARVLESS Or PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALE. ASSAILANTS, AT ROLE AND ABROAD." A. DOUGLAS UNION COUNTY CONVENTION, Tho Union Men of Huntingdon County, who are desirous of sustain ing the National and State Adminis trations in their efforts to crush the ex isting, wicked and unholy rebellion, are requested to meet at the usual places of holding elections in tho sev eral Townships and Boroughs of the County, on Saturday, the Bth day of August, 18G3, and elect two Delegates from each Township and Borough to meet in Convention at Huntingdon, ou Tuesday, the 11th day of August next, to nominate candidates for the several offices of the County. The polls will be open in the Townships from 5 to 7 o'clock, and in the Bo roughs from 7 to 0 o'clock, • ALEXANDER PORT, PERRY MOORE, Chairmen of_County Committees. July 14, 1863. tbs.- A..Tourneyman Printer Hunted immediately at this office. A A &our Boy, si.;:teen or seven teen years of age, wanted as an ap prentice to the printing business at this office, immediately. HALF SUEET have not bdcn able to get out more than a half *sheet this week. We will do better as soon as, we can get more help. The UNION COUNTY CONVENTION.- We call the attention of the Union men of the county to the call issued by the Chairmen of the Union County Committees. We hope every honest Union voter in the county will attend the delegate elections and assist in selecting good and reliable men as del egates. • THE JACKSON Mat:b.—This Hotel is now occupied by Cul. J. Morrison, well known as the proprietor of the Broad Top City hotel. Both houses are under - his care, and both houses will do a rushing business. Fivj companies of the 29th P. M., from Delaware and Chester counties, under command of Lieut. Col. Yarnall, encamped here for two or three days, left for Harrisburg on Sunday mor ning. The other five companies of the regiment have been stationed at Louden, Franklin county, under com mand of Col. Hawley. We had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of a number of the men, and we found them to .be perfect gentlemen and true e,oldiers. 4firllEor.—The first regiment was organized last week by the election and appointment of the following of- EIRE cam,t—lcitvg 3. LmvierNev,,r Iluntiugdou. f.t. C..f —C. F. ZIUSTON, or Centro. 'I j. BELL. or Blair. .Ackvat,..nt — . MOM A S C. Ihisttittgaon etsrgeou—Dr. J. W. G ENNII, 4, of Main The conepanies have been fortunate in the seleetion of regimental officers. THE *3OO ExEmmox.—The matter of commutation in money in lieu of service under the conscription act has been settled by a circular issued by Provost Marshal General James B. Fry. The second section says : "The Commissioner of Internal Revenue in each Congressional District has been authorized by the Secretary of War, and directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, to receive from drafted per sons who desire to pay it for the pur pose of exemption the money above specified ($300.) On receipt of this sum, the Collector of Internalßevenue shall give the person paying it, dupli cate receipts; one copy of these re ceipts shall be delivered to the Board of Enrollment on or before the day the drafted person is to report for du ty, and when so delivered by the Board of Enrollment the drafted per son shall ho furnished with a certificate of exemption, stating that the person is discharged from further liability under That draft by reason of having paid the sum of' three hundred dol lars." CARD. On behalf of the sick in hospital, the Surgeon in charge tenders to the la dies of Huntingdon his sincere thanks for their co-operation with him in at tending to the wants of the sick. At ,the same time be submits it to their sense of propriety, that a large number of visitors in a hospital, is not desira ble. The Soldiers' Aid Society hay ing kindly agreed that a sufficient num ber of its members shall be in attend , mice at all times, no other female nurses arc needed. Donations for the use of the sick will be gratefully acknowledged and properly applied. CHAS. STY.ER, Surgeon. POST HOSPITAL, Hunt., July 14, 1863. THE PHOTOGRAPH C.ta.—Tho car is again open, and Messrs. Roshon & Green, aro turning out work in the hest style. The oar is located on Rail road street, opposite the Jaekson No la July 14, 180.-4 LATEST NEWS. OFFICIAL I) ISPATCH OF GEN }MIL 3I BADE. ltuAnou.s.irrEas, Army of Potomac, July 14,1863. To If. W. Hatlad, Commander-in-01V: My cavalry now occupy Falling Wa ters, having overtaken and captured a brigade of infantry fifteen hundred strong, two guns, two caissons, two battle flags, and a largo number of small arms. The enemy are all across the Potomac. GEO. -STEI'LI EN 11.v.AnQuAirrmts, Army of the Potom ac, July 14.—Iiee's rebel army with drew from their position around Wil liamsport yesterday and last night, and recrossed the Potomac by a pon toon bridge at Falling Waters, and flat boats at the Williamsport furry. A portion of Pleasanton's cavalry entered Williamsport at seven o'clock this morning, anil cuptured many )risoners. Leo had previously sent over all his plunder trains. A General movement was ordered this morning, and oar columns were in motion at an early hour, but found the entrenchments vacated. _Front Grant's Array CINCINNATI, July 14.---Gun. Giant had pushed the Work of paroling the rebel prisoners. They number 31,277. Immediately after the surrender of Vicksburg, Sherman moved in the di rection of Big Black River with a large army, and on the following day met Johnsson in a drawn up line of battle. A sanguinary battle took place, re. suiting in Johnston's defeat and the capture of two thousand prisoners. A rumor is in circulation that Port Hudson surrendered to General Banks On the fifth, and wo took eighteen thousand prisoners. From Rosccrane Army. CINCINNATi t July 14.—The main bo dy of Bragg's army retreated from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and the pre sumption is, that the bulk of Bragg's forces have been sent to Richmond to garrison it. Rosecrans captured 4,000 prisoners during the late forward movement.— Our army is in high spirits and in splendid condition. Terrible Riot in New York. What has been threatened for months by the rebel sympathisers is now upon us. When and where the traitorous spirit of madmen will be stopped, God only knows. The draft was commenced in Nev York City on Monday morning, when a mob of over five thousand of the lowest class of men and women attack ed the building, destroyed all the ma chinery, papers, records, lists, etc., beat the officers who had not made their.eseape, and then fired the build ing, and it with the whole block was destroyed, the firemen having been driven from the ground by the mob. Telegraph lines and railroad tracks were destroyed—polieemen, soldiers, and other citizens have been murdered in the streets. Business has been sus pended. Nliw YORK, July 14-11-30 P. :%I. The cry of the mob this morning is (4kill the Abolitionists," and the crowd is of the same character as and of yes terday. It is expected that grape and eannister will soon be dealt out to them from batteries which have arriv ed and will soon be brought to bear on them. A house on Sixteenth street has just been gutted by them. The mob have barricaded certain parts or the city to prevent the pas sage of troops. The most atrocious robberies have been committed in the streets by ruf fians who seize any respectable look ing then, rob them of their• watches, money, &c., &c., and then beat their victims. 12-30 v. M.—The riot net was read to the mob assembled near Forty Eighth street this fournoon, after which, they tailing to disperse, howit zers were opened upon the rioters, and it is reported that many were killed. Private property is being ruthlessly sacrificed, and private residences sack ed and burned. The mob is now upon the increase. The Mayor's residence was sacked and burned. AU the city ears and stages have stopped running. 4 P. M.—Vessels have been hauled from the docks into the stream, and gen-boats have been anchored in cer tain localities so as to command the streets where the mob arc expected to operate. The reserves of our city regiments arc now organized and will soon be operating. It is supposed there will be some 5,000 effectual troops in the city this evening. A battalion of the 7th Regt. Res. is already on duty. A crowd was addressed by Gov. Seymour, stating that he had sent his Adjutant General to Washington to request the draft to be stopped. lie implored the crowd to respect proper ty and persons, and said the State would see that all would be satisfacto ry. FOUND.—On Monday the 6th July, near the Globe office, a small package of money, which the owner can have by identifying the saute and paying for this notice. Inquire at this office. THE LADLES AND THE 80IDIERS.— The Altoona Tribune of the 7th says: "We visited the boys in camp yes terday and thought their new clothes looked very well. They seem to be enjoying themselves, and all unite in Saying that there shall be no chicken raids in old mother Huntingdon.— They think the mass of the people around them are loyal. They do not fear that they will be "bitten by rebel chickens," but think that they will grow corpulent under the treatment of the ladies of ye ancient borough arc giving them. One of the boys, in his joy, told us he never got such good eating in his life. Rethought no won der the men of Huntingdon looked so pleasant with such wives, daughters and sweethearts. We hope their shad cows may never grow less." The ladies of Huntingdon particu lar interested, desire the members of Capt. Bell's Altoona Cavalry Compa ny to accept many thanks for their liberal and unexpected donation of $22 80, tendered by Mr. J. Delo and received by Mrs. If. K. Neff, as an ex pression of their Company's apprecia tion of the kindness shown to them while quartered in the Presbyterian Church. As the donation was intended to be applied to some useful and benevolent object, and as it was the soldier's offer ing, it was resolved to appropriate it in a manner that soldiers might receive the benefit from it. It was according ly forwarded to the Christian Com mission at Philadelphia. Major General The LADIES [A [toona 1)81)01.8 please copy.] Hiss C. R. WIESTLING—YOUI'S of the Bth inst. containinf , $22 80 as a con tribution to the U. S. Christian Corn mission from the Altoona Cavalry Company is received, for which please accept our thanks. At a meeting of Capt. Jas. M, Bell's Company ; from Altoona, the following resolutions were unanimously adopt ed. WrrzurAs, We hare for several days enjoyed the hospitality of the citizens of Huntingdon, before going' into camp. Therefore, Besaved, That, we hereby tendon to them our sincere thanks for their kind ness. Resolved, That we are especially in debted to those ladies who have furn ished us with food, cooked our rations and supplied us so generously from their own tables; particularly to Mrs. H. K. Neff, Mrs. M. Hildebrand, Mrs. J. P. Anderson, Mrs. Dr. J. B. Luden, Mrs. Anna Massey, Mrs. Geo. B. Stool, Mrs. A. Blair, Mrs. Eliz. Miller, Mrs. Dr. Dorsey, Miss C. Wiestling, Miss C. Miller and others, all of whom were untiring in their efforts to provide us with every comfort. Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the Trustees of the Presbyterian Church, for the use of that building. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in. the Huntingdon Globe, Journal American and Altoona Tri bune. Meeting of the Coal Trade, At a meeting of the Coal trade held in Philadelphia on the 10th of July, 1863, it was agreed to resume the bus iness of' selling and shipping of coal on Monday, July 13th, and it was also unanimously resolved as follows : WnErtE.l.s, It has been charged that the motives which actuated the ship pers of coal in stopiltng shipments du ring the recent invasion were mingled with cupidity, and a desire to advance the price of coal. Therefore, Resolved, That we agree to open coal at the same price's at which we' did previous to the suspension, except that the advanced rate charged by the tra»sportation companies be added. We would also beg to state for gen eral information that the first Coal regiment, Col. Alfred Day command ing, was on the Sth inst. in camp at Carlisle, and on the 9th received fur ther marching orders. The second Coal regiment, Col. Oli ver Hopkinson commanding, left• Phi ladelphia for Harrisburg on tholfith. To each of these regiments the Coal trade paid a bounty of twenty-five dol lars to each man, out of funds collect ed and subscribed by themselves— amounting to nearly sixty thousand dollars. Lewis Andenried & Co.; Noble Cald well & Co,; Hammett, Vandusen & - Lockman ;' Blackiston, Graeff & Co„; Tyler, Stone & Co.; Sinnickson & Glo ver; Day & }bidden ; Wannemacker & Maxfield; hunter, Norton & Co-.; R. N. Roslibun; Conrad & Heaton; Jno. Street & Co.; C. F. Norton & Co.; Cain, Ranker & Coolc Pittsburgh Female College. R e invite the attention of our rea ders to the following notice of the Pittsburgh Female College, taken from the Pittsburgh Chronicle of the 9th inst. The College justly ranks among the very first institutions in the coun try : “Of the many institutions for the education of yonrg Indies in this nod the a/Pining States, there is none twhich bears a higher or more enviable lc:potation, th an he Pittsburgh Female College. - Within a tow years It has worked itself into am Very front tank, nod now oc cupies a. position among the more valued educational in stitutions of the country, of which its originators and manager° may well feel proud. Knowing no we do the many advantages which the institution Milne to those who desire a sound, practical and valualle oltmation for their daughters, we are not at all surprised at its groat and growing napalm ity. In point of location it will compare tarot abiy with any institution of the same char acter in the land, while the accommodations for pupils and general amen gements of (ho entablislanettt are such as to commend it to all who onion the health and cam. fort of their childi en. It is however in the ability Of Its Faculty, and Ito excellence of the roorse of instruction pursued, that the rittanirgh Fantail) College exalts. In this respect It has no superior, The Faculty now num ber° nineteen, embracing some of the ablest and most successful lostuactors of the Ma--teachers who have made the education of youth the stnily of their lives, and of whose Ettlfeess iu imparting instruction the rapid pro gress of the students under their charge affords of itself the most abundant proof. The course of study in Very irttensive and thorough, embracing all the branches of a solid nod ornamental educat ion. The modern hinguages. hicluding French, Gorman, nation and Spanish aro all taught, and students me aloe afforded nn oppor• lenity of northing a thorough knowledge of vocal and instrumental nitible, needle work, drawing, painting, and the use of the magnetic telegraph. There is an excellent library and cabinet attached to the instlintion, and a philosophical and chemical apparatus has been purchased in order to nil the pupils in the study of these sciences. The attendance for the past year arts two hundred and ninety-four, but the prospects ore that next year the num tier wilt considerably exceed three Ilutlred. This shows how implant. the inallintiOn Is with the public, and speaks well for the success and ability a fth which it is Managed. 'fine next term ommences September lot. Send to the Rev. J . C. Peratirig for n Catalogue.” Able Bodied Men Wanted, The ,undersigned has been author ized by State authority to raise a Company of Infhntry to servo for three months in the State defence. All who may wish to join my Company, will please report to me at the Franklin Hotel, in Huntingdon, at their earliest opportunity. F. IL }JANE, Capt. July Acknowledgment, 1 3 111 LADELPHIA, July 10, 1863 Yours, &c., JAS. PATTERSON, Tro'r Camp Huntingdon. D. M. GREEN, ) JERII DELO, I J. B. lIILEMA N, Committee. A. CLABAUGII, J. 3r. MANN, Letter from Gettysburg, GETTYSInyI, July 11, 'O3 DE.ta GLOM—After a long delay I have Ihund an opportunity to write to you with some prospect of getting my letter through. But what to write, I am in chaos. It is a comfort to know that no one is dependent on my letter for information. The military opera tions in which the Army of the Potom ac has been engaged near this place, are now familiar everywhere. And God he praised that this army has hero had an opportunity under the able leadership of General Meade, to vindicate its honor and its claim to the confidence of the country. The Army of the Potomac has always been right; more thin the equal of its ene my in all that makes an army power ful; but no army has ever been more outraged. Here it was handled with consummate skill; here IL has written in blood a record of valorous endue- ante and glorious triumph. General Meade took his position and made the rebel General take the offensive. They did attack, and how terriblyl Force after force wafiaasse-4- , anctrolled for ward to he broken upon our invincible line like, the wave on the rock, and like it . to recoil in broken and shatter ed fragments. The rebels knew what was at stake. "I'll tell you,". said one of them to me "what General Leo means to do on this move. He in tends to make southern independence or break it." And though every as sault only deepened the crimson tide of disaster and death, he could not, dared not yield. But all effort was vain. He was fighting Pennsylva nians on Pennsylvania soil; he was throwing his fated columns on the berried ranks of Union soldiers, who strong in the strength of their cause felt secure and confident of triumpth. Again, I say God be praised; for here in the good old Keystone, the bogus confederacy has received a blow from which it can never recover. From all points people are coming to look after wounded relatives, and from them wo hoar how, all over the land, people were holding their breath and waiting tremblingly for the issue until the glo rious tidings came, followed by the news of Vicksburg's fall, and how there is now rejoicing everywhere. But, God pity us, this war is even in victory a horrible thing. Our brig ade, covered itself with - glory in this its first battle; but it is torn to pieces. Shall I tell you the story of Company I? Capt. Blair, left arm amputated at the shoulder; Lieutenant Thomp son, wounded in right foot and arm; Sergeant Raymond, instantly killed, shot through the head; Sergeant Sha ver, wound in left arm; Eorgt. Cow den, wound in leg; Corp. Smelkcr, slightly wounded; W. H. Harmony, killed; Isaac Drake missing, and it is feared killed; Wm. Johnson, foot am putated; J. B. Moore, James Thom son, Win. Russel, Wm. Shaver, J. C. Blair„faeop Shoop ' Samiel R. Simons, 11. C. Holliday- and W. 11. Wright, all wounded more or less severely, though it is hoped none of them dangerously. George Myerly rand J. M. Cowden, were captured. Wm. Monroe Clark son was shot through the head, lay several days on the field, was finally brought, to a hospital ; and for a won der is still living. His recovery seems beyond hope, yet who can forbear to hope, even in the teeth of despair.— These con - I'M:3e all the casualties I call now call up. There May be others.— The company did its duty nobly, and I can make no distinctions of praise Lieut. Delfrenderfer owes his life to his blanket, which was hung over his shoulder in a roll, and caught a ball which would otherwise have pierced his breast. As it war, ho was knock ed down: I have written a long letter and must desist. What is doing now by the army you know better than we.— We are getting the wounded away here as rapidly as transportation can he had. The Sanitary and Christian Commissions aro busy, and the people arc beyond measure kind. The wound ed this time aro not in Virginia, and though it is hard to have the evils of war on our own soil I am glad they are here. Soon all that can go will be at borne. J. S. B. The Mission of Alexander .11. Ste- phens. The following is the correspondence relating to the mission of Alexander 11. Stephens and Robert Ould, to For tress Monroe: ForrrnEss MoNnoE, July 4, 1863.} U. S. Steamer Minnesota-8.30 r. M. Hon. Gideon Weller, Seely of the Navy: The following communication is just received from Mr. Stephens, who is on the flag of truce boat, which has arriv ed abov. I shall inform Mr. Stephens that I await your instructions, before giving him an answer": CONFEDEItATE STATES, &Miner Tor pedo, in the James River, July 4, 1863. Stu: As a militury commissioner, I am the bearer of a communication, in writing, from Jefferson Davis, com mander-in-chief of the land and naval forces of the Confederate States, to Abraham Lincoln, command-in-chief of the. land and naval forces of the United States. — lion. _Robert Ould, Confederate States agent of exchange, accompanies me as Secretary. For the purpose of delivering the communication in person, and confer ring upon the subject to which it re lates, I desire to proceed to Washing ton in the steamer Torpedo, comman ded by - Lieut. - Hunter Davidson, of the Confederate States Navy; no person being on board but the Hon. Mr. Ould, myself, and the boat's officers and crew. Yours, most respectfully, 7;I.Lx.IISTEPHENS S. P. LEN, A. IL .Admiral. Answer. NAVY DEPARTMENT, July 4. Acting scar Admiral 8. P. Lcc, Haw ion Roads The request of Elexander IL Ste phens is inadmissible. The customa ry agents and channels arc adequate lbr all needlid military communica,tion and conference between the United States forces and the insurgents. qI.DEON 11/ ES, Secretary of the Navy. THERE are now about SititColl htut dred Wen in the camps at this place. The second regiment will be organiz ed to-day or to-morrow, • MARRIED, On Thursday, the 25th ult., by Roy. S. IL Reid, Mr. WA.sullioroN LONG to Miss MARY SIIERAR, both of this vicin ity. . . THE JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. S. MORRISON, Proprietor. TRAYED AWAY. Stt eyed away front the premises of the Subscriber in Juniata too uship, about the middle of Juno last, ono red and white aputted ntooly Leifer calf, and 0130 red steer calf with Ivitite spotted face—both a year old last spring. Any Information of the thereabouts of the calves will ho thankfully received, and expenses paid. JOIIN MOSER July 14,1F63. EGISTER'S NOTICE. L Notice io hereby given to all persons interested, that the fellowing named prisons hare nettled their ae• counts in the Itegistei's 011 Ice, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will ho presented for confirmation and anon anee, at an Orphans' Court, to he held at Hunting don, in and for the County Comely Monday, lull, day of August 0001, 1163. to-wit: let. 'Final account et Thomas McLain, goardian of John It. Morrow, a minor child of Robert Morrow, late of ifar rioranark too itchip, Huntingdon county, deceased. dd. Administration account of Elizabeth Adamson, Administratrix of Arthur Adamson, late of Brady town. ship, deceased. 3.1. The Treat (teem:lit of James G. Corbin, Trustue to sell the teal estate of Arthur Adamson, Into of Brady township deceased. 4th. Huardianship account of 'trillion:, Hildebrand, guardian of Margaret Sinalloy, A. I'. WitSoll Smalley and Henry It. Smalley, minor children col Dawson C. Smalley, deceased. - . btli. Final account of Thomas A. Eineliter, guardian of Samuel flays, a minor child of Edward Bays, late of Shirley township, deceased. 6th. Administration account of Michael Bernd°liar and Benjamin Woo!lett, Administrators of Michael Vara dollar, deceased. 7th. The partial and supplemental Administration ac. count of Henry Brewster, acting Executor of the last will and testament of John Brewster, deceased. fith. Administration Recount of H. L. McCarthey and Samuel It. McCoy, Hocutors of John Brown, deceased, who in his lifetime was Administrator of his hither Wit. lines Mown, Into of Brady township, deceased. Utb. Partial account of Audi ow Millar and Robert G. ItieNe.ll, Administratord of Jacob It. 31iller, late of Union townbliip, doCcasi:d. 10th. Administration account of Jane Black and Ito bcrt Ilooy, iixecutora or Janice Black, Into of Jackson township, deceased. - 11th. Administration account of David Stewart and Ja• cob llaroish, surviving - Executors of Tobias Itarnish, late of Mat vie township, deceased. 12th. The account of David Snare, Esq., Administrator of Anna Hoff - Men, lato of tiro borough of Iluntlngdon, decea,..). lath. Trust account of Livingston Robb, Trustee ap pointed to cell the unaccepted portions of the real estato of 'Thomas Lloyd, Into of Walker township, deceastd. DANIEL. IV. WO3IIthSDOILF, Itegister'a °Rice, t Register. Hunt., July 14, UV I NOTICE IS lIEREBY GIVEN, to all Persons Interested, that the following in ventories and appralsements of goods and chattels, Oct opal t tinder the provisions of tiro Act of Assembly of Mail nth, A. D. 1611, and Ow various supplements tbera• to, have been filed it, tho 0111 co of the Clerk of Ilie phone Court of ffuntingdon county, nod will be present ed to the Coot t for aPfitotal on Wednesday, the 12th day of August, A. D. 1661, viz: •riio goods and chattles sot apart to Margaret howls, widow of Alamo heals, late of Shirley township, decen t:S. • 2d. The goods nod chattels get apart to Agnee harper, widow of William Harper, late of Dublin townebip, de ceased. 3[l. The goods and chattels of apart to Carolino C. Wat son. widow of John C, Watson, late of Dia borough of Iluutingdon, deceased. 4th, The, goods and chattels get apart to Sarah widow of Dr, Joules M. Irwin, labs of lie borough of Al exandria, deceased. 511+. Tile goods and elnate)s set apart to Eliza Loug, WitiOW ufJohti Long. Woof fipoinplield township, deceas ed. 6th. Tlie goode and Chattels set apart. to Mary 'Wilson, iiidon. of Julio Wilson, late of eCOIIIINCii Con eslifp C.C.1130d. PANIC!. W. WOMELSDOTCP, Clerk of 0. C. 11unt., July 14, 16G3 "VOTICE.- 11. The pintail; are cautioned not to purchase a sorrel mare and colt now iit the posres.don or Ezekiel White, aa the same belongnt to me. SOLOMON NUNNAMACIIER. Broad Top City, Nay 27, 18.63* T D. CAMPBELL, 'Avro-RNEy: AT LAW. 111.1STINGDON, PA. Office in the 131 id; Pow, nem ly orpo4ito Mr+ Court (Aplills, vica NURStRY STOCK.- TIIRES, VINES, SHRUBBERY, &0., FOR SALE At the lo.t.Di mill pi Ice. A. J. WHITE, Mh. 3. North-east Huntingdon SAPONIFIER, CONCENTRATED LYE, THE FAMILY SOAP MAKER, MITE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED against the SPURIOUS articles of LYE for making SOAP, non• O'Neil for sale. The only GENUINE and PATENTED Lye I. that mule by the P 7 ENNSYLYA NIA SALT MANUFACTURINU COMPANY, their trod, marl: for It being 'SAPONIFIER, Olt CONCENTRATED. LYE." The great SUCCESS of this article has led UN PRINCIPLED PARTIES to endeavor to IMITATE it, In violation of the Company's PATENTS. All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS or FELLERS of Mum SPURIOUS Lyes, ore hereby 'NOTIFIED that the COMPANY have employed no their ATTORNEYS, GEORGE HARDING, Esq., of Phaa,, And WILLIAM DANEWELL, Esq., ofFittsbion And that all MANUFACTURERS, VMS, er SUMS of Lye, in violation of the rights of the Company. wall he PROSECUTVD at once. The SAMMIE% or CONCENTRATED LYE, is for sine by ill Druggists, Grocers unit Country Stores. TAKE' NOTICE! The UNITED STVIES CIRCUIT Crump, Western District of Pennsylvania., No. 1. May Term. in 1862, in BUG of THE PIiNNSTLY4NIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY ra THOMAS O. MASA decreed to the Company, on No vember 15, 1662, the EXCLUSIVE right granted by a patent owned I,y them for the SAPONIFIER. Patent da ted October 21, MO. Perpetual injunction awarded, THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO. orrxo . ss: 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia; Pitt St.• and Duquesne Way, Pittsburg April `X, 186 -&n. Wm, MARCH & BROTHER, Ilespectrally idiom their numerous customers, and the plibliu generally, that they have just recid‘eil a largo and gr[o.l id mock of GOixid AL their 00re In MARKLESDIMiCS, CUllhitlting ill part et' DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, NOTIONS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, • HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, WOOD & LOW WARE vl TOBACCO, SEGARS, NAILS, GLASS, OLI) MEAT, CRACKERS, - PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, &c., &c. AIso—BONNETS and TINWARE; And in fact everything usually kept in a first clues coun try chive, which store bought low fur rash and will be sold at corresponding low prices fur cash or country prod uce, and request the public to give us a call before per chasing chiseller°, feeling satisfied wo can offer superior inducements to cash buyers. repedfally ruined the patronage of all, and ce lluloid). our Trough Creek Valley friends. Everything taken in exchange for goods except promi ses. /CO. Cash paid for all binds of grail', fur which the highest market prices still be given. thus. March is agent for the Broad Top Baitronil Com pany at Marldcsbnrp; Station. Ile is prepared to ship all kinds of groin to the Eastern markets. Having to large and commodious warehouse, farmers can store nith him their grain and floor until ready to chip. Every conve nience will ho afforded them. . We havo als o n stock orFASIIIONA KR FURNITURE which Rtll besobl nt reasonable prices. WILLIAM MARCH & BRO. Mat idesburg, May .2;IM. JDENTB. GREENE, IST. f rii=7; • thliee removed to oppeeite the Exchange Hotel, on Ranh and et, eta, Huntingdon, Pa. April 7,16133. T HIS WAY! TILTS WAY! A NEW ARRIVAL OF BOOTS C SHOES, HATS, etc TORN 11.1VEST1311001I informs tho public that he has Jnet' a ;tea stock or MOTS cud SIICIES of all et rev and kinds to salt ever.) lowly. Also, [lnto, hosiery. Shoo I , •wdings, Morocco and Lin log :shins, all of ahicli sill be sold at the lowest. cacti La Wee. Delft forget tie old {I tan .1 in the Diamond. Old etude too+ mid the public generally are Invited to gall. Huntingdon, May 20th, 18b3. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY.-- The btolnesa of the said foundry will hereafter be carried on by the undersigned, who will be at all Hiring ready to Snake ceetinge of all kinds, promptly and at moderate rates. All parse' Drm, will cm ms hoeing uni )Ine furwnrdon settled accounts With the late nd settle the earns. J. M. CUNNINGHAM, 3furch al, 180.-Im. C. P. KNIGHT & EROS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN Fish, cheese & provisions generally NOS. 114 & 115 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, Have constantly on hand an assortment of DRIED & PICKLED FISH, Mackerel, Blue Fish, Beef,l Shoulders, 1 Cheese, Salmon, Herrings, Pork, flame, Ream. Shad, Cod Fish, lard, Sider, Mice, Fic April 22, 1863-3 m. TT OWARD ASSOCIATION, PIIILADELPHIA: esolent Institution established by special Endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted sole?, Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for Die Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical Advice Oren grotto, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrliten, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the new Remedies employed In the Dispensary, scut to the afflicted in sealed letter 02 'relives, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DS, J. SKILLIM MUG biTON, Acting Sur geon, Reward Association, N 0.2 South Ninth Street,Shil• adolphin, l'a. Sy order or the Directors. ibieltA D. MART WELL, President. OF.O. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Dec. Si, 1862,-13.. . NE 11 7 STOCK OF GOODS. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON HILL STREET, lIUNTINCIDON, PENNS THE BEST SUGAR and SIIOLASSEB. COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, Fl,olllt, FISH, SAM and VINEGAR,., CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and every other article usually found In a Grocery Store ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Palate, Vanden., Oils and Spin. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, °lase and Putty, BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purpose.. ALL THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, BOOTS AND SHOES, and a large number of articles ton numerous to mention, Tho public generally will pleura call and examine for themselves and learn my prices. Ilintingdon, Oct. 28, 1602, TO ARMS ! MINI TO rilE STORE OP SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, and ace the new and elegant assortment of Coodehe bas just received. conskting in part of Dry Coale, Groceries, Queensware, linedionro, Clothing, llonnetr, Shawls. lfsis,• 02)41104 Shm, and all other articles kept in country stores. which he Is offering at his Mammoth Stores. at Coffee ltun Station, at unusually low prices. Um publican" Invited to call and examine tilt Goods, Baring arrangements with largo firms in Philndelphla and other eastern cities, he Is able to buy bla goods cheap• er than other country merchants, and can consequently, undersell Mend in exchange for gaxis, ho takes all kinds of country produce at the highest cash prices. By strict attention to the w null of customers, ho hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage with which be has been heretofore Iltrored. - . . . . Mr. Cohn is Agent of [lse Woad Top It. H. Co,, at Cof•e Ran Station, and to prepared to ship ail Icineta of Orahl to tbeEr.atern markets. Having a large Ware Room, far recta can atom with Lim until ready to 014. Esory cow renienee Is 111 be afforded thew. 3unc IU, ISG—H NEW CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. M. +OUTMAN 11AS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NE* ,STRING AND SUMMER CLOIMNO, Which he offers to all who want to be ' CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT TUE TIMES. /119 Stock consists of Itaady-made Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, sum, Boors AND BMWS, lIATS AND CAPS, AC., &C. Should gentlemen desire any partici:liar kind or cut of Clothing not found in the stock on hand, by leaving their measure they Mu he accommodated at short notice. Call at the east corner of the Diamond, over Longs Grocery. MANUAL 417TD1A17. Ilontiugdoo, April 7,1803. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY ! AN IMMENSE STOCK AND ENDLESS VARIETY HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &e. NOW OPEN AND FOR SALE BY JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON,,PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Apl. 8,180 New Furniture Establishment. J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Parniture, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public Its his stand on Hill et., Ilenttngdon, between Cuaningliam'e Store rind Dean's National noose, where he monulacturee and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per cent wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of nil kinds attended to promptly and churn reasonable. 45;7- Also, Undertaking carried on, and Comas in tide In any style desired, at abort notice. Alar Funerals attended at any place In town or coun try, by J. M. WISH. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1852-t1: • COACH SHOP FOR RENT. Stock Tools & Machinery for Sale, UNDERSIGNED EXEC U -1 TORS of the last will of Owen Boat, into of the bor. Ligi, of ituntingdon, deceased, offer at brirato sale, alt the stock and fixtures belonging to the Carriage Manta. factory of tho &teased, congisting of a complete assort• meat of Iron, Blacksmith's toots, Mots, Varnishes, Trimmings and materials for wood work, and some on , finished work. Time will be given on good security. The shop is a large frame building, comprising a woad elinp ned sale room below, and apaint shop and trimming chop on the second story—four moms in all, black. smith ahoy adjoining. The shops will be leased for such Limo ns rony be agreed on. The shop has had is large custom for several years peil,llll,l is considered ono of the best Meath,ns le the State. SA al h. T. DROWN, ItA 1 , 11.18 11111.1,X11, I:vomitory. Idarel%3l,lgB3 • B LANK BOOKS, oy minus moo, for rah. nt I,CIVI3' BOOK el ,M 9 SnitrioNt;BYSTOß/C FARM FOR SALE. THE CELEBRATED FARM, KNOWN AS "ESQUIRE WRAY'S FARM," in Ifeutherson township. about flee miles from hunting don, and two and a half miles from Mill Creek, contain. hog about ma° Acres. about IGO of which are cleared and under good cuttivation, cuckoos/ by good room. — There is a good apple orchard and also a good peach orchard on the premises. There is abund ance of good water near the barn and hones, and Erg streams running through, the premises. The ins prorements are a good log house wcather•boarded, and large frame barn. There IS a good saw•nrill seat and plenty of timber on the property. PereOue wishing to purchase a good terra should call and examine this property. Apply to the undersigned tieing on the premises. MIRAN GRADY. May 13, 1863-3 ms ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS. WOOD & PEROT, 1131 Ridge avenue, PHILADELPHIA, PA., 01Ter for role upon the most favorable Terme, NEIV and BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS in great variety, of IRON RAIL INGS for CEBIETERIES, RESIDENCES, &r o Or Wrought and Cast Iron, and GALVANIZED IRON and BRASH TUBING; IRON VEBANDAIIS, BALCONIES, STAIRS. COUNTESS, FOUNTAINS, GATES, COLUMNS, HITCH ING POSTS, LAMP STANDS, VASES, TABLES, PLOW. E.B. STANDS, SOFAS, CISAIRS, STATUARY. ANIMALS, and all other Iron Work of a Decorative ammeter. De• signs forwatden for selection. Persons applying far the same, will please state the kind of work needed. June 3,1553-3 m HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS CAN'T BE BEAT CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY COME AND SEE. D. P. GNiMi. May 20,1883 PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ON BILL STREET. A few doors west of Lewis' Book More., 9 8. 111111211 HUNTINGDON, PA Photographs and Antbrotypes Taken in the Best Style. IS-CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS. SPECIAL NOTICE.— On and after JULY let, 180.7, the privilege °fon. vorang elm present Imo °MEDAL. TENDER NOTES TO TIIE NATIONAL am nat CENT. LOAN (commonly enlled"Five.Twentise") will cease. All who whit to Invest in the Fireln'enty Loan must, therefore, apply before the let of JULY next. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Apt 7, 186.3-3 m. No. 114 8, Third btu Phlledelphitt. 18 6 3 SRRJNG AND SIMMER ROBTU KING, MERCHANT TAILOR, Bill St, one door west of Carinmes Store, 11A5 A FM AS9oIArMANT O GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. Ms assortment consists of PLAIN AND 'FANCY VESTINgS, the neatest and beet that could be found In the oily, all of which ho Will take pleasure in exhibiting, and making up to order. /t will coat nothing to calland examine ble goods. Call soon. Huntingdon, April 15-3 m SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, JUST OPENED AT A. B. OUNNINGRAIII'6. A LARGE STOCK FULL ASSORTMENT, AT PRICES TO PLEASE EVERYBODY CALL AND RXAMINR NO TODRABLTEII SILVER AND GOLD, ADD ALL PAPER ON GOOD DANKS & INDIVIDIIAI4 Taken at Par in Exchange for Goods, The highest prices paid to Goods for all kinds et COUNTRY PRODUCR, FOR BARGAINS, CALL AT A. B. CIINNTLIGUAWB 13TOM . Pluntitigdots, May 20,1863.'• NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! FISHER & SON! Have just Opened and offer to the Publie, SPLENDID STOCE. WELL BELECTRDNAVIV 0 00.1)8, REDUCED PRICES. Will please call and examine our Goole May 20, 1803 1863. 1863. CLOTHING. H. ROMAN. SPRING AND SUMMER, CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For ent lonian's Clothing of the bent material, and made la the beet workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, opposite Um Franklin Ilonor in klaikot Plum, Manilot don, Fa. Muutinvion,. May 20, 1863, THAT BIRNBAUM'S .FASHIONS ! CLOTIta, CABBI3I4IIEB, and THE PUBLIC FISHER Sc SON EOM CLOTIIING JUST RECNIYED 11. ROMAN'S