y E. p REENE, - efi • - DENTIST; Office removed to opposito the Exchange Hotel, on Railroad atreet,puntlngdon, "April . NEW HAT STORE. HOME MANUFACTURE. JOHN FICHTHORN Agt. 14; Me reepectitily Informs the citizens hitatingion and adjoining counties, that be his bitten • room in the base. amnia Ilie • Fraskiln Betel,' in Market &pare, Illaatlngdon, where he has on hand • .heary mock egllMa tbr men, boys, and Children, and will con tinuo Mites" ea hand • large Mock to accommodate ca. tomato, whelseele and mall. Country worchanto are 11 , 1- quested to sell before pluebaslag la the oitisa. The beet tinantise of wool will be height or takes In en change ithr bids. The paha* gesieratty an. fattiod So call and examine my stook OA baud. HAM made to order. May /Mk 1561 NEW STOOK OF GOODS. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON NTLL =RIM, lIOPITINGDON, I.N.NNA TUTS sym lIIGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, nstr, SALT end wriEnArt, CONFECTIONERIES, CRIERS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and evory othor &nick usually found In a Grocery Store Drugs, Chemteras, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils sad SO, Turpentine, Ploi.l, Alcohol, Glass and Putty, - BEST WINE and BRANDY for nietlical parposce. ALL TILE 11118 T PATEN'” MEDICINES, BOUTS AND SHOES, 103121 end a largo number of articles too numerous to mention, The public generally will please call and examine fur themselves and learn my prices. Huntingdon, Oct.., 1802 TOWARD ASSOCIATION, 1/knew - dent Institution established by special dludouonent, for the lieliVor the Fick and Distressed, q/jitacd with Virlderit am{ .4ideletic Diseases, and apes - tally for the Ogre nj Diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Sorgeon. Valuable Relmrts Ou Spermatorrhcea, and other Diseases of tho Sexual Organs, and on the new Remedies employed In the Dispenairy, sent to tho afilleted in seated letter en selopes, free of cliarzi,,. Two or three Stamps for postage wilt bo acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association No. 2 South Ninth Street,Pliil- IV order of the Directors. EZRA. D. HARTWELL, President. CEO. FAIRCHILD, &cretary. New Furniture Establishment, J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to hie stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, between Cunningham's Store and Dean's National House, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices, ;Per sons wishing to purchase, •ill do well to give him a call. -Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. ; Aar-Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made In any style desired, at short notice. G -Funerals attended at any place In town or coun try, by J. W. WISE. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1812-tf.' • , =ft= tW ! ) 11 4g PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS WESTWARD.RASTIVARD , .x nt tc ta I Pi 9 V- 3'a ?..• t :.- ~ t 3 hg w , 7 4 1 .F . ,t , w ''o t. t " 6 4 ..1 k STATIONS, •4 li,' r - ts. .2 gt.g.9. ts G 1 p. `i ' 1 b ,l =, .-1 0. b• .4% . L. 1. 2 [-I l ,' i t. w. 9 P. M I P. m.f Lac I L.M., I P. M.l a.m.! P.M 4 48 111. Hamilton, 12 28 4 54 5 02. Mt. Union,... 10 45 12 20 15 04 • Mapleton;..... 12 11 5 09 .:..i. 51111 Creek,... ..1... 12 06 513 " ' Coal hiding,- 12 01 5 23 7 05 822 6 33111notingdon, 10 21 0 , 21 11.55 b 39 - IPeterrburg,...,lo 081 11.40 5 48 Barron, 11 .13 554 ,--.. .. 000 SpritcoCreoh, 0 641 86411 20 0 10 ' ' Birmingham, 11 10 0 19 ....- 6 21. Tyrone, 9 83 8 83 11 00 630 ..... .:-..t. 'Tipton, 0 ...... 10 48 a3B — . I. --- . ' Fottorla, - lo 43 6 400 39 Boll'a Mlle,- 914 814 10 39 TOO 3 20 7 401 055 Altoona,. 840800 10 28 9.x.1 P. M.l A. 34.1 L.M. P. M. L. M. L. V, ite VAST LIMB Bastward loarea Altoona At 115 A IL, cad arrive@ et Uuntingdon nt 227 A. M. •. ITUNTINGDON&B ftAILROAD.—CIIdNan OH On aad after Monday, AprlJ T 7,1663, will arrive and depart as follows: UP TRAINS. STATION: Evan's Morn'g Morteg Eveseg ARD P.M. A. M. A. M. P.M. SIDINGS. -t La 535 tx 00 tluntlogdon, 5 60 16 McConnellstown, 5 65 25 Pleasant Grove,- 05 10 40 garklosburg, 6,25 55 Coffee Run, ..,..... 6 31 01111ongh ,I, Ready,.. 641 161 Rove, - 6 40 20,Elsher's Summit,..... 7 051,11 35i 5mxt ,,,,, , , 7 30 1 1 a 45 "" ' 7271 05 Rlidlesturg aa 7 341,12. 10,11opowell 171 - 7 - l Ors 881,SiEton , 7 28 9 08 Coalmont, 7 34 0 12 Crawford, AM 7 46 as 9 32 Dudley, ! Inroad Top City, ~,.~: ~~ 1 , - F I : READING RAIL ROAD. SUMilia ARRANGEMENT. 'BEAT TRUNK LINE FROM THP, j North and North-West for Pinianstrina, New 'Poxll, READING, POTTSVILLE, Lanasear, ALLENTOWN, BARTON, Ac, Sc. - Trains leave 14.tmasiautio for PHILADELPHIA, Nrir-Ycauc, READING, Porrsvias, and all Intermediate Stations, at 8 A. M., and 2.00 P. 31. Raw-Yeas Express leaves Usnaistmaa at 2.15 A. 51., ar riving at Naw-Yons. at 0,15 the same morning. Fares from llesmanuno ; To Nsw-Noits, $515; to Pun: asurnia;sS 45 and $2 80. Baggage checked through: Returning, leave limy-Norm at 8 A. 11., 12 Noon, and 7 I'. IL, (PITTSBURGH EXPRESS.) Leave IQIILSDELPRIA at 8 16 A. Si., and 8.30 P. IL Sleeping cat 0 in th, Raw-Nona .EXPRESS TRUSS, through to and from Parasol an a ithout change. l'assengers by the CATADI2S4. Rail Road leave TAM AQUA at 8.50 A. AL, for PHILADELPHIA and all Interme diate Stations; and at 2.15 I'. IL, ibr PELADZITMLI, piSW TORE, and all Way Points. Trains leave Parrsvuil at 9.15 A. 51., and 2.30 P. 51., for PHILADELPHIA, Ileav;intrari and New-Yens. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves BEADING at 6.00 A. M., and returns from PHILADELPHIA at 5,00 P. 51. .4 All the abuse trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train. loaves Porisvaus at 7.30 A. 31., and iim.anstruu at 3n5 P. M. COMISUPATION, MILL/OS, SealoTe, and EXCllltinol; TICKETS at reduced rates to and from all points. G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. April 20, 1863 C. P. KNIGHT & BROS. COMMISSION :MERCHANT `' AND DEALERS IN Fish, cheese & provisions general NOS. 114 & 115 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, Have constantly on. hand an assortment o DRIED & PICKLED FISH, &0., viz: Mackerel, I.llltto Fish, 1 -Bod, 1 Shoulders, I Moto, Salzaon, lierrings, Pork, llama, Beaus, Shad, Cod Fish, Lard, 131des, Bice, de April 22,1869-2 m. • Hartzlog Valley, Turnpike ROad Co Notice is hereby given that' books for receiving sub scriptlons to the stock for tho construction of tbo Hartz log Valley Turnpike Road Company, will be open on anti after the 29th ?day instant, et Alexandria and Peters. burg, By order of SAIIVEL HATFIELD, JOHN N. SWOOPE, NICHOLAS ORESSWELL, DANIEL lIOCTZ, JOHN R. HUNTER, JOHN CRESWELL, Commladoners Nay Mb,1803-St T)LI.NDS AND SHADES. B. J WILLIAMS, No.lo North Sl o th Street, Phil lita, Manufacturer of VENITIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. .tr.d- The largest and finest assortment In the city, at the lowest prices. Blinds painted and Trimmed qual to iaN. Store Shades made and lettered. April 7, leo3-21.0 1863. THE 1863. LARGEST,AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, la now ready for inspection and sale, Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES LOWER PRICES Than the Barna article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. • .OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles 111120 Wall & Ceiling Pap 4 Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Diniug Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Stbre, Shop, Arc., &o. Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. TATCIIES, JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE. The undersigned would respectfully Invite your num time to his well selected stock of Flue ()old and Silver WATCHES, Fine Cold JEWELRY, or eve. r ee, ry kind and variety of styles--comps le all of - 1 tho newest An I most beautiful designs. Ale°, SOLID SILVER WARE, equal to rain—nod the best make of Sayer Plated Ware. Each article is war ranted to be as represented. Watches and Jo, olry carefully repaired and Batte lection guaranteed. JACOB HARLEY, • ' (Sucetwor to Rarer e Harley.) No. 622 Market St., Phila. March; ISC:3--3us POTATOES---FOR SEED 'AND PAM The attention of Farmers, Storekeepers, ind others, is invited to our large stock email the different varieties of POTATOES, for planting or consumption. which has been selected with great care, and parties purchasing can rely open getting the article they may want and althea min repreeentatiou. • Wo have now in store, and arriving, the following varieties:—Maine Mercers, Dine Mercers, White Mercers,Jackson Whiten, Prince Alberts, Buck Eyoe, reach Sloe a, Carters, Wood Seedling, rink Ey., Early dunce. Early Pink ;Eyes, Early Dykemon. Early Strawberry, Michigan W. Sprouts—from various motions of the country, North, West and East. All information will bo cheerfully given of the yield, quality, and cultivation of the different varieties. We 111 eell in lots to suit parch:leers, at lowest wholesale market price. All orders by mail or otherwise, accompanied with the cash, promptly attended to. WOODRUFF & DUO., Produco and Commission Merchants, No. 4 ARM St., And 51 North Wharves, Philada.' April 15, 1563-st. COACH SHOP FOR RENT. Stock Tools & Machinery for Sale. ripilE UNDERSIGNED EXEC TOILS of the last will of Owen Boat, Into of the bor ough of Huntingdon, deceased, oiler at private sale, all the stock and fixtures belonging to the Carriage Manu factory of tho demoted, consisting of a complete assort,. moot of Iron, Blacksmith's tools, Paints, Varnishes, Trimmings and material)) for - wood work, and eogie Tar finished work. Time will ho given on good security. The shop is & largo frame building, comprising a wood shop and solo room below, and &paint shop and trhaming shop on the second story—four rooms in all,--snd black smith shop adjoining. The shops will Do leased (crunch time as rosy De agreed on. 'The shop has had a largo custom for several year, Smet, and Is oonsidered one of the boat locations In the tate. BASIL. T. BROWN , March 81,1883. ROAD TOP • LIZDOLEL l'auengor Trains MENEM] AIL 11 S 3 A 5 45 2/ 13 27 11 00 20 10 52 05 10 37 62 10 30 45 10 19 34 10 15 80 10 00 8 15 940 761 I.E 0 351 E 760 Stql. ot‘sitt s .0.8Y . 1 :t .sc° 9 49 9 45 ~.. LE 940 LE I ' I PONLANKS! BLANKS !- BLANKS! STABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SURPIENAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION WES, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, ' FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a ualser of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, e ith Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, fur Justices of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in oase of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SODOM FACIAS, to lecover amount of Judgment. ' COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Stale, County, School, Borough and Township Tax., Printed on superiorpap e r. and for sale at the Office of tho HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of ovary description, piloted to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good Paper. ENVELOPES . Wholesale and Retai 50.000 , BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPE' Suet rooelvod,and for ealo at , LEWIS' BOOK STORE. , - THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOR LADIES AND GENTLELVEN, EVER RECEIVED IN 11IINTINGDON, CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY AND MIISIO STORE PAPER ! PAPER 1 ! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, impresalon Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Them Paper, . Silk Paper for Flowery, Perforoted Paper • Briatol Boerd, - - Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap l'aper, Letter Paper, Oommerelal Note Paper, Ladles' (Mk:aged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, 'hite and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Shedd, For ealo at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. -;- FOR PRESENTS TO PLEASE AND INSTRUCT YOUR CHILDREN, CALL AT LEWIS' ROOK AND STATIONERY STORE pa LEWIS' ELI EM ILY''IISE, GRAFFUS MILLER, Executors WAR Eofl THE UNION NItW ORLEANS, Br. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NORFOLK, &c., TAKEN.—ABIIBY SLAIN, AND THIS BACK 130NE OF BECESII" BROKEN Bat white you rejoice at the sitcoms of our pillent troops, and the prospect of tho speedy downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forgot to roll at the store of WALLACE & CLEMENT, . before purchseing elsewhere, end two our now *took goods, consisting of • Dry Goals, Orocorics, Boots and Shoes, Queonsware, Crockeryware, Tattoo°, Saws, Uuaot, Flitch, Shoulders, Fish, Floor, Sat t, And n general smorttnent of notions, all of which are of fort on reason:44o toms for cosh of produce. Huntingdon, Ju1y1,1862. J. 11. 0. COIIBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111.1NTINUDON, PA. Office on Hill Street. linntingdon, J au. 14, 1563.41. D ALLISON MILLER, l ag DBYTIST, its removed to tbo DOA Row opposite the Court House April 13,1859. H T. WHITE, itTTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON', PA El= ctoOAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! nna A. Brown soils am gotta." PORTLAND KEIIO SENE," on COAL OIL, clear as touter. This to tho only kuld of oil that giros Mire saliVadion nn an agent for light. Beware of counterfeits •nd colored oesbOn oils. They emit an offensive smell nod smoke. A large variety also of COAL OIL LANI'S, Chimneys, Globes, Wicks. Burners, Shades, tic., /U., sold at tho 'tory lowest prices, at the Hardware Stole, Fluu [mg don, Pa. c. ` 2l 'V = .r• rs--i cn ' I F ) .1 ~a ... . g ip..4 rn ... .-- . - . 3 li w .Fib o.li. I t = / = = ZCI 1 5 rSEI .-- c.) ~.4 , N:o 4 % - iimi o P• SONGS AND BALLADS, &0., The Dime Meiodivt, The Dime Song Book, ro.l, The Dime Union Song Book, The Dime Military Sony Book, The American Dime Song Book, Yanked DOMIC Songstor, Songs for the Union, The Stars and Stripes Songster, Dixey's Essence of Burnt Cork Songster Gus Shaw's Conic tong's., Berry's Comic Songs, TAe Shilling Song Book, Lover's Irish Songs, Dime Book of frun, Dime rook o f AViqueide, Now Di llsB _American Joker, The Dime and oilier Novels, Th Dime Leiter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogue's, Nos. 1 & 2, Tit, Disk Speaker, Nos. 1 cfr 2 The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book For WO at LE 1119' BOOK, STATIONERY AND Sttiwo STONE UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOX SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WILLIAM AFRICA HAS AetAtm COIIIIENCED THE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKINO, ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE, lIIs old customers and the public generally, will giro him a call. 111untiugdon, Oct. 20, 1815.) WINDOW SHADE'S, CORDS, I'ASSELS, cf: C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A hondlorno assortment just received and for rate at LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONBRY& MUSIC STOKE PISTOLS! PISTOLS !! Colt's,Sharps', Smith Wesson's, and all improved patterns of Revolvers, Pistols, Cartridges, Bowie Knives, An. &c., for sale at Us Hardwaro Store of JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Pa. May 21,1861 PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LARGE AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' ROOK AND STATIONERY STORE BIRD CAGES, PEED BOXES, TOUNTAINA, ITASSINDI DIODES, AND SEED, ' ' FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS OF ALL TUB DinniClMßlien °MCI= AND %VIM" FOR SALE AT LEWIS' DOOR AND STATIONERY STORE. LADIES ! ATTENTION !! ALMORALS, a handsome lot jos received direct teem New York, by FISELDR k BON. YOU will find the Largest and Bes assertuteat of Lad/as' Droes Goods at D. P. (MINS'. COAL BUCKETS and Shovels, kJ for sale by JAMES A. BROWN CULL at D. P. WIN'S if you want fashionablo Good, NUBIAS & OPERA CAPS, 3d arri sal of tie seam), Just opening by Nb .11, 1862. & SON. ARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at OWIN'S. yD. The undersigned wo ol root,eet fully mall the intention of the citizens of to initymion and the adjoining coalition, to the stock of beantifitl nun trio lIONV on hand. Ile is prepared to furnish at tire slimiest Indic e, Monumental Mat hie, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every deoii ell site and term of Italian or Eieiteln Matble, highly finiolied, and Coned a ith amen pi tato des tees, or plain, no may snit. Building :Marble, Dour and 11 . 001olv Sills, he., nIII be fun 111,110.1 to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and won k nianship espial to any in the country, at a fair pi ire. Call and see. Milne you purchnau einem here. Shop on Hull street, Huntingdon, l'a. Huntingdon, May 16, 1855, MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT. The book is an octavo of 560 pages, iv elegantly printed on Ono paper, with new hold typo, and has an admirable fXh(tl.l4re index, for which every officer will ho grateful, tho moment his coo rests upon it, as no former edition has over hail on index, awl the want of ono bus been long felt lit tin, Army. The Appendix embraces the At tides of War. contain . ing ninny important correctiom; xl,o, elections front the 31ilitary Acts of Congres4, Including Om.° passed at the but session. PRICE $2, 00. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. CAVALRY TACTICS, [AUTHORIZED EDITIO.Y.I By Major William Gilham, U, S. A/ Just published and for Hale nt BOON STOltE.— Complete in one volume. Pi ice gl 00. UNITED STATES r.tcTtc l . N F A N T R Y Fur the Instruction, exerch.e, and nianotitTres of the United Statci lufanitrs , incl toting 'ln fantry of the lane, light Initintiy, and Stint men, tuciatied tinder the direction of the War 1 i Department, and notion ized and adopted by the Secretary of War, May lot, 1861, contain. X.„it ing the nehoot of the t.oldier; the whoa! of the . 1 , ...„ CWllllllll} ; lout) notion for akin uniAiers, and the gebi , llalcalls; the calls for bkin inhdal 5 and Om / school of the battalion; including the articles of Isar and a dictionary of inilitai) beim Cue-plots in one % 01;1111, bd.: $1.25. Fur ... Rile at bottle : 1 Book Store. .. THE HANDY BOOK UNITED STATES SOLDIER, On coming into set Si,: Collhilling a couplet° oyatein of miltruction in tits F, boot of flit, Soldler, with a pi elimitia ly oxplanation of two formation of a nattnlion on nand°, tiro Position of the olhcaa, de., do., being a flint book or inttodurtion to II 11t11 , 0r1/.1,1 U. 5.. Infantry Ttilticii, Just pub lished. Price 25 mite. For sal° at cto: ) 4) (4) Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry TACTICS, CompkW In 2 vole. nice $1.50. For onto at. LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 4J The Looks sent by mil to any nddrme on tho re int of the pion. Huntingdon Mily 2S, MI. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY ,1.. MUSIC, ETUItE, °MOOD'S Speller. let, Sel, 3d, 4th nod sth Readers. lIFFItY'S Speller and Evade's. SANDER'S do du do Ton n's Spoilt' . and Definer, (old and editions.) Smith's, Unllion's and Brown's Glamniara. Fdelt's Physical Googlaphy. Warren's Physical Geography. Monteith and McNally's . (leographiort & Atlasos. Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outline Maps. Webstel's and Wm rental's Dlctionnries. Guaciceobos' First Les4ong in Composition. Qtiackenbo's Composition and Rhotoric. Greenleaf 's, Stoddald's and Brooks' Arithmotica. FOR EVERYBODY Peteison's Familiar Selene, Greenleaf 's and Stothlat Ke3 x to At RI/moth:a. Greenlerd's anti Banjos' Algebras. Gieettleaf's Kuy to Mohr., t'anker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parket's First Lersous in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Ilittoty of tho United States. G malt ichN Payson, Bunton and Scrilmer's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Potter & Ilumniond's Pentormship in twelve numbers. Academical, Oath and stiles Copy Books. DAN ics' Elementary Geometry and Tt tgoutnnetry. Davi,' Legend re's (Roulet. y. O reonleaf 's Oeninetun. Fulton & Eu6Elll.ol'4 Book-keening Book Beeping by Single Foto, by lfannford & Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Entry, by Ilanarord & Payson. Other hooks will be tuldorl and fornisited to ordor. A full stork of School Stationoty alwaya on hand. Aluntingdom Pa. WINDOW. CURTAIN PAPERS ' A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or• Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. PENS 1 PENS ! GET THE BEST! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST C. BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pens NICES-25 eta. per dozen or $2 per gross 4 , CORRUGATED METAL' PCBS, rondo by C. 13AENAUD, aro the best Cool in,, dal and School Pens, without exception to any. They aro used by all the principal Banks null Corot nmen Departments, Public and Private Schools; also, by tb most prominent Commercial Houses throughout the Cut toil States and Canada. But a short limo has elatised sineo hero been introduced into the 'United States, still a mark ed preference is given thorn over all othets for the follow ing reasons: The " Corrugated Metal" PENS do not cor rode; they will not splathr or cut through the thinnest paper; they have an easy gliding motion, a certainty of equally diffusing the ink, softness of point, and great du. rablllty. The following tostiinonials, selected from numerous others, aro respectfully submitted: 1 limo) oecd the Manihe Pons of Mr. C. Ihirnard and highly approve of ilium. C. DARSTOIV, .Pretident °lSt. Nkholas hunk, New York. Ho have used the Foss of Mr. Barnard, and find them to bo as ho represents, And take pleasure in recommend lug them to thopoblic. HELLS, FARGO Si CO., A. MULLIGAN, enzhicr. C. Itarnard'e bavo been tried, and ;ix,: highly np proved in tido oftico. S. O. OUDEN, ditaitfor U. N. Custom House, 11 - ere Fork•. Having Rind Rai corrugated Pena wade by Mr. Barnard I can recommend thew as excellent. SAMUEL L. BREESE, Clunbtandant Nary rard, Brool.lyn. Wu add Quiz to abo‘e recoonnendatious. IL 11. C 1103111111.1. 4 CO., Ncw York. I have no hesitation in Baying Parnard's Pens are t cidedly the beet I have over rived, S. C. HAY, -Agent ntited States .E.rpreat Co., Air Fork, We can confidently recommend Mr. C. Parnard's An Corrosive Pens as the best over brought under our uoti without exception. We bare bean using tho Pens of Mr. 0. Itarnatd, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public, no they are au excellent article, and all ho reprelients them to be. A. J. CLINTON, I.s.,crelary Eagle Insurance Co., New rock. Upon trial we have toned Mr. lin nard's Pees to be ex cellent.• ' FLIED, PROUST & CO., New Yolk. I would recommend Mr. DarnnrtVe Pens as a superior article to any I have used. GOUVR, RUMPLE', New York. We add ours to the above recommentlatlon9. UNDERHILL, HAVILAND & CO., New York Of all Pens I have ovor need, Mr. Pornard's have given nil" more satisfaction, and I can recommend them to the public as being entirely anti-corrosive. E. POIRER, tow York. After six months' constant use or (1. Ilarnald's Anti- Corrosivo Pon, no can confidently recommend it an tho hest Inctallfe pen we have over used, finding from tho qbevo eqperlopro that it does net actually corrodo. li. McLEAN S GO., Now Yolk. C. BARNARD, :ilappfaclOror of Corrugated nota refl. John &toot, Clotioup cu, Lopdou. Juno 18, 180.4 =I EMI MEM LEWIS' BOOK STORE AL-O, FOR SALE 1111:1TINGDO:1, PA =I AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Agent fo• the county C. BARNARD'S PENS WILKINSON, STETSON & CO., Irk Place, al'eu, Ibrk T. U. IIUOIIES, o,u/ti4r. PROVESSIONAL & BUSINESS cikaus. (PALL at D. I'. GWIN'S if you want UOOD GOODS. % Splendid variety of Carpets, only 25 ch. per 3 ant. YISIICIt & SON. LADIES Collars, very cheap anebeau ju OM, nt D. P. MIN'S. TIQUORS, of the best, for Medicine I II purposes at B. 8. Nam's. COUNTRY DEALERS can ). J;" — ^ buy CLOTHING from me In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE 8.13 cheap as they can to the aides, as I hate a wholesale atom In Philadelphia. Huntingdon, Atoll 14, 1858. 11. ROMAN. Abeautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for .alo cheap, at D. P. WIN'S. THE best display and largest variety of all kinds or Cloods, can always la, found at the clway store of FISIll:11 a SON. .61,4 - VIOLINS, GUITAR, SYMPLIONIANS, ACCORDEONS AND FIFES, For solo clump at LEWIS' 1300 K, STATIONERY ,t MUSIC STORE. lijer M . LEIVIS, Dealer in Hooka, Stationary and Musical 'mina ments, Huntingdon, Fa. AT GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready enm lO Clothing, Ilmitlngdou, Pa. LADIES' FURS, a splendid variety Cheap by & SON. F E LODES — _ 4IIy tho box., pack, or lehos quantity, for tr4lo at LEWIS' I.IOOK AND STA TIOXER 1" S2'OllE. MTRAPPING PAPER! A good artirle for gale at LEWIS' BOOK STOItI, TF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call J._ at D. Pd WI 5 whore yon will find tho largekt Kn ew intent in town. QOIIOOE BOOKS, Li generally in use In the Schools of the County, not on hand, will ho furnished to ardor, en application at LEWIS' BOOK, AND STA TIOXER.Y STORM s c THE CYTHARA—The Presbyter inn Psalikuslist—The Sbawn—The Jubilee—Hun ton's and Bet tini'a enlarged and improNed Instructors—Weiltunrs New and Innuoved Method for the Gultar—Luland's Accor dotal, Vinlin and Flute Instructors—Winner's nod Ilowe's Violin Itritructoks—Bellalt's Melodeon Inetruoter—Bur• roues' Piano-Forte rumor—do. Tim ough-Baso Printer— llowe's Drew ing Room DMICCtI—Tho Chorus Glee Book— Tata% Harp, Tor sale nt LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE TONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Gra -13 my ; 20 per cent. cheaper than any other piaci) in town, TIIE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. (MIN'S ChLD BRASS AND COPPER taken /in exchange for goods at the Hardware Store Sept. 3,1862. JAS. A. DROWN EADY RECKONER. • I . lb A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars and cents, to which are added Immo of Rotes, Bills, Re ceipts, Petitions, &c , together with a set of useful tables, containing into of intro est front our dollar to Weise thous and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and boatel by the week and day, pablieheet in 2.859. For saln at ,LIIIPM BOOK STORK. T 1 . 4 N VELOPES, wholesale and retail, fur Bnio LEWIS' BOOK STORE. tom,, ROOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good wool tment of Ini4coßalloons and School Buuks—Youlscap, Letter, Conimeicial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Enrelepes—lted, Blue cud Black Inks— Blank Books of ounteroum sizes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually found in a Book and Stationery Store, can ho had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. It. JOIIN AIeCULLOWI, offers his oloPlional sorvicos to the citizens of Iluutingdon !Mk ity. Mice on 11111 street, one door cast of need's Drug Store. Ang.'2S, 'SS. Q S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi- Q7 e rime, Perfumery, Dye Singe, Oily, kc. Aleo—Oro• eerie., Confectionet los, &c., Huntingdon, Pa. T M. CUNNINGHAM • Pounder. Truntingdon. Pa Gr TAMES A. BROWN, Dealer In Ilardwftre, entlary,Palnts t OIL, be., Hurt Ingdon, Pa. lI ROMAN, . Dealer In Ready Made Clothing, Rata and Cap., 110016 and Shoes, &c. - 1 - 1 P. GWIN, j Dcalur In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Quanta war°, lints and Caps, Boots and Shoos, &c. VISTIEIt & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grnin, Ite., Huntingdon, P. -VIM. WILLIAMS, y Plain and Onawntal 3la ble 31anufacturer. poCKET TESTAMENTS,, A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE OOK BINDING. Old Books. Magazines, or publications of any kind, ound to order, if left at LBW& BOOK et STATIONERY STORK fUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! It you want your card neatly printed upon envel opes, call at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONEE I" STORE. FOlt THE LADIES. &superior article of Notu Paper and Envelopes Boilable for confilloilial correspondence, for sale ut LEWIS' BOOK st STATIONERY STORE. DAPEIt I PAPER !! Note ' Pu9t, Commercial, roohicap Flatcark—a good anßortmeat for solo by the seam, half ream, quiro or shoot, at Lrivis , NEW 1100 K & STATIONERY STORE. A i lt , C MENT DEED DAPE'R-1- LEWIS' 1300 K STORE. MONTIILY TAIL BOOKS, .L UL For ctle nt LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. HOOP SKIRTS with from 4 to ,30 hoops, at prices flout 23 cts. to .;.';.2,00 at the cheap stoto of D. P.OWIN. P RRISI3URG STONE-WARE!!! Crocks, Jugs, Preserve Jars j le itm & s o :A li ii me . ki . or quality. Sold only by n P. GAVIN keeps the largest, best assortment and cheapest shoes In town. Call and eznmiuo them.: HOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will be &lid for $1 25 at the cheap store of FISHER. & SON. 111? you want handsome Goods, good Goods, cheap Clouds, and all kW! of Goods, got,' D. P. G WIVS. BOOTS & SHOES, flats & Caps, the hugest assortment mid cheapest.% be found at D. I'. GIVINT BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A k_ft largo assortment at BROWN'S lIARDWA.RE STORE. rUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's rthan can bo boa in town. Call and ace thorn. TIARIA Colored Palm Hoods, best (pal ity, only 50 ets. each: FISIIER & SON. NFICA ‘ LAMP CHIMNEYS _l_ Just recelvant the hardware store of JAS. A. BROWN. TA P. GWIN'S ,is the plo.co to. buy _LI. good and cheap Carpots. JACKSON HOTEL, lIUNTINCIDON, PA GRAFFUS MILLER Proprietbr fIALL at the new CLOTHING STORE NJ or QUTMAN & CO., if yeu want a good article of Clothing. Store room in Long's now building, in the Ma; mood, lluntingdrn Supt. 9, 1157 PLANK BOOKS, OF 9.11110V.5 817.00 for 00l at LEWIS' BOOK AND SLITIO,YERY STORE WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS 1Y v ' IA ER 'AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CROSBY, OP THE PHILADELPIIIA BAR It Tolls You Slow to dress op PART:M:3MP Peimul and give+ general forme fel AoREEMENTS Of an kinds, BILL! of Sat.; LEASES and PETITION!. It Tells You How to draw up BONDS and 310011tOES, YIDATITS, POWERS of ATTORNEY, NOW/ and BILLS of ESellalloe, REcitwrs and RELEASES. It Tells Ibis Tim WYE for the COLLECTION of Drain, tvlth the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and amount and kind of property EXEMPT front BEECtI TION in every State. It Tells You How to mato an ASSIGNMENT properly, with forms for COMPOSITIoN with CREDITORS, and the INSOLVENT Lows of every State. It Tells You The legal relations existing between (111 An. DIAN nod WARD, 3fAsTut and APPRENTICE, and LANDLORD and TEN tNT. If Tells You What constitntes LIBEL and StAlelnit. and the Law as to 31Am:ikon DOWzn, the WIPE'S Itioirr Ix PROPERTY, Divence and ALIMONY; It Tells You The Law for MECHANICS' LIENS in every State, and the NATURALIZATION Laws of this Mtn try, and how to wink, with [lto borne. It Tells You Tim law concerning PENstoNs nod how to oh taln one, and the L'EL,Emenox Lows to - NMI» L %NM. It Tolls Thu The Law for PATENTS, will; mode of prOCO. din a in obtaining one, with INTERFERENCES, ABEIGNTi MIS nod T kare OF FEES. 11 Tabs You How to make your WILL. and how to AMON- LsTr.n ON AN ESTATE, with the law nod the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells Rut Tim meaning of I,Aw Trails in general use, nod explamv to yon the Lr.orslATlVr, EKE cuTIvE and Juineitt, Powerd of both the General nod State GOVERNMENTS. Tells You Slow TO KEEP OUT OF LAW, by showing how to do yota business legally, thus eating a vast amount of property, and vexatious litigatton, by ifs timely consultation. rer Everybody's LAv.)e r Is for sale at howls' Rook Stoto ii,:., . '' -,-, ' -3 ',`-s.' . 9 * .,A'?:,5Y ''.'', ::::r.., . 0 +:46 ,->' l: : FC:),1, , ... 7 ~,f,„,,,,4 „, V , •iy . '"';' , " •. , , , ;,,A .:4 , ?..le , 1 1 .'il?r:i: "'::';; .IP fI i i: ' ''': , ... ,, i „ . 1 , . ...-. t.u.-:: .;..0! , l'1?1 '''' '' , ':. 1. :,,.:,, , ,,., , : i . :L. , , -- 1.•..,:.:ti:c,, , 1..; , • , :ii!i i ii, i jL! . ....sl4 ~:'?,, ' ; ' }',?::;igC :; .l. ,\,;,..,_:,,,•...;!- ..., „ v vi, t, o w " , :li.'•: ::::j...,.,.,, ~‘ e v" _ ~,....i.;....: ~-,N. c . 0 , , , 9 ,p ',,:, .... r. .. ' . ' 1 ' ' :1,,j,,,. ? t,"1:,%?.'. 'r,iii. .:;•:::11.:,ik'r.n.c.4\;\,.;Pi. ‘l*'%''' i .,,,, ,. r, o 'l'Ul't, Q i f) f ; I' :, ,e, :•::, "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS Anybody in want of 'FAMILY AND POCKF,T BIBLE'S, HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, I=l Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTICU3IIINTS, CHURCH. 3111 SIC AND INSTRUCTION BOORS, SIIIIET MUSIC for tbo Piano, 0 uitar, Bc., s9y 1.00):ET LOOKS, POIIIitONNAIES AND PULSES For Wive nod Gentlemon, COLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND ROOKS, For Sunday and Cononon.Srlioolo, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, SC., I nt KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for Boys and Girls AMUSING GAINIES Fos Young Folks ' IVIIDDINO tNTSLOPES AND CARDS; MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, VISITING CARDS, CLIECEER BOARDS, DOMINOES, AO, CONVERSATION CAMDS, BOSC 1300 KS, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, Ilfentorandupt Books of Various Sixes, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, DIARIES FOll 1803 7), a; villa and Molting Popo., timid an,/ Card Boards. WHITE BONNET BOARD, INDELIBLE, CARMINE, RED, TILER AND MACK INEp,' Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID. 'Wrapping Paper of Dip:root Sims nod Qualities', I=3 I= LEWIS' CIIZAP BOOR, STATIONEIIV AND MUSIC STORY" In the "Globe" building, Market Square whore all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to mi..lse their purchases NEW BOOKS ! FOll SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE TILE IIOBSE: A New POCKET NIANVIL or Rural Atchitec• taro; or, How to Build Dnellings. Barns, Stables, and Out Dwullings of 01l kinds. With o Chapter on Churckus and School-/lou§es. 1h ko, 50 cents. • ' THE GARDEN: A New Poirar 31snti, or rrsctleal R. ticilituro; or. how to Cultiirito Vogot.tbled, Fruit.% at Flowers, With a Chapter on OtrinntontAl Trees or Shrubs. Price, 50 route. TIIE FARM.: A n' POCKET MANUEL Or Practical Agri culture; or, Hoy, to Cultivate all the Field Crops. With an Eanay on Earn, Mauagenteut, etc. Price, 50 rents. DOM ESTIO ANI MA IA: A Now reetczr MAN)] tt. of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Ilanbandry; or, how to Breed and Roar the Various Tenautt "of the Barn-yard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. 110 W TO TALK: A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Conversation and Duluth), with Directions for Acquiring a araminatl oat Style, anti more than Niro Jituwired Comnien Mis takes Col reeled. nice, 50 cents. HOW TO BEHAVE: A NEW Pouter Msfrier. of Republ can Etiquette, and (Wide to Correct Personal Habits x Hit Rules for Debating Sotioties and Dulibetatiro somblies, etc. Dice, BO cents. HOW TO DO DIMNESS: ,A. New POCKET 'Karm of Practical Allahs Enid Guido to success, in Lae; with a Collection of Business' Perms, and a Dictionary of Com mercial Terms, etc. Price, 'a cents. OIL CLOTH WINDOW .SHADES, GILT GOLD, SHADES, MUSLIN SHAD*, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TA.W, CORD AND TASSALS, A rILL ASSORMIENT , AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. B ,• • OOTS and SHOES, the largn4t, and chew pest assortment in tmem at D. D. WIN'S tSALT SALT!! • SA.LT !II Just roccimi from Om ORopclago Salt Company yramiso, N. Y., to bo sold on commission, eithoc whri sqlq Or retail, 200 BARRELS and 100 SACIi9 of SALT. Oct. 31, 1260 , FISHER A lON. T RACING MUSLIN, DRAF TING AND DRAWING PAPER White and Colored Curd Paper, For Bale nt LEW.IS'IIOOIC SfATIOSERY .STORE. ' ROTIRE lI'S 1, r f, • , OtOIIRER'S , 1:0111tER'S ItoIIRER'S PRACTICAL CA LCULATOIL FRAC - I:UAL OA LCULATOSI.,I 1 MUMMA L 'CACCULAToIC ' ' PRACTICAL CALCU I.AI OR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACITCAL •CAreti j_ULATOR, i A Book of Plain Rule., and 0116ulabons!for Alpines: Opo. rations, by Martin Al Rohrer, Prudicut Narveyor and Conveyancer. Neu, Edition, published by J. B. Lippin cott d: This work contains 1.(t4 Pages, nwl'upwards of 600 Rules and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical 'nth na arise every day in the common pursuits of Business. It has already paused through a number of editions in rapid succession, and le pronounced by all classes of business men to be the handiest book of reference, poitalmlng to calculations, that has ever been publielml. t and stated example the book in worked out In foil and stated in a_plain manner, so that when a palllihq Gas at? see, those rifferi lug to the work will find no difficulty Relying it •, In a cord, the, general arrangement of CALCULATOR is simple, that any one u ho knows he' add, subtract, multiply and diode, can easily Solve an: dlnary example that takes in business, or arrive lit true result ofany estimate required. The thief aim of the author hie been to e,,cheu then . . . and philosophy in lint es, aiming only nt fact. And shop city, belie, log that laNiness men care lane about von ding Unto in disc...ling tier philosophy of rates, of th Bd.. of fignre.a, dunning it ,uflicient for their purromo to to Ohio at a moniont, by referonce, to arrive at the trio., result. The CA LC ULATOII differ.; in tido respect from al( other Arithmetic,: of tho (hey :nut kindred winks—it is boy to mantic.] bu.dneas calculations—it id, In tit. hands of the business man, what the key to mathematical vorka, in the hands of tile teacher in the school room—it Emil tntea time and insures correctness, ' ; TUE 'WORK TREATS OF THE 'Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brick Work, of Stono,and Stone work, of grain nod grain bins , of coal and coal bins, of wood, of solids, of liquids of cir cular, square or it regular ves.els, of cisterns and vats, of roofing, of plasterer's, pain Let's. glazier's, purr's, plumb. or's. paper banger's and aphuletereve work. It treats of curt envy end of foreign and domestic exchange, of the. decimal aystent, of reduction and its extended application, to business, of simple and compound interest, and their enttro application to business transactions, a ith tith Laws and usages govet Mug the same, together, hill[ numerous commercial forms—of legal tender, of pat tint payment uts, notes, of banking and batik discount, of equation pay ment and of partnership =mints, of nssessthent of taxes, of weights and measin en, of square and cubit: mensitro, of the square root and'its application to business of surfaces, of excaviitien and of many other mtportant practical matters not Within'tho scope of an mice, B.Lit.:at to men tion. IT IS .IUST . TIIK BOOK FOR Farmer, the merchatit;the mechanic, the artlrnn, or the piofessional man. It has proven It uiltiable auxiliary to the lawyer, the justice of the pence. Om entire) ancer and real estate Wok., to the rho hanker, the °lurk, to the civil engineer and the surveyor, to .ho carpenter and bricklayer, to the stonemason and the phoderer.t the paper hanger and uphohderer, to the paler and the tiler, &c.,.t.c.• ' each and all will ling it adapted to thek Ytt rium welds bolter that any hook published. 4rfe- Pi 100, 50 cent, For unto at Louis' Book Store. Iltentingdon, (hoc, 20, 1860. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES BY ROBERT JENNINGS, Y. S., ll'ofoso oo of Pathology umi Op ratire Surgefy in the Veterinary Col/eget?" Pladuclelpltht, etc., etc. WILL TELL YOU Of tho Origin; lli,tory riml dixtfilOti . la hails of dm vat ions Moeda of European, - Asiatic, Ahlent, and American Horses, unit the physical formation Mill ye. enlinrit:en of the nufmnl, and how to Weer inba his age by tho numbor stud comhtfon of his teeth; Munn ated with • numerous explanatory engraYings..- : 1101:S1: AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Or Bleeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feed ing, artmlning, Shoeing, and the paea nl management or dm horse, with the beat modes or administering medicine, oho, how to heat lluiog, Kicking, Rend fig, Shying. Stumbling, Crib-Itib. ing, Restlessness, and other vices to is subject; milli Mllllo[ollB OK plunatory engravings. TUE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES • WILL ULL YOU Of Ilia catasol,simptunts,and Trantimut DI titntnglev, Son, Thro.lt, Difilt4pret, Caturrh, Intluennt, 111 onchitht; nm , inonitt, Pleutav, Itrulton Witul,,,ChrAht ie Cough, Roaring mud {Y! titling.l,:tui -10" Soto Mouth and Ulcer., and De ol3-e4l Tooth, is ith other disemee of Om Mouth and IteNpito!ory Wigan.. . TIII must; AND HIS DISEASNS HILL TELL YOU Of the causes, eymptoms,aud Tt ratntunt of Woo., Bub:, Obulic,Strongulation, Stony Coner.tions, It nptu 4 a, rulry, Dian bo.h.Ltontlito, tkpotirrio s,lNfoly I.bino, Stones in t!uu littln9 to. Ind lllFd dur,Antbouatiou nod otbur tt.earro of • tine. SO.Toorli, /too ets, Liver U ri , • vary Urgails. 'lt IC 'NORSE AM) MS DISEASES WILL TELL TIM Of thu 1.131111,101., Mid Trnte Men) Ur Wine. Cloud ittul Bog, giotTiu, R 111,5 Bmuy Su,nuic, Mlutitts, Crokut • 'lf nri u,`\4md Crucksd i. 4 01c lit uisultall 01711111, Canby Ecrutchen, 'flu unit nud Corns; Mau, is Alogrtutu„Vertig.., Epilepsy, biaggets and other dhow.. of tho Fout , Logs • , turd Heal TIIS HORSE AND Ills DISEASE'S iTILL TELL YOU Or the come, symptoms, and Troit. mcut or Fistula, Full Ertl, Glanders Furey, Sem let beret., Mange. Surfeit': Locked .letv,ithe'unintlem.Crentp,Oelf PIINV/Va of the Nye and heart, de ids., and how to Manage Csatratiou, Used- Tisplliaing, }toweling. Firing, ' • Moulin , Amputation, Tapplug,aull or surgical operatiou. • THE HORSE AND Ills DISEASES WILL TILL YOU Of Ilarey's Method of taming Ile Low to Approach, Matter, or SC, Colt; how to accustom a hon., stiango rounds and sights, cad how Bit, Saddle, liido,. and Ihealt him ti Homo's; mho the form and law ui ii ARRANTY. The whole being ti.,, ru on 11 yea& careful study 01 the habits, p,,ohluitics, eauta and weak. 11e.104 of this tinkle and useful yor sale at Lenin' Book Moro. PEOI'LE'S COOK BOOK.• • MODERN COOKERY ,T IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. MISS ELIZA ACTOR Carefully Revised by Mr... 1. S. Mule. IT TOLLS You How to chootord Mall of Meats, Poultri and Uamq with all the vathius and most aPI/rovcd Jinni. or thorong and cooking Pouf and Pork ; also tho land and simplost way of salting, pickling and casing the saute. . _ It V.LLY You -AU the vat ions and mostappruebd modes of dressing, ( - nuking, nod boning Mutton, Lamb, Toni, Void try, nod ganio'orni) kinds ith the difreietit Dressings, amine, and Stagings epproprinto to each. - IT Tett,a You' Ifow to chocaio, clonn,• nod I,;eqerrei Fish of all kindx, 4.1 how to sweeten It when taint ed; also all the various and most appl'ored ;nodes of cooking, a ith the tillTe; out Dram: lugs, Sauces, end Flarotinge approprlato to each. IT TOLUt You Alidersrlens and most approved triodes of preening over 50 kinds of 31ent,rieb,rowl, (tame, null Vegetable Setups, Briithe, and - Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate to eacb. . . IT Mum You Alt tho Tolima and most apyroved modes of cooking Vegotploles of every (lcscrmtimi, alto bow to prepare, l'irkl“, entvor, mil Curries of nil kinds, Potted )feats, Illsk - Oamo,llludiroosum, dc. IT TtLIA You All tile V. 1011% MA most approved modes e; preparing and cooking all kinds "Of Plait, and Finny Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Oakes, Confectionary; Preserves; and Sweet Dishes of tivery lion. IT THUD You All the various and most approved Model of making bread, Rusks, Mullins, and Bis• cult, and t h e best method of prepann Coffee ' Chocolate, and Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of vat' rions kinds. IT 'ruin You l[ow to net out nud ornament a Table, hew crutve ail hinds of Fish, liesh or Fowl, and in she, t, box to so eitstpllfy the whole Au ° of Cooking el to bring the choicest luxurt of the table within the everybody's reach. • For Sale at Lowis''Book Store.' TIIE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, HORSE, AND HIS DISEASES, • • A S, ALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book StorO,.. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER„ A VALUABLE BOOK FOr saio at LEWIS' BOok Stoio. , Tlll , i - PAMILY lidb ) roli;` THE • FAMILY :DOCTOR, • TILE FAMILY DOCTOR, A YAli UABLE..BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. LONOSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON TUE HONEY BEE LONOMETH ON THE HONEY-BEE' A VALUABLE BOOK, For Salo at LEWIS' Book Stoie:l ';' • DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT , TREES DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES A VALUABLE BOOK, For galo at LEWIS'Bool: Store.